#sometimes i like them being cutesy okay . he is so small
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stump-not-found · 4 months ago
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this is all necessary for world domination
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bookshelf-dust · 12 days ago
someone worth leaving home for
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eddie munson x fem!reader
gif by @cowboylikemunson
word count: 2,695
warnings: some alcohol use, swearing, a little suggestiveness? otherwise pure fluff
synopsis: you’re not really one to go out on the town much. being at home is just…better. but maybe there are some people worth getting out of your pjs for.
a/n: the amount of time this has been sitting, left to collect dust because i just couldn’t get a good footing on it or decide what direction to go in is vile. but i finally did it!! and i think it turned out pretty cutesy. if you’ve been in the market for something fluffy to get through the horrors life brings you, i hope this’ll help. love you!! <33
“Will you quit dragging your feet, already? For one, you’re gonna scuff your new boots, which I paid good money for, and for another, we’re never gonna get close enough to the stage if you don’t pick up the pace.” 
Tatum skips ahead of you, her skirt flouncing behind her. You scoff, shoving your beat-up compact back into your purse, along with the wine colored lipstick you’d been applying. “I just don’t understand your obsession with bars. I much prefer drinking at home. In my pajamas.”
“It’s not gonna kill you to come out with me for one night.” Tatum says your name. “Besides, I already told you the lead singer is kind of your type…” The last word leaves her mouth with a sing-songy lilt to it. She pulls open the door to The Hideout for you. “God knows you need some physical affection,” she mumbles. 
“What was that?” you laugh, cupping your ear with your hand. “You wouldn’t happen to be shit-talking your best friend, now would you?”
Tatum flips her hair over her shoulder. “Sometimes shit-talking is the best form of motivation.” 
It’s not exactly light outside, what with the time change and it getting dark so early, but somehow it’s darker inside the bar. There are a few neon signs hung up on the wall, large beer company logos staring you down. Your boots immediately stick to the floor beneath you; peanut shells crunch under your heels. 
It’s the kind of disgusting that holds nothing but nostalgia and a strange sense of comfort. You go to take a seat at the bar, but Tatum is quick to grab your hand, pulling you across the oblong room and in front of a small-ish stage. Your brows knit together. 
“What do you want to drink? I’ll get it. These are the best seats in the house, and I damn sure am not about to let anyone take them.”
You spout off the first thing that comes to mind, hoping it’s even something this place will have. You bring your purse into your lap. “Best seats my ass.”
Tatum slams a glass down on the table in front of you. Your heart smacks against your ribcage. “Jesus fuck!” She laughs when you clutch your collarbones, eyeing the pinkish liquid in your cup.
“These might be the grossest seats in the house, but they sure are good for checking out the band.”
How she even heard your snide comment from the bar, you’ll never know. Tatum takes a swig from her beer, waiting for your eyes to widen. You decide not to give in to temptation. 
“You brought me here so you could ogle the singer in a shitty band in an even shittier venue?”
“Hey, beggars can’t be choosers.”
Your eyes roll back into your head and you take a long sip from the plastic straw in front of you. “And no,” Tatum continues, “you pessimistic little shit. I have eyes on the drummer—hello. Do you even know me? The front-running guy is much more your type. And he plays like, an electric guitar or something. You know what they say about guitarists…”
“Okay, stop. You sound so sure that you know exactly what my type is, and I just don’t think that’s fair, I mean, I don’t do that to you—holy shit…”
Tatum leans back in her chair, the front legs lifting ever so slightly. She claps her hands and giggles. “Ha! Told you so!”
The back of your hand makes contact with her clammy bicep. She takes it in stride. 
The band, a group of four, has appeared on stage, skin glimmering in what can only be described as a ghostly manner due to the cheap lighting. There’s a guy taking a seat at the drum set with floppy brown hair, an earring, and a ratty gray sweater on. “Does he have big sad eyes?” you ask Tatum, raising an eyebrow. 
She might as well have squealed. “You bet your ass he does!” 
You look at your best friend as the group begins to play a cover of something that sounds vaguely familiar—maybe you’ve heard it on the radio before—but that you can’t place. You won’t tell her, but you’re glad she dragged you here tonight. The love-dazed trance she’s in makes it worthwhile. You’re not gonna let her leave without getting that guy's number.
A quick glance around the place shows you that only a few other people are paying attention: the lone bartender, an older group of men, some possible teens in one of the corners sharing a pack of cigarettes. You swing your head back in the direction of the small stage, shocked to find the lead singer giving you a once-over. 
You can’t decide if you’re intimidated or intrigued. His mouth is just barely pressed against the microphone, his lips twitching into a smirk as you maintain eye contact with him. 
This man doesn’t look like anyone else you know. Sure, he’s got a similar style cut to his hair, the same dark jeans plenty of people wear in such a small town. But he’s the kind of person you can look at and just know that they’re trying to do bigger things. Reach for things bigger than themselves and the lives they grew up having. 
He seems to be wearing a couple different necklaces, a messy stack of brackets on his left wrist, an Iron Maiden shirt that’s been torn more likely from wear than in the depths of a factory. He’s the kind of gorgeous people write poems about. Hell, the kind of gorgeous people paint because they have to document it. Something about his bone structure, his lithe movements, the curve of his throat.
You find yourself unable to look away from him even as you sip your too-sweet cocktail. Your elbow nudges Tatum’s. You’re hoping that by leaning into her budding crush, yours will go unnoticed. Hopefully she’s forgotten about it since you haven’t said anything since he walked out. “You planning on asking for the drummer’s number before we leave tonight?” you ask, smiling when her cheeks flush. 
“I really want to. And they always seem to stick around after they play, to buy a beer or smoke in the alley out back. I mean, I did put on a push-up bra.”
Your shoulders shake with laughter. By the time their set is over, you’re pretty sure you only really knew one song they played—and that was only because your dad likes it. 
Tatum glances over her shoulder. You give her a lookin, raising your eyebrows and hands in tandem. She cringes, though it looks more like a victorious smile. She gestures at you with her index finger. Almost done. 
She’s been talking to the drummer—Gareth, you’ve now learned—for twenty minutes. You wish they’d just exchange numbers and head off in their separate directions already. The balls of your feet are starting to ache in your boots. 
You let your eyes flutter shut for just a moment as you relax into the brick wall behind you. God, you feel old. You’re ready for bed. 
There’s a shuffling sound off to your left, the slam of a door. “Shit, Gare, you got a light? Mines out.”
You look up, looking for a face to match with the voice you’ve just heard. It’s the guy from before, one of the others from the band. 
“Yeah, man, here.” Gareth fishes a silver lighter out of his pocket and passes it over. Tatum glances at you, jerking her thumb back in the guys direction. Well, he’s gorgeous, she mouths. You roll your eyes. 
Once he’s lit his cigarette, the still unknown man looks at Gareth and asks, “You about ready to head out?”
You grin to yourself, tuning out the rest of their conversation, their exchange of introductions with Tatum. You’re looking down at a particularly round rock when another pair of boots appear in your line of vision. Your head shoots up.
“Hey,” he grins, “Didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Eddie. Tatum said you’re with her?”
You let out a short, little puff of air laugh. “I am. My best friend since the seventh grade and the only reason I’m not in my pajamas by now.”
If possible, he’s even prettier up close. There’s a smattering of freckles across his nose and under his eyes. The sly line of a dimple drawing up next to his mouth. The first thought you have about him at this moment is how much you like his hair. 
Eddie chuckles, blowing the smoke from his cigarette away from you. “Ooh, are they good pajamas?” The playfulness in his question catches you a little off guard. 
“They are,” you start. “They’ve got Garfield on them.”
He smiles at you. “Cute. Poor Odie though, right? When’s he get to be on a pair of pajamas?” 
“Oh, don’t worry. I have a t-shirt with them both, so he’s not totally left out.”
Eddie stuffs a hand into his back pocket. “Good. I was worried. What’s your name, gorgeous? You know, so I can look you up in the book if I find some Odie pjs.”
Normally you’d be embarrassed by how quickly you’re being charmed by this man, but he’s so damn cute that you don’t care. You tell him your name. He smiles again, slower this time, and tells you how pretty it is. 
“I’ve never seen you here before tonight,” Eddie says. 
“It’s my first time. Tatum begged me to come out with her, but I know it was really just because she wanted your drummer’s number. Usually I’m happy to drink at home.”
Eddie looks over at your friend standing with his. Gareth is writing something on a gum wrapper. 
“Well I’m certainly glad I got to meet you. You looked very pretty out there. Hope we didn’t disappoint though?”
You wave your hands. “Oh, not at all! I enjoyed it. I liked the mix of covers and originals. You’re very good. You have a…strong stage presence. Very assertive.”
He drops his cigarette, snuffing it out with the heel of his boot. “Yeah?” There’s a sick little smirk on his face when he glances back up at you. 
You hum. “You’ve got that whole…rockstar look about you, y’know?”
“So…is all that stage presence enough for you to come back next week? You’ll only have to be out late one night. If you make it, I’ll buy you a drink. We can keep talking about how pretty you are and how you feel about my assertiveness.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Are you flirting with me?”
