#sorry I just needed to share the brainrot
likedovesinthewindd · 20 hours
the art brainrot goes crazyyyyy rn and all i can think of is a fic of him yearning for reader UGHHHH
he would worship the ground you walk on he would love you with everything in him ugh I NEED HIMMM SO BADDD
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𖹭 ⊹ ˚.
It's late, very and Art is supposed to be asleep by now. He has a big match tomorrow, and he knows he should be resting, but he can't fall asleep. He tossed and turned in the bed as he tried to get comfortable. The luscious hotel bedding was soft but still uncomfortable in a way. It was big bed, too big for just one person, and it felt like the white sheets were swallowing him whole.
He thought about you sharing the bed with him. He thought about the way you'd cozy up to him and burry yourself in his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. He thought about your warmth that would permeate throughout your body and seep into his.
He thought about the smell of your body lotion and your soft breathing that always lulls him to sleep, and his body ached as it longed to feel yours. Because more than anything, he needed you with him right now. He missed everything about you. He wanted to hear you and smell you and feel you and see you and his body ached to feel yours.
Before he can stop himself, he's reaching for his phone and searching for your contact. It rings about four times before you answer, voice half muffled and laced with sleep. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" he asks softly, immediately feeling like a jerk.
He can hear the ruffle of your sheets as you move to sit upright. "I just managed to fall asleep, but it's okay," you say through a yawn, and it makes Art feel worse because he knows you struggle with sleeping. "I'm sorry," he found himself saying again, and he could hear the dismissive sound you make.
"Don't be, I'm glad you called," you said softly, and it's like Art could feel the day's tension leaving his body at the melodic sound of your voice. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine you next to him, your voice speaking to him softly in his ear instead of through his phone's speaker.
"Art?" you ask when the line gets too quiet and he humms. "You okay?" he humms again. "Yeah, I'm fine," he sighed, but you could hear the tiredness in his voice. "How was your day?" he asked as he moved to lay on his back as he stared into the darkness.
You smiled, hand rubbing over the material of your nightie as you spoke. "It was okay," you started, "Just a little boring. I missed you a lot today." Art's heart clenched painfully at your words. "You have no idea how much I miss you," he said softly, "I wish you could've come with me."
"I wish I was there too," you said forlornly, and then the line's silent for a moment, the two of you just listening to the other's breathing. Art's eyes already feel heavy, and he reckons he could easily fall asleep just like this — with his phone pressed tightly to his ear as he listens to your soft breathing. In his mind's eye, he's looking over you as you're sleeping, watching the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest and the way your mouth is slightly parted.
"I can't sleep without you. Need you here with me," he finds himself saying, and you're nodding on the other end before you realize he can't see you. "I had to drink some chamomile because I was tossing al night, basically. I'm so used to having you close to me. The bed's too empty." Your hand rubs over his side of the bed when you say it, and you watch the way your engagement ring sparkles in the faint light shining through the gaps of the curtains.
"How's your shoulder?" you ask, and Art sighs. "It's okay, doesn't hurt as much anymore," he says. "That's good, I'm glad," you said. Your eyes shift to the clock on your nightstand, the green numbers almost taunting. "It's so late, Art, you should probably try getting some sleep. Aren't you playing tomorrow?"
"I am," he said almost reluctantly, mimicking you as he looked over to the dresser, the small digital clock displaying the time in angry red numbers. "Can you tell me about your day?" he asked out of the blue, seemingly ignoring your inquiry. "Art—"
"Please, I just want to hear your voice a little more," he interrupted, and your whole chest restricts painfully at the pitiful tone of his voice. You missed him so much, and contact between you two had been limited because of how busy he was during the day. "Okay," you said softly, moving your body to lie back down deeper underneath the sheets as you started telling him about your day. And he listened as you softly spoke, closing his eyes and imagining you were laying on his chest as your soft body warmed his.
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katyspersonal · 8 months
Mending Runes thoughts
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Okay, me and @val-of-the-north smoked a few Scarlet Rot mushrooms and tried to actually analyze the fact that some Tarnished created mending runes on their own (Goldmask, Fia, Dung Eater). ...Okay, not on their own, with our help, but still.
And it actually does make a bunch of sense; after Scattering, Demigods were expected to fix the Elden Ring but they didn't and that is why Tarnished got called upon. So they should have the capacity to fix the Ring of course (not necessarily will happen, Age of Fracture is still a thing). Moreover, it seems that shards of the Demigods should have the capacity to fix the Ring into a new order too as they are adaptive (Malenia's rune rots, Rykard's rune is snakelike, Mohg's is cursed with blood and Radahn's is burning in resistance). But like.... what I did find weird is that all Tarnished that made a mending rune died?
It could have been coincidental with Dung Eater and Fia taking too much physical strain to survive (apparently Fia dies regardless of what we do with D, he just bashes a corpse thinking she is asleep dfshfhs). But what Goldmask dies from? Too much Insight?? Text seems to reflect that too, as it says the mending rune was 'gestated' for Fia and Dung Eater, but 'discovered' for Goldmask (same in Japanese text ( x ), the symbols go as が宿した (resided/stayed/etc) for Dung Eater and Fia and が見出した (was discovered) for Goldmask). So I thought maybe Corhyn could have murdered Goldmask in his disgust and insanity... But then Val said that Goldmask dies no matter what "so maybe he was already under a lot of strain from thinking too hard whether there is the result or not lol" and like... yeah, what if?? OKAY SO-
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This seems counter-productive if as soon as a potential new Lord discovers something actually substancial for Greater Will, they fucking die? Like they can't be a Lord then. Because they're fucking dead. WHAT IF this "system", by default, implied two people to participate, with one taking the role of either sacrifice or simply helping? Maidens exist to turn the golden runes gathered by their assigned Tarnished into their strenght, which might double as taking the strain off their shoulders. BB has a more boldly stated idea of turning the [level-up currency] into power doubling as a relief, but Souls games tend to reuse the mechanics, so... And ideally, if a Tarnished would come up with a mending rune (through physical strain or being too darn smart), their Maiden would help them to survive this discovery with the 'I will turn your principles and ambitions into your strength' 🤔
Soooo yeah... The big problem with this plan s that no one can have a Maiden anymore. Bernahl's Maiden threw herself into a fire, Vyke's maiden would have if Vyke allowed her to - there is a problem of needing to burn the entrance to the Erdtree! But even that aside, nobody in the Roundtable Hold has a Maiden, and our Tarnished never met their own (it could have been the corpse in the starting room). One way or another the intended bond of Tarnished and Maiden gets sabotaged, but if it didn't... yeah, I think Tarnished were NOT meant to die upon discovering a rune to fix the Ring! Unlike Demigods, they just needed help of the powers Maidens have to handle so much strain but too bad can't have shit in the Lands Between (though I don't trust that Dung Eater is missing his Maiden for a sympathetic or accidental reason)
P.S.: Val also suggested that Alberich would be an ideal Tarnished to discover a mending rune himself, since he had some very coherent ideas and aspirations. It did not happen, maybe everyone who focuses on blood and curses goes insane before they accomplish anything *looks at Mohg* , but yeah I agree that he had the potential
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fastianini · 2 months
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Valentino Rossi & Marc Márquez
all i need—radiohead
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 21 days
happy pride
anyways i hope you're ready for me to not shut up about my favorite straight people
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arkatrine · 11 months
if i don't draw these characters fucking nasty i might die actually
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un-pearable · 2 years
OMG so ive been thinking abt this ever since i saw ur ninjas from different time periods au but the way u incorporated the love triangle there (jay thinking they hate him for starting all of that) has driven me crazy ive been thinking about it for forever this guy gets so scared of them hating him and im like. Shakes u ur brain is so big i hope u know that idk where i was going with this i just that tidbit has wormed its way into my head ever since
yeah!!!! i just. okay so a) it’s already mostly textual given his entire arc in s4 but ALSO b) i have so many issues with how people hc jay to have anxiety and like. cool that’s how anxiety actually works?? misreading the situation and overreacting like jay does is both understandable and INCREDIBLY IN CHARACTER and as much as later seasons/fanon cram him into a very exaggerated portrayal of someone with anxiety this is where i relate to him the most. this is what being social anxious actually does: backfiring. overthinking situations that could be resolved easily if he didn’t take it so personally that it blows up BOTH his biggest relationships. the only difference from the stereotypical portrayal of an anxious person is that jay doesn’t shut down, he just keeps digging himself into a hole, which is a very real way that it manifests. i have done this. it is incredibly easy to do this. we are social machines built to interpret people and it is so so easy to misinterpret or overestimate or just plain fuck it up. jay is literally, textually insecure and the love triangle, as poorly executed as it is, took a sledgehammer to his sense of self and what he thought was a given: that nya liked him and cole was his best friend!!! this is STILL fucking him up when s3 ends - as annoying as the scene where he gets frustrated cole is the one comforting nya after zane’s sacrifice is, i do think it matters that it’s a raw wound. it’s something that stays and bothers him all the way through s4 bc they don’t get the chance to reconcile like they usually would. and that would REALLY suck bc he knows he shouldn’t care this much bc zane is dead. they’re all mourning. he shouldn’t still be so fixated on the drama but he is and he can’t help it. and zane’s dead. it’s just a compounding of the most stressful possible social drama with the most traumatic experience any of them have been through and anyway that’s why i am bullying jay ninjago and yoinking him from his coping via syndicated television phase. also the suit is funny
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beaxmice · 2 years
sorry for the magical girl posting My Demons left the cage again
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Thinking and going feral in places I was deprived of the three of them and you don't know how it make me so silly happy to see them again that I just 😭💥
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jyoongim · 5 months
I have a brainrot to share and maybe it's a request idk but I feel like I have to preface this by saying I swear I have normal non-horny alastor thoughts he's just really taking up so much space in the brain rn.
