#sorry for all the tech issues haha!
bidoofenergy · 1 year
where's second's post about accidentally writing about grief again because im halfway through outlining this grumbo fic and i've realized it's actually about me being mixed. again.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
hi! I was wondering if I could request a comfort fic? I had recently discovered I was being cheated on, and I really, really loved this person (we were together for two years). I’m really pissed off about it and absolutely distraught. Is there anyway I could ask you to write a Donnie x Reader? He’s a huge comfort character for me, haha— thank you so much :)
Inside of My Heart 💜
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author’s note: im so sorry that happened anon, im no therapist but lemme just shout to the world that cheaters are the most despicable people EVER, truly sweet anon you deserve better, and i hope this Donnie fic will keep your spirits up <3
warnings: hmm fluff? and yeah more fluff, maybe one curse word?
It wasn’t everyday that Donnie thought of something he wasn’t good at. But lately he noticed a reoccurring problem. He was more than good at math, science, technology, engineering, (all self-taught btw) and not to mention he had great qualities like being responsible, intelligent, and honest.. most of the time!
But seriously! It was becoming quite obvious that he couldn’t carry a sentence when you were around. He was lacking in the social skills area, if you weren’t asking him for the wifi password or a yes or no question, he’d have a hard time finding the words. His brain would short circuit like it was a literal machine and he’d have to give nonverbal cues or depend on his brothers to pick up his slack.
What frustrated him the most was he had practiced last time! Yes, he had a heads up on when you were coming next, and practiced for days on what you could possibly ask, and he made a spreadsheet for all the responses he would need. It seemed he had poorly guessed what you would talk about, because that day you’d had some issues with a boy to which fried up Dee’s brain completely. He wanted to just throw his brain in the trash like he would with any piece of tech that was destroyed beyond repair.
After you had left that day, he had rushed to his lab. He groaned tearing up his spreadsheet into little pieces and quickly throwing them all into the trash. There that was metaphorically his brain, ripped to shreds and thrown away. He slumped into his swivel chair, dramatically putting his head down, hiding his face from view, arms shielding himself in. You were so nice about it too. You never made him feel weird, or awkward. You’d just smile warmly, like you knew he was trying his best. Which only made him try that much harder, which then led to him failing miserably. He huffed not seeing a clear solution in sight.
“Knock knock,” Mikey chirped from outside the lab. Donnie banged his head once on the table underneath him and then sat up. “Its open,” Mikey scampered in, “heyy Don, wanna do something?” Donnie swiveled in his chair to turn and face his younger brother. Giving him a questionable look so Mikey continued. “Well I was texting Y/n, and they wanna go to this Comic-Con thingy” Donnie’s mouth dropped open. You were interested in that? He wondered if you were going to dress up? “You don’t remember? They were talking about it today but that guy had bailed or something,” Mikey shrugged because he hadn’t really been listening all that much.
Classic Mikey, but Donnie couldn’t believe he had zoned out for that part of the conversation! He would’ve readily volunteered to go with you! But as soon as you had mentioned the other guy… well everyone knows, Donnie clammed up and stopped talking or thinking altogether! He sighed and Mikey looked at his brother, “what’s wrong Donnie? You don’t wanna go??” Now Donnie’s eyebrows were raising, “Mikey what are you talking about they texted you, not me.” He said that with little enthusiasm as he was more than a little jealous but understood why. You probably thought he had ignored you all day…well he kinda had.. unintentionally!
“But I told them that I couldn’t go and that you were already going!” Donnie’s eyes widened, “you said what?!” Mikey re-explained, “I said ‘I’m not going but Donnie already has a ticket, I’m sure you guys can go together’ and then I hit send.” Donnie blinked at his younger brother. “I have a ticket???” Mikey held up a ticket, “now you do!” he was smiling wickedly at his older brother now and Donnie saw it all connect. Mikey was setting him up, on purpose. “But, with them by myself?” Donnie started having self doubts. What if you had no fun with just him there? What if it became awkward? What if he couldn’t say anything?! “Donnie you gotta relax,” Mikey took in a deep breath and then released, motioning his hands at his purple clad brother for him to follow suit. So Donnie did, and as he took deep breaths his fear cleared.
“Feel better?” Mikey smiled brightly, and Donnie smirked, “yeah okay thanks little brother I’ll do my best,” Mikey fist bumped the air, “Alright! Mission set-up is a go!” He was skipping all the way out of the lab. Donnie’s immediate thought was to start making another spreadsheet. But as he looked down at the trash can he knew that wasn’t going to work. What he needed to do was text you. Which he found to be significantly easier to do than talk, it allowed him to get his thoughts out and rethink if need be.
‘Hey Y/n it’s Donatello, Mikey told me you were going to cc?’ -Dee👾
‘Hey! Yes I am, would you like to go together?’ -you ✨
‘sounds good to me, sorry i hadn’t really thought about asking when you were here..’ -Dee👾
‘No worries, I know that sometimes ppl like to go and do their own thing’ -you ✨
‘well i think I’d enjoy it more with your company :)’ -Dee 👾
At this message Donnie almost threw his phone across the lab. Instead he gently placed it on the table and took a lap. He couldn’t look, it was so cheesy, but that’s how he truly felt! AGH! He hoped you took it the right way, he hoped it wasn’t weird, he hoped he hoped he hoped!
‘aww! i feel the same way Donnie! I can’t wait, we’re gonna have so much fun c:’ -you ✨
“Yes!” Donnie said aloud, spinning around and around in his chair as he read and reread your message. You were so cute. Your messages made him feel all funny inside. He stopped spinning and got serious, ready to message you back.
‘i have marked my calendar! are you planning on cosplaying? or do you have certain places you were interested in checking out?’ -Dee 👾
‘so this’ll be my first time! should I dress up?’ -you✨
Donnie felt a little pressure. This was your first comic con and you were going with him?! It felt really special suddenly, even more special than his initial reaction. He wanted you to have the best time because in his humble opinion, comic con was a really fun time and it was one of the few places that a teenage mutant ninja turtle could go to and somehow fit in!
