#sometimes he is forced to by either Athena or Dionysus
sarafangirlart · 6 months
I want the minotaur to allowed to punch theseus for killing him in life when he was trapped there and for versions when he intentionally abandoned his sister. Seriously, he might have misgivings on his sister helping kill him but even he thinks it was dirty what he did to her.
I really like how in Circe the Minotaur was violent and bloodthirsty from birth but the narrative still treats him with so much empathy and Ariadne calling him her brother and trying to treat him with kindness breaks my heart.
I feel like hating Theseus for killing the Minotaur is rather harsh, it’s one of his few genuinely noble actions like are we forgetting that the Minotaur cannibalized Athenian youths? I completely understand that Theseus wouldn’t bother trying to reason with him. Tho I really like how they turned a new leaf in the Hades game, wouldn’t make sense for them to still hate each other after death.
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genericpuff · 4 months
What are your thoughts on the whole Hestia x Athena thing in LO? Personally it always infuriated me with how hypocritical it was of them to date each other despite them both being members of/Hestia being in charge of TGOEM. It especially annoyed me how Hestia constantly told Persephone that as a TGOEM member she can't date anyone but later saying that her relationship with Athena doesn't count. I give some credit to Artmeis for calling them out when finding out, but it wasn't enough
The hypocrisy is one thing but it at least could have been expanded on as a plot point (Hestia didn't even have the spine to return the coat and apologize, Artemis had to do it ???), but what REALLY ticks me off is that Rachel clearly tried to include queer rep through Hestia and Athena who are two traditionally aro/ace goddesses. So really all she did was erase their original queer identities, both of which are still massively misunderstood and argued over whether or not they're "real". And shit, we even see that in her old asks that lesbian sex "doesn't count" and that asexuality is somehow just a sliding scale / stepping stone towards "becoming" another sexuality (in this case, gay).
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Like... you can be asexual and also still be romantically attracted to the same sex, "becoming gay" doesn't automatically erase someone's asexuality. Artemis can be gay and aroace. Lesbian sex is still sex and isn't a "loophole" to retaining one's virginity. To be fair, the whole "vestal virgins are flaming lesbians because you can be a virgin and still have hot lady sex" thing came from an anon, but like... she doesn't do anything to challenge that idea in LO either, if anything it's reinforced through Athena and Hestia using their relationship as a "loophole" within TGOEM (and the narrative never actually stops to analyze that.)
And then the cherry on top is Rachel removing the sexualities - sometimes even entire character identities - from canonically or commonly-accepted queer gods and giving them to others. Crocus is no longer a lover of Hermes, but a one-dimensional nymph who was killed as a plot device and then never spoken of again. Ampelos is no longer a satyr loved by Dionysus, his name now belongs to Psyche, a heterocis black woman who doesn't know how to read and has been basically forced into slavery. All of Aphrodite's children who ranged in gender and sexual identities are now replaced with one-dimensional cutout characters with no specific labels or characterizations beyond the translations of their names. Eros has been reduced to the "gay best friend" whose first introduction into the story is inebriating a 19 year old girl with the intent of dumping her in an older man's car. Apollo has been turned into a generic big bad whose only goal is getting his hands on Persephone and nothing else, with zero nuance to his actual characterization or plot arc, he's just "the rapist" who conveniently becomes a pawn in some bigger nefarious plan that makes zero sense. Dionysus and Achilles have both been turned into babies.
If Rachel wanted queer rep, she was already in the right place. The entire Pantheon was her oyster. But instead she managed to go the complete opposite with it and not only erase the queer identities of Greek gods in LO, but went the extra mile of egregiousness by replacing those queer gods with token-queer stereotypes and one-dimensional characters who are just there to say they're gay for the brownie points before being shoved back into the closet. They're out, but they're still not seen.
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aliciavance4228 · 27 days
I don't like to act like an angry missy right now but why do so many people have to ship Athena with someone?
I can somehow understand shipping her with a female character because:
Many people interpret being a virgin as not having sex with a man and consider that penetration = losing your virginity;
Athena is already believed to have two romantic (though not sexual) relationships with two different women, namely Chariclo and Myrmex.
However, people sometimes really manage to come with the worst pairs ever. Athena + Medusa = LOVE; that's why she helped Perseus to decapitate her and then attached her head to her Aegis. Athena + Arachne = LOVE; that's why she bellitled her so bad to the point where she wanted to kill herself out of shame, or just turned her into a spider directly. Athena + Artemis- You know what, this one is not so bad, actually. I won't criticize this one.
Anyway, but the worst ships ever are those which include her + a male deity.
Athena + Hephaestus; Hephaestus tried to rape her once.
Athena + Poseidon; Besides the fact that they two are already known for deeply hating each other, it is said that Poseidon was the one who suggested Hephaestus to force himself on Athena while he was drunk.
Athena + Zeus; No. Just no. We already have Zeus raping Rhea and Persephone in Orphic Greek Mythology, and trying to rape Aphrodite (in the versions where she is his daughter) as well. We don't need a disturbing SA scene involving them two.
Athena + Ares; It's pretty clear that they two have a common brother/sister rivarly. That's it. That's all.
Athena + Hermes; She's acting like the big sis towards him.
Athena + Apollo; Same as for Athena + Hermes.
Athena + Dionysus; In some myth versions she literally took care of him when he was a baby.
Athena + Hades; Surprised that there are people who actually ship them two, honestly.
The more I see these pairs the more I'm starting to believe that these people cannot understand the fact that there are women who can be happy without a man as well, or that if two people of the opposite gender are getting along it's not necessarily because there's something inherently romantic/sexual in their relationship. They're really acting as if there's something wrong with being asexual or just not interested at all. Furthermore, we already have a lot of goddesses who are not married and sexually active (Aphrodite post-divorce and Demeter are the first examples that come to my mind).
The best theory that I have right now is the Forbidden Fruit Effect. To resume it shorter, the Forbidden Fruit Effect is when someone either craves for something that they clearly cannot have, or can have but with serious consequences. The best example in this case are nuns and how they are presented in an extremely sexual/provocative manner in movies, video games, fanarts etc. Which not only that is disrespectful to religious people, but it's also completely disgusting. You're specifically choosing to sexualize a category of women who made a vow of chastity and clearly expressed their choice of never sleeping with a man.
Athena is one the Three Virgin Goddesses along with Artemis and Hestia in 99,99% of Greek Mythology, so why can't people just respect that and move on?
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pjo-whore · 3 years
Percy Jackson At Hogwarts
Chapter 1: Wizards Are What Now?
Look, Percy never wanted to be half-blood.
Being a half-blood – the child of a mortal human and a god – was dangerous. It was scary. Most of the time, on top of having neglectful parents and a dysfunctional and incestuous family that wanted you dead for petty reasons, it got you killed in other painful, nasty ways.
There wasn’t a day that went by where Percy didn’t feel envious of the kids who didn’t have to deal with the mythological world.
Percy Jackson was seventeen years old. Until a month ago, he was fighting a war against a Greek primoradial, the Earth Mother incarnate, Gaea – also known as his great grandmother. Before that, he fought in a war against his grandfather, Kronos, Greek Titan of Time, who wanted to overthrow the Olympian gods and take over the world and the Empire State Building. Somewhere in between he also found time to spend a month in literal Greek hell, Tartarus, who also happened to be his great grandfather, and who also tried to murder him on sight.
Was Percy a troubled kid?
Yeah. You could say that.
And right now, he was still trying to clean up the mess from the Second Giant War.
Now that there wasn’t a war looming overhead, the gods’ recent exploits were coming to light, and new demigods were popping up everywhere, everyday. The number of demigods skyrocketed now that they were actively searching and not waiting for them to stumble into Camp on their own.
But that also meant there were new kids to train, more demigods for the gods to claim, and less time to recoup from the recent war.
Less than a month had passed since Gaea’s defeat.
The days were filled with helping each other get back on their feet, rebuilding the camps, and trying to keep the fragile peace in order.
There was still a lot to sort out, and the gods weren’t as hands-on as most would like. There was conflict building up. News spread about how the gods helped the seven demigods of the prophecy fight the giants, because a giant couldn’t be killed by a mortal alone, and this made many jealous and angry. The gods could pop in for a single battle when it was their own ass on the line, but not when a group of their own literal kids needed to rebuild their home that was dedicated to the gods?
Besides Chiron and Dionysus, the only god to physically stay at Camp Half-Blood following the battle against Gaea due to his punishment from Zeus, there were no other adults. The oldest demigods were barely twenty. Despite age, most, if not all, the demigods looked to the prophecy demigods for guidance and leadership.
Annabeth, Jason, Percy, Piper, and Nico.
The brunt of the responsibility fell on the daughter of Athena, and the son of Poseidon. They led their Camp through the Second Titan War, and now they were survivors of another war.
Things weren’t easy for a long time.
The Camp was completely ravaged.
During Gaea’s seize of the Greek demigod Camp, the cabins were burned by the monsters and toppled by Gaea’s massive earthquakes. Not even the Big House – the staple of Camp Half-Blood, the oldest building on the lot – survived the attack.
Camp Jupiter didn’t fare any better, but their buildings had been more structurally sound, thicker and built of material that didn’t burn and crumble. Enough buildings were still standing well enough to inhabit.
Everything had to be rebuilt for Camp Half-Blood.
Nobody could be sent home – to their mortal homes, with mortal parents, and a mortal life, mortal being the slang for “normal” among the mythological world – despite the new lack of residency at Camp Half-Blood. Kids needed to heal. There were nightmares and PTSD. Trauma and concussions. People to be counted, bodies missing, some so mauled they were impossible to identify. Several bodies were unearthed from the ground, sucked in by Gaea’s attack and suffocated beneath the dirt.
Shrouds were made for those who could be identified, the unknown buried in unmarked graves to be remembered. Those who were missing were given honorary shrouds, unknowing if they were in one of the unmarked graves. The Romans were unable to do their traditional funeral rituals, transporting the bodies all the way to Camp Jupiter, and were burned in shrouds alongside the Greeks.
Mortal parents simply couldn’t help.
They couldn’t fathom their children being in a war.
There were fears that demigods would be taken away from Camp Half-Blood by their mortal parents, horrified at what their kids were put through. Chiron especially worried about demigods who would be kept from Camp by parents, forcing them to live alone without any mythological world support, to defend against monsters on their own, without any magic or special weapons.
So, among the remaining able-bodied demigods, Greeks alongside Romans worked together to erect the new Big House. Tents from the Romans’ siege on Camp Half-Blood were gifted to the Greeks to provide residency until the new cabins were built, while the Romans started to march back home.
During all the chaos, Percy didn’t have any time to sit down and process all that happened.
The whole Camp looked up to him as a leader, but Percy didn’t feel very strong or wise.
He only felt bitter.
There were some who walked by and whispered “lucky” and “prophecy.”
Some who stopped talking as soon as he walked into the room.
Those who acted like he wasn’t even human, just some untouchable hero; but they ostracized him.
Percy was aware that he was one of the so-called “lucky” campers; lucky being compared, because at least he walked away with all his limbs intact.
It didn’t feel like he was lucky.
He wasn’t unscathed. He bore many scars, visible and not. His time in Tartarus was an impossible nightmare on bad nights, and a shadow on good days.
Percy was learning that he had triggers.
He was learning Annabeth did, too.
Neither liked using elevators.
Annabeth’s expression went tight when Percy used his powers around her. She turned away, sometimes completely leaving the area.
She got antsy in the dark, a childhood fear resurfaced.
There were other little things; at night when she had nightmares she would toss and turn in bed, sweating through her clothes and sheets, despite the breeze being cold. Sometimes Annabeth would completely avoid Percy, acting snappish, always coming back and apologizing in the end, and they would hold each other like they were hanging over the chasm again.
Annabeth refused to talk about what she saw in her nightmares, and Percy never pushed. He was one of the only people who could understand what she was going through.
Sometimes all they could do was sit and try to drown out the memories of The Pit.
Percy’s triggers were different.
He developed a deep-seated hatred for empousai. The moment he saw one, his body started to shake with adrenaline and nerves, fire flashing before his eyes.
Percy could no longer look at the stars without feeling a deep loss, tears pricking at his eyes.
He prayed to his father, Poseidon, more often, as if trying to re-establish his connection to the sea, to re-establish his connection to the Overworld, as if that could cleanse him of what happened in The Pit. As if he could wash away the touch of The Pit.
Percy’s nightmares were always blurry and violent. He wouldn’t snap awake like others. He didn’t startle or jerk upright. He didn’t make a single noise. He would wake silently, and lay there in bed, eyes open and unseeing, that shattered glass feeling he always dreaded at the bottom of his stomach. After he could never go back to sleep, and he would get up and sit on the tile in his cabin for hours and look in the mirror and wait for the image to change. He would wait for it to reflect what he feared, though it never did.
“Okay, so, how big is the situation? Is it like, ‘Aphrodite lost her hairbrush again’ big? Or is it ‘Gaea has risen again’ big?”
Annabeth frowned. “I don’t know. All Chiron said was that a god needed our help – and I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the sound of that.” She chewed her bottom lip in thought as they headed toward the Big House. They had been asked to attend a private meeting with Chiron, outside of the camp counselor meeting. “He sounded serious, too. Whichever god it is must be an asshole to seek help so soon after the war.”
She wasn’t wrong, Percy thought.
Jason was appointed Pontifex Maximus in Camp Jupiter, and as such he was responsible of advising the praetors, ruling over the Camp Jupiter counsel, and overseeing the work and prayers to the minor gods. His promise to Kymopoleia to bring worship and awareness for all minor gods became his fulltime job, and it was ruled that most gods must go through Jason to request help from either demigod camp.
A god asking for help directly after a full-scale war? Using Chiron as their connection? It was a hit below the belt, and it made Percy frustrated.
A few demigods raised their heads in greeting as Percy and Annabeth passed by the arts and crafts center. Conner and Travis Stoll, who were trying to build bombs with bits and pieces from the forge, took one look at Percy, then at Annabeth, and wiggled their brows suggestively. Percy unsubtly stuck them the bird, and they started to laugh their assess off.
The Big House was smaller now, after being rebuilt.
What could be scavenged from the attic was saved, but most of it was lost. Magical artifacts and ancient texts were burned and crushed. Now the Big House served mostly as the infirmary, aside from the drop-by medicinal tent near the Apollo cabin, where more medical supplies were. The Apollo and Hephaestus cabins had been the first to be rebuilt because they gave needed services.
Aside from the infirmary, the Big House had a commons area for meetings, and housed a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom.
Checking in the commons area, Chiron was in his wheelchair. Nico was sitting at the beloved ping pong table, which had somehow survived the siege on Camp, and Thalia was sitting backwards on a chair by the new counselor table, which no one ever used.
Percy sat next to Nico and twirled the ping pong paddle between his hands, Annabeth taking her usual seat during counsel meetings.
Chiron looked tense.
“Now, I know that only a month has passed since the end of the Second Giant War, but –”
The air practically sparked with the collective tension that built.
“– a new quest has been issued.”
Annabeth leaned forward in her seat, interested. “Chiron, you can’t have an official quest without a prophecy. And the last time I checked; the Oracle of Delphi wasn’t working right now.”
“Well, it’s a good thing this isn’t a quest from the Greek pantheon, then.”
Percy cocked a brow and shared a look with Annabeth.
“The Roman pantheon doesn’t have an oracle, and their last augur exploded himself, so –”
“It’s a friend of Lady Hecate, the Triple Goddess.”
Dead silence.
“The Triple Goddess?” Percy parroted. “I don’t follow.”
“The Triple Goddess is of the Old Religion, once practiced in Europe hundreds of years ago by the druids and magic users in general. It belonged to Albion, a land of five kingdoms, before it split into the United Kingdom and Ireland.”
“What does that have to do with us?” Nico said.
“All those years ago, in the middle ages, after the golden age of the Greek pantheon, the Old Religion became very popular in Albion. Magic was something that anyone could practice even if they weren’t born with the innate talent, with the proper training. Through the ages, though, the religion declined, and the New Religion rose and became the staple. While the Old Religion relied on the magic of the land, sea, and sky; the New Religion relied on your inner magical core, and so not everyone could do this new magic.”
Chiron shifted in his wheelchair and pulled out a small stack of photos, but when he tossed them onto the ping pong table, the demigods saw that they held moving pictures.
