#sorry chaem
fallenpine · 10 months
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I got a Chaem cutscene while in an underwater cave, the cave then spawned above water and i was in normal clothes, then appeared on the farm. I'm dyiiiiiiinnnnnggggg. A+ a perfect game with no bugs whatsoever.
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coral-island-player · 7 months
Coral Island dlc idea - Pufferfish/evil route
I have an idea for a future update or dlc - one when you can join Pufferfish. Now, I know that what they're doing is evil, but I think if handled correctly, it would be a good addition. Long post, because apparently I can't make short posts like, ever. Also I think if it was a dlc, part of the benefits could go to charity? To show that while you can do evil things there, the devs don't think it's good.
Now, I think with the way the game currently is, you don't have a choice - your character has to be good. Which is great but I don't feel very satisfied with it. Of course my characters are doing good things, they don't have a choice. It'd feel better if I had the choice, you know?
So, in how I imagine it, after the initial cutscenes of Karen arriving at Coral Island and Mayor Connor explaining the situation to you, the next day you encounter Karen. She asks you to join Pufferfish and help them take over the island - I mean, help save it.
If you decline, the game progresses as usual. Only then you get the mysterious dream, the museum opens to you and Ling asks you for help. The only thing that changes is that when you talk to Karen, instead of (very poorly) trying to convince you to join them, she's a bit passive aggressive and upset with you for not joining her side. Maybe slight changes happen, like Karen and Raina having schedules and some more events. Possibly a bit more features, to make the dlc worth it for people who aren't interested in joining Pufferfish. That is, if it's a dlc and not an update.
If you do join her, that's when some things happen. You get some benefits - perhaps you get some funds from Pufferfish? Cheaper things, maybe some free sprinklers once in a while? I don't know what it might be, but basically it's technically easier for you, if you look at it from the benefit point of view. Much easier.
You pay to unlock higher town ranks and benefits you'd get for completing bundles, but as you pay, Karen's plans she tells to the townsfolk are more and more fulfilled. There are more and more oil rigs around the island. You never get the dream, Ling never asks you for help, you don't even get the chance to see the museum because it's immediately turned into the storage. The ocean only gets more polluted, though you get free kelp from the Pufferfish. Who knows what happens to the merfolk? You wouldn't know they exist, same with Giants. You can mine, but you can't free the Giants. The sacred trees get cut down. Maybe the temple gets cleaned and turned into a tourist spot. It's made very clear by the game that you made the morally wrong and selfish choice. And you miss out on so many parts of the gameplay! Maybe instead of enchantments, you get "tech upgrades" from Pufferfish (of course you pay money instead of gems and fossils).
And the townsfolk aren't thrilled by your actions, either. Word spreads fast that you're the one who sponsors Pufferfish and many hold it against you. It requires more points for you to make friends with the characters. The degree of the debuff might vary with some characters, Ling and Surya for example would resent you more than let's say, Mark or Chaem that were never that against Pufferfish to begin with. Some characters might even outright refuse to date you ("I'm sorry, *player name*. But I simply can't date someone who endorses Pufferfish. I hope you understand." Maybe that could be Scott, Surya, maybe Millie? I don't know how many, but some would). In some dialogue they mention how the changes affect them. Everyone's life is generally worse, except for yours which is actively better. Maybe some characters move out, like Ling, Surya, Scott...
Perhaps there are some slight changes on festivals, meaning Tree Planting and Beach Cleanup festivals ("I'm surprised YOU'RE here, *player name*. Last time I checked, you didn't care about the environment did you?").
You never get to meet and befriend the merfolk, obviously. Instead, you can befriend and romance Karen, Raina and Derek (yep, he's romanceable there. Sounds a bit more appealing now doesn't it?). You get heart events, and they're generally likeable characters, and in this path easiest to befriend. Even Karen has a soft side for you and genuinely cares about you, even if she is kinda evil. So are you in this path, though... While Raina and Derek are generally good people, just a bit misguided (possibly also romanceable after reaching town rank A in the good path? So really this path is only necessary if you wanna date Karen or want to speedrun it).
