#sometimes a cameraman was just chasing him through the halls
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yekokataa · 1 month ago
everything they had to do to make that one seemingly continuous shot of mark running is wild.
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en-rev · 1 year ago
Enhypen x female member reader
Summary: en o'clock ep 32 except you are the 8th member. 
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Note: the reader is older than Ni-ki but younger than Jungwon, and of course the episode had to be changed a bit. Kinda long for no reason tbh. 
Face down on the floor, arms and legs positioned to give the illusion you’re knocked unconscious. As some of the members pretend to wake up, you stay down and let Jungwon and Sunoo handle the intro. 
Waiting for your turn to leave the waiting room you eye Jay's sleeping bag, not noticing he saw your stare. “Yah, don’t even think about it” he claims protectively as he tosses it over his shoulder. Looking into the camera you pout and mouth “so rude”. Hearing your name be called, you quickly run out of the room, hoping to try and outrun the cameraman while also trying to get to an area none of your members were in. 
Tired, you turn a corner and make eye contact with Niki. Pausing for a second both of you look at each other, standing still before you turn back and run quickly “don’t come close!” He claps his hands and laughs as he chases you as a joke. Running into a room, you spot Sunoo in his orange set finding a mission. 
“You found one already?” you ask as you look at the sheet of paper. “Yeah, it was just under the block.” Sunoo responds as he draws for his mission. Walking and checking out the room Niki walks in. Staying still and crouched near the front of the door, you stayed and watched over Sunoo. Niki is always playing pranks on the members so it makes sense that they would make him one of the imposters. Remembering the imposters aren’t announced yet, you slowly approach them as they’re immersed in Sunoo’s drawing. “Boo!” you shout as you grab onto Niki’s shoulders and lightly shake him. “Yah!” he shouts, turning to you, seeing you book it out of the room before he starts chasing you. 
Losing Niki you turn into an area and find Jay searching on the floor. Quietly making your way behind him you see him grabbing an ice cream from the fridge. “Can I have one too?” you ask, now craving an ice cream. “Yo what the f-” Jay catches himself, startled as he turns to face you. Putting a hand on his hip he points at you, “What have I told you about sneaking up on people Y/n” he scolds. Playfully pouting, you apologize as he hands you an ice cream. “You found any missions yet?” you ask, as you begin to eat the ice cream. “No, try checking on the counter over there” he guides you before the staff tells you time has passed and you will learn your roles. 
Standing with your camera man rubbing your hands together in excitement to find out your role. “I'm a citizen right? I’ll totally be able to tell who’s the imposter.” you claim with pride as you clap your hands together. 
“No?..... I’m…. imposter?” you ask, eyebrows raised, mouth opened in disappointment. Seeing the staff nod you turn towards the wall and dramatically hunch over and pretend to punch the wall. The camera then cuts to you as you walk down a hallway, “It’s okay, sometimes in life we don’t get what we want. But this just means I was always meant for this role…. And I will win.” you say as you point to the camera and pat your chest, “Just watch and see” 
On a mission to find Jake and eliminate him, you walk peacefully around the halls, but still stay weary of who may be nearby. Passing through a hall you hear Sunoo talking about coffee and continue my way with a smile. Running into Niki you see him moving a couch. “You found a mission?” Seeing him jump a bit you laugh as he smiles while clutching onto the piece of paper. “You’re the mafia?” he asks weary while keeping his distance from you. “No, I'm a citizen. I just haven’t found any missions, I saw Sunoo doing his” I explain giving him some info to begin framing a picture of me being innocent. “Hmmm” he hums still wary of your presence, “I don’t trust you” he says with a smile as he keeps the distance between the two of you. Smirking, you jokingly jump towards him and laugh loudly as he jumps back. “You go away! I have to do my mission.” he says waving you off. You smile and head towards another hallway, “Ok, but you’re gonna regret me leaving, you’ll probably need my help” you say as you stick your tongue out at him before jogging down the hallway to try and find Jake. 
Roaming endlessly you begin to sulk to the camera. “I haven’t seen him since we started, I swear he just vanished.” Continuing down the hall you begin to drag your feet before turning to the cameraman and whispering “Do you know where he is?.... I promise I won’t tell” you beg with your hands together in desperation. The camera shakes showing that the cameraman was telling you know and you let out a disappointed sigh before the camera cuts to you talking to the camera again. “You know…. Life throws unexpected obstacles at you, but you must persevere…. This is only a sign that my efforts will lead to my success. I will find you Jake.” you say confidently as you bring your fist to your palm. 