Anywaaay, can you imagine Alastor with an extremely cautious darling? He wants her soul to keep her tied to him forever but no matter how good his offer is, reader turns him down and Alastor is just like sick of the rejections and the scheming so he's just gonna stoop to some other ungentlemanly methods.
And the night starts off as their normal fuckery in the sheets but Alastor starts denying them their climax and as reader gets more and more desperate Alastor proposes the deal again. Sell him your soul or he's just gonna pull out and go to sleep and he'll never let you finish ever again. and just
i swear i swear im normal i swear im not always like this 😭😭😭
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Themes: rough sex, orgasm denial, alastor being a little shit, dealmaking, hair pulling, pet names, plot if you look hard enough, soul possessing
Title: Deal of a Lifetime
Alastor had always made it known that you were his.
It took you a while to figure it out from the subtle lingering touches to the way he acted. No matter how much time you had spent with the Radio Demon, you were still wary of him.
its not like you could help it through. 
Does were naturally skittish anyway.
And when it came the smiling demon, you had every right to be cautious.
Tonight Alastor made plans for the two of you to go out on a date for dinner.
You finished preening your hair and rushed to the lobby to meet Alastor.
”O-okay I’m ready. Sorry if i took so long” you said nervously as you approached the tall red demon, a blush bleeding into your cheeks as Alastor let out a low whistle as he took your hand and spun you around.
”my my Darling, what a pretty Doe I have” he purred, kissing your hands.
Your nerves were going haywire, fighting your instinct to back away you smiled “so what do you have planned tonight?”
what do you have planned tonight? Alastor grin widened at the thought as he watched you happily look at the menu.
How pretty you were in your black dress. Gloved hands excitedly tapping the menu. A bright look in your eye as you honed in on what might be your dinner.
You even wore the necklace he had gifted you.
Alastor was content with the looks you got as you strolled around with him.
you were his and everyone knew.
But you weren’t his officially.
At least in his way.
For years, Alastor had offered you a deal; Be his. In body, mind, and soul.
He wanted you by his side forever and a deal would solidify that.
But each and every time, you rejected the notion.
”I dont need to make a deal to be yours Alastor” was always your answer.
And quite frankly, he was getting sick of it.
But he was nothing if not resourceful. After all, how else do you capture a Doe?
Make them drop their guard.
The two of you chatted and ate to your hearts content.
When the waiter suggested dessert, Alastor simply declined, stating he had other ideas sending you a wink.
Back at the hotel, Alastor whisked you away to his bedroom.
Once the door was closed, he pounced; lips on yours and claws tearing at your dress.
You were flustered and aroused. Your hands massaged at his undercut as he laid you on your back on the bed.
His lips trailed your neck, sharp teeth nipping at your flesh, causing you to gasp.
He hummed as he kissed your torso, tweaking and sucking at your nipples.
His claws dipped to your pantie, finding them soaked.
He chuckled “such a needy Doe” he tore off your panties to toy with your puffy clit and circle your slit.
You tugged his hair to bring his lips back to yours and moaned in his mouth as a finger dipped into your cunt.
Satisfied with how you began grinding into his hand, he discarded his pants and his heavy cock slapped against your mound.
You panted breathlessly as he teased his cock along your slit. You hooked a leg around his waist and threw your head back as he sunk into you.
Soft thrusts opened you to allow him deeper into the warm canal.
You arched as he steadily picked up his pace.
Your nightly rendezvous with the demon always made you feel exhilarated.
Alastor was very attentive to you. Always knew what made you tick.
He knew your body better than anything, so when he saw those pretty eyes flutter and how you cried out in pleasure, he knew how to handle you.
Your cunt was clinging to him with each thrust he gave you.
The sound of him sinking into your warm depth was music to his ears.
”On your knees dear” he said, patting your thighs.
Happliy, you turned over and lowered yourself into a deep arch, presenting him with your adorable ass and wet cunt.
Alastor admired you.
how submissive you were.
He growled as he lowered his weight on you and guided his cock by to his haven.
You gasped, feeling a hand wrap your hair into a fist, pulling your face up out the pillows “You sound so lovely doe, i wanna hear those tunes of yours”
His thrusts were hard, jolting your body as he rutted into you.
Subconsciously, you tried to meet his thrusts, whining as he hit that spot that has you seeing hearts.
”A-Al-Alastor i-I’m gonna…” you moaned feeling your cunt be wrecked.
Your insides tingled with the telltale signs of your orgasm.
But your sweet release was ripped from you when Alastor slowed his pace.
You tried to wiggle your hips against him, to seek that explosive pleasure.
Alastor was having none of that.
”Not yet darling” 
over and over he teased you right to that delicious edge, just to rip from you.
You were sobbing, ears flat to your skull as your cunt fluttered from your orgasm being denied.
You reached for him, whether for a anchor or a silent plea, you didn’t know.
You whimpered “Alastor please!”
His smile creased his cheeks, feigning a concerned tone “What ever the matter my dear Doe?”
He started thrusting into you, relishing in the soppy squish and how deep he was able to sink into you.
”Please please let me cum. I can’t..I-Ill do anything!”
A harsh thrust made you squeal
You nodded, a moan ripping from your throat as he teased your throbbing clit.
”Then be mine. Submit your entire self to me my sweet doe. I already your sweet body and heart, but give me your soul. Let me own your very essence. Grant me that darling and ill grant you the sweet relief you so desperately crave” 
your insides clenched as he kissed your shoulder, beginning to pound into your soft cunt.
”or i empty myself inside this sweet cunt of your myDoe and you’ll never be granted a taste of my cock every again”
His lips at your ear, “your choice so what do you say Mon Cher?”
his hips grinded his cock into.
”Do we have a deal?”
You cried out, feeling your orgasm teetering “yes! Yes!Yes! YES! Please Alastor! Alastor just let me cum please please”
You felt your ring finger burn as he chuckled deeply
”why of course sweet Doe, cum for me”
A high pitched scream racked the walls as your orgasm clashed into, sending you in a babbling mess.
Alastor rode out your orgasm as he thrusted into you, before emptying himself inside you.
You shook as he wrapped you in his arms, bringing your hand to his lips.
A shiny gold ring adorned your hand.
He pressed a kiss to it and then an affectionate kiss to your forehead.
”Sweet sweet doe, my sweet Doe, all mine” 
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 3 months
Wriothesley — the art of body language
cw: feat neuvillette, references to neuvi's story quest (sorry, i just finished it, loved it very much) other than that nothing rlly, just fluff
an: i cant believe i havent written anything for wrio yet??? thats unacceptable, considering i main him (and jing yuan too, all because ono daisuke voices them... jotaro brainrot goes crazy)
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It had come to Iudex Neuvillette's attention that there is still much he needs to learn about the enigma that are humans. Following his recent revelations as to his role in Fontaine and relationship with its citizens, he thought it'd be nice if he gets to know them better.
It hadn't escaped his knowledge that sometimes, things would fly over his head. Things said in jest, he ends up taking seriously before realizing at a later time that it was in good humor.
Sometimes, he doesn't realize that his silence had ended up causing the other party feel awkward, and even then, he doesn't know what to do or talk about when they do.
And so, he started by studying the little things. Their expressions, their body language—It had first came up in a conversation with the head nurse of the Fortress of Meropide, Sigewinne.
