#sometimes you gotta lean on someone else
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Hey babess, i have quite the heartwarming request.
So imagine that wife reader is heavily and her water randomly breaks so ofc she gives birth with the help of shinobu(i love her so much) and other midwives ofc. So how would the hashias react during the late stages of pregnancy and birth??
Hear me outtt, what if preg reader was pregnant with twins(im a big family girl lol, i had to let that out). Stuff stuff
Hashira’s reactions during your pregnancy
You’re heavily pregnant. How will your husband react?
Note: I didn’t include the gender and names of the babies, so you can choose the genders and names yourself!
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu x fem!reader
Includes: Food cravings, mood swings, sickness, talking to the baby, birth and a little bonus scenario in the end (different for every hashira)
Words: 5.1k, enjoy!
Sanemi Shinazugawa

Food cravings
What? You want to eat ohagi again? Sure it’s Sanemi’s favourite food, but you’ve insisted on eating ohagi for every day the past week. The baby needs some vegetables, fruits, vitamins and whatever else. Just anything but ohagi!
He couldn’t even watch when you proceeded to devour sweet potatoes with a chocolate sauce. The worst part is that Sanemi is the main chef of this household and was forced to cook all kinds of monstrosities for you during your pregnancy. But he never said a word about it and just silently judged you for even asking him to bake a whole fish just so you can covered it in sliced fruits and chocolate sauce.
“Are ya sure you’re not poisoning our baby? Are ya really, really sure?”
Sometimes, Sanemi’ll try to sneak in healthy foods into your diet like one would to with a toddler. He’d chop the vegetables as small as possible and try to feed them to you in bits by bits by incorporating them into your favourite foods. You weirdly enough never noticed how your ohagis began to taste like carrots more and more.
“What? No. I’m making them like always. I.. just used the same knife for both carrots and the beans of the ohagi… Whatcha looking at me like that for??”
Mood swings
It’s very confusing to Sanemi how you can be happily munching on your snacks in one moment and then began crying about a dog wandering the streets, thinking someone abandoned him. He’s putting up with it, though. He’d would take you into his arms and try to explain to you that no, that dog is not living on the street and that it belongs to the nice old lady that lives just down the street. He gets a little nervous every time you get emotional when standing in the nursery and inspect all the prepared toys and clothes. Why are you crying so hard? Do you not want a baby? Or are you just this excited to have one?
He doesn’t get your mood swings but’ll try his best to give you reassurance and support. Even though Sanemi’ll be a little awkward and just hover around you in fear of triggering another random emotion in you.
“Hey, darling… how about we move to the bedroom? The nursey is makin’ ya emotional. You’re gonna loose control over ya bladder and I’m gonna be forced to clean after ya. Again.”
But most of the time, Sanemi’ll get soft when you get emotional over the baby stuff like this. Sometimes, he’ll sneak into the nursery during the nights he can’t sleep and rumage all the baby’s things. Sanemi would look through all the neatly folded baby clothes Giyu send over and the toys Tengen’s wives made themselves for the baby. He can’t help but get a little teary-eyed himself, leaning against the crib and looking down at the soft mattress below. He just can’t want to have a little baby in there.
“Fuck, don’t sneak up on me like that! A-And ‘m not cryin’, I-I’m just checkin’ on the crib. Y’know, if it looks stable and shit. It gotta handle our fatass baby.”
Talking to the baby
Sanemi loves to lay his head against your stomach and just listen to the baby’s heart beat. His hand would gently caress your stomach while mumbling against your skin.
“Whatcha doing in there, hm? Why are you kicking your mommy? You’re hurting her, y’know.”
It’s a weird sight, seeing a strong man like him baby talking to your stomach while having his cheek pressed up against your belly. He’d take at least one hour in his day just to talk to your baby and tell it aaaalll about your and his day.
“Your mom threw up onto our new carpet and that’s your fault, you know that, right? I’m gonna kick your ass for it one day. Maybe when you become a shitbag in your teenage years.”
“In both sickness and in health,” and Sanemi meant that wholeheartedly after speaking those words out loud during your wedding. Even if that means sitting beside you in the middle of the night, holding your hair and patting your back while you throw your guts up. He’s sleepy, he’s tired, but he won’t return to back without you. If Sanemi has to, he’ll cook up some tea or soup for you to calm your stomach. He’d even break Shinobu’s door down for some herbs or medicine if it means making you feel better and cuddling you back to sleep with no worries.
“You’re okay, I’m here. Don’t hold back.”
If you’re throwing up for a while, Sanemi might fall asleep in the hunched over position while holding your hair behind your head, his hand still firmly resting on your shoulder in quiet support. He jumps back awake when you throw up violently again.
“Ugh, you good? Told you seaweed n’ cherries don’t go together…”
Sanemi wanted to complete one last mission before retiring for good. He noticed how his muscles were starting to soften up and the callouses in his hands began to disappear. Just one last mission, then he’ll become a full-time dad! He promised you it’ll be for just three nights and that Shinobu will be looking out for you while he’s gone. You two can talk about preparations, body changes and whatever you two always talk about.
He was close to tracking this scum demon down when he received a message from his crow about you going into labour. Sanemi wanted to go on a mission one time, just one time! Can’t you hold the baby in or something until he comes home? He knows that he has to behead this demon before coming home. That thing already did enough harm and he didn’t want to retire on a bad note by ditching his final mission. So, Sanemi proceeded to chase the demon down while steaming in anger. He wanted to go on a mission just ONE last time, damnit!!
Shinobu helped you through the whole process of giving birth. The contractions and labour lasted for almost half a day, and you managed to almost broke two of the three butterfly girl’s hand in an attempt to release some pain. You were supposed to hold Sanemi’s hand and almost break his bones while giving birth, not theirs! Shinobu kept reassuring you that Sanemi surely is already on his way! Surely. She had her soft smile on her face the whole time while you pushed and screamed through the pain, reassuring you and offering all kinds of ways to relieve pain during the whole process.
After Sanemi returned from his missions, he was staring at two babies in your arms. His eyes darted back in forth from the one to another. The baby on your left had beautiful white hair and was squirming around a lot, grabbing your robes and was seemingly already complaining about the lack of feeding you’re doing. The other baby had darker hair and was much calmer. It was asleep, resting against your chest.
His heart shattered in a million pieces after processing what just happened. In a good way, that is. He never commented on it, but Sanemi did notice that you were a little bigger for being pregnant with only one baby. He just brushed it off as being a bit bloated or the baby being really big, but never that it were two babies that were hogging all the food you were devouring. Sanemi was bawling his eyes out while holding both of his babies in his arms for the first time. They’re so tiny, so cute and chubby! How could anyone not love them? He was barely able to speak while trying to express how much he loves you and is so glad that you and the babies are fine. This is everything he had ever hoped for: a perfect wive, a family home and two kids. If only his other siblings were here to celebrate this moment with him. Perhaps he’ll allow Genya to visit every now and then.
“I-I- *hic* W-We need an-another- *hic* … the crib’s not b-big enough- f-for- *hic* gah, f-fuck!! *hic*
Bonus: A tight crib
You noticed how Sanemi insisted on putting the babies back to sleep every time they woke up during the night for anything. You usually fall back asleep and wake up in the mornings back in his arms, but tonight, you wanted to wait until he returns to bed to cuddle him. After the babies quieted down and your husband didn’t return, you dragged yourself out of bed and stepped into the nursery, only to find Sanemi laying inside the cramped crib, having the baby lay on one side and the other on the other. He was laying in an extremely uncomfortable position, with hid neck bend at an awkward angle and him laying in the crib with his legs dangling out over the edge. You couldn’t help but giggle a little, seeing your husband scarfing his own comfort for his babies.
Your whispering made his eyes flutter open. His face contorting into a tired scowl.
“It’s the only way to put ‘em to sleep, not my fault they like me so much.”
Now, are the babies attached to their papa, or is Sanemi being very attached to them?
Kyojuro Rengoku

Food cravings
Whatever you’d like to eat, he’ll provide! Sometimes, if the combinations you come up with sound appetising enough, Kyojuro’ll even try some the foods alongside you! He will not judge you for craving weird foods during your pregnancies, but he is a little worried about your choices. You need to make sure that you eat enough nutrients for you and the baby! Kyojuro’ll try his best to cook up something nice for you, but he ends up buying take-out and feeding that to you instead. He’s scared he might burn something or accidentally poison you, so he’d rather leave food up to the chefs.
“I brought some tempura, some soup dumplings, ramen, udon noodles, mushed and baked sweet and regular potatoes. Oh! And some dessert… Mochi, dango and a slice of cake! Everything you ordered, my flame!”
Shinjuro, after finding out about your pregnancy, would offer to cook for you sometime. He used to make meals for Ruka while she was pregnant, so he thought he might make himself useful and help out. Kyojuro’s father actually vowed to stop with the drinking to make sure his grandkid doesn’t grow up around a drunk grandpa, so this is a first nice step for him. Besides, he feels guilty for being so terrible to Senjuro and Kyojuro.
His meals are surprisingly very well made and tasty. They soothe your nausea, lessen the swelling in the feet and help a lot with your headaches.
“Father, I never knew you could cook this good!” “Shut up and eat your plate.”
Mood swings
Kyojuro feels like he’s causing your mood swings sometimes. He feels guilty when you start crying over little things, like how your favourite tree is starting to change colours in the leaves, or just how much you missed your husband after him leaving for half an hour to get you dinner. He’s used to comforting Senjuro while the two grew up together, so he might know a thing about holding someone. Kyojuro would pull you closer and place lots of kisses on your head and top of your head, rubbing your shoulder with his warm hands. His warmth is very comforting to you, making you calm down a little.
“Are you feeling unwell? What made you so upset, love?”
He’ll try to cheer you up by talking about baby names. In his family, most of the names sound similar and end with an “juro”. Shinjuro, Senjuro, Kyojuro… how about Tojuro? Sounds nice, doesn’t it!? Or how about Kijuro? Or how about you combine your first letters with Juro? That sounds very fitting! And see, your tears are already gone!
“I’m not sure if we should think about girl’s names, my love! My family birthed sons for generations now! But we can write some down if you like, just in case.”
Seeing you sick makes Kyojuro nervous, but he’ll stay beside you during your morning sicknesses and nausea. You kind of remind him of his mother, back when she was in the late stages of her sickness, that’s why he gets a little jumpy when you hunch over the toilet snd wretch your guts out. He’ll hold your hair and gently caress your back, silently hovering beside you.
To make sure you don’t have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to throw up, Kyojuro equipped your nightstand with a bowl you can throw up into anytime you felt nausea hitting you.
“I’ll make some tea for you once you get nauseous again, okay? My mother’s recipe.”
Talking to the baby
Kyojuro loves to talk to your stomach as if the baby is already out and able to talk back. He’d sit beside you in bed, gently caressing the side of your stomach while grinning brightly.
“What kind of hair will you have, hm? Like mine? Or like mom’s?”
Sometimes, he’ll try to convince the baby to let you sleep for once. If you can’t sleep, Kyojuro can’t sleep. He’d lay his head on your chest and sleepily mumble to the stomach while slowly rubbing your sides.
“You’re quite the active one, hm?.. mh.. How about we go to sleep together, okay? Be a good kid and give your mommy some rest…”
When your water first broke, Kyojuro thought the baby might’ve kicked your bladder or something, causing you to leak. But the horror on your face that followed soon after changed his mind in an instant. He sent out a crow to Shinobu, notifying her about your labour, but it might take a while until she arrives. In the meantime, your husband prepared all the things for a homebirth. You probably wont be able to reach the butterfly mansion in time to give birth there, but in the meantime, would you like water? Food? Sweets? A towel? Maybe not the last one because you’re able to hit him with that. You’re very angry about him impregnating you nine months ago while being in painful labour right now.
Shinobu surprisingly arrived very quickly and got right to work. Her soft voice and kind words as encouragement managed to calm you down as far as to not curse Kyojuro and all his ancestors out. Your anger directed at him actually helped you press the baby, so your husband happily sat there and held your hand while you were attempting to break it while redirecting your pain
Finally, after hours on hours of labour, Shinobu’s encouragement and Kyojuro’s hand turning blue from blood being cut off, you birthed two identical twins. Both had your husband’s flamboyant hair colour and prominent eyebrows. Your husband was trembling and crying after seeing them for the first time. His babies, his kids! And two of them?? In one go?? This couldn’t have gone any better. For around the next hour, while your babies were nursing on you, he kept thanking you for everything you ever did for him.
“I-I love you! I-I love y-you! Th-Thank you for marrying m-me, my fl-flame! Than-Thank you for giving me t-two babies! Thank y-you! T-Thank you!!”
Bonus: Tasty hair
Your babies are for some reason obsessed with your husband’s hair. Maybe it’s because of how bright his hair is or how nice it is to chew on it. You caught Kyojuro offering his baby his hair to hold and play around with, only for it to start pulling tightly on it. It hurts a little and he’s not quite sure how his baby got this strength out of nowhere, but he’s incredibly happy that his baby likes his hair so much!
But he also learned that the twins prefer their grandpa’s hair a little more over his. Shinjuro doesn’t appreciate it as much as Kyojuro is, though. He tolerates them pulling on his hair but doesn’t like it. At all. He’ll glare at his son until he finally takes his baby away from his damn hair! His scalp is already burning!
(But we all know that Shinjuro takes them back into his arms on purpose to tickle their stomachs and to let them pull on his hair as they please. They’re just too cute!)
“My flame, could you help me remove our child? This one seems particularly fascinated by the taste of my shampoo!”
Gyomei Himejima

Food cravings
Gyomei will not always give into your odd cravings. Instead, he’ll try to redirect your cravings to tastier things. He’s worried that you don’t get enough nourishment for the baby and for yourself, so Gyomei’ll try to feed you healthy foods instead of eating the creations you came up with. Why do you even thought about eating pieces of clay you picked up from right next to the waterfall? You’re lucky Genya caught you before you managed to take a bite.
To be completely honest, Gyomei is incredibly worried that you’re eating things you aren’t supposed to eat while he’s not watching/listening.
“Love, what are you chewing?”
His calm and deep voice makes you stop munching on the raw onion and immediately put it back down onto the counter of the kitchen.
Gyomei insists on cooking for you, even if he’s blind. He’s surprisingly good with cooking and always manages to slip vegetables into the meals in the tastiest way possible! You somehow never notice and just are incredibly happy that he takes some time out of his day just to cook meals for you! Sometimes, Genya joins in when you two eat and just chats with you about your husband’s training and his big brother. He’s also very curious about your pregnancy and how you’re coming along. That boy is just as excited about your baby as your husband is! Genya even gifted you one of his best bonsai trees to keep in the nursery!
“Miss Himejima, are you still hungry? You can have my plate if you like, I’m going to meet up with Tanjiro to eat later in the city together anyway.”
Mood swings
Gyomei understands that your hormones are going a little crazy during your pregnancy, but he still gets a little surprised when your mood changes so suddenly. You get emotional mostly over Genya and how hard he’s training to make up with his brother. You cry everytime when you see him train hard under Gyomei. Your husband finds it kind how much empathy you’re feeling for that boy, but the poor boy can’t really concentrate when a crying pregnant lady watching him train. So, your husband suggested you to not watch them train as much anymore and instead do something else. As compensation, Gyomei promises you to tell you everything he and Genya have been doing that day.
Sometimes, when you get angry out of nowhere, Gyomei’ll just let you throw your little tantrum while listening you silently. After you finished, he might suggest exorcising you as a joke to lighten your mood, but his serious tone and unmoving expression made him look like he’s serious. Wich makes you cry.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m not going to exorcise you, I promise, my pearl. I would only do that in the extrem case.”
Gyomei knows how to deal with sicknesses and nausea. Once you express feeling sick in any way, he’ll prepare a special herbal tea, open up all the windows for fresh air, feed you crackers and dry food, and of course, equip you with a bowl to vomit into just in case. He’ll sit with you in bed, your head laying on his thighs and his palm resting on your forehead, slowly petting your hair.
He’s mumbling quiet prayers for you and your baby, his deep and smooth voice calming your stomach slowly. Gyomei’d smile softly while having his eyes closed. You told him that his smile is always making you calm, so he’s trying to smile more often for you.
“How are you feeling? I can brew you another cup if you like, it’ll help you.”
Talking to the baby
Gyomei barely talks to the baby while you’re awake. He’ll sometimes lean down and mumble a couple of greetings and kind words before moving on with his day, but when you fall asleep at night, your husband likes to have one-on-one conversation with his child. He’d have his large palm resting on your belly, rubbing it up and down. Gyomei sometimes nuzzles into your sides and places a few kisses on the side before talking.
