#sometimes its nice to complain when things are shit
rxmxa · 1 hour
random astro observations part 13.✨
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✨just for fun im just talking random ass shit based on PERSONALL observations..✨
virgo risings and people getting intimidated by the way they speak (scorpio 3rd house). But then when you get know and befriend them theyre so sweet (pisces 7h, cancer 11h). My virgo rising bestie & when i first met her in college she was speaking in class and i was like woah shes smart asf and intense 😭
or sag risings and them speaking to people in a direct yet still obscure manner! or sometimes even cold in a sense.. like girl what do u really mean fr 🤨 (aqua 3h). But then you get closer with them and they love to chat with you (gemini 7h) and make anytime u hang out a pleasant and nice time (libra 11h). my sag rising friend throws the best parties (going all out with the decor, presentation of food, having a theme & ofc taking nice pics after… real libra 11h shit).
taurus risings and them communicating in a very soft, comforting manner (cancer 3h) and as you get closer you notice their intensity in their relationships with people (scorpio 7h) and their giving, helpful nature in their friendships (pisces 11h).
another thing about taurus risings, you can bet they are getting FREAKYYY with their partner with that scorpio 7h 😭they are very private with their relationships and rarely reveal personal details about it unless they trust you. my taurus rising cousin and she never shares anything about her bf (whats mine is mine you dont need to worry about it) energy. and she also has mentioned she doesnt need to give ppl a reason to try to found out for themselves what a great time shes having lmfaooo
also my taurus rising coworkers and one time we all went out for drinks and one of our coworkers was complaining about how women always have a shit time when having seggs with men and my taurus rising coworker was like “wellppp cant relate.”.. and i oop 🙈
the 2nd house rules the vocal chords and as an aries 2h sometimes when im excited or even mad i sound like a 12 year old 😭 like naruto when hes giving one of his NEVER GIVE UP NEVER BACK DOWNNN speech. I also feel like if you have scorpio or aries 2h people always think you're mad and want you to "calm down" when you talk. like no im not mad have you ever heard of being fucking passionate? hmmm?
In general, aries placements could also find they get a lot of patronizing comments or aries women could even find that men often try to "mainsplain" them. just bc aries are being assertive doesnt mean theyre being reckless or not seeing the big picture.. its all a balance. Aries DOES have this youthful /bold energy, but that doesnt mean they cant be wise people who prefer to learn by doing, even if others mistake their approach for inexperience..
we know plutonians can be seen as having this “abrasive” energy to other people. it can throw them off or make them be like “oh i dont like them.” but pluto doms recognize other plutonian people its that silent understand lmaooo its giving "real recognize real😎 " overall tho pluto dom ppl try to give others the benefit of the doubt (not necessarily bc they like them but just bc they wanna feel the energy on their own). like if people are talking shit about someone pluto doms might sit back and stay silent about it. they do their digging on their own. theyre not gonna let the crowd influence how they feel about someone. plutonians will be DOING THEIR DIGGING FIRST no matter what.
I remember a time when my cousin, who’s a Scorpio rising, asked me if I liked one of her friends (not in a romantic way). I said, 'Yeah, why?' and she replied, 'Oh, just asking because she said she feels like you don’t like her, but I knew she was overthinking it.'" We moved on from the conversation, but later, I realized that was such a typical Scorpio rising move. Instead of just telling me, 'Hey, my friend feels like you don’t like her,' she asked me that question first to confirm or deny it. I felt like she did that on purpose to make it harder for me to lie, even though I wouldn’t have lied in the first place. It annoyed me because, like, why would I lie about something like that??? But then I understood it’s just her nature. Scorpio risings ask questions in a detective ass way because they want to dig for the truth and feel out people’s responses.
plutonians and scorpios do that shit all the time, tilting their heads like little cats, squinting, being all like "oh..hmm, why do you think that?" like no im about to do this shit with u rn sherlock fuckin JONES u know WHYYY
in my moon aspects post ppl asked me if it still applied with “harminous aspects” and yes. it still does. just bc u think its easier doesnt negate the energy. for ex i have moon trine neptune and my mom (moon) has always been in her own world (neptune). and other family members find her energy “endearing” or ask me to “be kinder to her” but its also hard when your mom often times cares more about the world of what ifs in her head more than the real world with her daughter ... also my moms way of coping (moon) at times would literally be by saying in front of the family as soon she got home that she hates her life and wish she could “grow wings and be somewhere far away from everyone ” like delulu was always the solution for her 😭….
but also i wonder if people with moon-neptune placements feel confused (neptune) about motherhood (moon) in general. i use to say i didn't want kids but as ive gotten older i do like the idea of it. it just feels very....… [static noises]
nui.views on instagram reminds me of the aries-libra axis so much. Most of her videos have titles like “how to be soft and direct” or “how to balance sharp and soft expressions.” usually titles along those lines. We know theres always time to read the room (libra) but also knowing when its time to stand up or speak up! (aries) and nui.views basically says it’s possible to do both.
12h moons & their moms being their biggest enemyyy is crazy!! 🤨 the passive aggressive behavior, entitlement, hating from the sidelines. AND the expectation of the 12h moon child to “repay” or be “grateful” mother for all they did. my ex had a 12h scorpio moon and brooo anytime they got a good thing, mom would make it all about her (for ex they bought a new car, mom was LIVIDDDDD). the moon can show how mom takes advantage. for ex: scorpio moon in the 12h and mom (moon) is possessive about the resources (scorpio) you have or over you in general. taurus moon and mom (moon) is possessive about your money (taurus) or maybe even holds over your head that “she feeds you.” i have a coworker with a 12h taurus moon and her mom constantly borrows money from her or literally steals it and never pays it back. capricorn moon and mom may feel like your accomplishments belong to her or “you wouldn’t be successful without all i did” energy.
^ their can be a lot of enmeshment with the mom with this placement (especially if their is a moon-pluto aspect) but its something the 12h moon person has to decide to sever or break from on their own and on their own time. this placement has to deal with the “mother always knows best😊😊😊😊” energy
12th house Moon women and other women (Moon) being their hidden enemies (12th house) is so real! I remember at my old job, one of my coworkers had a 12th house Aquarius Moon, and all the women would talk so much shit about her behind her back. (To be fair, she wasn’t doing her job well, but their comments were just unnecessarily nasty.) I used to feel bad for her in meetings because everyone would act normal to her face. I wasn’t at that job long… With this placement, it's common for other women (whether friends, family, or acquaintances) to secretly harbor resentment, jealousy, or animosity that isn’t obvious on the surface. Plus, with 12th house placements, if the person is genuinely doing something wrong or needs feedback, instead of being honest, people often use that as an excuse to bring up unrelated complaints or things they don’t like, turning it into something bigger than it is!! Like girl how did you go from talking about her customer service skills to talking about her haircut be fr!
how do you guys feel about people who plan their pregnancies to get a sign/ birth chart they are compatible with for their child? not gonna lie I use to think that shit was crazy but then I think about the 12h synastry and squares I have with my mom and im like... this shii couldve been way cuter...
gemini placements are the people that wake up in the middle of the night to google a random fact. its a itch they gotta scratch 😭 me with my chart ruler gemini jupiter in the 3h. trying to do type a paper for a class in one sitting? well no i got sidetracked reading about how to defend yourself against bear attacks which led me to bear survival stories on reddit which led me to reading about polar bears which led me to finding an article about the farmer that got attacked and eaten by his own hog named teddy and then… boom . its 3am.
