#sooo cuutteee
fridayiaminlovemp3 · 1 year
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spiroufuckyboy02 · 5 months
-Je vois la nuit, les lumières de la ville nocturne...) 🌃🍸
Spirou ❤️
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Salut! J'ai passé une journée sur l'art, en le dessinant par intermittence. Spirou avec l'harmonie de la nuit, la ville nocturne a l'air tout simplement divine...))) >°< 💖🫶
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
Things I LOVED about NATLA Episode 8 - Legends
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
The Aang Gaang working together in the fight!!!!
Honestly it felt so natural to have all three of them taking out the Fire Nation ship that I completely forgot it didn't happen like that in the animated show!
In the animated version, Aang took out the ship while Katara and Sokka just stood on the ice wall - showing them in battle together and working with synergy was phenomenal
Aang doing AOE damage, Katara taking out soldiers with precision, and Sokka shouting battle plans and taking out the command center - really great way to SHOW the roles each play in battle
The Gaang complementing each other was soo cuutteee!!
"Lu Ten would have been proud to have you as his father" 😭😭😭
Then the Iroh hug!!! 😭😭😭
"I'd say it's 50/50! …. 60/40 😬"
Lol oh Sokka, you're so bad at optimism
Let's go Katara!!!! Going to even the odds!!!
The war balloon showing up early!!!
The entire battle of the North was sooo intense!
I really felt a lot more of the danger and panic than in the animated version
LOVE that Pakku's change to allow women in battle came here, with Katara and the other women standing up to him
The animated show doesn't even have any women helping at all in the battle - we don't even see them healing the wounded. To me, the live-action actually addressed the systemic issue of the sexism in the North rather than just having Katara be the token woman who wanted to fight
"You KNOW we can make a difference!" "We?"
The shot of all the women standing there in traditional clothing was super powerful to me
I know some people think it's 'virtue signaling' or whatever and complain about the shot of all the women heroes in Endgame or Captain Marvel's 'standing up after being knocked down' montage, but call me a stupid woman, those scenes actually mean a lot to me. Why is animated Katara railing against Sokka because she has to do the laundry seen as the height of feminism and yet a group of indigenous women standing up and backing one of their sisters in her bid to make systemic change actually the opposite of feminism? It makes no sense to me.
I LOVE Yagoda backing Katara!!
Katara isn't some 'outsider coming in to change a culture's savage ways' - she's simply the catalyst for the people WITHIN that culture to stand up and say 'yeah, now is our time, change needs to happen and we've known it for awhile'
Yue wanting to be out there helping her people 😭😭
Her father's talk with her really reminds me of Eowyn and Theoden from The Return of the King - even if you want to help defend your home, if you're in a position of leadership, staying alive so you can lead in a fallen chief's place is an important role to play, too
Sokka and Hahn's ….tension as he promises to take care of Yue 👀
The student calling Katara 'master'!!!! 😭😭😭
In my in-depth analysis, I go into why I think it's a title she's completely earned despite her lack of formal training but suffice it to say that if you have an issue with them calling Katara master, then shut the fuck up
Ooohh adding a time-table for the Fire Nation attack with the Ice Moon caveat!
I like adding to the depth and lore of the world which makes it make a whole lot more sense that the Fire Nation would attack the WATER TRIBE during a full moon
I like the Fire Sage actually knowing spiritual stuff and finding value in it - even though he's using it to help Zhao hurt them
Yes, Iroh. Zhao is most definitely planning on tampering with the spirit world 😬
Avatar Kuruk coming to Aang!!!!
I really like that concept - like on the Lionturtle, the past Avatars can appear as a mirage to give warnings
And connecting Kuruk's battle against the evil spirits to the Fire Nation twisting the weapons of defense into a weapon to harm - soooo goooood
"Killing the ocean spirit would deprive people all over the world of their lives!!! I'm not a monster!!" 🙃
Aahhh, twisted logic at its finest: after all, what's the point in ruling the world if there's no one to rule
Oooohhhhh and Kuruk's voice beginning to layer with the other Avatars as he talks about how Zhao can't be allowed to meddle with the primal forces of nature!!
Such a great use of the voice alteration that happens when they go into the Avatar state!
Hero Momo!!!!!
Omg I was SO WORRIED they actually killed Momo!!!!
Sokka and Momo's relationship is so cute how they developed it 😭
I like Yue telling her story this way better than in the animated series
Here, the story is connected to what's happening directly: she's saving Momo's life the same way her life was saved and letting us know the spirit oasis water has healing properties beyond regular healing
Zuko and him fire blasting out from beneath the ice - cool in every adaptation!
