#sorry I'm a very wacky guy
squeekybeeps · 8 months
✩Looking for FNF RP partner(s)! (no mod Characters, I’m so, so sorry.)
✧˖°୨.୧°˖✧ Introduction Hello, I’m squeekybeeps and I’m looking for RP (a) partner(s) to do an FNF RP with. Been searching around for like two days, and I refuse to go to amino, so this was my last resort. What am I looking for? I’m not really looking for a very serious RP, but I do tend to write a lot, though, don’t worry if writing paragraphs aren't your cup of tea, I welcome all RP styles, as long as you can bring something fun and interesting to the table. And can spell, ofc. But even then, I don’t care much, English isn't everyone’s first language after all. Chances are, the less you write the less I write haha. And yes, I do ships. nothing specific though, even if you ship something fucking wild like daddy dearest x Pico or some shit, hell yeah, I’ll give it a go.   I also wanna preface this,(note: the title) I am not into mods and I’m sorry. I have never really been interested in the mods, so I do feel a little out of place posting in the FNF fandom, but I hope anyone reading can at least understand where I’m coming from. Yes, I know that just makes it harder for myself to find an RP partner, but idc, I’ll just hope for the best. Lastly, I’m okay with OC’s and such. I wanna try to be inclusive as I can, but I prefer my partner to play canon characters as well. After all, I don’t wanna be playing the whole cast. So if you have an OC you wanna use go ahead! Just make sure to pick some canon roles of course. 
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CharactersI can play pretty much anyone but ones I prefer:
-Boyfriend -Lemon Monster -Daddy dearest (yeah this is kinda when the “no mod characters” rule is kinda not helping my case) But don't let this list scare you away. If you're dying to play boyfriend or anyone else on the list, you sure can! These are just ones I’ve used the most in my experiences!
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In regards to headcanons? Let loose. I’m okay with pretty much any of them. Infact, I have several headcanons, and if you have any for the characters I’m playing, I’m happy to use them! It always provides not only a challenge, but I really enjoy other’s Ideas and love to work off them!
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Plots? Okay so this kinda just all comes down to pms. But if you have a plot in mind, feel free to share it. But don't worry much if you don't, I can always come up with one. Or, if you're feeling extra creative, we can come up with one together! Though again, do keep in mind I’m not too serious. Like yes, I’ll take serious moments in the RP seriously, but it's not my main focus, unless I find myself getting REALLY into it…which actually has a high chance at happening so we’ll see.
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Very scary warnings, and the end.  Ayo SCARY WARNING coming up!!! MUST WARN. Since you started reading this godforsaken post, you may have noticed the doodles in between the topics that were all pumped out in less than 3 mins. If I like our rp a lot, I’m probably gonna draw and send you LOTS of these. I just really enjoy doodling like this, so chances are you’ll have to go through this horrid practice of mine. Super scary, I know! I’m fucking evil! So if any of this interests you, PM or comment! I've got lots of free time at the moment, So I’ll pretty much be available at any time! Thanks for reading! 
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cvnt4him · 3 months
Do you think Deku is big on family?? He just SCREAMS dilf energy yk
Yes yes yes nonnie/nonnette. I think he is HUGE on family. Izuku js screams girl dad to me personally like I feel like he has 2 daughters idk how to explain it. Lemme js write ts for you..
Also this is x black reader.. I'm sorry💋
Reader n zuku are in their late 30's/ early 40's
Day 1 of izuku week!!
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You and izuku had been together since highschool, you were quite literally highschool sweethearts. When he asked you to marry him at your highschool graduation you were literally sobbing. Just letting out tears and more tears.
When he told you he wanted to have kids you were a bit afraid. The thought of having to push a human body out of your literal birth canal terrified you. But he promised you he'd be there every step of the way. With him by your side you felt as if there was nothing you couldn't do.
That's how you ended up with the most beautiful girls in the world, izumi and zora. Those weren't the names you personally agreed upon but he made it his mission to have his daughters with names exactly like his. There was something so satisfying and gratifying to him about the fact there were his daughters. You had his kids. It was only fair he got to name them.
Izumi was izukus splitting image, she had curly green locs and big wide green eyes, she didn't have freckles however. Zora looked like you, a dingy greenish brown painting her hair and her deep hazel brown eyes not being as wide as izumis, her hair was more coily and voluminous than izumis.
Izuku loves both of his girls unconditionally, he loves when they have him play weird and wacky games like hospital or restaurant. Izumi is more of a loud and carefree kid, she loves singing and dancing and just being a kid. Zora is a bit too responsible for her age izuku thinks, shes very intelligent for the younger sibling and is very intuitive with things around her.
Izukus daughters are two different people but he can't help but love them all the more. Izuku sometimes loves watching you do zoras hair, putting cute little barrettes in her coily hair. He loves to watch the way you smile and do her hair, she winces slightly moving around from the discomfort. It was always easiest to do izumis hair in your opinion, not that you had a problem doing either of your daughters hair.
They were both huge Daddy's girls. He loved spoiling them absolutely rotten. They could just bat their eyelashes to him and he'd give them whatever they wanted. You hated how because he couldn't never dent them you were always seen as the bad guy.
Izuku would sit by the girls shared room door frame and watch you read to them, they'd say goodnight as you'd kiss both of their heads before leaving their room to your surprise you see your big husband with a soft grin on his matured face, his eyes soft and full of love.
Izuku was in love with you, the way your body had changed from giving birth, the stretch marks, the dimples and just everything about you. He loved you so much, you gave him a family, you gave him hope and reason to love, a home to come back to. The house wasn't his home, it was you and his daughters.
He would pound you from behind deep into your shared bed, whispering sweet things into your ears like how you were made for him and made to fit him. How you were so perfect and the reason he goes on. And so many more sweet things that made you gush and tighten around him.
Izuku midoriya was your big strong strapping husband who loved you so<33
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AN: this was more of headcanons then a fic and i really enjoyed making this, lemme know if you want a little day in the midoriya girls' life!! I would enjoy making it!!!!
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icepoptroll · 7 months
So I've been heavy into RTC in recent months. As well I work as a nurse. So naturally this idea came to me:
Everyone Lives AU where the choir kids survive the Cyclone accident, wake up in the hospital, and come to find out their nurse is a guy named. . . Yep. Karnak
Ricky wrote him a lengthy note between hourly rounds about how they all had died and they were in limbo and he was there too, and while he was there he was a magical mechanical fortune teller with prognostication and resurrection abilities, and how he's not sure how he's there with them now because a rat had killed him by chewing through his power cable. Karnak reads it and responds with a chuckle and "ah yes, your parents DID mention that you have a very active imagination, Richard." *Queue gobsmacked Ricky face*
Ocean is more scared and freaked out and still not past her initial stress response, all "How are we all still alive? How are YOU alive? You just DIED back there. And I thought you could only bring back one of us! That WHOLE TIME you were just testing us??? What kind of messed up game are we playing now?"
"I'm sorry. I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oooooh yes you do! You were some kind of. . . Ominous novelty machine just before all this!"
"Ah. Curious, one of your friends accused me of the same thing. Quite an interesting phenomenon, how multiple people are on occasion found to somehow suffer the same exact nightmare. This is likely a result of your shared trauma--- I assure you I am just a med-surg nurse. I am not now, nor have I ever been, an 'ominous novelty machine.'"
"So it's just some wacky coincidence that we all remember someone JUST LIKE YOU from the afterlife and now all of a sudden we're all assigned to you? You had no part in that?"
"If I had my way, Miss Rosenberg, I would be assigned to only three of you. Unfortunately, though, safe nurse/patient ratios have really fallen to the wayside in recent years. Now. . . Before I continue my rounding, do you have any questions about your medication?"
The kids convene and question whether maybe he IS just a dude with the same name but COME ON his voice and mannerisms are all the same and he even kinda looks like him and the timing is just too perfect to be coincidental and the way he cracks a smile when someone calls him "Mr. Whatever" like it's him it's gotta be him
Definitely gonna think of more and most likely gonna end up drawing/writing stuff for this lol I just can't resist letting my work influence my hobbies haha
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flightyalrighty · 5 months
(sorry if you've gotten this before or if this is not the right kind of question for the blog)
Do you have any advice on HOW to make a comic series? From what I've seen your work is fantastic, well made and written! (Cool concepts, story, and character dynamics etc)
How did you start? How DO you start?? How do you comic lol
I'm glad you enjoy my work! I'll do my best to answer this question!
I could give the ol' "Just jump in! Get started!" But I don't think that's the answer you're looking for, here. Even if it's technically the correct one.
"How do you make a comic series" Is one of those questions where the answer is kinda difficult to summarize in a single ask, because there's a whole lot that goes into it, y'know? I'll give you a brief run-down of my process.
I figure an idea for a story. In the case of Infested, the whole story was written before I even got started on the script. This is an outlier in my usual process and I don't normally do this and definitely don't recommend it.