Its so hard though like we know the "jack of all trades" label that comes with mercurial energy but damn what if I just wanna be a jack of one trade and be really good at that one thing? I bounce around from thing to thing because im always getting these diff ideas but im really working on finishing something once I start it. its just hard.... sometimes I b having a lot to yap about, ya know? (ive had many diff hobbies, writing fan-fiction, painting, making candles, crocheting, LMAOOO its just chaos sometimes)
sometimes aspects can be very literal. im spilling some family tea sorry tia but for ex my aunt has venus conjuct pluto in the 10th house and her relationships (venus) are known for (10h) being taboo or just frowned upon (10h). She dated her besties ex-husband and it caused A LOT OF drama and then he fucking died bro...like?? Being known for (10h) her lovers (venus) dying (pluto)?????? im not trying to be a judgmental asshole but also its so disappointing though when people use aspects like this for evil? fucking ur besties man as soon as they get divorced? with that venus-pluto in the 10h she could've found herself a successful ass business man!
my bestie is a teacher and she was telling me about how the kids were sharing about what they wanna be when they grow up and when it got to this one girls turn she said she wanted to be a basketball player or some shit like that (the point is it was a very 5th grade response similar to her peers) but then like the kids started clapping when she said hers??? LMAOOOO and to me that is the most sun-venus SHIT EVER. and then she told me all the the 5th grade tea, how some of the boys have a crush on her haha. shes admired and well liked (venus) just for being who she is (sun)!
moon-venus is different. my experience with venus-moon aspect has consisted of women always feeling comfortable enough to confide me, me feeling more comfy with women around, children loving me, children in my family venting to me (im that one cousin the babies reach out to first to get picked up ejeje). the moon is about the inner self, privacy, and our home life. A moon-venus person might be very well-liked, but often in a more low-key, intimate way. They're the type of person you confide in or feel safe with, rather than someone who shines in the spotlight or dominates a social scene the way a sun-venus person would. both aspects make a person likable, but in different way. sun-venus is more about being confident and noticeable, while moon-venus is more about being caring and emotionally connected with others.
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
there’s one on here currently and they’re bringing back up old controversy (jashshipping)
Yeaa I saw that. They also seem to post a bunch of CJ related things, so I might make the daily photos one since there isn't one for just CJ screenshots/photos
#im gonna be a fait bit busy today so I cant make it rn#also wont be making it tomorrow as there's another strike happening then [ill make a post on that later too btw]#but i want there to be an account just of stuff from the vids or of the ones he posts on twitter#as for the shipping thing#i wish ppl wouldn't be so rude with things sometimes man#my stance is basically the same as CJs. interpret it however you'd like just don't show it to ppl who are uncomfortable with it#also don't harass or be a dick to people who do or don't ship it#im glad it died down since then at least & that there's not a bunch of hate going around#this fandom is simultaneously really nice to be in & also really draining sometimes#tho it definitely isn't the worse. ive been in a lot of ones that are a LOT worse than here. big & small#place is actually quite nice mostly. despite some things that deserve needing to be called out [like some of the ableism toward Heart]#I think things would be a lot better if people just let others do their own thing. as long as its not like. fuckin illegal or offense#or against CJs boundaries. just let others vibe out in there own corner#ain't that what we all said when TH purists complain about CJs covers? No ones forcing you to consume the content. is all good#just stay where you're comfortable! if anyone's forcing you to look at their stuff then they're the issue. and that goes both ways#again just listen to what the guy said. don't show it to people that don't like it. don't harass people who do it don't like it. an like#just be groovy#sorry for the rant this has just been on my mind for months now#im generally very neutral on things but i hate everyone just yellin at each other when there doesn't need to be yelling in the first place#again this place is hell of a lot better than other spaces ive been in#its a main reason this is the first fandom I've actively participated a shit ton in#im actually using discord & talking [a bit] to other ppl for once lol#idk man i like it here. Just don't make a reason for people not to like it here#again apologies for the rant op. this has just been on my mind for some time & i really don't want shit being blown up again#also apologize if anythins spelled wrong or sounds like nonsense#shitty keyboard + dyslexia + not being able to edit tags can make dumb results lol#moss rants#[atlas asks]
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songmingisthighs · 9 months
You <3 I
group : ateez
pairing : mingi × reader
genre : smut, oneshot
wc : 2 k
warning : mdni, sex, mature content, soft dom!mingi, unprotected sex (it's condom not sindom)
a/n : requested by @certifiedmoa
buy me coffee ?
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Travelling with your boyfriend for his work has never been an issue for you. Heck, it's fun because you both get to explore places and cultures together and if you look stupid, at least you look stupid together and you were sharing that moment. You love him, truly and dearly, but sometimes you do wonder if he loves you or his work more.
It had been two hours since you both checked into the hotel, approximately an hour and a half since his manager told him that there was no schedule today si he was allowed to explore on his own. But what did your boyfriend do? Plant his ass on a chair and work. Sure, most days this happen, you'd just stick by him and accompany him finishing up his work. But most days you're in his studio and where you were was definitely not his studio. So many potential of fun yet his focus is doing something he'd usually complain about days on end. He didn't even realize that you had been sitting on the bed, pouting and glaring at him for the past 10 minutes.
Well, if you wanted to do something, it was now or never.
Just as Mingi was about to clip the audio, his iPad was taken out of his hands and off his lap and before he could complain, you had carefully placed yourself in straddle on his lap. "Baby!" He exclaimed, trying to reach for his iPad but you closed the cover and placed it on a nearby coffee table. "Don't you 'baby' me," you huffed, crossing your arms on your chest, "I have been waiting for you to get off your ass and do something with me for two hours, Mingi, I am not kidding when I said you seem to pay more attention to your work than me even when we're at a four star hotel with a nice view!"
Your rant surprised Mingi mostly because he hadn't realized that it had been two hours since he "checked out" his work. He swore he had only wanted to take a peek of the revision he uploaded but time slipped past him and he felt bad.
"Aww, I'm sorry baby," his big hands grabbed you gently by the hips and his thumb began rubbing gentle circles over your leggings, "I didn't realize I was taking that long. Can I make it up to you?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Maybe Mingi being so overly focused on his job was a good thing if it means that you were getting eaten out this good.
"F-fuck," you gasped, head lolling back as your chest arched to the ceiling. From between your spread legs, Mingi looked up at you with a satisfied smirk on his lips, "Feeling good, baby?" He chuckled. The movement of his lips on your clit paired with the vibration of his voice made you shuddered out a sigh and thighs threatening to snap around Mingi's head. He didn't even bother pulling your leggings and panties all the way off, they were simply pulled down to your knees and each movement you made, the flimsy garment rode up, securing Mingi's position on your cunt. "Better than good, I-I, shit- M-Mingi please, I wanna cum," you whined, hands gripping the sheets tightly due to desperation. Oh-so-simply, Mingi drag his tongue from your opening slowly to your clit muttering loud enough for you to hear, "Fuck, so eager. My sweet, sweet love being so good for me by making me happy. Do whatever you want on me, you deserve as much."
The words that came out of Mingi's mouth felt more like an order than permission and it made you visibly shudder. So you grabbed onto the sheets beneath you and began grinding your cunt on Mingi's face. It was as if your hips had a mind of its own with how feantic the movements seem. The moment you realized the way your body reacted to him, you tried putting some space between you two from being shy all of a sudden but Mingi seem to be enjoying every bit of it as seen from the way his hands turned like talons, gripping the underside of your thighs tightly, making sure his nails were making crescent indents to mark you.
Just as you were about to cum hard on his tongue, Mingi ripped his lips away from your nether ones abruptly sending you nearly jumping up only for Mingi to move quicker than you by pressing on your chest gently gently as he only wanted to ensure your position and pushing you down on the bed. You don't know which was hotter, the sight of Mingi panting, the flush of his cheeks paired with the glaze in his eyes, or the way his tongue ran along his bottom lip, greedily collecting your juice as if not wanting them to go to waste. "Baby, I'm sorry but if you're gonna cum, it's gonna be on my cock," he panted.