"How do you know that?" "Because I helped design the thing" 😔
Love that we're getting a direct tie from the war balloon to Sokka - just like with Kuruk's spirit knife and like Sokka said all the way back in Omashu: the Fire Nation can turn anything into a weapon
Though Iroh won't fully stand against Zhao yet, he's totally stalling as much as he can
"This is about you and me!" aawww classic Zuko - walking into a massive thing and thinking it's still just about him capturing Aang 😅
We've got bigger fish to fry, buddy - oh, shit. No. Oh god. Why'd I use that turn of phrase?? Too soon! Too soon!
Love the full circle moment here with Katara and Zuko's showdown
Aang is now letting her fight while he goes off to another task, trusting that she'll be ok
"Go easy, enough people have been hurt already." "I don't care. "I wasn't talking to you 😏"
Damn right, Aang! Putting respect on Katara!!!
Also, Zuko's face as he realizes Aang doesn't see him as the most important thing here 😬 that's gotta hurt
Love that they're getting a rematch so we can see just how far Katara has come in her combat/waterbending training!
The bending is GORGEOUS!
You can see every move each of them are making and watch the respective elements respond to their movements perfectly.
"You little peasant!!" Oh Zuko, you silly, angry boi "You've found a master, haven't you?"
"Yes, you're looking at her" - DAMN STRAIGHT!
Despite Pakku not agreeing to train her, she's taught herself. She clawed tooth and nail to learn everything she could from every source she had available - she observed other benders and created a waterbending version of the move, she practiced in every spare moment, she grappled with her emotional and spiritual trauma and came out the other side with a more holistic view of bending despite the world telling her to stop - so yeah, she IS her own master.
While I do love the "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun" line, I'm ok with the siege lasting only a day instead of several like in the animated series.
Zuko's little field trip with Aang takes an entire day with nothing really going on in the battle, it's just a few minutes of screen time until we can get back to night again so we can see the moon being killed.
Streamlining it and having Aang seek council before the battle starts rather than in the middle of it I think was a good move. We didn't need a cliffhanger mid-episode like we did in the animated series since it's all a single episode.
Zhao's plan revealed is such great character work - he's just as egotistical as the animated version, down to wanting to be declared 'the moon slayer', but there's so much more depth in the live-action version
He's so ambitious that he actually believes he could become Fire Lord and doesn't take Iroh's threats seriously at all - his pride ensuring his downfall.
LOVE that they kept the blood-red moon as the moon spirit is captured!!
Aang trying to talk down his enemies yet again 😞
No matter how clear their antagonistic motives, he truly believes the best in people and always wants to give them the chance to do the right thing
Oof Zhao cutting to Aang's fear without knowing it: Zhao thinks the Avatar doesn't matter on its face - Aang is afraid he's not good enough as an Avatar TO matter
This sets up Aang's decision to give himself to the ocean spirit - he accepts that he isn't good enough - he doesn't matter, but the ocean spirit does
Iroh shot first!!
In the animated show, Iroh only attacks after Zhao kills the moon spirit, here, he's trying to help the Gaang by distracting Zhao enough for them to save the spirit
But they're too late
They kept the black and white shading where only things bathed in fire or the ocean spirit's blue light have any colors!
I think this entire battle sequence was amazingly done
You can FEEL the terror, you can SEE the cost of such an attack
It's not gratuitous violence - it's showing the realities of war without showing gruesome injuries
I love how Hahn and the other Norther Water Tribe Warriors got to have a heroic stand even without waterbending. Despite their best resource being taken from them, they aren't going down without a fight.
Iroh unleashing on the soldiers and Zhao running like a little bitch!!!!
I love Aang's speech here - he's "following" the advice of past Avatars by putting the world's needs above his own, but it's out of despair, not balance
He's surrendering to a power greater than him because he doesn’t feel like he's succeeded in being the Avatar (which unfortunately, through no fault of his own, is true) and so he's willing to fully lose himself to another power to save the world.
It's WILD that this happens only HALFWAY through the episode!! They really let this sequence breathe and gave so much room for all the character moments to happen
Iroh hugging Zuko while he just stares at the giant koi fish 🤣😭
"Uncle, what is that?" "That, that is wrath" - CHILLS
Zuko ready to fight that monster fish to get the Avatar 😭😭😭😭😭
He really is a crazy dude
"He's a small man who's going to meet a small end"
So right you are, Iroh
Zuko v Zhao!!!
