#sorry Eddie I'm not a fan of the mustache
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merthurians-prat-and-idiot · 7 months ago
Thinking about Eddie growing out the mustache™ more noticeably in a break between shifts- and when he shows up at the firehouse Gerrard sees him & makes an approving noise and says something bastardy about "there finally being something he can respect about Eddie now he's followed his example" and gestures at his own mustache. And Eddie just stands there frozen for a second and then turns and fully walks out and drives home & immediately shaves it off skss.
(I'm thinking like in b99 when Jake realises how bad the frosted tips look when he sees Charles but with that extra layer of utter horror and hatred y'know. Tfw you grow a sad mustache because your son went to stay with his grandparents but you accidentally twin with your asshole boss)
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justchillandshipit · 7 months ago
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I have so much I want to post about, but I don't want to overload my own dashboard. I'm going to try and fit all of this into one post. I'm tagging this post as potential spoilers, but really these are part of fan theories. I'm throwing spoilers in there because if by some crazy thing, any of it happens to be right, I don't want to ruin it for others. However, a theory is just a theory, so let's suspend disbelief and dig into this one.
Most of you probably have heard or read some of these fan theories. One is that episode one or two is some sort of coma-induced alternate reality. There is a photo floating around somewhere that has the fire engine labeled 119 instead of 118. There is the mustache. etc. Someone pointed out, in the photo above, that the man on the magazine cover is Ryan Guzman but manipulated in some way. I would like to take it a step further. I looked at all the headlines and noticed that the one that likely matches with the manipulated photo says, "From a bedroom to an Empire." Is this a reference to a former porn star now running some sort of empire? (Bahahaha. if the manipulated photo is Ryan G. what a great play on the pornstache he is sporting.) I love it.
Anyway, if Eddie was stung by a bee and had a coma-induced alternate-reality dream, I love that he has reimagined himself in this way. It's a great nod. Another fan theory is that Eddie dreams he chose Chicago over LA. (but since it is not real, Buck, Chim, Hen, and the gang would all still be there, but they all live in Chicago instead.) I like the Chicago idea because it would allow them to do that crossover with Abbot Elementary (which is one of the shows that a cast member said they would love to do a crossover with.) It is a comedy show so it would lend itself to a comedic alternate reality episode.
The possibilities and directions they could take in this type of episode are broad, but I'm hoping for either an Eddie realization moment or for a planting of the seed in his head moment. (If I were writing it, I would do it like this.) In this reality, Buck and Eddie are already 'Buddie,' so after a day of work or whatever Buck could possibly drive Eddie home, but then not leave. Eddie isn't too concerned because Buck has practically wrapped himself around Eddie's neck since everything went down with Chris. However, later when Eddie is lying quietly in bed the covers shift and Buck gets in bed with him. Eddie jumps and flounders around for the light, and Buck just says, "Sorry. I was trying not to wake you." He finishes crawling under the covers and cuddles close to Eddie. Eddie is shocked and frozen to the spot. Buck doesn't notice. He just says, "Hit the light Papi... unless... you're not feeling tired." And gives Eddie that look that says, "Are you ready for it." AND it brings
THIS energy.
[Small break to apologize for the Papi line. I do not like the whole Daddy thing. I don't kink shame, but the Daddy thing is not for me. That said. Papi just HITS differently. I can't explain it forgive me.]
Also, here is a photo of Buck in the alternate reality. (Again, if I were writing it, I would let the tattoos stay. I would also let him speak with his real accent.) Bonus, if I were writing it, at the end of the episode when Eddie is back to himself, he may not admit to Buddie right away, but he would ask Buck to speak with an accent. Buck thinks it's a weird request, but he does it. However, he does it with the worst possible British accent you can imagine. Like Gandalf chewing marbles. Eddie stops him and tells him to never do it again, so we are back to Buck's American accent. lol
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Oh, and here is that "if you aren't tired expression" I was referring to earlier when he asked if Papi was tired or not.
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This post is so long, and I haven't even touched on the theory of Eddie having a hurt arm or hand... A few weeks ago, Ryan G. said something about, "when you have to fight one-handed." So he hurt his hand and is still so mad, that he's trying to fight with just one... Lawd, help me.
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While I still maintain that I do not hate that Tommy guy, I am so down with a jealous Eddie fighting him because he thinks that Tommy has somehow hurt Buck. Equally okay, with Eddie punching Gerard and hurting his hand.
Edit and reblog because I have one more thing to add. If I were writing it, and if this is actually one of Oliver S.'s tattoos. I would 100% make sure this tattoo got screen time, and regardless of the real meaning of the tattoo. For an alternate reality Buck, THIS WAS his aha moment.
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buddiebeginz · 7 months ago
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I'm sorry but what exactly has the Buddie fandom started?
Was it Buddie fandom who (almost immediately after 7x04) started calling anyone homophobic/biphobic if they didn't like our ship or one of the characters in it?
Was it Buddie fandom who harassed anyone who included a ship and character we didn't like in Pride posts?
Was it Buddie fandom who tried to dox a journalist for talking about a ship?
