#sometimes you just need silly sonic!
sylvanfreckles · 2 months
Headcanon: Sonic SatAM and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog take place in the same universe.
In both of these series, Tails is a very young child, too young to go on missions in SatAM while in Adventures he's almost always tagging along with Sonic (except when he gets kidnapped, which is 60% of the episodes).
So. SatAM is the real world, and Adventures is the bedtime stories Sonic tells Tails so he won't be scared.
Think about it. Think about how much the fever-dream episodes of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog could easily be a teenager telling a younger child exaggerated stories to cheer them up or calm them down.
Tails misses his parents? Sonic invents the horrible Mama Robotnik to make him laugh about how much she bullies Robotnik.
Tails is worried that Sonic is gonna forget all about him because he's in love with Sally? Sonic has a story ready about Breezy, the robotic hedgehog Robotnik tried to trap him with, and how he's learned his lesson not to forget about his little buddy.
Tails is scared Robotnik's gonna capture him? Sonic has story after story loaded up about dramatic rescues and escapes, of him going to the ends of Mobius to save Tails, of Tails outsmarting Robotnik.
And, because Sally's standing in the doorway listening in, Sonic adds a "special message" at the end of every story to give it a moral, even if it doesn't make sense.
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rapidhighway · 8 months
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i think my art was so much better like two years ago when i was into tw and spn and all that stuff what do i doooo ToT
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thoutisashark · 7 months
Accidental Courtship :3
Accidental courtship
ft: Savanaclaw, Octavinella
cw: possible minor spelling errors (blame the dyslexia), established relationship, swearing, implied fem reader
Penguins have this adorable courtship ritual where the male gives the female a smooth pebble, if the female is impressed by the pebble she accepts the gift and mates with the male
I know that jade, Floyd, and Azul aren't penguins, but i thought it would be so cute if their s/o gave them a pebble and basically proposed but not knowing what it meant.
And for the beast-men (Leona, Jack, Ruggie) i thought it would be cute if there was a special beast-men way of courtship, I couldn't think of anything though, but then i remembered that for a lot of mammals (and animals in general) grooming is a form of bonding, so what if licking was a form of courtship?!?!
Leona: he awoke from his nap when he felt a pair of hands running through his hair, he sniffed the air, realizing it was just his s/o he closed his eyes once again, surrendering to the comforting feeling of your hands, he hated to admit it but he loved when you played with his hair, it was something he looked forward to and expected. what he didn't expect however was the sudden wet feeling that graced his cheek his eyes shot open and his head snapped in your direction
"so soon? at least wait till we graduate"
your so confused, he realizes that you probably dont know what you just did
"for beast-men, your lick was you asking me to marry you you dumb herbivore"
he wont admit it but his heart was pounding in his chest
Jack: he had finished his classes for the day and was walking around the campus grounds, when he spotted you his tail started to wag a bit, he attempted to stop, annoyed that he was giving away how he felt. he walked over to you, he wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him you smiled up at him, kissing his cheek, he smiled at you and walked with you to the ramshackle dorm, you guys sat in the guest room you had been working on you had been pretty bored all day and wanted to do something to make you laugh, why not lick your boyfriend see what his silly reaction would be, little did you know the implications behind this supposedly innocent action. as soon as your tongue brushed his cheek he was off to sofa and staring at you in shock, he moved so fast that your tongue was still hanging out of you mouth
"i-im not ready"
his voice was shaky and his tail was wagging at a super sonic spread
"i mean you need to meet my parents and my siblings, and i dont have any money, i mean were still in high school, marriage is a very large leap"
you were so fucking confused Marriage? when you asked what he was talking about he looked at you confused
"you licked me... you want to marry me...right?"
you blushed and told him that in your world its just a weird thing to do. he sighed in
"so no marriage then, good, i love you but im not ready for that yet... try again in a few years"
he winked, his tail giving away his feelings
Ruggie: you had gotten some powdered donuts from Sam's store earlier and you were super excited to eat them, you rushed to your dorm hoping to avoid the food thief you called a boyfriend but it was useless, he could probly smell them from 3 miles away, he saw you running smelt the sweet scent of donuts and took off after you, he caught up quickly, snatching the box from you hands
"watcha got here shihihi"
he held the box out of your reach and took a donut out, he quickly shoved it into his mouth as you pouted, you loved him to death but god was he annoying sometimes you noticed how he had gotten some of the powdered sugar on his nose and an idea of revenge sprung into your mind, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to you
"you gonna kiss me~" he teased you, he wrapped an arm around you resting a hand on the small of your back while his other held the donut box.
you licked his nose, he tensed up, his eyes widened and he stumbled back almost falling over
"i-i dont- i mean-" he turned around, he grabbed his ears and pressed them down, trying to calm himself down, he had never felt so flustered before, but could you blame him? his s/o just asked for his hand in marriage "i accept but... so soon?"
you looked at him confused, he took a moment, realizing that what is a marriage proposal for beast-men might not be the same for humans, but everyone was aware of the tradition, then it clicked, you weren't from here, you had no idea what you had just done. his blush was still there, and to be honest he was dissipated, he licked you cheek "that is a proposal for marriage" he admits, looking away embarrassed, he shoved the donut box back into your hands and quickly walked away mumbling a quick "i love you" his tail was small, but it was wagging as he zoomed away from you.
Octavinelle (penguin esc courtship)
Floyd: he hated working at the cafe, it was so boring, why would he work when he could be with his little shrimpy? he found you outside of the ramshackle dorm, you were on your hands and knees digging round a pile of rocks
"shrimpy~" he lifted you up and hugged you from behind "what are you doing?"
he asked, examining the rocks you held in your hands, you didn't answer, instead you picked on of the rocks you had and handed it to him, it was smooth, and had a faint blue undertone to it, he squealed and snatched it out of your hand, he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you till you felt like you were about to burst, he kissed you passionately before skipping off to tell his brother and Azul, you just stood there, confused as to why your boyfriend was so happy about the rock you gave him, i mean sure it was cool but was it that exciting for him? a couple hours later there was a knock on the door to the ramshackle dorm, you opened the door and say Floyd standing there frowning slightly
"do you know what a rock means"
you shook your head and you swear it looked like he was about to cry
"so you weren't asking me to marry you?"
you shook your head again, now understanding why he was so upset, you hugged him and kissed his cheek promising him to marry him one day, as soon as he heard that he was happy again, hugging and squeezing you all night long.
Jade: he was observing the mushroom he was growing, they had a strange mutation that he hadn't seen before and was eager to study, he was writing down the differences and comparing them to known mutations when suddenly you burst into his room clenching something in your hand, he turned to you smiling at you, he closed his mushroom guide and walked over to you, kissing your forehead and ruffling your hair, you hold out your hand and show a small smooth rock to him, he blushed, hugging you tightly
"are you aware of what your asking me?" he asked, his voice shacking lightly as he hugged you tighter, part of him wished you meant what mer-people mean when they give rocks, but he knows you arent used to the tradtions and culture in this world
he pulled away slightly and when he saw your confused face he smiled sadly "in merfolk culture you asked me to marry you" he chuckled as you blushed "i want to be the one to give you the rock dear" he mumbled into your hair he pulled away caressing your face before picking you up and taking you to the couch to cuddle.
