#sorry evette
lilliankillthisman · 1 year
I do love the chapter but I'm comfortable admitting that when Evette says "I am wyvern.... I am Sylvester's pain"? That was a cringe line and Mauer was right to try to kill her for that sorry.
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anduinwrynngaysex · 9 months
anduin finding out the man he's come to be unhealthily obsessed and in love with killed his father as a sacrifice in a blood ritual to perform a magic immediate sex change and the boyfriend he assumed was cisgender is actually a tranny, which he's fine with it's just weird he was lied to:
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lakesbian · 1 month
okay at this point i have to actually make sure i have track of whats going on in sylvesters head let's see. Boy Known As Sy is still in there but he's co-fronting and getting sort of blurry with a heavy dose of help from evette. and they still have the strategic Battle ideas but it's sans the Social strategy or ability to be even remotely manipulative, which seems to have gone in varying pieces to gordon and jamie. gordon the ability to read people, jamie moreso the ability to think deeply about broader details to form informed plans beyond the immediate dialogue? there's both jamies at times but they frequently seem to blend w the resulting appearance and mannerisms being Largely younger jamie but with a distinct touch of Anti Sy Bullshit that could only come from the older jamie. staying in sy's peripheral seems to come from older jamie too bc when they were separated younger jamie was like Right there. helen had more clarity earlier but Something Happened and evette and sy were struggling to hear from her afterwards...she was supplying the poker face though. duncan is apparently also here but sy isn't conscious when he's interacting or otherwise unable to observe, and hes not a sy fan. hes also opposed to gordon (?) and gordon dislikes him for interfering in gordon's management of the others? notably i haven't seen lillian or mary in any real capacity. Sorry surely there's no fucking way wildbow tries to collapse all of this back into one guy again after this arc
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if-kissofmidnight · 2 years
You keep mentioning the rest of our team outside of the rod, and in just wondering if there is anyone of note? Idk how big our team is but I'm just wondering who is likely going to be the most prominent out of them, but honestly any info about our team I general is definitely welcome
In fact, could you also answer why this team is here in the first place?
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the team is about 30 strong, but many will just be cannon-fodder (sorry, but it is a predator ib if lmao). of those 30, about 7 will be significant and have much more detailed roles. 3 mc will be able to befriend, 4…yeah not so much.
levi hanson [m] - former captain of the navy (dishonourable discharge), leader of the hired mercs, and jen’s second in command (not jen’s choice). he’s a nasty, sadistic bastard and he’s hellbent on destroying every. single. alien. can’t befriend.
evette jacobs [f] - merc and hanson’s right hand woman. as nasty as her leader and 10x more volatile, she’s got a real issue with mc. can’t befriend.
carter rowe [m] - merc and very obviously, the muscle. not a single brain cell in that man’s head except how to be hanson’s bitch. can’t befriend.
ari iqbal [nb] - merc and former navy tech specialist (dishonourable discharge). very loyal to hanson, but would sacrifice everyone else (including evette and carter) for a breadcrumb. can’t befriend.
beau miah [nb] - a talented linguist and mc’s second. they are very sweet and enthusiastic about their work, and they enjoy learning how to talk to ghost (and feeding them banana when mc and hunter aren’t looking). can befriend.
stella liang [f] - a biologist, and one of the youngest members of the team. she’s highly intelligent, quick to befriend, and looks up to mainza. helps beau sneak ghost treats. can befriend.
jaxon chambers [m] - a communications specialist and the one in charge of feeding information back to hq. seems like the typical brown-nosed, stick in the mud, but he really comes through for mc and ghost when needed. can befriend.