In one photo, it showed a person standing over a boiling cauldron, on the wooden table beside them, old parchment with a quill that moved by itself, writing on the paper. The picture moved slightly, the character stirring the cauldron. Then the animated picture reset and repeated.
In another photo, two persons stood facing each other, holding purposefully shaped wooden sticks, pointing them at each other. Bright lights exploded from the tips of the sticks, and their robes and hair swayed with strong winds.
In the last photo, a person was wearing a uniform of sorts, with a helmet and pads on their knees and elbows. They held an old broomstick between their knees, and metal hinges held on the back close to the bristles, like a hitch for the feet. In the picture, the person grabbed onto the end of the broomstick and shot into the air, like magic. It gave image to the stereotype of witches flying on brooms in the night.
“The Old Religion died out because the land lost its magic. Only select spots held magical creatures and natural magic. Magic was only preserved through the New Religion, and those who practiced the New Religion became witches and wizards. The lot of them went into hiding and created their own society – the wizarding world.”
“In today’s day and age, magic is passed down through genetics. And sometimes, those with magic cores can be born to those with no magic at all. The population of magic users stays stable, and there is balance in the world of magic …” Chiron winced. “Mostly.”
“But these people have lost contact with the Triple Goddess. They no longer worship or prayer to her. They rely solely on their own magic, not what comes naturally from the land, like in the Old Religion. And recently, war has passed for them. The Second Wizarding War ended four months ago. And this has severely depleted their resources and magic. There is a school for the magic users, used as the stronghold during the war, and now the wizarding world’s hero is returning to finish his studies.”
“His moniker is ‘The Boy Who Lived,’ and he’s called Harry Potter. But he was only a child – is only a child. He and his peers are children who have been used to fight a war that they shouldn’t have had to fight.” Chiron looked very grim.
Percy bitterly sank back in his seat.
“We were kids, too.”
Chiron sighed. “This war has thrown the balance of magic out of whack. The natural magic has been depleted for too long, and there are those who are actively tipping the balance to sabotage the magic for their own gain. It’s suspected that the dark forces from the war – Death Eaters – are still operating in the shadows. It is because of this that the Triple Goddess has called upon you as heroes to help restore the wizarding world and save magic.”
“You would only be obligated to attend the school of Hogwarts until you uncovered the source of oppression over magic, so the Death Eaters can be caught and restrained. If you choose to accept, of course.”
Percy eyed him sharply. “You say that as if we have a choice.”
Chiron pursed his lips. “Despite what you think, yes, you do.”
“But this is from a whole other pantheon,” Nico said. “A group of magical people who don’t even believe in the goddess who brought about their magic. Why do we have to fix this?”
More silence.
Chiron looked down on them unapologetically.
Percy shifted uncomfortably, looking over at Annabeth. Chiron seriously expected them to just up and leave Camp for this quest. Barely a month had passed since their own war, and they were getting by as they were. Percy didn’t believe Camp Half-Blood could afford to lose any support or cabin counselors, even for a short period of time.
“So, let me get this straight,” Percy said. “Basically – if I just ignore the little prologue, you gave there – you want us to go to this magical school, on orders of a goddess that’s almost faded, stalk a kid, and watch out for people who like to try to rob the world of magic – magic, which they use themselves.”
Chiron looked pained. “No, I don’t believe they’re purposefully robbing the world of magic.”
“Oh, well that clears everything up.” Percy threw his hands in the air.
“Regardless, you understand what’s being asked. This is a quest, technically coming from Hecate, as a favour for the Triple Goddess. It’s valid as a hero’s quest. It was decided it would be best that you go undercover as transfer students and secretly watch over Harry Potter, the target for most Death Eaters. Your goal is to prevent trouble before it gets serious, though I doubt that will be hard, as trouble always manages to find you –”
“Wait, hold on,” Percy said, still hung-up on the quest. “How are we supposed to fit in at a school for the magically gifted? None of us are wizards.”
“Oh, that is something that can easily be fixed,” Chiron said, dismissing the problem.
“Excuse me?!” Thalia said.
“Hecate considered this quest from the Triple Goddess for a long time before coming to me.”
Percy rolled his eyes. Out of everyone in the room, he had the least faith in the gods. They never gave him anything to have faith in.
Annabeth narrowed her eyes at the camp director. “And how exactly does Hecate plan on ‘fixing’ the problem? I don’t see any obvious solutions. We’re demigods, not wizards.”
Chiron shifted awkwardly. “She has not shared that with me. I have only gotten the request that you undertake this quest for the Old Religion, and that she will visit to prepare you.”
Percy felt like grinding his teeth. “Oh, so she just expected us to accept the quest. She never considered us refusing? Why can’t the wizards fix their own problem?” Chiron said nothing. “Camp is still in shambles – we don’t even have all the cabins rebuilt yet! We can’t leave, not now. There’s still too much work to do here, and too many new demigods to watch over and protect. And have you even considered that maybe we don’t want to go on this quest? That maybe we want a break? My entire childhood was prophecy after prophecy, quest after quest, serving the gods. We’re under no obligation to do this. You can tell Hecate that she can stick her magic wands up –”
He didn’t get the chance to finish because Annabeth had already taken a ping pong paddle and smashed a ping pong ball in his direction, the mutual action used to keep order in camp counselor meetings.
“BALL!” Annabeth yelled, slamming her paddle across the table.
Percy scowled and took his seat again.
“Now, Percy,” she said sweetly, leaning over the table. “Where did you say Hecate could put those wands?”
“Nowhere,” he muttered.
Annabeth acquiesced and put the paddle down.
“Where is this school anyway?” Nico asked. He frowned. “And Hogwarts? What kind of name is that?”
“It resides in Scotland, its exact location unknown and hidden by powerful magic. Outside of the school, which is an ancient and famous monument for the wizarding world, there are other magical establishments. One place you will be required to visit is Diagon Alley, a wizarding market. That’s where you’ll collect your resources for going undercover at school.”
“Again, you’re saying all this like we’ve agreed to go,” Percy mumbled.
He was ignored. Thalia raised her hand, her features etched with confusion. “Okay, I hate to be the one to say it – but how are we supposed to blend in with wizards and witches? We can’t use magic, and we know nothing about their world.”
Chiron admitted he didn’t know how Hecate would find ways around the problems. “She has informed me that, only once the quest is accepted, will she come and discuss the details. In fact, she should be arriving any moment –”
What happened next could not have been anymore dramatic.
There was a blinding flash of light – the glow filling the entire room – and it forced the demigods to cover their eyes lest they go blind from laying eyes upon a god’s true form.
All eyes landed on the goddess, technically titaness.
Hecate appeared as a tall, thin woman. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a kekryphalos, the shining coil twisting and adorned with intricate gems and metals. Loose strands of hair framed her sickly pale face, which held sharp chartreuse yellow eyes. She wore a dark chiton robe that draped over her thin figure, and it seemed to ripple like a heat hallucination, like ink spilling off to the ground.
At her feet, she was accompanied by a black Labrador retriever and a polecat.
The demigods all stood as one and politely bowed, as was common for all gods. Percy glared up through his bow as he followed reluctantly.
“Rise, my young heroes.” The goddess’ voice was smooth and rich. She sounded monotone. “You have done more than enough to prove your worth to me, and for that, I know that I can trust you. I have called you four here on special request from the Triple Goddess, who has observed your acts of heroics. She believes you can save the wizarding world, her beloved kin, and magics.”
“You will use the ways of the Old Religion to learn magics and go undercover. As demigods, you already have magical cores. They just need to be trained; refined.”
Percy scowled.
“And will the oh-so-gracious Triple Goddess be visiting us herself?”
Annabeth shot him a scathing look.
“Percy!” She hissed.
Hecate eyed Percy again, as if reappraising him. “No,” she said, after a tense silence. “You will be sent to get your wands from one who still practices the Old Religion and can pair you with an appropriate wand. Your cover stories are fabricated and with the wandmaker. The Triple Goddess does not appear without dire need.”
“Her entire world being in trouble seems pretty dire to me,” Percy muttered under his breath.
Annabeth elbowed him harshly.
Hecate narrowed her eyes.
“This,” she said, pulling a laminated piece of paper out of thin air, “is called a portkey. It is an enchanted item; when touched by the intended people, or random persons, it can magically teleport you to a predetermined location.”
She held it out to demigods.
On it, in fancy letters, it read: Littletree Farms, Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts.
“Touch this, all at once, and you will have accepted the quest.”
Chiron gave them an encouraging nod. The demigods all shared exchanged looks.
“Our responsibilities …” Thalia started, subconsciously reaching up to grab at her lieutenant circlet, from the Hunters of Artemis.
“Will be forgiven for the time while on quest,” Hecate assured. “The Triple Goddess does not ask favours lightly. This has the potential to spill into the real world; to affect our pantheon. The Old Religion is younger than the Greek pantheon, but its reach goes far and wide. The Triple Goddess is powerful; no harm will befall your precious little Camp while you are away.”
Nico hesitated, but was the first to reach for the paper. “If this is really that important … why ask for us specifically? A larger group, organized and planned, could do better.”
“The Triple Goddess has observed you, and believes you are the right heroes to help save magic.”
“But right now? This instant? Can’t we have time?”
“You will come back to your little Camp before you leave for Europe.”
Annabeth pursed her lips, then also reached for it. “Okay.”
Percy looked at her, askance. “Okay? Just like that?”
Annabeth shrugged. “A quest is a quest, and someone needs help. We are in peace right now and have no threats. I don’t see why not.”
“Fine,” Percy said, tone short. He looked over at the laminated paper. “So, this will take us where? What’s in Boston that could be so magical?”
“A wand wood farm,” Hecate said, smiling thinly. “And your quest starts now.”
Percy’s eyes snapped to the paper, where Hecate had pushed it into their collective hands unwillingly. Then the world began to spin, and there was a sharp tug in his gut, yanking him out of time and space.
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icarusiswritingsmut · 3 years
Pinned Post Time Ba-bey
The Basics
🔞  Icarus, he/him, 28. Mentally ill, queer as in fuck you.  🔞  This is an ADULT blog. This is a place for me to talk about writing erotica and erotic romance explicitly 🔞  There’s going to be triggering kinks here that will not be traditionally tagged to avoid tumblr’s stupidity 🔞  If you’ve come here to screenshot for your hateboners, go ahead. That shit gets me hard. Don’t whine about me forcing you to interact with my kink when it’s written right there. I’m serious when I say that it gets me going 🔞  Just like with my main blog, I’ll be publishing all asks publicly. It’s something I’m doing for my own sanity. If you want privacy, DM me 🔞  I will be updating this pinned post sporadically as need be
Tag List
🔞   word count - keeping track of my daily/monthly/yearly word count 🔞  freelancing - anything relating to writing on commission  🔞  art - art I make for one reason or another 🔞  inspiration - art/stories/gifs/etc I find inspiring to write  🔞  publishing schedule - ruminations on publishing/writing/time management 🔞  smashwords - talking about the publishing site smashwords in any form 🔞  campfire romance - anything relating to unnamed paranormal romance  🔞  /icarus - anything relating to romance novels  🔞  /apollo - anything relating to gay slave bdsm 
The Smut List
I am publishing under the umbrella name Paper Plane Fantasies. Since smut is so kink specific, I’ve developed a system where I am publishing each kink under different pen names modeled after the Greek gods.
🔞  Icarus - all my romance novels will be published under one name. paranormal romance, queer as hell, all con and steamy and a 90k word minimum 🔞  Aphrodite - mlm forced feminization. noncon, usually dealing with a man being made either in part or totality into a woman. bimbofication is also rolled into this 🔞 Apollo - mlm slave bdsm. usually noncon that sometimes leads to con, dealing with men being kidnapped and made into slaves/objects for their new master 🔞  Ares - cishet futa femdom. usually noncon, sometimes dubcon. futa woman is in charge over their male partner  🔞  Athena - wlw futa femdom. usually con, sometimes dub/noncon, futa may or may not be the one in control. I realize I’m shooting myself a bit in the foot with conflating all wlw futa situations into a single niche. will restructure if the first series takes off or just use as needed down the line 🔞  Demeter - cishet incest. so far it’s all noncon, all daddy/daughter shit. everyone is of age 🔞  Dionysus - cishet mind control. noncon, man has some special ability that allows him to control his surroundings or his partner so he can fuck them without any repercussions 🔞 Hades - mlm exhibitionist billionaire. dub/con, men getting off on bdsm and the idea of getting caught. probably not gonna be one I publish too much in unless I have inspo or it takes off lol 🔞 Hera - cishet cuckold. non/dubcon.  man is getting cuckolded and made to watch for a variety of different reasons 🔞  Poseidon - cishhet monstergirl breeding. non/dub/con. just some furry girls getting bred by humans and used as pets/toys. so far it’s all one sort of interconnected story but it’ll branch out eventually 🔞  Zeus - cishet monster fucking. noncon. monsters need an incubator and the first human woman they find is deemed suitable
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Hephaestus – The Greek God of Crafts
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Hephaestus (Roman equivalent Vulcan), also known as Hephaistos, was the Greek god of blacksmiths, craftsmanship, fire, and metallurgy. He was the only god to ever be thrown out of Mt. Olympus and later return to his rightful place in the heavens. Depicted as ugly and deformed, Hephaestus was among the most resourceful and skilled of the Greek gods. Here’s his story.
Origins of the Myth of Hephaestus
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Hephaestus was the son of Hera and Zeus. However, some sources say that he was Hera’s alone, borne without a father. The poet Hesiod writes of a jealous Hera, who conceived Hephaestus alone because Zeus had given birth to Athena alone, without her.
Unlike the other gods, Hephaestus was not a perfect figure. He is described as being ugly and lame. He was either born lame or he ended up lame after Hera threw him away.
Hephaestus is often depicted as a bearded middle-aged man, who wore a Greek workman’s hat called pilos, and a Greek workman’s tunic called eximos, but he’s also sometimes depicted as a younger man with no beard. He is also portrayed together with the tools of a smith: axes, chisels, saws, and mostly hammers and tongs, which are his foremost symbols.
Some scholars place the explanation of Hephaestus’ less-than-perfect appearance on the fact that blacksmiths such as him normally had injuries from their work with metal. The toxic fumes, the furnaces, and the dangerous tools normally scarred these workers.
Exile from Mt. Olympus
After a quarrel between Zeus and Hera, Hera threw Hephaestus from Mount Olympus, disgusted by his ugliness. He landed on the island of Lemnos and was possibly crippled from the fall.  After falling to earth, Thetis looked after him until his ascent to heavens.
Hephaestus  built his house and workshop by the island’s volcano, where he would hone his skills of metallurgy and invent his groundbreaking crafts. He remained here until Dionysus arrived to fetch Hephaestus and return him to Mt. Olympus.
Hephaestus and Aphrodite
When Hephaestus returned to Mt. Olympus, Zeus ordered him to marry Aphrodite, goddess of love. While he was known for his ugliness, she was known for her beauty, making the union an uneven match and causing an uproar.
There are two myths as to why Zeus ordered this marriage.
After Hera got stuck on a throne that Hephaestus built for her, Zeus offered Aphrodite, who was the most beautiful goddess, as the prize for freeing the queen goddess. Some Greek artists show Hera being held to the throne with invisible chains built by Hephaestus and portray the exchange as his scheme to wind up marrying Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
The other myth proposes that Aphrodite’s dashing beauty had caused uneasiness and conflict among the gods; to settle to dispute, Zeus ordered the marriage between Hephaestus and Aphrodite to keep the peace. Because Hephaestus was ugly, he hadn’t been viewed as a likely contender for Aphrodite’s hand, making him the best choice to end the competition peacefully.
Hephaestus Myths
Hephaestus was a fine craftsman and a resourceful blacksmith who created marvelous pieces. Besides Hera’s golden throne, he crafted several masterpieces for the gods, as well as for human beings. Some of his best-known creations were the scepter and aegis of Zeus, the helmet of Hermes, and the locking doors on Hera’s chambers.
Many the myths with which he’s associated, incorporate his craftsmanship. Here are some:
Pandora: Zeus commanded Hephaestus to sculpt the perfect woman out of clay. He gave instructions of the voice and the features the maiden was to have, which were meant to resemble the goddesses. Hephaestus sculpted Pandora and Athena brought her to life. After she was created, she was named Pandora and received a gift from each god.