During one of her rare vacations where she visits the overworld and checks on the Chief Justice in worry that he may be overworking himself again.
Sigewinne talks about the things she has learned from observing the expressions from the workers in the Fortress, and with her observant gaze, she notices just how interested the Chief Justice seems even if from an outsider's point of view, he just looks like he's sporting the same, neutral expression.
At that, Sigewinne brought it upon herself to share the things that she has learned, but he can see the slight furrow on Neuvillette's brow, his fingers on his chin, deep in thought as he tries to picture out the expressions that she's describing.
Thinking to herself, the head nurse thinks of someone that she can describe well enough but also someone that Neuvillette knows fairly well to help him picture out what she's saying—and one person easily comes to mind.
"Take His Grace, for example." Sigewinne mentions, and the Iudex looks up with his eyes widening the slightest bit.
"Wriothesley?" He echoes.
"Yeah!" The melusine chirps happily, smiling widely at Neuvillette.
"If you show him that one human you always send from the Gardes, you can notice a few things from his body language that you wouldn't notice if you're not looking closely."
Which leads to the mentioned Duke now sitting in Neuvillette's office in Palais Mermonia, a tea cup in hand. After all, if Neuvillette were to learn, it'd be better if he sees it for himself, no?
Wriothesley was in the middle of his sentence when a knock reverberates in the room, coming from the door to the entrance to the office. Still holding onto his teacup, the Duke glances at the door, before looking back at the man before him, not surprised by the knock at the very least, as if he had been expecting it.
"Monsieur," Wriothesley spoke in his usual polite tone towards the Chief Justice, "Are we expecting someone else?"
His icy gaze are calculating as they meet Neuvillette's gaze, the Iudex shaking his head, sighing as he looks back to meet the man's calculating gaze.
"Pardon me, it's just some business. It'll be quick." Neuvillette apologizes politely, to which Wriothesley nods and shrugs, taking a sip from his tea cup. Taking that as his 'go ahead' signal, the judge turns his head to his office door and spoke.
"Please, come in."
Neuvillette was quick to glance at Wriothesley from the corner of his eyes as the door opens. And as you came into view, he notices the way the Duke's eyes widened slightly in surprise, quietly choking on his tea but managing to gather himself again in a split second.
"Chief Justice." You spoke in a formal, polite tone, eyes glued to the man who nods in return, before you eventually noticed the other person in the room.
Again, Neuvillette observes Wriothesley.
"Your Grace," You also greet the Chief Justice's guest politely.
True to Sigewinne's words, The Lord Incognito sat with his back a little straighter, his chest puffing out as he oh so gently puts his tea cup down on its saucer, his voice laced with a tad bit of warmth as he spoke your name in greeting.
"Is it a bad time?" You asked, eyes glancing over the tea cups laid on the table between the two men, "I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting."
But before Neuvillette could reassure you that you weren't at fault, and that it was all his for having called for you, Wriothesley was quick to respond.
"Nonsense," Wriothesley didn't even hesitate to reassure you that he doesn't mind, a small genuine smile gracing his lips. "We're just sharing some words over tea, would you like a cup?"
"Thank you, Your Grace. But I couldn't possibly." You respond as you take steps closer, closing the door behind you as you fully enter the office.
"I insist." Wriothesley hums, already reaching out for a third tea cup that has been conveniently brought out by Neuvillette despite the fact that there were only two of them.
You raise your hand, about to protest but was cut off by the Chief Justice, your boss himself.
"You're no strangers to each other, please do share a cup," Neuvillette spoke as he looked at you with a nod before standing up from his seat. "Excuse me while I look for the file that our latest convict needs—I seem to have mixed it with other files."
An obvious lie. The Chief Justice is a neat person, everything has a place and everything is in their rightful place, but neither of them questioned it as Neuvillette offers his seat to you before moving over towards his desk where the paperworks to process the latest criminal lay.
He took this opportunity to study the scene before him, as he pretends to shuffle papers here and there.
Diluted pupils. Eye contact. Mirroring your actions. A smile never leaving his face. Leaning on the table. And.... uh huh. That's the third time Wriothesley tried to fix his hair in the past five minutes.
Neuvillette blinks as he observes the way the Duke handles himself around your presence, and he is sure that if Wriothesley had a tail, it'd be wagging happily right about now.
Eventually, the Iudex returned to rejoin your small party. A small smile was plastered on both your and the Duke's faces as you engaged in your own little world, both pairs of eyes landing on him as he penetrated your little bubble.
"I've found it," He spoke in his usual neutral tone, and you gave him a nod.
The ever gentleman that he is, Neuvillette thought nothing of it as his hands moved with sophisticated grace, pulling your chair out for you and offering you his hand to help you stand. He was just being polite. And being used to his actions, you didn't hesitate to take his hand as you stood. But...
Neuvillete can't help but notice Wriothesley's gaze fixated on your hand in his grasp, the smile on his face gone, just his pale, icy gaze staring a hole into the Chief Justice's fingers around your hand.
Tense. On guard. Almost reminiscent of a guard dog meeting a stranger and gauging whether they are a threat or not.
The man let go of your hand to give you the paperwork you had come for, giving you another nod, your gazes now locked with each other's.
"Here you go,"
"Thank you, Monseiur."
You receive the files, opening your mouth to bid your farewell to both men in the room when the sound of the chair sliding against the floor sounded, and both your attention snapped towards Wriothesley who was letting out a loud sigh.
"Ah, would you look at the time?" Wriothesley suddenly announces loudly, as if making sure both of their attentions are on him. "It's getting late."
Neuvillette's head subtly tilts to the side in curiosity at Wriothesley's sudden actions. Trying to figure out what has the man so tense, quietly thinking to himself.
Is this what they call envy? No, envy isn't precisely the correct term...
Ah. Jealousy. That's the term.
"I should get going. Thank you for this afternoon, Monsieur Neuvillette." The Duke spoke, approaching the both of you, snapping the said man out of his thoughts, who turned to face him.
"The pleasure was all mine. I'm grateful for your time as well," The Chief Justice responds,
"I'll be on my way as well," You spoke your farewells to your boss, and Neuvillette watched as Wriothesley turned to face you this time, speaking your name in a soft tone.
"You'll be escorting an inmate to the Fortress, no?" Wriothesley spoke with a slight hint of amusement in his voice, his eyes on you as you nodded to confirm his questions.
"I am, but I'd have to pick them up first." You respond as you turn to walk towards the exit, Wriothesley hot on your heels like a puppy happily following its owner
"I'll go with you, then."
"That might not be a good idea, Your Grace. They might get intimidated."
"Well, they'll just have to deal with it, won't they? They'll be seeing more of me in Fortress of Meropide; they should get used to it."
Neuvillette watched your exchange, the Duke opening the door for you, closing it behind him, and your voices became muffled. The Hydro Sovereign stands in place, placing a hand on his chin as he thinks.
"And what kind of emotion does Wriothesley portray when around them?" Neuvillette had asked Sigewinne after she happily detailed every minuscule movement that Wriothesley does consciously and unconsciously in your presence.
"That is what humans refer to as romantic love." Sigewinne beams up happily at him, and he nods, making sure to make an internal note of that.
"So that was love." Neuvillette nods to himself, eyes still glued to the door where you and Wriothesley exited. Funnily enough, Wriothesley wasn't the only one he ended up observing.
From his observations, he can quickly tell that you had the same body language as the Duke throughout your entire conversation, a stark contrast to your more rigid and mechanical body language when speaking to him.
That day, oh so casually, the Chief Justice confirmed and gave his judgment on both of you based on the observed facts.
"They're in love with each other." Neuvillette concluded.
"And neither of them know."
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mncxbe · 4 months
Sucking duos off...? Like... Sucking Soukoku off at once and Sucking off suegiku at once ..? If you do this, please include suegiku^^ (starving for Tecchou X Jouno X reader) FIC or HC your choice!
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nonnie😳 i really love your idea omg. it'd really be something considering the dynamics between them hihi hope you like it♡
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑𝒄𝒘: brainrot, nsfw, oral, little bit of degrading, praise, pet names, manhandling and size kink if you squint, hair pulling, established relationship (in dazai's and chuuya's part), sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes i didn't have much time to proofread it♡
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 & 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒖𝒚𝒂
Dazai doesn't like to share, he needs your undivided attention at all times. That's why the position he was currently in pissed him off so much– he was laying on the couch next to Chuuya with you on your knees in front of them, pretty hands wrapped around their leaking cocks, slowly moving up and down. But your mouth... you've been neglecting him for minutes now, choosing to suck off the redhead instead of him and he just couldn't stand this injustice any longer.
