vampylily · 6 months
ive said this before but theres nothing quite like hearing heaven iowa live when the lights dimmed and the spotlight is on patrick and the 6am mulholland drive moonlight sonanta and i hits
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ivettel · 1 year
🎶 <3
beethoven's moonlight sonanta - 3rd mvmt!! idk if u remember, but when i was trying to decide what to play for my last concert in the middle of the thesis grind, u were like. go with what's easiest! so i went with the 2nd mvmt of this and dropped the 3rd (clearly). the sonata in general reminds me of u and shae and meo though hehe
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artful-browniebites · 5 years
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Behold, my nanowrimo main cast!
Lincoln Fisher (right)
17 years old and the eldest child. Was lazy and unmotivated at one point before being forced to spend a summer on his great great aunt’s farm. Hyperfocuses on things and won’t let go of something he’s focused on. The protagonist of the story
Autumn Fisher (left)
Fifteen years old and proud holder of a learner’s permit. She’s dedicated to her current 4.0 gpa and has a vast knowledge of random facts. Prefers to think things through instead of jumping head first into them and is incredibly indecisive
Sonata Fisher (middle)
All of twelve years old, she’s an energetic handful of a kid who always seems to get into the weirdest kind of situations. An act first think later kinda person, and usually ends up dragging her siblings with her
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Equipazo!!!! Antonio Santiago "El Malara" @malara_oficial Antonio Vargas "Potito" @el_potito_cantaor David Delgado "El Niño de la Fragua" @david_delafragua #liviana #soniquete #compas #salero #arteflamenco #flamen #fla #sonanta #bajañil #malaga #cadiz #huelva #grana #dranada #albaicin #alhambra #jaen #murcia #sevilla #cordoba #mezquita #alcazar #giralda #alcazaba #mar #sea #see #ocean #oceano #turvio (en Almería) https://www.instagram.com/p/CarVU-Psx-n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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diyeipetea · 3 years
INSTANTZZ: Dúo Sonanta (Centro Cultural Valdebernardo, Patio Trasero, Vicálvaro, Madrid. 2021-07-29) [Flamencura AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por Enrique Farelo
INSTANTZZ: Dúo Sonanta (Centro Cultural Valdebernardo, Patio Trasero, Vicálvaro, Madrid. 2021-07-29) [Flamencura AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por Enrique Farelo
Fecha: 29 de julio de 2021. Hora: 20h Lugar: Centro Cultural Valdebernardo, Patio Trasero, Vicálvaro (Madrid) Grupo: Sonanta Pablo San Nicasio Ramos: Guitarra Flamenca Alberto Espejo Pedernera: Guitarra Flamenca     Fotografías: © Enrique Farelo, 2021
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agustinisrael · 4 years
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Seguimos con la serie de #flamenca con motivo de la @labienaldeflamenco de #sevilla y traigo este #collage titulado #eltoquedemoron que realice como cartel para el 50 aniversario de la @tflamencaelgallo de #morondelafrontera y que desde mañana estará expuesta en la muestra #morontierradesonydecal de @culturamoronfra en #casadelaprovincia de @dipusevi qué se inaugura mañana a las 11 y hasta el próximo 4 de octubre #art Marte #guitarra #flamenco #papel #sonanta #guitarra #design #cartel #poster #interiordesign #lunaresycapirotes #agustinisrael (en Estudio De arte y Diseño De Agustin Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsHwdvK2ft/?igshid=1rre14tqkrlut
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leemarkies · 4 years
anyone know anything about cars i’m gonna make my first big girl purchase next week and i don’t know about the different breeds and i’m too afraid to ask
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dcmkscreenshots · 4 years
Notes for Cases 700-800: 
These cases really strike me as laying the foundation for the beginning of the final arc of the series. Obviously, that might be a bit presumptuous of me, but we see closure - in a sense - of the “Conan Arc” as well as an introduction to many of the key players in what may shape up to be a very over-complicated and ally / frenemy / whatever Vermouth is -filled battle. 
Shinichi was finally able to clearly state his feelings about Ran to her. It’s very clear that they both care deeply for each other, but it’s nice to see my boy finally able to put himself out there (even if Gosho could have given us more). 
At the same time, “Conan” was able to get closure and in many ways we see the full extent of Shinichi’s growth through his time as Conan. This is most notably in “Detective’s Nocturne” where Shinichi not only is able to resolve the guilt he had carried since his failure to save Narumi-Sensei by saving the life of another murderer caught up in nuanced (eh, for DC) circumstances, but shows the allies and protectors he has gathered around him - however morally dubious they may be. 
There’s a lot of fun cases, but rather than singling any particular ones out, it’s easier to these as a collective, a build-up from which later chapters draw upon as a basis for the penultimate arc of the series.
And, as always, thank you for the support - I’ve had a lot of fun putting these together, and I’m happy to finally be posting content I’ve been collecting since this time last year.  ♥
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deadpanwalking · 5 years
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lasonanta-blog · 6 years
Flamenco Guitar Music
Flamenco guitar music, accompaniment for singing and dance
Flamenco guitar music started as accompaniment for singing or Cante and their relateddances.They are identified by their typical rhythms or compas, melodies, harmonies or musical keys and emotional themes. Anyone playing flamenco guitar is playing one of these specific patterns known as Palos. No matter how technically refined, flamenco music is mostly defined in terms of singing or Cante rather than of guitar technique. Flamenco music is commonly played using a cejilla, which purpose consists on changing the key of the flamenco guitar in order to suit the singer’s vocal range.
