#sorry for the Greek lit lesson...
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Uh 2D 4B? If you haven't done them. Sorry if you have. Also hi. I hope you're having a good day
Hi! Thank you! I am having a good day! I hope you are, too! :) And thanks for asking! I haven’t done those yet!
2. D - About the antagonist
Okay, so when I talked about the ship, I said that the Greek lit characters come from Sophocles’ Electra, but I suppose I should have said that most of them are from there. Because while Iphigenia is part of the family, she’s long (presumed, depending on the story) dead by the time the Electra takes place. Basically, according to the story, her father Agamemnon sacrifices her to Artemis, who had been offended by the killing of a deer on her sacred land, before the ships can take off for the Trojan War. In some versions, Artemis saves Iphigenia at the last minute and whisks her away to become a priestess at Taurus, where her job is basically to sacrifice any foreigners. If you read Euripides’ Iphigenia Among the Taurians, you can see that she’s not very happy with any of this or with her father, though I suppose you could probably guess that without reading the play…
Anyhow, back to the rest of the family: when Agamemnon returns from the war, he and his “prize” Cassandra are killed by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus. In the Electra, the only son of Agamemnon, Orestes, returns to kill his mother and Aegisthus in revenge for the killing of his father. My version of Iphigenia is rather bitter about that, considering that one of the reasons Clytemnestra cites for the murder of her husband is the killing of Iphigenia, and Iphigenia canonically has no sympathy for her father. Also, I may tweak the original story slightly so that Orestes never managed to find Iphigenia from Taurus, because I think that spending the rest of her life there would make her much more bitter.
So, yeah, Iphigenia is angered by her siblings’ attitude towards her “death” as opposed to how they feel about their father, and she brings them all into the modern world to teach them a lesson.
4. B - About the ship
Ah, Tom and Greg. I guess I may need a bit of background on the story before I can talk about them, so briefly: people have superpowers, but only if they already have some sort of disability. It’s not one-to-one, and there are plenty of people with disabilities but no powers, which is good, because the government wants to restrict the people with powers. The powers develop around the age of… I think now it’s become 17, and if you’re caught having abilities, the government will be after you. Which is why our characters are on the run.
Anyways, Greg has been at this far longer than Tom. He actually managed to escape prison once, with Tess, though to be fair, the police had picked them up for truancy and hadn’t realized they had powers. Anyways, he’s scouring the police databases, looking for other kids who might have powers, when he comes across Tom. It’s too much to resist, really - the potential to see, maybe even help, another kid like them - even though Tess is vehemently against it. Greg manages to catch up to Tom a bit after he’s just lost the police, though Tom doesn’t really stop to long enough to realize that Greg isn’t the police.
Having accidentally scared Tom, Greg brings him back to the apartment he’s holing up in with Tess. (Tess isn’t happy about having been ignored, but she gets used to Tom eventually.) For a while after that, Tom is too afraid to leave the apartment, and Greg tries to annoy him into going outside. He does this mainly by moving furniture around. Tom eventually catches on to what he’s doing, though.
I don’t know, they’re both just so snarky and they like to push each other’s buttons. But they can also be really sentimental and they’re very loyal to each other, when it comes down to it. In my opinion, they’re adorable and hilarious together. They’re such dorks! (I’m rereading things I wrote, and it’s wonderful. I love them.)
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bellasprettywords · 3 years ago
Be my Forever | Chapter 4: Dinner with the Malfoys (D.M. x Reader)
a/n: Sorry for the delay y’all!! But I hope you enjoy this not so little chapter and I promise I’ll update more frequently. I want to thank each one of you for your support, and for taking the time to read my work. It means the world to me, as writing is one of my passions, but I’m quite shy when it comes to posting it 😊
y/n – your name
y/ln – your last name
Warnings: just fluff
Word count: 2,464
Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chaper 2 | Chaper 3
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
You were walking through the hallways, when you saw Tulip talking to Luna outside of the Main Hall.
“Hey! y/n” Tulip screamed through the crowd as soon as she saw you
“Hello, pretty girls” you said joining them
“It’s so nice to see you, y/n!!” Luna said embracing you in a hug
“Ready to go to class?” Tulip asked linking her arm to yours
“Sure thing, let’s get to potions” you added also linking your arm to Luna so you wouldn’t lose her in the crowd “By the way, I need your help picking an outfit” you added and saw the way Tulip’s face lit up, as her passion in life was fashion
“What’s the occasion? We can go to your dorm after class and pick the perfect ensemble” she said smiling
“I’m actually going out to dinner, with Draco Malfoy and his mother” you replied
“Oh, Narcissa Malfoy is such a caring soul, she gives me this motherly energy, like she’d do anything for her loved ones” Luna said, and you agreed
“Why are you having dinner with the Malfoys?” Tulip added entering Snape’s class
“I’m not quite sure, I ran into Narcissa in Dumbledore’s office and she… inspected me? It was a weird encounter, but then Draco said that she invited me to join them for dinner” you said reminiscing the events
“Maybe she wants to get to know you, as you’re about to spend most of the school year next to her son” Luna said and you agreed, maybe the whole reason for Narcissa to invite you was to meet you properly
“Do you think Draco told her? About last year, I mean” Tulip added
“No way!! Last year we had a fling, literally a one-night-thing and nothing else” you cut her abruptly
“He did try to talk to you after that encounter” Luna agreed with Tulip, and you wished Snape would walk into the class for the conversation to stop
“He tried more than that! He tried to ask her out, but she played dumb” Tulip added teasing you
“Whatever, nothing happened and those are the facts” you said taking your potions book and trying to change the topic
“You know what they say y/n, old flames die hard” Tulip teased once again
“There are no flames, there were never flames, we are just partners in a project” you said as Snape walked into his classroom
You spent half of the lesson taking notes and the other half questioning if Luna and Tulip had a point. If we were talking straight facts, that night a year ago, you were sure you felt something, and sure as hell he looked like a Greek god, making you tingle a little at the thought of him; but then, there were other factors to consider:
a) Of course, Draco Malfoy didn’t like you in that way, you were just becoming friends, actually, you were just getting to know him; besides, he was… weird, sometimes he’d like you, sometimes he’d act as if you had the plague, which lead to point B
b) Draco would never date a half-blood, as his whole trademark was pure-blood superiority. Sure, you thought that was crap, but old habits die hard, sure, last year he tried to contact you at least three times, but after you rejected him, he acted like an ass
c) Rumor has it, he’s not into dating, as he’s focused on literally, anything else rather than a partner, so hoping he’d feel certain way towards you, was like waiting for rain in the dessert
“That’s it for today’s class, Miss y/ln, can you please spare me a minute before you leave?” Snape took you out of your thoughts
“Of course, professor” you said turning to Tulip and Luna with a shy smile before walking towards his desk “Yes professor” you said standing in front of him
“Mister Malfoy asked me to give you this” he said handing you a copy of the book you were using in class
“Oh, thank you, but I already have this book, so…” you replied
“Miss y/ln, I’m only the messenger, if you want to return it, you can give it to mister Malfoy yourself” he said cutting you
“Sure, thank you very much, professor. Have a great day!” you said turning back to your friends.
The three of you linked arms and walked towards your dorm to help you pick an outfit before supper, you saw Hermione in the hallway and you invited her to join your quest for an outfit, which she did, making it the perfect girls afternoon. You spent your time together laughing, gossiping, talking about their partners, and helping you pick an outfit. At the end, you picked a little black dress: classy, chic and discrete. Your friends helped you fix your hair and makeup and around 7:30 you heard a knock in your door.
“Yes, this is y/n’s room” Tulip opened the door and you saw Draco standing outside with black dress pants, black shirt and his silver hair perfectly in place
“Hi… I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy” he said a little confused at Tulip’s greeting
“I know who you are” she said closing the door enough so Draco couldn’t see you “Where are you taking my best friend?” she said trying to sound intimidating
“Tulip! Behave!” you said with a chuckle. You knew Tulip would do something like that, as she was very protective of you, at the end of the day, you’ve been best friends since the day you arrived at Hogwarts
“I’m… I believe we are going to Malfoy Manor” Draco said, and your heart skipped a beat, sure, you were going to properly meet Narcissa, but now you worried going to Malfoy Manor also meant meeting Lucius Malfoy
“Hello” you said shyly standing behind Tulip. You felt Draco’s eyes linger from your head to toe and a little smile appeared in his lips
“You look… you look gorgeous… I mean, you look good” Draco stutter
“Thanks, you clean up pretty good yourself” you added with a shy smile “Let me just grab my purse” you said walking towards Hermione, who was holding out your clutch
“He likes you” Luna said, and you couldn’t help but blush, and wish he didn’t hear her
The ride to Malfoy Manor was… interesting. You couldn’t shake the lingering feeling as if this was a first date, of course, it wasn’t, but the butterflies in your stomach weren’t aware of that.
“Thank you for the potions book, those margin notes are life saviors” you said trying to make small talk
“Is everything alright, y/n?” Draco cut straight to the chase
“What do you mean?” you asked worried he could hear your anxious thoughts
“You’ve barely said two sentences, and you usually are one of those non-stop-chatter kinds of people” he said looking at you weirdly
“I… to be honest, I’m a little nervous” the words left your mouth before you could process them
“Nervous? Why are you nervous?” Draco said rising an eyebrow
“I do not mean to be rude, but… I’m nervous about your father… I’ve heard things about him not liking half-bloods” you added wishing you could disappear of embarrassment
“I like that about you, you always speak your mind” the silver haired boy smiled in front of you “And do not worry, he won’t be there, my mum told me he’s away on business” Draco said looking out the window.
In a personal level, you felt relief that Lucius Malfoy wouldn’t be there, but the little crack in Draco’s voice made your heart shrink, so you did what you knew best, you gave him a hug. He was still, looking almost uncomfortable under your embrace, but all you wanted was for him to feel you were there for him, so you felt relief when you felt his body relax under your touch, and he almost hugged you back.
“That was…” Draco stutter
“That was an I’m here if you want to talk, or not talk, but I’m here for you” you said smiling
“Thank you, y/n” he said with a string of voice “We are here” he added gesturing at the Black Manor.
The door opened up to reveal Narcissa, looking stunning in a black dress herself, she quickly embraced her son and invited you to enter the dinning room. The room had huge crystal chandeliers and the dim light gave the scenery sort of a gothic look; the decoration seemed expensive, and everything was into place. At the dinner table, you could see oysters, fish, pork, turkey, and many types of salads.
“I hope the setting is of your liking” Narcissa said when she caught you scanning the room
“Everything is gorgeous, thank you very much” you said giving her a kind smile and she returned one to you. This time, she did not seem intimidating at all, actually, the way she talked to Draco seemed loving and warm, contrary to your first impression of her, you were starting to think that maybe you misjudged her. The three of you sat at the dinner table and the feast started.
“So, what brought you to Hogwarts y/n?” Narcissa asked trying to make conversation
“My father studied there, so he wanted me to follow his steps attend” you said smiling politely
“How rich, and do you like it? Don’t you miss your country?” she added
“I love it here, I’ve learnt a lot and more than my country I miss my parents, we are really close so leaving sometimes is hard” you replied. During the feast you talked about classes, your parents, Draco -and his adventures as a child-, literature, magic, politics and a wide range of topics. As you got to listen to Narcissa you realized she’s actually really nice and family oriented, which reminded you of your mother. You could see Draco’s happiness as he talked to his mom and as he told stories, he seemed like a child, which made your heart flutter. You wished you could see Draco this happy all the time. The three of you moved to the parlor for some tea and you offered to play the piano as Draco and his mother danced along; you even caught yourself admiring the way Draco’s hair moved as he spined his mom around, how his hands would hold Narcissa tenderly and the way his feet waltzed in rhythm with the music. Oh Merlin, the way he smiled made your heart skip a beat and you couldn’t help but smile at the sights of the silver haired boy grinning from ear to ear.
“You are quite a skilled player” Narcissa said getting closer to the piano as you stopped playing
“Thank you very much, my mom taught me how to play” you said smiling shyly
“May I be excused?” Draco interrupted
“Sure darling, take your time” Narcissa said smiling to her son as he left, and turned back to you “It’s been quite lovely to meet you, y/n” she said smiling warmly
“It’s been a pleasure, and I want to apologize for interrupting you earlier in your meeting with Professor Dumbledore” you said hoping that wasn’t a mistake
“No need to worry, I was just visiting an old friend” she said “So, I heard you and Draco have been spending a lot of time together” she added
“I wouldn’t say a lot, and it’s mostly because of the partners assignment” you said nervously
“I didn’t mean it in a wrong way” Narcissa said catching up to your nerves “I’m actually happy you were assigned with him, Dumbledore said you are one of the brightest witches and maybe we didn’t start on the right foot, but after this evening I can tell you’ll be good to Draco” she added sounding sincere
“I’m sure we’ll learn a lot from the other” you said smiling as Draco entered the parlor
“Mum, I think it’s time for y/n and me to leave” he said coming closer to his mother
“Oh, that’s alright darling, I don’t want to keep you for too long as it’s a school night” Narcissa added hugging his son
“I’m really glad I got to meet you, y/n” she said now giving you a hug, which you gladly returned
“The pleasure was all mine” you said and the three of you walked to the entrance of the Manor.
Narcissa hugged her son one last time, and you got into the magic car Narcissa had arranged for you to get back to school.
“I liked you mom” you said smiling at Draco with a successful look in your face
“She liked you too! She warmed up to you quite fast” he said amused at your look
“Yeah, I’m pretty likable when it comes to adults” you said half joking
“Thank you, for coming tonight, I know it was out of the blue, bur when I told her about the assignment, she insisted on meeting you” Draco said starring into your eyes
“I’m glad you told her, she loves you and… meeting her was quite lovely” you said blushing as his grey eyes were fixed on you
“I know it’s late, so if you want to take a nap, I’d be okay” he said breaking the intense eye contact
“Are you going to take a nap?” you asked quickly
“No, I mean, you don’t have to wait up until we get to the school” Draco said
“Maybe I don’t have to, but I want to” you said smiling and he starred into your eyes again making the butterflies ruffle in your stomach again
“Is dinner in your house always that… fancy?” you asked Draco and he relaxed in his seat, making you realize he was getting more comfortable around you
“Of course, how are dinners at your parents?” he said with an eyebrow raised
“Definitely not like that” you said chuckling “If Rory’s back tomorrow and she brings what I think she’ll bring, I could give you a taste of dinner a la americana” you added joking
“I’d love that” Draco muttered making your heart pound
“You would?” you asked blushing and starring into his grey eyes, looking for confirmation
“The assignment is getting to know you, so I guess… dinner is a good start?” he said trying to sound casual
“Then, I’ll see you at my dorm tomorrow at 8 pm” you said smiling at the idea of dinner with Draco two nights in a row
“Do I have to bring anything?” of course he asked as the gentleman he was
“Do not worry, if I know my parents, I’ll have it covered” you added smiling as you were planning everything in your head
“It’s a deal, then, I’ll see you tomorrow at eight” Draco flashed a smile and once again, the tingly feeling covered your whole body
Taglist: @wobblymug
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maadorii · 4 years ago
you’re gonna wanna be my best friend— y. itadori x gn! reader
max.note’s: this is my child, my baby and i love it. probably my favorite fic i’ve ever wrote uwu i think the ending is bit rushed but that’s i was writing this at 4am (i’m also trying out a new layout-ish so yea) 
synopsis—where you and Itadori came up with the greatest, yet stupidest idea in your lives: getting married to lower your tuition cost. what could go wrong? well, there’s getting caught by the government, and then there’s potentially falling in love with your best friend. 
warning/tags: best friends to lovers, mutual pining, characters aged up (18+), high school/college au, modern au, fluff & crack, megumi is the only one with a working brain cell 
w. count— 3.1k
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“yuuji, what’re we gonna do!?” you exclaimed, pacing around the open space of said boy’s bedroom. itadori groaned loudly from his spot on his bed, tugging at the skin underneath his eyes with him. 
looking down at the bright, bold red letters of the opened email on your phone screen, you internally cried to yourself, because… fuck. this is what all the hard work all four-years of high school led up to?
25, 580 dollars worth tuition left to pay, out of pocket. 
“i don’t fucking know. ...wait, do you think megumi would have an answer?” he perked up at his own, and quite frankly, idiotic idea like an excited puppy. if you squint you can see a tail wagging behind him. turning around to look at the pink headed boy, you practically leaped across the room to slap him repeatedly upside his head. 
“ow– hey... ouch! what the fuck?!” itadori whined, lifting his arms up to shield himself way from your merciless assault. “yuuji, are you dumb? we cannot, for the love of god, ask megumi. he’ll probably tell us to apply for a loan or something.” you snapped. 
“we’ll do that then, it can’t be that hard.” 
“have you seen your credit? there’s no way we're getting approved for a loan.” you exasperated as you folded your arms across your chest, plopping yourself down next to itadori. and the both of you were left to sit in condemning silence that laid itself like a thick, winter blanket over you. itadori could’ve sworn he heard the gears turning in your head because of the stark silence. 
you suddenly gasped, jumping to your feet. it was almost like a lightbulb went off on the top of your head. itadori gaped at you as your eyes lit up like stars, turning to him, it was your ‘aha’ moment. the biggest smile he’s ever seen on your face. he couldn’t help the tinge of nervousness settle in the pit of his tummy, probably for good reason.  
“here me out– what if we got married?” 
you and itadori meet in the lunchroom on the first day of school your freshman year of high school.
to say you meet by pure coincidence is actually a perfect explanation to describe what really went down. you remember how you sat alone at the lunch table, scrolling through your phone on social media when all of a sudden a rather energetic boy with pink hair crashed into your table. face planted in your bowl of greek yogurt. and it was the fancy kind too. 
the cafeteria around you erupted in laughter at the... spontaneous display happening before you. and although you wanted to laugh (in all honesty, it was funny), the boy below hasn’t moved an inch. truthfully, you were worried. 
“hey, um, are you okay?” you asked, nudging the top of his head. itadori didn’t show any sign of getting up. you nudged him a little harder, shaking his shoulder. with a gurgled grunt, itadori lifted his head from the bowl and the first thing that caught your eye was the crimson colored blood smeared along the stark white of the yogurt. there was a delirious look in his eye as if he wasn’t completely there in the real world. the laughter has long since died down, only a few strangers coming up to the table to record the aftermath. 
when itadori came to, he peered up at you through his yogurt clumped eyelashes and he felt his heart tighten considerably in his chest. 
“you okay? you’re... bleeding, a lot.” you asked again, gesturing to the entirety of his face. he didn’t say anything as he wiped around his nose, seeing the blood covered dairy. he looked mortified, now catching onto the stares and cameras by nosy teenagers being shoved in his face. reacting quickly, you reached out to one his unoccupied hand, gently guiding him in the direction of the nurses office. your footsteps echoed as you walked down the empty hallway, itadori following close behind you. neither of you said anything during the trip, nor when you entered the nurse’s office. it wasn’t until you had a warm wash rag against itadori’s cheek, wiping away the food and blood mixture, that he finally said something. 
“i’m... sorry, for ruining your lunch...” you stopped in your tracks, left to ponder in your thoughts. he’s sitting here with a busted lip and a shattered dignity... and he’s apologizing for face planting in your yogurt?
“hey, you have bigger things to worry about. so, what’s your name?” you continued to wipe at his face, waiting for him to reply.
“yuuji itadori.” and you saw the slightest glimpse of a smile tugging at the corner of his rosy lips. you returned the smile, teeth showing. 
from then on, you two were joined at the hip. there wasn’t anything you didn’t do together. 
there was something about itadori that brought out the inner child in you. he was sweet, loyal and compassionate. he was a lamp to a moth– hard to resist. hard to ignore. he was your first taste of an easy going life, being able to enjoy being a kid. 
on the other hand, you were the foundation he needed. you were open minded, authentic and grounded. you were the first thing in itadori’s life that felt stable. obtainable. your ambition turned into his drive; he wanted to be by your side for as long as possible. 
you both were something– somebody, each other needed the most. it’s like what they say: the best people in your life come when you need them the most. 
“are you two dumb or something? now, i expect this kinda thing from yuuji, but not you.”megumi quipped, left eyebrow arched in concern as he gestured towards your direction with his pencil. nobara in a similar state next to him, working on the worksheet the teacher handed out earlier. it was currently mid-way through the school day, you, itadori, megumi and nobara sat at your assigned table in statistics. it’s been about a week since your discussion with itadori about your... rather brilliant idea. 
“well, that’s harsh.” itadori grumbled, flipping him off. megumi snorted as he returned the gesture. “okay, now listen! they’re explaining the thingy.” 
you cleared your throat, sitting up straight to try to make yourself look dignified. “when applying for financial aid, if you’re married, we’ll be considered an independent on the document. meaning? more money!” 
“okay, well that’s great and all but, you do know you’ll be responsible for each other legally? as in, medical and money expenses. what would you do if either one of you dies? ” megumi questioned. you chuckled, wrapping your arm around itadori’s neck. “i’ve been legally responsible for him since freshman year, what’ll be the difference?” 
megumi rolled his eyes, burying his head in his hands. “god, you’re both so helpless.” 
