#sorry I'm tagging a bunch of people that aren't involved in the post I just want a larger audience so people will vote
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 5 months ago
Ignore canon this is just YOUR opinion for funsies
If you have any other ideas I'd love to hear them in the comments :)))
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creepy--claws · 2 years ago
[● Probably cruel of me to laugh about this, but today I unintentionally caused conflict in a server by leaving and providing absolutely no explanation, only leaving a gif saying "So long and thanks for all the fish" and then sitting back and watching The W0rld's End (did that so it doesn't appear in the main tags. There aren't many posts in the tags, I must not clog them.) as everyone active becomes angry or paranoid and swarms my dms asking why I left.
It's like telling a bunch of 4th graders there's a bee in the room before leaving and closing the door on your way out, never to return.
I just find it hilarious that I caused a tiny group of people to get riled up because of a gif
Just a small reference to a movie and suddenly damage control has to drop in and calm everything down
I did end up explaining to some people why I left and what happened and it didn't help at all, just caused more conflict, but it wasn't my conflict so therefore I get to just sit back and watch it burn. Haha sure am glad I'm not those people rn lmaoo
One of the people involved follows me on Tumblr so I just wanted to say sorry that happened but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't funny to witness the aftermath. Sorry that it was stressful for everyone including you, but it wasn't for me because I straight up said "fuck it" and sent a gif as a last message before leaving. No explanation of what happened, just "So long and thanks for all the fish" ::::))
Not everyone realizes this, but you can choose to just stop caring and start laughing at my funny dolphin gif. I made the reference and you should totally laugh at the thing even though I won't be there to see you laugh at it.
Also the reason I left is because someone said something that offended me because I have anxiety and the shit they made fun of someone for is something I struggle with too, so like if you're gonna insult one person for having anxiety then you're gonna insult everyone with anxiety just sayin]
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years ago
Last thing I'm gonna say on the matter, but at the end of the day, we're all just a bunch of freaks doing "immoral" shit in the eyes of society just by being involved in fandom. We're all freaks and weirdos who enjoy cartoons a little too much. You're the pot calling a kettle black, and I'm saying this who was groomed by an "anti shipper" and was later abused by antis and pros alike. Just grow up and realize that everyone defines both of those differently, and literally NONE OF IT matters. Step outside your internet bubble, and just breathe some real-life outdoors air, instead of caring so much about what strangers on the internet are doing to fictional people, or how anti people feel about weird ships, or whatever. You are ALL weird and need to touch some damn grass. This is the weird fandom shit site, if you aren't prepared to just accept it, then maybe this isn't the place for you. Maybe wattpad or geocities or dreamwidth or whatever would be more suitable
idk how you found the post in the first place but if you found it through the tags i used …
why are you looking through those tags if you don’t think it matters?
the fact that you’re sending me paragraphs of this subject proves to me that you need to get off the internet more than i do
i’m sorry that you went through that tho. just don’t follow their mistakes and bully others online. if you have an account, just block me.
and for the record i’m allowed to rant about stuff on my blog.
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cha-melodius · 3 years ago
Okay so this might be a weird ask... But I recently fell back in love with tmfu and I am just bursting with the need to find more people in the fandom but I suck at navigating tumblr and social media in general and was wondering if you have any recomendations of who to follow who's active in the fandom. Also, I really love your fics!! you're an awesome writer!!
Hey anon! Thank you so much, I'm so happy to hear you love my fics! And I totally get it, tumblr still turns me around sometimes lol. As I'm sure you've noticed this fandom is, well, pretty quiet these days. It's certainly not dead, there are still people around and interacting with content, just a little sleepy.
I feel like I haven't necessarily done the best job at keeping up with who is particularly active, especially if there are newer folks getting involved. The person who immediately comes to mind is @heytheredeann; I don't think that anyone does better at unearthing tmfu art and gifsets from years ago and reblogging them, plus she is an author and gif-maker herself! There aren't a ton of people who post new content, but @ecude does adorable napollya sketches, @atanau makes beautiful mood boards, and @dddddddn does amazing napollya art. Of the people I follow, I feel like the ones that reblog the most tmfu content are @penntoxide, @therogueheart, @coaldustcanary, @deducitetemporacarmen, @mykaijusizefeels, and @eavos (sorry for the tag spam).