Azul: he was in his office doing paper work and for the cafe, he was stressed, his hand was starting to cramp from the amout of writing he had been doing. the door to his office opened and you entered, his eyes lit up as he say you, your presence always made him feel better.
"hello my love"
he smiled at you softly, he open his arms for a hug and you wasted no time crawling into his lap and hugging him tightly, he kissed your shoulder, you reached into your pocket and handed him a pretty rock you had found earlier, his faced flushed with a blush
"m-my love? i- i mean y-yes ill marry you, but at least meat my family first, do you have a venue in mind? a dress? i can help you look- wait your not proposing? oh... you dont know do you"
as disappointed as he was that he wasn't going to marry you he chuckled and laughed
"my beloved your little rock was a proposal of marriage"
he smirked at you, watching as you face as you realized what you had done, he kissed you shoulder and cheek again
"just know love.... i will say yes, i will always say yes to you"
a couple days later when you walk into his office you she the rock you gave him on the shelf behind his desk, it was in a glass container, when you asked Azul all he said was
"its special to me, i wish to keep it forever"
End notes:
i had no idea what to do for leona and i think its pretty obvious, but i had fun writing this! its my first time writing for twst characters and i think i did ok... i hope
I am accepting requests :)
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chacolachao · 7 months
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Character Bodies 1 - Applying "Shape"
Sometimes when drawing a character you might have a hard time capturing their... character. You might see a drawing like this [clean lined image of Super Sonic] and may not know how the artist got to that point. In this case, it's best to start looking at characters not as a series of lines, but rather as a group of objects. Looking at an officially licensed example of Tails, we'll try to break it up into objects first BEFORE looking at the lines. We'll focus on the body for now [Sonic Riders Tails broken up into sections, red as the head and legs, green as the body] This green section is the main body, notice that I don't include the fur on him, only his body- once that's figured out placing fur will be a breeze. Now we need to imagine what this shape would be if it were a 3-Dimensional object... even though these are drawings, these characters' parts exist on an imaginary 3D space next to each other. Start by taking note of which direction this part [the green body] is facing and draw a line- if this little green blob were now a tube with top and bottom defined, as circles, you can begin to see our 3D object.
Now that you know about Tails'Tube, posing his body will be easier as long as you remember that his body is 3D. Tip: Try practicing keeping a simple shape like this consistent while bending it and posing it every which way.
Placing the limbs onto this object's 3D surface instead of just "drawing legs" will help you with more silly poses that you may not be sure how to pull off. The shocking thing about limbs... they are also tubes, so separate them like the body, take note of their front, and then STOP.
Take note of where on our body object these legs are placed. In the case of Tails, these legs start in the lower corners of Tails' body, and start a bit on the side, not immediately under. Knowing where on that 3D space Tails' legs attach can help you decide how to bend, pose, and exaggerate without the character losing their shape.
*Every character's shape defines their "character" defines their shape- so don't assume every character works the same way, using this process to analyze shape will help you properly understand who it is that you're trying to draw in every style. There are billions of styles that have graced these characters so don't feel like your art has to match IDW* or current gen artwork *note: multiple artists with different styles are within IDW
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rainychaoloveshack · 3 months
hiiii i stumbled across ur blog like a couple days ago and. ive been so obsessed with all ur posts theyre so yummy!!! (ESPECIALLY UR BOOM??? ik u mentioned u werent all that familar with him but,,, that one oneshot had me salivating oml)
anyways could i maybe ask for a sonic x reader where they give him a bath bc he's stinky 🤧 just modern/game is fine smile
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚ 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠.
sonic had a nice adventure outside. unfortunately, remnants of said adventure were brought into your home. its bath time.
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⋆°•☁︎ content . sonic x gn!reader, fluff, sort of shitpost-esque writing but i still did take it seriously i swear anon
☂︎ wc. 1.1k ☂︎ a/n. hueheh this request had me giggling. silly dirty ass mf 😭😭😭 i was messing around during it huehehe this is your reminder to not take me too seriously sometimes 😋still pretty short but i hope you like it ^^ def not my best work but i hope you like it regardless ^^'
likes, reblogs, and especially comments are extremely appreciated!!! (i like chatting to you guys!)
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“You know I can take a simple bath by myself, right?” Sonic growls, watching you kneel down and check the water's temperature for him with your forefinger. Not too hot, not too cold. “Plus, I already took a shower. The dirt’s gone already. No need for a bath, right?” Now why is he acting like that bathtub is going to kill him? 
“Could’ve gotten it all out if you hadn’t pulled me out the shower.” He mutters. “If you had wanted me to take a bath at all, you should’ve said that bef-” You frown, interrupting his rambling by knocking on the side of the bathtub with your fingers in a way that’s telling him to hurry up and get in. You can still smell the mud on him.
And it’s not bad to take precautions. Plus, if the shower didn’t get every single spec of dirt out of his quills, the bath will. Having even one spec of dirt come back inside the house after Sonic’s grand entrance of mud-filled footsteps, and right after you had to clean said mess, might just make you go crazy.
“I already said I was sorry...” He trails off, peering into the tub before taking a step back. You mutter a short curse his way and tug him by his arm, refusing to take no for an answer.
Sonic winces slightly at the volume of the water in the tub but lets out a sigh once he sees your stern expression. “Oh, alright…” He grumbles, spitting out soft curses about his distaste for water as he slips off his gloves, following with his socks right after.
… Paw-beans.
“Hmm?” Sonic’s ear flicks at your small murmuring, turning your way just as he’s about to step into the bath. “You say something?”
You shake your head, trying to make him forget your small slip-up, and urge him into the tub with a small shove. The moment his foot enters the water, you can visibly see a shiver tremble through his body.
“Eugh.” Despite his little complaints, he takes another step in the bubbly water, slowly settling himself into it with unpleasant grumbling, the water reaching up to his chin. “Make it fast. Being submerged in water for too long makes me uneasy…”
Like him? Make it as fast as ‘Sonic speed’, some might say?
His head snaps in your direction, opening his mouth to say something back to your crude teasing, but it closes instantly as you cup water into your hands and pour it over his head, watching it run off his quills and back into the bath.
That shut him up quickly. 
And so it begins.
The water runs down and seeps into his fur, then drips off once it gets too soaked, mixing with the bubbly suds already present. You rub his ear in a slow motion, cupping water up from the bath and pouring it over to get any extra dirt out. So far so surprisingly good; the baths running fairly clear, besides the small bit of dirt or so. Maybe he did get all the dirt out after all? Or maybe it was just his shoes that were the problem? No, then you wouldn’t have seen all those specs of black and brown in his fur. What, did he roll down a hill or-
“Hey, be careful with my quills!” Sonic’s body flinches as you accidentally prod and pull too deeply during your thoughts. “Can’t you be a little more gentle? The bath’s been clear for the past half hour.” He clarifies. “At this point, I’m not sure if you’re still trying to get any dirt out, or if you just like pampering me.”