“you know what megumi? i hope both sides of your pillow are warm when you go to sleep tonight.” itadori gasped in shock, hand reaching up to grip the cotton fabric of the shirt he was wearing. nobara snickered behind her hand to which megumi prompted to shift in her direction, whispering something along the lines of “don’t encourage them!”
“(y/n)! you did not just say that!?”
“i sure as hell did. and i’ll say it again!” you snapped your fingers, jutting out your hip. “and they’ll say it again!” itadori said, copying your actions.
megumi and nobara only watched in pity as the two of you continued to embarrass yourself in the middle of the classroom, other classmates turning to catch a peak of the commotion.
“wait, i got one, i got one! ahem, i hope you pour yourself a nice, big bowl of cereal of— what do you eat? apple jacks? only for there to be no milk!” 
you sputtered out a laugh, pounding your fist on the table. itadori was loud with laughter as well, body slung over the back of the chair.
megumi sighed, picking up his pencil to erase a mistake he spotted on his paper. he watched as the eraser smudged the lead on the paper instead of actually erasing it. watching the scene unfold before you, wheezing out another laugh, and clutching on to your stomach for relief. 
“shut the fuck up, the both of you.”
graduation was only a month away. 
teachers were cramming review lessons left and right. completing any last minute work to turn in. senior activities, trips, prom, and getting ready for what was to be the biggest day of your life. where all your hard work and putting up with the shitty ass public school system for 13 years will finally pay off. 
at least that’s how they make it seem. 
itadori was currently sitting in megumi’s living room, sprawled out on the floor like a starfish. his political science textbook laid open next to him. he’s been unusually quiet this afternoon, megumi noted when he would glance up from his own textbook in his lap.
“hey, yuuji? something the matter?”
itadori didn’t respond right away, instead, he shifted himself closer to megumi to lay his head on the other boy's lap. caught surprised by his actions, megumi tried to shove his head off but itadori being the stubborn man he was wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“god, you’re so annoying—“
“then why are you still friends with me?” his words were quick and sharp like a kitchen knife. and megumi had to take a second to pause. “is this what this is about?” itadori still hasn’t said anything, his body curling in on itself. eventually, he shook his head no. 
“alright... then what’s wrong?” 
megumi watched as itadori twiddled with fingers, reluctant to share his feelings with the other male. you see, the thing is that although megumi and itadori have been friends since middle school, they found it hard to share each other's feelings. especially megumi. they’ve always been the “i don’t know how to talk about my feelings so let me enjoy your company for a while?” type of friends. except for that one time. 
“it’s just... i’m not so sure if i want to marry (y/n) anymore...” megumi could barely hear what itadori said, but he caught it. and color him surprised. “have you finally come to senses that it’s a stupid idea?” 
“no, it’s not that–” megumi sighed internally, “–it’s just, what if our relationship changes after it’s finalized? we planned to do it after graduation a-and– it’s just a really scary thing to think about.” itadori’s voice began to warble, and megumi could feel his body tremble as the boy beneath tried to hold in his tears. 
in all the years they’ve known each other, itadori has only cried once in front of him. and that was the night of his 16th birthday. because itadori didn’t come from the best home, and at the time, only megumi knew of such disclosed information. 
“they said it themselves, you guys have always taken care of each other. so why do you think it’ll change things?” he gently tried to coax itadori into calming down, his hand stroking the soft tufts of his hair. thumb caressing his buzzcut. itadori sniffed, and megumi can hear the disgusting sound of snot being sucked back in his nostrils, but he refrained himself from reacting. 
“b-because, i just don’t want my feelings to get in the way, ya’ know? this is simply supposed to be platonic, but it isn’t anymore. at least for me.” 
and right then and there, megumi’s suspicions were confirmed. itadori did have feelings for you. more than what a best friend should have. “your feelings? and what might these feelings be, yuuji?” 
“that i want to spend a very long time with them, by their side. but not as their best friend. something more than that.” he let out a shuddered  exhale, and the room was engulfed with silence. megumi took this time to process what itadori said, the last four words resonating in his mind. 
something more than that.
megumi shifted itadori’s body off his, moving to sit up on his own. and that’s when he saw his face for the first time; his red-brimmed eyes and how the tears clumped his willowy eyelashes together. the tremble in his lips because, damn, he’s trying so hard to hold it in. 
he didn’t have anything to say– there wasn’t much to say to begin with, but megumi wrapped his arms around itadori in a hug. he felt him relax against his body, taking in the cool scent of his sweater. 
“it’s okay to be scared, yuuji, but i believe... you’re smart enough to make the right decision.” 
standing underneath the blazing summer heat, you stood in front of the court house waiting for itadori to show up. today was supposed to be the day, where you and itadori were to be married. it’s been thirty minutes and no itadori in sight. which is unlike him considering that he is, surprisingly, very punctual. he hasn’t even responded to any of your texts or calls, which also isn’t very much like him.
but those thirty minutes turned into an hour, that soon turned into two hours. 
and to say you were angry, was a complete understatement. you were livid. and that’s how you found yourself banging on itadori’s front door, ignoring the stares of the noisy next door neighbor peeping through their window. 
“yuuji! open the fucking door! i know your ass is in there, i can see your minecraft lamp turned on from your window.” you shouted, breathing heavily through your nose. there wasn’t an immediate response, only dead silence, which prompted you to raise your fist to go another round of beating up the door until the faint sound of footsteps reached the door. opening with a creak. 
there stood the man of the hour, yuuji ita- fucking- dori.
“there you are! dude, what the hell happened? why didn’t you show up at the courthouse today? did you forget or...” you were quick to jump the gun, bombarding him with questions left and right. 
“no... i didn’t forget.” was his reply, eye downcast to look at his sock clad feet. anywhere but your face right now. 
“then what yuuji? what could’ve been so important that you decided to just forget?” you flayed your arms around like a mad man, the anger rolling off your body in waves. you knew that you weren’t necessarily being fair to him right now, you can tell by his stand-offish attitude since opening the door. but you couldn’t bring yourself to care at the moment. 
itadori was reluctant to answer, his legs wobbly with the anxiety running rampant in his system. he was tempted to say sorry and be done with this, but then he remembered megumi’s words.    
...you’re smart enough to make the right decision. 
“because... because this isn’t a good idea anymore.” now you’re more confused than angry. 
“what do you mean this isn’t a good idea anymore,” you asked, placing your hand on your hip. “that's not what you said 4 months ago.” 
itadori sighed, starting to feel the twinge of annoyance in the tips of his fingers. he was starting to regret his choice of words. “i know what i said 4 months ago. but now 4 months later, i’ve changed my mind.” 
you wanted to laugh, but you couldn’t muster a bubble of it in your system. was he for real right now? 
“oh really? and why do you say that?” 
“it’ll change everything.” the reply was short. straight to the point. 
“what? no, it won’t! don’t be silly, we’ll still be best friends!” you try to muse, but itadori wasn’t budging. his face was disdained, detached from the world. the answer was sitting on the tip of his tongue, but he wasn’t ready to say it. especially in front of you. 
taking in his physique, your mind started to slow. you didn’t want to go there but you couldn’t help it. it was only natural, right? 
he’s been off putting since the graduation ceremony two weeks ago. he was so bright and happy that day, shoving his diploma in megumi’s face a numerous number of times. you remember the scream he let out when your name was called to walk across the stage of the arena. how embarrassed you felt as you did so, but a twinge of giddy happiness filled your chest. because he was calling out your name. your heart always did leap with joy when his attention was on you, and only you. the way he had you wrapped around his finger, without him even knowing. it takes you back to when you two first met, how you were so captivated by his amber eyes. the sudden urge to be there. to always be there and to be more. 
so... “do you not like me anymore? is this what this is about now?” it came out a whispered, and itadori was shocked nonetheless. now what were you talking about? 
“what, no! of course i still like you!” you almost laughed at how quickly he responded.
“then why? why did you–”
“i just didn’t want to make things awkward between us! i didn’t want to ruin our friendship with my... stupid feelings.” glancing up, you can see the slightest tint of pink on the roundness of his cheeks. awkward? ruin? 
you took a step forward, your hand reaching to hold his. kindly, thumbing his knuckles with your thumb. the way he always liked it. 
“yuuji, your feelings are never stupid. i’m your best friend–” with a frustrated huff, itadori ripped his hand away from yours. 
“but that’s the thing though! best friend this and best friend that– what if i don’t want to be your best friend anymore, hm? what if–” make the right decision, “what if i want to be more than that?”
more than that?
“you want to be more than friends? is what you’re saying.” itadori can almost feel himself shit his pants. 
that giddy feeling that always erupted whenever you were around him expanded ten fold. you’ll be damned: your best friend of four and a half years, was in love with you. the smile that you struggled to fight bloomed with mirth on your face. and itadori followed suit, reaching out to hold your hand once more.
not much needed to be said, the smile on your face was enough for him to put it all together. for once, he was actually smart enough to make a decision. a good one at that. 
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copyright © 2021 maadorii. all rights reserved. 
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seeminglyseph · 3 years ago
one day I am going to have to write something to the lit 103 teacher who had us study the great gatsby, I don’t know what tone yet, because I’m not sure I ever disliked a book I am now passionate about so much. It was partially because she really obviously was extremely passionate about the book that made me want to write an essay of substance in the end, even though I fuckin’ just hated everyone in it. But she let me write about Fitzgerald’s female characters, and linked us to some of Zelda’s essays. Which gave me the ability to make a lot of the essay a statement about the representation of flapper culture and treatment of Zelda by Fitzgerald as aspects of intent, even if one of the major lessons at that time was death of the author in that.... ‘right now I want a raw analysis of the text without bringing judgment of the author into play, that’s next semester and a different sort of study’ So it was kind of ‘it is unknown if the authenticity of Fitzgerald’s female characters is an indication of his own insight, or if it is another example of the author’s habit of plagiarizing his wife’s writing. the exact amount of writing that should be attributed to Zelda Fitzgerald is unclear.’ Just as an analysis of how Zelda’s study of flapper culture from her experiences and opinions had an effect on the characters in the fiction.
A result of this has kind of been my transforming into a Zelda Fitzgerald spokesperson, like ‘hi actually Zelda was amazing and her husbanded locked her in an asylum to kill her career did you know that? She certainly had her issues she lived in the 1920s and I’ll excuse none of that but I might fight bungou stray dogs in her honour’
Also now I have to be That Guy who explains that cleavage was not something flappers would be showing off, they wore binding undergarments to make their breasts and hips appear flat as possible. The short hair and straight body type was a flamboyant show of androgyny and another one of those ‘popular with women more than men’ fashion choices everyone ends up assuming is about men in the end....
but even then, the email I would have to send was ‘sorry to the rest of my class who clearly wanted me to shut the fuck up, the process of discussing literature with you and the ‘yes, and...’ cycles I felt like we got into awoke a passion for literary analysis I did not know I was capable of and I do not know how to satisfy so a blessing and curse upon you for awaking this hunger within me. I’m applying it to Greek Classics instead of modern classics but like it’s the same concept and genuinely miss having an unhinged discussion about meanings you could extrapolate from a text even if you graded like you were trying to hurt me you explained that really well as ‘it’s a transition between high school expectation and university expectations. I grade at a higher level than you’re used to because this is about being able to write at a university level. You’re specializing now, the grades are harder. But on that scale 84% is extremely high.’ so like even when I bombed I was like ‘okay, points not made as intended, time to draft out new arguments”
like I don’t know how to explain that as a person with extreme RSD from ADHD and Trauma I like.... She made a disappointing grade a growth point rather than a failure and it was... exactly what I needed as a new but much older student. (starting uni in your late 20s surrounded by people 10 years your junior is scary as shit.)
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author-morgan · 4 years ago
Kryptic ↟ Deimos
thirty-five - in flames
But the great leveler, Death: not even the gods can defend a man, not even one they love, that day when fate takes hold and lays him out at last.
Death submits to no one, not even Dread and Destruction.
They are both weapons of flesh and bone, of warm blood and beating hearts, and they cannot be controlled.
TIMOTHEUS GIVES THEIR NEW heading —Messenia. He overheard the Spartans speaking of a brewing storm, and Lesya knows who will be within the eye. Deimos. Tundareos, Timotheus, and Lesya sit around one of the lit braziers on the ship’s deck after the sun sets. It feels odd to have both her brothers back in her life —sitting next to her, smiling and laughing about their days of childhood in Athens. 
But the stories end too quickly, tainted by the night the masked men in dark robes came, taking Lesya away. It was the night her childhood ended. “What happened after pater gave you up?” Timotheus asks. Tundareos told him little of what their sister endured at the hands of cruel people, thinking it best if she were the one to explain. 
The question shouldn’t have caught Lesya off guard, but it does, after all, Tundareos had asked the same thing. She looks down into the cup of watered wine, seeing herself stare back with hollow eyes. It’s been years since she was under the Cult’s yoke and foot —still they control so much of her life. The Cult made her a monster, and even her attempts to disprove them only made the truth clearer. No matter what, whether it be for Kosmos, Sparta, or Kassandra, she is a killer, thirsting for blood and relishing in destruction. Maybe I still am Enyo under it all. 
Her brothers wait in silence. Tundareos knows the tales, and it will hurt to less a second time to hear of what Lesya suffered through. Drawing in a slow breath, she begins the tale of a girl named Enyo and a boy named Deimos and how the Cult of Kosmos molded them to become the most fearsome warriors in all of the Greek world. 
Timotheus remembers the night she came for his head, leaving empty-handed and giving him a warning he’d taken to heart. Lesya shifts, slipping her chiton off one shoulder to reveal the deep scars crisscrossing her back. “This was my punishment for not bringing the Cult your head,” she says —recalling the feel of Nisos’ lash biting and tearing flesh and long weeks of recovery afterward. Timotheus cringes. Part of him always wondered what became of her after that encounter. Now he knows, and his face contorts in anger. “But I’d do it again,” she tells him with a soft, kindly smile. 
THE NEXT TIME Deimos and Lesya’s paths cross, Pylos is burning. Smoke stings her eyes, almost as badly as the stinging pain in her thigh where the broken shaft of an arrow remains. Gritting her teeth, she pushes through the pain —I have endured worse than this. Dispatching an Athenian with a dagger through the throat, Lesya searches, trying to find Kassandra or Brasidas through the thick haze. Across the battlefield, she sees him emerge from the flames —eyes set on the Spartan general as he thrusts a spear into a Spartiate’s belly and rips it free from his back. She breaks into a sprint, knowing what must be done. 
Lesya collides with his side, throwing him off balance before he can reach Brasidas. They both roll through a burning blanket of heather. Deimos stands before her. He cocks his head this way and that —like a predator eyeing his prey. His gold-and-white armor streaked with black smoke and running with blood, face uplit by flames and twisted into a grim smile. There is a flash of madness in his eyes as he leaps for her. Bloodlust taking him. “Didn’t learn your lesson last time?” He grits out, sounding like a stranger in the months passed since that night on the Megarian beach. 
He knocks her back to the ground, and Lesya scrambles for a fallen shield, throwing it up to take the next blow. His sword bites deep, breaking the bronze coating and crumbling the timbers below. She tosses the ruined shield aside, kicking out and back to her feet. Deimos’ sword lashes for her again, but she parries the stroke and strikes back —drawing blood from a slim cut running down his bicep. He stumbles, looking at the cut and the blood on his fingertips, not able to remember the last time he saw his blood drawn in battle.
Sparks fly as they hammer blow after blow, until exhausted, Lesya catches his next strike on the edge of her blade. They strain against one another, teeth bared and panting, both shaking —vying for the upper hand. Around them, the ancient trees groan and fall over in great roars of fire and smoke. When she edges the Damoklean sword slightly to one side, Lesya sees Deimos’ confident glower waver. But it is like fuel to his madness, and with a roar, he pushes back, swatting her blade aside. Lesya rolls clear of his swipe and stands, backing away. “Deimos,” Lesya warns, pressing her hand against her bloody thigh, “stop this!”
A mist passes his eyes —as if something about had thrown him into the past, but it fades and his lips curl into a mockery of a smile. The Cult has sunk their talons in even deeper. “You don’t understand,” he says, jabbing a finger down at the smoldering earth, sweeping his hand around the blazing cage of trees. “This is my home.”
She watches his body tense before he lunges for her again, blades locked in stalemate again. “You know I understand,” Lesya spits, pushing away from him. Of all the people in Hellas she was the only one who understood what it was like to be a tool —a weapon. “It doesn’t have to be like this.” Her voice sounds like nothing more than a whisper above the roaring flames. The harsh glare in his tawny-gold eyes softens, the grim smile fades. He lowers the Damoklean sword and backs away as though he realizes alas what he’s doing.
“Deimos–“ her words are cut short by a harsh groaning, and then a crack as a burning tree starts to fall. Lesya watches as it leans toward her —eyes wide— before swinging down like an executioner’s axe. Deimos lunges for her. His weight landing atop her just at the tree crashes down, sending them both into darkness. 
THE WORLD COMES rushing back in a hazy fog. Deimos stirs and finds his back aching and head throbbing. Laid out beneath him is Lesya —he spared her from the brute of the tree’s impact. Only a few feet away, he notices his sister sprawled out too, blood trickling down her temple. A group of men encroaches around them. He recognizes the long dark robes and can make out the terrible ivory masks surveying the aftermath of a bloody battle as the island still burns.
“Take the Eagle Bearer,” a low, rough voice says before stepping back where the two champions lay. “I’ll deliver Deimos to Athens.” Kleon would need his champion to instill fear and control over the Athenians again. 
“What about her?” One of the men asks —Enyo could be at their mercy. It was no secret the Cult would benefit from having her among them again. But many of their ranks had fallen on her blade, and those transgressions could not be overlooked. “We should slit her throat and be done of it,” another says, that had been their plan years ago, but she slipped through their fingers and grew to be a thorn in their side.
Deimos rises, seizing the Cultist by the neck, face twisted in rage. The others step back, petrified —there is nothing, and no one to stop the champion from acting on his anger. “Touch her,” he hisses, tawny-gold eyes ablaze, fingers tightening around the man’s neck, “and you’ll beg for death.”
“Of course, champion,” the man sputters, lifting his hands in a show of complacency. Deimos sneers, pushing the Cultist back. He bends with a groan, slipping his arms under Lesya’s knees and around her shoulders, carrying her to the war galley, which will bear them to Attika.
Deimos pulls a canvas screen to, closing off a small space at the stern of the ship away from the rowers. He sits on his haunches, eyes skimming over his counterpart —finding a bloody wound on her thigh and several burgeoning bruises on her arms. Sighing, he reaches for the ties of Lesya’s armor, sliding the greaves from her shins and the vambraces from her wrists. He’s done this a hundred times over, but there’s something bittersweet now.
His attention turns to the bloody spot on her thigh, sullied by black ash and dirt, but he recognizes what caused the wound —an arrow. Carefully, Deimos wipes away the drying blood and dirt before prodding the wound with his fingers, checking if the arrowhead is still embedded in flesh. It’s not, she’d been able to pull it out cleanly. Dipping a torn piece of linen into a barrel of fresh water, he scrubs away the blood and binds it tightly to stay the bleeding. 
Wounds tended, she lay unmoving —strangely peaceful. Deimos buries the anger he feels at himself, tries to bury the guilt too, but he cannot dig a hole big enough. It takes a moment to realize the dampness on his cheeks is not sweat —it’s tears. He reaches for her, hand cradling her cheek as his thumb follows the scar cutting through her brow, across her eye. Silently, he bids Lesya wake. She doesn’t. “I’m sorry,” Deimos chokes, pulling her into his arms and burying his face into her neck. It’s among the hardest things he’s ever had to say, but he knows he’s to blame, and there’s no water in Hellas capable of washing her blood from his hands.  
[taglist:  @wallsarecrumbling @novastale @fucking-dip-shit @elizabethroestone @maximalblaze @balmacedapascal @kitkitvm @dynamicorbit @thepreciouspurrsian ]
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topazy · 4 years ago
What we found
Parings: John Murphy/ OC
Warning: Mentions of blood, and injury
Chapter: five
I couldn’t believe this. How did I always get caught up in this shit?
It wouldn’t have been surprising if my lungs gave out at this point from running so far so fast. It wasn’t natural to be running from death so much. We came under attack before we reached our destination, Cora was right when she said we were being followed. The two grounders who had been travelling with us had both been killed by arrows. Cora had been hurt but I hadn’t been able to see how badly with us moving so fast.
“Here!” Cora called, before grabbing my wrist while pulling me into a small cave.
She put a finger to her lips and urged me to follow her through the dark cave. It wasn’t until we got to the other side and the light came back through that I noticed the drops of blood on the ground. I could hear footsteps getting closer to us, but couldn’t see anyone among the bushes and trees.
“Give me a hand,” Cora snapped.
I suddenly realised I was lost in my own thoughts and hadn’t noticed she was struggling to open a hatch. It had been well hidden underneath overgrown plants so I imagined it hadn’t been opened for a while. After I helped her we managed to get it open as it made a loud clanging noise.
“Shit!” I hissed hearing the war cries of reapers getting closer.
