#sophist with eevee ears >>>>
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deafeningkittycomputer · 2 days ago
Winter night (Party crashers Rpg au)
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They have a small house now bc why not
Also sophist with eevee ears
Vernias got them the clothes bc it was getting really cold around
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alejandramelody · 4 months ago
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Sophist "doodles"
...I don't have an explanation for these lol
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starry-sophrosyne · 6 days ago
That draft and all the talk about the sugar au has me thinking of Sophist singing "Poison", and now I'm passing the brainrot to you :3.
MORE ANONS YIPPEE!!! ٩(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵๑)۶ And I can indeed confirm that I thought about "Poison" right after realizing the AD similarities to Escort Sophist, my only thing is that AD's voice is waayyyy too tenor (high pitched) and also pitchy(? dunno if thats the right word) for me to actually hear him singing it lmao-
Speaking of which, I can definitely imagine Leo filming himself with Sophist, not for public view or as he says, himself, but because he knows of Sophist's self loathing (explained in a drabble i have coming up). Sophist is popular in the business, but Leo's known that he's now/has been struggling to remain here, and throughout the years, his hold on him has also weakened. So instead, he lets him trap himself, constantly murmuring the scarlett letter effect/trope into his ears as they're filming.
A salacious, honey-like voice, slithering in the air but murmuring expressions that are both cruel (in comparison to his voice) and coldly calculated. Leo had always been good with his voice, and in the moment, it was intoxicating, making the venom in his whisper made each word feel like a reminder, a statement, rather than a threat. Maybe it was the heat in the air, but it felt so suffocating, inescapable, like this undeniable truth.
It's true that lust will blind and suffocate, but just as much does it distract and coalesce one into this deliberate softness, lowering one's guard subconsciously. It is enough to make the phrases cut into him like glass shards, but be too preoccupied for him to notice. Over time, the phrases gradually embed themselves into his heart, and it is through this that Leo manipulates Eevee. Coherent thoughts from the days before dissipating alongside the haze of lust, and without any recollection that these ideas are the result of/connected/linked back to Leo, his subconscious can only believe that these thoughts have been conjured by himself. As such, that idea becomes true, and in technicality, these thoughts have always been his own. It takes years, but slowly, Leo strengthens this idea of impossibility of a new future, a new life with acceptance without prejudice, while also advancing Sophist's previous insecurities to this self loathing. It matters not to him whether or not Sophist is insecure, eating away at himself in this self hatred, he just needs to be blinded. Blinded enough to stay. As long as his perspective is never opened, he'll always see the tall, looming wall in front of him, unclimbable; and disheartened, he will not attempt to leave. Any hope of that idea will be crushed, and he will be unable to see the truth that's really around him.
... That is, until he meets someone special.
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itselisaeclipse · 1 day ago
Here is a little Sophist drawing I did based on @deafeningkittycomputer eevee ears headcanon :]
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crashingstar69 · 29 days ago
Hear me out:
Sophist sneaking up on Brent from behind and tickling him just bc he loves hearing him laugh 💜💚
So sorry for this I just-
This is so cute ksjsjsjs
Sophist will do ANYTHING to hear Brent laugh, it’s music to his ears.
Thankfully, Brent laughs at absolutely everything (specially if it’s Eevee) so he gets to hear it all the time.