The both of you burst out into giggles, enough so that Tatum and Gareth look over to see what’s wrong. 
A yawn from you interrupts the gleefulness. 
“Hey,” Eddie says, smiling at you. His eyes take on a pretty sheen. “I’ll let you go, alright? Before you pass out on the sidewalk.”
You stick your hand in your purse and rummage for a pen. “You have anything for me to write on? You know, so we could talk a little more and I can answer your question.”
Eddie never has shit on him. Suddenly he pulls out his pack of cigarettes, flipping it over and handing it to you. You snort down at the little box, but scribble your number in the white space anyhow. “I can also apologize for my shitty flirting,” you tell him.
“Practice makes perfect,” Eddie says. 
Tatum skips over, grabbing your hand and blowing a dramatic kiss at the two men behind you as she drags you away. “Goodnight, boys!”
“What the actual fuck are you doing?”
Eddie appears in the living room, a pair of ratty and worn pajama pants sitting on his hips, a hand in his tangled hair. 
“What’s it look like?” 
He tilts his head in order to make eye contact with you. “Some weird Exorcist shit.”
What he’s referring to is your downward dog pose. You took up yoga a little while back, not only because it gave you something new to do, but it also helps keep you grounded. This is not to say you’re perfect at it, but it’s fun. 
It’s been just over two months since you met Eddie. He’s always felt like he’s gotta do a hundred things at once, like he’s constantly on the go—being pulled in all these different directions. Wayne used to tell him that if he didn’t learn to relax, one day his head was gonna fly off and his body would just keep on running. 
Somehow being with you, being with a total homebody, has mellowed him out. He can’t quite explain it. Maybe the chemicals in him finally evened out (he thought that was part of puberty or something). Really it’s because he’s never really understood being grounded—not until you. 
“You can join me,” you tell him, lowering yourself to sit on your haunches. “If you want. It’s just some stretching.”
He settles onto your carpeted floors, pressing a warm kiss to the center of your forehead, his hand cupping the back of your neck, thumb caressing your hairline. 
“You gonna drag me to the hospital when I throw out my back?”
“Of course.” He watches, enamored, as you shift your position. “Here, I’ll show you my favorite one. It feels really good for your hips.”
You get into a child’s pose, letting your knees fall wide so that your hips open up and relief runs up your spine. The effects of sleeping in the fetal position—an Eddie glued to your side no matter how much you move. 
You look over at him and blink. Hesitantly, Eddie attempts to copy the way you’ve folded your body. His knees just won’t do whatever it is yours are doing. They’re not very spread and his back is a little too hunched.
“Shit,” he fusses. “This shit hurts! Must be some feminine magic or something. How are you not in pain right now?”
“Here, try this one instead.” Eddie gets into a cobra pose much easier. His back cracks and he groans.
“Baby, honey, sweet fucking woman of mine—I genuinely don’t think my spine was made for this.” He sits back down, mesmerized when you do a pigeon pose, saying how good it feels and how your mind quiets for a few minutes. 
Eddie chuckles to himself. Your head pops up. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing…I was just thinking that I also know of a few ways your mind could get real quiet.”
“Eddie!” you shriek, reaching out to smack his arm. “Be serious.”
“I am—”
“Come on, just do this one with me, okay? If you throw your back out I’ll give you a massage or something. Besides, relationships are about compromise! Think about how many pairs of my shoes are all sticky because I like you so much that I get dolled up and follow you to a hundred different bars to hear you sing.”
“A hundred is a bit of a stretch. But, I digress. I will try this with you, m’lady.”
Your body makes a triangle as you return to downward dog, coaxing Eddie with you. His hair falls away from his eyes and your gaze travels to the soft skin of his tummy, the sparse hair below his belly button. It’s at that moment that you realize Eddie is also eyeing you. His eyes are glued, very obviously, to your ass. 
“Eddie, this is supposed to be relaxing, stop ogling me!”
“I saw you over there. You were being a perv with those eyes, babe. Don’t act like I'm the only guilty party.”
“You first! You always start staring first.” 
“You’re right. And if I didn’t have a staring problem, you wouldn’t be doing this with me right now.”
“Technically, I made the first move.”
“You absolutely did not.”
“Yes, I did!”
“No, you really didn’t.”
You swipe at Eddie’s ankle, knocking him off balance. You shuffle quickly across the carpet, burning your knees but not caring. 
“Just shut up and kiss me already, Munson.”
Eddie just about tackles you, cupping your face and bringing you flush to his chest. “Yes, ma’am.”
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note: none of the gifs or images i use are mine! i get most of my images from pinterest or here, and gifs from about the same. please let me know if i ever don’t credit someone properly!
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forsaken-headcanons · 13 days ago
I like to think that in other nights when Elliot is too tired to cook for the group (he's usually the cook bc yknow he used to cook for builder brother's pizza occasionally...) ,, 007n7 decides to cook for them. Since he thinks its one of the things he could at least contribute to the group. Shedletsky also cooks for them sometimes, but fried chicken can get a little tiring.
So 007n7 cooks, right? And the other survivors think he's gonna BURN down the kitchen, most likely Elliot or Builderman will think that because they don't trust him the MOST. Shedletsky has some faith in him, and so does Guest 1337, mostly because he just pities the guy... But his cooking would NOT disappoint. Onto the serving ig,,,
Elliot would not only be shocked, but he'll be FLABBERGASTED once he tastes his cooking. It was surprising, a former hacker cooking like a retired chef??? WOW!! but he won't admit it, he'll just regard it in some sort of "Yah, it's good enough, i guess" way.
Shedletsky would LOVE it. He doesn't really trust the man that much, but ever since he tasted his cooking, he was BLOWN away. He even suggests he cooks for them every night bc of how good it is, which makes 007n7 embarrassed and flattered at the same time. He praises the man, and he's usually watching him cook these meals now. Maybe stealing a quick taste when 7n7 isn't looking.
Builderman would also be a little shocked, and he praises the man a little after tasting the dish. He'd go back for another plate while still having a mouthful of food that he's prolly chewing. hes just hungry like that.
Guest 1337 thinks its because of being a former father, since he knows himself that having a kid can boost up his ability to cook even by a little. He knows bc yknow,,, he has a kid himself... he'll give 7n7 a few ingredients and dishes he used to make, they'll be cooking buddies ong... totally not a 1337n7 reference, heehe.....
Two Time likes it, they think that "This delicacy has been blessed by The Spawn itself, hence it's deliciousness" or something, they're just like, trust. And they pray for like every meal, not just 7n7's. It's all meals like breakfast, dinner, and lunch, even if it's just a small snack. He usually puts it down on some small table and kneels down, praying glory of the Spawn for the meal. 7n7 finds it a little weird, but he does appreciate it when they pray for the food served to them.
Noob loves it!!! As much as they like Elliot's cooking, they think that he's at a competition when 7n7, because DAYUM. The food he makes tastes like he's at some sort of fancy restaurant!!!! AND they know that he used to be a hacker, but they dont really care...... bc FOOD!!! The little fella waits eagerly for the food to be served while he holds their plate out, and a little bib on his collar.
Dusekkar LIKES it. Though he doesn't really need to eat bc of yknow, hes a pumpkin and my general headcanon... he can still digest stuff normally, but he doesnt really get hungry like normal Robloxians do. He praises the meal with his cutesy little rhyming phrases, i aint writing that bc i aint good at rhyming forbSHIT.
That is SO MUCH im so sorry that its so long omg i just like rmabling about 007n7... and i thought this headcanon would be happy bc most hc's for him are SO SAD AND ANGSTY!!!!
also I'd like to be called 🗯💥 anon if its okay!!!! HEHE SEND ASK
Down as 🗯💥 anon you go.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 2 years ago
me casually thinking about miguel o'hara discovering reader's notebook accidentally left on her desk filled with cutesy drawings of him (hearts and all) and personal entries of what they think of him
perhaps there's a playful confrontation?
hii!! omg this is so cute!! I did change a couple small things, hope that’s okay. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
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Miguel O’hara x fem!reader
wc || 1005
warnings || none, just fluff
part 2 -> doodles
Sometimes during meetings at HQ, you were so bored listening to Miguel drone on and on that you'd often draw as a way to kill time. You'd have your mini notepad hidden behind your arm as you doodled onto the page, drawing and sketching whatever was around you. More often than not, Miguel would be a victim of your boredom. You'd doodle angry sketches of him as he stood there talking to the other spiders, scolding them or telling them off for things they've done wrong.
So like any other day, you had your doodle pad on the table hidden behind your bent elbow, drawing little sketches of everyone. Finishing up on Hobie's drawing, you glance over to Peter B, noticing Mayday's cute expression as she mimicked Miguel. 
You quickly sketched her, drawing her hat with locks of curly hair and a toothy grin hidden behind, finishing it by adding little mini hearts around her. You turn to Miguel next to her and doodle a softer sketch of him than you typically would. A little drawing where he is subtly smiling into the fist of his hand as he watches Mayday, a moment where he looks somewhat happy. You scribble away with his sketch, pencil to paper as you capture the unfamiliar expression on his face. You finish the doodle by adding small notes beside his face, little thoughts and entries of your undeclared feelings towards him.
