beanbagstab · 1 month
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No matter when or where 💖
Sonamy week 2024 Day 6: Red Thread of Fate
Amy would totally 100% believe romantic, soulmate stuff like this and Sonic would not.
But he believes in Amy and that’s close enough
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clumxy · 1 year
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bro's been through some shit
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frostycappp · 8 months
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So that time he got tortured in Sonic Forces...
(it's canon to ME)
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nightfurylover31 · 1 year
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modist07 · 1 year
My first finished comic, feedbacks are welcome :3
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I was trying to have this finished by Valentine's Day but oh well!
Sonamy Red String comic
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We're not fated to be
The cards and the stars cannot force me
But in the end one thing is true:
I will always choose you
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cutegirlmayra · 3 days
Combining Prompts (To hopefully get through them all at last! DX lol)
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"I play POLYMERIZATION! Taking these two prompts on my side of the inbox, I'll have them merge to combine and create..!"
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"This-" Prompt:
“You’re nothing but a manipulator.”
The charismatic sound rattled Infinite to no end.
How could he continually disregard threat after threat? The abuse of Infinite’s words trying to sting a thousand deadly poisons about his friend’s shortcomings in the war rolling through his blood as though rain upon skin, not lasting… not affecting…
His spirit was unwavering and undaunted in the fact of his charading mask.
Infinite put a clawed hand up to it, his own insecurities shaking at Sonic’s optimism. Who taught this hero that? Was in just innate in him!?
‘His friends… are truly his power.’ He turned with a wide swish of his tail to the jail cell, also unrelenting, also unyielding.
His hands gripped the cage bars, “You have so much faith in your pathetic friends… the stench of their fear, after losing you, saturates the air even through the smog of burning smoke and ashes!” He shook the bars by accident, having thrusted himself up against the metal borders between freedom and entrapment.
Sonic, his arms folded, smirked with a side-eye back to Infinite’s attempt. “You’re the pathetic one. Shaking the cage instead of me.” He nonchalantly lifted a palm up towards the ceiling, as though shrugging. “My friends would never lose their cool.”
Unable to hold back a growl of distaste at failing to rile Sonic up or even get a reaction of misery out of him, Infinite, like a predator unable to feast on his prey’s sufferings, threw himself around and paced himself as though to walk away.
But no… It occurred to him, then… His one eye widening before slyly looking back at Sonic
He held a hand again to his mask, but this time, more poised than ever.
“I’m not sure what will convince you… besides, perhaps, an example?” He wanted to check to see if Sonic was now paying attention, he hadn’t exactly described a situation before. He had always, vividly, tried to paint a picture for Sonic of his friends falling back at his own power, at scurrying away in pain.
Describing injuries and their looks of fear and torment never seemed to phase Sonic, as though he knew his friends all too well…
“But this one…” He slightly tilted his body, wanting just a glance… a peek at his face. “Might surprise you.”
Sonic was still facing his back to him… ‘Alright… the games begin anew.’
More confident, Infinite turned away from looking slightly over his shoulder and continued his farce since of illusionary power…
“That one hedgehog, pink and frail, wielding a hammer not quite proportional to her size… Ring any bells?”
“She’d like me to hear bells.” Sonic scoffed, but it did mean he knew the very girl Infinite was speaking of…
He smirked under his mask. ‘I have you now… Sonic..!’
He paced to the side, showing he wasn’t going anywhere. “A spirited girl. Kinda reminds me of you, at times… Rallying her troops, raising their courage to fly the flag of resistance wherever they should so march… After all these months, though… I have come to find her weakness is rather… easy to exploit.” He raised a clawed hand, and curled it maliciously.
He took another peek.
A swift turn of Sonic’s quills showed he didn’t want to reveal his listening in…
‘Excellent… I’ve found your weakness as well.’ He swished only one beat of his tail, bringing it to his other side.
“It didn’t take long… You can read that one like a book. A picture book, even.” He lightly threw out some humor, mocking her. “Who knew a girl who’s fought robots all her life would get so shaken up by…”
He fully turned to face Sonic, folding his arms, “One…”
Sonic’s body twitched, before he repositioned his feet and seemed to regulate himself.
This was the first time Infinite was using an example about the little termite. She had holed herself away after an unfortunate setback… with Tails realizing both of them weren’t fit for combat.
Tails, with the loss of his best friend, and Amy dealing with loss by trying to stay active in hope and combat… only to be overthrown by her childhood trauma when faced with Metal Sonic Phantoms…
“My power grows stronger… thanks to her fear.” He dipped his chin down slightly, then walked with great, easy and relaxed strides as though he had all the time in the world to squeeze every last morsel of a delicious meal out of Sonic…
How he had longed to see the look of despair on that overconfident hedgehog’s face… a hero broken and defeated by Infinite’s own might and power..!
He tapped the metallic edge of his mask’s ‘nose’ against the metal bars. “Sonic? You still there?” He mockingly teased.
Sonic huffed out some air from his nose, scoffing at him.
“Want me to go on?” He was loving this.
Sonic? Silent?
“No remark at all, have you?”