LOVE how the live-action made Zhao a cerebral rather than physical antagonist for Zuko
Even though Zuko beats him physically, Zhao destroys Zuko mentally by revealing all the truths about the royal family dynamic
"You were the fire in which her iron was forged"
Love how each adaptation has Zhao die in a different way 🤣
Honestly, I like all the ways ppl have decided to kill him
The ocean spirit taking him, waterbenders drowning him, and now Iroh killing him for attacking Zuko
I do think I like the animated death the best, but Iroh killing him to protect Zuko is also a nice way to end him - Iroh isn't about this 'give them infinite chances', he's a soldier who's not afraid to get his hands bloody.
The entire attack by the ocean spirit is phenomenal - beautifully shot and you can now feel the terror from the fire nation soldiers
Yue getting the agency to realize she can save the moon and sacrificing herself was a good change
"It's worth it to be alive, even just for a night"
"The world needs you. I need you" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I think it was a really good choice to move Katara talking Aang down from the Avatar state and telling him they're family to the final episode rather than way at the beginning like it happened in the animated series.
That declaration holds a lot more truth as we've SEEN them become a family
Seeing the actual loss from the battle was heart wrenching, but I think it was really needed
Poor Hahn and the young waterbender
I love that Sokka didn't fight in the big battle - his place was being there to support someone else and provide comfort in a terrifying moment for her. His heart is what was needed in this battle, not his combat skills
And Pakku giving Katara her due - she EMBODIES change and growth, always finding a way no matter how many people tell her no
And she got her spirit water!!
"I'm tired" "Then you should get some rest. A man needs his rest" 😭😭😭😭😭
"How do I do this without causing so much pain?"
Oh Aang, that's a question you're going to be grappling with for awhile.
It's such a wonderful way to sum up his character - he doesn't want to cause pain, even to the point of giving people chances they don't deserve - but that quest to find an answer is the reason the world is saved and Aang cements his own legacy within the Avatar line.
Closing with another lesson from Gyatzo!!!! 😭😭
"Let go of your past, or you'll never have a future" - thesis statement right there
Let's not misinterpret this line to say 'forget the past' - this is a Buddhist version of 'letting go' which is to say 'don't cling to the past so much you cannot take steps into your future'
The Gaang's banter over Sokka always thinking about food!!!! So cute!!
I love the scenes here at the end with the Fire Nation
Ozai still holding out hope that Zuko will surprise them with some 'hidden' reserve of strength, but still willing to let him fall so 'the strong' can rise
Azula taking over Omashu!!!
And the comet!
Makes sense that they didn't give a time-table as kids grow fast and we can't just draw them the same age: Gordon is a growing boy so we need to give some space for how much he grows through the filming process
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accio-unnicorns · 5 years
Omi - Instagram stories
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peculiar-shardscape · 3 years
I inversed the Micro
Now I’m going to share it with you on here
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Black mask go brrrrr
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sillybabybee · 4 years
Small Daddy
Sooo this is a funny phrase me and my girlfriend /cg use for when she slips into littlespace which they didn't originally do alot but i encouraged it cause its a very good safe coping mechanism (imo anyways) butttt they get little more often now and it's a lil hard cause on one hand she's sooo cuutteee and my sweet baby and just so so precious but in the other it makes me afraid to be little with them even tho i want to and I'm sure they'd love, just cause im afraid I'll put them back in that cg role ehen i don't needdddd them, and ruin their own experience of little space.
Aside from this I know if ever I NEED daddy, they're there, because for the most part mine is impure regression I use to deal with trauma and self harm, so i know they'll respond to daddy stuff straight away, even if i dont need it at that time, and i run their little head space??
Idk if much of this makes sense but we have the coolest weirdest balance of dynamics in a relationship so I'm sure it will all settle down and fit nicely in a while but yes, that isss todays ramble i gueesss 😌😂
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happilyinsane · 4 years
please don't die.....🥺
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Jsjskalalala!!! Remmmyyy!!!! This made my laugh so hard.. "please dont die".... babbbyyy.. I won't. You don't want me to? I won't!!! I promise.