It was your last warning before he pushed your knees open and expertly nudge the tip of his cock into your pulsing hole. The pressure of the head made your eyes roll back into your head while your hips tried to meet his movements only to fail because he was keeping you in position. Meanwhile, Mingi was enjoying the tension from holding himself back. Between feeling your warm cunt that provided a biting edge of pleasure and watching your eyes watering from anticipation, Mingi didn't know which was better. With a roll of his hips, his cock slowly entered you. Your head was thrown back and your thighs tensed from the delicious drag of his length filling you up until it was completely sheathed inside you, the tip kissing your cervix which sent a chill down your spine.
Though Mingi himself wanted to move and his hips found it hard to remain still, he enjoyed how you look falling apart on his cock with the way you gasped and bit your bottom lip from your pleasure. A rumble bubble in his chest from how hard he tried to control himself so before he completely lost it, he began peppering kisses along your jaw and exposed neck. "Baby, baby," his voice managed to pause your whining momentarily but not your squirming, "I need to move, okay? Can you handle that? Can you handle me making love to you? I wanna see you cum when I fill you up, okay?" Though Mingi didn't mean to rile you up, your breath became laboured and with a low whine, you grabbed the back of his neck and locked lips with him.
Mingi took your action as permission for him to move so he began rolling his hips upwards, meeting your pubic bones with each wave of movement.
Neither you nor him were experts in sex per se, but you both were just so compatible with each other that your connection reached the most intimate aspects of your lives. A lot can be said about the minimal movement Mingi did; starting from the way he cupped the back of your head, to the way he let your fingers tangle together in a firm yet loving grip, and the way he minimized the chance of you two being detached by grinding on you rather than jackhammering his talented hips on you. It felt great because you were stimulated in different ways all at once, something you had never experienced before you met Mingi and while it took a while for you both to be able to understand what worked for each other, you both did a pretty good job of taking mental notes of what the other like.
Especially Mingi.
While Mingi had a rather higher level of libido, he found himself feeling even more pleasure when he was able to pleasure you. The idea of you unravelling from him, being so affected, it was an ego boost. And you supported that idea by letting him know that you have never felt like that before. From the moment he made the discovery, he began taking care of you more than he cared about taking care of himself. Technically, when he took care of you, he was most definitely taking care of himself. It was a win-win situation.
"F-fuck- Mingi!" You gasped, your free hand reaching to the back of his head to tug on the soft, short hair near his nape. The tug made Mingi let out a groan followed by a low hum, the lack of space between you two allowed the vibration to hover on the skin of your chest. "Don't do that, baby, I don't wanna go rough on you tonight," he mumbled as he pressed his forehead on yours, letting out a shaky breath before his hips moved even faster.
Maybe it was due to the denial of your previous release but you could feel your high coming. Your body gave away signs of your release and Mingi always seemed to notice it. The corner of his lips tugged upwards and the waves of hip rolls were given a slight edge when he started hitting you harshly. The impact caused you to almost got sent reeling back and on instinct, your free hand wound around his shoulder and held him close. "Fuck!" Mingi grunted when he felt your pebbled nipples rubbing against his chest and your voice echoing in his ears, turning his brain fuzzy. "Baby, I wanna cum in you but you gotta cum for me first, I wanna see you make a mess, can you do that?" It was almost comical that your cunt clenched around him when he said that but he couldn't find it in himself to make a comment.
With your feet locked behind him, resting right above the cute butt that you like to smack in passing, you locked his position and almost immediately, Mingi started pistoning his hips.
Obscene sounds came out of both of you be it from your mouths or from your bodies moving together. Had either of you had any shame left, a permanent blush would be tattooed on your cheeks and you would be sending your hotel neighbours apology letters and fruit baskets. But who cares about other people when one second you were holding onto your boyfriend for dear life and the next, your cunt had a vice grip that was hard enough to make Mingi hiss and still as he release his load in you when he felt your body trembling against his.
Mingi let out a silent huff followed by an almost silent 'fuck' which was only so because your orgasm caused your ear to ring. In the haze of your high, you could hear Mingi muttering about not wanting to cum that fast and blaming you for being too damn hot. If your face was not warm before, Mingi's cleverly veiled sexual compliment would've been able to allow you to warm up a hot pocket by just pressing it to your cheeks.
Sex with Mingi always took your breath away and it wasn't just because he fucks like a drill in an oil rig but it was also because it was... Him. Even as you lay there, trying to catch your breath, Mingi hovered above you with an arm propped so he could watch you.
"Stop looking at me like that!" you whined, trying to shield his gaze away by covering your face only for him to whine and shove your hands gently to the sides. "Like what, like you're the only person I've ever loved in my life?" he smirked, laughing when you smacked him square in his chest. "I'm gonna have to ask you to say that again so I can record it and send it to your mom," you teased, rolling your eyes as if you were annoyed but the slight tug on the corners of your lips gave your true feelings away.
"Are you okay now?" Mingi asked, asking if you'd fully caught your breath. Letting out one last sigh, you nodded, thinking that he was finally taking you out of the hotel.
But you soon found Mingi had another idea in mind because soon, he repositioned himself between your spread legs with a teasing glint in his eyes and the once softened cock coming back alive inside you.
"Great, because I'm not done with my plan on making this your best trip just yet."
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crucialplayer · 1 year
Thoughts on mercury placements
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious.
Gemini mercury. Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks mercury. When they talk be sure ur not the only one hearing this thought for the first time - they are too. They think as they speak. Cannot hold info inside of them longer than 5 minutes so no secrets kept, no embarrassing opinions left unspoken.
Sagittarius mercury. This one doesn’t really stir the pot, usually just blows it up. They are bold with words for no reason. What they are saying is almost always what they truly think. Will give a random lecture that no one asked for on a topic they barely know anything about.
Aries mercury. Сan either be supeeeer fun or suuuuuper insane and nothing in between. Very expressive and usually swear a lot, but they have the best sense of timing with it. No filter of course, so often get themselves in trouble with that whirlwind of a mouth.
Scorpio mercury. They kinda have a talent for talking shit in the most cutting way. It’s like a perfect combo of clairvoyance and knowing where to strike with that deadly sting using words. Sometimes don’t recognize when they’ve overdone it tho so they can come across as edgy.
Virgo mercury. Meticulous mercury, very observant. They talk even faster than Gemini mercuries but they actually manage to get their point across. Can be blunt but typically when it’s much needed. There’s a reason why this is ultimately the best mercury placement.
Capricorn mercury. Dry as fuck. Also I’ve noticed they like to complain a lot but not on abstract themes. More like being precise about why this thing sucks. Can be very adamant and stubborn with their opinions. Can sound so confident you forget to analyze what they are saying.
Pisces mercury. So whimsical and romantic but at what cost. Literally can never tell what they are trying to convey, pretty sure they have no idea too. Get carried away with their associations and metaphors that make sense only to them. If they’re nerdy it’s even worse.
Cancer mercury. Awkward with words but in a cute way. Hate to be misconstrued and taken out of context. Therefore tend to over-explain themselves and things in general but in a way that makes the point slip away further. Also very sentimental.
Aquarius mercury. Usually like to argue on social justice issues… with people who are removed from politics as much as possible. Don't care to be understood by people they consider irrelevant to them. It's like the fewer people actually do get them the better they feel but that’s just my theory. Also artistic.
Libra mercury. More concise than Pisces but ur still kinda left with a «what...» feeling. Also poetic and romantic. They usually have 1 or 2 topics they can talk about hours on end but can lose interest once the convo shifts onto something else. Like to giggle a lot too.
Leo mercury. I call this one bimbo mercury in the best way possible. Very entertaining and charismatic, but don’t give much thought to what they’re saying. Like to be the authority in every convo and if they are not they just kinda… leave. Loud (if they don't have a water sun).
Taurus mercury. Time ceases to exist, nature slows its rhythm. Some might call it relaxing I call it torture. If surrounded by their friends they tend to speed up and show more of a goofy side. Nice voices, yes yes.