‘well since it’s your first time I recommend doing it all. Dressing up is part of the fun, do you have any characters in mind?’ Dee 👾
The two of you texted nonstop that night. Mikey had returned just before bed to check in and left the lab with a satisfied smile on his face. “They’re totally hitting it off!” He said to Leo who couldn’t help a cheshire grin, “what’d I tell ya! they both like each other but are soooo shy it hurts” Leo had recruited Mikey on his master plan to get you and his twin brother actually talking. “So what’s next on the master plan??” Mikey said jumping up and down with excitement, “Now” Leo said, “we wait!” And he resumed reading his Jupiter Jim comic. “Boringggg!” Mikey booed, shoulders slumping. “Our work will pay off dear brother, don’t you worry,” Leo said with so much confidence that Mikey knew it must be true.
[7 months later]
“Okay they may need more of a push,” Leo admitted. Mikey pulled on his bandana ends, “ya think?!”
The comic con date had went smoothly. The two of you had a blast and Donnie kept the picture the both of you had taken on his bedside. You were definitely closer to Donnie and he to you, yet nothing progressed past the friendship. Donnie was just happy to be able to talk to you normally, that had been a big step to him. So he didn’t want to push his luck any further. Every time the two of you were in the same room he’d be on cloud nine, though it wasn’t exactly written on his face. So if he felt that way just by proximity, just imagine how he felt when you spoke to him. Over the moon, up into the stars and way high in the galaxy. That’s how he felt. It was a regular movie night at the lair, everyone present, April sat on the far end, then you, then Donnie, then Raph. All on the couch. While Mikey and Leo occupied bean bags on the floor.
Leo and Mikey had been whispering the entire Lou Jitsu movie. Donnie twitched with aggravation every time you looked down and noticed his two idiotic brothers who would not stop talking! For Galileo’s sake it was one of Mikey’s favorites and Leo had freaking picked it out. Donnie wanted to yank at their bandanas but with you sitting right next to him, you’d definitely notice and he didn’t want that. No he’d suffer through ten more movies like this one if he had to. Raph had the remote and paused, “restroom break!” He announced with a surprising amount of dignity as he left the living room. Donnie looked over at you, and you turned facing him. He smiled and immediately looked away. Gosh you were so cute.
“Hey, Y/n” Leo said tapping on your knees with one of his fingers, “yes?” you said looking down at his twin. “Could you do me a favor?” Leo smiled charmingly and Donnie’s face twisted, rolling his eyes. “Depends..” you grinned back. Was this what flirting looked like? The thought came and went and slapped Donnie in the face. Where had that come from?! Was it because Leo was touching you and he never touched you before? Or was it because you had graced his brother with a smile? Or was it the combination of those things?? “Can you walk me to my room, I think I’m done with the movie” and that had Donnie glaring. It made no sense at all as to why you would do that and why Leo would even ask. He was up to something devious Donnie just knew it. “Uh?” You looked over at April who was holding back a laugh, “walk you to your room?” You questioned seeing just how ridiculous the request was. “Yeah I’ve gotta show you something before ya head back up,” and as Leo talked he rose to his feet, seemingly serious about this whole ordeal. Not laughing and saying just kidding like Donnie had hoped.
“Really Leo?” Donnie gritted out. Leo looked over at his twin, “what?” He smiled smugly. “What’re you doing??” The purple clad turtle seethed. “Just trying to show my friend something,” Leo emphasized the word friend dramatically. “C’mon” he reached out and grabbed your hand, half dragging you behind him. You were sputtering looking back to Donnie and that had him up on his feet. “Leo stop it.” He said and immediately his brother let go of your hand. “Oh sorry, I got a little carried away huh?” He smiled but didn’t look sorry at all. And when he leaned down towards your ear, and Donnie watched as you flushed, he had had enough!
He rushed forward, grabbing your hand and wordlessly pulled you out of the living room, into his lab and bolted the door shut. He hadn’t let go of your hand the entire time, it really wasn’t on his mind actually. What was, was Leo leaning down, getting wayyy too close and your reaction! It had him dropping your hand and he couldn’t even turn to face you. Why had he just dragged you here? “Donnie?” you whispered cautiously. “Do you like him?” He might as well get it over with. Rip the bandaid off the wound. “What?!” You exclaimed and Donnie finally turned to face you. “Do you like Leo?” Each word being raised with his voice until he was shouting his brothers name. “No!” You shouted back defensively, crossing your arms.
“Sure looked like it,” he muttered. And you flushed embarrassed again, but it wasn’t the feel-y good kind, it was the angry kind. “Believe what you want Donatello, I’m telling you no.” You huffed and tried to push past him to leave. He stood in your way. “Move Donnie!” You said exasperated until your hands shot out reaching for the bolt to unlock the door and he moved in front of it. Your hands landing on his plastron and he stiffened. You flushed again, “sorry” you muttered knowing he didn’t like to be touched but still being too angry to feel badly. He had done it to himself anyways.
“Y/n,” Donnie started and then stopped. Hands going up and then falling back down. It was returning, he couldn’t think of any words! He felt helpless and it was so overwhelming that it showed on his face. Your guard went down swiftly, “hey I’m really sorry Donnie, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,”
and that was what he had been trying to think of, been trying to say. He smiled weakly, “that’s what I wanted to tell you.. but sometimes it’s hard to think of the right words,” he blew out a breath. “happens to us all,” you reassured him. There you went, he thought to himself, making him feel ten times better, like he wasn’t a complete failure. “…Y/n, honestly I don’t know what came over me, I guess I got jealous,” Donnie hung his head as he admitted his emotions. He felt more vulnerable now than he ever did without a battle shell. “Jealous? Of Leo?” Your eyes widened at the idea. “Donnie!” You chided, and he felt sheepish, “he was leaning over you and touching you and,” his hand went up flailing around as if that explained it all.
