#songfic request event
ldrfanatic · 8 months
If the World Was Ending
Theodore Nott x Fem!Reader Part Two of Craw Home to Her
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A/N- after weeks it's finally here! This isn't a direct songfic like the first part, however, it's accompanying song is If the World Was Ending by JP Saxe
Slight alteration to the original timeline of events of Half-Blood Prince
crawl home to her (part I) works slytherin boys masterlist
After that party in the Slytherin Common Room, you and Theo had begun dating. And for the entire month of January, a perfect Valentine's Day, and everything was perfect. Now, with Spring Break is rapidly approaching, the war is becoming more and more real. Everyone in your small circle knew of the tasks that had been assigned to you and a few other children of prominent Death Eaters in preparation of their takeover of Hogwarts at the end of the year.
Draco had begun to stress and look worse for wear as the weight of this secrecy from Hermione started to settle in. Mattheo, who had the worst of the lot of you, had given up on his usual banter with Potter and had been holed up in the boys' dormitory for the past two weeks or so.
Though there'd been an uptick in the moods of Theo and yourself in the midst of your new relationship, the novelty and puppy-love air had dampened when a letter from Theo's father arrived a few days ago requesting a visit home in the upcoming spring break. While your parents had been relatively silent since giving you your assignment, you knew that they'd want a progress update soon, and you hadn't even worked up the stomach to begin at all.
The thought of betraying your classmates and professors at Hogwarts had become sickening to all of you.
Still, sitting here in Theo's arms under a large oak tree at the Great Lake, you couldn't find it in yourself to feel scared or sad. There was a soft and sweet bubble of love around the two of you with a warm air that seeped into your bones and warmed your soul. Theo pressed a sweet kiss to your temple and when you turned to meet his eyes, you were unsure how you never realized that Theodore Nott was in love with you. Especially if he'd been looking at you like that all this time.
"You know I leave next Tuesday, love?"
The deep rumble of Theo's voice in his chest felt like a lightning bolt through your body that had electricity simmering at the tips of your fingers and your toes. How you'd never realized you were also madly in love with Theodore Nott you were also unsure of. Had your body always reacted to him this way? The thought of being away from him for 10 days made your heart sink a little lower than you'd anticipated. You and Theo had been each other's light as the skies darkened and the air turned cold. You could predict now that your mood would suffer significantly from a lack of Vitamin Theo.
"I'll miss you."
"And I you," His arms tightened around your torso and pulled you further back into his chest. "have you heard from your mum yet?"
You shook your head and tried not to think about the rage you'd certainly face if you didn't start on your task soon. You'd never particularly been friends with Katie Bell, but the thought of cursing her made you a little queasy. Especially when it meant the end result was weakening Dumbledore so that Mattheo could deliver the final blow.
Still, Draco and Theo both has worse jobs than your own. Draco was still working on the Vanishing cabinet and adjusting to his new dark mark bestowed to him by his aunt, and your mother, Bellatrix LeStrange. Theo had been tasked with enlisting the help of the Acromantula and Centaurs in the Dark Forest and it wasn't going very well. When he'd returned the other night, he'd had arrow cuts all over after rapidly fleeing the scene when his meeting with a group of centaurs turned sour.
In short, you'd been given an easy and simple task with minimal danger. But you'd been given it because it was essential. Should you fail to deliver this curse to Dumbledore, when Mattheo advances on him, he will surely lose, and the Dark Lord will descend upon the entire lot of you with a fury unknown.
"You'll be fine. And the curse won't kill Bell, she'll just be a little rattled."
You whipped your head upwards to your boyfriend and flashed him a bewildered look. "They asked me to use Imperio, Theo! That's an unforgiveable."
"I know. But in the grand scheme of things, we'll all be otherwise occupied before this whole thing is over."
You settled back into his embrace without another word.
You knew he was right.
But you just couldn't stomach it.
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Turns out you were right. You couldn't stomach it.
You tried to be as quiet as possible as you deposited the contents of your stomach behind the Three Broomsticks. Thankfully, the bustling sounds of Hogsmeade during Spring Break were cover enough for the sounds of you retching.
But it was done. Katie Bell had been successfully cursed, given her mission, and sent on her way to the Headmaster's Office.
It was the last few days of Spring Break and Theo was supposed to return soon. Your nerves ad been on edge since he'd left. Now that you completed your task, you felt a little better but you wouldn't be able to relax until Theo was safely back into your arms. Only two more days and he'd be back.
After what turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt to curse Katie, you went back to your dorm room and tried to ignore the growing feeling of dread inside of you. Once your mother heard of your failure through Professor Snape, you were pretty much done for. You didn't attend Dinner that night and instead decided to remain holed up in your bed with your curtains drawn shut. You weren't exactly in the mood for sympathies.
However, your plans to sulk for the evening were interrupted quite suddenly by Pansy Parkinson. "Y/n get up! They're here."
You rolled over halfway and stared bewildered at your friend. "Who's here?"
"The Death Eaters."
A chill ran straight down your spine. They weren't supposed to be here until the end of the year. They weren't supposed to come until Theo came back. Still, you flung yourself out of bed and quickly pulled on your tennis shoes and a jumper to protect you from the cold air. When you finally exited the common room, it was pretty clear where the Death Eaters were. Students were tearing off in waves away from the Great Hall. You could hear your mother's manic cackling and curses fired into the crowd caused even more panic.
You masked your fear with an emotionless facade and began shoving through the crowd towards your mother trying to appear as mean as possible and firing meaningless spells into the crowd.
As soon as your mother could see you, she bound towards you with a grin. It was hard to tell if she was angry or excited. It was always hard to tell. "Daughter! You've done so well. The Dark Lord will be so pleased. Dumbledore is dead!" You tried to smile and look happy with the news but your chest tightened further. Dumbledore was dead, Theo was missing, and you were now back into the clutches of your insane mother.
Part of your heart sunk at her words. You'd never particularly cared for your mother but it was always The Dark Lord will be so pleased or The Dark Lord is proud or The Dark Lord cares for all of his disciples and never her saying those things to you. She was never pleased, never proud, and she never cared. Harry Potter came suddenly around the corner of the corridor and fired a stunning curse that hit Crabbe's father dead center in the chest.
Your mother's face instantly turned from pleased to enraged and she let out the cruciatus curse in a bellow. You didn't see the remainder of the encounter as she and the other Death Eaters took off after Potter. A temporary relief calmed your heart. Snape hadn't said anything to your mother. At least not yet. Maybe you could convince him not to say anything.
As you ran through the castle, you'd noticed dead bodies of classmates that'd been slaughtered by the Death Eaters' rampage. Still, no sign of Theo. You begun to fear for your boyfriend. There's no way that Nott Sr. would come to the castle on this mission without Theo. You were so lost in your head, you didn't see Hermione until you slammed into each other and knocked heads. Your movements mirrored each other as both of your arms shot up to rub at your temples.
"Y/n! Have you seen Draco?"
You shook your head sympathetically and wrapped the brunette into what would probably be the last hug you ever gave Hermione Granger.
"I've got to go, but Theo's looking for you. I just passed him outside of the Charms classroom running around like a madman." She sprinted away from you but turned momentarily to shout after your own retreating figure. "If you see Draco, tell him I love him!"
You took off towards the Charms classroom with a new fervor. Please Salazar let Theo be okay. Finally, you heard his voice. "Y/n?! Y/n!!"
"Theo! Theo I'm here!!"