Maybe you do a little good though, like convincing Karen to make the work conditions at Pufferfish a bit better. Or pay to get the amount of trash in water reduced (you don't care about pollution. You just don't like it when you're trying to fish and there are flyers all over the water). But the bad you did still outweighs the good.
So, your life is better. Farming is easier, but everything that makes the island and the game what is is, is gone or destroyed. You feel guilty every time you pass by the place when the trees once were, the temple, or see the oil rigs, or when one of the townsfolk makes another passive aggressive comment to you, or just won't go up that one another heart. It's quite depressing, really. Was it really worth it? It makes the good path more satisfying in contrast, though. Knowing you could do the wrong thing, but didn't.
Maybe I made the consequences too severe, or too light. It is a bit depressing. Feel free to tell me what you think.
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avornalino · 2 years
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a remake of a few coral island sims for anon !!
i made most of the bachelors/bachelorettes from coral island in ts4 back in october but have since lost them (after being forced to reset my laptop... bleh). anyway an anon asked a few weeks ago if i could recreate these 4 and put them up for dl so here they are! ik they don't look exactly the same but i did my best :)
dl info below the cut
cc is included but i would be happy to remove any if a cc creator asks me to
if you download them DO NOT reupload or claim as your own
also, feel free to change clothes, traits, or names (if you want) but DO NOT change skintones :)
no individual sim download option, sorry!
dl (google drive)
fyi i used some content from the packs:
hsy: kenny's beard
gtw: chaem's hair
ja: kenny's hat
or: rafael's hair
tbf: chaem's shorts
rg: kenny's hair
mc: kenny's shirt
i might look at adding some alt cc options in the future if i find anything!
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novalin · 1 year
Finally you can Date Beauregard Lionet. Sorry Yasha u_u
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Chaem from Coral Island. She even has the Same character.
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but-make-it-sapphic · 8 months
Back at it again with a tough lesbian fanfic. I have a type, I suppose. 👀 They gotta look like they could hurt me. 😅 Anyways, here’s:
Chaem from Coral Island | Cooking Up Romance
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A gentle nudge startled me awake. I blinked and stared down at the culprit. One bare foot—tanned and wide from years of walking around without shoes—was poised in the air, ready to strike again if necessary. I traced it upward, my gaze trailing along its owner’s muscular calf, their thighs each thicker than my head, their perfectly sun-kissed abs and biceps that looked like they could crush me in a bear hug if they wanted to.
But there was nothing playful in the way their owner gazed down at me. Their expression was set, almost stern. “You’re in my way.”
“Oh? Uh…sorry.” I quickly climbed to my feet and bent to retrieve my towel. “Are these spots assigned or something?”
“What?” Their face scrunched up in confusion. “No. This is just where I stand. I’m the lifeguard here.”
I glanced to my left down the beach, seeing only the woman in the chair. To the right, I found no one. “Uh huh. And…exactly whose life are you guarding?”
They crossed their arms over their chest, and my attention was immediately diverted to their chiseled shoulders. Muscles like that had always been my weakness.
“School is about to let out. And this beach is the place to be when you live on such a small island.”
I forced my gaze upward to meet their eye again. “Uh, Sure. Yeah, that makes sense. Well…happy guarding.”
After taking a few awkward steps away, something pulled me back: a gut feeling I couldn’t ignore. I needed to at least get their name.
“So…is there really nowhere else one could go to… I dunno, hang out?”
They cast me a sideward glance, seemingly surprised that I was still standing there. “Do you mean for the kids, or…?”
I felt my cheeks grow hot. “Oh! No, I mean for me.”
“Well, there’s always Fishensips for food and karaoke.”
“Oh, perfect! I love food!”
The slightest smile twitched at the corner of their full lips. “I recommend Frank’s pesto pasta. It’s the best around. There’s also Raj’s Coffee Corner right out front where most islanders go in the mornings. Their coffee is really good, or so I hear.”