Figure the plot like how you would figure a regular story's plot; The beats you wanna hit, the way the characters develop, the beginning, the middle, the end. What's the point of the story? What, exactly, are you trying to convey here? Who's the target audience? All that stuff ought to be figured out before even picking up a [MEDIUM OF ARTIST'S CHOICE].
Script the story. If you've seen a movie script, these things look a bit like that. You wanna not skip this step because this is where you determine the visual language of each page. Comic script writing is a whole thing and a half but I do have some random tips regarding it. -> When writing the beginning of a new scene, write down the time of day, the weather, and any important details about your setting (this is most important if you're working in a team). -> Using storyboard/film language when trying to figure out a scene is very helpful. You're not gonna remember exactly how that scene looked in your head when you finally get around to penciling it. Trust me. Write it down. Or thumbnail it! Thumbnails are also very helpful! -> Remember that you have very limited space for dialogue. Write with that in mind.
Figure the paneling on a page. I work at 11x17 and do my panel layouts based on those dimensions. I tend to make more important panels, or panels with PUNCH or SHOCK bigger than the others. Each panel is an individual illustration, but together they make a whole piece. You gotta treat it like that, y'know? Find the focal point on a page, find the most important element of it, and make that your focal point. Don't be afraid to get a lil wacky with panel shapes, either. They don't HAVE to be squares and rectangles. Check out what other cartoonists do! Get inspired! Paneling is an art-form within itself!
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Page from "Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name" By Tess Stone
5. Penciling time! Get the perspective figured out, then draw the background, then draw the characters. Do it in that order. Trust me. With a background already set up, characters can be drawn more like they exist within that space, instead of floating in front of it. Also? Be aware that comic artists need to be ready to draw ANYTHING. You may have a great idea that you GOTTA put out into the world, but you have no idea how to draw, say, a car. Or debris. Or jungle foliage. There's no shame in using references, tutorials, or even doing a bit of tracing if something's outside your wheelhouse. Here's a bazillion tutorials from two guys who REALLY know their stuff.
6. Speech Balloons! Yes, really. In fact, you may want to do this and penciling at the same time. I certainly do. It's better to figure this out immediately so it doesn't hurt you later when it comes to getting your balloons to share a space with your art. Here's some great advice on the whole subject from a master of the craft
7. Inks! Line weight variation is key. Closer to the "camera" means thicker lines. If a part of a character is in shadow, that part is gonna get thicker lines, too. Personally, I make my background line art thinner than character line art. It helps the characters pop out!
8. Flats! Or flat colors if you wanna get specific about terminology. It's exactly what it sounds like -- Coloring the characters and backgrounds with the bare bones basic colors. I highly recommend keeping the character flats and bg flats on separate layers if you're working digitally.
9. Rendering! There's no hard and fast rule as to how a cartoonist ought to render their comic -- If they want to do that at all, even. Go with what you believe looks good AND is something you can do quickly. The "quickly" part is important. Heed my warning. Don't be like me.
And then I'd schedule the comic to be uploaded on whatever day suits me -- Thursday (usually) in Infested's case.
Of course, I kinda suck at relaying my process, so the final thing I can do for you is direct you to an extremely helpful book that really breaks it down in a way that may click with you as it did with me.
I hope this was in any way helpful to you!
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Light-blue Shy Guy
Debut: Mario Kart DS
I love light blue, and I love Shy Guys! But I don't think I can talk all that much about just a light blue Shy Guy, or at least, it wouldn't be very interesting. Computer, let's get more specific!
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Name: Walker Guy
Debut: Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Now this is more like it! On his own, simply a light blue Shy Guy, but this one has a specific job that gives him a lot of character! This is cool. I wonder if we could get even MORE specific!
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Name: Shysaac Guysfield
Occupation: Part-Time Dog Walker
Employer: Koopa Troop
Address: 19-87 Shell Street, Toad Harbor
Social Security Number:
AAAHHHH stop specifying stop specifying! I am so incredibly sorry to this poor Shy Guy I just accidentally doxxed in this live post performance. Please forget you saw that. Let's just go back to Walker Guy!
Have you ever wondered about Chain Chomps in terms of being Bowser's minions? They're not exactly sapient like most of the commonly antagonistic species. They're just dogs! I'm going to assume that like real big dogs, they just don't realize their own strength, and that's where the danger comes from. The danger is amplified when the dog is enormous, metal, and mostly mouth.
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Looking at Walker Guy, I think we can safely say that Chain Chomps under Bowser's command are well taken care of! A whole specialized troop of Shy Guys exists to take them on walks, and ensure they are as happy and healthy as can be! These Shy Guys are all light blue, so maybe that is the Walker Guy Uniform. Maybe EVERY Shy Guy who wears light blue is primarily a Walker Guy, and you just often see them assigned to other, temporary jobs, or just out leisurely! There is no evidence to suggest the Light-Blue Shy Guy in Mario Kart is not a Walker Guy. Awesome! RPG characters playable in Mario Kart! This is what everyone has been wanting, right?
It seems that normally, Walker Guys will actually just let their assigned Chomps roam around freely, as they just sit on top, along for the ride. Hey! Keep your dog leashed at all times for the safety of it and those around it! I assume, though, that a Chain Chomp would not normally allow anyone to ride on top of it, and that this is a sign of immense trust between walker and Chomp. That's nice.
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Walker Guys DO at least grab on to the leash when a battle begins. But that's dangerous, too! You should not bring your dog into a Turn-Based Battle! What, are you going to give your dog action commands? Gonna tell it to Sit and Give Me Your Paw?
It is really the Chomp who takes initiative in battle, and poor Walker Guy is dragged and flung around in all sorts of wacky ways. He takes no damage from these shenanigans, so we can all have a good laugh about it! Ha ha hee! What is less funny is that the Chain Chomp can be defeated individually, prompting the Walker Guy to frantically search for another one. What a horrible situation! You just killed his dog, and now, with no time to mourn, he has to immediately hope he can find another one so he doesn't lose his job. He is under so much stress! He also needs to pay off his mortgage! Toad Harbor isn't cheap!
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So, if there are Shy Guys available to take Chain Chomps for walks, why are they so often seen bound to blocks and posts? There is a very simply explanation for that. Their respective Walker Guy just had to go to the bathroom! Every time you see a Chain Chomp tied to something, there is no need to assume it is being neglected. There is a light blue Shy Guy doing his business in the nearest restroom, and he will be back shortly! I promise. Don't wait for him, it makes him self-conscious and he'll take longer.
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I didn't double read it or check this after writing. It's just pure - fast before I'd be too lazy to write this! So I'm sorry for any typos.
So y'all I'm typing this on my phone in English with Canadian French keyboard, before my hype dies out! This one is set in the @uselsshuman 141 families AU. I know that the idea behind the 141 wives is to keep them as blank slates for anyone to picture themselves but I can't help but give them distinguished personalities because why not 👀.
You can treat it a sort of
'what kind of girl I see each 141 guy with?'
Let's begin! I wrote those with civilian partners in mind 👀.
Warning: sex mentioned (it's a normal part of being in a relationship but minors better sit this one out)
John 'Soap' MacTavish
I picture him dating a daydreamer, someone who has imagination and a dash of wildness in her. Soap is an adventurous guy and he'd like to share this with his love. They definitely travel a lot together because world is beautiful and they want to experience it with one another.
Soap's girlfriend can allow herself to be a bit idealistic, with her mind in the clouds, because it keeps Soap's mind away from the harsh reality. In case he dies, she still will have a strong support system in his family, friends and community. She's not alone.
Their relationship is very affectionate and like a never ending honeymoon phase. Basically both of them are aware that what Soap does is dangerous and their relationship can end on a dime with his death. That's why they try to keep it constantly fresh and exciting. Who knows how long they can enjoy one another's company so they better spend it in the best possible way.
I think that they're the kind of couple that doesn't have big arguments. They're a team not rivals. Sure, Soap sometimes leaves the toilet lid open and his girlfriend tends to burn dinner a bit because she's been focusing on some random idea instead of paying attention but at the end of the day those things don't really matter - they're together for the good time and not necessarily long time (as in he can die at any moment, because those two are together for life.)
If any big arguments happen, they're regarding their son. As in "I know what's best for him" kind. Whenever arguing they do try to not yell at one another, and go to bed angry. Banishing to sofa doesn't really happen because both of them have hard time sleeping alone when they know their partner is nearby.
Sue me but I really like John dating a Polish girl 🫣 and I guess I'm not the only one. Soap surely gets protective of her and is ready to throw fists if anyone disrespects his missus. Sometimes he'd just annoy her how she's constantly grumpy because of the 'no smiling in public spaces' culture in her country. Other times he'd say she's like a model on a runway "because I'm so hot 😍? No, because you never smile 🤣. John!"
Their relationship is very physical, both romantically and sexually. They boink a lot and it is usually pretty funny. They do laugh a lot because sex is awkward sometimes and they are a playful couple altogether. Sometimes Soap will romance his way like Gomez Adams, other times he'd just put his penis on his girlfriend's shoulder while she's reading a book and say in a high pitched voice "hello" and that's his idea of charming his lady. I feel like they'd be the couple on a search for the most wacky condom. Neon green, glowing in the dark, and tasting like bacon - they've tried all of those.
