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c0nj3r · 8 months ago
whos a (musical) artist you think is severely underrated?
and who’s one you think is severely overrated?
another great question!
severely underrated would probably have to be derek berry of TRSH (great midwest emo band) and severely overrated would have to be ms carbon emissions herself taylor swift
trsh is genuinely great and i almost met derek when he came to my city but unfortunately i couldnt make the show. if you would want to listen to them i suggest the entirety of sophoric (album)
another favorite band of mine would be mickey darling theyre fantastic. honestly i cant name a song of theirs i dont like.
thanks for the ask man its always a pleasure to get them -charlie
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months ago
Roma: riforestazione, tornano i pini a piazza Venezia
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Roma: riforestazione, tornano i pini a piazza Venezia Il Sindaco di Roma Roberto Gualtieri e l'Assessora all'Agricoltura, Ambiente e Ciclo dei rifiuti Sabrina Alfonsi hanno presenziato all'avvio dell'intervento di messa a dimora di dieci pini nel quadrante di piazza Venezia. In particolare, sono stati collocati cinque pini e un cipresso in Piazza San Marco, quattro pini in Piazza dell'Ara Coeli e un pino all'inizio della salita di Via delle Tre Pile. Con questo intervento, coordinato dal Dipartimento capitolino Tutela Ambientale, si vuole ricostituire l'assetto arboreo dell'area con la sostituzione delle alberature mancanti a seguito dei crolli e degli abbattimenti avvenuti la scorsa estate. A Piazza San Marco, il 13 luglio 2023, si era verificato il crollo di un pino di circa 25 metri di circa 80 anni che aveva coinvolto anche due cipressi. Le analisi effettuate avevano evidenziato che l'apparato radicale era stato attaccato da un fungo cariogeno e che risultava ulteriormente compromesso a causa dei lavori di sistemazione del marciapiede probabilmente risalenti al Giubileo del 2000. Il successivo 20 luglio 2023 un altro crollo aveva interessato un pino antistante all'Insula romana anch'esso risultato colpito alle radici da fungo cariogeno. Immediatamente dopo i crolli erano state disposte in tutta l'area, compresa quella iniziale di Via dei Fori imperiali, le prove di trazione sui pini presenti che avevano portato all'abbattimento di tre pini e un cipresso a Piazza San Marco, di quello restante di fronte all'Insula e del pino all'inizio della salita di Via delle Tre Pile. Nell'area di fronte all'Insula non verranno effettuati nuovi reimpianti per la mancanza di spazio adeguati a garantire la crescita e la stabilità di nuovi pini e per i lavori di realizzazione della Metro C. Questo intervento si inserisce nel piano complessivo di messa a dimora, entro l'anno, di circa 10mila alberature stradali con interventi di deceppamenti di essenze abbattute negli anni passati e di ripristino di vecchie 'tazze' tombate. Dall'inizio del 2024 sono oltre 4.500 le alberature stradali già piantate utilizzando, tra le altre essenze, ligustri, tigli, peri da fiore, pruni magnolie, lecci, frassini, sophore, aranci, aceri e jacarande. Gli appalti prevedono anche almeno 25 interventi di irrigazione l'anno, il ripristino o sostituzione dei tutori eventualmente danneggiati e delle legature, il controllo della verticalità dell'essenza, la fertirrigazione al termine dell'anno di manutenzione, la sostituzione delle piante non attecchite o essiccate nel corso dei due anni di manutenzione prevista da contratto. "La messa a dimora dei nuovi pini a Piazza Venezia è un segno di attenzione e cura per il verde, i parchi e le ville storiche della città su cui l'amministrazione ha portato gli investimenti dal 6,7 milioni del 2020 ai 33 milioni del 2022 e 34 milioni del 2023. Per il nuovo bando 2024-2026 di manutenzione integrata del verde verticale e orizzontale sono circa 100 milioni i fondi stanziati. Siamo al lavoro in tutti i quadranti della città con un piano specifico dedicato alle alberature stradali con interventi importanti quali, ad esempio, quelli realizzati a Via dei Gracchi, Viale Marconi, Via di Villa Chigi, Via di Sacco Pastore, Via Tigrè, Viale Leonardo Da Vinci, Via Faleria, Via Albertoni e Via De Carolis", ha dichiarato il Sindaco Gualtieri. "Con questo