Oh. Well damn.
Your hand lowers from his head, and it dawns upon you that yes, for once Sonic is actually right about your behavior, and the embarrassment washes over your figure, staggering your motions as you go to unplug the drain, but he stops you with a small kick of his foot at your hand.
“I didn’t say you had to stop.” Sonic mutters, before putting on his best ‘I deserve the world’ act a spoiled child would have towards everyone else. “I’m actually enjoying the attention!” He puffs his chest out, trying to put on a smug face for you, but a splash of water in his face turns that smugness to irritation, shaking his head around like a dog would their body as water flings in every direction possible. You hold your hands up in front of your face, your soaking wet hands dripping onto your lap and the bathroom floor as you shield yourself from the blue blurs little water assault. Ugh. Looks like he’s getting a kick out of your annoyance.
“It’s not so bad.” Sonic says plainly, flexing his fingers in the water in front of him, before adjusting himself to rest his arms on the tub’s edge, resting his head down to let your preen and run your fingers through his quills, forgetting to scrub through them at all. “You know, I wouldn’t mind if you pampered me like this more often.” Sonic reaches over and drags a soggy, wet, finger across your arm, leaving small water droplets on your skin as he moves it up towards your hand, currently resting on your lap as the other one rubs against his shoulder briefly. “Think I deserve it a little, ya’ know?” He shimmies his shoulders a bit, yet his tail wags all the same under the water, eager for your answer, even if you give him a plain ‘no’.
Well, if he could be more aware of himself and clean up after his little escapades, you would. But for now, the punishment bath it is. Though, with the way he was acting at first, someone might’ve thought he was taking a small dunk in acid.
Sonic doesn’t utter a word at your own little joke, but he shakes his head disapprovingly, glaring at you for a few seconds as his eyes flick over you up and down, then he relaxes. “You’re gonna help me dry off after this too, right?” He chirps, and you shake your head, already firm in the belief that you deserve some rest after cleaning up the house. Not to mention the other house chores you’ve already done today.
“Aw man...” Sonic says softly, before growling under his breath in your direction, ears pinning down, obviously in a joking manner, and he flicks some water in your direction off his fingertips, splashing onto your shirt and lap. “You can’t just take me a bath and then chicken out once we’re almost at the finish line! Come on.” Another flick of water comes flying your way, this time hitting you in the face, and you scowl, cupping up some water in your palm to splash it back at him.
“Aw, hey, come on!” His tone of voice makes it sound like a complaint, but his expression is the complete opposite; a fat grin spreads across his muzzle and another small splash of water makes its way to you, soaking your shirt. Oh, so that's how it is?
“What? What’re you gonna do about it?”
Stupid hedgehog. Sometimes it’s a mystery how you haven’t gone crazy by now from all his antics.
… Oh well; time to fetch that towel.
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chosolala · 5 months
⋆ ˚。⋆𐙚˚ Yuji headcannons
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like the title says, these are just my silly cute little yuji itadori headcannons, hope you enjoy 🪽₊˚⊹
anything you buy for him or give him, like a bracelet or a keychain, he will put on right then and there and never take off, he also gets really sad if they break and begs you to make/buy him another one.
hes vv strong physically so he would just randomly scoop you up over his shoulder or play wrestle with you, but he usually lets you win or calls it a tied match.
if he likes you, expect a lot of cheesy pick up lines and flirting attempts, he will also invite you out a lot, especially to go grab fast food or catch a movie.
he is also very protective over you, but instead of getting angry if he sees other people checking you out, he'll just look over at them like 'yeah this is MY partner, i bagged this'
he will literally drop everything he's doing if you needed him, even if you called asking if a certain top looked good on you, he's already running to the boutique to see with his own eyes
he lets you dye his hair for him, he thinks it looks better when you do it.
he loves adult cartoons like family guy or the simpsons so he usually has them on in his room.
he likes to play with megumis divine dogs and is constantly bugging him to summon them.
he has a very high tolerance to spice so when he makes his own food and lets you and the others try some you're all literally choking and gasping for air and hes just confused
always knocking on your door asking if you wanna watch tv or play games, he just likes hanging out with you.
he had to buy new slippers after gojo stole his and he got a funny character on his shoes like sonic or brian griffin
he eats so much its almost concerning, like when you all go out everyone is shocked by how much he orders and then even more shocked when he leaves the plate bone dry.
he would square up to anyone anywhere if they were less than polite to you and visibly hurt your feelings, hes kind of an air head and probably wouldn't do more than give a mean glance to the person but if he saw you were uncomfortable or unhappy with it hands are being thrown
whenever hes sad or in his feelings, he doesn't talk about it, he wants to but he just cant bring himself to speak up about it. so he just locks himself in his room until hes over it.
he is a very heavy sleeper, when you wake up in his arms you literally can't move or wake him up, you just have to wait for him to get up on his own. hes a rock when he sleeps.
he likes watching dramatic reality tv shows with you and poking fun at the exaggerated effects, he also likes watching cooking shows and impersonating the recipes, usually it doesn't end so well
one time you and him tried making tonkatsu and yuji left a rag a little too close to the stove, the entire building had to evacuate.
he listens to a lot of different music genres but his favorite is whatever artist is your favorite.
he is so painfully bad at math, sometimes its almost shocking.
he is effortlessly funny, he never fails to make those around him laugh or brighten a bad day, hes just a joy to be around.
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pennysperfectpolls · 5 months
Blorbo Adoption Poll Finals!!!
This is where we decide who tumblr’s collective son is
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“Tails” miles prower (Sonic)
Rob (the amazing world of Gumball)
Propaganda under the cut
“Tails” miles prower (Sonic) Propaganda
tails is just so . cute.. abd autism. ok so
he's 8 years old and he really really likes inventing and just machines in general. he's basically a little brother to sonic so i mean if you want to lump them together that's perfectly okay :3 anyways he's surprisingly smart for an 8 year old. he has GOT to be super fluffy. and we can see that in the movies, he certainly is!!!! he can fly a plane. he's very friendly. he has no alive and known parents in most canons (i say most because there is like. one canon where he has parents who are seen and alive)
here's some bonus propaganda if you want to group him together with sonic:
okay so first of all. you can NOT separate the brothers
but also sonic is the adhd to tails' autism. tends to come up with stuff on the spot, impatient, etc... he's really cool. he's so funny sometimes!!! also he has literally unparalleled amounts of tboy swag. hates bullies. god please i love these silly lil animals i might need to cut this off before i autism out too much so ywah
 Rob (the amazing world of Gumball) Propaganda
To put it simply, god doesn’t like Rob. Bro really said “mmmyeaa this one is kinda boring” and sent him into the void (literally). Miraculously he got out, but his home, familly and basically everything he cared for is gone. Not to mention he became physically deformed in the process. This 13 year old little boy is now homeless without a purpose. And no one seems to be concerned for him. Please give this boy a home, he needs some good parents to take care of him and a nice cup of hot chocolate.