Cora practically shoved me down the hatch before jumping down beside me, slamming it shut. The noise echoing all around us.
“Don’t worry, they won’t find us.” She shrugged as if this wasn’t a big deal.
I said nothing but watched as Cora started to remove her heavy black jacket to reveal a branch sticking out of her side. What the fuck. It must have gone through when a reaper shoved her to the ground. The strangest part was Cora didn’t even seem phased while I was struggling not to throw up.
“Shit, we need to get you back to Clarke or a real healer.” I said, stepping forward and shining my torch on her.
My comment earned a slight chuckle before a slight groan of pain. Cora must have been in agony. I was surprised she was still standing, most people would have passed out by now.
“Calm down Skaikru, I’ve got this.”
I was almost hypnotised watching Cora sleep after she ‘fixed’ herself. When she asked for my belt I thought she was going to tie it around her bleeding wound, but instead she put it between her teeth.
I watched curiously as she rummaged through the drawers in the dusty old den. Happy with what she found, Cora sat down across from me. My curiosity turned to horror as she poured a clear liquid onto her side before pulling the piece of wood out, then poured the liquid onto it again. She whined in pain but it was mostly muffled by my belt. Cora had placed a knife on a candle she lit, once it was glowing she held it against her side. Tears fell from her eyes as she squirmed in pain, but never pulled the knife away until the bleeding stopped.
Cora was kinda badass, but I was also starting to wonder what was wrong with her. She didn’t seem to feel pain normally and she still wouldn’t take her gloves off. The leather must have been sticking to her skin by now, and would probably be painful to take off.
Now she was sound asleep and I was left to listen to the heavy rain and occasionally reapers banging around above us. The only thing keeping my mind from going insane from either boredom or fear was thinking of Emori. I’d do almost anything at this point to get back to her.
I woke up to see Murphy asleep which I was glad about. I didn’t have the strength for his relentless questions or snarky comments. He had every right to be suspicious of me, but I simply didn’t want to answer him. People from Skaikru really did enjoy the sound of their own voices. It was a shame really, because I found people like John Murphy intriguing.
A loud bang from up above caught my attention. The reapers had returned. Luckily for us they weren’t smart enough to open doors. They wouldn’t be attracted to us unless we made any noise. Damn it. This was just a waste of time I could have been using to find my brother. As I moved to turn round I had to place the palm of my hand in front of my face to stop me from squealing out loud.
“Sorry,” Murphy said in a low voice.
My heart was racing, he had creeped up behind me silently. I was slightly confused as to why he was so close to my face now, and I’d never realised how much taller than me he was.
“Why didn’t you let me take you to Clarke, or a healer? We would have made it.” He said, pouting.
Men. I rolled my eyes at his questions. “I don’t need a healer when I can heal myself..look I stopped the bleeding.” I shrugged. He still didn’t look impressed. “We wouldn’t have made it. Chances are somebody would have been waiting for us.”
“That wasn’t a random attack was it?” He asked, sitting down again.
I shook my head. “No, Ontari probably sent them to kill me, or you.”
“You don’t seem to care much,” he scoffed.
I sat down across from him, the look he was giving me was very intense. “I’m used to people trying to kill me.”
Murphy grinned at my answer, “welcome to the club. What did you do that was so bad?”
“hereditary genetic disorder,” I mumbled. John looked slightly uncomfortable with my answer, I could tell he was dying to ask me what I meant. “I...It’s just I know things others don’t and that’s why I’m a wanted woman.”
“What can you see into the future?” He asked in a mocking tone.
I shook my head and moved to light another candle. It must have been nightfall by now as the light shining between the thin cracks between the hatch door had disappeared. The Skaikru boy wasn’t going to stop staring at me like that unless I started talking.
“Why do they call you Murphy instead of John?” I asked changing the subject.
He looked at me as if I was crazy for asking, “because it’s my second name and there were a few people with the name John on the ark.”
“Seems a bit excessive to have more than one name,” I shrugged. Moving my eyes from the candle to Murphy again, I discovered he was giving me that strange look again. 
“What?” I snapped, feeling uncomfortable.
“You don’t have a second name? It’s just Cora?”
“Pera-what?” Murphy asked, scrunching up his face.
“Per-sur-puh-nee” I said slowly so he could understand me.
I chucked when his face never changed. “What is a Persephone?”
“My first name.”
“Then why the hell are you called Cora?” He asked with a grunt. I wasn’t sure why but this subject seemed to be frustrating him.
I shrugged. “Cora is short for Persephone...plus I’m named after the goddess who ruled the underworld in Greek mythology. Some clans would see my name as threatening.”
Murphy let out a dark chuckle. “yeah I guess. I remember reading about the Greek gods on the ark, those guys are dark.”
I looked at him blankly as he spoke more about the ark. I didn’t know about the other lessons he spoke of, but I didn’t want to sound stupid asking.
“I don’t imagine grounders would have got lessons like that,” he scoffed. “Just ones on torture and manipulation.”
Frowning, I fought the urge to scorn him for his ignorant comments. I felt bad for the harm Ontari had done to him but that didn’t mean all grounders were bad. That kind of behaviour was against our laws, we weren’t all savages.
“Grounders don’t even get taught to read. We just learn how to survive and that’s it.”
Our conversation quickly died after that and I closed my eyes to let the sleep fall over me.
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marbleheavy · 4 years ago
Who needs Tinder when you have Romantic Literature
I have decided to start posting some stuff here too, maybe it will motivate me to write more. Anyways, this is moderately fluffy I’d say. It’s a mortal and college AU. Idk how to introduce this tbh, but please enjoy!
(Also, just throwing this out there because this blog is kinda new, I’m down to write requests too!)
Pairing: Solangelo 
Word Count: 3,197
Rated: Teen
You can also read this on AO3! 
Will knew she was coming before he saw her, he had heard the door slam and the unmistakable rapid steps. Whenever Charlotte had a new development with the boy in her Romantic Literature class, Will was always the first to know. He sighed, already prepared for the impending word vomit he was going to endure.
"Will!" Charlotte shouted.
Will turned around to smile at her. Don't get him wrong, he and Charlotte were friends, they chatted in class all the time, they studied together, they even sometimes went to parties together, but it was all very superficial. Charlotte had never met his boyfriend or any of his truly close friends, and he hadn't met hers. However, that didn't mean he was exempt from listening to her pine.
"Hey Charlotte," Will grinned, "What's up?"
Charlotte plopped down on the stool next to him and let out an exasperated sigh, "I can't handle it anymore, Will."
Will frowned, his eyebrows furrowing, "What?"
"I can't handle him anymore. He is so fucking pretty that I am going to lose my mind!"
"Charlotte, I'm sure that you'll be okay."
"No, you don't get it. Like he's hot, we knew that, but he is also so pretty. Like, Greek God pretty. It's truly unfair. I don't know how to handle myself," she ranted.
Will chuckled, shaking his head, "You know, you could always talk to him."
Charlotte looked appalled at the suggestion, "Oh no, absolutely not. I'm way too afraid, I've been basically stalking him all semester. Plus, there is no way someone that attractive doesn't have a girlfriend."
"Hey, you never know, maybe just test the waters, you could be surprised," Will said, trying to reassure her.
"Yeah, maybe, or maybe I will be rejected and I will have to drop out to save myself from further embarrassment. I will just pine from afar."
"You know, my boyfriend is in that class, I could ask him and see if he knows anything," Will offered.
Charlotte grinned at him, "Really? That would actually be great. By the way, what's your boyf-"
Charlotte was cut off by the professor entering and starting the lesson. Will glanced at Charlotte, but she waived him off, already dropping the question.
--- Will opened the door to their apartment and let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't a particularly difficult day, but Will hadn't slept much the night before. "Sunshine, you home?" Will called out.
Will heard a response from the kitchen, so he dropped his bag on the floor and kicked off his shoes, making his way into their kitchen.
"Hey darling," Will sighed as he walked up and wrapped his arms around Nico's waist, resting his head on his shoulder.
Nico smiled, tipping his head back to Will as he continued to stir whatever he was cooking on the stove. Will pecked his lips, not wanting to distract Nico, his hunger outweighed his desire to properly kiss him, which is a rare occurrence.
Nico hummed, "How was your day?"
"It was fine, I'm just worn out. Charlotte had another development with her Romantic Lit boy, it was all I heard about during our Chem lab. How about you?"
"Good, I only had the one class today so I spent a lot of time in the studio. Got a lot done, I should be ready for my showcase a few weeks in advance," Nico said.
Will grinned, "That's great! I can't wait to see it, I'm sure it will be incredible."
Nico scoffed, "Will, you've seen my stuff before, I wouldn't call it incredible."
"I disagree, you're only saying that because it's your work. I am, as always, a totally unbiased source who just happens to believe that my boyfriend's art is the best in the world, because it is."
Nico smiled, turning the stove off and moving to face Will. He looked at him, and reached for his face, "You're too nice to me."
Will leaned down, his forehead pressing against Nico's, "Oh darling, I can be way nicer."
Okay, so maybe Will wasn't actually that hungry.
Fridays were Will's favorite day. His only class of the day was his Chemistry Lab and that wasn't until noon, which meant that he could lay in bed with Nico until at least eleven. Nico had seemed particularly angelic that morning, with his hair splayed across Will's chest as he used him as a pillow. Maybe he was just extra appreciative because of all the discussion about gorgeous boys.
Having to drag himself from bed this morning was harder than normal, and as he sat at the lab table stool, he was still longing for Nico. He had just settled into his spot when Will heard his name from across the classroom and saw Charlotte walking towards their table. He smiled brightly at her and moved his bag to make space.
"Hey, Will! Did you ask your boyfriend about the Romantic Lit guy?"
"What? Oh! Um, no, I'm sorry, I-" Will paused, blushing brightly, "I got distracted. But I will ask after class today and text you."
"Oh, okay. No worries, I was just wondering. The other day, we were discussing Walt Whitman's poetry, and oh my God, he's literally perfect. He is smart and well spoken, and he's so gorgeous. I seriously don't understand how he is allowed to exist on this planet," Charlotte lamented.
Will chuckled, “I understand, I genuinely cannot comprehend how my boyfriend is allowed to look the way that he does. The struggle of incomprehensible beauty is real.”
“Oh, speaking of! I really want to meet that boyfriend of yours, maybe he will tell me more about himself since you spill so little. My roommate and I are hosting a party this Saturday, you should come and bring him!” she exclaimed.
Will grinned widely at her, “Yeah! I just have to double check with him but that sounds great! I need to get him out of the apartment more anyways.”
“Perfect! Anyways, I had a question about the lab, I screwed up my balancing of the equations somewhere, was the product nitrogen oxide or nitrogen dioxide?"
Will and Charlotte worked throughout the class, working hard to finish the post-lab questions and the write-up, neither wanted to have to work on it over the weekend.
As class ended, they quickly collected any notebooks and papers and walked out of class, desperate for a break. As they stepped into the hallway, Will assured Charlotte he would check with his boyfriend about the part and the Lit boy, and Charlotte smiled brightly in response.
Will pushed open the door to the science building open and stepped into the fresh air. Spring was just starting and trees across campus were blooming, but he didn't stop to admire the beauty or appreciate the warmer weather as he walked briskly towards his apartment. He knew that Nico didn't have any classes today and wasn't planning to go to the studio, which meant it was more than likely he was still in bed and Will would be able to climb right back in and pretend he never left.
As he rushed up the stairs to their apartment and jammed his key in the door, he was already shedding off his bag, coat, and shoes. Normally, he is much more organized, but today he left his pile of things on the floor next to the door as he scurried to the bedroom. Just as he suspected, Nico was still curled up in bed, dozing lightly. Will heard a hum as he padded into the room and Nico stretched out towards him, silently reaching out to him. Will grinned and climbed into their bed, pulling Nico close to him. Nico quickly curled into Will's chest and sighed. The wave of peace that washed over Will was unexpected and he quickly fell asleep.
Waking up late in the afternoon, either because of a nap or some really extreme sleeping in, has never really been Will's thing but as he felt Nico tighten his grip on him and seemingly climb even more onto Will, he decided it was okay. No matter how they fell asleep, Will always woke up with Nico on top of him, not that he minded. Will stared at his boyfriend's face resting on his chest, studying the curve of his nose and the shape of his lips. It didn't really matter how long they've been together, he never got tired of looking at him. Will didn't notice Nico's eyes open so when he finally made eye contact, he jumped a little. Nico chuckled, pulling his head back slightly to look at Will.
"You're a dork," Nico said.
Will huffed, feigning offense, "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm cool. I'm a cool cat."
Nico smiled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Will's jaw lightly and mumbling into his neck, "No actual cool person has ever referred to themselves as a 'Cool Cat'."
"Well, there is a first for everything."
Nico sat up slightly, but not really. He was lying on top of Will so he wasn't ever really able to sit, but he shifted so he was straddling Will's hips, leaning down over him.
"How was class?" He asked as he leaned down to slowly kiss up Will's throat.
Will let out a breath, "Good, by the way, my friend Charlotte, I talked about her yesterday? Well, uh, she uh-" he stuttered as Nico began to bite lightly on his throat, "She's in your Romantic Lit class, um, and has a crush on this guy and she asked me, ugh, to ask you, uh, if you knew who he was? She said that he's super hot," Will stopped talking as Nico suddenly froze his movements.
Nico moved his head up to look at Will sharply "I'm clearly trying to get in your pants right now and you want to talk about other hot guys?"
Will grinned sheepishly, "No! No, no, I just, I don't want to forget! But I'll wait, yeah, I'll just wait. It's fine, but please, get in my pants."
Nico smirked at Will's excuse, but clearly he accepted it as he leaned back down to finally kiss Will on the lips properly. Will reciprocated immediately, moving his hands from Nico's thighs to grab his face. He hummed into Nico's mouth, biting lightly at his lips and Nico sighed. Nico's hands were on Will's shoulders to stabilize himself as Will began to kiss and suck along the edge of Nico's jaw.
"Tesoro," Nico moaned, leaning into Will's touch.
Will smiled through his kisses, nipping at his ear lobe and whispering, "Yes, darling?"
Nico groaned in frustration and grabbed at the hem of Will's shirt, tugging it off. Will stopped to look at Nico, his chest rising rapidly with his erratic breathing, his face flushed. Will always thought that Nico was pretty, but this was hard to beat. Nico, annoyed by the lack of kissing, quickly moved to reconnect their lips, tangling his fingers in Will's hair. He kissed Will, the kiss surely bruising their lips as he worked Will's mouth open. Will couldn't get enough of the feeling of Nico on top of him, of the feeling of Nico kissing him, it was overwhelming. Every time they did this, it was like the first time, except this time Will knew that if he put his hands near Nico's neck he would moan and if he traced his fingers along his torso he would sigh. His favorite part though, was when he would suck hickeys into his neck and Nico would whisper his name like it was the most divine word in the world. Will pulled his lips down Nico's throat and started biting lightly at his collarbones and pulse points.
"Will," Nico sighed, and Will smiled, there it was.
Just as Nico started to work his hands towards Will's belt, Nico' phone rang. Will pulled away and sat up, keeping Nico on his lap and watching as he reached over to grab his phone from the bedside table. Nico groaned as he saw the caller, "Will, I'm so sorry, but it's Hazel."
Nico answered the phone, greeting his sister, and Will dropped his head to rest on the crook of Nico's neck, still nibbling lightly.
Nico let out a squeak, pushing Will's head away lightly, "William," he scolded, "Stop that."
Will grinned at Nico, looking at him playfully as he heard Hazel chuckle over the phone. He leaned against the headboard as Nico talked to his sister about his gallery opening. When their conversation was finally done, Nico tossed the phone to the foot of the bed and wrapped his arms behind Will's head, "Now, where were we?"
Will smiled, "Sorry darling, I'm starving."
Nico rolled his eyes but climbed off of Will's lap and stood up, "You're such a cockblock."
Will laughed as he stood up too, "I'd say your sister is, so don't get mad at me."
"I can be mad at you all I want, first you talk about other guys and now you say you're 'too hungry'" Nico joked.
Will shoved his shoulder as he walked into the kitchen and toward the fridge. Nico hopped onto the counter, watching as Will searched for food. Will pulled out some leftover pasta and decided to microwave it, "So, that possible boy in your Romantic Literature class that Charlotte loves, do you know him?"
Nico shrugged, "I mean, maybe, I don't really pay attention to the other people in that class."
"Charlotte said that he was talking during your Walt Whitman discussion the other day," Will added.
Nico frowned, "I don't know, not many people participated that day, it was mostly me."
"Well, that's okay. I mean, I'm sure she will figure it out. Also, how do you feel about going to a party tomorrow night?" Will asked.
Nico nodded, "That's fine, but can we go separately? I was hoping to be in the studio tomorrow, and I don't want to make you wait for me."
"Yeah, of course, but I don't mind waiting for you, darling," Will reassured.
Nico smiled softly as Will walked to stand between his legs against the counter, "I know, but you don't get to go out often, and I'm not sure how long I'll be."
Will bent down and kissed Nico softly, resting his forehead against Nico's, "I love you."
"I love you too, Tesoro."
Will had been at the party for about 30 minutes when he finally saw Charlotte. He waived at her as he walked up, and she grinned at him.
"Will! I'm so glad you came! Where is that boy of yours?" Charlotte exclaimed.
"He's on his way, he had some work to do before he could come. Also, he has no idea who your Romantic Lit boy is, sorry," Will said, shouting slightly so she could hear him over the music.
"That's okay! I'm hoping he will come tonight, we invited a ton of people and I'm hoping word got around to him," she explained.
Will smiled and continued to chat with her, sipping at his drink every so often. He knows in the back of his mind that Nico should be there soon and he should keep an eye out, but he figured it would be fine. Charlotte suddenly grabbed his arm, and grinned wildly at him.
"Will! He's here! I'm so excited, look," she whispered excitedly.
Will turned his head around and searched the crowd, he didn't see anybody who could be her Lit boy, but he did see Nico approaching and smiled at him, their eyes meeting. Will noticed Nico's shirt, it was Will's favorite button up with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He liked seeing Nico in his clothes, it gave him a rush of pride.
"Will! He's so cute! And the rolled up dress shirt thing is so hot!" Charlotte said.
Will whipped his head toward Charlotte, confusion etched in his features. Suddenly it hit him. Oh. Oh no.
"Oh my God, Charlotte wait, no-" he started.
It was too late, Nico had already made it all the way over to them and he smiled brightly, his stupid, charming smile. Will felt Charlotte drop her grip on his arm and adjust her shirt.
"Hi! I'm so glad you could come!" Charlotte said, her tone shifting to something far more flirty.
Nico seemed a little shocked by her, "Oh, yeah. Hi. Thanks for inviting us."
Charlotte's brows furrowed, "Us?" she started.
"Hey Tesoro, how was your day?" Nico asked Will, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers.
Charlotte's head flicked between Nico and Will.
Will could feel heat rising in his neck as he looked at Charlotte, "Um, it was good. So Charlotte, this is my boyfriend, Nico. Nico, this is Charlotte."
Charlotte was frozen, staring at Will widely as he panicked, terrified that she would freak out. Instead, she finished the rest of her drink in one gulp and then laughed.
"Oh! Really? That's hilarious! We really do have the exact same type!" She said, giggling.
Will seemed a little shocked, he was unsure if this was real or if she was about to start crying.
"Um, what?" Nico asked.
Will, without taking his eyes off Charlotte who was still laughing, explained "So, you know how I was telling you how Charlotte has a giant crush on a boy in her Romantic Literature that you are also in? Well, that boy is you."
Nico looked quickly at Charlotte, "Oh, um, sorry. You're really nice and smart but I'm super gay and very much dating Will."
Charlotte shook her head, "No, really it's fine! I'm just shocked this miscommunication lasted so long! I'm happy for you! You're gorgeous by the way, like truly, ten out of ten. Will, you caught a great one."
Will was still off balance by Charlotte's reaction and her lack of anger or sadness.
"Are you," Will paused, "okay? Do you want us to leave?"
"God no! Really Will, I'm okay. It was just a crush. And I know how you talk about your boyfriend, I would never try and interfere with that," Charlotte reassured, "But, I'm gonna go get another drink. Please stay, though."
Charlotte walked away and Nico turned towards Will. Will looked down at him and smiled lightly, but he still seemed like a deer caught in headlights. Nico grabbed Will's face, "Are you okay?" Nico asked.
Will nodded, "Yeah, this is all just crazy. I've been listening to her talk about that boy for months and turns out that it's you! I'm just not really sure what to do."
"Well, start by taking a deep breath," Nico said, "And then you can start repeating all the things you said about me to Charlotte that made her just laugh about this."
Will seemed to relax even though his cheeks turned bright red, "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe I won't."
Nico grabbed Will's wrist and sorted dragging him to the nearest closet or bathroom or bedroom, "No sir, you owe me for cockblocking me earlier."
Will laughed, "I didn't cockblock, it was an IOU."
Nico smirked, "Well I'd like to cash that in now please."
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let-me-write · 5 years ago
The Truth Untold
Chapter 1: Ty looks into the Dimmet Tarn
The sky seemed to be clearing this morning after a week of incessant rain.