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oddballwriter · 2 months
You and the Moon Boys' "Your" Couple Thing
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Summary: A list of the activities and things that you and the boys do that are special to each and every one of you.
Warnings: none that I know of
Author’s Snip: Proof that I am in fact alive lol
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sergeant102105
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Jake Lockley
He's the reason that I'm making this because this thought just came to me
You and Jake's thing is going to a bowling alley every now and then when he's fronting
You guys have a specific place that you go. It's a bit old and run-down, was probably more popular back in the day but now it's just there. But it's yours.
It's actually really fun
You two have fun with the competition of trying to win while also enjoying doing it together
They have cheap and watered-down beer, it's shit and Jake always complains about it but he still orders it for some reason
You guys also have an ongoing thing with the bowling that the loser has to pay for dinner next time you two go out to eat somewhere
You two try to mess each other up all the time, its a nice light-hearted thing that you do that's all in good fun
Overall its a nice and simple date for the two of you that actually holds a lot of meaning for you two
Steven Grant
You guys have this show that you both hate-watch together. It's this really stupid conspiracy theory show that you two discovered one night while having the TV on while washing the dishes after dinner
The episode was about the pyramids and ancient Egypt. It drew in Steven and he was so genuinely pissed about all the stuff that they were saying
You were mostly laughing but some things made you roll your eyes too
You both hate that it's become your thing but its honestly a bonding experience for you two and it's also a conversation starter
Sometimes you guys actually have intellectual talks about it and things that you think
But yeah, every time. On the airing dates and times for new episodes, you two are there watching it and rolling your eyes, cringing, and yelling at the TV
Sometimes you guys quote it to make each other laugh
Marc Spector
Late night walks, like really late night walks
It started with Marc and you not being able to sleep one night for whatever reason, so you decided to go for a stroll. Marc would usually go walk by himself but this time you came along
It sort of evolved after you guys found places and spots that you didn’t know were there until you started walking
Like the 24/7 donut shop that you both get a donut at whenever you do go walking
There’s also a really nice bench that you guys then sit at when you guys want a break
It’s actually weirdly nice when you get the chance to do it
It feels so private and intimate because no one’s around and it mostly seems like it’s just you and him together
And eventually you walk back home and head to bed and sleep for reals
It’s just a nice peaceful experience
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
V and fuckboy playboy/wingman male Darling-
Hear me out-
Darling is the son of some other loaded family that has close ties with V's. The two cross paths at a gathering and their parents urge them to make friends. Darling plays video games. V plays video games. They exchange numbers with some persuasion from their folks and set up a time to play something together although begrudgingly on V's end. V ends up having a better time than he expected, but right before he really starts to enjoy his time with Darling - he tells V he has to head out.
"Nice meeting you, dude. We gotta do this again. I got a girl coming over and I gotta bounce."
And just like that V's hopes are crushed. He's still learning about his attraction towards guys, but - Darling was sorta cute....
"oh....so you have a girlfriend."
Darling laughs.
"Nah, man. Haven't found the right girl...or guy to tie me down yet, plus I'm just enjoying the single life for now.... I can send pics after we're done if you want. She's totally chill and likes when I show her off."
Pictures?.... V agrees - thinking not much of it. He goes back to playing and eventually it slips from his mind. Hours later he receives photos of what looks to be a topless girl in a dimly lit room. She smiles big at the camera - eyes and upper face blocked from sight by the shaft of the bastard with her cheek pressed to his inner thigh. He still had on the same pair of sweats V had seen him in earlier that day. He only met this guy not even twenty-four hours ago and now he's seen his dick. Even worse - there's a pretty girl with her lipstick and spit all over it in the same picture. V's pissed - yet the image magically appears in one of his porn holders later on."
"what the hell...."
"My bad! I thought you might like it. You don't seem like a guy who gets a lot of action... If you ever want to meet someone, just give me a call. I know a lot of people who'd be interested in a rich brat like you."
This guy.... he acts like he's any different. V thinks Darling is a freak to put things lightly, but its not like he has other people to hang out with. As the two hang out V sees that Darling isn't as bad as he first seemed. He's still a horny, inconsiderate prick most days - but he's still the best thing V has to a friend and cares for V in his own way..... Still sends V dick pics he sweats were for someone els.
Darling is genuinely surprised that V has never been with someone. Sure, he doesn't seem like he gets that much attention, but he was sure V had at least kissed someone once. The topic comes up when Darling tries for the hundredth time to hook with up with one of his flings. He's always sending V evidence of the nights he spent with strangers. Oddly enough - V only ever complains about the videos and photos when they don't have darling in them as well.
"Damn.... I know you're a pain in the ass sometimes, but you're cute I thought somebody would've looked past that.....
V hates with Darling says shit like that. He's not used to people flirting with him and... and it gives him false hope. "Shut up....
"So, think she's cute? I can give her your number~"
"I don't want it."
This sucks.... By now, V's fully aware of his crush on Darling - and he fucking hates the bastard for what he's doing to him. If Darling is so concerned about him seeing people why doesn't he just take V out instead. He jerks off to everything Darling sends him wondering when he'll get his turn. V has some solace in the fact Darling rare sees any of his partners twice. V has been with him and always will be with him longer than any of them have. He just has to be patient.....and ruin any chances Darling has of being with anyone else.
V nearly jumps out of his skin reading one of Darling's numerous drunken texts.
"Hey, man. Totally speaking out my ass here, but would you ever be down to have a threesome sometime ;)"
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ceilidho · 10 months
coworker soap who frames the fleshlight thing as a joke but with a creepy undercurrent that you cant understand why you know it isnt a joke but you also dont wanna rock the boat so you dont tell hr bc johnny the ex-military man is a model employee otherwise and you cant help but feel hot shame run down ur spine when he says it that you are, at least a little, flattered by it bc shit dude hes HOT. coworker soap who just. doesnt bring it up again. its just boiling rhe frog. he says weird, borderline creepy shit that could be passed off as "guy talk" in any other situation (regardless of readers gender). He follows you around like a puppy and where it used to be normal for you, you feel a little creeped out now but. everyone. already refers to you as a duo. itd be weird if you stopped for no reason? right?
i don't know what broke in my mind long ago that this is like, the weirdly hottest thing in the world to me but im genuinely twitching over it right now.
model employee Johnny, knows the handbook inside and out, walks elderly customers to their cars with their bags, shows up to work early for every shift, always with a smile and a positive attitude. management loves him because his sales are also record high (i mean, it makes sense - i wouldn't be able to say no if he was helping me with a purchase and tried to upsell me). he's also a spokesperson for the company in all of their internal training videos because he was hired through some "jobs for vets" program that they just rolled out (idk i'm making this up). and the guy can stack things on a shelf like no one's business lmao like MILITARY precision/organization.
all your coworkers love him and genuinely like fist pump whenever they get put on the schedule with him because he's a blast to work with, and some of your coworkers are actually incredibly jealous that he just seems to follow you around everywhere. hangs off your every word. always seems to just pop out from around the corner whenever you're having trouble reaching something on a shelf.
but he says weird, uncomfortable shit to you sometimes. way over the line. you don't even know what to say at first when Johnny jokingly tells you that he has a fleshlight at home that he's named after you, just laughs and then stares at you for a second. and you like, give a little awkward laugh, growing more uncomfortable by the second the longer he stares at you without blinking. until something passes over his eyes and suddenly he's back to normal, clapping you on the arm and wandering off back to the men's apparel section.
he does a lot of strange shit actually. maybe insists on walking you to your car when the two of you are on the closing shift and it's well into the evening. laughs a little too hard and with too much vigour when someone calls him your shadow, his eyes just a little too bright and fervent. asks if you want to sit on his lap while he shows you how to use the forklift in the backroom. begs management to let him take his breaks with you and doesn't let you have a moment of peace, just sits with you in the breakroom or follows you to your car when you say that you're going out for lunch.
and you can't complain to any of your coworkers because the second you so much as criticize his work, they bark at you to be nice to him. he's just re-acclimating to civilian life, of course he's not perfect at his job yet. they defend him viciously. and the real jealous ones even tell on you in front of him, leaving you standing there embarrassed and on the spot until Johnny just smiles and says that it's alright. you'll just have to teach him better.