So, they don’t drink coffee…
“And what’s your favorite place on the island?” I asked.
They turn toward me, their expression softening just a bit. “The hot springs, without a doubt. Nothing beats a hot soak after a hard workout.”
I swallowed hard, determined to not allow myself to imagine it. “That sounds amazing. I’ve been working so hard all morning trying to clear all these stupid rocks out of the garden and…” I trailed off, worried I might begin to ramble.
“Right. You’re the new farmer.”
“I’m Riley,” I said with a smile.
“Riley,” they repeated. Their voice was deep and a little gruff. I loved the sound of my name in their mouth. “I’m Chaem.”
But they didn’t move to shake my hand or anything. They still stood there, cross-armed, as their gaze flitted between me and the ocean.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Chaem. Could I…ask your pronouns?”
“She/her is fine,” she said. Then she chuckled. “Thanks for asking. Most people just assume. I guess the tourists aren’t used to seeing strong women.”
I hugged my towel to my chest with a chuckle. “Oh, trust me. I get it. Long hair and a little mascara and most people assume I’m a woman. Not all nonbinary people are androgynous.”
“Exactly! Do you use they/them?”
“I do,” I said with a nod. “But I wouldn’t punch someone for throwing a she in there now and again.”
Chaem nodded, amused. I dug my toes into the sand and wracked my brain for something to ask just to keep her talking. But she spoke up before I could think of anything.
“Well…I’d better get to work. It only takes a split second for somebody to get into trouble in the water. But I bet the Beach Shack has people in it if you want to chat.”
I glanced toward the little hut with a frown. “Oh, that’s all right. I…don’t really know anyone yet. But maybe I’ll see you at the Fishensips sometime?”
“Sure,” she said simply. “See you.”
"Yeah. See you."
I backed away with a wave of my hand and turned on my heel to plod off through the sand. Chaem was...direct. A little gruff. But she'd been friendy, right? I couldn't have imagined it. As I passed by, Yuri lowered the corner of her book just enough to shoot me a playful smirk. She’d heard every word, I was sure of it. Heat flooded my face and I walked faster just to get the heck out of there.
The longer I walked, the more foolish I felt. By the time I reached the cabin, I was certain that I’d been blinded by muscles and that I’d ignored every sign that Chaem had little to no interest in talking to me. I was always doing that!
But after years of all work and very little play, I was starved for attention. I finally had time for socialization. I was ready for friendship. And, if I was lucky, for love. Coming to this island was supposed to be my chance at a better life. And I wasn’t creating it by keeping myself cooped up in that old cabin. I needed to put myself out there!
So, I cleaned myself up and picked out my cutest outfit. And as the sun began to set, I made my way across the bridge and into town for some dinner at Fishensips.
Read more…
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ayotamacheck · 2 years
I'm so happy you like Cassandra! I warn you this is messy and kinda long. So possible spoilers for a story not even written?: Basically early on in the story it's discovered, unsurprisingly, that Pufferfish is doing illegal things on the the side so the main gang decides to take matters in their own hands (who is apart of the gang and how is still being worked on, but I know it includes Yuri, Surya, and Scott. Yuri who is understandingly concerned about Cassie farming with a shoulder injury. Surya who becomes best friend #1 and accidental wingman. And Scott who's just here for a good time) As the story goes along Cassie starts having weird dreams and it's revealed that there's some sort of shadow monster thing sleeping deep within the island and Pufferfish is waking it up. So yeah that's a problem.
Then the whole third eye awakening thing happens with the chieftain; Cassie starts doing the bundles and slowly becomes the "vessel" for the Goddess. A domino effect of magical shenanigans happen, the gang becomes "Team Starlet", Ling and the chieftain become team advisors from home base aka the lab. Kira, Wakuu, and a Poyko detective oc I made just for this get involved eventually. And Ben somehow?? Also shoutout to Raj and his coffee and Theo gets the merfolk's support as well.