Ty looked out of his window, noticing a long overdue ray of sunshine entering his room. On his lap, Irene-his pet lynx-laid purring contently, as he pet her steadily. Livvy, his sister, had yet to return from her night-time ritual of roaming the Scholomance to bide her time when Ty slept. She had become careful with her movements since she had witnessed its impact on him, by limiting herself to roaming only within the Scholomance.
Ty sighed longingly at the rare and tiny glimpse of the Sun behind the thinning clouds. He missed his home-the Los Angeles Institute-which had dependably bestowed him with the sight of the perennial sunrise over the Pacific, besides sandy beaches and the familiar palm trees.
The memory of the place brought up his longing for his family. He missed his brothers and sisters, every moment of the day, but had learnt to distract himself by dutifully abiding by his schedules. He had trained his mind to focus on his lessons and training at the Scholomance, which had been sufficient in occupying his mind for the past three years. With the prospect of his upcoming trip to home, he could not contain his thoughts about his home or family for long.
Ty was rudely awoken from his thoughts as Irene leaped from his lap to chase around a familiar, translucent silhouette. Livvy had finally returned from her "night-time hauntings", as she's been referring to them. She wished him "Good Morning Ty-Ty" with a hearty smile. Livvy had not changed at all, obviously, in the past three years. She still claimed to love him, did not want to be separated from him and cared about their family.
As time had gone by, Ty was the one who had outgrown his gears and was religiously occupied with shaving his facial hair weekly. Moreover, he had also been the only one to develop a mix of guilt and resentment over outgrowing his twin sister. He felt a painful twinge in his heart now, looking at his sister who had not aged a day since that fateful day in Idris. She seemed to be waiting for him to say something and besides, Ty observed, she had a hint of excitement in her eyes.
He spoke " Good Morning Livvy, Was there something interesting in your explorations last night? " She indulged in her news readily, " You know the girls that live next to Anush's room: Aisha and Donna? "
Ty nodded recalling the friendly raven-haired and blonde couple. " I overheard them talking about their trip to Dimmet Tarn yesterday. Out of the two, Donna was brave enough to glimpse into the Tarn for a few seconds and you know what she saw?" She paused and continued, " She saw her estranged brother returning to their family in the future, a brother she had not seen for about 10 years. She is ecstatic and sending a message to her family. Magnus was right !! "
Ty didn't understand how Magnus figured into this. Livvy explained, " Magnus told me once that the Tarn was cursed by a warlock to show one's future upon witnessing their reflection over it. It didn't work for me as I am a ghost with no definitive future. But, It might work for you " He gave her a wary look.
She insisted, " Ty, consider the possibilities. We can try to understand the mysteries of the Dimmet Tarn. Additionally, a look into your future wouldn't hurt. If anything, knowing about the future might give us an advantage over the Cohort or any other enemies. What do you say? "
He thought, I could never disappoint her, so he conceded, " Let's go, if you insist ". Besides, it could prove to be a good distraction.
He stepped out into the fields surrounding the entrance to the Scholomance with Livvy closely gliding beside him. He noticed that all the trees in the distance looked to be weighed down by their rain-laden leaves. At least, there was a hint of sunlight illuminating their passage. He moved soundlessly, dodging the occasional branches in the way.
After a few minutes of relentless walking , they seemed to be approaching a well-lit clearing. Ty cleared the last pair of branches and let himself into the banks of Dimmet Tarn. This was the first time he had come back to the place after he had rescued Irene from here three years ago. Unlike the last time, he witnessed the tarn lit by steady sunlight, possible with the now clear sky.
He stood mesmerised by the lively appearance of the usually grim looking surface of water. The sunlight reflecting the surrounding trees on the water body's surface exuded serenity that betrayed its true nature. Livvy, beside him, was also taken with the new, appealing nature of the tarn. Ty noted how the name of the tarn-Dimmet- wouldn't suit its current appearance.
His sister edged towards the tarn and peered into it. "Still no future for a ghost, I guess", she sighed dramatically while returning to his side. She then looked up at him, expectantly.
Ty was apprehensive, thinking back to the classical tales of the grim plight that awaited the Greek heroes who encountered the mythical Fates. He recounted how various literatures warned about knowing one's fate and the subsequent, dire consequences that come with avoiding the undesirable.
His fingers were fluttering freely, reflective of his inner anxious self. But he wanted to be of help to his family and the new Clave, however possible, and made up his mind to ignore any indication of personal harm that the Tarn might show him.
He decided that a short glance at the surface of the tarn would do; surely, too much information about the future could only breed misery.
He took measured steps toward the tarn and looked hesitantly into the surface of the well-lit but murky water. He gasped, he was looking at a moving image coming slowly into focus, instead of his reflection. Livvy came towards him and asked with concern, "Are you okay, Ty? Do you see anything? " Ty noted that Livvy couldn't see and assured her with a nod.
He noticed that the vision was materialising into definitive shapes that he could recognize: trees and mountains in the background and in front of them he noticed with an alarm;
He himself was in the foreground of the vision clinging desperately to someone. He focused on his own face in the future looking weary and unrecognisable, and his eyes...his familiar gray eyes were distraught with fear and worry, looking down at the frail body lying on his own lap.
There was too much blood; scarlet, contrasting his black gear and spilling out into the ground surrounding them.
Ty was petrified to even think of who the injured person could be in the vision.
He forced himself to lower his gaze towards the body, when he realised that it was a young man and not just anyone but a specific one with golden curls and blue eyes.
Ty realised with a jerk, it was Kit, his Kit, older than he remembered..... who was injured and bleeding heavily in Ty's arms and Kit..he.. he was smiling weakly up at him in the vision, despite his state.
Kit looked so fragile and his eyelids looked heavy, weary with the effort of remaining open. He was visibly straining to keep himself conscious in the future-Ty's arms.
The image started to flicker and change but Ty had had enough.
He pulled himself back in a sudden flurry of motions and collapsed onto his knees in the ground and tried to hopelessly crawl away from the Tarn. He could not push the image back, which seemed to be etched into his eyes now.
His eyes were now flooding with tears when he became aware of Livvy trying to comfort him. Her voice dripped with worry, " Ty, what did you see? I'm here with you. It will be okay." She sounded distraught. Livvy started to apologize frantically, "I'm sorry I made you do this, I'm sorry Ty..."
Ty was breathless and nauseated. He managed to only whisper "Kit-" to her. He wanted to get away from here as soon as possible. He took off running, going as fast as his limbs could navigate through the forest.
He didn't stop until he reached his room and promptly let himself in and collapsed onto the rug on the floor. Irene, who was startled by his entrance, came towards him and wrapped herself around him. This grounded him to a certain extent and he noticed Livvy was now beside him too.
His sister looked helplessly for something to do. She blurted out, " I'm sorry Ty.. I'm sorry. What should I do? Tell me." Ty shook his head slowly and pulled Irene up into his arms. He tried to steady his breath by concentrating on Irene's breathing. He resolved his jumbled thoughts and told Livvy, " I'm fine. The vision cannot be true and may not come to pass."
Livvy looked at him incredulously and asked, " You mentioned Kit earlier. Was the vision related to him? Does something happen to him?"
Ty would never lie to his sister; so he nodded weakly and proclaimed helplessly, "The future is not definite. Isn't that right, Livvy? There must be a way...something that I can do.. " He pulled out the silver chain around his neck and stroked the heron thoughtfully.
He couldn't stop his thoughts from lingering on the boy the chain had belonged to... Kit...Christopher. Ty's best friend, an outsider who had once understood him as much as or even more than his family. He remembered the lost boy who had reluctantly joined him and Livvy, gradually warmed up to them and had truly became an indispensable person in his life.
He realized that his sister was still awaiting an explanation but he was too startled to form coherent words. He told her, " I need some time Livvy. I hope you understand." Livvy nodded and assured him that she would only be in the outside corridor before reluctantly leaving his side.
Ty stood up and fumbled to find Julian's lighter from his bedside table. He had always found comfort in clicking it. For the next few seconds, he concentrated only on the movement of his thumb and let his other fingers fly freely. His mind was being flooded with vivid memories: both comforting and painful; the very ones he had tried to suppress in the past couple of years.
Ty could not help but remember Kit, the Watson to his Sherlock, who had been his reliable and only comfort after his sister's death. Despite their last bitter encounter and the separation that ensued, he still cared a lot about Kit. Surely, he hadn't mentioned Kit's name to anyone besides Magnus, since he learnt that Kit didn't want to do anything with him. But, it didn't mean the boy had failed to occupy his mind from time to time.
Ty loved all kinds of mysteries and Christopher Herondale was the most intriguing of them all.
He had believed that the bond between him and Kit was incomparable and that the other boy had surely considered him as a friend too. But, despite everything they had gone through, Kit had chosen to leave him without a word of explanation or parting.
Ty had been heartbroken since his conversation with Magnus, when even the sliver of hope that he would see Kit again had vanished.
The months since then were a period of intense inner turmoil of confusion, despair and longing. Even thinking of Kit had left an inexplicable pang in his chest...talking about him was unthinkable. He had been actively avoiding any conversations about Kit with his family.
His brother Julian had asked once, if Ty had been missing Kit and he had answered "Not more than usual" and left the room in a hurry with his headphones on. Livvy had prodded him with questions about Kit in the beginning but had given up due to a lack of response.
Then, she had visited Jem's home in Devon and had met Kit. Kit had then given his Heron pendant, the only heirloom from his mother, for Ty and Livvy's protection. Ty had failed to understand Kit's motivations behind such a generous gesture. He had thought wearily then, " Kit Herondale is the most prominent yet elusive mystery of my life."
There were also other painful memories and thoughts that hovered over his consciousness but he quelled them. He didn't have the time to be miserable now. He must try to understand the plausibility of what he had seen, happening. His stomach muscles tightened while he considered the harrowing possibility of such a future.
Sensing his anxiety, Irene pulled herself up onto his arms and placed her warm paws on his shoulders. She was always good at comforting him and it worked now too, albeit weakly. He patted her head affectionately and tried to make sense of his thoughts.
His mind did not entertain the certainty of such a terrible thing happening to Kit. Kit deserved better. Ty wanted to make sure of that. He just didn't know how...
In the short respite from his thoughts brought by Irene's purring, he reminded himself of his previous apprehensions about the dangers of fighting the fate.
Maybe, the Ty from three years ago would have sprung into action at any indication of potential harm that may befall his loved ones. But, now, he was hesitant, as he had a daily reminder of his callousness in the form of his twin sister besides his ever-growing guilt and regret for his past actions. He cannot afford to act recklessly again.
But he needed to protect Kit from any potential harm...It felt like his sole purpose in the world.
He knew Kit was safe for now, under the care of Jem and Tessa. He didn't want to alarm him or his family with this unfounded terror that haunted him. He also reminded himself that Kit would not want to meet him. That would never change.
Maybe, he could do some more research about the Tarn and its abilities or...he could act now. His thoughts were whirling before he settled on a prominent one that was rational but also daunting.
He let Irene down and scrambled to his desk and took out a paper and pen.
After all these years, he thought, the time has finally come for me to write to Kit.
Please like and reblog if you like it !! I appreciate your comments too !!
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mystic-kitten-writer · 6 years ago
Limerence [M] ︳15
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Pairing: Zuko x OC
Genre: Romance, mainly fluff with future smut, and if you squint hard enough - you’ll find some angst.
Rating: SFW
Words: 6400+
Notes: It’s a big chapter everyone! Let the drama unfold and enjoy everyone <3
Masterlist ︳14 ︳ 16
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Limerence: (English/n.) the state of being infatuated with another person.
The moment their eyes locked they knew - the flames within him twisted while the water within her turned. It was a connection, a connection that would lead to love, adventure, and drama.
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(Greek/n.) The phobia of death; losing someone whom you love.
~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
            “You look beauti- ahh-ahh-chooo!”
            I giggled at Aang’s face, as it scrunched together as the sneeze seemed to overtake his whole body. He slightly jumped as the air he released was beyond reasonable, and even a few servants looked at us with surprise; their clothes swaying from his sneeze. Aang gave them a cheeky smile, as he innocently rubbed the back of his head, “Sorry…” he muttered out with a shy wave.
            ���What I was trying to say was you look beautiful Yue.” He said as he turned back to me. I giggled and nodded, “Thank you Aang.” He rubbed his bright red nose and tried his hardest to breathe; his nose must be so stuffy... I pouted and found myself tempted to heal, but as if he knew what I wanted he just smiled brightly through a dry cough, “Don’t worry.”
            “I do worry. You should be in bed. Not here, it’s just a party – there will be tons in the future.” I grumbled as I watched the way Aang’s chest struggled to breathe properly. He was sick, a lot sicker than anyone expected. But yet here he stood, all dressed up in his Avatar attire with his wooden staff. “I’m already missing the party; the least I could do is come for the ceremony,” Aang said with a smile, trying to play it off as if he wasn’t in pain. He had deep under circles from the lack of sleep under his eyes, and his lips seemed a bit paler than usual.
            “Aang, it’s fine. I would be happier if you were in bed.”
            “I wouldn’t miss this day for anything Yue. The least I could do is be here for you.” He said thoughtfully. I smiled sadly and nodded at his words since I knew what he meant. Today was my big day. The day I was going to be introduced to the public as Zuko’s Consort. It was scary and exciting all at once. Yet, as happy as I was, I was a bit blue not having everyone here for this day. That wasn’t to say I wasn’t appreciative of Aang and Sokka or even Zuko’s family. They were sweethearts and supportive figures who helped me navigate the ropes, but it still would have been nice to have the gang here.
            “Thank you…” I said softly, and Aang grinned, before giving me a small wink, “Before I forget, congratulations.” He said playfully. I titled my head to the side as I looked at him puzzled, “Congratulations?” I repeated in confusion. Aang chuckled, although it soon turned into a small fit of coughs. Gosh, Aang, you’re so sick! You need rest…
            “You and Zuko. He told me you guys are finally official.” Aang said proudly, playfully shoving my shoulder as I blushed and nodded.
            “He asked me out the other night….” I mumbled bashfully.
            “You don’t understand how awesome this is — my two best friends, together. Soon you guys will get married, have little kids-” He ranted as he clasped his hands together in joy. For someone sick, he can for sure talk. I raised a brow as I observed how joyful he was but was soon distracted by the butterflies that danced in my stomach. Aang blurted everything that I would usually daydream of out in the open. Marriage, Kids? I thought I was rushing into things.
            “It was you, wasn’t it?” I snorted. As if he knew what I was referring too already, Aang openly rubbed his beard and shrugged, “I may have talked to Zuko a bit…given him that little push.” Aang said mischievously. I laughed - I knew it! Zuko would have been too shy to ask me out that bluntly unless he had a driving force. That’s not to say Zuko wouldn’t want to, but he was definitely someone who needed that extra push.
            “Thank you, Aang,” I said tenderly, and Aang nodded, understanding.
            “Well, I’m going to get going, your endearing and loveable boyfriend is here. He seems happy.” I rolled my eyes but giggled as Aang wiggled his eyebrows and gave me a childish look. No matter how sick he was, he will forever be his upbeat self. He dashed off, his mustard coloured robes swaying with every sneeze. He really needed some rest if he wanted to get better before the Earth King comes in four days. Maybe I could stop by his room and heal him for a bit after the party…Katara will kill me if she finds out how sick he was.
            The sound of people shuffling and mummers brought me out of my thoughts, as I turned around on my heel and gazed at the door. Probably just another royal family is entering, but as I stared around, I noticed that no one was saying a word but were bowing deeply. Why is everyone so…Heavy footsteps echoed into the room, and as my eyes gawked towards the door, I put two and two together.
            Zuko strolled through, several guards following suit as he nodded his head in acknowledgment towards everyone. But he seemed different. His shoulders were relaxed, head held high, and he even had a specific something with every step. Aang was right, Zuko does look happy. Beyond happy - euphoric. An amiable smile painted his face as his golden eyes mused with interest. It was me biting my lip that brought me back to reality and reminded me to bow down at his presence.  
            The way his hair was pinned up and adorned with the Fire Nation symbol on top. Not a single strand out of place as he moved about and casually greeted a few royals at the entrance. Even his typically loose Fire Nation attire now hugged his body, revealing how toned he actually was. Gosh…the way his muscles flex as he shakes hands...Don't drool in public, that’s nasty Yue! I could spot a few folks around the room stealing glances at Zuko as well, seeing the same thing I was. But unlike them, I could proudly say he was mine. All mine.
            He grinned broadly as he found Ursa, giving her a tight hug and pecking her cheek. Her eyes lit up with joy as she enthusiastically gripped Zuko’s arms and gushed. I could only imagine how happy she was, from the moment I arrived all she did was talk my ear off, saying how pleased she was for Zuko and me — thanking me for being there for Zuko, but in reality, he was the one there for me. Ursa was sweet, soft-spoken, and I could see much of her in Zuko, whether or not he realized. Kiyi pulled on his belt, wanting some attention, and Zuko ruffled her done-up hair with his large hands.
            I could see Ursa smack Zuko’s hands and starting to grumble, annoyed that Zuko just ruined Kiyi’s hair. I found myself snickering at the sight; and the moment my giggle left my lips, Zuko’s attention switched from them to me. His eyes met mine, and the way his mouth slightly parted made it seem like he was surprised to see me. He stood there dumbfounded, and it wasn’t until Ursa shoved him forward, that he began walking hesitantly. Was he mad? Why is he looking at me like I have three heads?
            I moved towards him and shyly bowed, “Fire Lord Zuko…” I said kindly, but Zuko didn’t utter a word. I frowned and tilted my head to the side as I observed him. “What’s wrong…is everything okay?” I asked tentatively as Zuko eyed me up and down. Was there something on my face? Did I do something? What in the world-
            “Y-Yue. You look…gorgeous.” Zuko blurted.
            I furiously blushed as I anxiously played with my fingers to prevent myself from slapping his chest. That was why this man looked at me like I had three heads or something!? A smirk played along his face as he spiritedly gripped my hands, bringing them to his plush lips and planting sweet kisses to every finger; not a single place untouched. My skin tingled in anticipation from his delicate kisses, as the thought of me looking gorgeous in his eyes filled me with an overwhelming sense of confidence.
            I treasured dressing up, having my hair and makeup done. Yet no moment in my life could compare to this level of ‘appearance.’ My hair was pulled up from either side, letting my hair cascade down my back, as an ornate golden crown was carefully placed upon me. Painted golden dragons soared along my red and white robes, highlighting my own golden eyes. My makeup was also dramatic, which took me by surprise given that I haven’t dolled up in a bit since it has been too humid to do so. But the way Zuko’s eyes studied me, he seemed to be enjoying the sight. I need to ask Suki for some seductive lessons…
            “Absolutely breathtaking - it’s dangerous…are you trying to get someone’s attention? Should I be worried?” He grumbled into my hands.
            “Z-Zuko,” I spoke timidly, not expecting this much intimacy in front of everyone. I could see a few people observing us with merriment as Zuko kissed my hands. After seeing my rosy face, Zuko chuckled before planting one last possessive kiss on my ring finger, “If I had known they were going to doll you up like this I would have marked you up last night. Make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” He hummed as his hand caressed my glowing cheeks. I pouted, and despite all royal protocol, I prudently slapped his chest, “D-don’t say stuff like this so publicly.” I grumbled as he chuckled at my humiliation.
            “Don’t tease the poor girl before she even stepped outside Zuko.”
            Zuko turned around, caught off guard, and I curiously glanced over his broad shoulders. Who’s that? That voice…I don’t recognize it at all.
            A tall, lanky man stood behind us, his hands placed over his thin figure as he grinned widely. He must have been around Ursa’s age, a bit older, as his smile actuated the wrinkles underneath his brown eyes. Zuko’s eyes lit up as he smiled harmlessly, letting his hand drop effortlessly from my face and loosely by his side. The man looked at me before he bowed deeply, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ying Yue, I’m Noren, Ursa’s husband.” Noren. Husband?
            Zuko snickered as he seemed to notice the exact moment his words clicked in my head and I realized who this man was. “Oh! N-no, the pleasure is all mine.” I blurted as I bowed down deeply. This was Zuko’s step-dad; any slower Yue!?
            Noren chuckled casually as he waved his hands to dismiss my formality. “Please, no need! I’m just a regular man, like everyone else in this room. I wish we could have met earlier; I was tied in some business and I just barely made it for your big day! We plan on opening another theatre in a local town. Hopefully, you and Zuko can come by and see it when the construction is all done.” He spoke gleefully. That’s right, Ursa and Noren were the ambassadors of Drama and Theatre for the Fire Nation.
            I smiled and nodded, “I would love to visit the new theatre, is that alright Zuko?”
            “Whatever you wish,” Zuko said with a smile towards me. Noren raised his brows, watching the way Zuko observed me with the broadest smile in the world. Zuko seemed abnormally happy today; was it because there was a party? How I looked? Or maybe, just maybe, because he was going to announce to the world that I was his...probably that – what a greedy man. Noren cleared his throat before eyeing the doors that lead to the Coronation Plaza.
