#son of neptune trio
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riordanverse-ship-polls · 2 months ago
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holly-natnicole · 3 months ago
Frank on Argo II: "I used to have a crush on someone who was a lot like Jason. Hey, maybe that’s why I like him so much!"
Percy: "Frank..."
Hazel: *raises a hand to prompt the 17-year-old to not continue speaking* "No, don’t…I wanna see how long he can keep it up."
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beans-core · 2 months ago
Percy, finally getting to meet his younger sister after questing alongside Hazel and Frank, thinking: “it feels like I’ve already been trained a bit to be an older brother”
okay but?? is anyone going to talk about Hazel and Percy’s relationship?? they were really close?? like?? Hazel kissed Percy on the cheek?? Percy saw her as a younger sister and was extremely protective of her?? what happened?? where did that go?? I want more of this??
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haliaiii · 2 months ago
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Finished rereading Lost Hero!
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rooscandraw · 11 months ago
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did this MONTHS ago but lost hero character lineup!! before casting comes out for pjo s2 and i have to redo my thalia/jason designs lol
(click for better quality/details!! ik tumblrs gonna eat it)
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memysoulandi · 8 months ago
Jason Grace, so much potential...
Actually this goes for the entire lost trio. The AMOUNT of TRAUMA these three had and the potential for character development they had too is UNREAL, yet nothing was done. Let us begin my personal beliefs
-Delve into his trauma of his remaining family deciding he was the devil at age EIGHT and refusing to take him in-abandonment issues
-Have his constant feelings of invalid-ness and being the unneeded member of the seven be corrected by giving him CLOSE FRIENDS HE PIPER AND JASON NEED TO BE CLOSER AT THE VERY LEAST and conversations when he realizes he is wanted and needed
-Don't have Calypso storyline in there-he didn't need a girlfriend to solve his problems, if you have it, have it as good friends-another member of his support group
-Make him gay and have valgrace or slowburn/implied valgrace(the two of them pining then like kinda tragic as Leo dies)
-Have her lesbian storyline occur in HoO where she's a main character-it's an important storyline for her character that deserves a spotlight and time that ToA couldn't give it
-No Jiper! This relationship was toxic and founded on fake memories-if you're going to do it, do it as a part of her LGBTQIA+ journey and Jason's as well
-Don't have her demonize femininity! She can wear dresses! She can wear makeup! She can present more feminine and still be the same character and her hatred of any and all things feminine is not good representation! Make her a feminist, please! Or at least make her less against femininity as a whole.
-No kaleidoscope eyes! Give her brown eyes and also have her rediscovering her culture storyline as a part of HoO too!
-Make him a better fighter than Percy. He has been at Camp Jupiter since the age of three and spent a year with wolves before then. He has spent his entire life in a military setting training, he should be a better swordfighter than Percy 'I show up to summer camp at age 12 to 16 and only really use my sword then' Jackson.
-Give him more powers. Or Percy less. Children of the big three should be equal in potential power, not Percy being OP and the others having lightning or shadows powers some of the time. Percy needs less power and Jason, Thalia, Hazel, and Nico need more. Jason should have more power than Percy as he has had longer to train it.
-Give him a personality. His storyline in HoO should be a journey of self-discovery. He has always been another member of an army, with constant pressure on him to be the best at everything and a strong confident leader who doesn't make mistakes as a son of Jupiter. His entire life has been dictated by those around him. For the first time, he is free of that and he needs to be discovering things like how he likes to dress, his style, his sexuality, his likes and dislikes, and his personality. In my opinion he should be kinda shy with a feral edge, side effect of the wolves, who is always trying to people please. When he stops doing this, he becomes significantly happier and a greater use to the team. Plus valgrace;D.
-Also, make him despise Percy at the beginning. He worked his entire life to be an afterthought that nobody looked for when he went missing for months, while Percy was looked for by everyone after only a few days. Percy achieved everything he wanted in a matter of weeks in New Rome and he was happy and had friends and a life. Percy has everything Jason doesn't. They need to have a moment where they are locked together and Percy goes "why do you hate me" and Jason breaks down because "You have everything I want and you don't even have to try!". This would create a better relationship for them and be the turning point for Jason as Percy hears what he has to say and validates him. Also Jason personality.
-Don't kill him off and continue his self-discovery journey in ToA.
-Make him and Thalia have a closer relationship that in the months between TLH and TSoN, it is implied that they spend time together. He should feel safe with her and they needed more interactions as they are SIBLINGs, god damit.
-Make him and Reyna just friends-she wanted to look for him but couldn't 'cause Octavian(the bitch) and someone needed to be Praetor in his absence.
-Also give him history with Octavian-ex-friends or something give me drama.
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daughterofthemuse · 29 days ago
Love this idea
You know the scene in SON where 
Hazel: *points at monsters* What are those?