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The typical techniques of the flamenco guitar music sound: In addition of the techniques common to classical guitar playing, flamenco guitar music is uniquely characterized by use of Golpes or percussive finger tapping on a tapping plate or golpeador, by picados with more attack and articulation, by rasgueados or flamenco guitar strumming, by alzapuas and different kinds of tremolos. Rasgueados can be one of the most impressive parts of flamenco guitar music. Performed by outward individual flicks of the right hand fingers and done in a huge variety of ways, rasgueados creates a nice rhythmic roll, supporting the footwork of flamenco dancers. An alzapua uses the right hand thumb for both single-lines notes and strums across a number of strings. Both techniques are combined in a quick succession to give that unique percussive flamenco guitar sound. Harmony based on Roman numeral triads or dissonant chords with more tones: Harmony in music refers to how chords are constructed and the system by which one chord follows another chord in time. Harmony functions as an accompaniment to melody. A basic three-tone chord or triad consists of three notes: the root, the third above the root, and the fifth above the root. Chords are notated by the scale of degree of their root note. The degrees are identified by Roman numerals. The most typical chord progression of the Flamenco cadence, a sequence of four chords creating a cadencial closure; is VI,V, IV, III. When starting and ending on any note within a scale, we create different "modes" of the same scale. The three modes used in flamenco guitar music are the Ionian mode (the major scale), the Aolean mode (the natural Minor scale) and the majorized or dominant Phrygian mode. Another characteristic of flamenco guitar music is that chords progressions rarely appear as consonant triads. They are usually dissonant chords containing a minimum of four tones. La Sonanta offers a large variety of outstanding flamenco guitars, whatever you budget may be, and all kinds of flamenco guitar strings. For those that want to learn or perform playing, we distinguish two major groups for flamenco guitar lessons. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
3 songs!
OOhh this is a hard one, there are so many.
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonanta. I heard this when I was a kid, and it was the first time I was captivated by classical music. It was also the first real piece of music I tried learning on the piano. I've always had a special place in my heart for it.
The Beatles' She Loves You. When I was younger, my dad and I would listen to Beatles music together, and he would talk about what it was like in the 60s, and the state of the world when these songs were popular. I learned a lot about history through that. She Loves You was always Dad's favorite.
The Monkee's Daydream Believer. It was always a song that kind of reminded me of me. Cause I daydream. :)
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thunderheadfred · 5 years
To be fair, violin sonantas are very sexy.
The sexiest of all musics, perhaps, excepting of course those big flirtatious violin concertos, with all that heavy group action. Especially this concerto, aka my current crush. Hnnnggg.
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thecomicon · 5 years
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Magic, Tattoos And Ancient Orders: The Marked Is Coming From Hine And Haberlin Brian Haberlin and David Hine have already got a hit on their hands with Sonanta, with issue #2 out this week from Image Comics, but that doesn't mean they're resting on their laurels as news comes to us that, like Arnold Schwarzenegger,  they'll be back.
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Queda muy poquito, estamos desando mostrarlo😀😀 @el_potito_cantaor @david_delafragua @malara_oficial @jose_dejimenez @danielfico @barberswolfshop viana #soniquete #compas #salero #arteflamenco #flamen #fla #sonanta #bajañil #malaga #cadiz #huelva #grana #dranada #albaicin #alhambra #jaen #murcia #sevilla #cordoba #mezquita #alcazar #giralda #alcazaba #mar #sea #see #ocean #oceano #turvio https://www.instagram.com/p/CaelJshML7b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chodwer1997 · 2 years
Escucha las gotas caer, el viento resonando y el clima refrescando.
Askoltez la guti falanta, la vento sonanta e la vetero qua divenas fresha
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probablypracticing · 6 years
So today, while looking for some Esperanto poetry, I learned that the opening(?) song of Final Fantasy XI actually has a section sung in Esperanto!!! Is that not absolutely incredible? Of course, I can’t simply stop with that knowledge right there, so here’s my take on the translation.
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Memoro de la Sxtono Fluas nun sango senkulpa Sur Vana’diel, vasta ter’ Tremas la tuta mond’ Pro l’ plago en desper’. Preventas gxin nenia sort’, Haltigas gxin nenia fort’.
Sed tra la nokto tempesta Brilas jen stelo de glor’! Kontraux brutala kri’ Fontas jen kant-sonor’! Stel’ brilanta, kanto sonanta: Revu kaj pregxu por ni! Vana’diel! Vana’diel!
Memory of the Stone
Now flows innocent blood Over Vana’diel, a vast land The whole world trembles In despair from the scourge.
It is prevented by no fate, It is stopped by no power.
But through the stormy night There shines yet a star of glory! Against a brutal cry There springs forth yet a song!
A shining star, a ringing song: Dream and pray for us!
Vana’diel! Vana’diel!
Listen to the beautiful scoring riiiiiight here
As always, constructive criticism is always appreciated!
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