He’d be praying first, making sure that the baby is alright and’ll come healthy into the world. Then, he’d quietly talk about you. Your husband’ll talk about the things you like to do, about how emotional you get over Genya, how you pout everytime he leaves early in the mornings to train, how much he loves you and how you insisted on get even more toys, even though the toybox is already filled to the brim.
“We are both very excited to meet you… please be more kind to your mother until birth. Her bladder is not as strong during the pregnancy, so do not test it again.”
Gyomei was praying the whole time he was waiting outside the chambers of where you were currently yelling in pain. His eyes were closed in concentration and his palms rubbing together, his red pearly beads wrapped around his hands. He could hear every mumble of Shinobu to Aoi, every curse you’re throwing around and every bed creak after changing the position. Shinobu suggested that Gyomei should wait outside since he’s quite large and they need more space to move around you. You promised to him that you’ll be fine on your own. He has been crying and praying, crying and praying the whole time for you and the baby, until finally, everything got quiet. Your cries died down, but there wasn’t any signs of a baby crying either. Gyomei was silent, stopping his prayers for a moment.
Until finally, first one baby, then another started to cry out. Two? You were carrying two miracles in your stomach all this time? Shinobu permitted Gyomei back inside and allowed him to meet the babies for the first time. They felt so incredibly tiny in his arms, so so tiny and fragile… The babies are the most precious things, and he felt like the luckiest man in all of history, holding his babies in his arms. His voice was very shaky and more tears than usual were running down his face.
“My love. I thank you for all eternity for giving me this gift… thank you. I am incredibly grateful for everything you have ever done for me.”
Bonus: Who’s who?
Given that Gyomei’s blind, he has always relied on his senses to move through the world. But funnily to you, his senses fail to differentiate wich baby is who. Sometimes you catch your husband holding one of the babies, standing silently there, thinking about who exactly he’s holding right now.
“Need some help, dear?”
Your voice made him turn his head towards you, smiling slightly.
“Yes, I already fed one of our twins. I went to retrieve more milk and lost track of wich one I already fed.”
His voice sounded a little confused but also slightly amused. Stepping closer, you saw how the baby that was laying in the crib was uneasy and wiggling it’s legs around, while the one Gyomei was holding was calm and content. You figured that the squirmy one wasn’t fed yet and took the sleepy baby out of your husband’s arms, setting it back into the crib and taking out the other.
“Here, this one seems hungry, hm? Aren’t you?”
You sweet-talked the baby a little, tickling the little stomach, making it giggle and kick against your husband a little. Gyomei nodded quietly.
“Thank you. I have yet to figure out how to differentiate our twins properly.”
Giyu Tomioka

Food cravings
He’s a little confused out by your requests that keep getting weirder and weirder. Are you sure you want to eat that? If Giyu would eat that, he’d be throwing up. Oh wait, you actually are vomiting up regularly…
Giyu will give you everything you asked for, but hesitantly. Before placing the plate down, he’d eye you up and down, judging you heavily for what he’s about to dish you. His silent judging eyes are enough to second guess your life choices that made you ask your poor husband to cook mashed potatoes mixed in with strawberry yogurt and sakura mochi with fish filling. Perhaps you’ll take the miso soup instead.
Sometimes, he’ll get so worried he approached Shinobu by himself and asked if there’s any medication he can give to you to make you crave less weird things and eat more healthy. Sadly, there is nothing like that, so Giyu’ll eventually resolved to force feed you regular foods instead. He’ll sit you down and feed stir fried veggies, rice, eggs, soup, tea, dessert and whatnot. Anything else but the monstrosity you keep craving.
One time, he caught you mixing chocolate sauce and soup together in the middle of the night. Giyu was just standing in the doorframe, looking utterly defeated and distraught at your actions.
“I love you, but can you stop poisoning our baby? I want it coming out of you alive.”
Mood swings
Giyu feels like he’s the reason you feel upset so suddenly. Perhaps he should’ve cleaned the house more, or finally finish building that crib. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be so angry so randomly. He still is quite surprised how quickly your emotions can change from happy to sobbing about the cuteness of the teddybear Giyu brought home for the baby. It’s confusing.
He’ll try to comfort you the best he can, but your husband already struggled to comfort you when you’re not pregnant and had real reasons to cry about, so how is Giyu supposed to comfort you when you sob over the rice being undercooked?
He’ll just awkwardly pull you into a side-hug, rubbing your shoulders gently.
“Do you want chocolate? I heard people eat chocolate when sad. Or do you just want a hug?”
You throwing up and being sick is making Giyu sick. While you throw up into the toilet, your husband would hold your hair back while leaning over the sink, trying not to vomit himself. After your morning sickness passes, he still remains crouched over the sink for a moment longer before preparing a ginger tea for the both of you. He’ll lay in bed for a while, cuddling the blanket while sipping on his tea. He looks like a wet, depressed cat, sipping on his tea with a straw while lying on his stomach like that. He mostly recovers after finishing his tea, but sometimes, he gets really sick. You’ll be forced to take care of your nauseous husband who is supposed to be taking care of you right now! How is he supposed to handle watching you birth your child? How can he slay demons but is not able to watch you throw up?
“Love… can you get me another cup of ginger tea? I’m getting sick again…”
Talking to the baby
Giyu didn’t start talking to your baby until you encouraged him to do so. You told him that talking to the baby creates a bond before it’s even born! So, he’ll slowly start conversations with your belly. He’s not sweet-talking to your stomach, but instead awkwardly holding a conversation with it as if he’s speaking to an adult. Giyu’d sit across you on the bed, his hands propped on his thighs, leaning forward slightly.
“So… how is it like inside the womb? When do you want to come out and meet your mom and dad?”
Giyu was very panicked when you went into labor. He send out a crow to Shinobu immediately and began assembling something similar to a throne made out of towels and blankets. He forced you to sit down and make yourself comfortable while he waiting on the porch to see when the butterfly hashira is coming. His grip was to tight on the fence of the engawa, he accidentally shattered the wood.
He tried to watch you giving birth, but once he saw the head slowly press out of you, he couldn’t anymore. Giyu held your hand in support and let you squeeze as hard as you want, but he was turned away your lower body, facing you instead. Once he heard the baby’s cries fill the room, he snapped his head around in an instant.
Your husband almost fainted when he saw another baby slowly squeeze out of you. Shinobu handed Giyu the first baby, wich was already wrapped in a towel, so she could direct her attention back to the second baby. His head felt dizzy while holding his baby, not able to comprehend that he’s about to be the father of two. He only build one crib, there’s no room for another. Is he even capable of raising two kids? What if they outnumber and team up on him once they grow up? Now he has twice the chance to fail at parenting and become a bad father!
But once your husband held both babies, all his worries washed away. It was like he was in some sort of trance, watching the babies just sleep and squirm around a little. Giyu didn’t even notice how he started crying until his tears fell onto one of his baby’s forehead and started crying.
“Ahh… uhm. How do you calm a baby down? Do you just rock it? Uhm. Help me, please-“
Bonus: How are you supposed to know what they want?
You watch your husband stress out over why the baby is crying for so many times already, and they’re only two weeks old. You caught him talking to your baby multiple times, just straight up asking what they want. He’s slowly starting to get desperate and you can see it.
“You want food?… No? You wanna be held? Maybe… play? Also no? What do you want then?”
Somehow, only you could understand when and what your babies want. Giyu watches in awe as you immediately figure out that the baby wants to be held and fed, and how quickly they calm down afterwards. You’re just magical, truly.
“How do you know? What do you know that I don’t?”
Phew, this took a while to write! Hope you enjoyed this anon! I tried to incorporate the requested things in this ask from another post of mine, but I might’ve forgotten some. Anyways, my posts haven’t gotten much traction lately, so I hope this one’ll do a little better! I’m looking forward to reading all the reposts and comments you leave, I read every single one of them! Just know that they make me smile like an idiot <3
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
Note: Over 200 Notes!! Tysm!! <33
— I’d like to credit my cat as a co-author and professional purrer.
#💠 house of vry 💠#demon slayer#demon slayer x reader#kny x reader#fluff#demon slayer hashira#sanemi x reader#sanemi x you#demon slayer sanemi#kyojuro x reader#kyojuro rengoku x reader#rengoku kyoujurou x reader#rengoku x reader#gyomei x reader#gyomei x you#giyuu x reader#giyu x reader#sanemi x y/n#sanemi shinaguzawa#kny sanemi#kimetsu no yaiba sanemi#kyojuro x you#kyojuro x y/n#kny rengoku#rengoku kyojuro#gyomei x y/n#demon slayer gyomei#kny gyomei#gyomei himejima#giyuu x y/n
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can we get a part 2 to proposition? 🥺😩
i have NEVER gotten so many comments or inbox requests for something IN MY LIFE. here you go you horny fuckers i love you lots
a proposition: accepted | poly!marauders
pairing: poly!marauders x fem!reader (james, remus, and sirius, featuring alecto, dorcas, evan, lily, and mary)
warnings: exhibitionism/voyeurism (MDNI 18+), smut, virginity loss
a/n: there will be a part 3 IF y’all want it :)
a proposition: masterlist
────── ☾ ──────
“How exactly does this work?” you asked, looking around the table in search of an answer from anyone present. You were excited, and you accepted the offer immediately, but now craved more detail.
“The only people we have sex with are the people at this table,” James began to explain, “so it’s relationship-y in that sense, but none of us are coupled off or anything.”
“You guys don’t get worried about favorites?”
Dorcas and Lily smiled and let out a small ‘aweh’ at your innocence.
“Everyone brings something different to the table,” Dorcas began to explain, “for instance, I’m not getting the same head from Mary that I’m getting from James.”
Your cheeks reddened and your eyes widened at her crude statement. If you were going to do this, sex had to be something you were comfortable talking about, so you pushed your nerves down with a swallow, but the whole table could already sense your innocence.
“Do we, like, all do it, like, at the same time? Or-“
Sirius smiled. You were fucking perfect for this if that’s the idea you had in your head.
“We can,” Sirius took over, “or sometimes it’s just two of us, three of us, or whatever. As long as you’re only sexually active with the people at this table.”
“Are you sexually active with anyone else?” Alecto asked.
You swallowed hard. “N-no.”
“Ok, and what are your limits?”
You looked at Remus in confusion.
“We gotta ask a couple questions to know what you’re comfortable with,” he explained, but your confusion maintained.
“My limits?”
“Well, when you’ve had sex before, was there anything you didn’t like? Anything you would want any of us doing with you?”
You stared at Remus, hoping someone would ask another question and change the subject. Your silence was more telling than a verbal answer would have been.
“You have had sex, yeah?”
You dropped your head, your eyesight on your thighs where Sirius’s hand rested. You began to fidget with your fingers in nervousness.
Sirius shifted in his chair to adjust the uncomfortability of his growing hardness. He knew you were innocent, but he didn’t know you were that innocent.
“Is it really a good idea for us to bring a virgin into this?” Lily asked, immediately turning to you, “not that we don’t want you, love, but are you okay with this? Like really okay with it?”
“Yeah,” you responded, “but if you guys aren’t okay with-“
A chorus of “no no no we are!” and “it’s okay!” erupted from nearly everyone trying to assure you they were not having doubts of their own, but concerns for you.
“We’ll take it easy at first, and you just tell whoever you’re with if you aren’t comfortable with something, how about that?” James proposed, “we’ll work our way up to other things. No rush.”
You nodded your head, smiling at his understanding. “Yeah, yeah I like that.”
“Good,” Sirius said, “so you just stop me if you want to.”
You furrowed your brows in confusion as you looked at Sirius, who looked back at you as if he was doing nothing, but the hand on your thigh began to move.
You gasped lightly as Sirius moved higher and higher up your thigh, the only thing between his hand and your core being your underwear. He ran a finger over the cloth, a wet spot forming quickly as he rubbed between your folds.
Your cheeks were on fire as you looked around the table, and everyone was looking at you.
You suddenly became very self conscious, and leaned into the crook of Sirius’s neck, whispering, “they’re all just gonna watch?”
“Mhm,” Sirius hummed in your hair, tracing the band of your underwear, “that okay?”
He then dipped a finger beneath your underwear, finding your clit and slowly circling around the bud. No one but you had ever done this before, and it was exhilarating and embarrassing all at once.
“Can’t people see?” you whispered.
Sirius chuckled. He was so amused and having so much fun with you, as was everyone. “We gotcha covered, doll.”
The pet name drove you crazy, and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter as Sirius began to feel you.
You hid your face in the crook of his neck, but he advised you against it. “Let ‘em see your pretty face,” he said, “you’re here because we all wanna see this.”
Your heart was pounding, and barely anything had started, but you could feel everyone’s eyes on you.
You adjusted so that you were resting your head against Sirius’s shoulder, but could still see everyone, and they could still see you.
Sirius took the opportunity of your movement to move his fingers lower and insert one into you, causing your hips to jolt and you to moan in surprise.
“Sh,” Sirius warned, placing a kiss on top of your head, “we’re still in a restaurant, remember?”
You did not remember. Your thoughts were clouded by the pleasure and embarrassment you were experiencing.
Remus looked around the vicinity of the table to ensure no one else was in earshot, and he leaned over the wood, lowly saying, “you wanna show us all how you come?”
You had never experienced dirty talk, and didn’t comprehend that it was rhetorical.
Your voice was strained and low as you did your best to say, “sure.”
Both Evan and Lily giggled to each other. “You didn’t have to answer, honey, just relax. Sirius is a master at this stuff.”
Sirius pumped his finger in and out of you, your spongy walls convulsing around the digit as his thumb rubbed your clit, intensifying the pleasure.
You felt a drop in the pit of your stomach, and you knew what it meant. You tapped Mary’s shoulder next to you. It was the nearest thing, and you hoped she would catch on.
“What’s up?” she asked, playing dumb.
You only tapped her more fervently.
“Gotta use your words, angel,” James chimes in, “we all wanna hear you say it.”
You took a deep breath, nearly whispering, “I think I’m gonna come, Sirius, I-“
Sirius moved his hand faster and faster, and he was nearly growling as you leaned your body against his, finding comfort in him as you came around his fingers, your legs shaking from the intensity.
Everyone at the table began to cheer as a tease. Sirius removed his hand from you, looking you directly in the eyes as he licked your juices off of his fingers.
You gazed up at him through hooded eyes, attempting to catch your breath as your body adjusted to the absence of pleasure again.
“Is it okay if I stay here for a while?” you asked, referring to your head resting on Sirius’s shoulder.
“Of course,” he answered, looking to everyone else, “good pick on my part, I’d say.”
────── ☾ ──────
“What’s up?” you asked James the next day as he sat across from you at your usual table in the library.
“They sent me to ask you because they think I’m the nicest,” James said.
“Ask me what?” you asked.
“Well,” James started, “you know, you’re a part of this thing now, and they just- we just- oh my god. Do you have a preference on who you lose your virginity to?”
Your eyes widened. “Do I have a preference?”
“This is all consent based, we aren’t just gonna decide something like that for you.”
“Are you asking me to pick one of you to give it up to?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“Doesn’t it make me an asshole if I don’t say you?”
“Why would it?” James questioned.
“Because you’re the one asking me.”
“I have Lily and Dorcas’s, I’m set,” James said, “taking Lily’s was a win.”
“You’re such a guy,” you joked.
“You’re avoiding the question,” James retorted. “Sirius is the one who wanted to bring you into this in the first place, you know.”
You began to blush. “I’m scared of Sirius.”
“Scared? What do you mean?”
“Yesterday was fun, but for my first time, I’m scared he’d be too rough.”
“Sirius is a big ol’ softie,” James said, leaning back in his chair, “but fair enough. No pressure, angel, just let me know whenever you’re ready.”
You assumed that meant you had time, but James didn’t move.
“You really want an answer now, huh?”
“I kinda really do,” James smiled.
You contemplated your options, sifting through all the members of the group that you could choose from. You would be okay with a few of them, but one felt especially right.
“Remus,” you said.
James nodded. “Remus it is.”
“This feels weird.”
“You could just tell him yourself,” James said, standing up, leaving you with the idea to do so.
After classes has ended, you stood outside the Gryffindor common room, waiting for anyone you knew to walk by and let you in.
“Fuckin’ hell, you guys take forever,” you said as Lily approached, “can you let me in? I need to talk to Remus.”
Lily smiled. “Yeah you do,” she giggled.
She let you into the common room and directed you to the boys dormitories. You crept up the staircase, unsure of who would be there and not wanting to intrude or see something you shouldn’t.
Up the stairs, you found Remus, James, and Evan.
“Hey,” you said.
“Hey,” Evan responded, “you need something?”
“Would you guys mind if I spoke to Remus real quick?”
James and Evan didn’t answer, but instead just stood up and began to leave. When James was next to you, he leaned in and whispered, “hope it’s not real quick,” before departing.