            “It seems all the preparations are done… whenever you two are ready.”
            The moment those words left his mouth I could feel my palms get clammy and suddenly a cold sweat start. Gosh, I feel like I’m the one who's going to get sick at this rate. The whole time I was here I indulged in the treats that servants served or small talked with random nobles. But now that the moment had arrived, I could undoubtedly hear the ruckus from outside, and I nervously bit my lip. What if the people don’t like me? What if they think I’m not good enough? What if they found out I’m a Waterbender? Or what if I’m just too ugly-
            Zuko tightly squeezed my hand, snapping me out of my self-defeating thoughts and gave me a reassuring smile, “Your perfect. It’ll be quick, and then we can go eat lunch in gardens, just as planned.” Zuko spoke calmly; he fingers gently rubbing my palm. I let out a shaky sigh and found myself looking back up to Noren. He smiled sympathetically, “You’ll get used to the royal speeches. Anyways, you’re in safe hands.” He said before giving me a quick bow and walking off to Ursa and Kiyi.
            “Ready?” Zuko spoke as he looked at me.
            “As ready as I'll ever be.”
            With a quick flip of his wrist, the room fell silent, and all eyes were on us, “Let’s start.” Zuko said firmly. As if that was all was needed to be said, all the nobles began walking outside, leaving the room empty beside his family and us. It was then I felt someone poke my shoulder, “Break a leg, Princess.”
            “Sokka…” I said breathlessly, when did he arrive? Sokka smiled, although I swore I could see his eyes tearing up a bit, “My little sister is all big…you know, it’s still not too late to leave this royal pain in the ass.” Sokka said light-heartedly only for Zuko to scoff, “As if I would let her.” I knew Aang had come back based on the endless fits of sneezes, “You better hold those sneezes during my speech.” Zuko lectured while Aang gave him a cheeky thumbs up. I laughed, before a guard came to us, bowing lowly before speaking.
            “Fire Lord Zuko, it is time to depart. Imperial Consort Ying Yue, I shall give you your cue when the time to present yourself arrives.��� I nodded, and with one last squeeze of my hand, Zuko let go, the sudden warmth that I had learned to crave - gone. Zuko stood in front with Aang, while Ursa, Noren, Kiyi, Iroh and Sokka followed suit. I watched as they left the room, as I was the only one left behind.
            The crowds instantly roared seeing Zuko. And like second nature, Zuko smiled gracefully and began waving at his people. The nobles gazed over at Zuko with the utmost respect, and it was then reality hit me as to who I was dating.
            Zuko was Fire Lord.
            And while it was such an obvious fact, it was something I always pushed away - and maybe it was because I never got to see him fully engaged in his role. I was used to his playfulness, those silly pointless banters that we shared. But it was because of those sweet moments, that I forget who he was to the rest of the world. 
            He was a man of honour, a leader, and the very person his Nation looked up to in terms of hope and security. The weight of responsibility that rests upon his shoulders was tremendous, yet despite it all, he made time for me. Whether it was for a few minutes, to a whole day, he did it for me.
            When he finally reached the end of the stage, he raised his hand, and the crowd instantaneously went silent. Zuko cleared his throat and began to speak with a powerful and booming voice, “Good Afternoon royal highnesses, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. It is with great honour, that today we celebrate a milestone, for not just myself, but the Nation as a whole…”
            I found myself lost in his speech, the way he spoke so fluently, not an ounce of hesitation or fear lingered in his voice. He just seemed so confident, so self-assured in himself that anyone who could hear him wouldn't be able to rip their eyes away from him or ignore his words. Home, this was home to him. A gentle hand touched my shoulder, catching me off guard. I turned to look, only to see the guard smiling, “It’s time.” My eyes widen, and I looked forward.
            Zuko was now facing me, Kiyi standing beside him and holding a small container of red paint, her smile warm as she swayed side to side in her spot. “It is with great honour, for me to introduce impending Imperial Consort Ying Yue Jiang, the future Fire Nation Queen,” Zuko spoke.
            Shit. This is it. There’s no going back. Holy mother of pearl what have I gotten myself in to. With a deep breath, I walked forward. I tried my hardest to look at the crowd, but the moment my eyes wandered, I could feel myself getting panicky and looked back at Zuko. Zuko, right now, was my beacon of sanity, the only thing keeping me from tripping over my feet and having a nervous breakdown. My heart was pounding, and my hands were sweaty Yue calm down! You’ve done this countless of times. This is normal. Calm down! I could see Zuko chuckle as he seemed to notice my internal dilemma, although he was good at hiding it, clearly better than my dumbass.
            The people applauded, and I stopped in front of Zuko. With a quick bow of acknowledgement, I kneeled in front of Zuko, only then did I look at him directly. His smile calmed down my beating heart, but I couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes darted back and forth, he was nervous. Just like me. He quickly dipped a finger into the red paint, that Kiyi held, before he started speaking, the oath.
            “Do you, Ying Yue Jiang, willingly take this oath, of Imperial Consort?”
            “I do.”
            “And do you, Ying Yue Jiang, solemnly promise to represent the people. To protect and serve the Nation, to care and adhere to all laws regarding the Fire Nation. To serve me as your Fire Lord, in preparation of becoming Fire Nation Queen?”
            “I promise.”
            “Then, as Fire Lord, I shall declare you as my Imperial Consort, future Queen.”
            His finger delicately ran along the skin between my eyebrows, and I knew right away what he was drawing. A flame. This was it. It was official. I was his Imperial Consort. There was no going back from this. No ‘redo's.’ It was literally sealed.
            My eyes met Zuko’s, and we both started smiling bashfully, a nervous giggle escaping my lips as Zuko chuckled. There wasn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do for Zuko.
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            “Congratulations Imperial Consort Ying Yue. It’s a pleasure meeting you; I can’t wait till the wedding!” gushed a noble. Her eyes shinnied brightly as she linked arms with her husband, who wore formal military attire. He was a General, that was all I managed to gather, as I was still running on a high from the whole ceremony that took place just a few moments ago. “Maybe a few children as well? I never knew how much my life would change for the better until I had Lilian and Scar.” Her husband said with a bright smile.
            I blushed as I tightly hugged Zuko’s arm, only for Zuko to chuckle and nod his head in agreement, “I look forward to that stage. How about you, Ying Yue?” Zuko asked as he gazed down at me. I timidly smiled and nodded, “I’ve never thought much about having a family until recently, I would love a child, in due time.” Zuko smiled before politely nodding his head, “I do apologize, but we must get going…” Zuko spoke, and the two nobles simply smiled and nodded, “No worries, but once again, congratulations Fire Lord Zuko and Imperial Consort Ying Yue. You both are lovely together.”
            I nodded my thanks before we turned on my heel, wandering about. I let out another breath of air and Zuko did the same, “Tired yet?” Zuko said with a laugh at my anxious and worn-out expression. The day barely started, and I was already exhausted. We were in the gardens, where Zuko had planned the reception to take place. It wasn’t as formal as one would expect, and I was happy about that. Tables were scattered throughout the garden’s where people feasted on their meals and were free to mingle. The children, on the other hand, were given a chance to feed the turtle ducks at the waterfall, an idea strongly pitched by Kiyi.
            I smiled, watching the kids line the edge of the water, trying to get the turtle ducks attention. They chattered amongst each other, only the spirits knew about what. There was a lot of children who resided at the palace, ‘after the war, a lot of babies were made’ Sokka once said as a joke. Who knew there was some truth to that joke.
             “Would you like a family?” I blurted, and as soon as the question left my lips, I could feel my cheeks flare up. Zuko’s eyes widen a bit, taken aback from my blunt question, “S-sorry, you don’t have to answer that. I-I was just thinking and - you know, I’ll just stop talking now-”
            “Yue~! Come feed the turtle ducks with us!” cried out Kiyi from the pond. She waved her arms around frantically, as she stood beside a boy who didn’t look much younger than her. Bless her for saving me from this awkward moment.
             “Coming button!” I said as I waved my hand back to her with a large smile. But as I tried to dash, Zuko held his grip on my arm causing me to be flung back to his chest, “Not without me you aren’t. It seems like Kiyi is enjoying you more than me.” Zuko said with a laugh. I smiled as we both walked to the pond. Maybe he didn’t hear my question? Or decided to be merciful and ignore it altogether.
            The kids all huddled together along the shoreline, and Kiyi hugged me, “Yue~. You look beautiful. Oh, this is my friend, his name is Tom-Tom, Tom-Tom, this is Yue. She’s my big brother’s girlfriend.” She spoke cheerfully. Tom-Tom flushed furiously as he nodded his head to me and muttered a quiet hello. I giggled and kneeled to their level, “So are you guys feeding the turtle ducks?” I asked as I watched all the children near us with small bags of food.
            Kiyi nodded, but she pouted, “We’re trying to, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of them right now…and whatever turtle ducks are here they’re too far away.” She spoke miserably. I gazed upon the water and noticed she was right. They were farther into the water, but oddly enough, they weren’t swimming around but floated along the body of water. That’s weird…
            “How about you guys step inside then?” Zuko spoke. My eyes widen as I stood up to face him; he was joking, right? “Get in the water?” I mused.
            But before Zuko could confirm his suggestion, all of the children began stripping themselves of their shoes and started splashing about. Their pants and dresses were getting soaked, but they didn’t seem to care at all. They laughed and screamed with joy as they were finally getting close enough to feed the ducks. “Aren’t their parents going to get mad?” I spoke worriedly as I looked over the kids, who seemed to be having a blast. Zuko laughed and shrugged, “They’re kids. Let them have fun while they can…” He muttered.
            I raised a brow as I placed my hands on my hips, “And what about their parents?” I asked. “I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to be happy having their kids soaking wet.”
            “Good thing I’m Fire Lord. What I say goes.” I laughed and poked his chest, “Good job with not taking advantage of your power.” I snickered, and Zuko grinned madly, a trait clearly learned from Aang. He wrapped an arm over my shoulders, bringing me close as we watched the kids splash about in the water. Today was perfect. We were together, celebrating and happy. I let my head fall against his shoulder as I hummed to myself.
            Kiyi held Tom-Tom’s hand in the water, as he seemed quite nervous. Probably not a swimmer…She held the bag of food, letting him throw the food at the turtle ducks. I watched as the water moved around the kids, but I couldn’t help but frown as I observed the water.
            It seemed…different.
            Something wasn’t right.
            I could feel my muscles stiffen, as I began standing straight, “Zuko…” I whispered with an edge to my voice.
            The water was darker than usual. Usually, I could see straight through to the bottom, but I couldn’t today. The water this time was murky. My Waterbender instinct started screaming ‘danger’ as I began to fretfully scan around. My eyes trailed upwards to the fall, and I noticed how deafening the sound of the water crashing downwards was. How did I not notice before? The water ran faster than usual. And for a split moment, I swore I saw someone or something standing above the cliff.
            “Yue, what’s wrong?” Zuko asked, but I tuned him out.
            The water was running faster and faster.
            Small pieces of rocks were starting to mix with the water.
            Oh my gosh, please no. Please, no.
            My heart dropped, and I could hear my heart beating rapidly in my ears. My blood pumped furiously, and my body began to move without a second thought. My mind was on auto-pilot mode, as I anxiously ran towards the water, my steps splashing noisily. I raised my arms upwards, mustering all of the strength I could gather.
            Kiyi, Tom-Tom…Anything but the kids. Please, not the kids.             
~ Fire Lord Zuko ~
            I embraced Ying Yue tightly to my side, smiling pleasantly to myself as I gazed over her. Everything about her was just perfect. The smile on her face was beautiful; her golden eyes were beautiful; she was just beautiful. But as wonderful as she was, she more than just ‘my girlfriend’ or ‘consort,’ she was my friend. A friend who seemed to understand everything, and even a bit more.
            I looked back at the children that played in the water, large smiles painting their faces as they eagerly fed the turtle ducks. Family. She asked me if I wanted a family. I sighed to myself. Did I want a family? I frowned thinking about my own family. Would I be fit enough to be a dad? What’s to say that I wouldn’t turn out exactly like my father? A monster.
            My ears perked up as I looked down at Yue. Her bottom lip trembled, and her eyebrows pinched together. A look of terror and apprehension painted her face as she looked forward. I gazed back at the children, what did she see that I’m not?
            “Yue, what’s wrong?” I asked, trying to mask the hint of concern that mixed with my voice. Yue looked scared, no - terrified, as if she saw the dead rise in front of her. I pulled back to look at her carefully, but as if something entirely overcame her, she sprinted forward.
            Her eyes were wide, and she panted heavily as her feet splashed into the water. “Yue!” I yelled and began to step forward, my boots struggling to keep up with her sprint. Was this pond always so muddy? My feet seemed to sink into the mud with every step. I reached forward, trying to grasp onto her arm, but her silk dress slipped through my fingers. My eyes widen as I watched her movement, stopping cold in my tracks.
            Her arms started to rise by her sides, her fingers flicking upwards.
            She was going to bend.
            A deafening sound echoed throughout the gardens, causing everyone to gasp and hurriedly covered their ears. What the fuck was that? With my ears covered, I looked towards the waterfall, and I could feel my blood run cold, and my stomach dropped.
            The waterfall, the rocks, they were crashing down. They broke — a landslide.
            The kids. They were still in the water.
            I need to grab the children; I have to get them out there. But I can’t grab them all; the rocks are already falling. As soon as I found the ability to move once again, the water that was just underneath me begin to rise at an instant. I found myself wiping the water from my face, as the children screamed earsplittingly as the water engulfed them for a split second.
            Yue stood in the middle of the pond, her arms spread wide, all of the water above her. She was bending; she bent all of the water above her. She was freezing the water; she was making a barrier to protect the children. The ice above her crackled and cracked as the rocks from the waterfall began to tumble on top of her. Sweat beaded down Yue’s face as she grounded down on her teeth. She was single-handedly supporting the weight of a whole waterfall on her back.
            My eyes met hers, and with a look of desperation, she screamed, “GET THE KIDS. I-I can’t hold this for much longer.” She whimpered. Yue…fuck. I ran forward, “GRAB THE BLOODY KIDS!” I screamed towards the guards as they hastily scooped them into their arms. I could hear parents crying out to their children as the kids cried into their arms. I wrapped my arms tightly around Kiyi and Tom-Tom, scooping them into my arms without hesitation. “B-but Yue! Zuzu, Yue needs your help!” Kiyi cried out in my arms.
            I dropped them at the shoreline, “Zuko- Yue.” Mom spoke worriedly as she cradled Kiyi close. Tom-Tom dashed off to Mai. Mai looked terrified as she scooped Tom-Tom into her arms. I turned around and swore. Yue fell onto her knees, the mud pulling her in as tears started to form. She was struggling. Where is the fucking Avatar when you needed him? “YUE!” Sokka shouted as he threw another kid onto land. I need to save her. I need to get her out; she won’t last much longer.
            “STOP!” She screamed, and I looked upward, her face flustered as she whimpered out. The large wings of ice she managed to form were about to break; rocks started seeping through the cracks, cutting up her delicate skin. “A-are the kids…are they all safe?” She groaned out.
            “Yes but-”
            “Zuko run.” She spoke sternly.
            “I-I can’t- RUN!” She shouted. Sokka grabbed my arm, pulling me back, before dust and the sound of thousands of pounds of rock and stone fell. People coughed as dust flooded the air and my eyes burned. Sokka and I laid on the ground, struggling to breathe properly as the smell of crushed rock completely suffocated my nose.
            “Are you alright?” Sokka gasped, struggling to breathe. “Yeah, you?” I huffed out painfully. I rubbed my eyes trying to get a better sight around us. I could hear people coughing noisily, children crying, while other people muttered out in disbelief at the fact that Yue was a Waterbender. Our secret, it was out in the open. Fuck it. That’s the least of my fucking worries right now.
            As the dust began to settle, I sat up and looked forward. The waterfall was no longer there. Instead laid a giant pile of rocks and gushing water. Yue. I have to find her. Pushing through my dry coughs and the dusty air I crawled forward, “Zuko, what are you-” Sokka groaned painfully, as he clenched his chest.
            “Yue, she is in there.” I panted as I stood. The pile of rocks was massive. She had to be in there. Please be alive. Fuck, if she is hurt-
            “Zuko?” a small faint voice muttered out.
            My eyes widen, and I desperately began climbing over the loose rocks. Water began to gush from underneath my grip of the rocks, and like a lost child, she was slowly crawling from the top of the pile. Her long black hair stuck to her face, as blood began to drop from the small wounds on her face. Her clothes were torn as she struggled to pull herself out, “Babe, I’m here don’t move! Let me pull you out!” Without protest, she moaned in pain and let her body fall against the jagged rocks.
            I wrapped my arms around her torso, “The kids.” She muttered. I looked down at her, was she really concerned with the kids after she single-handedly withstood the weight of a fucking waterfall and then let it crash on top of her? She was selfless. She was never thinking about herself, always putting herself second. She’s going to be the death of me.
            “They’re safe Yue, are you okay?” I pulled on her body, as her head fell against my neck, “Just a bit…sleepy…” She muttered. With a final tug, I managed to pull her out of the rubble, as she rested over me. Her breathing was short and shallow, “Yue?” I spoke gently, as I patted her back. “Hmm?” She moaned. I pulled back, getting a good look on her. Her eyes struggled to stay open before her eyes finally fluttered shut. “Yue? Hey, don’t you fucking sleep on me now.” I spoke sternly as I gently tapped her cheeks.
            But she was passed out. She pushed herself, pushed her bending to the very limits. I cradled her tightly to my body; I had to get her to the infirmary. Fuck Yue. Why did you have to so reckless, so generous? My feet evened out on the ground as I held her as close as I could to myself. Sokka looked over at me with concern, “Yue…” He started.
            “She’s fine, passed out, she pushed herself,” I answered, but that was when I noticed a few council members standing behind Sokka. Frowns painted their faces as they looked at Yue with disgust. As if she was an enemy, a traitor, “She’s a Waterbender Fire Lord Zuko…” They grumbled under their breath. I frowned.
            Let the shit show begin.
~ Azula ~
            “Your little partner seems surprised. Didn’t let her in on the plan?” He spoke with a taunt. I scowled as I watched the way Mai tightly hugged her younger brother, a look of shock and fear painted her face.
            “I made the mistake of trusting her too much. After today, I’ll know where her ties lie.” I spoke bitterly as I crossed my arms. I watched the way Ying Yue dissolved her wings of ice, and instead bent the water to embrace her. An ice bubble. The rocks began to fall, but her cocoon of ice protected her. What a smart and crafty girl…Just like her Uncle.
            “So what do you think - Yakone…”
            Yakone laughed as he crouched down, watching the sight unfold. He ran his hand through his brown hair as his blue eyes watched with amusement. The Royals looked like chickens with their heads cut off, not knowing whether to hide or run as dust puffed upwards. The sound of the rocks falling was deafening, despite us being high on the cliff, I found myself grimacing at the noise.
            “Believe me now Yakone?” I spoke with my arms crossed as I gazed down at the man below me. A broad grin painted his face, a rare sight indeed.
            “Oh, she’s my niece alright.” He said with a hysterical laugh as he watched the way Ying Yue bend. She was good; I had to give her that. Even better than that stupid Southern Water Tribe girl, what was her name…Katara?
            I watched as Zuko struggled to climb up the debris, trying his hardest to reach Ying Yue, who seemed to have pushed herself to the point of exhaustion.
            “So Yakone, does this mean she inherited the family heirloom?” I said with a laugh. But Yakone stood up, a dark and menacing smirk plastered on his face as he turned to face me. It was some of the few moments in my life where I felt a cold chill run up my spine. Yakone was not someone you could underestimate. He was petrifying, a terrifying figure who had no fear slaying the mighty or weak.
            “She’s a Bloodbender alright. I wonder how much my sister taught her?” Yakone pondered to himself as he stepped closer to the edge.
            A Bloodbender. The deadliest form of bending, and powerful. I guess I do have to keep my guard up around Ying Yue; I wonder if her friends knew her dirty secret? I wonder if dear Zuzu knows…maybe I should pay him a nice family visit sometime soon…
            I swiftly turned on my heel, starting to formulate a new plan. We found out what we needed to know for now. Now I can leave my dear brother to deal with the aftermath. Hope I didn’t leave too much of a mess.
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
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newandfiguringitout · 5 years ago
May 2nd Harpoon
Yes I know it is late at night, yes I know the whump doesn’t come in until the end, and yes I do realize that this copies pirates of the Caribbean. I’m sorry okay. This is a direct continuation of this piece which was the writing challenge for yesterday. I will again apologize for not writing this very well, I am not very good at writing but hope to improve over the month.
CW: mentions of dehydration, humiliation, aches and pains, rope burn, minor gore/allusion to gore, idk but best to be safe.
He guessed it had been around noon when Rig had visited him, thankfully the pirates seemed to have forgotten about their captive and no one had bothered him. Dalton would still get the occasional spray from the sea, salt getting in his eyes and irritating the newly formed welts on his wrists. However he tried to look on the bright side, and the sun had moved over on the starboard side of the vessel. So it no longer blinded him into oblivion and his headache was getting better. The water Riggy had brought him had been like a gift from the gods above, almost completely driving out the wool in his head until there was only peach fuzz remaining. 
