#sorry for switching up the daily digest design
eddiegettingshot · 3 months
LMAOO NO 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
27 Life-Changing Habits All Twentysomethings Should Adopt
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27 Life-Changing Habits All Twentysomethings Should Adopt
Baby steps, people. Inspired by this Quora thread.
1. Give at least one genuine compliment every day.
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Etsy / Via etsy.com
Making other people happy will make you happy. Try it! Emergency Compliment can give you some ~creative~ ideas.
Valentine via ChoBeArtandDesign on Etsy, $3.75.
2. Thank your partner for the small, expected things.
Research has shown that gratitude is maybe the most important factor in predicting happy and successful relationships (more on that in “17 Small Things You Can Do To Have a Stronger Relationship Today”). Expressing that you’re grateful even for the small stuff will really make your partner feel special — and it’ll also make you realize how lucky you are. Everyone wins.
3. Focus on adding more healthy foods to your diet, rather than eliminating the “bad.”
Download the app Wholesome, which can help you track your vitamin and nutrient intake each day, and can give you recommendations of foods to eat that will help you reach your daily goal of all the good stuff you need.
Diets often fail in the long-term, and in the short-term they can make you feel miserable and cranky and deprived. Instead of focusing on all the foods you can’t or shouldn’t eat, try to think of food as a way to nourish and sustain and fuel you (assuming you don’t have a health condition, like diabetes or high blood pressure, that requires you to limit certain food types). It’s a happier way to live.
4. Learn to say “sorry” to loved ones and friends in a meaningful way.
Take responsibility for what you did (none of this “I’m sorry you feel that way” passive garbage). Show remorse. Promise to do better next time. And actually mean it!
5. Stop looking at any electronic screens within an hour of bedtime, if you can.
All kinds of light can mess with your circadian rhythm. But light from glowing electronic screens is especially bad for your sleep. Switch to regular books or magazines an hour before bedtime. And dim the lights. This’ll help you pass out faster and have an easier time getting up the next morning.
6. Walk outside, even for a short while, every day.
Nature is good for your health. Walking is also good for your health. What’s not to love?
7. Set an alarm on your phone for 45 minutes before you want to be in bed. This way you can force yourself to start getting ready and actually get to sleep on time.
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Getting enough sleep is so, so critical for your health and happiness, but so many people have trouble with it. One way to get better sleep is to force yourself to follow a routine every night and every morning.
8. Set your morning alarm to play your favorite song.
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Alarm clocks are the worst. Wake up happier, start the day happier.
9. Try to read one book a week, if you can.
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Jarry Lee / BuzzFeed
If you’re too busy, start slow with this one by trying to read a little bit of a book every day. This can help you learn, help you unplug, and help you detach from the go-go-go always-changing-always-updating nature of the internet.
Need a recommendation? Try the BuzzFeed Books newsletter for some great ideas. Or you can try any of these 24 books you should read based on your favorite TV shows.
10. Keep a to-do list, and get it all set up for the next day as the last thing you do before you leave work for the night.
Life can get complicated, and it helps to have an organized list of priorities so you know for sure what you need to be focusing on. Preparing for tomorrow helps you hit the ground running when you get to work. Doing it at work (at the end of the day) also means you won’t be stressing over your to-do list at home before bed.
Download Clear to your phone ASAP. It’s the easiest to-do list app out there, and swiping right or left to complete a task (or delete it entirely) is sooooo satisfying. And if you’re looking for an app that’s a bit more robust (think daily reminders, color-coded lists, and so on), check out One List.
11. When you lend money, lend with the secret assumption that you’ll never see that money again.
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Paramount Pictures / Via sunshine-summer-trip.tumblr.com
And if you feel like you can’t survive without getting the money back, think about how you might be able to help in another way.
This small change in mind-set can solve (or help you avoid) a huge number of problems born out of generosity.
12. Go to bed angry.
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CherryCute / Via etsy.com
No fights are ever truly resolved at 2 a.m. anyway. And this allows you to take a break from the argument and come back with a clearer head. More on this here.
Bite Me cupcake necklace via CherryCute on Etsy, $7.50+.
13. Use a financial tracking tool to help you stay on top of your spending habits.
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Mint.com is a great one — it can help you categorize all your purchases, so you see exactly what you’re spending your money on and how you might be able to save. Along those lines:
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If you can afford it, configure your bank account to automatically move a certain amount of money from each paycheck into a savings account. It’s much easier to dip into savings when you need to than to keep yourself from spending what’s right at your fingertips.
15. Help people without expecting things in return.
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Getty Images / iStockphoto / sldesign78 / Via buzzfeed.com
Especially if those things you can do don’t cost you anything. Make an introduction that might help a friend out, forward along applications to jobs when you know the hiring manager. Things like that. Read “16 Random Acts Of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity” for some more ideas.
16. Fill half your plate with veggies as often as you can.
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People who eat more vegetables live longer and live healthier. Here are “27 Of The Most Delicious Things You Can Do To Vegetables,” for some ideas! And recipe for those sesame garlic green beans pictured above here, via Wishful Chef.
17. Get a reusable water bottle, and bring it with you everywhere.
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So many benefits: You’ll drink more water. You’ll drink less coffee/soda/other stuff. And it’s good for the environment! The Klean Kanteen water bottle pictured above gets top marks from the Wirecutter. Get it here.
18. Master the art of the power pose.
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Watch this awesome TED talk by Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist at Harvard Business School. More and more research is emerging that says that how we hold ourselves can have a big difference in how other people perceive us, and also in how confident we are. Get that raise!
19. Try to see the good in people.
Sometimes it’s hard. But it’s almost always a good idea. For their benefit, and for your own outlook.
20. Think of your worst flaw. Now think of how that flaw might come with a silver lining.
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The Weinstein Company
Like, say you’re too damn impulsive for your own good. But that impulsivity definitely means you’re more creative.
New research shows that when you believe in the silver lining of your flaws, you’ll work harder at being great at whatever that silver lining is. Pretty neat.
21. Do 10 push-ups when you get out of bed (or as many pushups as you can do).
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Photos by Lauren Zaser for BuzzFeed / Via Design by Chris Ritter for BuzzFeed
If you start today and do it every day, within a year you will be shocked at how many push-ups you can do. Get instructions for good form here.
22. Keep a phone charger at work and one at home.
Just in case!
23. Make your bed as soon as you get up. Fold your clothes and put them away right when the laundry’s done. And do the dishes right after you eat.
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italiandipity.tumblr.com / Via buzzfeed.com
These small tasks take no longer than five to ten minutes, and will make a huge difference in how you view your living space. Also, learning this kind of discipline can have an impact on other areas of your life as well.
