#sorry for my degrading art recently
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swiftmitsu · 11 months ago
eheheh a little doodle for @cj-does-va
also dont look further this is the only drawing i did. yep.
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hi. you weren't meant to see this.
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mspaint-flower · 10 days ago
hi everyone my living situation has only been degrading the past months and now i'm not going to describe everything (cause most of it is described in the link anyway) but if you want to support me, you can do so here or comm me (although my motivation to do anything has severely degraded but i'll still do it no matter how long it takes me)
if you can't then it would be nice if you could share really, i just wanna live a normal life again
thank you
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labotor · 2 years ago
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recent + old scarecrow art dump 🎃
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 5 months ago
im gonna cry why won't my sketchbook sketchbook properly
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mewtwoandme · 7 months ago
I was hoping this would all blow over, but since it's continuing to happen, now with people attacking other artists of the commewnity. I'm putting out my two fucking cents! Cause this whole art/character theft and pointing fingers, who stole what from who bullshit it driving me up the fucking wall!!
Long story short, it started with me and one other blog whose name I won't mention publicly. Despite the horrible light they tried to paint me in, I don't want anyone going to this person and ganging up on them. This person had some serious bitterness towards more "popular" artists and claimed that I've made characters similar to theirs and once used a pose they apparently used before (which was a very common pose, considering it was a reference from the game version of mega Y). Since then, they had desperately tried to conjure up evidence, narrowing down to the most miniscule detail how I've been stealing from them when I hadn't even known their blog existed until I was forcefully thrown into that unnecessary drama with the unhinged call-out posts they've made. With this being said, I'd like to point out that they never came to me or addressed this concern with me in the first place. They had every opportunity to privately DM me if they had suspected I was "stealing," but no, simply because they already made up their mind that I was a thief, that was a good enough reason to lack common fucking sense and decency, making what should have been a private issue public, going on to villainize and dehumanize me. And apparently, it hasn't stopped with me either, cause recently I've been seeing other artists in the community having to deal with this where people are being white knights on high horses, pointing fingers on how one artist's mewtwo looks "the same" if not "totally identical" as another artist's mewtwo. I refuse to believe it's a coincidence. But what makes me disgusted is that since TC's post, apparently it's had the opposite effect on some people and they're hopping on this blame bandwagon like it's some damn media trend!!!
This is NOT okay! Nothing about this kind of behavior is funny! It's upsetting to all of us. We dont need you causing problems where there isn't any, thinking you're doing us a favor! The majority of us are adults for gods sake! We are old enough where we don't need other people coming to us being tattle tails saying this person did this and that. That's what little children do! If you suspect any form of theft, I think I speak for ALL creators in this commewnity that we'd prefer you DM us privately saying something like "Hey, I think this person is copying you, might wanna look into it." And if possible, provide a link to the art in question, for which we would kindly thank you for making us aware and we'll handle it ourselves from there. Just a brief, yet SIMPLE interaction...that's all we ask!!! Don't even come at me with "Well, it's scary attempting to talk to an artist that's well known." Or dare I say ~pOpUlAr~ If you claim that taking the first step to send me a quick DM makes you nervous, yet you have no problem making public call outs in posts or asks, belittling and degrading what could actually be innocent artists doing nothing wrong, literally leaving yourself open to all kinds of comments and opinions from all kinds of people....I'm sorry but your anxiety isn't as bad as you say it is then, if being rude and ignorant in a public post/ask is easier for you. If you come to us, shaming someone else who 9/10 probably isn't doing anything wrong, thinking you'll be in our good graces for doing so, sorry, you're not going to be told, "Good job!" with a pat on the back and given a lollipop! You're just being an asshole.
Quick reality check for everyone who's made it this far before I end this train wreck of a rant:
People can have similar ideas that coincide with one another! There's only so much you can do when a whole community is focused around drawing the same character! We mainly draw mewtwos and mews, you're bound to find a plethora of similar colors, patterns, and designs because of it! Creativity only goes so far when trying to stay true to a character and not stray too far. It's not a crime to take inspiration from other artists' characters, we actually encourage this! It makes us feel good that you liked something we've done and you want to incorporate it into your own designs! It makes us happy that we inspired you! The line is crossed when someone does a literal copy/paste of a character down to the exact detail, and they call it their own original creation. That my friends is what stealing actually is!
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fromchaostocosmos · 5 months ago
Why Are Goyim Obsessed With Bad People Being The Fault of The Jews?
How many times have we seen the speculation that certain truly horrific historical people must Jewish based the stringing of threads. Or the that said horrific people are horrific because of the Jews.
How many times have seen Hitler was actually a Jew conspiracy or that Hitler only became the way he did because he denied entry to art school by Jews conspiracy?
Not just with historical figures we all have seen how often it gets mentioned that Roy Cohen, Jew, and they sure do make a point to highlight that Jew part was behind Donald Trump being who he is.
Think about Henry Kissinger and how much him Jewish gets highlighted when talking his influence on Presidents Ford and Nixon, even though he hated being Jewish.
And of course we can not forget the all time go to Christopher Columbus as the secret Jew.
And now that is being reported to be in fact true. Just look at how everyone is reporting it.
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Only that is not the case.
The documentary Columbus DNA. His True Origin, broadcast on Spain’s National Holiday suggests that the explorer was not Genoese and Christian but Spanish and Jewish. The absolute protagonist of the documentary, forensic scientist José Antonio Lorente, has not yet published any scientific study to back his claims. The documentary is presented in the style of a reality show in which Lorente systematically discounts other theories, including that Columbus was Castilian, Portuguese, Galician, Mallorcan or a Cagot. It culminates with a scene in which only one possibility remains, the one put forward by architect Francesc Albardaner, author of the book La catalanitat de Colom (or, The Catalonian Origins of Columbus).
But geneticist Antonio Alonso, former chief of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, is not convinced: “Unfortunately, from the scientific point of view, no assessment can be made after watching the documentary, since it does not provide any data on what has been analyzed. My conclusion is that the documentary Columbus DNA does not show the DNA of Columbus at any given moment and scientists do not know what analysis has been undertaken.”
Forensic anthropologist Miguel Botella, also from the University of Granada, remembers that day in 2003 when he waited for the box containing the supposed bones of Christopher Columbus to be opened. “Everyone expected to be greeted by an intact Columbus, but there were only 150 grams of bone fragments,” he says with a smile. The largest would have been about four centimeters in length.
Lorente then said that he was going to analyze the DNA of the three alleged members of the Columbus family with the help of prestigious geneticists, such as Ángel Carracedo from the University of Santiago de Compostela; and Mark Stoneking, from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, in Leipzig, Germany, one of the world’s most prestigious centers for the analysis of ancient DNA. Carracedo recalls that the DNA that reached him was tremendously degraded, and he too distanced himself from the project. Moreover, he refuses to comment on Lorente’s new results until there is a serious scientific study published in a specialized journal. The response of the Max Planck Institute geneticist to questions from EL PAÍS were similar: “I am sorry, my group stopped working on this in 2005 and I have not heard anything about the most recent results,” said Stoneking.
According to geneticist Antonio Alonso, “It is not the done thing for data that the scientific community has not yet endorsed to be presented to society, as it puts the data itself at risk as well as the proposed theory.” Alonso is also surprised by the absence of experts from the U.S. and Australia in the film whose contribution Lorente describes as essential. “Here there is too much protagonism from only one scientist. Neither the Granada team nor the collaborating ancient DNA laboratories in California and Adelaide, which are said to be of great importance in the success of the analyses, appear in the film,” he points out. Recently retired, Alonso is one of Spain’s leading experts in forensic genetics. He worked on the identification of the victims of Madrid’s 11-M terror attacks; on the investigation of dozens of reports of alleged baby thefts; on the recognition of Spanish Civil War victims and even on the attempts to find the remains of the writer Miguel de Cervantes. He claims that the documentary Columbus DNA does not speak to him as a scientist. “We do not know which DNA regions were analyzed, nor the technology used in the analysis, nor the results obtained, which makes it impossible to make a correct assessment of the findings,” he says.
Alonso explains that there are clusters of genetic variants called haplotypes or haplogroups that tend to be inherited together and may be characteristic of certain family lineages, but he adds that they often coincide with those of other groups in historically Jewish or non-Jewish populations. “In any case, having a genealogy, a haplogroup or a haplotype of Jewish or Sephardic ancestry does not call into question Columbus’ birthplace in Genoa as stated by historical sources, nor does it tell us anything about the religious beliefs professed by the generations of relatives close to Columbus,” he says.
Rodrigo Barquera is a Mexican expert in archeogenetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Barquera has conducted DNA studies of human remains prior to the arrival of Europeans in America, such as those of children sacrificed by the Maya at Chichén-Itzá in Mexico. The researcher is very critical of the fact the data have been presented via a documentary, and without the backing of a serious scientific article reviewed by independent experts, especially given the enormous interest in the figure of Christopher Columbus and his origins. “Normally, the article is sent to a scientific journal,” he says. “The journal assigns an editor and at least three independent reviewers who rate the paper and decide if it is scientifically valid. If it is, it is published, and then the rest of the scientific community can say whether they agree or not. Putting it on a screen, removed from this process and with all the media focus on it, makes it difficult for the scientific community to say anything about it.”
Antonio Salas heads the Population Genetics in Biomedicine team at Santiago de Compostela’s Health Investigation Institute. “The documentary promised to focus on DNA analysis, as suggested by its title Columbus DNA: His True Origins,” he says. “However, the genetic information it offers is very limited. Only at the end is it mentioned that the only thing that was recovered from the presumed remains of Christopher Columbus was a partial profile of the Y chromosome. The problem is that the Y chromosome represents only a tiny fraction of our DNA and our ancestry.” “The documentary rushes to a conclusion that Christopher Columbus was a Sephardic Jew originally from the Spanish Levant. This hypothesis is, to say the least, surprising: there is no Y chromosome that can be uniquely defined as Sephardic-Jewish,” argues Salas. “Even if all of an individual’s DNA were recovered, it would still be impossible to reach definitive conclusions about his or her exact geographic origin.
So when science seems to much more aligned with Columbus not being why then is everyone reporting him as Jewish. And why do goyim keep blaming every evil deed, every action, every evil choice and every evil person on Jews?
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stormblessed95 · 24 days ago
Long time no see....
I did TRY to get this finished as soon as I could, but between the rollercoaster of 'Are You Sure?!', the hellscape that Jikook spaces (on Twitter/X and Tumblr) became (and honestly were already...), and trying to shorten everything down, it took a good while.
But I refuse to keep this past 2024, so here's an gift for the holidays (or maybe not considering the word count 🫥)!
I wanted to articulate exactly what my thoughts and concerns were, especially since this is a more serious topic regarding Jimin’s work and art, but I don’t think it came off that well before.
Hopefully I do better this time!
I’ve seen the many anons that were spamming your and other Jikookers’ inboxes the second WHO and MUSE released because “OMG Jimin said she/her!! He’s single and looking for a woman to love!” became the newest narrative.
While I do think it would be perfectly okay for him to want a female partner, it does make me slightly upset and sad, that people resorted to being homophobic and honestly misogynistic as a response. There is a way to discuss Jimin's potential romantic partners without being nasty to queer fans or possibly invalidating Jimin’s identity (especially since it is not likely that he’d ever fully come out (if he is queer/bi) in the way most people think nor want, given where he lives and his line of work).