intervento a piazza Venezia, a tutela dell'immenso valore storico e paesaggistico dei pini, manteniamo l'impegno preso dopo i crolli verificatisi lo scorso luglio, restituendo ad uno dei luoghi iconici della città il suo assetto originario. Con questo obiettivo abbiamo aperto un tavolo con la Sovrintendenza capitolina per pianificare gli interventi di messa a dimora e ricollocare tutti i pini mancanti riprendendo, per quanto possibile, il disegno storico dei luoghi. Per questo intervento sono state scelte alberature di circa 25 anni di età e con un'altezza media di 8 metri, pini che da subito si integreranno nel paesaggio del centro della città. Questa messa a dimora dialoga con gli altri interventi di piantagione di pini come i nuovi 20 di Viale delle Terme di Caracalla e i 200 collocati nel Parco di Monte Mario" ha aggiunto l'Assessora Alfonsi.        ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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yimsoksophors · 2 years ago
3rd National Farmer Forum
From 6-7 Nov 12, Yim Sok Sophors, Smallholder Agriculture Specialist, attended the 3rdNational Farmer Forum in Koh Pich Centre, in Phnom Penh. The forum was organized by the NGO Forum on Cambodia in cooperation with many other NGOs and Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD). Platform of the 3rd National Farmer Forum The objective of the forum were 1) to reflect on and share the…
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eightfoldjourney · 11 days ago
Temenos turned his gaze where the mercenary had gestured. Sure enough, there looked to be some sort of path in the snow, as if something had rolled through it. "Good find. It seems you may have a sharper eye than I anticipated." For a brief moment, Temenos felt a pang of nostalgia, though he quickly forced it aside.
"Follow along, and keep quiet. I have a suspicion I know exactly what made these tracks..." The inquisitor followed the trail, moving as silently as he could through the snow. Sure enough, he eventually stopped, and held out his staff for Sky to do the same.
"There they are..." Temenos gestured ahead toward what looked like a patch of snow-covered brush... Though on closer inspection, it the leaves seemed to be moving oddly. "Wanderweeds. The Winter variety, to be precise. We'll need to be quick about this. I've brought some Herbs of Awakening in case you get struck by their sophoric needles, but do try not to anyway, hmm?"
"I suppose..." Temenos was certainly no stranger to not getting much sleep at night, for one reason or another... But he always made sure not to let it affect his work. "Well then, let's be on our way, shall we?"
The inquisitor turned and walked through the gate, making his way up the snowy slopes. "Monster activity should be a bit lower at this time, so we may have to hunt for a bit, but that will also make it easier to do deal with them. Smaller numbers and the like."
Indeed, the nocturnal beasts were just retreating from daylight and the diurnal ones had yet to fully rouse. "Do try to keep your eyes peeled for any signs of activity; tracks in the snow, fallen signposts, that sort of thing..."
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fleursrising · 5 years ago
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more sophoric, mostly him coping with life! also before he died bc of hautboi’s curse n hautboi had to bring him back by sacrificing something (his hair) n also when i was still trying to decide on his horns lmao
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zekkopunks · 2 years ago
FUCK I forgot ranboo stream is in 20 minutes im trying to learn Spanish here…
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supercantaloupe · 4 years ago
Sometimes people leave you / Halfway through the wood / Others may deceive you / You decide what's good / You decide alone / But no one is alone
After the dust settles, the Abernant sisters reflect on all they've been through, and contemplate what's let still to come.
once again i am writing abernant angst fics titled after songs from musicals, who could have predicted this
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rametarin · 9 months ago
It cannot be overstated enough how important it is that it becomes common knowledge, just what ideology supports this sort of thing.
