#song of a usurper au
duckapus · 25 days
Not sure how to start this so I'll just say that Mr. Crocker is down in his not-so-secret Crocker Cave, laughing evilly while working on his latest fairy hunting invention. Currently, it's just a grapefruit-sized sci-fi-looking metal and glass orb full of glowing blue energy.
"With the addition of Meme Energy to my Artificial Magic formula and a bit of respawn code I bummed off of Gohma, the Artificial Magic Core is complete! And with it, I will power the ultimate advancement in fairy hunting technology..."
He turns on the Cave's big computer monitor, revealing schematics for a small, winged android, then spasms while shouting, "THE FAIRY GODDROID!!!"
He begins to pace, petting the core in his hand as though it were a small, glowing metal cat, "Yes, no longer will I be caught on the back foot, forced to compensate for the reality warping power Turner and every other Godchild has at their fingertips. Soon I'll be able to fight Fire with Fire."
Another spasm, "FIRE!!! I mean, FAIRIES!!!"
He wipes his brow, which has gradually become more and more slick with sweat, "Ugh, speaking of fire, I really need to fix the air conditioning down here at some point. California heatwaves and underground laboratories do not mix," under his breath, he adds, "almost makes me wish I was somewhere that was cold year-round instead."
As you might expect, idly wishing when you're holding a device designed to replicate the powers of wish-granting magical creatures isn't a good idea, which Crocker realizes when the AMC's glow suddenly gets brighter...
"Oh shi-" he's rapidly engulfed in a cloud of sparkling blue smoke with the word "BEEP" written on the front in blocky letters, accompanied by the sound of an airhorn, and when it dissipates, the Crocker Cave is empty.
Somewhere in Desiderio, an airhorn calls out across the frigid wilderness, and a human with unsightly features and clothing far too light for the climate is dropped from a mysterious blue cloud in such a way that he faceplants into the snow, screaming all through his brief fall. He quickly gets back up, violently shivering as he clutches his invention close to himself for the small amount of warmth it brings.
"I w-wish I had s-s-some dec-cent w-w-winter c-clothes right n-n-n-now," with another Beep, his collared shirt, black slacks and matching loafers are replaced by a dull blue parka with the hood up, dark grey snow pants, and heavy-duty black boots and gloves. As he's warmed back up, he sighs in both relief and annoyance, "well, at least I know it works now. Where am I, anyway?"
While the sensible thing to do would be to go back home, Denzel Crocker is far from a sensible man, so he stows the AMC in one of his pockets and starts trudging his way in a random direction, eager to see what he might find.
As he goes, he discovers that he's near the shoreline of...wherever he's ended up, and he follows the beach until he comes across a camp of some sort on a long outcrop. He continues onward, soon discovering that the camp is inhabited by humanoid cats in what appear to be medieval knight uniforms designed to withstand the frigid climate. They appear to be guarding something, and the scientist and troublemaker in him just has to see what it is, especially since they don't seem to have noticed his approach yet.
"Hmm...I wish I was invisible."
Once the wish is granted, he slowly picks his way through the camp, doing his best to stay as quiet as possible so the soldiers' no doubt excellent feline hearing won't pick up on his presence (this close to the ocean there's more ice and rock than there is snow, so he's thankfully not leaving much of a trail).
Eventually, he reaches the object that's caught so much attention; a large, round stone structure covered in strange runes embedded into the highest point of the outcrop. From what he can see, it's ancient, but appears to have been tampered with recently, as if someone is trying to slowly cut it away from the cliff. Either the doing of the soldiers themselves or whoever they're guarding this place from.
As he tries to approach for a closer look, he slips on some loose pebbles, and if that didn't alert the guards the sharp "OOF" when he collides with the ancient stone definitely does. He hears the nearest ones shouting, though he's too disoriented to make out exactly what, and he happens to look down and see that his collision somehow managed to make a small crack in the stone, likely due to the AMC's sturdy metal frame based on the position. A green whisp of something shoots out of the crack, which knocks him back on his bony rear, cancels out his invisibility wish, and slips into his pocket.
Now back to his senses, Crocker takes stock of his current situation and finally listens to his common sense, "Well, I think I've just about overstayed my welcome," he pulls out the AMC, briefly noting that it's changed from blue to green but deciding to worry about that later, "I wish I was anywhere but here!"
And with another cloud (green instead of blue now, of course) and airhorn, he's gone, just as the Desidarian soldiers are closing in with weapons and instruments drawn.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
misheard lyrics be like
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eraenaa · 1 month
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Helloooo! I'm Eraena, a college student who loves to write! Here's the masterlist of my works! (Aemond Targaryen, Feyd Rautha, Rafe Cameron, and Aegon Targaryen)
Related Blogs: @romanteacism - All things Aemond Targaryen @rafeacs - All things Rafe Cameron
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Cheat Sheet:
🏙️ - Modern AU
🐉 - A Song of Ice and Fire AU
🏛️ - Greek Mythology AU
🤍 - Personal Fave
👑 - Popular
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U.N.I. Aemond Targaryen X Reader 🏙️ Synopsis: Where one of the sons of your mother’s estranged best friend attends the same university as you, and did I mention you were the reason why he lost his eye? 
From The Underworld and Beneath Aemond Targaryen x Reader 🏛️ 🤍 Synopsis: You, the Goddess of Spring, were captured by the King of the Underworld, who was intent on keeping you there.
My Knight in Darkened Armor Knight Aemond Targaryen x Princess Reader 🐉 🤍 Synopsis: Ser Aemond Targaryen has been tasked to be the sworn protector of a princess who is overly curious about life beyond the castle walls and has bribed him to escort her to the city in exchange for anything he desires. She just did not know that what he desired was her.
A Bastard's Bride, A Dragon's Desire Aemond Targaryen x Princess Reader 🐉 Synopsis: They have betrothed you to Jacaerys as a way of securing a line to the throne if they fail in usurping your half-sister’s crown. Your older brother Aemond was livid at the decision.
Flipped Aemond Targaryen X Reader 🏙️ 🤍 Synopsis: You had been infatuated with Aemond since you two were children. You could not remember a day when you did not feel anything but adoration for him— not until recently. When something in you turned indifferent, it did not go unnoticed by Aemond, who had never been a fan of change. 
Stereotypical Aemond, Son of Ares x Reader, Daughter of Aphrodite 🏛️ Synopsis: The daughter of Aphrodite falls for one of the sons of Ares— the second coming of their parents. 
One More Night Aemond Targaryen X Reader 🏙️ Synopsis: You were quick to leave after a one night stand, leaving Aemond dissatisfied, for he wanted so much more. When he found you again, he was sure to never let you go. 
The Prince and the Poet Aemond Targaryen X Lannister Reader 🐉 Synopsis: It is established that Prince Aemond hates poems and sonnets; it was just a pity that you adored them. 
Jealousy, Jealousy Aemond, Son of Ares x Reader, Daughter of Aphrodite 🏛️ Synopsis: It’s frustratingly hard to keep admirers and doubts away when you and your partner are the most attractive and powerful Demi-Gods in camp.
Most Ardently Aemond Targaryen X Tyrell Reader 🐉 Synopsis: Prince Aemond Targaryen had accompanied his younger brother to Highgarden in hopes of securing Daeron a wife— he did not expect he would want to secure a wife for himself as well. 
The Prince's Prize Aemond Targaryen X Riverlady Reader 🐉 Synopsis: After his victories in the Riverlands, Prince Aemond Targaryen sought for a trophy— his spoils of war. He sought for you, the daughter of the lord who hosted him whilst he wagged his war.
But Daddy, I Love Him Aemond Targaryen X Niece Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: When the favored daughter of Daemon Targaryen falls for the favored son of Alicent Hightower, the Rogue Prince does everything he can to ensure that a union between the two of you will never happen. 
Gold Rush Aemond Targaryen X Lannister Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Everybody wants you, and I don’t like a gold rush.
Desperate Requirement Slytherin Aemond Targaryen x Reader 🏙️ Synopsis: It’s hard being horny at Hogwarts. Luckily, you and Aemond always found a way to relieve your needs.
Mine Aemond Targaryen x Wife Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: You are the best thing that has ever been Aemond’s, which is why you cannot really blame him for being so possessive and cautious not to lose you. 
Loathe to Love Aemond Targaryen x Strong Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Seeking forgiveness is not a thing Aemond bothers himself with, but that quickly changes when he deeply offended you.
King of My Heart King Aemond Targaryen x Queen Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: Marriage, miscarriage, and the monarchy… how would you and your husband fare to them all?
Bound By Blood Aemond Targaryen x Princess Reader 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: They can no longer hinder Aemond from taking whatever he wants, and you are the only one he desperately wants. 
Tea Party Aemond Targaryen x Stark Reader 🌃 Synopsis: Aemond convinces you to let Helaena join your group’s exclusive tea party, using any means necessary just for you to agree. 
Please Please Please Aemond Targaryen X Lannister Reader 🌃Synopsis: Heartbreak is one thing; my ego’s another. I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker.
Unexpected Affections Aemond Targaryen X Tyrell Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: With just a smile, you had managed to bewitch and enthrall the stoic and cold prince. 
Blessed Curse Aemond Targaryen x Strong Reader 🐉 👑 Synopsis: When a marriage between you and Aemond was arranged and forced by your grandsire, conflicting emotions arise, but which one will loom greater? Loathing or Love?
Parting Gift Aemond Targaryen X Reader x Aegon Targaryen 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Aegon asks for a parting gift from his younger brother and his beloved wife: One night with you in exchange for the throne. 
Silent Passions Aemond Targaryen X Tyrell Reader 🐉👑 Synopsis: You and Aemond had been promised to one another before you were even born. And when the time came for you to meet, all were curious to see what was to come when soon to be spouses only shared one thing in common: your want of silence. 
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Birthday Present Feyd-Rautha x Lady Reader 🤍 👑 Synopsis: During a state visit, you, a daughter of one of the great houses, have captured the attention and fatal attraction of the Na-Baron and were quickly turned into his promised wife. 
Bittersweet Feyd-Rautha x Lady Reader 👑 Synopsis: As the Na-Baron's proposed bride, you were simply too sweet for him and his bitter being. You were too innocent and pure to be tainted by the blood-stained hands of the Harkonnen heir.
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Casual Rafe Cameron x Reader Synopsis: You would settle for causality as long as you had Rafe by your side. 
Still Casual? Rafe Cameron x Reader Synopsis: You promised yourself that you’re never going to settle for casual ever again— promised yourself you would never be another casualty of Rafe Cameron. 
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Rafe Cameron x Reader 👑 Synopsis: Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man.
Imgonnagetyouback Rafe Cameron x Reader 🤍 Synopsis: The plan is clear. Get Rafe back after your breakup. 
