#sorry cresselia did not make it in here...
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tagarilaghost · 3 months ago
This is exactly how I remember Darkrai's fight at Dark Crater in PMD: Explorers.
(Bless the Snapcube fan-dub)
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characterworkshoppe · 1 year ago
In Pokemon Horizons, a lot revolves around Lucius and his 6 heroes...which I thought was a fun legend/myth/thing! So it made me wonder if I could possibly make a human mythological hero for the world as like...idk my own myth...I don't want to call it an oc but like a figure an oc of mine looks up to!? Imagine Friede asking you to join the crew and you learn about many different heroes like Lucius! And once you get a strong connection with a hero, then Friede and the rest will happily aid you in pursuing it!
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Here's mine that I came up with!
(Sorry I can't do a long format story like I wanted!)
Once upon a time there was a girl named Alisoun. She lived in a poor village, where many children raised themselves.
They often told tales of frightening ghost pokemon, angry psychics, dark pokemon, dragons, and even fae that came from the moon.
A day didn't go by where she heard "I guess another one held onto a Driftloon too long" or "Stantler put someone into a magical never ending sleep" or something of the sort.
Kids are always distrustful of what they can't explain, the result of this means it ends in false rumors like the evils of these types of pokemon.
Grass was simple, it grew from the ground, it was part of life! As was water, and fire with the weather. Rock, normal, fighting, even poison had an explanation.
But what where these types exactly and how could they be understood?
Alisoun decided to study these special types of pokemon and learn what puts the magic in the world. She had notes on everything! Abra to Zygarde with everything in between.
The distrustful kids started to mutter and gossip amongst eachother. "Beldam" they called her. Evil. Destroyer of the peace.
She didn't mind because she learned a lot about the magic in the world.
And one day as she fell into a deep sleep, she encountered a pokemon in the dream world.
"Cresselia" it called itself.
Although it looked nothing like the tales of old.
This Cresselia had shimmering blue rings and purple fur. Alisoun happily greeted the pokemon.
It enjoyed the girl's enthusiasm and stayed to listen to Alisoun's love of magic and her hopes to share it's joys with the young kids. Cresselia couldn't help but be touched with her love and devotion. Despite the merciless slanderous name they gave her, "Beldam" as if she were to bring evil and misfortunes to them.
She looked up to Cresselia, and asked if she could share this love through a dream to the rest of the village.
And Cresselia agreed.
It had an interesting idea! To swap the dreams of the children and pokemon. To live a while in eachother's shoes.
Soon the kids came to love magic and the name shifted. "Beldam of Benevolence."
She liked it, it felt like a paradox.
Alisoun was happy that the village came to love magic like she did, however, she didn't feel fulfilled yet, she felt that there was more to the world.
"Cresselia, you turned the living nightmares of these kids into joy, I want to continue doing that! Whenever someone finds themselves in a nightmare situation where all hope seems lost, let's turn it into joy!" She said.
Cresselia agreed.
It felt immense joy being with Alisoun.
Together they traveled as they bid the village goodbye.
Together with Cresselia they made new companions on the way. Sinistcha, Jirachi, and Meowscarada.
Alisoun along with her partners became known as "The Beldam's Seidhr Coven" each of them being a beacon to one of Alisoun's wishes.
"Spreading Joy"
"Making a hospitable Home"
"Giving everyone a gift"
"A guiding wishing star to whomever is lost"
The beacons are : Cresselia the beacon of Joy, Sinistcha the beacon of Hospitality, Meowscarada the beacon of Generosity, and Jirachi the beacon of Guidance.
(Should I elaborate on how she met the rest of her team and what happened after the met them all? 🤔)
Also, I got so into having my own mythologic figure in the pokemon universe I literally did everything I could to get a shiny Cresselia with the pretty blue rings and purple fur!!!
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I saw one on gts for a Korean Koraidon...so...I made a whole new file, played through the entire game in Korean, which is a language I cannot speak or even remotely understand.
It look me from 7 am that morning to 2:05 am the next day XD
The hardest part was Rika's interview! Geez, I used the weirdest translator for it!
Warning for weird bs and the use of a word that can occasionally have sexual connotation when used in a sentence :
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Look at what I had to decipher with the weird translator XD
I used some of the English playthrough for context for the interview so I'm assuming it meant something "out of every gym you fought, which stood out to you the most/was your favorite" or something like that.
I actually failed the interview the first time and nailed it the second! XD
Surprised it didn't take me longer with such a bad translator!
But still! I was glad to get my Cresselia! :D
Now I have a playthrough entirely in Korean...I guess I'll get a Korean Ogerpon next???
Anyways! I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on making a mythic hero in the pokemon universe! If you have any ideas or already have one you made please reblog and tell me about it!!! I'd love to hear it!!!
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irlkisukeurahara · 6 months ago
Hi! I was scrolling your PULT tag and I was wondering, is Cresellia's outfit supposed to look like the celestial beings from Princess Kaguya? Sorry if it isn't, I just thought it was interesting because it's one of my favorite movies
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It's been a while since I designed her and I don't download the references I use when making character designs, so I don't have a definitive yes or no answer. But I would not be surprised if they were included amongst my references.
Especially since the main design detail I wanted for sure when I was drafting her design - the hagoromo ribbon. I'm pretty sure that's what it's called lol. Very easily could have come up when I was trying to figure out what it was called to get references.
So while I don't definitively remember every reference I looked at for ideas with the kimono or hagoromo, I probably did loosely base some of it off that!
I really had two main inspirations overall for her design, though. The hagoromo thing is one, but the other was a character I had designed beforehand. Because thon is basically a replacement for Jesus made by Cresselia in the PULT lore, I felt they had to look alike.
For reference:
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That's the part I wanted to replicate with the hagoromo. That was the first thing I thought of and knew for a fact I wanted to include.
And as for the other major elements that I remember exactly what I was doing with them:
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( I lost my actual ref for Janus so here's art by the lovely @takasouriku )
Shared attributes:
- Galaxy hair
- Similar glowing earrings
- Mismatched trimmed sleeves
- Galaxy on clothes
While of course making Cresselia a lot more Japanese inspired, because that was the whole point. I definitely looked at a lot of pictures, animated characters, other gijinkas, with the intention of pinning down those smaller details. I wanted to have attention to detail, but it's kinda hard to do that with aphantasia, so I looked at many many references to get ideas. It's not overly complicated, but if it's detailed enough to get those vibes I'm doing something right lol! But yeah. I'm not completely sure I've seen the movie but I do vaguely recognize these characters so there definitely is a chance they were included in my piles of references and referenced off of in that sense! But I don't remember that stuff easily, so I don't know for sure.
So ... Tldr?: yeah maybe lmao
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fangaminghell · 2 years ago
Philomena being op in a sense that wouldn't exactly be canon but also kinda would be. She kinda scares the twins a little.
( sorry in advance if I don't have the twins sound like, well, themselves. I'm not used to writing them at all lol).
" Philomena."
Philomena turned her head around to be greeted with not only Aurora, but Shiv as well. She smiles, turning around to face them fully. She doesn't flinch at the clear hostility of the black haired siblings, more so she's in her own head space, her own vibe. She lazily waves at the pair of siblings, as if they were an old friend.
" Heeeeey~" she hums, taking note of Aurora's hand hovering over her waist, where her PokeBalls were, " Long time no see! How's it been~ Keepin' happy and healthy, yeah?"
Aurora looks agitated immediately, but Shiv steps in front of her, now handling the conversation.
" Enough with that act of yours, that won't get you out of this," he hisses, but it doesn't bother Mena in the slightest. She tilts her head to the side, still smiling.
" Hm? I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, but if we're here to talk, then let's talk!" She says cheerily. Aurora looks as if she's about to say something, but Shiv doesn't let her, holding an arm out before she could say or do anything. Aurora looks away in a huff, glaring to the side. Philomena is, again, unfazed by this. In fact it's quite amusing. She has to restrain herself from giggling.
" You've been tagging along with Asra, right? Ever since they slipped from Darkrai, you made it a point to stay by their side more often than you usually do," Shiv's gaze turns cold, " Which means you started to protect them, right?"
Philomena still smiles, shrugging at the twins. But it doesn't take a genius to recognize her demeanor has....changed. No longer did the area around feel at ease, as frustrating as that already was, rather it became a bit more....intense. Uneasy. But she still smiled as if she got a care in the world.
"Hey," she starts, her voice going lower than her usual pitch. It's laced with a certain sense of danger that makes Shiv skin crawl, "I'm not going to listen to you if you're gonna speak in riddles,"
She brings one of her hands to an ear.
" So speak it straight in a sentence or don't speak at all,"
That wasn't an ask. That was a demand. She was still smiling.
Shiv wasn't fast enough to stop his sister from marching up to Philomena with her mightyena, her eyes burning with anger. She gets up right in Philomena's face, glaring daggers at her.
" You want us to give it to you straight? Fine-"
" No, Shiv! " She quickly turns to her brother, ' We are not doing this. We are not playing by her fucking game,"
She turns back to Philomena, who merely stares back.
" We want you out. Away from Asra, away from this whole region. Now,"
"Oooooooh," Philomena says, her eyes being shadowed by the glint of her glasses. She giggles a bit before inches closer to Aurora, her smiling falling.