“... You prattle on and on… just like Eggman.” Sonic’s words infuriated him.
He straightened up, stood more intimidatingly at the border of the cell, dropping his arms and forming fists. “What!?”
“Amy might have some small hammers…” He finally… turned around.
He walked to face Infinite’s trembling eye with his own, steady and steadfast, piercing emerald eye of his own.
“But she can also carry bigger ones… and it looks like you haven’t seen those yet.”
Infinite grunted to disregard Sonic’s bold stance and claim, flicking a hand up to dismiss his heroic defense of her.
“It’s no use, Infinite… You can’t shake me up.” Sonic smiled, leaning back. “Why not just quit already?”
“I can do whatever I please!!!” Infinite, losing his cool, slashed a claw across the bars as Sonic jumped back, landing on three limbs before smiling confidently once more, getting up to see Infinite breathing hard.
Infinite put a shaking hand to his throat… as Sonic tilted his head and chuckled to the side of himself.
“Right. Whatever you ‘can’ do… but without that mysterious power of yours… you’re nothing but the empty shell you wear on your head…” He swiped an arm out, as Infinite looked up, as though worried Sonic saw right through his ruse…
“You’ll pay for that… hedgehog.” He moved and lowered a lever, as Sonic’s face turned from joking to serious.
Another torturous arena battle, eh?
When would he learn…
Once rescued, Sonic immediately found out the source of Infinite’s power through some trial and error, but with the help of his friends, he also noticed…
At the final battle, Amy was avoiding the Metal Sonic’s…
His heart Infinite’s words, seeing that they must be true.
At first, he was relieved to hear Amy didn’t leave the base most of the time. Figuring all of Infinite’s spout out nonsense was just like his Phantom Ruby powers, make-believe that he convinced himself he was seeing.
It gave Infinite power to see others weak and helpless before him… he soaked in their expressions of fear as though a vampire to their bloodlust.
Amy’s face would shift when seeing a Metal Sonic coming at her, then turn to only find another in the opposite direction.
Her hammer stayed at her side, ready… but never launching itself towards its foes…
Sonic didn’t have much time… he needed to defeat this thing, the giant mecha Eggman had holed himself inside… but this… this needed to be addressed first.
Because, in truth, seeing even some of Infinite’s words proving true… was what truly made Sonic feel fear.
His heart trembled, yes.
But not in weakness…
In strength.
Alarmed, Amy turned around to gasp, seeing Sonic leap over her and curl up to knock away a few more enemies, leaving–purposefully–the Metal Sonics as the only illusionary menaces still plaguing her flanks.
“W-What did you do that for? Come to help or selectively not hit the ones with your ‘somewhat’ face?” She teased, but as he put his back against her own, letting the Metal Sonic’s swarm and surround them, he could feel her body quake in fear…
He closed his eyes, trying to help his heart beat louder… Maybe, just maybe… Her heart might match its empathic pace.
It might guide her to the bravery he knew was always within her, even at her most lowest,... Amy wasn’t the kind of girl to quit.
“Amy…” He turned only some of his face over his shoulder, speaking indirectly to her as he opened his eyes to see the Metal Sonics raising their metallic claws, slowly taking steps to pin the two more and more against each other… squishing them into the center of their pre-pounced huddle.
“Remember what we said Infinite’s power runs on?” He eyed her behind him and then the Metal Sonics… they were growing larger… their red eyes blaring as though two twin lighthouses… not meant to instill safety, but distill it with the heat of battle, rising in growing doom.
“They don’t casts shadows…”
She looked down at the ground, seeing that.
“But in your mind… The more power you give them, the greater they become.”
Sonic’s words were like an anchor to her soul, and she took a deep breath, holding the Piko Piko Hammer, a trusted friend nowadays, with both hands… gripping it tightly and rubbing a twisting firmness to secure the lock they had on them.
She nodded, understanding.
“Banish that doubt, Amy… I’m here for you. I’ll be your strength… just like when it all first happened… I won’t leave you hanging for long.”
His voice was so gentle, so reassuring.
Her eyes blinked in recognition, remembering dangling by what felt like an iron thread, crying out in desperate cries to be let go… 
Sonic’s spin dash cut what felt like impossible bands to break, and once catching her footing, the binds of those ropes falling away, rushing into his arms, “Sooonnniccc…!!!”
Feeling that rush of gratitude like how she had felt back then, she smiled with peace finally lingering in her heart…
Her heart and his… steadily beating to the same drum.
“Thank you,... Sonic.” She teared up a little, “I missed you.”
He smiled, too. “Not for too long..! I hope…” He teased, but looked behind him and winked to her.
“Hehe, you’re such a charmer!” She played back, before swinging her hammer up over her head, “HHHHHHHEEE–” She wound up.
The Metal Sonic’s suddenly froze, looking at their bodies as they began to continually shrink in size.
“-HAHHHH!!!!” The Hammer grew in power, springing out puffs of what looked like cotton clouds to then reveal its enormous size..!
It swung down to completely flatten quite the regiment of Metal Sonics, now the size of nothing more than ants compared to her enlargened hammer.