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blu-ish · 9 months
Have you ever searched up facts about the animals sonic characters are based on? If so, what was your favorite fact that you added to your headcannon
*rubs hands together* ALRIGHT HERE WE GO (I'm sticking with the hedgehog gang for this one because I kid you not this will go on forever xD)
I'm pretty sure this is a obvious one, and most can agree one of the cutest. HEDGEHOGS. CAN. PURR. And I love it sm. They are really social creatures so they need buddies, and lots of too, to explore of course! :D They also have poor eyesight, which can make it a bit tricky sometimes to navigate, but their keen sense of smell covers that for them. They can even swim very well, unlike ONE hedgehog. lmao.
I like to think the reason Amy confused Sonic for a lot of people, lmao. Is because she had poor eyesight, I imagine when she was younger, even before she met her friends, she had a bit of trouble seeing where she was going.. so she relied on her other senses. Sonic and the gang definitely got her some contacts lol. (Sonic has bad eyesight too, he gets it.)
Silver doesn't understand why he likes forging around for things, even in his future, he just loves to collect things. When he goes to the past I think is inner adventurer just explodes when he sees nature for the first time. He adores it. He picks up ANYTHING wrappers, sticks, plastic bags, flowers, you name it, he probably has it somewhere. Lmao I like to imagine whenever Blaze comes over to his garden he just decorates it with the most random shit and she's like. TF??? (they are sibling coded to me btw <3)
Sonic is the package deal, he's been doing hedgehog things since he was a kid. Running around at the speed of sound, exploring new places, ect. But, the one thing he grew up with was loneliness for some time. My BIGGEST headcanon for him, was that he washed up on Christmas Island, he was raised by Chao basically, and played a lot with human junk that washed up on the island. Since he was in the ocean for what seemed like FOREVER to the poor baby. He's TERRIFIED to even go near it. So he makes his home in an abandoned cargo plane. (similar to OVA) He can't stand running around the small island anymore so he finds a broken down Bi-plane. (future tornado ik im a genius lmao) follows some old ass instructions that he cant rlly read cuz hes like 5. And he takes off and crashes the plane near the closest continent shjshs. HES FREEEEE. well, until he runs into a lil fox and adopts him.
As for Shadow? Well.. he hears about all these "hedgehog" things, from Sonic or maybe from other hedgehogs he runs into or overhears. But, he just doesn't understand it. It doesn't click. And its not like he really cares that much but, it bothers him. So he does the unthinkable and asks Sonic directly. Who in turn laughs and tells him that, sure, he may be half alien or like lizard for whatever... but he's still a hedgehog. An even COOLER hedgehog! He doesn't have to do those silly hedgehog things to prove that. He explains its just kinda second nature anyway.
(Also, this is more of a shippy headcanon lmao. But Sonic and Shadow definitely, unknowingly, court eachother hedgehog style. Which includes lots of chasing, circling, and headbutting. LIKE COME ON ITS SO OBVIOUS--)
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 months
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Name: Clamer
Debut: Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Clamer is a robotic clam, and you can share that information with anyone you please! It is a perfect specimen of the "clam with big ol' eyes peering out from within the shell" type of character design, which technically doesn't exist (yet? Leave feedback for clam manufacturers), but I think the niche is filled by cone snails. Their eyes are so silly! And when you get a better look at the truth, the magic is not lost, because you get to see eyestalks!
So yeah, Clamer is funny. Its name makes it even funnier! I would think they would go with "Clammer", but the single M makes it seem like it's pronounced "Claimer". What does it claim? Does it claim you as a tax dependent?
If you jump on Clamer's shell, you will BOUNCE OFF, you goofball! Silly you, trying to defeat a shelled animal by attacking its SHELL! What a KNUCKLEHEAD! (I tried to defeat it by jumping on it) Instead, it must be attacked from the side. But be careful if it's the front side! Clamer's got a little surprise. What is your surprise, Clamer?
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It's Gun!
Do I even need to explain it? It's Gun. Get away from it!
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Clamer appears in Carnival Night Zone, because evidently this is a clam who likes to have some fun! Woohoo! Badniks do not necessarily have to be thematic to their areas, but maybe Clamer is here because it's a beachside boardwalk carnival or something. And I think those serve fried clams sometimes. They do in Bob's Burgers! One of my two favorite cartoons about a Bob who makes burgers!
What do you think a clam's favorite carnival ride is? It might not like rides, it doesn't seem interested in speed. It would probably prefer games. Not just any ol' "throw something at a rigged setup" game for Clamer, though. It would play the Shell Game!
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Get a load of this! Clamer, in Minecraft! New Clamer content 2023! In the Sonic texture pack, Shulkers are reskinned as Clamer, which might honestly be the most fitting reskin of any official texture pack. Two molluscs that open their shells to peek out and fire projectiles! And since Shulker Shells can be made into Shulker Boxes, you now have the option of using a Clamer shell to store your valuables!
In the Sonic games, Clamer's projectiles may not cause you to levitate like Shulker's do, but it could be metaphorical. If you were shot by Clamer in real life, even though it would hurt, you would feel lighter than air, filled with pure glee at the knowledge that Clamer exists in real life. What a wonderful world that would be!
Or maybe not because Clamer is a Badnik that is powered by a captive animal. But surely it wouldn't be too hard to make a robot clam that runs on electricity instead. I feel like that would be easier, frankly.
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milfsloverblog · 1 year
I Need You (NSFW)
Jan Stevens x fem!reader
A/N: What can I say? Jan Stevens is my babygirl, I need her to be happy and loved like she deserves (fuck you Billy). Hope you’ll enjoy this (very much) self indulgent fanfic. <3
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It’s no secret that Jan Stevens knows how to organise the best orgies, no secret at all. If there is one thing she won’t do, though, it’s partaking in them. She sometimes sat down in the armchair in the corner of the room and watched as naked limbs entangled together, moans filling the institute, but even that was rare. So, partaking? No, never. Not with the residents, she knew it would be highly unprofessional. She would never.
Or at least she thought. Because when you arrived at the Sonic Catering Institute a couple of months ago, Jan Stevens’ convictions had slightly faltered.
She had watched your first performance from the back of the crowd, how hard you poured your heart and soul into your art. And as she watched your trembling form stand there as the crowd applauded, blood splattered all over your naked body, Jan Stevens’ professionalism had gone out of the window. From that day on, she made sure to attend every orgy you would partake in. She would sit on the armchair in the corner of the room, face impassive as the scene unfolded before her eyes.
You could feel Jan’s stare digging holes into your body as a fellow resident’s hands glided on your skin. You always tried your best not to stare back at her, and it was torture to know that she was just a couple of feet away, that you could probably graze the fabric of her skirt with your fingertips if you only reached for her.