Hearing commotion near the room you saw Sunoo in earlier you begin to approach carefully and peak the corner. Seeing Heeseung, Jake, and Niki entering the room you get a hop in your step as you finally see Jake. Staying at the corner of the hall you see Heeseung and Niki run from the room while Jake stays near the door, peeking into the room. Approaching quietly as Jake is by the door you grab his arm to pull him away from the view of the door quickly and press the stamp given to you onto his back before running away quickly with a bounce to your run. “Naur!” you hear Jake yell in the distance, probably finding out that he was eliminated. Standing on the escalators as you’re nearly to the second floor you celebrate by dancing in front of the camera. “Mission success” you say as you give a thumbs up to the camera. 
Reaching the second floor you decide to look around to see if there are any other members around to begin building your alibi. As you reached the top you ran into Jungwon, but was startled as you weren't expecting him. As you gasped you clutched your sweatshirt, “Jungwon you scared me.” you breathed out, eyes wide. He laughed as you both kept a distance from each other. Looking at his hands you notice he doesn’t have anything. “You haven’t found any missions down here?” you ask, trying to look wary of him so he can think you’re innocent. “Are you the mafia?” he asks, stepping back slightly. “No?” you say as you furrow your brows and point downstairs, “I just finished a mission and came to look for some up here.” Standing in silence you squint your eyes before holding out your hand, showing your pinky finger. You haven’t gotten a name for your next victim so you might as well get someone to back up your alibi. “Let’s promise to watch each other and do a mission?” you ask. “Ok.” Jungwon says excitedly, trusting you and locking fingers before you both go down the hall and go into the room you recognized earlier. 
“I can’t tell whose mafia yet. I’ve seen the other downstairs but I’ve never seen Jake or Sunghoon. Do you think they might be mafia?” I ask in hopes of him starting to pin the blame on the other members. “It can’t be heeseung because we did a mission together earlier.” nodding my head we enter a lounge area and Jungwon bursts out laughing “Jay hyung?” he questions as he approaches a sleeping Jay. You hunch over and laugh as you see Jay laying on a couch in his sleeping bag dead asleep. He really did end up putting that sleeping bag to use. As you both approach him Jungwon begins to shake him and ask whether he is dead or not. Beginning to shake Jay too, Jungwon finally reports his death as you begin to mess with Jay. Sticking the ends of your hair into his ear as he swats you away and you laugh as you try to avoid his swatting hand. 
As you and Jungwon reach the discussion room you sip on your drink as you lean your head against the wall and wait for the other members to arrive. Seeing Jake enter the room and be given angel wings you lightly push Jungwon’s leg with yours to get his attention as you let out a gasp. “You died too?” you ask with a stunned tone as Jake smiles and shakes his head as he knows what game you’re trying to play. Heeseung begins to wonder just who might’ve killed Jake since he only got Jay during this round, meaning there was another imposter in the group. Since you were with Jungwon when Jay was found, you knew exactly what to do. 
Facing your members you begin to explain, “I think Sunghoon is one of the imposters. When we found Jay, Sunghoon approached us out of nowhere and was suspicious.” you explain as you point to both yourself and Jungwon. He immediately begins to nod his head, “Yeah, it couldn’t have been us because we were trying to complete missions earlier.” he says as he begins to look at the members and see what anyone else had to say. “Heeseung is the imposter! Earlier he had something in his pocket.” Niki points at Heeseung as he explains earlier events that happened between them. “It was in his pocket and he kept acting suspicious.” he emphasizes, hoping to finally take down Heeseung as he tried his best to avoid him earlier. Contemplating what to do, deciding to back Niki up, you think it may benefit you later. “Niki can’t be one of the imposters because I was alone with him earlier and saw him trying to do a mission. I trust Niki” you say looking at Heeseung, showing the others I also think he’s an imposter. If Heeseung is your partner, then this was just a sacrifice that needed to be made to ensure your success. The seeds are already planted. 
Heeseung was voted out, and because of Niki’s explanation of Heeseung having something in his pocket, you figured he was the other imposter. Using a hair tie on your wrist you showed the camera that instead of keeping the stamp in your pocket, you would keep it on your arm near your wrist under your sweater while the hair tie keeps it in place. You wouldn't make the same mistakes Heesung did, “Thank you Heeseung” you wink at the camera, showing how well you hid the stamp. Walking around the staff gives you your next target, this time you get to eliminate two members since you’re one against four. Getting your targets you let out a light gasp. Showing the paper to the camera you show that your next victims are Sunoo and Niki, “Sorry boys but you’re going down”. Stopping in the hallway you bring your hand to your chin as you think, and slowly start to cook up a plan. Finally deciding what to do, you nod before walking around trying to find your next victims. 
