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Oh the satisfaction of finally getting a name for your OC…
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AND I SAID "oh sure chilling with friends are awesome :3"
anyway i hope your day was good and that whatever happens you are happy and yea i love you :3
that was one hell of a ride tho hahaha i had no idea i was rejectibg somione
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the entire article on canini (tribe) from wikipedia + tolkienesque forenames
Abron Aegil Aglaian Agond Ainerdac Aiweng Aldaent Aldantord Aldurodin Alfindo Alinyate Almor Amehtareꞓ Amerdon Amroste Andand Andom Andreorni Andretur Anelpal Anhel Aniebry Animë Anthaphor Anákh Araldor Aralion Arastel Arati Aration Arctisir Ardansil Ardilmo Arerdar Argil Ariendo Ariened Ariptin Arliangen Arnien Arosel Articyon Arved Arven Assacan Assil Atelegalm Athow Augdui Aulegalad Aulwë Aurfin Aurodgs Auruepher Avidree Avient Bacil Bagorlin Ballas Baras Bardir Barth Basfar Bastoolla Bastor Beletara Berast Bereber Berepped Berridur Bolfhin Bombar Boranwë Borbar Borbithir Borumand Braned Brear Bríand Brímar Bucan Buccalge Burth Busiont Bëorry Cabagdur Calas Caláf Canimemmo Canothmo Carane Cardan Celdil Cemel Cendin Cenne Cered Ceril Cestooke Chargo Chionquil Cielegon Clane Clatel Clegund Comirent Cooke Cotes Crium Crodil Cross Crotil Culad Círiang Dairion Dandur Dearth Dellimrog Dengwatis Dentst Deseus Devarmern Diador Distorn Docemmog Docyon Dogene Doredus Duftedfor Dushnáma Dwilad Dwynocyon Dwynorn Eadormen Eadorn Earin Earon Eatudel Elannarth Eldar Elemel Elethir Elfhery Ellacilik Ellatisto Elmossion Eludil Elvenow Emessi Empalgan Endil Ennam Eressack Erion Erotine Esecte Expamila Eärnus Fassand Fastanfas Feargon Feathor Fentic Ferey Ferreus Fingen Forin Foxend Frebryat Fëandil F��limlith Galdbe Gamir Gandia Ganimene Gastanda Genno Gensisla Gielf Gielman Gielrond Gilmo Gimbarcus Gimil Gimor Gindil Girimë Goldin Goldog Gorbifus Gorde Gothald Gothráini Gotohel Granduf Grion Griopel Gromerus Gwaenuily Gwass Gymnorn Hadal Halater Haphion Harimo Hedfox Heimbra Heleg Herriel Herthorde Hiellassë Holog Horon Huanámont Huoloth Huord Hurfineld Hámon Ibereꞓ Idrec Imbrack Imbut Imiocely Imlath Imotir Imrazog Imuzgama Incana Indor Inelim Iscri Isingon Kilzôr Kitte Lagon Landil Lareꞓ Lastë Legir Legron Lenene Liandus Linorod Linrog Lionnocyn Léomë Macipitte Macrië Madûnart Mahtarimë Maines Maiwenger Malad Malfinel Malmos Maláf Mamlor Mancath Mandin Mandis Manfolg Manivra Mardal Margil Mavipeor Meghâd Mehtamir Mehtaras Melemnow Mendil Mendor Mennatul Meril Meriocyon Mictin Miela Mielugall Miendë Miladon Morfimen Míriked Naegasaen Nahilzhel Naran Naras Narda Nenener Nieldad Niele Nimbragor Norcien Nyargon Nyata Nyavipe Náinduin Náriber Nárior Náros Nólia Nólikini Nómin Nómirgoth Offst Ofustly Ohiel Olchyur Olduind Orantel Orbador Oronota Orowyn Ortis Ostis Ostruca Packed Paldiri Palger Palinest Paltres Pameseng Panamdír Pedil Peleb Peorn Phadûna Phaihinna Phyluma Pregimla Prele Prensi Prephof Prieliar Prongol Prooniew Rahtarmon Raitë Ralmog Randorwen Rassion Ratter Relwë Roupush Salik Salvin Saláf Sansi Scharn Scramir Scron Semmo Seriond Shakhîm Shalase Shateny Shelecth Skuluiny Smaindon Smarinus Sméago Snordari Somion Somith Spelepred Speor Sperus Stras Subtrides Subtriën Sumargens Surear Surue Súriocyon Talpester Taltrion Tanond Taram Tarda Taressë Tarmern Tarór Tatessum Tatisi Telebof Telmo Teloce Thaelen Theimë Theleg Thilmack Thindus Thinech Thini Thiryard Théompor Ticrimiel Tioces Toidrens Trastohta Tudil Turue Typed Túrindirs Túrion Ufted Uglarië Ulkasion Ultrimë Umbatal Undilgal Undir Ungorn Vansilit Vaten Vencleth Viars Viele Viondia Viorom Viptinuil Voron Voronor Voroth Voroticyn Vulkhadar Vulwë Waith Walad Wider Wikin Wildow Winesion Wolash Woldil Wollan Worger Wornus Yation Zerimil Zimaure Éodir Éodredin Éodwynus Éotheis Írinzil
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[ARTICLE] Zion.T Talks About The Possibility Of Collaborating With Labelmate Jeon Somi

On November 6, Zion.T sat down for an interview to talk about the recent release of his digital single “May,” his colleagues at The Black Label, and his goals as an artist and producer. Zion.T said, “I have a lot of interest in producing. Whether it’s for an idol group or for a rapper, I’m interested in all of it. When I worked with other singers in the past, the feeling of collaboration was strong. If I try something new, I would like to work with someone I don’t know. I’m putting my name out there now, so please send me your requests.” When asked about the possibility of collaborating with Jeon Somi, who is now his labelmate at The Black Label, he said, “I often run into her at the agency. If I’m working on music, she’ll ask me what I’m doing and come over. Sometimes it takes me by surprise [laughs]. She’ll come to the studio, draw