#sorry but i'm angry
angel-fruitcake · 3 months
spn episodes between 9x3-9x6 and 9x6-9x9 are a joke, and not a funny one. i cannot take any anything seriously, or frankly think about anything else when i know that poor Cas is just out in the wild trying to fend for himself as literally a baby in a trenchcoat !! he JUST became human and Dean just threw him out on the streets !!! we could've had so many more adorable moments of Cas going on cases and navigating his humanity with the help of the Winchesters. and they could've written things differently to make it fit with the Gadreel storyline, but no they were lazy and decided to write Misha out of those eps. nah fuck that. i'll never forgive the writers for that bullshit
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
William Weightman was Anne’s love interest NOT Emily’s! Emily very famously did not have a love interest (that anyone can find). There is so much historic evidence that Weightman and Anne loved each other. He’s also the inspiration for Weston in Agnes Grey. Weightman was not Heathcliff, like I’m sure they’re going to try to pull. 
He’s literally described as the opposite of Heathcliff. He was a genuinely kind, caring guy; the opposite of Heathcliff, who was violent and out of control. Patrick Bronte, the sisters’ father, famously liked him and approved of him; thinking of him ‘like a son.’ Weightman would probably find Heathcliff’s character disturbing. The descriptions of Anne’s curate are much in line with a well-liked, pious, upstanding young Victorian man. Her character sketch of Weightman, Edward Weston in Agnes Grey does have appeal; he’s witty, kind towards women and animals- and most importantly he’s emotionally stable. He doesn’t play manipulative games unlike a lot of the other Bronte Heroes tend to. 
Also Charlotte actually LIKED Emily’s writing, it’s Anne’s she disapproved of. She thought Emily was a genius. Charlotte did appear to be jealous of Anne not Emily whom she wanted to be compared to. 
I’m studying the Brontë's now and I have done so before. I’m getting my masters in English lit. They took so many liberties with this it is not even funny! 
The movie looks well done but it is inaccurate. To Walk Invisible is so much more true to what the Brontë's actually lived like. Emily was not model hot either. The sisters were plain and lived in poverty most of their lives. I’m angry that they “prettified” their life stories and changed so much. If this is historic fiction, they should clearly say so because it looks like they are trying to claim that Emily was an entirely different person than she was. Emily Bronte was not like this. She was quiet, anxious bordering on agoraphobic but also of a proud character with a brash temperament.
Another thing that they seem to get very wrong is that it was CHARLOTTE who encouraged Emily to get published not Weightman who died in 1842 of Cholera. The sisters published their first work in 1847, five years after Weightman died. In the trailer, I’m assuming that was supposed to be Charlotte putting Emily and her dream of being a writer down. Emily was pissed that Charlotte had gone through her things and read her writing. She didn’t want other people reading her work initially. She was an extremely private person! 
So please know if you watch this, it is NOT the true story of the Bronte sisters by a long shot. 
I’m not the only one who thinks so either: 
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rosysugarr · 1 year
Y'know, I started to type out a massive post about how sad and frustrating it is that every USAmerican southern character in anything is presented as ignorant and uneducated and "dumb" and even hateful, how there are people here with degrees and careers and incredibly complex skills that took years to develop and learn, and then I realized, fuck that-- yeah, there are a lot of people with no or little education down here. We're fucking poor. A lot of us just can't afford college. A lot of us have to get jobs instead to support our families. Some people dropped out of high school to do that. And you know what? They're still human beings who deserve to be represented as whole, real, functional people and not flat archetypes.
Like yeah, I could talk about all the talented and smart people who came from down here, but the "simple," the disabled, the uneducated down here don't deserve the way the media depicts them, either! Because the bulk of them are good people who just got dealt a bad hand because we are so pathetically poor down here. And yeah, that includes the addicts. We have a lot of addicts down here. And that isn't our fault, either. when you're dealt the worst possible hand and no one wants to help you, everyone regards you as being trash, you're gonna cope however you can.