Was it Buddie fandom who has repeatedly harassed the 911 news account?
Was it Buddie fandom telling an actor who had just talked about trying to ending their life that they should have finished the job and that the character they play should also have a s*icide attempt.
Was it Buddie fandom excusing racism from both a character and actor?
Was it Buddie fandom who went on 4 hour long rant bashing one of the actors in our ship because he posted a pic of himself wearing a fake mustache?
Was it Buddie fandom who annoyed the show creator so much he called us out in a podcast?
I'd love to know what exactly it is we started and how exactly it is we've kept things going? I'm not saying Buddie fandom is 100% innocent and that every single person in this fandom has always acted appropriately. Some people have said and done things that have crossed lines. Like when some Buddies pushed too hard for the karaoke scene. Still, what has mostly been happening is our fandom, which has been here almost since the show's beginning, has been having to fight back against a small but loud subsection that have really just become the biggest bullies in the 911 fandom.
There is nothing wrong with liking different ships and characters. I've often liked ships and characters that people found to be unpopular so I don't ever want to tell someone what they're allowed to enjoy from a piece of media. The problem isn't that some people ship B/T or like T*mmy. The problem is the way those fans have used that ship as a way to excuse their awful behavior. The way a lot of them only even joined the 911 fandom in the recent year and now try to act like they are in charge of the entire fandom.
I've been around the 911 fandom for years and I've never seen the level of toxicity that I've seen in the past year. You cannot put this all on the Buddie fandom because if it was all us that was the problem you would have seen it coming from us for years and there is no evidence to support that. And to be quite honest I'm actually starting to believe any issues that did come up in connection with Buddie fandom (in the past) were likely coming from some of the Buddie fans who left and are now B/T stans (like Bree).
I'm just so tired of all of this. I'm tired of having to deal with that part of fandom. Of them trying to play the victim when they're the ones causing the problems. Of them acting like there's something wrong with us wanting to see Buck and Eddie together just because they ship something different. I can't wait for the day when we get confirmation that B/T is done. Our fandom will never really be the same after this but in some ways I'm glad it all happened. I'm glad we were able to see the true colors of people who were once a part of our fandom (and will likely try to be again after B/T). I'd rather know who these people really are and keep them far far away from me.
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artiststarme · 2 years ago
Another Bad Day
Based on a prompt given by @mysticcrownshipper. I'm sorry it took so long but I hope you like it! Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve was content. He didn’t want to jinx himself but he was pretty happy. He had his friends, he was dating Eddie, and his brother was back in his life with his super cool boyfriend too. What wasn’t he to like about that?
It was just another evening at the Harrington house and he was relaxing on one end of the couch while Phil and Dio were at the other end. They were cuddling and playing footsie together like Steve would've been with Eddie had he invited him over. But subjecting Eddie to the mustachioed protectiveness of his older brother sounded less like a relaxing movie night and more like inviting a lamb into a lion’s den. Guaranteed homicide.  
He didn’t know how Dio convinced him and Phil to watch Halloween again but they were both terrified at the events happening on-screen, jumping at every scary moment. Steve was not a fan of scary movies, especially having lived through a horror series himself. As such, he was gripping a pillow tight and squeezing his eyes shut through every jumpscare. No way was he getting another heart attack, no thank you. 
At a particularly scary scene that he could sense even with his eyes squeezed tight, Steve jumped and let out a scream of shock. To his further surprise and horror, he heard a gasp come from the hallway behind him. This only prompted him to scream more and plunge his head underneath his blanket as if that would protect him from whatever dangerous home invader was creeping behind him. 
“Son of a biscuit,” he heard Phil curse as he stumbled to turn on the lights. With a few more grunts and bumps, the lights flickered on and Steve slowly poked his head out of the safety of the blanket. 
When the lights came on however, he saw something much more frightening than any home invader or murderer. Instead, he saw their parents. Martha Harrington was literally clutching her pearls as she stood glaring at them all in distaste and Richard Harrington was fuming behind her where he held their luggage. Poor Dio paused the movie and stood in the center of the living room looking the most out of place as he’d ever been. 
“Steven, I see you continue to disappoint us. Not only are you lounging around like a child but you’re also keeping distasteful company.” Martha scowled at him with her eyes narrowed in disgust. 
He shrunk at her words and looked away. His parents always knew how to bring him down and ruin his night. It was disappointing but oddly comforting in its continuity. 
“See your guests out and make sure they don’t come back. You’re enough of a disappointment as it is, we don’t need them further tarnishing your reputation. And ours,” His dad sneered at him. 
“You fucking dick! You don’t get to talk to him like that. You and mom haven’t been home in ten goddamn months and you think you have the right to tell Steve who he can and can’t hang out with? Fuck you.” Phil hissed at them both, his face red with fury and his mustache twitching with barely contained rage. 
Richard’s face reddened to match and he shoved an accusing finger right in Phil’s face. “You shouldn’t even be here! We washed our hands of you years ago and yet you still come around to harass us. How pathetic are you?”