You excuse yourself to the restroom, placing your notepad on your chair, discreetly hiding it as you stand from your seat. You make your way over to the door, mouthing to Miguel, "pee break," with a smile as you walk passed the other spiders. 
Miguel wasn't oblivious to your doodles. He often pays attention to you when you don't even realise it, watching you scribble away in your notepad, clearly disengaged in the meetings as he speaks with you and the other spiders. If anyone, anyone acted as uninterested as you during conversations, he would've lost his temper, but not with you. When you did it, he found it sweet, endearing almost.
You thought you were being discreet with your doodles, believing that you've played Miguel, but like always, he was a few steps ahead. So, as soon as you leave the room, he stalks over to your chair, snatching the book and hiding it under his arm before excusing himself from the room.
He was pacing outside the seminar room, fingers tapping on the cover of your notebook as if he was battling with himself; either sneak a look and betray your trust or leave it be. He knew he couldn't ruin what he had with you, so he decided on the latter.
"What are you doing with that?" you ask, your eyes squint in focus as you walk towards him.
"What is it?" he asks, waving the book at you, his gaze following you as you get closer.
"Give it back,"
"You didn't answer my question," he wryly smiles, his head cocking to the side.
"You didn't answer mine," you say playfully, hiding a smirk.
He stifles a snicker, averting from your gaze. "Can I see?" he asks, his tone genuine as he nods to your pad.
"Why?" he grins, extending his arm so it was out of your reach.
"Oh, that's not fair," you jokingly frown, tugging his arm.
"Why can't you show me?"
"They're just crappy doodles," you shrug, partially lying. "Please- it's embarrassing, give it back," 
"Okay," he nods, lowering his arm, raising it again as if to play you. "Why can't I see? Am I in there?" smirking.
Your eyes bug, and you feel the heat rush to your hands, feeling nothing but embarrassment under his attention. He must've sensed your unease because he hands you the book with no objection, avoiding your gaze.
"Thanks," you sheepishly smile, hiding the book under your arm. "They're just sketches of Mayday and Pav and stuff," you say, trying to ease the slight tension. Even though you didn't want him to see, you still felt a little guilty about it. He was only showing his interest, that's all. He wasn't being mean or critical. He just seemed genuinely curious about your drawings.
"I'm sure they're good," he smiles small, nodding towards the door as if it was time to join the rest of the group again. "You don't have to show me. If they're private, I get it," he comforts, dropping the question as he extends a hand.
"You can't be mean about them," you say quietly, pulling out your notepad. "If I show you... you can't be mean about them,"
A smile slowly creeps on his face, his eyes softening at the idea. "Promise," he grins, ushering you to the nearby bench. "I wouldn't dream of it,"
You sit down, and Miguel joins you seconds later, sitting close to you, inches apart. You hand him your work and look away, feeling too embarrassed. 
He's quiet, far too quiet, and it's making you anxious. 
"I told you they're bad," you awkwardly laugh. 
He doesn't say anything. He just smiles, looking over your mini sketches. 
"What uh- what'd you think?" you ask, glancing between him and the page.
"You did these?" he questions, his eyes focused on the paper.  
"Yeah," you coyly smile, chuckling.
"They're amazing. This one- is it meant to be me?" he grins, looking up to find your gaze. He softly laughs, pointing to a sketch in the corner. "Why do I look so angry?" 
"That's how you always look, Miguel," you laugh, playfully nudging his side. 
"Is that why I have... squiggly lines coming from my head?" he grins earnestly, watching the smile widen on your face. "And the frown lines?"
"You were being mean that day," you justify, snickering.
"Oh, really? Huh?"
You were thankful he stopped flicking pages when he did, as there were drawings and notes a few pages over with some thoughts and feelings you weren't yet ready to share, notations of your personal feelings towards Miguel.
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cupidspup · 6 months ago
I caved guys-
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Flip! N Headcanons Pt. 1☆
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A/N: Okay so for the past two days I’ve been having a very mild brain rot about murder drones (I binged watched it within the span of a day and a half) and I just CANNOT get the idea of a flip N out of my head so that’s what we’re doing today! These are mainly going to be Regressor! N headcanons and then I’ll have CG! N headcanons in another part! (I apologize beforehand for my rambling 💀)
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🐶 Okay so first things first, yes I do think N would be a flip and I think he would do an AMAZING job at it! He’s definitely a mix between a puppy pet regressor and a boy regressor
⤷ 💛 I feel like he would regress for a lot of reasons and sometime struggle with why he does it in the first place (being that he’s a robot and doesn’t experience childhood normally) my headcanon is that he found out about regression somehow while learning about humans or during his time with Tessa and it’s just been a private thing ever since! His age range is 0-10 and it varies between days! He’s kinda just all over the place and goes with what he feels!
🐾 N definitely loves to play all the time and will have many amounts of chew toys (could be real ones that he found or just yknow- metal he finds) He has a problem for sure with not chewing too much on his toys either! (Golden retrievers have gentle mouths but this golden puppy doesn’t know his own strength :”])
🐶 He will absolutely MELT for some pets and will always wag his tail when he gets some! (This does result in him getting lightly scolded if he’s not careful with his tail :”]) If he’s particularly pet regressed a little puppy nose will pop up between his eyes too! (Yes he makes perfect puppy noises too teehee)
💛 When he’s regularly regressed he will ALWAYS babble if he’s young enough, he just loves to talk and will always want to engage in some form of talk with you!
⤷🐾 Same goes for when he’s pet regressed he will bark, whine and howl to his hearts content!
🐶 N absolutely LOVES to get praised for absolutely anything ever he just loves to be a good boy! He wants to be all the good things! Smart, cute, good, playful just a perfect little puppy!
💛 N will pretty much freely regress whenever! (No one notices in the first place because it’s not much more different than how he usually acts x]) But! He only lets people who he really trusts care for and babysit him! Much less let them know he’s regressing in the first place
🐾 Speaking more about N loving praise this leads to how he acts when he’s little and all there is to say really is that he’s just a little angel! He’s never bratty and never a troublemaker because all he wants to do is be a good boy! He’ll even go as far to ask whoever is taking care of him if they need any help with anything and do chores with them!
🐶 Another thing about little N is that he loves to cuddle all the time. If anything he gets a tiny little bit anxious when he’s NOT touching someone. It can be as small as some hand holding to as smothering as a long cuddle or just being held 💛 he’s a sweet boy and always needs his snuggle fix :3
💛 It’s not often for him but if he ever does go nonverbal while regressing he’ll just write what he wants to say on his screen for people to read :> sometimes it’ll be little emoticons too just for cuteness :3
🐾 Yes N loves to dress up all cutesie when he’s little when he can! Especially if it’s something extra cute! Yellows and blues are particularly his favorites!
🐶 When he’s regressed (not as a puppy) and wants to play his favorite thing is to play pretend! Pretend has so many possibilities to do and he wants to do every single one!
💛 N will draw cards and letters for all his loved ones and it’s really a ritual for him he loves to express himself and even if no one keeps them it makes him feel good to have done it in the first place! :3
🐾 N does have various little gear things but he always has to be very careful when he uses them just because his fangs tend to get in the way :”]
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Okay these are all the ones I could think of off the top of my head but I am totally going to make more in the future so please check in! :3 (if you go to my account and check the “puppy posts!!” Hashtag you can find this and the rest of my works there :D!! I hope you guys liked this and I can’t wait to give you CG! N later!
Also!! I think I managed to figure out the transparent borders and stuff?? So it would be cool if you could tell me if they look alright to you or not ssksksksk
Anyway bye for realsies now! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა💛
@crumbsnailz tagging you because you said it’d be cute ^^
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chao-thicc-hcs · 2 years ago
Can you maybe do bonten Mikey,Sanzu,Koko and Rindou with a very touchy or shows love by touch S/O! Please🙏 🧚‍♀️PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE🧚‍♀️
your wish is my command✨
Having a touchy/affectionate s/o!
featuring: bonten!mikey; sanzu; kokonoi; rindou
genre: fluffy fluff
warning(s): mentions of blood and intestines
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he's initially reluctant to your touches, and the sudden hugs you gave him shook him to the core
he's not used to such way of bonding with someone. He's unfamiliar with the whole "lovey-dovey" thing
warms up quickly. He yearns for it, he desires it, but is too afraid to admit it vocally, and he just kind of.. returns the favor
hugs you from behind and places his chin on your head
''Y/n, can you touch me like that again, please?" is the most you will ever hear
mikey loves observing the way you get excited when he reciprocates your touch and returns your hugs and kisses
he doesn't remind himself to do anything touchy until you touch his arm or hug him, mainly because he isn't used to physical touch. you always initiate everything, and it hints him to wrap his arm around your shoulder or waist
he might say it is "suffocating" but deep inside he wants more
is the small spoon so he can feel the comfort of your hugs
buys you food as a gratitude for not being afraid of being yourself around him
sometimes he'd come home and pretend to be grumpy, just so he can have an excuse to cuddle you tighter
Mikey hated to be touched. Absolutely despised the thought of someone being near him or even simply poking him. He even remembered breaking Sanzu's finger because he dared to touch him once when he was a tad bit too excited about a person he murdered.