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skitter-queen · 1 year
You're one of the Lambs now. What's your project name and what's your specialty?
ohohohohoo.... claps my little hands together!!! let's see.
i think the lambs have the social-manipulation and information-gathering angles pretty well covered, especially if we're including ashton. so i think i'd probably fill more of the evette niche: the weird, flexible problem-solver who lurks in the background.
as for my specialty. allow me to be somewhat self-indulgent and give myself the ability to Summon Creatures. my body would resemble a mostly-normal-ish-girl but would actually be a fairly thin layer of flesh over a hollow exoskeleton. and inside would be a small biological factory that takes flesh and bone and turns it into short-lived nasty little monsters, each custom-made for the problem at hand. maybe they'd each take a bit of my own nervous tissue to be able to function? like wrapping small chunks of my Weird Experiment Brain up in a gross meat shell and sending it to scuttle forth and bite my enemies. this would rule i think... but it would also need to be strictly monitored and limited by the academy doctors -- probably why i'm using my own brain to make them. prevents me from building a whole army or anything, since i need my brain to recover in between each creation.
(obviously im vatgrown. and i think i would have to eat a lot of raw meat & bone to get fuel for my little beasties. presumably some of the meat would be human, cause, like. twigverse.)
the other lambs would gather information and set up the dominoes, and then i'd take what they told me and get to work synthesizing a monster with the appropriate abilities and directions to solve the problem at hand. direct, customized attacks at specific targets and weak points. it would take me a little while to do it, so the lambs would have to stall things just long enough for my fucked up spider monster to kill the right person and sow chaos or whatever. and i do think the monsters would all be fairly bug-like. just makes sense to me.
i would probably be Project Echidna, because, like, come on. sorry noelle, i know you had it first, but what else would you call me
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cyazurai · 1 year
Sorry for no posts today, I ended up feeling like I was getting a stomach flu yesterday, and I completely forgot that I had nothing in the queue... and couldn't have cared less. I feel a tiny bit better now, but not a lot, so there likely won't be any posts tomorrow either unless I start feeling better.
Might just build Evette's BC house today while I feel crummy. Doing mind numbing things like that distract me.
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ewingstan · 2 years
Sylvester, for the character ask game?
First Impression: Took me a bit to fall into Sy's groove. At first it seemed like wildbow was going "alright, I've written a conflicted morally grey antihero protagonist, I've written a largely heroic but outwardly monstrous antihero, now I'm gonna write a proper bastard of an antihero." His initial defining traits were "misogynistic", "manipulative", "willing to play the fool" and "desperately desiring to be respected." It was an interesting sketch of a character, but also described the psychological profile of the average adolescent boy on the internet circa 2014, so I wasn't sure how much mileage wildbow would be able to get out of him. But that opinion started to change once Sy's relationship with the rest of the lambs got fleshed out.
Impression Now: I still think Sy might be wildbow's best character, and its entirely because of his relationship with the lambs. Having a manipulative protagonist is interesting, having a manipulative protagonist who is all-too-aware of his tendencies and actively struggles against it when dealing with his loved ones (because when you have a full psychological profile of someone, how can you have any non-manipulative interactions with them?) is enthralling. I talked before about how I expected Sy manipulating Mary onto the team to be a time-bomb. But Sy eventually revealing the truth because he felt guilty, and Mary deciding to stay because she was already too enmeshed with the lambs for leaving to be a plausible option, felt honestly like a much bleaker result. Sy at times feels almost haunted by his own ability to avoid consequences; his relationships with Mary and Lillian especially feel like bones with old breaks that were never properly set. They function, with intense feelings on all parties, but it would probably have been healthier for everyone if there were clean breaks with the chance of reconciliation. But Sy can only be forgiven, and so clean breaks like that are impossible, even when he physically breaks away from the group (or, during the Evette debacle, psychologically breaks away).
Favorite Moment: The whole of 13.11. Even though his mental decline only just started and would get much worse, this still felt like Sy's nadir. He thought he'd found a way to make things work with the Lambs and still be the type of person he is: just be Robin Hood by way of Snidely Whiplash! Be the villain setting up the plot-to-be-foiled-of-the-week, ride by the seat of your pants in setting up zany plots for your friends to navigate. You can steer them towards adversaries so you can have an excuse to fight together, you can kidnap Lillian so you can both continue your relationship while she has plausible deniability! And you get to do it all with your best friend and life partner helping to steer the ship and keep you stable. Finally, you can be as wild and manipulative as you like, you can fight the good fight against the academy, and you can keep your friends while doing it!