“Donnie, I don’t like Leo,” he nodded, “yeah I know you said that,” he sighed, “I like you.” You said blushing furiously and Donnie sighed again not hearing you, “yeah I know,” his hand went up to his face, completely missing your previous statement. But as he looked into your eyes and saw you staring at him with blushing cheeks, he replayed the whole statement over. “Wait,” he said as his brain exploded. “Me??” Donnie said softly. And you nodded. “Yes you Othello Von Ryan,” and it was his turn for his skin to darken. “Oh,” was the only word that would come out, and you giggled. He laughed too and quickly said, “I like you too!” finally finding the words. “I’d been hoping so,” and the smile you graced him with was beauty beyond compare. He swooned, and couldn’t believe what was happening. It was like every secret longing that he had hoped for and kept stowed away in his heart was finally set free.
“Y/n, I like you a lot,” he gushed unable to stop the flood of emotions. “Donnie you’re gonna turn me into a tomato!” You said hiding your face in your hands because you could just feel how hot your face felt. “I think you look absolutely adorable,” and the compliment only made you blush deeper! “Donnie!” And he laughed happily, slowly taking your hands away from your face and finding the courage to go even a step further. He placed a chaste kiss to your knuckles, “I mean it Y/n.” He spoke seriously with his handsome smile. “Me too,” you confirmed and the moment couldn’t be anymore perfect.
“I KNEW IT!” Mikey called out from behind the lab door. “No, I think I called it from the beginning,” Leo’s voice could be heard farther away. “Don’t you guys act like I didn’t tip you off to begin with!” April hollered for her credit.
Yes, moment totally perfect, and the two of you burst into laughter.
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ciginatree · 2 months
Oooh if possible i saw this anon thing about Being a new member in MIW and everyone being protective over you, even when it comes to interviews and i was wondering if we could elaborate on that more?
Took me a hot minute to find the reference post for this, sorry haha. Reference here
-They could all tell that you were nervous when you first joined the band, so they did everything they could to make you feel welcome
-Inviting you out for drinks, parties, movie nights, basically any get together they could think of
-During your first interview they were vigilant about taking the brunt of the questions
-If a question was directed specifically to you, they always encouraged you and backed up your answer
-If an interviewer is being rude, they don't hesitate to stick up for you. They call the bastard out right away and leave if they don't cut it out
-Afterwards, they all reassure you that it isn't always like that, that a lot of interviews or fun or, at the very least, mildly interesting
-When a big group of fans came your way, Vinny was sure to put his arm around your shoulders and steer you so you wouldn't get overwhelmed
-Chris would talk you through any issues you might have and Ricky shows you the ropes on the tech
-They all check in on you before, during, and after tour; adding you to the band group chat as well as texting you individually
-You're the baby of the group and they might be a bit overprotective at first, but they mean well and they all care a lot about you
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Tags: @abiomens @rumoured-whispers @exitwoundsx
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Ok here are my headcanons:
I think Morty doesn’t have a crazy growth spurt until he’s like 17ish, I think this mostly because the show kept him like 14 for 7 seasons and that bothers me a little because of how much he has changed since season one. So I’m instead head cannoning that he was actually just really short and 14-16 durning the show.
I then think Morty is going to go through some really rough mental health issues due to adventuring but primarily due to how many times he has died and been resurrected, knowing that there are millions of Mortys just like him, and knowing that there r just so many other versions of his family out there. I think that’s going to lead to ptsd, issues with derealization, and alcoholism.
Because of this I think Morty tries to distance himself from “being a morty” and develops a new look when he’s about 17ish. He also pushes away from Rick and doesn’t want anything to do with portal travel or know about the other dimensions. I think during this time he starts hanging out with space Beth and developing his weapon skill set, and learns how to build his own sci-fi tech.
I think he flunks out of highschool due to the absolutely massive amount of time he spent going on adventures with Rick.
At around 18 he starts to spend a lot of time in space and develops a reputation for selling guns/tech, and being a bounty hunter.
Then something goes wrong and that all crumbles and he goes back home.
He’s in his late 20’s to early 30’s and he’s got 0 life prospects. Beth let’s him move back in on account that he starts going to therapy.
Eventually life evens out, he gets married, goes to trade school, gets a job and life gets easier.
In the end I just want things to work out for Morty and his life to just not be so crazy or bad anymore. Idk, i just didn’t like how hopeless older Morty was, so that prompted this haha.
(Scars were originally visible on all of the older Morty designs, but the photo quality ate them sorry guys)
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Asks!
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She'll join in sometimes! She doesn't train as often as they do, and she's got her own style of fighting she gets into.
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FHGKDHfgdf oh man. Ohh man. Spoilers. :D
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Ghost already has a tracker on him; in his tech bo now, but also embedded into the fabric of his elbow sleeve. All he has to do is press it to activate it. It's not activated normally because if Ghost is into some kind of trouble, he doesn't want the kids following him. If he gets taken by the EPF or Big Mama or he's fighting something that's deadly enough to get the kids, he wants them far away from that, not following him into it.
Yes, it means risking losing another family. But it means the kids are safe.
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I can only say spoilers about this unfortunately :') but it is delicious
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@tomatoshapedstars You would be right
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Glad to see the Paranoia Arc is working well fhgkdfjdgh <3
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So many theories and thoughts with this one, I can't say anything about them but it's really fun reading them all haha
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Ghost: Donnie, what did I tell you about experimenting on your brothers without their consent?
Donnie: Sigh. To not to.
Ghost: And what do we say when we do that anyway?
Donnie: I will be issuing a public apology statement at 3:00am sharp, admission will be $25 per turtle--
Ghost: oh my god
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No Mrs. Cuddles episode! They decided that making Raph scream in terror was a bad idea with Ghost around, and didn't think he'd approve of purposefully scaring him. Ghost's very against the boys using beachballs against Donnie, or teasing him for it, so they doubted he'd allow a spook of Raph.