So High School Rafe Cameron x Reader 🤍 Synopsis: He knows how to ball, you know Aristotle
Please, Please, Please (Rafe's Edition) Rafe Cameron x Reader Synopsis: Being with Rafe, a notorious hotheaded drug dealer, you knew others would question your relationship— especially your parents, who had never been fond of him. But when his habits had been too much to handle, you knew that you would prefer heartbreak to a broken ego. 
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Trouble Maker, Stress Reliever Aegon Targaryen X Reader 🏙️ Synopsis: You’re a prefect tasked with taming Aegon’s unruly behavior. Strained by your task, he offers you a way to relieve the stress he caused.
Parting Gift Aemond Targaryen X Reader x Aegon Targaryen 🐉 🤍 👑 Synopsis: Aegon asks for a parting gift from his younger brother and his beloved wife: One night with you in exchange for the throne. 
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esther-dot · 7 months
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Beauty and the Beast
Tokens of Life (give me) 9k WIP by @ihaveastorminme
Jon thought of his mother's family often. But he never heard a whisper from them. Not once. Until the day the northern wind howled through the ancestral halls of the dragon Queens, bringing with it snow and wolves’ cries at its tail. Five hundred different deities in that hall, and nobody whispered when she walked in, tall and forbidding, the skirts of her dress swirling about her like mist and snow glittering unmelted in her flame hair. She looked at him... and everything changed.
No Rose Without a Thorn 24k
Ten years ago, the Others were defeated, the Starks took back the North, the Targaryens reclaimed the Iron Throne, and the Old Gods transformed Sansa Stark into a dread and dangerous beast. Now, winter is coming, the beast remains, and the family would really like Sansa to be a full time human again.
The Beast, the Beauty, and the Bastard 3k
It is a reworking of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, but with a bit of a twist. Hope you enjoy!
Certain As the Sun 22k, incomplete
Sansa is bright, beautiful, and out of place in her little town. After her father is captured in a forgotten castle, she moves to take his place with the cursed prince.
Gifset by @dcbicki and Gifset by @yenstarkofrivia
From Tower to Tower 10k incomplete
Locked away in a tower for eighteen years by a witch claiming to be her Mother, long-haired Sansa seeks freedom and a chance to regain her crown as Princess of the kingdom. But the tower is high as she has no means to get down, aside from her incredibly long hair, and no guarantee of safety in the outside world she has been warned about. One night, when the witch is out, and a thief who climbs the tower seeking refuge happens upon her, she stuns herself by taking a chance and asking him to help her escape. Assuring him that she will have all charges against him dropped when he returns her to her rightful parents, she embarks on a series of first discoveries with her new bandit friend Jon.
I'll not be climbin' up, I'll only be calling good morning 13k @violetcoloredglasses
Princess Sansa, the rightful queen, has been trapped in a tower by her usurping step-mother for nigh on three years now. Between the benevolent interference of a local woods-witch, the seemingly random appearance of a dashing young man on a horse, and a magical book that Sansa uses to turn a man into a crow, she may have found a way to change her stars.
flower shaped heart 25k, incomplete @missfaber
Alayne Stone has lived her whole life in her hidden tower, forbidden by Mother to leave. But she yearns for an adventure like the ones in the songs, so when a man named Jon Snow crashes into her tower and into her life, she seizes the chance. They travel to King's Landing where the floating lanterns shine each year on her nameday. The new world is exciting and frightening, but Jon Snow is there to guide her every step. He is not nearly as terrible as Mother said men are, though the rest of the world might be. Danger, betrayals, and lies form the steps of their journey as Alayne uncovers terrible secrets. corresponding moodboard
Let Down Your Red Hair .6k
A Jonsa Rapunzel story told in verse. With her father beheaded and her brother marching against the king, the last thing Sansa expects is for her hair to never stop growing. She is soon locked away in the tallest tower of the Red Keep, withdrawn from court as the War of the Five Kings rages on. Elsewhere, rumors of her magical hair have spread to the Wildlings, who see her fiery strands as their last hope against the coming winter.
Tangled edit by @kitten1618x, Tangled edit by @queen-sans-in-the-north, Tangled edit by @sardoniyx
Tangled gifset by @dcbicki
Sleeping Beauty
La Belle au bois dormant 4k
When The North celebrates the birth of Lady Sansa, all the realm is invited to celebrate with them. Each Lady of a Great House bestows a gift upon the little lady, including Cersei Lannister, whose presence at the celebration is both unexpected and unnerving.
Once upon a Dream 1k by @azulaahai
Sansa is under a curse - fallen into a magical sleep, she, according to the prophecy, can only be awoken by a kiss from a dragon. Arya rides south to ask for help from the dragon king Aegon, but the king’s grumpy half brother Jon might prove to be an obstacle.
Visions are Seldom All They Seem 14k
Sansa Stark is sure her life is a great song. She's a beautiful princess. She's been cursed. And the only way it will be broken is to sleep for a hundred years and be awoken by true love's kiss, given by a king's son. She's more then happy to prick her finger if it means getting her happily ever after with a handsome prince all the sooner. But a hundred years is a long time. To be fair to Sansa, Jon did not realize how long it would be either.
Sleeping Beauty Gifset
East of the Sun and West of the Moon
you are my sun, my moon (and all of my stars) 133k
When the white wolf came, the Lord of Winterfell had no choice but to give him his eldest daughter. Eddard Stark had grown up on legends of wolves, on the stories of bargains made by the First Men, on the knowledge of the price that he and his family might one day be forced to pay.  His father had explained the reason their house had taken a wolf as its heraldry and “Winter is Coming” as its motto, a reminder of a promise to honor, a recognition of a debt owed that would need, one day, to be paid. Ned had breathed a sigh of relief when his sister’s twentieth winter arrived and the beast had not. And he had watched the dawn sky for the first signs of the snow that would mark that his daughter, too, might also be spared, might escape the fate that had been handed down by their ancestors. But no man could be so lucky.  Sansa, too, had been born with the North in her blood, had been raised on the stories of white wolves, had lived her life with the knowledge that one might come for her.
this is the map of my heart, the landscape after cruelty 22k by @dialux
“I fell,” Sansa says softly. “I flew.” [When a strange, hooded man appears out of nowhere, demanding a woman in return for keeping the Others and dead out of Westeros, Sansa goes with him. It’s the best and worst decision of her life.]
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months
imagine that baby percy, besides causing tsunamis, is also fascinated by storms
whenever she's crying all it takes to calm him down is a good and violent storm, It would be lovely if whenever Baby Percy starts to look sad, the gods who have weather-related powers (Susanoo, Thor, Rudra, etc.) create a storm to cheer up Baby Percy's mood.
Maybe baby Percy just likes the sounds and vibrations that storms and storms cause, it lulls him to sleep in the same way as a lullaby (the death whistle of Poseidon and Hades)
the human world is in chaos and the valkyries and humans and perhaps Hercules and Buddha are begging demanding to know the reason for these storms that are destroying entire countries only to receive the answer that the storms are just an alternative form of song for make baby percy sleep peacefully
their looks of surprise would be priceless, their jaws would be hanging open on the floor, just the idea of ​​baby percy once again accidentally causing chaos and pain to humans is hilarious
If this continues, she could end up usurping the position of zerofuku's God of Misery
i get excited every time i see you send me an ask cuz you always got the best scenarios 😭😭😭💖 i ESPECIALLY love the baby percy au ones 🥺
baby percy is suuuuuuuuch a fucking menace but i like to think she mellows out and becomes the nice percy we all know and love. the humans would be TERRIFIED of her at first (cuz of her baby days), but maybe they switch up once they realize that she's outgrown her "homicide phase" or whatever they would call it 💀
(poseidon would be disappointed at first, but that's ok cuz he still loves his baby 🥺)
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misguidedasgardian · 11 months
The White Dragon (44)
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44. The Great Council
Summary: you gather a council to decide the fate of the Seven Kingdoms
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, death, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :) 
Wordcount: 3.333 words like WHATTTT
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You let yourself move at the rhythm of the maid washing you with a rough sponge, the water of the tub had already had to be changes thrice for becoming black with the remains of the dragon blood in your body
The boiling dragon blood that bathed you as your dragon slayed Aegon
The maids took the good part of an hour and the help of members of Rhaenyra’s Queensguard to remove the melted armor from your body, and then the pieces of leather that melted into your skin
But you were unharmed and your skin untarnished
While you were inside the tub, your gaze was setted in some point on the wall, trying to fit into your head everything that went down in the last 12 hours…
You watching the capital being conquered by Aegon from above
“Please raise your arms your grace”, whispered the maid and you did, she scrapped the rests of melted fabrics from under them
The adrenaline that took a hold on your body when you fought for your life
You flinched when she pulled a piece of leather from your skin, the water again was black, dark black, the smell of smoke and sulfur almost making you dizzy
Finding soldiers and civilians alike dead in the steps to the Dragonpit
The maid signaled for you to reach with your leg out of the tub, your skin still smudged with dried dragon blood
Rhaenyra was dead, and Aegon was well
That made you stand up, and wait there for them to replace the filthy water for more clean one, they were quick in their labor and you didn’t have to wait more than five minutes, to sink again in the boiling water 
Finding out that Jacaerys and Joffrey were too
Another maid washed your hair, you watched as the dried blood melted back with the water, tainting it black once more
So much darkness
Oils with scents were placed in the waters this time, the last bath this was, after other four, finally you would get dress and abandon your chambers
The toll of all the deaths in your finally make you want to sink in the bathtub
As the sweet maids cleaned the last smudged from your body, you finally felt like you could breathe again, it hurt, but you could, and that was improvement, you believed, you wanted to believe 
You didn’t know what to do now, how to proceed, you had never taken a city before, you had never witnessed the death of two monarchs in front of your eyes, you had never witnessed the deaths of so many members of your family before
What now?