24. Make sure there’s protein and fiber in your breakfast.
A carbohydrate-based breakfast will leave you famished again well before lunch. But a protein- and fiber-rich breakfast takes longer to digest, keeps your blood sugar levels more steady, and will make you feel energized throughout the morning.
Some good options: eggs and fruit. Greek yogurt and granola. Avocado toast. An egg and spinach omelete. Hearty oatmeal with nuts. Nom nom nom.
25. Exercise a little every day.
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Photos by Lauren Zaser for BuzzFeed / Design by Chris Ritter for BuzzFeed / Via buzzfeed.com
I know, I know, I knowwwww. But seriously, exercise is pretty much the biggest and best thing you can do for yourself. It helps you sleep better. It helps you eat better. It makes you feel better. It helps you think better. It is so tremendously good in so many ways. Just… Just try it. See how you feel.
If you don’t know where to start, check out these nine quick total-body workouts you can do anywhere.
26. Every week, write down five things you are grateful for.
People who write down five simple things they’re grateful for once a week feel better about their lives, have more optimistic expectations about the future, report feeling fewer aches and pains, and even spend more time exercising than other people, according to a gratitude study from 2003.
27. Remember that most people you meet are probably just as uncomfortable as you are.
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Most people are shy. Most people feel awkward at some point. Everyone is stressed. When you reframe your outlook to think about other people’s comfort, rather than your own you suddenly feel less anxious and awkward, and more empathetic. Try it!
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/carolynkylstra/easy-peasy
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heathparticles · 6 years
The Health Diaries: The 20 something clueless girl
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Photo Credit: By Hammer & Tusk on Unsplash
Based off NewYork Magazine’s weekly Sex Diaries, ‘Health Diaries’ series is a collection of routines from anonymous real people where they record a week of their lives about food, nutrition, and health  — with strange, realistic, often helpful, and always revealing results.
Today’s diary is by a 23-year-old woman who is an art and design student from North India.
8:15 a.m. A usual start: The noise of mum working in kitchen wakes me up; I never used an alarm in the morning. Typical morning scramble — a quick visit to the restroom and then shower, a couple of bread slices with butter in breakfast and then packing the college bag with lunch. Now I have half an hour to get to college.
Noon. I’m still in class about to go out to have my lunch. While sitting with a friend silently, she suddenly starts talking about her dark skin, double chin, and imperfection all around. I can feel her. But I am hungry. So I try to avoid her and get up to leave for lunch.
In the lunchroom, the discussion continues. She tells me that she used to do exercise every day but due to heavy study load and extra housework, she doesn’t have time to do exercise. I’m listening to her but my mind wants to know what’s inside my lunch box. The food in that box must be cold by now but I don’t care. I’m hungryyyy. Sorry dear, now I can’t take it anymore.
I open my box, ask my friend to join me but she says she is not hungry. I start eating my lunch while she scrolls her Facebook feed. She smirks sometimes while looking down at her mobile screen. After the break, we need to go back to class for next lecture.
Usually, I am busy at this time creating artworks and writing essays while chatting with friends but today I am staring at a lizard on one of the dirty walls of the classroom. I’m not feeling good; I know I’m not healthy.  Not that I’m sick — but I’m having a rough day physically and mentally. I do know my problem. This is a case where the food I’m having is fresh and healthy but it’s not what I want. I want something spicy, tempting, and different.
4:00 p.m. I arrive home, then off to shower. It’s relaxing. I am on my bed fondling with my artwork sheets; mum knocks my door with a glass full of warm milk for me. I request her to leave the glass the bedside for later as I was busy at the moment. She understands me so she does exactly that.
6:30 p.m. My dad and my brother are at home for what seems like five minutes and I’m off to my tuition classes on my bike. I am thirsty. I should have had some water before leaving home.
9:00 p.m. I enjoy designing and drawing artworks and creating type in this class. Having fun with friends is a bonus. Time to leave for home. I’m feeling like eating chaat (an Indian spicy and tangy dish) from a street food hawker but I resist. Mum’s dinner would be far better than that hawker’s chaat in a lot of ways. I know I am underweight.
10:30 p.m. After leaving more than half of the food on the plate, I say goodnight to everyone. Finally done with the flossing, teeth brushing and whining about a bad day, now I’m in bed; I put my air conditioner on. My hands start texting my friend on Whatsapp and doing some useless bantering before I doze off without saying bye to her.
9:15 a.m. Daily wake-up; I’m being a very poor sleeper lately. This morning’s routine is especially crappy: no time to make the bed and have breakfast. I need to hurry up and get ready for college.
9:45 a.m. Sitting in class, I post a selfie on Instagram with lazy expressions. I keep scrolling the feed looking at photographs and feel worse. I need some help. This will not be a fun chat with vanilla friends, but maybe consulting session with someone who can understand me and can guide me. I will talk to Mum tonight.
2 p.m. I’ve been on Instagram and Facebook all day, sending updates. The usual time spent in texting as well. Like me, most of my friends are clueless about what they’re doing at this moment. But usually, after a few messages back and forth, we agree to stop the conversations and put the mobiles on rest. “open our pics,” meaning show our faces.
9:30 p.m. Lying in bed having a glass of Luke warm milk and still feeling hungry. Nothing strange — just a regular temptation.
6 a.m. Eyes closed but I am already awake today. I am super excited for today as it’s my friend’s birthday. It’s more about the junk food: Burgers, French Fries, Pizzas, or what not. And I can’t sleep just fantasizing about cheese rolling down and squeezing in between the buns and bread base. I can think wild when it comes to food because I am ready to feast on anything that will come my way.
9 p.m. Two of my friends are at my house and we’re off, dressed as queens glitter all over for the party. We will do the makeup in the car: One unties her hair and the other starts working on lips and then her dress. Definitely, don’t want any potential issues (or hazards), should we get busy in dancing and eating.
10 p.m. We arrive at the venue. The vibe of the restaurant is impressive. It’s busy but we have a full separate section (a couple of tables) booked for the night. We are ready to settle down. The birthday girl arrives. We bombarded her with wishes, flowers, and gifts. The music was loud and we ordered our fuel. We’re showing off our dresses while feasting on the food. We’re a bunch of hungry lollapaloozas that are there to have some good time. This stuff is not easy to empty stomach— time to eat more.
11:00 p.m. While wrapping up the party one girl tells the other to have a look at her watch. We have to hurry up. We finish eating and hit the road. We're not used to such late night outs but today is an exemption. And I was desperately in need of this. I am getting tired now. By the time I’m sleepy, we’re just home. I suggest going all of my friends to stay at my place tonight but they chose not to because they say that will disturb my parents.
Midnight. I am happy with the way the night went. My dad comes out of his room and says in his usual way: “Be careful and don’t be late next time.” I find myself nodding and entering my room. Need some sleep because I need to go back to college tomorrow.