Everyone wants to write us off and present us in media as pretty much just. nothing people, but there are many, many people here of all walks of life who deserve respect and who need help that they aren't getting BECAUSE nobody shows us any fucking respect, and the way the media depicts us consistently does constant, DEEP damage to the way the rest of the country views us. It isn't fucking fair and it isn't fucking okay.
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bixels · 3 months
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tarpit site.
#personal#delete later#for context a tweet i made in the middle of the night blew the fuck up and brought the attention of anime fans who've been#harassing and hassling me about my big factual blunder for an entire day straight#“ok i'll apologize” “bro it's not that serious.”#“you're right it's not that serious“ ”why won't you just admit that you're wrong and apologize!“#i'm not going crazy right. i feel like i'm getting manipulated into thinking i must've been wrong#it's crazy how twitter hate will trick you into believing saying something someone else disagrees with is a moral failing#sorry i haven't seen frieren i guess but what's it to you. i wasn't making a claim or statement#also because nobody has gotten this in the original post i wasn't talking about the quality of animation i'm talking about solid drawing#which is a very specific principle of animation. dandandan has really good solid drawing wherein all the characters are animated#with realistic and proportional 3d depth. newsflash but trigger doesn't prioritize solid drawing in their animation and that's fine#it's an aesthetic choice and has ties to production limits. none of this is a big deal. this is all so stupid lol#i've dealt with worse and more annoying weebs though it's fine i'll put on my clown nose twitter needs their stupid guy for the day#oh btw at the end of the day this doesn't matter. it'll be over by tomorrow. all that's happening is petty angry emotions.#so please don't involve yourself by jumping into the argument and prolonging this shit#i'm about to go on a date with tulli after being apart for a month this is the furtherest thing from my mind rn
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soup-mother · 4 months
the endless hyperfixation on "x group has always been part of our community" "so and so have always been here" in queer circles instead of any fucking microgram of self reflection of "how has our community historically treated x group?" "does x group feel welcome in our community?" drives me fucking nuts.
you can't just fucking say "trans women have always been part of the lesbian community s" whev whether or not we're all secretly pervert rapist men has been one of the major fucking splitting points in the (frankly horrifyingly US centric) lesbian community.
it's just demonstrably not true, you have to actually fucking admit to that history you can't just sweep everything under the rug and reblog a pic of marsha p Johnson and go "see? there's never been any transmisogyny here". like hell, using trans women as a token minority within the queer community is such a classic bit of transmisogyny like fucking christ.
why are you so desperate to fabricate history and appeal to some mythical past instead of just actually fucking doing anything now? because so many fucking people just blatantly do not give a shit about us unless one of us has been killed, or there's another callout going around. we are so blatantly NOT welcome in SO many spaces INCLUDING trans spaces and people just fucking refuse to acknowledge that or bombard anyone talking about it with "wow I'm so sorry this happened to you as an isolated incident, dm me if you need to vent". (WOW transmisogyny looks like misogyny, SHOCKING!)
that instinctive run for cover of historical legitimacy is tiring and pathetic, noone's surprised of course but it feels like it needs to be branded into some people's grey matter that you actually need to do more to combat transmisogyny than just gaslight trannies with stonewall photos. fuck.
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ruubesz-draws · 6 months
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When bae is angry at you
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waddei · 5 months
Americans talking about inflation: 3 years ago, 5 dollars got you 3 burger, now it's only two😱‼️💥the west has fallen we are a failed country
argentinians going outside: uhm do you think 30.000 pesos is enough to buy groceries this week? last week I spent 15.000 so I think it'll be enough... might skip the coffee Tho..and buy less meat... and less dairy... and-
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wombywoo · 10 months
Just laying some ground rules because in this past week I've seen more nonsense™️ than I have in my entire online experience thus far and this wombat's just about had it🤦‍♀️
starting with #1--if you see my stolen art (or anyone's art for that matter) on pinterest DO NOT repost that art on social media. like AT ALL. period.
#2--STOP tagging VA's in my twitter posts. If I wanted them to see it, I'd do it myself. this just reads like you're the one that wants attention, and it's annoying. bye.
#3--whatever this shit is.