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vaggietheangel · 3 months
Huskerdust headcannons
Husk bet that Angel couldn't do a hand stand. Angel tried to prove him wrong imiedlty, he fell and broke a coffee table. Niffty was furious.
Angel is the big spoon but has to bend his body in very weird ways, to cuddel Husk without hurting his wings.
Husk is up do date on all of of the gossip in the studio. He's a good listener and enjoys the drama.
Husk takes Angel on dates to the aquarium. He thinks the blob fish are very ugly, but Angel loves them.
Angel smokes regular cigarettes, and Husk smokes cigars. They swap sometimes and give each other a kiss when they do.
Husk kisses the pink spots on Angel's face thinking that they're freskels. Angel reveals that they're eyes and he thinks that's even cuter.
Angel complains about how bad in bed some of the guys at work are, and Husk thinks it's the funniest thing.
Husk loves seeing Angel in dresses and suits equally. But he LOVES when Angel is wearing sweatpants/pajamas and no makeup. Angel could like like he woke up fron a month long coma, and Husk would tell him he's the more beautiful being in creation.
Angel hates Alastor after finding out how he treats Husk. He's pretty protective of him, if it were anyone else Angel would have killed him. He dosn't want to risk Alastor taking it out on Husk. Sinse he can't use physical violence against Alastor, he trained Fat nuggets to shit in Alastors shoes.
Instead, Angel cuddles and comforts Husk when Alastor goes too far. He pulls Husk into his lap and kisses him on the forhead and nose.
Husk likes to take Angel for flights around pentragram city.
Husk doesn't like Angel playing with his ears, so Angel plays with his hair instead. Husk enjoys that a lot more. Angel also likes to brush his hair.
Husk kisses Angel on the cheek whenever he walks past him.
Angel masages Husks back every night. His back is always in pain because of his awful posture and heavey wings.
Angel is a great cook, and is an asshole in the kitchen. Husk is the only person he is nice to when he's cooking. Husk is a shit cook and tried to impress Angel by making the vegetarian lasagna he likes. Husk could tell he was lying about liking it right away and asked him to just be honest with him.
Angel and Husk usually call each other by pet names and will only use their actual names if they're having a serious conversation.
Angel calls Husk: Handsome, honey and Amore Mio.
Husk calls Angel:Baby, Georgous and Tesoro.
Angel and Husk are both animal people, they they always have at least one pet. Angel keeps bringing home strays. Hopefully Fat nuggets its immortal.
Husk looks after Fat nuggets when Angel is busy. They see Fat nuggets as their son. If Angel asks Husk to babysit him Husk says "He's my baby too its not babysitting."
Angel kisses the heart shaped beans on Husk's paws.
After a few years of dateing Angel accidentally introduced Husk as his husband. Husk went with it and they started referring to each other as husbands despite not being married yet.
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livwritesstuff · 4 months
Steve closed down his computer after his last therapy session of the day (it was a short day – it’s only three in the afternoon), and swiveled around in his chair to look out the window onto his backyard.
It’s nice out. He could go for a walk around the neighborhood or putter around the yard for a while –  probably one of the last opportunities before the fall weather starts to turn on them.
He knows he isn’t going to do either of those things though. Instead, he’s gonna sit around keeping one eye on his phone because he knows his oldest daughter Moe’s course schedule and he knows she’s about to be heading to her next class which means she’s probably going to be calling him just like she’d done two other times today.
Sure enough, only a few minutes later, Steve’s phone started to ring with a call from Moe.
“Hey,” he said as he answered the call.
“Hi Pop,” she replied, her voice coming through the phone a little crackly, broken up by the sound of wind and city traffic around her.
“You on your way to class?”
“Uh-huh. That chem for engineers course – Pop, you wouldn’t believe the shit that rats get up to in this city. It’s crazy. I literally just saw a massive one dragging a whole bag of those little…you know…the red cheese – well, the cheese isn’t red, it’s just–”
“Babybels,” Steve finishes for her.
“Yeah, those! Pop – an entire bag of Babybel cheese being dragged down the street by a rat," Moe exclaims before immediately heading down another tangent.
Two months into Moe’s freshman year of college, Steve thinks she might be a little bit lonely.
She’s always been independent (sometimes to a scary extent, if he’s honest) and she’d handled most of the transition like a champ, but that kind of independence has its ups and downs, and Moe’s never been all that great at the social stuff. Unlike her sisters, she hadn’t had a big group of friends in high school, just a few good ones that she’d made early on in school and stuck with until graduation.
Now, he thinks she might be having some trouble with the whole making new friends piece of moving to a brand new city (goddamn New York City, because these kids won’t let him see a second of peace, and even though he trusts Moe and knows she can take care of herself, Steve still isn’t really in a place yet where he can sleep easy knowing she’s out there on her own).
He knows that Moe will find her people just like he had done years ago. In the meantime, she's been fulfilling that human need for social interaction through lots of calls with him and Eddie (and he'd once even caught Moe and Robbie on a video call together, which he's pretty sure had never happened before).
Steve’s not gonna complain. He’d pretty much drop anything to talk to his kids.
After a few minutes, the background noise coming from Moe's side of the call fades away.
"Okay, I have to go," Moe says, "I might call you later."
"I'm around," Steve replies, because for her (for all his kids), he'll always be.
"'Kay. Love you Pop."
"I love you too."
He waits a beat for Moe to end the call and when she does, he gets up, sticks his phone in his back pocket so he'll know when it rings again, and goes on with his day.
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ghostlyfleur · 5 months
eddie munson x new girl!oc
summary: the new girl compliments eddie’s music taste and he’s gone.
contents: warnings: friends to lovers, nervous!eddie, self-doubt, talks of self-deprecation, crush at first sight, loner!reader, hellfire club, teasing, embarrassment.
word count: ~0,7k
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eddie munson is hopeless, alright? hopeless.
he starts noticing a new girl around hawkins. the first time he sees her, it’s when he goes to the public library to find dustin who’s buried under books at the corner between shelves so he can drive the little shit home.
after noticing the pretty girl that first time, he started seeing her everywhere.
walking her dog and talking to it as if its her best friend, talking to max at the trailer park, sees her again with her dog walking through the woods after he met up with a customer, then sitting at a coffee shop by herself and reading a book with headphones on, and he’s smitten.
this girl wears band shirts sometimes, other times she’s in a sundress with flowers on it, then a sweater and long skirt, but what he always notices is that no matter what outfit she’s got on or what style she chooses that day… she always looks ethereal and soft and like light follows her, as if she has glitter surrounding her, and eddie thinks she’s an angel; or at the very least a fucking fairy ‘cause no one is that mesmerizing, right? but she is.
one day, the munson boy is parked on his van and playing one of his favorite tapes, and it’s just a little bit too loud when he notices her.
she’s sitting on a bench nearby and she starts singing along, and does so to every song he plays afterwards, to the point where she looks around to see who’s choosing such good music before she recognizes the guy sitting on the front seat of his beat up van.
the nerdy guy max lovingly complains about that lives at the trailer park a well, who is coincidentally also the guy dustin sings praises about at the library. she waves at him before she can overthink and smiles, shouting a “you have fucking great taste!”.
eddie’s wide eyed and blushing, he thinks he stops breathing and that he’s probably lost his mind ‘cause next thing he knows he’s waking towards her. he somehow makes her laugh, and she’s so nice, and they start talking about their favorite bands and the rest is history.
the thing is, now eddie “the freak” munson finds himself in love with his new friend, and surely she couldn’t feel the same, right? he’s still hopeless when she’s around and follows her like a puppy, treats her like a princess, and one day she joins hellfire. everyone loves her but everyone also knows their dungeon master is in love with her, and they start teasing them both.
one day the kids tell them to “just get on with it!” as they’re exiting the room once that day’s campaign is over, leaving and eddie is embarrassed. mortified, really. heart thumping so loud in his head he barely notices that she stays behind to help him clean up. he’s startled when she apologizes to him, as though she is the one clearly in love and she is the one embarrassed and she thinks eddie is too good for her, but that can’t be right ‘cause eddie wants her so much he can’t stop himself from speaking.