Phil flinched back but quickly regained his composure. “Oh, you think I’m pathetic? You’re the one that kicked me out for ‘being a bad influence on Steve’ when I joined the police force. Now you’re screwing your secretary and dragging mom all around the country for supposed business trips. Who’s really the pathetic one, Dick?”
Richard raised his hand to swing at Phil but his wrist was grabbed by a silently fuming Dio. “Don’t touch him or I will sever every one of your fingers and feed them to you. Back away.”
“Who the hell even are you? What are you doing in my house?” Steve’s dad turned his anger to Dio instead but he was only met with an unimpressed look in response. 
“Trying to watch a fucking movie, Dick.”
Steve’s mom spoke up then and moved a hand to Richard’s shoulder to hold him back. “Phil, you are no longer my son or a part of this family. That means that you can’t come into our house and you can’t associate with Steven.”
“Fuck you, Martha! You want to accuse us of being disappointments and bad sons and whatever the fuck else you say but it’s really you two that are the disappointments. You’re bad fucking parents and I hope you rot in hell.” With that, Phil grabs his jacket and storms outside. It’s all too reminiscent of the first time he left, years prior, when it was followed by a loatheful silence between the brothers. It left Steve feeling unmoored, frazzled in a way he couldn’t remember ever feeling. 
There’s silence in the living room for a moment where his parents, Dio, and Steve stand around looking at each other before Richard sighs and glares at him. 
“Look what you’ve done, Steven. Your mother and I are exhausted after our trip and we had to come home to this ludicracy. Ridiculous.”
“Yeah alright. Steve, come with me. You can stay with us for a while instead of staying here with these assholes. Go pack a bag and we’ll get going,” Dio told him, softly pushing at his shoulder.
“Excuse me-” His mother tried to protest.
“You’re excused. Go ahead, Steve.” 
Steve spends the night at Phil’s and Dio’s, sleeping in the guest room and ignoring the woeful glances Phil sent to him. He had no interest in rehashing anything with his brother and a strong urge to ignore everything that had happened in order to move on. 
When an acceptable hour in the morning came, Steve got himself dressed and left the house. He was off of work that day but his plans of sleeping in were thwarted. He couldn’t believe that his parents had come home after so long without any notice or that they’d obliterated Phil right in front of him again like the first time hadn’t been enough. Most of all though, he was surprised that Phil and Dio had stuck up for him. No one had ever defended him from his parents before and Steve really didn’t know how to handle that. 
He continued about his day as if his parents’ return hadn’t shaken him to his core. He returned a few tapes to Family Video, hit the grocery store to pick up some snacks, and went to Melvald’s to get his migraine prescription. Steve ignored how every loud noise made him flinch and how every person in his peripheral vision appeared to be his dad seeking him out for revenge. 
Eventually, he decided to stop pretending to be a functioning member of society and to seek out the comfort of his friends instead. He went from the Melvald’s parking lot directly to the Wheeler’s basement where nearly everyone was already congregated. 
“Oh-ho-ho Steve, nice of you to join us. We’ve been calling your house all day, dude. Where have you been?” Eddie asked him haughtily as soon as he came in. 
“I was running some errands. Here’s some snacks for you guys,” Steve said, dumping all of the chips and candy out on the coffee table. He plopped himself to the floor at the foot of one of the arm chairs and watched his friends attack the offerings like a kettle of vultures. 
“Thank god you’re rich, Steve. We were starving,” Lucas told him and patted his knee. 
“You mean thank god for his rich parents. They probably gave him an allowance and he wasted it on food. Loser move, Steve,” Mike sneered at him. 
"Hey, Steve isn't a loser! He just doesn't apply himself," Dustin weakly defended.
Steve just looked at them all as they laughed at him trying to do a nice thing. Nothing he ever did was enough for anyone. He would always be a disappointment to his parents, a burden for his brother, and a loser to the group of friends that meant everything to him. What was the point in even trying anymore?
He didn’t realize it but sometime during his thought process, his breaths had become labored. His chest was tight and his face was turning red from lack of air. 
“Steve? Steve, are you having a panic attack? Everything is okay, you just have to breathe,” Eddie spoke to him gently before turning to the kids. “Look what you guys did! You should know not to talk about his parents, dipshits! Call Officer Callahan or Hopper, shit, call Robin. Just do something other than gawking at him!”
Steve couldn’t breathe. The panic was clawing at his throat and it felt like he was back in the lake being dragged into Hell by the demon tentacles. Then not only was he obsessing over his parents in town and what the Party thought of him but he was also agonizing over the phantom pain in his sides and the suffocating pain around his neck. 
“Steve, stop clawing at your neck, that’ll make it worse. Calm down, wherever your mind went, you’re not there. You’re with me, Eddie, in the Wheeler’s basement. Don’t you smell the stank of dirty socks and Mike? Come back to me.”
“That’s uncalled for-”
“Wheeler, shut the hell up before I make you. Stevie, you’re okay.”
Steve doesn’t know how long he was in his state of panic stuck in his head but he started coming out of it when he heard his brother’s frazzled voice. 
