#sonadow adopts chris au
d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 1 year
Has Shard ever met Umbra? If not then, how do you think that an interaction and meeting would go between the two of them?
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yea they've met
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wingedsublimeland · 1 year
I have a question , what would happen if Chris saw Sonic turn into Fleetway like from the comics Sonic Bible how would he react in that Universe to s e e i n g his father turned into a monster? And how would Fleetway react?
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trey42399-blog · 2 years
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"Salutations imposter allow me to introduce myself, my name is T.E.R.I.O.S the superior ultimate lifeform, created by dr robotnik himself."
Hey guys it's me and i just want to reveal my sonic oc or rather my variation of a character known only as T.E.R.I.O.S; if you are asking yes he is a shadow android that thinks he is THE ultimate lifeform while shadow is the fake. Not only that but he does belive himself to be the husband of Sonic The Hedgehog and father of Chris Thorndyke.
(Fun fact the universe this character is in is the sonadow adopts chris Au.)
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creativeintuition03 · 5 years
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A redraw of a comic I made a few years back based on an AU I made where Sonic and Shadow adopted a young Chris.
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 1 year
Werehog Sonic awoos. Shadow throws a pillow at him because he wants to sleep
oh absolutely, especially during those full moon nights
shadow wants his BEAUTY SLEEP
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 8 months
about Sonadow Adopts Chris, I was thinking of events like the racing games. How do people like the Babylon Rogues (and in one case, Zavok) react to the blue fiend being apparently married and a father already?
I imagine Jet making quips about Sonic being supposed to babysit instead of racing (Shadow throwing a can at Jet's head, going "IT'S NOT BABYSITTING WHEN IT'S FATHERHOOD, FEATHER BRAIN" while carrying Chris on his shoulders)
(sorry for answering late, been dealing with brain fog)
wave and storm enjoy seeing chris, storm especially, but jet is in the 'i don't like kids' category
the news of sonic having a kid surprised them and getting married was definitely a shock to the three, ESPECIALLY jet cuz he thought that it meant his and sonic's rivalry would come to an end (he had a bitter one-sided rivalry with shadow for like a year)
jet hates having to babysit and despite knowing chris for a while hasn't really warmed up to him yet even though chris shows interest in his board and constantly asks him questions about it
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 years
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🎉 congrats to the winners and runner ups! 🎉
while i fully expected sonadow to win, having chaos come in second completely took me by surprise
also i feel stupid for forgetting to add the swap au and dollhouse au to the poll
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 1 year
If Chris is crying, what do Sonic and Shadow do?
sonic's attempts would usually be trying to get chris to smile, showing goofy faces and noises. if that doesn't work then he'll pick chris up and cuddle with him until he feels better
shadow likes to hum to chris, singing soft melodies to him to calm him and after he stops crying, he'll wipe his face and ask what happened
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 1 year
This just popped into my head!
Chris going with Sonic on his storybook adventure in the game SATBK?
I can’t stop imagining sir, Lancelot’s reaction to Chris calling him Daddy and calling Sonic (aka his king) papa!
Also would the knights, the lady of the lake and Kalibern all see Chris as a Prince after excepting Sonic as their king?
SATBK is my favorite Sonic game and I got curious about how the events would play out if Chris was there as well.
The idea of Chris getting sucked into Camelot with Sonic is both hysterical and terrifying in its own right. Not only does Sonic have to save this world but also keep Chris safe at the same time, which is an already daunting task.
Lancelot would panic at Chris comparing him to Shadow, cuz that would imply that Lancelot would have.....those kind of relations with his King.
Everyone would be stunned by Chris referring to Sonic as his Papa, but they eventually got used to it because it just seems in Sonic'a nature to care for children.
I'm not....sure if they'd see Chris as the Prince. Percival most definitely would, but the other two knights and Caliburn..? I'm not sure.
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 1 year
Ok but what was shard first reaction to Chris like? and what was Chris reaction to shard like? and did Chris meet shard before meeting umbra?
shard was part of the team before umbra, long before metal became umbra
chris was an infant when shard first defected so he doesn't remember much but when he got older, he thought he was funny
shard was alarmed when he learned that sonic had a kid, assuming he was referring to tails in the beginning until he saw the LITERAL HUMAN INFANT. he was more in the background until chris was older cuz he considered himself dangerous
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 1 year
What does Rouge think of Chris? Is she like his aunt?
rouge is something of an aunt, yea. she likes to spoil him when she gets to babysit him
he's one of the few people that she doesn't mind spending money on
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 years
For your Sonadow adopts Chris AU, I was wondering about what would happen if Chris’s birth parents find Chris and decide to take him back. I can just imagine how chaotic that situation would be 😅
I've been so focused on making content with my friend that I've been neglecting this AU and I feel bad because I do intend to including Chris's birth parents in the story; the only difference is that they won't be relevant until Chris is older.