Prometheus’ Chains: Following Zeus’ orders, Prometheus was chained to a mountain in the Caucasus as vengeance for having given fire to mankind. It was Hephaestus who fabricated Prometheus’ chains. In addition, an eagle was sent every day to eat Prometheus’ liver. The eagle was created by Hephaestus and brought to life by Zeus. In Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound Io asks Prometheus who chained him, and he answers, “Zeus by his will, Hephaistos by his hand”.
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Prometheus’ chains and the eagle that tormented him were shaped by Hephaestus
Hephaestus against the Giants and Typhon: In Gaia’s attempts to dethrone Zeus, the gods fought two important wars against the Giants and the monster Typhon. When the war against the giants began, Zeus summoned all the gods to fight. Hephaestus, who was nearby, was one of the first ones to arrive. Hephaestus killed one of the giants by throwing melted iron on his face. In the war against Typhon, after Zeus managed to defeat Typhon, he threw a mountain on the monster and commanded Hephaestus to remain on the top as a guard.
Hephaestus and Achilles’ Armor:  In Homer’s Iliad, Hephaestus forged Achilles’ armor for the Trojan war at the request of Thetis, Achilles’ mother. When Thetis knew her son would go into war, she visited Hephaestus to ask him to create a shining armor and a shield to protect him in battle. The god obliged and forged a masterpiece using bronze, gold, tin, and silver, which offered Achilles immense protection.
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Achilles’ Armor was Crafted by Hephaestus
Hephaestus and the River-God: Hephaestus fought the River-god, known as Xanthos or Scamander, with his fire. His flames burned the streams of the river causing great pain. According to Homer, the fight went on until Hera intervened and eased both immortal beings.
The Birth of Athens’ First King: In a failed attempt to rape Athena, Hephaestus’ semen fell on the thigh of the goddess. She cleaned her thigh with wool and threw it on the ground. And so, Erichthonius, an early king of Athens, was born. Because it was the ground that bore Erichthonius, he’s mother is supposed to be Gaia, who then gave the boy to Athena who hid him and raised him.
Symbols of Hephaestus
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Like Athena, Hephaestus helped mortals by teaching them the arts. He was the patron of craftsmen, sculptors, masons and metalworkers to name a few. Hephaestus is associated with several symbols, which represent him:
Volcanos – Volcanos are associated with Hephaestus since he learned his craft among the volcanos and their fumes and fires.
Hammer – A tool of his craft which symbolizes his strength and the ability to shape things
Anvil – An important tool when forging, it’s also a symbol of bravery and strength.
Tongs – Required for grasping objects, especially hot objects, the tongs signify Hephaestus’ position as god of fire.
In Lemnos, where he reportedly fell, the island became known as Hephaestus. The soil was considered sacred and powerful since they thought the ground where the mighty Hephaestus had fallen had special properties.
Hephaestus Facts
1- Who are Hephaestus’ parents?
Zeus and Hera, or Hera alone.
2- Who is Hephaestus’ consort?
Hephaestus married Aphrodite. Aglaea is also one of his consorts.
3- Did Hephaestus have children?
Yes, he had 6 children called Thalia, Eucleia, Eupheme, Philophrosyne, Cabeiri and Euthenia.
4- What is Hephaestus the god of?
Hephaestus is the god of fire, metallurgy, and blacksmith.
5- What was Hephaestus’ role on Olympus?
Hephaestus crafted all the weapons for the gods and was the blacksmith to the gods.
6- Who worshipped Hephaestus?
Hephaestus crafted all the weapons for the gods and was the blacksmith to the gods.
7- How did Hephaestus get crippled?
There are two stories related to this. One states that he was born lame, while the other states that Hera threw him out of Olympus when still an infant because of his ugliness, which caused him to become lame.
8- Why did Aphrodite cheat on Hephaestus?
It’s likely that she didn’t love him and was only married to him because she had been forced into it by Zeus.
9- Who saved Hephaestus?
Thetis saved Hephaestus when he fell on the island of Lemnos.
10- Who is Hephaestus’ Roman equivalent?
In Brief
Although Hephaestus’ story began with setbacks, he manages to win back his deserved place in Mt. Olympus with his hard work. His journey takes him from being cast out to being the blacksmith of gods. He remains among the most resourceful and skilled of the Greek gods.
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ilivelikeimtrying · 4 years
BH6 GreekGodsAU
(More) Greek Au('s)
Astraea: Wasabi
Hephaestus: Fred
Eutychia: Honey Lemon
Artemis: GoGo
Persephone/Kore: Tadashi
Coeus: Hiro (also goes by Seismós)
It's gonna be a little different and I'm gonna "try" and stay accurate to what I'm doing, but just a fair warning, a bunch is going to change to.
There will be some OOC's and I'll also be adding my OC's to it:
OC 1
Euterpe: Tani
OC 2: Hades: Acordé
Changed a few description.
And some genders will change to (obvi), I'm sorry if I offend anyone. Somethings will also not be accurate, so please, don't take this AU as a form of learning about the Greek Gods, I implore you, check the mythology out, it's pretty cool. There are no Heroes in this one. (But nobody dies so 🤷🏽‍♂️)
Astraea for Wasabi: The virgin god of justice, innocence, purity and *_precision_* . He is closely associated with the Greek goddess of justice, Dike (daughter of Zeus and Themis). He appeared from a fallen star. After landing in the mortal realm he realized how unfair it really was between the Gods and Mortals (mostly around mortals themselves) and decided to do something about it. He doesn't associate with many gods, specifically most male gods like Zeus and Aphrodite (he doesn't care for them). He can respect Eutychia's work and understands Hades part in the gods world. Only really socializes with Persephone. He mostly spends his time in the Mortal Realm but sometimes goes up to Olympus to see the other gods when he's forced to go to one of their many parties. He just wants to do his job. He doesn't trust Coeus.
Hephaestus for Fred: The god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture. He mostly does the sculptures the way he wants (gets into alot of trouble for it), he believes that despite his lack of knowledge or looks, he does know what the humans want in their boring mortal lives, and yes, his girlfriend is Aphrodite (Unbelievable). He’s cool with almost everyone but isn't really respected by gods that much, but his girlfriend's cool with him. Persephone is the kindest to him, he's kind to almost everyone. He feels bad for him. He doesn't like Apollo and rarely speaks to gods like him (Zeus). Mortal's love his work even when his parents don't. Is friends with Coeus and Euterpe. Loves Dionysus' work, doesn't really like the way Astrea handles things. It just gets a little boring sometimes.
Eutychia for Honey Lemon: Greek personification and Goddess of Happiness, equivalent to Felicitas in Roman mythology. She was formed by the laughter and joy of a village so strong, it gave her life, apearring from traces of gold, honey and delicious food. She wqs born from a honeycomb so pure and fresh, and was raised by the happiness radiating from the village. She has a positive attitude about *everything* (Literally)! She's friends with everyone but Hades, her favorite is Artemis or Persephone (mostly Artemis). The mortals adore her and worship her more then Hera sometimes (which she often tries to prevent). She always listens to Artemis when she tell her to stay away fdom Zeus, who she doesn't like. She loves the mortals and hates how Zeus hurts them. She doesn't trust Coeus much either.
Artemis for GoGo: You know her story, fucking badass goddess of the hunt and hates Zeus and Poseidon's freaking guts. Bff's with Eutychia, sister is Euterpe. Doesn't date, to busy with work. She's tough and hates almost all the gods for their incompetence, only exception being Eutychia. She finds the mortals just as anoying as the gods, but whatever. She feels bad for Persephone and often gets into fight with Demeter over how unfair she's being. Her sister, Euterpe, and her also disagree a lot, but she loves her. She doesn't hate Coeus, but wouldn't turn her back when he's around either.
Persephone/Kore: Greek God of vegetation, especially grain. An important element of the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Thesmophoria festival. He doesn't go out much though because of his mom (who is untrusting of the other gods/goddesses) and lived all of his life in his mothers garden and isn't really considered a god, just another floral " *_maiden_* " by the other gods/goddesses. He's the brother of Coeus, whom he cares for very much. He doesn't know the other gods that well, only from things he heard from the forest Niphs. He's seen Artemis before and Astraea comes by to hang sometimes, and his Aunt, Ceres, comes over from Rome with food for him. But other then that, he doesn't leave his mothers garden, only to go to the festival in their name or the go the the flower fields near home. He isn't considered a god by the others and is usually just brushed aside or cast out by the others. He doesn't like Apollo and misses his little brother.
Coeus: God of intelligence and farsight, meaning that, due to his inquisitive mind and desire to learn, he was with gained knowledge and understanding able to see beyond the obvious. He was also identified as a god of wisdom and heavenly oracles. However, "heavenly" comes lightly. He also prefers to go by Seismós meaning Eartquake. He understands that he is powerful and more intelligent that either Zeus or the other gods (except Athena, he does respect her work) and because of that, he made the gods (especially the king of the Gods himself) afraid, though they would never show it. For this reason his mother tried supressing him like she does his brother, so he ran away from home at the equivalent mortal age of 14, no one has seen him since. Intelligence was his middle name... well, not really, but! It was his strong suit. He learned from a young age the ladder of the Gods, and grew to despise it. He believes that Zeus and Poseidon aren't fit to rule, and likes the gods as much as he liked the mortals... barely. What was the point of them? He didn't need them like the other gods, he was a titan (again, not really). His mother was afraid that he would become too self-aware and do something unforgivable and tried to keep him in the dark, so he ran away from home, but he plans to return. He's cool with Euterpe and misses his older brother.
Euterpe: One of the nine Mousai (Muses), the goddesses of music, song and dance. In the Classical era, when the Mousai were assigned specific literary and artistic spheres, Euterpe was named Muse of lyric poetry. Her attribute was the double-flute, but also plays a lyre (stolen from Apollo, he was asking for it, the jerk). She doesn't follow behind her other sisters much and would much prefer to follow her sister Artemis into the hunt or battle, but she needs to do her job, and she does, though under estimating her would be a fatality of its own. She's bored with the other muses. She loves her sister, but just can't handle the other gods much anymore, sanity holding on by a string . She hates how they treat anyone they believe is lower then them. She tried to tell her sister(s) about it, how she felt, but was told to just "do as you were created to". *Malakíes* ! So she left Olympus the first chance she got. She thinks the mortals I have too many problems that they rely on the gods to fix, like, Goddamn (ha), we aren't your mommas. She's ok with a handful of gods, like 6 maybe, but that's it. She became partners with Seismós. She hates Apollo.
(Apollo's getting a lot of hate in this one, sorry not sorry)
Hades for Acordé: His story more or less doesn't really change, he's not happy with his brothers but does his job dutifully anyways. He's a little lonely but learned a while back that it's better to be alone. He's on good terms with Astraea, due to his tidiness in his work, and is one of the very few gods he speaks to. He doesn't go to many parties and would very much rather stay in The Underworld with his people. Boi howdy, is that gonna change REAL soon.
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florafey · 5 years
Malogranatum - Part 2
Chasing Freedom
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Three hours passed since Hades and Persephone exchanged first glances and the party was not slowing down. If anything, it had just reached full swing. Sometime recently Zeus had thrown open the doors of the ballroom and encouraged his guests onto the sprawling grounds underneath a dark, star-speckled sky. The weather was fair enough, tainted only by a breeze that made the goddess squeal and wish they had worn less sheer dresses. Nike had swept Persephone from her perch on the base of the statue and, with Athena and Aphrodite in tow, had given Persephone her first glance of the grounds of Mount Olympus. Of course she had seen them before as a child, but never like this. Never as a guest, never from Zeus and Hera’s home.
It was breathtaking. The vast lawn spread out like a goddess’s fan, bejewelled with flowers and elegantly carved statues. A low stone wall marked the edge, and the mountains in the distance were visible beyond it, giving the impression that you were about to topple off the edge of the world. Some brave deities were seated on the wall, swinging their feet and enjoying the view. 
Others were lounging on the low furniture set into the stone pathways but most others were being more liberal and rolling on the grass, chasing and tackling each other with such energy that Persephone immediately identified them as the younger gods and goddesses. And wanted to join in. She delighted in a good chase; she had had tons of practice running from Hermes, her nymphs, her mother, and was a quick little thing when she wanted to be.
Nike slipped away to steal more wine from Dionysus, who was currently prancing around a raging bonfire on the far side of the lawn. Her spot was soon filled with a soaking wet Hermes and it was only then that Persephone noticed the long, rippling pool of water set into the grass to her left. Athena squealed when Hermes lunged for her and caught her in his arms, sending water droplets cascading onto her silk dress and impeccable hair.
“Hermes!” She cried disdainfully. “Persephone, make him stop!” Persephone made a half-hearted scolding noise and managed to yank Hermes off Athena before he could make her truly grumpy.
“If I wanted to get wet, I would have stayed with Helios,” Athena sniffed, flicking her damp hair over her shoulder. Hermes made an odd choking noise in the back of his throat.
“Oh, don’t be dull, Athena, we should go swimming.” Aphrodite stood on her toes to better see the pool and who was around it. “Is that- oh there’s Ares! I haven’t seen him in hours!” She nudged around Hermes and set off towards the god that was never without his entourage of giggling, blushing goddesses. Halfway to the edge of the pool, she turned over her shoulder and shouted, “Come on, Honey!”
Persephone smirked at the nickname bestowed upon her by some of the older goddess. “I’ll protect you if you wish to stay dry,” she nudged Athena playfully and pulled her along as she followed Aphrodite’s path to the water. But Athena quickly found that it was no fun staying on the grass when most everybody else was wading and swimming and she soon joined in. The gods stripped to their pants to swim while some of the goddesses wriggled out of their dresses and some decided they didn’t mind if their clothes got wet. Nike and Aphrodite were more than happy to remove their dresses and as comfortable as Persephone was with herself, she doubted the night would end pleasantly if Demeter happened to see her treasured daughter swimming in a pool of half-naked men and women while clad only in her silk underthings. She doubted the night would end well as it was; she had stayed for far longer than Demeter had intended and she may have been purposefully avoiding her mother for the last three- or four- hours.
So Persephone’s dress stayed on. She waded up to her knees, knowing she would get scolded for the wet silk, and didn’t shy away from splashing the others when they showed interest in playing, knowing she would get scolded for her wet hair. But if she was already in trouble, why wouldn’t she get into a little more trouble and make a good night even better?
Eris appeared with food and it was only for her provisions that the deities ceased their splashing and jumping and screaming.
“Like a pack of children, all of you,” Eris dropped a wink at Persephone and offered her a leg of lamb. The meat was tender and sweet and quelled Persephone’s hunger until a tipsy Apollo grabbed her around the waist to keep her still while he lent down and nearly finished it all off with three bites. Eris tilted her head back and cried with laughter at Persephone’s shocked face.
“Children and brutes, perhaps,” she corrected, wiping the tears from her eyes and handing Persephone another piece of meat. The young goddess gladly bit into the lamb and quirked her lips up. “This is why I much prefer the company of pretty women than curly-haired men,” she mused to Eris, knowing Apollo could overhear perfectly well. His own curls were damp and chestnut brown from the water. She squealed when Apollo shoved her, nearly causing her to topple over. Eris snatched the food from Persephone’s hand as the goddess launched herself at Apollo in retaliation. The god boomed with laughter as the small goddess collided with his chest and stuck, her arms and legs wrapping around his torso like a baby monkey to his mother.
She had intended to knock him under the water, her dress be damned, but the force of her body had not done the job. Persephone huffed with annoyance and slapped away the arms that rose to keep her around his waist. Instead she dropped down to her feet and leveled Apollo with narrowed eyes. “You’re quite rude, Apollo.”
“Of course.” The snarky god sketched a bow.
“And insufferable, too.”
That earned her a smirk. “I suppose I would only prove your point if I asked you to take your dress off and join me for a swim.”
Before Persephone could respond, an apple hit Apollo in the head and landed with a splash in the water. Nike, from behind the pair, yelled, “Yes!” in response to Apollo’s question. Persephone giggled and snatched the apple to toss it back to her friend with a quiet wink.
The pointless games continued. Laughter broke out constantly as friends and strangers splashed and tickled and pulled each under the cool, clear water. Competitions were quickly started, especially among the gods eager to show off in front of the goddesses. It was eventually agreed that Ares was the most proficient swimmer out of them all, along with the fact that none of them were to challenge Poseidon. The High God, while older than most, still showed his youthful side now and then at Zeus’ parties. Poseidon was known to take part in competitions- but only the ones involving his own domain.