“Steve?! Steve, where are you? Where is he, where’s my brother?” He could literally hear the emotions in his voice and picked his head up a little bit to look for him. 
“Steve! Hey, it-it’s Phil. I don’t know why you’re panicking but if any of these bitchasses did anything, I will arrest them and give them a juvenile record. Just say the word, little bro. You’re okay,” he comforted in the only way he knew how (threatening children). 
With enough of his… unconventional words of comfort, Steve was able to pull himself from the throes of panic and slump ungracefully into his arms. Everyone present fell back on their haunches and let out a sigh of relief. Eddie pulled one of Steve’s hands onto his own lap whether to offer his own comfort or be comforted from the no-doubt horrific sight of Steve choking on air. 
They’d have to talk about what triggered him to have a panic attack eventually, probably after Phil lectured them and Robin got off of work to rip them a new one once she heard what happened. But they would discuss it and how ungrateful the kids had been to have snacks delivered at their feet precisely when they wanted them. But for now, Steve would hold hands with Eddie and lay his head against his brother’s chest in the longest, yet least awkward, hug they’d ever had.
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reasonsmandy · 2 years ago
We're in Vegas!
Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Could you please write reader and warren getting married in vegas whilst drunk and on tour with band?
✧.* summary — You guys were passing through Las Vegas with the 'Aurora Tour', and decided to have the full experience of the place.
✧.* warnings — none.
✧.* word count — 3.1k
✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — So, I knew very little about Vegas before writing this, all I understood from research was what I brought to the fic, sorry if I got something wrong. I just know that I loved writing this one and I hope you do. Good read 🫶🏾
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Touring was chaos but it was an incredible ecstasy at the same time, making music was already amazing for you and the band but seeing the fans reaction was perfect. You had two shows in Las Vegas that weekend, the end of the second was now and you felt the vibration of the audience's screams invade your body, as you walk to the front of the stage to thanking the crowd for an amazing night, you feel Warren's arm around your waist as yours drape over Daisy's shoulders and together you bow to all the fans.
"You nailed it cariño” Rojas whispers in your ear as the audience claps and screams in delight at the amazing performance.
“Thank you.” You say back, giving the crowd a final goodbye before heading backstage.
When you all meet among the stage equipment, it was possible to still feel your bones shaking with the adrenaline of what you just experienced. Eddie walks over with a couple of shot glasses in hand handing it to each of you.
“We're in Vegas! We have get drunk before we even get to the party.” Eddie exclaims, drinking his shot afterwards. “Today's show was crazy, we haven't had an audience like that since when? Brazil?”
“Right? I mean, that was insane…” Warren lights a cigarette, taking a drag and offering it to you afterwards. “I'm pretty sure I saw a girl in the audience lift her shirt up for me.”
“Excuse me?” You say, crossing your arms above your chest with arched eyebrows.
“Nothing hermosa, I was only looking at you.” He holds you by the waist, placing a kiss on your temple. You pat his chest lightly, leaning into the thoughtful touch, feeling his mustache tickle your skin.
The bus where you were headed to the place that Rod had rented for you to enjoy, approaching the place you could see the security guard who used to accompany you, collecting the matches that you distributed to those who you'd like to have at the event. When the bus parks, you don't take long to get off and enter the place, illuminated by several lights and several people who don't take their eyes off you as soon as you enter.
The atmosphere is electric, charged with an eclectic mix of music and laughter. The venue is alive with the vibrant pulse of a Vegas night, and the band's presence adds an extra layer of excitement to the party.
The overhead lights cast a warm and inviting glow over the scene. Multi Colored spotlights dance across the walls, creating a dazzling display that matches the energetic beats of the music. The air is thick with the scent of anticipation, a blend of perfume, cologne, and the faint aroma of the party's refreshments. Whispers and sideways glances follow you, an acknowledgment of your status as performers.
Faces both familiar and unfamiliar turn towards you, expressions ranging from curiosity to admiration. Cameras capture the moment as guests try to discreetly document the presence of their favorite rock stars. Sometimes when it was just you and your friends you forgot how famous and relevant you were, which took you like an avalanche every time you saw your fans like this.
You feel Warren hold your hand as you enter the place, her body always feeling at home with his touch. You look at him and smile, he sends you a smirk as he guides you to the quietest place in the room where the rest of the band was hanging out.
“The lovebirds are here, here, two more shots for you.” Karen says getting up from the sofa, dancing as she hands glasses to your boyfriend and you. “Eddie said if we don't stagger out of here he's going to be so disappointed, so drink it up!”
“With pleasure” Rojas takes the two shots and pours them in his mouth, after swallowing them he takes yours. “Take the shots, my love”
You tilt your head back, the glass pressing against your lips as the liquid spills forth, igniting a warm trail down your throat. The sensation is invigorating, a tangible connection to the vibrant spirit of the night. Karen's applause seems to punctuate the climax of the shot, marking a triumphant transition into a state of joyful abandon. Warren cheers in time with her “¡Dale, cariño!”. If you watched Eddie sitting in the armchair next to you'd see a smile grow on his face because he knew that when Rojas started to get drunk he started to speak in Spanish.