They pretend to be THE group most concerned about equality, equity, protecting those with vulnerability in the systems. But those are purely pretension. Something that only sounds right on paper and if you take it at full faith and work it back on the situation, it kind of loosely applies.
Except, it doesn't. At all. Because they omit the parts of those pretensions and positive seeming motivations that make their actions so sinister. They don't tell you about the whys and hows they arrive at their conclusions, instead spitting a charismatic sophoric paty line about "oppressing minorities bad" and "equality good."
Then you learn many of these words are special, in-group kinds with asterisks.
They do not care about gender equality. They consider males to be inherently and inescapably "privileged" as an overlord class, and females to be subjugated and oppressed. Not because of the existing, real oppressions from culture and tradition of religion that favors the male in LITERAL patriarchies. They hold the female gender to fit the profile of their very political concept of "the minority." In Class Struggle Theory, one class is always dominant and oppressive just by being that class, and one other class is their subordinate, oppressed and subjugated. This is how they inherently think all relationships between parties works and how to analyze relations, even between two different people sitting on a bus.
So they see any relationship where their values and powers aren't being exerted to make those parties operate under their control, to inherently be slanted and oppressive to one or the other. Not based on the rules or how they're applied, either. To them, these are incidental. No, just being class A and B and being designated The Oppressor or Oppressed means, even in a vacuum of rules or activity, they will consider that relationship par for the course so long as Class A is Class A and Class B is Class B, and shun and shame Class A for being oppressive.
Class A they'll treat as the asshole that gets no good faith. Class A is regarded as a bully, even if they have done nothing wrong but be Class A. Just BEING that class is enough.
Class B they'll treat as the victim, infantilize them, and all their wrongs will be attributed to Class A lording over them as their oppressor.
When people with these ideologies try and apply them and their resolutions to people, they demand people to intuitively adopt these values as true. Even if they don't say them out loud.
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Fandom Problem #4716:
I just got into an anime fandom & ran into the dumbest double standard I've ever seen. Preteen boy watches his crush in class & is too shy to speak to her: the fandom decides he's a creep, stalker & will grow up to be a rapist. Teenage girl hides in the boys' changing rooms & takes photos of them naked without their consent: the fandom decides she's totally not creepy, just too young to know better.
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cytgen · 4 years ago
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newsbunddle · 4 years ago
Two overground workers arrested in North Kashmir's Sopore, arms, ammunition recovered
Two overground workers arrested in North Kashmir’s Sopore, arms, ammunition recovered
Sopore: The Jammu and Kashmir police on Monday (August 10) arrested two overground workers (OGWs) in North Kashmir’s Sopore. 
The police recovered arms and ammunition including one hand grenade-1 and AK-47 rounds-20 from the arrested militant associates.
The accused were caught during the Naka checking at Darpora Bomai which was laid by a joint team of Army’s 22 RR, SOG Sopore, CRPF…
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secretlynestaarcheron · 3 years ago
Velaris University: Pitch it to Me
Cassian x Nesta love story
faint: Feysand and Gwynriel
A/N would you guys perfer multiple mini stories in this universe with each couple or all the couples intertwined into one major story?
Cassian blinks up at the sun as he faintly listens to Rhysand yelling from his spot between second and third base. “Cassian, are you listening?” Rhysand yells, turning his attention towards where Cassian stood on the mound. 
“Unfortunately,” Cassian mutters before turning to his captain and friend. “We’ve been out here for three hours, practicing until we've died from exhaustion is not going to help us win against Spring court next week.” 
A dark shadow passes over Rhysand gaze at the mention of Spring Court. “I am not letting Tamlin win,” Rhysand retorts before turning towards everyone. “Which means everyone needs to get their head in the games starting now.” 
Rhysand jogs back to his spot and nods at Cassian to begin pitching again. As Cassian turns he catches Azriel's eye. Who shrugged and shook his head, Rhysand was normally extremely level headed except for when it came to Spring Court, especially since his summer “fling” started seriously dating Tamlin a few weeks ago. It was better to not fight him when he got like this. 