Lily hacks into Karen's computer at one point. A group chat gets made. Jim probably punches someone. Chaem definitely punches someone. Cassie punches several people. The "final battle" comes along and Cassie legit dies for a second but its okay she gets better. The whole town helps out in their own way even if they realize it or not.... Poor Connor doesn't know what's happening. He's surprised he hasn't had a heart attack yet.
Varying subplots and miscellaneous things involve: Lily going through a sexuality crisis which cultivates in her and Jim having a really sweet moment were she comes out. And then a few days later, Jim nearly goes into shock when he realizes that it's Cassandra of all people Lily likes. Theo's just confused on how Lily ended up dating a jock. Poor Scott gets subjected to an entire combat training montage, thanks to Kira and Cassie, cause they need his archeologist skills in the cavern but he has to be able to defend himself. Also possibly a roommates to lovers situation with him and Charles?? I'm still on the fence. Oh and Cassie keeps quiet about her past for the first half of the story, except to Yuri and Charles cause of health reasons, nobody recognizes her except Chaem vaguely. So when the truth finally comes out everyone's in awe besides Chaem whose just shouting that she knew her from somewhere. And last but not least towards the end (year 4ish?) Cassie's twin brother Jason moves to the island cause of unfigured out reasons.
So yeah that's all I've got so far. I'm so sorry about the length I wanted to ramble more than I thought I did. I really want to write a proper fanfic about it but I have a horrible track record when it comes to stories. Not to mention I don't have a computer to use and I hate using my phone to type stories.... So wish me luck I guess? 😂
YOOO WHAT?? this is literally so cool!!
no joke this reads like it would be the plot of a whole tv show. an AMAZING fic at the very least. all ive got is this summary and im already super invested!! i love the roles you're giving to npcs; the main gang feels like they would be super fun to see interactions between, especially as stuff develops :0 and the portion with lily and jim having a really sweet moment when she comes out is so cute!! wingman surya?? top tier perfect in every way. and the idea of scott getting a whole training montage is so funny i can't 😭😭 (and possible roommate to lovers?? 👀👀 ooh??👀👀)
AND a twin brother at the end too?? amazing??
if you wrote a fic for this id read it so fast!! this is so cool im so invested already 😭 don't apologize about the length at all im loving every word, do not hesitate to send me more if you think it up 👀
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drustvar · 2 years
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this is still one of the funniest things i think i’ve added into any route 
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kyunsies · 3 years
hey!! amazing job on your exams!! you always get such good grades what is your study method?? flashcards?
good morning love !!!!! oh my gosh thank you so much lol 💕💓💖💞💘💗💕💓💖💞💘💘 to be completely honest angel i’m not a model student by any means compared to my other friends sometimes lol :/ i actually just read the book and read over my powerpoint lecture notes until i understand that material ;_____; i’ve actually learned from different medical sources that rereading is the worst way of studying bc you’re not challenging your brain to recall the information (which is what you do for a test) but it works okay for me, and like . just to remind you i’m a very B student like ,,,,, i don’t strive for an A i strive for a B bc my nursing classes are so incredibly hard, and our passing grade for all classes must be a B which puts a lot of added pressure (it’s why we’re on of the best nursing schools in the country) so 😭 i’m not the best person to learn from but i just aim for a B :’) i’ve always been a B student and i realize that might be good for some ppl and bad for others so it just depends on the type of person you are and how willing you are to push yourself!
good luck with your studies <3 also i didn’t realize maybe some ppl don’t use our grading system lol but a B for us is anywhere between 80-89% !!!
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darksaiyangoku · 5 years
A continuation of the jealous Weiss Ask: How shocked was Weiss when Jaune and Blake invited her to join their relationship?
Man, you guys can’t get enough of this. Sure thing!
Enter BlackIceKnight!