And when you closed your eyes, losing yourself in the mess of moans around you and the caresses on your body, all you could think about was her. How it would feel if the head between your legs was hers, if it was her mouth sucking on your clit and her fingers curling inside your cunt. All you could think about was her.
Oh, Jan Stevens.
You were thrown over the edge so hard that you didn’t even realise her name slipped from your mouth as you climaxed. But it wasn’t lost on Jan. She’d hear her name being called a dozen times a day around the institute, and even if it had been barely audible, she clearly read it on your lips.
Jan Stevens’ face twitched and she was on her feet in less than a second. She needed to get out. Out of the room, out of the institute, and most importantly out of that silly shirt that made it so hard to breathe at that precise moment.
She crossed the garden from the institute to her house in a few long strides, the heels of her stilettos digging into the damp mud.
Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of her shirt which she sent flying through the hallway, and by the time she’d reached her bedroom Jan was left in nothing but her long black skirt and her nude bra.
The woman sat down at her dressing table and faced her reflection in the mirror, watching the way her face twitched and how her lips wobbled. Don’t you dare, she thought.
She couldn’t, she would not allow herself to feel these things again. Not after the fiasco that Billy had been and how long it had taken her to stitch the broken pieces of her heart back together.
Jan was reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra when she heard the bell ring and her head snapped to her bedroom door. No one ever came to her house, everyone knew it was off-limit unless they were actually invited.
You had left the orgy a few minutes after Jan, when you’d come down from your high and realised what had just happened. You gathered your clothes and quickly got dressed as you hurried down the institute’s corridors, hoping to catch the tall woman on her way back to her house. You were pretty sure your panties were on backward and your silk shirt was misbuttoned but you couldn’t have cared less, you needed to see her.
You waited for five long minutes after ringing the bell, knowing full well Jan was inside. You could have tried ringing again but something told you that it would be useless, the woman wouldn’t open.
Your eyebrows shot up when you tried the handle and the door was pushed open. One would think Jan Stevens would be more careful with her safety, after all, there were people out there who wanted to see her dead.
“Miss Stevens?” You called as you walked inside the hallway and made your way inside the house, your body startling when the light was suddenly turned on.
“What do you think you are doing exactly?” Jan asked as she stood only a few feet away from you with her hands on her hips.
“Miss Stevens, I’m very, very sorry to disturb you. I know the residents aren’t supposed to enter your house but-“ your voice died in your throat when you finally registered that she was wearing nothing but her bra and skirt.
God, she was a vision. Milky white skin peppered with constellations of freckles, small breasts clad in nude fabric. You wanted to reach for her, now more than ever before.
“Did you…Think of me?” The woman asked, your eyes snapping right back to her face.
“I’m sorry?” You frowned and shook your head a little, unsure what she meant.
“During the orgy,” She said as she took a step closer, then another one. “You moaned my name, I heard you. Were you thinking of me or was that a way to mock me?”
Your frown deepened, why on earth would you want to mock her? Why would anyone do that?
“Yes, yes I was thinking of you. It’s hard not to do so when you’re sitting so close to me and staring. I know it’s inappropriate. It’s highly unprofessional and-“ Your rambling was interrupted by a hand cupping your cheek and lips crashing onto yours.
You melted into the kiss, your hands coming to tightly hold onto Jan’s waist when you felt your knees wobbling dangerously. The urgency in her kiss struck you like a slap to the face. How long had she been wanting to do this?
When she finally pulled away, her red lipstick was smudged up to her nose and you were pretty sure the bottom half of your face was covered in it too. And it made you laugh, which in turn made her laugh too, and you decided that her unabashedly loud laugh would be your favourite sound from that moment on.
“I need you.” Jan Stevens admitted in a whisper. “I’ve been thinking about you ever since I first met you. And I know I need to be professional but I can’t stop thinking about you…And now I know you feel the same about me.”
The way she said it dripped with softness, but there was something else there too. Jan Stevens was scared, she was insecure. You could tell by the way her big blue eyes searched for an answer in yours. And you couldn’t help but curse the imbecile that came before you and did this to her.
“Let me take care of you.” You simply answered, pressing your lips on hers once more.
She led you to her bedroom without ever breaking the kiss, her hands making quick work of unbuttoning your shirt and letting it fall to the floor in the corridor without much care.
She barely had time to step inside the room that you already had her pressed against the wall, making her whine when you pulled away from her lips to catch your breath.
“I need you too.” You groaned when your hand bunched up her skirt. And it was true. You needed her, she was all your heart and soul were craving. You needed to hear your name fall from her lips like hers had fallen from yours.
You planted a trail of soft kisses from her pulse point to her shoulder, taking pride in the goosebumps that appeared on the older woman’s skin and the small whimper that she let out.
Your hand found its way inside Jan’s underwear and her hips bucked as soon as your fingertip grazed her clit.
“Needy woman.” You whispered in her ear, eliciting another whimper as well as another thrust of her hips.
You stifled a moan when your fingers slid between her folds only to find her drenched already. She looked at you through hooded eyes, a faint smile pulling the corner of her lips.
You delved two fingers inside her sex, parting her slick walls with a delicious pressure.
Breathy moans filled the air as your speed picked up, your fingers pumping into her cunt faster than her languid mind could keep up with. You slid in and out of her in quick motions, drawing her arousal down your knuckles and onto her inner thighs.
You wished you could capture her face at that moment, head thrown back, eyes half closed and mouth agape.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. Taking me so well.” You praised her and felt her walls clenching around your fingers. Oh, Jan Stevens had a praise kink then.
“Is that what you want? For me to tell you how good you are? How well you’re taking my fingers?” You grunted and curled your digits inside her, quickly finding the spongey spot you were looking for.
“You need to be worshipped, don’t you?” Your free hand joined the other one between the woman’s legs to draw quick circles on her clit.
The tightness that had been building inside Jan’s core became almost unbearable, and with a couple more thrusts it eventually snapped, throwing the tall woman over the edge. You closed your eyes as she cried your name out, your heart swelling in your chest.
You moved your hand to grab onto her waist, holding her up and keeping her from sinking onto her knees while your fingers slowed inside her. You eventually pulled them out and slipped them into your mouth, moaning as the taste of her settled on your tongue.
“Don’t go.” Was all Jan Stevens said once she had come down from her high.
“I won’t, I promise I won't.” You answered, watching the worry instantly leave her blue eyes.
How could I ever go, you think as Jan lay in your arms, the fabric of her bunny pyjamas rubbing on your naked skin with each movement of her sleeping form.
How could I ever go?
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audaciousacolyte · 9 months
hello!! just recently found your acc and holy shit can i say that ur writing is SO GOOD DUDE every post u make is such a banger RAHHH!!!! Sorry if I'm coming on too strong btw, it's very late and i am not eepy at all </33
anyways! i was wondering if youd write a knuckles x reader where theyve been best friends since they were kids, and knuckles found out hes been crushing on them? i love the silly red man he needs all the love frfr. Thank you!!