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REVERSE GHOSTED!!! I might have something similar to this in the works with a friend, eventually. <3
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Dang going evil Ghost with this one--
I think it would take a lot more than seeing SAINW to push Ghost to become evil. If anything, I think it would just make him more determined to get back for the first few years, but I think he'd also be quicker to accept that he's stuck there.
He knows how this ends. He knows he never shows up to save them.
Which means he never gets back.
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Sure, they all would! I don't think Ghost or Donnie would enjoy it much, they don't like fabric against their skin a whole lot unless it's a specific texture. They're picky. I think any of them would wear dresses though, yup!
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That's a fair assessment, I think.
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I have not done this on purpose I'm very sorry fhgkdjghd I cuss like a sailor and sometimes it comes through in my fics and sometimes not, but Ghost is pretty careful about not cussing around the kids and they don't really cuss, so it doesn't come up often!
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branmer · 5 months
🧡💚🖤💖💕 for b5!
for this meme
sorry i took a wee bit to reply to these! but here we go! controversial opinions under cut >:)
🧡that the minbari soul stuff is real and should be taken at face value, which imo completely ignores several in-show details we get that indicate that the trilumanaries weren't detecting souls, but human dna. we even get this pretty much explained to us in atonement when it's explained that the triluminary glows for delenn because she's a child of valen and therefore descended from the jeffster himself. that's also why the triluminary glowed for other humans that were interrogated! not because it was picking up fragments of of valen's soul in them all, but because it was just picking up human dna! and ok, granted, i have no fucking clue how that works either re the triluminary somehow being an advanced scanner or the dna stuff lol, but b5 has plenty of examples of stuff where tech is simply so advanced it gets mistaken for or used as magic (the fucking technomages damn it). anyway i just. do not understand why people take the soul stuff at face value when the show itself LITERALLY DISPROVES IT. gOD
💚 i talked about neroon in my previous response so i will turn now to branmer. again this is a taking things at face value thing, but i really don't get it when people just assume delenn is totally correct that he didn't really want to be a warrior and was forced etc, especially since in that same convo she says stuff that contradict that! saying stuff like 'he believed in the rightness of the war' doesn't sound like a guy who felt bad about joining the fray, it sounds like he was very into it in fact! and then the fact that she gives that very uh, interestingly worded response when sinclair asks her how branmer felt about the surrender... anyway I just think that if branmer became a warrior it was because he wanted to and because he got some fulfillment in the role and i think a lot of what delenn says in that scene is her trying to assauge her guilt because she feels he wouldn't have become involved in the war if not for choices she made. i also like, really don't see what right she had to claim him for the religious caste when he had chosen the warrior caste. that sounds a lot like her attempting to invalidate a legit choice her friend made just because she didn't agree with it and is actually very uncool!
🖤same answer as before: delenn. i just think she is a much more morally complex and interesting character than she gets portrayed as by fandom and i think her characterisation from mid s4 onwards did her an immense diservice. i much prefer her more conflicted characterisation in earlier seasons, tho i will give s4 credit for rbl, an episode which straight up says 'delenn is actually very blinkered and prejudiced and lets this effect her perspective and her decisions in a not great way' but then concludes with lennier going 'and actually that's a good thing!' NO IT ISN'T LENNIER, and you need to have a proper talk with her about it!
💖i mean honestly i think it's probably that i have issues with the latter season's portrayal of delenn and sheridan as always righteous and correct and a total power couple girlbossing their way to glorious success. i think there are a lot of things that are quite effed up about the establishment of the interstellar alliance and how much power ends up consolidated in their hands with zero oversight. what's interesting is that i feel like s5 sort of attempted to criticise it with sheridan making many terrible decisions as president? but im not actually sure if that was deliberate and not just... bad writing on jms's part and him not realising he was making them do incredibly stupid things
💕i feel like all my ships are smaller ships that aren't super popular lol, probably the most popular is marcus/neroon. i put down neroon/sheridan last time for this one haha, but for the sake of a bit of change i will also say: any of my oc ships. i have many minbo ocs and i do love to ship them with each other haha
thank you for the ask <33333 sorry again i took a bit to reply
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
okay so i actually know very little about the x men but what roles are u thinking of for the party?
OKAY. you have awakened nerd esme. prepare urself. this will be long. sooooo long.
so for context the x men— created in 1963 by stan lee and jack kirby and fictionally brought together by professor x, a wheelchaired mutant with telepathic abilities, were/are mutants. mutants are a different species than humans and are as such treated terribly by them. they have “mutations” which give them powers and shit. they were basically created as parallels to real life bigotry and are hated by the general public (in the marvel verse everyone irl loves them. or i do. )
anyway, the original five were—
angel aka warren worthington III (yes that is his actual name) who had wings on his back. now they’re metal. it’s complicated but not important. he’s basically the token rich boy, blond hair, blue eyes, yeah. total knockout in canon too apparently. cyclops aka scott summers who had a red laser beam that continuously comes out of his eyes and as such he wears/wore a special visor made out of special ruby glass professor x found for him. quick fun fact he had so low self esteem and was so depressed professor x made him leader out of fear he would fucking kill himself. which is very dark. a bit stoic and pretty much an old man (he canonically watched seinfield). and he’s transmasc to ME. beast aka hank mccoy who is basically a genius and really strong and stuff. eventually he turns into a literal beast but i’m too sleep deprived to remember how that happened lolol marvel girl aka jean grey who was the token Girl™️ of the group and who possessed too many abilities to keep track of, and when she has them. she gets fucked up at some point in the chris claremont x men run (which is truly iconic) and becomes possessed by the phoenix force(specifically in issue #134, the issue will wanted in episode one) and becomes like evil and shit. the phoenix force is a cosmic evil being and she becomes *dark* phoenix and it’s a whole thing. also pour one fucking out for her imagine being surrounded by teenage boys and hormones most of whom have a crush on you and being able to read their minds. jean babe i’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through. and bobby drake aka iceman who has *gasp* ice powers. he’s a bit of the goofball of the group and can turn basically turn himself into ice which is explored more in more recent comics. he’s also been revealed as gay. one small step for mutants i suppose they’re all queer but nobody tell them.