3 months had passed since Jaune and Blake became an item and everyone couldn’t be happier, especially Weiss. She had gotten very close with the couple and was spending more time with them. However, a twinge of jealously still lingered. Today, she was asked to accompany Jaune and Blake to Vale, and while they promised to keep “PDAs” to a minimum, that did nothing to change Weiss’s feelings. Throughout the day, she huffed as she watched Jaune and Blake being all “couply”. It was just like a sappy scene from a romantic comedy, including handholding, Eskimo kisses, kisses on the cheeks, sharing their food and even full on make out sessions.
[3 hours later]
As they headed back to Beacon, Weiss sighed as she saw Jaune and Blake give each other one last kiss.
Blake: Good night, honey.
Jaune: Good night, kitty.
They both headed into their dorms. Weiss, however, placed her hand on JNPR’s dorm.
Weiss: *whispers* Good night, my prince.
Tears began to fall from her eyes and she slid down to the floor, crying. Little did she know, a certain Cat Faunus was peeking through the door.
[The Next Morning]
Blake left early to meet up with Jaune, while Ruby and Yang decided to meet with Ren, Nora and Pyrrha in the cantina for breakfast. Weiss stared at the floor for a good 10 minutes before finally deciding to get ready. As she left the room, she noticed Blake and Jaune standing in front of her.
Weiss: Jaune? Blake? What are you two doing here?
Jaune: *sheepishly* We kinda need to talk.
Blake: We’re so sorry about yesterday.
Weiss: *confused* What about yesterday?
Blake: For essentially ignoring you while we were togther. That wasn’t fair of us.
Weiss: *sighing* It’s okay guys.
Jaune: No, it’s not. It must’ve hurt seeing us like that and I’m really sorry that I hurt you. That we hurt you.
Blake: Listen, Jaune and I were talking last night and *fidgets slightly* we decided that if you want to date him, that’s fine.
Weiss: What? No! You can’t break up with him because of me! I’m fine!
Jaune: No, Weiss. Blake and I aren’t breaking up. We’re saying that we’d like you to join our relationship.
Weiss: .....huh?
Blake: I know that it sounds weird, but I see that you like Jaune and he still has some feelings for you. I thought that if he dates you too, we could all be happy together.
Weiss: ...you’re kidding right? *face goes red* Because if this is a joke, it’s not funny!
Jaune: *approaches Weiss and puts his hand on her shoulder* It’s not a joke.
Weiss: *blushing*
Jaune: Weiss, I do still like you. And those feelings grew alongside my feelings for Blake. Even more so when we all started to spend time together. *blushing* I want to give the same love and care as I do with Blake, because you deserve it. You’re beautiful, powerful, smart, funny and one of the most talented Hintresses I’ve ever seen. You’re also a really good friend.
Weiss: *blushing even harder* Really?
Jaune: Yes. So, Weiss Schnee, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Weiss couldn’t hold back anymore. She grabbed Jaune by the cheeks and pulled him into a searing kiss. Tears of joy fell from her eyes as she broke the kiss and cupped his cheeks.
Weiss: *crying and smiling* Yes, you dolt.
Jaune: *chuckling* Guess like it’s official then.
Blake: *smiling* I second that. Now let’s head on to the cantina, it’s BLTs today.
Jaune: *smiling* Nice! You ready Weiss?
Weiss: Yeah, I am.
Blake and Weiss both held onto Jaune’s hands as they headed down for breakfast together. Weiss placed her head on his shoulders as she smiled in delight. While not quite what she pictured, she finally managed to get her Prince Chaeming alongside a great friend.
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coral-island-player · 7 months
ranking the dateable characters + my opinions + characters I wish were romanceable
Hi, keep in mind this is all just my opinions and you don't have to agree with it! I thought this might be fun to write. There are some spoilers ahead. Sorry for my bad English - it's not my first language. Feel free to write what you think in the comments. Very long post under the cut.
28. Ben. Don't get me wrong, he's great, and the only reason he's last is because I'm ranking them based on how much I would want to date them. He's a great friend and a cool guy. I just think he's not attractive to me, and I don't think he would like living at my farm, being vegan and all. Like, I think he enjoys his current lifestyle and doesn't want to change it. He's cool, though :) I like his story arc.