MacTavish duo definitely cuddles a lot. Both at home and in public. It's not unusual to see Soap's girlfriend just nuzzling him or Johnny holding her tight and giving her forehead kisses.
Some might think that Soap's girlfriend is just a damsel in distress, waiting patiently for her prince charming - nothing further from truth. Since her boyfriend disappears for months, she has a life outside of the relationship. She goes to work, meets with her numerous friends (her skill of finding accidentally everyone's identity because she's friends with X wife is quite famous) and has her hobbies. She probably likes nature and keeps multiple plants (only after making sure those won't hurt their three cats) so her and Soap's place looks like a jungle on occasion. She might have some artistic hobbies like writing, painting or drawing. She's self sufficient on her own, but her life is better with Johnny.
She calms him down and grounds Soap in reality. After all she's mostly in Hereford so whenever Johnny gets back she informs him what has changed in the town or their house and how they're now doing certain things.
While Soap is a clown, she's his audience and even though she tends to react like she's annoyed with his antics, she loves how playful he is. Like Jessica Rabbit - he makes me laugh.
She's the disciplinary of the family, mostly because she knows that Soap won't be. He wants to be the fun dad for Fergus, because again he doesn't know how long he'll be there to cherish this life. Nevertheless, sometimes you have to lay down the rules and here's where Soap's girlfriend enters the scene. They're both pretty chill and loving parents though.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Simon's wife is pragmatic and doesn't accept any bullshit, she has a job to be done and that's her focus. Unlike Soap's darling, she's on her own if something happens to her husband, and she knew it upfront before getting into the relationship with him.
Ghost got serious with her because he knew that she can carry on if he's KIA, he knows she can handle his emotional baggage and his character. She's not the one to cry or complain about her life, she just gets shit done, no questions asked.
Sometimes she gets frustrated with Simon's bullshit (who wouldn't honestly) but she's the only person whose opinion really matters to Ghost. She can lift him up and knock him down like nobody else. She's equally calm and understanding person who soothes Ghost, and the force that pushes Simon to be a better person if he needs to be told off.
I think that's the main reason why he married her, she makes him a better person. She's strong but calm, patient but reasonably so, and she cares about him. He had difficult life and his upbringing was anything but perfect but this woman makes him care. She makes him feel something else than anger and pain and for that he's forever grateful.
Their love language is quality time but since they're unusual couple it's not what you think. Their home is their castle and they relax the best while at home. Even if their house is full of children they do bond together via chores. Soft conversations while folding the laundry together, sprinkled with jokes, Simon fixing the leaking pipe without being asked to do so, her making his favorite dish just because he'd enjoy this, cooking together - Simon as an ex-bucher appreciate would handle meat while his wife prepares veggies, on occasion they'd compte who can make their part of the dinner faster. Just mindlessly watching TV together with their dogs and commenting how ridiculous Come Dine with me is or how "this blonde chick should have picked Zack rather than Jacob! Zack at least tried, and prepared his dessert from scratch to impress her" while watching Dinner Date. Trash talking game shows participants is their definition of entertainment.
When his wife was expecting their first daughter Simon panicked. He was sure he'd be a horrible dad and kids aren't for him. His wife was quick to knock him down to Earth - you're a dad now so step up. She'd remind him that he's his own person and regardless of how shitty his dad was, he turned out to be a good guy and he's so caring he'll be an amazing dad.
Their sex life is a mess. I think they're the kind of couple that gets so into it that sometimes wrapping it takes a back seat. Hence the five children they have together. With brood this size, it's difficult to take time for the proper intimate time but they're doing with what they have. Unlike Soap and his girlfriend, Riley's have the bunny phase behind them. They still boink and it's still very satisfying when it happens, just with five kids it's not always possible. Sometimes they're just too tired and it's ok. There are days when Ghost doesn't feel like having sex and his wife gets it. Sometimes she's not in the mood and he's ok with that. Their need for intimacy can be fulfilled by just having a moment for themselves to cuddle and hold one another.
Mrs Riley has her own business. Idk why but I can see her having a very niche, online business. Like she's making stained glass windows and decorations. She has her own workshop and she's making money on her hobby. It lets her stay at home with her daughters (and later with her son) but she's not fully dependent on Simon's income.
I remember someone mentioning that she's an American so I'm going with that. She has the 'fish out of water' moments, even after years of living in the UK. Like the little moments of 'right, you guys do/don't do that'. She's probably fascinated how old/small everything is in England or how brick house are basically a standard instead of drywall.
Even though both she and Simon are similar when it comes to discipline, I think their children are more likely to ask her as she's a bit less strict than their dad. When her daughters start dating she's more calm about it. Simon isn't the shotgun dad, but he does feel uncomfortable that his girls are growing and he was often absent. He would do the whole "scary dad show" but it's nothing more than a show. He's not intimidating his daughters' boyfriends on purpose. It's like a by-product of him looking like a tree trunk. His wife definitely plays along and they later laugh about it together when the young couple leaves on their date. She also supports their kids no matter what and she's as proud of Lottie making a cake as she's from Aya getting an A from the test. She knows that her kids are different people and she supports their decisions and goals for the future.
Mrs Riley isn't much of a romantic soul. She'd take a practical gift over flowers any day. If Simon isn't there to fix something she'll do it herself because there's job to be done. She's a hard-working person and someone very practical. She's calm but not beyond calling her husband a dumbass if he deserves this. However, she'd never call him names when she can see he has one of his episodes. She's ultimately there to support him through thick and thin.
John Price
Mrs Price is the OG wife as a captain's spouse. She and Ghost's wife are the OG 141 wives so she's a bit like a mom-friend to the group. She's the closest to what a typical army wife would be (in non Karen way) as she's the only homemaker in the group.
She is a bit old fashioned, just like her husband she's in her late 30s. She's still a sassy lady so you better not underestimate her as she's the ultimate leader of all military wives in Hereford. Not because of her husband's position but because she's a nice person and a true leader. She's not the queen B who makes everyone bow down to her, but rather someone so helpful and wise that people are willing to follow her lead.
She's engages in her community and is always there to help, especially the new girls and guys who just learn what's like to be a spouse of a soldier. She organizes a lot of events and get-togethers for them so they'd develop a nice support system to comfort one another, whether it is because of the distance or death of the spouse. While Soap's girlfriend knows everyone on accident, Mrs Price knows people on purpose and can match friends perfectly.
She's from New Zealand so she does bond with Mrs Riley over being a non-European in Europe. She misses the Pacific Ocean, hence trips by the seaside are pretty common in the Price household. She makes sure her children are at least familiar with their Kiwi side.
She and her husband are something between MacTavish duo and Riley's when it comes to affection. They do like to stroll together, hold hands and share soft kisses, but you won't see them glued to one another like the MacTavish Turtledoves. However, she finds them adorable and likes to reflect on "young love" with her husband. Little does people know that back in the early 2000s when not-yet-captain Price was on his training in New Zealand he was quite a romantic when he tried to woo a nice, Kiwi lady. One could say that they were whipped for one another.
She's super confident in herself and her relationship, without being narcissistic. She knows where she stands with her marriage and she knows her value as a person. If anyone tries to knock her down from her throne, they're in for a surprise. Mrs Price is nice and very motherly but you don't want to get on her bad side. Remember she's a well respected member of the community and an influential figure without pulling the "My husband is a captain of an elite squad" card.
Her and her husband sex life is very fulfilling and they still keep things fresh. Just because they're reaching their 40s doesn't mean that the passion just died out. They might not have sex every day anymore but when it happens, oh boy they're definitely very VERY satisfied afterwards. Both sides try to look desirable for one another so no boredom in bedroom for sure. Price probably still keeps a sexy pic of his wife on him when he's deployed.
Even though Mrs Price is very wise and responsible for everyone she's not boring. She's pretty chill person who avoids conflicts. Like the perfect client who once told there's no chicken salad, instead of wanting to talk to the manager would just order Greek salad because people working in services have difficult job already. She likes to joke too and it's not uncommon to hear her make fun of herself or her husband.
She could run for a local politician office and would win because she's clearly the most competent person for this job. She's aware of this but we're back to her pretty chill personality - she doesn't want to. Official function would keep her busy and away from her family and friends. It would make her unhappy in the longer run. Just because she's not employed doesn't mean that she has no work experience or experience in case she'd have to/want to work. She's constantly learning new things and developing as a person. Organizing the school's Christmas Market that turns out to be bigger than the Christmas market organized by the town surely counts as management skills.
Just like Ghost's wife she can handle being left alone if her husband dies, but just like Soap's girlfriend, she has a strong community to rely on if something happens. She has been there for others so the others would be there for her.
I picture her as a very elegant lady. She'd wear pearl earrings and pencil dresses. She always looks very elegant and professional whenever she's outside. At home it's a different story altogether and Price (and their children) is the only one who gets to see her in yoga pants and a hoodie.