Even the way people were talking about women was questionable. Going on about how it is outrageous for Jimin to deny himself the chance to be with a woman, have a biological family, and overall is wasting himself on Jungkook (if they are in a romantic relationship).
Making women out to be objects for men to use and only worth making/raising families, the homophobic rhetoric towards the longevity of queer relationships and same sex parents, as well as the blatant disrespect to Jungkook (that he’s “not enough” or “not right” for Jimin). If someone thinks that Jikook are nothing but platonic friends, that is perfectly fine. But to degrade their bond, as well as Jimin and Jungkook’s characters, is just unnecessarily cruel.
In regards to your response, I would love for nothing more than to say that it helped with my understanding of Jimin and MUSE, but I’m honestly not completely sure of that….
My first ask was sent right after the behind video for MUSE dropped, so before some of your posts that you linked about MUSE and WHO were posted (though I did read them again!).
Before I continue, I do want to make a few things clear:
I’m not stuck on any of my assumptions or thoughts being the “correct” way to interpret MUSE.
I’m not here to convince anyone that Jikook isn’t in a romantic relationship. I’m honestly really just confused.
I don’t need anyone to convince me that Jikook is still real.
I’m simply having a conversation and trying to process my thoughts and MUSE with someone that I trust and respect. Do I always agree with everything said? No, in fact disagreeing with others (Storm in this case) is how I tend to find out how I feel or think about a topic or situation.
I’ve done a lot of thinking about what exactly has been confusing me with MUSE, and I’ve narrowed it down to three main topics or questions: Is MUSE a conceptual album?, Is WHO how Jimin actually feels?, and What does this all mean for Jikook?
This is going to be long, I’m sorry in advance!
Initial Thoughts
Since I’m used to Jimin’s recent work, FACE and his Photofolio, having lots of Jimin’s own inspirations and ideas tied into it, like Greek Mythology, German Poetry, Robert Mapplethorpe’s Imagery and Work, ect, with the title being MUSE, the idea that Jimin was going to vaguely write about his inspirations or muses (how Closer Than This is considered for ARMY) seemed likely to me.
Then as the track titles were revealed to be more romantic sounding, it felt like he may have used the concept of love to better articulate another deeper message. Or that he chose to write about a fictional love and focused more on vocal and production styles, in a similar way to what Jungkook did with Golden.
Post MMM
 While watching the MMM video for the first time, I was confused because Jimin had mentioned MUSE being more vague (or conceptual) than FACE but that WHO was his “feelings” after the previous tracks. Ultimately, I took that as him wanting to write about love but not having current personal experiences to pull from, so he decided to make up a fictional love story/crush, and then WHO comes at the end being like “actually that’s not true. i’m not in love, though i want to be.”
Then I saw this post:
I went back to watch MMM immediately, and was almost horrified at how I managed to miss or maybe interpret parts of Jimin and Namjoon’s conversation differently.
JM: I really tried to express all the emotions I felt at the time. “What do you talk about these days?” “How are things going?” Those were things Pdogg asked me about and I felt that it had been a while since I felt excited about something.
RM: Oh, over something.
JM: Yeah. We hadn’t been active as a team for a while either. I was working hard, I wanted to do well and was trying but it felt like it had been a long time since I was immersed in something or felt excited about something.
RM: So, since your life felt really bland, you expressed your different feelings through Muse?
JM: I tried to capture that in my album. I set my album like this, from tracks one through five, those emotions compared to having a crush and confessing my feelings.
RM: Having a crush is exciting.
JM: Exactly! So I share how I feel, then in track six which is the title track, I go, “no, that wasn’t really true”. “When will I feel excited about something again?”
RM: Then does it connect to Face in any way?
JM: Not really. It’s not that connected.
RM: Face was then?
JM: Those were my emotions then. Getting clarity, and this time it’s just vague.
With this in mind, as well as the fact that BOTH Jimin and Namjoon talked about Jimin’s work, singing, and idol identity more than anything to do with love, made the idea that search for love = search for his inspiration/excitement with his art more possible.
MUSE Behinds
Then the Behinds for Muse dropped….
Which led to my first ask:
Looking back now, I don’t think I presented WHY I was so conflicted after that video that well in my initial ask.
JM: This album has a lot of cheerful songs. But I wanted to try a different approach for just the title track. There will be a lot of fun songs.
JM: It was harder to write the lyrics this time. I had to pretend to go through experiences I haven’t had before. I’ll explain it one by one in more detail later.
So I know a lot of people have been using the “pretend to go through experiences I haven’t had before” to explain the “looking for love” vibes of WHO, but my understanding of Jimin saying this was that it’s towards the first five tracks (where he sings about having a crush and falling in love). While both relate to it being a concept, it being about the rest of the album (the love part) does make it sound like he’s currently single.
JB (Jon): *interpreting Jimin’s ideas* I’d like to fall in love. I wanna, I’ll do what it takes to fall in love. I still don’t feel it, so what is my heart waiting for?
JM (Through the Translator): It’s just a bit sentimental, so it doesn’t get too intense like, “Where is she?” It doesn’t get too depressing.
JM: It’s not supposed to be sad or anything.
Translator: He’s not like, not too deep into it. He’s like “This is what I’m feeling right now”.
JM: It’s kind of embarrassing to explain emotions. It feels like someone found my diary.
Translator: Thank you for explaining everything so honestly.
JM: My ears are red. *touches ears*
I really do want to hear more of what Jimin told Jon directly about his (Jimin’s) vision for the song.
While Jimin still could be working through the idea of a concept about his inspiration, when he says “It feels like someone found my diary”, to me it really did sound more personal to him than expected.
Especially to be getting so embarrassed about it.
JM: I’ve poured all my emotions into this, so I was very embarrassed just now. Even though they just wanted to ask about the story I wanted to tell. It’s just, everyone…. *laughs*
JM: Everyone’s just living alone, right? That’s what it is.
Yes, technically he does LIVE ALONE or he could have been using the feeling of not having that excitement to being alone….
But I'm curious as to what he meant by “everyone’s just living alone, right?” within the context of WHO, MUSE, or even in general?
Producer: If the album is going to be all about expressing the process, we could just go all out conceptual.
Producer: I thought we could do a story with a specific concept, and I thought it’d be great if we chose a name for a band.
With SGMB, the confusion for me was more about them mentioning it being about “expressing the process” and being conceptual after I had thoughts about WHO being more personal.
Now I wonder if they meant the process of falling in love.
Response to Your Thoughts
I really liked your take on the title of MUSE and relating it to inspiration and the Muses of Greek Mythology. It fits in line with what we’ve seen from Jimin, as well as what I was initially expecting.
Like I said above, after going back and paying attention to what they were saying (I literally typed out the entire video to go over 💀), the search for his inspiration and a version of himself that he’s fully satisfied with seemed likely to be the concept of MUSE.
Rejecting WHO, because “he didn’t write it”, feels not only disrespectful, but stupid to do so. It’d be one thing if Jimin had clearly stated that he had no connection to the lyrics/story and just liked the song that was given to him (though this is still weird, because him liking the song and presenting it to fans is valid and important). But that’s not what happened.
Yes someone else wrote WHO, but we’re literally told AND shown that Jimin was involved when they wrote it. That Jimin himself explained what he wanted to express through the song. Along with his further involvement with the MV and the choreo.
If he is explaining his search for inspiration through the idea of romance, that is incredibly smart and endearing of him. It shows me how much his work and art matter to him. That he’s willing to work on bettering himself (even if I thought he was already amazing) to achieve even better results that he can truly be proud of.
While I can see where topics surrounding his sexuality can come into play with WHO, more so with the MV, I’m under the impression that Jimin has come to terms with any gender expression or sexuality issues he’s had a long while ago. But still, even if he is accepting of who he is, others (ARMY, South Korea, The World, ect) might not be.
I’m happy though that even while in this search (whether for inspiration, satisfaction, or love) that he’s still able to be happy and content with where he is at and who he is.
Producers’ and Jimin’s Thoughts
Hearing that MUSE was born after Jimin was so excited to work on music, especially considering the darker topics discussed in FACE, makes me so unbelievably happy. The songs ending up as upbeat and hopeful, even romantic, really does make sense in that context.
But I'm honestly more and more confused the more people talk about this album.
The producers say the album is about looking for some imaginary woman, while every song other than WHO is gender neutral. Even with WHO, we are shown a version that was gender neutral.
“He’s a Korean Idol. He’s going to be portrayed as straight!”
So why is Jimin not following that?
Most (if not all) of what I hear him talk about in relation to MUSE is gender neutral. I don’t have an issue with Jimin making love songs about women, but make it consistent with the rest of the album that THEY (Jimin and Producers) wrote then!
Is it Personal or Conceptual?
It's true that conceptual doesn’t have to mean fake, but the question I’m often left with is “In what way is this album conceptual?” Is it his search for inspiration and excitement of his work through a romantic lens OR is it his search for his person through a made up love story?
The idea of most of the album being love songs about a made up relationship/crush just to be like “I’m actually single and alone!”, does frustrate me a little. Like he’s an Idol, it’s already assumed that he’s single.
“Please misunderstand”, Park Jimin, what does this mean??
At first I thought maybe he meant him being in a relationship, because the songs (up until WHO) read as him confessing to someone or telling ARMY about his partner. But WHO exists on the album… so that narrative is already clear.
So is he not LOOKING FOR A WOMAN? Or is he not SINGLE?
Is the album not about his LOVE LIFE but his work?
Because ANY of those would actually make more sense to misunderstand.
Why is he releasing this in the military? I’d understand if he was planning on revealing a partner, but based on what Jimin, the producers, and WHO are saying, he’s single. So is he announcing that he’s looking for love once he’s discharged? Then we go back to it being assumed that he is already single… and not going to lie, that is a little strange to announce? Why make an entire album for that?
Why is Closer Than This on the album? I’m desperately hoping it’s not some sick way of saying “At least I got ARMY”..... and then what is Letter for?
The Song
So the only song that Jimin doesn’t have writing credits on is supposed to be the one depicting his “true feelings”... Interesting.
According to the producers, the song was born out of Jimin having trouble relating to a love serenade they were trying to write initially, and thus ends up asking himself if he can ever really love someone. With the song apparently being about the reality of feeling lonely and melancholy, and asking yourself where the person for you is , it does make me think that he hasn’t been in a long term romantic relationship for years, if it’s directly about Jimin and not just the concept of the song.
“He’s an Idol, of course he’ll say he’s single and doesn’t know what love is!”
Ok, but why mention it at all?
I could maybe see Jimin not being out to his producers (or more so with his possible relationship with Jungkook), but it’s also not hard to just take him at his word (via the producers) that he’s unfamiliar with romantic love.
Jimin mentions that when he meets up with friends, they’re all feeling similarly flat. I wonder if that flatness is towards not being in a relationship or feeling uninspired with life and/or work? He goes on to say it’s not a sad or scary feeling, but it’s also not exciting. This could go for either concept (Love or Work) to be honest.
The MV
Initially with the MV,  I just saw Jimin dancing with girls trying to find the one but ending up alone (in line with the song). The only thing that I really had trouble processing was the billboard…
I’ve read through multiple analyses of the MV since my first viewing, and I’ve noticed a lot more details that are somewhat questionable.