" And if I don't?"
Aurora, to her credit, stands her ground as Philomena says this, her voice challenging Aurora's word. The intensity of the situation just got worse, but it wasn't just from her or Shiv. Philomena stares down at Aurora with a superiority that quite frankly pisses Aurora off. So she smirks.
" We know about Cresselia. That she's weak, meaning you're weak too," she tilts her head to the side, bringing a hand to her cheek, " You don't have the means to protect yourself against Darkrai. Against us,"
Her mightyena growls, but Philomena doesn't flinch. In fact she smiles once again, that carefree energy coming back to her as she laughs.
" Well if you want a fight..."
A bright light appears, surrounding Philomena's shape. A sudden burst of energy emits from her forcing both Aurora and her mightyena to move back. This energy is powerful, overwhelming, far exceeding what both siblings thought Philomena could possess. Fear runs through the both of them. They were not expecting this-!
Philomena opens her arms out, as if opening for her hug. She smiles graciously at them as the energy around her suffocates the twins.
" I'll give you a heads start, yeah?"
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greedentstripes · 4 years ago
(ask-reluctant-nightshade) Diaval tosses the list of ask hints away. “Uuuuhhh, Shelly? Heard you were interested in legendaries? I maaay or may not know some, but what’s with the interest? If you don’t mind me asking.”
(Shelly’s mind: “Ohhhh so that’s how you knew my name the first time we met...)
(Shelly shrugs) I just think they’re neat is all. Most of them have specific jobs in regards to the lands they protect or et cetera, that had they not done, would make things a lot harder for us.
(Shelly puts a paw to her head as she thonk) Moltres, Rayquaza and Kyurem have their respectives to deal with, keeping them in order. Groudon and Kyogre handle the shaping of the land we walk and the seas we swim, The Cosmog line manages the sun and moon and the children of Arceus handle time and space and the unknown, Cresselia keeps our dreams good, Xerneas helps grant life while Yveltal silently handles the souls of the dead -- as long as it’s in a good mood -- and the saviors of Mighty Galar, they protect our lands from the darkness. Oh and Calyrex helps ensure we have plenty of food to eat. Oh and of course, Arceus the Creator and Mew the First, we cannot forget them for without them, none of us would be here.
(Shelly shakes her head) It doesn’t exactly answer why I get so goo-goo over the gods of our world, I’m sure anyone would have a similar reaction to meeting their favorite celebrities, but at the very least, I’m sure to thank them whenever I can, even if I sound like a total goober while doing so.
(Shelly bows to Diaval) Oh and uh, about our little run-in in Korthyo, I’m sorry about calling you a creep and all, I did not uh, realize the extent of your abilities.
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kotekie · 5 years ago
-His dark calling part 3-
Blinking herself awake. Dawn yawned and rubbed her eyes. Her starter Empoleon helping her to her feet.
After her meeting with Cresselia. Dawn had bought the first ticket to the Unova region. The place were the first of the mysterious disappearances had occurred. Next was Hoenn...Then Kalos.
While she slept as she travelled by plane, Cresselia told her what it knew. Not too long ago. A familiar yet unfamiliar force arrived in their world. It disrupted the dreams of the missing three up until their disappearance.
Why them in particular it didn't know. How they disappeared in the middle of the night it didn't have the answers too either.
Cresselia also spoke of a doppelganger of the Sinnoh Champion. Exactly like Dawn in every way.
A perfect duplicate. She wondered if it was a ditto or a zoarark... but she was sure those pokemon couldn't enter dreams... maybe it was simply an illusion created by whoever or whatever was behind this.
Dawn held up the town map. She just had to continue following the road out of Nuvema town...and then she should be at Straiton.
She hoped she could find some clues there. Hear what his brothers knew and investigate the scene. This wasn't going to be easy but she had to try.
She took down her campsite and put it away in her bag. She did a little strech before continuing on her walk down the path.
It wasn't long till she felt an unnerving presence. Like someone was watching her. Staring. Angry. She stopped and looked around. Trying to see what was looking at her so angrily.
Empoleon looked over at her. "Empoleon?"
She looked around again before shaking her head. "Nothing Empoleon. I thought I.... no never mind.....I think."
She still felt the presence. She looked around one last time. In the corner of her eye, amongst the trees. She saw herself. Staring. Before she disappeared.
She gripped her bag strap before continuing to walk. Empoleon lagged behind. Clearly more alert then it had been before.
The rest of their walked was followed by an uneasy silence. Dawn clung onto her bag strap. Constantly feeling eyes on her back but desperately trying to ignore it. She stared down at her feet. Taking in the tiniest details of the road beneath her feet in order to try and distract herself from the feeling.
She should have really been looking ahead. That way she likely would have seen the red haired gym leader blazing towards her. In her defense. He wasn't exactly looking forward, nor was he listening to his brother exclaiming:
In his defense, because we're trying to be fair here, he would have been looking forward had his brother not been running after him trying to persuade him to calm down. As then he wouldn't have had to tell back how he was going to find Cilan because it had been a month and the police still had no clue where he was so they were clearly incompetent-
We will end this debate here. Otherwise we could write an entire novel about it.
"S-sorry miss- Look what you did Cress!" Chilli quickly got off Dawn and held out his hand to help her to her feet.
"It's fine-" she takes his hand and stands up. She brushes herself off as Cress rushed over.
"You should have been looking where you were going!!" He grabbed his brothers arm before turning his attention to Dawn. "My apologies for my brothers behaviour. Are you alright?"
"I am quite fine." She smiled. "However, Perhaps you could help me find someone? I'm heading to Straiton to meet the gym leaders there. Do you two know where they may be?"
The two looked at each other.
"You're speaking to them right now! Chilli! I light things up with fire type pokemon!"
"Cress. I'm the water type specialist..." Cress's voice grew much quieter. "and our brother Cilan..."
"He handled the grass type pokemon... but he... disappeared..." A fire lit in Chilli's eyes. "Which is why I was just on my way to go find him!"
Cress grabbed his brother by the collar as the first gym leader started to go and dash off on his quest.
"Chilli. As I said. Leave it to the police." Chilli glared at his brother as his collar was released. His fists were tightly clenched but he didn't run off. "Are you here to challenge us? I'm afraid we're not taking challengers-"
"I wish to talk to you about Cilan."
The brothers froze. Their eyes met each other before they looked at Dawn.
"....Why? Do you-"
"Do you know something we don't about his disappearance?!? Who are you anyway??"
The two brothers were on edge. Cress had his arm out in front of his brother, almost holding him back as Chilli's hand trembled.
"What do you know- no, who are you first?" Cress questioned looking directly at her.
"...My names Dawn."
"....why does the Champion of Sinnoh want to know about a Unovan gym leader? You're a long way away from Sinnoh... why are you here?"
Why indeed. Dawn wasn't fully sure how to explain it- what did you say to someone's family that their brother was likely abducted or kidnapped by some unknown force that also seemed connected to an unknown doppelganger of herself.
"I...have reason to believe his disappearance is tied to two others. Professor Sycamore of Kalos and Steven Stone from Hoenn. Cilan was the first to disappear... so I came here first."
"That doesn't explain why a Sinnoh champion is here." Cress's eyes bore through her. The roles the two brothers had now switched, Chilli was now holding his brother back.
"...I..." she paused. Empoleon placed a fin on her shoulder. "...A few days ago, I was returning to my home town. I stopped by a lake.. and I was visited by Cresselia."
"The mythical pokemon? One of the Lunar duo?!"
She nodded. Empoleon kept his fin on her shoulder. "I will not recount all that had happened... however... She reported sightings of...another me. And this other me.. seems to have a tie to these disappearances-"
"Another you?!? Like an illusion or a ditto or-"
"I don't know. But according to Cresselia.. from what she felt from this other me.. it seems she is fully human.. but she bears a dark presence. Regardless. Cresselia asked me to investigate... so please. Tell me all you know about your brothers disappearance."
There was a brief moment of hesitation between the brothers. An exchange of glances.
"...Is this really true?" Cress questioned. His voice was laced with doubt. His blue eyes felt like they were piercing through Dawn.
"Cress! Didn't Cilan have nightmares before he disappeared? Or did you not notice?"
"...Yes... Something about-" Cress stopped. Their eyes all met. "...He never remembered clearly but it was a girl with a human like figure..."
"The figure could be Darkrai-" Dawn began before Chilli charged in.
"Wasn't it two? Pretty sure Cilan mentioned two human like pokemon. He could never remember but he mentioned one was cat like but the other blended into the background-"
"Two? Chilli are you sure it's two?"
Chilli stopped and nodded. "Yeah. Two. Sometimes one but mainly two."
"....Who is the second then?" Dawn paused and thought. Clearly one had to be Darkrai... Cresselia's involvement clearly implicated that the nightmare legendary was involved..   but then who was the second? Was it possible there were two Darkrais?
"I do not...recall Cilan ever mentioning...." Cress frowned and stared off away. "....You said that there were two other  disappearances. Are you going to investigate them?"
"Yes- Do you wish to come with me?"
"Cilan's our brother! Of course we want to go and find him! Gym's closed anyway-" Chilli waved his hand nonchalantly. "League has already given us some time off. So we're going to go with you!"