Turning into a hallway you stop and gasp being startled by Sunghoon as you weren’t expecting him to be there. He is always so quiet. Bringing a hand to clutch your sweater on your chest you show that you were wary of him. “You scared me…” you explain trying to see if he had anything in his hands like a mission. He wasn’t your target but you did try to blame him earlier, if all works well with teaming up with Jungwon earlier, then you can get him voted out. “How come you were nowhere to be seen last round until Jay was found?” you ask with a raised brow, hoping that after this conversation he wouldn’t think you were the imposter. “I didn’t see you anywhere either, how do I know you’re not the imposter?” he asks back, not wanting to be pinned as one of the imposters. “I was completing missions but no one has seen you do one…” you explain, not exactly where you wanted to be in this conversation. As you both stand there in a standoff with words, “If someone sees you do a mission then I’ll believe you, but until then stay back.” you say slowly stepping away from him, not taking your eyes off him. He laughed lightly while turning away. 
Wandering the floor warily you look for any signs of Sunoo, he would be the best target for now since he would probably make less noise than Niki would. Niki would probably be too shocked and loud that he might give away your identity. Glancing through the rooms searching for Sunooo you decide to head onto a different floor. While on the escalator you pout at the camera. “It's going to be extra hard because there's too many people against me…. It's okay, everything works out in the end.” you speak, mainly to yourself but also to the camera. Walking around you hear a familiar voice talking about a mission. Smiling you immediately knew it was Sunoo and head over, making sure that no one was around you realized no one else was on this floor. Seeing him walk down the hallway making conversation with the camera you quickly and quietly approach him from behind without making any noise and press your stamp to his back before running into the hallway right next to you so he wouldn’t be able to see you. 
Successfully getting away you celebrated with your camera man, “I knew Sunoo would be best to go after, now we just have to get Niki.” As you approached a different floor from being on the elevator, seeing nothing but a bunch of chairs and windows you didn’t notice anyone on the floor with you. Turning to you cameraman you put a thumbs up for your second successful kill before you see a paper on a table. “Oh a mission?” you point out as you grab it and read it. This mission didn’t matter because they weren’t for me but you were curious as to what they were. Reading it outloud to my cameraman you look up to show it to him just because it was a look into what my victims had to do, turning around and you jump and scream. “JUNGWON!” you screech as you almost fall to the floor as you take a couple steps back. He flinches at how loud you screamed but bursts out laughing, clenching his stomach as he leans onto the table to support him. “Are you scared? Did I scare you?” he teases as you grab his arm and shake him lightly, “I almost had a heart attack right now Yang Jungwon'' you whine “I found a mission, let's do it?” you say as you wave the paper in front of his face, reminding him of the pinky promise you made earlier. Completing the mission you both face your cameras and pose, you giving a thumbs up and giving a mission complete to both cameras. 
Heading down in the elevator you both travel together for now since you both feel safe around each other. If only he knew… thinking about doing the mission, technically it was working against me but I doubt that they were even close to finishing. Building an alibi right now is what matters and Jungwon would be able to provide it. As you both wait for the elevator to go down, you both are just goofing around in the elevator, since you both were close in age you were very comfortable with each other. Being back to back you both are balancing yourselves by pressing your backs together and squatting as if you were sitting in a chair while your arms were interlocked. “I can't, I'm gonna fall!” you yelled out with a strained voice as you both were trying to keep yourselves up. Laughing just caused your stomach to hurt even more. Finally the elevator doors opened and he peeked his head out, “Wait” he held out an arm to keep you in the elevator as he scooped out the surrounding area before motioning for you to come out. Exiting the elevator you both were walking down a hall, looking for another mission to do together. 
Honestly, you weren’t exactly sure what to do next. If you left Jungwon’s side and he ran into Sunghoon and teamed up, they could find Sunoo. Also, how were you even supposed to eliminate Niki right now when you’re attached to Jungwon. As if the gods answered your prayers Jungwon turned to you and put a hand on your shoulder. “I have to use the restroom” he stated while pointing to the restroom right next to you, hoping that they would cut this out when it aired. Nodding I let him go, “I’ll wait for you down the hall, in case I have to run,” you explained as he nodded, entering the restroom. When the coast was clear I quickly headed out and ran silently in search of Niki, if this was quick then I can make it back to Jungwon, but it's not certain that Niki will be on this floor. A higher power must’ve loved you because to your luck, there he was. Presented right to you as he was peering into a room, approaching from behind silently you pressed the stamp against him and was going to make a run for it, but right then and there your heart dropped. 