Auto Calibration being the main one as it flashes on screen after Jimin dances with men and then leads into him dancing with women. This does give some queer vibes, and makes me interested in what “story” Jimin had in mind with WHO as the choreo also has similar vibes too.
Jimin mentioning people instead of just women as potential options when passing by is also interesting, especially when he has mostly talked about this album gender neutrally.
The billboard with SOMEONE’S EYES dropping after Jimin sings “Who is my heart waiting for?” does seem as though it's an answer for Jimin, or maybe others. Especially when WHO with NO QUESTION MARK and Keep Going are written on it. In my opinion, it does resemble Jungkook's eyes. But I find it hard to take it as a promotion of some sort when it quite literally interrupts the MV, seemingly for no reason, instead of being a poster in the back.
Then of course, there is the insane potential connection of Taeyang, someone Jimin is a known fan of and is now friends with, showcasing his then girlfriend (now wife) on a billboard in a MV….
The Choreo
Most of the choreo just matches with the lyrics, but there are some parts that I found interesting.
During a Chorus part Jimin joins up with SIX OTHER MEN. I don’t know if this is supposed to be a BTS reference or just formations. But what is the point of having SIX when there is only FIVE later for the girls vs boys part? Why not just keep the seven men (including Jimin) and have seven girls? Where’d the other guy even go?
Next in Verse Two when Jimin sings about “taking her places they ain’t found yet, putting it all on the line, and being that someone she can count on”, he dances with two men. Why? Would it not be better for him to do some sort of partner choreo here?
In the bridge, he repeats “who is my heart, heart waiting for?” as he passes by BOTH WOMEN AND MEN. Sure he only tries to match with women, but he’s a kpop idol and the song uses female pronouns, so that’s expected. I’m sure the male dancers were most likely included just to have it look better, but considering Jimin saying people when talking about it, the gender neutral version of the song, and that Jimin was involved with the choreo, it’s something to consider!
Jimin also keeps mentioning the choreo feeling like a short film or musical, which makes all the film (play, pause, rewind) details in the MV fit.
I am a bit disappointed that he, once again, warned fans about him interacting with women in the choreo. Even to the point of saying “moments that you might find uncomfortable” and “please don’t be too disappointed”
This is part of the reason I’m genuinely confused if this was to be some big “ARMY I’m dating/going to date!” announcement, because why would he care??? He mentions that “it is part of the grand scheme of things”, does that just refer to the story aspect of the choreo or is there more to it?
His conversations with his friends come up again, about how there are few instances to feel really strong emotions and him thinking “Should I start feeling more passion?” while making WHO, and that the writers of WHO worded the story he wanted to tell in such a lovely way.
The choreo has a lot of fun theatrical elements as he seems to want to express a lot of picturesque scenes, and the dance suits him while being simpler and fresh. But he’s still concerned about how to express the emotions for this song, as it isn't a sad song, but it does kind of become one towards the end.
Jimin’s Truth
With the amount of story elements, I’m considering the song being more of a way to describe his feelings about needing passion in his life than a detailed recount of his “failing love life”. It’s still his thoughts and feelings, but maybe expressed in a more digestible way for the audience.
If he is being up front about his romantic past, then I really do hope he finds his person, whoever they might be.
Park Jimin OF ALL PEOPLE deserves to love and be loved!
Being More Open
I know Jimin, and all idols, needs to be careful when talking about love. It’s why I’m so confused as to why this concept, and why now? Though with Jin stating that he wrote Falling for someone, maybe this is just part of BTS being more honest and open.
I do want to take Jimin and Jungkook’s words and actions seriously, however part of what has been said about MUSE and WHO from Jimin and his producers, does make me question if I (and the rest of us) were mistaken of what the nature of their bond is.
Why Does It Matter?
I think part of the reason that it's important to me to know if Jimin is legitimately saying he’s single, is that I do want to respect him and his words.
“So why were you shipping him with his bandmate?” 
Personally I’ve always left room for doubt when it comes to Jikook. It’s not everything I think about in terms of BTS, Jimin, and/or Jungkook. Nor is it the end of the world for me if they’re simply platonic friends. I just thought Jikook seemed like they were/are dating.
Now I’m a little confused on where I stand, and knowing what MUSE and WHO are about in relation to Jimin would help. I know you obviously can’t know exactly. But I’m hoping I’ll get something other than “Jikook is real! Stop doubting them! You’re projecting your internalized homophobia!” OR “Jikook isn’t real! Jimin is straight and looking for a woman!”
Random AYS Interjection
I did want to finish this before Are You Sure premiered because I didn't want to keep talking about this past then and really didn’t think I had that much more to say.
But as I was going through my ask, your response to me, your posts you linked, my notes on Jimin’s video, the new videos that were being uploaded, and other anons and bloggers opinions, I realized this was going to take longer than I thought.
Part of me was also curious if my thoughts on MUSE would change how I saw Jikook in Are You Sure. Honestly my surprise when I didn’t find anything that pointed to them breaking up or being just platonic, was nothing compared to seeing that my opinion was uncommon to quite a few in the Jikook Community….
“What about the Car Conversation?!?!”
OK???? What about it?
Honestly, watching people discover that Jimin and Jungkook were busy and missing each other (or at least quality time) in 2023 for the first time this August was interesting to say the least…
We could get into the abuse and bullying allegations, calling Jimin being anti romantic over things taken out of context or making it into some weird narrative that Jimin doesn’t love Jungkook as much or that he sees their relationship as the Devil, or the fifty other weird things some of y’all said on your "Jikook Supporter" blogs…
But this is about MUSE, so THAT RANT will have to wait!
Final Conclusion
I’m still confused, but I do think after reviewing things that there is more to MUSE than I think. Especially with stories and theatrics being involved in so much of the concept.
I really just want to know what MUSE is about. The misunderstanding thing was fun for like a couple days, now it just makes me anxious and stressed. But maybe it was supposed to be like this 😔
Thank you for actually responding to my first ask so nicely and being willing to have this discussion with me!
Sorry this response took forever, hopefully it's somewhat decent 😭
Hope you're doing well, and are having a good holiday!
— Nice Muse Anon 🎨
I'm going to cry. I typed this whole fucking thing up. And it got deleted. So here we go again 😭
Hi love, I'm going to do this in a bit of a direct response thing. Copy what you say in red and then reply to it and so forth. Here we go. It won't be EVERYTHING you say, just the parts I wanted to make a comment about....
But I refuse to keep this past 2024, so here's an gift for the holidays (or maybe not considering the word count 🫥)!
And yet here I am months later. Sorry!
Your first 3 opening paragraphs about homophobia and misogyny.... Hard preach!
Rejecting WHO, because “he didn’t write it”, feels not only disrespectful, but stupid to do so. It’d be one thing if Jimin had clearly stated that he had no connection to the lyrics/story and just liked the song that was given to him (though this is still weird, because him liking the song and presenting it to fans is valid and important). But that’s not what happened.
Yes someone else wrote WHO, but we’re literally told AND shown that Jimin was involved when they wrote it. That Jimin himself explained what he wanted to express through the song. Along with his further involvement with the MV and the choreo. If he is explaining his search for inspiration through the idea of romance, that is incredibly smart and endearing of him. It shows me how much his work and art matter to him. That he’s willing to work on bettering himself (even if I thought he was already amazing) to achieve even better results that he can truly be proud of.
Agreed x 2
Hearing that MUSE was born after Jimin was so excited to work on music, especially considering the darker topics discussed in FACE, makes me so unbelievably happy. The songs ending up as upbeat and hopeful, even romantic, really does make sense in that context.
It does make sense in that context!
“He’s a Korean Idol. He’s going to be portrayed as straight!” So why is Jimin not following that?
This is part of why he is beloved. Him and BTS. They do this all the time and queer or not, it's impactful and meaningful and special to so many people
It's true that conceptual doesn’t have to mean fake, but the question I’m often left with is “In what way is this album conceptual?” Is it his search for inspiration and excitement of his work through a romantic lens OR is it his search for his person through a made up love story?
Personally, I think it's option 1. People can have their own opinions though, no right or wrong answer. Some might even have other options they think it is
The idea of most of the album being love songs about a made up relationship/crush just to be like “I’m actually single and alone!”, does frustrate me a little. Like he’s an Idol, it’s already assumed that he’s single.
1000% fair and I can even agree a bit with that frustration. Mostly my frustration there is with the company and fans though that cultivated this environment for idols
Why is he releasing this in the military? I’d understand if he was planning on revealing a partner, but based on what Jimin, the producers, and WHO are saying, he’s single. So is he announcing that he’s looking for love once he’s discharged? Then we go back to it being assumed that he is already single… and not going to lie, that is a little strange to announce? Why make an entire album for that?
I don't think he is announcing anything exactly. Like it's not a release meant to be for an announcement. If that makes sense. He isn't trying to inform people he is single and/or ready to mingle. He is trying to share emotions and a story. Why during MS? Idk.
Why is Closer Than This on the album? I’m desperately hoping it’s not some sick way of saying “At least I got ARMY”..... and then what is Letter for?
Usually singles that are released before albums get put on the album. Personally I think that was a one off goodbye song for ARMY before the army. I don't think it actually has anything to do with the album concepts or themes at all... Lol it just got stuck on the album because of release times. But that's just me and what do I actually know 🤷‍♀️
What is letter for? Good question. There are soooo many theories lmfao
The Song
According to the producers, the song was born out of Jimin having trouble relating to a love serenade they were trying to write initially, and thus ends up asking himself if he can ever really love someone. With the song apparently being about the reality of feeling lonely and melancholy, and asking yourself where the person for you is , it does make me think that he hasn’t been in a long term romantic relationship for years, if it’s directly about Jimin and not just the concept of the song.
Fair enough friend. I disagree but that's totally fair and valid feelings to have
“He’s an Idol, of course he’ll say he’s single and doesn’t know what love is!” Ok, but why mention it at all?
Because with the concept and theme being what they are, it would be discussed to hell and back (low-key hello is us in this post) and it's "damage control" regardless on how I feel about that, it's most likely what it is. No matter how annoying
I could maybe see Jimin not being out to his producers (or more so with his possible relationship with Jungkook), but it’s also not hard to just take him at his word (via the producers) that he’s unfamiliar with romantic love.
I personally Don't form my opinions too much based on things that are second hand. I still take them into account for sure. But I don't put too too much stock into things that via someone else on behalf of any of BTS. Because really, they can just say anything. Now don't take this as me dismissing things said, because I'm not. I'm just clarifying for everyone that I form 85% of my opinions ONLY on things that are direct from Jimin himself and based directly on Jimins actions. Things are going to be influenced by personal bias always as well too
The MV
I think we are mostly just mostly on the same page with everything you said here
The Choreo
Again, mostly think we are on the same page about your thoughts here. Will just comment specially about....
I am a bit disappointed that he, once again, warned fans about him interacting with women in the choreo. Even to the point of saying “moments that you might find uncomfortable” and “please don’t be too disappointed”
Very fair and honestly same. Again, mostly in the fans and company that have cultivated that environment he feels like he has to operate in now. I do wish he would care less about it though.
This is part of the reason I’m genuinely confused if this was to be some big “ARMY I’m dating/going to date!” announcement, because why would he care??? He mentions that “it is part of the grand scheme of things”, does that just refer to the story aspect of the choreo or is there more to it?