You blushed and turned to Remus, who was kind enough to act like he didn’t know why you were there.
“What’s up?” Remus asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“I know James told everyone about our conversation, you don’t have to play dumb, though I do appreciate it.”
“Not playin’ dumb, baby, just wanna hear you ask for what you came here for.”
You took a deep breath and sat down next to Remus, the mattress sinking beneath you. “As you know, I’m a virgin.”
Remus chuckled. “I know.”
“I’d kinda like to not be.”
Remus smiled. “So ask me.”
“Ask me,” he repeated, “can’t give you what you want if you don’t explicitly ask for it.”
You sighed. “I want you to please take my virginity, Remus.”
“Atta girl,” Remus said, leaning over and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
You reciprocated instantly, shifting your body closer to his as you deepened the kiss. You were not entirely confident in what you were doing, but you listened to your body, which had never been needier.
Remus guided your body down against the mattress, and pulled away when you were laying down.
“You can move back,” he said, and you used your arms to push yourself backward, allowing your entire body to rest against the bed.
“I’m gonna take it easy on you, just tell me if anything is too much, okay?”
Remus kissed you again, and simultaneously pulled your skirt and underwear off of your legs in one action.
“You want this off?” he said, tugging at the bottom of your top.
“Can we maybe just leave it on? Baby steps, right?”
Remus gave you a sweet smile. “Whatever you’re comfortable with, baby.”
“Are you allowed to call me that?”
Remus was slightly taken aback. “What, baby? Yeah, why not?”
“It sounds relationship-y.”
“Sex is relationship-y.”
“But I thought we weren’t supposed to be relationship-y.”
“You’re about to lose your virginity, and you’re worried about if it’s ethically alright for me to call you baby?”
You blushed.
“I can call you whatever I want, and right now, you’re my baby, okay?”
“Okay,” you responded.
“Unless you don’t like it.”
“No, no, I do.”
Remus laughed. “Okay then, baby.”
You smiled as you pulled his lips back to yours. You were already soaking wet, but Remus still took the time for foreplay to ensure you were wet enough for it to be comfortable.
He softly rubbed circles on your clit, and you instinctively threw your head back against the mattress, sighing in pleasure.
He only stayed for a few moments before moving his hand lower and inserting one, then two, fingers into you. You didn’t really need the foreplay, but he felt bad fucking you without it. He needed to make sure you were ready, especially if you didn’t know how to tell yourself.
He pumped his fingers in and out a few times before removing them completely and unbuttoning his trousers, pushing them down, and crawling back on top of you.
“Are you ready?” he checked in.
“Yes,” you said, deciding explicit verbal consent was important.
Remus pumped his cock a few times before lining it up with your entrance. He pushed the very tip of his head in, getting his bearings before he drifted his gaze to your face, desperate to watch your reaction to feeling him for the first time.
He pushed in slowly, pausing for brief moments anytime your face contorted a little more than usual, and he took his time. He was in no rush, and he was focused on your comfort, which you appreciated.
When he finally bottomed out inside of you, he stilled, waiting for you to adjust to his size.
“You alright?” he checked in when you hadn’t opened your eyes or made a noise for a solid 30 seconds.
“I’m alright,” you assured him, “you can move.”
“You sure?”
Remus slowly pulled partially out of you before pushing back in. He was moving excruciatingly slow, and was fighting with all his strength not to ruthlessly fuck you into oblivion.
He began to pull out a little more with each thrust, studying your face to gage your comfort levels. By the time he was pulling almost all the way out he could physically see your muscles relax.
“How ya doin’?”
“I’m okay,” you whined, “hurts a little, but it’s going away now.”
“You wanna stop?”
“No, please keep moving,” you moaned.
Remus growled lowly and began to fuck into you again, moving slightly faster, but it wasn’t enough for you.
The burning pain had dissipated, and now all you wanted was more.
“Remus, please, faster,” you whimpered, and Remus’s body instantly responded.
He began to move faster and faster, setting a steady, relatively fast pace as he fucked in and out of you.
You ran your fingers through the hair on the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss as he fucked you, allowing him to swallow your moans and whines.
“Shit, you feel so good,” Remus praised, “I forgot how tight virgins are.”
His words added to your arousal, and you began to squeeze Remus’s cock, adding to his pleasure.
“Fuck,” he moaned, “I won’t last if you do that.”
“Can’t help it,” you moaned out.
Remus began to fuck you even faster, and your back arched up off of the bed at the new intensity. Remus took the opportunity to wrap an arm around your waist and hold you closer to him.
You were squirmy and whiny. “Relax, baby,” Remus cooed, “just let it feel good.”
You took a deep breath and tried to relax, relishing in the feeling of Remus’s cock pumping in and out of you.
“Feel good?” he asked.
“Mhm,” you hummed in response, “can’t- gonna-“
“You wanna come?” Remus taunted, “you wanna come on my cock?”
You nodded your head frantically, grabbing at the arms propped up directly next to your head for any support you could find.
“Wanna feel you, baby,” Remus whispered in your ear, and his words did you in.
You squeezed Remus tight as you came. Your back would have arched more if Remus wasn’t holding it in place. Your thighs were shaking violently as you continued to squeeze around him.
He forced himself to slow down as you came down from your high. When your breathing had reset, he pulled out of you, giving his cock a few pumps with his hand before he released onto the sheets next to your waist.
You wiped sweat-soaked hair from your forehead. “You could have done that on me.”
Remus grinned, “I could have, huh?” He leaned in and kissed you before standing up to retrieve you a towel.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, thank you, Rem.”
Remus’s heart swelled at the small nickname. “Fuckin wait until I tell everyone about this.”
────── ☾ ──────
taglist: @alixmarauders @riddlemenottsluttyslytherin @twilightlover2007 @hcqwxrtss123 @queerndepressed @prongs-wolfstar-marauders @flowersarcute
#poly!marauders#marauders#marauders era#poly!marauders smut#poly!marauders fanfic#poly!marauders imagine#poly!marauders x reader#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin smut#sirius black#sirius black x reader#sirius black smut#james potter#james potter x reader#james potter smut#harry potter
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Fantasy: Eddie x reader x Billy

Part one, part two, part three, part four
Four part mini series. Minors DNI. Explicit sexual content
Summary: Your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, asks you what your biggest fantasy is and you're hesitant to tell him. Will he allow it to come true?
You were laying on the floor of your apartment in a big t-shirt and panties, staring up at the ceiling.
"This shit is strong, Eds." you sigh, exhaling the smoke into the air.
He leans over and kisses your cheek before stealing the joint for himself.
Eddie Munson. Your boyfriend of four years now. You had met in High School. Started with flirty glances here and there and ended up with the two of you in his van every lunch period.
"Biggest fantasy. Go!" Eddie blurts as he grins over at you.
"I don't know." you lie, hoping he can't see your face turning red with the dim lighting.
"There's gotta be something." he scoots closer as he takes another hit.
"I don't know." you repeat, shrugging lightly, the topic making you slightly uncomfortable.
"Anything. Some secret fantasy. You always take care of me, baby." he drawls as he leans over and plants a soft kiss on your lips.
The two of you loved to experiment. He was right.. you've done basically anything he could want at this point.
You've watched him while he had sex with someone else. You've brought other girls home. Threesomes, foursomes. Toys, movies, role play, rough sex, extremely rough sex.
And you enjoyed every minute of it. It was fun for both of you. But now he was asking what you wanted. And it made you a little nervous.
My desire. My fantasy.
I did have a fantasy.. but he won't like it.
You shrug again and he rolls over on top of you. You feel the warmth of his body weight pressing against you. His curls tickling your cheek as they fall forward, framing your face. He moves to kiss your neck before his warm lips meet your ear.
"Tell me, sweetheart. Whatever it is." he whispers deeply, his breath sending tingles across your entire body.
Billy Hargrove.
Eddie was never a fan of him in school. But it was something you had thought about for a long time. You had craved him back then before you and Eddie got together. And sometimes.. sometimes you still did.
But you wanted them both. Together.
"You won't like it." you sigh as he kisses your neck again. His lips begin to suck a small mark as his fingers trail up and down your arm lightly. His touch soft and sweet. Your high making it feel even better.
"Try me." he mumbles into your neck.
"It's a threesome.." you start and a deep chuckle erupts from his chest immediately.
"Why wouldn't I like that?" he laughs as he sits up, pulling you with him. You straddle his lap and look into his deep brown eyes.
You lean down to kiss his lips softly as his hands rest heavily on your ass.
"It's not the what, it's the who." you hint as you place your hands on his shoulders. His eyes narrow a bit and you take a deep breath. Just spit it out.
"Billy." you finally manage and Eddie gives you a blank stare.
"Billy... you know.."
Eddie continues to stare at you, his expression unreadable. "As in Hargrove?" he deadpans.
You nod slightly and as you take a piece of his long hair, twirling it between your fingers.
"You want me to have a threesome with Billy Hargrove?" Eddie stares at you in shock, his lips parted, his already big eyes widening even more.
You roll your eyes as you go to climb off his lap but he pulls you back instantly, his large hands keeping a firm grip on your waist.
"I told you, you wouldn't like it." you groan and his eyes search your face carefully.
"Baby, I just.. I need to process for a second." he sighs deeply. You watch him as his face changes from stunned back to semi normal.
"That's your big fantasy, huh? Billy Hargrove?"
You nod again as you feel a blush creep over your cheeks.
"He is... well I guess he's alright." Eddie starts. "If you're into all those muscles and abs and bad boy stuff.. and well his eyes are nice.. very blue..."
"Eddie?" you interrupt with a giggle.
"Hmm.. sorry." He shakes his head and leans in closer.
"What makes you think he would even do it?" Eddie asks and you feel an excitement building in your stomach.
He's not saying no.
You run your finger down his jawline softly, feeling the light scruff under your fingertips. "I don't know if he will. But you asked for my biggest fantasy.. and now you know." Your hand makes its way to the back of his neck, pulling him close and kissing him hard.
His tongue slips in your mouth and you wrap your legs around his waist as he leans back down, laying you flat on the ground. He pulls away, resting his lips against yours.
"You would have a better chance of fucking him alone." Eddie murmurs, his lips tickling yours as he speaks.
"But I want you both." you whisper back and his plump lips meet yours again before moving to your neck once more. Your head falls back against the soft carpet as he nips and sucks on your soft skin.
"You want us both?" he burns against your neck as his hand creeps up your thigh.
"Yes." you breathe, his calloused fingers traveling slowly to where you need them the most.
"You want him to fuck you while I watch? That could be fun." Eddie's voice is low in your ear. A deep tone making your thighs clench.
"Yes.." you sigh as his fingers finally reach their destination, swiftly moving your panties to the side. He slips one finger into your warmth, feeling your excitement immediately.
"Oh fuck. You do want him don't you? You want to know what he feels like inside of you?" Eddie teases as he adds another finger, slipping them both in knuckle deep.
Your nails dig into his shoulder as he begins to move his fingers, sliding them in and out of your already soaked pussy.
"Yes, baby." you admit, a needy moan slipping from your lips.
"Mmm.. you're a bad girl, sweetheart. If you're this turned on already... I might have to let him fuck you." Eddie growls as his fingers slowly pump in and out.
"Eddiee.." you whine, grinding your hips against his hand. It never takes long for you to cum on his hand. His fingers are fucking magic.
"Tell me what else you want." Eddie says nibbling on your ear. He speeds up even more bringing you closer and closer as he fucks you with his hand.
You feel your body tense up.. you're already so close. His fingers curl perfectly, stroking your g spot every time. "I want... fuck, Eddie.."
You struggle to speak as his fingers begin to move faster. Rougher. The sound of your slick coating his hand only makes him increase his speed.
"Say it." he orders.
"I want.. oh fuck.. I want you both." you whimper, listening to the wet sounds of his fingers thrusting in and out. The sound of his palm slapping against your pussy.
"You want both of us inside of you? Is that it?" Eddie hisses as his hand continues pushing you closer and closer.
"Yes!" you cry.
"You wanna be a little slut? It might hurt baby, you sure you want that?" his fingers are moving at an insane pace now. Your body jerks with every thrust of his hand.
"Yes!" you cry out again and he moans deeply.
"We're gonna fuck you so hard.. you want us to destroy you, don't you? You want us to destroy that pussy?" Eddie chuckles as you squirm beneath him.
“And that tight little ass, hm?” Eddie groans as his other hand comes to your clit, swiping rapidly.
“Baby, yes! Fuck please!" you squeal as you feel your muscles spasm around his fingers. The thought of them both inside of you sending you completely over the edge. Your back arches off the floor as you cum hard, your juices coating his hand entirely.
Eddie works you through your orgasm slowly. A filthy moan escapes his lips as he watches your body shudder under him. You struggle to calm your breathing as your back falls to the floor.
He hooks his arm under you and lifts you up to meet his eyes.
"Find him. Set it up." he says simply before kissing you once and walking away.
Holy shit.
Tag list: @gri959 @flory-alexandra @livinnadaydream @anakinsbbgirl @watermeezer @theyellowhaunt @nailbatanddungeon @mugloversonly @bunnyhargrove @ali-r3n @eddiestans-blog @alesiaaa
Part two coming soon. 🤭
Divider by @strangergraphics 🖤
#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson smut#eddie munson blurb#billy hargrove x reader#Billy Hargrove#eddie munson x you
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Love is a Disease?!
luffy x fem!reader
luffy keeps dreaming about you and ask chopper to cure him...
words count: 2.7k
tags: fluffy, sfw, soft, humour
masterlist || ao3 || ko-fi
Luffy jolts awake, staring at the wooden ceiling of the Sunny’s sleeping quarters. His heart is pounding, his face is warm, and his lips are still curled into a goofy grin.
It happened again.
Another dream about you.
This time, you were sitting beside him on the deck, your laughter ringing in his ears. You looked happy, so happy that he could feel it deep in his chest, like sunlight spreading through his whole body. And then, right before he woke up, you had leaned in just a little too close, your breath tickling his cheek.
Luffy groans, rolling onto his stomach and burying his face into his pillow “What the hell is this?” he mutters.
It’s been happening for days. No, weeks. Every single time he sleeps, you’re there. Sometimes you’re just talking with him, sometimes you’re laughing, sometimes you’re standing too close and making him feel… weird. A good kind of weird, but also a confusing one.
He sits up abruptly, gripping his hat “This ain’t normal” he decides.
Something must be wrong with him.
Luffy storms into Chopper’s office, his arms swinging wildly “Chopper! Fix me!”
The little reindeer jumps, nearly knocking over a stack of medical books “What?! What happened? Are you sick?!”
“I think so!” Luffy exclaims, flopping onto the examination table like a dying man.
Chopper gasps, immediately switching into doctor mode “Where does it hurt? Do you feel dizzy? Are you gonna die?!” He starts pressing his hooves against Luffy’s forehead, checking for a fever.
Luffy grumbles “It’s not like that… It’s weirder.”
Chopper frowns “What do you mean ‘weirder’?”
Luffy hesitates. He doesn’t really want to explain it, saying it out loud just makes it sound dumb.
Chopper crosses his tiny arms “Luffy, I can’t treat you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong!”
Luffy groans, throwing his arms over his face “Fine! It’s my dreams!”
Chopper blinks “Your dreams?”
“Yeah!” Luffy groans again, louder this time, like he’s in pain “Every time I sleep, I dream about Y/N!”
Chopper tilts his head “…And?”
Luffy lifts his arms just enough to peek at Chopper “What do you mean ‘and’?! That’s gotta be some kind of sickness, right?!”
Chopper strokes his chin, thinking hard “Hmmm… are they scary dreams?”
“Are they nightmares?”
“No! They’re nice!”
Chopper blinks again “…Then what’s the problem?”
Luffy sits up, frustrated “The problem is that I keep dreaming about her! Every single time I close my eyes!” He grabs Chopper’s shoulders and shakes him “Chopper, what if I caught a disease that makes me think about her all the time?!”
Chopper wiggles out of Luffy’s grasp, landing on the floor with a small thud “I’ve never heard of that before…” He rushes over to his bookshelves and starts flipping through pages. Luffy watches him, arms crossed, tapping his foot impatiently.
After a few minutes, Chopper sighs, rubbing the back of his head. “There’s nothing here about dreaming about someone too much.”
Luffy groans, tired “Then what do I do?!”
Chopper scratches his head “Uhh… maybe you should avoid y/n for a while? Just in case...”
Luffy gasps “In case of what? What?! That’s not a cure!”
Chopper huffs “Well, I don’t know what else to do! But if seeing her all the time in your dreams is making you feel weird, maybe staying away will help! If you don't see her maybe you won't dream abour her...”
Luffy pouts “That sounds stupid.”