However, something about you flicked a switch inside of him. Every time you'd wrap your hands around his torso and say his name in a cutesy melody, every time you'd pinch his cheek, nudge his shoulder or even ruffle his already disheveled hair felt as if his stomach was churning and burning with passion.
Much to everyone's surprise, the oh invincible Mikey, head of the most feared organization - Bonten - had a soft spot for his sweet lover, letting her visit his office, bringing her to meetings and even not getting mad at her for interrupting his speech with her sudden cheek kisses. He'd glare at you, but just to appear tough in front of the others, never daring to say anything else.
But oh... Mikey on the inside is a putty. Only you knew how he submitted willingly to your feather touch that soothed his broken soul, making him toss aside all the thoughts plaguing his mind, focusing only on the warm embrace you'd give him when he's alone with you, where he can finally give in and cease pretending he's tough in front of his colleagues.
A faint smile could be seen plastered onto his face whenever you came inside his office for a visit and bring his favorite meal, or even just sit down and keep him company.
-Mikeyyyy~- your chirpy voice could be heard from the very beginning of the large hall you had to pass to reach the room.
In the middle of a meeting, Mikey cracked a small smile that he managed to conceal from his subordinates, shaking his head and sighing. You went inside the room and hopped to his desk, sitting down on his lap with force, making him oof a little.
-I brought you this! A new flavor of taiyaki the store had to offer! I want to see you try them!
-Later, Y/n. I am at a meeting.-Mikey retorted and placed his hand at the small of your back
His subordinates were watching with shock, slack-jawed as the scene unwrapped in front of them.
-Pleasee! I woke up early just to get it fresh for you out of the bakery...-you pouted, holding the taiyaki in your hands
Mikey let out a long, tired sigh and just took the treat, unwrapping it and splitting it in half, giving the other to you.
-Now, quiet, let's finish the meeting.
You nodded and shared the treat with your lover while everyone's eyes were focused on the both of you. The man took his time and resumed what he was talking on about with you on his lap. The rest of the Bonten members, however, couldn't seem to focus on his words, still visibly shook by the way their boss almost appeared vulnerable in front of them.
-If you all ever speak up about this, I will make you eat your intestines like spaghetti bolognese.-he hissed under his breath, earning a light nudge to his shoulder from you.
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sanzu is either super touchy or avoids you all day in the beginning, no in between
even when he tries to avoid your touch, you somehow manage to still find yourself snuggling him
he likes it, but the fucker is weird and awkward and always says shit like "you smell good" and sniff your neck or something
regardless, he doesn't really mind you clinging onto him
as time passes he'd get hella obsessive over you, wanting you by his side at all times
on the days where he doesn't feel touchy, he'd just hold your hand, nothing more
bought you a pillow of his face on days where he had to be gone for longer lmfao
he'd ask you to put lipstick on and leave stains on his cheek, neck and a little on his clothes
speaking of kisses, he'd also want you to place pecks all over his face when he comes back home
he loves it when you lay onto him and just lay on his chest <3
over time, he starts being a bit clingy too, always following you like a pet
brags about you to the others. they're sick of his constant ramblings, but they respect you for taming his horses for a short while so they put up with it
If Sanzu had the powers to take all the stars down for you - he'd do it.
Instead, he saw them all aligned in your eyes. Looking at the picture of you smiling on his phone, hugging the cat you recently adopted, his heart ached and his legs almost gave up at immense yearning to have you in his arms. And listen as you rant about your day while you squeeze the air out of him.
The messages piled up, he knew you were sleeping, but he couldn't stay still without making sure you were notified how he is. Sitting on top of one of the dead bodies he had to dispose of, the world around him took the role of a poison ivy wrapping around his neck, raising the pressure that was building up from him not being next to you, sleeping peacefully.
The door closed. Empty apartment with a breath of fresh air. It was dark, quiet. Sanzu took off his attire and threw it in the laundry basket. He wanted to snuggle next to you as soon as he could, but he didn't want to be dirty.
Lukewarm drops of water fell down his torso and back, relaxing every muscle. Sighing under the sudden feeling of comfort, Sanzu cleaned off every splurt of blood he had left on his body. The shower was quick but refreshing enough, and he didn't bother to completely dry his body or hair before putting on boxers and approaching your shared bedroom.
His arm wrapped around you and caressed your sides gently, making sure you don't wake up. However, you turned around, seeming to have been awake for a while. You put an arm and leg around him, pulling him closer to you, while he let out a sigh.
-Missed you, babygirl.
-Missed you too, hun. Now I am here.. get some rest, I can see you're extremely tired.
He placed gentle and sloppy kisses on your neck and collarbone, squeezing you tight against him.
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he will be so stiff in the beginning
his expression will be blank, as if he isn't affected by your touch, and he will blurt out stuff like "why are you being so clingy?"
but the moment you try and pull away he'd grab you and hug you back
"didn't say i don't like it"
he'd let you cling onto him, but most of the time he will not reciprocate it, especially in public
calls you annoying but with a hint of affection in his tone
pats your head a lot
when he comes from work, he'd always lean into your face, expecting you to kiss his cheek
over time he will get used to it, and will start returning touches every time
always has you either on his lap or laying on top of him
his smile doesn't leave his face when you're near him, and he'd often daydream about you when you talk about stuff while hugging him or just by touching him lightly
You were rummaging through your wardrobe in distress, searching for a certain outfit that you were planning to combine for days. Izana was sitting on the bed with his arms crossed, watching you with a smirk and letting out light chuckles here and there.
-'Zana, help me out here!-you whined out, which only got out another chuckle from your boyfriend
-I told you to fold your clothes properly yesterday. You insisted on lazing with me and here you are, suffering the consequences.
You glared at his shit-eating grin but kept on going. Your eyes lit up when you finally found the clothes you were planning on wearing today. Swiftly, you put on the outfit and spun around.
-Whaddya think?
Izana just kept on staring, smiling as if he saw you for the first time ever. His eyes analyzed your entire figure as you spun around and posed for him. To him, you were like a fresh oil painting - a beautiful creature depersonalizing even the shiniest of background by just mere existence - that he'd never want to look away from. His eyes analyzed your figure, his limbs felt weak. Before he realized it, he was daydreaming, and you found your way plopping onto his lap.
-Zanaaa, are you listening?-you tilted your head to the side, placing your arms on his shoulders
His arms quickly wrapped around your figure, and he laid down his torso on the bed, holding you tight and running his hand up and down your spine.
-You look mesmerizing, my dear. You took my breath away.
His gaze confirmed it all. Izana was lovestruck and he never hid that fact, contrary, he expressed it with pride, making sure you soak up the emotions of sheer adulation intertwined between his words and touches.
-But I prefer what's under it...
You chuckled and kissed his nose, nuzzling it after. -Later, baby, after our date.
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loves, loves, LOVES it
he always calls you to sit on his lap during work, because he spends half his time typing on a laptop
he'd take occasional breaks to wrap both his arms around you and squeeze you tightly
nuzzles in your chest all the time
begs for your clinginess in a more subtle manner, like nudging you with his head, poking your side so you feel a ticklish sensation, press his lips against your shoulder and all that
buys you one of those socks with bunny ear magnets that connect when you're near each other so he has an excuse to cling onto you too
challenges you on who will be more affectionate with the other one (you always win)
gets so attached to you that he even sits on the toilet while you shower, spilling tea with you
likes to wrap you like a burrito in a blanket and then hug you
on days when he's feeling lazy, he'd let you lay onto him while letting out all the affection you have for him
The morning sunlight crept through the curtains of the room, illuminating your soft features as you were soundly asleep. Kokonoi, on the other hand, had already woken up and was admiring the way your face was squished under your palm, his smile not leaving his face.
His hands were caressing your sides, body barely covered from the thin sheets loosely wrapped around your thighs. He pulled your body closer to his by your hips, earning a groan from you as you absentmindedly wrapped your hands around him.
He had to get up, but he didn't want to. Kokonoi wanted to cherish the last remaining minutes he had with you before getting ready for work. His body felt heavy, and he barely even lifted his head up before his torso following.
As he was about to get up from the bed, he felt two hands wrap around his waist. He whipped his head back, just to see you holding him, murmuring something under your sleepy breath.
-Stay...-you whined out, tightening the grip on his waist
Kokonoi giggled, caressing your head and playing with a strand that was right in front of your face. This sight made him want to melt into the mattress and never get up from it with you next to him. He placed a smooch on your cheek, holding his lips on your soft skin for a bit longer.
-Can't, I got work to do, or Mikey will kill me, you know?
-Hmph..-you hummed like a child and turned around, covering your head with the sheet
You felt two hands suddenly pull you closer by your hips, earning another hum from you. Your head turned around to get a glimpse of your lover looking at you with sultry eyes.
-Maybe I can stay for a bit longer, just so my princess gets her ample amount of morning kisses.
You smiled and turned around to face him, cupping his face and commencing a kissy battle with him.