The moment you laid eyes on Theodore Nott your heart stopped. He was covered head to toe in bruises and his skin had paled since you saw him last. He looked downright awful. But that didn't stop you from launching yourself into his embrace and squeezing like the world depended on it. Draco, Mattheo, Blaise, and Pansy were all rallied behind him. Pansy was tucked into Blaise' side. Draco had his wand drawn and was frantically checking every door in the corridor no doubt looking for Hermione.
"She's not here, D. I ran into her maybe five minutes ago. She asked me to tell you that she loves you. Then she took off towards the East Wing of the castle."
Draco immediately started sprinting in the direction you'd come from with Pansy and Blaise hot on his tail.
You recentered on Theo who pressed his forehead down into yours.
"What has happened to you Theodore Nott?"
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the sun were shining or if the world was ending, I will always be right here. With you."
You stared up at him. "The world is ending, my love."
You pressed your lips against his.
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okay okay done for now. should I just make this into a series at this point?
WC 1739
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1000roughdrafts · 7 months
Dean Winchester X Reader Masterlist
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Some of my works are 18+, which I'll write as such here, but please heed the warnings on the individual posts as well - All under the cut :)
One Shots xx
💙 Us - request: Can you do a deanxreader songfic to the song us by Regina spektor
💙Goodbye ~ After Dean takes on the mark, his relationship with Y/N starts to fall through the cracks. She’s had enough of him taking out his stress on her, and after years of silencing her pain, she finally lets him know why  it’s time to say goodbye.
💙How Do I Become Enough ~Reader and Dean right about her doubts, she feels somewhat isolated and annoyed. No cheating, necessarily, but think along the lines of Dolly Parton’s Jolene  
💙Intrusive Thoughts ~Dean was supposed to visit Y/N while she was at work, but when he didn’t show, she got worried. After finally getting ahold of him, she was relieved to know that he was alive. But when another full day passes by without a word, her mind goes into overdrive about what could have happened to him.
💙Voicemails ~ this is a small, angsty thing, and it is 100000% self indulging so please feel free to just ignore it.
💙 Illicit Affairs - Request from anon based on Taylor Swift’s song Illicit Affairs <3
💙  Promise Me This Is Forever -  this is for @allywritesblog and #allyswriting event, and im using the quote "promise me this is forever" :)
💙 Phone Calls With Dean ~ just a random thing I wrote for a story that didn’t pan out, no real plot to this.
💙Shooting With Dean ~ Dean takes you out for target practice, but something else is on his mind.
💙Time ~Soulmate AU, Y/N has had the ability to pause and unpause time for likely her whole life, believing she was the only person with such a power. One day, she learns that not only is that not true, but the other person is her soulmate. 
💙 Salted Baseball Bat - Anon Request: "'They said that gluing salt to a baseball bat to fight ghosts was a stupid idea, but who's laughing now?' you say as you whack the ghost again."
💙 Criminal - DeanxReader request from @rileynicole1967 based on the song Criminal by Britney Spears
💙 Cat-astrophe Written for @spnfanficpond​‘s unfic challenge with the prompt “I may have accidentally sort of adopted 5 cats.”fluff, stern!Dean, 
💙  Baby Winchester 2021 - Reader finds out she's pregnant, and tells Dean in a cute, fluffy way.
💙  Just Another Day - Fluffy Dean x female!reader Valentine's Day post
💙 We're Gonna Get You Through This - reader is triggered back to a horrible memory and explains to Dean why waiting to have sex is best for her. 
💙Currently untitled ~ Request: could you do a deanxreader fic where she goes out on a date (maybe to a bar) for drinks with a guy and towards the end of the night, the guy (you pick the name) starts being rough with her cause he’s drunk and hurts her, then dean finds out somehow and comes over to kick his ass then admits his feelings for her?
💙 A Boring Holy Cross Tattoo - A Fic inspired by Cards Against Supernatural with the cards “Dean has 99 problems but ____ ain’t one.” and “A boring holy cross tattoo”.
💙 Amnesia - Request from @rileynicole1967​ : Deanxreader one shot or series ;) based off the song “amnesia” by 5 seconds of summer but in the readers pov and at the end he comes back for her and it’s all fluffy and cute.
💙 Half a Man - Follow up to the Amnesia request from @rileynicole1967​ - this one takes place the same night as Amnesia, but in Dean’s perspective and based on the song Half a Man.
18 + / Smut One Shots
💙Downtime ~ 18+, smut; After weeks of hunting the same witch, you and Dean decide to take a weekend break, but you didn’t expect what was in store for that weekend.
💙Punishment ~ 18+, smut; After embarrassing Dean at an important dinner, he punishes you with a cold shower.
💙 Size Matters - 18+ Smut DeanxReader request from anon, where reader has a size kink
💙 Poison  -  DeanxReader request from @kaitlaitlaitl​ based on the song Poison by Alice Cooper
Mini Series xx
💙 Movie Monsters Part One | Part Two ~ You’re teamed up with Dean, a man you’ve always found obnoxious, to find out the path of a new monster. Of course, things don’t always go as planned. (Complete)
💙 Never Have I Ever Part One | Part Two  ~ Part Two is pure smut; College!AU - Dean gets jealous of the attention he thinks you’re receiving from Cas during a small party at your house and doesn’t know what to do with it, so he leaves the room to keep drinking. 
💙 Hope is a Dangerous Thing... Part One | Part Two ~ The renowned author of a best-selling crime novel, Y/N Y/L/N, was thrown into a whole new world after her parents were brutally murdered. Their killer never found, Y/N took things into her own hands, meeting the Winchesters in her journey for justice. Even years later, she struggles to let anyone close in fear they’d leave or worse.
💙  i hate u, i love u (1) Slowburn au/Y/N has been in a relationship with Nick for the last 5 years. They’ve had a rough go. There’s been good and bad times, but she finally realizes that the man she thought she loved has been abusing her. Dean offers her a safe haven when she feared she had nothing else. (this may be abandoned, but we will see)
💙Reverse Supernatural  ~��request; “Hi!! I have been tossing an idea around for a bit… What if… Now hear me out… What if the Reader was the experienced hunter and she/he has to save Dean and/or Sam who have never known the supernatural existed…?” (only part one is out right now / ongoing / might also become abandoned)
Series xx
💙Family Secrets ~ 18+ ; Your uncle Bobby, and adoptive father Rufus, had a secret. A secret they never wanted the Winchester’s to find out. They had done a good job of keeping you from crossing their path, but now that they've both passed away there is nothing they can do about the brothers finding out their secret; you. (ongoing BUT I really want to and am seriously considering taking it down to rewrite it - this was the first thing I ever wrote and it's... it shows lol) 2/22/24 A/N: I want to return to this series, but since it was pretty much my first fic ever, I really want to rewrite some of the episodes and make it pace better. I understand that that might not be the best solution, however, so maybe I’ll just add inbetweeners or something. Just know I want to come back to finish it and may change some things along the way 😊
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madame-fear · 3 months
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So, you want a good variety of specialty coffee with sweet desserts? Welcome. You came to the right place ! For this milestone event, requests will be officially open from July 4th to July 10th— and I will give you several options to choose.
How does it work? It’s really easy! As you will see down below, there are different types of coffee, and some desserts. Each coffee name, represents a genre you want to request, while desserts represent types of fic. Whatever coffee + dessert you select for your request, you will have to give me a character + scenario.
Here are some examples of how you can order: ‘hi, can I get a doppio + mousse for Jacaerys Velaryon?’ or, ‘can I have a caramel macchiato + red velvet for Fran Romero?’
Before taking a look at the menu, the links below will take you to very important sections. You’ll need to keep these in mind before, and while requesting !
requesting rules ⊹ prompts: one / two.
