#soon ill be showing you guys how piglins should be planned out to look like yk?
bearlypigest · 1 year
The way u draw piglins is like yeah that's it. That's a piglin alright. YOU get it. Ur designs go so hard I'm fascinated. Also, did u really realize just recently that youve been drawing a lot of shirtless dudes? LMAO. It like automatic that's so funny. its ok op happens to the best of us👍
Thank you so much m8! I'm super glad that you like how I design and plan out piglins! But soon there will be more where that came from 😉🤌also I yes I did realise because when I was going further and further down on my gallery to look for some old art to repost I realised "I have a problem with drawing shirtless peeps all the time dude 😳"
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teddy06writes · 3 years
A Thousand Little Moments (That Help Me Heal)
Requested by @alphamoonlunala9391 "Can you do more parts of What Could Have Been Was Good, But What We Have Now Is Better please and maybe make the character a god hybrid reader"
and sort of @noctis-yeye
This is the Part three of You Didn't Need Us Then, We Don't Need You Now and What Could Have Been Was Good, But What We Have Now Is Better
Quackity x reader; Past mentioned Sapnap x karl x quackity x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing, existentialism? kind of? (Charlie being like, 'everything turns to dust so whats the point')
premise: it's like i said in the part two, its just gonna be a bunch of little scenes that happen in the two year gap, plus the wedding that would then happen at the end of part two for the last scene (no I don't really know how proper weddings go, all the ones i've been too were ~weird~ soooo...)
{to the asker who actually went in my inbox to request, I can't make reader a hybrid because its too late in the series to really change it}
{snowchester las nevadas conflict- we don't know her}
"(y/n) from Las Nevadas?"
You glanced up from your work to find Charlie at your office door, "Yeah Charlie?"
"This place 'ill be around a while right? No- no explosions like L'manburg?" He slid into the room and dropped into one of the chairs in front of your desk.
You frowned, "How do you know about L'manburg?"
"I told you- I move slow, but I've seen a lot. L'manburg was nice- but then it was gone."
You sighed, "I know... I was there- all three times. L'manburg was my home before Las Nevadas."
"If you and Quackity from Las Nevadas want me to stay here- which it sounds like you do, I want to know: Las Nevadas will be around for a while, right? I don't want it to go to dust like everything else does."
"As much as we can help it Charlie," You glanced down at your desk, "I'm not gonna let another home get destroyed."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you made it to the top of the needle.
Purpled was still sitting near the edge of the deck where he'd stayed after you'd finished the tour. It seemed the only difference now, was that behind him the sky was dark, and speckled with stars.
"You got room for company kid?" You asked quietly.
He nodded, and you quickly moved to sit next to him, "So what do you think of the place?"
"'s alright." He mumbled.
"Charlie wasn't enough to scare you off?" You chuckled.
He shook his head, "Nah... Where did you find that guy?"
"Sneakin around one of the restaurants." You laughed.
"He's insane."
"Yeah no, probably." You sighed.
Purpled got quiet again, turning to look back out over the city, "Why'd you offer me a spot here? You said it wasn't a job, so why actually offer it to me?"
You frowned, thinking for a moment, "I guess- ever since L'manburg- I don't want to see anyone else suffering on this server, especially not any more of you kids. You deserve to have a place, and people looking out for you Purpled."
"You keep saying that- but why here? How come you two are the only ones that say that?" He snapped.
Shifting to lean against the railing, you sighed again, "Did you hear about Kinoko Kingdom, when it was founded?"
"Yeah. Karl, Sapnap and George did that, didn't they?"
You nodded, "You know we were supposed to marry Sap and Karl once, Quackity and I."
"Really?" He scoffed.
"Really. Cause we'd been dating, and they'd been dating, and then Karl started hitting on Quackity, and in retaliation Sapnap was hitting on me- anyway, it felt perfect and shit right?"
"Well then one day, right before doomsday, Karl up and disappears, and of course we're worried, but there's a war on. So once its all over, Q was devastated, cause everything he built in El Rapids was gone. He'd always wanted to just make a place for us. He disappeared too.
"Sapnap and I split up to look for them, and planned to meet up here. But- they never turned up. One day we come to find out, they went and started there own place-" You stopped, clearing your throat, and shaking your head, "They abandoned us. I don't want anyone else getting abandoned. This server tried to abandon you Purp, but I'm not gonna let them."
When you looked back over at him, there was a small smile on his face, "...Thank you..."
"(y/n)! Guess who showed up today!"
You chuckled as you looked up to find Quackity leading Fundy toward where you sat at one of the tables under the needle with Charlie, "Fundy! It's so good to see you!"
"Hey (y/n)!" He smiled.
"Hello Fundy From L'manburg!" Charlie greeted excitedly.
Fundy's smile seemed to droop, "How did you know that...?"
"He knows a lot more than most people think," You said apologetically, "Anyway, how have you been?"
"Pretty alright, pretty alright." He nodded, sitting down at one of the open seats as Quackity plopped down next to you.
"That's good. It's good to see you're doing better!"
He nodded, "How have things been going over here?"
"Pretty good," Quackity grinned, "It'll be great to have another official partner on property. So far the only big one we've got living here is Purpled."
"You got Purpled to come here? Wow." Fundy chuckled.
You smiled, "Yeah, I think he's starting construction on a new UFO soon. You got any big plans for being here?"
"I'm not sure yet- but I'll figure it out," He smiled, "I've got a feeling that this place will be better than L'manburg ever could have been."
~~ "Babe, I made breakfast!"
You yawned, slowly sitting up at Quackity's call, "What kind of breakfast?"
"And Purpled From Las Nevadas taught me to make the orange juice!" Charlie exclaimed from the kitchen.