"Bella it's not fair" he cooed, his fingers tugging at your roots in a desperate attempt to pry your mouth off Chuuya's dick "Suck me off too."
"Fuck off, Dazai. Let her do her thing and wait for your turn" snapped Chuuya, shoving Dazai's hand away from your hair and pushing your head lower on his cock. You gagged when his tip hit the back of your throat but did your best to relax your muscles, slowly managing to take him to his base. "God pretty– you're so good for us. Look how well you take my dick down your throat" Chuuya's free hand moved to the nape of your neck, stroking it gently, a silent praise that made you whimper around his length.
All the while Dazai's frown deepened. You were so focused on Chuuya that you had completely forgotten to jerk him off. Wrapping one of his large hands above yours, the brunette guided your hand up and down his cock. Despite your fucked out mind you managed to pull yourself together and tighten the grip on Dazai's dick while hollowing your cheeks, earning a choked moan from Chuuya. "Shit– baby slow down can't cum yet." he mumbled, letting go of your head and resting his hand on your shoulder as his face scrunched up in pleasure. That was all Dazai needed to hear. With a quick motion he grabbed a hold of your hair and dragged you off Chuuya's cock, bringing your face closer to his erection.
"The fuck you doing" huffed Chuuya, but Dazai paid no mind to him, ordering you to open your mouth for him. And you did, of course you did– only the sight of his throbbing erection was enough to make you melt like butter. The brunette let out a satisfied hum when you licked a stripe from the base of his cock to his tip before taking him down your throat, tongue swirling around his length. "Hah- see Chuuya. She wanted my dick too, she loves it. Who do you think you are to deny her that?" he chuckled, and when you peered up from between his legs you could see the shit eating grin etched on his features.
"Yea... whatever you say, dipshit" grumbled Chuuya but he couldn't deny that seeing you sucking Dazai off did things to him. His cock, still glistening with your saliva and his precum, was throbbing frantically. He was close, but he'd be damned if he was going to cum untouched– Dazai would tease him about it for weeks so he gave his cock a few strokes, bucking his hips into his hand. But Dazai was Dazai and it didn't take him long to realize what his partner was doing. Naturally, he couldn't waste such a precious opportunity to taunt him so he flexed his fingers, combing them through your hair to brush the strands from the side of your face, giving Chuuya full view of what you were doing.
"My, my, Nakahara, you like this? Like seeing our pretty girl taking my dick down her pretty throat?" laughed Dazai, stroking your cheek
"Shut up you–" huffed Chuuya, his eyes glued to your plump lips, wrapped so sweetly around Dazai's dick. You were sucking him off so eagerly and god you looked so beautiful with those tears brimming at your lashline. He ached for you, needed you so desperately in this moment that he didn't even realize how much pre his cock was leaking.
"Wanna see me cum in her mouth? Or should I cum on her face? You name it, Chuuya." said Dazai in a silken voice, pulling your head off his dick for a brief moment. Your mouth fell into an o as you struggled to catch your breath, your chest heaving and lashes fluttering in attempt to get rid of the little tears at the corner of your eyes. When your eyes met his, Chuuya lets out a loud, choked moan, spilling his cum in his hand and you quickly crawled closer to him, taking his fingers into your mouth to lick them clean. "Look at you, bella, never letting a drop of our cum go to waste" chuckled Dazai, watching you lap up Chuuya's milky cum as he began stroking his cock with more force. "Better get ready to swallow mine too."
You put on a good show for the two men, slowly licking the sticky liquid from Chuuya's hand, sucking on his fingers without breaking the intense eye contact with Dazai. It wasn't too long until he grabbed the back of your head again and pulled you towards him. "Fuck... open up beautiful" he instructed and you obeyed, allowing him to shove his aching cock in your mouth and cum down your throat.
When he pulled away, Dazai quickly brushed off the string of cum that connected your lips to his tip and smiled, running his thumb along your bottom lip. "Well, Chuuya, I think it's time we return the favour. What d'you say?"
"I couldn't agree more"
𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒖 & 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒐
Jouno and Tecchou knew that you had a massive crush on them, but neither of them made a move. It would've been unethical, considering that you were colleagues and all but when you came to them with such a tempting proposal after a particularly dangerous mission, their resolve broke.
"So... you're saying you want to suck both of us off?" asked Tecchou, raising a brow as he watched you fumble with the buttons of your uniform shirt. "Yup, exactly". "But why?"
"Because, Hiro, I almost died today. And it reminded me just how dangerous our job can be. I don't wanna die before experiencing this with you" . You said all that so casually while undoing Tecchou's belt and lowering his uniform pants and briefs mid-thigh, freeing his half-hard cock. "Besides" you continued, giving his length a few good strokes "You're both pent up and tired. And you deserve this–"
Jouno, who up to that point stood on the side and observed the interaction between you and Tecchou, got off the table he was perched up on. "Don't make this about us, Y/N" he scoffed, grabbing your chin and tilting your head up "We all know this is just about you wanting to get some good dick. So get to it". Jouno brought your face level to Tecchou's erection and you peered up at the man, waiting for some sort of consent.
"Don't force her, Jouno" said Tecchou in his usual levelled voice, his eyes never leaving yours. "It's ok, Y/N, you can take it easy." You lolled out your tongue, giving his tip a quick lick before letting a blob of spit fall on it and spreading it along his length with steady hands.
"Yea..." retorted Jouno "She sure doesn't know what she's doing" Before you got the chance to take Tecchou into your mouth Jouno pulled down his briefs and guided your mouth to his cock. You whined when his tip hit the back of throat, triggering your gag reflex, but Jouno hushed you, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb on the side of your jaw. He could feel your sharp, ragged breath tickling the sensitive skin of his pelvis as he rocked his hips forward, pushing himself deeper into your mouth. "See, Tecchou, slutty girls like her like to be roughed up a bit, just enough to remind them who's in charge"
"You're hurting her, Jouno" protested the brunette but you quickly shook your head and hummed a nuh-uh, signaling Tecchou that you were okay. You could take it. Slowly, you reached out a hand, wrapped it around Tecchou's cock and started pumping him at a steady pace. He hissed, shifting closer to make it easier for you to jerk him off– all the while Jouno continued his deep thrusts. He was bruising the back of your throat, making you choke on that slick mixture of your saliva and his precum that flooded your mouth but the man didn't spare you a moment to catch your breath. "Shhh" he cooed, gathering your hair in a pony tail above your head "Just a little more baby I know you can take it."
Tecchou mused on you with pleading eyes. Your hand was so much softer and smaller compared to his calloused one and it made him feel so, so good. It was cute, really, and watching the way you were struggling to suck Jouno off was making the knot in the pit of his stomach tighten. Jouno noticed the changes in his colleague's demeanor and pulled out of your mouth, leaving you gasping for hair.
"Come here, Tecchou. Face me" he instructed and the brunette obliged, confusion and excitement etched on his pretty features. Jouno guided you between them and smiled down at you, giving the crown of your head gentle strokes "You, my dear, are going to take us both ok?"
"I uh... I don't think this is gonna work" you stammered and Jouno to clicked his tongue in annoyance "We'll make it work. Now open up and take deep breaths. If it hurts pat my leg, ok?" You gave him a hesitant nod before parting your lips and allowing them to slip their dicks inside your mouth. It was a tight fit and Tecchou shuddered when he felt the friction from Jouno's cock. "G-god this is– too much" he sighed, experimentally rocking his hips into your mouth. Jouno resumed his movements too, matching his colleague's pace. Opening your mouth so wide was straining your jaw, their tips poking at the inside of your cheeks, making it impossible for you to hollow them out. Sensing your agitation, Jouno hushed you again, babbling out a few praises. "You're doing well for us, baby. Told you we could make it work. There you go... nice and slow" he sighed, picking up the pace. His mind was clouded with lust– your mouth was so warm, the insides of your cheeks so soft and the obscene slurping sounds you were making only added to the fuel. He could only imagine how beautiful you looked in that moment.
"H-hey Tecchou" he huffed out, grabbing your hair and tilting your head up so the brunette could take a better look at your features. "Tell me what she looks like. Describe her to me."