But then, just when it seems like things with Lillian are going perfect, like he’d really managed to pull it off—it falls apart. And you see despite how much of a psychological profile he has on Lillian, how much he knows what she wants, he is completely unprepared by how much she hates herself for wanting it. He suddenly comes to terms with the difference between giving people the ability to refuse something and stringing them along with what they can’t deny themselves, and realizes how horribly concieved everything’s been from the start. And he has no way to deal with it, he has to call for Jessie’s help. After so many arcs where Sy’s mad genius and mature bravado are on full display, where it seemed like there was no situation Sy couldn’t get on top of, it suddenly feels like we’ve been watching a kid play with his fathers gun and its just gone off. We’re sorry, we didn’t know what we were doing, we don’t know what to do, oh god, we don’t know what to do.
And then the kick in the teeth with Jessie. The charming back-and-forth we’ve fallen in love with getting recontextualized as a refusal for one party to seriously emotionally engage with the other. Both parties suddenly feeling like the last few months were spent under false pretenses. It all comes crashing down for all the reasons you’d expect, but so late into it that you thought they could get away from the consequences, and now they’d run so far up without it happening that they have an impossible height to plummet from.
Idea for a Story: Let Evette out for a spin! Have Evette take control of Sy again while he and Jessie are handling their army. Let full chaos ensue as Jessie tries to get Sy back in the drivers seat.
Unpopular Opinion: Still unsure on how I feel about where he ended up, but that goes more towards my feelings on the odd place Twig ended as a whole.
Favorite Relationship: Gotta be with Jessie. Deeply touching while also allowed to be a little fucked up.
Favorite Headcanon: Simon still finds ways to “sneak” Lady Helena cakes even when they’re both two of the most powerful people on the planet and can just ask for desserts like normal adults.
[ask game]
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shakespearefreak · 2 years
An American Girl Christmas (3/3)
Makena's Christmas
1. Left on Read
On Christmas Eve, Makena made a Zoom call to her parents and sister, and another to Auntie Bling. Then she texted Adeline and Najee, wishing them both Merry Christmas. Both of them responded; Adeline (whose family opened one gift each on Christmas Eve) shared a photo of her new Christmas-themed pajamas, and Najee asked if Makena was excited for Kwanzaa. Then, she sent one final group text to Maritza and Evette. "Merry Christmas, Itza! Evie, Blessed Yule!" (Evette's family celebrated Christmas, but Evie herself practiced Wiccan beliefs.) Itza got right back to her too, enthusiastically wishing her a great holiday, but Evette never responded, even though Makena's phone said she'd seen the message. This was unusual for Evie, and Makena went to sleep feeling a sense of disquiet, wondering if she'd somehow upset her friend.
2. A Disappointing Christmas Day When Makena awoke the next morning, Evette still hadn't responded. When she ran to the tree with the other girls, she found no gift for her under it. In her stocking, she found several beautiful pairs of earrings, which cheered her up: golden hoops, silver butterflies, and pink and purple jewel studs.
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There was also a note, sealed with a snowflake sticker. It read: "Your present fell out of my sleigh in the storm. I promise to make a special trip to you when I find it!" And it was signed, in sparkling pine-green ink: "Santa Claus"
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Makena was a little old to believe in Santa; she figured that her gift had most likely been delayed in shipping by the bad weather. But she played along for the younger girls' sake.
She had a nice time trying on her new earrings, and she shared in her friends' joys, petting Jip and admiring Niña, but she felt a little sad. First Evie ignoring her, now this? It was hard to feel merry this Christmas.