some pictures, and then leave. She’s a very lovable person, but she also talks a lot about music. She debuted through an audition program, but I don’t think many people know that she is really good at writing music. I already knew that she wrote the B-side track for her album, but when we listen to beats together, she’ll come up with her own ideas. I think that she’s comparable to a lot of indie artists out there now.” Zion.T added that if they were to collaborate, it would likely be in the pop genre, and he continued, “Somi isn’t the type to ask for advice. She learns through absorbing what she sees. She’s smart and learns fast by watching what the people around her are doing. She’s good at imitating people, so the part where she teases me isn’t cool, but apart from that I like her a lot [laughs].” Would you like to see a collaboration between Jeon Somi and Zion.T?
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Hey guys, I lost the email to my old blog and have to make a new one :c it makes me really sad but hopefully I can be just as active on this one
I used to be
somione, miraesa, asexual-kieran-walker
so :v idk follow me
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Definitely sick :c it's 84°F and Im freezing and have goosebumps 😭 Definitivamente estoy enferma :c estamos a 29°C y tengo mucho frio y escalofríos 😭
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-The rules are:
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you wrote, then write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people
Rule 4: Tell them you tagged them
Rule 5: Tag ‘#tag’
I was tagged by asexual-kieren-walker.
1. Favorite piece of written literature? (book, play, poem, etc.)
I’m really into alternate reality video game books (does that even make sense I can’t words) and my favorite is a series by James dashner called The Mortality Doctorine
2. Favorite musical genre?
Mostly alternative. Also dubstep.
3. Most life changing moment so far?
(Ik this is what asexual-kieren-walker said but I agree so imma just keep it as is)
probably literally getting a tumblr because my views and personal beliefs shifted so much omg
4. What is the one thing you think of when you are falling asleep?
it’s gonna sound childish but I make a wish every night (I’m not sure what my view on God is so its kinda just a hope thrown into the void but whatever)
5. Do you have any family members?
I live with my mom, brother, and grandma. My cousin is a director and lives in California (my aunt lives there too) and idek where my dad is.
6. What’s the worst trouble you’ve gotten into? Shit. Imma be honest here. I’ve gone to so many PRTF’s it’s not even funny (mental illness shit bipolar and such so..) but I’m working on recovering rn so that’s good I guess.
7. Favorite animal besides the usual pets?
Also snakes. But if that’s not allowed, then tigers.
8. Cat person or dog person? Why?
Both?? I have cats but like wouldn’t it be great to have a dog??? A real dog like I could teach it stuff and it could be a dog and it could have a name and DOGGG
9. Anything you’d change in your life right now?
I’m lazy af and my goal is to finish my novel by the end of this year. I need to be less lazy but I’m too lazy to commit to that.
10. You have 3 wishes. Can’t change the rules, can’t get anymore wishes. What are your wishes?
The ability to read minds and also (to go along with that) the ability to show people what I’m thinking because sometimes I can’t explain things when I need to. Umm it sounds stupid but the ability to fly because what if apocalypse ya get me?? And the ability to control my mind like I want sound color syn pls.
11. Favorite hero?
Iron man because tony stark.
Questions by asexual-kieren-walker: 1. what were the last 3 songs you listened to?
That su song where garnet sings and fights, corpse roads (it’s really good btw thanks ), turn off the lights by patd
2. first fandom ever? first fandom on tumblr?
Hunger games i guess?? And I’m somehow I don’t know anything about fnaf but that was the first fandom I followed on tumblr
3. favorite color gradient? Anything blue I guess
4. if you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be? what is one thing that you like about it?
I wanna be more chill. And I guess I like that I’m usually kind.
5. what is one subject you could think/talk about for hours?
The universe/ philosophy??
6. how well do you interact with others? Depends on what’s going on and also my mood
7. weirdest/most interesting thing a teacher has ever done?
My fourth grade teacher still keeps in touch with me does that count Also one time a teacher tired to make us paint music
8. what is one form of exercise you don’t even think of as exercise because you like it so much? Writing??
9. what is your favorite type of media? (tv shows, movies, books, magazines, radio, podcasts, etc) Tumblr
10. what is your dream job?