27. Mark. Now, I know he's the most popular bachelor but I just dislike him. He's mean to you from the start, used to be a bully (claims he's changed, but when you join b.o.s. he's just the same to you), and doesn't really change his demeanor to you. I get the appeal of the "mean to everyone but you"/"bad boy"/"tough on the outside, sweet on the outside" but it's just not for me. Yeah it's sweet how he likes animals but it's not enough for me. Besides, he's supposed to be a monster hunter, yet claims he doesn't go into the caverns?? Then what does he do?? He claims to be tough but when it comes down to it, the player character is stronger and actually fights monsters regularly. And is a nice person while doing so...
26. Scott. That's a character that is really cool in theory. A guy passionate about artifacts, who works with you on the museum? Super cool. But I just don't like him. He flirts with a lot of characters, which isn't something I look for in a partner, he's irresponsible, I just don't like that. Besides, he claims that he sometimes donates to the museum. What do you donate, huh Scott? Last time I checked, all the things at the museum are from me. He spends one day a week at the cavern, yet never brings anything back. Probably because he only goes to levels 1 and 2. Seriously? Look I'm not a hater but come on.
25. Semeru. Now I don't know a lot about the guy, so he might move up. But so far, he seems similar to Mark - rude and beloved by the fans. Except at least he has a valid reason to distrust the player character. He doesn't have to be an douche about it though... He might get better with time though, and in that case I think he might move several spots. But so far, I really don't like him.
24. Pablo. Again, not a fan of guys who flirt with basically everyone. I like him more than Scott, because at least he doesn't take credit for my hard work. And he's really nice to talk to. He'd be higher on the list if it wasn't for something that can be revealed through rare dialogue. I won't spoil what it is, but it made me dislike him quite a bit. Besides, he's way more recognised than his brother, which sucks.
23. Luke. He's kind of arrogant. He looks down on the player, because he's rich, or at least that's the vibe I got from him. It's neat that he wants to be successful outside of his parents' achievements, and that he has a dog, but that's not enough. I especially don't like how in one cutscene, he basically tells you to clean up his shop because his dad is coming, and not that I have a problem with him asking me for help, but the way he does that. Yeahh, nope. He has a cute dog, though.
22. Yuri. Again, I know she's popular. And I have nothing against her, really. She's really cool, just I don't find anything about her interesting enough to want to date her. Besides, she has a dialogue when she says she doesn't want commitment, and I don't want to make her do something she doesn't want to, you know? Same as with Ben, better as a friend. Her story made me tear up a little
21. Chaem. Again, she's mean. Though I don't see it as the same like Mark and Semeru, she seems more blunt and honest, and doesn't insult you or anything. Like, I don't think her intention is to be mean, she's just honest about when she doesn't want to talk. She's also a bit arrogant but honestly I don't mind that. Still, she's not a character I want to date that much.
20. Zarah. She's ok. I like how she's adventurous. I don't like how she's kinda rude in one of her events, though, even if she does apologise. Besides, she's allergic to cats and doesn't like them. I really like cats. I don't think that would work out well. She's cool, though. Not much I have to say about her, really.
19. Theo. Honestly, I'm just neutral about him. He's ok. I respect him for being so good at fishing, it's really hard, and playing music is always really cool. I haven't finished his story arc, but it's really sad so far. I like how friendly and positive he is.
18. Kenny. He's just Ken(ny). In all seriousness, he's ok. I like how he's sweet and says really wise things. I originally liked him more, but I like other characters more. I don't think he'd be happy on the farm, being vegan and my character making huge money from eggs and milk. I might do a save when I make a character named Barbie and romance him.