Now, after checking out the links, you can take a look at our menu displayed down below, tell me what you’d like to order, and I’ll get it prepared for you.
CARAMEL MACCHIATO. choose this one if you want to have your teeth rotten in fluff. ORANGE AMERICANO. modern!au? coming right up ! applies only for HOTD. IRISH COFFEE. want to drown in some smut? this one’s for you ! ICED COFFEE. the only thing you’ll drink, are your tears. this one’s for you if you want angst. CAPUCCINO. if you choose this one, you can send me any trope you’d like in your request. DOPPIO. opted for a dark / yandere fic? for the freakiest souls only.
Selected the coffee you want, already? Great ! Now choose a dessert before leaving, and your order will be coming right up.
RED VELVET. for one-shots. RASPBERRY CRUMBLE. chaptered series. CUPCAKES.for songfics. TIRAMISU. for headcanons. MOUSSE. for drabbles. CHAJÁ CAKE. for imagines.
Remember what I said above about attentively reading the requesting rules ! This is to avoid getting your request rejected. And remember as well that the more specific you are with your request, the better. If you need to add more than one character to the request, feel free to do so.
Chaptered chapters are only accepted for Lucerys Velaryon, and the cast members of LSDLN.
Please keep in mind that author might be a bit of a slow writer due to the adult life. So please be patient with me !
If you have any questions left about it, don’t doubt in sending a message ! My ask box is open 24/7. Have fun ordering, and hopefully, you enjoy your order !
(( NOTE. también acepto pedidos para el cast de LSDLN en español. de momento, acepto sólo drabbles & headcanons en español hasta sentirme al 100% cómoda para escribir one-shots. ♡ ))
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kindasleepywriter · 10 months
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I accept requests, but I can't promise I'll write each one, I'm sometimes busy with my doctorate!
A few things to clarify first:
I try my best to be race-inclusive in xReader fics. If something slips by, don't hesitate to comment on it!
I write fem!reader only
No use of Y/N
If your blog looks like a bot (no pfp, nothing in bio, etc) you run the risk of getting blocked! Just put anything to show you're human pls i beg
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Bird of Prey (Angst, Fluff) - Ongoing
Summary: Azriel meets what he thinks to be a sweet but naïve Peregryn in the autumn court only to see her again centuries later, about to coldly slice a man’s throat on Night court territory. Azriel struggles to reconcile his memory of the girl and what he witnesses, and is determined to find out who she is. Act I : Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 Act II : TBA.
BoP oneshot - Public Displays of Attention (Fluff)
Summary: Cassian comments on Reader and Az's affectionate gestures during Winter Solstice.
Before you leave me (Angst, no happy ending)
Summary: After centuries spent by your side, Rhysand withdraws from you. (Songfic)
Loving Comfort (Fluff, smut)
Summary: A fae's cycle is a rare event, but it comes with a long list of discomforts. Luckily for you, your mate is by your side to make things better.
An Unexpected Visit (Pre-relationship)
Summary: You find a little metal friend in your lonely workshop on Koboh and you have no idea where he came from. The answer to that question brings you more hope than you thought it would.
(Request) The Way to a Droid's Heart (Pre-relationship)
Summary: Cal demonstrates what happens to those who mess with you.
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Currently writing:
Azriel x Reader - Bird of Prey (ongoing) Elain x reader (Oneshot)
Currently planning:
Cyberpunk / DBH crossover (possible series) Amren x reader (oneshot) Morrigan x reader (oneshot)
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nogenderbee · 6 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦- ℕ𝕆 𝕎𝔸𝕀𝕋 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @nenes-numberonefan request: HELLOOO
ima request the same thing i requested @/mizu-nights but i’m a silly goose and i wanna see everyone’s style of writing
basically can i request rui, nene and tsukasa x reader (separate) and they have a platonic relationship with our beloved y/n but then they accidentally confess their love to the reader, sort of like the verse “the time is right your perfume fills my head the stars are red and oh the nights so blue, and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like i love you ❤️” from the song something stupid. thank youuu xxxxxx love youuuuuu 😍😍😍🥶😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍(very hyper rn)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ HIIII!! Yeah absolutely! I don't tho songfics normally tho, so I just based on your description and hopefully that's gonna be good enough!
But omg, the moment I saw this, I wanted to run to mizu-nights and read it because I apparently missed this fic- but NOPE I didn't wanted to accidentally write the same thing sooo I held myself back ^^
I totally did not copy lines from event for Tsukasa part-
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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You've agreed to help Tsukasa with practicing for his upcoming performance, Romeo&Julia. He got the role of Romeo while his other friend from troupe got Julia. He just wanted someone to help him get that feeling of saying it right to soemone's face and... maybe he had planned something more too?
"O Juliet! Sun of my life! I beg of you, allow me your fair hand in marriage!!"
He was now on his one knee, holding your hand like pure gentleman with his left hand. This made you both happy and regretful for agreeing to help him... it's obviously very sweet to see him like this but it's also not helping your feelings for him... and you could swear you're blushing...
"Sweet Y/N...!"
But then he said your name... and you finally looked at him just to see him clearly in state of daydreaming, not stopping reciting next lines, so you had to stop him before he gives more hints than you can handle!
"Wait, wait... wasn't the second main character's name Juliet? Why did you say my name...?"
His face immidietly gained red hue and his hand didn't stop holding your gently. His eyes still looked focused on yours as if he haven't woke up from his dreamland, but his words told you his state was something completely else than you imagined...
"Y-Yes I know..."
You could only stare at him in slight shock... you didn't knew what to say and so did he. He was barely holding himself from turning it into a play someway... but he repeated one sentence in his head, "go big or go home", if he blurted it out, might as well go along?
"O Y/N, sun of my life, I beg of you, allow me to take you on a date!"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bad-the-an-enjoyer @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your future star!
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You and Nene were hanging out on a rooftop at Kamiyama. Even if you're from Miyamasuzaka, let's say Emu teached you a trick or two~ So either way, you can enjoy your time with your dear friend!
You leaned in, wanting to see what she's playing and for once, instead of seeing shooting or rhythm game, you found her playing some... visual novel? Or was it otome game?
"Hey Nene? Are you playing... otome game?"
"Mhm, yeah."
She responded, clearly way into the game to process what she's saying. But that never was a problem for you since she still responded and was honest if anything when she was in this state.
"Look, you can even name your love interest~"
You looked at the screen with even more interest and saw 2 names... "Nene" and "Y/N". You get why her name would be here but yours? Were you... no way, right?
"Is... is Y/N the name of your... ingame love interest?"
"Yeah, real love interest too."
She finally looked up from her phone right at you with this soft and charming smile, when she saw your blush she was even confused for a second! Untill she realized... she just blurted it out, didn't she?
"Oh- uh- I mean... not like... Like..."
Now it was her blushing like crazy not knowing what to say... she was clearly between 2 thoguhts and had no idea which to choose... oh did you know it was all about if she should tell you the truth or a lie...
"Am I actually~?"
You couldn't help but encourage her a bit, hoping to hear the truth. If she actually saw YOU as the love interest, the real one! Or... if it's just a misunderstanding...
And luckily, you didn't had to wait for long because right after your question, she gave you a little nod, easy to miss if you blinked... but her blushing face and the way she looked away would tell you it either way~
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bl4cktourmaline @nenes-numberonefan - come get your shy gamer~
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Rui has texted you he forgot his coat from his house. And you as good friend, agreed to bring it to Pheonix Wonderland. He made sure you get a free ticket after all! So how could you say no to free fun at amusement park AND helping out your dear friend?