“Do you have a better idea?”
Luffy doesn’t.
So he groans again, dramatically flopping back onto the table “Fine… I’ll try.”
That night, as he stares at the ceiling of his hammock, he tells himself that avoiding you will be easy.
Spoiler: It won’t be.
The next morning, Luffy’s grand plan begins.
Step one: Avoid y/n.
Simple, right? He just has to stay out of your way. No sitting next to you at meals, no talking to you, and definitely no falling asleep near you. Easy...
Or so he thinks.
“Luffy! Come help me carry these crates!” your voice calls from the deck.
His whole body freezes. You’re standing there, waving him over with a bright smile. Normally, he’d rush to help, no hesitation. But today? Today, he’s a man with a mission.
“Uh… I can’t!” he blurts out, spinning on his heel.
You blink “What? Why not?”
Luffy panics. He didn’t think this far ahead. He blurts out the first excuse that pops into his head.
“Because… um… I forgot how to carry things!”
You stare at him, eyebrows raised “…You forgot... how to carry things?...”
“Yup!” He gives you a thumbs-up and then bolts in the opposite direction before you can question him further.
You watch him go, utterly confused “What the hell was that?”
Avoiding you turns out to be way harder than Luffy thought. You’re everywhere. Laughing with Nami, training with Zoro, helping Sanji in the kitchen. No matter where he goes, there’s a chance of running into you.
And Chopper, being the loyal doctor he is, decides to follow his advice too.
Which means he’s avoiding you too.
And both of them? They are horrible at it.
Every time you walk into a room, Luffy suddenly has “something important to do” and dashes off like his life depends on it. If you try to talk to Chopper, he lets out a nervous squeak and scurries away like a scared animal.
After a few days of this, you’ve had enough.
“Usopp” you huff, plopping down beside him “Something weird is going on with Luffy and Chopper.”
Usopp looks up from the gadget he’s working on “Weird how?”
“They keep avoiding me” You frown, crossing your arms “Luffy runs away every time I talk to him, and Chopper acts like I have the plague. Did I do something?”
Usopp snorts “Nah, if you did something, Luffy would just spill it. He’s a terrible liar.”
“That’s what makes it weird!” you groan “He totally avoids talking to me. He’s never acted like this before. Same goes for Chopper...”
Then you see Chopper, Luffy and Nami going out the kitchen and you norrow your eyes pointing them to Usopp "Look, they are there chatting normally. Now call them over here"
Usopp looks at you confused but interested, "HEY LUFFY, CHOPPER, I NEED YOU OVER HERE!! LOOK AT THIS" he yells showing them the thing he was working on until now.
The two look at him and their faces turn so excited to know about Usopp's new invention. This until they see you next to Usopp, then they both look scared...
"Oh sorry, I forgot I had something very important to do!!" Luffy says with a fake smile before running away.
Chopper looks at him and starts running behind him "LUFFY WAIT FOR ME!!"
In all this Nami shrugs in confusion and walks away.
Usopp turns back to you and taps his chin “Hmm… They’re hiding totally something, but what could it be?”
Your eyes narrow “We need to find out before I get crazy”
And just like that, a plan is born.
Later that day, Usopp corners Chopper in the infirmary.
“Oi, Chopper” he says casually, leaning against the wall. “What’s up with you and Luffy?”
Chopper nearly jumps out of his fur “W-What do you mean? Nothing’s up! Nothing at all!”
Usopp smirks. Terrible liar.
“Oh, really?” he presses “Because y/n thinks you guys are acting weird. And I agree.”
Chopper sweats “I-It’s not weird! We’re just… uh… busy!”
“Busy avoiding y/n?”
The poor reindeer lets out a strangled noise “N-No! We’re just—!”
He stops himself too late.
Usopp grins like a predator catching its prey “Ah-ha! So you are avoiding her.”
Chopper claps his hooves over his mouth “I-I didn’t say that!”
“But you did.” Usopp leans in “And now I gotta know why.”
Chopper squirms “I… I promised Luffy I wouldn’t say…”
“Ohh, so it’s Luffy’s problem?” Usopp’s grin gets wider “Now I really need to know.”
Chopper shakes his head rapidly “No! I-I can’t tell you! A doctor-patient relationship is built on trust!”
Usopp sighs dramatically “That’s too bad. Guess I’ll just tell y/n that you both hate her now.”
“WHAT?! No, we don’t hate her!” Chopper wails.
“Then why are you acting like she’s a ghost haunting the ship?”
Chopper hesitates. His little hooves tremble “I-It’s because… because…”
“…Because what?”
Chopper takes a deep breath. Then, in a panicked rush, he blurts—
“Luffy keeps dreaming about Y/N and thinks it’s a disease!”
Usopp blinks “Wait. What?”
Chopper slaps his hooves over his mouth again.
But it’s too late. Usopp already looks like he’s won the biggest jackpot in the world.
“Oh...” Usopp grins “Ohhhhhh, this is golden.”
Chopper gulps “P-Please don’t tell Luffy I told you—”
“Don’t worry,” Usopp says, slinging an arm around Chopper “I won’t tell him.”
Chopper sighs in relief.
“I’ll just fix the problem instead.”
And that’s way worse.
Usopp wastes no time.
He finds you on the deck, casually leaning against the railing, staring at the ocean with a frustrated pout. Clearly, you’re still confused about Luffy’s behavior.
“Y/N!” Usopp calls, throwing an arm around your shoulder like he’s about to tell you the best gossip of the century “Guess what?”
You raise an eyebrow “What?”
He smirks “Luffy’s been acting weird because of you.”
Your eyes widen “Because of me?”
“Yup.” Usopp leans in dramatically “Turns out, our beloved captain has been having dreams about you. Every time he sleeps.”
You blink “What kind of dreams?”
Usopp wiggles his eyebrows “You tell me.”
You roll your eyes “If this is another one of your dumb stories—”
“It’s not a story!” Usopp says, holding up his hands “Chopper accidentally spilled everything to me. Luffy came to him all panicked, thinking he had some weird ‘dream disease’ just because he keeps dreaming about you.”
You stare at him for a moment, processing. Then, realization hits.
“…Wait.” Your heart skips a beat “You mean—?”
“Yes bestie,” Usopp confirms, nodding smugly “Our dear, dumb captain is in love.”
Your brain short-circuits.
Luffy? In love with you?
You suddenly recall every weird interaction over the past few days. The way he’s been avoiding you, the way he stumbled over his words, the way he ran away from you yesterday. It all makes sense now.
You bite your lip, trying to contain the sudden warmth rushing to your face “So what do we do about it?”
Usopp grins mischievously “Oh, I have a plan already. Thank god I’m your best friend”
Later that evening, Luffy is minding his own business, stuffing his face at the dinner table, when Usopp slides into the seat beside him.
“Oi, Luffy,” he says casually, resting his chin on his hand “You free after dinner?”
Luffy, mouth full of food, nods “Mhm. Why?”
Usopp grins “No reason. Just wanna show you something.”
Luffy shrugs, too busy enjoying Sanji’s cooking to question it.
Big mistake.
Because the second he follows Usopp outside, he realizes something is off.
“Hey, where are we going?” Luffy asks, tilting his head.
“Just trust me,” Usopp says, leading him toward the front of the ship “It’s something cool.”
Luffy doesn’t think much of it—until he turns the corner and sees you standing there, arms crossed, waiting for him.
His entire body freezes.
Usopp immediately bolts in the opposite direction.
“W-Wait—!” Luffy starts to call after him, but the sniper is already gone.
The trap has been set.
And now, he’s alone with you.
Luffy swallows hard. He should run. He should stick to his original plan of avoiding you. But his legs refuse to move.
You step closer, eyeing him suspiciously “Luffy.”
He forces a grin “H-Hey, y/n!”
“Are you avoiding me?” you ask, cutting straight to the point.
His grin falters “W-What? No! Of course not! Why would I—?”
You raise an eyebrow “Usopp told me everything.”
Luffy panics.
“W-What? Pfft! No, he didn’t! He doesn’t even know anything!” Luffy waves his arms dramatically, laughing nervously “That Usopp, always making up stories! Haha! I don’t even dream! What even is a dream? I don’t—”
He shuts up instantly.
You sigh “You know you suck at lying, just tell me the truth.”
Luffy rubs the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze “I, uh…”
You wait.
Luffy shifts uncomfortably. His heart is pounding, and he’s sweating bullets. Lying is so hard.
“…Okay, fine,” he finally mutters “I’ve been dreaming about you.”
You blink, surprised at his sudden honesty “…Every time you sleep?”
He nods.
You step closer “And it made you think something was wrong with you?”
Another nod.
You stare at him for a moment before breaking into a soft laugh. “Luffy… that’s not a disease.”
He pouts “It’s not?”
You shake your head, smiling “No, dumbass. It just means you like me.”
Luffy blinks “Like… like like?”
You roll your eyes “Yes, Luffy. Like like.”
For a moment, he just stands there, staring at you. Processing.
Then, realization hits him like a Sea King.
You burst out laughing.
Luffy stares at you, completely dumbfounded “Wait, wait, wait—so I’m not sick?”
“I’m just—” He points at himself “—in love”
You nod.
Luffy blinks. Then, suddenly, he grins.
“Huh. That’s kinda cool.”
You snort “That’s all you have to say?”
He tilts his head “Well, yeah. I mean… I like you. And you’re right here. So that’s good, right?”
Your cheeks warm “Yeah,” you admit softly “That’s good.”
Luffy beams. Then, without warning, he grabs your hand.
“Then let’s go tell the others!” he says cheerfully, already dragging you toward the dining area.
“I gotta tell Chopper I’m not dying!”
You groan, but you can’t help smiling as Luffy excitedly pulls you along, already shouting for the crew.
Usopp, watching from a distance, smirks.
“Mission accomplished.”
Luffy bursts into the dining area with you in tow, grinning like he just found the biggest treasure in the world.
“Oi, everyone! Guess what? I’m not dying!”
The entire crew freezes.
Zoro, who was mid-sip of his sake, lowers his cup “Huh?”
Sanji looks up from the stove, cigarette dangling from his lips “I didn’t even know you thought you were dying.”
Robin chuckles, setting down her book “I assume this has something to do with y/n?”
Chopper, who had been sitting on the table, gasps in relief “You aren’t sick?! Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried—I thought maybe I misdiagnosed a new kind of illness!”
Luffy laughs, slapping a hand on Chopper’s hat “Nope! Turns out, I just like y/n!”
Usopp throws his hands in the air “I swear, if I had to watch you two dance around each other for another week, I was gonna lose my mind.”
Nami sighs, shaking her head “So that’s what all the weird behavior was about.” She smirks at you. “And? How do you feel about all this?”
You clear your throat, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. Your hand is still in Luffy’s, warm and firm, like he has no intention of letting go.
“I, um… I like him too, I've been obvious about it, he's the only one who was oblivous, am I wrong?” you admit.
The crew erupts.
Sanji dramatically clutches his chest “Nooooo! My sweet Y/N has been stolen by him?! Life is so cruel!”
Zoro snorts “Tch. Took you long enough, rubber idiot.”
Franky wipes a fake tear “Young love is so super!”
Brook laughs “Ah, my heart is about to explode by all this cuteness—oh wait, I don’t have a heart! Yohohoho!”
Luffy grins even wider, turning to Chopper “See? I told you it was something weird!”
Chopper crosses his tiny arms “You literally thought you had a disease.”
“Yeah! And now I don’t!” Luffy lifts your hand triumphantly “Now me and Y/N are together, so it’s all good!”
Your face heats up “I don’t remember agreeing to that part.”
Luffy tilts his head “Huh? But you like me, right?”
“Well, yeah, but—”
“Then we’re together!” he declares proudly, as if that’s how relationships work.
The crew laughs, and you groan, hiding your face in your free hand “I should’ve known dating Luffy would be exactly like this.”
Luffy just beams, completely unbothered “Dating sounds fun! Let’s do that!”
And honestly? Looking at his bright, happy face, you can’t even be mad.
#one piece x reader#one piece#one piece fanfic#luffy x you#luffy x yn#one piece x you#one piece x y/n#one piece luffy#mugiwara no luffy#luffy x reader#monkey d luffy#monkey d. luffy#op luffy#luffy#luffy fanfiction#luffy soft#one piece soft#one piece soft fanfic#luffy soft fanfic#opla x reader#op x reader#op x you#one piece luffy soft#fluffy luffy#luffy fluffy#luffy fluff#luffy fluff fanfic#one piece fluff#one piece imagine#luffy imagine
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maybe next time?
black cat!reader x jj maybank

summary four times jj maybank asked you out , and the one time you finally said yes
warnings pining , rejection , simp!jj , ex!rafe , profanity.
18+ minors dni
one it was the night after you’d run into each other for the first time. rafe was throwing another party , and so obviously , you were there despite breaking up the night before. it was coming towards the end of the party , and a lot of people were leaving , but just as many were lingering in the house.
you were sitting on the kitchen counter by yourself , sipping on your last drink of the night. your eyes followed the line out the door , waiting to see if any of your friends were going to stop and grab you. the answer was no , so you slid off the countertop and dumped your drink out. you knew it was dumb , but you might as well take advantage and crash in rafe’s room. get something out of the night.
you turned the corner , about to ditch the closing hour when you run into someone. thankful you dumped your drink out , you still cursed. “can you watch where the fuck you’re going? jesus!” you huffed , straightening your all too short dress for the millionth time that night before looking up at who was in your way. “oh! sorry!”
jj was smiling at you , waiting for you to be done accosting him. “that’s my bad , but there is a bright side,” he replied , leaning against the wall , somehow blocking your path more.
your eyes looked for rafe anywhere shortly before tilting your head to the side. “what’s the bright side? this is a pretty shit party , jj”
that took him by surprise. he truly didn’t expect you to know his name. he cleared his throat , getting back to business. he had planned this for twenty-four hours at this point. can’t back out now. “bright side is you could leave with me,” he suggested , keeping his cool, “y’know , ditch the cameron’s mansion and kick it poguie style for the rest of the night.”
he noticed your eyes flickering else where. rafe appeared behind him , at the top of the stairs— right where you were headed. his blue eyes were easily recognizable as beyond pissed off. “i’m sorry. i gotta go,” you rushed out , watching rafe head to his bedroom, “maybe next time?” you didn’t mean it. you just didn’t want to be mean to jj.
jj turned , eyes following your frame as you skipped steps to make it upstairs faster. how could he forget that you were rafe’s girlfriend? he knew you guys were on and off , the whole island heard your arguments sometimes , but how did he forget? fucking idiot.
two it was about a month later. a month of catching your eye in public , a month of ranting to pope and john b. that’s where jj was at the moment. he called an emergency meeting with the boys at the chateau.
“dude , your little girlfriend is single now. just text her!” pope groaned , wishing the couch he laid on would swallow him whole. granted , he liked you ; you were always nice to him whenever he dropped groceries off at your house , but he was tired of hearing about you. in the nicest way.
jj rolled his eyes. “okay , first of all , she’s not my little girlfriend. second of all , your little girlfriend doesn’t exist. and third of all , i don’t have her number , nimrod!” they had exhausted all ideas to not get him rejected this time.
“i have her number,” john b piped up , swinging his phone in front of jj’s face.
“i’d kill someone for that number , bird shit. give it,” jj threatened , holding his hand out.
who is this?
jj maybank
you can call me your next boyfriend if you want though
i’m okay! thx tho! maybe next time <3
three a week later , you ran into jj at the wreck. you were getting dinner with your parents before they left town for a week. something to do with work. “y/n?”
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath whenever whenever you put the voice to who it was. “y/n , do you know that boy?” your mother asked , nodding to jj who was walking towards your table. you nodded and put a smile on your face.
this was not happening.
“hey , y/n! i thought that was you,” jj smiled , grabbing a seat and sitting down. at the table. with your parents. “do you mind?” he asked , referring to him sitting.
your dad waved him off , standing to go get the bill , and your mother followed behind. what the hell? “hi , jj,” you state , trying your hardest to keep the blush from surfacing on your cheeks, “what can i do for you today?”
“a date. just one,” he answered prepared , like he was certain this was the time you were going to say yes.
you grimace , taking a deep breath before shaking your head. “me and rafe , like , just got back together,” you explained , feeling bad for jj at this point.
jj let his head drop to the table , being dramatic as always. “when are you gonna give me a chance? you’ve given cameron like fifty!” it was a joke. you knew that , and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing a little bit.