Tecchou swallowed the lump in his throat before speaking in a soft voice "Uh she looks so pretty. Her eyes and lips are all glossy and fuck– she's drooling t-too". His voice cracked when Jouno suddenly came into your mouth and your eyes shot open, a mewl slipping past your lips. The white haired man pulled out of your mouth, granting Tecchou more space. "Keep going" he urged "Tell me how she feels"
"So, so good now" stammered the brunette, his lashes fluttering shut. Your mouth felt so much warmer now and he watched the creamy ring forming at the base of his cock with keen eyes. The white liquid seeped at the corners of your mouth but you managed to gather it with your tongue. When you started hollowing your cheeks again Tecchou was done for "She's sucking me in so much I– god I'm cumming 'm cumming" His hips stuttered, the tip of your nose bumping against his pelvis as he came into your mouth, flooding it with his cum.
"Shit–" he sighed weakly, caressing your face "I came so much, baby. Are you gonna swallow for us?" You nodded eagerly, parting your lips to showcase your now clean mouth, earning a content hum from Tecchou.
Jouno smiled, tucking himself in before helping you up to your feet and leaning closer to whisper in your ear "Let's do this again soon, shall we? I'm curious to see just how far you're willing to go for us, sweetheart."
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beepboopkek · 5 months
need jing yuan to lay on top of me... i bet he'd be hesitant at first, not wanting to crush you (literally) but after a while he'd start to doze off and fully relax. he's so huge,, i might not be able to breathe after all but its so wort it!!
“You want me to do what?”
Your boyfriend blinked owlishly at you, almost as if you'd spoken a language he didn't understand.
“I want you to lay on top of me.”
“I'll crush you—”
“—and that is exactly what I want. Please.”
You gave him your best pleading face until he sighed and grabbed your hand, leading you towards the bed, both of you were already in your home clothes so you didn't have to worry about his armour.
“The things I do for you…”
You jumped up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before jumping onto and splaying yourself in the center of the bed, looking like a starfish.
You wiggled your fingers as you smiled up at him,
“Come onnn, I know you want to!”
Jing Yuan eyed the bed hesitantly.
“Do I just—” He paused before gesturing at your body
“plop down on you?”
“Do whatever you want Jing Yuan, just lay on top of me.” – You emphasized with great need.
Jing Yuan shook his head and slowly crawled up the bed, both his arms caging you in as his hair fell down his shoulders.
“You know,” He began with a cheeky look and you already knew where this was going.
“Jing Yuan.” You hissed back at him before he could complete his sentence.
Before you could scold him again, the air out of your lungs was pushed out entirely as you felt the heavy weight of your boyfriend drop down on you. Panicked by the sound of the loud gasp you let out, he immediately lifted some of his weight before grabbing you.
“Sorry, sorry, was that too much?”
You smiled back at him giddily,
“Do it again!” 
Jing Yuan sighed in relief but told you a firm “No” before speaking again.
“I'm only going to let down some of my weight, we'll stop after you've had your share of whatever this is.”
And with that, the general lowered his body onto yours once again but, this time he was holding himself up slightly.
You only giggled in response and wrapped your arms around his soft head, gently petting the white hair.
“Relax, Yu.”
Jing Yuan only groaned in response, his head buried into the soft material on your chest. His voice was muffled as he spoke.
“I am relaxing.”
“You're not, drop your whole weight on me.”
Jing Yuan only nuzzled his face further into your chest and made a noise of disagreement.
He was enjoying this, you could tell.
“This was a good idea.”
Jing Yuan drawled out.
There was a soft silence after, the only sounds in the room were your hands petting your boyfriend's hair and his soft breathing.
Slowly but surely, you felt more and more of Jing Yuan’s weight drop back down on you, the “dozing” general finally dozing off.
You chose his afternoon nap time for a reason, there's no way he'd be able to resist his sleep cradled this close to you.
It had barely been five minutes into the silence that had fallen over the room when you heard his soft snores.
You smiled fondly before closing your own eyes, your breath coming out in short intervals.
You'll sacrifice being able to properly breathe for now— Hell, you'd sacrifice anything to have him agree to do this more often.
530 notes · View notes
inthe-dark-tonight · 6 months
what she wants, anywhere
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frankie morales x f!reader
summary: trying to hide the fact that you're horny from frankie while on an international flight leads to unexpectedly joining the mile high club
word count: 4.4k
warnings: E (18+ mdni!!!) dubcon, smut, porn w very little plot, pet names, established relationship, unsafe p in v, airplane sex, slight breeding kink (special just for cami hehe) creampie, reader uses frankie's hand to try and get off, no mention of age gap so read how you’d like :)
notes: this idea has been in my head for a few months but I never really knew how i wanted to write it, then an unreleased harry styles song came on shuffle (complicated freak - iykyk) and that just kinda fed the brainrot even more and…. now here we are. i'm also very aware that this is pretty unrealistic but it's fic so!! also let's pretend that airplane bathrooms aren't super gross i'm sorry. thank you to the loml @javiscigarette for always beta reading and listening to my insane rambling, i don’t know what i would do without you and our single shared braincell ILYSM xo
i also hit a new follower milestone this past week so i just want to say an extra big thank you to everyone that reads, likes, comments, reblogs or follows 🤍 enjoy!! :)
You and Frankie have had this trip planned for almost 6 months now, the two of you needing a vacation from work and day to day life. Now the only thing standing between the two of you and a week long vacation in Italy is an eight and a half hour flight. 
From the second you got to the airport you were on edge, worried about your bags, your tickets, your passports, if you had forgotten anything in your carry on, up until you got to security when you finally calmed down. When you got up to the belt, Frankie grabbed a few plastic bins throwing both of your carry ons into one as you removed your jacket and shoes. As you stuffed everything into your bin, you glanced over at him, watching him intently as he started to take his jacket off. 
You watched the way his biceps flexed as he slipped his jacket off of his broad shoulders and tossed it into the bin. Next he removed his hat, running his calloused fingers through his tousled curls, pushing them back before preparing to remove his belt. At that point you were noticeably gawking at him, watching the way his thick fingers unfastened his belt buckle before rapidly pulling it out the belt loops of his jeans and tossing it into the bin as well.
He looked over at you, giving you a quick once over before asking, “That everything?”
You weren’t able to conjure up any words, just a quick mhm and a nod of your head as you two moved forward. When he stepped into the metal detector, your eyes were glued to him the whole time. As he lifted his hands above his head, his shirt lifted the slightest bit, causing a small sliver of his soft tummy to peek out. A warmth started to build deep in your core from that moment forward. 
Once the two of you were through security, he slipped his belt back on followed by his jacket. You swiped his hat before he could grab it, quickly stuffing it into your carry on. 
He laughed, head tilting to the side as the dimple on his cheek deepened. “C’mon” he shot you a look. “Give it.” He held his large hand out towards you. 
“We’re inside now, don’t need it.” You smiled at him sweetly, a warmth blooming in your chest as his eyes met yours. 
He grunted, grabbing your bags with a small smile still plastered on his face before turning to walk towards your gate. Your eyes are glued to him as you walk, keeping a few steps behind him. 
By the time you finally sit down at your gate, the heat in your lower stomach has grown even more and Frankie is painfully unaware of the way you’re watching him, desire growing each second. The terminal was crowded and there weren’t many seats, so you sat across from him a bit upset at the distance while also enjoying the view of your man.
You sit across from him with a book in your hand, legs crossed as you peeked up over the top of your book every now and then to admire him. He was leaning back in the chair, one arm on the armrest and the other casually resting between his legs, right where you want him most. His legs were spread wide, hair perfectly tousled, one leg bouncing from nerves and brows furrowed as he focused on something on his phone. How could you possibly not stare? 
He caught you once, eyes lingering on him a little too long, causing heat to rise from for chest up to your cheeks. Your eyes roamed up his body, checking him out, before locking with his own as he shifted in his seat. 
Hm? He raised his brows, a smirk growing on his face. 
You quickly shook your head, looking back down at your book as a shy smile formed on your face. 
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Boarding the plane went by quickly. You stood close to him as you waited for your group to be called and he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. The comforting feeling of his warm body pressed against yours worked you up even more, if that was even possible, and Frankie held your hand the whole time during take off.  
Now you're seated on the plane, his thigh resting against yours, fighting the urge to keep your hands off of him and satisfy the throbbing need in your core. He’s surely noticed the way you’ve been squirming in your seat, crossing and uncrossing your legs a million times and the not so subtle staring. 
You turn on the screen in front of you, switching to the live map and checking the time on the screen. It’s only been 45 minutes, this is going to be impossible. You clear your throat and let out a deep sigh as you look out the window at the dark sky, only a small peek of blue light shining over the horizon now. 
“What’s wrong?” Frankie’s soft voice in your ear startles you slightly as you turn to see him leaning in close to you. “You nervous?” He moves his hand to rest on your thigh. 