Neurologist, author, or programmer
11. favorite season?
The between seasons like spring and fall
My questions:
1.) Favorite thing to do when you’re bored?
2.) You suddenly own an island. What is the first thing you’d build on it? What would it be called?
3.) The thing you worry about most?
4.) what’s something you despise?
5.) Something you’ve said that makes so sense out of context
6.) Favorite scent?
6.) a place that you think is cool but that you’d never want to go to (ex Jurassic world)
7.) look to your left. The object you first see is what you will have to use as a weapon in the apocalypse. What is it?
8.) let autocorrect make a sentence for you
9.) what is something you would do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
10.) who would you like to spend an entire day with if you knew they’d enjoy it?
11.) something you regret?
I tag: xxdreamingincolorxx immortal-legacies tunafin panicatthedanceclass tripsygnoxtalgic literalstardust night-vale-weatherman and whoever else because idk urls
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Quality :)
Quality: Name three of your favourite blogs.
I honestly don't even have favorite blogs but I like somione, junky-business, and homoeroticjahlani! and ofc yours :-)
thanks for the ask!!!
#im so indecisive i cant be asked to pick favs#but i rly like these blogs so here!#somione#junky-business#homoeroticjahlani#transfigurration#asks
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Gadreel, or Meg, or Charlie?
No to all, but those are great guesses! :)
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super sad movie (for me anyway) is The Fall. I was literally crying through like half the movie. the only thing is tw suicide i think, and a little bit of violence and some sick/injured people.
Oh! Thank you! I will definitely check it! :)
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Pissed off about this whole gorilla issue. Yes, it's very sad that the gorilla had to be killed but what is the deal with everyone blaming the mother?? It's literally not her fault? No parent can watch their child 24/7, every parent makes mistakes (unfortunately this ended up with more serious consequences than normal; still not her fault.) I hate to imagine the mother, who is no doubtedly in shock from her experience, read all this negative bs about her on the Internet. And no, the gorilla was not protecting the child, it was acting very aggressively. Sorry for any bad English.
#Somione#Fuck my English is horrible#I haven't had the chance to practice in like a year#Yes. English is my native language#T.T
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blog rate?
url: i don’t get it | okay | rad | woah there | i don’t think that’s legal | DID YOU SELL YOUR SOUL?
icon: not my style | okay | rad | woah there | i don’t think that’s legal | THE FACE OF AN ANGEL
theme: just not my type | okay | rad | woah there | i don’t think that’s legal | BRB STEALING IT
posts: different fandoms | okay | rad | woah there | i don’t think that’s legal | I WILL SELL MY SOUL FOR YOUR PASSWORD
overall: it’s just not my thing | okay | rad | woah there | i don’t think that’s legal | I LOVE YOU
following? no, sorry | why did i wait so long? | of course bby | TO HELL AND BACK
Want this?
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somione replied to your post:Most of the Cuban characters shown in Marvel are...
okay, not trying to be rude, but Im only 1/2 white, AND i lived in Miami for most of my life and Im still really really pale. what youre saying here is that it doesnt matter what their actual race is, if they look white then they dont count as a poc
Almost all of them are white or white passing. And that's a problem, considering 34% of the Cuban population is non-white. That's what I'm saying. And while it's true they might be white passing, there should still be plenty of characters who aren't.
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(wow i'm going to be obnoxious and not play the game right and just answer the questions whoops)
1. Very favorite fandom? why is it your favorite? i think i'd say Supernatural, because it's my favorite show and i generally like Supernatural fics and fanart the best
2. Do you like dissonance (the purposeful putting together of notes that don’t sound good together) or do you prefer your music to sound pure? i guess i prefer just good ol' music? i don't know, i can't say i've had a lot of experience with dissonance
3. What is your favorite scent? i love that fresh-cotton-clean smell. that is the best scent.
4. Take public transportation or drive/walk/bike to school or work? i drive my very own car, which i am extremely grateful to have
5. Left brained or right? honestly, i think a mix of both. i'm neither super creative nor super rational, but right in between.
6. which of the 5 sense could you go without? UM that's really hard, but maybe smell? as long as it didn't mess with taste
7. Cold or hot? if we're talking weather, hot. I HATE TO BE COLD
8. Describe your town or city. small and poor, but i love it! there's not much going on here, you'd have to go to Providence or something for that.
9. Are you superstitious? not reallyyyyy, i mean, unless you consider religion superstition? which i don't, so i guess, no.
10. Favorite word? reverie. PERFECT WORD
11. Fav ship? this is hard, considering i SHIP ALL THE SHIPS, but if i had to choose one, no question, Destiel
yay, thank you for asking (and sorry i'm not tagging anyone else, i just thought i'd be greedy and only answer the questions)!
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Benefits of Learning a Second Language
-you can make new friends -scientifically proven to ward off alzheimers -there are different memes in different languages -improves multitasking -gives you more connections -looks good on job applications -tgere are memes taht you have never seen before -improved memory -MEMES* *what I'm trying to say Is you guys are missing out on some high quality mems taht are in Other language s !!!!!!!!!!!
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