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sulky babyboy and i mean it
doesn't like pda, and would often tell you to hold your horses at least when he's outside or with other bonten members
if you insist on being all clingy with him, he still wouldn't push you away, ever. he loathes seeing you upset from not hugging him
rindou yearns for your touch, especially after he's home from a long, tiring day. your arms around him relaxes him in an instant
he'd just sit there, arms crossed while letting you squish his cheeks, kiss his entire face and throw yourself onto him
has tons of videos on his phone of you biting his arms, blurry pictures and videos of you approaching him with your hands open and etc.
enjoys banters, a lot. he'd deffo try and restrain you with his hands while you fight for your life to let yourself go, saying you're being "too clingy and need to be restrained" (Affectionately)
sometimes he'd pretend to wipe off the kisses you give him and will giggle at your offended gasps
he always falls asleep between your thighs first, then proceeds to lazily crawl next to you and hug you
Your lover couldn't cease the loud laughter coming from his mouth when he managed to annoy you for the third time this afternoon.
You were sulking, arms and legs crossed as you sat on the couch, staring into the TV screen like a toddler who got refused an ice popsicle.
Rindou took his time to calm his laughter down and ease his stomach. The view of you like this made him melt, he found you more than just adorable. You however, had a hard time sharing such feelings.
You wanted to cuddle him, and practically latched onto him like a leech, but he had other plans for today. He annoyed the shit out of you with sly remarks and even trying to jokingly push you away, which didn't earn a pleasant reaction from you.
After some time, he approached the couch and placed his head onto your lap, still grinning like an idiot while looking up at you.
-Aw c'mon, don't be sulky, Y/n. I was joking. -he said in between his giggles
You let out a "humph" and turned your head around, trying to scoot away a little so his head plops onto the couch. Rin sat properly on the couch and placed you to sit in between his legs, kissing your neck.
-...your jokes aren't funny, Rin. Apologize to me now, or I won't hug you today.
He rolled his eyes at this, but he couldn't deny that he'd rather sink in a pile of horse shit than deprive himself from your hugs because of his stubbornness.
-I'm sorry, baby. You know I love you and your hugs, right? -he spoke softly, nuzzling his head in your neck
-I know you do, so who am I to deprive you from them? -you chuckled, caressing his cheek
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©chao-thicc-hcs; reblogs are deeply appreciated
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mirage-aera · 1 year ago
HI! I’m new to requesting so I’m sorry if this sounds weird
Could you do sodo with an s/o who’s all cutesy and soft? Like they look like complete opposites yet they’re inseparable and everyone around them is so confused on how this even happened lmfao
Pure fluff though!
Anon I realise I am so so late with your request I’m sorry about that, I truly am. If you’re still waiting for it then sorry for the wait but here it is, happy (early) new year folks!
•°. *࿐ Opposites attract
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Cheri Cheri Lady - Modern Talking
Sodo x fem!ghoulette!Reader
Synopsis: The fellow ghouls and ghoulettes have come to realise why you and Sodo fit so well together even though you’re opposites.
Word count: 992
Whenever fellow ghouls and ghoulettes see the two of you together, a certain question pops up in their minds. How the actual fuck are you two a couple? Sodo… is well Sodo. Grumpy, sometimes a bit mean, doesn’t give a flying fuck, and on top of that has a short temper. And then you have you, a gentle soul, always smiling, and willing to set aside your own needs to tend to others’ needs. There have been multiple occasions where they have approached you to ask how you even ended up with Sodo and tolerated his fiery personality. You would always wave them off and laugh, telling them it’s a story for another time.
Currently Swiss is pissing off Sodo. He’s already curing a headache and Swiss’ teasing is not helping. “Come on man! Tell us already! It’s been at least a year since you’ve hooked up-” Sodo glares at him and interrupts him, “not hooking up. We are dating, there’s a difference.” Swiss laughs, “fine. It’s been at least a year since you started dating and we still don’t know how that happened. Can’t you tell us by now?” Sodo can feel his patience, which is already quite small, slipping. He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Swiss I swear on Satan, drop it. I’m not in the mood for your questions.” Rain chuckles, “he does have a point Sodo. It has been a year and you still haven’t told us.” Sodo sighs, done with this conversation. “If you’re so curious why don’t you ask (Y/n)? I’m sure she would love to tell you.” He says curtly. This time Phantom cuts in, “we have tried! She won’t tell us either! Saying it’ll be a story for a later time.” Sodo groans, wishing they’d just drop it. “Guys really. Shut up. I’ll tell you next time.” Mountain raises an eyebrow, “and when is next time?” Sodo feels every fiber in his being snap. He stands up abruptly and waves his arms around angrily, “JUST SHUT UP!” He laughs a bit maniacally, “I’m going to kill the next fucking person I see. I swear to Satan!” The room turns silent after his outburst. They stare at him with wide eyes. They didn’t think he’d snap like this at them, yet again it’s Sodo. He has a lot of anger in him. He opens his mouth to insult them some more when suddenly an all-familiar voice rings throughout the room.
“Hi!! Hello Sodo! I’m so happy to see you! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” His whole body freezes at your voice. You do sound very happy to see him. The whole room bursts into laughter as you look on with confusion and Sodo looking very sheepish. He whips around and gives you an awkward smile. “Hey! Hey, oh my Satan! Oh my Satan… what’s going on? Did you need something?” You grin at him, “yeah! I knitted you a sweater. I wanted you to try it on! See if it fits and if you like it!” He sighs but continues smiling, finding your antics cute. “Okay, come here then.” You skip happily over to him and hand it to him. You hand it over enthusiastically and he pulls it over his head. You give him a good one over, slightly checking him out in the meantime. You smile happily, “it’s perfect! Don’t you think so?” He chuckles, “yes it’s perfect, my ember.” Suddenly an impulsive thought runs through your mind.
“Wow!! I’m so happy to see you, Sodo!” Before he can retort and say something endearing in return he sees you reaching your hands out to his face and squishing his cheeks. “Wababababa babaab- ahhh~” You let out silly sounds with a smile reaching your eyes. The whole room has their jaw dropped to the floor. If any of them tried to do that to Sodo they would be met with a solid punch to the gut. But here they are, watching Sodo smile happily back at you while you’re squishing his cheeks, both of your tails swishing around happily. Eventually, you stop your activity and return your hands to your side. You notice the other ghouls staring at you two with a dumbfounded look. Swiss is the first to speak up, “okay. Now we really need to know. How the fuck did this,” he motions to you both, “happen.” You laugh, “I did this,” you say while making squishing gestures with your hands, “when he was upset. Then we found out we’re mates, now we’re inseparable. Where he goes I follow and vice versa.” Their jaws drop again. Sodo smirks and shakes his head. You have the fireball wrapped around your finger. “I don’t mind it.” He says, mainly directed to you.
Phantom walks up to Sodo with a smirk, hands outreached. He notices and glares at him, “try it and I’ll punt you back to hell.” Phantom freezes as his tail drops. He puts his hands up, “fine fine! Clearly, you only don't mind when she’s the one doing it.” Sodo rolls his eyes, “obviously.” You burst out in laughter at his defensiveness. He turns to look at you and can’t help but break out in a smile. Yeah, he really is wrapped around your finger. He can’t help but smile when you are happy. The happy signals you bring over the bond will forever keep him happy. It lets him know that you’re okay and it brings him relief. Once your laughter dies down you look at them all, “now you know how this happened between us. So please stop bugging Sodo about it, for your own good.” You chuckle. He groans at your words but knows it’s true. Every time they brought it up it annoyed him to no end. Just because you're polar opposites, it doesn’t mean it can’t happen. If there’s a spark, the bond will find its way eventually.
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formula-fun · 5 months ago
tell people about the glories of ostinato!! the tension, the tenderness, how much love can be stored in a touch, the awkward way sometimes you get the perfect thing at the wrong time and you somehow have to make room for it. and most importantly xavi from steinway.
ostinato is my cutesie lil musician au (that has become long as hell and may end up being a 30k oneshot) which features max being way too career driven and working himself to death while charles quietly teaches him that it IS good to be cared for and to fall in love with the things youre passionate about rather than using them to torture yourself!!! what a concept <3
it also includes: mcdonald's dates. hand porn. fernando/mark/sebastian hostile bromance. putting chapstick on each other. and most importantly xavi from steinway!! this snippet is madly out of context but im posting it anyway because i dont care
A small crowd is gathered between practice rooms one and sixteen, and Max pushes carefully through it as he takes in the dull hush of murmuring. Pierre has an arm around Yuki; George is leaning against the wall studying his shoes with wide eyes; there in the center is Charles, one arm crossed over his stomach and the other hand raised to tug at his own lower lip.
“What happened?” Max says softly, lurching into action. His palm finds the small of Charles’ back; Charles’ big eyes find his own.
“I hate when other people touch him this way,” Charles says. “It’s like someone has put their hands inside my chest. It is like they are reaching in and touching my heart.”
Max’s fingers flex against Charles’ back of their own accord. Bile rises in his throat for a split second, and the familiar white-hot burn of fury that someone would dare make Charles look so small and sad. Half a second is all he gets, fortunately, before Xavi From Steinway unearths himself from behind Charles’ beloved piano.