When you finally arrived at the Wonder Stage, you saw him tinkering with the robot, untill he heard someone's footsteps... his mood immidietly lighting up once he saw it's you!
"You're finally here! And I see you got my coat with you~ I can't express how glad I am for your help~"
"Don't mention it! You offered me a free ticket for that so how could I've said now?!"
He chuckled and finally came over to get his coat back, which you gave him back. And in another second, he had it on!
"But still, you're a great person for bringing it to me at THIS HOUR."
"Awh~ Don't you melt here or I'm gonna melt too!"
You couldn't brush off how sweet it was and opened your arms for quick friendly hug, since you clearly had a bit of appreciation moment going on.
"No, I mean it... you're such a sweetheart... I really couldn't avoid falling for you~"
"Huh-? What?"
After your questioning, he finally got a hang of himself pulling away with faint blush, clearly not knowing what to do. But his first reflex was to lie...
"I-I mean..."
But he seemed to stop himself... he realized lying would only make it last longer... so he decided to pull himself together, take big breath in and take the risk.
"Yes... I'm really sorry. I'm aware this is probably gonna break our friendship but... I indeed did fell for you..."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @superstar-ethereal - come get your crazy inventor~
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 10 months
okay this is kind of a lot so bear with me real quick
Rebecca steam with a fem reader, BUT the reader doesn’t know Rebecca likes her. They’re best friends and the reader instead likes Deuce, and tells Rebecca how he asked her out and Rebecca is kind of in her feelings about it but with the other ghouls not with the reader. Then when she finally works up the courage to tell the reader how she feels she sees the reader and deuce together. Ending Can be whatever you like I don’t mind! I saw your requests were closing soon so I wanted to ask this one right away! Tysm I really appreciate it :)))
Also if it could be a songfic that would be amazing, any song works for me!
A/N: ugh kiss your brain for me I love you, I’ve never read anything more amazing. I love ‘love triangles’ so much, they’re just so ugh <33
Warnings: set in G1 MH, girl x girl, AFAB reader, uses of She/Her pronouns, love triangle, unspoken feelings, kissing / PDA, slight Clawdeen x Draculara
Songs you can listen too while reading: Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo, The Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx, Heather by Conan Gray
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
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The day was almost finishing at Monster High, corridors emptying. Robecca and Y/n stood at Y/n’s locker, talking over the days events.
“Do you have practice today?” Y/n asked, shutting her locker. Robecca nodded with a smile, holding a small bag to clean off her gears after practice.
“I do! Do you want to come join me? Frankie would love to see you.” Robecca says. Y/n shakes her head with a smile, lighting bumping her shoulder into Robecca. Robecca giggles as the two make their way to the gymnasium, meeting up with the rest of the ghouls.
“Hey guys!” Y/n says smiling. Frankie squeals and hugs Y/n, her skates already on.
“Are you gonna watch us practice?” Frankie asks pulling away. Y/n shakes her head laughing.
“No not today. I have plans actually.” Y/n said, a slight blush dusting over her cheeks.
“Oh? with who?” Draculara asks poking her side playfully. Y/n giggled, her icoffin going off in her pocket.
Truthfully, Draculara had already known about Y/n’s plans. Clawd had given Draculara all the gossip on how Deuce and Y/n were hanging out a lot more, alone.
“A friend.” Y/n said giggling as Draculara kept poking her side.
“Well,” Frankie said pulling Draculara away from Y/n softly, the two smiling. “ We wont keep you from your ‘friend’ any longer.” Frankie said with a wink. Y/n blushed and laughed, looking over to Clawdeen and Rochelle who were smiling at Y/n jokingly.
“Better run, don’t wanna keep your ‘friend’ waiting.” Clawdeen called as Y/n began to leave the gymnasium.
“Oh please give it a rest.” Y/n called with a chuckle.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Hey!” Deuce called, standing near his car. Y/n smiled waving to him, walking across the parking lot to meet with him.
“Hey.” Y/n said as she got closer. Deuce just smiled, pulling her into a hug.
“Dropped Robecca off?” He asked, and Y/n nodded.
“Yeah, the girls wanted me to watch them practice but I told them I had plans.” Y/n said as Deuce opened the passenger door for her.
“What’d you tell them?” Deuce asked before she got in. She turned around now facing him, stuck between him and the car.
“I told them I was hanging out with a friend.” Y/n said nervously. Deuce just laughed, leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips.
“So friends kiss each other? I’d hate to see what you do with your other friends.” He says rolling his eyes.
“Nothing I swear.” She says laughing, wrapping her arms around his waist to hug him. He laughs, hugging her back and kissing her forehead.
“I figured. C’mon, we got food waiting for us.” He says, pulling away to let Y/n get in the car. She gives him a curious look before getting in.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“She isn’t answering.” Robecca said, a slight frown on her face.
“Well she is with a friend. Maybe they’re just busy.” Clawdeen said, drinking water. Robecca nodded and sighed.
“I know but.. I feel like she’s hiding something from me.” Robecca says, turning her icoffin off and setting it to the side.
“Like what?” Draculara asks, skating over to Robecca and Clawdeen.
“Like.. I’m not sure. I just have this feeling.” Robecca said, looking down at her lap.
“Well whatever it is, I’m sure she’ll tell you when she’s ready.” Draculara said with a smile. Clawdeen stood up, stretching and holding her water bottle in hand.
“Hey Robecca, can you come with me to get more water? I finished mine.” Clawdeen said. Robecca nodded and Draculara moved to take her spot on the bench, unlasing her skates.
Outside, Clawdeen held her water bottle up against the fountain to fill her bottle.
“So, you wanna tell me what’s really going on?” Clawdeen asks. Robecca leans against a locker, back against the cold metal.
“Clawdeen, you know Y/n and I are best friends but…” Robecca trails off, hoping she doesn’t need to say it out loud.
“I know Robecca. Trust me I do.” Clawdeen says pulling her water back and closing it with the lid. Clawdeen had already confided in Robecca about her feelings for Draculara, and the confusion she felt after finding out Draculara and Clawd had been dating. “ But you gotta tell her.” Clawdeen said, a sad smile on her face.
“I don’t want to ruin the friendship.” Robecca says. Clawdeen frowns and pulls Robecca into a side hug, the two walking back to the gymnasium.
“Robecca, you gotta tell her before it’s too late. Ghoul to ghoul, keeping your feelings bottled isn’t right. Do it while you still can.” Clawdeen says, voice pressing.
“I just don’t want to lose her. I don’t want to lose us, or what we have.” Robecca says, the two stopping outside the gymnasium doors.
“Then go get her.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“I can’t believe you did that.” Y/n says laughing, leaning into Deuce’s side. He chuckles and wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer.
“It was funny! What was I supposed to do? He tried taking my wallet, I wasn’t just gonna let him leave unstoned.” Deuce said, the two walking up the steps of Monster High.
“Still, stoning him? Can’t you get in trouble for that?” Y/n asked with a sign, the smile never faltering off her face.
“Maybe, only one way to find out.” Deuce said, opening one of the large doors for her. The two walk in, deciding to head to the auditorium to relax for a bit before Robecca’s practice was over.
“So, I was thinking,” Deuce said, sitting in an empty seat. Y/n sat down next to him, putting her legs up on the seat in front of her, crossing her legs. “ What if we go to that new fair that opened up this weekend?” Deuce asked, leaning back to look at Y/n.
“We could. I think I have plans with Robecca Sunday though.” You say, tapping the screen of your icoffin to see if she’d texted you. She hadn’t.