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the audacity of not only reposting art, but running it through a tween-idol filter ??? If you can't handle my boy's raw, unchiseled anglo saxon jawline, then gtfo 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
finally #4--DO NOT ACCUSE ME OF MAKING AI ART!!! I can't even fathom how you've reached this conclusion, but making a callout post about me where you claim you have 'proof' is the most ludicrous thing you could've done for yourself mate, because if you want proof, then how's this:
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just an example of hundreds of digital artworks I've made in the past...6-ish years?? maybe before AI was even a thing..🤔
Anyway--kindly get the fuck of my lawn 📣📣📣
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fridayyy-13th · 10 months
i swear sometimes i think people forget that Jon's s1 skeptic act was just that—an act. it was an act!!! he believes the statements!! he's believed them since episode one! do we so soon forget that he denied the statements were real because he knew the Eye something wanted him to be scared, and he knew that was bad, so he decided to act like the statements just didn't scare him? remember, he was working with extremely limited information ("when i record the tape statements, i feel watched, like something knows i'm afraid, and i don't want it to know that"), and came up with a genuinely solid solution with what he had! not his fault that the thing watching him was a literal unknowable eldritch entity that feeds on fear, and he was just some underqualified archivist.
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cametotheshowinsd · 3 months
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Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? (2024) written & directed by Taylor Swift
So tell me everything is not about me …but what if it is?
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It is funny to me how Harry Potter is literally the main character, yet people tend to go like he didn't suffer that much or he wasn't "abused"; Like, how can one misunderstand the literal main character of the damn franchise?
He wasn't abused; yes okay. He absolutely did not grow up inside a cupboard; the tiny place that is mostly reserved for brooms or cleaning supply. He absolutely was not treated inferior to the other child who lived in the same house. He was totally was not treated like a "freak" or a "stain" that his family was ashamed off. He grew up inside a cupboard while there was a literal unused bed in the same house. And you want to know what that screamed to a child, a baby — who slept inside a cupboard while there being a perfectly usable room right there? You are worth nothing and we don't love you and we are ashamed of what you are.
He wasn't starved, or at least he was fed; Yeah, no. We see it from the first book. How Vernon was no food for you and in the cupboard you go — and by the looks of it, that was like his most common punishment. And then, in the second book — you practically see it happen. He was locked, inside a room with only a can of soup that he shared with Hedwig. Now, tell me what it would do to a child — to be given food through a cat flap, and fun fact? Harry got to eat less than people on war rations; in short? He was starved, yes.
He wasn't abused physically so it's not abuse; As for people's thinks abuse isn't abuse until it's physical (which is inherently wrong because abuse isn't only physically, fyi); Harry has learned to dodge Vernon and he states that, very proudly when his uncle tries to grab him. He dodges a flying pan and states that fact, again very proudly as if it is the norm; do you know how heavy pans are? And do you know what would happen when one hits you? If you want an even clearer proof; Vernon Dursley strangles Harry in Ootp. There you go. Also, in the first book, we clearly see Vernon encouraging Dudley to hit Harry. Read between the lines and actually try to understand what that signifies.
And favourite part; When he wasn't treated like a prisoner, or a freak— he was their servant. And that is very much canonical. Tending Petunia's garden during summers and drinking from the water hose in the garden because of how hot it was? Having to wake up early so he can tend the kitchen and when he wasn't doing all that he is locked away. And it is all canon.
In conclusion, Harry— not only grew up to think that he was inhumane, undeserving of love, a freak that didn't even get to have his own bed because someone like him didn't deserve it, physically harmed enough times that he dodges them out of reflex and also the Dursleys' glorified servant; that is not even taking into account what Harry went through in Hogwarts. And after all that if someone tells me; this child, right here — didn't go through much then well, maybe read the books again?
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ifevilz · 5 months
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please, on behalf of all the greek deities, I beg for more fanfics with the most perfect and crazy goddess of the greek pantheon, HERA. she is so hot, angry and possessive. despite all her hard layer, we know that there is the sweet hera kind, compassionate, diplomatic and loving. she just needs to be truly loved, for god’s sake. she is the best goddess, despite her crimes committed by anger. I understand her, and I love how creative and cruel she is with her punishments. she has several layers, toxic and healthy. anyway, I love her and would love that she had more stories.