"And time is off the essence. The longer they are missing the more danger they are in. There are two more missing. We can split off and investigate the two. Then we can report our discoveries."
"Two birds with one stone..." Dawn looked over at Empoleon. He seemed cautious of the two brothers, but even so he looked over at her and nodded. "It's an excellent plan. Do you have a way for us to keep in contact and report our findings?"
The three exchanged phone numbers. Discussing the details of they're next meeting. As they did they remained unaware of the presence watching them from beyond the trees.
A girl with a dark aura. Watching and staring at the girl with the same face as her.
A single choice. One flap of a butterfrees wing that could cause a tornado.
What had made the two so different? What was different about them?
The bitter emotions fed her dark aura. Making it grow strong. She looked down at her poketch. Then looked at the three. There was still hours till night. Her abilities were strongest at night.
A presence appeared behind her.
...Should we be concerned?
She looked over at the group They seemed to have organised themselves and were moving towards the gym.
...Do you wish to deal with your other self yourself?
She nodded.
The others?
She looked at the presence. His tail moved back and forth.
Very well.
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ancientskullkid · 5 years ago
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here we go. When creation went wrong. What did Giratina get banished for? Was it willful & malicious or an accident? who knows. as I mentioned in an earlier post, Giratina is the Legendary of everything physically within Time & Space; including Gravity & Antimatter. Both Gravity & Antimatter are powerful & dangerous. Gravity powers could result in an accidental Black Hole. Antimatter powers could result in an accidental explosive reaction with Matter. Either of those could result in destruction & death, leading to the existence of Yveltal; perhaps by creation by Arceus to govern this new thing called death, or perhaps the introduction of death itself drew Yveltal out of Arceus’ creative power without choice. Regardless... let’s begin with some of Giratina’s creations. as I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe Giratina created Hoopa. Hoopa’s gold loop resembles the gold accents on Giratina & Solgaleo & Lunala, perhaps implying Gravity powers. Theoretically, Giratina could use gravity to make Wormholes to other points in Space, Time, and/or other Dimensions; an ability which Giratina could have passed on to Solgaleo, Lunala (Ultra Wormholes to Ultra Space), & Hoopa. Lunala of Planets/Moons; bodies of matter with enough mass to have enough gravity to force a spherical shape, also the matter on this body is in the forms of solid, liquid, and/or gas (as opposed to the plasma of the stars/suns of Solgaleo). so Matter, Gravity, & Wormholes... Giratina created Lunala. Lunala worked with Uxie, Mesprit, & Azelf to create Cresselia. a very moon based Legendary, but also the Legendary of Dreams; which makes it very strongly connected with Emotions, Knowledge, & Willpower. I believe Ultra Necrozma was Necrozma’s original form. Necrozma was originally the Legendary of Light. Not originally the Legendary of Blackholes, but rather of Whiteholes. Necrozma can also open Ultra Wormholes. Light, Whiteholes, Wormholes... so again, Gravity. Giratina is the Legendary of EVERYTHING physically within Time & Space; including Light. Giratina made Necrozma in its original form... so what happened? Just as Xerneas may have created Mew to lead to more life in the form of nonlegendaries multiplying and filling the earth and the rest of the universe... ...so Yveltal may have its own plan to lead to more death... perhaps Yveltal saw the power of Giratina and its creations and tricked Giratina into working with Yveltal to create Eternatus. Yveltal’s Y Pokedex entry: it absorbs the life energy of every living thing and turns into a cocoon once more. Eternatus’ Sword Pokedex entry: The core on its chest absorbs energy emanating from the lands of the Galar region. This energy is what allows Eternatus to stay active. Eternamax’s Shield Pokedex entry: Infinite amounts of energy pour from this Pokémon's enlarged core, warping the surrounding space-time. so Eternatus absorbs energy like Yveltal, AND when it’s in power overload, it warps the surrounding space-time! If any pokemon is about warping space-time, it’s Giratina. Eternatus is a bit like a Metroid, it can take energy (how it becomes Eternamax) and it can give energy (how other pokemon Dynamax). perhaps Yveltal specifically designed Eternamax to change/corrupt/warp other Legendary Pokemon... Darkrai isolates itself on an island to prevent others from falling under its nightmares. Platinum Pokedex says “it means no harm.” perhaps Darkrai is a corrupted/warped copy of Cresselia by Eternatus. Perhaps Eternatus absorbed energy from Necrozma... and broke it. Turning it from a Whitehole to a Blackhole. Still able to regain its original form, but only by itself absorbing energy from one of its own siblings, Solgaleo or Lunala... and even then, it doesn’t keep its original form for very long. It’s just too broken. Broken beyond permanent repair. and corrupted/warped it in its hunger for light/energy. Necrozma’s Moon Pokedex entry says: Light is apparently the source of its energy. It has an extraordinarily vicious disposition and is constantly firing off laser beams. Its signature move is Prismatic Laser. Deoxys’ Pokedex entries: Ruby: The DNA of a space virus underwent a sudden mutation upon exposure to a laser beam and resulted in Deoxys. The crystalline organ on this Pokémon's chest appears to be its brain. Sapphire: Deoxys emerged from a virus that came from space. This Pokémon shoots lasers from the crystalline organ on its chest. Emerald: A Pokémon that mutated from an extraterrestrial virus exposed to a laser beam. ...this seems obvious to me... Necrozma’s Laser created Deoxys. Perhaps Eternatus gave energy to Hoopa... too much energy... corrupting/warping it into the Dark type unbound form. taking a break from all this bad news for a moment. Zygarde of Order & Balance. I believe Zygarde created the Original Dragon of the Gen 5 Dragon trio. The Original Dragon was a perfect balance of Truth & Ideals. back to the bad news. 2 brothers became the kings of Unova, and they disagreed. 1 brother wanted to rule with Truth. the other wanted to rule with Ideals. the Original Dragon split into 3. Reshiram of Truth. Zekrom of Ideals. Kyurem the empty husk of the Original Dragon. Perhaps Eternatus is like Stephen King’s IT or The Black Thing of A Wrinkle In Time... perhaps Eternatus is drawn to negativity; be it fear, doubt, anger, sadness, disagreements, etc... perhaps Eternatus helped the Original Dragon split, and absorbed some of the energy of the split... leaving Kyurem like Necrozma... broken. sure, it can fuse with 1 of the other 2... but never again can all 3 fuse to become the Original Dragon... because Eternatus absorbed too much... they’re too broken. but that’s just a theory, a really dark and depressing theory. sorry. Edit: I’m gonna mention this in a future post, but I believe Lunala & Zygarde worked together to make Rayquaza, who is an answer to the threat of Deoxys, created by Necrozma (Lunala’s sibling turned predator) post-corruption by Eternatus (who also corrupted/split the Original Dragon [Zygarde’s creation] into Kyurem & the other 2). Fits really well in this story/theory.
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catflowerqueen · 5 years ago
Deja vu (Oh, the Irony)
Here’s chapter two! I’ll try to get another one up soon, but I make no promises--I may be on break right now, but, alas, that doesn’t mean I still don’t have actual work to do. That and familial obligations over the holidays. Fun ones, of course, but it still means I won’t have as much time to write.
I might post headcanons or ramblings if anyone is interested, though.
And these chapters are also up on my fanfiction .net accounts and ao3
Chapter 2: Talking Heads
 …and then, with a singular voice, Drowzee, Chatot, and the other apprentices all screamed, “YOU DID WHAAAAAAAT?!!!”
 This, of course, was the wrong thing to do when around small children, especially when said children are already on edge from suddenly finding themselves in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, and with no familiar comforts in sight. The little human girl—presumably Laura—had her hands occupied, so her only defense against the loud noise and tension was to screw her eyes shut and hunch over as much as possible, trying to use her shoulders to cover her ears. Paula, now an adorable pichu, had both of her paws free… but rather than use them to cover her large ears, she instead used them to give a death-grip on Laura’s already rumpled collar and begin wailing in terror. Which, of, course, made the human carrying her almost drop her in shock… which set off another round of wailing at an even higher pitch. But it also succeeded in shutting everyone else up and making them cringe in shame for having frightened someone so little and adorable.
 Everyone, except Drowzee, that is, who instead gave a low moan of “Oh no… not again…!” before he dropped the human’s hand in favor of moving around so that he was standing in front of the two kids and tried to calm the little pichu down. “H-hey, it’s… okay!” he said a bit frantically, making shushing noises and waving his hands in front of himself, as if he both wanted to scoop her out of the human’s arms in order to better soothe her but was also too terrified to make the attempt. “C’mon, Paula, we’re all really, really sorry for yelling and being noisy! We promise not to do it again, so there’s no reason to—!”
 But that, apparently, was also the wrong thing to say, as the poor thing’s wailing did not cease, and she started adding in tearful shouts of “No! No! No!” in amongst her pitiful cries, her cheeks sparking a little as she shook her head, managing to clip the human’s face with her large ears each time. Laura, for her part, did not seem to care about that overly much, and actually seemed to be less upset about the noise in general now that it was only coming from one source. The hand not holding the Tiny Mouse Pokémon—which she had used to cover one of her ears after it was finally freed from Drowzee’s grasp—slowly came down and cradled the back of Paula’s head, creating a more stable hold. She frowned, glancing briefly at the electric-type in her arms before turning her attention to Drowzee and his ineffectual efforts at trying to control the situation.