Dalton tried to let his thoughts dance with the waves below him, but they kept turning back to mermaids. Riggs had been so afraid while listening to him speak, and the quiet intensity as he spoke of them. . . It was strange. The look in his eyes had been haunted, almost as if the lad spoke from fist hand. He had probably spent most of his life on this ship already, what with the way he spoke about the ship, but he didn’t speak of any father on board. Dalton found it difficult to imagine the kid knowing his father and not mentioning him in one of his stories. 
“Oi, stowaway!" Dalton jerked from his thoughts and craned his neck to the same pirate from before. Now that the sun had moved to a different location, he was able to see the other man clearly. He had a sharp jaw lined with several weeks of dark stubble on tan skin. If Dalton had to guess he would say the man was in his mid, maybe late twenties. He had a faded blue bandana covering most of his head, a bit of black hair stuck out the bottom. Dalton would've killed for a bandana right now. 
His own shoulder length hair was beginning to look rather, eh, messy. It was plastered to his face and itchy with sweat. He usually kept it tied back with a strip of cloth, but his tie had come out while they strapped him to the anchor. He missed his hair tie. 
"You wanna get off that?" The question throws Dalton a bit off, but oh that sounded like a dream come true. The aches and pains of standing like this all day were adding up. He could hardly think of a muscle that was not sore.
"If you're offering, I would not decline." He answered smoothly. Trying very hard to appear unaffected by the heavenly offer.
The pirate grinned, surprisingly not missing a tooth. "Then earn it."
Confusion danced along the captive's face. "I beg your pardon?" 
"Sing. You look like you know a tune or two. Sing and we'll stuff ya back in the brig." Dalton wasn't sure if the man was poking fun at him or not. But the brig sounded very, very lovely. 
"Why do you want me to sing?" 
"Does it matter?" The man seemed amused at the question. "You sing or you stay right there on that anchor, the choice is yours Dolly." 
Dalton's face burned at the nickname, but it wasn't as noticeable in the light of the soon to be setting sun. "What would you like me to sing?"
"Doesn't fucking matter," the pirate threw his hands in the air, exasperated probably, "just sing for a while and we’ll let you down.”
Dalton sighed and glanced down at the water and began the first verse of 'Waif in the Waters' a classic ballad about a man falling in love with his reflection. It was based on a Greek myth, but myths right now seemed oddly appropriate. 
His voice carried out over the waters, he wasn’t sure how the crew was supposed to hear him but Dalton had the gnawing suspicion that the songs weren’t meant for them. The words were easy and the tune fairly simple, the type of song a drunkard would start only for the rest of the bar to carry into the street outside.
When he reached the chorus, he extended it, forcing the song to lengthen. Dalton was fairly confident in his easy baritone, exceedingly grateful for not taking choral lessons and learning to sing a tenor pitch. Not that he cared about the opinions of pirates, but it would be far worse to sing with them laughing at him. 
When he reached the end of the song, the sun had begun to sink, giving way for the horizon to darken. The pirate ordered him to sing louder, so he obliged. He began to work his way through every single tavern song he knew and even threw in an epic poem turned ballad. No one seemed to mind his singing and he figured he shouldn’t stop. 
By this time the sun had sunk beneath the surface of the waves, the crew had lit lanterns and torches to compete against the engulfing darkness. It made Dalton feel very alone to be just outside the bubble of light, normally that wouldn’t bother him, but the feeling of isolation hurt. It hurt more than he cared to ever admit, or ever would admit willingly. But the ache of loneliness dug deep inside and burrowed a den in his chest, refusing to leave. 
“Sing us a love song,” the same pirate called down to him, “you’ve got to know one or two of those.” Laughter erupted from the deck. 
Swallowing hard, Dalton racked his mind for a decent tune. Like a whisper on a breeze, he began to sing. The song he chose was an old ballad, traditionally sung by a man with a large female accompaniment, started soft and airy. There was often a harp or a flute playing alongside the singer, until the song took a dark turn. What started as a delicate courtship was thrown into a fury of violent staccato describing a demon, it was filled with strong brass and a nearly overwhelming amount of energy and passion. It alternated between the love of the couple and the stalking of the demon. Each change was sudden and unexpected, even if you hear it many times in a row the swift changes never fail to make you jump. Even the performers themselves would appear shocked as if they themselves hadn’t anticipated what they would play. 
It was a fairly difficult piece, but it had been the only one that came to mind. Dalton closed his eyes to focus only on the song when something whacked his head, causing him to stop. Confused Dalton looked up to see Rigg, wide eyed. His questions died on his tongue when the song didn’t stop. 
Dalton’s eyes widened as he looked out over the darkened waters. Scattered over the now calm surface were half a dozen floating things. Heads. Faces of ethereal beauty, all singing in unison to the love song. 
They looked so lonely out there. Only them speckling the surface of the waters, so cold and alone. They don’t have to be alone, we could be alone together. 
Transfixed, he watched the nearest mermaid come closer. She was beautiful, her eyes nearly glowing a deep amber. Like pools of honey. Songs could be sung of only her eyes, deep pools, he could fall into eyes like those. He would be content, only to stare into the beautiful eyes. Her skin was a rich whisky color, and tattooed with flowing white lines. The very sea itself seemed trapped within those thick curving lines, flowing over her face, neck, and the tops of her shoulders.
Rig retreated up the ship, back on deck but Dalton hardly registered it. His core focus was on the angel below him. She had moved closer, now hardly a dozen feet from him. He struggled against the bonds, if he could just go to her, she wouldn’t be so lonely. He could help. If only the ropes didn’t bind him up here, away from her. 
He felt so wrong, to be up here, away from her. So close, so very close. Tears pricked his eyes as he doubled his efforts to get free. He had to get to her, had to be near her. She was everything. If his tongue knew how to work he would beg to be let down, beg to go to her. He needed her. 
She looked up at him with lonely eyes. She wanted him down. Her face silently begging him to join her. His eyes stayed locked on hers as she swam even closer. Tail becoming visible beneath the churning waters. It was also marked with the flowing white tattoos that decorated the rest of her.
Their eyes stayed locked together, inseparable need binding them together. They stayed locked together right up until the moment the harpoon sliced through her lower tail.
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jarienn972 · 6 years ago
A Simple Spell - Chapter Two
A Captain Swan Supernatural Summer Tale
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Tonight, I’m bringing you Chapter Two of my @cssns story.  This chapter is a brief flashback to Emma’s actions that will set the rest of the actions into play and I’m going to preface it with a quick disclaimer that the witchcraft portrayed in this story is entirely fictional and is not intended to be an accurate portrayal of Wiccan practices. I've adapted the depiction of magic and spells strictly to fit this narrative. Also, please forgive me if the Latin phrases presented are a little off. I tried my best to ensure the correct translation of the phrases in the spell presented but I'm a little rusty.
Again, I have to give a huge amount of thank yous to the creators of this event for allowing me to stretch my creativity and to my beta, @lassluna for helping me keep this all flowing correctly!  Last, but not least, thank you to @cocohook38 for her incredible artwork!
I hope you enjoy Chapter Two!
Also on AO3 and FF.net      Chapter One
The Previous Evening
Emma had, from her first visit with the Mills sisters, found it a tad morbid that their coven gatherings were held in a vault deep beneath the crypt of their parents' mausoleum. She could still recall Regina leading her down this path through the fog-obscured graveyard - when it appeared as though Emma was about to be on the receiving end of a very bad practical joke. She'd kept a tight grip on her service weapon as she'd followed the mayor down a carved stone stairway until they reached the faintly illuminated room hidden below.
After several months of meetings here, visiting for various lessons or to simply bear witness the Wiccan rituals, Emma was growing accustomed to the eerie surroundings. There was always a hint of unease in the pit of her stomach when she descended below the land of the dead but it just didn't nauseate her as much now as it used to.
Tonight, she'd trekked through the cemetery after work, running just a little late for the 8pm conjuring practice session that Zelena had planned. Emma was heading into the night a little half-heartedly after nagging memories plagued her all day. Memories that continued to haunt her as she descended deeper into the earth. Sure, making a ball of flames appear out of the palm of your hand was cool and all, but it truly wasn't where Emma's thoughts lay tonight.
She allowed herself to slink down the steps, hoping she'd arrived unnoticed, but as she turned the corner at the vault's entrance, she was met by Regina's disdainful glare.
"You're late, Miss Swan," was the greeting that spewed from the Mayor's tongue.
"Sorry," Emma stammered. "I had some paperwork to finish up before I could leave the office but I got here as quickly as I could." It was mostly a lie, but Regina didn't need to know that she'd actually been contemplating not even showing up tonight.
"Well, we were just about to don our robes. Hurry up and join us in the circle," Regina instructed as she thrust a jet black, hooded brocade robe into Emma's hands. The student accepted the garment from her instructor with a nod of thanks while quickly shedding her crimson leather jacket. She tossed her jacket haphazardly over a wooden armchair as she tugged the robe over her shoulders before proceeding into the main chamber. She was immediately reminded how claustrophobic the vault could be when their entire coven was present.
Theirs was currently a coven of five. As Emma saw it, there was one member for each point of the pentacle inlaid within the marble circle that adorned the vault's floor. The Mills sisters were, by far, the most active and the most powerful practitioners of the group, but they were joined by Ruby Lucas, the waitress at Granny's diner - whom Emma suspected might have a few other hidden powers, and Ingrid, an older witch of the prior generation whose methods and ideals quite often clashed with the Mills sisters. Ingrid was the last remaining member of the original coven, having practiced alongside Regina and Zelena's late mother, Cora, but that was all Emma knew. No one really talked about the old guard much, but Emma knew they'd been a formidable group of sorceresses.
Emma made her way into formation as Regina's flame-haired older sister, Zelena, lit the candles positioned within the circle with a mere flick of the ebony wand clutched in her hand. Emma found some of the rituals a bit unnerving, but like being twenty feet beneath a tomb, she was growing used to the feeling. Her mind was just wandering a bit more tonight than normal.
Today had been an auspicious anniversary for her and the only reason she'd even made the decision to come was that she absolutely didn't want to be sitting around the loft with her overly-positive sister-in-law. She'd decided that a coven gathering in the crypt was preferable to drowning her sorrows down at the Rabbit Hole - and a lot less expensive. Plus, the vault gave her access to collections of books and scrolls that might help her find something useful should she be given permission to search them. She just needed something to keep herself distracted for a little while. Something to prevent her from falling back into any of her old, desolate traps - because tonight was the anniversary of the day she'd had her heart crushed into a million pieces - a story she'd not yet shared with anyone here in Storybrooke.
That heartbreak had become the catalyst that really kicked off her quest to discover her family and the history her mother had hidden from her. She'd believed that solving her own personal mysteries would be the best way to heal after being abandoned by the man she'd thought she'd loved - the man she'd given her heart and soul to. When things had gotten too difficult, he'd bolted, never even saying goodbye and even after a decade, it still stung. His betrayal hurt as deeply as losing her beloved mother only months before he'd run away - and as bitterly as the miscarriage she'd suffered alone. All combined together in such a short amount of time had left her feeling utterly alone. She was now striving to push beyond those losses, determined to reconnect with the family she still had, and then maybe, just maybe, she could find someone to help mend her broken heart. And if magic could help her fill those voids, she was determined to try.
But at this moment in time, she knew she was simply going through the motions as she recited her ritual incantations and completed the mundane tasks asked of her. It wasn't hard for anyone else to see her lack of conviction either. Her heart simply wasn't in it, and as her lackluster attitude caught Zelena's attention, her mentor decided to cut the evening's lessons short rather than keep going with an inattentive student.
"How about we pick things up again on Friday?" Emma heard Zelena ask as the redhead brushed back her hood. Emma heard what she was saying but didn't completely comprehend the words.
"Huh?" Emma replied, startled by the query that pulled her back from her reminiscing.
"I was asking if we should pick this up again on Friday," Zelena repeated with a hint of irritation in her voice. "Weren't you listening to anything I said tonight?"
"Sorry… I'm a little distracted tonight and I guess I'm not feeling particularly well…," Emma fibbed in a feeble attempt to cover her obvious disconnect.
"Why don't you head home and get some rest then?" Regina suggested. "Friday's full moon will allow us to try out some new spells too."
"Actually, if you don't mind, Regina, I'd like to take a look through some of the potion books to see if I can locate a remedy for this lingering tiredness I've been experiencing. Would you mind?"
Regina thought about the idea for a moment, but granted permission. "Just stick to the newer potion books on the shelf under the mirror. Most of those ones are either already written in English or have already been translated from the original text. Most of the older books are written in Latin, Greek, Elvish - you get the idea? Your study of ancient languages hasn't advanced enough for proper translation yet so stick to the ones you can read, okay? Oh, and lock up when you leave."
"I can do that," Emma smiled graciously. "And I promise I won't stay too long, and I'll be sure to clean up and lock everything away."
"See that you do, Miss Swan," Regina stated as she undid the clasp on her robe and allowed the garment to slide off of her shoulders. She draped the robe over her forearm as she gathered her belongings from the desktop beside her apothecary cabinet. "Have a good evening, Deputy."
"Good night, your Highness," Emma quipped as Regina ascended the stairway towards the crypt above. Zelena smirked at the nickname as she followed her sister out of the vault and soon, both Ruby and Ingrid made their exit as well, leaving Emma alone in the creepy confines.
Hearing only the tap of her own footsteps echoing off of the slate floor, Emma made her way over to the towering shelves, teeming with an expansive collection of books ranging from spellbooks to recipe books to a weathered, and likely very dated, set of encyclopedias. She quickly figured out the filing system that Regina utilized and began scanning for a specific volume. Her eyes darted back and forth across the third shelf up from the bottom trying to find a book that Zelena had shown her a few weeks earlier when they'd practiced a few basic potions. She remembered looking at a sleeping potion, a memory potion and even one that was rumored to improve the mood of even the crankiest Storybrooke resident, but Emma wasn't actually interested in potions right now.
While Zelena had been busy preparing the ingredients for one of the potions, Emma had flipped through a few of the yellowed vellum pages, glancing over random potion recipes and spells handwritten in flowing Latin. She was still learning the basics of the language, understanding a few words and phrases that appeared frequently. Words that were unfamiliar were easily translated with an app on her iPhone, although she did know that just having the translation of the words didn't always help as figuring out the grammar could be awkward. She was determined to try anyway.
She located the correct, ornately decorated spine and carefully lifted the gilded book from the shelf, carrying it to the podium the Mills sisters had installed in the center of the vault, directly beneath the chandelier - one of the few nods to modern conveniences down here (although Emma had yet to figure out exactly where the electricity came from as there were no visible power lines around the mausoleum). She took extreme care in opening the cover, turning the pages gently as she sought the specific spell she'd seen before.
Nervousness began to overcome her, causing her to repeatedly glance back toward the stairs as she flipped through the ancient pages. She feared that someone might return to interrupt her and discover that she was perusing books that weren't in the officially-approved collections. She was taking a huge risk that could destroy the trust she'd built within the coven but right now, she had a singular focus.
It took a few minutes in the dimly lit vault to locate the spell she wanted but once she did, she picked up the crystal candlestick with its nearly fully melted ruby red taper from atop the desk and brought it closer to the podium to get a better view as her fingertip dusted across the flowing script. Her excitement and anxiety both increased exponentially as she stared at the spell she hoped might change her life.
Her brain immediately began translating the Latin text, beginning with the instructions preceding the spell itself. Succensa - set alight. Sapiens - sage. Roris marini - rosemary. She recognized the herbs and knew she needed to light them on fire as the smoke from burning them would cleanse the air prior to her reciting the incantation. She retrieved sprigs of both herbs from the apothecary cabinet and dropped them into a charred marble bowl then ignited them with the flame from the candle.
As the fragrant herbs burned, filling the small, subterranean room with their aroma, Emma continued translating the remaining text as well as she could. Verus amor - true love. That was her goal - to find her own true love and fill the void within her heart that she'd struggled with for so many years. Since the moment she'd stumbled across this spell, she'd been determined to cast it when the time was right. She had to. Why else would she have been gifted with these supernatural abilities if it wasn't meant to bring her some semblance of happiness? She wanted the type of love that her brother shared with Mary Margaret - that close companionship that just wasn't going to be found in friendship or familial relationships. She just wanted to be loved and have someone to love in return.
Alone in the vault, she began to recite the Latin phrases from the page.
Verus amor occurant - encounter true love.
Verus amor reveles - discover true love.
Those phrases she translated easily, but there were others she wasn't as certain of.
Verus amor agnocis. She didn't know what agnocis meant, but in the context of the words she understood, it had to be another part of finding true love, which led into the last phrase - Confirmare verus amor - confirm true love.
Once completed, she sealed the spell by pricking the tip of her finger with a needle and allowing three minute drops of her blood to fall atop the smoldering herbs. One for her, one for the love she sought and the third to unite them. Now, all she had to do was wait to see if it all worked - and get everything cleaned up, put away and locked up before anyone became suspicious.
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keishiko · 6 years ago
Into Infinity
In the months after the events of “Civil War”, Natasha and Steve face the future together.
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[Oneshot (so far) <1,500 words  |  Rated G  |  Angst, established Romance (Steve x Nat)]  |  Optional companion piece to "Refuge" (Part One) (Part Two).
Her blond hair fell in waves in front of her face from what had been a tight bun at the back of her head.  Natasha shuffled up the steps to the massive archways, then dodged behind a chattering family of tourists as she stepped into the heavily surveilled lobby of the museum.  Passing a cluster of ceiling cameras she pretended to fiddle with the controls on her earphones to shield her face, before strolling into a side room and stopping to feign interest in a painting. She found him sitting in one of the sculpture galleries, his frame filling out a long bulky coat and his overgrown dark hair peeking out from under a baseball cap.  Smiling, she remembered how he had originally chafed against his instinct to remove his hat inside a building.   His head was ducked low over what she realized, soundlessly stepping closer, was one of his sketchpads.  He was sketching a sculpture a few paces in front of him, a centuries-old composition in marble and classical Greek. “Class end early?”  Steve didn’t even look up from where he was carefully filling in a shadow. One of these days, she promised herself, she’d be able to sneak up on him again.  “Faye had to go pick up her kid at school.” “She should’ve made you take over.” “Oh, I’m pretty bad even for a beginner.  Take your time, though, I can look around for a while,” she added as he flipped the sketchbook shut.   Skylight sunshine brought out the blue in his eyes as he shrugged, already shoving his sketchbook and pencils into his bag.  “I could use a snack anyway.” “You already are a snack,” she couldn’t resist pointing out, as he offered her his arm. “Oh is that what the kids are saying these days?”  He grinned back. She threw her hands up in mock frustration.  “I really don’t know what my classmates are saying half the time.” He steered her out into the corridor.  “Now you know how I feel.” He pretended to get confused halfway through the museum in entirely the wrong direction, and she pretended not to know better.  She was enjoying herself too much, her arm slipped companionably through his as they ambled among the displays.  He kept stopping and she obliged him patiently, watching without a word as his eyes lit up from one exhibit to another. “You’re really maxing out your stealth lessons today, you know that?” she murmured as they sipped coffee at a sun-dappled outdoor table at a kiosk outside the museum.  “There’s only so much a baseball cap can do.” He smiled ruefully.  “Sorry, Nat.  You know I can’t resist this kind of place.” She knew.  She grinned forgiveness at him over the rim of her cup. “I’ve been thinking about going back to school.”  His tone was wistful even as his eyes tracked restlessly across passersby, the soldier watchful out of habit.  “You know I never went to college?  It wasn’t much of a thing in my time.” “What, in this economy?” she joked.  She knew he wasn’t serious, couldn’t be serious, and the reasons saddened her: He was too big, too odd, would draw too much attention.  He’d need documents.  He met her smile for bittersweet smile.  “Not even Fury would agree to pay for student loans,” she quipped, resisting the urge to chase away the resignation in his face with a touch of her hand. “We could sell the quinjet.”  He let her sugar packet hit him in the face and chuckled.  “Craigslist.  No one would have to know.” “I’ll cash in some dividends from Wakanda,” she deadpanned.  “Give you a real low interest rate.  Just ‘cause we’re friends.” His impulsive, gentle kiss kindled sparks in her belly, reassured her they were far more than just friends.  She savored the secondhand taste of unsweetened coffee on his lips and the subtle scratch of his beard against her cheek. She bought herself a slice of cake.  It was stone-cold from the display and the marshmallow frosting had dried up a little on the edges, but she wanted an excuse not to go home yet.  Sure enough, as she sat back down at the table, she saw Steve had taken out his sketchpad again, darting appraising glances up at the museum building across the way.  He liked drawing architecture, she’d noticed. Taking small bites of her cake she watched him work in silence, quickly filling a new blank page with bold strokes for the sharp angles of walls and roof, outlining finials and cornices in smaller, more precise movements.  Most of the Avengers didn't even know about Captain America’s art school background.  She’d only found out because she’d made an effort to, back when Fury first assigned them together; she couldn’t very well put her life into the hands of a stranger, she’d reasoned—not even a stranger who was also a legend.  And even after he found out that she knew, it had taken him a long time to stop trying to hide his sketching from her.  Not out of shame or embarrassment, as she had first guessed, but because it was so intensely personal to him.   Even now she pretended to be looking somewhere else, only watching out the corner of her eye as he carefully shaded in brick and ivy on the page.  He probably already knew she was looking anyway, she told herself.  She remembered his old photograph from the Smithsonian and tried to picture him scrawny and small, sketching the Chrysler Building maybe, or St. Patrick’s Cathedral. “You could just take classes,” she offered later, as they detoured along the river on their unhurried walk home.  “What would you major in, anyway, if you could?”   He smiled at the thought.  “I dunno.  Maybe history.  Or art history.” “Who knew Captain America was such a huge nerd.”  She smirked up at the mix of annoyance and amusement in his face.  Then, sombering, she squinted into the sunset.  “I could teach dance.” “You could.  Then you could be a soloist.  And I’d come watch all your shows.”  He squeezed her shoulders.  “I’d bring you bouquets backstage and all that.” His tone had lost its edge, grown fond and pensive.  She looked away, something clenching in her chest.  She forced a laugh.  “The other girls would probably kill me out of jealousy.” “I thought that only happened in movies.”  Chuckling, he folded his hand over hers, their fingers entwining. She drank in the golden wash of light over his face, the unfocused look in his eyes as he took in the skyline across the water, where windows and signs were already blinking to life ahead of nightfall.  In this city they were Mike and Nadine, dating for months now having met online, a gym buff and a beginner ballet hobbyist.  Now considering enrolment in art history and certification for the Cecchetti method, respectively.  Dreaming for a future Steve and Natasha could never have. Nat had taught at the Avengers facility, too, and at SHIELD before that.  Subjects a little more dangerous than ballet, a syllabus a little less structured.  She smiled at the memory of cavernous training rooms, of form drills escalating into sparring matches.  She had enjoyed the feel of a place for herself then, sheltered willingly in her new and strangely public identity as Agent Romanoff, member of something or other, part of a larger, well-oiled machine.  But these days, the dust only just beginning to settle from the Sokovia Accords, the unfamiliar sense of freedom—and anonymity—was not unwelcome.   “You should look up schools online,” she suggested doggedly, letting Steve wrap his arm around her shoulders against the evening wind.  She burrowed into the warmth under his chin, wound her arm around his waist.  “Even Harvard livestreams courses now.” She felt more than heard his grunt of acknowledgment.  He’d already left the topic behind.  Behind them the streetlamps along the boardwalk winked on, one after another in the settling gloom.  A couple strolled past, with five dogs straining at their leashes. “You heard back yet?” He was sharp and focused again.  She stifled a sigh. “I told Sam oh-two-hundred.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her hair, as if to apologize for his abrupt change in mood.  “Then we got all the time in the world.”