3. One Last Gift But as they were cleaning up the wrapping paper, Marley made a big show of finding "one last gift" under the tree. It wasn't surprising Makena had missed it: it was a simple piece of folded paper with her name printed on it in purple. It was wedged under the tree stand, so that she had to bend over and reach beneath the branches to pull it out.
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4. Turn Around... She unfolded the paper. Inside, she found doodles in coloured pencil: a sun, a river with a silvery fish leaping in it, and a monarch butterfly. Her breath caught. Written in looping, friendly-looking, very familiar letters were two words: "Turn Around..."
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At first, Makena was nearly frozen with a mixture of shock and hope. The paper dropped from her hand and fluttered to the floor as she heard a familiar giggle behind her. She whirled. "EVIE!!!"
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The two friends embraced tightly. "I'm so sorry I left you on Read, Kay!" Evie said. "I was afraid I would give it away if I said anything!" "That's okay," Makena said, still hugging her tight. "It's so good to see you!" "Merry Christmas, Makena." "Blessed Yule, Evie."
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5. Home for the Holidays Makena introduced her friend to Josefina and Samantha. It turned out that the two younger girls had been in on the secret; Makena and Marley were impressed they'd both kept it quiet (especially Sam, who had been practically bursting to tell Makena the news!).
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As her friends, new and old, sat together — Samantha with Jip on her lap, Josefina cuddling Niña, and her own arm around Evette — Makena reflected that in a way, each of their presents was a part of their old home that they'd missed. With these wonderful gifts, Marley's place felt more like home than ever before, and Makena felt certain they'd all be safe and happy here in the new year, and for a long time to come.
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Vectors used: -Candle flames and glow effect
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lvciddreamt · 2 years
“i saw you whispering with jacques right before i danced with him. you didn’t tell him to drop me, did you?” 
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highlifeboat · 3 years
Evette is non-binary HC?
I mean, I dunno, I don't really see her as enby so I don't have a whole lot of thoughts on it beyond, like... Miranda being the only one who has a problem with it. ("'They' isn't a term for a single person." type bullshit)
I can see her being more of a gender apathetic kind of person like Donna. He, She, They, it's all the same.
You're free to headcanon her as non-binary if you want though.
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lakesbian · 1 month
EVETTE ? sorry wait it's been explicitly stated that the academy wasn't interested in reviving evette (nor would it be plausible for them to do so within a brief enough timeframe for this to occur) and gordon 2 Can't be a thing because 1. they weren't planning on doing the griffin project again and 2. being that gordon was a chimera of different people i assume any future griffin project wouldn't rebuild someone close enough to gordon's appearance or identity for him to be also named gordon. i assume sy is just speaking to the lambs in his mind harder than ever before because the scene in general is odd and contradicts prior details. mary and sy just the two of them adventure intact
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synchronmurmurs · 4 years
5, 22, 31 for Evette! 😊
Whoaaa Summer, thank you for asking about my stinky little goblin. 🥺
5. What is a secret that they have?
Evette isn’t really the kind to keep secrets, she wears her heart on her sleeve almost at all times, but this is really only applicable to anything more personal. Sometimes her work has her sneaking into places she maaaaaybe isn’t supposed to be, seeing things she maaaaaybe isn’t supposed to see, so there is very likely to be Some Shit that she can’t actually discuss for fear of some sort of consequence. Evette doesn’t really take her work 100% seriously, and she definitely prefers the kind of paid work that involves sitting in a forest for like 3 weeks, taking pictures of animals, but she understands that some things are just better left unsaid.
For everything else, she will just very casually blurt it out. It’s how Credo found out about her feelings for his uhhhh other self.
22. How indecisive are they?
So because Evette is so casual about almost everything, if there is something she’s a bit indecisive about, all it really takes to convince her is her verbally asking someone what she should do, and regardless of what that other person says, she’ll end up going with her gut. It’s a bit of that ol’ “toss a coin to make a decision - you’ll know what outcome you want while the coin is in the air” thing.