Jimin just cares a lot and very deeply about everything that matters to him, which includes his job and his fans. As for the grand scheme comment, I personally think it's in regards to the story aspect of the choreo, but that's just me
With the amount of story elements, I’m considering the song being more of a way to describe his feelings about needing passion in his life than a detailed recount of his “failing love life”. It’s still his thoughts and feelings, but maybe expressed in a more digestible way for the audience. If he is being up front about his romantic past, then I really do hope he finds his person, whoever they might be. Park Jimin OF ALL PEOPLE deserves to love and be loved!
I know Jimin, and all idols, needs to be careful when talking about love. It’s why I’m so confused as to why this concept, and why now? Though with Jin stating that he wrote Falling for someone, maybe this is just part of BTS being more honest and open.
Between Jin saying he wrote falling for someone, and Joon with some of his songs and posts... And some other things and comments, I really really hope that they come out of MS feeling more free and giving less of a fuck about certain fans and their feelings about things. But only time will tell
I do want to take Jimin and Jungkook’s words and actions seriously, however part of what has been said about MUSE and WHO from Jimin and his producers, does make me question if I (and the rest of us) were mistaken of what the nature of their bond is.
Fair enough friend
I think part of the reason that it's important to me to know if Jimin is legitimately saying he’s single, is that I do want to respect him and his words.
Highlighting the respect part, because everyone should want to do the same
Personally I’ve always left room for doubt when it comes to Jikook. It’s not everything I think about in terms of BTS, Jimin, and/or Jungkook. Nor is it the end of the world for me if they’re simply platonic friends. I just thought Jikook seemed like they were/are dating.
AYS comments....
Honestly, watching people discover that Jimin and Jungkook were busy and missing each other (or at least quality time) in 2023 for the first time this August was interesting to say the least…
It really brings back up that whole media literacy thing I keep bringing up people's lack of and as well as people's lack of understanding of relationships in general (platonic and romantic) doesn't it. Lol
We could get into the abuse and bullying allegations, calling Jimin being anti romantic over things taken out of context or making it into some weird narrative that Jimin doesn’t love Jungkook as much or that he sees their relationship as the Devil, or the fifty other weird things some of y’all said on your "Jikook Supporter" blogs… But this is about MUSE, so THAT RANT will have to wait!
Always willing to have any kind of discussion with you lovely 🎨! Either through asks or DMs.
Your conclusions
I’m still confused, but I do think after reviewing things that there is more to MUSE than I think. Especially with stories and theatrics being involved in so much of the concept.
I agree
I really just want to know what MUSE is about. The misunderstanding thing was fun for like a couple days, now it just makes me anxious and stressed. But maybe it was supposed to be like this 😔
JIMIN PLEASE. YOU ARE KILLING US. And this is for sure how it's going to stay. We are getting NOTHING more from him 😭😂
Thank you for actually responding to my first ask so nicely and being willing to have this discussion with me!
Fucking always. But I feel like I didn't actually DO anything for you here and I'm so sorry! I wish I could be more helpful for you in a discussion. Let me know if there are things I can give a more in depth opinion on if I haven't already?? I enjoy talking with you and hearing your thoughts!
~ Storm⛈️
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a1307s · 1 year ago
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Artwork #2
(Garfield Logan Smut)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Exegaytioner]
Requested by: Liviejc
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 6,063
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Sorry it took so long; it’s been a mix of the holiday and a bit of writers block
Pet Name Used (Bunny)
Slight degrading
     It's been a couple of months since I walked in on Y/N painting her wall. Since then, I've been a little attached to her. We spend a lot of time together, whether that's me watching her work on different art projects, or Y/N watching her show as I game, or just sitting in each other's presence.
     Over this time, I've learned a bit about her, but not as much as I'd like. She's a 'freak accident', like I am; like most of the team is. Other than that, I don't know anything about her, but it seems there's not much to know. I will say that kind of explains her hatred for her shifting color schemes.
     The most recent activity we do together has been napping. Y/N always gets excited about her afternoon nap. She has issues sleeping alone which means her napping makes up most of her daily sleep. She used to nap with Nightwing but most days he'd be too busy for it, so she'd miss out. Y/N did end up asking me to nap with her instead. I answered yes, a little quicker than I meant.
     I won't admit it to anyone, but I've started growing feelings for her, which have only gotten worse over time. We used to just nap. Well, Y/N would nap, and I would lay next to her. Then we started making out before she'd nap. Now we make out before and after she naps.
     I enjoy it. I like her rubbing up on me and kissing me. I like the dark crimson color that coats her lips after we kiss. I like her. All that doesn't help my denial.
     Y/N on the other hand, I have no clue how she feels about it. You would figure with the whole 'hue of her skin matches her emotions' it would be easy to tell how Y/N feels. Well, when you don't know what the different colors and hues mean, it doesn't!
     It also doesn't help that the only thing I ever see her in is that dumb white cloak of hers. Given, her hood is never up anymore - unless we're on a mission. She's more loose about letting her arms show too, but with how big the sleeves are they tend to cover her more than they don't.
     When Y/N naps, she's usually curled up, so her ankles end up showing. Sometimes her cloak parts and shows a bit of her thighs. It makes me feel like a Victorian boy. 'Oh, her ankles! How sinful of me to look at such things!'
     I have asked Y/N a few times about our kisses. How she feels about them and such. Usually, she ignores me. The few times she has answered haven't been very nice. Her answer is usually something like 'You tolerate my naps, so I tolerate your kisses'. I don't want her to tolerate our makeouts. I want her to want them. I want her to want me.
     I have talked about our situation with Nightwing, and he usually helps. How he's explained it is that Y/N struggles with expressing emotions. Weird to think about since her powers are linked to her emotions, but not knowing much about her leaves a lot of room for speculation. However, seeing how she lives at the mountain like a lot of us, assumptions are easy to place.
     Like every afternoon, Y/N is curled up against me, fast asleep. Her back is pressed up against my side and her head is resting on my arm. My other arm is thrown across the bed, forgotten. Y/N won't sleep if she's not touching me in some way, but at the same time, she doesn't like being touched a lot. It makes for a weird balance. Too much touching and she can't stay asleep, too little touching and she also can't stay asleep.
     She's cute when she sleeps, and not angry which is always a plus. She gets angry pretty quickly, but I'm not that surprised. Y/N just happens to have the same hair-trigger temper that Conner does.
     The thought of glancing under her cloak flickers through my head. That would be perverted and wrong... but, she is sleeping in my bed so it couldn't be too bad... right? No. Nope. That's wrong.
     I shift away from her, putting a bit of space between the two of us as I shake the thoughts out of my head. If I want to see her coloring that bad, I can just ask. The worst she can say is no, right? Or... it could put us back to square one again. Put us back to barely talking and her walls shooting back up.
     Y/N whimpers a bit, turning over so her head is on my shoulder now, her arms - exposed - resting on my chest, and her front pressed up against me. I watch as her skin shifts from milky white to a soft pink. The color blotches over her arms and the exposed part of her chest that comes in contact with me.
     I'm not too surprised by this. Usually when Y/N wakes up the side of her face is this soft bubble gum pink color from where she was pressed into my arm. Even at this moment, her cheek is decorated in the coloring, though it's starting to fade back to white now that she has switched sides. I enjoy watching her colors shift, it's relaxing.
     Some of Y/N's coloring is obvious. The dark red, almost black means she's mad and is usually paired with matching tight curls. When her hair is short, fuzzy - and usually grey - it means she didn't sleep too well, which also means Y/N will have an even shorter temper than usual. Yellow - the bright one, not the washed-out one; I don't know what the washed-out coloring is yet - means she's happy. How bright it is shows how happy she is. Other than that, the rest of the coloring is still a mystery.
     I stay like this, watching the pink spotting get darker the longer she lays against me. I wonder what the pink means. To me, pink is the color of love. Maybe she does like me and just doesn't know it. However, I have seen her turn pink while working on her art and while reading and such. Those things can't exactly bring feelings of love... I don't think.
     Maybe I should get a feelings chart. That might help my situation. Especially since I'm not sure if every feeling has a different color or if it's more of an umbrella thing. I'm pretty sure it's an umbrella thing... maybe.
     Y/N shifts, pulling my attention back to her. Her head picks up, eyes open this time. They're milky white, like the rest of her, for a second. Soon they shift to her bright yellow with flickers of pink through them. God, what does the pink mean?
     "Good morning, Garfield," she says, dipping her head back to my shoulder as she shifts herself on top of me. I tense a bit as Y/N slides into my lap, her legs bent at my sides, her arms draping themselves over my shoulders and her chest pressed into mine. She sits like this all the time, after every nap, in the middle of every day. It shouldn't be any different today, but it does feel different. It's probably because I was deep-diving into my thoughts today.
     "How'd you sleep?" I ask, placing my hands on her thighs. What color are my handprints under her cloak? Are they pink? Yellow? Are her inner thighs littered with blotches from where they press into me? I want to know so bad. Y/N just hums in response, shifting her head onto my neck instead of my shoulder.
     Once again, she falls still, her soft breathing coating my neck and making my nerves spark. I think I just need something new for us. Something more than just our makeouts. Something to let me know Y/N enjoys this instead of seeing it as a chore.
     I slide my hands around some, my fingers curling around the edges of her cloak that has parted a bit from her position. My eyes stay locked on the ceiling as I tip my fingertips over the hem, barely coming in contact with her bare skin. It's silent for a beat, the warmth of her skin sliding up my fingers, but the silence doesn't stay long. "Don't do that," Y/N says, her fingers sliding down and wrapping around mine to pull my hand away. She lays it back in its usual spot, gently placed on top of her thigh, over her cloak.
     So much for something new, something to prove that she enjoys whatever the hell this is. Y/N's head tilts back up, her eyes now their ashy grey. Besides the angry red color, grey is the most used color on Y/N. Her eyes, skin, and hair, are all grey when we go on a mission. Unlike her sleepiness, when we're on a mission her hair is pin-straight and long. I don't know what the grey means. Maybe focus. What is she focusing on right now? Is focus even an emotion? I don't think so.
     Her head tilts some, eyes slowly melting back to the yellow and pink from before, her hair doing the same. I'll take that as a good sign. Happiness is always good, even if I don't know what it's paired with. Y/N's fingers are soft and airy as they slide up my neck, stroking my cheeks as she cups my face. She bends down, her lips sliding over my skin for a second before finding a new place to butterfly a kiss too. Maybe she does enjoy our kisses, why else would she be so gentle? So soft? Her lips trail over my face, leaving their warmth across my nose, my eyes, my forehead, my jaw, anywhere she can reach.
     My hands slide backward, jumping over her butt to slide around her back. I feel so loved, and so cared for when Y/N starts our kisses like this. If she doesn't feel anything for me, how could she make me feel this way? How could she push so much love out in these little touches if she doesn't care about me too?
     "Y/N?" I ask, my words coming out softer than I meant them to.
     "Garfield?" She whispers back, her lips sliding against the corner of my mouth, making my heart rate rise and blood rush down my body. It's annoying. This is annoying. I hate feeling so in love, so needy for her, just for nothing to ever happen outside of the few minutes before and after she sleeps. Outside of this, Y/N rarely lets me touch her, and the one time I tried to kiss her, I got a broken nose and a week of her being skittish. No naps during that week too which meant no kisses either.