“Well you two are best friends. I’m surprised you didn’t stay to watch her practice.” Deuce said. Y/n sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder, giggling once she left his snakes lightly tickle her.
“I wanted to see you. I can watch her practice another time.” You say, and he smiles at that. He shifts the two slightly, letting his arm drape over her shoulders.
“So, can I ask you a question?” Deuce asks, his heart thumping nervously, he almost feels like it’s in his throat.
“You just did.” Y/n says and he grins.
“A different one.” He clarifies.
“Sure, go ahead.” Y/n answers. Theres a long pause before he asks her.
“ Will you be my girlfriend?”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Hey Robecca, we’re all going to Frankie’s to get some food. You wanna join us?” Rochelle asks, the ghouls all walking out of the gymnasium with their things.
“Sure. Let me tell Y/n, we were going to go over to her place to study, but we can all study together.” Robecca says, and the ghouls begin to talk amongst themselves as they walk outside to the courtyard.
Pushing the front doors open, Robecca steps outside to see Deuce and Y/n, tossing food in each others mouths. A game. Deuce is tossing food in the air, Y/n moving back slightly to catch it. When she does, she cheers loudly.
“Um.. Robecca, you okay?” Clawdeen asks, following her gaze. It’s then she sees what has Robecca so stunned.
From tossing food at each other, to giving each other a small peck on the lips.
“Oh my ghoul, I’m so sorry Robecca.” Clawdeen whispered, watching Robecca’s eyes water.
“I- She didn’t tell me- when did they…” Robecca stuttered, watching the two laugh together. Draculara and Frankie walked down the steps, too engrossed in their own conversation to notice Robecca’s confused state. The two looked ahead of them to see Deuce, accompanied by Y/n.
“So this was the friend you were going to meet.” Frankie says, interrupting their conversation. Y/n is stunned like a deer in headlights, laughing nervously.
“Oh! Hey Frankie, hey Draculara.” Y/n said. Robecca and Clawdeen caught up with the two girls, now standing next to them. “How was practice guys?” Y/n asked. Robecca ignored her question.
“Y/n can we talk?” Robecca asked, eyes darting to a farther place, away from everyone. Y/n nodded, squeezing Deuces hand before walking away, leaving him with Draculara, Clawdeen and Frankie.
“When did you two become a thing?” Robecca asked, gesturing to Y/n and Deuce with her hands.
“He asked me if I wanted to get food with him after school a month ago. We’ve just been hanging out a lot ever since, and he kinda asked me to be his…girlfriend.” Y/n explained cautiously, but with a nervous smile nonetheless.
“Is that why you’ve been skipping out on my practices? A-and girlfriend? isn’t that a bit soon? I mean does he even know you?” Robecca asked hurt, a million questions in her mind. She really meant, ‘What does he have I don’t?’
“Becca don’t be like that, you know you’ll always be my best friend, and we’ve actually gotten to know each other pretty well. I really like him.” Y/n frowned, putting her hands on Robecca’s shoulders.
“I know, I know… but I don’t want to lose you.” Robecca says quietly. Y/n smiles and pulls her into a hug, resting her face on her shoulder.
“You could never lose me ‘Becca. I’ll always be here.” Y/n says before pulling back, tucking a piece of hair behind Robeccas ear. “I really do like him. He’s a good guy. You would like him.” Y/n said. Robecca nodded, trying to fake a smile.
“Go hang out with him then. You can convince me all about him later.” Robecca said with a smile. Y/n’s eyes went wide with excitement, hugging Robecca with a squeal.
“Robecca you are the best person I know.” Y/n whispered, squeezing her tight.
“Of course, you know I’d do anything for you.”
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos Masterlist
I have too many links on my main masterlist lol
Main Masterlist
Request Rules
Tag List Form
The Host
Please Stay - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, lots of blood, wound descriptions, implied self-h*rm, awkwardness, just sorta the beginning stages of a crush so it's really cute
Help - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, depression, intrusive thoughts
Friendship - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Cuddles - The Host x gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: swearing, anxiety, awkwardness
“Did you sleep well?” Headcanons - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Wilford Warfstache
Blanket Thief - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Scary Movie Night - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: broken glass, panic attack, swearing, hurt/comfort but mostly fluff
Wilf Welcoming You Back Home Headcanons - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of food and drink
Pet - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, reader is angy, bad accents
Parole - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: cat
My Handsome Guy - trans!Yancy x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria (not explicit), Yancy calls you “doll” in a gender neutral way, period stuff
Breakfast - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, slight paranoia (?), slight abandonment issues
Star-gazing - Yancy x gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: none
Solitary - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack, claustrophobia, swearing, hurt/comfort
Hyperfixations - Yancy x autistic!gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: slight swearing???, fluff
Just a Little Dark Drabble - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
A Thousand Awful Days - Dark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria, swearing, fluff
Overwhelmed - Part 2 - Dark x (implied) autistic!gn!reader
Warnings: overstimulation/sensory overload, being nonverbal, zoning out, swearing, can be read as platonic
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Grief - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: grieving, depression, loss of a pet
Period Pains - Dark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: talk of period stuff that may cause dysphoria
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Birthday Wishes - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: mentions of purgatory, fire/matches and a knife
Dark Drabble - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: none
Just A Child - Dark & teenage!gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: Actor is a creep (implied), hurt/comfort themes
Panic Attack Comfort Headcanons - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack (obvi), mostly fluff
Pretty Boy - King!Dark x masc!reader
Warnings: things get a little spicy 😳
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Papers (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Of Cowboys, Cave Ins, and Crushes - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: being trapped in a small area, death, minor injuries that are not explicitly described
Partner - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Free of Charge - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: illness, swearing, hurt/comfort
Reckless - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: death, blood, injury, swearing, ANGST
Family Reunion - Illinois, no reader
Warnings: none
Stay Safe - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing
Star-gazing - Illinois x gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings: none
Careful Not To Fall In Love - Illinois & Indiana Jones
Warnings: none
Hyperfixations - Illinois x autistic!gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings, slight swearing??, fluff
Midnight, The Stars and You (Songfic Kinda) - Damien x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Sodomy - Damien x male!DA!reader
Warnings: internalized homophobia, religious trauma, hinted emotionally abusive parents, sodomy laws
Papers (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Hug - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Reader Who Can’t Spell Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
First Kiss Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
You’re Not The Captain AU
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Ficlet
You’re Another Engineer AU
Captain’s Log - Ficlet - Addition
Dogs in Space Headcanons - ISWM Crew + Captain!reader (Slight Captaineer)
Engineer Mark
Kiss It Better - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: minor injury, but mostly just fluff
Captain, My Captain - Engineer Mark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: period fic, cramps, swearing
In My Solitude (Songfic) - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: loneliness, depression, possible su*c*dal thought (written in red text just in case), death, heavy angst, maybe a little fluffy at the end but like a sad fluffy
I Missed You - Engineer Mark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: being (unintentionally) misgendered
#1 Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
Your Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, loss of identity, overworking
57 notes · View notes
avalynlestrange · 1 year
Love Story
Theodore Nott x Reader
Reader: she/her pronouns
Warnings: None I don’t think? I didn’t proof read
Category: Fluff, Modern Timeline AU, One-Shot, Songfic
Summary: In which Theodore surprises you with Eras Tour tickets.