“i’d be yours if you asked.”
and she asks.
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princeoftheeternalbog · 5 months
Nicknames/petnames op characters like to call you PART TWO
Also suggestive warning for Ace, Marco, Izou
I don't care if law's is ooc btw he deserves to be sickly cute sometimes and yk we kinda saw how he can be when he loves something with that whole sora thing in wano so yeah I'm saying he can be affectionate as a treat.
Anyways here's like all the faves who are not strawhats:
Baby, sweetheart, pretty thing. Always says them in either the most flirty tone imaginable or the softest. Also he's like flirting with you 24/7 it's so bad but he jist can't turn it off around you like he's so down bad. 100% says heinous filthy shit but tacks on a cute nickname at the end to try and make it sound less intense. It does not work.
OBSESSED with you calling him love or my man and finds it ridiculously attractive. The first time it happened he set his bed on fire by accident and you both got lectured by pops :(. But seriously he just loves any and all verbal affirmation so naturally he adores nicknames. Doesn't get shy at all though, if anything reciprocating his chaotic behaviour makes it 10x worse.
Love/my love. Sweet and simple and he likes how clear it is to other people. He uses it a ridiculous amount though to be honest like you hear it more than your own name, it's to the point where if he says your name people on the ship don't know who he's talking about😭. Oh and he uses baby when he wants to tease you, like he drops his voice real low, leans really close into your space and speaks right next to your ear. Bit of a bastard tbh.
He blushes easily but doesn't shy away, in fact being called a nickname in return really makes him feel confident and puts him in the mood for affection. Though sometimes the nicknames make him feel...too affectionate. One time you called him pretty bird as a joke and he just sorta sat there, face getting gradually redder until you leaned towards him out of concern, at which point he promptly yanked you onto his lap and started what was one of your most intense make outs to date. Yk, casual things.
Cutie, sweet thing, pretty thing. So so gentle with you and it reflects in how he speaks to you as well, even if he's upset or angry he still calls you the sweetest things because you're so precious to him. Though he's also a menace, if he finds out you like a specific petname then he starts discretely whispering it in your ear whenever he passes you to wind you up. Literally he doesn't care if you're having a serious conversation, he'll just slide in behind you and drop his voice to sound like a nice gravelly tone and purposefully make sure to exhale on the back of your ear to make you shiver.
Oh but he can't handle if you do it back, no this man folds like a lawn chair the second you start calling him anything other than his name.
Darling, dear, lovely, blossom. So casually smooth its unbelievable, also he starts calling you them before you get together. Like after a certain point of friendship and flirting, he just starts doing and saying the most romantic shit(Definitely thinks you're together before you actually are) and the crew are very confused and you're very confused but as if you're gonna complain yk.
This man gets so flustered when you use nicknames with him because it's not behaviour he's used to. Obviously he's been a pirate for a long time but he's actually very reserved and rarely dates so having someone who genuinely cares about him calling something sweet makes him blush so hard and you use that to your fully advantage. He gets revenge later though don't worry.
Love, lovely, pretty, honey, every flowery pet name you can think of. He's so soft with you. He can't help how sickly affectionate he feels around you and it results in him just calling you all sorts of sweet words. He won't do it in public if he thinks you'll be put in danger or if he doesn't feel comfortable but like in front of the crew and strawhats and stuff he doesn't give a fuck. He'll just come up behind you while you're in the middle of a conversation, hand sliding down your lower back, and say sumthin like "are you okay my love?"
Blushes to high heaven if you call him something cute back, he just melts like butter. If he's in a bad mood or like in an argument or something you only have to come up and say hi love and he's all :///))
Babe to the public. My love, gorgeous, pretty baby when you're alone. It's not really that he doesn't want to call you those things in public, he just doesn't want enemies to understand how important you are to him but also he doesn't want to keep your relationship a secret because he's obsessed with you and wants to brag about being yours.
Makes him really cocky if you use petnames with him. Like he'll flush but get so overconfident the second you say love or baby or anything of the sort. He doesn't care where you are either, he's just hauling you into his space immediately so he kiss the fuck out of you.
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riotlain · 2 years
Slashers' Werewolf S/o
school is crazy
Poly Ghostface
Along with the various Ghostface killings theres been another bit of murder
"Animal attacks" the news said
You just avoided the news because of it before yall dated
After a while of dating you told them about the whole werewolf situation
They didnt believe til they saw it
You were quite docile with them
They gave you the nickname, Wolfy
Mainly Stu uses it but yknow Billy does too sometimes to tease you
Youre surprisingly docile while in wolf form
Well around them atleast
You mainly just follow them around which leads to you being apart of the whole Ghostface thing
Billy hates the fur so much. Stu doesnt mind it though
Yes theres dog toys in Stu's house for you
It surprisingly works
Stu's parents aint home often but whenever they are and you're transformed they hide you in his closet or bathroom
Billy gives good massages if you complain enough about the after pain of shifting and all that
Michael Myers
Yall were in the penitentiary for... different reasons
You both escaped at different times and eventually you ended up a tattered mess infront of Michael's lil house place
He wouldve killed you if he didnt see you turn from a werewolf thing to a human
Hey he recognized you! You were that patient who escaped a bit after him!!
Michael doesnt know how to feel about the werewolf thing
Yea youre enjoyable when youre a human but as a dog thing?? He usually jusy puts you outside
One of these times though you got hurt and he stopped doing it💀
Carries you around in both forms. Very strong man
Hates the fur hates the fur
*sprays water at you to get off the couch*
Jason Voorhees
Jason was never allowed any pets as a kid
Not saying your his pet but in your wolf form he treats you just like a dog
Yall definitely wrestle. HES A STRONG LAD HE CAN TAKE IT
He wont make you hunt trespassers or anything if you dont want to (Depending on how well you can control yourself when turned💀)
Gives the best massages when youre sore from shifting hes so gentle with it🫶🫶
Will hold you like a baby
You hurt him on accident once and never lived it down😭😭
Your fur feels nice to him
Will steal a brush from a trespasser to brush you out
Will lose his shit if you accidentally walk into a trap
Vincent Sinclair
Youre used to waking up in random places. Ambrose was the place this time
Vincent saw you turn from wolf to human and wanted to keep you around
He wants you to be a model for him but thats near impossible bc you never sit still
Please dont eat the wax statues😭
You arent allowed in his work room when transformed. Youre usually outside tho when you are so it dont matter too much
So you hang around Lester and Josie on those nights
Or he calms you down to where you sleep
Likes laying on your fur
Hates the slobber hates the slobber
Has many drawings of you🫶
Bo Sinclair
Acts like he hates that you transform
But he loves it and gives you so much affection in wolf form (you remember it all but dont tell him)
He hates the fur as well
Theres a dog bed in his garage
Like yea you always curl up next to him but still its there for you
Would prefer if you hunted some runaway victims but yknow you dont gotta
Will fold if you did puppy eyes at him
Lester Sinclair
Loves you so much
You're Jonsie's bestie
Mainly feeds you roadkill to keep you away from eating the wax statues😭
talks about you so much to his brothers
Youre great for collecting roadkill but you scare the travelers alot
Treats you like a big dog but knows your boundaries
Def gave you the nickname Puppy
Learned how to make tea to soothe you after you turn back
Bubba Sawyer
You woke up in a basement with blood in and around your mouth and a large man infront of you in an apron or something in fear
Bubba (and nubbins) had to convince Hoyt to keep you
Loves your abilities so much
Nubbins or Choptop usually try to rough house with you
You shed so much especially since its FUCKING TEXAS
Hoyt literally hates it so much
Gnaw on the bones of victims why dont you
Hoyt calls you mutt sorry😭
Bubba loves your fur
Just loves to ruffle it
Thinks your sharp teeth are really cool
Does not know what to do when youre in pain or sore from shifting back
Thinks your dying ngl and panics so much
He eventually understands youre sore and tried to give you massages
Thomas Hewitt
Near same thing to Bubba. HOW THE HELL DID YOU END UP IN TEXAS
Never allowed pets as a kid so when you just lay on his lap as a wolf he loves it so much
Doesnt mind the fur too much
Just tries to keep it away from the food
Monty has locked you outside in your wolf form multiple times and Tommy boy literally loses his shit
Monty is a hater
Luda may loves you though
Finds petting you therapeutic
Doesnt mind the slobber or anything
Gives you limbs of victims sometimes to gnaw on
Billy Lenz
Been literally stalking in your house for a while so he knows
His calls have more dog jokes in them calling you Puppy/doggy instead of piggy
Has barked at you
You kinda knew he was up there after the second time you shifted and heard him being... well him
You intimidate him so much hes so inlove with you
Smells your fur like alot
Theres saliva in your fur and a good amount is from him💀💀
You bit him once so he bit you back
Grabs your tail and ears alot to be annoying
Brahms Heelshire
Was also never allowed pets as a kid
Is scared at first. He knows werewolves as scary monsters that eat people! You wouldnt eat him right??