     I gently slide my hands up Y/N's body, sliding them up her shoulder and cupping her face. I tilt her back, so her eyes are focused on me instead of her kisses. She looks so pretty, her back arched, her cloak opened some, showing me the top of her chest, the soft blue of her bra poking out a bit. This isn't helping my rushing blood or my thoughts. I can't touch her thighs, but I can see down her top? She's half awake, I doubt she knows this is what she looks like.
     I rub my fingers across her cheeks like Y/N has been doing to me. Soft streaks of pink are littered across her face, from where she's rubbed up against me. The paths of my thumbs are darker pink from the constant contact. Why do my fingers leave a pink spot, but her lips are red when we kiss? If I kiss other parts of her, will those turn pink? Or red?
     "Do you like our kisses?" I ask, trying to focus on her eyes but instead, my eyes keep dropping down her top and rising back up to her lips.
     Y/N shifts, her back going straight as she sits up, and her knees tightening around my sides. I'm a bit disappointed at the shift, the beautiful scene is gone now, but I can't complain much. The added pressure to my groin feels nice, teasing even. She shifts more, pressing into the half-hard situation in my pants for a second, her eyes wandering around the room. This is getting heated quicker than usual. All the build-up from the last few weeks looming over us, threatening to snap if Y/N keeps rubbing up on me like this. I place my hands on her hips, keeping her in place. Maybe not the best placement, but her being still is better than her adding friction.
     "I don't mind them," she answers, wiggling out of my hold and lying back down next to me.
     That pisses me off. Y/N is not dumb, she's a very smart girl, so she has to know touching me like this has some kind of effect. She has to know normal people don't nap and have heated make-out sessions with their friends. And what does she mean? She 'doesn't mind them'? What the hell Y/N?
     I look over at her, watching the pink on her skin fade back to white. Watching it helps me calm down a bit. It always relaxes me when I get to watch her shift. "Y/N?" I call again at a normal tone this time, as I slide my hand back to its place on her thigh. I massage it softly, debating if I should try to dip it down again.
     "Garfield?" Y/N answers again, her head turning towards me. Her eyes are starting to shift to red, the same crimson red her lips usually are by now. Is she mad at me for touching her? She sounds pretty calm compared to how she usually is when she's mad. Maybe she isn't mad.
     "Do you not like me kissing you?" I ask, giving into my want and dipping my fingertips down, toying with Y/N's inner thighs.
     "I don't... not like it," she answers, turning her head away from me. I watch, waiting for a reaction, but I don't get one.
     "So... you do like them?" I push, sliding closer to her. I'm leaning over Y/N's face, hovering barely over her, and slide my fingers down slightly lower, the hem of her cloak coming into contact with my fingers again.
     Y/N's eyes are wide, mostly grey with flickers of red throughout them, her skin doing the same. Her body is a bit stiff, and her chest jumps faster than normal. Is she nervous or scared? Maybe both? "Umm... I guess so," she answers, her legs closing and squeezing my hand between them.
     She guesses so? She doesn't know? The anger from earlier bubbles up again. I want Y/N to know she wants me, I want her to be as needy for me as I am for her, I want her to voice her thoughts and feelings about me.
     "Y/N?" My voice rings out, my fingers curling around her cloak again. I just need something, anything from her to let me know she feels somewhat good about this, about our kisses, about whatever relationship we have. I move her cloak, moving the fabric up her legs so her inner thighs are exposed to me.
     "Garfield," she breathes out, her skin and eyes redder than grey as I slide over her warm skin, her cloak now covering both my hand and her thigh. Her skin is smooth, soft, and hopefully colorful. I like Y/N's voice like this, I want to hear her say my name like that again.
     My name ringing in my ears makes my pants tighter, the half-hard-on is now a full-blown-hard-on. "I want to see your coloring," I tell her, gently parting her legs some so I can move my hand easier. The small circles I've been pushing into her skin have left a red ring on her skin. Is that good or bad? Is Y/N enjoying this or not?
     "You... what?" She asks, her voice still light, her head tilted down some so our eyes are connected. Y/N's eyes are fully red now, and her mouth is slightly parted. Is she horny? Is that what's happening? I mean, she looks horny. Picked up breathing, wide eyes, parted lips.
     My head falls to the side as I lean down, connecting our lips as my eyes snap shut. Y/N's lips feel soft and plump against my own. She tastes like honey, a leftover flavor from her tea this morning. It's not long before her mouth falls open, giving me access before I even have the chance to ask for it.
     I let my hand continue to squeeze the flesh of her thigh, bringing my other one up to do the same thing. My tongue slides over Y/N's, the feeling only causing more of my nerves to go haywire. Her hands are stiff but gentle as they cling to my biceps, her fingers shaking against my skin.
     "Why are you so nervous?" I ask once we pull apart, Y/N panting some under me. "I just want to see your coloring," I add, slowly pulling her legs further apart, her cloak falling open and pooling at her hips. Crimson red colors are littered across her skin, dark purples swirling with the color from where my fingers have crossed over her skin, the rest of her still grey. Matching soft blue panties stand out against her ashy color of her. Little Miss Matching, how cute.
     "I'm... I just..." Y/N stumbles, her panting slowed some but still present. I inch my fingers up, letting a finger on each side slide across the bands of her underwear clinging to her legs. This gets me a shift of her legs, but they fall back into place, wide open for me to admire.
     "You have to use your words. I'm tired of trying to read your mind," I murmur, scooting down the bed so I can dip my head between her legs. Y/N's hands slide up to my shoulders from my movement and soon knot themselves into the hair on my neck. Once again, her legs fall close, tapping against me before falling open again. "Why are you nervous?" I whisper against her skin, sliding my lips over her inner thigh. Like my fingerprints, an outline of my lips forms a dark red with blotches of purple through it. I continue pressing kisses into her left thigh, leaving new outlines in my wake.
     "I... you're.... you're touching me," Y/N answers, her legs tapping against the side of my face again. It's cute, how nervous she is about me seeing her like this, how her legs fall open when she's reminded of my placement.
     "So? I touch you all the time," I comment, switching to her right thigh. I let my eyes flicker up, taking in Y/N as I leave a long lick from mid-thigh to the dip of her hip meeting her legs. A hissed breath comes from her, a red streak forming as I watch. Y/N's back is arched the slightest, her knees repeatedly bumping into me before falling open again, her body shaking a bit, hands buried into my head. I think this is prettier than the scene I got to see earlier.
     I pull back from her, kneeling in front of her bent legs so only my hands are in contact with her now. This lets her knees bump into each other when they go too close again. Y/N whimpers at this, her fingers sliding down to my face as I sit up. "Aww, is someone whiney?" I tease, inching my hands up her stomach, letting them slide under her clothing. "Why are you whiney? What do you want Bunny?"
     "I... I don't... I don't know," Y/N stumbles out, her body scooting down to move my hands up further. Her hands have moved back down to my shoulders, her nails digging into them. Her eyes are blown out, dark purple with spots of red, and watery as she looks at me. I've barely even touched her, and she's already overwhelmed. Y/N is going to need a long cool down after this.
     I mess with the bend of her bra, snapping it against her, running my fingers under it, inching up just a bit before dropping them back down. My eyes jump around her, her skin turning the same purple as her eyes, washing away all the grey. The previous prints on her thighs are now crimson red instead of their previous purple, making them stand out against the cooler color. "I think you do know," I answer back, completely pulling my hands down and planting them on her hips.
     Y/N whines again, thrusting her body down to attempt to move my hands further up her body. It doesn't work though; I keep them firmly in place as her legs bump into mine from her movement. "Please?" She whimpers, an involuntary pout forming on her face.
     "Please what? What do you want Bunny?" I repeat as the idea of Y/N dressed up in bunny ears and a puffy bunny tail serves as a nice reminder of my hard penis, which pulses at the thought. I just need to hold on a little longer, long enough to get Y/N to beg, long enough to get her prepped, and then I can have my pleasure. "If you don't tell me what you want, I'll leave you here to deal with this all by yourself," I threaten, rubbing soft circles into her hip bones to try and encourage her words out.
     "Touch me, please?" She begs, the words coming out desperate as her legs fall open again, filling my eyes with the sight of her panties. They're slightly wet now, a small spot forming as her juices seep out of her, only encouraging my actions more. She likes the teasing, she likes me forcing her words out, it's turning her on. Is that what the crimson red is? Or maybe that's what the purple is.
     "Touch you where, Bun? Here?" I tease, ghosting my fingers over the little mess Y/N is already forming. Her legs jerk from the touch, bumping into my arm before falling back into place. "Or here?" I ask, pressing soft circles into her clothes clit. Bump, bump, bump. Y/N's legs jerk again with every circle I push into her nerve bundle, squeezing my arm each time she comes into contact with it.
     "Garfield," she breathes out as she did earlier, another pulse from my dick and my breath hiccupping from it. I don't like how easily she cracks my swallow confidence. I am not a dominating partner by any means, but Y/N is even less a dominating person in bed so if I don't hold on to this tiny shaving of confidence, we'll be back to me panning over her with no retaliation.
     "Take it off," I bark out a lot meaner than I meant to. I clench her cloak in my hands, tugging it softly. "Please, Bun," I add, softening my tone in hopes of not scaring her off. I can't scare Y/N, I can't get this close to having her just to shove her back into her shell from being too rough, too mean.
     Slowly, Y/N's hands fall from my shoulders to the cute little white bow that keeps the cloth tightened to her body. Her fingers are shaking like crazy as she works on undoing it. Her eyes are still watery and so fucking hot as I look at her. I want to see her crying under me, I want to see her whole shaking because of me.
     "You're doing so good," I tell her once the bow is undone and her clothing falls to the side, exposing the skin of her torso, of her chest. Streaks of a mixed grey and red outline where my hands previously rubbed against. "So, so good, Bunny," I whisper against the skin of her neck, pushing soft kisses into it as I work on tugging her clothes the rest of the way off.
     Y/N curls around me as I'm bent over her. Her hands wrap around my shoulders, pushing our chests together, her legs wrapped around my hips and crossed on my back. Soft whimpers fill my ear as I push more sloppy kisses into her, now trailing them down her shoulders. It's so pretty, seeing the smooth white sliding off of Y/N, watching it pool behind her as small groups of colors form under my touches.
     I bite down gently into her shoulder, getting a soft cry of pain, and nails dig back into my shoulders, but I don't mind. I need to leave behind some marking, some proof of ownership, something to show that Y/N is mine for everyone to see, even if I know my eyes will be the only ones to ever see it. "Garfield, that hurts," Y/N whines, tugging on me gently to try and remove me from her.
     "I'm sorry," I murmur, littering kisses across her jaw before placing a soft one against her lips. Her tears have spilled over slightly, her cheeks damp as I pull back and look at her. "I want to be inside you so bad. Do you want me inside you?" I ask her, rubbing my thumb across her bottom lip as I look over her face. I do want to be in her, I want to be in her so badly, but I know she's overwhelmed. Y/N is shaking against me, and her tears aren't just from the bite mark, so I need to make sure she's okay with this, that she's not going to hate me if we do have sex, that she'll be okay after we have sex.
     Y/N's head nods a short yes, but that's not enough for me. I need to hear her yes; I need to hear that she wants me. I press another soft kiss to her lips, dropping my hands back down to the band of her bra. "I need you to use your words, Bun."