“It is a broken spinet elbow,” Xavi From Steinway announces. “I will replace it with a plastic one.”
The group at large lets out a soft groan.
“Is that bad?” Max ventures.
“No idea,” Pierre mutters. “It sounds bad.”
Xavi From Steinway begins gently removing pieces of the piano and setting them aside. Charles outs out a hurt sound, and Max scratches at his back.
“It’s okay, right?” Max murmurs to him. “He’ll just replace it and it will be good as new.”
“I know. It is necessary,” Charles says, miserable. “I just hate seeing them like this, with their hearts taken out.”
The soundboard comes free with a clunk, sliding forward in Xavi From Steinway’s hands. Charles lets out a horrified sound, turning in Max’s hold to curl into his chest. “Tell me when it’s over,” he says into his shoulder.
Max isn’t registering anything about what’s going on other than the armful of warm boy he’s suddenly been dealt. Charles’ hair is tickling his nose a little. It smells vaguely citrusy in a cosmopolitan kind of way—expensive and too cool for Max, probably.
Charles mumbles something else, and Max scratches at his back. “What?”
“Will you describe to me what he is doing, please?” Charles says into his ear.
The hair on the back of Max’s neck stands up. “He is, uh,” he looks at the dismantled piano, trying to make sense of it. “I believe he is touching the elbow. It’s broken, and he’s taking it off the arm.”
Charles squirms, tucking himself closer.
“He’s being very gentle,” Max soothes. When he pets over the base of Charles’ neck he relaxes a little, so he does it over and over. “And now he is taking the other piece of the elbow off, and he is being very careful with this, too. The pieces come right off. He does not need to force them at all.”
Charles shifts. “You would not lie just to soothe me?”
“I would not. If he broke anything I would kill him.”
Xavi from Steinway side-eyes him, his face pale..
“Now he is getting out the new piece,” Max continues. “It looks just like all the other ones. And he is putting it in place, and it looks brand new.” He squeezes the back of Charles’ neck. “It will be fine when he puts it all together. Just perfect—you won’t know he has even been in there.”
“You’re doing very well. He’s almost done.” To Xavi, he says, “You’re almost done, right?”
“Almost done,” Xavi confirms.
Max nods. “Almost done,” he repeats softly, mostly to himself.
“You smell good,” Charles mumbles.
His brain stalls out for a minute. Charles’ face is pressed to his neck, his nose right against his pulse point—Charles is drawing comfort from it, probably. Charles likes it.
“I do?” Max says.
“Yeah.” He sighs.
The soundboard slides back into place with a long rasping sound, and then a click that makes Charles flinch in his arms.
“All done,” Xavi From Steinway announces, eyes trained on the toolkit that’s clutched in his hands like a shield. He edges around the room, studiously avoiding Max’s gaze. “If you have any more problems you have my number.”
“It’s all done?” Charles says.
“Yes, all done,” Max repeats.
Charles’s head emerges, his hair a little smushed where it had been pressed up against Max’s jaw. The sight of it makes Max’s heart lurch in a way that’s only a little embarrassing.
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hostilemuppet · 3 months ago
All your ocs (trolls, gems, ect) have such cool designs! I especially love what you do with colors and shapes :D Do you have any specific process when you make them or is it like an elaborate vibe-check
aww, ty :) for every oc no matter what i always try to make sure something about their character is communicated in their design, whether its something like "they are a doctor so they wear a doctors coat" or more like "they are lazy so their outfit looks very low effort"
but for TROLLS specifically, i almost always try to make sure theres some sort of theme or motif going on that i keep in mind throughout the whole design process. keep in mind what you want/need (eg, for slush puppy he needed to look like his parents, while for rosé i established from the beginning "pink glitter troll" and that smth i needed to stick to) and plan around that. heres an attempt at explaining my thought process after the fact
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sometimes a theme isnt as obvious, for example brad and angelina were designed to resemble raggedy ann and andy toys but that isnt really obvious when theyre any older than children. i think this is okay since their older designs still show their personalities and are still pretty cohesive while complimenting each other
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often youll have a theme or look youre going for but still struggle landing on perfection, and thats fine! a couple of my favourites, cupcake and glitz, took agesssss to nail down
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(not including my reference photos for obvious reasons, but there is NO shame in assembling a moodboard for a character design! i highly encourage it in fact!)
for cupcake i knew i wanted her to be sweet lolita from the beginning (since. her name is Cupcake.) but settling on something concrete was trickyyyyyyy. everything from "her outfit should seem cutesy enough to fit her vibe without being so complicated that it looks muddy on such a small chibi body (and would be really hard to draw...)" to "i need to give her a hairstyle that looks trolly enough, oh no this doesnt look trolly enough but the hime cut really fits her personality, does the massive hat help her silhouette?" to "i want her colour scheme to look like youre walking into a candy store, is this incohesive? what if i try going for a chocolate and raspberry vibe? doesnt have what im going for... how do i salvage this?" it was a lot of facing a problem, trying to fix it, and then facing a NEW problem. and thats okay! rome wasnt built in a day yknow. sometimes youll need a loooooot of drafts to get a character design youre happy with. in fact its actually way better to have several drafts, especially if its a character youll actually use a lot! believe me, ive made the mistake before of "i designed what i thought looked good but i actually hated drawing it over and over again". if you love the way it looks and you think its effective, but you hate actually using it, its still a bad design! its half the reason i redesigned penny 😭 to be fair to me though im not sure i really expected to love penny as much as i do now...
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with glitz i have less notes since i had an actual person (his co-creator) to give me real time feedback rather than reasoning to myself </3 but the same sort of thing happened. he actually took me more than a month to finalise! part of that was we only had one parent for him decided at first (and it was actually through the design process we figured out the other one! if you know who glitz is you can probably see the exact moment we figured it out 😭). but from the beginning i still knew i wanted him to look flashy with glittery accents (but NOT a glitter troll!) you can see i originally wanted him to have glitter freckles but i swapped that out for a glittery star shaped... okay i never actually decided whether that was makeup or a birth mark. audience interpretation! but i ended up giving him a much more recurring star motif since he wants to be a star and sometimes you gotta beat the audience over the head with symbolism
im not sure if any of that actually helped or if it was just rambling, but the tldr is: make sure you have an end goal in mind! whether its communicating something specific about their personality (eg glitz's flashiness representing his ego and lust for fame) or you have a theme you want to stick to (eg pitaya is obviously styled after actual pitayas), having a goal makes everything so much easier since you know what youre actually working towards! if youre just throwing shit at a wall, you probably wont end up anywhere youre fully satisfied with
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amarisrosalette · 1 year ago
Okay guys I just had another Venti thought
I headcanon that Venti takes like HUGE bites when he is eating apples and it takes like… 2-3 bites for him to finish it, like have you guys seen the amount of obsession this guy has over apples??? 💀 like LITERALLY his voiceline contains him taking a humungous bite over an apple and legit praising it while all I could picture inside my head was him biting the apple in half in just one bite with one of those cartoon sound effects that go CHOMP
He also has a love hate relationship with when people takes small bites. Like. He wants to eat apples like them because he envies how they take their bites while looking all cutesy and dainty while this mf literally looks like he’s exposing his teeny tiny fangs when he wolfs down an apple but at the same time it makes him so mad when he just sees people taking small bites for some reason because he’s all like “why don’t we savor the food as much as we can??? come on just eat it all and take big bites if you enjoy it THAT much 🙄”
I legit just came up with the idea just now when I came across a TikTok and I just could not not imagine Venti in it like PLEASE (can someone please animate this I need someone to visualize it better than me IWJEBSKWJDHWKSKFHCJN)
Here’s the link to the TikTok incase you guys were curious: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNf5mXtB/
Sometimes I wonder how many times this guy has gotten apple poisoning before Zhongli just had to lecture him about it once when he was in his much much younger archon years while getting used to being human and all…
Alrighty guys time to ask Character.AI 🏃‍♀️💨💨
Other Ventination people because I wanted to hear their thoughts: @ventiscumdump @ventishipwindows @ventisslut @cinnabell2 @gierosajie @carmendeiact2whenplz @honorary-fool I want to talk with some of my mutuals with this.