“well , maybe next time?” you suggested , catching the eyes of your parents who looked ready to leave, “gotta go. parents waiting on me. see ya around , j!” you bid him goodbye , standing up and squeezing his shoulder before you left.
four you and sarah had plans to go to the beach and watch the baby sea turtles hatch. lo and behold , jj was on the beach with his friends , surfing. “oooh , your boyfriend is here!” sarah laughed at you , using her little singy song voice she always did when she teased you about jj.
she was the only one that you admitted to about liking jj a little bit. “shut up! he’ll hear you and come over—“
“john b!” she was already calling her secret lover over and waving the other boys over too.
“you’re dead. you’re so dead,” you whispered , plastering a smile on your face as they all arrived, “hey , guys!” they all stood above you and sarah as you were both lounging in the sand.
“y/n , you wanna go on a date?” jj asked , scratching his head like the idea just came to him.
everyone laughed , looking to you , waiting for you to finally say yes. sarah had been talking to john b about the whole situation , giving him intel on ways jj could convince you , and he was bitching about how jj wouldn’t shut the hell up about you.
“no , jj,” you sighed , standing up and brushing yourself off before picking your bag off the ground and walking away. you heard sarah whine your name , but you didn’t bother looking back.
you can hear the shuffling of sand coming closer to you and assumed it was her. “is he stupid?” you groaned , continuing to walk, “i mean , like , why can’t he ask me nicely? like , it’s not hard to fucking do some big gesture or , like , make it romantic! fuck!” you slowed and turned back to look at sarah , needing some confirmation you weren’t crazy for wanting a little more than asking you out at a party or in front of your friends. that’s when you actually stop and see jj walking behind you — not sarah. your could feel your heart sink to your stomach. “are you kidding me?” you just shook your head and turned back around , cheeks hot and tears starting to trickle down your face. how embarrassing?
five sarah had advised john b to tell jj to leave you alone. for awhile , if not indefinitely. you had called her crying later that evening , wailing on about how embarrassing that was for you. you understood that it was you that had said all of that to jj , but it was equally embarrassing that he had asked you out in front of your friends so casually. did he think he didn’t have to try? and again the next morning , still just as distraught over the situation as you were the night before.
“it’s just that after rafe everyone just thinks i don’t have standards , sare. like , i know me and rafe weren’t good all of the time , but at least he tried to be romantic. that’s more —“ as you were ranting you could hear people downstairs in your house , which shouldn’t have been happening considering your parents were at work. “i think there’s someone in my house.”
“what?” sarah asked , standing up from her own bed and going to look out her window to check your house herself, “oh , no.”
“what?” it was your turn to ask.
sarah couldn’t believe jj right now. a smile made its way onto her face ; she knew this was good. “i would go downstairs if i was you,” she suggested , hanging up the phone.
you knew you were somewhat safe is sarah gave you the go ahead , but you still crept around to the staircase slowly. you could hear the chattering off people more clearly and them moving around your house like it was their own. “i have a gun!” you lied, “so you better leave!” your voice was loud from the beginning , trying your best to scare whoever or whatever it was downstairs before continuing your trek.
and that’s when you saw it. there were a handful of people moving flowers into your house that was already practically full of them , and jj was there conducting everything. “okay people , her dad said that she usually goes for a walk on sunday mornings , so i think we’re losing daylight here! we gotta get this place full before she gets home!”
you kept walking down the stairs , eyeing your favorite flowers moving in in bundles and filling the floor. “jj?” you called out , not bothered by the fact that you were still in your pajamas , your hair not ready , and no makeup on your face. was this actually happening? “what is this?” you asked , walking to him when he turned at your voice.
“oh , fuck!” jj whined , throwing his hands up in the air, “you weren’t supposed to be here!”
“this is my house!” you laughed, “what are you doing?”
jj turned to the side a little , calling at the people moving throughout your house to take a break. “this was supposed to be all romantic and shit or whatever , and you were supposed to come home and it was all done. fuck—“ he was rambling at this point , hands running through his blonde locks. “i was gonna be all swooney and swift of your feet-y and shit!” he added , pointing at you like you should know what he’s talking about.
“what are you doing , jj?” you asked again , stepping another shy step closer.
“i’m asking you out on a date. a proper one and all,” he finally answered , ocean eyes boring into your glossy ones. this was too good ; you didn’t deserve this. not after what happened on the beach. “so , whaddya say? gonna let me take you out for real?” he asked with a soft shrug.
your jaw dropped to start speaking , but no words came out. you blinked hard a couple of times , trying to wake yourself up from this dream. that’s what it had to have been. “i — this is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me , jj. yes , i’ll go on a date with you.”
“oh , thank god,” he breathed out , hand clutching at his chest, “i swear i thought about just moving away if you rejected me another time , sweetheart.”
taglist @hotvampdragon @vivian-555 @eivyyy-mstr @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account
ahhh here it is! show me that it’s not terrible please<3 it’s not proofread yet , but once i put out the next black cat!reader work it will be:)
#black cat!reader#jj maybank x you#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank#jj maybank smut#outerbanks jj#bsf!sarah
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I wanna see what’s Ace’s family’s reaction when they found out Ace is dating reader Heheheh
I decided to have only Ace's brother present, since Mr. and Mrs. Trappola have yet to receive strong characterization.
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
The Trappola brothers sat across from one another upon red velvet chairs, and you, between them. They were both intently focused on building a house of playing cards—a task that Ace had warned took “serious patience, coordination, and a gentle touch.” (You had rolled your eyes and responded, “Great. You let me know when you’ve found someone that has all that.”)
Ace carefully laid a Two of Spades down, formed a triangle with a Three of Clubs and a Four of Diamonds. His hand slowly retreated, and the triangle stayed. He expelled a sigh, directed away from the cards so as to not disturb them.
You would have clapped for him, but Ace had discouraged you before the game had even started. So instead, you tapped your index and middle fingers together. Still giving applause, but not nearly enough to rattle the house of cards.
“Your move.”
“Huh, you’ve gotten better at this,” his brother mused. He toyed with an Ace of Hearts, expertly twirling it between dexterous fingers. “Too bad. I was really looking forward to smoking you in front of your new friend.”
“In your dreams,” Ace sneered, passing you a glance. “The last thing I’d want is to look uncool in front of my partner.”
His brother drew himself up in his seat. The card in his hand, stilling. “Your partner? Since when were you two a thing?”
“Oh, you know… since a while ago,” Ace casually replied. “And honestly, I can’t really blame’m. Who wouldn’t fall for my dashing good looks and roguish charm? I’m a catch!”
His brother regarded you with an almost pitying look. “It’s not too late to change your mind,” he advised.
You burst into laughter. "I think I'm good. Ace is an idiot, but he's at least my idiot."
He raised an eyebrow. "So you've got a sense of humor. You'll need that if you're going to put up with Ace all of the time. Congrats, you passed the first test."
"Whaddya mean 'put up with' me?!" Ace protested, puffing up his cheeks. A pout--adorable, you think.
"I mean it exactly how I said it. It's practically a full-time job dealing with you," his brother replied cheekily. "You gotta prepare people for it, or else they won't know what they've signed up for."
"Oh, come on! You're making me sound way worse than I actually am."
"This, coming from the guy who ghosted his ex?" He smirked, and you could see the family resemblance in it. The slight narrowing of the eyes, the way his mouth angled. "I dunno, I was half expecting you to stay single forever after that royal screw-up, lil' bro. You're lucky you found someone willing to take you~"
Pink exploded onto Ace's cheeks. "H-Hey...!" he hissed, leaning toward his brother. "Did you seriously have to bring that up?! Have a little more tact, will ya?!"
The older Trappola grinned. "Gotcha."
You realized why.
Ace's sudden movement had sent a slight breeze against the card house. It wobbled from top to bottom--then the structure collapsed in on itself, the cards all folding into one another. Within seconds, the house was a pile on the coffee table.
Ace fell to his knees with a pathetic wail, scrambling to salvage his hard work. His brother looked on, chuckling. A card, still in his hand.
"I didn't place mine yet," he declared triumphantly, "and since you made the house fall, it's technically my win!"
"Y-You sneaky...! You taunted me on purpose!!"
"Yeah, and it worked like a charm." He flicked Ace on the forehead. "You were too busy trying to flex in front of your S/O. It was easy to take advantage of that. You always were a cocky, predictable brat."
"Ace, it's fine," you soothed him, a hand on his arm. "You did your best. It doesn't change how I feel about you."
"Tch, there you go being all sappy again... You're so lame sometimes," Ace grumbled--but he covered your hand with his. A small gesture, but a reassuring one.
"Hahah, look at you two lovebirds," his brother teased, wagging a finger at you. Then he reached out and roughly ruffled Ace's hair, despite his complaints and attempts to swat him away. "Happy for you though, lil' bro! You gotta tell me how this love story started--"
#twst#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#Ace Trappola x Reader#Ace Trappola#Reader#self insert#NRC Family Day#twst interactions#twisted wonderland interactions#twst imagines#twisted wonderland imagines#twst scenarios#twisted wonderland scenarios
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48. "you’re the best part of my day."
seungcheol comes home after a long day at practice and gets to “turn off his brain” when he’s with y/n, allowing himself to be loved and doted on instead of feeling like he’s in leader mode all the time
this is so wholesome 🥺
request your own: full prompt list!
check out my masterlist! // cheol's m.list
fluff prompt #48: "you're the best part of my day."
the front door clicks shut, and you hear the familiar sound of seungcheol’s sneakers being kicked off in the hallway. you glance up from the couch, tucking your legs under you as he steps into the living room, shoulders slumped and face drawn with exhaustion.
“long day?” you ask softly, already setting down the book you weren’t really reading.
he nods, his movements slow as he drops his bag to the floor and shrugs off his jacket. “yeah,” he mumbles, running a hand through his hair. “felt like it was never going to end.”
you stand and cross the room, wrapping your arms around his waist without a word. his body melts into yours instantly, his chin resting on your shoulder as he exhales a deep, shaky breath.
“i’m glad you’re home,” you murmur, your fingers tracing soothing circles on his back.
“me too,” he whispers, his voice muffled against your hair.
you pull back just enough to look at him, brushing a few stray strands of hair from his forehead. “come on, let’s get you comfortable,” you say, taking his hand and leading him to the couch.
he follows without protest, flopping down with a heavy sigh. you grab the blanket draped over the armrest and tuck it around him, earning a soft smile as he leans back into the cushions.
“want me to get you something to drink?” you offer.
he shakes his head, reaching out to grab your wrist before you can step away. “just stay here,” he says quietly, tugging you down to sit beside him.
you oblige, settling in close as he pulls you under the blanket with him. his arm wraps around your shoulders, and you rest your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
“what happened today?” you ask gently, your fingers playing with the edge of the blanket.
he groans, tilting his head back against the couch. “practice ran late, and there’s just... so much to do. schedules, performances, making sure everyone’s okay. sometimes it feels like there’s no room to breathe.”
“you’re always looking out for everyone else,” you say, your voice soft but firm. “when was the last time you looked out for yourself?”
he lets out a dry laugh, but it lacks humor. “hard to do that when there’s so much on my plate.”
you sit up slightly, turning to face him. “cheol, you don’t have to carry everything on your own. you know that, right?”
his eyes meet yours, and for a moment, the weight he’s been carrying is plain to see. “it’s hard not to,” he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. “i’m supposed to be the leader. if i don’t have it together, who will?”
“you don’t always have to have it together,” you tell him, reaching up to cup his face. “it’s okay to lean on the people who love you.”
his lips curve into a small, grateful smile, and he leans into your touch, closing his eyes for a moment. “you always know what to say,” he murmurs.
“someone’s gotta take care of you,” you tease lightly, brushing your thumb across his cheek.
he chuckles, the sound soft and genuine, and pulls you closer until your head is back on his chest. “you know,” he says after a beat of silence, “you’re the best part of my day.”
your breath catches at his words, warmth blooming in your chest. “yeah?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
“yeah,” he says, his tone soft but certain. “no matter how stressful things get, knowing i get to come home to you... it makes everything worth it.”
you don’t know what to say, your heart too full for words. instead, you tighten your arms around him, holding him close as if to say, i’m here. i always will be.
his fingers trace absent patterns on your arm, his breathing growing slower and steadier. “you make it so easy to just... be,” he says, his voice laced with gratitude. “when i’m with you, i don’t have to think about anything else. i can just... turn it all off for a while.”
“that’s the idea,” you say, a small smile tugging at your lips.
“i don’t know what i’d do without you,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“lucky for you,” you say, your voice teasing but warm, “you don’t have to find out.”
he laughs, the sound vibrating through his chest. “thank god for that.”
you stay like that for a while, the world outside fading away as you sit wrapped in each other’s warmth. for now, there’s no stress, no deadlines, no expectations—just the quiet comfort of being together.
and for both of you, that’s enough.
#seventeen#seventeen imagine#svt#svt x reader#seventeen fluff#svt fluff#seventeen x reader#daisymbin: reqs#seungcheol seventeen#seventeen seungcheol#seungcheol fluff#seungcheol imagine#seungcheol fanfic#seungcheol x you#seungcheol x reader#choi seungcheol fluff#choi seungcheol imagines#choi seungcheol seventeen#choi seungcheol#seungcheol#scoups fluff#scoups imagines#scoups fanfic#scoups seventeen#seventeen scoups#scoups x you#scoups x reader#scoups#daisymbin seungcheol requests
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Touch- Pt 1
Alastor x GN!Reader
Part Two
Plot: Alastor realizes the reader is starting to get comfortable touching the other residents of the hotel, despite their discomfort with touch before. He suddenly realizes that he is not receiving any of these touches, and it annoys him.
Tags: GN! Reader, fluff, angst, short fic.
Word Count: 1,049
Touch Pt. 1
He had never noticed it before, but now that it had been mentioned, he couldn’t stop noticing it. Every time someone leaned too close, or went to bump you, you leaned away, or shrunk in on yourself. It was a visual reaction that lit up his brain; something close to kinship. You were much like him, in the way you cringed at the slightest, unprovoked touch. Unlike himself, however, you never seemed to initiate it, either.
Alastor could see why someone like you wouldn’t bother. You didn’t have the power to make people back off if you made it seem like you were okay with casual touches. Better to avoid them altogether!
Alastor was confused, however, when you seemed to suddenly grow more… tactile with the others. It had been just before dinner, Alastor had Niffty setting the table, and everyone was slowly gathering near the dining room.
“Gosh, how do you even do that, Angel?” You exclaimed. Your face was colored in your bafflement and disgust, even as you let a laugh out. “That’s just, overkill!”
“Just say that you’re jealous, toots. We both know ya’ wouldn’t be able ta’ handle that,” Angel said, leaning his large frame down to wiggle his eyebrows in your face.
You were laughing again. The sound always caught Alastor’s attention. Even down in Hell, you managed to have a very happy sounding laugh. It felt strange and out of place, but not bad, per se. (Alastor did not like to linger on the ‘why's’ of such thoughts. There was no point. The one time he had, it had spiraled out of control. Not again).
When Alastor turned to look, he always did, not that he would admit it, your hands were on Angel's face, pushing him back with a grin.
“Keep yourself away from me, you weirdo! You gotta have like a snake jaw to do that. I want nothing to do with it!” Your hands were still on Angel. Why? You didn’t like touch. Why were you doing it now?
That moment plagued him for a few days, especially as he noticed you touching Angel more. Were you and the effeminate fellow an item? He thought for sure that Angel’s tastes swung the other direction. His theory was smashed to smithereens when he saw you and Husker later on.
You were helping Husker clean smashed glass from the ground, listening to the cat-demon talk. It was often Husker listening to others, so the sight cough Alastor’s attention. He lingered off to the side, and watched, as he was wont to do.
Something the demon said made your eyebrows furrow, and sympathy flit across your face. Alastor watched your lips move, as if you were speaking softly. Then your arm was across Husker’s shoulder, a soft squeeze pulling him against you, for only a moment.
The moment was said and done in mere seconds, but it idled in Alastor’s memory. He could not fathom why things had changed. It only got worse as he realized you were doing it with near everyone in the hotel. Charlie got soft shoulder pats, and light hugs. Vaggie received fist-bumps, (what a strange gesture), and some small hugs. Angel got hip checked and often pulled into impromptu wrestling matches, (he could always hear Angel complain about them, but he never bothered to try and stop you. Maybe the spider didn’t hate it?) Sir Pentious, the cowardly snake, was allowed to pick you up and move you sometimes. Niffty got head pats, and she got picked up by you, sometimes. Husker received the least amount of physical contact, but there were moments where the cat’s tail would brush up against you, or you would squeeze his hand.
Over the course of a few weeks, Alastor couldn’t fathom why everyone else in the hotel was receiving these tender touches from you? He couldn’t tell what the change was. You were still your chipper self, and you helped out as normal. Nothing had changed except the way you interacted with the others. And then it hit him. Others. Your interactions with him hadn’t changed in the slightest.