31. Do they have a comfort food?
Fortuna’s peaches. There’s (literally) something in the soil that makes produce grown in Fortuna just so damn good. But also literally anything that Credo cooks, because to her, that man is a god. It is Gordon Ramsay that is the Idiot Sandwich. A billion michelin stars for Credo. “You should have your own TV show, I could put some calls in for you, you know.”
(she can’t)
And sometimes, when she’s been good and has been bathing regularly and doesn’t come home with sticks and leaves and all manner of stupid shit in her hair, Credo will have a slice of peach pie waiting for her, and she just fucking demolishes it. Is the kind of person who would like... cut one slice out of a whole pie, leave the single slice on the table, and walk off with the whole rest of the tray.
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hula-zombie · 5 years
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And she said, "No one is alone the way you are alone" And I held her looser than I would have If I ever could have known- Some things tie your life together, slender threads And things to treasure 
Days like that should last and last and last But I’ve already lost When I only had barely enough to hang on 
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faccal · 2 years
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Hello hi I desperately need to know more please, if you would be so kind as to impart a ramble?
Hello! Thank you for this ask! I apologize in advance because I do believe I will disappoint you with my answer.
I really liked the sound of your wip too, sounds quite intriguing and like something I would truly enjoy reading!
This is actually for a fanfiction I've been working on for a few months, as I haven't been actively working on any of my original wips. I'm in the Call of Duty Ghosts fandom, and this is actually apart of the Dragon Universe fic I've been planning and scheming up.
To explain this a bit better, (and to give you context) I've been posting "incorrect text posts" for this fic, with Logan (the main character in the game and this fic) and his grandmother living together. His grandmother is constantly going on about a man named Keegan, his full title being Prince Keegan Perseus Russ, who lived over three hundred years ago. She has a painting in her entryway of the Nagonian/Russ family. Keegan's parents Queen Evette Nagonia, King Perseus Russ, Keegan, and then his little brother Daniel. Logan's grandmother (often referred to as Gran) gushes about Keegan to Logan, and often seems as if she wants Logan to be with him, to which Logan has to remind her he's dead.
She often also talks about the dragons who used to roam and rule this earth, mighty beasts of fable that Logan doesn't believe existed. (King Elias does however, and that's why he's pretty much holed up in his castle. Also Elias is Logan's father but Logan doesn't know this, he was raised with the common folk.) He also has an older brother, Prince David, and he's the prince that gets hit on by the sexy purple eyed man, Ephaltes Wraithbane. A "wealthy merchant" visiting from a different kingdom.
The "people die in blue fire" is referring to when Logan is permitted outside the safety of his kingdom's walls, with his grandmother and Ephaltes. They come upon Logan's ancestral home, where his family had fled their Kingdom due to a dragon attack. There's melted stone, and you can even see outlines of people's bodies, burnt into the stone from the heat of the fire. (The scene is actually also later written so that you get to see exactly what happened, and why.)
Logan works on one of the King's farms to support him and his elderly grandmother, she's around 97. Still a badass lady who can get around lmao. He helps a blind man named Rorke, who is a vet from one of the wars he had been in, defending his king.
"stuff happens" is just a shit ton more insanity and chaos which ensue. Oh! And Logan is the one dreaming about the eyes, specifically a pair of cool, crystal blue eyes which seem to haunt him, almost. He recognizes the eyes as being similar to Prince Keegan's in the painting his grandmother has.
There is a bit more that I have in my head, but where this is a fanfiction, and I feel bad because I think you were hoping it was an original work, that's all I'm doing for now. Hopefully I haven't disappointed you too much.
I do have an original work about dragons, it's actually about a curse being brought upon by an ancient goddess who was betrayed by one of her dragon children. She then cursed them all to be trapped in human bodies, which is an insult because dragons are grand, majestic beasts. Humans are tiny, frail, one small hit and we may bruise. There's more to that one as well but yeah! There's that. Sorry again if my tags let you down.