wow that was long! sorry. anyway onto the actual au stuff. my original plan was to make each member of the part correspond to a o5 x men member, but since there are six i thought i’d add one more for max.
mike is cyclops! i think it fits in a special sort of way that i can’t really articulate since they have such different personalities. but just trust me.
el is jean, in the telepathic sense and being surrounded by boys most of the time sense. rip.
dustin is beast. tech savvy, smart, tested different bc of how he looks— it fits. so so well.
again the personalities may not fit on the surface but i think will is iceman. they’re both sort of softer than everyone else, and whole will is quieter it just makes sense to me haha.
uhh so i don’t actually think lucas would be warren… mayhaps i’m still considering… which means i wrote that whole description for basically nothing but i think it’s funny so i’m keeping it there. anyway i think lucas would be… idk. i’m still thinking it over but maybe gambit.
so for max @hellmo suggested rogue who would be great but i’m also still mulling it over. maybe kitty pryde! idk.
technically i think brenner would work as prof x but obviously that’s a no-go so it’s gonna be mr clarke which i like more as concept actually. again, different personalities but i think that’s okay, because the general roles fit. plus i jsut think that dynamic would be fun to explore more.
so sorry this was long and doesn’t really have much au it’s more me seeing x men and going brrr… haha. thanks for the ask tho!!! i enjoyed talking about them :]
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oddogoblino · 8 months
little bit of context here, i work in an arcade. however, theres more to it. its like a big ass warehouse with yes, the arcade, but also laser tag, and mini golf, and bowling, and go karts, and a food place, and party rooms, and also a small bar with a few bowling lanes and arcade games in the room with it. where i work is the arcade section (redemption counter, which includes mini golf, & laser tag). (theres also a carousel in the back by go karts but its been out of order for a while bc it just doesnt wanna be fixed or smth)
so what id be doing is taking aaaaallllll of that, and tossing everything except the arcade and food place. expand the arcade a little bit, put in more old arcade cabinets (like in security breach, those type of arcade games), and turn the food place into a cute cafe that also has like baked sweets n stuff.
starting w the human!trolls one, i think poppy would absolutely be one of the ones doing the baking in the cafe. and if shes not baking, then shes decorating them (my arts n crafts bby <333 ). branch tbh i think would work redemption counter and probably hates his job, but you know he only stays bc hes got a bigass crush on poppy. yeah.
i dont have much else rn. may change branch a lil bit, considering i havent quite worked out the details of the arcade itself (like, physical tickets ? or do they stay on a play card like we have at work ? do they even need a prize counter ? would he maybe be an arcade tech and fix games ? idk yet)
anyways thats all ive got for the moment. whatcha think
But ooOOOOOOOO COOL!!! 👀 They just working 9-5 (haha get it? Reference to i think the first movie-) and at a funky arcade and Branch maybe even just has multiple jobs there to fix your not knowing where to but him issue.(joke)
Oh oh, maybe you can use Poppy's friendship group for other roles you were considering Branch for though :0 Poppy would absolutely be the type to try and befriend her coworkers...
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organicbabybattles · 1 year
Round 1, Side A, Poll 8
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Rebekah Jakobs-Hammerlock ( @wainwrightjakobshammerlock ) VS. Sawyer Hale ( @thewikiplayer )
( art by wainwrightjakobshammerlock )
What is your baby's name? Pronouns?: Rebekah Jakobs-Hammerlock, she/her
Is your baby from a fandom or original?: Fandom - the Borderlands game series
How old is your baby?: 5 in my post canon alternate universe (7-8 years after Borderlands 3)
Tell us about your baby!: She's the testtube biological baby of Sir Hammerlock & Wainwright Jakobs (which basically means she could aim and shoot a pistol at the age of 4) and has 4 siblings (one of which is also an oc, but is an adoptive kid, and the rest are canon characters who got adopted). She has a big plushie collection (some knitted or sewn by Wainwright, some crocheted by Hammerlock, some being gifts from extended family or the Crimson raiders) and also fucked up eldritch powers beyond human comprehension bc her parents are abominations from beyond the veil (my Borderlands rewrite AU is a mess haha) which she primarily uses to teleport all over the house, causing an understandable amount of problems. Clay is her weird uncle and she loves him. She's kinda based off Wednesday Addams because autism. Also she is autistic, the nicest weirdgirl on Eden-6, swears an unusual amount for a 5 year old (being around Wainwright del Frisco Jakobs-Hammerlock will do that to you) and often swaps between her Edenian (space southern) and her Hermesian (space british) accents bc yknow. Just listen to her dads speak and you'll see.
Anything else you want to add?: (1) Most people call her Reb for short but Wainwright calls her Rebby because yes. (2) She eventually grows to inherit the Jakobs corporation and generally sorta girlbossify but that's extreme future timeskip stuff I don't talk abt often because I feel cringe about it. (3) Her name continues on the general theme of Jakobs related things having biblical symbolism - Rebekah is Jacob's mother in the book of Genesis (if i remember correctly). (3) Her voiceclaim is Lili Zanotto from Psychonauts :D (4) She calls Hammerlock "Papa" and Wainwright "Daddy"
( art by thewikiplayer )
What is your baby's name? Pronouns?: sawyer hale, he/they/xe
Is your baby from a fandom or original?: completely original!! the universe name is "turnabout tech"
How old is your baby?: 16!!