Your smiles were always soft, and you still laughed at his jokes. You still got spooked when he snuck up on you, and you still shied away when his anger made his form change. He couldn’t spot a single difference! It was after a particularly long day of dealing with Vox, that things hit a tipping point.
Alastor had just gotten back to the hotel, having torn apart goons sent to bother him. Vox was always pulling stupid things like that, but it was more annoying when his technique was suddenly being ridiculed on every screen in Hell! He had managed to send a nasty message to Vox at the end of it all, but it remained a dampener on his day. And then he had spotted you, milling about in the lobby.
“Good afternoon!” He had practically yelled, forcing exuberance into his voice. “How are you this fine afternoon, dear?”
You whipped around, a smile already on your face. “Hi, Alastor! I’m doing okay.” Then a wince washed over your expression. “Saw that stuff on TV, earlier. Hope you got back at him, for it.”
Ah, of course you would mention it. Always worried about how others feel. (He would tell himself that it meant nothing. Because it did. Mean nothing, that is).
“Of course I did, my dear! The belligerent fool will remember today as a failure, for sure!” He had finally made it over towards you, and had moved to pull you against his side, when you ducked under his arms, stepping a few feet back.
But you just kept talking to him, like you hadn't moved! The static of his power surging made your words blur in his mind. He couldn’t hear a single word as his mind raced. How dare you? Was he not good enough? Why did each of the others get to touch you now, but he was a problem?
It was the frown on your face that pulled him back down. “Are you okay,” you asked, your face full of concern for him. It didn’t help.
When Alastor had finally waived away your worries, he had shadow-stepped to his room. He needed to think.
#alastor x reader#fluff#light angst#radio demon#alastor#alastor x you#hazbin hotel#hazbin alastor#fanfic#short fic#Bun's short fics
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With a s/o who doesn’t celebrate their birthday (Luffy, Law, Corazon, Caesar)
a/n: My birthday is later this month, and I haven’t celebrated it in many years. The day isn’t particularly joyous for me for many reasons, so I decided to write something for myself. Idk if anyone else feels the same about their birthday but hope you enjoy this nonetheless.
CW: SFW, gn!reader, fluff, some angst, an ounce of modern au with Cora’s
With your birthday drawing near, you were merely hoping that the day would pass without a hitch. However, it just so happened that Luffy got the idea to ask you when your birthday was.
You didn’t want to lie to him, so you gave him the correct date. He looked at you, as if processing how close the day was. When it dawned on him that it was practically just around the corner, he gasped and got excited.
“We gotta celebrate then! We can have a big cake and lots of food!”
“No, that’s okay.” Your refusal was kind, which meant it wasn’t interpreted how you intended.
“It’s fine! We’ll get Sanji to do it!”
“No, that’s not what I mean,” you protested.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” He tilted his head to the side in interest.
“Well, I don’t celebrate my birthday.”
Complete and utter shock washed over him. How could someone as amazing as you not take full advantage of one of the best days for anyone. “What! Why not?” He shouted.
You put your hands up to hush him, so as not to alert the others that Luffy was getting excitable. “It’s just a normal day for me. Not anything worth celebrating in that sense.”
“Not anything worth…” He hopped down from the counter he was sitting on and clamped his hands on your shoulders. “You more than anyone should be able to celebrate yourself!”
The sudden intensity in his eyes put you a bit on edge, although the passion he had in his words struck you to your core. “Thank you but really. It’s no big deal”
Unconvinced by that, his eyes kept their hold on you. With not much else being said, he left the kitchen to join the others.
Unsure how well that actually went, you chose to brush it off.
As your birthday was coming to an end, you realized that the others were nowhere to be found. When you opened the kitchen door, you were met with a table filled with all of your favorite foods and everyone chatting and having a grand time.
“What’s all this?” You asked Sanji
“Hm? Just thought we could indulge a little.”
Taking your seat, you soaked up the atmosphere—your friends enjoying themselves, filling the room with laughter as you shared a meal together. You leaned over to Luffy to express your gratitude.
Even with his mouth full of food, he managed to smile just as affectionately as any other time.
He was observant, which was one of the things you both loved and hated about him depending on whether you were trying to be sneaky. This time was no different; with his eyes focusing on you one too many times, you got the feeling that he’d noticed something was wrong.
“I’m fine,” you broke the silence.
“I didn’t say anything.” His gaze remained fixed on you.
“But you were thinking it.”
He inched closer trying to get a better read on you, his eyes seemingly burrowing into your soul.
“Okay, okay,” you huffed, “It’s my birthday. It’s coming up soon and I just…I just don’t want anyone making a big deal about it.”
As your eyes hesitantly met his, the cold stare he had had shifted into one with compassion.
“I can relate to that,” his words alluded to more pain than he’d probably anticipated. “Sometimes it’s easier to treat it just like any other day.”
You nodded, feeling the tears build up in your eyes. Of course, you were well aware of the hardships he had to overcome. The adversities either of you faced were your own. The experiences that weighed on you in different ways and yet were still parts of each other you could easily connect with.
“We don’t have to do anything if you aren’t up for it.” Even with the cool tone, the support he was giving you was unmistakable.
Having spent your birthday the way you had intended, Law approached you. Looking up at him, you gave him a meek smile—-the conflict of not celebrating your birthday this year didn’t quite sit well with you.
“I want to show you something.” Offering you his hand, his touch was tender as guided you to the deck.
Stepping outside, you were met with the Aurora Borealis. “We were passing by at the perfect time. Thought you might like to appreciate them with me.”
With the inner-strife you’d been dealing with subsiding, you happily took a seat next to him. Gazing up at the beauty swirling in the sky, you leaned your head against his shoulder.
He rested his head against yours, adding a sincere, “Happy birthday.”
He was one of the most attentive individuals who could pick up on how you were feeling before you yourself had even realized. As the days came and went, it became more and more obvious that something was weighing on you.
Coming over to where you were, he sat beside you. With the softness never leaving his demeanor, you couldn’t help but melt from the warmth he radiated.
When you gave him a smile, he placed his hand on top of yours. “How are you?” Such a simple question yet one that held vague concern.
“I’m alright,” you chuckled. “Don’t I look like it?” Even your playfulness seemed to be a front you were putting up.
He hesitated, taking a moment to notice the subtleties in your voice and expression. “No,” he spoke with sincerity.
Breaking eye contact, you looked down at your fingers laced with his. “My birthday is coming up, and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it.”
He watched your fingers trace his hand before bringing them to his lips. “I can sympathize with that.” With his eyes meeting yours again, he led the conversation with his heart. “But you of all people deserve to feel special on their birthday.”
“You always know how to pull at my heartstrings.” The smile you wore trembled as your chest swelled with a heaviness.
“Aw, I didn’t mean to upset you!” He pulled you in for a hug.
Holding you closely, he made a suggestion, “We don’t have to have a formal celebration, but what about getting something to eat? Just the two of us?”
“I’d like that.”
When the day came, Rosinante drove the both of you to a secluded spot on top of a hill. Turning to smile at you, you wondered if this was the spot.
“Oh, yeah, this is it!” While he took the glasses and packed food from the back seat, he pointed to the treetops. “When the sun sets, the light peeks through those trees just perfectly enough to shine on the water, making it look like it’s sparkling.”
When he handed you some of the food, you smiled as you pressed it against your lips.
As the sun set and the water resembled crystals, you allowed yourself to appreciate how special this day could be.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
Humble and wanting to remain out of the spotlight: ways one could never use to describe him. He took full advantage of his special day, wanting to be the main character. After being his other half for a few months and celebrating his birthday, it got him wondering.
“I don’t believe you’ve ever told me when your birthday is.” The careful phrasing was intentional—purposefully pushing off any blame for not asking sooner.
“I haven’t,” your tone was just slightly indifferent towards the topic but was light-hearted enough not to be mistaken as taking offense. “It’s in two weeks.”
He blinked at you, not fully understanding why you hadn’t brought it up sooner, why he had to be the one to ask. “Why didn’t you mention it sooner?”
You shrugged, delivering the answer in a cool tone, “It doesn’t hold many fond memories. It’s just another day for me.”
It was absolutely ludicrous to hear you say that. The one most suited to stand by his side not allowing themselves the proper celebration they clearly deserved had him stumped.
He chose not to pry, instead thinking of little ways he could help you feel special on your day. He easily gathered tidbits of information to make this coming birthday one you could look back on with fondness.
While that day began like any other, Caesar was finishing the small preparations to surprise you. When you finished your work, he went to collect you, guiding you to the kitchen.
“Ah!” He feigned irritation. “Those idiots made such a mess. Wait here.” He turned the corner, shuffling about the kitchen.
When the lights turned off, you called out to him. Peering behind the corner, you stood there for a moment before you saw a faint glow coming from behind the counter.
“What’s this?” Your heartbeat quickened from the hope that he’d planned something for you.
“I know that you don’t quite like your birthday, but there’s no harm in having cake now, is there?”
There was a faint tightness in your chest from the sweet sentiment. As you came closer, you noticed that it was your favorite flavor. With the soft glow of the candles flickering on top of his unusually kind gesture, you looked up to see him smiling—nervously awaiting your reaction.
“No harm at all.” Although your smile was weak, the emotion held in your voice and the affection in your eyes spoke volumes. “Thank you, Caesar.”
The heartfelt appreciation made him giddy with joy as you happily blew out the candles.
#one piece#x reader#one piece x reader#one piece imagine#op#one piece x you#caesar clown#op x reader#op x you#monkey d. luffy#luffy x reader#luffy#luffy x you#trafalgar law#law x reader#law x you#corazon#corazon x reader#corazon x you#rosinante#rosinante donquixote#rosinante x reader#rosinante x you#caesar x reader#caesar clown x reader#one piece caesar clown#one piece fluff
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Headcannon: controlling jimmy like your evil little dog. Is he lowkey a psychopath? Yes. Will he do literally anything for you? Also yes
a/n: To the lovely anon who sent this, mwah, chef's kiss🤌🏻 you’ve unleashed something unholy. be warned tho, this entire thing? no thoughts, no logic, just pure, unfiltered degeneracy for our co-pilot (sometimes you just gotta let the intrusive thoughts write the headcanon, y’know?)
So enjoy the ride—you sicko. (cause girl, same.)
Jimmy x Reader

Jimmy Zane is one peculiar man, and somehow, he became your boyfriend. How'd that happen? You better blame your slasher-film obsession as a kid.
Your Human Guard Dog
The man acts like you're gonna get snatched from him 24/7. Imagine being in public with him. Scaring some, unnerving many.
Some guy accidentally brushes past you, and Jimmy’s already stepping up with a cold smirk
“Apologize. Or don't. Been looking for an excuse today.”
You have to grab and drag him away (not helping that the man's built like log) before he ruins a face for the second time this month. “Baby, please, we’re here for snacks.”
But the moment you give him a subtle signal, tho? Oh, it's game over.
Some creep starts chatting you up with a repulsive smile, and Jimmy doesn’t even raise his voice when he appears behind you. Just leans in, looking them dead in the eye:
“You wanna keep those teeth or should I start counting them out.”
You casually mentioned being annoyed at your co-worker for being too yappy and Jimmy?
Yeah, already halfway out the door
“Say no more, princess.”
Physically stopping him was impossible and you wagered with the pervert, all night letting off his steam through you
Your Unhinged Yes-Man
After the restaurant's reception was rude on your friends' night out. You texted him
“Ugh, I’d love to see this place burn to the ground.”
No replies from him, but 5 minutes later, you nearly drenched your friends with the wine you're drinking when you saw him outside, holding a can of gasoline
One time, you complained about someone’s annoying laugh. Jimmy didn’t say anything, just calmly glanced your way with that familiar glint in his eyes.
“Don’t even think about it,”
“What? I didn’t say anything, love.”
Later that night, he casually asked
“How much do you hate that laugh? Want me to rip their throat out? No more ha-ha’s ever again.”
The man's pride was more hurt than his face when the pillow landed, you paid for it tho ;)
Your Deranged Liaison
Want something without spending a dime? You can get it by the magic effect of compliments!
"Oh, I love your jacket!" Boom, appeared in your closet the next day, suspiciously smelling like someone else’s perfume
"That scarf’s so cute!" Already folded on your pillow the week after, and you’re 90% sure you saw a TikTok about it missing
“Jimmy, why is there a name tag stitched into this shirt?”
“Souvenirs are better with backstories.”
"Is-- is this blood?"
You finally confront Jimmy: “Isn’t this… someone else’s?”
He just shrugs, smiling sweetly (unnervingly wide) “Not anymore.”
#we all need therapy#mouthwashing#mouthwashing wrong organ#mouthwashing jimmy#mouthwashing game#wrong organ#jimmy#mouthwash#mouthwashing fandom#mouthwashing x reader#mouthwashing jimmy x reader#jimmy x reader#jimmy x you#mouthwashing jimmy x you#mouthwashing x you#mouthwashing headcanon
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𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
When Eddie asks you on a date, you don’t believe it. He probably meant as friends, right? Spoiler alert — Eddie wants to be more than friends, and he’s willing to prove it. [4k]
fluff, slight hurt/comfort, fem!reader, plus-sized!reader, reader feels undesirable, kissing, obligatory ‘don’t be cruel’ scene, eddie calls you pretty like ten times, requested here
Eddie has one of those smiles that screams trouble. Every time he looks at you with that smile he might as well have "I'm gonna break your heart," written across his forehead in tandem.
You sneak a glance at him across the atrium. Eddie’s paused bussing tables to talk to a patron, his customer service voice in play with a matching smile. It isn't the one you mean, but it's bad enough to make you flush red-hot. You cross your arms over the bar, regret it for its stickiness, and let your head rest against the crook of your elbow.
You've been working together for a long time now, almost six months, and he's your favourite coworker hands down. He cleans up after himself, he brings snacks that you never accept (lest you look like the greedy chubby girl you worry everyone expects you to be), and he talks to you like a real person.
It's horrifying and it's not fair, but being fat means that sometimes guys don’t want to look at you. They don't want to be in the same room with you, and you can tell; they avert their eyes, or simply don't talk to you directly.
You've never had that feeling with Eddie. He meets your eyes, unflinching, and he sends you one of those pretty smiles and you think Fuck, because he should've been a movie star, he has the cheekbones for it, or a rockstar like that band he's always raving about. He'd have a slim LA girl on both arms, no doubt about it.
He likely wouldn't waste his time with you.
Not someone pretty as he is. Sometimes he'll lean over and expose the flat stretch of his stomach, his v-lines and the dark trail of hair peeking above his jeans, and you feel acutely miserable 'cause you know you'll never get to touch him. Workplace crushes suck.
"Hey, are you okay?" a voice asks, a hand dropping against your shoulder.
You pull yourself up quickly. Speak of the devil, Eddie stands beside you with his hair tied away from his face. He looks more entertained than concerned, his smile unfortunately genuine.
"I'm fine," you say, stepping back. His hand falls away from your shoulder. "Sorry, just tired."
Eddie leans into your space, squinting. You freeze up, but he's only checking the time on the clock behind you. "Gotta tough it out. Still an hour and a half 'til closing."
Which means there's more than two hours of your shift left. Your face must show how unexciting that is —Eddie laughs, warm and quiet, and gives your hand a squeeze.
"You'll live," he promises. "Are you busy tonight? Maybe we could go get pizza or something."
"What, nobody else is available?" you ask.
His head juts back a touch, put upon shock. "And why can't I ask you? I like you and I like pizza, that's a good combination. And even if you don't like me that much, you like pizza, right?"
You know —you know, you do— that Eddie doesn't mean it as a slight. This isn't some thinly veiled insult on how you look. Why wouldn't you like pizza? Most people do, but his comment twists itself into an evil inky ball in your chest anyways, thick and hot as tar.
You shake it off.
"Who says I don't like you?" you ask, steering the conversation away from food altogether.
His smile gets somehow better, which is to say worse. You're being punished for something, a childhood wrongdoing or a future crime, perhaps. Nothing else could warrant the mental torture that is being so close to him while he looks the way he does.
"Good. Good, then we should get pizza. It's a date," he says, nodding.
Morgan the shift manager calls for him to stop distracting you, though the Hideout is abandoned tonight, and there's nothing to distract you from. Eddie stands at full height, with a soldier's salute. "Yes, sir. No more lollygagging." He turns to you when you laugh, and you share a secret smile.
He and Morgan disappear into the back of house. If you strain your ears, you can hear Eddie complaining about having to keep his hair in a bun, as it's totally against what he stands for, dude, it's stifling his self expression.
"Count yourself lucky I don't make you wear a hair net, kid," Morgan says.
You turn back to your sticky bar, numb. It's a date? Did he mean, like, an actual date? A romantic date?
Not a chance in hell. It's a colloquialism. Nothing more.