But the party-goers eventually tired of the games and of the water. Persephone had hauled herself up to sit on the rim of the pool with her feet tapping the surface of the water, her silk dress pulled up to her knees and spread behind her with the hopes of it drying before Demeter was any wiser. Beside her sat Dionysus, whom had been disallowed into the water to his state of inebriation.
“Let’s play a different game!” Artemis called. She had recently come from inside where most of the older deities had remained. The grand doors were still thrown open and the warm light from the ballroom cascaded onto the green lawn. During the rare moments when the deities outside were quiet enough, the rumble of conversation and music could be heard from the pool.
“As long as I don’t have to watch Ares win,” Apollo grumbled, running his fingers through his sopping curls. Ares smacked Apollo’s ass with an unnecessarily heavy hand which only made Apollo turn around to aim for Ares’ face. Nike was between them before either one could make any rash decisions, putting her hands on their chests and saying to Artemis, “Yes, a different game might be preferred. What do you propose?”
Artemis shrugged. “Oh, it doesn't matter to me.”
“Let’s put on a play!” Dionysus called, eliciting groans from those around him. Hermes groaned the loudest and Dio reached around Persephone to flip him off.
“How about a chase?” Persephone offered. “We can make teams, or participate individually if some of us,” she glanced meaningfully at Ares and Apollo, “can’t get along.”
Ares smirked at her from the water. But Nike was on her feet, excitedly bouncing up and down. “Yes, yes, a chase! Wonderful idea, Honey!”
Athena pulled herself from the water and wrung her hair out, sending droplets pouring onto the grass. “I’ve always enjoyed the Shadow Game myself. That’s a chase enough for anyone, I should say. Except for maybe Nike.” The goddess in question winked at Athena. “The Shadow Game,” she explained to Persephone, “is common enough among the younger deities. We play it on nights like this when the older ones are gossiping and having their idea of fun while the rest of us are too drunk to play anything sophisticated but still aren’t ready to go home.” Nike shrugged. “It’s simple. Easy to play.”
“How do you play?” Persephone asked.
“Like she said. Easy.” Aphrodite climbed out of the water behind Apollo and donned her dress once more. “A single person is chosen to be Mortal while everyone else is a Shadow. Boundaries must be set before the game starts and they can be as large or small as is agreed upon. But all the Shadows must start at one boundary line with the Mortal in the exact middle. Once the signal is given to start, the Shadows must race to the other boundary line while the Mortal tries to catch as many Shadows as possible.”
“It gets tricky when entire properties get included,” Eris added. “And, if we have enough players, there can be more than one Mortal at a time.” She shrugged, a grin tugging at her full lips. “Makes it that much more exciting.”
Persephone’s brow arched. Sounded perfectly intriguing. “I suppose whoever makes it to the opposite boundary line without getting caught wins.”
Nike nodded. “Just what they win is always up for discussion, though. I distinctly remember a few Midsummers ago Aphrodite managed to sneak around Eris and win.” She shrugged. “Hermes had said he would steal Hera’s opal vase for whoever won, but,” she cast a glance towards the open ballroom doors, “as far as I can tell, it’s still there.”
Hermes waved her comment off. “Now, now, I never said when-”
“Are we going to play or what?” Ares was the last to emerge from the water, his dark skin dripping wet and causing Aphrodite to look quickly away. Persephone stood and let her semi-wet dress swish around her feet. She supposed her mother would notice it after all and, with her hair still hanging in damp ringlets down her back, there was a fair chance Demeter would give her a sound scolding. But she didn’t let her mood darken. There was a game to be played.
“Who will be playing? Hands, hands.” Nike lifted her fingers and did a cursory count of the deities that had raised their hands to show participation. She clapped gleefully when she saw how many wanted to be included. “Perfect. Now, who shall be Mortal? Any volunteers?”
Apollo shoved Hermes forward but the messenger god was quick to swat Apollo’s hands away and duck out of Nike’s line of sight before he was picked out. Nike huffed and cocked a hip out dramatically. “Oh, come on. Don’t be sissies.” In that moment she reminded Persephone of Aphrodite.
In the end, three Mortals were chosen due to the amount of Shadows they would have. Eris, Artemis, and Nike herself. The boundaries were set: the far edge of Zeus’ grounds marked one side, and the opposite side was placed through the grand palace and out on the front stretch of lawn near the entrance. It would be a long and arduous game but Persephone was not deferred. If anything, it caused her to want to win even more. Her lack of experience would put her at a disadvantage but she had speed and sheer will on her side.
And at least she wasn’t drunk. Dionysus had insisted on participating but he hadn’t been able to stand straight up for a few hours now and Persephone was interested to see how well he fared on the playing grounds.
Eris herded her fellow Mortals around her, and Artemis set about plotting their strategy for the precious few minutes the rules allowed them. But Artemis was not the goddess of the hunt for nothing. From Persephone’s side, Athena whispered something about being at a disadvantage.
Ares was quick to remind the three when their time was up, and the Mortals broke off and dispersed to hold their strategic placements. Eris remained smack in the middle of the back lawn, facing the Shadows as they lined up against the far boundary. Nike slipped into the glowing ballroom to filter out anyone who got past Eris, and Artemis looped around the side of the palace to halt anyone lucky- or skilled- enough to get through the ballroom and onto the front lawn.
When Artemis and Nike signaled they were ready, Apollo lifted two fingers to his mouth and blew a sharp, clear whistle that marked the beginning of the game.
Deities scattered haphazardly, some running straight for Eris while others dodged and swerved around the outsides, and others still used each other as shields when Eris got too close. Persephone watched Hermes shamelessly shove Aphrodite into Eris’ path, scampering away with a cackle of childish glee. Aphrodite swore and barely managed to avoid Eris’ outstretched hand. She hauled her skirts up to her knee and raced after Hermes, cursing him the entire way.
Persephone laughed quietly to herself and tried to remember to keep an eye on her surroundings. She wasn’t the best at staying focused; any passing movement or light always caught her eye and distracted her from the more important things at hand. But she was able to stay alert enough to scatter away with the rest of the deities when Eris plunged into the middle of the group.
With Eris momentarily distracted, Persephone lifted her dress with one hand and darted into the darkness, closer to the palace. She felt better with Eris at her back. From behind her, she heard the dismayed cry of a female deity being tagged, followed by the uproarious laughter belonging to none other than Dionysus. Persephone giggled again and laughed even harder when she glanced over her shoulder just in time to see Dionysus get tagged.
Up ahead of her was Hermes and Athena. Aphrodite hadn’t yet managed to get past Eris and she was running out of time if she wanted to do so with as many distractions as possible. Apollo had already disappeared inside the ballroom where Nike awaited. Persephone could not see Ares anywhere but she knew better than to think he had already gotten tagged. She allowed herself to slow her pace to conserve energy. Eris was still behind her, picking off the stragglers that hadn’t yet attempted to dash for the ballroom.
The stretch of yard separating the far boundary and the ballroom was long and slightly uphill. Persephone’s breath was coming in quick, short pants by the time she reached the open doors and crept inside.
The ballroom had emptied significantly since Zeus had thrown open the doors to the grounds, and the sheer vastness of the room hit Persephone like a slap in the face. She felt impossibly small as she entered, scanning the thin crowd for Nike’s slash of blonde hair. She spotted her mother who was now seated next to Hera near the front of the ballroom. Zeus was standing a few strides away, deep in conversation with his two brothers. The sight of Poseidon made Persephone laugh as she thought of Ares and the swimming competitions. But the sight again of Hades had her smile freezing and her eyes widening.
From her left, came a polite cough. She spun to see Nike leaning casually against one of the enormous marble pillars, an eyebrow arched into the air and her mouth twisted with a playful smirk. Persephone smiled, a thrill running down her spine, and slowly began to back away.
A little voice in the back of her head warned her about her mother’s presence and what Demeter might react if she caught sight of Persephone participating in such games. She supposed Hera had been the reason for Demeter staying so long; it was a rare honor when the Queen of the goddesses wanted your company for the entire night. But Persephone decided not to listen to the warning voice when Nike said, “You made it farther than I thought you would.”
“I know,” Persephone shrugged, making Nike’s smirk turn into a grin. “I believe I could outrun Hermes if he ever had the balls to race me.”
At that, Nike threw her head back and laughed. “Don’t let your mother catch you using that language, little goddess. And don’t let Hermes hear you saying things like that.” Nike wagged a finger and prowled closer. “You might find yourself in a spot of trouble.”
Persephone matched Nike’s forward steps with backwards ones. She was aware of a second marble pillar rising up behind her so she angled away from it. “Oh, I think I might go tell Hermes exactly that. Once I tell him I outran you and Aphrodite, that is.” She was talking large and Nike knew it. A feral gleam shimmered in her eyes as she lowered her finger and halted her movements. Persephone, too, halted.
They waited, watching each other for the slightest of motions that would set them both off racing- one for safety and the other for a fistful of silk material- both trying not to smile. Then, there- a twitch of Nike’s shoulder- and Persephone turned and fled on winged feet, flying across the marble floor.
It was not uncommon for deities to play such games during a party or celebration, so the gods and goddesses that Persephone raced past barely raised an eyebrow. The paranoid voice in her mind chanted Don’t look at your mother don’t look at your mother don’t look at your mother and for once, Persephone heeded. Shapes and colors became blurred in a panoramic swath as she sprinted towards the front doors across the large floor. Nike was giggling, just a few steps behind, and despite being short of breath, Persephone couldn’t help but laugh as well.
This was fun. She wished she had a better word for it but she did not. Fun. Careless, youthful, slightly mischievous, largely unreasonable fun. Persephone knew then that she would fight and claw for even the slightest scrap of what she was experiencing.
There was no chance that Demeter had not spotted Nike chasing her daughter. Practically everyone left in the ballroom was aware of the game underfoot; some older deities had even taken seats and started watching with interest. The younger gods and goddesses were frequently the night’s entertainment during parties like this one. The forefront of the ballroom was to Persephone’s left- where she could see Hera and her mother, as well as the three brothers slightly closer to the front doors.
She felt a hand close around her elbow in the split second her attention was elsewhere. She jerked, heart thumping, thinking it was Nike, but the skin was a shade too dark and the nails were painted an astonishing shade of gold. Athena.
The goddess pulled Persephone along with her until the two of them were far enough away from Nike that they could safely split off in hopes of losing their pursuer due to the other. Persephone veered right as Athena swerved left. A quick glance over her shoulder told Persephone that Nike had chosen Athena to follow, most likely due to the fact that Athena’s energy was flagging and Persephone was naturally much quicker.
She took a hiding spot behind a pillar and attempted to catch her breath. Athena was running directly towards the forefront of the ballroom, where both Hera and Demeter had paused their conversation to watch. Hera was observing with a hint of maternal amusement as though Nike and Athena were her own daughters she was watching play. Demeter looked slightly baffled- and more than a little relieved that her own daughter was not amongst the rowdy, young deities. So she hadn’t seen after all.
Hermes streaked past Persephone’s pillar and was out the doors in a flash. Seconds passed before Apollo, coming from the opposite direction, followed. Persephone was close enough to the front doors that it was possible to reach them if she made a run for it but her throat was burning, her legs were heavy, and she was hesitant to run for the front lawn when she was in such bad condition. Especially when she didn’t know where Artemis was. Since she was currently safe from behind her pillar, she decided to give herself another moment to catch her breath.
Her damp dress clung to her as she leaned back against the marble and tried to steady her breathing. She could hear the noises of the game around her: Ares darting around pillars in an attempt to avoid Nike’s line of vision, Athena squealing when she ran herself into a dead end and barely avoided Nike’s outstretched hand, the whispering and laughing of the older deities as they took amusement in the playfulness.
“Persephone, watch out!”  She spun away from the pillar when Ares cried his warning. Eris had come in from the back lawn and had been creeping around the side of the pillar in hopes to sneak up on her- she would have succeeded if Ares hadn’t seen and called out.
Eris swore at Ares as Persephone dashed away like a frightened deer and quickly out-strode the smaller goddess. Ares’ laugh boomed through the ballroom. He was through the front doors just a second later. Nike and Athena were still playing their game of cat-and-mouse by Hera and Demeter, but Demeter’s attention was fixed on her daughter whom she had just spotted.
Persephone internally cursed Ares. He had saved her skin, yes, but in doing so had also exposed her to her mother. She reminded herself not to care. Think of how much fun you’re having. So what if mother knows?
Eris flanked Persephone’s right, forcing her to swerve left towards the front of the ballroom. A final row of pillars separated them from the daises the elder and more esteemed deities occupied for formal business. Zeus had since halted his conversation with his two brothers, and when Persephone swung around the pillar and pressed her back against it, hiding from Eris, she found herself locking eyes with him.
His eyes were cold blue, much like Poseidon’s, and full of paternal warmth that covered Persephone with a veil of confidence unfamiliar to her. If Zeus could chuckle at her running around in is ballroom clad in a damp dress, how angry could her mother really be? Poseidon had turned to better watch Eris and Persephone, a fact that didn’t fail to impress itself on the latter goddess. And, despite standing nearly thirty meters away, she could feel the weight of Hades’ gaze much like she had earlier that night. Identical, in fact.
She forced herself to focus on the game she was playing. She had successfully made it this far and she would never forgive herself if she lost because of her inability to focus due to someone looking at her. The fact that the someone was incredibly good looking and more than a little frightening and still watching her was against the point, she told herself.
The point was that she had lost Eris. Or it appeared that way. Eris was crafty and had played this game before. She could be hiding in wait for Persephone to make her move or she could be seconds from pouncing. Either way, Persephone only had one way to find out.
With her back pressed firmly against the cold marble, she edged around the left side and slowly peaked around the corner. A barren marble floor greeted her. That was to Persephone’s advantage if she wanted to avoid getting tagged, but the front doors were around the other side of the pillar. If Eris wanted to cut off her escape route, that would be the place to be. And Eris was smart- very smart. Her heart pounding, a smile rising, Persephone eased her way back to the direct middle. Demeter’s eyes were on her, cold and furious, but Persephone didn’t respond. I’m going to get in trouble one way or the other. I might as well win this damn game before I get scolded. Make some memories while I’m at it.
She went to edge her way around the right side of the pillar- but froze suddenly. Hades had just done the strangest thing. Nearly imperceptible, but it was as if he knew Persephone had been watching him from the corner of her eye. The smallest shake of his head- just once- so slight it was almost a dip of his chin. But Persephone had seen it, and froze.
Was he...helping her?
The thought was so strange and so sudden that it halted Persephone for a moment longer. She watched as Hades took in her shock and slowly curled the corner of his lip up in response. She noticed his hair was no longer neatly combed back as it had been a few hours ago. The dark strands curled awry, looking for all the world like he had just dragged his fingers through them. The collar of his shirt was unbuttoned now and she could see the sweeping arches of dark ink rising up to wind around his collarbone.  
Okay, idiot, are we done? Can we get back to the more important matter at hand or are we going to lose because you want to act like you’ve never seen someone mildly attractive? Persephone hated her inner voice sometimes.
But some strange part of her gut was telling her to trust Hades. She didn’t move closer to the doors. Seconds ticked by, slow and brimming with anticipation. Across the ballroom where Nike was still chasing Athena, Persephone could hear shrieks and laughter and finally a cry of defeat as Nike triumphed.
Then it happened again. Hades tilted his head to the left, his dark eyes gliding slowly at something just over Persephone’s left shoulder. Eris was on the move. Persephone took the hint. As softly as she could, she gracefully edged around the curved pillar towards the doors. She would eventually have to break away from the safety of the marble structure and brave the vast stretch of open floor, but first she would have to decide when Eris was in the best position to allow her to escape. It would be impossible to know for certain. But she had trusted her help this far and was still safely hidden away, so Persephone figured she could risk it for a third time.
She halted her movements when she got to the edge of the pillar, where she froze, her heart pounding in her mouth. She wanted to laugh, to run, to jump with excitement, and she desperately needed to get out of Hades’ sight so she could finally allow herself to absorb what was currently happening.
With her eyes fixed on the God of the Underworld, Persephone did not miss his next motion. It was just as discreet as all the others, evading the notice of Poseidon but not Zeus, who was watching his brother with obvious amusement. Its meaning was perfectly clear. He sent a sharp nod towards the front doors and raised his wine glass to his lips. Go ahead, now. Run.