Percy: Canadians
Frank: 😐
Headcanon that it’s now an inside joke with them and whenever someone asks what sort of monsters they’re facing Frank goes “New Yorkers”. Hazel has an issue with it because it makes her die of laughter right before they go into battle
And him and Percy just keep going back and forth with it and it gets so specific that eventually it’s like
Percy, seeing a gorgon: That’s super rare, it’s a ‘wishapollowasmydad’
Frank: There’s a ‘startedtheapocalypsewithmynosebleed’ coming from behind
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lady-menrva · 2 months ago
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(Just saying, it was wasted potential.)
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aurantiumred · 1 month ago
going to be completely honest here and I'm probably gonna get jumped for it.
I did not care for the Son of Neptune. didn't care for it. nope. it was boring and at points kind of painful to read.
"youd look good with a jumpsuit and chains" or something Ma'am THAT IS A MINOR???
and dumbing a goddess down to hippie is... um... kind... kind of...
okay listen. i know ricks portrayals of the gods sucks ass. hard. but he couldn't have TRIED with iris???
i preferred the lost hero. this is probably because im a lost trio lover, you think. no. at first little me was a hardcore piper AND jason hater, and i STILL thought the lost hero was better than the son of neptune. i loved leo though. i have since corrected my ways, dont worry.
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bayetea · 5 months ago
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why was she getting jealous over ella giving frank her feather 😭😭😭 girl he gave u his LIFE. IT'S IN YOUR POCKET
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riordanverse-ship-polls · 2 months ago
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tending-the-hearth · 6 months ago
the chb counselors would pull frank and hazel into their little group SO quickly once they meet them after the war
this is a group of people who remember little twelve year old percy walking around chb with the widest eyes and naïveté. they've heard his snarky comments, have seen him stand up to bullies, they watched him panic searching for his closest friends, they've witnessed his breakdowns and tears during the summers where he just couldn't do it anymore.
everyone else at the camp has a view of percy as another god, or as an untouchable being. they only see him for the hero he is, but they don't see the real him.
frank and hazel, however, got to see the real percy on their quest. they saw all his little quirks, heard every quip and sarcastic comment, watched him freak out over other demigods and legacies getting hurt, and they saw how percy is so much more than just a hero.
not saying that the rest of the seven wouldn't all be welcomed by the chb head counselors, but frank and hazel would immediately just click with all of them because of their connection to percy. there's a small group of people who know the true him, and they're part of that, and it just brings them into this little special group. they'd be invited to the sleepovers and told every single embarrassing story about percy while he just groans and attempts to commit murder by smothering clarisse with a pillow. frank and hazel would get introduced to sally and paul and just be immediately folded into their little family.
frank and clarisse would become an inseparable duo. hazel and chris would become so close, not just because their partners are siblings, but also i think they'd connect on their shared "being trapped somewhere for an unknown amount of time after being manipulated by someone i cared about" experiences. travis and connor would ADORE frank, i think for some reason pollux and hazel would get along really well. there would just be an automatic camaraderie between all of them so quickly.
yes, nico is the go-between for the camps, but i think frank and hazel would just automatically be so completely and utterly trusted by the entirety of camp half-blood purely because percy completely and utterly trusts them.
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jasongracestannr · 8 months ago
I absolutely hate when people act like percy and annabeth can't have any other bsfs other than grover , like the number of times i saw people say, "jason wasn't percy bsf !!!" Or "piper wasn't annabeth bsf" LIKE PLS SHUT UP they were absolutely bsfs literally everyone on the Argo were super close and people need to understand that 😭 i alsooo very much hate when people act like nico & leo were bsfs , don't get me wrong i love the idea of them being friends but , I'm pretty sure they never really interacted , like even frank & nico were closer but anywayyy srry for the little yap session 😓
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lavenderfairiez · 7 months ago
Unfortunately I am once again thinking about heroes of olympus and the seven and more specifically the lost trio and also the son of neptune trio and then like how they come together and the dynamics and I just love heroes of olympus so much
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hazellvsq · 4 months ago
percy swearing on his life to the romans that the greeks meant no harm. and hazel standing for percy in front of the legion meaning that she would face whatever punishment he did. and she only stood for him because frank wasn't allowed to. and she was carrying frank's life in her coat pocket.
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i-am-an-omniscient-snail · 4 months ago
Thoughts on rereading The Lost Hero vs The Son of Neptune
The name :/. Very uninspired
Is Percy here yet?
Huh, Piper doesn't seem to be too happy with Leo??
Piper isn't as cool as I remembered :(
Piper and Jason just ... don't like Leo. Why does he even bother with them??
Wowwww I'm so invested in Jiper sooooo invested
Is it over yet?
Omg Frank and Hazel? Are so much cuter than I remembered??
Eww Octavian ewwww
Reyna is trying to replace her old situationship with a new one? 😲😲🫢
The budding Frazel 🥹
I LOVE Frank's grandmother
"And you make a very handsome elephant" stop omg
Not them killing two giants when the lost trio couldn't even kill one
Percy is praetor now? You don't say. That makes so much sense, he's been here for a whole ... *checks notes* week. Ah yes.
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