Thank you again for this ask! I was pretty excited to answer it!
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doll-princesse · 3 years
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Today, Makena and Evette are celebrating the second night of Kwanzaa.
They put in another of the Mishumaa saba (Seven Candles). Following the center black candle, red and green candles are added to the kinara. Red candles go on the left, and green candles go on the right. The color of the red candles represents the blood of ancestors.
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“Habari gani?” Asks Evette.
“Kujichagulia!” Replies Makena.
The nguzo (principle) of the day is Kujichagulia. Kujichagulia is Swahili for Self Determination. To those who celebrate Kwanzaa, Kujichagulia means “to define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves” (quote from “The History, Principles, and Symbols of Kwanzaa” via interexchange)
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This principle is clear in Evette and Makena’s thoughts and actions in their storylines. Evette seeks to re-create a community gathering place when she organizes a clean up of the Anacosta river. This river is significant to Evette’s Gran E. Gran Evon and her brother swam in this river when they were young after racist attitudes made them feel unwelcome at the public pool. Makena creates fashion looks inspired by African culture and Kente cloth and works to make her individual voice heard despite prejudice and racist attitudes.
I feel this principle can also serve as a reminder to non blacks to listen to and elevate Black voices. Joyous Kwanzaa to those who celebrate. Sorry it is very belated.
“The Meaning of Kwanzaa”, via Smithsonian Anacosta Museum website, past exhibitions.
“The Principles and Meaning of Kwanzaa” by Stephanie L King, via Oprahdaily
“The History, Principles, and Symbols of Kwanzaa” via InterExchange
“Kwanzaa: a Brief Discription” by Dr. Maulana Karenga, via officialkwanzaawebsite
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quietlyimplode · 3 years
Survival Guide
Whumptober2021 (Masterlist) (Chapter 9)
Chapter 10 (Day 30 - Ghosts)
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(Gif not mine- Warnings for red room badness and canonical violence)
Sweat drops down Natasha’s spine as she holds onto the bar, grasp as light as possible as she tries to make her movement look effortless.
She’s failing.
Madam B hits her with the switch again against her hand. The flexible rod makes lines across her knuckles and it’s brought down in three quick successions.
The girls make the same four motions, legs shaking as the hour rolls on.
The activity doesn’t deviate, and Natasha feels her concentration waning as it becomes rote.
The switch comes down hard on Evette in front of her and Natasha is brought to attention.
“This is too basic,” Madam says, disdainfully, “but you’re all in need of mastering the basics as it seems to be something you’ve all forgotten.”
“Again,” she commands.
Florence is the first to drop, breathing heavily as she uses the bar to help herself up again.
“Sorry,” she apologises.
She’s sent away, likely to the barracks for running, and Natasha can’t help but think that would almost be better.
Despite the cold, the cramping of her calves as she goes up and down on her toes, she wants to be the last one standing.
It is painful, and it seems like this is the only way it will end, with all of them passed out on the floor.
“You’re all so lazy,” they’re chastised as Ana is next to fall. They frog match her away as her legs shake leaving the room.
Eight girls left and Natasha breathes through the pain.
“Keep going,” the woman commands.
Natasha tries to concentrate on anything else but the fatigue, the pain, the powerlessness of her position.
She smells sweat and as Madam sweeps past, perfume. It’s sickly smell makes it’s mark, as she turns her her away from it, the wrong move as the switch hits her shoulders.
“Wrong Natasha.”
Three times she’s hit on the back of her upper thighs, red welts now adding to the pain.
“Again!” The music, bleeds into her brain, Tchaikovsky's score blends past and present as the music plays over the speakers indicating the end of intermission.
Natasha hears ghosts in her head as she’s told to stand.
Sees Madam B standing near the bathroom mirror, but it’s wrong, it’s all wrong.
The smell is the same but it’s not her.