She's the disciplinary parent for sure but just like in case of Riley's it's 50/50 when it comes to being the responsible parent. Mrs Price does points out to her husband whenever he's not as strict with their daughter as he was with their twins.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Now Kyle is a pretty chill guy so I can picture him as the soothing partner to his wife. Mrs Garrick is definitely the louder and emotional one of the two. Ironically she's the one that brings chaos into their lives but Gaz is into it actually.
Mrs Garrick tends to overthinking and overreact a little, and Kyle is the only person who can calm her down almost instantly. Just knowing that she's enough to him and he's proud of her, calms her down a bit.
She's a primary school teacher and she loves her job. Kyle just likes to hang around her when she's grading tests and sometimes she'd read him funny and stupid answers her students put on the tests. Yes. They're making fun of how stupid children are sometimes. Nothing against children themselves, they're just funny.
Just like Mrs Riley and Mrs Price, she's a busy woman who loves her job. Gaz support her and encourage her to develop her career. Sometimes Mrs Garrick feels insecure but her man is always there to proof to her that she's amazing. He admires her a lot and how she's putting an extra mile to help children from the poorer communities because everyone deserves good education in her eyes.
Both she and Gaz would like to see the world as a better place, that's why they're doing what they're doing. Their relationship is also very funny, as they have many inside jokes that started as something awkward. Like Kyle saying that his "friend thinks you look cute" then pointing out somewhere and running to that exact place, and the time he tried to come up with the conversation started so he asked "Sooo...do you like ducks?"
Their idea of romance is watching Bee movie together and laughing. Garrick's also like to walk together in a park, feed ducks and enjoy the outdoors. Not in a wilderness sense like MacTavish but in a nature in the town sense. They like to go on a little trips in their county and visit unusual places that they know one another would like Cider museum or The Chained Library. They can be unapologetically themselves when they're together and they embrace their weirdness. They definitely attend the annual Cheese Rolling Competition at Cooper's Hill, near Gloucester. Now whether or not Gaz actively participates and tries to catch the cheese is only for his wife to know.
Gaz didn't want any children and his wife always said that she already has 18 children in her care so she doesn't need more. So Rose was a very much an unplanned child but she was still a wanted one. Both parents were panicking once they've learned that there's a bun in the oven but in the end they decided that parenthood is yet another crazy thing in their life that they'll embrace together. Both parents love Rose and after she was born they felt even more happy and in love than before. Neither of them thought it was possible.
Mrs Garrick is a Welsh woman so her mom is a very important figure in the family. It often causes arguments between her and her husband because he feels like his mother-in-law's influence on their family is bigger than he'd like it to be. However, he understands that when he's gone for months it's good for his wife to have someone to rely on.
Garrick's are still a young couple so sex is a pretty common activity they engage in. I'd place them 2nd after the MacTavish duo (3rd place is Price's and 4th belongs to "I pity your wife if you think 6 minutes is forever" Riley's) they tend to treat the activity more seriously than Soap and his girlfriend. I'd say that they are the old school romantics in this department but whatever floats their boat is still there. They want to please one another so they definitely discuss kinks and what they want to try next time.
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vermillioncrown · 1 month
This is going to be a huge post because you've picked up so much of what we put down I'm just 🥰🥹
@sunshinerotting replied to your post “(@rozaceous) dpnf ch 11: housebroken”:
will be rereading immediately but i love your guys’ characters very much and the way you write the canon characters makes so much sense. the way the people in that house interact with each other is so interesting to me because if tim was actually the normal boy he thinks he is the entire balance would be thrown off. no one else could’ve done what he does in that dynamic. they’re like a jigsaw puzzle to me. i have more thoughts give me a sec
thank you so much! roz and i keep joking that this fic is now an au of an au of an au of an au... and on and on, and then it's like. what makes this still a fic and not a fully original setting and work? we had to sell readers on a lot, that these characters (outside of our SIs) were still some flavor of canon. especially, "who is the core of tim drake?" and yeah, he's so not fucking normal. but he's not obviously wacky, either.
​out of order now i don’t remember chapter numbers: when jason showed up like a huge asshole i texted my friend about it. very much “he WOULD fucking do that but by god is it PISSING ME OFF” and it was!! love that genuinely. might not be what was intended but i do think he IS odd and sad and unable to move through the cycle of grief fully enough to show back up like a haunting and not expect it to get to allie like that. zero ability to understand how loved he is. 10/10 more...
GAH to know you texted abt our fic!!!! 🥹🥹🥹 best praise tbh. and the second sell: how is jason an asshole but worth rooting for later? or at least, allowed into the enclosure lol. we might not have had it summarized as neatly as you did, but roz and i are in full agreement you Read jason here. that's exactly what we wanted, that's so much of what we take from his character in various canons.
allie reminds me of a bobcat which feels weird to say but she’s so nonthreatening outwardly and she minds her business but the second someone steps in on her people it’s like Oh. oh right. teeth and claws. when jason showed back up i felt so much for her. there was no way for her to move. korvin acts in ways similar to me, which i will examine on my own time and not in your comments. i do love how everyone in this house has their own preferred flavor of Avoidance
you also have such a read on allie, i love it. i'll leave her to roz but i'll say my piece that i sometimes get bummed that korvin's so obviously wacky + a lot of gender stuff at play (the audience/demographic of ff readers, we live in a society and all that) that make more ppl focus on korvin over allie whereas they're both equally wack. and korvin's behavior makes the most sense when taken as a convoluted male re-socialization of someone initially female-socialized but rewarded in a male-dominated space. AND both of them are AuDHD, word of god putting that out there. add on the isekai brainworms, and yeah, isekai is just an extended analogy for masking → hence the different flavors of avoidance
tim is somehow the most well-adjusted in this regard, before jason shows up maybe, and thats so crazy. tim drake. Tim Drake ????comparatively well-adjusted to anyone ??? i know i’m forgetting something so i’ll come back but writing that down genuinely through me off a little bit. lol
you also recognize that jason ranks above tim in "well-adjusted" here, god, how does it feel to be so correct. and tim is well-adjusted here! he's never had to be a vigilante! but he's also much lonelier than in canon. something that made retrospective sense while we were writing is that he fell out of liking ball sports (despite not being a desk nerd) is that...who does he have to enjoy them with in this au?
threw not through. anyway I FORGOT ABOUT RUTABAGA. I AM SO SORRY RUTABAGA. the amount of love between the characters is so important to me bc it’s always there no matter how fucked the bats are about showing it normally. the brownstone does end up feeling like a safe space like it somehow feels so easy most of the time and then when tangential forces (sorry dick) show up it’s like the air changes. but allie and korvin and tim all have such Personalities its insane it works out like that.
RUTIE BEST GIRL, forgiven lol. YES YES YES there is so much love and it's like, the love doesn't stop you from doing the work. the bats are so fucked up, and we only get a glimpse of dick and korvin's relationship where you can see the maladapted consequences on both of their parts, dick not being fully equipped to "raise" korvin and korvin wanting to be easy/convenient for dick. and korvin's deep-seated not-abandonment issues tied with family and cultural trauma/burden.
(i still stand by the "good older brother dick grayson" tag, he's just. oh there's a lot. if you read between the lines there's so much being implied for TPAC)
but having allie in this 'verse, allie and korvin together ground each other. that's why they're so co-dependent in the beginning (it's healthier at the end), that's why they still had the wherewithal to seek an outside friend, and yes, that is why the brownstone is like that. their place that they made with their own hands.
obviously jason was an issue initially (it felt redundant to write that sentence) but he’s such a necessary part of them by being 1) necessary to allie and 2) the catalyst allie and korvin needed to end up where they are. i do think ppl that important to each other need one big unavoidable conflict to avoid stagnation like obviously he was a necessary part of the story but he was a Necessary Part Of The Story. does this make sense?? four strand braid.
AND YES DUDE you literally. we were writing this and we had the vibe, but we literally did not articulate it to each other until the very end that jason's actually necessary to make all of them normal. i love everything you're saying about needing one unavoidable conflict to resolve. he is part of a four strand braid. it's so strong. it's critical. korvin still finds jason annoying and vice versa. and yet they'd both say the household contains all of them by the end.
i just like that they start off alone and end up together. that’s my thing. jigsaw puzzle. polycule of all time. i can’t think of a way in which another person would ever get that close to them the dynamics are so perfect to me. every need is accounted for. its like a perfect little box in my mind. i think thats it for now lol i’m happy you guys write together. not just bc i love it but also bc it’s so clear u guys have fun doing it and that makes me happy <3
WE MADE IT. it's one thing to prescribe "hey guys this is a polycule" but selling it? the logistics of a polycule? not so easy, and it has to be tailored to the situation and characters. not all of them are romantically/sexually involved, nor do they have straight-forward relationships (hence, qpr), so having you say it fits and they seem seamless is like. top tier praise. coherence, it's everything we've aimed for.
thank you for all of your thoughts! we do have tons of fun and that's why we love sharing what we have! and we hope to keep doing projects like this, or we'll just be at each other's side while we work on our individual fics.