I'm honestly not sure who else to tag because I don't know how many people really consider themselves "active in the fandom" (apologies if I'm forgetting anyone, I know I am!), and I'm sure I'm missing all kinds of blogs, including a bunch of people I should probably be following myself, lol. So people can feel free to use this post as a gathering place of sorts, if anyone considers themselves active in the fandom, or just reblogs a lot of tmfu content, and wants to connect with other fans, you can reblog or comment or just like this post so others can find you!
Also there is a TMFU (movie) discord server, invite link here, and we're always happy to have new members!
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thatpinkbetch · 4 years ago
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I'm going to answer it this way, because I'm actually not a fan of some of those, and I've heard this is the way to do it if you don't want it ending up in the tag or the search I think? If i censor any of the ship names it's not out of malice! I simply don't want any of this to end up in front of eyes that just want to enjoy their ships 💖💖💖 if there is anyone who doesn't want to see opinions against t*d*d*ku, k*r*b*ku, or even iz**ch*ka, please don't read any further! Oh my goodness i hope this is all legible...
Anyways, hello!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I love talking about my opinion avkvmsocnaocjsoxks it also makes me really happy you like my blog 🥺🥺🥺 (I hope this answer doesn't ruin that avskvneognsocjs)
I'll start out by confirming that I'm not a multishipper. It makes me excited to see how the act of shipping itself can make others happy, but it's just not that way for me. I actually never read fanfic until I got into bnha (bkdk is just that powerful 😁😁) I'm actually...a little serious when i ship, or when i enjoy media, i analyze pretty heavily, so also, if that doesn't sound like anyone's cup of tea, i would once again recommend to stop reading and enjoy your day please!
I love analyzing characters and storylines and dynamics, but i will admit, I'm not a fan of most of the ships - not romantically. I think all the characters have interesting relationships to each other, all of the kids are great friends, and I love bonds and friendships so much 🥺🥺🥺
Those first two are perhaps the biggest, at least they definitely were the biggest when I first entered. Once i caught up, I didn't really understand the enthusiasm, but people have fun shipping, so that's nice! I think of those two as easy ships, if that makes sense? They're pretty simple, and easy to digest.
I personally am not a fan of romantic t*d*d*ku for a very specific reason; it feels weird to me for Todo to immediately fall in love with the first person who's ever shown him kindness (since his mother of course). Todo had never had any friends, nor any want for friends, obviously because of the abuse he faced as a child. Mido was his first exploration at a life outside of his father, a life he got to make for himself, it just doesn't feel right to me that he should immediately think "oh, is this romantic love? Is this the one and only for me?" Well, perhaps a teenager might think that way, but i don't think that's actually how he feels deep down, and I'm sure that's something a lot of us have to learn as we grow (I've definitely struggled with my own understanding of romance for the past 8 years). I think he still is trying to learn how to socialize and to make friends and to be a friend (and he's doing SUCH a good job!) But to immediately plunge into romance, which can be complicated, i don't think that would be right for him. I hope that makes sense! I know they're a very cute ship, which makes for fun! But again, I can be a little serious when i ship...
K*r*b*ku kind of falls into similar territory for me? Baku definitely had friends growing up, but he's seemed to always have trouble understanding his feelings and where he stands with others, causing trust issues. Kiri is really the first person he knew where he stood with, a person for him to be comfortable with and feel on equal ground, which i think is such a huge and positive role in his life, and i don't necessarily think that it needs to be romantic - for both of these, i think these relationships are incredibly important, to everyone involved, and making them romantic doesn't make them any more important!! In fact, i feel like them as friends actually can offer a more complex, interesting, and human dynamic between these characters, as sometimes people simply default to romance and then end up pushing for the same old tropes and ignore all the intricacies Horikoshi includes in his writing.
Again, I love Mido's friendship with Todo, and I love Baku's friendship with Kiri. I think these relationships are incredibly important, and friends are incredibly important. People who ship them are having fun, which is so lovely, and i hope they continue to have fun! I hope you personally find more fics about them that make you smile and brighten your day 💖💖💖
Iz**ch*ka is a little difficult, because they certainly are cute, separately and together. I thought they were cutest before Ura was told about her potential crush on Mido, when she was simply a source of bubbly energy and positivity that helped Mido open up and feel comfortable around other people. I feel though that, romantically, it's extraordinarily one-sided, and at this point, i have to wonder if they really are "end goal." End goal for shounen, of course, is hardly ever explicit ahzovndlfjsoxo but i feel like a better storyline for Horikoshi to take would be for Ura to realize that she's been confused, and these feelings haven't really been a positive experience for her. I've definitely gone through things like that as a teenager. Now, the ship can be very cute! They're basically the same person, and they're cute and bubbly! But again, it simply isn't for me.