Persephone bolted. Her silk dress had somewhat managed to dry off and it flew behind her in pink ripples as she raced towards the lawn on strong legs and nimble feet. Eris was on her heels in a flash, swearing loudly at Persephone in her confusion as to how she had managed to get away. Persephone’s laugh fluttered over her shoulder, reaching all the way to Demeter and Hera. Athena’s cry of encouragement was the last thing Persephone heard before she cleared the doors and her feet met the cold grass of the front lawn. Her eyes immediately found Ares, busy dodging and ducking a hard-working Artemis, and Apollo, already across the boundary that marked her freedom.
Eris was still after her, as was Nike, who had abandoned the ballroom to better help her fellow Mortals with the particularly feisty Shadow they had on their hands.
“Run, Persephone!” Apollo shouted. He waved her closer, his bronze arms outstretched. “Come on! Come here!” She ran as though hellhounds were on her heels, her feet skipping over the grass, barely feeling the chill. Her arms pumped and her lungs burned but she was having fun and she had never been more willing to be in discomfort.
Twenty yards separated her from Apollo. She caught sight of Nike closing in on her left and Eris quickly appeared on her right, pinning her in. Somewhere behind her came Athena’s shout of, “Move, Honey, move!” and Persephone knew that she would not be the only deity who had stepped out of the ballroom to watch. It was like she had recently learned: they were entertainment to the older ones.
Ten yards left and still Persephone flew. Artemis was by now far out of reach, still struggling with Ares, but Nike had grown far too close for comfort. She had two options: move right and into Eris’ waiting arms, or run faster into Apollo’s.
Five yards. Persephone squealed with panic as Eris lunged for her but she was across the boundary line in a flash of color and Eris’ hand fell short. Apollo cheered loudly and caught Persephone, sweeping her up and spinning her around until she heard the cheers and laughter of Athena and Aphrodite who were now racing towards her from the palace. Apollo set her on her feet and let her catch her breath. Persephone’s heart was racing almost painfully and her legs felt ready to give out if she tried to take one more step. She turned to see Artemis feint left and finally tag an exhausted Ares. He swore at her, stumbling away, but she only laughed and let him go.
Nike had her arms crossed and a hip jutted out, her lips pouting at Persephone when she turned. “Since when were you allowed to be that fast?” she wanted to know. “Who told you that was okay? Have you been taking lessons with Hermes? Is that it? Hmmm?” Persephone laughed breathlessly as Nike ran at her and seized her around the waist. They spun a few turns until, both too tired to remain upright, they overbalanced and fell to the grass.
Nike’s long fingers found Persephone’s ribs and dug in, making the younger goddess shriek with laughter and wriggle desperately to get away.
“Alright, alright, let her breath for the first time in twenty minutes.” Ares pulled Nike off and smiled down at Persephone. Her curly hair had fallen out of its updo long before the chase had begun and by now it was sticking to the back of her neck with sweat. The night breeze helped cool her warm skin.
“We were all expecting Apollo to win because he always does, but it’s been a long while since we had someone new manage to make it past me,” Eris said. Instead of extending a hand to help Persephone up, she flopped down on the grass next to her. “Occasionally Hermes will win. Dio isn’t too slow himself when he’s sober, but…” she shrugged elegantly and winked at Persephone. “Not too bad, little goddess. Not too bad.”
“Why, thank you, beautiful one.” Persephone sketched a bow as best she could while remaining seated. “I don’t remember the last time I had so much fun.”
“You’ve been missing out, I’m afraid. Midsummer is always this much fun.” Artemis plopped down next to Eris and stretched her caramel brown legs out in front of her. “We rarely get together like this, you know, so when we do…” her eyes twinkled, “we try to make the most out of it.”
“You can’t go anywhere, Persephone, now that we know how exciting you are,” Apollo said. He and Ares crouched down to be eye level with the goddesses. “We would miss you too much.”
“Oh, please come back next year! You have to!” Athena cried. Her and Aphrodite had just reached their small group and they had only heard Apollo’s words.
“I don’t have any intention of not returning, believe me,” Persephone laughed.
“Good.” Athena sat with her shoulder against Persephone’s. “Because if you did, we would have to come steal you away and make sure you were happy.”
They laughed together at that. The kind words resounded in Persephone’s heart and it was then that she knew the word she was looking for: love. Not eros, love of the body, but philia, love of the mind. Persephone felt herself starting to slowly fall in love with each of the deities that had been so kind to her over the course of the night. She didn’t know what to do with that feeling.
“Your mother is watching,” Apollo whispered. Every head lifted to see Demeter standing in the doorway, framed by golden light, a hand on her hip and her eyes directed at the circle of young deities on the grass. They were far enough away that they could barely make out the hard line Demeter’s mouth was pressed into. Disappointment, a hint of anger, and yes, worry. Persephone mentally added grass-stains to the list of things she would be in trouble for. But when Hera glid elegantly outside on Zeus’ arm, Persephone felt a breath of relief. Demeter would hold her tongue in Hera’s presence. Even from the lawn, Persephone could hear Hera call Demeter’s name with excitement, along with something that sounded like “Where did you go off to?” She left her husband’s arm to reunite at Demeter’s side.
And it was only when Zeus smiled at his wife and moved towards two other figures framed by light that Persephone noticed who, other than her mother, had also decided watching the tail end of the chase was more exciting than anything happening inside.
Poseidon stood leaning against a small stone statue, laughing at something Hades had dryly remarked. Hades had been focused on the figures seated on the lawn but had shifted his gaze to raise an unimpressed eyebrow at his tipsy younger brother.
Persephone’s heart stuttered violently. She hadn’t given it a second of conscious thought- she hadn’t had the time to- but she realized she still didn’t know what Hades’ voice sounded like. But now that she realized she was ignorant, it was as if she had been wondering over it for days and days. She jerked out of her daze when Nike sighed dramatically and rose to her feet.
“I need another drink,” she announced. “If, that is, Dionysus has left some for the rest of us. Come,” she extended a hand and help Eris to her feet, who in turn reached down to help Persephone, “all this talk of Persephone leaving is ruining my mood. The night is still young. We have hours left together. Let us leave it at that.”
Aphrodite murmured her agreement. When the group of friends were on their feet, they began the trek back up to the palace where the golden light beckoned them. And with it came the possibility of new mountains to climb, new thresholds to pass over, new voices to hear for the first time.
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inkognito97 · 7 years
Summary:  The ancient gods of Greece have chosen Obi-Wan as their savior...
You have no idea how tiring it was to write this. Granted, your comment helped me a LOT and without it, I think I could not have done it. Still, it was such a pain sometimes... I hope you will like it nevertheless and I am terrible sorry that it took me so long to finish. I hope you can forgive me...
A dozen of different voices, belonging both to females as well as males, were mixed up in the grand white hall of Zeus’ palace. It was clear that they were all clearly distressed, some of them were frightened, others excited. Only a handful of the voices were either neutral or sounded as if they could take on the world all on their own.
Gods and goddesses alike were gathered in Zeus’ grand hall and all of them were talking, all of them, except Hades and Zeus himself. The two brothers were standing a little bit aside. The darker one of the two brothers kept staring quickly and almost haunted in the direction of the other gods, while Zeus cold gaze rested solemnly on his brother.
“What do you say to this, brother?” Zeus’ baritone voice was calm and relatively quiet. It certainly did nothing to stop the bickering gods in the room, but Hades was not fooled. He knew the tone that had been hidden under his brother’s seemingly calm façade.
“What am I to say?” the Lord of the underworld hissed back, his face contorted in a displeased grimace.
Midnight blue eyes narrowed and the Lord of the underworld knew that he was treating dangerous waters – or rather, dangerous skies – now. “Careful brother, my patience is running thin.”
For a moment the male with the silver-grey hair was tempted to ask which patience his brother was referring to, but he was wise enough not to do so. He had inherited the brain after all, while his two brothers had inherited their temper and their strength from their father.
“As is mine,” Hades eventually answered. He was looking directly into his midnight blue eyes, without blinking, without fear or any other emotion in his gaze.
For a moment, neither god moved or said anything. The two brothers only stared at each other, completely ignoring the still bickering crowd, whose yells and arguments were getting fiercer and louder by the minute. Then, the dark haired male blinked. “What do you mean?”
Hades bowed his head. It was a sign of submission and he had learned it from watching wild animals. The alpha animal, the so called leader of the pack, was usually calmer, when his pack showed signs of submission and this was exactly what he wanted for Zeus. The king of gods had an ill temper, which could burst like a volcano any minute and the silver haired god had no desire to be on the receiving end of this wrath. He would leave this for Poseidon or one of the other idiots.
“It means, that I am at a loss, just like you,” Hades spoke calmly.
Again those deep blue eyes looked hard and unforgiving to him, “You had nothing to do with this?”
“No,” now the Lord of the underworld was beginning to get angry, “why should I kill my own flesh and blood, huh?” the sudden outburst caught Zeus by surprise and a few of the closer gods stopped their bickering and looked their way. Hades shifted, he was not comfortable to be in the middle of all attention like this.
Zeus, who had noticed his brother’s sudden discomfort, steered them further away from listening ears. “What do you mean?”
“That… that monstrosity,” the god of death was trembling in barely contained anger, “killed my second child.”
The father of all gods and humans was speechless, something that had not occurred often during their long lives. “It killed the Kraken?”
“Yes,” Hades spit out between tightly clenched pearl white teeth. “It just… ripped my child apart, as if it were a mere toy.”
Zeus, who had only gotten a brief glance at the monster before it had vanished into the darkest depths of the sea, barely stopped himself from shuddering. A being that could easily kill a titan, was a danger to them as well. He wanted to ask if his brother knew anything else, but he was interrupted by Poseidon, “Zeus, is everything alright?”
“Yes,” the king of gods did not let his eyes wander from his older brother.
“The others are waiting for you,” Poseidon continued, completely oblivious to the conversation he had just interrupted.
“I am coming,” with that the god of the sea turned around and went back to his assigned place. Zeus too turned to return to his throne, but he stopped, when he noticed that his older brother was not following. “Hades, are you coming?”
Grey eyes regarded him warily, “You know just as well as I do that I am not welcome.”
“You will be.”
Hades shook his head, “You should not make promises you cannot keep, brother.”
“Trust me,” too late did Zeus realized what he had inquired. But to his surprise, the god of the underworld did not lash out at him. He actually had an air of defeat around him that did not bode well with Zeus.
“Very well,” the silver-grey haired male finally answered and he too stepped forward.
Almost immediately the eyes of all present rested on the lord of the underworld, who came to stand to Zeus’ right, when said god seated himself on his throne. It was for all an unusual sight to see the three brothers reunited and this close next to each other without trying to kill one another.
“What is he doing here?” Apollo demanded. “He has no place here.” Other voices soon joined his protest.
“Enough,” yelled their ruler, he had noticed Hades’ slow retreat into the shadows. “Hades,” he continued in a calm voice, “what else can you say me about the creature.”
Grey eyes locked with midnight blue ones. There was gratefulness in their depths, very well hidden, but Zeus caught it nevertheless. “It is not of this world, it comes from somewhere else… and it was created by a human, not by a god.”
“Impossible,” Hermes stated, “No mere human has this kind of power.” Despite his protest, his voice was rid of disdain.
“Besides, how do you know all that?” Hera questioned. It was clear that she did not trust her brother in law, not at all.
“Because it is my duty to know,” Hades hissed right back. It earned him a grimace.
“Lies! You cannot possible expect us to believe him!” Ares joined the mutual protest and ones more was Zeus forced to bring silence into his hall.
“Silence! All of you,” he turned once again back to Hades, “It doesn’t matter if what my brother says is right or not. What counts is the knowledge of how to defeat it.” Poseidon nodded at the words of his older brother.
“I do not have an answer to that question,” Hades admitted.
“What is his purpose here, if he is of no use?” it had been Ares again. The god of war took a threatening step forward, his shield resting to his feet and his spear in his hand. A clearly angry and aggressive position, ready to attack at every time, should the need arise that is.
“My brother,” Zeus’ voice was warning, when he faced his son, “does not have to justify his place at my side, especially not during such a crucial time and not, when he apparently is the only one with information. Or had anyone of you known this beforehand?” His midnight blue eyes wandered over the silent gods and goddesses, most of them avoiding his glare, clearly hoping not to be the main attraction of his ire. Even Ares sat back down. “I thought so.”
“If, what Hades said, is right,” Poseidon began, “what should we do? If it killed the Kraken, the second Kraken, how are we supposed to defeat it?”
Again this question was met by silence. Some gods looked as if they were actually thinking about an answer, others glared evilly at the god of the underworld, whose eyes were fixed on the map at their feet.
“If I may, brother.”
“Speak Hades,” Zeus motioned for him to continue.
“If that monstrosity comes from another… world… why don’t WE bring something from this world into ours; something or someone, who can defeat it with our help.”
“You would like that, wouldn’t you? More monsters for you to control.” Ares couldn’t stop himself, it was not in his nature.
“I cannot control it, otherwise my child would not have been torn apart,” his eyes were blazing with fury, “I know it is hard for you to believe, but some gods DO care about their offsprings.”
“Are you implying anything?” He took a threatening step forward.
“That depends, do you want to hear what your latest departed son said about you, when he entered my domain?” he tilted his head, clearly provoking.
“Is this really necessary?” Dionysus asked. “I mean, don’t we have more urgent matters at hand?”
“That coming from the god, who is drunk most of the time,” Hermes sounded amused.
“Right now, sadly not,” retorted Dionysus, he was in a bad mood.
“I think Hades speaks the truth,” Athena spoke out, when it became clear that the fight was stopped, at least for the moment. “This being is from another world and it would only make sense that we chose a champion from this very world as well. We don’t need to leave him alone, we could send one of us with him.”
“Perseus,” the god of the dead suggested. Athena nodded and made an approving gesture towards him.
Zeus hummed in agreement. “I will deal with my son personally…” he turned back to Hades, “How do you suggest we bring a champion from this other world to ours?”
“We could try to open a portal,” the lord of the underworld suggested.
Hera slowly nodded, her arms were crossed over her chest. “As much as I hate to admit it, but this might actually work. If we all work together and join our powers, we might be able to open such a portal.”
“It is decided then,” Poseidon exclaimed.
The gods arranged themselves, stepping from their thrones onto the world map. Zeus discreetly moved to Hade’s left, so that the god of death was standing between his two brothers. Then the immortal beings took each other’s hands, forming a circle. On Zeus mark, they focused their powers and energy. All of them felt the shift in the energy that made up the world as it currently existed and due to the shift, a rift opened. It allowed the lord of the underworld, who only moved when the king of gods gave his approval. With only a second of hesitation and a little doubt in his mind, did the oldest god reach through the portal until he found what he had been looking for. Quickly he closed his hand around something that felt suspiciously like clothes and he struggled to pull whatever it was through the rift.
Zeus and Poseidon moved as one, taking hold of their older brother and lending him their strength, helping him to pull their champion into their world. As soon as they were successful, all gods pulled back and the rift closed once more.
With healthy curiosity did the gods circle around the unmoving figure lying on the world map.
“Is he dead?” Dionysus questioned aloud.
“No,” it was Hades who answered, “just unconscious, most likely from being pulled through.” Zeus sighed, “We will have to wait until he wakes up. Until then, I shall contact Perseus.” Approving mumbling was heard.
“THIS is supposed to be our champion?” Ares could not believe it and stepped closer to his father. “Look at him, he certainly is no warrior. From his looks, he could easily be beaten by a mere vagabond.”
“Looks can be deceiving,” Aphrodite stated and no one dared to speak against her. If there was one of them, who truly knew about beauty, then it was her. The goddess was kneeling down, next to the ginger haired male and she pushed the braid from his face. “He is young, yet I sense great power in him. He could rival ours.”
Her blunt statement caused uproar from the gods, who could not believe that a mere human could hold so much power. It just seemed impossible, not practical for them.
“We will see,” Apollo spoke his opinion. For now, they could only wait.
A loud thunder, followed by a bright lighting stroke on the otherwise clear sky, alerted the young demigod to the appearance of his father. A sigh escaped Perseus and he told Helius to stay seated at the kitchen table, where they were eating cooked fish, freshly captured by Perseus himself. The demigod stood up, not bothering to grab a weapon, he would be safe with the king of gods, he knew that.