Azriel held up three fingers as a sophomore walked up to the plate, bat in hand. Cassian gave a curt nod before throwing the ball. It landed perfectly in Azriel's glove leaving the sophore, who didn’t even swing, dumbfounded. 
Cassian made a show of turning to Rhysand. “Is that more to your liking, Rhys?” he questions. 
Rhysand cracked a smile. “Keep the attitude in check, Monte. Or else I am making everyone do laps,” he calls out. Cassian rolls his eye and turns back to the plate where he continues pitching for another hour. Finally as the sun begins to set Rhysand calls them in for a group huddle. 
Azriel positions himself next to Cassian. “How's the shoulder?” he asks as Rhysand begins discussing the plan for the next week until they went up against Spring Court in a preseason scrimmage. If they kept up this grueling practice schedule, Cassian wasn’t even sure if he would have a shoulder to play with.
“Aches,” Cassian retorts, “I’ll grab some ice before I head home.” 
Azriel nods, “I am having some people over and grabbing pizza for everyone,” he says. “I’ll save you some.” Cassian raises an eyebrow to ask who Azriel was having over since Azriel didn’t really have any other friends besides Rhysand, Cassian, and their childhood friend Mor. Rhyand finishes his speech before Cassian can ask. 
“Monte,” Coach Hyberon yells and Cassian falls back from the group to head over towards him. “Hit the shower and then meet me in my office. We have something we need to go over.” 
Cassian nods, as he heads into the locker room. He would have rather just had the coach say what he wanted to say then stew in anxiety. “What was that about?” Rhysand questions as Cassian walks. 
“Coach just wanted to make sure I am up to par to beat the love of your lifes boyfriend,” Cassian retorts as he walks over to his cubby and peels off his shirt. He just wanted to head home and devour the pizza Azriel had promised. 
Rhysand leans over to shove Cassian’s shoulder, earning a grimace. His eyes narrowed in concern. “Don’t worry about it,” Cassian says before Rhysand can ask. He wasn’t being pulled out of the Spring Court game because of a shoulder injury, he was in his last year an injury was not going to take him out. 
After showing, Cassian walks down the long hall from the locker room to the coaches office. “You’re failing English,” his coach announces before Cassian even shuts the door. Amren, the team manager, chokes on a laugh as she looks over. He ignores her, he couldn’t wait for her insults once he left. 
Cassian frowns. He had a C in the class, which wasn’t great when compared to his engineering courses which he was acing but he wasn’t failing yet.
Coach Hyberon frowns as he slides a paper over towards Cassian. Cassian glances down at the paper. “Your English professor reached out to me to let me know you would be receiving a C- on your midterm,” Coach says. “Which drops your grade to a D. Which means-,” 
“Which means I am out for the Spring Court game next week,” Cassian fills in the blank. He hated Spring Court, but his captain and brother Rhysand hated them even more so it was a very important game. 
“Which means that I am going to have to put a freshman pitcher in if you don’t get your act together,” Coach Hyberon scowls. Cassian raises an eyebrow, so he wasn’t officially out yet? “The professor also hates Spring Court, so we have come to an agreement. You have another opportunity in the midterm.” 
Cassian stares up at the coach. “I can rewrite it with the corrections?” he asks, looking at all the red pen marks. He cringes at all the spelling errors. 
“No,” his coach says. Cassian blinks up at him. “You will have to pick a new topic and rewrite it by Thursday.” 
Cassian mouth drops. “Thursday? That's in four days,” he exclaims with his class and game schedule he wasn’t sure if he would be able to finish it in time but he couldn’t let the team down.
“At least I know you know the days of the week, I suggest you get started,” Coach says as he turns to face his computer dismissing Cassian. Cassian lets out a loud sigh as he grabs the paper from the desk and turns to leave. How the hell was he supposed to get this done in time? 