Red dead heartbeat
Knuckles the echidna x Childhood Friend! Reader
AN: 《|| Hello Duckie! (Do you mind if I call you Duckie?) I'm so glad that you enjoy my writing, it makes me really happy to see that I have a few fans at least... you're not coming on too strong at all! It's pretty sweet actually! In any case, please enjoy this for now. ||》
FLUFF (pre realization)
◇| Knuckles, as the last of his kind, is a deeply lonely guy, so you'll have to forgive him for being distant with you when y'all first meet. Most likely, he's been on his own practically his whole life. . .
◇| he. . .he's gonna need a moment or two to adjust to having people around all the time, but he'll be fine.
◇| Depending on the kind of relationship the two of you have, he may try to herd you away from villans (COUGH COUGH EGGMAN COUGH) and may attempt to pull you out of/away from the action.
◇♡|| He means well, he does, but he's still incredibly nervous about loosing more friends. . . About losing you.
◇| If it really bothers you, he'll stop, but he's a massive worrywart about the whole thing. Anytime you get hurt, he's on you like a leech! Even if it's a minor scrape, hes still going to patch you up. . .then pound the guy who hurt you six feet under.(I am a firm believer in "motherhen" knuckles, and I will DIE on this hill)
◇| on a completely random note, he SUCKS at verbal comfort. Just, the WORST.He does, however, give the best hugs out of Team Sonic so. . . You win some, you lose some IG /jk
◇| I will be honest though, you ARE going have to help him with social cues sometimes. A life of isolation doesn't exactly make a guy the best conversationalist, you know.
◇| He wasn't even aware of his crush until Sonic pointed out that he seemed more relaxed around you. It. . . only takes a little bit of hard thinking for him figure out why.
♡| He's blown away by the thought that he- well, that he might like you a bit MORE than he previously thought, but at the same time he isn't all that surprised. I mean. . . It's you! Why wouldn't he be infatuated with you?
♡|Actually acts pretty normal for the most part, if a bit more affectionate.
♡| If when he confesses, he's gonna make it as romantic as he can. Maybe a moonlit stroll? Or some kind of picnic? (He's still torn on whether or not he should take you to the beach and confess tbh) but however he goes about it, he'll be a bit awkward but sincere
♡| Genuinely thrilled when y'all start dating, you have no idea! He's the best boyfriend you could ask for! <3<3<3
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multi-fandomsfreak · 5 months
Hello, how are you doing? I hope you are doing okay 👍
I have a silly request :D
So imagine Xenophanes and Lord X are fighting for Reader’s attention. (They’re all friends) Both Xeno and Lord X are always trying to make reader hang out with them. (With reader’s consent) They also bicker when Reader is not around but in all honesty Reader actually prefers Majin Sonic and Needlemouse’s company. (Reader is good at hiding the fact that she prefers these two.) Everyone knows that reader likes Needlemouse and Majin more (Expect Xeno and Lord X.) but she also likes Xeno and Lord X’s company. So she just decides to keep her friendship with Majin and Needlemouse a secret until one day Needlemouse accidentally reveals the secret.
Like one day reader is hanging out with both Xeno and Lord X. Needlemouse comes out of nowhere and hugs reader from behind which makes her jump slightly but reader smiles and greets her like usual but needlemouse hit her with the “Hey, bestie.” And reader just freezes and silently pleads that Xeno and Lord X. They heard.. They both very much heard.
You can decide how they both react to the news. >:)
(Please use She/Her pronouns.)
[Like always if you don’t like this request feel free to skip it.]
Xenophane and Lord X Fighting For Your Attention
Hey there thanks for the ask!
Absolutely loved this request. Love the thought of these two hedgehogs fighting for attention only to be disproven. Anyways hope you like it. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: She/Her
Warning: ❌
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophane + Lord X + Needlemouse/Sarah + Majin
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by BaterkaCZJeffryCZ (For Xenophane) and Daniuxshit (For Lord X) on Deviantart + Banner by m4rxi on Pinterest
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- There wasn't a day that didn’t include Xeno and Lord X having some sort of argument usually involving you. You see they both personally believe that they deserve to bless you with their attention while giving out reasons why the other should leave you alone, all that stuff. Luckily most of these arguments weren’t around you but unfortunately the others were ‘blessed’ with being in earshot of their bickering. Honestly it kind of annoyed them the type of shit they would say just to get the other to back away from you is something. It’s a miracle that one of them hasn’t snapped and told them to shut up.
- Luckily they do manage to keep their arguments separate from you or at least to an extent. But even then sometimes they would passive aggressively roast each other and tell you why they are a better reason to be around you.
+ “Come on [Name] trust me I’ll be a much better option to be around than that crystallized idiot over there.” Lord X said towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder just to provoke a reaction out of Xeno “I thought [Name] said we could all hang out together X. No need to hog her to yourself.” Xeno retorted back “I know she did but let’s be honest she would rather be around me than with you.” Lord X said with a smirk on his face enjoying Xeno’s reaction to his comments “how would you know that? She might prefer me more.”
- That’s pretty much how their arguments go when they’re around you. Although they do keep their peace for the most part around you but at the same time don’t be surprised to expect them to throw some subtle jabs here and there. They always try to one up each other in order to make them seem better than the other.
- However, as much as you loved the both of them in your own way, to be honest you always prefer two other people in the EXE group. That being Sarah or also known as Needlemouse and Majin. Why them? you may ask? Honestly you prefer their company more. They’re more fun to be around. Majin has more of that calm aura about him, when you want to have some peace from Xeno and Lord X but want to be around someone you can go to Majin and he wouldn’t mind. As for Sarah seeing how she’s (as far as I’m aware of) is the only female exe you two can relate to some stuff. Kind of like Majin if you just want to chill you can rely on Sarah. Sometimes you two can talk about anything yet find entertainment in it, that’s how close you are with her.
- Surprisingly, despite everyone else knowing about your preference for Majin and Sarah, the only people who didn’t know were Xeno and Lord X. How they did not know was an absolute mystery to you and everyone else you're just really good at keeping secrets. You mostly kept it a secret to spare their feelings knowing them their reaction could be anything. You were already a bit on the conflicted side when it came to how Lord X might react but you had a feeling he would take it somewhat well while Xeno might exaggerate his emotions a bit.
- Speaking of their reactions as much as you would like to keep this secret, eventually the two of them would at some point find out about your favoritism with someone other than them. It happened when you were spending time with the both of them, with them throwing passive aggressive comments at each other like usual. What you didn’t know was that while you were waiting for the two of them to calm down Sarah had managed to spot you and thought ‘oh there’s [Name] let’s go speak to her’ and with another thought she immediately went up to you gave you a friendly hug and said “hey how’s my best friend doing?” She unknowingly said not knowing the current situation. At first you were about to return the favor before quickly realizing that Xenophane and Lord X were still here. You were kind of pleading to yourself that they didn’t hear but when you went to look at them their faces were all you needed to know. They did. Some point after Sarah also kind of realized that she kind of screwed you over and awkwardly chuckled to herself. Their reactions were pretty much the photo below.