“Sorry,” she mumbles at the woman waiting for the bathroom.
She grabs at the earpiece and leaves.
“Natasha, can you hear me? Goddammit,” Clint rappels down as soon as Jarvis tells Tony that the woman is behind him.
Tony’s suit whizzes passed his head and he grimaces, hoping that it gets to him in time.
He heard Natasha’s panicked breath and Tony questioning her but had thought they had time.
Time for her to het her shit together, to pull herself out of the panic. He’s worried about both of them but thinks out of the two of them, Tony is in more danger.
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, making a decision he doesn’t want to.
“Natasha, if you can hear me get to the lower floor, help Tony now,” he says urgently.
He runs through the doors, guns at the ready, and heads down the stairs.
He hears the sounds of a gunshot and heads there. He’s met with a man punching at his head. As he deflects it, he recognises the scar above his eye from Natasha’s debrief file.
It’s likely that he was of the one who broke Tony’s arm and pushed a cattle prod into Natasha.
Calmly, he disarms the man, shoots him once, then twice to make sure it sticks and moves on.
“Agent Barton, Agent Romanoff appears to be back online,” Jarvis tells him, and a slight bit of relief washes over him.
Clint reaches Tony, much to his relief, he’s suited up and relatively safe.
She got a hold of Tony, and even though he hits her with a repulsed, she seems to absorb it, and hold him harder, the burn of his suit almost blinding.
The woman is glowing.
It strikes Clint that in desperation, she’s injected herself.
“Tony, you’ve dealt with Extremis before, what do we do here?”
“Get her away from me!” Tony’s clearly panicking.
Another gunshot rings out as Clint ducks, he waits and calculates the trajectory, the movement of the man and terrain, and then shoots twice as he looks up from cover.
There’s gunshots from above and he feels Natasha near.
She runs.
Shaking her head to get rid of the intrusive thoughts pounding in her head. She kicks off her shoes, glad that she picked a dress that allows movement.
As soon as the earpiece is back in, she hears Tony yelling and Clint shooting. The scene is a mess.
The passing thought is that she really needs to teach Tony some self defence, because what she’s seeing is ridiculous.
The woman is holding fast to his suit, she’s… glowing. Extremis.
Natasha calculates the scene and the outcomes resting on on each of the variables.
She shoots one man, before ducking as another shoots back.
First Tony, she decides, seeing Clint peek out and make a perfect shot.
“Tony!” She shouts.
He looks up, and so does the woman, who sees Natasha and lets Tony go.
“Did it work?” The woman yells at her.
“Are you like me?”
She rushes towards Natasha, with seemingly superhuman speed.
She’s read Tony’s debrief of Extremis, knows the only way to kill her now is through an explosion. There’s too many people here, too many civilians.
“Clint, evacuate everyone,” she says, a little desperate.
Clint runs to the side of the room, and pulls the fire alarm. Immediately, the sprinklers set off, soaking the room, and carpeted halls.
He leaves; hacking over the PA and telling everyone to evacuate through the front. He thinks all the goons are either dead or running because the only one left is… her.
Clint runs and it happens in slow motion.
She’s standing over Natasha menacingly, as Tony sends his suit to cover her.
The protective shell encases her before the woman hits her with glowing hands, leaving Tony vulnerable.
The woman turns as Clint runs to cover him, shooting her twice. It doesn’t make any difference.
Tony raises his hands to protect his head, his partially healed arm front and centre, as a second suit comes flying.
Clint almost laughs in relief. He’s got back up plans on back up plans, just like he does.
Natasha isn’t idle, moving in the suit like it’s made for her.
He hears her counting in her head as she sends the suit back towards the woman like some bizarre game of reverse keepings off.
As it attaches to her, the woman yells in frustration, but there’s nothing she can do.
Natasha makes the call, and the suit blows inwardly, holding its shape but the force of the pressure creates a shockwave; pushing Clint on top of Tony and Natasha into the wall.
(One to go <3)
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