 “I don’t think you’re helping, Mr. Drowzee,” she told him seriously. Or at least as seriously as a small child—practically a toddler, really—could get. It was such an unexpected statement coming from such an unexpected source that Drowzee immediately shut up and actually reeled back a bit in shock. But she paid no further attention to him, instead turning back towards Paula. She jostled her a bit, startling Paula into a brief moment of silence, which Laura then took full advantage of by saying, “Hey. Hey, you… uh… is your name really Paula?”
Paula looked at her, blinking her teary eyes in surprise that the strange girl was actually asking her about her name, instead of just assuming that these strangers throwing it around were right about what it was. Which… yeah, they were, but Paula didn’t know who they were; they didn’t look like they were her parents’ friends, or anything like the pokémon in the picture Ricky had sent of his team’s fellow apprentices in the guild he was training at, so she didn’t know how they knew who she was. And she didn’t like that—especially since she didn’t know where she even was, aside from “definitely not home.” But… she guessed the girl holding her was okay, even if she looked weird. Her eyes were pretty, and it was nice of her to offer to carry her around—especially since that grate that Mr. Drowzee had tried to get her to step on earlier was really, really scary, and it looked like it would tickle her feet, or that she would fall through into the darkness below if she tried to stand on it. So, it would probably be okay to introduce herself.
 She nodded a little, and then leaned up so that she could whisper, “Uh huh… I’m Paula… Paula Sparks,” into her ear. Except she wasn’t all that great at whispering at the moment, since her throat was all scratchy from all the crying and yelling she was doing earlier, so all of the other strangers probably heard her, too.
 The human took that in stride. “It’s nice to meet you!” she announced “And everyone here! Even if everyone’s really confused ‘n’ stuff.” At this point she dropped her head down to “whisper” into Paula’s large ears and, “I don’ think they know what’s goin’ on either.” Again, everyone else heard this because she apparently wasn’t any better than Paula was at whispering, even if she didn’t have the handicap of a sore throat like Paula did. But after that “whispered” pronouncement, she paused, and then drew herself back up to her full height and said, rather bluntly, “My arms are tired. I’mma put you down now, ‘kay?”
 Paula, whose tears had mostly stopped by that point, frowned in obvious disappointment, her lips quivering into a pout, before she shakily nodded. She sniffled a bit after she was set down, and rubbed the tears from her eyes. But it wasn’t as if Laura was abandoning her completely, since as soon as Paula sat down, the human immediately plopped down beside her. She then rolled onto her stomach, propped her head up with her hands, and began kicking her legs in the air behind her as she stared at the adults around her expectantly.
 After a moment of their rather wary staring right back at her, supremely confused by the fact that she was the one taking charge of the situation, considering her older self’s personality, Chatot awkwardly cleared his throat.
 “…Right then,” he began. “Now that we’ve all… er… calmed down a bit, I suppose that the first thing we should do is figure out what we know for sure about the situation at hand. So that would mean… Drowzee.”
 “Oh!” Drowzee tore his eyes away from the sight of the kids—Laura having pretty quickly decided that her arms were just as tired while supporting her head as they had been while holding Paula, and thus having rolled onto her back, limbs spread out like a star and head tilted backwards to watch the group from upside down while Paula basically faceplanted into her stomach, having decided that her fellow child would make a serviceable pillow—in surprise upon being addressed. “Yes?” he asked. “What, uh… what can I do for you?”
 “Can you please tell us exactly what happened when you met up with Team Rainbow this evening?” Chatot asked. “And how they changed from their normal selves into… this?”
 “Oh! Yeah, yeah sure, I can do that,” Drowzee said. “I don’t really understand it… and I’m not entirely sure what happened to cause this… but this is what I saw: Like I said, I wasn’t expecting to actually get here until tomorrow, but the journey took less time than I thought it would. Just as I was making my way to the crossroads, I happened to see Team Rainbow a little way away. I called out a greeting to Paula, and she answered back with…
“Oh! Hey, Drowzee!” Paula called back, turning around from where she was leaning down and talking to her partner. Laura was, rather worryingly, sitting on the ground, head in her knees, and breathing somewhat heavily. She did tilt her head a bit and peek her eyes out at him, however.
 “Are you okay?” he asked in worry. “It’s kind of late out…”
           Paula nodded. “Yeah, we’re fine,” she affirmed. “We were on our way back, but we picked up tons of cool treasure today, so our bag is heavier than normal and Laura just needed to stop and take a break for a bit.”
           Drowzee stole a glance at their bag where it sat on the ground near Laura’s feet, the strap looped around her arm. While it did, admittedly, look a bit bulgier than normal Treasure Bags usually did, he knew that he’d seen her and Paula toting it around when it was much heavier and fuller looking without breaking a sweat. Coupled with the fact that Laura still looked like she had bags under her eyes, even weeks after the whole Dreamy Blackmailer fiasco—and Paula, too, now that he got a bit of a closer look—and it painted a darker picture than what Paula was trying to describe. But given that the very presence of the eye-bags indicated that the two were likely not as relaxed or recovered as Paula’s cheeriness was trying to lead him to believe, he decided not to comment.
           “…Right,” he said, instead of calling her out on the fact that all was not as fine as she wanted to make it appear. It would likely only make them try even harder and less successfully to convince him of the notion that they were fine. He compromised by suggesting, “In that case, you should definitely make sure to get a good night’s sleep tonight.”
             But this was apparently the wrong thing to say, as Paula outright flinched at the suggestion, growing pale at the thought, and Laura, while her reaction wasn’t quite as extreme, still hid her eyes again and gave a mournful sigh.
             “Do you… ah… do you want me to see if Cresselia can come over and help?” Drowzee said, frowning at the sight and feeling anxious to do something, anything, to help his friends.
             “No, no, really! We’re fine!” Paula tried to assure him, frantically shaking her head as the color came back to her face.
           “…It’s okay if you still aren’t. You two have been through a lot recently, and—”
             “I…” Paula trailed off with a sigh, a pained look on her face. “I—we… we know. And we know everyone is still really worried about us, but…”
             “…Even he would say that nightmares at this point wouldn’t help anything… and the only way we can think of to help with that is to make some better memories to dream about,” Laura finished, raising her head to look at him straight in the eyes.
             Paula winced at the reminder… but it was more of a resigned wince, if anything, and Drowzee supposed that if that was going to be her only reaction, then it meant things really were improving for her. At least a little bit. Also, the fact that Laura could actually talk about these things and look at him in the eyes again, despite how up close and personal he’d gotten with all her issues during his most recent trip inside her head could only point to good things. Still… if he’d learned anything from this most recent trial, it was that recovery was a process, and sometimes it was the little things that helped the most.
             “Well, just so long as you’re aware…” he began, “in any case, it’s actually good that I caught you out here; considering that Cresselia was briefly a member of Team Rainbow, I wanted to see if you had any advice on how to balance the duties of a legendary with, well, everything else.”
             The two looked relieved at the topic change. “Sure thing!” Paula said eagerly. “But, uh… I’m not sure how much help we’ll be considering that the lack of a proper balance is what made her have to leave in the first place…”
             “Well, at least you’ll be able to tell me what not to do, then, right?” Drowzee said, a smirk on his face as he offered Laura a hand up. She took it, a small grin of her own appearing on her face. She then went to heft Team Rainbow’s Treasure Bag over her shoulder, but Drowzee stopped her, making grabby motions with his other hand. “Nah, let me go ahead and carry it the rest of the way for you—consider it a bit of payment for the advice.”
             Laura rolled her eyes, grin still on her face, before she handed the bag over, their hands briefly brushing as she did so. But just as she turned and began to take her first steps toward the crossroads, she suddenly stumbled, a wince crossing her face, and brought her hands up to her temples.
             “Laura? Are you okay?” Paula asked in worry, scampering closer to her partner.
             Laura made a noise of discomfort, but then she nodded. “D-Dimensional Scream,” she explained, as her eyes began to glow and acquire the far-off look that had become so familiar.
             Drowzee couldn’t help but be a bit curious about the process. After all, he hadn’t had as much experience with it as the others had, considering how often he was away from town—and since it apparently was this ability which had led to his capture during his outlaw days, he was doubly interested. Not that he was resentful of it, or anything, since he really had needed someone to put him on the straight and narrow. But he couldn’t help but be curious about what, exactly, Laura had seen that day… he hoped it wasn’t anything too bad—he knows that he said some not-so-nice things to Azurill that had scared him, and that he was still ashamed of to this day. Then again, considering that he had literally wandered through some of the darkest, most painful and private parts of Laura’s mind recently, he figured that if she had seen some of his more painful and embarrassing moments, it would only be fair. …That being said, though, considering that he was one of the last things she touched before this Dimensional Scream activated, and even he knew enough about the ability to know that touch was what triggered the visions, he really hoped that the vision she was having right now involving him wasn’t too embarrassing. Or that at least if was and involved something happening in the future, she would be able to describe it enough that he could mitigate the chance that anyone else would witness the embarrassing display. …Maybe in that case he could get her to describe it to him sometime when Paula wasn’t around.