As you took more shots, sang, talked and smoked, your perception of reality emptied and the fantasy and alcohol breeze took over your senses. Gradually you did things that made no sense, laughed like goofs and left and nothing else around made sense except you didn't care.
“Oh my God, what's that on your face?” You exclaim, holding Warren's head, looking right into his eyes. “Ah, never mind, that's just Fernando.”
Warren looks at you speechless, you couldn't tell if it was because he didn't understand what you said or because of the drinking and smoking, but then he frowns half closing his eyes.
“I hope you don't find this strange but.” You say with a slurred speech, Rojas continues to look at you with interest. “I named your mustache, it's called Fernando.”
His eyes widen, and you could swear you saw him fill with tears, he takes his hands to your cheek kissing you intensely. You are taken aback by the act but reciprocate, feeling the intensity build within you as their lips danced together.
“Y/N L/N, you're the love of my life.” He says breathless, you open a huge smile.
“Agh,You are worse off than newlyweds.” Eddie says while smoking his cigarette. “Get a room.”
“Oh my God Eddie! You're a genius!” Warren speaks, standing up from the couch at once, looking at the sky as if he had a great idea.
“Am I what, now?” Roundtree seems to snap from a dream, looking at Rojas trying to understand what was going on.
“We should get married.” Warren turns to you, and somehow you sober a little by his word.
“What?” Your body freezes when you notice that he didn't seem to be joking.
“I mean, we're in Vegas!” He says taking her hand. “And I love you, so why not?”
“Rojas, I swear to God, if this is some kind of joke…” You didn't imagine that any of this would happen, nervousness consumed you as the seconds passed.
“Hey babe, there's no way this could go wrong.” He says with a giant smile, holding his hands next. “Even if I'm drunk as fuck right now, I won't regret it because I know you're my person. I love you, are you willing to do this crazy thing with me?”
“You're crazy!” You say patting his chest in disbelief.
“And you love.” He shrugs.
“You bet I do.” You respond, wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling his curls at your fingertips.
“Does this mean you guys are getting married?” Karen asks, trying to follow the conversation.
“Yeah Karen-Karen, and you are my bridesmaid.” You say pulling her hand to start a celebratory dance.
Eddie talked to approximately twenty people at the party in search of anyone who knew any place where you could put that idea into practice, after a few conversations a woman informed you that the hotel had a space just for this and that you only had to wait a few hours for it to open. So you decided to prepare the decorations.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Graham asks when y'all stop at the door of Billy and Camila's room.
“I'm just calling in a favor! These two had me taking out all my drum lights to decorate their impromptu wedding, the least they could do is help.” Rojas says, as if pointing out the obvious.
“He's right!” You say shrugging, then knocking on their door incessantly.
Billy opens the door with his hair messed up, his eyes still swollen from sleep, from his angle it was possible to see Camila leaning on the bed trying to see who it was.
“The fuck are you guys waking me us up so early for?” As usual, he was grumpy, you roll your eyes… you weren't a fan of Billy at all.
“Go get dressed, you and Cami.” Rojas speaks by touching the older man's shoulder. “We are getting married tonight.”
“Fuck Warren, alright.” Billy closes the door after his speech.
“Oh, I thought he'd ask something.” Warren points out.
“I think at this point he just agrees with everything we say so he won't have to listen to it anymore.” Graham says, making all of you nod in understanding.
“So, what's our next step?” You ask, laying in Warren's hug.
“You don't have to do anything, leave it to us.” Eddie says, putting on his sunglasses even though it was still dark. “You're the bride and groom, all you have to do is relax until it's time for the wedding, so please go to your room and don't come out until I get there.”
“Are we allowed to sleep?”
“Will you hear when I knock on the door?”
“I can't promise that,” Warren says.
“So only naps are allowed.” Eddie says pushing the two of you down the hall. “See you at the altar!”
“Is it just me or does he seem more excited than we are?” You whisper to your now fiance.
You hear the knock on the door from the bathroom, your hands go to the doorknob but you are interrupted by the drummer's voice.
“Cariño! What do you think you're doing?” He yells, thinking that you couldn't listen to him well.
“There was a knock at the door babe, are you really going to lock me in here?” You lean against the wooden object, watching your tidy figure in the mirror.
“You know I can't see you before the wedding, that's simple wedding stuff hermosa!” You laugh at the way he expresses his "frustration".
“What am I supposed to do then?”
“Wait for me to leave and then you can follow me.” His voice was muffled, you knew him so well you knew he was running his hand over his mustache. “Nos vemos en el altar, hermosa.”
“I'll see you there.” Your heart warms just thinking that in a few minutes you would be married.
As you step into the grand hotel ballroom, the first light of dawn paints everything in a soft and delicate glow. The large windows filter the early morning sun, casting a warm embrace over the space. It's as if the world outside has paused to watch this moment unfold, holding its breath in anticipation.