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- I feel like their reaction to the information they just learned would be different. For Lord X I feel like he would be kind of accepting of it after a while. Like sure he didn’t feel that upset at you he kind of wished you did tell him about it. Regardless after a bit he’s kind of over it. Still do expect him to still be a little teasing about if you like him more than Xeno.
- On the same note, Xenophane reaction? oh boy. He was definitely kind of pissed. More of a childish way though. He acts kind of offended that he’s not your favourite. Like Lord X I’d like to imagine he would’ve liked to be told about the others being your favourite. But after a bit just like Lord X he gets over it sort of. Still although they are aware of people like Sarah and Majin being your best friends do still expect them to go at each other over who you prefer.
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New and all inclusive intro to the hellspace that's my brain and this blog!! Do not attempt to find any parallels in my blorbos to my behavior and desires I promise it says nothing about the very core of me as a living being haha
Every silly appearing above lives fulltime in my brain and refuses to pay the mortgage, in fact, is very adamant they will never do so. Henceforth, I yap about them sometimes!! Some more than others *coughNinecough* but they are always present
>Now to the tags I actively use!!
sonic prime / sonic the hedgehog / miles nine prower – The most of thoughts at the actual documented begining of life for this blog, and I like Nine!! A lot!! A character made specifically for me I think....
murder drones / arcane / nimona 2023 / dreamtale (UTMV) – Other stuff besides Sonic that I draw and yap about, although this is still mainly a Sonic blog
me does arts / littol doodl / actually finished doodl – My art tags!! I've been drawing the same character for over a year and a half now help :D Have no idea why I decided to split them into three separate categories but I belive the names are pretty self explanatory
me when I finish writing – I do a drabble or two sometimes as well just, don't expect for me to actually finish anything I start writing even though I say I will, that tag name is a lie
the silly text box – answered asks whenever I rember to use the tag lmao
silly brainwors – my yappings, Nine character analyses and headcannons!!
There's no talk tag, if you see my random unrelated thoughts, it was destined and once in a lifetime event
>I also have a few AUs but only of the "What if crossover variety
Prime bros – a more or less non commited collaborative effort of random.headcannons and drabbles between me and Marie and anyone else who has thoughts and wants to join in on the fun on the idea of having the Shatterverse foxes (Nine, Sails, Mangey and Tails) living together in green hill and causing mayhem because the way the show left them was bulshit and unsatisfying!!
The same but different is my own personal version of the prime bros universe than I'm.fighting tooth and nail to write and constantly failing gdhsg
Over the hills – is a Dreamtale and Sonic crossover brough on by The Nine-tailed travel guide through the multiverse event conceived by Donelywell and mashed with my long time held dreamswap au idea of Dream taking Night and running away from the village after taking some drastic measures (the second chapter is being written baybey!!!!)
running from a Nightmare – another Dreamtale au, this time about corrupted Nightmare being set loose on the Sonic world by none other than Eggman and the suffering that comes with it (also fighting tooth and tail to get it written, you see a pattern here?)
the n 'n n's (read as m&m's) – unserious crossover where I put Nine Night and Nimona together and have them be silly (perhaps Nuzi will tag along some day too...)
And because I keep having Dreamtale & Sonic thoughts, I do lump them all together under the dreamtale and sonic tomfoolery tag!!
prime arcane – as seen above, I like arcane!! Jinx and Nine are eerily similar in their sibling and identity struggles, I put them together, boom an Au :D other characters are there too but I need to get around actually designing them....
>This will most likely get updated in case I get possessed by something new or remeber a tag I forgor
Hey you scrolled this far might as well put some more random trivia abt me here :D
>paleontology and zoology nerd, but only as an avid listener to four hour documentaries, I don't actually know shit- (Miniminuteman, Casual Geo and Lydnsey Nikole hyper carry this special interest shoutout to them)
>Obviously a followup to previous point needed, favorite dinosaur is the Archeopterix and the animal ever is the Blunt Headed Tree Snake
>I have a pet snake, her name is Ebi and is a black head spider python!!
>Fourth (and last, pray for me please) year of studying Mechanical engineering, I also have no fucking clue what I'm doing, I don't know a lick of math :DD
>Favorite color is pink!! (In case you couldn't tell by my art and this whole post lmao) I went through a goddamn hero's journey to learn to love it alright you can pry the seven plain hot pink shirts from my cold dead hands
>I'm Slovak!! *zahučanie sokola a zvučka fujary*
>undiagnosed but there's.... something...
>Aro, ace and agender (that's where the AAA battery comes in lmao)
>I could recite the story of the ugly duckling backwards as a kid (unrelated to previous two points)
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elizabethrobertajones · 4 months
so after taking like half a year to watch the second doctor, I burned through Pertwee Doctor in what felt like a week. I was fully ready to formally induct him to the hall of favourites somewhere around the top, pending the wikipedia search to check he such wasn't a terrible guy IRL it made it into the personal life section as per the last 2, and -
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[refuses to be in a film when a producer won't hire a gay friend]
good start, good start (already liked everything else I read but this is an incredible character merit mark for a guy in the 50s)
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[the doctor is literally just him being himself on camera]
Oh, so I just want him to be my friend, I see
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[he said the catalyst for leaving was the death of Roger Delgado among other changes in the last year]
Wait WHAT - is that why there was no more Master later on -
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[Delgado died on location filming in Turkey, his own wiki page repeats that this was why Pertwee wanted out]
I am DISTRAUGHT, the Doctor/Master stuff from the first few seasons of the 3rd Doctor was absolutely INCREDIBLE television. I'd been assuming Delgado maybe had somewhere else to be. Heartily recommend watching that entire run of the show if you don't want to start any earlier.
Well, anyway. :(
I know people don't like the weird James Bond swing it all took with him but the show had been getting more action-y anyway under the 2nd doctor and then a guy who had literally been in the inner circle with all the WWII creatives like Ian Fleming and probably helped INSPIRE James Bond gets the role, I'm feeling like we're blessed and privileged from this perspective of getting to watch it as a historical artefact. I'm assuming based on the vague things I know about the 4th Doctor, the first I'm meeting with any preconceptions, that he's obviously not capable of bringing THAT to the table because that was no ordinary skillset, Pertwee was clearly a top 0.00001% of actors and Guys Who Had Lived A Life, who happened to be doing a silly BBC sci fi show. I'm expecting it to tone back on all these things.
And then in hindsight from the Doctor Who revival era, all the nonsense he brought, aside from the Venusian Karate and flying car and a few other extreme eccentricities, end up being stuff that feels much more modern and like the kind of antics the Doctor gets involved in. Like, he took the sonic screwdriver from being a couple of times joke into a multi-tool with the first joke about it not working on wood after he uses it through many episodes to escape or explode things, all of which is so common nature to the Doctor nowadays.