But for a second you forgot about all the people in the keep, in the capital, in the Realms, from the servants to the Heads of the most important families, everyone around you
They did now what to do
As you gazed upon the outfit the maids had chosen for you to wear
it was a dark black outfit, a loose skirt boots for underneath, and a leather vest over it, the sleeves seemed to be made of scales, and the details in black leather, and a red cape fixed to the suit in a silver chain with a head of the dragon to be placed in the right side of your chest 
An outfit to mourn, to rule, to conquer
They dressed you, they braided your hair in magnificent braids, and finally you were ready
And you were ready, as the sun fell over the horizon, also did the reigns of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and Aegon the Usurper
Steffon was right outside your chamber, guarding you like he always did
For a second you thought you were sixteen again…
Only for a second
He smiled softly at you, he found another white armor, that tricked you for a second
“Aren’t you tired?”, you asked him as you began your walk back to the throne room
“A bit”, he whispered, “I bet you are”, you barely smiled, “lord Cregan Stark had taken many prisoners, from the houses that supported Aegon”, he started filling you in, “the ones that won’t bend the knee to you”, you raised your eyes to his in concern
You stakes a claim to the throne, and you had won
“Where are my nephews?”, you asked, and he knew what you meant
He took you there, to the hall at the side of the throne room 
You didn’t notice when you stormed the city, but Aegon’s damage was worse than you thought
A tear fell from your eye as you saw the silent sisters preparing Jacaerys and Joffrey’s bodies
Jacaerys was slain by Aegon’s treacherous guards,as he tried to fight back to defend Rhaenyra, and Joffrey had tried to take flight on Syrax to save his mother, and the golden beast shook him off of her mid flight, he fell to his death in the streets of King’s Landing. And in another table, you didn’t even dare to look, were the remains of your sister, an arm and part of the chest… 
This was the consequences of war 
Harwin was already there, by Jace’s side, you didn’t say anything, neither did him, but you stood by his side guarding the princes’ bodies for an unknown amount of time. Until Cregan came 
“They are ready for you”, whispered Cregan sadly by your side, you turned to look at him and barely nodded, wiping the tears off your eyes
They were your nephews
Harwin stayed in the chamber, mourning the loss of his first born child, you touched his shoulder as you passed by him, he barely nodded
You are going to let him mourn, but you have a Kingdom to rule now, or rather, see who was left to rule it…
A great council has been assembled to put in order who was going to rule the Seven Kingdoms, although you had claimed it when you decided to take the city, you still did not want to impose your rule on reluctant subjects, that was going to lead to nothing
Representatives of the great families, (the ones who were not incarcerated for treason) gathered in a huge table in the throne room, as well as Rhaenyra’s acting council and those most loyal to yours
They all stood when you walked in, and you nodded acknowledging them all
“We have been discussing the line of succession, your grace”, muttered one, and his title to refer to you meant nothing, everyone in the royal House were regarded as such
“Please continue, I would like to hear what your thoughts are”, you muttered, they nodded and resumed their discussions, you took seat in the head of the table 
“Rhaenyra was the true heir”, he sentenced, you nodded, knowing this, “we, as Tyrells, the Tullys, Starks, and Arryns sentence the Rule of Aegon as null and void, and is to be known as the Usurper, your eyes went to the representatives of the Lannisters, Baratheon and Hightowers, their eyes were on the table, ashamed, but nodded nonetheless.
The representatives were now the new heads of their house, being third of fourth sons, or far off cousins from the main string of the family, but those were the ones who were going to bend the knee, and that is all that matters now 
“I’m glad to hear it”, you said firmly
“Now, we follow the line of the succession from there”, continued the same Lord, from the House Bar Emmon, from the crownlands, serving master of laws for your sister, “sadly, King consort Daemon had perished, as well as her true born heirs, Aegon and Viserys”, you nodded, “there is only Prince Lucerys left”
“We can say it freely, Rhaenyra’s three first children are bastards, her legitimate children are gone”, said another Lord, and they all hummed accordingly. Lucerys was no true son of the late Ser Laenor Velaryon, but Corlys considered him as much, and that must have counted for something 
And you voiced that outloud
“Lord Corlys had named Lucerys his heir”, you said
“The boy as well as lord Corlys are on their way here”, said Cregan
“I will offer Driftmark to him”, you whispered, “he will want to say a last goodbye to his family”
Difficult days were upon you, but they supported what you just said 
“So, Queen Rhaenyra had left this world without issue to succeed her, then, is you”, said Cregan, “you are the second born daughter of the King Viserys Taragryen and Queen Aemma Arryn”, he continued
“Hear hear!”, said a lord, and all followed
“through the line of succession, and the right of conquest, the throne is your your grace”, said the old maester
“Right of conquest? And what is that?”, you asked out loud
“You made alliances, you took the city under your yoke, it is yours, My Queen”, said the maester, and everyone again agreed
“There is one more thing left to discuss”, said Lord Lannister, always having to have some sort of control on the situation, it came with blood you thought 
“And what would that be?”, you asked, already tired of him
“When and where would you like the coronation to take place?”, he asked with a sardonic smile
And then it hit you
You were now Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
You dressed in black, with red capes all week
In mourning, and in representation of your house
Your children followed your lead, but as when they were children, Maekar dressed with a Green cape, Rhaegar with a blue one, and Aemma with a red, and walked together, signaling their father’s house
You buried your families under the stones of the great sept, one day, your sister Rhaenyra, and her sons Jace and Joffrey, and the next you held court for the first time
The first one brought to you was Queen Alicent
Aemond was standing by the foot of the throne with your children, but he walked towards her and held her while she presented herself in front of you
She asked for your forgiveness, for betraying your sister, and trying to put her son on the throne, even though Rhaenyra had forgiven her, you were the one that told Aemond to release her from her golden chains
“You were the love of my father that stood by his side trough his worst and his decease, and gave him sons and a beautiful daughter, you were my friend when we ruled together as protectors of the realm, and you gave me my half siblings, you are forgiven, and I will ask of you to remain in court, or go as you please, you are here free to do as you please”, she smiled, as she held onto Aemond, and Helaena that joined you when the city was secured
The next ones to appear where Corlys, Rhaenys and Lucerys, who had reached the capital for the funeral rites, but where now presenting his respects to you
They called you their Queen, and bowed, bending the knee to you, as Rhaenys smiled warmly at you 
Lord Corlys rejected your proposition, but Rhaenys didn’t, now she was the master of ships 
The next day, you let your family, Aemond, Helaena, her children, and Alicent, to have the funeral rites for Aegon, you did not participate, but send guard to held mourning and protect them, that mourn their son, brother and father, in the sept of the Red Keep, and later buried him under it
Like it or not he was your half brother.
Your daughter accompanied her husband, and brought them moral support
And you had decisions to make
You didn’t even wanted to decide where, when and how you were going to get crowned, but rather, you had to select your small council, you had to anoint your Queensguard
They were so many things yet to do
It was overwhelming
You constantly had supper with your family and lord who were still in the capital, and then sneaked into the library to read tomes about King Aegon and King Jahaerys, the decisions they made, the way they cared for their subjects…
It was too much
Harwin had come many times to collect you as you had fallen asleep in the library over the books
And carried you to your rooms
The rooms of a princess
The chambers of the King and Queen had been used by so many people in your family, that you felt strange sleeping in them.
But Steffon, besides finding men to be a part of the Queenguard, was organizing the redecoration of the chambers, to adapt them to you
it was going to be funny, but you were to take the chambers of the King and Harwin the ones of the Queen, or vice versa
But Harwin protested and said you had been sleeping together for 20 years and he was not going to start sleeping apart now, you had to agree
Now, the council
You named Cregan your hand, who promised who was going to stay in the capital for two years, as you named Sara, his bastard sister, legitimate and as so was acting as Lady of Winterfell.
Harwin was the commander of the city watch, as he was many years ago
Rhaenys was your master of ships
Tyland Lannister came back to court, and you named him master of coins
You named the maester from Dragonstone as Grand Maester Munkun
You named lord Bar Emmon as master of laws
Of course Lord Steffon was commander of the Queensguard 
You were lacking a master of whispers, but it was not mandatory to have one. But you thought it was necessary 
The first thing you had to do was unite back the Kingdoms, so you took the vows of all the Lords, and that took whole months
Lords of all the far corners of the Kingdom were to make the journey to the capital, and all of them, may of them
asked you the same question
Who was going to succeed you?
You had many children, but it was whispered in court that the next King or Queen had to be a full blooded Targaryen, to continue the stability to the realm.
Or that is what you thought 
Many advised you to name Maekar as your heir, so one day, after you were fairly settled, you called in your three eldest children
“I don’t want to be King”, Maekar said surely, “i want to be lord of Harrenhal… that was my fate”
“I’d argue that maybe fate is for you to be King one day”, you whispered, but he shook his head
“I’ll mary Helaena, her children are the ones of Aegon, I think is best for me to step down”, you then looked at Rhaegar, who shook his head
“my duty is to my wife, and winterfell now”, he said, taking her hand, they were soon to fly to Winterfell and wed under the eyes of the Old Gods, so then you looked at Aemond and Aemma, who had their hands intertwined, and looked at each other
It was settled 
Your children were Strong and even though they could change their name, there was someone else, a Targaryen, loyal to you, and worthy of the throne…
Aemond, and Aemma, they were going to rule together, they had the strength, you knew it. 
So you asked them to go and live in Dragonstone, as Prince and Princess of Dragonstone.
The coronation day was set, the day was approaching, you wanted to wait for the people to forget and for the capital to thrive after the horrible events that occurred, but it was necessary for you to make proclamations as Queen 
IN the meantime, it was Cregan who incarcerated all the traitors, and judged them accordingly, acting as your hand
Many called it “the hour of the wolf”
The first one to go, was the man from House Royce, who had rebelled against your cousin, the lady of the Vale
His head rolled first, and many followed, even Larys Strong
you Harwin dishonored him, didn’t even buried him with his family, he let them be buried in a common ditch
You understood him, he had murdered your father in law, and effectively helped the green took the throne
Even though Rhaenyra had cleaned the court of many of the traitors, happily for you who didn't want to bathe the Keep with blood
Even Tyland, acting master of coins, was put on trial, but was spared, as he had bent the knee to you. 
Lucerys was named heir to Driftmark, and future Lord of the tides and was set to marry the Lady Rhaena Targaryen, as accorded 
And it came, the day of the coronation was tomorrow, and you found yourself sipping wine in the balcony of the chambers of the King
Harwin hugged you, kissing your shoulder softly
“My Queen” 
“My King consort”, you giggled, “what have I done?”, you asked out loud, looking at the horizon
“You are to be Queen, it was your destiny”
“Perhaps I forced it, perhaps if I had made different decisions…”
“But you didn’t”, he said firmly, “it happened what it had to happen”, you only nodded, “you are tomorrow to be named Queen, and you succeeded, you won this war”
“Daeron is still at large”
“the war is over”, he whispered, “he is on his way, Stark told me this evening”, you barely nodded, “now let's get you crowned before our oldest children bare sons and daughters out of wedlock”, you giggled 
“That’s true”, you whispered
“Let’s name you Queen”, he whispered, “but first, let me have my wife”
You giggled as he grunted, grabbed you roughly and threw you to the bed. You giggled, enjoying this side of him, and he climbed up your body, discarding your night shirt and dropping kisses everywhere he could find.
it was good to know some things may ever stay the same 
. . .
You didn’t let anybody see you that morning, not your council, nor your children, nor your husband, only Aemma and serving girls were allowed in 
thye bathed you and prepared you, Aemond smiled dreamily as she helped you get dressed. It was the most magnificent dress you had ever seen, with a black background and intricate designs in rubies and gold designs over.
And you decided to wear your hair loose, for the crown to be placed over your head with only a single braid to hold it.
“You are ready mother”, Aemma whispered as she pinned the white dragon on your dress, the one you gifted your father after your travels, the sight made you smiled
“Let’s take my crown”
It was like a dream, the throne room was decorated in its entirety for white flowers, giving it a feeling like you were in the heavens 
“I present to you, Queen (y/n), of House Targaryen, the White dragon, Queen of the Andals, the Roynar and the First men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the realm”
Said Lord Steffon out loud, you walked slowly towards the throne as he claimed all your titles, and you said when he spoke the last one.