(I love the way she is in the anime “blood of zeus”, I miss your peacocks but I like the aesthetics of the crows. my wife can do anything.
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olessan · 2 years
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live druid reaction
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trans-androgyne · 14 days
Hey man, I don’t think you should reblog from spacelazarwolf. He’s a genocide supporter and having people like him in the community gives people amazing ammunition to use against people who believe in transandrophobia.
People have made many accusations against avi to me and upon looking into them not a single one has been true. He's been being called a zionist since way before he said anything about i/p on the basis of him being jewish alone. He has a long post in his F.A.Q. about how he isn't a zionist and doesn't support the israeli government, put up only because people wouldn't leave him alone about it, and he still gets these accusations anyway. He literally doesn't even believe in states as a concept. If someone has genuine evidence that anyone in transandrophobia conversations actually supports the genocide or denies that it is one, feel free to share. But right now, there are tons of antisemitic accusations being thrown at jewish bloggers around here and I'm not going to just believe everything I'm told.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Don't Lose Your Head.
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nellasbookplanet · 1 month
The fandom god discussion is interesting, but I feel it’s sometimes hindered by an unwillingness to separate gods from mortal society, or even a sort of over-eagerness to project our own reality onto them, which simply doesn’t work. I've seen the gods referred to as rulers or tyrants demanding worship (which I kinda understand because it’s something Ludinus says in-game, though it’s funny to see fandom corners confidently repeat the inaccurate talking points of the antagonist) but more interestingly I've also seen them referred to as a higher/the highest social class, as colonizers imposing themselves on mortals, the raven queen specifically as new money. Overall these comparisons tend to talk about the gods and their actions regarding Aeor in the past and predathos/the Vanguard in the present less as if they're about saving their own lives and more as if they want to preserve their powerful position.
The gods, by their very nature, are above mortals. They cannot be compared to any mortal ruling class because they didn’t choose or strive for that power and cannot feasibly get rid of it/step down/redistribute it (nor do they actually in any sense rule; killing the raven queen, unlike killing an actual queen, will not end the 'tyranny' of death), they simply have it by virtue of being gods. Saying that’s unfair or unequal and that the gods should be killed because of it is akin to saying it’s unfair a mountain is bigger than you and demanding it be levelled, except the gods, unlike mountains, are living, feeling beings who shouldn’t have to die because some people can’t stand the idea of not always being top dog. Thing is, the gods themselves ultimately understood this power imballance and that they can't help but hurt Exandria the way humans can't help but step on bugs, and thus removed themselves from the equation by creating the divine gate. Saying this isn’t enough and that they're clinging to power is just demanding they line themselves up to be killed.
#critical role#cr3#downfall#nella talks cr#ultimately all these 'ruling class' comparisons are simply flawed and don’t work when under the slightest bit of scrutiny#gods arent rulers or tyrants bc they don’t rule and can't be deposed#they are representantations and guardians of (mostly natural) concepts#and those concepts won’t go away bc you killed the gods. death and nature and the fucking sun will still remain#they aren’t colonizers of mortals (wtf lmao) who demand they be worshiped and mortals live according to their oppressive rule#again did you watch calamity? not even before the divine gate did the gods demand worship or even respect#they were never less respected than during the age of arcanum and still they were just chilling#(until someone released the betrayers and they had to step in to stop the ultimate destruction of exandria)#technically you could argue they were colonizers against the titans but even that feels like a stretch#the titans to me feel less like people and more like representations of the chaotic and deathly side of nature#being angry they were killed sounds like being angry someone stopped a hurricane just bc the hurricane was there first#I'm sorry but that hurricane would've flattened you. it wouldn’t appreciate your support bc it isn't a person#and 'a higher social class' fucking NEW MONEY? this is just blatant projection#I'm sorry but not everything more powerful than you is a stand in for oppression#sometimes it’s a narrative stand in for nature and i promise nature isn't oppressing you
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