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calliopechild · 1 month
For the third-party voters arguing that they're pulling for a better candidate with a genuine chance of winning and not splitting the vote--okay. Let's suspend reality pretend that's true. In that case, please answer the following for me:
Why haven't I heard of your third-party candidate before now if they have such a good platform and they're clearly the better alternative? How good of a candidate can they be if they have no public support outside of your very vehement niche on tumblr and apparently no real skill at/infrastructure for getting their message out?
"Well, because they're a small campaign! They're not corporate shills! They aren't taking Dark Money!" Mkay, so are they taking in any money? If they don't have the finances to support their message, let alone their campaign, that doesn't exactly point to the kind of interest that substantiates your claim that they have A Real Chance, Guys, I Swear of winning the election.
For that matter, Insistent That You're Not Splitting The Vote blog, why is it that there is absolutely nothing on said blog about your candidate prior to this spring? Yeah, that's the time frame of most states' primaries, but like...you'd think that since [candidate] is your ideal political blorbo, you would have been boosting their message before then--you know, to support them and get people to vote for them in the primaries. Kinda weird that you weren't enthusiastic about them any earlier than 5 months before the election. Kinda convenient that you're insistent that this, Year Of The Most Fraught And Partisan Election Part 3: Fascism Boogaloo, is the year a third-party candidate totally has a chance.
On the heels of that, what have you been doing to work toward a future where a third-party candidate actually has a real chance? Because there's a whole lot of nothing on your blog about anything helpfully actionable, like how people can work to get ranked-choice voting on their state's ballot. Instead, your blog is mostly just how important it is to "show the Dems people are tired of choosing between two bad candidates by taking your ball and going home instead."
Does your candidate have any political support on the local, regional, or federal level from either party or independents? Because executive orders aside, they aren't getting shit done in their presidency if they don't have any political allies or a party allegiance to draw on.
For that matter, what has your candidate accomplished politically thus far? What can they point to as proof that they could be a successful president?
And the real question it all boils down to: do you really, full honesty, no bullshit believe your candidate can beat Trump?
"Well, if people just--" Nope. No "well, if these 18 extremely fortuitous and equally unlikely things happen" wish-fulfillment scenarios. As things stand right now, in the real world, can your candidate get the necessary votes? Do they have the kind of appeal that can get even lifelong Republicans to endorse them and the track record to back up their campaign promises? Do 270 Electoral College votes' worth of Americans know them and support their policies?
Because unless you're lying to yourself, I'm willing to bet the answer is no. And yeah, this applies to all of the third-party candidates. Look at this piece from Politico: https://www.politico.com/interactives/2024/where-are-third-party-candidates-ballots/ You'll notice that not one of them has managed to get on the ballot for every single state. Please make the extremely obvious conclusions about their chances.
('But calliope, there's another third-party candidate that isn't on there.' Yes, I'm aware. Politico is no doubt aware too. For some wacky reason they decided not to include the Unicorn Party on their list, idk.)
"I'm still not going to support a genocide--" Even if you don't "support a genocide" by voting, I'm sorry to inform you that you are green-lighting a genocide by not acting to prevent a second Trump presidency. Because the reality is that either Kamala or Trump will be winning the election, regardless of what you'd like to believe. If Kamala doesn't win, we get Trump--the guy who wants Netanyahu to "turn Gaza into a parking lot" and wants internment camps in the U.S. for immigrants. You don't want to support a genocide, so instead you're splitting the vote or talking people out of voting so that we end up with both a genocide abroad and one right here at home. Because if you don't think Trump will take the Supreme Court-ordained right to commit any crime he'd like and, backed by the Heritage Foundation, go after immigrants and the LGBT+ community--like he's explicitly said he'll do all throughout the Project 2025 manifesto--then you haven't been paying attention to anything in the last 8 years.
We can't afford a close election like 2020. The right has been tossing around the phrase "civil war" for the last couple years and is just waiting for an excuse. Unless they lose by an undeniable margin, it'll be "stop the steal" and fascist gun nuts storming state buildings and harassing governors and secretaries of state at their homes all over again. And to make sure that we have the margin we need to make it clear Trump has lost, splitting the vote cannot happen.
It's awesome that you're invested in the idea of eliminating the two-party system, because yeah, it's fucked. No arguments here. The two-party system, the Electoral College, the lack of automatic voter registration, the lack of ranked-choice voting...a lot of things are fucked about the U.S. electoral system. But we will be able to change approximately none of them under a Trump presidency, and no one has any chance of beating him in November other than Kamala Harris.
And full offense, but if you're still trying to insist otherwise, I'm genuinely unable to assume you are anything other than stubbornly naive at best and a bad faith actor/psyop at worst.
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cf56 · 6 months
As a fellow yaxxer, I’m curious. Do you have any headcanons on the blending of the Warner and Goof families? How Yakko warmed up to Goofy (and by extension the rest of the Disney gang, cause let’s be real those guys are Max’s family too), and how Max warmed up to Wakko and Dot?
This ask has "only" been in my inbox for around 6 months instead of a year like the others. Still, I'm sorry for taking so long to get to it.
Seeing this ask for the first time was what made me start officially considering myself a yaxxer! I certainly have some thoughts, many spurred on by my great friend and Yax master @cringetownusa.
I think Yakko and Goofy would warm up to each other very quickly. Goofy would become a father figure to Yakko. He would support Yakko's interests and accept his personality for what it is, instead of rejecting him like so many others. Yakko would rib him but respect his goofiness, his disarming genuineness, and how much of a family man he is. I can actually see Yakko being more genuine with Goofy than even Max. Goofy thinks that Yakko is a nice young man- Max can even get confused at just how calm and respectful Yakko is with his dad.
The rest of the Disney gang is certainly a different story. Yakko and his sibs have a distaste for Disney. Max and his dad get a pass, but the rest would take some getting used to for Yakko. He would probably pick on Mickey and the others until he realizes that they're not evil or sappy killjoys or anything. Even then, their relationship might not be the warmest. It would be filled with wacky hijinks. Mostly playful, but toeing the line.
Max getting along with and genuinely liking Wakko and Dot would be a prerequisite for Yakko to even consider a relationship with him. Wakko and Dot may have been suspicious of him at first, teaming up to take him on with protective toony antics. But after Max didn't turn on them and treat them badly like everyone else, they would quickly warm up to him. Like Goofy to Yakko, he would become a sort of father figure for them.
Max would love their goofiness and their mischievous personalities. Max and the Warners would be a very tight knit group, Max would almost become a fourth Warner. He'd hang around the water tower all the time, play with Wakko and Dot, engage in their interests. He'd take them out to do things like shopping for food (Wakko) and clothes (Dot). He'd be the only one besides Yakko who is willing to do things like that with them. Yakko would be happy to have a little pressure taken off, too.
So yes, I think Max would love the little sibs from the beginning. It's part of what attracted him to Yakko at all- seeing his softer side with his family. Their families would pretty seamlessly integrate. Goofy loves being a father figure and the Warners need one. Wakko and Dot would love having another playmate, someone outside their family. Max would be happy to oblige them. It'd be a super close family unit, because it would have to be for Yakko and Max's relationship to work.
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
Sofie's Belated Reactions to Today's Nintendo Direct:
Mario & Luigi: Brothership
Wasn't sure about the visuals for the new Mario & Luigi game but they very swiftly grew on me!
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I already love the Extension Corps mini boss squad
"Brothership" is the best title for a Mario & Luigi game oh my word.
(More below the cut!)
Nintendo World Championship: NES Edition
Neato! Nintendo-sanctioned online speedrunning competitions is not something I expected in this Direct, or at all, but I'm happy to see it!
This is reminding me of my goal to speedrun the first Luigi's Mansion game and see what my personal best is... I gotta do that sometime.
Fairy Tale 2
I don't go here but I'm happy for all you Fairy Tale enthusiasts out there!
FANTASIAN: Neo Dimension
WHOA WHOA WHOA did the announcer just say the creator of Final Fantasy created this game??????
I don't go here either but it looks fun!
Nintendo Switch Sports (free update)
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MIO: Memories in Orbit
I'm digging the visuals for this!!! Not sure what I'm looking at, but I like it!
I absolutely adore this player character design oh my word
Disney Illusion Island (free update)
Not many thoughts here other than I absolutely LOVE the pin connecting mini game idea.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
There's a Sanrio game with character customization????? EXCUSE ME??????? MY SANRIO-SONA IS PENDING YOU GUYS.
WHERE is Tuxedo Sam. WHERE is My Melody. WHERE are my children.
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THERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nintendo this can't launch next year, I need it NOW
Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports
Oh they had to get people's attention for this with Lola Bunny, huh
The lineart effect being blurred and pixelated in places even in the trailer does not bode well in my eyes (they are the eyes of someone playing Pokemon Scarlet)
It's a fun cartoony idea for a party game though! I like it!