17. Leah. She's mean. Honestly, she's only this high because she reminds me if Haley from Stardew Valley. But unlike Haley, she doesn't have as clear of a redemption arc. I still think she's ok, even pretty good. I like her style, all her outfits are really nice, which is something not all characters can say. Her story is good
16. Raj. Now we're getting to characters that I might romance. I think I will make 28 saves, but these are characters I have more of a positive opinion on. So, Raj is really cool. I like their coffee shop, and their style. I enjoy conversations with them, it's clear they are very passionate about their job which is always good to see! Also, I really appreciate that they're a non-binary character, I don't often see non binary characters in games, especially as romance options. That doesn't influence my opinion on Raj, but I wanted to mention that.
15. Noah. He's a really sweet guy. I really really like him. He's caring, gentle, kind, I can tell he's very good at taking care of others. I like some other characters better, but Noah is great as well. Not much I have to say about him, to be honest.
14. Charles. Unpopular opinion but he's great. I have no idea why so many people hate on him. Sure, he might not be very attractive (though that's subjective. I think he's pretty good looking, compared to some other characters), but he's sweet and friendly. He cares about people, I just like him.
13. Aaliyah. Also very underrated. I see people don't really talk about her, and sometimes outright say she's bland, but I think she's great. I noticed she compliments the player a lot, which is sweet. She's also hardworking and ambitious, which are some great traits to have. I like that about her. So, you can't really say she has no personality. While it is kind of obvious she was added later on, she's still great.
12. Wakuu. Now we get to my favourites (yeah I have 12 favourites. Don't blame me, there are just so many awesome characters!). Wakuu is popular but this time I can agree with the general opinion. I like his story and I think it's great how smart he is. He's just really sweet when you get to know him. I honestly don't have much to say, because for the most of me playing he couldn't speak to me, and now that he can I rarely see him, but when I do, it's great.
11. Rafael. Again, the general opinion is something I agree with here. Rafael is a huge sweetheart and I adore him. He's just so sweet and kind to his friends. I feel really bad for him for always being in his brother's shadow - seriously, the way their parents are is messed up :( Like they misspelled his name (how do you even do that?! wtf), they forgot his birthday and then sent Pablo's favourite gift, joked that he's adopted... At least us fans can appreciate him. Also I just wanted to say it's super cute how he's a great uncle to Valentina (and dare I say, raises her more than Antonio - I never see him with her but I often see her with Rafael).
10. Suki. She's so amazing and I love her personality. She'd be much higher if it wasn't for her heart events - the player is barely involved in them, plus there's Antonio's events that can trigger when she's with you that I won't spoil, but it's weird in that case. Yeah... I still think she's great - she's a very confident and strong, yet kind person.
9. Surya. My favourite guy in the game. I think he's adorable, how he's so passionate about science and the environment. Especially since it's something that the player also likes. I think he's an amazing partner.
8. Millie. I love books, just like her, so that's one thing. And I think she's incredibly sweet and smart. And I love her nicknames! They're so sweet and funny.
7. Macy. She was hard to rank - before I actually started playing, I thought she was the one I'd like the most. However, I find her storyline a bit lacking in substance, and 90% of what she talks about is the sunlight. I get it, but I want to know more about her. She's really cute, though.
6. Nina. She's a character we meet a bit later, and at first I didn't like her that much, but she's grown on me. She's a great character and I really like her. Kind of similar to Luke but doesn't look down on anyone.
5. Princess Miranjani. I can't wait for the update when I can find out more about her and romance her! She's really great, I love how she stood up in the player's defense and she's just as curious about humans as I am about merfolk. I think romancing her would be really great.
4. Denali. It was veery close there with Miranjani, but I think I like Denali a bit more so far - maybe because Miranjani seems more interested in the fact that you are a human than who you are? I still adore them both, and I really like how Denali stands up for the player to Semeru.
3. Lily. She's amazing. I like when she talks about bonsai - I always thought they were really cool. I think it's so sweet how she's a bit shy and introverted but gets closer to the player.