8 a.m. Still dreaming about last night and feel someone is standing beside my bed. It’s my younger brother with a pillow in his hands. I know what’s in his mind. Would love to stay in bed but I have to jump and get away from his playful hits. Still, my eyes are closed and giddy after last night. After some more hit and miss, he left me to get ready for the college.
3:30 p.m. I’m almost home after a better than usual day at college. I remember all my friends from last night were talking about the party. Being not a pococurante, I leave for home. Once I am in my room after a shower, I call my mum into my room. She’s a bit confused when she sees me smiling. She asks: “You enjoyed last night?” I nod. I need to spend some quality time with family while having dinner.
9:30 p.m. I call the day off at the tuition. Dinner is ready. I am helping Mum at the dining table. Calling dad and brother for it; served them food. I am pleased with myself. Tonight, it’s all about my kind of dinner: Rice, Kadi, Garlic Naan, Paneer (Cottage Cheese), and different types of pickles. But I’m more interested in talking to everyone.
10:15 p.m. Everyone is done with dinner but I’m still toying with my leftovers. Brother makes fun of me because of my slow eating habit.  Ultimately, I finish my dinner somehow and help mum clean the dishes.
11 p.m. Back in my room cuddling with my pillow. Switching off the lights, I doze off immediately.
Midnight. I feel thirsty and rush out for a glass of water in the kitchen. I should keep a jug of water in my room from tomorrow.
7 a.m. TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)
There is nothing special about the day apart from the fact.
9:20 a.m. One of my friends tells me she is going to Canada during the holidays after our exams. We’re excited and start discussing what’s she’s going to buy for the trip and what she’s going to get for us. We’re bitches.
Noon. Lunch with friends while we continue our chat about Canada. We bite into the meal and lean over to whisper and giggle. I have no idea what I’m eating but I’m enjoying with everyone.
9:30 p.m. The food from the party is showing the effect on me. The throat is in severe pain. I’m having constipation and vomiting. Dad takes me to see a doctor. Now, I’m having medicine and milk. I hope I won’t have a fever tonight.
10 a.m. Last night was long. I was not able to sleep. I’m sending a text message to a friend that I won’t be able to come to college because I am not well today. I’m hoping this won’t last for long.
11:15 a.m. I am still in bed, feeling grumpy. I don’t feel like having breakfast but I have to eat something before taking medicine. Maybe a slice of bread with strawberry jam. I remember the doctor suggesting me to drink water regularly, a couple of fruits, and eating small portions of vegetables that's easily digestible.
4:25 p.m. I’m tired of sleeping and need to freshen up. I feel like I am in a circle moving and returning back to where I started. I am being lazy, having a messy and chaotic mind today.  I get up and visit the washroom. I hear my mobile ringing in my room; I run to pick it up. I’m glad it’s my friend. She wants to know how I am doing. I am feeling better now. We chat for a while on random topics. My responses vary from Yes to Mmmm… to a frown. Though the whole conversation charged me  
9 p.m. The day has been a struggle and I want to be on a vacation from this struggle. I don’t have a luxury of leaving my body for while and float on the clouds. If I had that boon I certainly would have used it today. I just hope the rest of the weekend is not going to be as crappy as today.
7:30 a.m. Not going with the flow but stuck in the river, my body seems to be dead; I feel weak and the fact every part is in pain, everything.  Now I know why they call it ‘Junk’ food: a dish created/cooked by so-called edible raw substances so badly that all its nutrients vanish into thin air.
I need to take action, make some changes, and work on my habits. After debating with myself, I hop in the shower.
10 p.m. Its time to get some rest and think about my body and health. It can’t be set to be very vanilla. I need to get specifics sorted out. Let’s see what the future holds as far as my eating habits and nutrition is concerned.
“Mum, Green tea please.”
Note: I thought of writing and then submitting my diary after listening to this concept from a common friend as I found it intriguing and tempting.
To all the health and fitness enthusiasts and experts, I would like to ask for your tips and suggestions (in the form of comments) for improving my health, routine, and eating habits.
(A Message From The Editor: To be featured anonymously in a future Health Diary, email me with a week’s entries of your daily routine.)
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cashcounts · 7 years
SMOK Alien 220 W kit review | Still the best mod on the market? [Guide]
SMOK Alien 220 W kit intro
I needed a dual battery mod. Although a bit late to the party, I said “f*ck it” and went with the Alien. (I considered the Sigelei Kaos Spectrum, but the yellow and black paint splatter edition Alien 220 W won me over.) It’s been months since my purchase, and I still use it as one of my go-to devices.
Recently we reviewed the ProColor 225 W, the latest device from SMOK. It gave me a bit of déjà vu. It’s been a year since its predecessor the Alien was released, and not much has changed. Sure, they did improve the user interface quite a bit. Plus, they added fancy LED lights to compete with mods like the Sigelei Kaos Spectrum. But in terms of performance, they’re almost too close for comfort…
Price: $59.95 from Direct Vapor (Includes the Baby Beast tank)
Note: If you already own an Alien and would like to upgrade or restore it, scroll down to learn how…
SMOK Alien 220 W kit Gallery
SMOK Alien 220 W kit Specs and Features
Kit Content
1 x SMOK Alien 220 Mod
1 x SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast Tank
1 x 0.4ohm V8 Baby-Q2 Coil Head
1 x 0.15ohm V8 Baby-T8 Coil Head
1 x Micro-USB Cable
1 x Replacement Glass Tube
Instruction Manual
Dimensions: 44 * 30 * 85 mm
Wattage range: 6 – 220 W
Temperature range: 200 – 600° F / 100 – 315°C
Voltage range: 0.35 – 8 V
Resistance range:
3.0Ω (VW Mode)
0.06 – 3.0Ω (TC Modes)
Compatible TC Wires: Ni200| Titanium| Stainless Steel
Large OLED display
Individual battery level display
Micro USB port (Charging & Upgrading)
Ergonomic design
Lateral fire trigger
Spring-loaded 510 Pin
Requires (2) 18650 Batteries (Batteries sold separately)
Sliding battery door
Firmware upgradeable
Notable Remarks
Good ol’ Alien
Ah, the Alien. Ever heard of it? If you haven’t, then what planet have you been vaping on, dude? The mod made big waves in the vape scene since its landing in September of last year. Although not the first SMOK mod to utilize a lateral firing bar, the Alien was one of the first to make it a new standard.
But there’s more to this device than just the firing bar. The user interface is what landed this mod a spot in my daily rotation. Once you use it, you won’t ever want use anything else. SMOK clearly put thought into developing the user experience, which is where it shines. Let’s have a look, shall we?
Note: The kit comes with the Big Baby atomizer, so you can chuck some clouds straight off the rip.