Among Us (free update)
No comment beyond I still have never played a game of Among Us. I don't know if I could survive a public lobby.
Digimon / Pokemon / Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley / Ooblets combo punch of a game I LOVE YOU
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Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
I'm sorry everyone but I hate monkeys and apes and I don't like Donkey Kong or anything to do with him ;w;
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
In a perfect world, all HD remakes of 2D games would look like this photo-bashing beauty instead of uncute 3D adaptations (side-eyes the Diamond and Pearl remakes)
I think I might enter the series with this game, or maybe 1 or 2 when they launch. I LOVE THE VISUALS.
Funko Fusion
Exclaiming that I hate this game and then listening in shock and horror as my boyfriend tells me there's two or three other Funko Pop games on Switch
Bonding over our shared distaste for Funk Pops with my boyfriend right now. This is true romance.
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
Seeing the tagline "Spooky, Silly, and Strategic" and PRAYING it's the Luigi's Mansion 2 HD's launch trailer
The New Denpa Men
Got jumpscared by the Denpa Men character and immediately fell in love.
Unironically adore the character design of Denpa Men. I gotta get this thing.
Metal Slug Attack Reloaded
I'd rather play Battle Cats. Sorry guys.
Darkest Dungeon II
I have no words, only polite applause as I wait for the next drop to enthrall me.
Switch Online Expansion Pack
I miss the Four Swords companion manga!!!!! I loved that thing!!!!!!
"AND" says the announcer, followed by a black screen and dead silence, causing me to burst into laughter.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero
*gets yeeted offscreen* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---
I like the eye designs in this! Very fun!
Marvel VS. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
My dreams of learning a fighting game and getting really good at it... they are returning........ I gotta main Peach on Smash Bros...........
Learning about fighting games and the concept of infinites from my boyfriend and feeling myself wither at the realization it's just a matter of reaching your infinite before your opponent in order to win.
Super Mario Party Jamboree
Boyfriend exclaimed in utter glee when this little guy came on screen and I got to hear about how much he likes them!!!!! My man is adorable!!!!!!!
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I gotta get this...... I've never played Mario Party before and I need to main Goomba or Shy Guy.............
Learning about the legacy of Mario Party 4 from Boyfriend and I'm utterly enraptured
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
I finally can play Zelda for the first time since Spirit Tracks!!!! And it'll be for realsies this time!!!!!
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I'm playing this game for Tri oh my word. The gameplay mechanics are amazing but Tri is the number one reason I'm gonna play and fall in love with this game
I love how this game is so much more strategic than straight-up combat focused!!!! We're playing Zelda mode lads!!!!
Putting September 26 on my calendar POST-HASTE
Just Dance 2025
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Lego Horizon Adventures
Lego adaptation of Playstation and Window exclusive video game supremacy!!!!!
I've already played this but I'm so happy it's getting an adaptation for Switch!
Tales of the Shire
I still need to read Tolkien's works so bad ;w;
Not going to play this most likely, but I enjoy the idea of a cozy LotR game regardless!
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection
The Hundred Line - Last Defense Academy
Squinting during the whole trailer while trying to figure out if it's made by the team who made Danganronpa
Romancing SaGa 2: Revenging of the Seven
Boyfriend and I just share a Look because we're bored
Metroid Prime 4 Beyond
Boyfriend and I are weeping and wailing at how this game looks compared to Scarlet and Violet
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
Jeff is one of my favorite characters and I think we should start a post of all our favorite Jeff headcanons. He and Freak get left out in almost every Eddie-centric fic I read, with his "best friend" being either Gareth or Chrissy, and I'm tired of it. Jeff is wonderful. Here's my hc's:
- Jeff and Eddie have been best friends since middle school. They started CC and Hellfire together.
- they went to the Snowball together and rigged the bubble machine to spew bubbles during the slow dance songs. The dance had to end early and Jeff and Eddie never got caught
- Jeff's parents loves Eddie. They used to have sleepovers at each other's place almost every weekend.
- Jeff was the first person Eddie came out to. Jeff tried to be surprised and "that's great, man, thanks for telling me!" But Eddie saw right through that.
- Eddie is afraid of geese and spiders. Jeff thinks this is fucking hilarious.
- post-Vecna, Jeff is the one Eddie reconnects with first. Eddie tells him everything, despite the NDAs and Steve's warnings. Jeff believes him, because he knows there's wacky shit going on in Hawkins, and he's seen Eddie's wounds.
- they have that kind of friendship that nothing can break. Even if they don't see or talk to each other for years, because Life Happens and people lose touch, they'll always have part of themselves carved out for their best friend.
Ok, that's all I got for now, and sorry for the long ask! I just love Jeff so much and he (and Freak, too, because Freak gets ignored because of fatphobia) deserves just as much love and attention as Gareth gets.
What are your Jeff and Eddie headcanons?
I am loving this Jeff love and your headcanons, thank you so much for sending this to me!!! <3
I think with Unnamed Freak things are a bit different bc, yaknow, he doesn't have a name. For me at least that makes me hesitant to write about him so I don't wanna go as far as to say it's all bc he's fat (even though I'm not gonna deny that that probably also plays a part in how popular he is in this fandom urgh). Anyway, yes this fandom certainly does Jeff dirty. I think it's this gross combination of racism and people copying a lot from already existing stories, characterizations and headcanons without much critical thinking of their own (which baffles me, if you're creative enough to write a story please use that creativity for some originality ffs). Anyway, this is gonna turn into a rant again can you tell I'm still annoyed? so let's turn to something more positive now, like my headcanons for our beloved Jeff:
He was the first person in Hawkins (after Wayne obviously) that Eddie got close to. For Jeff it was kinda the same, being a black, nerdy boy in this town had been very isolating for him and Eddie was his first real friend.
Unnamed Freak made their duo into a trio a bit later. All the others in the group (including Gareth) were Eddie's "lost little sheepies" who he sought out to protect. This means that Jeff and Unnamed Freak are the only people who don't borderline worship Eddie but see him (and love him) for who he is including all his flaws. They're also the only ones not afraid to call him out on his bullshit.
Jeff's mom is really cool. Her name is Pauline and she's not like Jeff at all (she was a cheerleader in high school). Despite their differences they love each other a lot. (Jeff's mom is actually heavily featured in one of the fics I wrote so I got her all fleshed out lmao)
He has two little twin sisters. They're friends with Erica, one of them is one of her friends we meet in the mall in s3. He has this typical hate-love relationship with his sisters: they fight a lot, but at the end of the day, he would die for them.
While he can't wait to get out of Hawkins and to a place that'll be more accepting of him, he doesn't want to move too far away from his family.
He's the most loyal friend in the world, 100% a ride-or-die kinda guy
While he does love metal a lot, his guilty pleasure is Tina Turner
Tell me all your Jeff headcanons i wanna hear more about him!
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tokuxsenshi · 1 year
Sentai Body Swap Episodes rank
Okay so I finally done I watched all the body swap episodes. My favorite trope in all media so im an expert so this is the true ranking of them anyone else opinon is WRONG. (Also sorry so bad at words)
King-Ohger Episode 28. Shuffle kings
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this THIS RIGHT HERE is a MASTER PIECE OF BODY SWAP EPISODES full team no voice swaps and FULL of chaos. I love everything about it. I love that Gira Jeremy Hymeno and Kaguragi learned a lesson and Yanma and Rita just want to kill eachother. 100/10 episode ART in its purist form.
2. GOGO V Episode 37. The Beauty is a Saima Beast!?
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I'm honestly very surprised that I loved this episode as much as I do like I don't even remember it from watching Gogo I remember the season being very serious but honestly forgot how funny it could be. I love that this monster didnt even plan to do body swap and him going on the marriage interveiw and acting all weird but the fact he did that in Tsugumi body and the parents didnt react make me think shes just like that normally. Tsugumi is such a girl boss as well true QUEEN. 10/10 episode
3. Magiranger Episode 39. Inverse Brother and Sister and Episode 40. The Gorgon's Garden
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Honestly though this was gonna be my number 1 when I started this episode was one my favorites when I watched Magiranger (despite forgoring its a 2 parter) though RIP to Houka 15 man harem. And Kai sick burning his sister. this some great mid 2000s sentai. though it being a 2 parter kinda un imporant it could been done in one so the episode be counted as 1 and together their a 10/10
4. Gokaiger Episode 27. An Unusual Gokai Change.
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This another one I forgor but its a great episode and choosing Doc an Luca for it was perfect. some great sentai body swap shannies in it with doc running around from guys who think want to attack luka and being scared to hurt her body pure boi. 10/10 love Gokai so much
5. Go-Onger Episode 12. Sosuke Banki!?
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I just love Go on its one my favorite seasons and this episode some the best of how wacky this season is. even with a voice swap I actually genially love this episode. and the fact the monster couldnt even spend 10 mintunes with the team because their just to insane that they couldnt even tell that Sosuke was switched. only one bad thing its set before miu so for no miu I have to give it - 100 points so its a -90/10
6. Abaranger Episode 27. AbaRed is AbareBlue
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Another favorite season and this episode is not a low point honestly love that most of it just Yukito trying to be a dad and failing like dont let this man take care of kids again. like I think the only thing that bring this episode down is the voice swap again. 10/10 episode
7. Lupat Episode 16.Because You're A Friend
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Another BANGER. Choosing Touma to be the body swap for this as AMAZING dont think the comedy could been better with anyone else. and the fact the Patoranger saw the monster in Touma body and basically though he some kind of play boy peek comedy. and the way they trick the monster to switch back really good. 10/10
8.Zenkaiger Episode 32. kai! Sakasama Gets Angry! Is That a Monkey?