You swallow before answering. “No.” You blurt out causing him to raise his brow in curiosity. “I mean, it’s not that.” Your eyes land on his lips after the last word leaves your mouth. 
“Then what is it?” He rubs your thigh lightly and you bite the inside of your cheek. 
He sounds concerned, but there’s no way you’re telling him that you’re horny with 7 hours left of this flight. All you can do is hope that as the time passes  the ache in your core dulls, or better yet goes away. 
“Just-“ you try to think of an excuse on the spot. “Excited actually.” You smile up at him and he returns it, the dimple on his cheek growing. 
“We’ll be there soon baby, the flight will be over before you know it.” He lifts his hand from your thigh and rests it on your cheek, rubbing your soft skin with his thumb before pecking your lips. 
You nod in agreement, closing your eyes as you toss your head back and lean into your seat. If he only knew.
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You’ve been looking out the window for who knows how long, the lights in the cabin are low, almost completely off now, and the flight attendants haven’t walked up the aisles in almost half an hour. You look at the time on your phone again, only two hours in, how is that possible? The ache in your core hasn’t subsided.  
You look over at Frankie watching a movie on the screen in front of him, Top Gun, before reaching for your carry-on bag under the seat in front of you. You grab the sweater you stuffed into it and throw it across your lap. 
“Cold?” Frankie’s voice is soft yet gravely as he leans in close to you, whispering for just the two of you to hear. 
You look at him, eyes slightly widening. “Yeah.” You aren’t lying, the cabin is chilly, but that’s only half of the truth. 
His tongue darts out to wet his lips as he takes in your features in the low light. You scoot closer to him, leaning into his side as you get comfortable. Frankie smiles and plants a kiss on your temple before turning his attention back to the screen in front of him. You lay your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his bicep as you watch the movie with him. 
It’s not long before you’re distracted again, letting go of your grip on his arm and laying back in your seat. Your eyes linger on the way his pants hug his thighs. He’s not wearing his jacket anymore, the way he’s sitting with his arms crossed give you a  full view of his strong forearms and biceps.
You’re not sure how much longer you can ignore the heat pooling in your stomach. You decide to test something and reach your right hand over to rub the side of his thigh, resting there for a moment. He doesn’t move, eyes still on the screen, and you take that as a sign to keep going. You slowly inch closer towards where his cock is confined in his pants, resting your hand on the inside of his thigh and keeping it there for a few moments. He doesn’t react, but you hear his breathing picking up. 
As you start to rub small circles on the inside of his thigh and inch ever so slightly closer to where his member is hidden, he grabs your wrist. 
“What are you doing?” He whispers. 
His large hand is still wrapped around your wrist as you lean in, resting your chin on his shoulder as you look up at him. “Nothing.” That’s a lie, and he knows it.
“Querida...” His eyes burn through you as he stares back at you. He knows. 
You clear your throat and tilt your head up to whisper in his ear. “I’ve been worked up since we went through security.”  
“Hm.” He nods his head, the deep vibration causes goosebumps to raise on your skin.
You pull back and he looks into your eyes again. His hand finds yours on your lap, warm as it wraps around yours and squeezes lightly. 
“Once we land and get to the hotel, promise.” He raises his hand to rest on your cheek and plants a feather light kiss on your lips. 
You let out a small sigh as his hand moves from yours to rest on his lap and you turn to look out the window, trying to distract yourself from the pool of heat that burns in the pit of your stomach.
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You’re not sure how much time has passed now, when you look over at Frankie his eyes are shut, mouth slightly parted as you admire his features. A small smile forms in your face as your eyes roam over him, landing on his hand still resting on his lap. 
At that exact moment, an idea comes to your mind. Something that could possibly give you a small amount of relief. For now. It’s not your best idea, but it could work. 
You look back up at his face as you reach over to rest your hand over his, he doesn’t open his eyes. You stay still for a moment, making sure you won’t wake him from the movement. When you think the time is right, you lift his hand, quickly resting it on your lap. Your eyes land on where his hand now lays over your sweater on your lap, so close to the dull thrumming at your core. You bite your lip and look back over to be sure he hasn’t woken up, you smile at the way his soft lashes rest on the tops of his cheeks as he rests, a warmth spreading through your chest. 
You keep your eyes on him as you slowly move his hand underneath where your sweater lays to rest on your inner thigh. His warm hand burns straight through the fabric of your pants, causing your skin to heat up from the touch, and your stomach to churn. He still hasn’t opened his eyes, so you take that as a safe sign to keep going, slowly moving his hand up your thigh until it rests over your clothed heat. 
A low whimper escapes your throat and your eyes widen at the realization, looking back over at where Frankie lays with his eyes shut. You watch him take a deep breath, letting out a sigh as he shifts slightly in his seat, head rolling slightly to the side as he stirs. You stay still for a few seconds, making sure he hasn’t woken from your movements. 
You look away from him, back to where his hand is touching you under your sweater, and you begin to press the heel of his hand into your clothed cunt. You let out a long, relieved breath from your nose and your eyes fall shut. The pressure of his large warm hand resting over your sensitive nub is just enough to give you some of the relief you were looking for, but it’s not enough. 
You take a deep breath before grinding yourself against the palm of his hand in a slow rocking motion that causes the seam of your pants to rub over your clit. Trying your best to be quiet, you bite into your cheek as your hips buck forward. A low groan escapes your throat and you let out a shaky breath. 
You're lost in the moment, relishing in the feeling of his large, warm hand resting over your clothed sex as you grind into it. Suddenly you feel him move and your heart leaps into your throat. His arm tenses up, hand grabbing at your clothed cunt as he applies more pressure than before. Your eyes fly open wide and you turn to look into his own. Heavy lidded as a small smirk forms on his face in the dim lighting, he leans in closer to you. 
“Bathroom at the back of the plane. I’ll be there in five.” He says slowly, just above a whisper. 
You blink, mouth agape as his words sink in. “W-what?” You watch the way his chest rapidly rises and falls as you wait for his response. 
“Now.” He presses harder into your clothed core before pulling his hand away.
You let out a gasp, reaching for your seat buckle as fast as you can before standing up. As you squeeze past him and make your way into the aisle, you take a quick glance around to look for the flight attendants. They're nowhere to be found, and as you walk towards the back of the plane you notice that almost everyone on the plane is asleep, has their nose in a book or eyes glued to something on the screen in front of them. You try not to walk too quickly as you make your way towards the back of the plane where the vacancy sign is glowing brightly. 
Your heart is racing and you feel giddy as you approach the door, pulling it open and stepping inside before closing it behind you. As you wait in the small stall for Frankie, you stand there for a moment with your back against the door, eyes falling shut as you take a deep breath in anticipation for what may happen next. Then you hear a light knocking on the door, causing you to flinch as you reach to pull the door open. 
Without giving you a second to think, Frankie pushes the door open causing you to step back, closing the door behind him and locking it before guiding you towards the sink. It's a tight fit with the two of you in there but right now you could care less. He presses close to you, causing your lower back to press into the small plastic sink as his hand flies down to grab you where you're wet and aching for him, the other grabbing your wrist. 
He leans in, nose grazing your cheek before speaking low in your ear. “This what you wanted?” His voice sends a shock straight to your core as he applies more pressure where he's caressing your clothed core, causing a moan to slip from your mouth.
“Frankie,” you say breathlessly. 
“Shhh.” his hand leaves your wrist to lightly cover your mouth. “Gotta be quiet for me baby, don’t want anyone to catch us committing a fucking felony now do we?” A small smirk covers his lips and your chest flutters with excitement at his words.
You look up at him with wide eyes and shake your head, then he removes his hand from your mouth and plants a needy kiss to your lips. Your eyes close and you melt into it, hands gripping his shoulders as his tongue parts your lips to tangle with your own. You press against him, slightly bucking your hips to feel the growing bulge in his pants. He groans before breaking the kiss, pulling away to catch his breath as his eyes roam over you. His large hands grab at your waist as he looks back into your eyes.
“Turn around.” you do as he says, turning your back to him and pressing your hips flush against the tiny sink while your hands grab onto the edge bracing yourself. 
Frankie’s large hands land back on your hips, smoothing over the fabric of your jeans to rest on your ass for a moment, squeezing lightly before moving back to your hips. he presses his hardening cock into your ass and lets out a low grunt as your eyes flutter shut, your head falling forward as you sigh.
His hands leave your hips and you hear the sound of his belt buckle. “Gotta make this quick.”  his voice is low and gruff, you lift your head to look at him through the mirror in front of you.