In the throne room you recognized all the members of your family, and all the most important lords of the realms
“I crown you with the crown of King Jahaerys the conciliator, hoping it will give you wisdom”, you looked ahead as he placed the golden crown in your head
“I give you the crown of the conqueror, to give you strength to unite back the seven Kingdoms under one rule”, he said then, placing the black, heavy crown on your lap, “and the Sword Blackfyre, to give you the power to protect the realm”, he said then, taking the sword front he maester and giving it to you, you placed it by your side
“HAIL THE QUEEN!”, they chanted all, and it ricocheted all over the room, and all over the capital. 
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Taglist! ❤️
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i can't help but wonder about the "i'm gonna marry you but i don't want kids" with gojo. because he probably would be the one to bring it up
omg im sorry this took so long but,,,,, here we are 👀 as always linking the usurper!gojo tag and the masterlist for this au warnings: the no kids talk!
it’s hardly subtle.
he doesn’t ease you into it; he isn’t coy. he all but storms into your chambers, after dark but before you’ve snuffed the candles keeping the room light enough for your reading.
he doesn’t bother to tell you why, but you know—instinctively, because you know him and you know his advisors and you’re well used to his moods when they’ve been particularly nagging about his duties as king—what’s set him off. the indication that it’s worse than typical is that he keeps that odd eye jewelry perched upon his nose, chain gleaming yellow in the light of the flames as he stalks over to your lounging form upon the bed.
his arm finds your legs over the nightclothes you wear, wraps around them firmly to move them just enough for him to perch on the edge of your mattress. they don’t leave, even as you set aside your book—you expect him to lay his head on it, anticipating the typical song and dance of his pouting and whining as you push him away only to relent and let him hold you as you both drift off into slumber.
instead he hovers. even sitting he looms over you, hand tightening on your thigh and thumb rubbing soft, meaningless patterns through the fabric of your dressing gown that soothe the nerves set on edge by your inability to see the look in his eyes.
a beat passes. you wonder if he’s calmed.
but when he speaks it’s terse, low, with the kind of simmering rage he keeps close to his chest for only those pitiable few he despises utterly, and he dips his head to look over the frames of those onyx lenses and regard you with irises dark with something terrible.
“i will not give you a child.”
the statement bowls you over. your breath hitches, if only because of the way he stares—deadly serious,
“i will not allow you to bear my children. i might be amenable to a ward, if you so desire. but i will not seed you,” his grip tightens on your thigh, “and it should go without saying that once we marry neither will any other.”
you haven’t a clue how to respond to such a thing.
he speaks as if it’s a confession; as if he’s betrayed you somehow. he holds you like you’ll disappear, or flee—and perhaps, had he told you this months ago when you’d been flighty and diffident with his affections, your rigidity might have led you to. but it is now, and you haven’t fled yet, and your beloved is nothing if not unconventional and shameless in his eccentricity.
you ponder on that too long.
“say something,” he demands, sounding almost small.
“why?” spills from your lips without thought; not petulant, or angry, but confused. not just by him—by you. you ought to be devastated, no? you ought to be angry. you assuredly are not.
“my bloodline as it has been for generations is a scourge,” he tells you readily. “i will do everything within my power to wipe it out. therefore, i cannot have an heir. not even one.”
not even one. not a single child. the thought washes over you like the temperate water of the lake on your grounds back home, the very one you’d once played in regularly as a child. the very one your mother had once mentioned taking your own children to, someday; children who you never fantasized about, children who never had faces or names, children who you never set aside letters or dresses or trinkets for to gift on birthdays.
not even in those teenage years spent with your current betrothed, the only man you’d ever thought of kissing and caressing you, had you once envisioned a life with children. they’d only appeared once you’d been brutally introduced to reality, and had to accept the promise of a life with a rich man who doesn’t love you.
a life which your king has gallantly shattered, and replaced with something far brighter.
“i will bear the burden of prevention,” he tells you soothingly, as if your silence has been about the effort of this request. “you needn’t worry that pretty mind over it. over any of this, my queen—“
“i am not yet your queen,” you interrupt, instinct bidding you to speak where your mind remains miles away.
“my bride,” he amends, ”look at me.”
you do.
“i want you,” he says, as if it’s some known truth of the universe, written in the stars. “i want you fervently, ardently. i won’t have another. but i will not give you my children. if you cannot take that slight, then so be it.”
the emotion that has been welling within you since the first words he'd spoken has become so intense it’s impossible to listen properly. you cannot name it without ruminating; you lay beneath him, eyes widening, not quite seeing—or hearing the words he continues to say—as you let it all sink in.
but when his hands fly to cradle your face, you’re snapped from the daze, attention suddenly brought back to the man before you.
“oh, oh, precious girl, don’t cry.” cry? his thumbs wipe away tears from your cheeks. you hadn’t even realized they’d been falling. “don’t cry”—he almost laughs, yet his voice breaks—“you’ll break my heart.“
“no,” you gasp, “no, my king, i’m hardly sad, i’m… relieved.”
that’s it. you’re relieved. he’s removed a heavy weight from your chest and you hadn’t even known of it. you will not have to bear him children. the assurance floods through your veins like liquid joy. not ten, not five, nor two nor even one; none whatsoever.
“relieved?” he repeats, blinking in surprise.
you’d never even considered the possibility. from the moment you’d known of your place in this world you’d resigned yourself to the role of childbearing. only now do you realize how much you had been dreading such a thing. only now do you understand the fear, and the relief.
“i… don’t believe i want children either.” the statement feels so final it ought to be terrifying, but it settles into your bones with a tangible rightness.
your betrothed regards you in shock. his hands fall from your face—and then they latch to your body, one on your thigh again and the other behind your neck, pulling you up and flush against him as he kisses you harshly.
“you’re so perfect,” he breathes into your mouth, unreactive yet pliant against him. “made for me, just for me, i swear—“
you kiss back, making his rambling cut off in a strangled growl as he only tugs you in closer and deepens the embrace. he’s still speaking, but it’s unintelligible; praise, certainly, muffled compliments and manic devotion. he’s relieved too, you realize. foolish to think him confident in this declaration. foolish, you’re coming to understand, to think him sane in any circumstance which might take you from him.
(if you are made for him then he is made for you, surely. this relief would be impossible for any other to give you.)
he pulls away when he realizes you’re still crying. you catch your breath, blink back the tears, let him fuss over you until your voice is solid enough to speak.
despite the relief, there is lingering hesitance; lingering fear. “you say you will bear the burden of prevention, but what of the burden of blame? they will talk, as the months go by. they will call me barren, unfit to be by your side; they will demand you take on a mistress—“
“i won’t,” your betrothed snarls, grip on your thigh almost painful with how fiercely his fingers tighten, “i would never, and i’ll cut down all those who speak ill of you.”
your laughter is disbelieving, wet with the traces of saltwater. “hardly a sound plan to run a court, my king. unless its intent is for running it to the ground.”
“for you, my heart? anything. i would raze this kingdom if it spoke your name without awe.”
that shouldn’t be comforting. it ought to be terrifying. instead you reach up to hold his cheek, and his eyes flutter closed at the contact.
“kiss me again,” you command.
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eri-pl · 17 days
Can "Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth" be canon?
Discussing the athra... anthrax... discussion again (and positively), so to protect the dashboard of anyone disintrested, it goes under the cut.
So, my first thought: yessss!!! Of course it's canon, I love it, I HC it, I'm all for it.
My second thought: wait. The conclusions may be canon (yes, I HC them very much), the Mannish lore maay be canon, probably... if it's not widely known it makes sense that nobody else would mention it... but
the conversation cannot be canon. Because with the scale and general shock value of the conclusions Finrod reaches, there is no way that he would shut up about it. No way at all.
So, since we don't see Finrod talking about all that metaphysics stuff later, the conclusion is that this discussion could not have happened. (OK, the time he would have to talk about it was short, 10 years or so, but still you can talk a lot in ten years.)
But. My third thought: Who says Finrod never mentioned it? Who says it?
The stiff, Valar-make-no-mistakes, "if you say that inviting the Elves to Valinor was a mistake, you are speaking with the tongue of Morgoth" Pengolodh. The guy who would go to any length (save maaaaybe kinslaying) to censor anything that looks even a bit dubious philosophically. (Yes, I do have a beef with later-writings Pengolodh. I don't hate him, I understand that it's his Exilic trauma causing this, but still. I disagree with his editorial choices)
It's a perfectly valid HC that this discussion have happened and Finrod talked about it a lot, and probably so did later some other people after having talked to Finrod (Beren comes to mind, some people from Nargathrond maybe? Orodreth? This goes from HC to a "hidden AU / reinterpretation" territory), but Pengolodh censored out any suggestion of anything going against the official Eldarin theology.
I'm not saying I HC this version (I think both 2 and 3 work depending on what I need in the moment), but it is possible.
(Now I really want an uncensored version of the whole Taur-nu-Fuin situation, the song contest etc :) ) (Also, did C&C think Finrod went insane and it was one more reason to usurp him?) (yea, safer for the story to HC that the talk did not happen)
If this post is interesting for even one person, that would be more than I expected. But life is full of surprises. Also, I write as a way of organizing my thoughts.
Also, if you are not interested or disagree but still read the post and not to criticize it, you are a very kind person (like Finrod) and thank you. :)
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bonesartblog · 6 months
Your powerless Raphael AU has so many possibilities it's almost driving me insane. There are so many good story ideas here I just- 🤩
*WARNING: Massive Rambling Incoming!*
If Raphael ended up human by the characters we play as finding a way to remove the fiendish half of his blood - in a manner similar to what Bhaal does to a Bhaalspawn who rejects him - does that mean he will have lost most if not all of his magical abilities? If we assume a cambion's magic comes from their fiendish heritage, similar to how a sorcerer's would, I imagine that this would leave him without any of his magic.
If Raphael ends up losing his magic, would he try to learn how to use the Weave like a Wizard and, more importantly, would he actually get very far? I think he might try but I don't think he would get very far because he basically seems to be in indentured servitude in your artwork (which is top notch, by the way) so I doubt he'd have access to the resources to actually learn wizardry (pair that with his likely frustrated and thus frazzled mental state and that doesn't make it very conducive to learning a new skill like wizardry). However, that leaves the door open for him learning the skills of a Bard (like how to use an instrument to channel magic), but that also requires resources that he might not have access to (like an instrument he can carry around) without someone giving him regular access to such things as he learns.
Since you mentioned Raphael ends up falling in love with a woman in your AU, maybe this ties into how they meet? Maybe that woman is a Bard who is working/indentured at the same place Raphael is. Perhaps she recognizes another artistic spirit like herself in Raphael, likely by overhearing him recite poetry (songs are typically like poetry put to music after all), and the two end up spending time together as a result.