             Of course, there was always the possibility that the bag had been the trigger, or that it was something else innocuous, so he supposed he would just have to wait and see. Luckily, it looked like the vision was ending now, so he wouldn’t have to wait too long. …Then again, the fact that Laura’s face was rapidly losing color, even as she blinked her way back to the present, did not bode very well…
             “…Laura? Are you okay?” Paula asked, catching the unease on her face. When Laura failed to say anything, she gave her shoulder a firm shake. “Laura?” she asked, a desperate note entering her voice. “What did you see?”
             The worry in her partner’s voice finally broke Laura out of her stupor, and she gave a quick glance in her direction, before turning a rather haunted look towards Drowzee, and then her gaze dropped to her hands.
             “…No… but that’s…” she stumbled back a few steps, her limbs trembling as she covered her eyes. “That can’t be…”
             “…L-Laura?” Drowzee called, starting to feel scared about what, exactly, his friend just saw in her vision. He took a step forward, hand outstretched as if he wanted to grasp her shoulder—whether to offer comfort or prevent her from moving away again, he wasn’t sure—but before he could take another step Laura flinched back violently.
             “L-Laura?!” he and Paula called out as one, obvious distress in their voices.
             Laura gasped, her fingers parting briefly so that the two could see the lost gaze of her rainbow-colored eyes. But then she glanced between the two of them, winced at the looks on their faces, and then covered them again before taking a shaky inhale for courage and dropping her hands again to look Drowzee squarely in the eyes.
             “You… I saw…” her courage briefly failed and she trailed off, looking lost, but it seemed it was only a momentary faltering, she quickly shook her head and took another inhale, steadying herself. “I saw you, Drowzee, along with Marill, Chatot, and Guildmaster Wigglytuff. You were on Mt. Bristle, and looking frantically for something … or, rather, someone. Because then you looked relieved, and shouted ‘Hey!’ and… a human girl turned to look at you. She…” but Laura trailed off here with a gulp, shaking her head and refusing to continue further.
             “A… a human?” Drowzee asked, dumbfounded. The only human he’d ever seen outside of dreams had been Laura herself, and the circumstances surrounding that had definitely been unusual. As far as he knew, humans were a rarity. So why would one go to Mt. Bristle? And how would they know him? And when exactly would this happen? It had to be sometime in the future, because, again, as of this moment he didn’t know any other humans but Laura.
             “But why is that so upsetting, Laura?” Paula asked, getting Drowzee back on track to the present.
             “She…” Laura swallowed. “Her eyes… they were like mine,” she whispered.
             “No way! She had rainbow eyes too?” Paula gasped. “So that means… do you think she was maybe your successor?!” Drowzee whipped his head over to look at Laura as the horror of that possibility dawned on him as well. But apparently Paula didn’t grasp the implications of that idea, since she continued with, “That’s so cool that you get to see what she’ll look like, and—” but then it finally dawned on Paula as well exactly what that meant, and her own face drained of color as well. “But… wait… in order for you to have a successor… that means that first you’ll… y-you’ll have to… t-to—!”
             She couldn’t finish the thought. It was too horrible to even consider. But the implications lingered in the air: in order for Laura to have a successor, a future Rainbow Child… it meant that she would have to reincarnate. And in order for her to reincarnate… she would first have to, well… to die.”
             “…How much time do you think we have?” Drowzee asked morosely. If the time he had left with his friend was now limited, then he wanted to know exactly what that limit was, so that he could be sure not to waste the now even more precious commodity. “And… and should we tell anyone else?” All three of them paused and winced at the thought. But then Laura turned thoughtful as she went over the vision again, trying to pinpoint any clues that would tell her how far in the future it occurred.
             “I think… not long,” was her deduction. “You and the others didn’t look any older, so it couldn’t have been—” she cut herself off, blinking at a sudden realization. “…You didn’t look any older. Like… not even a little. But that girl had to be at least three, maybe four years old, so that means…”
             “S-So that means…?” Paula repeated, a bit of hope coming back into her voice.
             Laura gave a sigh of relief, “She can’t be my successor—not unless some sort of time travel is involved. Which… wouldn’t actually be that strange, considering my own history, but…” she trailed off, a frown on her face that went unnoticed by her two friends who were busy giving twin sighs of relief.
             “Don’t scare us like that, Laura!” Paula complained.
           “Seriously…” Drowzee concurred wholeheartedly. “Though… I guess we might still want to watch out if it is a case of time travel. Those tend to be pretty serious. And if a little kid is involved this time, one who’s even younger than you were the first time you did it…”
             Paula nodded in agreement. “That’s a good point. I guess we should start getting ready to take care of a kid, then? Hm… I wonder what human kids need… I wouldn’t want to end up in a similar situation to what happened with Manaphy right after he hatched,” she shuddered a bit at the reminder. “At least we already have a human expert on hand, right, Laura?” she asked with a smile, moving closer to her with the intent of giving her a playful nudge. But before she could, she noticed the frown that was still on Laura’s face.
             “Laura? Is… is something else wrong?”
             Laura blinked, looking at Paula before rubbing her chin thoughtfully. “Oh… no, not ‘wrong’ so much as…. ‘strange,’ I guess.” At Paula and Drowzee’s expectant faces, she continued. “The girl… now that I think back on it, she looked really… familiar.”
             “You mean… aside from the eyes?” Drowzee asked.
             Laura nodded. “Yeah. I could swear I’d seen her before… maybe in a picture? Or… no.” Her mouth opened into a little “o” of shock. “She looked like a younger version of that statue… the one from Relatia’s Cave…” Her brow furrowed. “But that statue… she was the very first. So how could… why would she be here? And now? And…” she trailed off, looking a bit sick. “I don’t… I don’t feel so good…”
             “L-Laura?” Drowzee said, starting to panic again and move towards her to try to help. “What’s wrong? What just—?”
             “Ugh…” he suddenly heard from behind him, turning around just in time to see Paula crouch over, clutching her stomach. “Me neither…”
             “Paula?” Drowzee called, feeling suddenly frantic and stuck looking between the two girls, unsure of who he should help first, or what he could even do to help in the first place. The panic only grew when he heard what he thought was a scream echoing in the distance… and then Team Rainbow screamed as well as they were enveloped in a bright light. It was so bright, that Drowzee had to shut his eyes against it. And when he could finally open them again and look frantically for his friends… he visibly jolted back upon finding that they had changed.
             Where once stood a pikachu was now an adorable, little pichu—laying on the ground, apparently unconscious. He stared at the sight in shock before slowly turning in search of his treecko friend… and found, instead, a little human girl with white hair, also lying on the ground.
             …Well, he supposed that answered the question of where and when he would meet another human, even if he still wasn’t entirely clear about what just happened. But before he had the chance to figure it out, the little human started to stir.
 “Mm… H-huh?” She said, blinking her pretty, rainbow-colored eyes open and staring straight at him.
 “L-Laura?” he whispered in shock. “Is… is that you?”
 The little girl cocked her head. “Who’re you?” she asked, rather than actually respond to his question.
 Drowzee gulped. “It… it’s me. Drowzee,” he said. The girl simply cocked her head in the other direction. “Y-you know… your friend?” No comprehension. “The… the first pokémon you and Paula ever helped arrest?”
 Then, Drowzee’s heart plummeted when the girl asked “What’s a Pokémon?”
 But before Drowzee could even begin to react to the terrifying implications that question brought on, he heard some sleepy mumbles coming from where the pichu lay. He and the girl turned their heads towards her just in time to see her big eyes blink open as she sat up and started to look around.
 “…P-Paula?” Drowzee asked desperately.
 The little pichu nodded, breathing a small, soft, “Yeah” … before she flinched back and then promptly burst into tears.
 Laura frowned and crawled towards her while Drowzee panicked at the sight of the tears. “Wh-wha…? Wh-what’s wrong? Why are you crying?!”
 “I’m not s’pposed to talk to strangers!” Paula wailed. “Mommy’ll be mad at me an’… an’…” she abruptly stopped crying, looking around and sniffling a bit… before the tears and wailing returned ten-fold and she wailed, even more shrilly “An’ Mommy’s not here! I WAN’ MOMMY!!!” as she beat her tiny fists against the ground.
 “Oh… oh no…” Drowzee groaned, completely out of his depth…
“…And that’s when I decided to come to the guild,” Drowzee finished. “It took a while to convince Paula that it was okay to follow me—I had to show her my new exploration team badge and everything, and then when we actually got to the guild, she was too scared to step on the grate… but she let Laura pick her up, and then… well, you know the rest.” He shrugged. “As for what actually caused this… I have no clue. I’m assuming that the scream and the light were involved, but as for how…?” He shook his head and shrugged again.
 “Oh… oh, golly…” Bidoof moaned from where he was standing by Chatot. Chatot covered his head with his wings and sighed. That was just… well.
 “All… all right,” he finally said, uncovering his head. “So what appears to have happened is that upon waking Jirachi—who had fallen asleep on the Beach during his visit with Bidoof, our illustrious guild, and Treasure Town in general—Bidoof triggered Jirachi’s, shall we say, ‘protocols,’ for granting wishes… and then, due to stress and general worry for Team Rainbow’s well-being… Bidoof inadvertently made a wish that Paula and Laura could be children again… which Jirachi then granted just as Drowzee met up with Team Rainbow near the Crossroads once they finally made it back from their longer-than-advised day of exploration. Does this sound about right?”