Form factor
How did this mod become so popular overnight? A lot of it is due to its form factor. For a mod that packs two 18650s, it’s rather compact. Holding the Alien in your hand just feels right, like it was just meant to be. Although it’s sturdy, I wouldn’t want to drop it on a hard surface anytime soon.
The battery door looks like it could easily pop off if you applied enough pressure. Other than that, this mod is just a brick of pure power. The lateral firing bar works like a charm. You press it, and it fires. Every time. I haven’t had any misfire or auto-firing issues. It’s a mod that I can truly depend on.
Overall, the ergonomics were well-thought out on the SMOK Alien. For its size and weight, it’s easy to pocket and carry around. Once you become accustomed to that firing bar, you probably won’t ever go back to using those little buttons again. Solid construction with an intelligent design, for the win.
The display and its infromation
One of the best parts about the Alien is its big, bright display. The main screen shows your Watts, Ohms, Amps, Volts, Mode, Puffs and duration of each puff – laid out a clear and digestible manner. You even get real-time monitoring of your internal PCB board. What more can you possibly ask for?
Three quick clicks of the firing bar will bring you into the selection screen where you choose between Mode, Puffs, Setting and Power. Simply hard-press the fire button to access each additional menu.
Note: Navigating through each screen can be done by using the left and right adjustment buttons or by quickly tapping the fire button.
Mode – Allows you to toggle between Wattage, Temperature and Memory modes. (You can quickly access this screen by pressing the fire bar and left control button simultaneously.)
Wattage mode – Gives you the choice between three preheat settings. Soft, Normal and Hard. (Pressing the fire bar and right control button will allow you to quickly access the Preheat menu.)
Soft mode is perfect for breaking in a fresh coil head, or conserving power. Hard is like a turbo booster for your lower-Ohm, bigger coil builds. Normal gives you the standard wattage output.
Temperature control mode – First you will first be prompted to choose your coil material (Nickel, Titanium or Stainless Steel). Instead of a Preheat menu, you can dial in your maximum Watts. Once you’ve done that, an additional screen will pop up which allows you to customize your TCR.
Puffs – In this screen, you can see how many pulls you have taken. You also could also limit the amount of puffs, although I’m not sure why anybody would want to do that. But, it is an option.
Setting – The setting menu gives you the option to engage Stealth mode, or adjust how long the screen stays on. You can also turn on Auto-lock, which locks your device when it isn’t in use. Lastly, you can adjust your screen Contrast, or manually adjust the Initial Ohms, according to your atomizer.
Power – This last screen gives you the option of powering down the mod. Just select Off, and hold the fire button. If you want to return to the main screen, just hard-press the fire button for a second.
The design
The carbon fiber and diagonal inlays are what really give the Alien mod that signature look. It’s hard to talk about the mod without referencing its wavy design. At the time it was released, there weren’t any mods that looked quite like it. Just one year later and that’s a whole different story…
We now have mods like the Vaporesso Revenger, Wismec Predator and Sigelei Kaos Spectrum. All of which take noticeable design cues from the mod that started it all. Props to SMOK for innovation.
If you like nice, clicky buttons, then you’re gonna love the Alien. The fire bar has just the right balance between firmness and responsiveness. The left and right adjustment buttons are super clicky too. The USB port is located right at the bottom of the screen, which is the perfect location for it.
I even love the way its 6 battery venting holes look on each side of the mod, giving you 12 in total. Atomizers up to 24 mm in diameter will sit flush. You can go with an even bigger one if you don’t mind a bit of overhang. That’s what she said… (Sorry, couldn’t help myself.)
In contrast to its pocketable nature, the Alien puts out 220 Watts. That should be more than enough power for just about any vaping style. For me, 80-100 Watts does the trick when using bigger coils. I usually end up swapping out the batteries only once during the day, or twice if I’m really going HAM.
The wattage output is accurate, compared to other mods I’ve tested. The battery efficiency is decent, especially considering how bright the LED display is. Having each individual battery’s life monitored on your screen is yet another feature that has now become a standard on most dual-18650 mods.
Using the mod is simple. Just hold it in the palm of your hand, with the screen facing toward you and squeeze. If you are accustomed to having a fire button, you can press down with your finger on the top part of the firing bar. The higher up on the bar you go, the less pressure it takes to fire it up.
3, 2, 1… Charge!
When possible, it’s always ideal to use an external charger for your cells. However, as a backup, the Alien does a fine job at charging your batteries evenly and efficiently. I’ve never experienced any issues using the onboard charging system. If you look closely you’ll notice that the battery door has an additional contact, which promotes balanced charging. It’s about time they’ve come up with that.
From the dead
Despite its massive popularity and cult-following, there have been some unsatisfied Alien owners. The most common concern was the paint falling right off, especially on the first-generation of Aliens. Although SMOK did address this, many people including myself still experienced chipping issues.
I haven’t dropped it (yet), but just from placing it down on my desk, the wear and tear is evident. Some people have reported that their screen stopped working, which makes the mod useless, since you have no idea what setting you’re on. Others have experienced the entire mod die on them. If this is you, keep on reading. There might be a chance to revive that old paperweight, believe it or not…
Update or nah?
If you’re happy with the performance of your device, there’s no real need to update the firmware. Especially if you’re not using it in temp control mode, since that’s the main purpose of upgrading. If you’re not happy with the new firmware, you can always roll back to the previous version anytime.
One of the most notable improvements is that the Alien will now prompt you for a new coil, when it detects one. However, be aware that sometimes it won’t always catch your new resistance, if you slip on an atomizer when it’s not active. You’ll have to unscrew it, hit the fire button, and try again. That’s the most annoying part about using this device. Just be careful when switching atomizers.
Warning: If by some chance you’ve already updated your Alien with the wrong firmware and “bricked” your mod, it may still be possible to restore it. Follow these instructions below and your mod should be back in a jiffy.
How to upgrade your Alien | A quick and dirty guide
There are a bunch of great videos on YouTube that will show you how to do it. The best ones are over an hour long. They even have a guide on SMOK’s official website, but it isn’t laid out so well. If you’re like me, you probably ain’t got time for all that, so here’s the quick and dirty way.
Note: According to SMOK, you should hold the fire button the entire time during the update, but I have done it over three times without doing so. No problemo. Leave a comment if it worked for you.
Note: This will only work on a Windows PC. If you own a Mac, you will unfortunately need to do your upgrade on another computer.
The first thing you’ll need to determine is whether your Alien is a Version A or a Version B. This will be displayed when you turn the mod on or off. If it says V1.x.x, then it’s Version A. If it says VB1.x.x, then you’ll need the firmware upgrade for Version B.
Now, you’ll need to download the appropriate version. Since it’s a compressed file, you must extract the files into a folder. Double-click on the file and choose the folder where you want the files to go. Select Desktop, so you don’t have to go searching for them afterwards.