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rogers-metaphor · 6 years ago
Lessons in Falling in Love: Chapter Seven
Permanent warning/disclaimer:  this will be a story that contains smut, will have cursing, and other themes like these. So, if you’re under the age of 18, please skip this story. Also, everything in this story is completely fictional and not based on real life!!!!!!!! It’s for dramatic and entertainment purposes only.
A/N: Thank you to everyone that has read, commented, reblogged, or liked my story. This one is a labor of love and i appreciate every single one of you. Obviously this chapter has some references to Joe’s family. I used all fake names, because as i state in the disclaimer, this is a work of fiction. Also its an AU. Just wanted to remind anyone reading. Hope you enjoy!!! P.S. do you think Ben will be in this story more?? ;) 
previous chapters: One, Two, Three , Four, Five, Six, 
my masterlist
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That was the first of many times Joe would say it, and each time it brought Selene the same amount of joy as the first. She was his girlfriend, and she loved it.
Even though they had to keep their relationship a secret it brought a bit of a thrill. There were many times she’d surprise him in his office, and sometimes they’d have a quickie, before she’d sneak out like nothing had happened. She liked surprising him as much as he liked surprising her. Whether it be a homemade dinner after work, or a coffee in the middle of the day. She spent most of her weekends sleeping over and staying at his house. It made her feel like they were serious. Any small argument was quickly resolved with an apology and a kiss, though that barely happened in the whole first month of them being official.
Soon it was October. The weather started to get colder, and mid-term tests were being prepared for and taken. Her favorite month was full of stress and anxiety of passing these big steps. She hated school, she wanted it to be done so she could do what she had been preparing for. Joe was there, he was always fair with his grading, and she was great in history, so she didn’t have to worry in his class.
Selene was happy that Joe wanted to do all her favorite things for October. She made him watch scary movies, even though he wasn’t the biggest fan. He mostly got scared and he hated that. She was there to hold him close when they heard the wind shift outside, even if she was spooked too. They pumpkin picked with Gwil and Nova, and painted them to put on her front porch. She was excited that Gwil was hosting a halloween party for his friends. Which her and Joe would be attending, together, as boyfriend and girlfriend.
When the party was in full swing when she stood in the crowded kitchen grabbing two drinks. She quickly tried to get out after filling her cup and Joe’s, and she ran straight into a greek god… or at least that’s what his costume was. They both moved in the same direction twice before giving up and laughing.
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“Sorry.” his voice was deep, distracting.
“You’re fine.” she laughed, and as they both go to move again, they run into each other.
   “Love, if you’re trying to get my attention, you have it.” he muses and she scrunches her nose at his fail of a pick up line… if that’s what it was.
“I-“ she starts, her face flushing red. He smirks, “Is that really the best you can do?” she asks raising a brow.
“No.” he looks her up and down, and she finds herself blushing again. She froze up, not knowing what to do. “I’m Ben.” he introduces himself, holding out his hand before realizing she had her hands full.
“I’m-“ she begins but Joe is quickly moving behind Ben.
“Babe, I thought you got lost.” Joe chuckled, moving between the two, “Oh, sorry man.” he said toward Ben and Ben looked between the two. Joe took his drink from Selene’s hand and she giggled at his haste movements. “I’m about to kick ass in beer pong, if you want to come watch.”
“Yeah, lets go.” she smiles, her eyes finding the bright green ones before being pulled away by Joe.
She watched as Joe and Gwil dominated the pong table. She caught the green eyes in her sight just a few more times before the end of her night, drunk and ready to sleep. Her and Joe got a ride to his place and drunkenly ordered pizza. Eating it and passing out soon after.
In the morning, as usual, Joe was up before her. Even if she was up before him, she liked to pretend she was sleeping, because this is when she’d catch him being his sweetest. Because whether she was asleep or not, he would softly leave her with a kiss on her cheek. It was a simple gesture that meant a lot to her, and she would warm at it every time.
Sunday’s were her favorite days, because they had their own little ritual. Football, take out, movie. Relaxing on his couch or in his bed until she’d make her way home, to start the week again.
“Thanksgiving break can’t come soon enough.” she groaned.
“Do you have any plans for that week?”  he asked, reaching his fork over to her lo mein noodles. She shook her head, frowning at him.
“You have your own.” she snapped, “I’m not close with my family so i planned on staying home.”
“Would you want to come meet my family?” he asked, “As much as I’d like to stay home for the week and sleep, with you, I haven’t seen them in a while.” Her face lit up, and she nodded.
“We don’t just sleep.” she raised her eyebrows and they both giggle. “Where do they live?” she asks.
“Upstate new york… it’d be a bit of a trip.” he shrugs. “I know you like long car rides.” he smirks and she nods.
“I would love to.” she leaned into him, kissing his lips briefly before returning back to her noodles.
With finals a few weeks away she was grateful to have a week break. She was ready to relax and sleep and spend more time with Joe. Though, meeting Joe’s family was nerve-wracking she was happy he was ready for that to happen.
Joe had his moments, where it seemed as if he’d freeze, as if he was nervous to continue their relationship. Though, in those moments Selene would second guess them,  he always brushed it off as worrying about his job. She would brush it off, because at the end of the day, Joe was there with her.
She began feeling more and more for him. With every kiss her heart still fluttered, her stomach would swarm with butterflies. It would happen any time she even got to see him. Their laughter was always loud and seemed to be constant. When they were together it seemed to never end. It was all new to her, but she seemed to fit the mold just right.
The trip upstate was long, mostly because there was a lot of holiday traffic. By the time they made it to Joe’s sister’s house, it was already dark. She shifted nervously, as Joe jumped out of the car, walking around the other side to open the door for her. He reached out his hand and she took it, giving her the little boost of confidence she needed.
His sister, Camille was immediately warm, and welcoming bringing her into a hug before she made it through the front door. She ushered her inside faster than Joe could greet her. She took her under her wing, showing her around the house. Her two small sons raced to Joe and she watched as they attacked him with hugs, falling to the floor and laughing loudly. Selene watched as he asked them how they were, and how school was going. He was great with kids, it was simple to see immediately. He kept them busy as Camille showed her the rest of the house, and where she and Joe would be spending the next two nights. A furnished basement guest room, with a huge bed and private bathroom was better than any hotel she’d ever been in.
After settling in, they got ready to go see his mom. She didn’t live much further away from his sister, and the ride was spent with Joe and his sister catching up on work and the kids. Though selene was nervous again, she settled in the back seat with the two boys and asked them about their favorite movies and what else they liked. Science, baseball, and music were their favorite.
His mom was also instantly warm and welcoming. Like her daughter, she greeted Selene with a big hug, and welcomed her inside. She set up a small dinner, mostly with finger sandwiches, a cheese plate, and a vegetable tray. Something small to prepare them for the next day’s festivities. Wine for the adults was served with fruits and cookies for the kids, that Selene took from.
His brother, John and his wife and their son joined them soon after, and everything was easy and smooth. Everyone got along each joining in to mess with Joe and tell embarrassing stories. Joe kept his arm around Selene’s waist most of the time, unless he was pulled away by one of the three boys. It became natural for Selene to join in the conversation, and maybe the wine helped but Joe’s constant affection didn’t hurt either.
She felt something deeper for him in those moments, laughing and carefree. She felt like her heart would beat out of her chest at any moment. When he played with the kids she wouldn’t stop smiling. That was the first time she had a vision of a possible, serious future with Joe. It was scary and intense. Like she’d never felt before, she had to catch her breath as he came over to her.
“Stop staring at me, weirdo.” he mocked, and she giggled kissing his lips.
The night ended with everyone saying their goodbyes for the short time, the next morning would be busy and everyone needed rest from traveling.
“I love your family.” she yawned, after a hot shower she sat with Joe on the bed, still in her towel. “I think I’m going to stay here with them.” she giggles.
“They definitely seem to like you.” he yawned in return.
“Thank you for bringing me here. Isn’t this like a step in our relationship?” she asked and he poured out his lips with laugh.
“It is.” he hummed, leaning in to kiss her forehead. She quickly got into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt despite the freezing temperature, she liked to stay cold, unless she was wrapped in Joe’s arms. Which she curled into as soon as she climbed into bed.
The next day was as busy and hectic as she thought it would be. Selene helped Camille make a big thanksgiving breakfast before Joe was even up. When he made his way to the two, greeting Selene with a kiss, he commented, “Selene up before 12… this is scary.” she elbowed him as she began to make his plate.
They ate breakfast and watched the big parade on the tv with the kids. It was a perfect morning, and as Selene got ready to go to his mom’s house again, she felt overwhelming happiness. She felt like part of the family.
When they got to his moms it was back to cooking and helping out. The guys settled with the boys and watched football while the women worked on dinner and drank wine and talked. Selene could feel she was getting tipsy and tried to eat more food to counteract the massive amount of wine she consumed.
When dinner rolled around everyone gathered around a beautifully set table and said grace. It was wholesome to be there, as everyone again caught up and told stories to each other about past thanksgiving’s. It was a lot of fun for Selene, who went in anxious and intimidated. Joe’s family was just like him, warm and welcoming.
“I hope you’ll be back for Christmas.” His mom comments, as she helped her clear the table. Selene beamed.
“I’d love to, if i’m invited.” she smiled.
“Well, I think Joey is really happy with you. If he doesn’t invite you, I am. Right now.” Selene laughed hoping she would be.
“Thank you so much. For everything.” she said, her heart soaring.
“It’s no problem, sweetie.” she sighed. “It’s about time Joe brought someone he truly cares about around. His last girlfriend… I don’t mean to gossip.” she stops herself. Selene was curious, but didn’t want to push.
“It’s not gossip.” she giggled, “I care about your son.” she adds and his mom beams at that. It was all Selene could ask for.
After sad goodbyes, to his mom and brother, they headed back to Camille’s for one last night before heading back home.
“Your mom mentioned your ex.” Selene says quietly. Her and Joe were cuddled into bed again. He laid against her chest, and her hands softly played with his hair. She noticed he shifted at her words.
“What’d she say?” he asks.
“Not much, really. Just mentioned her.” she shrugs.
“Can we not talk about it?” he sighs.
“Sure. Joe.” Selene says flatly.
“We can talk about tour ex boyfriends.” his tone is irritated. and she sighs.
“I don’t have any ex-boyfriends.” she retorts. “Why do you sound so mad?” he sits up.
“Not mad.” he mumbles. “I just don’t want to talk about it. I’m with you. I’m here with you. I brought you to meet my family… doesn’t that count for something?”
“of course it does.” she groans, “I was just asking.” she moves away from him.
Silence. He sighs. She rolls her eyes and he can’t see.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Nothing.” she mumbles.
“You can’t get mad at me and then tell me it’s nothing.”
“You don’t want to talk about it.” she snaps. “We had a great day, let’s not ruin it.”
“I just want to know why you’re upset.”
“Just because I would like to know what not to do.” she sighs, “I’ve never done this before.”
“You’re doing everything fine.” he says, “You don’t have to be a contrast to her, I like you the way you are.”
silence again. Selene is taking in his words.
“Okay… don’t talk to me then.” he grumbles, shuttling off the light and turning away from her.
She feels like she was going to cry. She just felt like something was missing, like there was something he didn’t want to talk about. She just didn’t know why. Before she could stop herself, her tears rolled hot down her cheeks. Her heart is racing so fast it’s making her nauseous. It’s loud in her ears, when she hears Joe speak.
“She wasn’t nice to me. She never does anything you do for me.” he says quietly. “That’s why I don’t feel like I have to talk about her, because you do everything right already.” she rolls toward him. “You always surprise me. I’ve never had that before. I’m always the one putting in effort and you do that for me.” she sniffles, and he quickly turns on the light. “Are you crying?” he asks gently. He pulls her into him, and holds her tightly. It was enough to make her feel better already.
“I’m not used to someone caring about my feelings enough to ask me about things like you do.” he explains, “So, I’m sorry if i appear cold sometimes.”
“I just need you to talk to me.” she explains, “I just need you to express this to me before i second guess myself.”
Silence. He’s taking in her words, nodding and staring off. He looks to her, and his features soften.  He looks like he might cry, his eyes glazed over. Selene sat up, taking his hand in hers. She didn’t know why he looked so distraught, but she just wanted to comfort him.
“I-I promise I’ll work on it.” he sighs, and she nods. She’s concerned but it was enough. She took comfort in the feeling that he was being sincere.
“And I’ll work on it too. I know that I have my moments of distance but just know it’s because I’m scared.” she feels the most vulnerable she’s been with him, but talking to Joe felt like she was falling into a safety net. Like she didn’t have to worry about anything after. Like she could tell him whatever was going on in her sometimes overwhelming brain.
“Scared?” he asks, his eyes finding hers.
“That you’ll leave me. That you’ll just realize how much of a mess I am and go.” she feels her tears pick up again, her openness came at a cost.
“Baby.” he coos. “I would never.” Again his words sound sincere, and she feels her entire body warm. She can’t help the fact that she’s crying.
“It’s just what i’m used to.” she sighs, wiping at the tears. “I’m used to being shut down when I try to speak my mind… to any guy I’ve come close to being with. I’m used to being told my insecurities aren’t valid. I’m used to being told my worries aren’t valid. So when I worry about you, and you shut me off that’s what I go to.”
“I’m sorry.” he sighs, his hand slowly gracing the sides of her face. Through blurry vision, she finds his eyes and feels like everything is alright.
“It’s not your fault.” she half-chuckles, and sighs. “My brain just goes there, so I shut down. I just feel everything so intensely that I need to hear some assurance.”
“I’ll do that for you.” he nods. “I- I’ll always do that for you.” he kisses her forehead, and tilts her chin up before placing a kiss on her lips. Her hands find his wrists, that are holding her head in place. She felt better already, calm. He places his forehead to hers, his hands dropping to run down her back, bringing her closer into him. She felt the closest she’d ever been to him. Like the perfect ending to her perfect day, he says something she had been dying to hear. “I love you.” he says, softly. Quiet but strong. She could feel her heart rate rise as she took it in. “You don’t have to say it back, I just- You said you think people should say how they’re feeling and I’m feeling it. I’m really feeling that right now, like everywhere. I’ve never been so open and-“ he started rambling, becoming tense, his hands beginning to flail. She giggled.
“No.” she hummed, “I love you, Joe.” He instantly relaxed, melting into her and she did him. He practically pounced, kissing her more deeply than in the moments before. Then all over her face, leaving her a giggling happy mess.
Of course, her mind starts racing. The feeling that everything was to perfect and good to be true, came flooding in. She pushed it away, as joe’s lips moved down her neck. She had other things to worry about now.
The next morning was a mix of emotion, partly sad to be leaving his family, partly joyful to be starting this next chapter in her relationship with Joe. She hoped to be coming back for Christmas. Their ride back toward home was mostly quiet. Comfortably.
“I do have something planned for us.” he says, once they get closer to the city part of New York.
“What is it!?” she asks, she was trying to keep herself composed but she was excited.
“You’ll see soon enough.” he laughs. She pouts, though a smile spreads across her face.
It was only about 30 minutes that led them in front of a hotel, and he ushered her out of the car after grabbing their bags. The hotel was like something you’d see in a movie and she marveled at the place. As always, Joe would take her hand and pull her along with him. After checking in they went off to find their beautiful room.
Selene was greeted by a bouquet of beautiful sunflowers, though out of season, they were still beautiful and big. Again she felt like she could cry, just from the joy she felt. Joe watched as she moved around in wonder, taking in the fresh space they were in. A curtain covering a big window was thrown open with a view of the city below them. She squealed and squeaked at everything including the giant tub, that she immediately jumped into and sat in. She only jumped out to check how comfortable the giant king sized bed was. She threw herself on it, her arms reaching out for Joe who still watched her, a smile glued to his face.
“I take it that you like it.” he raises a brow.
“This trash heap of a place.” she scoffs, “Absolutely not.” she muses, and he chuckles, grabbing at her. She struggles to get out of his grip, failing and being pulled in. “This place is a dump!” she continues laughing hysterically as he got a good hold, climbing on top of her the two of them struggling to catch their breath. Eventually they start to calm down. She can’t help but gaze up at him. She didn’t know what to call how she felt as he gazed back at her. She could best describe it as being in love. She sighed, reaching up to touch his always soft face, taking him in. Her heart racing as it always did when he looked at her that way. Like he was in love with her too. Then it dropped, for just a second he looked upset, and her brows furrowed. “Wha-What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Nothing.” he sighed, his face going to a half smile. “I just… really love you.” he said, she smiles, bringing him in for a kiss. “As much as I’d rather stay here in bed all day and night with you, I have a few things planned for you.” he slowly moves off her. “So get ready. Wear that dress I made you pack, I’ll be right here.” He looks down at his phone, “You got two hours to get all dolled up.” he says, his hands falling behind his head. She groaned.
“Men have it so easy.” she pouted sitting up. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather…” she stood up, beginning to pull at her top, a suggestive look prominent on her face. He pouted out his lips, his eyes squinted
“Tempting, angel.” he muses, “Now go get ready.” she scoffs, but heads off toward the bathroom closing the door before starting her beauty routine.
When she finally finished and entered the hotel room she was greeted by the same loving gaze from Joe and she blushed at it, as he stood up. He looked good in his black button down, and she moved toward him. She tried to pretend like the way he looked, and the way he looked at her wasn’t getting to her. Like it wasn’t making her heart race and her skin heat.
“We still have about 30 minutes if you wanna…” she muses, nodding toward the bed. He chuckles, shaking his head.
“You look really beautiful… and again… tempting.” he kissed her forehead before they turned to go a little earlier than planned.
Dinner was at a fancier than usual italian restaurant that Joe had reservations for. It was a dimly lit spot with beautifully set tables. It was romantic and she got butterflies holding his hand being escorted to their table. Dinner was delicious and she settled for penne and vodka sauce, while he got a hand made personal pizza. They shared anyway and drank a lot of wine. They even got a glass of champagne for each of them.
Following dinner was desert at an un-fancy ice cream parlor, in which a group of teens took what felt like forever to order. Joe and Selene walked hand in hand, eating their ice cream and happily talking about their night. Of course they people watched, and giggled together and he held her close to him as they made their way toward the hotel.
It was a romantic night, and though selene didn’t want it to end she was content with being back in the hotel room alone with Joe. That’s when slow kisses started, just taking in one another. Soft sighs and more “i love you”s. Selene was most excited about the giant tub with jets.