An hour later, Cassian finds himself climbing the stairs of the library ignoring the dull ache in his shoulder and the growling in his stomach as he moves towards the tutoring center. He hadn’t been here since freshman year when he had a senior question how he made it into college based on his reading level. At the time Cassian was embarrassed about his learning disability and wasn’t about to tell a senior who called him stupid that he was actually dyslexic and didn’t have the best support system growing up. He stopped coming all together to the library when a TA told him he only got in because of his ability to throw a ball. 
His footsteps slowed as he neared the entrance to the tutoring center. They stopped all together when he saw who was sitting behind the help desk. Nesta Archeron sat flipping through a thick novel which must be more than six pages long. Her hair was tied back but a few strains fell into her face as her eyes scanned the page intently. She glances up, her eyes narrowing as she spots Cassian. 
She closes her book and he glances down at the title. Prythian Law and Policies. He briefly remembers Rhysand summer “fling” turned love of his life Feyre Archeron mentions that her sister was a double major in English and Political Science who was currently applying to law programs. 
“Have you been here before?” Nesta asks. 
He swallows the lump in his throat. The last thing he needed was for Nesta Archeron to know that he was stupid. Especially since he spent the summer trying to woo her once Feyre introduced them in passing at a party. She cleared her throat intently and he realized he had been staring at her. “Uh, not since Freshman year,” he replies. 
She nods, flipping an ipad towards him. “We changed the system last year so you’ll have to make a new account. Just sign into your student profile,” she explains. He steps forward and his eyes scan the page. “Just to let you know we will be closing in ten minutes.” 
Cassian freezes. “Ten minutes?” He repeats slowly. How was he supposed to write his complete paper in ten minutes so he could have the next three days to review it? He still needed to figure out a new topic and he didn’t know when he would have time-
“Cassian,” Nesta says and he blinks at her. He didn’t realize she remembered his name. “Are you okay?” 
He shakes his head. “No-, well, I-,” the panic was setting in. The pressure he had been feeling since elementary school when he would say bog instead of dog in class or stumble over his words during read allowed time. By middle school he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get into college with his grades which is how he met Rhysand and Azriel who talked him into playing baseball. Now, his college and baseball career would be over because of a core English requirement. 
He hadn’t realized Nesta had moved to the other side of the desk until her hands were on her shoulders. “Take a deep breath, follow my lead,” she murmurs, her eyes soft as she looks up at him. She grabs his hand and places it on her chest. She takes a deep breath and slowly releases it. As she does it again he matches her. 
“Feeling better?” she questions after a few moments. He nods as he drops his hand, not trusting his voice, he wondered how she knew what to do.  As if she was able to hear his question she supplies, “I used to get panic attacks in highschool.”
“Thank you,” he says, fidgeting with the straps of his backpack. “I just got some bad news and I think it was all hitting me at once. I appreciate you helping me.” He glances down at his watch. He had spent the majority of their short time freaking out. “I don’t want to keep you.” 
He turns to go but she holds out a hand to stop him. “What did you need help with?” she questions. 
“A paper,” he replies. 
She laughs, “Okay,” she says slowly. “Editing? Helping with the topic? Presenting? Structure?” 
Cassian grimaces. “Is all of the above an option?” he asks and she laughs again. “I massively failed a paper and it’ll drop my grade down so I won’t be able to play in the scrimmage next week but my professor is allowing me to give it another go.” 
Nesta nods slowly. “When is it due?” she asks. 
“Thursday,” he replies, running a hand through his hair. “But it has to be a new topic.” 
Nesta’s eyes flicker to the clock on the wall. “I said I would babysit for a family friend,” Nesta says, and Cassian's heart drops. “But, I work at the diner downtown. Rita’s. No one is ever there since it's a work day so come by tomorrow between  6-12 and I’ll help you bounce around some topics.”
His eyes brighten. “Really?” he asks. 
“I am not writing the paper for you, but I don’t work again until Thursday and the other English tutor is more likely to complain to you about her boyfriend problems than actually help you with your assignments,” Nesta replies with a shrug. She looks away sheepishly. “I mean only if you want.” 