Maybe Raphael at first intends to manipulate the woman into teaching him her skills as a Bard so he could not only learn magic but also potentially be able to steal her job so he is not stuck cleaning floors to pay off his debts. Likely none the wiser, the woman could agree to teach him because she simply enjoys the company of another artist and lends him her instrument during their lessons so he can practice. Assuming she doesn't ask to be paid for these lessons, I can imagine that Raphael would be waiting for the other shoe to drop - for the woman to demand he give her something in return - because nothing is ever free and everyone always wants something.
Perhaps Raphael gets reminded just how much he relied on his magic, servants, and debtors for everything when a string on the woman's instrument breaks while he is playing it during a lesson. After the woman checks to see if the string nicked him when it broke (quickly using a Bard spell to heal him if it did) and she assures him that he can just fix it real quick so they can resume the lesson, Raphael has to admit to her that he doesn't know how to fix it himself and she has to show him.
Maybe after a while, the woman ends up surprising him by gifting him his own instrument so that he can practice without having to borrow hers and it's only after their lesson ends for the day that he realizes that he accepted a gift without expecting there to be an invisible price tag attached. Maybe he also realizes that he has long already stopped expecting her to demand something in exchange for her lessons and that he actually in fact looks forward to them, to spending time with her.
As the fruition of his plotting to usurp her job gets closer and closer, he could find himself dreading the idea of actually going through with it more and more. Maybe he gets frustrated with himself over his uncharacteristic reluctance to follow through when he should feel excited over his plan working. This could all then culminate in him realizing that he has fallen in love with her (which, as you said, he handles about as well as you can expect) and probably results in him having an identity crisis over it. Or perhaps what pushes him towards the realization is the woman not showing up for a few days due to some kind of misfortune that unexpectedly befell her (if you want to twist the knife a bit more, maybe a few of Raphael's former debtors mug her and leave her badly injured for "consorting with a devil" even though she might not understand what they were talking about), thus causing Raphael to realize just how much he enjoys her regular company and how deeply he cares for her wellbeing.
*Massive Rambling Warning Over*
Then there is the absolute comedy gold of Raphael having to work like the common folk do while the new heroes of Baldur's Gate and his former clients/debtors clown on him or whoop him so hard his bruises have bruises (which, as much as I adore the character, I kinda have to admit he deserves).
Not to mention him having to learn how to do things manually and for himself for the first time ever. Does this man even know how to properly clean a floor without magic... or is he going to need to be reminded to rinse the rag he is using every now and then so he isn't just moving the dirt around? What about preparing himself food? Has he ever experienced getting sick before and how would he handle that for the first time if not?
The possibilities are literally endless and I am ravenous for them all!
I didn't mean for this to get so long, but I'm just so hyped to see what you may come up with (even if it ends up being nothing like the ideas I was spitballing here - which you are more than free to use if you want, but only if you want - it's your story after all, you do whatever the heck you want and I'll read it 👀). Sorry for the wall(s) of text; I hope that wasn't breaking any kind of Tumblr etiquette. 😅 I can assure you that it probably won't happen again as I am usually too self-conscious to send anything to blogs where I can't be anonymous (even though I 100% get why people want that option turned off).
Anyway, I love your work! Again, it's truly top tier! Keep being awesome! I'm gonna go look at the images some more! Bye!
-Raphael ends up human through something very similar! I thought it'd be great irony for something of his in his own collection (like a ring that he obtained that has the power to seal the fiendish power of a foe) and have it used against him. Initially it's supposed to be used like a genie's lamp where the wearer is just, sealed away but since Raphael is half human, it locks away his powers and reduces him to whatever is left after the devil in him is essentially stripped away.
-He ends up losing his ability to use magic in its entirety because the ring shackles him in a perpetual limbo where he can exist as a human but all his power is derived from his lineage as a devil, which is negated by the ring--so it's like shutting off a light in a breaker box and raphael being the room the light was connected to lol. And yes--he absolutely does try! I like to think he intended the ring to be used on mephistopheles once he'd been given the crown--but it all backfired once it was placed on him after the house of hope fight. He has to also contend with the new human elements that comes with his curse--which comes in the form of underestimating his ability to temper his emotions that he can now FEEL with raw intensity. Since he's a bard he absolutely relies on his charisma to navigate around people since he doesn't have the means to physically defend himself. (He's put in Sharess' Caress by karlach and astarion because everyone there is familiar with him which makes it harder for raphael to talk his way out of anything. and it's also to keep him where he'll be easy to keep an eye on--he has every opportunity to leave, but they tell him a de-clawed devil is easy prey and his overzealousness of making deals made him easily recognizable by other spurned clients. He's safest in the brothel and he's guaranteed protection on that property only--but Mamzell tells him he has to work to earn his keep or she'll throw him out so he's made to do gruelling tasks lol.
-The woman he meets is called Circe who is another bard that is hired to replace a murdered employee! She's a retired dominatrix and she plays music and sings in the performance area--and you absolutely nailed it! She doesn't meet raphael immediately, since he sort of squirrels himself away until nightfall when he can work unbothered, less likely to be recognized, and also bc he has a wounded ego lol. I wanted to write her as another egomaniac who's obsessed with the sound of her own voice and her own beauty and i thought it'd be hilarious if raphael found it ironically off-putting. But they absolutely do end up spending time together by mocking local plays because they're both snobs which usually turn into them mocking each other for their own tastes. The majority of their first interactions involves Circe talking about herself and constantly getting raphael's name wrong (she calls him 'Ralph' which he has to correct) and a lot of it is raphael getting a taste of his own medicine while exchanging barbs with her.
-As for the rest--you're not far off at all ;) I don't wanna spoil everything but Raphael absolutely has to reckon with experiencing manual labor and all the physical pains that come with it. Also with people that recognize him and want to do him harm / controlling his temper whenever a patron says something off-putting to him / learning how to defend himself since his devil magic is lost to him / and my favorite: HAVING THE HEART OF A MAN AND BEING EXPOSED TO ALL IT VULNERABILITIES LOL
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the-cosmos-withinus · 7 months
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Shadow Puppets AU - The Golden Guard
By the time Hunter was created, Belos had used about half of Caleb's bones, however because Grimwalkers are so difficult to make, only fifteen grew to maturity including Hunter himself.
I decided not to use any of the Grimwalkers shown in canon. A lot of them are still in development but here's a brief summary of them.
Adam- was active 2 years, Philip initially tried to use the Grimwalker spell to resurrect Caleb, but Adam's birth proved that wasn't how it worked, and Philip never quite stopped resenting him for that. Adam was roughly 19 when he was born and died protecting Belos in the early years of the Crusades. He never had the title of Golden Guard in life, but Belos bestowed it after his death and gave it to the subsequent Grimwalkers.
Nathaniel - Active three years, appearing to be in his early 20s accidentally killed by Belos during the Crusades when he was experimenting with artificial magic.
Levi- was the youngest Grimwalker until Hunter, he was born at the age of twelve and lived five years, he was assassinated during the Crusades when he was seventeen. After his death, Belos started telling everyone that Levi was his son.
Isaiah- Was active four years, appeared to be roughly eighteen when he was born, he was Golden Guard when Belos became emperor, and served for a year before he was killed by Belos after getting caught with a Wild Witch. He was proficient with plant magic, and in particular loved roses. His lover was a male witch who got away, Belos never saw him again.
Ezekiel - Active for five years, born at twenty and was a dedicated Golden Guard until he was murdered by an ambitious scout that wanted his position.
Jasper -Appeared to be about seventeen when he was born, and was active two years, hunted down and executed by Belos after meeting Flapjack and betraying him. The blue markings on his face are tattoos, not scars.
Noah- Born at sixteen and active four years, he was drowned by Belos during paranoid episode
Eden - Active for 6 years, the only female Grimwalker that grew to maturity she was roughly 25 when she was born. Eden had a proficiency for Bard magic and could sing a special song to put Belos to sleep when his curse was acting up- that song being a lullaby that Caleb used to sing to him. She confused her devotion to Belos as romantic love and committed suicide by jumping off the balcony when he rejected her.
Brutus - He was born at age 21 and was active for four years. He genuinely believed in the Emperor's philosophies, but also that Belos was being too kind to the Wild Witches. He was executed after he attempted to usurp power.
Milo - Was sixteen when he was born, and lived three years before he was publicly petrified by Belos after showing sympathy for, and releasing captured Wild Witches. Milo was especially good at brewing potions and the burn on his face is actually from a potion that exploded on him
Matthew and Alexander - The "twinwalkers" Matthew served as Golden Guard while Alexander was the head of the Emperor's Coven. They were born at twenty-three and lived five years before Alexander fell in love with a while Witch and abandoned the Coven. He and his lover were hunted down and killed by Matthew, but he let their child live. Upon returning to the palace, he was killed by Belos who claimed it was a mercy since he knows the pain carried from killing a brother.
William - was the most loyal of the Grimwalkers he lived around Eleven years and unexpectedly died on a mission. Will knew he was a Grimwalker and that whomever he was made from was important to Belos but never knew their actual relationship. He also thought he was the only Grimwalker Belos ever made.
"Golden Guard" - Because Will was still active when he was born, Belos didn't bother naming this Grimwalker and mixed him in with the general scouts where he later grew to be Darius's mentor. He was promoted to Golden Guard following Will's death but Belos was devastated after losing will he refused to learn this Grimwalker's name and only ever called him "Golden Guard". Because he had relationships outside of Belos, this Grimwalker was more defiant than some of the others and was ultimately killed after standing up to him one too many times.
Hunter - Currently active. Hunter became the youngest Grimwalker when he was born at eight years old. Belos raised him as his nephew, and originally called him "prince" with no intention of him ever taking the position of Golden Guard, Hunter only took it up after the death of his predecessor and it was meant to only be temporary until the next Grimwalker was ready. When Hunter asks Belos about his father, he tells him stories of Caleb and Will
The Bone pit- The rest of the Grimwalkers all either never made it out of the ground or were defective Grimwalkers he mercy killed. Regardless of their status, Belos buried them all in a mass grave with a Golden Guard mask etched with a name on the back to mark them. The ones that reached maturity were buried in the same grave alongside their "siblings"
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 months
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The seduction of Fëanor
Day 4 prompts: Friendship | Alliances
For: @silmarillionepistolary
Rating: General Audience
Characters: Fëanor
Epistolary format: Journal entry
Themes: Corruption | Seduction of Fëanor AU
Warnings: Manipulation
Wordcount: 1.4k words
Summary: Fëanor writes of Melkor calling on him after he is exiled to Formenos
This is also available on AO3
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Fëanáro Curufinwë’s journal
65th day of Y.T. 1492.— Lord Melkor called on me in Formenos, offering his friendship and aid in my quest to deliver all who would follow me from life under the Valar’s rule. 