Version A
Version B
Run the executable file called “NuMicro ISP Programming Tool”.
Remove your batteries from the Alien. Attach the mod to your computer using the Micro USB data-transfer cable, preferably the same one that came with your device.
Once the device is connected, click on the Connect button in the upper right-hand side of the software. It should now say Connected in green.
Make sure it says 00013000 in the box labeled Config 1: 0x. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to download the software again and re-install it, according to SMOK. Don’t give up, try again!
On the bottom, just above the status bar, select Erase All under the Program menu. Click Start. This will completely delete the previous firmware version on your mod. When it’s complete, you will see the word PASS in green letters at the bottom of the window.
Click on the APROM button under Load file. Make sure the folder where you extracted the software is selected. Click on Bin Files (*.bin) in the lower right-hand side, and choose Intel Hex Files (*.hex) from the drop-down menu. Click on the hex file and select Open.
Under the Program menu, just above the status bar, select APROM and hit the Start button.
If it says PASS in green, then you’re good to go! Enjoy your updated Alien.
Caution: After updating the firmware, your Alien will be automatically set to 220 Watts. Be sure to adjust the wattage back down before having a vape, so you don’t accidentally burn your coil out.
Comfortable to hold
Compact for a dual-18650 mod
220 Watts of power
Balanced charging
Intuitive user interface
Ergonomic firing bar
Available in a wide range of colors
Firmware upgradeable
Doesn’t always detect a new atomizer right away
Battery door can snap off under pressure
Finish will start to chip away over time
There is not much left to say about the Alien. Very rarely do we decide to review a product that was released a year ago, let alone a few months. (Not to mention we already reviewed it back then.) In vape years, 365 days can feel like an eternity. However, in this case, it made perfect sense to do.
Here we are, one year later. The SMOK Alien is still going strong. Is it still the best mod on the market? I’m not going to give you a straight yes or no answer. It’s just not that simple. However, I will say that it is still one of the best dual-18650 mods available on the market right now, especially for the price.
I’m not going to even compare it to three, four or five-battery mods, because that would be unfair. To make a long story short, if you’re new to vaping, or even if you’ve been vaping a while, you really can’t go wrong with an Alien. I don’t get to say this often, but I personally bought one with my own money from a local shop in Brooklyn (7onevape) and I’m still thoroughly satisfied with my purchase.
Buy Now
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Jordan Shakeshaft, Life by Daily Burn
There was a time a few years back when I couldnt sleep more than four hours a night. I would stay up thinking about work and relationships and looming events. And Id wake in the middle of the night to the panic of a mish-mash of incomprehensible thoughtsor worse, the jagged whisper of my dads last breath. My bed wasnt a place of restorationit was a place of unrest. For someone who loves sleep more than hugs, high fives, and new kicks, this was source of major distress.
My problem wasnt uncommon: generalized anxiety disorder. But, like the other 6.8 million Americans with the scarlet A stamped across our furrowed foreheads, it was just life. And the plight of restless nights? I was in the company of 50 to 70 million. Thankfully, my sleep habits would slowly improve over timebut I could still count on one terrible, no-good, sub-five-hour sleep at least once a week.
Then, just last month I plopped that normal New York existence into a proverbial blender and pressed puree. I was moving to the Wellness-Obsessed Capital of the World: Los Angeles. Despite the immediate assault of sunshine and the purchase of a stupidly expensive new mattress (still worth every penny), I was contending with new work hours, new fears (OMG, driving) and people who seemed so nice (but wait, whats the catch?). Within two weeks I was Googling day spas, yoga studios, and meditation centers like a woman possessed.
RELATED: 8 Signs Youre Way Too Stressed (And How to Deal)
Thats when I came across Dream Reality Cinema in Beverly Hills. Not to be confused with your average popcorn-slinging movie theater, this one plays a single film designed to induce dream meditation. Think: eyes wide open, in a floating state of consciousness. Once students master that form of zen, they can move on to lucid dreaming, or the ability to stay conscious while dreaming. (Yup, that means you can control what happens in your dreams, Inception style.) And thats not all: Some believe you can achieve a higher level of thinking, problem solve more effectively, and tap into a greater world of creativity in such a state.
I made an appointment, and promptly added: Next-level ish to my to-do list.
Lucid Dreaming: The Premise
According to the founders, Hungarian philosopher and human cybernetics researcher Sandor Lengyel and physician Emese Toth, MD, the first step to dream meditation requires a bit of guidance. Thats where their 40-minute film comes in, based on 25 years worth of studies on dreaming, relaxation and meditative techniques.
As with other forms of meditation, dream meditation taps into your present thoughts, sensations and emotions, butyou guessed itin a sleepier state (my forte). And while wide-awake meditation practitioners have to deal with physical stimuli around them, dream meditation does two things differently.
[While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itself.
First, it removes those outside influences, allowing people to theoretically reach a meditative state more easily. As Lengyel puts it, Lucid dreaming is the perfect meditation, because there is no way for your conscious mind to interfere with the practice. Second, it increases the possibility for growth and change, since certain regions of the brain are more active in a dream-like state. (Namely, parts of the visual cortex, motor cortex and motion-sensory areas deep within the brain, according to some sleep experts.)
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Dr. Toth explains: When we are able to live consciously in our dreams, our colorful, real and memorable dream life can develop and become connected with our wakeful life. All this brain boosting on top of the traditional meditation benefits, like reduced anxiety, improved sleep and increased productivity, to name a few.
RELATED: True Life: 60 Minutes in a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Whats more, theres a healthy dose of Inception to lucid dreaming: The film [thats shown in the studio] provides a precisely engineered brain-regenerating program, says Dr. Toth. More specifically, it flips a switch on natural processes that have otherwise been turned off in our heads, such as the ability to think freely and creatively, she says.
This might be explained by the fact that during sleep-mode, the prefrontal area of the brain becomes less active. This is where logical reasoning resides. [While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itselfIt can behave naturally and unrestricted because nothing forces it to behave otherwise, Dr. Toth says. What results: Restoration, serenity, invigorationor, well, whatever your heart (or head) desires.
Dream Reality Cinema: The Experience
On the Uber ride to Dream Reality Cinema, I scrolled through the studios testimonials. Unlike anything Ive ever experienced before so relaxing My driver pulled up to the corner and I hopped out. No fluorescent marquee, but the whitewashed boutique was undeniably 90210-chic.
Inside, I checked in with the receptionist, who escorted me to the two-person cinema room. She invited me to take a seat in a cushy, zero-gravity leather chair. (Note to self: BYO meditation date?) It reclined just past 180 degrees, my head a few inches below my feet. My guide requested that my glasses come off. Sorry, but Im blind? Thats OK, she said. The super-fancy wraparound specs came on, and she directed my finger to the adjustable focus so even near-sighted folks like me could see.
Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
I asked if I could somehow take notes. She chuckled, assuming I was kidding, and handed me a plush blanket to tuck myself in. (She clearly did not know of my ability to text and Instagram in my sleep.) She asked if I need anything elsewater or tea? (Another note to self: BYO Swedish Fish.) I slipped my sandals off as the lights in the room faded to black.
To start the session, newbie lucid dreamers required a primer. A short, animated introduction video offered a few key tips. The first, Just let yourself react freely. Meaning: Do not force yourself to mediate, concentrate or, like this writer did, attempt to take mental notes for her article. When text appears on screen, do not zero in to read the words. Instead, maintain full-screen vision. That is, seeing everything at the same time. As you should do in life, as well, the creators explain. It was 4 p.m. and my brain-slash-life was already foggy from the day. Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
RELATED: This Is Your Body on Sleep Deprivation
What followed was a winding path of visualizations to coax me into the elusive conscious-yet-dreaming state. At one point I was prompted to imagine I was a tiny pebble falling into a vast body of water. I played along. Falling, falling and, sure enough, the rest gets fuzzy. My expertly-crafted sensory experience (just as I suspected) had turned into a warm and glorious slumber. How long was I asleep? Would the receptionist know?
I peeled my eyelids apart and settled back into the film, as I was coached to do. Positive affirmations floated to the screen. My thoughts drifted over to my new LA life, my people, my kittens, my self-worth, my ability to conquer whatever lies ahead. Basically, my inner Jessica was telling me I can do anything good!
I was conscious, that I knew. But was I getting closer to lucid dreaming mode? I waited patiently for my higher-level abilities to kick in. Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself. Just like Elliot from Mr. Robot chanted during his own reality-bending, hyper-woke episodes. But something (possibly my sudden hunger pangs or late-onset fidgeting) told me I wasnt quite there.
Moments later, the film concluded and my trusty guide tiptoed back in.
Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself.
Did I like the experience? I think so.
Did I feel different now than when I walked in? Sorta.
Did I manage to find a dream-like meditative state? Definitely maybe?
Like a kid who stole the Butterfinger and knew she had to come clean, I told her I maaayy have fallen asleep. Once. OK twice. Lady, I fell asleep three times. But I swear I didnt mean to!
She reassured me that was totally normal. In fact, most people do on their first visit, she said.
Living in a Dream: The Assessment
During my hour-long session, no, I did not learn how to lucid dream. And I shouldnt have expected to. Dr. Toth explains that lucid dreaming takes many sessions of practice and self-analysis. Only with continued practice will individuals learn to remember, control and eventually unlock valuable information stored deep in the subconscious mind.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently.
Instead, the dream meditation session teaches you a fundamental skill that you can build upon: [How] to have an active and independent consciousness instead of being a passive follower of someone or something, says Dr. Toth. Those guilty of moving robotically from one day to the next? Shes talking to us.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently. Sometimes we experience a more evolved way of thinking, a type of expansion, Dr. Toth says. This is where the so-called boost in creativity, memory function, and other positive changes take place.
As for the claims that dream meditation will normalize sleep or stress disorders? For me, TBD. While I did sleep like a champ that night, the founders emphasize that any long-term improvements will require a lengthier commitment.
So is this the ultimate brain hack? Or the most fantastical placebo effect this side of the San Andreas Fault? Maybe it doesnt matter. If youre taking 60 minutes of your day to clear some headspace, that in and of itself might be the win. At least it was for me.
Dream Reality Cinema has two locations: Los Angeles, California, and Budapest, Hungary. The studio currently offers one film, Dream Meditation, but is working on a new program, Active Dreaming, which will delve more deeply into lucid dreaming. Each session is $45 and a monthly unlimited membership is $200.
The post appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vV4Gwy via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Jordan Shakeshaft, Life by Daily Burn
There was a time a few years back when I couldnt sleep more than four hours a night. I would stay up thinking about work and relationships and looming events. And Id wake in the middle of the night to the panic of a mish-mash of incomprehensible thoughtsor worse, the jagged whisper of my dads last breath. My bed wasnt a place of restorationit was a place of unrest. For someone who loves sleep more than hugs, high fives, and new kicks, this was source of major distress.
My problem wasnt uncommon: generalized anxiety disorder. But, like the other 6.8 million Americans with the scarlet A stamped across our furrowed foreheads, it was just life. And the plight of restless nights? I was in the company of 50 to 70 million. Thankfully, my sleep habits would slowly improve over timebut I could still count on one terrible, no-good, sub-five-hour sleep at least once a week.
Then, just last month I plopped that normal New York existence into a proverbial blender and pressed puree. I was moving to the Wellness-Obsessed Capital of the World: Los Angeles. Despite the immediate assault of sunshine and the purchase of a stupidly expensive new mattress (still worth every penny), I was contending with new work hours, new fears (OMG, driving) and people who seemed so nice (but wait, whats the catch?). Within two weeks I was Googling day spas, yoga studios, and meditation centers like a woman possessed.
RELATED: 8 Signs Youre Way Too Stressed (And How to Deal)
Thats when I came across Dream Reality Cinema in Beverly Hills. Not to be confused with your average popcorn-slinging movie theater, this one plays a single film designed to induce dream meditation. Think: eyes wide open, in a floating state of consciousness. Once students master that form of zen, they can move on to lucid dreaming, or the ability to stay conscious while dreaming. (Yup, that means you can control what happens in your dreams, Inception style.) And thats not all: Some believe you can achieve a higher level of thinking, problem solve more effectively, and tap into a greater world of creativity in such a state.
I made an appointment, and promptly added: Next-level ish to my to-do list.
Lucid Dreaming: The Premise
According to the founders, Hungarian philosopher and human cybernetics researcher Sandor Lengyel and physician Emese Toth, MD, the first step to dream meditation requires a bit of guidance. Thats where their 40-minute film comes in, based on 25 years worth of studies on dreaming, relaxation and meditative techniques.
As with other forms of meditation, dream meditation taps into your present thoughts, sensations and emotions, butyou guessed itin a sleepier state (my forte). And while wide-awake meditation practitioners have to deal with physical stimuli around them, dream meditation does two things differently.
[While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itself.
First, it removes those outside influences, allowing people to theoretically reach a meditative state more easily. As Lengyel puts it, Lucid dreaming is the perfect meditation, because there is no way for your conscious mind to interfere with the practice. Second, it increases the possibility for growth and change, since certain regions of the brain are more active in a dream-like state. (Namely, parts of the visual cortex, motor cortex and motion-sensory areas deep within the brain, according to some sleep experts.)
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Dr. Toth explains: When we are able to live consciously in our dreams, our colorful, real and memorable dream life can develop and become connected with our wakeful life. All this brain boosting on top of the traditional meditation benefits, like reduced anxiety, improved sleep and increased productivity, to name a few.