“Hey, hey! Don’t forget that Jirachi passed out after granting the wish!” Corphish called out. “Unless maybe that’s normal for him… Hey, Bidoof, did he do that last time he granted a wish for you?”
“N-no,” Bidoof replied, cringing under the scrutiny. “I mean… I guess he might’ve gone back to sleep after I left… but he and I talked a bit first right after I made my wish to… uh,” he coughed in embarrassment, declining to say out loud what the wish had been, even though most everyone had figured it out earlier. “But, uh… he didn’t do any of that glowy stuff back then… and I’m not sure he actually granted the wish right away, so I reckon it’s possible that if he did wait until after I left to grant the wish, then he may have passed out then, too, yup yup.” He frowned, remembering something, before adding, “Oh! But, uh… he did say this time that he ‘overdid it’ a little, and it seemed like he seemed real concerned about Laura—or maybe the Rainbow Child in general?—when he started glowing, so, uh…” he frowned and shrugged, “I don’t really know, but I reckon it might be important?”
 “Hm… perhaps,” Chatot acknowledged, a frown on his face.
 “Y’know… this human doesn’t really LOOK like Laura did as a human,” Loudred suddenly said. “Except for her EYES. Are we REALLY sure it’s actually her?”
 “That is a good point,” Dugtrio agreed. “When Laura briefly assumed her human form, she was much taller… And her hair was brown, not white.”
 “Yeah, but our Laura is also older than this one, and Mason said that human kids are smaller than the adults are, so maybe their hair just changes color when they evolve, like the fur of an electrike when it becomes a manectric,” his son offered. But then he got a confused look on his face. “Er… Dad? Do… do humans actually… evolve, when they become adults?”
 Everyone pondered that for a moment.
 “I’m… I’m not entirely sure about that,” Chatot said, finally breaking the silence. “But… I also agree with Loudredl I’m not entirely positive that this is actually Laura.”
 “Oh, oh?” Wigglytuff asked. “So you don’t think that these are the child versions of our friendly-friends Laura and Paula?”
 “I’m fairly certain that the pichu is Paula,” his head of intelligence clarified, “but the human… if you recall Drowzee’s story, she never actually confirmed that her name was Laura. asked. And… she had no idea what a pokémon was. Given the story Laura told us in Relatia’s Cave about her childhood and some of the… erm… other things she revealed to me in that… other cave the two of us were in recently,” he paused here to shudder at the memories, “Laura lived with pokémon from a very young age—and even while she was still living with humans, she was, at least, aware of what pokémon were.”
 “…That’s a good point,” Chimecho agreed. “So, then, who is this human? And what happened to Laura?”
 “I think… I think it might still be Laura,” Drowzee said. “Just… not our Laura. And… maybe she doesn’t actually go by that name?”
 “Oh my gosh! What do you mean by that? How could she be Laura, but not Laura?” Sunflora asked.
 “Laura—older Laura… our Laura? …you know who I mean—right before she was hit with that light, when she was talking about the human that she saw in her vision… after we established that it probably wasn’t her next incarnation (and thank Arceus we managed to figure that out), she said something about her looking ‘familiar’ and talking about how she ‘looked like a younger version of the very first.’ Since this human is probably the one she saw in her vision, maybe when she said ‘first’… she meant her very first incarnation?” He looked around the room at everyone’s stunned expressions. “If that’s the case… if this is the very first Rainbow Child… and if she really is an actual child right now… then wouldn’t it make sense that she doesn’t know what pokémon are? I mean… we don’t really know how old she was during the Time Gear Legend, right?”
 “…And in that case, considering the nature of reincarnation… she would, essentially, be our Laura, and yet… not,” Chatot extrapolated. “That… makes a great deal of sense. Especially given that Jirachi, apparently, needed to use more power than usual to grant such a wish. I can only imagine how much power it would take to turn back time on so many separate lives…” he then paused, considering something else that made the theory even more likely. “…And if the child really is at an age before she visited our world for the first time, then it also means that she is also at the age before she faced any real responsibilities as a productive or favored servant of Relatia… or from any responsibilities or consequences from helping to create and, ultimately, complete the Time Gears. Which would fit in perfectly with the spirit of Bidoof’s wish.”
 Again, there was silence as everyone soaked that in.
 “OKAY,” Loudred said. “So… now that THAT’S been established… what do we do NOW?”
 “Oh my gosh, yes!” Sunflora agreed. “We know what happened now, and, why… but how do we fix it?”
 “I would assume Jirachi is the only one who can do that, meh heh heh… But since he is currently passed out…?” Croagunk shrugged, trying to affect an air of nonchalance to hide his worry—not that anyone actually bought it.
 “So… what should we do in the meantime?” Chimecho fretted. “Can we… can we really take care of the two of them while they’re like this?”
 “Of course we can!” Wigglytuff exclaimed, sounding shocked that one of his apprentices would think otherwise. “They’re our friendly-friends, after all! And they need our help!”
 “And, hey, hey, since this is basically Bidoof’s fault, anyways, we can just leave most of the hard work to him,” Corphish reasoned.
 Bidoof winced at the reminder of his role in matter, but agreed readily. “Yup yup… and I reckon I’ve got a fair bit of experience with kids that will come in handy, what with my little siblings and all. And,” he shrugged a bit sheepishly, “maybe I’ll be able to wake Jirachi up a little quicker? Since I’m apparently pretty good at that…”
 “Great!” Wigglytuff declared.
 “If you need any help, I’d be glad to do what I can,” Drowzee offered. “I mean… since everything is still getting settled with the new team, I have plenty of time on my hands.”
 “Yes, that would help a great deal,” Chatot agreed. “We do still have a guild to run, after all! As for what to do first… hrm… Bidoof, since this is, however accidentally it may have been, technically speaking your fault…”
 “Oof… you don’t have to be so blunt about it…”
 “…tomorrow you will be in charge of managing the affairs Team Rainbow left undone today, what with the late hour of their return—greeting the pokémon whose job requests they completed today, settling things with Officer Magnezone in regards to the outlaws they helped capture, sorting through and cataloguing the supplies and treasures they acquired… and so on and so forth.”
 Bidoof groaned at all the extra work, but readily agreed. “Yup, yup… I reckon that’s fair… sigh…”
 “Hey, hey! What should we do about the kids right now, though?” Corphish asked. “It’s kind of late, and it’s dark out, so it would probably be a bad idea to take them out to Sharpedo Bluff right now, right? If only because of all the attention they’re sure to get at the moment.”
 “Oh my gosh, yes! And kids like them probably need early bedtimes, anyways!” Sunflora added.
 “They probably haven’t eaten yet, either… so maybe we should feed them first? And then figure out a place for them to sleep?” Chimecho asked, frowning, as she contemplated whether she knew any specifically kid-oriented recipes.
 “Meh heh heh… But before all that… shouldn’t we figure out where the kids actually are?” Croagunk suddenly put in, his laugh sounding more nervous than unnerving, for once.
 “HUH?” everyone asked, turning towards him. He merely pointed to the spot where Laura (or at least, the girl who would one day become Laura, but who they were still going to call Laura in their heads for now because they weren’t entirely sure what her name actually was during that first lifetime) and Paula were sitting at the start of Drowzee’s tale… the spot which had, upon further reflection, been suspiciously quiet, given the general nature of small, likely bored children…
 …Only to find it empty. The children, being, again, small, and likely bored, had somehow wandered away unnoticed during the discussion, and now they had no idea where the duo went.
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ghostmartyr · 6 years ago
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 7]
It is time for badge number seven.
Vertex (Luxray)
Caspet (Gengar)
Nessy (Milotic)
Diego (Gardevoir)
Photon (Rayquaza)
Cerberus (Dodrio)
Squad goals.
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Why won’t Unova Gyms ever just let me leave?
And apparently I’m not going through Twist Mountain? I’m getting a lift on a plane?
If that’s the case, that’s happening later. I think I’m going to get Cerberus up to level 40 in the sad death tower before I do anything else. I don’t want to have members of my team lagging consistently. You will all be useful. I will make it happen.
Also, something I haven’t mentioned yet (...I think, it’s been a while to get this far) is that Pokemon Breeders in this gen seem to be available to fight every single time you enter that route. Not like you can fight them if you want. After beating them, if you leave and go back to the route, they will do the exclamation point thing.
This is annoying.
Route 7, also known as that place before the sad death tower, has one.
It is not irritating enough to conjure up hate for. And yet.
Flash forward into the future a bit later, and we have a team where everyone’s above or at 40 except for... Photon. Photon, my friend, we’re just gonna slap the Exp. Share on you and continue with the plot. Your legendary status means me stacking the deck with levels is less important.
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I can’t believe this place has a purpose in this game. Or that I get to fly in a plane (I assume, my memory on the sequel games is even worse than my memory for Black and White starting out). There’s something weird about using a plane to get around in a Pokemon game. Doesn’t feel natural.
Oh well, too bad so sad.
...Lentimas Town.
I have no memory of this place.
Hey, Bianca’s coming with us! Yay!
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I really have no memory of this place, but there’s some Fire pokemon in Reversal Mountain, apparently, and also Professor Juniper reminds everyone that Black and White happened, so it makes no sense for Team Plasma to be trying to wake up a dragon; they’re all accounted for after all.