I think Momjirou is very cute!! Of course, as a lesbian, i sense strong lesbian vibes from Momo, and strong bi vibes from Jirou, and I also saw the ship potential ever since the USJ attack - which i think, so did everyone else ahaovndofjsojfsk they're best friends without a doubt, though i have to say, i really like Kamijirou. She just makes him so soft, and he's so in awe of her, and she thinks he's so funny, I love how supportive he is of her, especially since she can be really insecure 🥺🥺🥺
I also think Ura and Tsu are very cute but another easy ship, and i kind of really like Ochamina 🥺 they're both pink and space themed, they're bubbly and energetic and kick ass, and i think they'd be super cute...
I saved todobaku for last, because, you know what they say, best for last! 😇😇😇
I've said it before, but if there was no Mido (impossible obviously, and i would never want that) then todobaku is where my heart would lie. Baku has never really been shown chasing after anyone except for Mido...and Todo, which really gets at my heart. There's a grudging respect there - very, very grudging ahakckdkfjskdk which i find very appealing! Todo is very important to Baku and he has also been able to show Baku some things about himself that he needed to question and reevaluate. Meanwhile, Todo puts up with exactly 0% of Baku's shit, which i find absolutely hilarious. It's funny to me how Baku wishes to intimidate Todo as he does everyone else, and Todo simply does not care. And Baku wants to be mad, and ends up mad that he can't be mad since Todo is a strong and worthy opponent. They just have such an interesting chemistry, there's so much friction, so much tension, and I enjoy it, particularly since they clearly should be friends, would be great friends, want to be friends, but Baku simply won't get over it 😂😂 I do prefer them as friends, but friends that are incredibly close, two people that understand each other on almost a telepathic level, two people that give each other shit while also refusing to take the other's shit.
I do agree that many people in this fandom seem to think their ship stands on some moral high ground? It could be a disconnect from the previous generations of fandom, or it could also be the growing mentality on this site that everything needs to be a battle of moral superiority, and also that what you like is part of your personality, and if someone doesn't like what you like, then they don't like you or that they think you're factually incorrect. I personally have stopped going into the bn/ha tag simply because I don't enjoy, well, many things i find there, and I'm happy with those that i follow. I've definitely seen hatred and invalidation for both LGBT ships and m|w ships, neither of which I'm comfortable with. I definitely don't go off tumblr for fandom stuff because there's practically no acceptance for any same gender ships, or any queer headcanoning, which, I'll be honest, makes me scared, as i am a very anxious person avdkvndkfje i do think it should be noted that we should be as accepting of cishet ships as we are of queer ships - no debate on this one - but again, you are right when you say that many cishet headcanons have been used to invalidate LGBT voices, and any and all allies must always be aware of this! It is much more often that queer voices are silenced, that queer ships are ridiculed, that queer shippers aren't allowed to enjoy or see themselves. And to anybody that doesn't want to be an ally... Whelp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what are you doing here ajxkvmdogjdicjsicjsodj I'm gay
I haven't really read much of anything recently, let alone other ships, platonic or otherwise, because energy has been low for me for a long time. I wish i could participate more and support all my friends and other fans, but it's been a bit of a struggle 😣😣😣 I'm so sorry! Something that I can do is make posts and analyses and metas, as those are quick and make me excited, so I'm always happy to respond to asks like these! (I say as i take two hours to write this response...)
I hope people have been taking care of themselves and remember that tumblr is really good at letting you cater to your own interests! I hope if you've made it to the end of this response that you enjoyed it, and you're not mad at me ahsovjekgjsocjwodkso if you are, that's fine, I'm sorry, I probably am really bad at social/internet etiquette and such that help you filter 😣😣
To any who are curious, you cannot change my mind ahdogmdocjdidk thank you to whoever sent this ask!!! A lot of this is a bunch of rambling I've always wanted to talk about but was frankly too scared to post! I hope I made sense and answered everything you were asking!! Please have a good day/night/life!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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aslanvlad · 3 years ago
You can post whatever the hell you like, you're entitled to your opinion and you're absolutely free to post about it on your own blog. What I was suggesting was that if you're going to actively post anti content maybe think about keeping out of the tag? Or make a separate tag for those posts to go in. It's a smaller tag that's not always the most active in between updates, so for new people joining who might want to venture into the tags to find extra content they're gonna come here and have to trawl through a bunch of hateful posts with the same 3 arguments being rehashed. At the end of the day, if you hate this book so much just leave the tag be? Don't look at it, don't engage with it, focus on your own shit. What exactly do you gain from clogging the tag with hate other than making this place miserable and toxic?