RELATED: True Life: 60 Minutes in a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Whats more, theres a healthy dose of Inception to lucid dreaming: The film [thats shown in the studio] provides a precisely engineered brain-regenerating program, says Dr. Toth. More specifically, it flips a switch on natural processes that have otherwise been turned off in our heads, such as the ability to think freely and creatively, she says.
This might be explained by the fact that during sleep-mode, the prefrontal area of the brain becomes less active. This is where logical reasoning resides. [While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itselfIt can behave naturally and unrestricted because nothing forces it to behave otherwise, Dr. Toth says. What results: Restoration, serenity, invigorationor, well, whatever your heart (or head) desires.
Dream Reality Cinema: The Experience
On the Uber ride to Dream Reality Cinema, I scrolled through the studios testimonials. Unlike anything Ive ever experienced before so relaxing My driver pulled up to the corner and I hopped out. No fluorescent marquee, but the whitewashed boutique was undeniably 90210-chic.
Inside, I checked in with the receptionist, who escorted me to the two-person cinema room. She invited me to take a seat in a cushy, zero-gravity leather chair. (Note to self: BYO meditation date?) It reclined just past 180 degrees, my head a few inches below my feet. My guide requested that my glasses come off. Sorry, but Im blind? Thats OK, she said. The super-fancy wraparound specs came on, and she directed my finger to the adjustable focus so even near-sighted folks like me could see.
Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
I asked if I could somehow take notes. She chuckled, assuming I was kidding, and handed me a plush blanket to tuck myself in. (She clearly did not know of my ability to text and Instagram in my sleep.) She asked if I need anything elsewater or tea? (Another note to self: BYO Swedish Fish.) I slipped my sandals off as the lights in the room faded to black.
To start the session, newbie lucid dreamers required a primer. A short, animated introduction video offered a few key tips. The first, Just let yourself react freely. Meaning: Do not force yourself to mediate, concentrate or, like this writer did, attempt to take mental notes for her article. When text appears on screen, do not zero in to read the words. Instead, maintain full-screen vision. That is, seeing everything at the same time. As you should do in life, as well, the creators explain. It was 4 p.m. and my brain-slash-life was already foggy from the day. Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
RELATED: This Is Your Body on Sleep Deprivation
What followed was a winding path of visualizations to coax me into the elusive conscious-yet-dreaming state. At one point I was prompted to imagine I was a tiny pebble falling into a vast body of water. I played along. Falling, falling and, sure enough, the rest gets fuzzy. My expertly-crafted sensory experience (just as I suspected) had turned into a warm and glorious slumber. How long was I asleep? Would the receptionist know?
I peeled my eyelids apart and settled back into the film, as I was coached to do. Positive affirmations floated to the screen. My thoughts drifted over to my new LA life, my people, my kittens, my self-worth, my ability to conquer whatever lies ahead. Basically, my inner Jessica was telling me I can do anything good!
I was conscious, that I knew. But was I getting closer to lucid dreaming mode? I waited patiently for my higher-level abilities to kick in. Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself. Just like Elliot from Mr. Robot chanted during his own reality-bending, hyper-woke episodes. But something (possibly my sudden hunger pangs or late-onset fidgeting) told me I wasnt quite there.
Moments later, the film concluded and my trusty guide tiptoed back in.
Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself.
Did I like the experience? I think so.
Did I feel different now than when I walked in? Sorta.
Did I manage to find a dream-like meditative state? Definitely maybe?
Like a kid who stole the Butterfinger and knew she had to come clean, I told her I maaayy have fallen asleep. Once. OK twice. Lady, I fell asleep three times. But I swear I didnt mean to!
She reassured me that was totally normal. In fact, most people do on their first visit, she said.
Living in a Dream: The Assessment
During my hour-long session, no, I did not learn how to lucid dream. And I shouldnt have expected to. Dr. Toth explains that lucid dreaming takes many sessions of practice and self-analysis. Only with continued practice will individuals learn to remember, control and eventually unlock valuable information stored deep in the subconscious mind.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently.
Instead, the dream meditation session teaches you a fundamental skill that you can build upon: [How] to have an active and independent consciousness instead of being a passive follower of someone or something, says Dr. Toth. Those guilty of moving robotically from one day to the next? Shes talking to us.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently. Sometimes we experience a more evolved way of thinking, a type of expansion, Dr. Toth says. This is where the so-called boost in creativity, memory function, and other positive changes take place.
As for the claims that dream meditation will normalize sleep or stress disorders? For me, TBD. While I did sleep like a champ that night, the founders emphasize that any long-term improvements will require a lengthier commitment.
So is this the ultimate brain hack? Or the most fantastical placebo effect this side of the San Andreas Fault? Maybe it doesnt matter. If youre taking 60 minutes of your day to clear some headspace, that in and of itself might be the win. At least it was for me.
Dream Reality Cinema has two locations: Los Angeles, California, and Budapest, Hungary. The studio currently offers one film, Dream Meditation, but is working on a new program, Active Dreaming, which will delve more deeply into lucid dreaming. Each session is $45 and a monthly unlimited membership is $200.
The post appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vV4Gwy via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Jordan Shakeshaft, Life by Daily Burn
There was a time a few years back when I couldnt sleep more than four hours a night. I would stay up thinking about work and relationships and looming events. And Id wake in the middle of the night to the panic of a mish-mash of incomprehensible thoughtsor worse, the jagged whisper of my dads last breath. My bed wasnt a place of restorationit was a place of unrest. For someone who loves sleep more than hugs, high fives, and new kicks, this was source of major distress.
My problem wasnt uncommon: generalized anxiety disorder. But, like the other 6.8 million Americans with the scarlet A stamped across our furrowed foreheads, it was just life. And the plight of restless nights? I was in the company of 50 to 70 million. Thankfully, my sleep habits would slowly improve over timebut I could still count on one terrible, no-good, sub-five-hour sleep at least once a week.
Then, just last month I plopped that normal New York existence into a proverbial blender and pressed puree. I was moving to the Wellness-Obsessed Capital of the World: Los Angeles. Despite the immediate assault of sunshine and the purchase of a stupidly expensive new mattress (still worth every penny), I was contending with new work hours, new fears (OMG, driving) and people who seemed so nice (but wait, whats the catch?). Within two weeks I was Googling day spas, yoga studios, and meditation centers like a woman possessed.
RELATED: 8 Signs Youre Way Too Stressed (And How to Deal)
Thats when I came across Dream Reality Cinema in Beverly Hills. Not to be confused with your average popcorn-slinging movie theater, this one plays a single film designed to induce dream meditation. Think: eyes wide open, in a floating state of consciousness. Once students master that form of zen, they can move on to lucid dreaming, or the ability to stay conscious while dreaming. (Yup, that means you can control what happens in your dreams, Inception style.) And thats not all: Some believe you can achieve a higher level of thinking, problem solve more effectively, and tap into a greater world of creativity in such a state.