     "Please?" She whimpers, sliding herself against me. The sudden friction of her pussy against my ignored penis pulls a low moan out of me, getting me another soft hump and another whine from Y/N.
     "Please what?" I push, hooking my hands to her hips. I use this leverage to shove Y/N down hard onto me, to pick up the pace of her soaked panties rubbing against the front of my pants. I continue this, using my hand placement to hump myself as whimpers and whines spill from her, but not an answer. "I swear to God Y/N. Tell me what you want, or I'll jack myself off onto your pretty titties and leave you here whining like a desperate little Bunny that can't get herself off."
     Worry flickers through my head for a second but is quickly squashed when a moan tumbles out of Y/N's lips. "Please... I want you. Please? Pretty please Gar?" 
     That's enough confirmation for me to continue moving forward. I drop my hold on her long enough to shove my pants down and pull myself out. It's a struggle, getting myself out of my pants and boxers. Random body parts from the both of us bump together as I wiggle out of my clothes.
     Once I'm freed, I slide back between Y/N's legs, the head of my penis gently tapping against the soaked spot of her underwear. Her hands are back in place, tugging on my shirt that's covering my shoulders. "Needy, needy Bunny," I tease softly, leaning down to kiss Y/N's cheek before pulling my shirt off. 
     "Please?" She begs again, grinding her hips down against me. 
     I grab at her, having a tight hold on her hips again to stop her. "Don't do that," I warn, lifting her hips off mine. There's too much tension and if she keeps pushing, I'm not going to last long enough to fuck her. "I want to play with you first," I add, sliding my fingers down and letting them snag on her underwear.
     As I start pulling them down, Y/N grabs my wrist, pulling my attention to her face. Her skin is tinted in grey, only adding to the pretty mixes of red and purple. "Just... be gentle," she says, worry flooding her eyes and washing all the color out of it. Grey is fear. When Y/N is grey, she's feeling fearful.
     "I'll be gentle," I tell her, leaning up and placing a few soft kisses across her face before landing one on her lips. I continue this, littering her face in kisses, as I pull her panties off her legs. Grey is still present in Y/N's eyes, but the purple and red have started spilling back in. "You're so pretty," I whisper, moving forward so our hips are connected again. 
     Y/N's legs are back at my sides, squeezing me as my fingers dance around her folds, touching her but not touching where I know she aches. Her nails are sharp and a bit painful as they dig and release themselves from the skin of my shoulders. She is pretty, really pretty. Big watery doe eyes, body covered in explosions of colors, small noises spilling out as I tease, her clinging to me like she'll fall apart if she doesn't. I would be thrilled to spend the rest of my life looking at her like this.
     I slide my lips over hers, a distraction, something to calm her as I dip a finger into her. Y/N's fingers jolt again, digging into me as I pump my finger, helping her stretch out. "You're doing so good, Bunny," I whisper into her ear, dipping another finger in before curling inside her. I let my focus shift down, gazing at the sight of me disappearing into her.
     "Garfield," Y/N moans, pulling herself tighter against me.
     "Bunny," I tease, continuing to pump and curl against the walls of her pussy. Her body responds to the stimulation, tightening around me, her chest pumping to get more air into her lungs, and noises and whines for me spilling out. "You're doing really good," I repeat, pressing kisses anywhere I can reach. I debate whether to continue until she finishes or not. I don't want her to be overwhelmed, I don't want Y/N to stop enjoying this.
     I decide not to let her finish, not quite yet. I start pulling my fingers out, getting a distorted reaction from Y/N. "No! No, no, no," she whines, her hands sliding down my arms to try and stop me. 
     I turn my focus back to her face, taking in how beautiful she looks. Y/N's eyes are still doe-like, not a thought behind them besides me. Tears have spilled over again, making her cheeks all dewy and almost sparkly from the lights above us. Her chest has slowed down a bit, but it still looks full, pretty, soft. "God, you are pretty. You are beautiful, Y/N. You are gorgeous," I tell her, shifting myself around again.
     Heat rolls off of Y/N as I line myself up to her, tapping the head of my penis against her again, but with nothing in the way this time I'm able to poke just barely inside her. I tug her hands off my shoulders, lacing our fingers together as I gently press her hands against the bed. I want her to know she's able to let go, to call this off, to push me away if she needs to. "Y/N?" My voice rings out, a difference from the whimpers and whines that have been filling my ears.
     "Ya?" She answers, slinging her legs around me and attempting to pull me further into her.
     I give into her want, moving slowly, feeling just an inch of me sliding inside. "Are you sure you want this? We can stop," I tell her, hoping my own noises stay stuck in my throat.
     "Please? Pretty please? I want - I need more. Please Gar?" Y/N begs again, her fingers and legs tightening around me, trying to get more of me inside her.
     How can I say no to that? I pretty girl underneath me, begging me to fuck her. What sane person says no to that? Not me. I give again, letting the rest of me sink inside of her. Y/N is warm wrapped around me. Warm and loving. Perfect. 
     "You are so pretty. You are smart. You're gorgeous. You're so sweet. You are perfect. You know that? You are perfect, Bunny," I tell her, spilling out a new compliment after every thrust. A broken thank you falls from Y/N's lips after every one of my compliments, a moan or my name breaking up her words.
     This is perfect. She is perfect. Y/N likes me back, likes me enough to fuck her. Likes me enough to beg for me, to need me. My hands tighten around hers as I continue to thrust into her as I dip my head down. I clamp my teeth on her shoulder a couple more times, making sure to be gentle as I do so. Little whimpers fall from her at this action which only makes my thrusts sloppier.  
     The sloppier my thrusts get, the more upset I get. I don't want this to end, and I really don't want it to end this soon. I knew I wasn't going to last long from the start, all the teasing today and during the whole week made sure of that. "Bunny," I murmur, sliding my tongue over Y/N's neck before I continue. "I'm not going to last much longer."
     "No, you have to keep going. Please?" She whines from under me, her hold on me as she complains.
     "I can't, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Bun," I mutter against her skin, covering her raw skin in kisses. She squirms from my lips brushing against the forming bite marks. It's cute, but doesn't help my rushing high that's closing in. "We'll go again, I promise, I just... I can't," I add on, sliding more kisses over her markings, making her squirm around more.
     Another whine comes but is chased by Y/N pressing her own kisses into me. She leaves kisses wherever she can reach, my arms, my chest, my shoulders, everywhere.
     "Fuck," I mutter, sliding out of her as the band in my stomach slightly tighter than I want. As I pull out, my cum spills out onto Y/N's thighs. It leaves a pretty scene for me to enjoy. My cum covering her thighs in a pretty white, it stands out against the dark purple of her skin and the crimson red from where I was placed between them.
     Damn, all of her looks pretty, looks hot. Once again Y/N's chest is heaven for breath, a slight dew of sweat coating her body. Her skin is a pretty mix of reds and purples, every place I've touched her being empathized by the red and the rest of her being that pretty purple color. The bite marks I left littered across her shoulders - all five of them - a softer red, and slightly bruising. 
     "I'm sorry," I repeat, letting myself slump on top of her. Our hands are still intertwined as I let my body weight crush her a bit, my head buried into her neck. My dick is sensitive, but I push myself back into Y/N anyway, putting her whimpers of dissatisfaction on a slower setting. "I promise we'll go in again in a few minutes, okay?"
     "Okay," Y/N responds, her breathing slowing a bit. Her fingers slide gently against mine, helping me calm down from my high.
     I let my eyes focus on the coloring of her neck, the colors slowly dulling down before settling back to her peaceful white color. The soft pink returns again in all the places I'm touching her. I change my mind; this is the scene I'd be happy to watch for the rest of my life. Her skin shifting colors, me tangled up against her warm skin, Y/N's soft touches against me as I relax. God, I love watching Y/N's coloring, and I can't wait to make the colors shift again.
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sksninja · 1 month ago
@ovegakart art ramble [affectionate]
Hey Lady! I heard you were feeling a little underappreciated ‘bout you art recently and thought, “Hey! I can gush! I can ramble! I can throw some love her way!” So here we go! 
(note: this was just going to be a tumblr ask but partway through I realized those have a character limit and I definitely passed that so public post it is! [YOU WANT ATTENTION?! YER GONNA GET IT!♡] sorry-not-sorry) First up, it amazes me that you're potentially not constantly buried in asks/compliments with the sheer talent of your works. Like, you look at them and it's… it's them! The poses, the expressions, the SNARK. From your polished comics, to colored art pieces, to more sketched shitposts, there is clear heart in everything I've seen you create. I’m confident I could show off some of your LoZ pieces and tell people it's official concept art and they would believe me. It’d be easy. There’s feeling in this shit.
But those are just pretty words. Let's break down some examples! *scrolls back in the archive*
OKAY. FIRST UP, THAT COLORED LU IMAGE WHERE TIME IS SHAVING AND WIND IS WATCHING HIM/FOLLOWING ALONG. That alone is cute and fun, but you also got details like the mirror shield, the way they have their hair tied back, the- ohmigosh the tiny house by the rock in the foreground I don’t think I noticed that bit before! So. Fucking. Cute. And then there’s the boys playing with sticks in the background OHMYGOD. Lovelovelovethem. Wars with his hand on his hip all proper-like. Wild clearly cooking but teasingly wielding the soup ladle. And then Four, OH MY GOD FOUR. My boy, that is a whole-ass tree you’ve got there. Leaves trailing off of it and everything. Is he gonna go straight for the unsuspecting Wars? Is he gonna charge in swinging with no clear aim? Has he had a single thought past, “Big branch big branch YES BIG BRANCH!”? Who knows! Probably not Four!
Next up is from your Doll Comic. There’s a never-ending stream of fun in that thing but the scene I’m going to highlight is that bit where Wars just flops himself onto a resting Twilight. It is such a sibling thing to do. It's hot and humid (additionally highlighted by his not wearing his scarf) and you find your bro resting peacefully on the ground? BETTER MESS WITH HIM. The way it isn’t even a main point of what’s happening in the comic, and yet manages to carry over into the next update’s pages is just delightful. Adding in the other Link’s ignoring the pair of idiots rolling around on the grass fills me with joy.
What next… Ooo! That Hylia and First comic where she gives him Fi (and a little kiss ♡) and The Imprisoned is yelling about triangles in the background. It’s so cute, they’re so cute, I straight up use “TRIANGLE” as an adjective in real life now. I seriously could go on but this is already a lot of words so let's keep going.
Oh okay okay, that Dark Link and Cia comic? Specifically that bit where Cia realizes they’re going to lose, Dark’s like “Till the bitter end Mistress.” And then Cia stops a minute, USES THE TRIFORCE TO MAKE DARK HUMAN AND THEN SHOVES HIM AWAY TO SAFETY@!?!!!? Holy shit!???? The dynamic change between shadow-Dark’s red eyes and solid gray tones, to black hair yellow eyes and a startled expression that makes you want to cry? The way he falls through that portal only for gravity to flip and then up is down and he gets slammed face-first on the ground? And- she's gone? Everything's gone? He doesn't even get to try and fight? Fuuuuuuck.
Wait, how many has it been? What time is it? Eh whatever, let's do one more. I pick the older Windwaker Link & Tetra drawings! I love Links scruff and Tetra’s piercings! I love them yelling of their “spawn” and how happy the kid is to be picked up and flailed around. You don’t see aged-up Windwaker too often and I appreciate it extra for its rarity.