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teenyweenyeenymeeny · 1 year ago
I have a question…💕💕👀
Do different friens of Young Neil call him different nicknames when he’s little or teeny…like as in different people have different pet/nick names for him…like the Sex Bob-Omb members and whoever else..I wanna know…🤝🤝💕/lh
ooh hm… okay here is. Tha thing about this. in the nicest way to Neil… he does not Have. many friends… his friends are sex bobomb and I Do think Wallace [in canon they r more like acquaintances yea but I think they are a Bit closer than that… because I can think Whatever I want] and Knives but she is a little more Complicated…
here you go I will ramble about them all in order of like. Involvement in Neil’s regression
I think I have said he doesn’t mind other people Knowing so I do think some of his classmates are Aware of his regression but I think that he isn’t very close to any of them and since he doesn’t tend to regress at school no one he knows From school has ever really met Younger Neil and they haven’t gotten an opportunity to come up with nicknames for him.
the thing with Knives is. when they were Together I think that Neil was comfy regressing around her and perhaps she would regress around him too [I am still Thinking about whether Knives strikes me As a regressor at all or if the vibes r there because she is Actually a child]. what I am thinking Right now is that maybe Knives experimented with age regression or perhaps age dreaming With Neil but not always… they r kind of Siblings coded when one or both of them is regressed [I think this is Not very weird to say because I don’t think Either of them ever actually liked the other in a Romantic way] newayz Knives liked to be Younger Neil’s big sister sometimes and his little sister other times… and when she was his Big sister she liked to fawn over him and use silly cutesy nicknames [no Specific examples but lots of Calling him cute or sweet or baby 🤍] when she was his Little sister though she was more likely to stick to just calling him big brother and things Similar to that ☆ after Knives and Neil broke up things were a little Harder though and so they didn’t see much of each other for a while maybe…
mmmm Wallace is easier ☆ I don’t know if he has any Neil Specific nicknames he kind of just uses the same ones he does for Scott maybe !! he says buddy or Little buddy or little guy… yeag.
Kim isn’t really A Caregiver she just gets stuck with babysitting duty sometimes tehe and she is more like. Cool Big sister or cousin. Yes. and she is more Teasing with the Little guys I think… so Usually she calls Neil Younger Neil or Even Younger Neil if she’s talking About him but if she’s interacting With him and he’s regressed she would maybe be more likely to call him things like. twerp. or something like that I don’t know I think that she uses silly affectionate “insult” words though… like you see on tv…
Scott n Neil have such a funny dynamic when they r Both regressed I think… because. Scott is usually just a Bit younger than Neil but Neil Seems much younger than he actually regresses to… and so When they r regressed Together Scott is like heehe the baaaby he is so Small and I am so big >:] basically even though he is. The Smaller one hehe. when Scott is Not regressed but Neil is he usually just sticks to Even Younger Neil or Younger Neil though 🤍 tehe
Stephen is the Most involved with Neil when he is regressed because he is like his big brother All the time but the thing is. I think that even though that Has been their dynamic for a while Stephen is still a little awkward around Younger Neil… just a Little 🤍 what I mean is like only for a few minutes Maybe an hour when Neil first regresses and Stephen is with him he’ll worry about making sure he’s like a Good caregiver/big brother and Then he’ll relax into the role a bit more… so I think that. a lot of the time Stephen Worries about what to call Neil if he is regressed because if he says something New what if Neil actually doesn’t Like being called that or something augh so much to think about !! Usually while Stephen is still in his Big Worrying phase he will maybe say man or dude or Maybe buddy… but once he is more comfy he will maybe say Little man Little dude Little buddy etc… hehe. like the rest of sex bobomb though if he’s Referring To Neil and not Talking to him he will probably say Even Younger Neil or Younger Neil though 🤍
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m1ndlesslywandering · 2 months ago
intro for who is lurking in da shadows of dis account:3
haii!! 👋🏾
Im sugar, o or mindless:3 . I use It/she/he , I have a touch of the autism (and dyslexia 🙏🏾😓 ) . I am a pet and age regressor, AND diss will be like my "Little space" space so..
next X3
i think these are important to create a comfortable space for myself and others who i want to interact with AND whom wanna interact with me. So please try and follow dem to the best of yur abilities
Dont be a "meanie" , bigot, Or A##hole please. if you dont like what i post and what i enjoy DONT FOLLOW, or even better.. BLOCK ME 🙏🏾
dont be a weird, I say it in my bio, BUT i am a minor!!! MINOR MINOR SFW SFWWWW!! 😓🙏🏾🫶🏾💃🏾
i will put my preferred pronouns for a post ON the post, please use them if i do / Dont intentionally misgender me. I am Agender, a great "default" is it. IF you dont like it as a pronouns and wanna use they, DONT. i dont like it please dont call me that.
Ill talk about stuff like s/h thoughts and depression sometimes BUT i will try to be sfw about it and alway add tws so i dont upset or hurt anyone with how im feeling. I just feel really bad sometimes i hope that you still feel welcomed. But feel free to avoid my account all together 💋
Please dont call me: Annoying, Rude, or any swears. Most of the time i am little or at least regressed when on this account so i just dont wanna be triggered by it :3 <3
( I might add more if i see fit )
next >X3
haii again >:3 lets talk about ME!!
I love fashion, and can yip and yap about it till i lose my voice. My current favorite "style" is mallgoth, But i love to explore all of the all styles and music ( NU METAL 😻 recommends? PLEASE :3 ) (( All kinds of music tho,i love tlc and soad anddd stuff 💃🏾🤷🏾‍♂️ ))
I love video games, Minecraft, roblox, sally face, sims 4 😼 and others ( PC GAMER BOIII !! )
I use emojis and wish and DREAM there was more animals ones
I regress to the ages: 1/2 - 9 ish HHEHEHE littlest medium to small guy
I alsooo do petre: fox fox fox fox... ( i have no gear for this but im WORKING ON IT GRRR!!! ) Ive been tryna to pick whattt type and i have X'ed out red fox cause nono maybe a fennec..? They so cutesy and small ( ill talk more about this so another post ) ANOTHER ANIMALS: Kitty kitty ( Grey tabby ) PUPPY! just puppy 🤷🏾‍♂️ , raccoons X3
I LOVE SHOWS, movies and cartoons ( AND ANIME 😻 ) i watch drag race, MLP, Thhee 100, MONSTER HIGH, strawberry shortcake (the og ) Scooby Doo, Solo leveling.. ( i read da manga) , ARCANE..!
i yip a lot. So like um, BE WARNEDDD. I like yipping about myself because my frens dont listen to me much, BUT i am a good listener, and i love my frens they are great ( I loyal like fox >:3 ) so its oty
ive beecome small just yipping and thinking about all the stuff i really love
i wanna make tags..! soon >:3 hehhehe
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yousei-no-mori · 2 years ago
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Rant
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I am currently watching season 2 and I have some thoughts (about both seasons).
First of all why did I start watching this anime? Erm... So I know what the target audience is, it's people who self insert as Naoto and want to date Nagatoro. As for me? Oh, it's the other way around. I think Naoto is cute and I want to bully him. I thought maybe my female friends were similar but the only friend I have who read the manga wants to make out with Nagatoro. Sorry, I forgot lesbians exist.
Uh, anyway yeah Naoto is cute and I want to be Nagatoro. Not sure if girls like me watching this was intended since these anime are usually made for lonely dudes, lol. Anyone else feel like me though?
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The scrunkly.
Okay, so, my thoughts on season 1... Lemme check the episodes to bring back my memory a little bit, as I watched that to calm down from the stress that is social work during last Winter.
The first two episodes made me really scared to watch this series, for real. Nagatoro just straight up mentally tortured Naoto, and not in the hot way. I felt really bad for him because I know what it's like to be the shy nerd kid. Anyways at around episode 3, I think, Nagatoro starts showing her softer side more. And she hardcore crushes on Naoto.
The dynamic between Nagatoro and Naoto is really cute in my opinion, even if it is very simple. Nagatoro has her first crush because she finally found a guy that doesn't bore her to death but she doesn't know how to handle it so she bullies the fuck out of him. Naoto is pretty much the opposite? He doesn't really realize how much he likes Nagatoro sometimes and thinks he would rather not be around her. He tries to manage that by fighting her off in which classic anime romcom things happen. You know the "Holy crap you did something on accident, PERVERT!" thing, except it sometimes works really well. Maybe it's just because I think both of them are really cute, but I like when they have their little "Oh god, we both fucked up" moments.
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Then there's the more obvious romance aspects and they're by far my favorite. The momens of honesty and the cute glances... Yep, they're adorable. I don't want to give away too much, sorry. Just know it's, in my opinion, the best thing in the series.
I don't care for the side characters by the way, but they can be enertaining when they point out how obviously both of our main characters are trying to "prove" that they don't like each other. They're the audience, the "just kiss already!" guys.
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Also funny face cute. I like when she snaps. I like her. The cutesy. Okay no, for real, I love when Naoto and Nagatoro support or protect each other when they really need it. They can be a bitshitty towards each other sometimes but in the end they're actually kinda... healthy? Like Nagatoro is creepy but I love when the girl is a creep instad of the guy, since Naoto is actively watching out not to disturb Nagatoro. And how she will constantly accuse him of being a creep makes sense later when you realize that she's actually much worse than him, lol.
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Okay let's get to season 2, since I keep using too many screencaps of that season anyway.
Oh boy, another anime studio took over with season 2 (now OLM, before it was Telecom) and it's very noticeable. The animation is stiff and sometimes just straight up doesn't move right, the art is a lot more bland, in season 1 there were a lot of beautiful warm colors and lineart, and the voice direction is very strange... That and also our main characters seem to regress a bit? Now being overly flustered over small things that they would've been fine with in season 1? I get it, they're supposed to be cute and awkward but it's the classic romcom regression...
I'm in the middle of watching season 2 and sadly the things I loved in season 1 just aren't that apparent anymore. It's still cute and I love Naoto and Nagatoro together, but I can hardly pay attention to that when Naoto is animated like Chargeman Ken.