Eventually gets used to it
Cuddles his head against your chest
Your fur feels so nice to him
Ngl he just treats you like a dog?? Like how he treats the rats ngl
He'll give you food and then gently pat your head
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Jesse didnt believe in that stuff until you
Dont lick him on the head omfg💀💀
You shifted at work once and it scared everyone
Bro was just like "Aww my boyfriend🥰🥰"
Will trim your nails. Even if youre trying to go against it hes going to trim them
Enjoys brushing your fur
Preston hates how you always end up growling at him when hes around
It makes him look bad infront of his boss😭😭 (good)
Thinks youre an angel compared to him. Youre literally throwing bodies around and mauling them?? Nuh uh
You cant get him with puppy eyes no you cant (Yea... you kinda can)
Also sprays water at you sometimes
You have your own collar
Asa Emory/The Collector
Youre basically his pet so like yea you have a collar
Spooked him when you first turned like what?? people dont usually do that???
Hates the dog hair so much like omfg
Youre a guard dog now
Your job is to chase down any victim on full moons
Studies you
Watches you transform and takes notes
Has a notebook just about you
Asks you alot of questions before and after shifting
After his lil studies he will give you massages and somewhat pamper you ig
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misscinnamonroll16 · 9 months
More headcanons for brozone
Floyd is the first to notice how tense John is. He forces the others (bc they're salty lil shits) to help him to get John to relax
John Dory relates to the mcr song mama. It's a song about feeling like a failure to your parents and wishing you could have been better (at least that's my interpretation). Curse Floyd for showing it to him
Clay still counts on his fingers
Ironically, John has the best handwriting out of all of them. Branch has the worst
Clay moves around a lot in his sleep
John remembers all his brothers little habits. Bruce's maturity shines through when helping him deal with their brothers. Clay's naturally playful attitude. Floyd being a sassy little shit. Even Branch, throwing a slight tantrum to get their attention.
Floyd talks in his sleep, saying super weird stuff. He's done that since he was a baby
JD taught himself how to drive
Bruce pierced Floyd's ear much to their grandma's and John's dismay
They all missed their grandma's cooking but they also missed John Dory's cooking (but you'll never hear them say that)
Clay enjoys reading aloud
Floyd was a nail biter
Floyd can and will steal a straight guys gf just bc he knows he can
Bruce still has tons of products for his hair and skin
Branch cant help but enjoy having his brothers in the bunker that he built for them. its nice having them back in his life even if he's still kind of being a dick about it lol
Clay tells the best scary stories
john will complain while doing something no matter how small the task is. Bruce just chuckles to himself, saying "some things never change"
John is a little jealous of Bruce bc he wants kids (eventually and with the right person) but he doesn't want that pressure of taking care of someone or risk screwing up like he did with his brothers. so he takes every opportunity he can to babysit
the boys had SO MANY nicknames for each other and all of them were annoying little jabs at each other (that they secretly loved)
John dory's joints ache when its about to rain or when cloud guy shows up (we're not gonna talk about how truly old he is)
sometimes it feels like Bruce and JD are having a competition to see who can out dad the other. who falls asleep in front of the tv and claims they were watching it? who mows the lawn at 5 am? shit like that
Clay has really good aim with a slingshot
Branch and John Dory know how to shoot a bow and arrow
Floyd has the highest pain tolerance, mostly bc of nerve damage
Bruce has wet willies, John had noogies
Floyd plans on getting tattoos
John Dory enjoys doting on his brothers, just a little bit
i also have some headcanons about genderbent brozone if anyone would like those
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
ahhhh i just spent the last three days reading every post on the emtts tag and im in love with your whole little universe. i kept meaning to make a list of all of the little things but i kept getting distracted and forgetting so i only started at april 18th bc i NEED (subject to your willingness to expand/care act this particular part of your universe) to hear more about all of the little stories of steve getting arrested (particularly hopper arresting steve?? and them breaking into steves parents house?)
thanks for this amazing space!! you’ve made a universe that ive been thinking about constantly and that expands on the characters in such a beautiful mundane way, its very cool!!
ps i just read one of the follow ups in the death threat part where steve admits he doesn’t want to stop teaching bc dustin asks eddie about it and i think im about to cry holy shit
pps on the death threat part with diane oh god. like just steve having to figure it out in front of her and her explaining to him and him admitting to just not being ok i just
First, thank you so much! This is all so very nice of you to say and props for getting through everything in three days. It is quite a bit! It’s honestly amazing how much has been written in such a short amount of time. I’m only going to cover Steve getting ‘arrested’ and I’ll touch on Steve and Eddie’s breaking and entering at a later date.
Steve started having seizures a little after they closed the gate on the Upside Down for good or, well. They started noticing that he was having seizures after they closed the gate. It was heavily implied in the undertone of his doctor’s voice that these seizures were likely going on for a while and that they likely not going to stop anytime soon.
Steve took this news as well as anybody could.
Everybody was kinda waiting for him to have a breakdown over it, but it never happened because Steve was – well, he wasn’t fine. Obviously. But it is what it is, right? If the worst thing to come out of all this Upside Down stuff is that he’s a little dumber than he was before than how could he complain?
Max was learning how to walk again.
What Steve didn’t take well was his doctor telling him that he wasn’t allowed to drive anymore. In fact, he did not take that news at all. He completely ignored it, and he ignored the looks that Robin when give him when he drove himself to work, and he would say, “It’s not like I’m driving the kids around or anything. It’s just me.”
“And that’s supposed to make me worry less?”
“I pull over if I feel weird.”
He wasn’t actually driving all that much anyways. Robin got her permit and Eddie got the all-clear to drive again, so no one needed to rope Nancy into lecturing him about ‘the dangers.’ He didn’t need Dustin’s complaining or Eddie’s ‘hey, maybe you should listen to them’ or Joyce stopping him on his way out the door. And he didn’t need Hopper.
Steve was learning to accept that sometimes he needed help. He was doing better, but Steve practically lived alone despite the jokes people were making about him being at Eddie’s all the time, and he wasn’t going to bother someone just because he needed toilet paper.
Steve was sitting in his car outside of the Fair Mart, trying to remember why he needed to go there in the first place, when there was a knock on his window. He startled and blinked hard twice before looking over at the drivers’ side window. He frowned.