Your heart flutters with a mix of excitement and wonder as you take in the scene before you. The drapery hanging from the high ceiling billows like silken clouds caught in a sunrise breeze, creating an otherworldly ambiance. The walls are adorned with cascades of flowers in shades of blush and ivory, their petals kissed by the dawn's gentle touch.
A feeling of enchantment fills the air, and your gaze is drawn to the altar at the center of the ballroom. It stands like a portal to a realm of dreams, framed by arches entwined with ivy and twinkling fairy lights. The soft carpet of rose petals beneath your feet feels like a path paved with love and promises, guiding you toward a new chapter in your life.
You could see all your friends sitting in those chairs, your heart raced as you noticed how worn out they looked just to try to make this special, it was clear that tiredness was present there on account of the crazy night you guys had, but none of that mattered as your eyes met his.
As you walk down the aisle, the wooden dance floor beneath your steps seems to reflect the shifting colors of the sky. It's a journey bathed in a soft, radiant light, every step bringing you closer to the love of your life, Warren smiles at you, you knew that he was too hyperactive to sit still and it was adorable to see his callused hands drumming his leg.
Rows of chairs line the aisle, adorned with fluttering ribbons that seem to dance with joy. Daisy was definitely trying her hardest to stay awake, Eddie was the ring bearer standing at the end of the hall waiting for you to get to Warren to hand over the rings, Graham was probably still with the effect of drinks and his teary eyes were evident. Camila and Billy looked the most sober in this whole situation. The hushed conversations and exchanged whispers create a symphony of warmth and love.
The tranquility of the dawn's embrace mingles with the excitement in your heart. Time feels like a gentle river, flowing in harmony with the emotions that surge within you. The world outside the ballroom fades away, and all that remains is the profound connection between you and Warren.
Warren stands at the altar, a vision of strength and tenderness. His eyes lock onto yours, and a warm smile graces his lips, reassuring you that you're exactly where you're meant to be. Dressed in a tailored suit that exudes sophistication, he embodies the promise of a future built on shared dreams and unwavering love.
As you approach the altar, you're drawn into a world where promises are made and dreams take flight. The delicate morning light wraps around both of you, a silent witness to your love story unfolding in this sacred space.
When you finally settle down in front of your fiance everything goes into slow motion, were you really doing that?
“This is exactly how I dreamed it would be.” Warren claims, holding both of your hands.
“Oh really? You always dreamed of us getting married in Vegas, all of us clearly drunk, me wearing Daisy's stage dress as my wedding dress, Eddie being our ring bearer.” You pause for breath, looking once more around you. “Daisy falling asleep at every word, Graham crying like a baby and... Wait, where's Karen?”
“She realized that this marriage wouldn't be complete without something...” Eddie speaks, adding suspense to his speech.
“Aw, how sweet of her to bring us a gift.” You supposed that's what Roundtree was talking about.
“Oh no, we forgot to get the ceremonialist.” Eddie explains, scratching the back of his neck. “We found out we had to book or something, I don't know, I am really drunk.”
“Yeah, exactly how I thought it would be.” Rojas says, pretending to adjust his tie.
A few minutes later the blonde enters the ballroom with another man, who is quick to position himself in front of you and the drummer, he was clearly very angry at being woken up at this hour.
“Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends and cherished guests, we gather here today in the heart of Las Vegas to celebrate a union that embodies the spirit of love, spontaneity, and shared dreams. Before us stand Y/N L/N and Warren Rojas, ready to embark on a journey of togetherness and endless possibilities.”
You didn't know if it was still the alcohol, but you thought the man's choice of words was funny, and when you peeked up to look at Warren you could see him holding back a smile, probably thinking the same. You smile, feeling that you were marrying the right person.
“In this moment, you stand at the threshold of a new chapter, ready to walk hand in hand through the adventure of marriage. This journey is not just a destination but a lifelong exploration, a promise to cherish, support, and uplift one another through every twist and turn.”
Although excitement is not the word you would use to describe the ceremonialist, his words were touching and made you think of all the moments with Rojas.
“As you exchange your vows, know that the vows you make today are more than just words – they are the foundation of a love that will weather every storm and celebrate every triumph. May you continue to inspire one another, to uplift each other's spirits, and to stand as each other's greatest support. You may now share your vows”
“Oh man, okay.” Warren takes a deep breath, probably trying to focus on just you. “Y/N L/N, you make my heart beat, I'm completely in love with you since I had the opportunity to spend more time by your side, I'm sure no one in this world can surprise me as much as you do and make me understand on a daily basis that I need to be grateful for sharing life with you, in any way. I don't know how you put up with all this craziness today, but I want you to know that I would live tonight forever.”
You feel the tears fall from your eyes, taking a deep breath so you don't break down in front of everyone.
“Warren Rojas you are one in a million. I can say with certainty that my longing for something in my life was fulfilled when I met you.Someone who makes me feel like life isn't real because I would never deserve someone so adorable and amazing, you are the definition of Joy. I love you with all my heart.”
You hear applause around you, probably this wasn't the time for celebration but your friends were too lost to understand everything. Eddie brings out the rings as "Aurora" plays in the background, you smile thinking that they probably don't have any record options other than yours.