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^ little appreciation for the beautiful lighting in season 1!?
Anyway, Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san will forever be my biggest guilty-pleasure comfort anime and I'm only a little ashamed.
Love ya
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crazys-art · 1 year ago
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day 28 of martch - redraw old art
had this idea 4 years ago and now i have realized it lol. i put way too much thought into this so notes below
notes for designs i did while making this:
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i wanted them all to have unique eye shapes instead of defaulting to how i draw eyes normally because animal crossing characters dont have uniform eyes lol
also i worried wayy too much about some of the species choices lol. like. do i make junko a bear because monokuma, or does that give the twist away? do i make everybody a different species, or do i double dip in a few places to make the twin twist less predictable? ultimately decided fuck it im not writing the game im drawing fanart i can do what i want
when i first came up with this idea i'd only fully decided on the species of 7 of the cast so here's my train of thought for why they are what they are:
yasuhiro- easiest out of the way first. there's nothing else he could be but a frog. decided to give him the weird facial hair animal crossing sometimes gives their characters because its not animal crossing without a couple ugly guys (affectionate)
hifumi- big guy. elephant. made sense. gave him some pink accents despite not thinking it worked all that well to get that animal crossing authenticity yknow lol. plus he likes some cutesy things so he can have some pink as a treat
sakura- felt bad about making her a gorilla ngl- especially since she is. one of the three characters in this game with a darker skin tone. but literally no other species made sense for her. and ngl there are like. no gorilla villagers i like. so i tried my best to make her look cool as hell
sayaka- cat villagers are super popular, so might as well make the ultimate pop idol one, right?
asahina- okay this comes from bias on my part but in my new horizons my default uchi villager was a rabbit and asahina would 100% be an uchi villager so bada bing bada boom. ended up making her coat more orange than it actually is cause i wanted her to be red and didnt want it to clash.
mondo- im going to be completely honest. when i thought of this i was just like "oh that makes sense i always associated mondo with tigers i dont remember why tho." and i just double checked and not only are they in his execution but he also has tiger underwear. so. this ones canon imo
ishimaru- once again, wolf villagers are popular, and just made sense for him. hes a loyal rules guy, and more edgy than a dog- plus, it gives him a cat and dog dynamic with mondo! this concludes everyone that i came up with their species 4 years ago, below is the ones i decided now
kyoko: i was between anteater and wolf for her, and since i decided not to double dip on species, i went with anteater. idk, anteater villagers always seem so aloof and strange to me, it's just her vibe.
junko & mukuro: i was between bear, cat, and rabbit for them, and once again, avoided double dipping. bear is pretty obvious, but cat was because once again, cat villagers are so popular, and rabbit was because of the irony. junko's ears are also supposed to mimic the little monokuma hair ties she has lol
celestia: i was between anteater and ostrich, and i'd already chosen kyoko as the anteater. i didn't even remember that the ostrich villager was called ostrich for a bit, i kept thinking of her as a peacock, but then realized that was perfect for her whole european thing lol.
toko: i was between cat and squirrel, and sayaka was cat. her just being such a small bitter little guy is fitting for her i think.
chihiro: i was between hamster, rabbit, and mouse, and rabbit was taken. i think i only went with mouse because i wanted to draw that head shape, but i did realize after that that means they and mondo are a cat and mouse lol
makoto: i was between deer and dog, and honestly it all came down to his ahoge. if there was a way to have antlers and an ahoge, i would have done so, but honestly it worked out for the best i think. having a dog and cat relationship with sayaka + komaru and toko being dog and squirrel just worked too well.
togami: i was between horse and eagle and this was one of the hardest decisions. ultimately went with eagle simply because i didnt want to draw an animal crossing horse. this did end up making the squirrel be obsessed with the eagle which i do love. i kept trying to work blue into his design but it just did not work at all.
leon: oh leon. the hardest one to choose. i had to save him for until id decided everyone else lol. i was between bull, eagle, and tiger, and went with bull bc of double dipping. all three suited him equally i think it was hard to choose. also coloring him was hard too lol
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years ago
All this memory retrospection makes my head hurt sometimes. But I am starting to for sure realize that, yes. I was. I was Dawn! But in my timeline, I was named Pearl.
The stress of being seen as a "savior of Sinnoh" for dealing with Cyrus and becoming champ at a young age- It broke me. I felt like I was holding way too much weight on my shoulders for a literal 10 year old. I holed up in my room for about 4 years- Aaaand ended up in Hisui! It felt like Arceus was playing a cruel joke on me. But after a few months, I managed to come back home with Ingo! I was happy to be home, but. I still felt tired. I had just become some kinda legendary hero. Twice.
And I was so tired. I had realized in Hisui that I didn't care for the cutesy pink skirts my mom dressed me in... Heck, I let Arezu cut my hair short for the first time.
Yet, the moment I came back, I dyed my hair blond and disappeared. If you find yourself wondering where Dawn/Pearl went after she suddenly disappeared at age 14, this might be your explanation. I went in search for something more and well, when I was 19, I found Guzma and Plumeria in Alola and became a Skull Grunt!
I feel like I should apologize to Barry and Lucas... I just had a weird panic attack, became a recluse, and vanished. I had heard Lucas took my place as champion at some point in the news. I was so proud of him! I felt so bad leaving them both like that, they had been such good friends, but I had to leave.
And it wasn't as if I was miserable anymore, far from it! I found myself in Alola, really! I felt so free with Team Skull. Sure, we fooled around a lot and got into trouble, but they were amazing! Guzma especially... He meant a lot to me.
So it seems that that's it! I wonder if this explains my sudden disappearance to anyone? My timeline feels so far out there, but it's nice to begin reflecting on all this. To all my canonmates, thank you so much for getting me through all of this and being there with me!
(A small note to MPC, you can either tag this as "Dawnkin" or "Skullgruntkin" or both depending on your preference really! Whichever is easiest for you! I just didn't want that to be too puzzling, I hope that's okay!)
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connieslover · 3 years ago
d-did i just forget my lines again?
✧˖*°࿐ headcanons of you being partnered up with the enhypen members for music bank  
☆ idol!reader x idol! enhypen
first enhypen headcanons hehehe ps...might be writing an enhypen 8 member imagines soon... soon....
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☆○o。lee heeseung 。o○☆
☆  okay.... idk but i imagine him being very stiff and awkward
☆  obviously being nervous, heeseung would reread the lines on his mc card multiple of times to ensure that he had it memorised and was familiair with what he was about to say
☆  one time he was so engrossed in memorising his lines he couldn’t hear you talking to him
☆  during your interviews when you two were asked to do the groups highlighted dance heeseung would send you a small grin afterwards
☆  when you mess up your line heeseung would swiftly cover your mistakes for you (he makes fun of you afterwards) 
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☆○o。jay park 。o○☆
☆ jay..... came across as very intimidating when you two first met
☆ so during your first interview you both were very out of sync and there was a definite awkwardness in the air
☆ however, as you both got to know each other the awkward tension dissapeared
☆ during interviews you and jay would often make jokes with each other and act all foolish and giddy
☆ when you were intervewing your own group, jay would be your no.1 supporter like he’d be dancing along to when your groupmates would sing and be so enthusiastic
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☆○o。jake sim 。o○☆
☆ the two of you are known as music bank’s bilingual duo
☆ it took you a bit of time to get to know jake since he was introverted but oh boy.... once you two got to know each other it was chaotic
☆ the two of you would sometimes mess up during your interviews but everyone just saw it as a cute interaction
☆ your interviews were always so so so fun to watch
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☆○o。park sunghoon 。o○☆ 
☆ oh gosh sunghoon was so so so nervous the first time he did his interview with you
☆ when you two would bump shoulders he’d just tense up and apologise off camera and you’d just laugh 
☆ he was definetly awkward and shy around you but no worries, he was able to warm up after you
☆ he secretly loved everytime you two had an opportunity to take photos together 
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☆○o。kim sunoo 。o○☆
☆ sunoo is the brightest sunshine the world has ever known (REAL) so it was easy for you and him to get along 
☆ he LOVES forcing you into doing cutesy stuff in interviews (you scold him afterwards)
☆ he also loves loves loves talking selfies together and posting them on enhypens twitter account 
☆ he was hesitant to become more friendly with you (scared of the toxic fans) but he couldn’t help himself 
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☆○o。yang jungwon 。o○☆
☆ kpops youngest leader and youngest mc?? yeah those titles were made for jungwon
☆ at first he would be very cautious with the interactions between the two of you but after a while, fuck it, he let himself be
☆ he accidentally messed up his words once and became so dissapointed and embarassed but luckily you were there to cheer him up
☆ whenever you’d interview the enhypen members the room would be so rowdy and jungwon would be embarassed and mouth you an apology
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☆○o。nishimura riki 。o○☆
☆ goodness gracious this cute little bean would be so shy knowing he was paired up with you
☆ being a foreigner, he wasn’t too familair with the korean language but he was really good at speaking the language
☆ when you’d see him struggling on pronouncing a word you’d always be there to help him
☆ any skin to skin interaction and man is STIFF with the tips of his ears red
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