“You are a thrall of Manwë, the brother who supplanted me in everything,” he declared. “Lord Námo pronounced it freely, and to all those who had gathered to hear you explain yourself to those who think themselves to be your masters. He claims that this is your fate, and that this is the fate of all the Eldar that dwell in the Blessed Realm and beyond! And to exile you, to place your freedom in the hands of a lesser prince who speaks against you in secret! Bah! Do you now see, my prince, the truth in my words? Do you now see through their lies and schemes to place your half-brother above you?” 
“Aye.” I gestured for Lord Melkor to join me in the gardens. My sons have taken my father on a grand hunt, but many of the servants remained in the palace. I cannot trust them. Despite their many oaths of loyalty, I cannot fully trust them. I cannot risk them repeating whatever they might hear to others. We spread our cloaks on the grass and sat beneath the branches of an apple tree already rich in fruit. “You have spoken the truth of the other Valar, the scheming of the half-brother who wishes to supplant me like yours did with you. The scales have fallen from my eyes, my lord, and I like not what I see.” 
The Vala smiled. “It pleases me to know that there are those born into the House of Finwë who are not afraid to open their eyes and see. It also pleases me to see that the words and deeds of others have not put out the fires within your heart. Join hands with me, Fëanáro, prince of the Noldor. Join hands with me, and I will aid you in all things. I will carry you across Araman and the icy wastes of the Helcaraxë. I will deliver you and all those who follow you from thralldom. I can make you a mighty king. High king of all the elves in Endórë. Am I not a Vala, also? I am that, my prince, and I am so much more than those who sit on their great thrones in Valimar. There are many things that I am willing to do for the Noldor, for I am their friend, and I am a friend to you most of all.” 
His words struck a chord within me. I confess, Lord Námo’s proclamation was humiliating to hear. To live the life of an exile is a terrible thing. To have my half-brother, the son of a woman who usurped my mother’s rightful place by my father’s side, and a prince who secretly speaks against me hold the key to my freedom within the palms of his hands, was even worse. The knowledge of it would have been more than I could bear if my spirit had been weaker. Woe be to my foes! I am stronger than they think, and I will not yield. I will not bow my head and live my life according to the whims and wishes of others. I studied Lord Melkor and pondered if I could indeed trust him to honor his vow to aid me. The others branded him a liar and a schemer, a Vala who was most dark and cruel and cunning. I do not think such is indeed the case. He pulled off the mask my half-brother used to hide his true self, did he not, and showed the other Valar for what they were? Beings who placed my half-brother above me by making him Regent of Túna, and who expect the Eldar to live their lives shackled to the Valar’s feet? It is too much! Too much! But to leave the only home I have ever known and to begin life anew in a land I have only heard of in songs and my father’s many tales… my hesitation must have shown, for Lord Melkor placed his hand over mine and gave it a soothing squeeze. 
“Take hold of this hand, Fëanáro, prince of the Noldor,” he said anew, “and I will help you find freedom from those who dare call themselves your overlords and mine. I will never restrain you, nor will I place others above you. I will make you a king who rules all other kings and a master of your own destiny. I will help you carve out a great kingdom in Endórë, a kingdom that will live on for a thousand ages and beyond. No one will hinder you, not even the weak, short-lived beings the Valar intends to place above the elves. I will make certain that they do not. Pray tell me your answer.”
I considered his words and his offer to aid me. I thought of what I could become if I joined hands with him: a king who rules all other kings, a master of my destiny. I could lay the foundations for a kingdom that would thrive through the ages. I will have no one to restrain me. I will have no half-brother plotting to usurp me. I will have no one to say that I go too far, no one to declare that the works of my hands are unlawful and unjustified. 
But the Silmarils, came the unbidden and worrying thought. What will become of the Silmarils? What will become of the hallowed jewels? What will become of your father, your wife, and your sons?
I knew then that if I took Lord Melkor’s hand and agreed to leave with him, many preparations would have to be made. I could not leave the hallowed jewels here in Formenos. Even if I left my father, my wife, and my sons behind, I could not leave the greatest and most treasured of my creations behind. I could not leave them in the care of others. It would only lead to their destruction if I did, and that was something I could never allow. 
“A great many preparations have to be made, my lord, if I do decide to leave with you,” I replied. The hand over my own squeezed gently again. “For I cannot simply leave on a whim. I need to discover who among my followers and my kin will be most amenable to leave with us, and there are a great many things that we must take. Provisions to guarantee our comfort, treasures that I cannot bear to part with, arms to protect us from the short-lived race that the Valar hope to place over us. I trust these things will not be a hindrance in any way.”
“I understand very well, my prince, the need for such measures.” Lord Melkor lifted his other hand to one of the low-hanging branches and plucked a crimson and gold apple. He offered the first bite to me. The fruit was uncommonly ripe and sweet, and I savoured the taste. Lord Melkor then helped himself; his bite was as hearty as mine. He turned to face me and smiled. That smile was dreadful and beautiful—even more beautiful than the hallowed jewels themselves. Then he set the fruit aside and reached out to brush his thumb over my chin and wipe away the juice that dripped down. 
“But I hope you will have faith in my ability to provide for you and keep you and yours safe,” he continued softly. “Nevertheless, sound out your allies and make your plans! And do not take too long! Word of my coming here will fly to the furthest corners of Valinor on the swiftest of wings. Others will not take kindly to my calling on you, and they will not forgive you for listening to what I say. My brother may not forgive you for listening to what I say. We must be ready to leave when they are ready to move against us.”
“Indeed, my lord.” I made my decision. I will leave. Even if the others insist on staying behind, I will leave. I will forge a glorious new life and name for myself—one that will live on in tales and songs. It is my destiny. Lord Melkor squeezed my hand a third time. This time, I reciprocated the gesture to show him that I agreed. He was pleased. “Indeed.” 
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tags: @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese
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arcademoss · 10 months
Deltarune: Process Of Assimilation Concept AU
Process Of Assimilation is a horror-centric, insert-friendly Deltarune AU that focuses on the residents of Cyber City, the protagonist, and Spamton G Spamton himself. CW // body horror, losing control of body, gunshot at end of song The protagonist is unrelated to Spamton in a familial sense / is an adult (so not Kris). They are open for oc inserts but canonly have history with Spamton of some sort. At the start of the AU, the protagonist is outside of Cyber City. Spamton was at his lowest; post downfall. He was prone to lash out, and desperate to make some sort of progress in his life. He harbored deep-seated resentment towards those who sat back and watched his descent; desperate to be the Big Guy of Cyber City again; or perhaps merely to secure a sale. Anything, just anything.
Given his obsession with his crash and burn; Spamton had found himself vulnerable to a phenomenon merely nicknamed "the anomaly". The nature of this enigma, whether it be a virus or a glitch (or something entirely incomphrensiable, remains shrouded in ambiguity as no explicit explanation provided. Nevertheless, it gradually engulfs Spamton, gradually usurping his body and mind. It slowly alters his very essence, driving him towards infecting the entire Cyber City. The process of his assimilation initially caused him distress as he fought against it; however, over time, this pain transformed into a sense of satisfaction, as he experienced a newfound level of power previously unknown to him. It was sweet as sugar to him, and the newfound power he felt in his non existent veins was something he couldn’t let go of. In the midst of his transformation, he became aware that he could subject the residents of Cyber City to this anomaly, thereby bending reality to his own perfect vision.
Spamton discreetly spread the anomaly among pedestrians strolling along the city's sidewalks or unsuspectingly traversing the alleyways. His careful approach is rooted in his limited understanding of the workings of this anomaly, as he strives to ascertain how it works.
A slow infection is much more merciful. The victim does not typically begin to exhibit a total alteration of their physical form until several days to weeks following assimilation. This variant causes the individual to experience a gradual shift in their personality over time; rendering them more apprehensive and inclined to emotional outbursts. Their mere presence in any given space emanates a pungent odor of contagion; however, with time, this scent becomes increasingly pleasant to their senses. The concept and AU itself draws inspiration from Kiss Me (Kill Me)
In stark contrast, a sudden infection evokes anything but mercy. It induces excruciating agony, subjecting the victim to an overwhelming influx of thoughts, leaving them trapped within their own mind as their corporeal form undergoes spontaneous and grotesque transformations. Their bodies become nothing more than mere puppets under the control of Spamton. Their actions are dictated solely by his will, despite their continued awareness of their surroundings.
Sudden assimilation profoundly impacts the victim's physical state, resulting in a warped semblance of their former selves. Their mouths often become grotesquely elongated, their limbs drag on indefinitely, and similar abnormalities manifest. Moreover, once assimilated, they are rendered incapable of speaking in their own will. Any attempt to speak culminates in a spewing of unintelligible and distorted sound. During the process assimilation, if they attempt to speak, their customary voice alteres into something resembling garbled text-to-speech. Upon full assimilation, they are entirely deprived of speech unless Spamton is puppetting them. Should they make effort to speak post assimilation, their mouths emit static, spilling over with the “flesh” of the anomaly.
The worst kind of assimilation, however, lies in groups. During excessively violent assimilations, a possibility arises wherein victims may conjoin and form what is commonly referred to as "amalgamations". They are rendered permanently fused and any attempts to disentangle them are excruciatingly painful for the amalgamation's entire corporeal form.
Upon assimilation, they are unable to die; instead in a state of limbo between life and profound darkness. They are spectators, helpless witnesses to the complete takeover of their being.
Despite the abhorrent nature of what he’s doing, Spamton fails to realize himself that he is the villain of the story. His own perception of reality has been warped by this anomaly, endowing him with a rosier perspective while reality contradicts his delusion. As the city itself falls dim; every advertisement around the city is unceremoniously supplanted by Spamton's own face, reminiscent of his bigshot days. Swatch, Blue, a select number of other individuals, alongside the protagonist, stand as the sole people who evaded assimilation (at least to start). Yellow, Orange, and Pink had succumbed to assimilation; while a significant number of other addisons have become amalgamated.
The protagonist, upon returning to Cyber City, bears witness to the dire state of affairs, as most of the city has fallen under the influence of Spamton’s hivemind. The city now lacks its once vibrant essence, with the sole remnants of color emanating from the advertisements. 
The protagonist managed to capture the attention of one of the assimilated citizens, whose eyes had become consumed by a static; just like the others. Spamton can see through them; and as mentioned prior; there is pre-existing history between the protagonist and Spamton. The only way they managed to escape was through Blue and Swatch. Out of the survivors, Swatch had become the core leader during the take over (Queen having been assimilated herself and trapped away). Blue, the protagonist, and Swatch are all individuals that Spamton held genuine care for, albeit it all but the protagonist inevitably fall victim to assimilation. Swatch in an act of noble self-sacrifice allowed themself to be assimilated in order to protect the other two. Conversely, the circumstances surrounding Blue's assimilation remain enigmatic, posing an unresolved question. The AU is designed to be driven by mystery, and for things to be more open for the audience. 