And do you really wanna talk about policing? Seriously? As if the people you associate with haven't been actively shaming and trying to police people enjoying tiamat? The same people who have been targeting and bullying people for romancing niall? It's genuinely just sad at this point, like is this not just miserable for you? Using all your energy being hateful and negative? Curating critical posts when you could be making content for books you enjoy? As I said, feel free to post your boring ass essays, all I was asking was for some consideration for the people you share this fandom with. It'll get to the point where you're alienating people who aren't even involved in this drama and discouraging people from joining and then nobody wins. I really do feel sorry for you, this level of pettiness and hatred must be draining. It's so much more fulfilling to spend your time making genuine connections with people and consuming content about things you love when you're in a fandom space, I'm truly sorry you don't have that.
people really trying to police what others can criticize or not here. It won't work, no one gets to police what people can post or not. As a heads up, expect more criticism from my part and if you don't like, the block button is right there.
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incorrectqueereye · 6 years ago
Okay you know what, I'm being challenged on this so let me go forth and prove to you all why (spoilers tagged)
In order left to right
Steve: A man with the most whiplash inducing character arc ever. Amazing. Completely changed the cookie cutter bad boy in the way of true love character trope. Went from popular jerk (who was valid in some ways, but that's an essay for later) to kind babysitter! His best friend is a literal child with a bunch of bone disorders, and is a super nerd??? Can you say awesome??? He devotes his time in the Scoops Troop to trying to protect the kids with his LIFE while still delivering the funniest lines and facial expressions ever. What a beautiful man.
Robin: Not only is she a badass, who didn't need to be asked to join but ended up cracking the case at the beginning, can we PLEASE not sleep on the fact she is CANONICALLY GAY??? PLEASE? I have seen so many people ship her with Steve when like... wtf? We got what we wanted! Well, okay, it's not perfect, but it is a lesbian character who is unashamed of herself, is a sarcastic badass, and cares just as much as Steve does about the kids safety. (These two aren't model cirizens for involving the kids at all past decryption---see: "mission child endangerment"---but when it comes to it, they're the ones making sure the kids are safe, like letting themselves be caught while the kids run.) SHE IS AWESOME. AND FUNNY. GIVE OUR GAY QUEEN CREDIT.
Erica: God where to start. She puts the Erica in America. Here we have a young poc who is absolutely hilarious and strong. She's sure of herself, and absolutely iconic, and unafraid to say the things that other people might not admit (her love of capitalism is one thing). She's much less afraid than you would expect her to be, and she doesn't need her brother around, she is a different character! While she mentions him sometimes, it's always very clear that this is about her. She's independent and amazing.
Dustin: Where do I even begin to explain this masterpiece of a character in modern media??? DUSTIN OMG. He is the backbone of this show (in my opinion) because he is amazing. Not only is he one of the funniest characters ever, especially when playing off of Steve, he's not even a comic relief! You could argue otherwise and say the entire Scoops Troop is, but I will combat with a nine page essay. Just because he is funny, doesn't mean he isn't important! This season was great for him because we got to see more of Dustin doing cool shit away from the party. I loved S1 and S2 Dustin, but he was always only helpful to the party, sometimes emotional support (S1) or general knowledge (S2) and while even then he proved his importance to the party, this season gave us a Dustin mostly separate from them! And guess what! He was amazing! He never thought twice about moving forward with the mission, he helped rescue Steve and Robin, he SANG, he dished out the funniest lines ever, and he cared. He cared so much about Steve's wellbeing, constantly trying ti get Steve to like Robin so he would be happier, and just occassionally showing his friendship and loyalty (even through funny one-liners, like the "you die, I die" scene was played for laughs, but jesus christ that was so brave! They had no clue what he was opening, but Dustin was going to stand by Steve because he wouldn't cope without him. Brilliant.)
Anyway sorry for the long post, but if you want to challenge the Scoops Troop get ready for a fight
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Scoops Troop>>>>>Main Characters (the other kids)
Anyone who believes otherwise is incorrect
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geek-gem · 7 years ago
Well got the tags done and 2nd time trying to reblog I just got back out of this okay sorry. Including be warned this is probably gonna be a long post. Where I try to explain the reasons or what I think. Especially as someone who hopes that at least wants more of Sonic's friends in the film. Including other stuff so please be warned my dear friend.