He also had far more of the casual behaviours we think of as The Doctor now, especially way less circumspect name dropping of historical people and a sense of having lived all around time and space, sometimes for extensive periods of time (he clearly like. LIVED on Venus to pick up all the various throwaway jokes about Venusian culture to explain things he does lmao). Weirdly, despite knowing he was a timetraveller from the jump, the previous two doctors were quite close-lipped about who they knew and had met, and rarely namedropped.
In any case, carrying on into 4th doctor era cautiously because I am 1: sad and 2: deeply let down by my perception of Whovian culture as I've been exposed to it, which sets a ridiculously high bar for Baker as the high watermark of Who and meanwhile I have just bid farewell to watching one of the most electric actors I've ever seen in anything ever while feeling wildly upset on his behalf that there isn't a bonkers appreciative fan culture for everything he did and he's written off as one of the quirky weird early doctors you don't need to bother with.
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akxrra · 8 months
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❝ smokin' out the window. ❞
bruno mars, silk sonic.
synopsis: smoking with your loved one, in the dead of night. what more could anyone ask for? featured: rosaria, fade x fem!reader contains: 2nd pov, smoking, established relationship (rosaria), hurt w/ comfort if you squint (fade), not proofread links: masterlist | introductory post and rules a/n: i love them both
"what are you doing here?"
you always knew of rosaria's errands every night. your girlfriend would sneak out of the house late at night, and your curiosity would make you follow her as discreetly as possible. out of fear, you'd never tell the cold nun that you caught her 'cleaning' up monstadt, but you felt bold this night.
"sorry," you reply, a sheepish smile on your face. "i just... wanted to be with you."
rosaria stays silent for a moment, the cigarette in between her index and middle finger letting out its smoke. she's dumbfounded—scared, even. scared that you'll run away at the sight of her bloodstained cheek and dagger.
until you walk to her side.
"got an extra?" you smile. "you smoke?" "ehhh, not really. teach me."
the nun chuckles at your statement, mumbling out the words 'how silly' under her breath. she reaches to the pockets of her belt, taking out a cigarette and lighting it up. "here. put it on your mouth and inhale slowly."
rosaria rarely shows any sign of joy, but when you follow her instructions and cough, she couldn't help but let a smile break out. you're adorable in her eyes, so sweet and gentle. her fears are put to sleep as your hand slowly wraps around the nun's, and rosaria laughs.
"what are you laughing for~?"
she inhales the fumes of her cigarette before blowing smoke on your face.
"you're crying."
it's hard being an agent for valorant. you're aware that it's all for a good cause, but sometimes, you just wished that you stayed at the comfort of your home. you miss your family, you miss your friends, you miss your old life.
every night, 3 am, you'd cry in the range. it's so dark, and you feel so alone, yet it's a great place to weep quietly. it's solemn and serene, and you've lost count on how many times you went here to let your tears fall. you're sad, yet you're in peace.
until fade suddenly showed up.
"f-fade?!" you exclaim, quickly attempting to wipe off the never-ending tears on your cheeks. "w-why're you here? it's so late."
"doesn't matter," fade narrows her eyes, kneeling down in front of you. her dark, heterochromatic eyes never failed to send shivers down your eyes. "why are you crying?"
you didn't want to answer. who would want to answer that kind of question? your throat clogs up as you refuse to say anything, but you knew that the fellow agent could just force the words out of you.
"so? do i need to use my powers to get my answer?" "no..." "then tell me." you sniffle, "why do you wanna know?" "because i care for you. now, tell me."
your eyes widen before slowly softening. fade hums before reaching to her pocket and taking out two cigarettes.
"you smoke, right? tell me all your problems."
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egg-emperor · 1 year
It's unfortunate how people have forgotten how cool Eggman is lately. Like he isn't some innocent old man, or a soft wholesome dad, or goofy harmless clown, he hasn't been at any point in the games. He's genuinely super cool and badass but it's being downplayed in favor of presenting him as some silly harmless docile domestic old man
I genuinely see him reduced to things like "silly angry dad" in those posts about summarizing Sonic characters for example- and despite it being a joke (one that really misunderstands his character), it does seem it's all the majority of fandom sees him as now. It's sad when you want to appreciate the cool stuff but nobody around you seems to like it or care
Now he's mostly treated like he's just a guy who doesn't really want to be evil and is actually innocent or excusable, or wants to be a villain but he's hardly one and is just very silly and not a threat at all (that's Boom Egg not game Egg), or is just A Dad to all the characters and an uncharacteristically perfect one at that. But man I just like him as he is in game
He's a villainous egotistical scientific genius, a dangerous destructive diabolical world conquering threat! He has dark intentions and builds epic machines, has thrilling intense violent fights with enemies, is selfish, threatening and murderous, commits world shattering atrocities, enjoys being terrible and causing trouble!
One of the ways he's most entertaining is through all the crazy diabolical shit he does! He's responsible for tons of the coolest moments in the series and many of the stories wouldn't even happen without him and his schemes! A lot of his charm and charisma is in the way he thrives as a villain with his showmanship, dramatics, and passion
His determination to keep trying to reach his goals and not let anyone stop him is a strength and admirable, it's not something he needs to give up and become good and sit around doing nothing like in Frontiers forever. His agency, security, and genuine confidence in himself and is villain is great and he doesn't need to lose it
Both his creativity and how fucked up he is shows in his awesome destructive robots, weapons, and dangerous theme parks and that makes it so fun and fascinating. His qualities and what makes him entertaining and admirable are all in his villainy, showing not in silly cute harmless ways but thrilling entertaining badass ways which is great
The way he's selfish, manipulative, dangerous, and lethal makes him an exciting threat and results in shocking and impactful moments in the series when other characters are affected by his harmful actions. It also makes him and his mind interesting to dig into and explore to understand his mindset and what makes him tick too
He wants to conquer the world, make everything about him with the entire world changed and built in his superior image with his logo on everything, and rule a glorious empire full of crazy creative deadly theme parks and robots, where everybody is forced to worship and serve. And he'll raise hell and cause mass amounts of destruction to get it
He builds dangerous destructive violent robots and traps poor critters inside and theme parks designed to kill you that throws you off the coasters, tries to wipe out cities, blows up government facilities, blows up half the moon and threatens to destroy the world next, holds people hostage sometimes with a gun to head, literally broke the world apart, and awakens terrifying eldritch horror monsters to use in his plans and will fight to the death to accomplish his goals and much much more
It makes me more sad than angry that this isn't recognized, appreciated, and explored by more fans and people don't get that. I just want to find more people who enjoy this and are fascinated by this and want to talk about and explore this as much as I do but most people hardly ever really give it much thought. I only know a very small amount of people who actually talk about what Eggman does in the games at all, even though everything he does is badass and exciting and deserves so much more attention
Eggman is FUCKING AWESOME and I'm always going to emphasize and appreciate that here 💜🥚
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