Basic premise is that Chris, at the age of 12, gets caught in a portal accident and gets sent to Earth (cuz I have it separate from Mobius like from Sonic X). Cue Sonic and Shadow panicking and begging Tails to fix it. It takes them a while cuz Tails needs new parts and has to redo it from scratch and when they finally get it fixed, it's been 6 months (for them. It's been 6 years for Chris cuz of time shenanigans) and they rush to get Chris.
Turns out Chris found his birth parents and has been living with them for the time being and they are.....not good people (I can delve into them in a separate post if anyone is interested). There's an altercation between Chris and Nelson causing Chris to lash out at him and he leaves with Sonic and Shadow back home.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 8 months
I know it wouldn't happen due to potential parental hostility, but I picture Sonadow-adopted-Chris teaching Sage how to play pattycake in the park.
Also think Big could take care of Chris on days his metal bros and dads are busy saving the world? That is, if they trust him to keep an eye on the kid better than he keeps an eye on Froggy.
yea!!! sage WOULD get curious about sonic's child and her old brother that switched sides. eggman would definitely get frustrated but eventually allow sage to visit chris and umbra. they'd have the cutest play dates with cream and charmy
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and that's......an interesting idea. i originally had umbra and shard be chris's primary caretakers when sonic and shadow are out, but that gives an interesting take of who would watch over him when they're out too. originally i'd say vanilla since she also had a hand in raising chris when sonic was a single father, but big could be a good option too
but his track record with losing froggy......yea i wouldn't hold my breath
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 8 months
OK I don’t know if you answer questions regarding your Sonadow adopts Chris AU anymore but these questions popped into my head out of nowhere.
1: What does silver the hedgehog think of Chris?
2: Has blaze ever met Chris and if so, what does she think of him?
3: has Chris ever met Black doom? Because if he has, what does black doom think of him?
I can imagine that Chris doesn’t really like his grandpa on Shadow‘s side of the family. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid refused to call black doom Grandpa.
that's ok, i still take questions about my AUs
silver thinks he's a funny lil guy, he enjoys visiting him whenever he comes back in time
blaze has met chris back when she first got went to his dimension. she got a bad habit of spoiling him whenever she visits
unfortunately. chris hates black doom So much. he may be young but he can understand that black doom just wants to use the humans as a food source and hates how he tries to manipulate shadow. chris is throwing hands the next time they meet
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 years
OK so this just popped into my head but like so I can already get the idea that sonic introduced Chris to tails and knuckles but I am quite curious as to how those two reacted when they met Chris, same goes for characters like Amy, Sally and Bunny? also has Chris ever asked sonic about a bad word leading to sonic telling him how it is not an OK Word andhow he shouldn’t ever say it again?
For Tails, he originally begged Sonic to send Chris to an orphanage because he felt like raising a child would be too much responsibility for him; plus would be a bad mix with his thrill-seeking and hero lifestyle. Eventually after Sonic talked him out of it, Tails became an uncle to Chris and genuinely liked it.
Amy was still trying to get over her crush on Sonic so him suddenly getting a kid was a bit of a shock to her. She didn't really know how to process it but she supported him in any way she could.
Knuckles......poor guy was confused as all hell. He went "SONIC HAS A KID?????" when Tails and Amy told him. It took him a long while to wrap his head around it, especially since it wasn't long after he and Sonic first met. He's more of a distant uncle to Chris, but he still likes the kid.
As for Sally and Bunnie, Sonic straight up walked into Resistance HQ with Chris in his arms and they both had to do a double take because they've never seen Sonic hold children like that before. He'd shake hands or give fist bumps, maybe awkward side-hugs but that was it! Sally nervously asked Sonic who's child he was holding, only for Sonic to happily say "He's mine!" and Bunnie nearly fainted.
Scourge, (unintentionally) Shadow and Knuckles were Chris's main source of colorful language. Chris once yelled 'Damn!' and Sonic nearly choked on his food. He demanded to know where Chris learned it from only to see Shadow nervously leaving the kitchen. It took 3 hours for Sonic to go over all the bad words that Chris should never say and Shadow had to sleep on the couch that night.
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 years
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