Hopper was standing there and he looked annoyed. He gestured for him to get out of the car and Steve frowned more, fumbling with his seatbelt before pushing the door open. For lack of anything else to do once he was out of the car, Steve said, “Hey, what’s up?”
Hopper frowned more like he was annoyed with Steve which was, in itself, was really annoying because Steve didn’t do anything. He was just here to buy… He was here to get… Wait. “Huh?”
Hopper sighed loudly and repeated himself. Slowly. “Give me. Your keys.”
Maybe it was Hopper’s tone or maybe there was some stock in what his doctor said mood swings, or maybe Steve was just tired of everybody treating him like a baby that needed taken care of and watched. Just when Hopper reached to take the keys out of his hand, Steve shoved him away.
Everything kinda blurred at the edges and the headache that’s been wedged in the corner of Steve’s jaw pulsed. He didn’t really take a breath until Hopper shoved him against the hood of his car.
Hopper cuffed metal around his wrists and said, “Good going, Harrington.”
Steve yanked on his arm and snapped back, “You’re not even a cop anymore. You can’t arrest me.”
“Call it a citizen’s arrest.”
Eddie laughed for four minutes of Steve’s five minute phone call at the police station. He laughed so hard that Steve knew that he was holding his side where the bites were the deepest because they were still tender, and Steve just rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up. Are you gonna get me?”
“Hm, yeah,” Eddie grinned through the phone. “Yeah. It’s a little ironic that the Prom K-“
Steve hung up the phone.
The ‘charges’ that Hopper (not a cop) threatened to ‘throw the book at him’ for were driving without a valid driver’s license. There was a part of Steve that knew that this was all just for show to teach him a lesson, but still argued that he had a valid license because no one took it away from him, and actually, “This is false imprisonment, right? Maybe I should call my family lawyer.”
It was even more annoying that Eddie – rolling into the building smelling like weed an hour later – agreed with Hopper. 
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buttonmillipede · 3 months
TW: porn, sa, rape, pedo, this is a commentary.
Im so tired of the Bsd fandom. Like i like it sometimes i won’t deny that but there is too much porn 😭😭
I want family fond, fluff, anything! I want teen reader who acts too much like a bsd character when they were their age, i want a teen reader in the beast au whos dazai right hand like how dazai was moris right hand, i want dad/mom bsd parent, I want teen reader taking the place as the new demon prodigy, i want intelligent reader. I want child of chuuya or dazai meeting someone who is just like chuuya or dazai. (Idk how to explain well but here you go. Ex: Child of chuuya meets someone who acts just like dazai when chuuya met dazai, or child of dazai gets body slammed by someone who acts like chuuya), i want a sassy child reader. I WANT PLOT. PLEASE IM BEGGING, IM SO BORED OF JUST READING PORN AFTER PORN CAUSE THERES NOTHING ELSE. ITS SO DRY IN HERE, IF YOUR GONNA MAKE PORN MAKE IT INTERESTING. I DON’T WANT TO SEE DADDY DAZAI, THAT MAN IS NOT A DADDY, HES A MANIPULATIVE TWINK. At this point its not even nice to read it. I can just hear my pussy shrivel up and die every time i stumble across smut or lemon or whatever people call it nowadays. Also side note non-con, pedo shit, etc is way to normalized in this fandom.
Edit: i just want to add im not against porn, do whatever you want i can’t control you. What im so upset about is the fact its only porn, i can’t find a x reader (Platonic or Romantic) without it being anime characters raw dogging it. I just want more variety.
Edit 2: I’m being overdramatic as a joke I don’t like complaining without adding things that will make me laugh, sorry I didn’t make that clear. If you don’t agree with my opinion scroll away, this wasn’t made to start any fights. This is just mindless ranting about what bugged me at the moment, please don’t give me solutions or try to treat me like a I’m stupid. I already know what solutions to take, and I’m already taking them. I also want to add again: I DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PORN. DO NOT DEBATE WITH ME ABOUT THEM.
Edit: Ya’ll are porn addicts. This is a commentary, its my opinion. Mindless rambling. But the way im seeing people get straight up attacked for saying its weird how much porn there is especially since most of the topics are gross, is bad. Im lucky to have only a few try to fight me. I want to add, Im not talking about consenting adults im talking about yandere (Yandere is debatable), rape, sa, pedo. I find it disgusting and unethical. I understand if you’re using it as a tool for comfort but understand its not healthy. My conclusion is porn no matter what form is just as addictive. If you find something you don’t like scroll, if its bad report and block then scroll.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 11 months
Thinking about Actor Au like how @no-see-um-incorrect did!
Interviewer: So tell me about you holding the gun at Derek?
Boo giggling: okay so like that came up bc I was reading the script and the backstory of Al, Seth and Derek.
Alphonse: oh shit yeah!
Boo: I was reading and just blurted out "I would put a bullet in this fuckers head." And everyone was shocked hearing me say that!
Seth: yeah bc you got this face when ya said it hon. Like you were actually gonna do it!
Boo: Yurri ended up liking the idea so that was added!
Star Cross Streamers:
Interviewer: So, when you started to work on Star Cross Streamer what did you think of actually meeting Star who is a big streamer?
Faust: I was actually really nervous meeting them and like acting with them as well. Since I'm an okay streamer and they're like a big shot right?
Star holding their chest: I made you nervous?!?!
Faust giggling: uuhhh yeah??? You were this cool person that was nice to everyone and I was a bitch.
Star: hey! You fixed your attitude anyways your much more enjoyable now!
Faust blinking: Did my attitude annoy you!?!?
Star giggling: no silly! I mean your just a but nicer now!
Interviewer: Auron, we heard that when Rook first met you they flirted right away at you?
*Rook hiding their face and nodding*
Auron: Ha! They did Yuuri wanted dme to meet them and I walked in. A wolf whistle was heard and they shot me a "Hey handsome how you doing?~"
Rook blushing and looking away: God I was like shocked seeing a hot dude and decided to flirt to calm myself.
Auron: don't worry it was flattering and nice. Also Yuuri got a laugh out of it.
Rook: he did he was trying to breath as I was blushing and not looking at you as I apologized for coming off so strong.
Demon Boyfriend:
Interviewer: So Lucien how do you feel about having to take three hours to get ready for your shooting?
Angel whispering: oh here we go
Lucien: Its so annoying!! And it gets itchy when I'm in it for too long!! Which suchs bc i mess up my lines with the voice changer.
Angel: there are MANY bloopers with Lucien.
Lucien pouting: Also it's hard to eat and cook in my set up.
Interviewer: Oh? You cook on set actually?
Lucien smiling: I'm a culinary student right now! Yuuri liked the idea of me actually cooking with the series so he let me!
Angel: I'm the taste tester when he makes something on set. Also once we tried doing brownies for a episode but Yuuri scrapped it bc it didnt seem right I think?
Lucien: But when a episode gets scrapped and there was food everyone gets some goodies bc of it.
Angel: yeah hes basically the mom of the group bc of it. He always asks if someone's hungry and starts cooking if someone complains about being even a pit peckish.
Lost & Found
Interviewer: So you two were actually childhood friends?
Charlie nodding: yeah we are!
Casper laying on him slightly: yeah I knew this loser since like middle school.
Charlie rolling his eyes: like you weren't a loser too!!
Interviewer: did some of the childhood friendship got added to the story?
Casper chuckling: yeah Yuuri was surprised when he found out we WERE childhood friends turned lovers and he loved how it feels real.
Charlie: but it also makes it hard being serious sometimes.
Casper: theres lots of bloopers where its Charlie messing up and I'm dogging on him for messing up. Then it turns into a big bicker thing and Yuuri has to scold us.
Charlie: yeah we get scolded the most out of everyone after Lucien. Its bc he eats too much on set.
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