Spamton’s official design is also shrouded in mystery; the protagonist’s first altercation with him is while he’s in his final “Queen Bee” sort of form. He resides in the Mansion, his hivemind connected from the basement specifically. As of now, the visualization of many of the characters (aside from Pink, whose design is in the works) is up to people’s imaginations. There are canon design aspects of Spamton however, consisting of; Long fingers that are sharp at the ends but still puppet-like Neo-like attributes; at least one pair of big wings Glasses act like a searchlight beam  Saliva and tongue are made out of pure static, and eyes are complete static underneath the glasses Has two to three pairs of arms Heart is exposed, tainted with the goop of the anomaly Chest is open, showing the heart He has fangs (either vampire or curved) Jaw can unhinge and unlock Very Very Large Neck can elongate outward almost endlessly
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Barbie and the Secret Door!DPxDC AU
I've always wanted to see a Barbie AU so I'm gonna make one. If you've never seen BatSD, you can find the plot here. (Btw, at the very end there's a clip where Malucia's parents come back from a trip and laughingly ask her if she attempted to take over the kingdom again. I recommend watching or listening to the songs because they perfectly describe how delusional almost every single character is. I love you grandma and little fairy girl for being two of the most grounded characters in this movie.)
First, the roles:
The Grandmother played by Alfred.
Princess Alexa played by newly picked up Jason.
Nori and Romy played by Sam and Johnny.
Queen Unicorn played by Dan.
Unicorns played by Danny, Dani, and Vlad.
Princess Malucia played by Youngblood.
The Main Attendant played by Aragon.
Sniffers played by Walker and Skulker.
The Little Fairy Girl played by Star.
Second, tweaking the story:
Instead of fairies/mermaids/unicorns, it's vampires (amity parkers), nagas (ghosts), and banshees (halfas). trogs (the attendants) and sniffers (idk they're like bloodhounds) are nagas as well.
All animals are mostly normal w/just enough magic that they glow.
Vampires have purple or red eyes, sharper-than-normal teeth and nails, pointed ears, and the ability to turn into bats.
Nagas have green or red eyes, sharp teeth and nails, a tail, and the ability to turn into a snake.
Banshees have neon green or red eyes, sharper-than-normal nails, and the ability to tell when someone's close to death.
Stealing their magic turns them into humans.
Youngblood is a naga who doesn't have an ability (therefore is the most human looking of the nagas) and has decided to steal everyone's magic because he deserves it. (via Malucia's scepter) He hasn't stolen the castle servants' magic because it would make things harder for him.
Skulker and Walker don't "sniff out magic".
They've yet to realize that humans need to eat and drink water on a regular basis.
Jason's 11 years old, Youngblood's 6(?), Danny's 10, Dani's 8, Star's 11, Johnny's 12, Sam's 11. The rest (on the list) are adults.
Something I'm not gonna tweak: the fact that the palace servants don't try to revolt or usurp Princess Malucia. They seem extremely tired.
Now, onto the actual idea:
Jason is very nervous and untrusting of his new surroundings. His favorite activities are sneaking books from the library into his room and going to school. He's very resistant to interacting with Bruce because if he is like how the rumors say he is, how is he supposed to fight him off? Alfred notices and gives him a fairy tale book written by one of Bruce's ancestors about the house.
The book leads him to a door in one of the rooms he's never been in. This door leads to a fantasy world. There are tons of bright colors and weird plants. He spots a glowing, green puppy and starts following it. He wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings and was confronted by Johnny and Sam. (Johnny trips because he isn't used to having legs.) However, they notice the clothes he's wearing and realize that he's not from there and probably has no idea what's going on.
They tell him that the Evil Prince Youngblood has been stealing everyone's magic. Since Jason doesn't have any he might be able to help them. When Jason asks why they can't do anything, they reply with something along the lines of "how would we sneak past the guards or win a fight against them? we don't know how human bodies work."
Eventually, they start leading Jason back to their base when they nearly get caught by Walker and Skulker. Thankfully, the two get distracted by a rock thrown by Star and they get to the base quickly. (Unbeknownst to them, Star gets caught.)
Jason sees that a good portion of the camp has been stripped of their magic and made human. They seem to be rather disheartened at their situation. This makes him want to help (especially when he meets Danny, Dani, and Vlad and learn they're being hunted more religiously than anyone else.)
POV changes to Star's. She's being led into a large reception hall where a tall, shadowy figure is sitting on a throne on a raised platform. Then the lights come on and she sees that it's just a child sitting on a raised throne. (if you don't want to look at the image: the platform is eight half steps high, the throne is 9 steps high)
Youngblood ignores Ember, Walker, and Skulker in favor of Aragon and his plans to throw a celebration after becoming the most magical prince ever. Walker and Skulker gain their attention and announce that they've caught another naga child. Youngblood gets upset with them for not finding the much-more-magical banshees, but quickly turns his attention to Star and demands she gives him her magic. Then, he forces her to play games with him, Aragon, and his two guards.
Switch to Youngblood's POV. Walker and Skulker come back into the room to announce that they are certain that they know where the Banshee King is. Star starts to ask how they found him before snapping her mouth shut, which Youngblood decides means that she probably knows something. He goes to talk to Walker and Skulker and finds they know the general location (a forest) that he's in, not the exact location.
While he isn't happy, he does have an idea. He tells Aragon to prepare to go get the Banshee King. He then looks overly surprised that Star's there and tells her that she can leave since she's not of use to him. Once she's out of the room, he orders Skulker and Walker to follow her.
Back to Jason. He's figuring out a plan to sneak into Youngblood's castle and get everyone's magic back. Then Star bursts into the hideout and tells everyone that Youngblood took her magic and has the location of the Banshee King. Jason was going to ignore that when Danny and Dani started crying about their big brother being in danger. Now he's got a plan to go with Sam and Johnny to retrieve Dan.
When they get back to the base with Dan, they find everyone captured and depowered (with the three banshees missing.) He tries to fight Youngblood, but loses because of not knowing how to deal with magic. (also there's like 4 guards surrounding Youngblood.)
Youngblood says something about how powerless Jason is as he and his lackeys are leaving that almost causes him to give up and go back to the manor. Sam convinces him to stay and help because they'd not have gotten to Dan in such a short amount of time without his planning.
So, he plans.
He gets a small group into the castle and they watch as Youngblood takes the last of Dan's magic from him. The group is convinced they were too late and that they can't do anything now. (Youngblood has used his scepter to turn the reception room into a party room filled with all types of sweets.) But Jason noticed that there was a small crack in Youngblood's scepter, meaning if he hit it just right with enough force he could break it.
It was a gamble, but it worked. He broke the scepter and everyone got their magic back. Youngblood got clean up duty (because there's still candy and cake everywhere.) And Jason was more confident in being able to handle himself.
After Jason leaves back to the mansion, Youngblood's parents come back (he's still cleaning up his mess) and ask him if he tried to take over the kingdom again. His punishment is going to need to wait until after they give him his presents. (much to Aragon's disapproval)
Jason (in the mansion) probably puts the book in his room and decides to get training from Bruce. (and become robin)
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sith-obikin · 1 year
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• A song to keep us warm by nakintups (sputnikan)
Dyad AU.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was renounced by Qui-Gon Jinn after the battle on Naboo and had chosen to leave the Order.
Anakin gets to be Qui-Gon's new padawan instead.
Years later, Obi-Wan resurfaces again, on the battle of Geonosis, as a Sith Lord.
Shortly after that Anakin begins to have visions of him, the Force somehow connecting them and Anakin is forced to confront the man who might have been his older brother his friend but now turned his enemy.
DW: Sort of Reylo Force connection vibes, with Anakin being angry and guarded, while Obi-Wan is curious and calm. Maybe they slowly learning about each other.
DNW: Major Character Death, Unhappy Ending, Anidala (could be in passing but ultimately obikin is the soulmate endgame)
• 'eat your young' by DeanSWade
Sith Lord Kenobi and his acolyte Skywalker have a grueling training session.
DW: sexual tension, sweaty bodies, bloody sparring relationship might be established or not.
DNW: go crazy! no limits
• i'll help you fall down with me by zombiekatherine
Rako Hardeen Arc (or a similar style mission), but rather than faking his death, Obi-Wan fakes a fall to the Dark Side for the mission. In his distress, Anakin falls (for real) and follows after his Master to find and rejoin with him.
DWs: Angst, Established relationship for obikin, Dubcon or noncon when Vaderkin finds out Obi-Wan was faking his fall
DNWs: piss, scat, vomit, mpreg, heavy pet play, major character death
• I would burn the stars to protect you by Himilce
Whump with sith Obi-Wan + jedi anakin.
They haven't known each other for long but actually long enough for them both to develop feelings to each other despite their differences. The context on how they meet is up to you. It can be because of a mission the council assigned to Anakin, but yeah you decide.
One day Anakin gets seriously injured by one of Lord Kenobi's inquisitors. Obi-Wan goes feral and fully in protective boyfriend mode (The guilty inquisitor is immediately killed of course).
DW: The more angsty and whumpie the better!, Blood loss injury
DNW: major character's death (it can be temporary tho), smut
• Disintegration by CourtesyTrefflin
ROTS AU where Obi-Wan Falls instead of Anakin
• flesh amnesiac by innominatta (acrylicsalt)
Reverse AU + AU where (suitless) Vader and Anakin are twins
Master Anakin and Padawan Obi-Wan are on a mission when they get separated (either by accident or evil plans, your choice) and Vader finds Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan thinks that Vader is Anakin and Vader has no issues with playing along with it when Obi-Wan starts to come on to him.
Bonus points if Anakin finds out that Vader fucked Obi-Wan somehow and gets really jealous/possessive.
Your choice if Obi-Wan ever finds out.
DW: Established relationship between Anakin & Obi-Wan, dub/non con due to identity issues, "thank god you're alive" sex, Vader being rougher in sex than Obi-Wan is used to, jealous/possessive!Anakin
• i've done dark things (in these shadows) by apagetorn
Obi-Wan as a Sith apprentice of Dooku and is Dooku's chosen heir but seeing as Dooku is just from a part from an external branch from the Bane line of Sith, his line of Sith Lordship isn't well liked or favored by either the wide known Sith Empire or Sidious himself (the current Sith emperor).
Because of this, Dooku cautions his apprentice to hide his talent so others will not know their plan to overthrow Palpatine, so they can usurp the throne and establish Obi-Wan as the new Emperor.
Palpatine's chosen is Anakin and the moment Anakin and Obi-Wan meet, Anakin knew he wanted Obi-Wan for himself, cue dangerous flirting game and Obi-Wan trying to navigate having both Anakin and Palpatine's attention on his back.
DW: Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Top Anakin Skywalker, Kinks of all kinds, Gore, dead Dove, it doesn't matter, anything goes.
DNW: Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Anakin Skywalker, Major Character Death (Only Anakin and Obi-Wan, if others, it's fine idc)
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sock-kaleidoscope · 3 days
Oh boy here we go
General Questions
Can i get a general look of the destroyed cult? not something detailed just something that can give me a mental image
Why are you a sock?