Despite yourself, you stare into the silver reflection of a beer tap and try to liven up. You fix your hair, check your teeth, dig a lip balm out of your apron pocket and scratch the corners of your mouth just in case. The entire time you're heckling yourself about delusions. Eddie Munson doesn't like you. He's had a girl come around once or twice, and she'd been everything you're not: slender, confident. You'd wanted to dislike her, but she hadn't done anything wrong. There's no crime in being desirable.
For the remainder of the night, you man the bar and serve the occasional patron. It's a Sunday night, so most stick to light beer or soft drinks. The live entertainment says goodnight and the Hideout empties like an opened floodgate. You clean the bar, Eddie buses the tables, and the kitchen staff turn on the radio and get to work cleaning. Soon, you can smell cigarette smoke and reheated mozzarella sticks.
You wander into the kitchen to help.
"Hi beautiful," Leon says, one of the cooks, "you want something to eat?"
"No she does not!" Eddie says, helping the dishwasher Marcie with her last round of plates. Suds drip down to his rolled sleeves as he waves his hands around. "We're going to get pizza."
"Yes!" Marcie says, delighted.
"Where are we going?" Paul asks, another cook.
"We," Eddie says, pointing at you and then himself, "are going to Marletto's. Yeah?"
You startle when you realise he's asking you. "Oh, sure. Anywhere you want."
His head bobs up and down, pleased. He goes back to his dishes. "Anywhere I want," he murmurs to Marcie, though he's saying it for everybody to hear, "hear that, Marc? I'm spoiled."
You wipe down a few counters, label some leftover iceberg lettuce and put it back in the fridge. It's easy work, made better by the camaraderie of your coworkers, but you can't settle down. Your heart races at what's to come. "It's a date," is starting to feel less colloquial now Eddie's dissuading the other from joining you. That's how that works, right? He wants to be alone with you.
It might not mean anything. Maybe Eddie needs something from you he doesn't want the others to know about, like money. Maybe he wants girl advice, finally chasing that pretty girl who drops by sometimes. Or boy advice —there's a guy who comes around too, tall and blond and handsome.
There's a logical solution. Any other girl would hear the word date and take it at face value, but you aren't them. You're you. You can't remember the last time somebody looked at you with desire in their eyes, if they ever have. High school was a shit show and work isn't exactly a hub for romance. Eddie joining the team here is the most excitement you've ever had in your life, for all his gentle squeezes and teasing elbows, his inside jokes and his tendency to burst into an air guitar solo at any given moment. He's a cheeseball, and you like him. It sucks.
"Hi, are you ready?" he asks, coming out of nowhere. You're kneeling down near the lockers tying your shoelaces.
It is a horrible position for him to see you in. You can't imagine what you look like, but you know it won't be pretty. You spring up with your shoelace untied still and smile weakly. "Yeah, I'm ready."
"You need help with that?" he asks, eyes on your shoe.
You burn with embarrassment. "I– no, I–"
Eddie kneels down on the floor and reaches for your shoe. He ties it quickly in a double-knotted bunny-loop and pats the side of your ankle when he's done. When he looks up at you, you're in the middle of hoping a natural disaster will occur and put you out of your misery.
He smiles at you from his position. Does he ever stop?
"Cool," he says, standing up. He grabs his coat from his locker and doesn't bother closing it. "Let's go! I'm starving, man, Leon needs to mess up more often so I can steal the rejects."
You follow him in a daze. Through the lockers and out of the kitchen, waving goodbye to the lingering closers and a grimacing Morgan. You aren't looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow. You're more than sure he'll have something to say about workplace fraternising and general dawdling.
"You okay for us to take the van?" he asks.
Eddie's given you rides home before, and what felt awkward before has lended itself to a familiarity. You nod your agreement and cross the small parking lot out back, your breath rising in the cold night air.
Eddie pulls open the passenger door of his van with a strong-armed tug.
"Been meaning to get the latch looked at. I'd rather it have trouble opening than trouble closing, though, so that's a plus."
He waits for you to climb the short step and sit before he closes the door.
“All limbs inside the ride?" he asks.
You laugh. It comes out weird. You kind of sound like you're being held at gunpoint.
Eddie gets in the van and makes small talk as he starts the engine and pulls her out of the lot. Your mind isn't there, exactly, or rather it's too close. You want to think about your answers but instead you're worrying about how you look while you say them. You're worried about the seat belt around your stomach, and the way you look from the side. Being around Eddie makes you more self-conscious than usual.
Marletto's isn't the best pizza place in Hawkins but it's open until three AM. You and Eddie take the first empty booth you come across, and the agony of ordering in front of someone else begins.
"Meat feast for me, obviously," he says, pulling off his jacket.
The cracked vinyl seat beneath him crunches with his movement. You dedicate yourself to staying still.
"I'll get a margarita," you say, glancing between him and the menu for his reaction.
"Didn't take you for such a bore," he teases. "Drinks? Sides?"
"Just water will be fine."
"Are you sure? I'm paying. If you wanna take advantage of me, now's the time."
You shake your head, pushing your cold hands under your thighs.
Eddie frowns. "If you're sure…"
He gets up to track down the register. You sit there, wondering why you agreed to this, what possessed you, why you could ever think this was a good idea. You don't wanna eat in front of him, you don't know what to say, he's looking at you like everything's normal but this is so not normal, this is the opposite side of the spectrum.
Eddie returns with your water and a coke, all smiles despite your clear nerves.
He puts the drinks down and clambers into the seat with a leg folded underneath himself, his elbows halfway across the table. He looks you straight in the face.
"That guy just looked at me like I was crazy. I'm hungry, sue me. Three orders of mozzarella sticks is a normal human thing to get, right?"
"Three?" you ask.
His hand reaches toward you. If your hand were there, he'd likely squeeze it roughly as he sometimes does, like a playful scolding. "I'm hungry," he repeats. "I didn't get any lunch on my lunch break. What's the point in that? Just sat down in the locker room thinking about it. It was actually worse than working."
"You should've had Leon make you a burger. He's always offering."
"Always offering you, maybe. The rest of us gotta fend for ourselves."
"That's not true. He asks Marcie, too."
"Yeah, well, Leon's a sucker for pretty girls."
You look down at the table.
"I got enough fries for both of us, I know you didn't want any sides but everyone wants fries. I won't be sharing the mozzarella sticks, so if you want some you better speak now." He raps the table with his knuckles. When you look up, his face softens. "Well, alright. Maybe I'll share them with you. I'm a sucker, too."
"What's that mean?"
"You know what," you say.
Eddie crosses his arms across the table. His hands and arms are pale, the ink of his black tattoos stark. You could draw them without prompting, that's how often you've fallen into his trap. When he crosses his arms like this, his biceps bulge up a little bit, emphasising the pretty curves and ridges of his arms and the hints of greeny-blue veins hiding under his skin. He tilts his head toward his shoulder, his limp curls dragging against the table.
"It means…" he says, holding your eyes, a gentle smile playing on his lips, "that you're pretty. You're so pretty, I'd do anything you asked me to."
You flinch. You pull your numb hands from under your thighs and cover your stomach with your forearms, glaring at the table between you thoughtlessly.
"That's cruel."
"That's cruel, Eddie. You're being mean," you mutter.
"I–" Eddie stammers. "What? I'm just trying to tell you how I think about you– how I feel. I'm sorry if you don't wanna hear it, I'm not trying to be mean."
Hurt creeps into the lines of your face, your eyebrows pulled down and the starts pulled up, your lips pursed. Heat bursts in your throat as a molten lump takes shape there. You don't trust yourself to speak, but you have to.
"I thought you were my friend," you say quietly.
"I want to be more than that."
"You're making fun of me."
Eddie reaches across the table again. There's nothing for him to grab so he spreads his fingers and presses his palm flat. He ducks his head to meet your gaze. His eyes are ridiculously big, the black of his pupils blown and leaching into his dark irises until they're almost indistinguishable in the fuzzy lighting of the restaurant.
"Come on," he says quietly, "when have I ever done that to you? I mess around, but I wouldn't say shit like that unless I meant it." His fingers lift off of the table. "I mean it. I think you're beautiful." His voice takes on a raw quality.
You bite the tip of your tongue, fully frowning now. "I don't believe you," you say.
"Why not?" he asks, frowning back.
"Because I'm– I'm– I'm fat." You hate yourself for saying it out loud.
People hate that word. Usually, if you admit to it, there's a rushed response. No, you're not. Pretty friends talk you down, loved ones wrap an arm around your shoulder and harp about puppy fat or big bones.
Eddie doesn't do either. He sits back in his seat and smiles hesitantly.
"Why's that a bad thing?" he asks. He shakes his head at himself. "I mean– I'm sorry, I should've said you aren't, you aren't–"
"No, I am," you say.
"You're so pretty," he says again, in a rush. "I don't care what size you are, I really don't. I just think you're beautiful and I wanted to ask you on a real date but I saw you and I couldn't wait anymore." He wraps his hand around the neck of his coke bottles and pulls it towards his chest. "Shit, I've made a huge fucking mess of it."
You lean forward. Your body doesn't know what to do, the whiplash of hurt smothered by his enthusiastic, sincere compliments.
Why's that a bad thing? means more than anything else he said to you.
"You really think I'm pretty?" you ask timidly.
"Drop dead," he says. Hope flickers behind his eyes. "Morgan pulled me aside on my second week, you know that? Said if I didn't stop staring at you he'd put me in the back for the week."
"He did put you in the back," you say, confused.
Oh. You raise your head properly. Eddie's watching you, just you, obviously waiting for you to speak. The hope on his face is clear as day now, his lips parted, the tiniest peek of his tongue on display.
"You promise you aren't messing with me?" you ask finally.
"I promise." He holds his hand out, palm up. "I swear."
Your heart a hummingbird, you take your hand from your waist and put it carefully in his. His fingers curl around yours like a prince, the tip of his thumb rubbing over your knuckles slowly, half an inch at a time. You exhale out of your nose as goosebumps race up your arm.
He looks like he has more to say, but the pizza and all his sides arrive. You spring apart like teenagers, blood rushing in your ears. The server unloads his tray.
"Alright guys," he says, looking down at you both with a knowing smile. "Anything else I can get you while I'm here?"
Eddie sneaks a look at you that holds way too much meaning. "No, I think we're alright."
There's a tiny, awkward silence. You busy yourself with unfolding a napkin over your lap, not sure what to say to bridge the gap.
Eddie takes the plunge.
He slides a basket of mozzarella sticks at you. "Pretty girl privileges," he says.
You feel insecure eating in front of him, but the sheer ferocity of his compliments discourages any shame. He thinks you're pretty. He held your hand like it was made of glass and he got put in Hideout jail for staring.
"I think you're handsome, too," you say.
Eddie almost chokes on a handful of fries. "Shit," he says, swallowing roughly, hand thumping at his chest. "Thank god for that. I mean, of course you do. My devilish good looks are hard to resist."
He's not wrong.
Getting put on kitchen duty isn't half as bad as Morgan seems to think it is. Eddie kind of likes it, the noise, the chaos, the heat. Plus, he can steal fries hot and fresh out of the basket. He's only burned himself once.
"What're you in for?" Leon asks him.
"You're a freak, Munson, you know that?"
Eddie shrugs. "If your girlfriend looked like mine, you'd stare too."
"Uh-huh." Leon grabs up a spatula to flip a burger, pink meat down and brown side up. Fat sizzles dangerously. Neither man flinches. "She ain't going nowhere."
"You don't know that. Some rockstar might blaze through here and snap her up. Who would I be to stop her? She should be a trophy wife, she's a stunner."
"Christ," Marcie says from across the room.
"How the fuck can you hear us?" Eddie asks. Over the sound of the overhead spray and the sizzle of the burners, Marcie must have superpowers or something.
"Uh, 'cause you're fucking yelling," she says.
Eddie looks to Leon for some defence, but Leon agrees. "You are super loud."
"You would be too–"
"If I had a girlfriend as pretty as yours," Leon says, audibly grouchy. "I know."
"Don't be jealous that I got there first."
"How is this fair? You get in trouble and I'm the one punished."
Eddie blows a big breath out of the corner of his mouth, one of his shorter curls dancing away from his warm face. Ridiculous. They're all awful, and jealous, and nobody wants him to be happy. "Losers," he mumbles.
He's kidding, mostly. He knows that everyone is actually very happy for the both of you. How could they not be? Eddie's happier than ever and you've turned to mush. It's his favourite thing in the world.
He thought you were pretty before. These days, you're gold dust incarnate. You see him and smile like you've been waiting for him, no more nervousness (which, he found out, was down to a raging crush on him) (he walked on air for days), no more shying away from his touch. Eddie puts a hand on your shoulder and you don't tense; you melt. Butter in the sun.
It's glorious.
And sure, Eddie ends up in the brig a lot. He 'hovers' apparently. So what? He'll say it again, if any of these guys were in his shoes, they'd fall victim to the same compulsion.
He waits for an opportunity to arise, four dinner tickets and a dishwasher disaster, and sneaks away as silently as he can manage, creeping out of the kitchen and to the bar. You're busy pouring a beer and don't notice him until the customer's left and he's wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Eddie," you scold lightly, leaning forward to accommodate his weight against your back, "come on. You might actually lose your job."
"They can't fire me. I'm the best bus boy ever."
You turn your face to look at him. Eddie wants to put you on TV, you look that sweet.
"No, you're awful, you," —Eddie interrupts you, leaning down for a quick chaste kiss— "distract me, and you," —he steals a second— "don't actually bus tables when you should," you finish, disjointed.
He brings his hand to your soft cheek, stroking a badly behaved baby hair back into place. You go lax like he's some kind of quick fix drug, and your eyes contain a tenderness that makes his chest ache. He covers his heart with his hand.
"You're awful," you murmur.
He takes your face into both hands slowly. One cups your cheek, and the other slides behind your ear. He pulls your face forward and down toward his chin, his lips by your ear. You smell amazing. His eyes close on instinct.
"A little. It's not my fault. You're just–"
"So pretty?" you ask. "Yeah, you've told me."
"I have, have I? Have to let me tell you again." He kisses the skin before your ear, more a press of his lips than anything. "You're beautiful," he mouths.
You shiver, but ultimately end up planting your hands against his chest and ushering him away from you.
"Stop it. I mean it! We're in public, at work, and you're gonna mess me up."
"I want to mess you up," he says easily.
"I know you do."
Eddie sighs, agonised, but heeds your warning. "Alright," he says, squeezing your shoulder in goodbye. You smile and squeeze his elbow in return. It's your new thing, silent conversation in fond touches.
He's a couple of feet away when the urge to turn back is too much. He jogs back to your side, gets his hand behind your neck, and kisses you with enough pressure that your lips part underneath his in shock. He adores the side of your neck with his thumb one sweeping stroke at a time, his nose digging sliding against yours as he inches in further, and further. The dizzy pleasure of your lips can't be understated. Eddie fights back a kiss-ruining smile with all he's worth.
"Sorry," he says, pulling back. Your lips shine and you blink, dazed. "Sorry," he says again, leaning in to kiss them dry.
You laugh quietly, a breath against his cheek, and he's a goner, dropping pecks all over your pretty face until you're giggling and sinking into his arms.
"I really am sorry." He punctuates with a kiss under your jaw.
"No," you say breathlessly. Your hand twines loosely in his hair. "You're not."
No, he isn't. He's never felt less sorry for anything in his life.
thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please consider reblogging, it helps more than you know!! <3
#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson x reader fluff#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson#stranger things#stranger things fic#stranger things x reader#stranger things 4#eddie munson x fem!reader#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson oneshot#stranger things fanfiction#fem!reader#eddie munson x plus sized reader#eddie munson x plus size reader
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Here's a shenanigan that I won't be using in Batman's Biggest Hater, but I think it's really funny.
So, we all know that in canon, the Batman persona sometimes slips into the Brucie persona (not hugely, but it does on occasion). And I know we all love a good head canon where the vice versa happens.
Scenario: Pre ID Reveal. The JL are up on the Watchtower for a monthly briefing. Superman and Wonder Woman both know who Batman is, and Batman knows who they are. No one else does.
Just as the meeting has started Bruce gets a call that he'll have to answer as Brucie, but he can't answer in front of the JL. Luckily, he can get away with sending whoever it is to voicemail exactly once. If they call again, he'll have to take it. Unfortunately, whoever it is calls again, so Batman excuses himself and heads to his room on the Watchtower for some privacy.
Thirty minutes later, Batman still hasn't come back. Superman says that he's still on the phone and that it's an important phone call. Wonder Woman agrees and tries to get things moving along. The others know Batman has a civilian identity, but why would a phone call be taking this long? Green Arrow excuses himself to the bathroom and goes to check on Batman.