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I want to start with that the sub I watched the name the epiosde was freaky friday or is it monkey monday and like THAT WHAT IT SHOULD BE! this episode pretty alright I like Kaito running around Tojitendo Palace and completely failing at pretending to be stacy loud boy in quite boy body peek comedy. also love we get t see Flint do the Twokaizer dance even if its a body swap. 10/10 Episode
9. Dekaranger Episode 19. Fake Blue
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Alright this where my real opinion shine. I LOVE Dekarangr its one my top 10 seasons BUT this episode where it was good... WAS SO BORING compared to what I was watching like I like the epiosde but for what I was making thi slist for its just not that good. 6/10
10. Toqger Episode. 21. The Runaway Bride
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Another season I love but this episode so MEH. like honestly this did not have to have the boys body swap it just seemed really unessary and didnt really effect anything. The Gritta stuff was really sweet though I always felt bad for her in the show she deserved better. 5/10
11. Kyoryuger Episode 37. Revenge! The Ghost Deboth Army
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Honestly this episode so boring I could barely pay attention like this one 100% did NOT need to be a body swap epiosode like did that even effect anything. 4/10
12. Fiveman Episode 36. Super Twin Strategy
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I wont really reveiw this one like I did watch it and its alright but I've never seen Fiveman so I feel like maybe when I do eventually watch it i'll have an actual opinon ?/10
13. Kiramager Episode 19. Partner
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I'll start with saying the Juru and Fire stuff this episode ADORABLE I love that... but I CAN NEVER purely enjoy this episode because MACH IN IT IS FUCKING DIGUSTING. like the fact whoever wrote this thogh that was comedy A SHAME makes sense the same guy who wrote episode 11 of Lupat the worse epiosde of ANY sentai I hate this episode it makes me so uncomfortable even thinkig about it. fuck mach. -1000000000000000000000000000/10
an now here at the end I'll talk about my FAVORITE swap episode and episode in general that I just couldnt rank with this since I dont 100% think it counts but I love it so we talking about it.
Shinkenger Episode 27, Switched Lives
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I LOVE this episode its so funny and crazy. like taking the switch body trope but with furniture is so good. and the fact Genta turned into sushi and was almost eaten actually turned into an epiosde where he couldnt morph because he was to scared is so funny. and also Ryuunosuke the show punching bag of course gotta turn into little piss baby statue since thats what he is. this episode just great like honestly this one I feel like you can watch without even seeing the rest of shinkenger (Though why would you its the BEST SEASON) and the fact its a Chaiki and Kotaha episode just makes it even better. 10000000000000/10
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tomatoswup · 1 year
i had this silly idea i told my friend about what if the Trigun Stampede gang run in to a runaway teen reader and then the reader’s part of the gang. The reader’s in their rebellious phase of course and kinda argues with Wolfwood a lot. Can you write headcanons for this please? (°▽°)
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A/N: i’M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE IT WAS A REALLY HECTIC MONTH😭😭😭😭 honestly, this was really fun to write heheheh,,, i can kinda see reader being a pain in the ass but with good intentions….maybe… But god i can imagine how crazy the stampede crew would be if they had a teen,,, i love it😌☝️☝️☝️ Hope you enjoy!!!(*´∇`*)
warnings/tags: none!
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Well aren't you a little anomaly in the bad deserts!
When you first encounter the gang, it wasn't a very...proud encounter.
To be exact, trying to steal Vash's gun in the middle of a busy bar was a very brave choice knowing that the Humanoid Typhoon was trying to eat spaghetti, and in the flesh!
Bold dare I say but, besides that, you were getting hunted by a group of thugs that had been going through town and uh, you sure did cause a bit of trouble.
And by trouble I mean you stole their car keys and went out for a joy ride.
Yup, crashed that shit rightttt into a boulder.
And of course Vash, who's a bit too kind for his own good at times, wanted to help someone so young to Wolfwood's disbelief. Meryl and Roberto? They've witnessed what he did for Jenora Rock so they kinda expected it.
After that first meeting, you naturally stuck to the wacky group and often times when needed, you tried to help them in exchange for saving your life.
Of course with payment :D It's a hard world for a runaway teen out here!
Don't worry you don't make them pay...sometimes...
Young and free they say hahaha!!...Yeah you had literally no more bullet to spare so time to get workin~
You often had Wolfwood reminisce his times back at the orphanage. He's lived there for so long and he's dealt with kids of many ages, but goddamn did you give this man a mf headache.
Sorry, correction, a migraine.
I damn right knowww he goes through twice the number of cigarette packs when you're around.
"Alright kid, no more grabbing shit or starting fights. Zip your mouth if you're gonna be tagging along-"
"Do you really think I'm gonna listen to a priest?"
"Same thing"
"No it's not!"
You glanced at Meryl for more input.
"...Okay I can see where they're coming from-"
You got Wolfwood this close to Homer Simpson choking you out.
Sometimes Vash can't help but watch the both of you headbutt eachother.
He's the type of person to try and stop the fight and maintain the peace but bestie, when you're against a rebelling teenager anything is possible.
He understands tho bc he's also gone through his little phase, that's how he got his little earring :D
But asides from that, when he tries to stop ya'll you guys just ignore him lmAOOO
They say teens are rebellious while trying to find others who they can relate to or have a connection with and well, although you didn't really have a permanent home anymore like you use to, you slowly found yourself getting fond of this little wacky group.
And at some point while you guys got closer, Wolfwood tended to look after you a little more.
Was it because of his past? Or were you just a kid who needed the right guidance forward?
Either way, he tries his best to give you good advice,,, advice to keep you alive.
A practical guardian you could say,, Or kinda like an uncle?
And you know what, you don't mind it.
"Did your sticky little hands grab another fucking wallet? Seriously?"
'No I did not!" You narrowed your eyes at him "It's a map get it right. I also only steal from the rick-looking men Wolfwood cmon now-"
You ended up getting a bonk on the head from him, which led you to looking at Roberto, who downed another drink.
"What are you looking at me for?"
He really doesn't care lMAAOOO Most unphased man alive.
As long as no one dies!
And maybe after all of this time, even after those two years after what happened to July you guys will reunite again :)
You still a lil' shit tho
"does anyone have gum?"
"I haven't seen you in two years and you're asking me this?"
"...It was just a question..."
-Meryl gets tired one night driving?
-"I'll drive for you!"
-Everyone regrets letting you touch that wheel.
-That poor car looks like if you were shaking a bag of skittles when you drive full speed over those sandy hills.
-You got Meryl thanking to god she put her seatbelt on
-Vash holding onto the back of the driver's seat for his life,, I think his nails left cuts in the seat itself jeez!
-Roberto's holding a hand out against your chest so you don't FLY out of your seat when you guys go airborne.
-And Wolfwood honestly wished the sandworms from earlier had eaten him.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Moment that made me tilt my head in confusion: OC is a mix of five species, gets all of the drawbacks of all of them, gets only one benefit (incredible ability to balance/not lose his balance), spent all his time as friends with the canon character he's now going to be shipped with back in the day encouraging her to give love a chance and setting her up with people, was genuinely happy for her at her wedding, and while he doesn't cause more problems for the cast, he also doesn't really resolve any beyond "give our main lady a love interest and, unlike canon, actually stick to it instead of chickening out". (I was going to note attractiveness but he's pretty solidly a 3 out of 5.)
He still got called a Mary Sue in the comments.
I genuinely don't even know what that term means anymore. I know it's shorthand now for "I'm a Redditchan debate bro who watches YouTubers that talk about how the M-SHE-U has gone woke and gone broke and didn't hate the Little Mermaid or Snow White remakes until instructed to by my parasocial icons". I know it used to be "overpowered, hypercompetent, impossibly good looking, incredibly smart, new powers as the plot demands, never makes mistakes, and people act OOC around them if it'll make them look cool". I know it gets thrown at women a lot because misogyny is a helleva drug.
But I look at this best friend guy who's kind of a mess genetically, trying his best emotionally, and is only gradually getting closer to the lady lead and I'm just lost on how this fits even the Redditchan definition of a Mary Sue. He's just some guy. And yes, obviously the Redditchan definition of Mary Sue extends to any non-male, and thus just some girl/just some woman would get this, but he's male (and cis, which is relevant given transphobia in fandom) and is thus way out of the range who I expect to get hit with the Mary Sue label.