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jas-moved-smitten-blog · 6 years ago
Cat emojis rated by a furry
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Baby girl. Baby. :3 Face executed poorly but other than that a very good kitten. 7/10
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I do NOT like the look he's giving me, but I love his whiskers. A good effort 6/10
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Now the chubby cheeks ruin it for me a little, but a good boy nonetheless. Lack of whiskers or any discernable cat-like features annoys me. Nice try 5/10
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Yikes, that that is not a friendly face. Loving the whiskers and the stripes though. 5/10
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That's an Eevee with stripes. His carefree smile is the saving grace here. 6/10
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ABSOLUTELY. Beautiful, sophisticated lady. 10/10
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I understand you were going for a realistic look here, but the dimples on the face are disgusting. The only redeeming feature here are those wicked ears. 4.5/10
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Absolutely a good boy. :3/10
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Nice face shape. Give them some realistic colors and you've got a nice kitty. 6/10
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Looks like Tony the Tiger. 8/10
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deafeningkittycomputer · 1 day ago
Lazy animation I did on ibis paint bc I was bored
Rpg au again yippie
au thing is that vernias loves petting random animals even if they have a bunch of diseases. This applies to pokemon as well, so every time they walk past animals, Nick has to hold vernias back, and since sophist has eevee ears in my au vernias sometimes can't resist the urge too randomly pet him
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deafeningkittycomputer · 17 days ago
This is kinda old, but I decided to post it here anyway
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Sophist with eevee ears bc I love this headcannon a lot
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deafeningkittycomputer · 21 hours ago
Sophist with eevee ears again bc I love this headcannon so much
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Vernias's face looks weird😔
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deafeningkittycomputer · 5 days ago
Uhhh, random thing I made for my Party crashers rpg au (the name will probably be changed)
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This au will also feature the krew a bit
It's also based on the dnd videos, tho it's not dnd au bc I know absolutely nothing about dnd
Their roles or smth and useless stuff
Vernias is a healer (Idk what the role is called) he also has wings, but he can hide them
Nick is a Knight, tho he often gets mistaken for a Prince by townspeople
Brent is a barbarian. He's also kinda a king.tho he doesn't really care about that title right now
Sophist is a wizard. He also has eevee ears, tho no one really knows(including the other three) this bc he hides them
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starry-sophrosyne · 1 month ago
(non reblog post) obligated to make tcvern3 headcanons now due to making some for law and disorder (^▽^) :
nick and vern definitely use pet names towards eachother a lot more then brent and eevee do
nick gives vern both really cute and really horrid nicknames in spanish, and vern is unfortunately unable to pick up the subtext and now resorts to simply acknowledging them
this gets nick angry when they're actually cute nicknames but vern has been laughed at too many times by nick for him to consider himself in the wrong
vernias once called him papi as a joke and nick nearly exploded out of embarrassment, now vern calls this him occasionally just to throw him off, which makes nick both laugh and yell at him jokingly
vern LOVES painting nick's nails but has to beg to do it, nick won't hide them tho, he's not afraid of being a lil fem obv
they also have matching earrings together (nick's are clip ons)
nick would be the one to court vern
vern standing on his tiptoes and pulling nick down by his shirt collar in order to kiss him (which VERY much surprises nick, although in a good way, as vern can do this easily due to his arm muscles lmao)
they once tried to share a scarf in a winter, but due to their height difference, vern ended up not being able to see (like that one meme photo), which resulted in brent and sophist dying of laughter
they try to one up each other whether it be romantically or in prank wars, this has escalated like crazy in both directions (sophist and brent have literally had to talk them out of/stop them from doing anything super crazy)
That one meme of two boyfriends crossing the street and almost getting hit by a car and one yelled “IM SO SORRY!!” while the other yelled “FUCK YOU DICKWAD!!”
And bc this is SO long, I had to make a whole section entirely dedicated to examples of them trying to one up each other
nick 100% puts stuff on the top shelf where vernias cant reach (this is a real thing that happened btw)
in retaliation, vern starts putting all of the things nick uses in the lower cupboards, they literally rearranged the location of everything in their apartment doing this 
nick also holds things up in the air and dangles them above vern's head where he can’t reach (this has resulted in him getting his balls kicked once or twice-)
nick sometimes likes to walk in really long and wide strides just so vern has to catch up, which makes vern pout, he has occasionally yanked nick back by the back of his shirt in response too
nick used vern’s head as a shoulder rest ONCE and vern literally fought him for it, so nick never did it again 
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itselisaeclipse · 13 hours ago
Opinion on sophist with eevee ears (I reslly love this headcannon)
It's a pretty neat headcanon,not sure if I will use it,but I love it it's so cute,especially from your drawings :3
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itselisaeclipse · 20 hours ago
Lazy animation I did on ibis paint bc I was bored
Rpg au again yippie
au thing is that vernias loves petting random animals even if they have a bunch of diseases. This applies to pokemon as well, so every time they walk past animals, Nick has to hold vernias back, and since sophist has eevee ears in my au vernias sometimes can't resist the urge too randomly pet him
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itselisaeclipse · 20 hours ago
Sophist with eevee ears again bc I love this headcannon so much
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Vernias's face looks weird😔
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itselisaeclipse · 17 days ago
This is kinda old, but I decided to post it here anyway
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Sophist with eevee ears bc I love this headcannon a lot
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itselisaeclipse · 2 days ago
Winter night (Party crashers Rpg au)
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They have a small house now bc why not
Also sophist with eevee ears
Vernias got them the clothes bc it was getting really cold around
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