You chuckled, getting up and tugging down the sleeves of one of Quackity's long since stolen hoodies.
Out in the kitchen, Charlie was setting a pitcher of orange juice on the table as Purpled set out plates, and Fundy dug around in a cabinet looking for syrup.
You moved over to where Quackity was flipping the last of the pancakes, wrapping your arms around his waist, "Good morning."
"Good morning babe." He chuckled.
You pressed a kiss to his shoulder, ignoring the overly exaggerated gaging noise Purpled made, "Keep it to yourself!"
"Keep what to myself Purpled from UFO?" Charlie asked.
"Not you idiot!" You could hear the eye roll in his voice.
Fundy laughed, sitting up and banging his head on the cabinet.
You smiled into Quackity's back, listening to the half chaos behind you happily.
~~ "Hey Ranboo!" You greeted cheerfully as he entered the office, "What brings you here?"
"Hi (y/n), I just wanted to ask you something."
"Mhhm." You nodded as he sat down.
"Well it's Tubbo and Tommy, I'm trying to help them with all the L'manburg Schlatt, Wilbur, stuff-" He broke off with a sigh, "I just don't know what I'm doing. They need help but- I don't even know how to deal with my own issues."
You frowned, "Is it nightmares? About the festival?- or Tommy's exile?"
"Yeah... how did you guess that?"
"I know a thing or two about nightmares," You sighed, "they don't really go away like that. You aren't doing anything wrong by not knowing what to do."
Ranboo stared down at his hands, "I just feel like I should be helping them more."
"You know what helped everyone around here? Creating a home- having a place or people, that helped Fundy and Purpled, and kind of Charlie? I still don't know his deal- Anyway! just be there for them, hell, bring them here, we'll all be here for you guys."
He looked up suddenly, "Why would you guys be- why would you offer us that? We're not in your allegiance."
"I know. But I don't think any of you kids deserve what this server gives you. Bring them here or not, you all have a place here if you want it." You assured him.
"Of course."
~~ "AYYYY Big Q!"
Tommy's yell cut through the semi loud sounds of the crowded apartment.
"Tommy! You came!" Quackity exclaimed, "Hey Tubbo! Hey Ranboo! And is that Michael?"
The piglin squealed, running past him into the apartment, toward Purpled's dog.
He laughed, "Well, come in guys, Fundy's getting the movie thing ready, and Purp and Charlie are getting snacks and things."
Ranboo followed Tommy and Tubbo into the room as Charlie came from the kitchen, carrying the bowel of chips Purpled had told him to bring out, "Hey! It's Tubbo Underscore Beloved From Snowchester! And Ranboo Beloved Underscore From {redacted}! And Tomathy Careful Danger Kraken Innit from L'manburg!"
Purpled, who'd stopped in the kitchen doorway, "Did he just make a bleeped out fucking noise with his mouth?"
"Yeah- yeah no he did." Fundy confirmed.
"Your middle name is Kraken?" You asked, shuffling out with a stack of blankets.
Tommy nodded, "Yup."
You laughed, "That's- kind of ridiculous, why would Philza saddle you with that?"
"Well 'es not my dad is 'e?" Tommy scoffed.
"Wait seriously?" Quackity asked.
Tubbo laughed, "You really thought...?"
You shook your head, "Whatever... Fundy what's the status on that movie?"
"I'm almost done." He reported.
"Right, everyone get comfortable then." You said, dropping the pile of blankets you had been carrying.
Quackity plopped down onto the couch, pulling you to sit with him as Tubbo and Ranboo began to make a nest of blankets between the arm chair where Purpled sat and the couch.
Charlie passed around snacks and Fundy finished setting up the projector as the move began.
~~ You sighed, turning and pressing your face into Quackity's shoulder, "Thank you."
It had been a week since Karl and Sapnap had left Las Nevadas, and your fiancé had insisted that you take time off of managing things.
"For what baby?" He asked softly.
"Everything. I love you."
"I love you too." He murmured.
You smiled softly, looking up at him, "How long until that wedding?"
~~ "You ready?" Charlie asked.
You turned to him, looking up from the paper on which you'd written your vows, "Yeah... I think so."
He grinned, "Let's go then!"
You nodded as he looped his arm through yours and you started toward the doorway.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of Las Nevadas!" He announced, "Here we go!"
You chuckled as you started down the isle with him, grinning at Quackity, who stood, looking already close to tears.
Purpled, Fundy, Sam, Tubbo, Tommy and Michael stood in various places around the alter, Foolish glancing down at the book he held open.
As you reached the alter, he started, "Dear people, we are gathered here today to witness the sort of? holy matrimony of (y/n) (y/l/n) and Alex Quackity. If anyone here has any objections to this union speak now, or hold your peace."
There was a silence, Michaels tiny snort being the only sound before Foolish continued, "This journey, which you have started together, will continue on now, as you walk, side by side, step by step, together, now joined in such a way that you can't really get rid of each other without a divorce."
Laughs and chuckles filled the wedding hall as Quackity shook his head, "Nope, you're stuck with me babe."
You laughed, "Good."
"Now, would you recite your vows?"
You pulled the paper from your pocket, "I'm going first. So, ever since we started seeing each other, we thought it would be you and me forever. Even after everything we went through, and even after Sapnap and Karl, its still you and me. I would say that its just you and me, but," You looked around at everyone,
"It's not just you and me, it's you and me and these guys. When we started this place, I knew that it would be difficult, especially with all the hurt that the SMP caused us. But, even as I was helping everyone here heal, you were helping me. Because you helped me find this family, and you- you gave me a thousand little moments that made me feel again.
A thousand moments that helped me heal."
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