I made an appointment, and promptly added: Next-level ish to my to-do list.
Lucid Dreaming: The Premise
According to the founders, Hungarian philosopher and human cybernetics researcher Sandor Lengyel and physician Emese Toth, MD, the first step to dream meditation requires a bit of guidance. Thats where their 40-minute film comes in, based on 25 years worth of studies on dreaming, relaxation and meditative techniques.
As with other forms of meditation, dream meditation taps into your present thoughts, sensations and emotions, butyou guessed itin a sleepier state (my forte). And while wide-awake meditation practitioners have to deal with physical stimuli around them, dream meditation does two things differently.
[While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itself.
First, it removes those outside influences, allowing people to theoretically reach a meditative state more easily. As Lengyel puts it, Lucid dreaming is the perfect meditation, because there is no way for your conscious mind to interfere with the practice. Second, it increases the possibility for growth and change, since certain regions of the brain are more active in a dream-like state. (Namely, parts of the visual cortex, motor cortex and motion-sensory areas deep within the brain, according to some sleep experts.)
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Dr. Toth explains: When we are able to live consciously in our dreams, our colorful, real and memorable dream life can develop and become connected with our wakeful life. All this brain boosting on top of the traditional meditation benefits, like reduced anxiety, improved sleep and increased productivity, to name a few.
RELATED: True Life: 60 Minutes in a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Whats more, theres a healthy dose of Inception to lucid dreaming: The film [thats shown in the studio] provides a precisely engineered brain-regenerating program, says Dr. Toth. More specifically, it flips a switch on natural processes that have otherwise been turned off in our heads, such as the ability to think freely and creatively, she says.
This might be explained by the fact that during sleep-mode, the prefrontal area of the brain becomes less active. This is where logical reasoning resides. [While dreaming], the brain can freely decide what to do and where to take itselfIt can behave naturally and unrestricted because nothing forces it to behave otherwise, Dr. Toth says. What results: Restoration, serenity, invigorationor, well, whatever your heart (or head) desires.
Dream Reality Cinema: The Experience
On the Uber ride to Dream Reality Cinema, I scrolled through the studios testimonials. Unlike anything Ive ever experienced before so relaxing My driver pulled up to the corner and I hopped out. No fluorescent marquee, but the whitewashed boutique was undeniably 90210-chic.
Inside, I checked in with the receptionist, who escorted me to the two-person cinema room. She invited me to take a seat in a cushy, zero-gravity leather chair. (Note to self: BYO meditation date?) It reclined just past 180 degrees, my head a few inches below my feet. My guide requested that my glasses come off. Sorry, but Im blind? Thats OK, she said. The super-fancy wraparound specs came on, and she directed my finger to the adjustable focus so even near-sighted folks like me could see.
Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
I asked if I could somehow take notes. She chuckled, assuming I was kidding, and handed me a plush blanket to tuck myself in. (She clearly did not know of my ability to text and Instagram in my sleep.) She asked if I need anything elsewater or tea? (Another note to self: BYO Swedish Fish.) I slipped my sandals off as the lights in the room faded to black.
To start the session, newbie lucid dreamers required a primer. A short, animated introduction video offered a few key tips. The first, Just let yourself react freely. Meaning: Do not force yourself to mediate, concentrate or, like this writer did, attempt to take mental notes for her article. When text appears on screen, do not zero in to read the words. Instead, maintain full-screen vision. That is, seeing everything at the same time. As you should do in life, as well, the creators explain. It was 4 p.m. and my brain-slash-life was already foggy from the day. Focus, Shakeshaft, you cannot write a story about a fancy nap.
RELATED: This Is Your Body on Sleep Deprivation
What followed was a winding path of visualizations to coax me into the elusive conscious-yet-dreaming state. At one point I was prompted to imagine I was a tiny pebble falling into a vast body of water. I played along. Falling, falling and, sure enough, the rest gets fuzzy. My expertly-crafted sensory experience (just as I suspected) had turned into a warm and glorious slumber. How long was I asleep? Would the receptionist know?
I peeled my eyelids apart and settled back into the film, as I was coached to do. Positive affirmations floated to the screen. My thoughts drifted over to my new LA life, my people, my kittens, my self-worth, my ability to conquer whatever lies ahead. Basically, my inner Jessica was telling me I can do anything good!
I was conscious, that I knew. But was I getting closer to lucid dreaming mode? I waited patiently for my higher-level abilities to kick in. Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself. Just like Elliot from Mr. Robot chanted during his own reality-bending, hyper-woke episodes. But something (possibly my sudden hunger pangs or late-onset fidgeting) told me I wasnt quite there.
Moments later, the film concluded and my trusty guide tiptoed back in.
Mind awake, body asleep. Mind awake, body asleep, I told myself.
Did I like the experience? I think so.
Did I feel different now than when I walked in? Sorta.
Did I manage to find a dream-like meditative state? Definitely maybe?
Like a kid who stole the Butterfinger and knew she had to come clean, I told her I maaayy have fallen asleep. Once. OK twice. Lady, I fell asleep three times. But I swear I didnt mean to!
She reassured me that was totally normal. In fact, most people do on their first visit, she said.
Living in a Dream: The Assessment
During my hour-long session, no, I did not learn how to lucid dream. And I shouldnt have expected to. Dr. Toth explains that lucid dreaming takes many sessions of practice and self-analysis. Only with continued practice will individuals learn to remember, control and eventually unlock valuable information stored deep in the subconscious mind.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently.
Instead, the dream meditation session teaches you a fundamental skill that you can build upon: [How] to have an active and independent consciousness instead of being a passive follower of someone or something, says Dr. Toth. Those guilty of moving robotically from one day to the next? Shes talking to us.
The dreaming state gives us permission to allow changes within us and we begin to behave and think differently. Sometimes we experience a more evolved way of thinking, a type of expansion, Dr. Toth says. This is where the so-called boost in creativity, memory function, and other positive changes take place.
As for the claims that dream meditation will normalize sleep or stress disorders? For me, TBD. While I did sleep like a champ that night, the founders emphasize that any long-term improvements will require a lengthier commitment.
So is this the ultimate brain hack? Or the most fantastical placebo effect this side of the San Andreas Fault? Maybe it doesnt matter. If youre taking 60 minutes of your day to clear some headspace, that in and of itself might be the win. At least it was for me.
Dream Reality Cinema has two locations: Los Angeles, California, and Budapest, Hungary. The studio currently offers one film, Dream Meditation, but is working on a new program, Active Dreaming, which will delve more deeply into lucid dreaming. Each session is $45 and a monthly unlimited membership is $200.
The post appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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