Tell us about your baby!: [MOD NOTE: TW for father death]
sawyer hale is a kid who had a pretty hard knock life in a cyberpunk dystopia city. after deciding his dad kinda sucked, sawyer ran away and emancipated himself at 16 and moved into a different, nicer city and became a hermit for a while. afterwards, he proceeded to save the world twice; once he saved a cyberworld from the big bad capitalists and second he saved the universe from collapsing via terrible creature. as he goes through these adventures he learns how to be comfortable and happy with himself again.
also he destroyed his dad when he possessed a robot body. go kid!!
sawyer super loves tech but he gave it up for a while because Shitty Dad Ruining It For Him, but he eventually finds his passion again and makes phenomenal inventions. also he is the embodiment of Baby because all the adults around him want to scoop him up and carry him around for being a little issues boy with issues. they love singing and the arts in general, and they're very open-minded, which makes them a pretty good friend.
oh yeah all his adventures kinda messed up his biology so he's partially made of code now. and also has wings made of code. he can design them however he wants like retexturing game assets. YIPPIE!
Anything else you want to add?: I'M SO SORRY FOR THE PARAGRAPH. GODSPEED
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cacodaemonia · 2 years
Since you know a lot about the GAR, and Clones in general, I was wondering what your take on "access to information" for the clones is.
Would they have unlimited access to the holonet? Could they text each other stupid stuff without anyone noticing or getting in trouble? Would a clone be able to research the most obscure stuff as long as he had time and the inclination to do it?
Or do you think the access would be limited to a need to know basis and, as a clone, you'd have to be tight with an IT-/Comms-guy or something? Or maybe it depends on how nice your General is and how strict he set the "parental controls"?😄
Hi! :D Haha, idk if I'd say I know a lot about the GAR, since neither canon nor legends explains it in any kind of way that makes sense. XD But I have thought about it a lot and come up with my own headcanons that make sense to me, a person who has never been in the military and hasn't read the gazillion SW comics, novels, etc.
So, to answer your question, I lean more toward your second set of options. I wrote up a short headcanon about my holonet headcanons for my AU here on AO3. But basically it boils down to 'I like the trash-tech aesthetic of Star Wars and I don't think things like our modern internet/texting/etc. mesh with that.'
So yes, there is a holonet in my AU, but it doesn't instantly connect every person in the Galaxy, and I think clones the GAR, in particular, have very limited access. Many governments irl restrict internet access in their countries in order to control what kind of information their citizens might encounter. So imo, both the Kaminoans and the GAR would consider it important that the clones learn as little as possible about 'normal life' and things like past proletariat or slave revolutions/uprisings; they only need to know enough to be effective soldiers, after all.
That said, I imagine there are ways around this. The initial issue is that, given the clones' indoctrination on Kamino and their extremely limited life experience at the beginning of the war, would they even consider the fact that their access to information is being restricted? Obviously some would eventually, and those trained as slicers or serving in spec ops might start poking around.
As you suggested, I also imagine it would vary somewhat by unit—if they serve under a Jedi, who the Jedi is, other people they encounter who might get them questioning things. For example, as much as I don't like Anakin, I HC that he managed to bypass most of the restrictions on the holocasters on his flagships simply because he wanted to be able to watch whatever. And the 501st benefited from that.
I also headcanon that clones' HUDs and datapads get mostly wiped with every software/firmware update the GAR pushes out, which makes it more difficult for them to save images or other files, or to leak those to anyone outside the GAR.
Haha, sorry that got so long, and I hope it made sense. Like I said, I have thought about all this a lot in the name of preserving SW's trash-tech vibe. XD;
Thanks for the interesting ask! Do you have any particular headcanons?
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a-soft-housecat · 2 years
Hi im back!!! (Catkin anon!!)
I've seen you talk about your gear here... if youre comfortable, could you show the gear you do have?
Hope you've been having a lovely day !
☆ Catkin anon
Catkin anon!! Welcome back! I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that this ask got me attacked by my cat multiple times (joking... slightly lol)
Because I still have master mastered the use of tech these images will probably be huge so I'll be putting them under the cut with some information about the gear itself as well :>
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-Homemade pin! I did try to limit the size of some of these by meshing two photos together but this just looks like some kids Etsy listing now.... Oh well its the thought that counts! (Extra info is that while I was taking this photo my cat was trying very hard to attack the pin itself) So actually about the pin itself now haha I made this pretty recently! It's made out of a (1) bottle cap (1) pop tab and (1) small safety pin! I can say that curling the edges of the bottle cap without fully warping the middle is nearly impossible but I think I did a pretty decent job! It's much more of a light purple in real life aand since I don't know what else to say I'll move on
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-Ears and tail! I also had to put this in a photo editor because it was flipped the wrong way round... (Extra info! My cat thought the fake fur and real fur looked very much like a fun toy so I had to struggle to keep him from attacking them while I took the picture) Now you'll start to notice is that neither of these look very feline-like! Well that's because I don't actually have a lot of gear for my feline kintype (or theriotype whatever you prefer to call it) I already feel very feline in this body so I don't buy gear for it! These ears and tail are actually for a different kintype but since that kintype isn't a soft fluffy house cat it doesn't get a place on this blog and needs to leave (This is a joke I am joking here! I don't talk about my other kintypes because I have an issue where I make too many separate Tumblr blogs and this kintype already has one specific to it and my experiences with being that kintype) Anyway this tail is my favourite of the tails I own however I've also had it for years and my sisters cat (not the one that attacked me throughout making this. that ones mine) found it a few times.. So its a bit battered and now 'retired' which means I don't wear it and it gets a comfy life on my wall to be admired for its beauty and to pay homage to its life<3
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-Necklace! Speaking of not at all feline-ish gear here's the necklace I wear every single day! (Extra info! I took this off to take a picture and my cat did actually manage to pull it off the table and ever since I put it back on he's been looking at me like I'm next)