2. Alice. I romanced her on one of my save files and I have no regrets. She's very sweet and adorable, I also like how she's interested in the supernatural things (I wish I could tell her all about the giants, merfolk and the godess. Well, I wish I could tell that to many characters but especially Alice). I like her story arc. She says many sweet things when dating and married. Though she did say recently "I feel like we're driven apart" for some reason? Even though I give her plenty of gifts. I don't know. Anyone knows what that might be about? I'm not playing on the save rn (I got some more saves planned, I have this challenge where I make characters and focus on one skill, this one being farming), but I'd appreciate if someone told me what I'm doing wrong
Eva. She's literally so sweet and kind and pretty, and she's my favourite love interest in the game. I'm aiming to romance her in one of my current saves. I don't really have one precise reason why she's my favourite. I just think she's great.
Bonus: characters I wish were romanceable (maybe in a future dlc?)
• Karen. Look... I can fix her (or she could make me worse). All I'm saying is this could be a great enemies to lovers arc. Or we could be on her side from the start
• Raina. I just think she deserves a better life than working at Pufferfish. I know she's a good person.
• Derek. I mean, why make such an attractive character if he's not going to be romanceable?
•I think the above 3 could be a part of DLC or a big update where you can join Pufferfish (kinda like Joja route in sdv). Perhaps in between the event where you talk to Mayor Connor and the event at the museum (and the diving event, and the dream) you get approached by Karen who asks you to join them and thrive (sorry) and you have the choice to agree and thus not get any of the museum, giants and merfolk events (instead of the merfolk being romanceable you have these 3 Pufferfish workers being romanceable), maybe you get some benefits but also the game guilt trips you, the town stays polluted and maybe even gets worse, and the townsfolk often complain, and it's made clear that you picked the morally wrong choice and you miss out on some of the game features, but you get some benefits too, but are they really worth it? I just think that currently I don't feel like the player saving the town feels like they are a good person, because there was no choice. If there was a choice, it'd feel more good to pick the good path, you know?
• Agung. Please.
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kyunsies · 3 years
Hi hi hi!! It's been a minute sorry 💕💕
How are you doing?? Is this the second week of school for you? My work was super busy on Saturday and very tiring, but my weekend has been very nice! My sister and I talked a bunch last night and accidentally stayed up til 4am or so, and then right before I went to sleep like an hour later I actually saw your good morning post 😆 oops.. but I slept really late so I guess it makes up for it?
THE BAVERSE TEASER THO!!!!! I cannot wait for Changkyun's episode!!!!! Him just hanging out taking pictures on the beach..... I love... Also I saw that gifset you reblogged from @chaems and went and followed bc her gifs are lovely, so shout-out to you both 💕💕 the mx community seems so sweet on here and I'm so glad there are people who gif them 🥰🥰
Also that most recent gifset you posted?? Lovely!!! He's so precious 🥺🥺
Anyway I hope you're having a wonderful day!!!! - dkbtho 💖
hello love !!!! pls don’t be sorry 😭 you’re busy i understand !!!! i’m doing alright bub just finishing up the studying that i have for my first exam tomorrow, i’m actually in my 3rd week of uni right now 😭 isn’t it crazy how time just flies?? i really hope the rest of the year goes by this quickly, so I can just graduate ;____; also JDJJD 4am ??? i could never 😭😭 it seems like u had fun tho, and that you’re really close to your sister <3 does she have a tumblr blog like you?
THE TEASER THE TEASER PLSSSSS had me feeling all the feels :( i’m glad he gets a chance to be open and honest <3 and oooo omg yes lisa makes really quality content and she’s so sweet, i’m glad u gave her a follow 💖 her gif set was so pretty she really is looking out for us kyunbebes!!!! lol :’) i’m glad u are feeling nice about the mx tumblr space hun 🥺
and thank you so much !!!!! for my always loving u series i’ve been trying to find older moments that maybe i haven’t seen before and 🥺 i saw that last night it was too cute !!!! it was from 2018 when they were in Thailand 💖💖 i don’t think my series does all that well tbh :/ but i like giffing older stuff that i never had the chance to do, so thank you so much 💗💓💖💘💕💞 i hope you’re having a wonderful day too bub !!! take care :) i’ll be here for the majority of the rest of the night <3
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