You watch him as he looks down between the two of you to unbutton his own jeans, stray curls falling onto his forehead. His muscles flex, the fabric of his shirt stretching as he pulls his jeans down just enough for his cock to spring out. His head snaps back up, dark eyes meeting yours in the mirror. His hands snake around to the front of you, reaching for the button on your pants, his thick fingers moving quickly to undo it before pulling at your zipper. 
His eyes never leave yours as he tugs your pants down just enough to expose the soft skin of your ass along with your soaked heat. Your mouth falls open as his hand moves towards your core and you stifle a moan as his fingers start to glide through your slick folds, his other hand resting back on your hip.
“Been thinking about me filling you up this whole time, huh?” You take in a deep breath, pressing your lips together as you try to hold in a moan. “Thinking about me filling you to the fucking brim with my cum?” 
You frantically nod your head, unable to form a single word. Frankie watches you through the mirror as your head falls back onto his shoulder and you press yourself back into him. A small gasp leaves your mouth as you feel his stiff cock press against your bare ass. He starts to rub small, slow circles on your clit and you raise your head to look at him through the mirror again. Your eyes immediately meet with his having never left you, and you watch him as he leans in closer to you.
“Wish there was time for me to taste this perfect pussy.” His nose grazes the side of your cheek, his low voice vibrating through your whole body. 
You bite your lip trying to keep quiet, squeezing your eyes shut as he applies more pressure to your swollen clit. You also wish there was time. He plants a kiss on your neck, scruff slightly scratching you as his warm lips press against your skin. It’s like he read your mind.
“Once we get to the hotel, I promise.” He lightly squeezes your hip, pulling his other hand away from your sensitive nub causing you to hold your breath. “Bend over for me baby.” 
You do as he says, bracing yourself on the sink once again as you slightly lean forward. One of his hands stays on your hip, the other lines his cock up with your soaking wet entrance. Your eyes are still glued to him in the mirror, your beautiful man. He’s focused as you watch him, and when you feel his tip slowly start to press in, you watch the way his face relaxes. You close your eyes, relishing in the feeling of him slowly filling you to the brim.  
“Fuck.” You watch as his head falls back, a blissful look on his face. “Feel so good cariño.” 
He stays still for a moment, taking in the feeling of your wet cunt pulsing around him. You’re not sure how long you’ve been in here, but you know that the two of you should hurry up before someone notices what’s going on. You wiggle your ass back and forth against Frankie to try and get his attention as you bite your bottom lip while looking up at him through the mirror. 
He lifts his head up, dark eyes meeting with yours. A deep almost growl comes from deep in his chest as he pulls out and slams his cock back into you. Your body jolts forward, mouth falling open as you brace yourself for his brutal pace. You’re not sure how long you’ll last, the feeling of his cock pumping in and out of you bringing you so close to the release you’ve been waiting for. 
You watch him in the mirror, transfixed on the way his biceps strain the fabric of his shirt as he holds onto your waist for dear life. The feeling of his cock splitting you open so perfect. He leans down and wraps an arm around your torso, pulling you to stand straight up with your back against him as he continues to fuck you at the same brutal pace. 
His hand roams over your body and his eyes follow, finding the hem of your shirt as he slips his large hand beneath it. You press further back into him, a sigh leaving your mouth at the feeling of his warm skin against yours. 
“Francisco…” You murmur. 
His hand continues to travel up your body, leaving goosebumps in its trail up towards your breasts. You suck in a breath as his hand finds the cup of your bra, slipping underneath to caress the soft skin of your breast. He’s still staring at you in the mirror, tracing over your soft skin and curves with his eyes as he moves his hand to lift your shirt up to your chin. 
“So beautiful,” he whispers right beside your ear. “Look at you.” 
You’re just looking at him, the way his large hand is splayed over your chest, the light flush on his cheeks from being cramped in this stuffy bathroom, and the way his hair has fallen over his forehead. The coil in your stomach is ready to snap, any second now as he slows down his thrusts. He can feel it, the way your walls flutter around his thick cock. His hand slides back down your chest, stopping to rest on your stomach as he holds you against him.
“Come for me, come on baby.” His deep voice travels straight through you to your core. 
“Oh my-” Frankie’s hand flys up to cover your mouth before you can finish. 
“Shhh, quiet.” The vibration of his deep voice whispering in your ear sends you over the edge and a white hot feeling spreads through your body, radiating from your core as your orgasm takes over. 
“There you go.” He whispers, nose grazing your cheek as he speaks. 
Your hand reaches behind you to pull at the curls on the nape of his neck and you squeeze around him as your orgasm comes to an end. He lets out a deep moan as he buries his face into your neck, muffling the sound. He thrust one last time, stopping when he bottoms out, hot cum spurting out and filling you up. His shoulders rise and fall as he catches his breath, head still buried in your shoulder and your head lays back on his. Both of his arms are wrapped around your torso and you rest yours over his, squeezing his forearms lightly as he stays there for a moment longer, making sure all of his seed stays put. 
He kisses your neck before lifting his head up and looking between the two of you as he pulls out, pulling your underwear back on quickly to make sure his come stays put. His hands rest on your hips as you fix your shirt. You slide your pants back on and spin around to face him as he buttons his pants, watching the way his fingers move. A smile forms on your face as you watch him, a warmth growing in your chest. 
“Hm?” He looks up at you through his lashes as he fixes his belt.
You shake your head, reaching to rest your hands on his shoulders as you kiss him. He sucks in a deep breath, making a content sound as he kisses you back and wraps his arms tightly around you. When he breaks the kiss, his eyes roam your features before speaking. 
“We should go back.” One of his hands comes up to caress your cheek and he pecks your lips one last time. 
“You go first.” You lean into his touch, squeezing his broad shoulders. 
His thumb rubs your cheek before pulling away and turning to pull the door open. He slips out, quietly closing the door behind him. Once he’s gone you turn towards the mirror to fix yourself up and wash your hands before going back to your seat. You replay what just happened in your mind as you wait a few minutes to leave. 
Once you think it’s safe to leave, you slip back out into the dark cabin. You glance around, still no flight attendants in sight as you make your way back to the aisle where Frankie is sitting and waiting for you. A smirk forms on his face as you squeeze in front of him to take your seat at the window. You get comfortable, resting your head on his shoulder as his hand finds a spot on your lap and you close your eyes. As you start to drift off you feel Frankie shift in his seat. 
“Don’t think I forgot about my promise either.” He whispers for just you to hear. 
Your chest flutters, a quiet laugh leaves your mouth before you drift to sleep. Only 5 more hours, you’re almost sure you can wait this time.
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thank you for reading <3 any feedback is appreciated and my asks are open!! xo
tagging a few moots: @ilovepedro @gracieheartsspedro @sapphic-gardn @northernbluess @tieronecrush @joelsversion @pr0ximamidnight @daydreamingmiller @hearteyesforjoel <3
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pupyuj · 1 month
hiiii! I just came across your writing in one of the tags, and I have to say it is AMAZINGG!
I was wondering if you could write a blurb aht this, as I've been having the BIGGEST wonyoung brainrot everrrr:
so, why can I imagine dom g!p wonyoung × sub!fem who gets spoiled rotten by wonyoung, anything that she says she wants, it'll be there the next day! anything she even looks at for more than 5 seconds, she'll have it! Wony spoiling her with not only the things they like, but also with her love, kissing them almost everytime she thinks of them, laying their head in her lap, or even just letting them sit on her lap while she works.
but along with this love comes the need for her baby to be obedient, but you deciding to be a brat, would go make things south! you just suddenly talking back to wonyoung one day, walking away from her and she's just like "??" and she kets it slide a few times, but then she's had enough and drags you to her bed! edging you with her fingers till you aren't sobbing! oh! and! omg! cunt slaps with wonyoung, making you anticipate at which second its gonna happen, but you can never be too sure, with the cool wind grazing your clit, and wonyoungs harsh grip on your thighs, and her stare has you already whimpering!
we all know wony would just love spoiling her loved ones—it’s her love language! gifts, affection, sweet words whatever it is wony will always be willing to give it to you even without asking 🥺 usually you deserve it anyway.. always listening well to wony and doing whatever it is she asks of you.. things like that is why you’re allowed to ‘bother’ her 👀 ‘bother’ being kissing her neck and grinding on her with a pleading look in your eyes while she’s in the middle of an important phone call (to which she just smirks at you and doesn’t even touch you, making you whine which she likes a lot), discreetly touching her during the gathering and parties she brings you to bcs you needed her to fuck you so bad but she couldn’t be bothered bcs she was talking with her friends.. ofc this was not you being impatient or disrespectful, you were just needy :((
but hey, wonyoung never gets annoyed of it all 🥰 in fact, she’s more than willing to give you what you need when she finally has the time.. bcs at least you weren’t complaining and being a bad girl! but when you are a bad girl though?? wony isn't very nice! she has no patience for that kind of behavior, especially not from her baby who she expects to be good all the time! 😤😤 she understands that you have your own bad days but you were usually just even more cute and cuddly... so imagine her confusion when you just start acting like a huge brat?? unacceptable!