“Y/N and Warren, as you exchange your rings, let them be a symbol of the unbreakable bond you share. Just as these rings are a circle with no end, may your love be a circle of strength and endless compassion.”
You can feel chills as the speech nears the end, your hands in his were shaking and he made a point of stroking your hand with his thumb to comfort you.
“And so, by the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I am honored to pronounce you husband and wife. You may seal your union with a kiss.”
He leans in with a giant smile on his face, you grab his cheeks urgently and kiss him vigorously and happily. Far away in the crowd you hear a camera click but think it was Camila, all of them instantly cheer for you. And by the end of that kiss, Vegas became eternal for you.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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ranbling · 7 months ago
I need your thoughts on the mustache. Epecially with the new bts clip.
I'm sorry, I don't like it. I don't really like any kind of facial hair and while Ryan can pull off the mustache, I am not a fan of it
I did started to warm up to it though, but with this gelled back (kinda greasy looking) hair I just can't get behind it, but I love all the theories how this is the sign of getting queer Eddie
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goodplace-janet · 2 years ago
I know I'm supposed to be watching Leverage, and I am sorry.
I'm also finally watching the second season of Russian Doll, so. First impressions of the first episode:
Was that a young Ruth cracking open the wall?
Nadia storming through the streets of New York to the tune of Personal Jesus was incredible. I'm so attracted to Natasha Lyonne's whole vibe in this role
The soundtrack in general is pretty great imo
I adore Maxine. That is all.
Love Alan's grown out hair, not a fan of the mustache. Interested to find out when/where the magic subway brings him. That was a German train, ja?
He never mentioned family before now, right? We're about to learn SO much about this dude and why he's Like That
Love the fish tank upgrade. There's probably so many details that I missed - ways their lives have changed or not since the events of the previous season
I would have gone home and immediately googled the people I met in the past, but I guess a dialogue with Ruth *was* probably the best way to answer those questions
I didn't get all the references because I'm a 90s kid. What is... Crazy Eddie's? Am I remembering that right
Literally turning Nadia into her mother was truly the most retraumatizing thing this story could do, bravo. The technique of showing her mostly in reflections is fascinating. I feel like it.... idk, draws my attention to the audience perspective similar to the way a fourth wall break does? Idk if that makes sense
I'm going to binge (... one episode a night totally counts as binging) this season in prep for listening along with a podcast that's reviewing it, and then idk. Maybe I'll fuck around and finish Leverage
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tthael · 5 years ago
Hi, english is not my first language so if I don't make any sense you know why. I'm sorry if i gave you the wrong impression with my ask.I've never read the book so "the shape" of these characters for me personally comes from the movie where Richie is gay. I've recently found out that people that read the book consider him bi. That's why when i read a fic where it's not explicitly stated i always wonder. I saw that you have a tumblr so i was like why not ask.
Hi nonny! Thank you for coming back to clarify, I’m sorry for the defensive tone of my response. Thank you very much for reading my stuff. Nothing about the phrasing of your question was what made me respond that way, just the topic, because I know it’s a hot button issue in fandom at the moment. Nobody wants to be responsible for erasing a sexual minority or a canonical sexual identity--and while in the book Richie’s sexuality is only coded, I’ve been told that André Muschietti explicitly stated that the film portrayal of Richie is gay. So of course, I think that film!Richie is portrayed as gay, and if I were to write Richie based on the film alone, I most likely would write him as gay.
The thing is, I don’t really write exclusively film!Richie. I think that there’s a very rich vein of characterization to be found in the book, which is of course door-stoppingly long, and compared to the limited amount of screentime the movies could spend on each of the Losers, not to mention the changes to their backgrounds the films made (looking at you, tween!Ben who suddenly morphs into adult!Mike), I like to pull from the greatest evidence pool available. That’s why I like to include the teenage werewolf, I like to include Stan’s bird book of North America, I like to include Eddie’s fascination with cars and trains and other mechanical transportation, I like to include Bev’s mother as having been alive during Bev’s childhood, I like to include Ben’s outrunning the track team out of spite, I like to include Bill’s uncanny charisma and his compelling nature, and I like to include Mike with a kinder more curious childhood than he’s allowed in the film. Also, I studied literature in college and I’m just more comfortable with analyzing that than I am analyzing film.
I also really liked the film casting for the adult Losers! It’s very shallow of me but I like how they look, I think they’re all very attractive, and I’m more interested in writing with their physicalities in mind than I am in, say, the actors for the 1990s miniseries. This is a personal preference, just because I myself do not enjoy Bill’s ponytail or Richie’s mustache or Bev as a brunette. I’ve also only ever seen clips of the miniseries. And honestly, I like Bill Hader as Richie in glasses, despite book!Richie wanting to wear contacts as an adult; I find without glasses I have difficulty perceiving him as the character. So I can’t claim to be a book purist--I like writing about the 2016 setting and those are mostly the faces of the Losers I see in my head. I tweak them sometimes--I don’t think I’ve written Richie with blue eyes yet, for example.