What lead you to create the AU in the first place?
What is impeding Nufosa being a full follower of the lamb and are they aware of this?
Has the Old Faith remains been affected in any way by the catastrophe?
Why does is laptop named "oz" and why is it alive (probably)?
Favorite food?
If you could know at least a little more of official backstory of any specific character, who would it be?
Favorite song?
What would it be Fosa reaction to any new follower?
Hoe, now i remind you that you need to do the cleaning+ it is not gonna do itself
Any Deltarune/Undertale theory you want to get out of your system?
Now do it with Cult of the Lamb
Any fun facts of the three musketeers as a whole?
(Narinder, Yael and Fosa)
Narinder Questions
Do you have any backstory on Narinder as well as what it was is funcion back in the cult?
Did Narinder had any real plans before the catastrophe that thanks to that it was ruined?
Narinder's view of the lamb and how they are tied off
Fav Narinder scene throught the fic?
Worst part about writing Narinder
Fun fact about his relation with Yael!
What if anyone were to hurt Fosa?
Narinder favorite type of food post usurpation (if he had any)
"Hear! the Siren Song Call of Death" there is just a cat sir
Breeak time
Now break your bone time
Can you give a little visual on Narinder relationship with Fosa (obviously not so detailed)
So is Narinder the leader of the three musketeers or is it just "let see what happens next" type of group?
"Ever heared that cats have 9 lives" "Because this one not"
If Narinder talked to its siblings, how it would go?
Narinder relation with Leshy (headcanons)
Narinder relation with Heket (headcanons)
Narinder relation with Kallamar (the voices are back)
Narinder relation with Shamura (headcanons)
The three musketeers questions
When they get another member how am i gonna call this team????
Explain their thoughts on the catastrophe
If member were to die, how it would be the proceding reaction?
Give me a fun fact!!!!!
Give me visual of describe the group as a whole
Break time
Any real threats the group has confronted besides the bishops and their disciples? (like any superpowered preacher)
What would it be their theme song if they had one
Any reason why they don't rebuild the cult?
Have you thought of having them do combos like a dnd?
Is the "force" that did the catastrophe aware of the trio and their intentions?
Is the trio aware of Mystic Seller presence?
"Two cats and lamb were for last time seen at the east of California at 1:17 pm, allegedly guiltys of the death of 13 men"
Is the trio gonna find the fox in the future?
Hardest fight the group has endured?
Has Fosa been mad at any member by any reason?
The same with Narinder
And Yael
-alzsomethinglike EX
This one was light ngl, i am gonna head now to hell
General Questions
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Most of the damage has limited to the busy areas (house, kitchens, temple, ect.)
I am a sock because my mascot character Ezekiel (my pfp) is a sock puppet
The thing that led me to create my au was partly love for the game, partly inspiration from Bam's trod, and also wanting to start participating in the community more.
The thing that stops Nufosa from being considered a follower is a spoiler, but if i were to be vague about it, it was caused by the massacre. They are VERY aware of the thing that impeding them, it is affecting them greatly, but they are trying to ignore it.
What remains of the Old Faith HAS been affected by the catastrophe. The heretics who used to worship the bishops have formed alliance with each other. To put aside their differenced and stay alive in hopes that they'll be able to bring back the bishops with each others help.
My laptop is named "Auzin", nicknamed "Oz" because of the way its pronounced. Auzin was a name i tried out while transitioning, and while i didn't settle on it, I liked it enough that I wanted to name something that. A joke I use often is that it's named "oz" because only the wizard of Oz could fix my laptop. (it is old)
My favorite food is probably bread. I love bread. in any form. If there is a grain-based dish i will probably eat it.
If i could choose a character to more of the backstory of, I think I'd choose the minibosses/disciples in game. I know nothing about them. I have thrown them all out the window in my au because i don't know what to do with them.
OH A FAVORITE SONG IS HARD. My favorite anything changes quite a bit when i discover more. I listen to a lot of Vocaloid, a lot of game osts, and songs from smaller artists. 1 song i like is Out of Touch by Daryl Hall & John Oates. Not sure if its my favorite but its a classic.
When we get new followers you'll get to see! Their default would probably be to tackle them into a bush in order to see if they were real.
My desk is a bit messy, one sec... Okay were a bit neater now.
OH MY GODS I LOVE UNDERTALE AND DELTARUNE SO MUCH. Unfortunately, it already has a pretty cohesive story, so I don't get the urge to theory craft as much. I think the theory that Ralsei is a dark fountain is pretty interesting.
Theories for Cult of the Lamb... I have one about the crowns sprouting roots into people heads! Like with Chemach and Shamura. My theory is that they tried to fuse/absorb the crown and then the crowns recoiled, but they ended up becoming interconnecting somehow.
The three musketeers is SUCH a cute name for the trio! Fun fact: all three of them have birthmarks! Nufosa has one of a heart on their chest, Narinder has the one on his ear, and Yael has one underneath their hoof.
Narinder Questions
Narinder was a leader of his cult before his imprisonment. When he became part of the lamb's cult, he was only there for about an hour before he snuck off on a missionary.
Narinder was ready to plop down and start living once he got back from his missionary, and the massacre def ruined that. He's kinda over it now, since he's living fine during the crusades, but it isnt ideal.
Narinder views the lamb as a stranger. The lamb spoke with him often, but they rarely mentioned things about themselves. Them being so distant right now is throwing him off quite a bit.
Fav Narinder scene so far... I like a lot of the firs chapter. He's basically monologuing to himself, and people being inside their own heads is where i propel at writing.
Worst part about writing Narinder: He is constantly holding himself back from progressing. Since getting closer to Fosa he's been better, but he's having a lot of trouble adjusting his behavior.
Fun fact about the relationship between him and Yael: Neither of them use each other's name. Narinder doesn't know the lamb's name is Yael, and Yael refuses to call him Narinder in fear of it being disrespectful.
If anyone were to hurt Nufosa he would kill them. If it were the lamb they would have to explain themselves quickly before he stabbed them to death with their own horns. If he hurt Nufosa? ...
Narinder hasn't really eaten anything beyond what's necessary since being usurped. The most appealing "meal" he's has so far is when he fished up some seaweed and let it dry in the sun.
Listening to the song while i break time.
I've actually never broken a bone before
I have an old drawing of Narinder and Nufosa you can have!
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Kind of a combo of both. Narinder is the main thing keeping up the momentum, but they are just kinda seeing what happens rn.
t's funny you mentin the cats have 9 lives saying, since that comes from Narinder. People saw his ability to defy death on several different occasions. 8 of them happened in the sight of the public, so they figured he had at least 9 lives.
If Narinder were to talk to his siblings all together it would go BAD. IM TALKING BAD BAD. He doesn't communicate well, he has tons of guilt, and all his siblings would not here him out.
Narinder's relationships w/ his siblings:
He and Leshy were around each other the most by far. The used to prank Kallamar together. They had the energy of a shared youtube channel if you get what i mean.
Narinder would go to Heket whenever he needed some quiet. Heket wasn't very talkative, which he appreciated. He would often curl up to nap and wake up to find braids and trinkets in his fur.
Narinder and Kallamar would go to each other whenever they had a big bright new idea to show off. Kallamar also helped him train with his weapon.
Shamura trained Narinder. They sparred with him. They argued. Their relationship was very strained. Shamura had too many duties to give up time for their siblings.
Three Musketeers Questions
When they get more people in the group i propose we call them the caravan!
Thoughts on the catastrophe: Narinder is confused, the lamb feels guilty, and Nufosa is terrified.
If any of the trio were to die, the other two would go out killing. Only exception would be the lamb, in which there would be a week long "wtf do we do" period before they go out killing.
FUNFACT UHHHH The lamb had an Irish twin! Its a sibling from the same parent, where two kids were born within a year from eachother.
Picture for group as a whole:
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Break time~
The main threat the trio are facing right now other than the heretics is themselves. (They are all bad at taking care of themselves)
Trio Theme song: Eyelids by Saro + half the TallyHall discography
They havent build the cult back beaus eots a lot of work for 2 1/2 people, and they are also too busy crusading to get anything done.
I've thought of who each person would be in dnd before! Yael would be a hard-hitting cleric. Narinder would be a spell-casting rogue. Nufosa would be a monk.
The forse that caused the massacre has been followinf the trio around. It knows everything it need to.
Narinder and the lamb can see and communicate with the Mystic Seller like normal. Nufosa has a funny feeling and a sort of understanding, but isn't full aware of their presence.
HA, them being in the news would be pretty funny, though i will say that the cult was pretty big, instead of 13 people, it would be closer to 40-50 people.
The trio WILL find the fox in the future
Hardest fight they have endured, the initial ambush. Everyone was caught off guard.
Nufosa has quite a bit of resentment towards almost everyone who was in the cult.
Narinder feels neutral about everyone who was in the cult.
Yael has small resentments with a couple of the troublesome followers. Otherwise, they are more so mournful than annoyed.
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ranilla-bean · 6 months
(feeling a little like a middle schooler sending chain mail) Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
awwww thanks for the chain mail tho!! here we go:
in flammam flammas (sokka/zuko, M, 94,828): a postcanon fic about zuko at age 25, moving past trauma as he rebuilds his support network (which includes a hot swt bf and very cute baby dragon). basically all my postwar fire nation headcanons, but it's also the first longfic i ever wrote and i'm so proud of it!
nip it in the bud (sokka/zuko, E, 15,450): zuko gets ritual nipple piercings, sokka incurs genuine brain damage over them. this is a horny, irreverent fic and i had SO much fun dreaming up word crimes to commit
lan eye for the bland guy (lan wangji/wei wuxian, G, 3,236): crackfic in which lwj abducts wwx for a free facial and they fall in hashtag instalove. a bit of an oldie and YEAH, wangxian; rereading still makes me crack tf up
galactic repairman (sokka/zuko, T, 5,410): zuko's a runaway from his home planet, and sokka fixes his craft when it breaks down. oh, and they're stuck together for like a month bc of intergalactic travel times! i loved playing with the world in this one, which is based on chinese astronomy—the story itself is based on a cantopop song
close your eyes and reinvent me (fu shen/yan xiaohan, T, 5,914): modern au in which fs and yxh terrorise (and are terrorised in return by) the staff at the hotpot restaurant where they work. this one's niiiiiche, but i loved writing the characters and i tried out some new stuff in terms of technique/voice that i enjoyed
+1 in true fic writer style
i'm currently updating the iconoclast (sokka/suki/zuko, E, wip) and it's shaping up to be one of my favourites!
we're in an AU that's "historical to the world of atla", the fire nation has a civil war instead of world war, and our victorious fire lord needs a new bodyguard. enter sokka and suki, who have to duke it out with their competitors for the job. but just what kinda guy is this fire lord: a former slave, a god in flesh, a man who usurped his own father...
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