They both settled in the hot water with glasses of Strawberry champagne and candles lit. She had never experienced anything like it before. Her back pressed against his chest, they sat comfortably close. It was intimacy like she never imagined she’d have. She didn’t even care or want sex at that moment. She just wanted to stay close with him.
“Why me?” she asks, her insecurities peaking just a tad. “Why did i get so lucky?” she asks. His arms are wrapped around her and she lightly runs her hands over his arms.
“I’m the lucky one.” he says, “I love you.”
“How do you know?” she asks, “I mean, I know I love you. How do you know you love me?”
“So like… that first night we met, I was like… I need to know her. It was like an instant attraction. I’ve never felt that before.” he half chuckles. “I love how excited you get for small things… like when you spot the moon. You light up, and it’s the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen.”
Silence. She was taking it all in, warming to the idea that maybe someone could love her for all her little quirks and things that she didn’t take into account. Like her excitement over the little things.
“I like that you listen to me.” she says, “When I get excited over these little things. You humor me when most wouldn’t.” he laughs and holds her tighter.
It was the perfect ending to her perfect night.
The cherry on top was climbing into bed together, warm and in love.
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avidroyalfan · 6 years ago
Okay, now I need to know more about Hanukkah. Care to elaborate abou 'eight days of presents' and, especially, 'fried food'? (Also, happy Hanukkah.)
Ok it’s Jewish history lesson time: around 200 BCE when the second temple was still in all its glory in Jerusalem (it was destroyed in 70 CE), a Hellenistic Greek king named Antiochus IV invaded Jerusalem. He was very into the whole Hellenistic thing and wanted all the countries he invaded to embrace it. He looted the temple from all its artifacts and stopped the services that took place there. Judaism was outlawed, and he banned brit milah (circumcision) specifically. He also ordered an altar to Zeus to be erected in the temple - a HUGE no-no in Jewish religion - and ordered pigs to be sacrificed there - another big no-no. A lot of Jews were killed for performing Jewish traditions/commandments in the hideout. It was a huge mess.
All of this provoked a very big revolt. A Jewish priest named Mattathias and his five sons led the rebellion that took a long time, but after about 10 years they managed to liberate the temple, rededicate it and cleanse it from all the things that were profanity to the temple. This is the first miracle of Hanukkah - they were untrained and outnumbered by far, but they still manage to reclaim the temple. That’s when the festival of Hanukkah was instituted. In Hebrew, the word Hanukkah, when broken down, means “(they) rested (at the) 25″ (Hanu=rest, kkah=25), because they could finally rest on the 25th of the month Kislev, when they won the war.
But it wasn’t the end yet. One of the most important services in the temple was the lighting of the Menorah - a 7-branches pure gold candlebrum that had to be lighted every day with pure olive oil from a sealed vessel. But the Menorah had been taken by the Greeks, and couldn’t find a pure, sealed oil vessel. They managed to get a new, simpler Menorah and after long searches found one sealed oil vessel. But one vessel was only enough to light the Menorah for one day, and it will take eight days to produce new pure oil olive. But they didn’t let this discourage them. They lit the Menorah with the found oil. And here comes the second miracle of Hanukkah - The Menorah stayed lit for eight full days, much longer than what the oil was supposed to suffice for. And that’s when Hanukkah was declared as an eight days festival. That’s why we light a Hanukkah Menorah (which is different from the original temple Menorah), adding each day another light, so that on the last day all of the Menorah branches are lit (there is one additional light that is separated from the rest of the lights and is used to light the others).
As Jews, we love to have food on our holidays lol. So on Hanukkah, it is tradition to eat food rich in oil - which generally translates to fried - to commemorate the miracle that happened with the oil.
Now as for the presents, well technically it is supposed to be some coins given to the children (I’m not sure why lmao). I think at some points some kid was like “why do my friends all get presents from Santa and we get nothing” and their parent probably said “well they only get presents one night, but you get presents for EIGHT DAYS so that’s better. Plus, Santa isn’t even real, but don’t tell them”. But I guess it also depends on how rich you are/how many uncles/aunts/grandparents you have. TBH, I’ve never gotten eight full days of presents lol. It was usually one or two days, and the other days we got some coins/chocolate coins or just nothing.
ANYWAY, that was super long. Sorry it took me so long to answer, but Hanukkah isn’t over yet so I’m within the time frame lol. Thank you for your question! I love questions like this, it’s so fun to share this stuff that is relatively not very talked about. If you have any other question feel free to ask :)
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that-buckley-gal · 6 years ago
Delirious #7 | Peas In a Pod
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One Week Ago
Christian was Rooster’s roommate but excused himself as soon as Rooster and I entered. While Rooster went straight to his dresser to get a gym bag together, I demanded to know what it was I did wrong because he seemed to be fine all day when the parents were here and now that the day was nearly over, he decided to turn into a dick.
“Jesus Christ, Gemma! I just need to relax after today. Don’t you? I’m fucking tired as shit,” he said meanly as he stuffed clothes into the bag.
“Yet you still want to go the gym and ‘exhaust yourself some more’, huh?”
“Don’t start,” he breathed, walking past me to the bathroom.
I didn’t say anything else until he came back out. I knew he’d have to go by me again to get to the door in the first place.
I grabbed his arm when he walked by and he stopped. He didn’t pull his arm away until I let it go, which was strange for me as this isn’t how I thought that would go, especially with his reputation.
“Can you at least tell me what I did wrong?” I ask. “You were fine when I came here this morning and amazing when my parents and Teddy were here, but now that everyone’s gone? I get that you’re probably tired out from all that entertaining we had to do…”
“What’s your point?” Rooster asked, staring at the door rather than looking at me.
“We had plans, remember? We were just going to go back to my place and order a pizza and watch a movie…or two. Then you just decide to go to the gym with Zook and McQuaid?”
“I don’t treat your friends like shit,” Rooster stated simply before walking out of the room. It took me a moment to think of when I ever treated one of his friends ‘like shit’ before I remember my lack of communication with Christian earlier today as well as the not-communicating spiel we’ve had going on since the party. When I lost my respect for him because of his actions.
I step out of the room and Rooster is still on the upper level, debating on whether or not he should stay or leave. The other open doorways in the hall slammed shut and Rooster sighed before letting his bag hit the floor.
“Well?” He asked in a bored tone.
“Well what?” I asked back.
“Aren’t you going to apologize?”
“What do I have to apologize for? For not talking to somebody? As far as I’m concerned, normal people don’t consider that as treating someone like shit.”
“What is your problem with him anyway, huh? Did he do anything to you?” Rooster asked back in a heated tone of voice. “Did he do anything to personally hurt you?”
I step back slightly. “Well, no. But – ”
“Then why the hell are you acting like a bitch?”
I stay quiet.
“I get that your last relationship was fucked. I was there! Remember? But that doesn’t automatically give you the right to judge everyone in a similar situation.”
“You don’t even fucking know what happened between them, Gem. You heard Penny’s story and that’s all right? Did you even want to hear Christian’s?”
“Please, I – ”
“What about, uh, what’s her name? Jasmine? She barely scratched the surface of her story before you shoved her to the curb in order to go jump on Penny’s lap, but I guess that’s what you do, right? First Brooke, then Jasmine.”
“Where is this coming from? Christ, okay! I am sorry for not wanting to hear Christian’s side of the story and I will apologize to him for that!”
“Oh, don’t do me any favors now, Gem.”
“Shut the fuck up!” I yell at him. “You know the reason why I don’t want to talk to him, Rooster?”
“No! I know the reason why!”
“No you don’t!”
“Then tell me why!”
“Because it…” I swallow the lump in my throat and blink back tears that threaten to fall. “I don’t want to talk to Christian because it is too damn hard for me, Jim. Okay? Every time I see his face I just think of Pete and how he didn’t give a damn about me after two shots! Call me crazy but I just…
“You’ve never been cheated on, Rooster,” I sigh and close my eyes, feeling tears fall from both eyes. I open them again and look at Rooster, who looks ready to give up and apologize but I hold up my hand to stop him. “Just…you don’t understand, okay? And I don’t want to sit here and try to explain it because it doesn’t make sense, and I know that that’s probably hard to get, so… Go to the gym. With Brad and Zook. We can talk when you come back.”
I step back into his room and close the door. I only lock it when I hear footsteps approaching the door.
The knob jiggled and then there was knocking on the door.
“Gemma, open the door please,” Rooster said.
“No,” I said. “I need to calm down right now, please leave.”
Rooster knocked again and I sighed. I rested my forehead on the door with my hand on the handle, resisting the insane want to open the door.
“James,” I said. My voice was cracked as silent tears made their way down my face. “I need to be alone for a little while. We can talk when you come back from the gym so just go already.”
“I’m not going to leave you here while you’re upset,” he said. “Please open the door.”
I turned and sank to the floor and I could hear Rooster do the same on the other side.
I must’ve fallen asleep.
I stand up slowly and unlock the door, opening it slowly to see Rooster sprawled out in front of the door, a few cans of pop lying around him. I close the door again and debate on what I should do.
Take a break.
I take off the necklace that houses Rooster’s Greek letters and let it rest on his pillow before moving over to the window and step out onto the roof. I shuffle over a few rooms down to Zook’s room and sneak in through the window; grateful that he and McQuaid were heavy sleepers and didn’t hear my feet padding around.
Once I’m in the still-lit hallway, I peer over to Rooster’s room again seeing he’d rolled onto his back. I smile sadly at the sight and make my way down the stairs as quiet as I can. I see Christian asleep on the couch and ponder Rooster’ words from before.
Just because Pete was a douche doesn’t mean Christian was one. Brooke had the hots for Pete only because he was her boyfriend’s best friend and her Little’s boyfriend. Penny and Christian didn’t make their relationship known until after the news broke of Jasmine and Christian. Maybe the whole thing really was a misunderstanding.
A misunderstanding I would need to figure out later.
I step out of the frat house and sit on the porch swing, only then questioning the time as the sky was starting to lighten up already.
I pull out my phone to see it was 5:34 A.M. and I wonder if my parents were already up and awake in order to head back down South. I call my mom and when she answers, she sounds like she’s been awake for a while.
“Mom? Can you come get me please?”
“Of course I can. Is everything all right?” She asked.
“Yeah, yeah. I just really need to take a break right now; yesterday just really made me realize it.”
“Are you with Zook?”
“Yeah, I’m at his house.”
“Okay, I’ll send the car to come pick you up before it picks us up.”
Bonus bit: Jimmy's P.O.V.
Jimmy woke up the next morning on the floor in front of his room. It was early from what he could tell from the light coming in from the window at the end of the hall. He stood up and stretched slowly and went to the bathroom.
He checked the time on his phone to see that it was 7:13 A.M. and sighed. He approached his bedroom door with caution and knocked softly. There was silence from the other side and Jimmy thought that Gemma might still be asleep. He was about to go downstairs but instead opted to try the knob. The door was unlocked and he let out a breath, feeling relieved.
That relief was short-lived as he took in the empty room. Confused, he circled the room wondering when, and how, Gemma got out. Jimmy circled the room again before his eyes landed on the necklace resting on his pillow.
“What? No,” he mumbled to himself. “No, please.” He grabbed the silver necklace and fingered the charms with the Greek letters.
Giving Gemma his Greek letters was something he didn’t have to think about. He knew there would be repercussions from his frat brothers but he knew it would be worth it to have everyone on campus know that Gemma was his.
Some time passed before Zook tentatively poked his head in, wondering if everything was ok only to see Jimmy lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
“She’s gone,” Jimmy said.
Zook’s been keeping me up to date about the lessons I’m missing; he told the instructors and my housemates that I got sick suddenly and was staying at his dorm.
He always locked himself in his room, without Brad, before calling me in order to keep our conversations private and my location hidden from Rooster although he’s already guessed my whereabouts.
I’ve turned the send receipts off on my phone so Rooster can’t tell that I’m reading his messages.
He also sent the necklace I left back to me. The metal felt cool on my skin even now.
Since my homework was all done, I was sat on my bed watching Mean Girls eating Fruit Loops straight from the box while a can of diet soda sat on my table.
“…with rainbows and sprinkles,” I quoted along with the movie before there was a knock on the door.
“Come in,” I say expecting to see Teddy or one of my parents. I flick a Fruit Loop at the screen and quote Damien: “She doesn’t even go here!”
The sound of a breath exhale from the nose makes me look at my guest, surprisingly unsurprised by the sight of my red-hawked beau.
“Took you long enough,” I say and scoot over on my bed, making room for him to sit. Jimmy gives me a surprised look before he shuts the door and comes and sits by me. We watch the movie in an awkward silence.
I pause the movie and sigh. “I’m sorry…for sticking my nose into someone else’s relationship. And for ignoring your friend. And for yelling at you. And leaving without saying anything. Ok? I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too,” Jimmy said. “I’m sorry for yelling at you, and calling you names. And for not understanding your reasons for being upset. And for not coming here sooner. I thought you would’ve kicked me out.”
“I still can,” I smile briefly. We look at each other, and Rooster leans in. I turn away from him and instead he fingers the Greek letter charms on my necklace.
“You really are an idiot, you know that?”
“What?” I turn to him.
“Leaving this on my pillow and then leaving without saying anything to anyone? Jeez, you made me think we were done!”
“Well you are a nimrod, nimrod!”
“Please, let me in,” I mock him. “You could’ve broke down the door or tried to get in through the window.”
“We wouldn’t get our security deposit back if I broke the door. As for the window, well… I thought – you said you wanted space!”
We fell into a tense silence.
“Can we just pretend that the fight never happened?” He asked.
“No because it did,” I said. “But we can try to work on issues that were brought up during it and move past it.”
He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. Our eyes were boring into each other’s and I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back instantly, his arms pulling me into him.
“You have no idea how much I love you, Jimmy Tatro” I said.
“You can bet that I love you more than that, Gemma Haythe,” he said.
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hxarrysbabe · 7 years ago
Harry writing prompt: you and Harry had been a short fling. But a very deep fling. You two were super connected and felt like you knew each other perfectly and understood each other. But you broke up and now he sees you around town. In a grocery store. Or at Starbucks. He always seems to notice when he's in the same area as you. And he can't handle not talking to you anymore. He needs you to see him, too. He needs your eyes to meet his again. What happens between them is up to you!
Harry never thought that it would be that hard to forget her. But that's why it hurts him so damn much - because he wasn't prepared. The pain is unstoppable but constantly changing. Even today, when he decided to take a day off of work and just do the laundry at home and then sit and watch TV for hours, when he looks at the pile of clothes on the floor, his heart starts beating fast and hurtful as if it's going to rip off his chest. It is the memory, connected to his dirty clothes, that triggered it. He remembers the last time Y/N was in his house. Back then they still used to fight a lot and never really listen to each other. It was a day or two before they actually broke up. And he hates these clothes because she used to do the laundry. He hates them because she loved when he kissed her after it and thanked her. Yes, he hates them because the last time he was able to really feel her, the chance was took from him by the sounds of the washing machine which reminded her how rare he did the laundry for both of them and that caused one of the last few fights they had. And no, they didn't end up as in the beginning of their relationship.He kicks one of his old socks, laying on the ground, and it flies to the bathroom. He curses the open door and the washing machine he hits his big toe in, the pain in his chest, even the fucking laundry basket. He wants to throw it away and to never see it again. It's shocking him what of an influence she has on him even after just two months of seeing each other. Her scent is haunting him, reminding him of lavender and jasmine. Images of her, doing domestic shit and looking like a Greek goddess, are burning his eyes from the inside out. When he closes his eyes, he forgets she's not there with him and almost believe he's seeing her right in front of him for real. When he lays naked in bed at night, cold and lonely, he wishes for her to come and warm him. He almost hears her voice from time to time, usually when he makes himself something for dinner or brushes his teeth in the bathroom. It's driving him crazy to not have her next to him, he knows it. It's true abstinence. The last time he really did saw her, was in Starbucks. He went there to buy himself a coffee so he won't fall asleep in the studio. He didn't know why he kept coming back there and keeping the band busy when he hadn't had inspiration from weeks. But the last thing he expected was to meet her at 8 a.m. when he couldn't control even his eyes from shutting down. The thought from keeping himself from embarassing himself as he clinges onto her and begs her to come back to him, is crazy. How can he prevent his body from coming alive when all it waited for was exactly this moment?And it came alive. His eyes opened wide, almost falling out of his lids. His mouth filled with spit, hungry to taste her lips or her skin, or everything she could give him. His hands felt empty and he had to dig them in the pockets of his jeans to prevent a sudden reflex. Even thought he didn't want to admit it even more than anything else, even his cock throbbed in his pants. Then the pain flushed through his whole body and almost made him collapse on the floor. It was so fucking hard not to hug her from behind, smell the scent of her hair and kiss her cheek.All they did was to say rushed hi to each other. All they did was to avoid each other. All they did was fighting for survival after the storm on their own.Sara, Mitch, Clare and Adam knew. Even the boys from his previous band knew. Of course all of them knew. They constantly called him a wanker for ruining the best relationship in his life. But in the same time they supported him too, took him to his favourite places and made him get outside of his house when he didn't feel like getting out of bed and living this day.The night he takes his phone from the drawer beside his bed, is cold and lonely. Tears run down on his cheeks, wetting his skin and reminding him once again how addicted he is to her. He needs her more than anything and nothing is making it up for him if she's not there, laying on his chest. So this is the breaking point. The moment he doesn't care anymore about egos and fights, sounding pathetic or embarrassing himself. All he cares is about the hole in his chest, growing with every second he's not touching her."Yes?" she sounds confused and tired when she picks up the phone call. Did he just wake her up? The image of how beautiful she is while sleeping almost burns his mind."I-I..." he stops, not sure where to start from. "Sorry for bothering you. I know that it's midnight and you had a really long day at work but... I miss you. I miss you so fucking much, Y/N. You can hang up any moment you want but before you do it, i just have to ask you if i can drop by your house.""Wait, like right now?"He nerviously runs his fingers trought his hair and tugs on it, not sure what to tell her. His eyes are red and puffy from crying when he looks himself in the mirror. And the morning is wiser than the night, but he misses her. And that's what matters the most."Yes, I can be there in ten minutes."Then there is a long lasting silence between them. It drives him crazy to the point he feels like punching his head into the wall. But he doesn't even think for a second to hang up because she doesn't react to his plead. Even thought he knows how unhealthy for him is to stay on the phone and wait for her denial, for him to break his heart all over again. "Okay."And this is all he needs to just grab the car keys from the table in the living room and to rush out in the middle of the night, searching the street for his car. He used to like driving with the windows down and the radio on. But not anymore, their breakup took this away from him. But he isn't complaining, not when he's just ten minutes away from his maybe-a-second-chance-maybe-not. After he knocks on the door and she opens it from him, the first thing that falls from his mouth is:"I'll do the laundry".She bursts in laugh but after seeing him just nervously standing there with red eyes and tired face from not sleeping enough, she lets him in."Why do you tell me this?" She asks when he sits on the couch. "I was just... Just" he shuts his mouth, watching her move to the kitchen counter and turning the coffee machine on. "You know that this is one of the reasons why we broke up. I wasn't doing the fucking laundry. And I wasn't helping you with the dishes every time after we ate at home. And I wasn't paying enough attention to you because I was too preoccupied with work. But I'm here now, telling you I'll do these things. Just tell me if you want me to."She gives him the mug of coffee and reaches to touch him, but then stops herself, letting her arm freeze in the air. She didn't ask him how he wants his coffee. It wasn't necessarily because she knows all too well, every detail of him. "It wasn't you the only one who was the reason why it didn't work. I was scared from all the feelings you made me feel even after such a short period of dating. So I used to kind of fight them back, always finding why to start a fight. And I'm sorry for being a coward when you was nothing but fearless about what we had. I'm really sorry, Harry. But if we want to start something new, we should first make sure we won't do the same mistakes."He almost starts crying when sees her sit on the couch next to him and grab his hand in her both. They're so small and incomparable to his. So that's why they fit so well. "I miss you" he shrugs and fights the urge to kiss her with his mouth wide open - just like his heart. "I can't do anything about it. And it hurts. So whatever you'll want from me, it doesn't matter. I'll do it."She nods and gently wipes off the single tear that fell from his eyes. "I don't want you to shout from a roof top that you love me. I don't want the stars from the sky. I just want you to be there for me when I need you and to help me with the domestic shit sometimes. That's it, Harry. Nothing else. And I won't run from you anymore, I promise. I had my lesson, sitting on this couch for two weeks and not being able to eat and sleep because of my love for you.""Wait" he scrunches his eyebrows and his whole face lits up. "What did you just say?""Umm, that I won't run anymore?""No, no, after that!"Her own face lits up now, the drained color from it coming back again."Is it true?" he asks, not knowing if he should take her in his arms and spin her around the room or if he should take her right there on the couch."Yes, I love you. I love you."She bursts out in tears the same time he wraps his arms around her waist and presses his lips on hers. It's funny how they couldn't even say hi to each other before a few days but now they're both crying in each other's arms, confessing their love for the other.
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