With determined and sure steps, did he approach the long haired man, who was patiently waiting for him near the shore, his midnight blue eyes looking over the horizon, clearly looking for something.
“Have you come to admire Poseidon’s creation?”
“I fear not Perseus,” the god turned around and there was something in his eyes that immediately caught the demigod’s whole attention. He did not like that look one bit, it usually meant trouble.
“Is this about the monster?”
“You have heard about it?” he sounded surprised.
A grim grin appeared in the human’s features and he too gazed over the sea. “Who didn’t? Say, is it Hades’ doing again?”
To Perseus’ surprise, Zeus shook his head. “No, this time my brother might be the person to save the world… at least in a passive way.”
The demigod’s eyes narrowed. “You expect ME to destroy it then.”
“No,” he was full of unexpected surprises today. Zeus turned around and so did Perseus, whose eyes were clouded by doubt.
The god put his hands on his son’s shoulders and intended it to be in a comforting manner. “This… creature, is strong enough to kill a titan. It might even pose to be too much for us gods,” he hesitated, “This creature does not belong to our world, it came from another one.”
“I don’t think I understand…”
Deep blue eyes closed for a moment. There was no reprimand in the older male’s voice. “I do not expect you to, for not even us gods fully understand. Yet, we came to the conclusion that we are in need of a champion from said world. I would not send you in a battle with such a creature, not when you have Helius to protect, but… I need you to guide our warrior. He is new to this world and needs the help.”
Perseus did not answer immediately. He shook one hand from his shoulder so that he could turn around to look at the small fisher hut he and his son were living in. Zeus waited patiently, though he knew that time was running short, he knew that he had no right to force his son into this however.
“If…” he was still battling with himself, “If something were to happen to me,” he looked deep into midnight blue eyes, “will you care for Helius? Will you truly care for him, not as a god, but as a grandfather?”
“Why not as both?” Perseus raised his eyebrow. “There is still a god in him, no matter how thin the blood. And as such I can offer him a place by my side on Olympus.”
The short haired man gripped his father’s wrist tightly. “I trust you to be good to him.”
“I will,” Zeus promised. “When the time is right I will return my son, until then, you know how to reach me.”
“Yes father,” the two men locked eyes for a moment, a silent conversation was taken place. Then the king of gods took a step back and with a final nod, he vanished. Perseus was left to inform Helius of his newest adventure.
When Obi-Wan came back to his senses, he was more than perplexed. He was lying in a bed that was way too soft to be his own and he was absolutely sure that he had just been training with his Master anyway. So, how did he end up here, wherever ‘here’ was?
He tried to open his eyes and immediately regretted having done so. Everything was so bright and he actually wondered if he was one with the Force. A groan escaped him at the headache that now started to torture him, so much for being one with the Force.
“Easy, you need to get used to it first,” a deep baritone voice said above him. Obi-Wan knew that voice. And when a warm hand touched his forehead, making the headache go away, the ginger haired man was pretty sure that he was dealing with a Force sensitive.
“Master?” he asked and turned his head towards the sound, “Qui-Gon.”
For a moment, no reply came and the Padawan wondered if he had misheard or if his brain had come up with that voice.
“You seem confused child,” something wasn’t right there. Qui-Gon did not call him ‘child’. “I shall answer your questions, but first tell me, are you a slave?” Obi-Wan furrowed his brows and dared to take a peek. The light wasn’t as bad as before, but he did not dare to fully open his eyes, which is why he could only see a dark figure leaning over him.
“I am no slave, I am a Jedi.”
“Then why do you call for your Master?”
What the hell was wrong with this guy? “’Master’ is just a title, a title for my teacher.”
“Ah, so you are a student.” He, whoever he was, finally seemed to get it. Thank the Force for small mercies.
Also, his sight was getting better as well and he could make out tons of hair on the being above him and it looked like the man, it just couldn’t be a woman, was wearing sparkling clothing. That sounded ridiculous, even to his own ears.
“What happened? Where am I? And who are you?”
A rich chuckle sounded above him. “So many questions from one so young… Have patience child, all in due time.” Why did everyone always have to be so cryptic?
Obi-Wan decided that he had heard enough and with ne found determination, he pushed himself into a sitting position. The other being in the room allowed it, even stepped back to give him room to move and breath. The Padawan mentally counted from ten to zero and once he reached the last number, he fully opened his eyes. The sight that greeted him, took his voice. This definitely WAS Qui-Gon Jinn standing right before him, but then again, it was not. Again that did not make much sense. The man looked exactly like his Master, even the crocked nose was the same. The only difference was, that THIS man’s hair was jet black and that his beard was way longer. And Qui-Gon would NEVER wear such fancy, sparkling and shimmering clothes, they would be too showy for his life as a Jedi.
And though this man looked and sounded like his Master, he acted and moved differently. Where Qui-Gon was grace, this man was power, where Qui-Gon was sure, this man was arrogant. Also, the Force around this one felt quite different. Obi-Wan was not sure if he liked it. His Master’s aura however, was inviting warm and often comforting.
“I see that you are feeling well again. Very good. Then follow me, we have not much time.”
The ginger haired male wondered about that last statement, but he didn’t ask. He had already learned that his questions wouldn’t be answered, at least not know. This Zeus person, had indirectly promised to answer them eventually however. Well, he just had to wait and see.
Obi-Wan was being led through endless corridors. It reminded him a lot of the temple, just… this place seemed older and it was actually shining and glittering. It was definitely different from the halls he had gotten to know as his home. Not a word was being exchanged between the Padawan and Zeus, who seemed content with the silence. Obi-Wan was not. This place was strange and he could have used the distraction. Needless to say, he was more than glad, when they finally arrived at their destination, namely a large circular room with twelve occupied thrones in them. The people inside the room were bickering with each other.
“Brother Zeus,” a man with a trident exclaimed, “you have returned.”
“Indeed Poseidon, and I brought our chosen warrior.”
“Warrior?” Obi-Wan could not help but interrupt, “I am no warrior, I am a Jedi.”
“See?” the man to whom this voice belonged, reminded the Padawan a lot of Xanatos, “I told you, he would not be the right one.” “Silence Ares, nothing is decided yet.” The aggressive male actually shut up at Zeus’ words, that was interesting.
“Brother,” it was not Poseidon, who spoke up, but a dark man with a dark aura, who was lounging on the biggest of the throne’s that was a little bit away from all the others. “Why don’t we let Ares test him?”
“But he already said that he is no warrior,” protested the trident holding man.
“Alright, before ANYTHING happens, do I want some answers,” the Jedi in training decided to step in, before things could get more out of hand.
“This insolence,” it was a female voice, but the freckled young man did not even bother to look at the speaker. His blue-green eyes were solemnly resting on Zeus, who did not look pleased at being challenged.
“You should watch your tongue boy.”
“Should I? The way I see it, you need me. Hurt me, torture me, and I won’t do a thing. Kill me, and you will have to find another ‘warrior’ and you have already revealed to me that you don’t have much time left. Ignore my questions, and I won’t do anything either.”
“Do you have any idea to whom you are talking?”
Obi-Wan shrugged, “Zeus?”
Fury blazed in Zeus’ eyes and it was probably only due to his two brothers that he did not unleash it on the cocky Padawan.
“I am the king of gods, creator of the humans and you DARE to speak to me like this?”
“Temper, temper, brother,” the darkest of the three brothers spoke. Obi-Wan could sense a lot of dark emotions coming from him, anger, hate and jealously among them. But they were all coming from one single source, fear. That man actually feared his brothers, that was, what the Force told the young Padawan.
“We need him,” added Poseidon. About him said the Force that he was naïve and perhaps even a bit dull. He was easy to manipulate and somehow Obi-Wan had the feeling that his two brothers had done so on a regular basis.
“Ares,” Zeus spoke up. His arrogance and pride could probably be detected by non-Force users as well. Obi-Wan had lost all the awe he had previously held for the man and now there was no doubt in his mind left, Qui-Gon was definitely better. “why don’t you answer his questions?”
There was a mad glint in Ares’ eyes and an evil grin on his features. His hand was slowly moving to a shield that rested near his throne, as well as a sword that rested on his lap. Obi-Wan did not need the Force to know what would happen next. He sent Zeus, who was pushed back by his two brothers, an unimpressed look and then turned to face Ares. With a shrug, did the Padawan’s robe slide to the floor and with a brief flick of his wrist, was it shoved out of the way. The present were all gazing astonished at the fabric that had seemingly moved on his own and Obi-Wan was left to wonder, what kind of gods these people actually were.
Ares growled loudly and it was followed by some kind of battle cry that Obi-Wan did not quite catch. It was not like he cared, he was more occupied with defending himself against the other’s metallic sword that – despite being metal – did not melt against the lightsaber. Ares’ eyes were trained on the glowing sword for a moment, but then he returned his attention, to what he could best, fighting. Not ones did he allow Obi-Wan to get away from him, not ones did he allow his opponent to catch his breath. He had to admit though, the ginger haired male was stronger, faster and more agile than he had originally thought. He was a worthy opponent. But still, it was no surprise, when the blue blade was wrenched out of the ginger haired man’s grip.
“Yield,” demanded Ares.
“Never,” retorted Obi-Wan, who was only beginning to break out in sweat. The pars against his Master were more tiring, even though Qui-Gon never attacked this brutal, he was not an uncivilized barbarian after all.
The god of war scoffed arrogantly and moved as if to behead the younger male, despite Zeus’ warning shout. Obi-Wan had expected it, actually CALCULATED it and surprised everyone, by grabbing the other’s arm and hitting him right in the face. Out of shock, did Ares drop his sword, which Obi-Wan immediately picked up. It was way heavier than he expected, but with the aid of the Force, he was able to wield it.
“Yield,” this time it was the Padawan, who spoke the word.
The god looked as if he wanted to strangle someone, preferably the insolent human in front of him, but a warning glare from Zeus made him bow his head in defeat. “I yield.” Obi-Wan nodded in satisfaction and threw the sword at his defeated opponent’s feet, before calling his much preferred lightsaber back to his hand. This could have ended worse. He silently thanked his Master for so many hours training in combat, with weapons and without.
“He is a worthy warrior, if he defeated Ares,” a female spoke up and all eyes turned to her.
“So you agree,” Zeus spoke up, “Athena?”
“I do,” she nodded her head and approving murmur could be heard.
“Very well,” midnight blue eyes settled on the Padawan, who just wanted to return to his Master. This was all giving him a huge headache.
“Now, what about my answers,” he did not like to be left out, especially if the conversation was about him.
He could see his Master’s copy grit his teeth in barely concealed anger, but Poseidon stepped forward instead. “Ask then.” “Where am I?” that question should be easy enough.
“Olympus, home of the gods,” it was Athena who answered.
Obi-Wan nodded in acknowledgment, he had absolutely no idea what that meant. “Who are you,” he motioned to all present.
“We are the gods,” Poseidon straightened proud.
“And why am I here?”
“Finally some interesting questions,” the darkest of the three brothers said.
“You are here,” Zeus completely ignored his brother’s comment, “because we need you.”
“Figured as much,” he mumbled under his breath, glad that no one seemed to catch it. “Yeah, but why EXACTLY?” Why could they not simply answer his questions?
“There is a monster, it came from your world, and you are to defeat it,” Athena spoke up.
Obi-Wan raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. They could not be serious. “Why don’t you take care of it? You are gods, aren’t you?”
“Do you think we would have brought a whelp like you here, if we could?” Ares countered angrily. He was a sore loser, Obi-Wan could tell just by looking at him.
“If I am the whelp, what does this make you then?” he asked, but only half hearted and therefore he did not catch the god’s reply. He had a bad feeling. The Force urged him to be extremely careful. It was not a good sign.
“There are a lot of innocents in danger, aren’t there?” he finally asked, completely ignoring the angry ranting of his beaten opponent.
“Yes,” Zeus seemed to have forgiven him, at least enough to talk normal with him.
Obi-Wan scowled. Even though he was not in his own dimension, he was still a Jedi. He knew his duty, he knew what he had to do in order not to shame his Master and his training. “Alright then, I’ll do it.”
Shock resonated through the whole hall and the gods exchanged surprised looks. “You do?” one of the assembled exclaimed, though Obi-Wan had absolutely no idea who he was.
“Do not get me wrong, I am only doing this, so that no more innocents will be endangered.” He was no fool, he knew that there were already casualties. If he could keep more families intact, then he would do so.
“Then let us explain…” Zeus began.
The needed information was quickly given and Obi-Wan found that Perseus, who was supposed to Zeus’ son, yet much more sympathetic in the Padawan’s eyes, was a brave and likeable man. He found it very easy to converse with him and to form a battle strategy.
“It is getting dark,” Perseus said from his position behind the Padawan on his Pegasus’ back, “if we do not find it soon, we will return and continue the search tomorrow.”
“Good idea,” Obi-Wan easily agreed. “Though Zeus won’t be happy about it,” he briefly glanced at the sky that was surprisingly cloudless.
Perseus grunted, “He will have to live with that, I fear.” The ginger haired male had soon learned that there was a certain tension between the god and his son. He had wisely decided not to ask for details, it was not his place to ask.
“Wait,” Obi-Wan suddenly exclaimed when his companion wanted to turn his horse around. He had felt something in the Force, a warning.
“What is it?”
He did not reply immediately. “The creature… it is near,” he whispered, his eyes darting over the water surface. Suddenly his eyes turned wide, “Turn around!” Perseus did react immediately and not a second too late. Where they had previously been, reached now a tentacle out of the water, grabbing at thin air. The sky above them rumbled with thunder, Zeus was angry. (Perseus had also explained him a few things about the gods, that that he could understand them a little bit better.)
“I hope we are fast enough,” Obi-Wan turned around, just in time to see the water being disturbed by more movement. The tentacle retreated, but he could see a gigantic shadow moving towards them and it was still gaining speed.
“Don’t worry,” Perseus gritted out between clenched teeth, though there was something in his voice that gave Obi-Wan a bad feeling.
“We are not going to make it,” the young Jedi exclaimed, when the shadow was directly under them. The land was still a little distance away. He could hear his companion curse behind him, just as one of the being’s limbs shot out of the water.
It should have hit or caught them, Obi-Wan knew that. But a strong wave seemingly out of nowhere, had appeared and hit the creature, making it miss its target. It was obviously a little disoriented at first, but soon moved after them again.
“Thank you, uncle,” Perseus mumbled and urged his mount forward. “Almost…”
They had made it, the Pegasus was now flying over dry land and the creature reached out in a last attempt to catch those, who so daringly had entered its territory. Another wave, much larger than the first one, appeared seemingly from nowhere. The clouds had darkened too and the electricity was heavy in the air. Together, lightning, wave and something dark yet good that definitely belonged to Hades, threw the creature onto the beach, where the deformed being struggled. The kraken like creature wanted to get back into the water, but the ocean retreated and did not allow it and whenever it made any attempt to follow the water, lightning would hit the ground. The creature obviously did not like the lightning, not one bit. A gruesome sound escaped its throat and then, Obi-Wan felt the Force swirl around it. It was like nothing he had ever felt before.
The darkness around the creature became suffocating and he had to clutch his head in order to not fall to it. The pull was incredible. Obi-Wan was distantly aware of someone calling his name, but he was too occupied with fighting the dark side to really take notice.
Like a tornado, the dark side of the Force swirled around the creature and Obi-Wan could SEE it changing. When the masses of energy had settled and the young Padawan could look again – he was aware of the steadying hands on his shoulders – he saw that the creature had transformed into a being out of his darkest nightmares.
“What…” Perseus began, but he could not say more. The words would not come to him.
Even Obi-Wan was stunned for a minute. He wiped away the blood that had escaped his nose and concentrated on the light side of the Force to find out as much as he could. One word immediately sprung to the front of his mind, “Sith”.
Instead of the form of a kraken, the creature was now feline like, with long strong legs, deadly claws and teeth, the size of a man. Horns escaped its skull, as well as the spine. At the end of the tail, was a long and deadly looking spike, though Obi-Wan doubted that it was poisonous, it would still cause a lot of damage. The dark being’s ears were alert and its eyes were resting on the flying horse. For a moment, the Padawan wondered, why it had no wings, but then he guessed that it must have known about the god of the sky and deemed it safer to walk on land. So it was intelligent to a certain extent too.