Well okay, that one was quick so I’ma pick one last one (for real this time). Ooo and I pick the recent SS Link seeing TotK Link’s degraded Master Sword and deciding yes. Yes, that dehydrated sack of eczema is going down. There is so much said without any words. The confused heartbreak in the first image, the heartbroken understanding in the middle, and Ganondorf cutting through the depths like an Olympic swimmer cause ohhhh boy son you messed up at the end. Chef's kiss. Sublime.
So look. Trust me when I say you could pick any one of your works and ask me what things I like about it and I would have WORDS TO SAY. Do it. I dare you.
Also I know I’m not alone in my love of your art. Even off of tumblr I’ve heard and seen people mention you by username, and very often your works are spoken of positively (be it discord DMs or voiceover videos on TikTok or YouTube)!
In conclusion, anyone else reading this wanna show ovegakart some love? Show them some love ♡ Failing that, toss ‘em some Ko-Fi 😘
Ps: this took forever to write, not because I struggled to find words, but because I kept getting distracted looking through your stuff ~( ̄▽ ̄)~
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lousymoonwalker · 2 years ago
Little rant about live action remakes, specifically HTTYD
Okay, so sometimes when I am reminded that HTTYD is getting a live action remake, it kinda makes my stomach hurt. Why? Let me tell you.
I watched HTTYD as a kid and kinda forgot about it, but in 2020, when the world was falling apart, I turned to it and fell in love. Like obsessed. I hyper-fixated on it for months. I watched all three movies, the short films, RTTE, and a few episodes of DoB that I could find for free lol. I read the fanfics and have obsessed over fan-art (seriously guys, whoever is talented enough to draw, keep it up! I love y'alls fan-art so much!!) I listened to John Powell's music while I completed my online homework, it felt so stable to me. The characters, the music, the beauty of the animation, it was comforting. Especially during such an awful time.
When I heard that there was a live-action film in the works, it literally made me sick. I refuse to watch the D*sney remakes because they're all soulless cash-grabs. But, I also admit that I have never been as attached to any of the Mouse movies as much as I have been with HTTYD. One of my friends asked me why I am not happy with this because he knows I love the series. So here is my little rant and reasons as to why I am dreading this so much.
1) Did the fans ask for this?? No. It's not as simple as, "just don't watch it". When this movie inevitably makes a ton of new changes (like all live action remakes) those changes will become actual canon. Whatever changes are made will affect what we know about the world of Berk and the characters of it. We as a fandom, have done a pretty good job of appreciating these characters for who they are and the story for what it is and growing it through some pretty great head cannons. Well, guess what, that could all change. Whoopie doo!
2) The degradation of Animation. Animation is an art form. Not a genre. It is a medium. Yet, time and time again it is presented as something childish and something that cannot be taken seriously. (I've recently had an argument with my friend because he thinks he's much too mature to watch animated movies). Each and every-time an animated movie is remade, it is a slap to the face of every animator who worked their butts off to make it as beautiful as possible. And in an effort to make the remakes more realistic, they are often washed out and use bland colors. Can you imagine the unholy offspring we'll get with Toothless and the other dragons when they are made "realistic"??
Let's appreciate scenes like this:
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and this
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or this
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also, can't forget about the hidden world,
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these scenes are GORGEOUS. They are not realistic, why should they be?? This is a series about dragons, not taxes, it doesn't have to be realistic. The colors, the textures, every element works together, beautifully.
Some honorable mentions: the scene in HTTYD 2, when Stoick is walking into the blacksmith shop,,, the way the light shines on him as he walks... ugghh BEAUTIFUL
the sand on the beach in THW when Toothless is drawing a picture of the Light Fury, I swear that sand is real. The animators went HARD and for what?? for the company to come in only a few short years later and decide that it is too unrealistic or not valid enough as an art form?? i'd be pretty upset.
3) This will cause unnecessary trends on social media. (This is specifically a rant that stems from my own lack of confidence, sorry in advance) Look, I hate to say it, but I naturally gatekeep stuff. I like to feel unique and like my interests are my own, so it pains me when the internet will find something niche that I love and ruin it with unnecessary trends. For example, I love Avatar, (yes... the "blue one" :/). So for years, the fandom was kinda controlled, I appreciated the artwork and content from real fans and honestly I liked when nobody even really knew the Avatar fandom was still going strong. But, with the release of The Way of Water, all of a sudden, everyone on TikTok and Instagram became the biggest fans ever or at least pretended to be. One of my friends is an aspiring makeup artist and she did the Na'vi look despite never having seen either movie. All of a sudden, this special thing I was interested in, blew up. That is what is going to happen to this fandom at least for a while. I won't be able to find real fans because everyone will just post all kinds of things and create new trends using John Powell's music. I'm all about getting new fans and being welcoming to actual fans. But it won't be all fans, it'll just be content creators needing to stick with the trends. People who haven't seen any of the HTTYD films since they were children are going to act like they've been waiting for this moment their entire lives. Idk, I'm kinda cynical, if you couldn't tell. I truthfully like ppl actually becoming fans and I don't want to discourage that, but I don't want to lose the real fans to the internet trends. and I am afraid that I will. At least for a few months after the release.
4) Dreamworks only really exists as a middle-finger to Disney. With Disney really sucking it up with their live actions in the past few years, and Dreamworks KILLING it with their new and exciting animated movies (Puss in Boots anyone??), I really thought they would continue trying to capitalize on honing their skills as animators. But, it makes sense that Dreamworks is trying their hand at something Disney does, but trying to make it better. I actually think Dreamworks will be better. I mean, we still got Dean DeBlois, which is a major win. Plus, in general, Dreamworks tends to take their time and create something actually good. So, I don't think the quality will be the problem, I just wish they wouldn't stoop to Disney's level.
5) We're wasting time instead of making a new work. Okay, let's say that Dreamworks HAS to create a live-action film. Create a new story. We wrapped up HTTYD with a pretty bow, now, let them sleep. Leave the story alone so you don't f- it up. Because as we all know, the more you f- around, the more you find out.
Look, as I said earlier, I don't think it will be crap quality or even a bad movie. I'm glad we get Dean DeBlois again and I really think that is going to make a huge difference. I'm not even upset by the casting of Hiccup and Astrid. I just don't want to lose one of my favorite franchises to watch it become a deflated, boring, bland reenactment that continues to be just another cash-grab. It makes me genuinely sad.
As long as the series is over, I feel like nothing can touch it. Nothing can ruin it. But, the second it is resurrected from the dead, it becomes fair play for anyone on the internet to regurgitate it and ruin the magic and now, this entire fandom is at the mercy of a few writers and one big corporation determined to one-up the competition as well as content creators looking for a new trend to get-in on.
Anyways, I love that as a fandom, we're all still here. I am proud that y'all are still making art and fanfics (keep going, pls). If we stick together, we can weather this storm. And maybe, if we all cross our fingers, we might get a decent new movie that is fun to watch and is respectful to the original material and is something us fans can approve of.
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helping-people-love · 4 months ago
I am very confused and distressed. My mom always treats me like shit. She yells at me and degrades me. If I don't snap back she pushed me to do so and then blames me for hurting her with my words. I even told her all I need is emotional support and peaceful conversation and she said she can't give me that because that's how she is. Im not sure if it's just strict parent thing or smth else
Recently I have started feeling very unhealthy urges and I don't know if anyone would believe me if I told them or asked for help.
Hi friend! That definitely sounds like your mom has unresolved emotional trauma that she needs to work out in order to support you better I’m so sorry that you’re going through this :( if you have ANYONE that you trust please tell them about the unhealthy urges! From personal experience I’ve been there and I personally felt like I didn’t have anyone to trust to talk to and gave in the unhealthy coping mechanisms and it piled so much more on my plate to work on in therapy :/ try finding healthy distractions for the time being. Art is a good way to process and cope and writing does too! It sounds corny but I swear it works! Making art out of pain is rewarding and helps you process trauma and trying to get some of the weight off your shoulders! Try your best to bite your tongue and slowly disconnect if you wish to not have a relationship with your mom especially if she has already stated she’s “just like that”. Please stay safe!!
Much love friend ❤️
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hi, firstly I wanna say I enjoy your writings immensely always happy to see them. And secondly I saw you have your own ancient beast cookie and I enjoy them as well, they’re very cute. So I wanna show and explain my own ancient beast oc / self insert sona that I came up with at 5 in the morning. Hope you enjoy ! (Note: I copied the text from a previous tumblr post of mine sorry for any spelling errors, also art at the end)
So recently in cookie run kingdom 5 new cookies were revealed, the original ancients that originally had the soul jams before they went fucking crazy, renamed as beasts, and sealed away… but what if their was a 6th. This idea is being explored by multiple different accounts, so I’ve decided to throw my hat into the ring.
So I shall now introduce Arcane Egg Cookie, name still pending! But imagine they have the trait of either defiance or justice which then slowly turns into hopelessness, Arcane Egg was not sealed away instead they were elsewhere dealing with some other thing or issue. Still haven’t figured that out though. They were aware / suspicious of the other beasts behaviors but every time they tried to prove at their friends she got nothing in return and eventually, dropped the subject in entirely… this is a mistake they regret to this day.
When they return their informed of their friends fates and their decent into hopelessness and despair truly begins, they were slowly and slightly degrading before but now it’s starting to snowball. After the damage caused by the beasts Arcane Egg tries the best to help the cookies of beast yeast they are met with harsh knock back considering what has happened and they accept the cookies don’t want their or to ever really see their face again. And so they leave and become a traveler. 
I imagine some time passes and they end up giving up their soul jam in order to seal some sort of evil inside of it, again idk what evil. Even without their soul jam they’re still pretty strong, but the world doesn’t want Arcane Egg cookie so as the years pass they take on different identities. In the dark flour war she was a powerful sorcerer known as “lemon curd” cookie. And now she helps gingerbrave and friends as “egg tart” cookie. And so as the resident adult tm, they go with them to beast not expecting to see their old friends again.if they even recognize them that is, they’re not the cookie they were before.
That’s all I have for now hope you enjoyed.
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!!! Woah! They look super cool! And I love their lore as well!/verypos !!
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foxboyclit · 8 months ago
the delights of drow inventions
In which the Nydallas acquire a new toy (yes this is the aforementioned tentacle porn)
Iphis was far from inexperienced in the art of subtlety, but knowing him as well as Minisstra did gave insight to thoughts not so expertly hidden. She noticed the way he eyed curiously  at the tentacle rod hanging from her belt, as well as the suppressed intrigue across his face whenever he saw it unleashed. With just the two of them sharing tea in the estate’s garden, she took the opportunity to ask.
“You’ve recently taken an interest in some of the weapons on my belt. Do you wish to share this newfound curiosity?”
She smiled internally at the sight of Iphis’ pause, then the slow, deliberate swallow of his tea as a beautiful shade of indigo blotted his cheeks.
“I- I’m sorry for letting my mind wander, Mistress.”
“Save the apologies for when you’re actually in trouble. You know who to relay your fantasies to.”
“Well, I’m sure you’re no stranger to arcane tentacles’ more creative uses,” he began, “you’ve caught me wondering the possibilities of said magic in a more intimate setting.”
The spell to summon a writhing mass of tendrils was unfortunately out of Iphis’ expertise; besides, Minisstra did not find any pleasure in fussing over spell components and the complexities of modifications. An item designed for the same purpose was preferred, and thankfully there were no shortage of wizards in the city eager for a matron’s coin.