Now I actually do have a story for this! A few months ago when I was looking through my drawers I found the wolf tag and was brought back to when I was but a child (10-11) and I first got it! At that time I had it on a chain necklace which eventually broke as chains do and I loved it so much I put it away so it wouldn't get lost and then forgot about it! So of course when I found it and had since gotten a mostly rope necklace I knew what I had to do for that little 10 year old kid that lives inside me.. I went to the store and got a dogtag as well because I had been meaning to do that with the necklace anyway! Okay so that's all because I've spent an actual hour making this lol and I don't want it to be too word heavy (it already is and I'm sorry) I'm really glad to hear from you again catkin anon! I hope you also have a wonderful day :>
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theatrekidstatus · 9 months
Chapter 8:
"I'm so happy y'all are dating,because y'all wouldn't shut up about each other" daveed announced "for real all y/n would talk about was anthony and I couldn't even talk to him" Renée added "leave them alone" Leslie said putting his arms around us (a/n not even gonna hold y'all I forgot about Leslie until I read a story with him in last night😭😭😭) "you two are going to be the cutest couple ever" Lin said grinning that big grin "thanks Lin" "anytime" let's get to rehearsals of rehearsal "ugh" "I know I know but we have too,y/n you'll be the audience" "cool ooo can-" "no you can't yell boo if someone messes up" "awww" "HAHA" jazzy cackled "🖕🏾" "ok PLACES" Lin yelled "Que groffsauce" *insert preshow speech* "Leslie" "how dose a BASTERD,orphan,son of a whore and a Scotsmen dropped in the middle spot in the crabien by providence and squalor grow up to be a human and scholar" "y/n's boyfriend" "the ten dollar founding father without a farther got a lot farther by being a lot smarter by 14 they placed him in charge a trading charter" "daveed" "and everyday while slaves were being slaughtered and carted away- something's wrong with my mic" "if this is a joke it's not a funny one David" "it's-" then he started mouthing something "damn...ok if anyone did something to daveed's mic fess up now I won't even make you confess why you did just confess" "no one ok good I'll call tech and have this checked out daveed just articulate" "COOL" after his oak part "what's your name man" "Alexander Hamilton my name is Alexander Hamilton and there's 1000,000 I haven't but just you wait just you wait" "when he was ten his father split full of it debt ridden two year Alex and his mother bedridden and" "Alex got better and his mother went quick"moved with the cousin committed sucide left him with ruined pride something new inside" "Hi excuse me so sorry but the mic you wanted us to check out/fix was purposely damaged It seemed to be stepped on.punched,kicked,chewed? And other things that make us not want to even look let alone touch and it might be unfixable "ok CAST CREW AND OTHER meeting now everyone audience "ooo a mystery" I whispered to ant he looked a little tense "you good" "well I'm a little nervous how the show finna Turn out we've had only a few days of practice" "I'm sorry ant" "huh why *gasp* DID YOU DESTROY HIS MIC" "what no I'm sorry that i relapsed and took 2 days off of rehearsals and I'm sorry something happened to his mic and take more time" "hey I'm It's NOT your fault you relapsed it's those dumb idiots online and I know you didn't cause the mic thingy it's not your flaut ok" he said he's BEAUTIFUL green eyes "OK QUITE DONE EVERYONE,LISTEN I KNOW THIS ISNT A BIG BIG ISSUE BUT THE STUFF SOMEONE DID TO THAT MIC I SENT DAVEED TO THE DOCTOR AND THEN HOME" (all caps cause ArTiCuLaTiOn) Lin said with anger and concern "DAMN" we yelled "I know now I know said who ever messed up the mic could fess up and we'd move but if they wanna confess what you did,why'd you dove and why hide it literally that's it" Lin tells us "and-"
He's cut off by a text "OH HELL NO YOU PHYCHO PUT HONEY ON HIS MIC YOU GUYS KNOW HE IS ALLERGIC" "OH HELL NAH" I yelled Everyone looked at me "My bad" "Listen we will continue this rehearsal but if no one fesses up then YA OUTTA HERE" Lin yells everyone look at each other "if you did it you'd tell me right" he asked I wasn't to mad because he was worried for his best friend "I didn't but if I did I'd tell you" "ok good" I texted the "renèe, Pippa, jazzy AND Y/N" GC if y'all did I won't snitch but did y'all
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽: do what I was sleeping the whole meeting
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃: omfg jazzy so you know how so messed daveed mic
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:yeah
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃: he was trying to see if someone would fess up because there'd just have to explain why they did it but if they don't there outta here and no y/n I didn't do it
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:ohh i ain't do it now but you nèa nèa
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:no i kinda like daveed
Ooooooooooo (they all texted)
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:omg you guys SO immature
                        Okay so y'all are clear Ant and I didn't do it so yeah 
I was walking around I was singing Burn and and ant came from the shadows
"I'm your boyfriend how dare you not tell me you can sing"
"I'm sorry I love you don't hurt me," I say while slowly falling on the floor My last boyfriend would hit me when I didn't tell him stuff "Hey hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you come here I love you too and look at me I will NEVER hurt you," he said hugging me on the floor maybe not all men are bad "an-t," I say through tears " "yes babe" "your my boyfriend?" "Am I?" he asked nervously "Yes, yes you are" he smiled so hard "Let me wipe your tears please" "OK" his thumb slowly went down my face getting rid of my tears "I have to go on stage are you ok?" "I'm fine" "ok let's go" he reaches out a hand and I take it he takes me to my favorite seat in the audience and went in the wings I watched the rehearsal they did it with a recording of Daveed's voice they got far to they got to 'say no to this' WITHOUT ANY BREAKS tech member Katie messed up so they had to stop but Lin made sure she didn't feel guilty "damn I want some cookies" I mumbled "I know" I pull out my phone and text thayne
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯:is this y/n
                                                    Yes and I want cookies
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯:no
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯: because I fucked them up last night
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Totally ignore this if I make you uncomfortable or you don't want to answer, but do you have advice on writing Donnie? I'm working on a fic for him right now, and I really don't want to stray from his personality too much. I think I have down what I want him to act like yandere wise, but I'm not too confident I guess? Do you have advice on making Donnie, well, Donnie? Everything you do makes me so happy, literally love you. Sorry for bugging you, have a nice day/night.
I kinda don’t want to admit this as it’s embarrassing for me but, I get super excited when people ask me for advice it’s unreal. Like you actually believe I’ll give good tips? It’s quite an honor.