“What now?” cried Perseus, his hands were still clutching Obi-Wan’s shoulder, but more for his own comfort, than to steady the ginger haired man.
A screeching roar escaped the dark being.
Obi-Wan furrowed his brows and asked the Force for guidance. The first part of their plan had worked, they HAD lurked the best to dry land, but had they known that it could transform… it was to be excepted, the dark side was tricky after all.
“Do you think you are able to distract it long enough for me to land a hit?” he asked the older man behind him. In all honesty, he was not sure if he had a real chance against this monstrosity, but he at least had to try.
“I think so, yes.”
“Very well then,” he swung his legs to one side of the Pegasus and with a determined nod to his companion, he jumped down, using the Force to slow his fall. Perseus eyes were wide and staring at him in disbelief, but the warrior shook his head and turned his mount to fly at the monster that seemed torn between attacking the flying irritation or the Padawan on the ground. It settled for the Pegasus first, since it was flying and circling around its head.
“A little more help would be highly appreciated,” Obi-Wan boldly screamed towards the sky, not sure if those so called gods would be able to hear him and if they did, if they would come to their aid. Apparently, they did.
A stray lightning bold would strike towards the creature, that easily dodged the electricity. Poseidon’s ocean formed a high barrier to keep the best away from the water. It was better than nothing, decided the Padawan.
“What is the plan?” a voice right next to his ear said and Obi-Wan had to force himself not to jump in surprise. He had not expected Hades to actually make an appearance.
The Jedi grimaced, “Perseus is distracting that thing in hopes that I will get close enough to land a killing blow.” He just hoped that his lightsaber would truly make any damage.
Hades hummed in thought, before shadows arose all around him. Only a moment later, bat like creatures emerged, though they were much larger and looked much more dangerous than their small mammal relatives. Immediately they took flight and joined Perseus in his quest to annoy the dark creature.
Obi-Wan nodded his thanks and with better chances, he run forward with Force enhanced speed. He believed that he had only one attempt, which meant, that he had to make it count. They could not afford a mistake, not if they wanted to survive this mess.
In the end, everything had happened in a blur and if Obi-Wan was honest with himself, he did not know how he had accomplished it. He remembered one of Hades’ creatures picking him up and allowing him to ride on it. He also remembered the creature jumping high in the air, its mighty jar barely missing the Pegasus, but its claws hitting the warrior and his mount. It was then that Zeus had made a physical appearance as well, hurrying to the wounded human’s side.
Obi-Wan also remembered that the creature had landed on its back, having made a misstep due to Poseidon’s water hitting its hind legs. It was then that the Padawan had made his move. Without regard for his own safety and life, he had jumped onto the creature that was struggling to get up and he had pushed his lightsaber deep into the monster’s chest, desperately hoping that he hit the heart and that the creature had one to begin with.
A deafening scream of pain had escaped the dark being and it had hit the disoriented Padawan with its tail, thankfully not the spike, but sending him quite a few meters away and leaving him groggy and unable to get up. Also, the ginger haired man seemed to recall that the creature had struggled its way over to him, fueled by his desire for blood and revenge, its mighty claw high in the air. Obi-Wan had known then that he was about to die, he had accepted it, even though he regretted not being able to say goodbye to Qui-Gon, when said man suddenly appeared next to him, picked him up in a hurry and barely carried him to safety.
Right after, the creature had dropped to the ground, twitching one last time, before it stopped moving altogether.
A moment of silence passed, during which the water returned to where it belonged, the storm vanished and Hades’ creatures returned to wherever they had come from. Nobody dared to speak or to make a sound, the only thing Obi-Wan could hear, was his own panting breathing.
“Master?” he finally said, not quite believing his eyes. It was then that midnight blue eyes fully turned to him, there was something that suspiciously looked like relief in them, but before the younger male could truly identify it, he found himself pulled into a bone crushing hug.
“Padawan… Obi-Wan, I am so glad that you are safe… I was so worried.” There was no doubt in the Padawan’s mind about his Master’s words, he could feel all the tumultuous emotions coming through their reawakened bond.
“How?” he asked, not truly sure what exactly he wanted to ask.
“After you suddenly disappeared, I asked the Force to guide me to you. It took quite a bit of convincing, but eventually it sent me here… wherever here is… I was so worried after our bond just… disappeared. I could not feel you, could not reach you.” He took a deep breath, “Can you forgive an old man for worrying?”
“Of course Master,” he replied immediately and was glad that his Master finally pulled him to his feet, only to hold him still close. He was receiving healing and comforting energy from the pulsing bond and was very grateful for it.
A large hand ran through copper spiked and fingered the braid that had been slightly undone by Obi-Wan’s impact with the ground. Without further ado, large yet surprisingly skilled fingers, opened the braid and took the beads out, letting them fall into the ginger haired male’s hand, before redoing the symbol of their partnership. They did not notice a familiar pair of eyes watch them closely, cataloging their affectionate interactions, almost analyzing them.
The owner of those pair of eyes looked down at the figure sitting by his side. Zeus had never really understood human affection, not until know, witnessing it firsthand. It was not a sign of weakness, how he now realized, seeing those two warriors and there was no doubt in his mind that the man, who looked so much like him, was a warrior, just as fierce as the young one. A moment the king of gods hesitated, but then he slowly and carefully reached out to run a hand through his son’s hair. It startled the demigod, but after realizing what was happening, he visible relaxed and actually seemed to enjoy the unfamiliar attention he was getting. A small smile appeared on Zeus’ features, which was mostly hidden by his long beard, but still seen by his oldest brother, Hades.
But the god of the underworld turned away from the father son pair to walk towards their champion, who was openly smiling at the newcomer, who – to Hades’ horror – looked exactly like a much younger version of his brother. He hesitated and for a moment actually played with the thought of just going back to his domain, but then he decided to give his thanks, since Zeus seemed otherwise occupied and Poseidon was too stupid to do so.
“Hades,” Obi-Wan greeted the darkest of the three brothers.
The god inclined his head, “I came to humbly thank you for your help.” He made the mistake of looking into the Zeus’ copy’s face. The man could look just as threatening as his younger brother.
“It was… well, it was not really my pleasure, but I am glad I could help you.” The ginger haired man shifted on his feet. He had seen the weary and slightly scared gaze the long haired ruler of the underworld had sent his Master. For a moment he pondered, if he should say something, but the Force gave him the needed push. “They DO care about you, you know.”
Hades blinked in confusion, “Excuse me?”
“Your brothers,” the Padawan had a distant look, “they DO care, I can feel it. They… they just don’t know how to approach you. You have distanced yourself from them and your… darkness… scares them. You should talk to them, what can they do? Scream at you perhaps… but I think you are above that, aren’t you?”
There was doubt in the god’s face, but it soon turned into a thoughtful look. Then his gaze turned to Zeus, who was helping Perseus to his feet and exchanged a few words with his son.
“I understand that you do not want to get hurt again,” Hades flinched, even the older warrior’s voice was the same deep baritone, “but if you let fear rule your life, you will never find happiness.” The way he said it, told the god that he was speaking of experience, and the way the younger man turned to him, told him that he was somehow involved.
“I will… think about it,” he promised and finally he bowed and made his hasty escape. This was getting too emotional for him and he needed time alone, time to think.
As soon as Hades had made his escape, Zeus realized that he had yet to speak with their champion. He promised his son to return later, so that he may check on his grandson too, and then he made his way over to his… copy and the ginger haired man. Who knew, perhaps he might still figure out, how these mortals had such power…
“Child of the other world,” Zeus started talking, he did not even know the boy’s name, but he was promptly and rudely interrupted.
“So… YOU are responsible for kidnapping my Padawan.” “I wouldn’t call it kidnapping,” he did not come further, for the Jedi Master took a threatening step forward, leaning very close to the man, who looked almost exactly like him.
“Listen VERY carefully. I do not care who you are, or if you truly are a god, I don’t care if you are ALL gods, if you EVER do that again, you will deeply regret it.” He had gotten louder to the end of his speech.
The king of gods certainly looked impressed and Obi-Wan silently thought that it had perhaps not been such a good idea to tell his Master everything that had happened.
“But, we needed the help,” the excuse sounded lame, even to Zeus’ own ears.
“Let me rephrase it,” the Jedi master leaned even closer towards the other male, “if you ever kidnap my Padawan again,” his tone was just a bit too calm and collected, “I will kill you!”
The god’s eyes were wide, he was not used being threatened. Instead he cleared his throat and visible relaxed, when the older Jedi took a step back again. He leveled his eyes at the Padawan, who looked as if he was suffering. “Yes well,” he cleared his throat again and caught the ginger haired man’s attention, “I just came to thank you for the great work you did…” he let the sentence trail off.
“Great work? Thank you for your great work? That is all you have to say to this?” Qui-Gon was in one of his moods. Even the mumbled reply – that Obi-Wan did not hear – did nothing to soothe his temper.
“Don’t you think I am aware of that? He always does, he is amazing and I am very proud of him.” Qui-Gon shot his Padawan a quick glance, “But don’t you dare touch him again.”
“We won’t, do not fear.” Something in the god’s tone made it clear that he truly meant that. “Nevertheless, you shall receive a reward worthy of a god, for your duties.” He bowed and before his counterpart could, he vanished in a bright lightning strike.
Master and Padawan shared a look, not knowing what to say, but knowing that they wanted to get back home.
(many years later)
“Master! Master!” Obi-Wan cried in distress.
“It is too late… It’s…” Qui-Gon was fighting to stay conscious. He knew he was going to die, but he needed to say a few last words.
“No!” the Padawan shook his head and the older man could see tears forming in his Padawan’s eyes.
“Obi-Wan promise… promise me you’ll train the boy…” he breathed out.
“Yes Master,” a single tear was streaming down his cheek.
With the effort of an army, he raised his hand to wipe the offending drop away from his boy’s face.
“He is the Chosen One… he will… bring balance… train him.” Something told Qui-Gon that this was supposed to be his last words in the land of the living, but strangely, he felt his energy returning to him. Surprised he glanced up at his Padawan, but Obi-Wan was not looking at him anymore, he was staring at something at the other end of the complex.
“I promised you a reward worthy of a god, did I not?”
Confused and shocked, did Qui-Gon turn his head in the direction of the speaker, only to find himself looking at what appeared to be his reflection.
“Zeus,” whispered the ginger haired Padawan. The god of lightning and the sky, bowed his head and vanished as soon as he had appeared, leaving Qui-Gon to wonder what had happened. But the Jedi Master would not complain, not when he had been presented another chance… another opportunity. And there still was the disagreement he had with Obi-Wan…
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post-bronze-medals · 7 years
Hi! I posted awhile ago that I have a Percy Jackson AU for Yuri on Ice! in my head and I thought I would finally get around to typing it all out. Super thanks to @forovnix​ for not telling me to piss off when I sent her most of this drunk off my face and for encouraging me. Jus, you’re the best, ily a lot. Also I heard through the grapevine that her and @actualyuuri​ are writing one together, which was the whole inspiration for this universe I have thought up, so I am crediting them too ;) . It is very long - so I will put it under the cut!
Let us begin with...
CHILD OF: Hecate
POWERS: Magic - specialism in spiritual and shielding; Mist control; Astral Projection into the lives of other Demigods and godly beings; Dance is his primary spell casting method.
BACKSTORY: After Hiroko had Mari, she found her womb was too damaged to bear another child. Wanting another child, they tried everything from medicine to, eventually, prayer. The only one who answered was Hecate, who was a distant relative of Toshiya from many generations ago. And with a little divine interference, Yuuri was made from three parents.
Yuuri’s eyes go gold when he uses his powers, a throwback to Kronos that Hecate thinks is kind of adorable. Zeus banned visiting their godly children back after WWII, but he can only really control what happens in the US, as it is the current seat of Olympian (and Roman) power. As such, Hecate has visited Yuuri four times a year since he was a baby, and drops in on him occasionally for a few hours at other times too.
CHILD OF: Persephone
POWERS: Control of flowers and plant life - especially creating and killing them; Strengthen harvests in the early stages (springtime); Talented at poison creation; Spreads poison through his flowers (airborne) and generally though touch.
BACKSTORY: Victor’s mother had zero need or desire for a husband, partner or indeed, physical sex. She, being somewhat dramatic, prayed to Persephone in a ritual handed down from mother to daughter for generations but generally regarded as a bit. Persephone, bored and wanting to create some life in the world, agreed to help her conceive a child with her as the other mother. She however, recalling how much Hades’ indiscretions had hurt her, told him about her plans beforehand, and Hades’ was absolutely fine with it. He knew he had no room to talk about extra-marital children and he loved his wife a great deal. Something that came of her would surely be only a good force in the world.  
Victor has his human mother’s silver hair, and his godly mother’s eyes that cycled through colour according to the weather, the state of the plants around him and his mood. He settled on a teal he liked as his day to day eye colour, and controls himself to keep it that way. Persephone and Hades, taking advantage of the same loophole as Hecate regarding non-interference, bring him down to the underworld every so often. Hades is actually a very doting uncle and is immensely fond of Victor’s loving and giving nature. He teaches him about poisons and summons spirits Victor wants to talk to for a chat whenever he asks. Persephone loves him a lot as well, but in a more distant fashion. It was her that taught him French, and they like to sit together in the pomegranate orchard underground and read.
CHILD OF: Apollo
POWERS: Graceful; Slight Precognition; Archery.
BACKSTORY: Yuri’s mum had a relationship with Apollo for two weeks, in which she could have sworn she was careful with condoms, but apparently not. Yuri was conceived and he left long before she found out or could tell him about it. The loss of the relationship didn’t really hit her hard, it was only really a fling to them both. She decided to have Yuri anyway, and once she recovered from the birth, she went straight back to work to earn money to support them all, leaving Yuri with his grandfather.
Yuri inherited his fathers colouring but his mother’s face. He also had Apollo’s artistic talents but enjoys dance the most, so generally ignored poetry and music - until he discovered hard rock at age 11. He is also a little precognitive, his instincts have got him away from more than one fight and also led him to the rink where Yakov took him on.  His mother doesn't care about his father’s absence but he kind of does, and really really hates the guy, whoever he is. Apollo never bothered to think of a loophole to the decree of non-interference and so never even tried to meet Yuri - he fairly quickly forgot about him and his mother when his newest conquest came around.
CHILD OF: Thanatos
POWERS: Sense when someone is about to die and if it is their ‘time’; Gravitas; BACKSTORY: Otabek’s parents were cultists when they were younger, cultists in service of Thanatos. Although they settled down a bit when they were older, dropping most of their worship, Thanatos never forgot about them. He doesn't often get cults in his name! So when they were trying for a kid and it turned out his father was infertile, Thanatos helped out without even being requested.
Otabek’s parents love him a lot, as an unexpected and much appreciated surprise. After his birth they figured that it must have been some kind of divine interference and began to pray to Thanatos again. The god sometimes comes to chill out with Otabek and teach him how to use his senses. Unfortunately, his heritage makes him seem creepy af to non demigods. Yuri is his first true friend.
POWERS: See the truth of love - as threads binding people; Cause lust (orgies); Wings
BACKGROUND: Chris' dads are a very gay, very happy couple who are somewhat overdramatic (being theatre actors) but love with all their hearts. While performing in Paris they prayed they could have a child through their love and nine months later, Chris was dropped on their doorstep in Switzerland. Whether he is the child of all three parents, or of one of them and Cupid, or if he is adopted is unknown.
Chris is seriously loved by them, even though they definitely know something is up because he has large bird-like rose pink wings that show up every so often when he is excited and cannot control himself. His dad isn’t around often, it isn't his nature, but he leaves gifts for him whenever he is in Switzerland, so Christophe doesn't really mind. He has his parents either way!
CHILD OF: Athena
POWERS: Tactics/Strategy; Unshakeable calm
BACKSTORY: Seunggil has a single biologist father who had a one night stand with Athena when in the US for a conference. When he returned to S Korea, a son showed up on his doorstep and after confirming he was his son he rolled with it.
Seunggil was brought up as a scientist, to question everything, which only helps his sense of strategy. He is a calm person but if you rile him up utterly he completely loses it and is terrifying.He also is very interested in coding and technology. He never meets Athena and doesn’t care about it - his father barely knew the woman anyway. 