No Sneak Peaks 😋
Request: @lucywritess requested based on @annaisabookworm ‘s post
Author’s Note: Hope you enjoy~ <3 This was really fun to write
Word Count: 1k
To The Library (my masterlist)
To The Kitchen (my WIPs)
To more Theodore Nott fics
To Fearless TV Anthology
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You were quite upset when you couldn’t buy tickets to Taylor Swift’s Era’s tour. You had your boyfriend, Theodore, wait for the tickets during his work at the ministry whilst you were at home on a day off. However, neither of you managed to get any tickets.
Pansy didn’t get any tickets either, so she planned on throwing an era’s party instead at her family’s summer house. The theme, ofcourse, is to dress as an era.
“I’ve nearly finished my outfit!” You squeal. Theo slides his office chair to peep in your office.
On the tailor’s dummy was a blurple body suit inspired by Taylor’s Midnights Costume. The sparkles brings you so much joy but not as much as Theo’s coupling outfit.
“That looks gorgeous, sweetheart.” He eyes the outfit up and down.
“And you’re going to look fantastic next to me in your chair t-shirt!” You grin at him.
The doorbell rings and you jump in excitement.
“That must be my matching dress shirt and boots!~” You sing as you sprint to the front door.
Meanwhile, Theodore walks to the garage to place something in the boot of the car. He smiles to himself and sends a text to Pansy.
Theo: ‘Make sure to text her that your party changed venue to the one near the stadium so she doesn’t suspect us driving near there.’
Pansy: ‘Duh! I got you dude! I can’t wait for you two to get back from the concert!!!!’
Theo: ‘Thanks. I hope it goes well.’
“Babe! The beads are here we gotta make some more bracelets! Pansy said she’s invited a lot of people!” He hears you shouting from the kitchen.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
The day of the party is the same day as the concert. Pansy told you she set it up that way since she knew a lot of Swifties that were in the same position as the both of you. You were even more thrilled when she mentioned she managed to book a venue near the stadium so that you can hear Queen Swift herself through the echoes of the speakers of the concert.
You stayed up all night to make bracelets and finish off your body suit. It was all worth it. Theo suggest that you can always nap on the way to the event and that’s what you did. He brought you a pillow and placed your to-go make up bag in the glove compartment so you can touch up beforehand.
When you arrived he gentle wakes you.
“Darling, we’re here. I couldn’t find a parking space near the venue but I luckily found one in the stadium.” He lies but you are still prying your eyes open to realise.
Whilst you applied some make up to correct smudges, Theo goes to the boot of the car and places items in his jacket pocket. He walks to your car door and opens it.
“Ready my sweet?” He offers you a hand that you gladly take. He starts leading you towards one of the entrances of the stadium.
“Where are you going? Isn’t the venue the other way?” You ask, puzzled. Still you allow him to walk you closer and closer to entrance.
“Maybe we can go in and buy some merch before we go to the party?” His hand is firm in yours ensuring you don’t detour back to the opposite direction.
“Babe it doesn’t work like that.”
“Oh well then good thing I have these.” He takes out two V.I.P. lanyards.
You are speechless as he puts one of them on you. When reality hit you, you jump up and hug him.
“I can’t believe you did this for me!” You sniffle.
“Hey hey! Save your tears for Miss Swift.”
Nothing could beat this feeling.
You are standing in front of the stage. Your Theo had bought you both front standing tickets. It is all like a fever dream. You exchange your bracelets with other fans and they appreciate your couples costume so much that some even asked to take photos with you.
And to add even more delight, Theo brought a muggle polaroid camera to capture your experience.
The countdown clock hits 5 seconds and the lights dim.
🎵 It’s been a long time coming 🎵
You, along with thousands of fans scream at the top of your lungs. Theo smiles and captures a photo. Jumping and singing throughout the concert. Slow dancing with Theo during ballads.
Theo swears the twinkle in your eyes is shining brighter than anything on the stage. Even brighter when the first notes of your couple song plays.
🎵 We were both young when I first saw you 🎵
You had met in first year of Hogwarts on the boats leading up to the castle. He saved you from falling off it when you thought you saw a mermaid tail swimming near the surface.
🎵 You were Romeo & you were throwing pebbles 🎵
Literally happened in fourth year. Theo on his broom throwing rocks at your bedroom door during summer holidays when he was missing you. Your family weren’t very happy with the broken window but did find it very sweet. Young love.
🎵 Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone 🎵
You both focus on each other than the crowds and the performance. Bodies swaying together, Theo twirling you, and kisses during music breaks in the song.
🎵 And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 🎵
Flashbacks to when your family disapproved of Theo when his father was sent to Azkaban. But you both fought for your love and here you were now.
🎵This love is difficult but it’s so real 🎵
Your family eventually embraced him when they saw how he protected you throughout the second wizarding war. Not a scar was on you. He made sure of it.
🎵 Is this in my head I don’t know what to think 🎵
Theo kneels down and pulled out a ring and mouthed the words to you.
“Yes yes yes!” You cry out as he places the ring on your finger.
He picks you up and swirls you. You were wrong earlier. This is the best you’ve felt in your life.
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rosietrace · 7 months
『 2024 』— Rosietrace Valentine's Event
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Hi hi! My name is Rosie, and welcome to the 「 2024 Valentine's Event ❣」 !
This event is a follow-up to my previous Event back in 2023, which you can find 『 here 』 !
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|| 『 List of Written Works 』 ||
↳ Separated into two categories
|| 「 ♡ 」 — Requested Works! ||
'C'est ça l'amour (RoyWen || @/starry-night-rose)
Sweetness (MelToria || @/twsted-princess)
Warmth and Nostalgia (PrimPorter || @/starry-night-rose)
A Visitor (NovelliHault || @/valse-a-mille-temps)
Snowed in (EkoAnn || @/fumikoyasaki)
Falling for me again? (KereDavis || @/terrovaniadorm)
↳ Part Two: Midnight Picnic (Nororia)
|| 「 ♥︎ ︎」 — Non-requested Works! ||
[ BIRTHDAY SPECIAL ] Favoritism?... No!.. (Harlity || @/mystery-skulls-ghost)
Stars around my Scars (Nororia || @/terrovaniadorm)
Seeing Her (Platonic! Yuuvia || @/jasdiary)
Jealous Girl (MitchMilla || @/authoruio)
A moment of Peace (Nororia || @/terrovaniadorm)
String of Fate (One-sided! MelToria || @/twsted-princess)
|| Ask Games that will be used for the Event ||
↳ Specify which ask game you are referring to, so I can avoid confusion 💀
Love is in the Air!
Accidental Affection!
Subtle Love!
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|| 『 Rules!! 』 ||
↳ 「 Request via Asks, Tumblr DMs, or on my Discord “Rosietrace 🌹 ” 」
【 The Event lasts from February 14th until March 14th, aka ‘White Day’ 】
° What I will write °
Fluff, Angst, Hurt Comfort (Specify if you want a happy ending or not)
Headcanons (Relationship, date ideas, etc.)
Matchmaking (Discussing ideas for new ships)
Oc interactions (Platonic and Romantic)
Oc x Oc
Oc x Canon
AU writings
Specific requested works based on prompts
Self indulgent works (Aka works that I will write simply because I want to)
° What I will not write °
↳ This list may be updated over the course of the Event
Anything NSFW
NSFW content involving minor ocs
Graphic written descriptions of violence
Ship dynamics w/ large age gaps
Proships. No.
『 Valentine's Event Taglist 』
↳ [ Join the Taglist by reblogging with “#[2024] rosie valentines day ❣️” ]
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
For the event request, can I get either riddle or Kalim with “helpless” from Hamilton. Ty!