Okay reading the post again and trying to think because yeah I remember. I have conversations like these with myself in my head. Basically of what is the right choice to put a character in here or is it too much.
Why do people want Tails in here? Well I think we can all explain Tails is a great character honestly that's not the point.
Ever since Sonic The Hedgehog 2 was released being introduced in that. Basically in probably well remember almost every form of media Tails has some how in some way been there with Sonic. While it might not be a whole lot yet he's been with Sonic since almost the beginning.
It seems a bit weird I suppose to not have Tails there in some way. While Tails can be his own character in certain cases. He's been around the franchise for such a long time that again I guess it might be feel weird.
Then theirs also people reacting to the juvenile delinquent thing and honestly I like your posts of how you explain of how Sonic might be in that way. Now I remember especially the in need of a friend.
I think the whole in need of the friend seems very bothersome to people even me at first because I accustomed to the idea Sonic gets along with many folks I suppose. Especially Tails making him easy to be friends with. Yet it could not always be the base. Again the way you explained it I like it.
Now a random bullshit thing. Especially me in a way. We honestly love these characters very much and want them on the big screen. If it's really Sonic and Eggman with a bunch of new human characters unless Metal Sonic is involved in a way that doesn't fit his character like a random robot God no.
I guess it might be boring to have only two characters we know that aren't new in the first big screen movie. Yet why doesn't this happen with something maybe like Spider-Man I'll be going with the 2002 film even the 2012 film counts it's Spidey and the Green Goblin. But that's a comic book film and also theirs supporting characters that are important.
While this is a video game movie a different kind of film probably compared to a comic book film. Okay out that 2012 mention again it's in a way a different film again. Yet also back to you what you mentioned. The writing needs to be good and I'm getting off topic I'm sorry.
Basically I guess it just seems weird to introduce a first big screen film of Sonic without some of his closest friends. Along with the idea even me are so eager to see this characters on the big screen to be treated with respect. But their is the idea of adding too much and realized that in my fan made ideas for these films would not help this film better probably. Their are sometimes you need to start out simple before you push everything on everyone.
To be honest I feel the only game characters or official characters from the games that could be introduced all in this film. Are probably Sonic, Eggman, Tails, and Amy Rose. Almost left Eggman at the end Jesus but okay other characters maybe cameos. But those might leave some plotholes considering the whole government thing like they care about Sonic and the others why not Big(You can make jokes seriously he could be probably fishing somewhere with Froggy living the simple life....he's certainly not a juvenile delinquent hopefully that good boy).
Characters like Knuckles(Especially if introducing Angel Island and the Master Emerald) and Metal Sonic(Who I love but would be difficult unless you went with the route Sonic has been fighting Eggman for some time) would be difficult characters to try to introduce and take time to give development probably.
Sorry if well I said it would be long. I guess it would feel weird without Tails there first and the idea people might get bored about having only Sonic and Eggman there. Unless Tom as a character and others maybe Tika Sumpter's character put on a good performance that will entertain people.
Basically I'm sorry I guess what I'm trying to get at people don't wanna wait for Tails in a sequel and just want him now. Yes I know he didn't appear in the original but he's been in the franchise for so long it feels weird probably.
Despite the whole in need of a friend and especially those head canons @descendant-of-truth sorry to mention you but the ideas and her talking about Tails if he met this version of Sonic.
Honestly this movie seems kind of like an origin almost. Including going back to the people don't wanna wait I remember that video I posted on here about that guys opinions where he has the balls to say to say that and thinking from the general audiences perspective. The whole this is not your Sonic movie thing he mentions and other things and you reblogged that not to sound rude no offense.
Sorry if I didn't reply earlier. Had to see my mom dad talk about some HIV outbreak telling us of what's going to my bro and me and we knew what the disease was. After that serious discussion but went well after that listened to Red's, "Breathe Into Me" three times before I should get into the mood.
So I apologize about the long reblog you can be critical of what I'm trying to say or correct me please. Including I shouldn't be nervous when getting a answer back seriously I shouldn't.
I just wanted to explain what I think. Especially as someone who reads YouTube comments of videos and sometimes I think I shouldn't because some times damn it's bad there in some ways.
Or if someone has responded guess I'm not the first but if I am just wanted to say something unless someone liked this while I made this. Please I'm sorry I want some feedback okay stalled a bit there
Why is everyone demanding Tails be in the movie? What is so fucking great about Tails?!
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