The ‘Piko!’ Sound was deep, a low, heavy sound that amplified by the impact pulse and waves of air as rocks flew up in debris from the collison.
The echo made other Metal Sonics turn before lifting their arms to try and shield from the wind blast… but were taken out by the flying, large rocks that came hurdling at them.
Sonic flicked a thumb across the underbelly of his nose, proud of his friend conquering her fears, and realizing that was exactly why Infinite separated him from his friends.
The one thing that Infinite and Eggman did happen to see…
Was that Sonic… helped to dissipate fear from all those who trusted in him.
He was… Their beacon of everlasting Hope… and gave them the will to fight!
He took out the rest of the Metal Sonics in front of him, “I’ll take care of the rest!” He snickered, “And I don’t like my face that much, Amy! Come on!”
“Biggest lie I’ve heard today!” Amy cheerfully teased back.
“The nerve!” Sonic joked, but smiled and chuckled at seeing her thriving now on the battlefield…
Their rhythm aligned, their hearts were now synced, and with the same speed of delivery, Sonic and her continued to thrash the foes around them before he sped off with a kind wave goodbye, his eyes softened in a glaze of admiration of her.
She gave him a beautiful smile that freely warmed his heart with the light of hope she had once taught him to possess, and sped away to take on the big bad boss… once more… with a heart cleansed from doubt.
And certainly not holding on… to any more fears.
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torawro · 11 months
i need nanami to bend me over his knee and slap my ass so fucking hard it turns red. like. so serious
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latin-dr-robotnik · 1 year
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He was very happy all throughout the introduction, teased the birthday girl, he was the one in charge of getting her birthday cake but forgot, saved her at the last minute, ran to the nearest bakery and finally got the birthday cake. All with the best attitude and the most care in the world. We know Sonic loves all his friends and he’ll do everything in his power for them, but... he seems to like birthday girl in particular~
(Also, I found really funny how Amy was excited to go and find out who murdered Sonic, like, it was the thrill of avenging her lover lol)
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kaylatoonz · 4 months
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AU inspired by Voltron, Sonic forces, and Infinite’s character backstory.
Zero has always had a fear/hatred of being weak which stemmed from the loss of his original team and family, the Jackal Quad. Because of his weakness, his team and family were wiped out by a job gone wrong. Since then Zero had been trying desperately not to make the same mistake again by training. Eventually, he formed a new team that was almost like family to him (though they would never replace his old team and family). His new team made him feel stronger than his past self and more loved than he could remember. Zero almost believed that things could be different or better, that was until disaster struck. Zero’s team took on a job that nearly cost their lives which stirred up some long-buried fears and hate Zero had. Although they survive by the skin of their teeth he can’t help but think that nothing has changed, he was weak. His team was weak. and that needed to change. so Zero turns to the dark and mysterious powers of Phantom Ruby to empower himself and his team against their will. To cement this change, he took on the name Infinite and led his new improved team to lay ruin upon those who had tried to destroy them and rule over those who were weak.
Fortunately, gadgets, one of Zero's teammates had escaped before he was corrupted like the rest of his comrades. He fearfully seeks help from heroes to help free his friends from the corruption of the phantom ruby and the reign of Infinite.
Bonus context:
Zero/infinite’s new team members are Gadgets, the Wolf, Amy Rose, Bronte the Tenrec, Ellis the star-nosed mole, and Twitch the Fennec. (the last three are my oc I made for this AU).
Zero's old team goes on heinous jobs while his new team takes on more jobs helping those in need throughout the galaxy.
Zero and Gadget were the closest before his corruption, so Infinite is dead set on hunting Gadget down to make him join them (not sure if I want him to be romantic or platonic).
Zero “hated” Amy the most because she was always able to see through him when he was emotionally vulnerable. He also saw her compassion for enemies to be a weakness which caused the two to Butthead a lot.( when Infinite corrupted his teammates he removed/suppressed their “weaknesses”).
Each team member can summon a weapon: Zero/Infinite- sword/dagger Amy- hammer, Gadget- grapple gun, Bronte- axe guitar, Ellis- gauntlets, twitch- shield.
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beanbagstab · 1 month
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The runaway King and his eager accomplice
Sonamy week 2024 Day 5: Fantasy
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neonin2d · 1 year
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normal0person · 8 months
How should you treat a woman? (Based on a scene from Alien Force)
If anyone asks, @pedanticat did the idea, I simply made it reality.
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nightfurylover31 · 1 month
So it's SonamyWeek, but I'm completely unprepared. So, I'll just link in some one-shots I've written! 💙💖
The last one is more of an Amy story, but it has some cute Sonic and Amy moments at the end.
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funnyfoxsimp · 1 year
Sonic and Amy cosplaying 🌹💖💙✨
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They look soooo cute together 💙💖👏✨
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lazlolullaby · 11 months
Chip: (about Amy) Sonic, do you like her? Sonic: As a friend, I guess? it's just - the whole situation's complicated. It's a whole thing. Chip: Because of the mandates? Sonic: what. What are you talking about? Chip: WHY NOT Woman dates? With her?
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