Curtain Call: a songfic event
Song: Helpless from Hamilton
Pairing: Riddle Rosehearts x gn!reader
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: fluff
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
A/N: I tried writing reader as gender neutral this time! Hope I did alright.
At a bonfire party, Riddle experiences a case of love at first sight.
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Flashing strobe lights and warm air caressed Riddle’s face as the sun went down over the beach. Nearby, some third-years were setting up a bonfire, roasting marshmallows over the open flames.
“Remind me why I agreed to let you bring me here.”
Riddle’s t-shirt clung to his back in the humidity of the party. He was holding a red plastic cup in his hand, half filled with a liquid with a name he couldn’t pronounce. No doubt his mother would have a heart attack if she saw him now. “Is it really necessary to be holding an alcoholic beverage?”
“Well, you asked to join me for a real party.” Cater responded, voice loose from the liquor. Riddle resisted the urge to snap at him to straighten his posture. “I know it seems strange now, but there are different, unspoken rules for parties, just like how there are unspoken rules in business meetings and stuff. And one of them, is that you are never caught without a drink.”
“Fine.” He didn’t argue with Cater- these things were his area of expertise, after all. But his hands itched with the urge to collar one of the many rule breakers that ambled around the beach.
A commotion arose halfway down the dunes, and Riddle turned to look. Voices whooped over the party conversation.
“Hey,I haven’t seen you since you transferred to RSA! How’s the hero school treating you?”
There’s an RSA student here? Riddle could excuse the flippancy of the partygoers, but bringing a student from a rival school to the event? He frowned. Perhaps he would have to investigate this newcomer himself.
Making his way over, he tripped on a sand dune. Grumbling, he sat back up. But as he got a glimpse of your face, Riddle stopped right in his tracks.
Oh. His face burned. There was indeed an RSA student here. And they had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen in his life.
“Riddle! I told you not to wander off!” Cater’s worried voice snapped him out of his trance. “Rule number two at parties- don’t wander off without telling one of your buddies! Where are you even going?”
Riddle didn’t look at him. His breath caught in his throat. “I… who is that?”
“Hm?” Cater glanced over to where you were standing, and a realization dawned in his eyes. “Ohhh. I see what’s going on.”
He grins at the lovestruck, lovesick, housewarden, experiencing his first love at first sight. “That’s Y/N, heartthrob of Royal Sword Academy. Want me to introduce you two?”
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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isiaiowin · 3 months
Tagged by @cheeseplants
How many works do you have on ao3? 11
What's your total ao3 word count? It's 69.589 if you include the BOOB OMENS crack fic, my own works are 66.934
What fandoms do you write for? Only Good Omens
Top five fics by kudos:
Saucy Saucers:
After a few days inside the bedroom, Aziraphale gets peckish. Then finds out a certain demon has been perverting his porcelain.
As I place this crown upon thee...:
Crowley meets up with Aziraphale at the crowning of Napoleon Bonaparte. It inspires him to make a grand gesture of his own.
Marshmallow Cat:
Aziraphale finds a Miaowing box on the doorstep of the cottage.
Happy Holidays Furfur:
Furfur finds a strange box on his desk. Short fluffy holiday fic.
Leave me broken on the leather, bring me home on satin sheets:
Ferdinand Fur, a top-tier investment banker, had asked Dominatrix Shax Stork to set up a special scenario. Nervous yet excited at work, he awaited the moment she would kidnap him and break him apart in her dungeon. Trusting her completely; his Mistress, his oxygen, his life, to give him the relief he so desperately craved.
Shax had been initially surprised by this request but had quickly warmed to the idea and couldn’t wait to give him what he needed. She enjoyed playing with him immensely, loved indulging herself with his body, loved him; her slave, her heart. Wrapped in the mantle of decades of experience, she would take him over the edge, into a free fall of emotions, just so she could catch him safely at the bottom and put him back together with care.
Do you respond to comments? Yes always, they really make my day!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm my Stag and the Scale longfic that only needs the last half of the last chapter is currently angsty.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? It must be Infernal Tango Shax and Furfur dancing back to the party together melts my heart.
Do you get hate on fics? I was hit by bots, but that is fixed now.
Do you write smut? I do! Never thought I would but now I'm even working on a dopplebanginging fic and oof... I really enjoyed writing the BDSM AU with dominatrix Shax and Furfur, just pure love in an unconventional way.
Craziest crossover: can it be collab? It must be the crack fic we wrote for the modcast over at @goodomensafterdark
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not, do not think so I'm a way to small writer.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, crack fics and birthday collabs and have some more (serious) fics planned for the future.
All time favorite ship? Shax/Furfur otherwise known as Shafur. I love writing them, they have my heart and soul. It's a rare pair so it doesn't get the 'clicks' but I don't care I'll keep writing the carmine empress together with her emerald stag.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmm let me see, a songfic with Crowley needing to leave before he does something that would disturb his friendship with Aziraphale. Aziraphale makes it very hard for him not to kiss him right there and then.
What are your writing strengths? Love? Pure love? I can't make it not 'sweet' It has to be LOVE.
What are your writing weaknesses? As English is not my native language, I had to learn how to properly punctuate and write in UK English. I sometimes lack the vocabulary but it is fun to see the growth over the last few months.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Why not? If you add a translation in character so everyone can understand it.
First fandom you wrote in? Good Omens. Only started with a micro fic last November, then really started writing and posting since the beginning of March this year.
Favorite fic you've written? Leave me broken on the leather, bring me home on satin sheets. Written for the kink event in GOAD, this fic is very close to my heart. I wanted to show the Domme side of a BDSM relationship and Shax was perfect for it. Plus the dynamic between Furfur and Shax really worked for this idea (in my headcanon)
I tag: @aidaran-alha @yes-its-unholy @theonewiththeshippinggoogles @mightyshax
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kozumesphone · 5 months
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🗄️ REQ. requests open !
📂 WORKS. 022
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🔱──────RIORDANVERSE [ 018 ]
💮──────JUJUTSU KAISEN [ 001 ]
🏐──────HAIKYŪ!! [ 003 ]
🏎️──────EVENTS [ 002 ]
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🤍 INC. character x character / character x reader | mlm / wlw | angst | fluff | au’s + smau’s | imagines | headcannons | scenarios | songfics | no nsfw
🎬 CR. kozumesphone © 2024 | don’t repost my works onto other platforms, or edit and post them even on tumblr, without asking me first • don’t steal my works, steal my heart instead • reblogs and comments are more than appreciated !
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juneberrie · 1 year
꒰ THIS IS K-12 ꒱ؘ ʚɞ liz's 1.7k celly CLOSED
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ahhhh!!! thank u guys sosososoossoooooo much for 1.7k!! i've been slowly being dragged back into my melanie phase so obvs its k-12 themed <3 this event will run from the tenth of october to the fourteenth
꒰ rules ꒱ — only send one request per ask; read my rules before u send something in; all characters & fandoms are open for this; i only write angst & fluff, but i might write suggestive content; i also only write fem and gn readers, so if you don't specify i'll default to fem.
꒰ inbox — rules — masterlist — navigation ꒱
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꒰ SHOW & TELL ꒱ؘ ʚɞ send me a this & i'll put my playlist on shuffle and give you the first song that comes up + the character that that song reminds me of!
꒰ HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS ꒱ؘ ʚɞ send me a character and a scenario, au, or trope and i'll write some hcs! (ex: rockstar!thalia grace, football!jason grace, friends to lovers with john b, etc)
꒰ DETENTION ꒱ؘ ʚɞ basic tumblr games! cym, wyr, this or that, rankings / top 5 / top 3, etc
꒰ THE PRINCIPAL ꒱ؘ ʚɞ send me a character + a song & i'll (try) to write a songfic!!