You guys never bug me lmao. I love interacting with you (plural).
Ok so the biggest thing for Donnie, specifically, is his traits as someone with autism. You should incorporate most, if not all of those characteristics.
- His hyper fixation/special interest in tech
- Leg stims.
- His dislike to physical touch (most of the time).
- Sensory issues (rewatch clips and you can find a pattern) I think it’s unsanitary things + icky gooey stuff.
- Low empathy (not always ofc)
- Flavourless Juice
Next, you should correlate his Yan self with his original personality. I do this with all my Yan turtaleles (plus future characters).
Like the easiest one to notice is Leo. If your remember in that episode where he and Splinter fought at the Battle Nexus, he had amazing communication skills to deceive Big Mama. Which comes in hand with why I think Leo would be manipulative as a Yan.
For Donnie, remember that he tends to make critical judgements and decisions (I don’t mean in this in a negative way). How if he finds something interesting, he’ll obsess over it (his autism coming into play). How he tends to be more independent. And maybe how he never admits wrong (or rarely does so) I have that problem agh
Once you have those two bases, you should be able to find some kind of beat to your Yan Donnie. I’ve read a lot of Yan works (I really love the genre ok?) and often times I see people scatter about with the characters personalities.
Even if they have like a Yan personality hcs like I do, they still stray from the original often times.
So just remember that you should stick to that personality all throughout your work so no sudden changes happen.
I know you said you’ve already decided your Yan personality, but always consider numerous options.
When I classify them as “types” I always make sure to put 2 as there’s many possibilities for a character and overall expands the range of writing liberty.
I think this is the basics of my process to creating a Yan personality. If you have any specific questions, you can always ask me~!
Oh and if you don’t mind, once you’re done with it, I would love to read it! Just because, I love Yan content so much haha.
Additionally, if you want some tips/constructive criticism on your Yan then I can certainly give you a more detailed description once I read the fic.
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aadmelioraa · 2 years
Hi, i wonder if you have added a filter on your account to make it less visible (actually i don't know it's possible, i'm out of loop when it comes to the last technical additions of the support team), because your posts never showed up on my dash. It's only through the reblogs of your posts by blogs that follow you and that i follow that i'm aware of your new posts. I didn't try to activate the option of getting notifications everytime you post because it never worked for me in the past, notifications of my own posts already barely work. Anyway, i just wanted to check if i'm alone to have this problem with your blog or if others complained too? Anyway, your blog is one the good part of the TROP fandom on Tumblr and i'm sad to miss the conversation and art that take place on it.:(
Hi! Oh no, I haven't heard this from anyone else but I'm sorry you're having trouble! I haven't added any type of filter...my blog is set to be visible inside and outside of the dash, and I also don't have any flagged posts (I just double checked) so I'm not sure what's going on there...
Are you having this issue with any other blogs? Either way, it's possible it's a setting you may be able to adjust on your end. I would check under your account settings (the screenshot below was taken via the desktop version of the site) and make sure you don't have anything filtered out. I think during one of the recent updates some or all of these categories were set to be hidden on default.
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Let me know if that doesn't solve it! And if anyone who is more tech savvy than either of us wants to chime in, please do haha.
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lifeofpriya · 2 years
hello hello i’ve been sent by your winter fic exhibante writer to send you a message that they couldn’t send an ask without revealing who they are
"hi priya!! magical winter fic exchange elf here. i'm so sorry to hear you lost your blog!! i hope you're doing okay and let me know if i can help with anything, okay? i just wanted you to know i did see your post so i'll be able to find you when the fic is done. sending all my love!!"
hello hello!!!
i'm a little bit upset that i've lost everything [but of course, it's a natural feeling]. The tech issues did have me at the end of my rope, but it's been resolved by now haha. thank you for checking in on me, and as always, i love y'all 🫶🏼💛
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hey infinite craft does sound fun but also it uses ai owned by facebook/meta so maybe cool it?
[explanation and sources under the cut]
OK SO annoying data science student explaination
clearly the reason why infinite craft is infinite is that it uses ai.
but specifically it uses an extra-large LLM (large language model), as well as a separate AI to help with server upkeep
the first one is the important one for this - basically the LLM just makes predictions of what it thinks comes next based on training data.
yeah, like chatGPT. put simply, what it does when it generates text is it guesses what word should come after the last, then the next word, etc, based on which words it’s seen together before and what context
you may remember “training data” from ai art using artists’ work without their permission, etc. basically, these predictions have to come from somewhere. so the makers gather together a huge amount of art, writing, articles, whatever they want (using some other code) and then give that to their model. which then reads it and boom. trained LLM (oh yeah, which is a kind of AI)
bc it takes a lot of work from the computer to get all that data, LLMs - especially the really big ones - are often made by big tech companies (like openAI, meta, etc)
meta made one called LLaMA (haha llama funny) which is a bunch of LLMs it’s made thrown together, and bc meta made it, was trained on trillions of pieces of data.
honestly, idk a ton about this data bc (surprisingly, given its meta) they’re pretty vague about where it comes from. wikipedia tells me the sources include stack exchange and wikipedia. this article is from the makers of LLaMA and given it’s 70 pages long i didn’t read all of it, but in the sections i think it would make sense to reference their training data sources, they’re not mentioned.
i find it especially interesting the training data creators aren’t mentioned in the contributors nor acknowledgement sections (tho unfortunately that’s industry standard).
this feels like a good time to point out that to me it’s less the training data (tho that’s still an issue) but more that it’s meta/facebook in general. like we’re all aware they’re pretty not great
ANYWAYS oh my god this is so long i’m SORRY
but yeah, LLaMA, meta’s AI model is what neal agarwal, the creator of infinite craft, used to make it. for the record, the website it’s hosted on is actually really cool! the internet history museum was one of my favourite things on there.
it’s a neat idea!! but also basically it’s like if you took little alchemy but meta operated it instead
(edit 20:35 DUDE i forgot the sources tho straight up it’s just wikipedia. other ones already linked)
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