“Tell me, Ra’soltha, how you would feel about exploring the uses of a more precise tentacle rod.”
Iphis cleared his throat, “That would interest me very much, Mistress.”
The hint of a smile crept into her voice. “See, that was not so hard to admit, was it? Give it some patience, and you shall be rewarded with a new toy.”
Finding someone capable of reconfiguring a magic item common to Menzoberranzan was hardly an issue, and all it took was a sharp glare to prevent any questions surrounding why Minisstra commissioned a non-lethal variant. After having the rod inspected and attuned, she summoned Iphis to kneel at her feet, arms crossed behind his back.
 “Close your eyes,” and as he obeyed, Minisstra held the rod in front of him. She directed one tentacle to slither up his thigh, watching his breath hitch at its traveling before wrapping around his flesh, giving a light squeeze.
Another followed suit, its grip tightening as well along with the first as they spread his thighs apart, giving just enough room for a third to slide in between. 
Iphis gasped at the sudden pull and the soft, slick appendage teasing his slit, then uttered a curious sound as another tentacle hooked itself under his chin, tilting his head upwards. 
“Have you identified your new toy, Ra’soltha?”
“A tentacle rod,” he breathed, “but I only remember them having three appendages.” 
“Your memory is correct, can you name any other modifications?” The tentacle between his legs curled its end, taking his clit gently and stroking it which drew a soft moan from him.
“Their material is…softer. More flexible than standard rubber.”
She patted his cheek. “Good boy, keep your mouth open now.”
 And he did, keeping his head inclined as the tentacle caressing his chin found its way into his mouth. The muffled sound of his moan as he took it obediently and sucked was an exquisite one, bested only by his slight gag as the tentacle pushed deeper into his throat. 
She extracted it, the tendril coated in a slick layer of saliva, almost as much as Iphis’ lips, still connected by a thin string as it slid out. The sight was delicious, one Minisstra hoped to savor till the end of her days. 
“Look at you, already reduced to a soaking mess.” The tentacle between his legs slipped inside of him, the sound emphasizing her degrading.  “I can only imagine how wet you were as you fantasized about this.”
It pushed in deeper, the tip curling at just the right spot to make Iphis squirm and cry out. The two tentacles held his legs open, precise training kept his arms behind his back. He could writhe all he wanted, whine pathetically as the tentacle fucked him, it wouldn’t cause them to act on anyone but Minisstra’s desires. When he wore debauchery this well, why would she ever want to stop?
The tentacle that had fucked his throat now stilled him by catching a fistful of hair, and Iphis’ eyes wrenched open as she pulled, his lust clouded gaze forcibly meeting hers.
“Tell me, was it hard to conceal this much arousal as the priestesses walked by with this?”
“Yes, Mistress,” he cried, “all I could think of was you, and what’d you do to me!”
“Is that all your degenerate mind is capable of? You can’t conceive of anything else but being used, how pathetic. It’s almost adorable.”
She pulled him into a kiss, her hand replacing the tentacle coiled in his hair as it slithered to caress his body. The tendril wrapped itself around his hip, and she pulled him into a standing position as those between his legs kept them spread, displaying their exploration of his cunt in the most beautiful way. 
“And what do you say when your perversions are indulged?”
“Thank you, Mistress.” the tentacle inside him curled at the perfect spot again, the one around his hip snaking down to his clit. He gasped out a litany of more thanks which broke into a sob. 
“Good boy, never forgetting your manners. Come for me, now.”  She swallowed his moan into a deep kiss as it pitched to almost a scream, holding him close to her chest as his orgasm left him twitching and weak. The tentacles loosened their grasp until only her arms kept him upright, and she gently scooped him up and carried him to bed.
She laid Iphis down as she cleaned him up, then massaged the tension out of his thighs, working a salve into his skin that would soothe the round indigo splotches left by the tentacles’ suckers. He sighed contently, mumbling half-discernable gratitudes as she cared for him. 
“Well done, lince’sa. You took it all beautifully.” Her fingers ran through his hair once more, this time gently, and he leaned into the slow strokes with a sleepy hum. 
“Thank you Mistress,” he muttered. “I very much like the new toy. Please put this in the rotation.”
“I believe I will,” she leaned in to kiss his forehead, unable to hide the soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Not that she cared to try, anyway.
 “Now, would you like some tea?”
Iphis nodded, and with Minisstra returning with the mugs of a delicate herbal blend, their ritual marked its end.
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reborrowing · 2 years ago
I hate ai in creative spaces naturally but it's also so demoralizing to know that that's the only use people generally know of and base their opinion on
it has massive potential in the world of augmentative communication. the only way to process natural human speech at human speed is if there is some idea of what's coming next and what muffled or otherwise degraded speech signals should have been. (this is a big part why a second language sounds "too fast" to learners btw, when we listen to speech we jump ahead, prime activation of words we expect to come next, fill in obscured sounds, and adjust as needed. a learner doesn't have enough context to do this) machine learning is the only real method we have to get computers to do this and it must have a broad set of data to train on or else it will be easily tripped up by slang, jargon, accents, and other nonstandard language. This is why auto-generated captions have only come anywhere close to decent transcriptions fairly recently. They use AI.
additionally slow speed is a frustration for many aac users because others end up speaking over them before they can finish. (Sometimes, before they can even start!) If a board can offer up fast, accurate predictions as shortcuts, that's a good thing.
Like I'm in applied ling so of course most of my knowledge of where it can be applied ethically is in NLP
even then, even if we regulate it to be only for non-artistic purposes (which. mm. If a tool exists, humans will use it for art so I'm a little skeptical of that sorry), regulate it so all models must be trained on ethically acquired corpora, there's still the environmental impact. Training a model currently has a massive carbon footprint for its usage and arguing about when or where we can use AI brushes that further under the rug.
It's like. We've opened a fresh pandoras box and the argument that follows is whether or not we should be allowed to admire the color of the explosion.
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minevn · 2 years ago
How would the LIs be with an MC that's normally very shy and sweet but is secretly very kinky in bed (masochistic, among MANY other things alskskgkjfjf) and likes to be degraded? 👉👈
(also I'm gonna put this here, but from this point forward I won't be accepting NSFW asks with anon turned on. When I first made this blog I thought I had written that but apparently I didn't and I recently went back and changed that. The only way I'll accept NSFW anon asks is if you message me about it and you're like "I don't want my account to be seen on here" then that's fine :3)
Minato: Minato would be VERY shocked to find out. I think he'd be down to do it but is also very scared and nervous to. He's gone most of his life being feared because people thought he was dangerous, he's scared that this will confirm those beliefs of others. It will take a lot of reassuring but in the end there's a possibility that he can fulfill your wishes.
Haruto: Haruto is more of a soft service top, BUT he'll do anything for you so if that's what you're into he will do his best. He's a perfectionist, he'll end up mastering the art of fulfilling your kinks. He'd probably panic at first though, like 'How tf do I do that?'
Jun: Jun is more submissive then dominant and when she is dominant she's more of a soft service. Has no clue how to even be sadistic or degrade you. She'll try though! She'll probably like gently slap you and stutter out some insult before cracking and shouting how sorry she is and how much she loves you and how cute and precious you are to her and how she'd never want any harm to come your way! Sex forgotten, Jun is just going on a rant about how perfect you are and how much she loves you.
Hoshi: "Oh, I gotchu." He's pretty surprised at first, but he quickly regains his composure. He has no issue being more sadistic and degrading with you. Afterwards though he'll remind you about how much he loves you. After the first time he'll do research about how to be sadistic and degrading better, he'll even ask you to help guide him to what you want.
Habiki: He doesn't really care about the switch, it's still you y'know? Anyways he's been degrading you since day one, he has no problem with being sadistic and degrading towards you. Much like Hoshi though, he'll ask you if there's anything specific you wanna try out.
Kage: Is also more submissive then dominant. I think he'll try but will most likely end up fainting. If he does manage to get by without fainting then he's crying.
Kei: Chances are, Kei knows already so he's not surprised when you tell him. Because he knows, he's done research on how to be a good sadist and degrading things to say. He goes into it being perfect, just the way you want him to. Afterward he'll do all the aftercare stuff he needs to do and he'll be very sweet and gentle with you, telling you how much he loves you.
Yani: "Me too bro, me too." Yani gets it cause she's the same. She tries, but every time she ends up laughing a little just cause she's not used to hearing herself say stuff like that, she makes sure to let you know why she's laughing that way you don't think it's laughing at you. Anyways, of course Yani is going to learn how to be sadistic and degrading, anything for you <3
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2n2n · 2 years ago
Heyyy ! I just wonder, I’m quite disappointed/worried because possessiveness seems depicted as romantic in the manga, and it makes me uncomfortable. What do you think about it ?
Personally, I think you should stop reading this manga, for your own good. Its like the fundamental bones of this manga are against you.
It's not only Jibaku Shounen; AidaIro's catalogue is loaded with possessive or 'yandere' scenes, and they are explicitly romantic. Narisokonai Snow White even does it on both sides of its master/servant relationship! My Dear Living Dead is bittersweet, and possessive to the extreme. Amane made Tsukasa his shrine object. Amane makes Nene his kannagi. That's the sort of person Amane is... across AUs, it's common to have more overt master/servant relationships or degrading of another's personhood... or a covetousness that takes all it pleases, whenever it pleases. AidaIro like yandere stories... !! They like the romance of possessiveness!
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As for me, this sort of thing is exactly what I love and what I live for; diving into AidaIro's catalogue has made me SO excited for the directions this manga could go... and the themes trickle down into every relationship, weaving together a vision of unbreakable attachment (whether you want it or not!) and needy, desperate hearts. The extremes of love pushing otherwise selfless, self-sacrificing people finally into selfishness... it's glorious, RUINOUSLY DECADENT I would say!! AidaIro have honed such an art form in mindbreaking a dutiful boy who keeps his head down, until he's finally forced to act possessively (Akane, Hakubo, Cult, Estelio, Rasphard...) ....
People who ask for nothing, not even their own happiness, and then take everything!!!!! I could watch such an arc happen 1 million times and never get sick of it!!!!!!!!
But I do think it's almost... egregious, that people recommending the manga don't really note this theme-- even though I see people sometimes outright mention hating the directions of all the recent romances, there's not a lot of warning about......
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you know. the way it is.
The climaxes of many ships have and aaaalmost certainly will continue to be possessive language and actions ... if anything, Amane's problem is not being honest about his feelings. His feelings, oh his feelings!!!!!! HIS AMAZING FEELINGS!!!!!
I love Amane! I want to see him express everything he's trying to hold back... I want to see him submit to his deepest urges, I want to see him break and show us what he really wants, and what he's willing to do to get it, to keep it!! I want Amane to be honest, even if it's ugly, even if it's scary. Even Nene-chan likes his possessiveness! She only wishes he'd admit to it. Amane is worried, or scared, or something, of his own feelings, he tries to escape ever having to talk about any of it!!
I'M EXCITED FOR THE FUTURE, I'M EXCITED FOR IT ALL!!!! I'm sorry it's uncomfortable for you, but you're reading the wrong manga .... it is going to reward characters doing and saying crazy things. And, it's going,, to believe they are being sexy and alluring the entire time they are doing them
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like its always been!
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