when you gave her a look after she asked you to do one simple thing, she decided that it was the last straw! and so you're dragged you to your shared bedroom by your hair and wony sits you down nicely on the bed with the clear intent to punish you out of that bratty attitude 🫣 tying you up and completely restraining you to the point where you can’t move a single inch :(( hands behind your back, legs spread wide open waiting in fear as you watch wony look through her drawers full of toys… as terrified as you were, you couldn’t help but feel a pinch of excitement course through you! wonyoung doesn’t get why there was that glint of eagerness in your eyes when she approached you with some toys in hand—you usually felt horrible when you were being punished bcs you hated disobeying her,,, but wonyoung isn’t complaining! perhaps she can get used to you being a brat.. but that’s a practice for later bcs you just pissed her off and she needs to set you straight before you start getting brave 🫠🫠
her making you sit on a vibrator while she touches you everywhere but your pussy :(( "what? need your cunt filled up, hon? bad girls have to be punished first..." she whispers while she plays with your tits so excruciatingly gently?? barely pinching your nipples even though you're practically begging her to squeeze and grope and shit like that,, wony finding so much joy in tormenting you by increasing the toy's speed at random times but then slowing it down once she sees that you're having too much fun... it comes to the point where tears squeeze out of your eyes but wony doesn't stop! even when you were close to cumming! it felt shameful, wanting to cum to a vibrator instead of her fingers but she makes you sit on it for such a long time, it was nearly impossible to hold it in! :(( and so you end up cumming... but that was a really terrible idea! 🫢
now.. cunt slapping and wonyoung is literally a match made in heaven idc it's too perfect!! her being so annoyed that you completely disregarded her demand that you 'hold it in' and so she resorts to punishments that inflicted pain?? her hitting your sensitive clit,, every fall of her hand making you flinch and jump when she slaps the hard bud.. your slurred strings of apologies and "please" only fed her anger... "gonna think twice before getting brave at me again, right? gonna be a good girl? answer." she says through gritted teeth.. the one hand keeping your legs apart didn't lack in giving you pain... you felt her long nails pierce your skin, nearly making you bleed and wonyoung's grip tightened every second you spent sobbing instead of talking to her... nods weren't enough! nope, you had to speak 💔💔
"s-s-sorry, mommy... i'm sorry, please..! please, i'll be good.." that took all of your strength and wony was so proud! :(( proud enough that she finally fills you full of her fingers and brings you to that climax you kept begging for! see? all you needed to do was be good 💞 but that was an otherwordly experience so being a brat for no reason just to get wonyoung to be scarier, hotter, and meaner might just be worth it 👀👀
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Ok some SAGAU thoughts because I have brainrot and just need to get this out of my head 18+ please no minors interact with this
so I've read from some other fans that they headcannon(?)/fantasize that the goddess(you) your emotions effect Teyvat and the people around you and I really really love that idea. I also really really love the idea that when you're feeling needy/aroused your followers can feel that too from just being in proximity to you. Imagine you're sitting there gazing out a window or trying to read a book zoning out, all you can think about is getting fucking rawed. But you mange to keep a poker face on. And in comes your fave. They could feel your arousal rolling off you all day. As they approach you, their skin heats up, their cheeks flush and thoughts of you in all kinds of positions race through their mind.
They ask in a shaky voice "You-Your Grace? If I may offer myself up to you?"
"What" Their voice snaps you out of your fantasy, you turn to them looking puzzled.
"If you're feeling lonely my Grace, I would be happy to keep you company. I would be more than happy to satisfy you."
Their face is completely flushed, their heartbeat racing, they need to touch you, need to be close to you, need to see you quivering with pleasure.
It hits you what they're hinting at. You rise from your chair, furiously blushing, avoiding their eye contact.
"No, no I'm fine. I can take care of myself."
You start to leave the room as you hear their trembling voice call out to you.
"Wait your Grace! Its no trouble for me at all. I can relieve you!"
They desperately find themselves at your door late at night. They close their eyes and revel in your soft sounds as you pleasure yourself. You are the goddess of Teyvat, with thousands of admires who would be more than willing to share your bed. To please you til the morning, to satisfy you til your legs give out.
Your fave finds themselves sinking against your door, palming themselves through their pants. Their other hand pathetically grasps at your door, wishing it was them in there pleasuring you. It should be them bringing you, their goddess, over the edge over and over again.
Maybe its ok to be a little selfish and take them up on their offer?
So sorry for this nonsense I'm horny 😢
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ceilidho · 7 months
Hi crazy Johnny with a single mam anon back because im insane and have brainrot and am seriously contemplating writing it bcus i feel compelled by the power of Christ (Johnny’s cock) to write something pervy and nasty and creepy but ultimately sweet but im also just braindumping and sharing bcus not enough johnny content floating around I fear so have to pull up my bootstraps and do it myself (this is so long ceil im so very sorry)
anyways so I think this is sooo much hotter if Johnny is either on a prolonged medical discharge or he’s been forced into retirement for one reason or another (because then can keep an eye on you lol) he and like this has been touched on before but he’s just got. nothing to fucking do. And holy hell he’s going crazy. He needs something to do. So his silly, terribly adjusted brain latches onto the poor single mam next door who DEFINITELY needs his help.
Im a sucker for forced codependency. You, who thinks you’re doing great on your own, versus ‘can’t handle this all on yer own, eh little lass?’ Johnny MacTavish. He’s SO fucking subtle about it. Commenting on how hard it must be to have to raise a baby all your own, and gods love you just look knackered here let me take the bairn for a bit. He comes round and makes little comments about your house being messy (disorganised, but not messy) and immediately starts ‘sympathising’ because you just mustn’t have time to clean up but it’s important to keep hazards out the way of the baby, here he’ll *help*.
Never questions your ability as a mother, god no, just slyly drops suggestions that you’re not coping as well as you thought. And it fucking NAGS at you. And eventually, you start going to Johnny more and more for help. I honestly think he would cause problems in your flat (fixable ones, like fucking up the electrics or messing around with the pipes but stuff he knows he can fix) so you either have to A. Move in with him temporarily or B. Have to ask him to fix them. Eventually just says that your landlords a cunt for letting you live in a shithole and insists you just move in with him permanently. You do (it’s not really up for debate).
He doesn’t use condoms. I’m sorry he just doesn’t, but he will TELL you that he does- especially the first time you have sex. You’re all worried because ‘oh god Johnny I’m not on birth control I just put it off after I had the baby and we didn’t use a condom-‘ and he’s immediately tucking you into his chest and stroking your hair and shushing you ‘divvint be daft lass, course i wrapped it up, stupid thing just broke. Did ye not realise? Must’ve been heat o’ the moment, don’t worry yer little heed about it alright? Johnny’s here.” and kisses you on your hair and lulls you into sleep. Adamantly denies whispering about how pretty you’re gonna look pregnant as if he’s trying to subliminal you into pregnancy. lol.
Will legally adopt your baby. Like he’ll suggest it, straight up. And you’re probably a bit taken aback because it’s only been six months but he is insistent. This is probably the catalyst for his ‘im the biological dad’ delusions. Once he’s down as the father he’s actually losing his mind a little. Can imagine Simon or Gaz popping round to check up on Johnny on their next leave and suddenly he has a family and they’re actually a little concerned because when Gaz makes a comment about the baby’s being cute Johnny’s like ‘Yeah we did a good job, didn’we lass?” and between the two of them there’s just silence because johnny this is not your baby but they can see that slightly deranged look in his eyes. Defo asks about all the heavy details of your pregnancy and labour and the first few months so he can pretend like he was actually there for it and will talk about it as if he were actually there (extra bonus points if Gaz actually pulls you aside in the kitchen and asks about Johnny’s behaviour and tells you to be careful LMAO).
So yeah anyways.
PLEASE WRITE THIS IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!! im screaming at that last bit i need this so bad please......i don't ask for much but i swear to god please write this for me. this idea was designed in a lab to inflict the maximum amount of psychic damage on me. please write this and i will happily beta/edit it for you if you need any help omg
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