The door is closed but unlocked, probably because Bats didn't think he'd be in there that long. Green Arrow hears a voice on the other side that he's very familiar with, but it's not Batman's growl. Worried that someone snuck into the tower somehow, Green Arrow walks into the room.
Batman is still on the phone, but he's Brucie Wayne right now, not The Dark Knight: "Of course I will be there, hun! I wouldn't miss your birthday gala for the world!"
Oliver Queen went to school with Bruce Wayne. They dated for a little while in school. Green Arrow is a little bit frightened. He doesn't know what to do, so he stands there in shock as Bruce Wayne Batman jumps from topic to topic while on the phone with whoever this is for another ten minutes.
Batman knew he should've locked the door, but this is an amusing outcome, so he's not too upset. Regardless, he finished his phone call, but didn't slip back into his Batman mindset.
Green Arrow, still in shock and denial about what he's just discovered: "No. Say it isn't true. Bruce? Brucie? Is that...is that you?"
Batman, still in full Himbo Mode: "Ollie! It's about time you figured it out!"
Green Arrow, still reeling: "No."
Batman, being dramatic because this opportunity is too good to pass up: "Yes, Ollie Babe, it's true."
Green Arrow: "I've gotta be dreaming. This is absurd!"
Batman: "I know it is. But you wanna know the best part?"
Green Arrow, despite his better judgement, nods.
Batman leans in real close to his ear and whispers, "No one will ever believe you." He then kisses his cheek and leaves the room. They have a meeting to get back to.
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POV: You are Dimo. You are a Jäger, one of a group who are ferociously loyal to their Heterodyne masters and famously social with each other. You have always had these touchstones to lean on.
Except…suddenly there aren’t any Heterodynes. Everything is in chaos and a mysterious enemy is ravaging Europa. For everyone’s sake, the Jägergenerals make a deal to serve under a new master, Baron Wulfenbach.
Except…the Jägers are still loyal to the House of Heterodyne. So to honor that loyalty, you volunteer to go looking for a Heterodyne. You know, in case one is hidden behind the couch cushions or whatever. And it’s rough! You are officially detached from the Jägers. You can’t come back unless you find a stray Heterodyne, whom you have no reason to think actually exists, so you’re probably going to be out here forever or until you die. Which is a real possibility, because everybody in Europa hates Jägers due to all those centuries serving some of the worst sparks in Europa. (Which, all right, is fair, but still. It’s hurtful.) But you have your fellow volunteers, a little squad of three. You have another Jäger, Jenka, checking in periodically and generally riding herd. And somewhere out there are the rest of the Jägers and the Jägergenerals, doing fine. And over the years you adapt to independence; you learn to plan, and you even find yourself giving orders to the others sometimes.
And then you find an actual Heterodyne, holy shit! She’s eighteen, alone, and green as grass, but she’s got steel in her spine and she’s a crazy strong spark; you have a new mistress! Best day ever!
Except…she gets implanted with the mind of The Enemy. That’s not great. (This happened to her after you found her. You Have Failed Your Heterodyne. ETA: Also you only know about it because you listened sneakily at the door. You’re not sure this is proper Jäger behavior.) But never mind that, she’s got it under control, you all get to Mechanicsburg and she kicks ass and does SCIENCE! and fixes the Castle and reclaims the city and at the end of it she is secure as the new Heterodyne of Mechanicsburg.
Except then something happens to Mechanicsburg. Is it permanent? Dunno. But the Heterodyne was in there. The Jägergenerals were in there. Anyone in authority in Mechanicsburg was in there. Even Baron Wulfenbach was in there.
A bunch of Jägers were not in there. And they don’t know what to do without someone giving them orders, and…look, you didn’t mean to become a General. Honest. But Jenka’s off monitoring the situation in the rest of Europa, and the only remaining Jägergeneral has somehow gone undercover on the personal staff of the new Baron. They gotta be where they are, and you gotta be where you are, managing dozens of increasingly desperate Jägers and human refugees and trying to figure out what the fuck to do next.
And then the Heterodyne shows up somehow! All is not lost! She’s determined to fix everything! And someone else can be in charge now! Yay!
Except…remember the Enemy? Yeah. She’s still in the Heterodyne’s head. There are things that aren’t safe for her to know. So you have to keep secrets from your Heterodyne, and manage those things yourself without her catching on. It’s hard, but you do it. You do it so well, in fact, that you have a sinking feeling that people are just going to keep asking you to be responsible for things. You’re doomed.

POV: You are Dimo, and you need a drink. And a vacation.
…you’ll probably get the drink?
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I have been loving all your writing, binging every night I ain't got work. Still enjoying the chapters of TFA Op, such a lad. Love the blog so much I gotta come out of my hiding to yell about how much joy this blog brings, hell even sometimes sneak in a read AT work I just can't wait. Also had to yell cause I got a new addiction cause of you, look at this LMAO Now Blue has a special spot in my heart by Scorponok

Ignore the quality my phone is a nice potato and I live in the dark. TIME TO GET 2 MORE :D 21 bucks ain't bad
Bluestreak! The little guys are addictive and I’m glad you enjoy my nonsense!

Ah… the doom music kicked in as soon as I tried to swap out one of Meg’s hands… I absolutely remember why the only RED figure I had was G1 Soundwave now..

Alcohol Eyes Pt 9
Rumble x Reader, Frenzy x Reader
• Hearing a drawer rattle behind you as Frenzy grumbles in his own language, you drink your coffee. Even not understanding his language, you’re almost positive he’s still complaining about the tiny sip of your coffee he’d tried. And immediately spit back out, carrying on like you’d poisoned him until Rumble had punched him in the arm. They’re too cute and all yours. After the shower, you’d put on a warm silk robe in the hopes of getting them to behave long enough to let you eat some breakfast. “So are you guys space invaders or do you come in peace?”
• “Depends,” Frenzy mutters, smiling wickedly when you look his way over the top of your cup of nasty, dirt water. “Your name Peace?” Pleased when you snort and start coughing and laughing, waving a little hand. Can’t really believe they’re doing this. Taking you home with them. You’re placing your trust in them and that’s sobering, because he’s never actually been responsible for anyone else. Or at all. Choosing impulse, mischief, and fun every time. He’s not even sure he can take care of someone else. But Rumble, he’s the responsible one. Well, slightly more responsible anyway.
• Watching you hide a smile behind your cup, there’s a whisper of concern twisting through the warmth inside Rumble. Because he’s not sure how Soundwave is going to react to this. The boss is always fussing over Starscream’s little human and all of the other cassettes are almost positive Soundwave’s a bit too attached. But his cassettes taking a human for a mate? Asking the boss to come fetch the three of them so they can get your stuff to the Nemesis? That’s going to be awkward, isn’t it. “Maybe we should ask Thundercracker for a lift home?” He asks Frenzy, smiling thinly at you when you glance at him. That Seeker isn’t as big a jerk as the others. And they haven’t pissed him off recently.
• What’s that look? Glancing between the brothers as they share a look and Frenzy slowly nods. “No one has a clue where you are or what you’ve been doing, huh?” And when they both frown, you know you’re right. “Your alien boss going to be okay with me, babe?” Because they both look very uncomfortable. “Cause I’m not into the scalpels and needles kind of experimentation.” Want that very clear, because you enjoy this between you three, but know absolutely nothing about them really.
• “No one’s touching you but us,” Frenzy growls, tensing at your words. But, as small as you are, they’re not a lot bigger. Much smaller than the rest of the Decepticons. They’ve just always had Soundwave to back them up if they got into too much trouble, but can they depend on him to protect you, too? Looking over at Rumble, he watches his brother’s jaw clench. Seeing his own determination in Rumble’s expression. You’re theirs. And Primus help anyone that messes with you. Hooking his arm around you, he tucks you against his side and rests his head on top of yours when you lean into him.
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could you write a drabble where darry’s girlfriend is totally adored by the rest of the boys and she’s almost motherly to them?
bro... thank you for planting this idea in my head ♡︎
pairing: darry curtis x f!reader wc: 972 warnings/notes: none
You met Darry six months ago while you were at the grocery store. You were clearly having trouble trying to reach something on the top shelf and he offered to help you, retrieving the item and handing it to you with a charming, kind smile. The two of you ended up talking in the spice aisle for nearly ten minutes before you both realized that you had places to be. Darry had scribbled his home phone number on your grocery list before leaving. Since then, you mostly saw him on the weekends when he wasn’t working, or on the rare occasion that he wasn’t totally exhausted after work, you would see him for dinner.
It took a while for him to introduce you to his brothers, and eventually the rest of their little gang. But when he did, he came to notice that the boys treated you differently than anyone else. They seemed to respect you, and they didn’t really pick on you or mess with you like they did other people. That was also partially because you seemed to take care of them, and honestly you didn’t even think much of it. You just found yourself doing little things for them here and there. It started with you cleaning up Darry’s work boots one night, and then you ironed Sodapop’s work shirt one day while he was running late for work, and you’ve helped Ponyboy with his homework on multiple occasions when he was struggling through his math homework.
It made Darry’s heart swell, especially when you took care of Ponyboy and Soda. Ever since their mom died, they haven’t had a female, or even somewhat of a motherly figure in their life. Darry could be tough on them, so having your gentle nature around was almost comforting for them.
Today you had the day off of work so you spent some time at the Curtis’ house. Darry was working so you tried to clean up the place to take it off of his shoulders. Besides, you sometimes spent the night with Darry and ate dinner with them, so you figure you might as well pull your own weight and treat the place as your own.
“You know Y/N, this ain’t even your house. You don’t have to clean up after us.” Pony says while he sits on the couch and Johnny sits on the floor near the coffee table, and the two of them were playing ‘go fish’.
“Well- I stay here enough and eat enough of yall’s food, I might as well. And I don’t want Darry to have to worry about it when he gets back from work.” You explain as you wipe down the kitchen table with a damp cloth.
Ponyboy smiles softly at that before he looks down at the cards in his hand. “Well… I know that Darry really appreciates it. He probably don’t show it or say it, but… I know he does.” Pony tells you with a little nod.
“I just know he’s got a lot on his plate, and I don’t see you boys helping him clean up much.” You say, the teasing tone clear in your voice while you grin over at Pony. Pony’s expression turns sheepish immediately, and Johnny even chuckles at your playful scolding.
Later that evening when Darry comes home, you stand in the kitchen with him while you two wait for dinner to finish cooking. After a few moments, Darry turns to you as you’re leaning against the counter.
“You know, Ponyboy told me you scolded him like a mother today.” Darry says, and you groan and shake your head.
“I did not! I was just messing with him-” You insist, and Darry laughs.
“He knows that, doll face. I just… think it’s funny. You really do take care of us.” Darry says with a little smile while he reaches for your hand.
You think about it for a second, and you realize that you really do take care of these boys.
“Well… you’re my boys. And someone’s gotta keep some order around here.” You tell Darry with a grin. You hear the front door open, and you poke your head out from around the doorway to see Sodapop and Steve.
“Aht aht, don’t bring them dirty boots in the house. Leave ‘em on the porch.” You tell the two of them, and Ponyboy laughs as they turn back around and begin to take their boots off on the porch.
When you turn back to Darry in the kitchen, the man is just grinning from ear to ear.
“What were you saying about keeping order around here?” He asks jokingly and you can’t help but laugh.
“Hell, even Dally listens to you. You must have instilled some kinda fear in him or something.”
You laugh at that and shake your head, and you move closer to Darry so you’re tucked in his side.
“But… really. Ever since our folks passed, Pony and Soda haven’t really had… a woman to care for them, or like.. A mother figure. If you know what I mean.” Darry tries to explain, and you nod while giving him a little smile.
“I understand, Darry. Really- and… I’m happy to be that for them. I know I can never replace your mom, and I don’t want to- but… I’m happy to look after them. I know it's hard for you to do on your own.” You explain to Darry, and he lets out a quiet sigh while he looks down at you with an expression of admiration.
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” Darry asks, and you laugh softly.
“Yeah. Once or twice I think.” You tease him lightly before the two of you carry on with making dinner before the boys in the living room start getting too rowdy.
#the outsiders imagine#the outsiders one shot#the outsiders oneshot#the outsiders x reader#the outsiders#darry curtis x reader#darrel curtis x reader
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Hello 🩷
Can you write gojo with a crybaby reader
Have a nice day!
TW: SMUT, p in v, oral (m! receiving), spanking, cum swallowing, he's kinda mean but he does love his little crybaby. Use of 'cummy ache'. Mentions of squirting. Dacryphilia, Unedited/Potential Grammatical errors.
Non yandere for once. Gojo x Crybaby!Reader
It just doesn't make sense, does it? How the strongest, Gojo Satoru, ended up with a crybaby when he has never been the best at handling emotions—not his own, and certainly not someone else’s. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. Of course, he does. You’re so sweet, so soft, all mushy and endearing when your emotions spill over.
Take this morning, for instance. You came back from the store, eyes brimming with tears, your lips wobbling as you stammered out how they were sold out of your favorite drink. It was ridiculous, really, but also so painfully you.
Satoru just stared at you for a moment, caught between laughing and pulling you into a hug. “You’re crying over that? Seriously?” he teased, his trademark grin stretching wide.
And, of course, his little teasing remark set you off. “You’re so mean!” you sniffled, firing back with all the righteous indignation you could manage through your hiccups and watery glares.
It didn’t help your case that you were still so ridiculously cute, even while trying to be mad at him. If anything, it made him grin harder, biting back a laugh as he watched you unravel. Honestly? He can’t help it—you’re just a little too adorable for your own good.
Let's be honest, it's creating a tent in his pants. So, much that while you're crying about your day, he's stuffing your poor cunny with his cock.
Bouncing you up and down as you straddle his lap taking every inch he gives you, honestly just loving the way you mewl when his cock brushes against your cervix, watching the way those teary eyes slam shut, prattling on about how much you love him and his stupidly large cock. Satoru just adores the way you squeal out a whine when the palm of his hand smacks your ass, the way your pussy clenches down and sucks him deeper inside, such a greedy little thing.
If you kept mewling and crying like that, he was going to lose it—Satoru's lips crashing onto yours, sucking on your tongue, capturing every sweet, desperate noise you made. He just craved making you this cock drunk, his sweet lil crybaby!
"I just know what you mean sugar, such a bad bad day" He's practically melting into you thrusting upwards as your sweet walls clench onto him as you cry out another moan. Prattling on about how he’s being so extra—so mean and unfair! He has to bite his lip to suppress another groan as your poor cunt squeezes his cock. Fuck how did you even get so tight? Squeezing so much of his warmth out of him, your cunny really is just trying to suck the cum out of him. He knows you don’t mean to, not really, as you lean into him, practically dumping all your weight on him until he’s got no choice but to move your hips for you. And god, the way you’re leaving those sweet little marks on his pale skin, sucking like it’s the only thing keeping you grounded—it’s too much. Stretching you out, your walls squeezing him so tight, and those pitchy little whines you’re letting out? He’s barely holding it together, and honestly, you’re not making it any easier. God, he knows he’s being so unfair—fucking you too fast, too rough—but he just can’t help himself when you look at him like that.
It's taking so much for him not to just dump his load into your sweet cunt as he lifts you up, fucking you in the air with ease as you wail to him that it's too deep.
God, were you always cryin?
He's already got you squirting on his cock? Shouldn't that shut you up?
Sometimes, Satoru’s gotta find other ways to shut up those pretty little whines, like stuffing his cock so deep down your throat. “Breathe through your nose,” he murmurs, all smug as you look up at him with those teary eyes yet again, mumbling on his cock, "like this?" he can't even hear you, yet it's just so cute that you're really doing your best! So cute that he just has the urge to force the rest of his length down your throat, it's just his way of getting cuteness aggression, you understand right? When he finally presses his full length in, just enough to make your pretty eyes squeeze shut with a loud gag escaping your throat, he can’t help but grin.
He knows you can handle it—you learned from the best, after all.
The way he’s pushing himself in and out of your throat, your nails digging into his thighs as he keeps a steady, almost gentle pace, has him grinning down at you. He has to at least try to be gentle.
His long fingers tangle in your hair, guiding that pretty head of yours up and down his length just how he likes. Drool’s spilling from your lips, and those big, teary eyes of yours looking up at him? Yeah, they’re almost too much for him to handle.
You should honestly be proud of him—he’s really trying to let you adjust, giving you little breaks to gasp and gag around his stupidly big cock. He’s being so patient, so nice about it, even when every noise you make is driving him absolutely crazy.
You’re his little crybaby, after all.
His little crybaby that's going to swallow all his yummy cum, aren't you? So much that you might just get a cummy ache and come crying to him for more, his sweet little crybaby!
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk gojo#gojo x reader#anon requests#gojo satoru#gojo x reader smut#gojo satoru x reader#smut
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