My exploits from last game mattered, you guys. They really did happen.
No, but I’m easy to please. Any time the games reference games that happened in the past for the current game, I am made a happy camper. Us and N catching a legendary dragon each is a good thing to keep in continuity.
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I’m starting to maybe remember this place... maybe?
I guess we don’t stay here long, so time to not really care. I do continue to like how the setting is not an exact copy of the previous games, though. There’s a lot of repetition that comes from this being a sequel, but everything’s been thought out well enough that it really does feel like a new journey.
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Now see, my question is if there’s a cave to this Reversal Mountain, and is it marked with a different title. I’m catching something very soon, but do I have the option of picking between outside Reversal Mountain and inside, or do I... perchance... get both?
It’s probably just one and I should just march into the grass.
I don’t wanna.
Ah, but it looks like I have to step through grass anyway. But there is the option of dark grass vs. normal grass.
I am too battle-weary and scarred. Normal grass.
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!!!! A Normal pokemon for the normal grass! Hi Miltank! Let us be the best of friends and not roll each other into death. Photon’s the best bet for not accidentally killing the little lady (I did not check this with numbers and have no plans to).
Only while I was typing, Miltank used Bide, and I missed that, so Nessy with her excellent HP had to go out and deal with the consequences of Photon’s one attack. Nessy and Twister are taking Miltank down at a safe rate. She’s in the orange, so throwing time.
While she’s using Rollout.
Of course.
Hey, first ball! We’re Pokemon Going over here!
Her name is Bessy. Because it is.
But whoops, I need to head back to the Pokemon Center for a hot second and get her out of the Graves box. You’re not dead yet, darling.
Dark grass has Luxio.
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It also leads to a strange house instead of fun cave time.
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See, right there in the title. Can has pokemon?
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Coool. Want to join my gang?
Nessy and Twister seem to be an okay catching combo. Let’s see if we can get it working twice in a row.
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Damn it, Nessy. Your first one left him in the green. The green. Sigh.
Farewell, unnamed shark friend.
(he woulda been bruce)
Ahoy random Gigalith in the upstairs of the house with the moving furniture I can’t cap because these are stills. Sadly I’m not in the mood to deal with Sturdy, so I’m going to run from those instead of harvesting them.
Awww, there’s a Castform downstairs. Plus a Spell Tag.
Then the furniture moves and clears up a doorway. Behind which is a trainer.
I feel like a lot of the NPCs we meet in these games have very hard lives. Hello Sentret in the middle of the room. Are you keeping this one company?
Ludicolo is in the front room.
Caspet learns Dark Pulse. Bye-bye, Night Shade.
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Waaaaaait. Wait. Aren’t you the ghost girl from the bridge in the last games? I remember you! Is this where you get something to do instead of just being odd? Note that it doesn’t count if it’s an event thing that needs a code or internet or special event items!
She’s looking for her parents.
And her Abra.
....Then a wild Abra shows up.
Is that scripted, or did the Randomizer just give me an amazing gift?
Weepinbell back downstairs.
I go through another door, and get a Full Heal for my trouble. With added wild Octillery. Fuck you, Octillery. You are banned from all my runs forever.
Ooooo wild Haxorus. Look at all these things I can’t have. Downstairs has a stray Riolu. The trouble I go through for a... Dusk Stone. Yeah, okay, that’s nice to have. Toxicroak is also here.
Then back upstairs, suddenly Gible. What’s this place usually supposed to have?
The second floor’s chairs have moved, so I go through one of the upstairs doors. Another trainer room. Yay. With a Mr. Mime. Yay.
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I’m really sorry about your life/undeath, NPC Ghost Girl.
Oh, neat. Lunar Wing.
I have no memory of which legendary that belongs to. I want to guess Cresselia, but I don’t know if it’s even in this game. I do know it’s a gen four legendary, which would make sense for the sidequest feel of this house.
Oh wait it doesn’t matter because Randomized Nuzlocke.
...Well fine, but I’d still like to know.
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That makes me feel surprisingly sad.
One last door to check out. Empty but for Golett (want) and a Rare Candy. Time to leave.
Back outside there’s an Exeggcute I wouldn’t have wanted. The normal grass has Whismur.
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There was a cave after all. Ugh. I can’t believe this counts as the same route as outside. Cave and grass should get to be different.
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Heeey! Bianca! Wait, before we team up and I abuse your healing for exp, I need to check the other side of the cave.
Oh. The other side of the cave has a Max Repel and that’s it. Back to Bianca, I guess. And she’s psyched for Heatran, which is a very relatable feel.
Zoroark and Tangrowth for the first encounter of the cave. I say, pretending it matters. Stoutland can also be found here. Knowing their propensity for knowing Crunch, I think maybe something not Caspet can be in the front. Photon, gain your own exp for a change.
Crawdaunt is another feature. It’s a dark, Dark cave.
I was checking to see if Cerberus can learn Acrobatics. No, but he can learn Fly. You know, that classic Dodrio usage. Fly. Which he is absolutely learning.
Aww, a wild Togepi. It’s gone now.
I love getting to wander with someone who handles the healing. It’s so nice battling without stress. Also known as grinding without needing to use up items.
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Haa. See, normally you’d be right, but.
Huh. There’s a Magikarp and a Weedle through a different passage. Neat. You will not be missed. Then we come across a bizarrely gen-appropriate pair of Tympole.
Can Triple Battles not be a thing? I don’t care for them. They make me worry. Arguably I could help myself by arranging my team so I would have a good comp for whenever I fell into one, but where would the fun in that sane choice be.
Dust clouds come with Munchlax. Neato.
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We’re in a legendary’s nest. They’re all like this.
...Why can you find Luxray and Ninjask here???
Ditto for Steelix and Porygon. Yay for Randomizer randomizing every single room of an area. It’s cool, but in the larger places it can be really disorienting. A male Nidoran also says hello.
I don’t know where to find the Magma Stone to get Heatran, so we’re done with Reversal Mountain, I believe. Geez I hope that’s the name of this place. I’m too lazy to check at the moment.
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I have escaped!
And found a Shiny Stone. Win.
I didn’t recognize this place, then I remembered. Water. Bay. Post-game trauma. They messed with the map to keep things interesting.
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My curiosity is piqued.
But I want to get something random in the waves before I investigate.
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Well this is awkward.
Level 39.
Photon should not be out front for this. Nessy?
Okay. Nessy gets Regice in the red. Regice knows Curse and Ancient Power. I do have a Master Ball. I can’t deny that I’m seriously tempted by it, but we’re going to try doing this like a standard trainer first.
Net Ball doesn’t work because of course it doesn’t (I just wanted to use it because Surfing), and Regice knows Superpower. Ah yes, the Regis and their. Stuff. First Ultra Ball doesn’t get anywhere. Same for second. Icy Wind is Regice’s last move.
My team has no Fire or Fighting on it. I miss having those options.
Have I been able to buy Timer Balls anywhere? Those would be nice to have right about now, as my Ultra Ball supply dwindles.
I am out of Ultra Balls.
Look, Pokemon Go legendary catching can be rough. You only get so many balls, and even if you do everything perfectly, it still might run on you.
But you don’t end up spending twenty minutes trying to catch one thing.
Seconds after I type that:
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What do I name it, though?
That doesn’t fit.
Okay, so I have to stock up on Ultra Balls, and possibly also healing options depending on my mood when I look at the prices. Then we go see what Undella Bay and Route 14 have to offer.
The Undella Pokemon Center only has Luxury and Dive Balls. :(
My beloved Timer. Where...?
And then I bought 50 Ultra Balls.
I’m going to sell some stuff.
Okay Bay, what do you have for me?
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Yeah, I can make this work.
Assuming I don’t accidentally kill it.
Thank goodness for Nessy still knowing Twister. Gottem.
His name is now Zentrotta. I think we can agree he’d be happier if I hadn’t caught him. Tragedy at its finest.
Caspet is back up front, and for now Nessy will carry the Exp. Share. She’s not had much to go up against, so she’s lagging a tad.
Aw, there’s a little Deerling on the water. Aaand it’s gone.
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Hello what is this.
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...I have questions I can’t really make myself care about enough to type.
So this guy only moves if we beat him, and before we get the chance to beat him we have to pass some game-acknowledged strength test. I probably need another badge or something. But there’s enough ground to walk back and forth, so what have you got for me, Seaside Cave?
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Cool beans.
Nessy, come help not kill it.
Yay, caught.
His name is Blimperton now. Welcome to the box.
Outside, the deep water spots can be Venomoth. How pleasant.
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Jelli to you too, good sir.
Huh, okay, they just give you a random Jellicent encounter here.
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Game. I was just trying to speed along to the Pokemon Center. Please.
Unfezant down, Simisage down, Vertex can be in for Samurott. Level 41, so I’m. not as overleveled as I usually am except for Caspet. Caspet has reached 47 and I don’t mind her being completely overpowered.
For an update, since I think I’m pretty bad about keeping track of their levels in this: Caspet is 47, Nessy is 43, Vertex is 43, Diego is 44, Photon is 45, Cerberus is 43. Everyone is healthy and alive.
Geez I hate Triple Battles. Random trainers don’t share my feelings. This is an annoyance.