So I blend the canons when I decide what to draw on for the fic. That means that, for me, unless it’s explicitly stated, I probably don’t have an intention one way or the other when I write Richie’s sexuality. So far I’ve always written him as a man who loves men, and always as involved and in love with Eddie. I know that for some people that won’t be good enough, that for some people it’s very important to them to see their characters explicitly identify as one label or the other, but I’m afraid that just isn’t a priority for me in my portrayals.
This is informed by 2 things: 1) I like to write the Losers as 40-year-old adults in 2016, and we know that Richie produces a host of problematic content in his career. This of course shouldn’t mean that my portrayal of Richie /should/ be problematic and that’s not my intention--instead, I’m suggesting that when I write Richie, I write a lot about self-loathing and internalized homophobia, and so I focus a lot more on his attraction to men, which in my fic he’s usually not comfortable with, than any potential/past attraction to women. Of course I don’t feel that self-loathing is the necessary response to same-sex attraction, but I also think of the Losers as adults of a certain age who might not always be accurate or thoughtful in discussing the changing world of sexual identities (finding words for them specifically, filling the lexical gap).
I wrote a scene in Things That Happen After Eddie Lives where Richie runs across a gender non-conforming person and initially reads them as female, but then during the conversation remembers that isn’t always the case these days and switch to trying to avoid pronouns for them or trying to refer to them with gender neutral pronouns. But Richie and Eddie still call Jordan and Sarah lesbians, without asking whether they’re a romantic pairing of two bisexual people, or without considering that Jordan might be a man. Richie even wonders if “girlfriend” is being used romantically or platonically the way that women of previous generations do. I have a bead on Jordan’s and Sarah’s identity--but only because Jordan’s me! I think that, as a man born in 1976, growing up extremely closeted, and never engaging in the wider discussion around LGBTQ culture in a constructive way, Richie might be prone to simplification. This, of course, doesn’t mean I’m opposed to a Richie who openly identifies as strictly gay or strictly bi!
2) The second thing that informs the ambiguity of my portrayal of Richie’s sexuality is my own experience with my sexuality and gender. I am closeted in real life. In recent years I have tried a number of identities that, at the time, I believed to fit, but the labels were never clear-cut for me. I am coming to accept, slowly, that in the same way the physical body doesn’t grow to exact neat clean specifications, I might never be able to describe myself accurately and totally in one term. That’s all that I’m willing to share about my experience at this time. My personal philosophy is much like the one Eddie professes when he comes out in Indelicate: it doesn’t seem important to me that people know my preferences unless I’m a) sleeping with them or b) actively dating and trying to put myself out there.
Again, some people have completely different experiences! For some people being closeted is intolerable and having an identity--a word for what they are--really helps them self-actualize and live their truth! For some people, they’re very excited about their identity and participate in Pride events and take joy in asserting that this is who they are to the world! For some people, they never have the awareness that this or that idle feeling might mean they actually /don’t/ fit with how the world sees them. And while I’m a great advocate of self-exploration (comes of being vain as I am), some people don’t do that, and that’s fine!
I know that ambiguity is not a neutral answer when it comes to these questions. In the summer of 2019 when the Good Omens miniseries was released, many fans reached out to author Neil Gaiman asking for confirmation that the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley were gay. Gaiman said, “Theirs is a love story.” He said, “They’re not human and I can’t ascribe human sexual identity to them.” He said, “My coauthor is deceased and I can’t make such confirmations without him.” (These are not direct quotes and I don’t have sources, I’m sorry, it’s been a year.) This was not satisfactory to all parties. For some people explicit confirmation of that gender identity is important. And why shouldn’t it be? Their own is important to them.
But I’m from a school of literary analysis where I welcome different interpretations of my works, which are in this case of course derivative and dependent on evidence from the canons I draw on. I write Richie in love with Eddie, and that’s enough for me. If it’s not for the reader, either I feel there’s ample room to interpret my Richie the way they prefer--not just limited to gay or bi! After the first sex scene in TTHAEL Richie is stunned by how he enjoyed that far more than any other sexual encounter he’s ever had, and I think that’s welcome to interpretations of Richie with demisexuality /or/ Richie just finally having fulfilling sex with a man because he’s gay or bi /OR/ Richie has had good sex before but this was just WAY better because he likes sex better when he’s in love with his partner. And every portrayal of Richie I write is slightly different, so Richie from Indelicate might have different sexual attraction/orientation than Richie from Automatic - Mechanical - Pneumatic or Richie from TTHAEL. BUT I don’t want to say that my interpretation is the only valid one--just know that when I write Richie, I write him as a man in love with another man. If I were to write a story about Richie involved with someone other than Eddie, I would tag for it up front.
Again, I know this is a very long answer and probably not as concise or clear as you might like it to be. Thank you so much for coming back around to explain your logic, I apologize for my wariness the first time around, thank you for asking these questions in good faith. “Why not ask” is of course the simplest way to settle an issue and I don’t want to discourage anyone from asking me questions about my fic. If there are other things you have questions about, please don’t hesitate to ask, either here or by sending me a private message, I  don’t mind either way.
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