Cassian smiles brightly. “That would be incredible. I could pay you since you wouldn’t be on school hours. Whatever you want,” he replies. “Anything you want.” 
“Anything I want?” she hums in thought as she moves around the table and grabs her book bag and book off the table. “How about a favor?” 
Cassian quickly nods. “Yeah, of course. What do you need?” he asks. 
She bites her lip as she looks up at him. “My dad is trying to set me up with one of his old business partners' sons,” she says. Cassian raises an eyebrow suspiciously. “He’s known to be cruel and my dad has invited him over for dinner on Friday. I’d like you to come.” 
“You need me to beat him up?” Cassian asks. He could do it and he would do it if this guy touched Nesta but he wasn’t sure if starting a fight with someone based on a rumor would go over well with his coach. 
Nesta laughs and shakes her head, more of her hair falling from her braid and covering her piercing eyes. “I need you to be my fake boyfriend.” 
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huggingtentacles · 2 years ago
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The thing about 3v1 situations is that... It's kinda hard to win them, because you're not supposed to by the game's rules. Beating 3 people is beating the odds, that's how odds work.
Not all is lost, though. There certainly will be situations where you'll be able to take advantage of your position. First and foremost you must be versatile and have a weapon for every situation. You swap between them depending on what you need. Second, utilize the area. Use the mobs to separate the gankers and pick them off. Use cover to avoid long-range attacks, as well as prepare ambushes. Don't engage in a 3v1 without a plan.
If they spam spells at you, focus on dodging and baiting out more spells. They're wasting their blue bar. You might use carian retaliation to outright punish the spell spam as well.
For a strength/arcane build I cannot recommend Mohgwyn's sacred spear enough, this thing is insane, especially dual-wielded. The ash of war is an ambush tool, but the moveset of a greatspear is what makes this weapon great, as well as bleed effect.
Ripple Crescent Halberd is something else. On it's own the weapon is fairly mediocre, but any status effect grease on it will become an immensely more powerful version of it.
Actually, here's the status buildup of the greases from just 45 arcane:
Poison Grease - 177
Drawstring Poison Grease - 225
Blood Grease - 84
Drawstring Blood Grease - 107
Soporific Grease - 93
Drawstring Soporific Grease - 118
I especially recommend the sophoric grease, that shit is insane against gankers.
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homestuckexamination · 4 years ago
Imagine: Sophor slime water beds
Oh god, the wobbliness of a water bed, but with the consistence of sopor. That sounds. Interesting.
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henryinchantis · 5 years ago
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Henry Benjamin Inchantis - amorzinho - Sophore, 17. Façam amizade.
/Aí gente eu não sei mais o que eu deveria colocar, é minha primeira vez no tumblr então tenham paciência comigo, por favorzinho./
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rainandhotchocolate · 6 years ago
I loved your “coming out” fanfic! Can I request something similar where the reader is sirius’s sister and he catches her kissing a girl? :)
A/N: HI HELLO! This is a combined fic with another anon request I got - it will be multiple parts don’t u worry, I just wanted to write a lil intro. Hope you enjoy! 
Tutor’s Pet
“Ok, so what do you need to make a drought of living death?” Lily quizzed, watching Y/N closely with her bright green eyes.
Y/N tried to avoid looking at the textbook below her, pretending to take a second to think of the answer, as if it wasn’t already floating around in her head.
“Uh… Sophorous Bean, powdered root of Asphodel, and a sloths brain”
“Yes, perfect! And how would one prepare them?” Lily beamed at her, the same way she always did when one of her tutees got something right. Y/N paused again, wondering how long she should wait before answering.
“The Sophorous bean should be crushed with a blade, and mixed in with the rest of the ingredients counterclockwise seven times… and clockwise twice?”
“Only once clockwise but good! Much better than last time” Lily reached over and squeezed Y/N’s hand, making her stomach flip over.
Lily had been tutoring Y/N in advanced potions for a little over two months now, ever since Professor Slughorn had suggested that Y/N would be moved up into a higher level class if she took some after school tutoring from one of his students in the sixth year.
