#sometimes i kinda struggle with feeling like alisaie has a weaker foundation with deidre than arenvald does and that im working too hard
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smallest-turtle · 11 months ago
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Scion Teenager Squad Upon Ye
Deidre has more than one person she's close with beyond typical friendship but Alisaie is the only one where that relationship is also a romantic one. I like Alisaie's energy, she feels and shows all of her emotions very intensely and she does not fall into the same trap the other scions had to crawl out of with the willingness toward heroic self sacrifice. Another thing I've posted about before is that when She helps the wol, she is doing what the wol is also doing. When other scions help the wol, they are doing things out wol wouldn't be doing to begin with. When she helps us she is ACTUALLY lightening our burden, imo.
I like her and Deidre together because they're both red mages, and I have her involved in the rdm questline. She gets to see Deidre kind of struggle with the class, due to her being a white mage and her having taken up dark knight already, which is something the others never really see. Alisaie knows Deidre from dealing with Bahamut (and admired her prowess and witnessed how she would build a little camp and make sure she and alphy and arenvald all got fed), but being reintroduced to her in this setting where she Struggles opens her eyes more leading into the canon events. She cares deeply about everyone, she sees how Deidre is still pretty distant from the Archons, and helps bridge that gap by ensuring they Work Together, which Deidre really appreciates after feeling like they just send her (and arenvald) to fight alone. Alisaie is one of the few who are truly willing to see the emotional struggle Deidre has with Not Wanting to be the wol but continuing because no one else could any of those things, and how it combines with both her childhood 'if you want something done do it yourself' stubbornness and her genuine desire to help a cause bc its important to someone shes come to care about.
Deidre appreciates that Alisaie, like Arenvald, helps her in the things she's actually doing to begin with, and that she doesn't shy away from the parts of her that are ugly and bitter about whats happened to her. When it comes to Deidre seeing herself in Zenos, comparing herself to him in how she's his equal as the Alliance's weapon against the Empire, she's gonna argue but she wont say the alliance Doesn't use her as their trump card the way the rest of the scions would. She also argues for Deidre to rest like a normal person the way Haurchefant does, and carves out the space for her to do so when needed. She's there for her emotionally when she's struggling after she's recovered from being turned into the Light Warden, when she has her breakdown bc the white hair after the transformation wont hold dye well and cuts it all off, any time she needs reassurance that her scars are flesh and not crystalizing since she has nerve damage in her hands and can't feel well, there's a lot of personal self-image stuff that Deidre struggles with that really only Alisaie is privy to.
In Deidre Alisaie gets someone who has similar motivations to her, they work together very well, much like in canon she makes Alisaie want to improve herself. She likes that Deidre is drawn to experiencing new things and that they can do that together, and that even with her adventuring she knows Deidre will always circle back to wherever she feels is home. She considers Deidre to be reliable and easy to talk to, doesn't judge when Alisaie has to take a few tries to work her emotions out into words or has to troubleshoot her feelings about a situation out loud in order to puzzle them out properly. She also morphs anywhere they're staying into a stable, predictable environment they can anchor themselves to amidst the tossing and turning of always traveling, which helps Alisaie keep her head on straight.
Also they're teenagers/young adults (as time progresses) and they can just be silly together sometimes. They've been through a lot of hardship, but their relationship is also one that can survive normalcy and peace. They are each just as likely to join the other on an adventure as they are to sit quietly in the other's company while they work on something. They also get along decently with each other's families and other loved ones which is a bonus.
Another random WoLQotD/OC question
I thought I'd ask this while I worked on my other questions. :)
If you're a WoL x NPC shipper, what drew you to that ship and why? What makes that ship the pinnacle for you and your oc? Is it that you love the canon character you write them with, you find their dynamic interesting or something in between?
If you're not a WoL x NPC shipper, but you have a ship with another person, how did that come about? What makes that ship fulfilling for you? Has the ship impacted your relationship with that other person? Feel free to gush, I wanna hear it!
Oh, and pictures are a must (if you have them).
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