꒰ STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE ꒱ؘ ʚɞ send me a character and i'll make them a moodboard!
꒰ ORANGE JUICE ꒱ؘ ʚɞ give me a short description of yourself, a fandom, and a gender preference, and i'll give you a ship!
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꒰ mutuals ꒱ — @spaceagebachelormann @dizzyntrr @solutopia @waitingonher @yellowjaxxx @inkluvs @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @faerieroyal @heartmorgue @heartss4val @lunarfleur @lovepotpanini @ttsumii @carelikeribbonsinyourhair @cau-lee-flower215 @masivechaos @renqiisnce
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darthgloris · 10 months
150 Follower Special
Hi!! Thanks to everyone who finally got me to my first milestone and a special thank you to my mutuals whom I love so so much ❤❤
For my first time organizing an event I'm gonna open up songfic requests for Star Wars characters! Thanks so much @fuckmyskywalker for the lovely inspiration, and of course my mutuals are welcome to participate!!
The rules are the following:
Song genres accepted: movie soundtracks, love songs, classical music
Fic genres accepted: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, mild!smut
How to request: you must write Title - Composer/Singer, and whether or not you want it to be an AU, and if yes, which one (e.g. Anakin Skywalker, Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli, college AU; Waltz no. 2 - Shostakovich, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Viennese ballroom dance AU)
Characters I write for: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, suitless!unburnt!Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Ahsoka Tano
Last day of event: 2nd Jan, 2024
Mutuals only section!
For my lovely and beautiful mutuals, whom I hope will be able to participate in the event, will be allowed to request letters from a SFW/NSFW alphabet based on an AU character from this list!
(e.g. suitless!Vader, arranged marriage AU, letter I of the SFW alphabet)
Mutual taglist:
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luxaryllis · 5 months
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☁︎ Hello! You can call me Lux or Ary; though everyone here pretty much calls me Lux (or other variations) instead
☁︎ I'm not that comfortable sharing my age to people I'm not close to, but all you need to know is that I'm a minor.
☁︎ Before requesting, please do keep that fact in mind; I may be rather open to all sorts of requests, I do have a list of rules you need to follow when requesting.
☁︎ I use any pronouns. By that, I mean I don't really care what pronouns you use on me. I tend to just use the standard he/she/they (in no particular order), so you can use any/all of that if you'd like.
☁︎ Here is my carrd! (Might make a new one/update this one)
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☁︎ Posting status: semi-active, slow updates
☁︎ Request status: open, can't guarantee a quick response
☁︎ DM status: always open, as long as you're respectful
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FANDOMS .𖥔 ݁ ˖
☁︎ Twisted Wonderland (character request limit: 5)
nrc students, staff, released rsa students, side characters with design & voicelines
☁︎ Hetalia (character request limit: 4)
all characters that have at least 1 minute (or 2 pages, for manga only characters) of screen time and speaking time (in manga and/or anime)
☁︎ Honkai Star Rail (character request limit: 4)
all released characters
☁︎ Alien Stage (character request limit: 5)
all released characters (excluding side characters that did not sing)
☁︎ MILGRAM (character request limit: 3)
all characters, including victims
☁︎ Fire Emblem: Three Houses (character request limit: 4)
blue lions, black eagles, golden deer, ashen wolves, church/knights of serios, some side characters
☁︎ Fire Emblem: Engage (character request limit: 4)
firene, brodia, solm, elusia, fell & divine dragons, emblems, excluding DLC-exclusive characters
Note: Character request limits are only applicable when asking for headcanons; for fics, you can request for as many characters you want to appear. These limits might be flexible, depending on what you're asking.
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☁︎ Angst
☁︎ Fluff
☁︎ Hurt/Comfort (or other variations)
☁︎ Platonic (preferred)
☁︎ Romantic
☁︎ Character x reader, character x character, character x oc, etc
☁︎ Yandere (to an extent)
☁︎ Crossovers
☁︎ Songfics
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☁︎ NO smut or lewd content; this is non-negotiable
☁︎ Big age gap for romantic relationships (minor x adult, and if at least one of the characters is meant to be portrayed as a child/not of legal age)
☁︎ Feel free to be as specific if you want
☁︎ Spoilers are okay, as long as you give a warning beforehand
☁︎ If your request has anything including sensitive content, have a TW or a warning beforehand as well
☁︎ Feel free to give me feedback and/or constructive criticism, especially tell me if I make a mistake at anything
☁︎ I automatically default to gender neutral reader, unless you specify the gender of the reader
☁︎ Please do specify if what you're sending in is a request or not; as well as the characters you want to be included in it!
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☁︎ GENSHIN IMPACT (will not be updating)
☁︎ OBEY ME (will not be updating)
☁︎ WORKS-IN-PROGRESS QUEUE (barely updated)
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finn-m-corvex · 1 year
Brand new and shiny masterpost! Let's see what I can do!
Ao3 Fics
Would You Like To Enter Prime Empire? - My rewrite of Prime Empire! Words: 53k Chapters: 4/16
Survivors - Jay and Lloyd bonding over survivor's guilt Words: 17k Chapters: 3/3
Blue Goes Boom - Rewrite of the later parts of S4 if Jay had actually gotten injured when the mech blew up Words: 14.1k Chapters: 2/?
Even the Earth Trembles - Cole angst involving touch starvation after DotD! Words: 7.2k Chapters: 1/2
Hugs When You're Blue - Collection of smaller things involving Jay getting hugs from the others! Written for @/sharksandjays based on his incredible artwork here! Words: 6.7k Chapters: 1/1
Mechanical Hearts - My college Jaya AU! Cole and Jay are adopted brothers, and shenanigans ensue when Cole has to play matchmaker between a lovesick Jay and an oblivious Nya! Words: 13.6k Chapters: 2/?
Blue and Green Make Aquamarine - first Greenflower fic! Written as a gift for @/phantombasketofmuffins for Han's Secret Santa event! Words: 4k Chapters: 1/1
Tumblr Fics / Snippets
Sounding Sea - Jay angst revolving around Edgar Allan Poe's poem Annabelle Lee! Very proud of this one! Words: 1.8k
Someone You Loved - songfic with Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi and Jaya mixed together. Has the MondotheBombo seal of approval! Words: 2k
Shopping for Wires - Snippet from Ch3 of my rewrite! Probably won't understand unless you've read it. Written as a request for @/juniperjellyfish! Words: 1.4k
Lightning in a Cubicle - My take on what happened to Jay after the Merge in Dragons Rising (very much an AU) Words: 9.4k Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Aftershocks - 5+1 series involving Jay and his sensory issues! Words: 3.7k Cole | Nya | Kai | Zane | Lloyd | Jay
Falling Sleeves - Cole fluff and angst over MotO! Words: 4.3k
The hoodie headcanons used to be here but I'm going to redo them so soon to come!
Would You Like To Enter Prime Empire? - here!
Chapter 4 - First Contact Beta Jay-137 | Dee-Jay 081 | Talon - 066
Chapter 5 - Forest of Secrets The Father
Jaya Week 2023 - Days 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Words: 17.6k Find the full version on ao3 here!
Whumptober 2023 - Days 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 Words: 68.5k Find the whole version on ao3 here!
Office Jay memes!
WYTYAA memes! Made for @/mondothebombo
PLEASE let me know if I'm missing something super important. I know there were a couple things here and there (esp art-wise) that I'm missing but I either don't have it or I'm going to rework it. This should be all of the fics though!
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