After about a month, Slughorn had already given Y/N his blessing to move up into the sixth year potions classes, but Y/N had hurriedly told him otherwise, convincing him to give her another month by trying to play the “I’m so young, moving up another level without being adequately prepared would be suicide” card.
Thankfully, and begrudgingly, he’d agreed, and Y/N had the immense pleasure of being able to tap Lily nervously on the shoulder at breakfast the next day and inform her that she would be tutoring her for another month-
“If that’s ok!” Y/N tried to avoid blushing, but she felt her ears burning already and pushed her hair in front of her face to hide it. Lily had smiled widely at her and stood up, swinging her arms around Y/N’s neck.
“Yes, of course, I’ll keep tutoring you! My favourite pupil” She pulled away from the hug and winked, “But I do reckon you’re easily ready to move into my class already”
“Just want some extra practice before I go against my brother” Y/N had grinned back at her excited smile, before waving her off and watching her saunter out of the hall and presumably back to her group of sixth-year girlfriends calling for her at the entrance of the Great Hall.
Lily closed her textbook, sighing loudly and pulling Y/N out of her daze.
“Well, that is a whole two months worth of me you’ve gotten, and I think you’re more than ready to join us scary sixth years” She chuckled, “and I promise I’ll hex Sirius into next year if he gets anywhere near your potion”
Lily winked at Y/N, who chuckled and began putting her books away into an oversized satchel.
“You sure you’ll still want to hang out with the nerdy fifth year amongst all your scary sixth-year friends” Y/N joked, hoping Lily wouldn’t notice the terseness to her voice. Y/N had been terrified that the moment she left her one-on-one tutoring everything would go back to the way it had been, with Lily not giving her a second glance. Lily, however, grabbed Y/N hand to stop her from backing away her last book and look up at Lily’s earnest expression.
“Of course not” Lily’s face relaxed a little at Y/N smile, standing up and pulling her bag over her shoulder, “and besides, I’d do anything to watch Sirius’ younger sister destroy him at potions”
“It is supremely fun watching him lose”
“Couldn’t agree more”
They both fell silent momentarily, watching each other. Y/N’s heart was beating unnaturally fast and hard in her chest as her mind began to race. Should I go for it? It might be your only chance- but you might lose any chance at a friendship, and potentially the only person who’ll fucking like you in potions. And anyway, what if she hates you? What if you’ve read this all wrong and she tells everyone and they all think-
“Are you ok?” Lily looked thoroughly concerned and Y/N’s progressively furrowing brow and likely incredibly pained face.
“What? Oh – yes, yes I’m fine! Sorry” Y/N quickly slung her bag over her shoulder and tried to smile as if she wasn’t thinking about how her lips might feel against her own, and how Lily might taste, her tongue slipping into- “I should go”
“No, hang on, wait” Lily grabbed her arm, looking a little nervous, “I just- in case I don’t see you… I just wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed tutoring you. I mean like obviously I enjoy tutoring all my students – but I guess what I’m trying to say is-
But she was cut off by Y/N closing the small gap between them and placing a soft kiss on her lips. Y/N pulled away and looked up at the absolutely dumbfounded Lily.
“Fuck – I am so so sorry, I don’t know what came over me I- I’m just going to leave”
“Don’t you dare” Lily grabbed her by the collar and pulled Y/N back in, kissing her deeply back. Y/N melted completely reaching out and running her hands through Lily’s long, beautiful hair and-
BANG! The door behind them burst open and the split apart, both red in the face and breathing heavily. They turned to face their two intruders, and Y/N felt as though she might faint when she realised who was staring back at them.
The two worst people to have interrupted them were standing in the doorway, jaws dropped and speechless at what they had accidentally just walked into.
The boy hopelessly in love with Lily Evans, and Y/N Black’s brother. James and Sirius.
Tags! @blackpinkdolan​
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fleursrising · 5 years ago
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sophoric, second mate to the TreasuredTengu
he is tiny but will kick your ass for even looking at the boat
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