And I can’t continue down through Route 14 because there’s a block of people in the way. So I guess all that’s left to do is check out what the sequel to this route has in store for me.
Last game it did not have anything I wanted.
But this time...!
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Eh. I’ll catch you I guess.
Her name’s Tux now.
Meanwhile, in the dark grass...
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Wormadam, too. Such grass. Much excite.
Off up to Route 13.
New route means yet another new pokemon. ...After we fight a bunch of trainers because I care more about levels than pokemon I’m hoping to never use at the moment.
Several minutes later, the only other trainers are through grass, so let’s go!
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Eyo. I don’t think I’ve had you before.
Cerberus, are you up for helping?
Well, one hit almost took half your health. So let’s say no.
...You know, given the amount of damage it’s doing. I think I’m going to Surf and risk fainting before it kills Nessy. Aaand... yeah. Mienshao out.
This grass also has Sandile. And Cascoon.
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Nothing I have knows Cut. Languish there for all days.
That Ranger wants a Triple Battle.
Why is this route like this.
Hey, a Heatran! Bianca, guess what!
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Oh so you don’t need Cut. Meh. I’m not in the mood.
Professor Juniper and Bianca say hello in town. Bianca, walk about twenty steps to the right so you can find something neat. You’ll love it, promise.
But no, it’s time to listen to an old lady talk about the Giant Chasm. I don’t wanna do that, either. I want my badges. I maybe should have taken the aquarium route to speed that along, but I don’t know if that would actually do anything.
Wait, I was spamming A. Was there a directive in there?
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Hm. I sense plot ahead.
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This villain understands me.
Oh cool battle time.
Russell, buddy, you run almost as much as blondie scarf from gen 4. Take a chill pill. You have won all the good big brother points you possibly could just by caring about a Purrloin this long.
So everything’s telling us to go to Opelucid. For Dragons.
Hard pass, where’s the surfer Gym? Water sounds way friendlier. I’m going to see if that one’s blocked off or not.
The janitor won’t let us pass. ;-;
Okay fine, I guess we’re heading to Opelucid. And plot, probably. The plot is of no interest to me. This is true in pretty much every single one of these games. I’m in it for the pokemon. The human with their human troubles are way less fun.
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New route! What will it have for us?
I had to embrace fun when I saw one of the grass patches shaking. Our first route with a wiggly grass option! And it is...?
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I’ll gladly take it!
...If I can catch it!
...Preferably without anyone dying!
I’m going to let Photon take a stab. Crunch should be super effective, but Photon doesn’t have STAB adding to it, and Metagross has rocking Defense. So this might be pathetically sad, but nothing should die.
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Three Ultra Balls in, I am sad.
But we get it! Huzzah!
Its name is Stormy. :)
Ouch, Caspet’s trying to learn Destiny Bond.
You’re not dying. This is the definition of a useless move.
What else does this here grass hold when it’s not wiggling?
ELEKID. Noooo. Why must we always pass like ships in the night... Claydol is also here.
The dark grass’ first entry is Jynx and Magikarp. Chingling is also here. Buizel too.
Cerberus has learned Drill Peck! Oh happy days!
Normal grass has Vaporeon, Huntail, and Spinda to go with what we’ve already seen.
Vertex is moving up front, and Diego is getting the Exp. Share instead of Cerberus for the time being.
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Another bridge, another route.
Another set of trainers that really make me want to have a Fire type.
There’s dark grass on one side of the bridge, normal grass on the other. A pass through on my bike didn’t get anything to pop out of the dark grass, so normal grass wins the prize for this route’s catch.
Before that, there are trainer battles.
Of the Triple variety.
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Ooooooh. I like this. I like this a lot.
Vertex, do not murder.
Vertex follows instructions, paralyzes Vileplume, and dodges getting poisoned twice. This is why he’s allowed to live. One Ultra Ball later, and new friend acquired.
Named... Bongo.
Geez, this grass also has Mamoswine. We’re not fighting that. The water’s dark spots get Zebstrika.
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So she shoves me out.
Rude. I’m the protagonist. I go where I want.
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I’m starting to rush a little since this part is getting long and I haven’t even hit the badge town, but hey! I do remember this sequence! I remembered it belonging to a different game, but A for effort, right?
Made it to Opelucid.
Since the game itself suggests via Iris to go to Route 9 first, I’m guessing I should clear up anywhere that offers trainers to fight before trying the Gym. Dragon is a pain anyway. I don’t have anything except Nessy’s Twister that’s super effective against it. I think even at the level I’m at, it should be okay, but I also think it could go incredibly badly, which I don’t want.
But before that, Route 11 didn’t force me to go through any grass, so I still have a pokemon to catch there. Let’s watch.
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Huh, interesting. ...Vertex, let’s swap you out before something unfortunate happens. Though it is level 36, and he does know Crunch... Yeah, we’re going to be stupid. Magnitude 7 doesn’t do a threatening amount of damage. Yay.
She is caught, and her name shall be Winn.
Now the other side of Opelucid, after healing up.
Miltank! But we have a Miltank. Next.
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I like.
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Vertex. Critical hits are for trainer battles. Sigh. Farewell, Route 9. I think we could have been great together, but alas. Now to go through all the everything else to do in this route and then go finally get the seventh badge.
Hm. I think maybe I’ll just get everyone on the team up to 50, then go for it. Nice, even number.
Other things of note: I have found a Mart with Quick Balls. The world is bright. But for now, grinding. ...Against Torchic and Deerling, apparently. Maybe I want other grass. Oh, but dude. Glaceon in the dark grass. Nice. Ha, randomized and still offering super effective options outside scary gyms. Golduck and Nidorina are here, too. And Braviary and Pansage.
-winds the clock forward a few hours-
K, we’ve got folks at level 50 now. So, Drayden?
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Cerberus is going to sit in first for a while. He’s on the fragile side, but his Attack and Speed are good, and Flying should be neutral to everything in the Gym. Same cloth as Caspet, only physical. Nessy might take over just for the comfort of tankiness, but this is where we start.
First person in the Gym has one level 46 Fraxure.
Dragons are scary.
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Oh fuck you.
Fuck. That’s partially on me. If I had used Drill Peck instead of Fly, Fraxure would have been busy Dragon Dancing and would have done zero damage. But I used Fly to try to hit Fraxure hard while avoiding any of its attacks, and.
Look, the screencap’s right there.
Nessy’s going in, under the theory that nothing on my team is going before Dragon Dance x2 Fraxure, but Nessy’s the most likely option for surviving.
It uses Taunt so it doesn’t matter.
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Cerberus, I like Dodrio. An Adamant Dodrio? Wonderful. You will be missed. Fly will be missed. Many things about this feel awful.
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Stormy is a Jolly Metagross that’s a little quick tempered.
Welcome. You’ll be given the Exp. Share while your new friends try very hard to make it through the rest of this Gym without casualties.
-drums fingers-
With Dragon Dance being a move everything in this Gym is probably going to know, I do not want to play the long game with any of the trainers. I want to go in and kill everything in one hit.
...Caspet is in front.
-hides eyes behind hands-
-gives Caspet a Spell Tag-
One trainer down as planned.
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IIIIIII hate this gym.
Druddigon has Crunch. Things to keep in mind.
So now we have the most obnoxious part of this Gym. I get to choose between Rotation and Triple Battle for the next peg up it. My usual path says I do both. In case you haven’t noticed, I hate Triple Battles. Doing one is not high on my list of desired outcomes.
But I’d feel weird avoiding it. Famous last words. -sigh- Caspet, Vertex, Nessy. That’s the order. Let’s do this.
Easy part done. Rotation Battle win. Ugh.
For the sake of my sanity, I’m giving Caspet all three of my Rare Candy. Yes, I have a favorite, yes, it’s the closest thing I have to a starter. If I’m putting her so close to the chopping block, I’m going to make sure she’s fully equipped. Druddigons are surviving to attack her right now, and that’s no bueno.
Triple Battle. Weeee.
It ends in a round because Caspet wins at life. Awesome. Okay.
All that’s left is Drayden.
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This guy’s face is a lot less scary when it isn’t up close.
Sooooooo. Level 46 Druddigon is first. Shadow Ball finishes it. Flygon is next. ...That one, I think I can trust to Nessy. Flygon isn’t as much about hard hits.
Level 46 again. Crunch gets a critical hit that just barely keeps Nessy in the green, Nessy uses Surf. Surf brings Flygon to a sliver of red, so I go with Surf again. Hopefully Flygon’s other moves don’t do more damage than a critical hit Crunch, or Drayden feels like healing it.
Yeah, Drayden goes with a Hyper Potion.
...Flygon’s next Crunch gets a critical hit too, what the hell.
Surf after that faints it, though. So that’s two out of three down.
Drayden’s last pokemon is Haxorus. Nessy’s too far in the red to keep in without healing, and Haxorus is high on the Dragon Dance strat list. But if Caspet can’t get it in one hit, I’m pretty confident in Haxorus’ ability to fuck Caspet up.
But I’m honestly pretty confident in Haxorus’ ability to fuck my entire team up. Caspet would be the best bet for ending it fast. ...So, you know. Caspet. Go. Go. not die.
Level 48 Haxorus. Yaaaaaaaaaaay.
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