POWERS: Charmspeaking; See love bonds
BACKGROUND: Phichit’s mothers are devotees to beautiful things, but most especially to dance. Venus saw them dancing and blessed them with a threesome in bed in exchange for them spending an evening dancing for her. Phichit was the result, as they found out several months later.
Phichit, like his mothers, loves beautiful things but prefers selfies and photography as his outlet, he is determined to capture the manmade and natural world in all its diverse beauty! Being able to charm people into doing what he wants means that he can be a little manipulative but he has a very strong moral code generally and would never hurt a friend.
CHILD OF: Morpheus
POWERS: Send people to sleep; Influence dreams
BACKSTORY: Leo's dad has a very long and healthy relationship with Morpheus through his dream scape, where the bright colours of his artistic mind drew the sleepy god. They decided, after much deliberation, that they wanted a son as a sign of their love and to dote upon in the real world. Leo was conceived in a surrogate’s womb, but is of the two men’s DNA. Leo gets visited as regularly as possible by his godly dad in his dreams, as he is unable to leave the underworld to meet in person. He has never doubted that he is loved. He lives in Mexico with his dad but trains in the US / for the US when he gets his bracelet (more on that later)...
POWERS: Fire, Constancy
BACKSTORY: Guanghong parents were unable to conceive and both being pure of heart, were blessed by Vesta so that they could have just one child. He doesn't see her often, but feels close to his godly mother when near a fire or a hearth. He is the emotional centre of his friend group and his sweet nature is pretty much never-ending, also he is asexual.
CHILD OF: Dionysus
POWERS:  Grape Control; Invoke Narcissism and other disorders involving delusion; Makes a party crazy fun when he feels like it (rarely).
BACKSTORY: Mickey and Sara’s mother is a single black mother from a big Italian family. Dionysus didn't want to test his father in Italy, although he probably would have been fine, and decided to leave the Crispinos alone ‘for their own safely’. They pair were raised by their grandmother and long extended family primarily as their mother works. Mickey is protective of Sara for multiple reasons that are Not a sister complex here.
CHILD OF: Dionysus
POWERS: Cause Maenad like madness with a touch; Make wine at will
BACKSTORY: Mickey and Sara’s mother is a single black mother from a big Italian family. Dionysus didn't want to test his father in Italy, although he probably would have been fine, and decided to leave the Crispinos alone ‘for their own safely’. They pair were raised by their grandmother and long extended family primarily as their mother works. Sara is very gay.
POWERS: Create infatuations; Exceptional Beauty
BACKSTORY: Mila has a single father, who is a premier ballerino and remarried when Mila was seven. Mila was a typical Venus ‘one night of passion’ baby, who was dropped off with her father after her birth and then promptly ignored by her mother. She really likes her stepmum actually, who is a ballerina as well. Mila is very beautiful personally and also a dab hand at makeovers.
Phew - that is a lot! Dont worry, anything important will come up in the fic (if I ever write it...)
Now, onto the actual Plot...
ARC 1: Yuuri begins to astral project as a child, while he is still learning to control his powers. Through his astral projection he meets the other demigod kids (the geographically closest first, then he ranges progressively further afield). He makes friends with them all and gets something of a crush on Victor, his skating idol (and pretty lovely guy when he gets to know him in person!) Monsters, able to smell their scent, are coming for them even though they aren't in America and everyone is pretty afraid. Yuuri, having the biggest heart,  decides to try to change that fact of demigod life at just age 11 and he is very very stubborn about it, asking all the gods of the underworld and all the friendly or neutral monsters he sees about it. He hurts himself a lot trying it, but after a year or so he managed to create a bracelet that holds in the demigod 'scent', making his friend safer. The bracelets have to be personalised to the specific powers of each child so the first one goes to Phichit (his first friend). Then he makes them all one as he meets each character in person, either posting them out or giving them at the novice and junior skating competitions he attends. The hardest to create was Victor’s, who as the first child of Persephone is very powerful. Yuuri ends up accidentally putting a piece of his Self into the bracelet as that is the strongest power he has. It is very dangerous but even after his upset mum Hecate told him what he had done, he could;t regret it. The life of his friend was the most important thing!
ARC 2: Aboveworld gods don't care for their kids by and large (see character notes above.). They often forget them as they are not under American jurisdiction and therefore won't fight battles for them. Only The underworld gods and those mentioned above really care. Even as they become friends at competitions and through Yuuri’s projections, the strain of the bracelets wears on yuuri and maybe eventually one bracelet snaps or becomes overwhelmed. No one blames Yuuri but Yuuri, they just didn't realise how tough it was to power the close shielding of their scent. They have to team up to defeat the monsters that come for them. There is a Big Battle Scene and despite their desperate prayer to the above world parents, none can help. The underworld ones do their best but it is the solstice - their absence would be noticed. The arc ends with them all being pseudo adopted by underworld gods.
ARC 3: They all decide fuck the above gods, they won't be beholden to them anymore. The decide to circumvent their monopoly on items such as nectar and ambrosia, in the process setting up in the Underworld and creating their own godly market/culture/empire for those who dont want to use Olympus. In the process, they make friends with or at least win respect from some monsters. who admire their chutzpah, and also their stylish fashion.
ARC 4: Camp Half-Blood need hep with something as of yet undefined ( a prophecy?). Nico knows Victor through the Hades/Persephone connection and also because of their underground empire. Hades favours Victor as an heir despite not being his son because of his love for Persephone and also his strong underworld connection through Yuuri, his boyfriend, who is also an immensely powerful son of the underground. Victor, having survived past his teens, is also very responsible and wise so is a generally good choice. The whole crew agree to visit the camp at Nico's request and to meet their siblings. Drama ensues...
Yes, There are elements not mentioned here (how do Victuuri get together? What about other pairings? What happens at Camp Half-Blood?) but hey, have to leave something for the actual fic. Hope this is interesting to you guys, I spent several weeks daydreaming this. Tell me your head canons if you want, what do you think about my godly parent decisions? I would love to chat about it. <3 <3 <3
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Zeus – The King of Gods and Mortals
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Zeus, the king of the gods and mortals, is the most powerful god in Greek mythology. As the god of thunder and sky, he resides on the peak of Mount Olympus from where he sent storms, winds, and rain to Earth. With his wisdom, experience, and strength, Zeus surpasses all gods; with a single thunderbolt, he could throw each of them into the dark Tartarus. Therefore, they didn’t dare to defy him.
His name stems from Indo-European words dey meaning to shine or light, and dyews, which can be translated as the bright sky. In Roman mythology, his equivalent was Jupiter. Here’s a look at one of the most prominent figures of Greek mythology, Zeus.
The History of Zeus
Zeus was the youngest son of the king of the Titans, Cronus, and his wife, Rhea. It had been prophesied that one of Cronus’ sons would take his throne, and in an attempt to thwart that, Cronus swallowed all the children that Rhea gave birth to.
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Cronus Swallows His Children
Before the youngest child’s birth, Rhea turned to Uranus and Gaia for advice on how to save him.
Zeus is Hidden from Cronus
According to their instructions, she went to Crete, and as soon as she gave birth to Zeus, she hid him in a cave. The next day, Rhea wrapped a large stone in swaddling clothes, and then handed it to Cronus, who, convinced that he was receiving his son, immediately swallowed it.
In Crete, Zeus was raised by the nymphs Adrasteia and Ida. They kept the baby in a golden cradle and fed him honey and milk from Amalthea, the divine goat. They would hang the cradle on a tree so that Cronus couldn’t find his son on land, sky, or sea. The five-armed Cretan warriors, called Curetes, guarded the cradle and masked the child’s cries with the sound of their weapons.
Later, when he became the lord of the world, Zeus repaid his foster parents: he turned Adrasteia, Ida, and Amalthea into stars. He gave the bees the color of gold and resistance to the harsh mountain climate.
Zeus Overthrows Cronus
When Zeus grew and became stronger, he decided to save his brothers and sisters. Metis, an Oceanid and one of three thousand daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, gave Cronus a potion forcing him to vomit the stone first, and then his children – Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, and Hades.
Together with his brothers and sisters, Zeus attacked Cronus and the Titans, and the battle, known as the Titanomachy, lasted for ten days. After they defeated Cronus, Zeus divided the rule of the world with his brothers, Hades and Poseidon. Zeus became the ruler of the sky and heavens, Poseidon ruled over the seas, and Hades became the god of the underworld. The Titans were cast into Tartarus, an underworld region, while Atlas, a Titan who had fought against Zeus, was punished by being forced to hold up the sky.
Zeus is Challenged
Zeus’ early rule was challenged by his grandmother, Gaia, who felt that he had treated her children, the Titans, with injustice. Together with the Gigantes, Gaia challenged the Olympians, but they were able to put down the Gigantomachy and continued their rule.
Another myth describes how the gods Hera, Poseidon and Apollo, who were quickly joined by all the other Olympians except Hestia. With the help of Hypnos, god of sleep, the Olympian gods stole Zeus’ thunderbolt and tied him up. Zeus was helped by Thetis and once free, severely punished Hera, Poseidon and Apollo as well as the other gods. They never challenged him again.
Zeus as a Ruler
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Zeus’ home was located on the highest Greek mountain, Olympus. From its summit, Zeus could see everything. He observed and governed everything and everybody, punishing the evil and rewarding the good. He delivered justice and was considered the protector of homes, cities, properties, and guests.
Zeus is described by Hesiod as a god who laughed out loud and who was carefree. But at the same time, he was capricious and could be destructive, especially if crossed.
Zeus and the Conflict with Humans
From Mount Olympus, Zeus was disgusted at the sight of decadence and the human sacrifice taking place on earth. He flooded the earth to purify it off humans, with only Deucalion and Pyrrha surviving the flood. This myth has parallels to the story of Noah and the Ark from the Christian Bible.
The Wives and Children of Zeus
Zeus had seven immortal wives – including Metis, Themis, Eurynome, Demeter, Leto, Mnemosyne and Hera. Of these, Hera is his main wife, although Metis is his first.
Zeus and Metis: There was a prophecy stating that Metis would bear strong and powerful children who would overthrow their father. When Metis was pregnant with Zeus children, Zeus feared the fulfilment of the prophecy and so he tricked Metis and mad her turn herself into a fly. He then swallowed her, much like his father had swallowed Zeus’ siblings. Metis had already conceived a child and began creating a robe and helmet for her daughter. This caused Zeus pain and, in the end, Zeus’ asked Hephaestus to either cleave his head or to strike it with a hammer to release the pain. Athena then leaped out of Zeus’ head, fully grown and dressed in armor. Regardless of the prophecy, Athena was Zeus’ favorite child.
Zeus and Hera: Zeus married his sister Hera, but he wasn’t an exemplary husband. Due to his numerous affairs, with both immortal and mortal women, he often clashed with Hera. She was constantly jealous and hated his illegitimate children, like Heracles and Dionysus, often making life miserable for them.
Zeus’ Children: Zeus had several children. With his wife Hera he had three children, Ares, Hebe, and Eileithyia; with the Titaness Leto, he had twins Artemis and Apollo; with the goddess Demeter he had his daughter Persephone, and so on and so forth. Zeus also sired one child without a woman – the goddess Athena, who is said to have leapt out of his head.
Zeus’ Disguises and Seduction
The manner in which he wooed these women is sometimes reprehensible. He would frequently resort to rape, deceit and disguises in order to sleep with them. Several stories exist of his tricks used to deceive a love interest.
Zeus pretended to be an injured bird and flew into Hera’s room, before he coupled with her, preying on her compassion and love for animals.
He seduced the mortal princess Danae in the form of a golden shower, which led to her giving birth to Perseus.
Zeus appeared in the form of a goose to Nemesis and seduced her in this manner.
He transformed himself into his daughter Artemis, goddess of the hunt, to lure Callisto into a sense of security before he raped her.
He abducted Ganymede, a handsome mortal, disguised as an eagle and takes him to Olympus where he remains as cup-bearer to the gods.
To seduce Europa, Zeus took the form of a bull. To prove she wasn’t afraid of him, Europa sat on his back, and he took her to Crete. There, Zeus exposed his true self, and they made love.
The Symbolism and Portrayal of Zeus
As the king and the ruler of all the Greek gods and men, Zeus was often portrayed in art with specific symbols and aspects describing his purpose and personality.
Powerful patriarch – Some early paintings of Zeus depict him throwing flashes of lightning, establishing him as superior deity and warrior. In this context, he’s seen as a symbol of power, authority, and dominance.
King of gods and mortals – In the classical period, Zeus is often depicted sitting on the throne and holding the scepter, with the winged goddess Nike by his side, symbolizing his duty as patriarch and king of all gods.
Justice and authority – Unlike other Greek deities, he was often portrayed as a mature and dignified man with a beard and great stamina, denoting his status as an experienced ruler greater than others. He usually holds a staff in one hand and a stylized thunderbolt in the other, both seen as symbols ofpower, control, and justice.
Wisdom – At times, he’s depicted wearing a crown made of oak leaves. The oak was considered to be his holy tree representing wisdom, morale, resistance, and strength.
Symbols of Zeus
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Besides the oak tree, Zeus was often associated with various symbols that were considered sacred to him. These included:
The Thunderbolt – The thunderbolt was Zeus’ great weapon, fashioned for him by the Cyclopes. This represented his power and authority over mortals and gods.
The Eagle – Zeus held the eagle as a particularly sacred bird and was often depicted riding it or having it next to him. With its excellent vision, the eagle represented Zeus’ ability to see everything. They are solar animals commonly related to sunlight. Therefore, they are the symbols of courage and royalty, as well as pride, victory, and longevity.
The wolf – This powerful animal is both feared and respected. As the king of heavens and the master of weather, Zeus was often associated with a wolf, representing a battle, awareness, bravery, and protection. Besides many titles, the king of all gods was also referred to as oath-keeper, savior, protector, guest-patron, punisher, and peacemaker.
The bull – Another sacred animal to Zeus was the bull. In this context, the bull is the symbol of virility, confidence, stamina, and fertility.
Lessons from Zeus’ Stories
Aside from being powerful and strong, the omnipotent ruler, Zeus, was far from perfect. However, there are some lessons we can learn from Zeus’ stories:
The inevitability of fate – This is a recurring topic in Greek legends and myths. We could interpret Zeus as being both the victim and the emissary of fate. The ruler of all gods was destined to take his father’s throne. His father, Cronus, himself became the ruler of the world by dethroning his own father. The legend goes on to say that Zeus is prophesied to be taken down by his own child, who is yet to be born.
Infidelity – Although today, we wouldn’t consider Zeus’ behavior and his unpredictably lascivious character to be exemplary, we could still draw some conclusions from his actions and infidelity. For ancient Greeks, his actions were right and justified. If the all-mighty god, such as Zeus, couldn’t control his urges and resist women’s beauty, then common mortal men had no reason to. Some would argue that mythology, especially when it comes to Greek gods, was made up not to teach us a moral lesson, but to justify people’s actions.
Love – In a more positive light, we could interpret Zeus’ saving his brothers and sisters from their father as an act of love and kindness. It shows that sometimes it’s necessary to treat someone unfairly and unjustly for your loved ones’ safety.
Zeus Facts
1- Who were Zeus’ parents?
Zeus’ parents were Rhea and Cronus.
2- Where did Zeus live?
Zeus lived on Mount Olympus with the other Olympian gods.
3- Who were Zeus’ siblings?
Zeus had six siblings – Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Chiron.
4- How many consorts did Zeus have?
Zeus had several wives and numerous affairs; however, Hera remains his leading wife.
5- How many children did Zeus have?
Zeus had numerous children, including Artemis, Ares, Athena, Hebe, Hephaestus, Persephone, Perseus, the Graces, the Muses, the Moirai, Helen, Heracles, Ares and so on.
6- Who is Zeus’ Roman equivalent?
Zeus Roman equivalent is Jupiter.
7- What was Zeus the god over?
Zeus was the king of the gods, god of the sky, lightning, thunder, justice, order and law.
8- What are Zeus’ symbols?
Zeus symbols include the thunderbolt, oak, bull, eagle and swan.
To Wrap It Up
As the god of the sky and the ruler of the world, Zeus has a central role in Greek mythology representing the father, ruler, and protector of all mortals and gods. However, his conflicting personality might be confusing – his anger and fury are covered by the certain heroic endeavors, such as saving his siblings from their father’s wrath.
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