BUT my uni is gonna kill me.. and there is nothing I can do about it. They don't wanna see me happily living 😞😭
ALSO.. ROBBE GIF? You know I love you right? You are sooo cuutteee 😭. Thank you for sending this in. You are always there 💕💕
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disregardcanon · 4 years
rwby volume 7 chapter 2. this will be the last episode of the morning. i’ll probably watch a few more before bed
1. i like the way that the shot of jaques and whitley bleeds into weiss and winter
2. not to be obvious but atlas and ironwood making enemies of everyone in his quest to keep them safe from salem is so counter-productive. i know that this is something that most of us know but i’m still going to say it 
3. weiss: don’t you think tyranny’s a bit extreme? 
both rebel brick man and me: uh yeah weiss you should probably not be the one to say that 
4. atlas is GORGEOUS. like, oh my god i love the design. castle in the sky is my favorite ghibli movie for a reason 
5. winter loves her little sister <3
6.  ironwood, every kingdom that isn’t atlas is going to get fucking annihilated by grimm if you tell everyone and the entire military is here in atlas and none of the other governments have prior warning. jesus christ, that’s worse than i thought 
7. not sure how wise telling ironwood about oz is, but the gang has always been friendly with him so they aren’t being nearly as wary of him as i think they should be. winter and penny are both also on his side, so they have some good reasons on top of the normal ones to buy into it. 
also, ironwood S a disarming man. i can get why many people don’t see the red flags. 
8. i love dog guy. his design is sooo cuutteee
9. hUG! 
10. the ops leader guy is that clover ebi, right? 
11. penny: every team at atlas academy gets its own room 
ren: so we’re staying in the dorms? 
all heads: *fall* 
12. i love tyrian’s prosthetic. i don’t know if i’ve mentioned that before, but i think it’s really cool 
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for-fucks-sake-h · 4 years
Ohhhh Annnaaaaa!!! This chapter was soooooo cuutteee and sooo many feels like I was just in a constant state of 🦦🦦🦦🦦🦦. She told him about the clown car 😂😂😂. And then the moment he decides about the plot ugghhhwhaksnsjsjsks the waterworks broke and that kiss and all those lingering touches and kisses before that. I WANT THAT 😭😭😭 he can finalllyyy open up the closed off parts of him and aaahhhh the warmth. Thaaankk you for your art!! ❤️❤️❤️
SO MANY FEELS 😫😫😫 a lot happened for them in the course of a few hours! Excited to share the rest with you babe, thank you for reading! ❤️❤️❤️
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godlyakechi · 4 years
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oh oh ho ho oh oho h ho hoh ohohoh ren is sooo ughhhhhh he’s holding a gun ooohhh my goddd he’s so cuutteeely hottttt ughhhhhhhh uh.
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Sooo cuutteee❤️
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sunghaey · 7 years
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Eternal maknae andy oppa, that mouth sooo cuutteee!!! 😄😄😄
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yohioloid · 7 years
Victuuri and rupphire for the ship ask thingy
Eeeeeeeeeeee them gay skaters and them lesbian rocks!!! Love them!!
-who drags the other into cuddlesAhhhh victor that cuddle bug he issss he’ll drag yuri to the couch and just hUG and then when yuri wants to escape makkachin comes and traps him
-who would eat cake for breakfastOh god…yuri maybe XD he’ll sneak up and then victor will catch him but yuri will be all cute so victor forgives hims
-who likes to kiss the others noseEeeeee victor he’s just so affectionateee
-who puts dumb things in the microwaveI’m guessing both of them can cook? But if one of them was high af…..victor
-who initiates kissesEeeee both of them it really depends on the mood. If yuri is feeling very Eros it would be him but otherwise mainly victor
-who confessed firstah shit well this is canon stuff here….idk how to answer this, sorry!!
-who drags the other into cuddlesEeeee sapphire she just wants to huggle her lil red buggle all dayyy
-who would eat cake for breakfastGems don’t reallly wat but I guess if they were human maybe ruby? If she got high
-who likes to kiss the others noseRuuubbbbyyy she just loves sapphys lil nose so sMOL-who puts dumb things in the microwaveruby probably
-who initiates kissesRuby, even though sapphire can see the future and predict it she still gets surprised and it’s sooo cuutteee
-who confessed firsteeeeeee more canon stuff which idk how to answer sadly!!
-whos more flirtyrUBy rubY
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sixce · 5 years
im genuinely so upset that they shut down the tomotoru game before i even played it :(((((
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anarkhebringer · 5 years
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hooned · 7 years
Happy birthday!!
BABYYY THANK YOU SOOO MUCH~!! (your icon made me smile so hard hihihi sooo cuutteee) thank you again bby have a great day!!
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