Is it now just a thing people will throw at canon/OC romances regardless of if it fits and regardless of gender and sex? Because that last half of the sentence is very new and strange to me.
People do throw it at canon/OC romances.
They also throw it at self-indulgent character creation, like wacky-colored eyes or too many species, whether or not those things convey advantages in-world.
I assume that's why in this case.
That said, you're missing like 50% of Mary Sues that many people agree count: the Tragedy Sue. It's not just that Mary Sue warps everything with her coolness and badassery: she routinely warps everything by being the most tragic, most put upon, hated the most for no reason, etc.
She still won't have real flaws. People don't hate her for real reasons. They hate her because she's Too Pure For This World. These mega cheesefests usually give you the impression the author can't bear to give their fave any real depth and/or that someone offline just told them to clean their room or be less self-absorbed, and they're stewing about it. Big "You'll be sorry when I'm dead!" energy.
But yes, Mary Sue is mostly just an insult people slap onto any character they dislike these days. I wouldn't look too hard for the logic.
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
Real curious about trigun but I got three questions:
1) what's up with the Christian vibes?
2)the blond guys (plants???) have trans vibes, actual coding or just an accident? (fine either way just curious)
3) what's the plot? Space cowboys?
Anyways Millie is cool, (I once mistook the girl typically next to her for that guy from genshin impact)
1) Christian vibes are why I want to lock myself in a room for a month and emerge with a 3 hour video essay about Trigun very very badly right now.
Trigun spends a lot of time exploring Forgiveness, Mercy, and Redemption, which are famously also the themes of Jesus' wacky adventures in the New Testament.
But. You know how in the old testament there was like a bunch of Divine Wrath and stuff? And it feels really incongruent with the forgiveness in the New Testament sometimes. And also for many centuries Christians have cited God's divine acts of wrath as justification for incredible acts of cruelty against their fellow man? You know how that history of cruelty and punishment is, at this point, just as synonymous with Christianity as the Jesus Forgiveness stuff?
Well Trigun is about how the Jesus Forgiveness stuff is better. Not because Jesus said so but because of the enormous OBSERVABLE positive impact that forgiveness and redemption can have. Positive impact that wrath and retribution rob all parties involved of the chance to witness.
Trigun tells a story which demonstrates this in largely secular situations but underscores both the forgiveness and the wrath with divine imagery. And since both the forgiveness and the wrath are equally visually tied to the divine, symbols of divinity cannot be considered synonymous with perfection, unerring judgement, nor inherent rightness or goodness. Divinity becomes simply a symbol of power, and power is a double-edged sword as well. The power to do good is also the power to cause massive harm, and in many cases people will treat power pessimistically out of an understandable will for self-preservation.
But power is neither inherently good nor bad-- power ultimately reflects the flawed and fallible person weilding it. I could go on but this is really long so I'll stop lol :)
WAIT. Divinity = Power, Angels are the symbol of Divinity, Angels are messengers of God, Communication and connecting with others is emphasized, Communication = Power = Divinity ok I'll stop for real tee hee
2) I don't know if the trans coding was intentional, but HOLY SHIT is it THERE.
Most blatantly, Vash and Knives are Plants, and every other Plant we see is referred to as a woman/has female secondary sex characteristics.
Also Plants visually resemble angels, and it's common belief angels do not have gender like humans do since they are pure and holy beings. I couldn't quickly find a source for that, but I know that Alchemy has some emphasis on hermaphroditism as, like, the holier form. So I guess by that logic you could also say they're intersex but I'm veering off topic.
Thirdly in the 1998 anime they gave the child versions of Vash and Knives long hair that ended up being cut off in ways that symbolized important developments in their identities. Knives example is what I have on hand lol. It just smacks of transgenderism.
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Wacky space cowboy Vash the Stampede roams the space desert planet where humans are barely hanging onto survival using the tech of their spacefaring ancestors! He can shoot with perfect accuracy, and is wanted for DESTROYING AN ENTIRE CITY, but is a staunch pacifist?! How odd!
What's Vash's deal? What happened that made humans unable to go back to space? Why'd they land on this desert planet that sucks to live on? Learn this and much more in TRIGUN!
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teecupangel · 9 months
Hello! first time asker! I've only just recently got back into AC and you're pretty much the only AC blog I've followed so far (after reading your fantastic Eagle of Alamut fic) but the thing that happened to me seems very much something you'd enjoy.
Which is the Altair Jumpscare I got
to preface, I'm an ad blocker extraordinaire and put that on pretty much everything - except my mobile games. But even so, with how much i adblock the ads i DO get are very generic with very generic characters.
A Tap-Away ad that for some inexplicable reason had Altair in it where he waved his arms like a wacky inflatable tube man and was then promptly sucked into the tapaway cube.
I was so caught off guard that i didn't nab a screenshot and I have been trying and failing to get him to show up again after 3 weeks of doing so much more Wordscape than I've ever had before to no avail😭
But it did spawn the idea of Desmond, with a burner/stolen phone, playing a mobile game and getting that Altair Jumpscare like i did which, with some digging by Rebecca because why the hell is he in an ad??? find a breach in Abstergo's database which they can exploit.
Welcome to the fandom! I hope you enjoy your stay (don’t mind the missing exit).
Aaahhh, Wordscape. I used to play you but then you keep interrupting my time with ads so I deleted you… like all the others who dared to give me ads that takes majority of the screen.
Ngl, I would have tried that game because it dared to show Altaïr to me. Then promptly delete it after a few hours XD
Alright, for this one, we’ll set it during AC2. He’s not that close to anybody yet so he sorta kinda stole Lucy’s burner phone while she was looking.
He always had a knack for stealing, probably the only thing that didn’t make William Miles say ‘again’ more than five times.
It only became so much easier when he started reliving Ezio’s memories.
The Bleeding Effect, right?
That’s what Lucy called it.
Regardless, Desmond figured it would be alright to play it anyway. It had a cell service and he always returned it to Lucy’s bag before she notices anyway.
It was during one of his free time (Rebecca said the Animus was acting fussy for some reason), he figured he can play one more level before they tell him to go back in.
The level wasn’t anything new, kinda funny that one of the words was ‘imprison’ and he got a bonus for trying out ‘prim’ (primo was a no go though and it took a moment before Desmond realized it was because it wasn’t English, fuck, was this the Bleeding Effect as well?. Just when he cleared it, the phone let out a loud static sound.
Which was weird because (1) the game’s audio was set to mute and (2) the phone itself was set to full silent with 0 volume on any kind of media.
They all turned to stare at him and he would have apologized, had he not heard someone shout his name coming from the phone.
It was Altaïr.
It could only be Altaïr.
The voice was the same voice he heard back in the Animus.
And he shouting at Desmond, staring at the screen as he slammed one hand against…
The screen?
Golden wisps wrapped around him, dragging him to the darkness behind him as he shouted, “Desmond! Find us! We’re-”
The ‘ad’ disappeared.
And Desmond was now staring at the next level.
He could clearly see one of the words was already filled out for some reason.
“Sorry, Lucy.” He handed the phone to Lucy as he said, “I was just playing ‘cause I was bored.”
Before Lucy could grab it, he pulled it back and pressed it over his chest as he asked, “Did you guys hear Altaïr too?”
“We heard him but, more importantly, Desmond…” Rebecca glanced at Lucy before she said, “None of us should have any phones at all. Abstergo could track us.”
“It’s not mine!” Lucy immediately said, taking a step back as she said, “I don’t know why you think that’s my phone, Desmond.”
“What?” Desmond blinked, “But… I took this from your bag…”
“Shit.” Rebecca’s eyes widened as she realized, “Did… Did Abstergo plant that in your bag, Lucy?”
“What?” Lucy turned to stare at Rebecca.
“That’s not possible. We’re the ones who brought that bag here, remember?” Shaun reminded Rebecca, “And we’re absolutely sure we didn’t put that phone there.”
“Then… who did?” Rebecca frowned as she mumbled.
“We need to get out of here.” Shaun said, “Desmond, turn that phone off and give it to Rebecca. She’ll check it.”
“We don’t have to tell Bill about this.” Shaun said, “That phone could have easily given Abstergo our location. We need to move.”
Lucy’s eyes widened when Desmond gave the phone to Rebecca and she said, “We need to destroy it then. To keep us safe!”
“What? No!” Desmond stepped forward to cover Rebecca.
To cover the phone.
“Altaïr just used it to contact me. We need to know how it was able to do that.”
“It’s a risk but he’s right, that Altaïr could have just as easily been a trap but we need to be sure.” Shaun was already taking down the papers on his corkboard as he said, “Come on, Lucy, let’s pack as quickly as we can. We can contact Bill on the move.”
Desmond frowned.
Lucy looked pale.
Was she afraid that Abstergo already knew their connection.
“Hey.” Desmond placed a hand on her shoulder, feeling her freeze. He smiled at her as he said, “We’ll be fine.”
His smile grew as he said, “I’ll kill any Templar coming our way, okay?”
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