Standing right there, a witness to your murder. Sunghoon stood mouth agape, as he witnessed first hand that you were the imposter. Not knowing what to do, you did the only thing that you could think of to save yourself. Sunghoon would have to go down, and this would have to be where Jungwons trust in you mattered. Screaming extra loud purposely you ran back to where jungwon was. Seeing him coming out of the restroom you grabbed his hand pulling him while telling him breathlessly as you continued to run. “It’s Sunghoon, I saw him eliminate Niki” I breathe out as we run. He looks back, unsure of what to do “Why did you report it?” he questioned, pulling his arm away. “He was right there, I ran to get you because if you’re safe then we can vote him out.” You explain, letting him keep his distance if he felt more comfortable that way. He nodded, accepting your answer. Afterall it couldn't have been you since you’ve been with him practically this whole time right? Reporting it everyone met back in the discussion room 
Sitting nervously next to Jungwon you tried to not let it show how you were feeling. He chewed on his ice cutely and you glanced over to everyone who went to sit down by the rest of the eliminated members. You pouted slightly as you felt bad, but to the staff they found it quite funny how you were pouting at the members you eliminated. “There’s four survivors left right?” Jungwon asked, however the staff denied it. “What, who died?” you asked, turning over to your eliminated members. You knew but you still had to seem innocent to Jungwon. Letting out a small you gasp, while clutching your sweater over your heart. “Sunoo, I’m sorry we didn't find you” you say, sending him a hand heart. He was honestly like your bestie so having to kill him felt wrong, but it had to be done to secure your win. All that needed to be done now was to vote out Sunghoon and the imposters would win. “Look, he’s sad that he’s dead” Hesseing laughs as he points out Niki pouting as he looks down, playing with something in his lap. All the members laugh (excluding Jay since he was knocked tf out), and finally set back to try and uncover who the imposter is. 
Sitting between Sunghoon and Jungwon you scoot towards Jungwon, still trying to play your role to a t to win. Looking at Jungwon he nods at you, trusting you because of how much time you guys had spent together, he figured that if you were the imposter you would’ve killed him already. “We vote out Sunghoon as the imposter” Jungwon states confidently as he places another ice cube in his mouth. As he crunches on his ice cube you nod your head as Sunghoon sighs in defeat. However the staff shakes their head before explaining, “The game is over, the imposter’s won”. Your head shoots up in confusion as your brows furrow, “The imposters won? How?” you ask as you look at the rest of your members with confusion written on both yours and their faces. “The imposter’s goal was to kill 3 members, four were eliminated.” the staff explains. “Does everyone know who the imposters are?” they ask as they know a couple of the members don’t know who the imposters were. Sunoo, Heeseung, and Jay raise their hands as they don’t know who the other imposter is. Heeseung didn’t know who his partner was, Jay was killed by Hesseung and missed the whole game, Sunoo was practically snipped, and Sunghoon knows, along with Jungwon, even though Jungwon doesn’t know entirely. 
First the staff reveals Heeseung as one of the imposters and he smiles while Niki yells that everyone should’ve trusted him. Members laugh until Heeseung disrupts, “I don’t know who the other imposter is though, and I was only able to kill Jay” he admits as he scratches his head. Jake and Niki laugh pettily since they knew you were the imposter, but decided to not spoil it. “I didn’t even see who killed me, they ran before I knew what happened” Sunoo explained with a pout. The other members laughed and Jay spoke up, awake from his nap. “Sunoo got snipped,” he laughed, causing the other members to laugh too, especially since they thought he was sleeping. Jungwon turns towards the staff as he asks while raising his brows, “Who is it?” he questions, suspense building in the room. The staff points to you and you smile as you have a clear taste of victory. Jumping up from where you were sitting you jump, hitting both of your feet together as you threw a fist in the air in victory. Turning to face your members you point to yourself as you do a little victory dance, “I win!!!” you explain, doing some random footwork. Sunoo was absolutely appalled, getting killed and not knowing the killer was enough to gag him, but you, his bestie, had him absolutely gagged. Raising a hand to his mouth he gasps, “REALLY?” he questions as Niki stomped his feet lightly, “I should’ve known” he sighed out with a small smile. Jake speaks up, “She killed me and no one even found me!” he stated while pouting. Members were laughing and Jungwon had his arms by his side in defeat as he rested his head against the wall, “She had me fooled, totally wrapped around her finger. She even helped me on missions, I thought she was clear!” he explains to the camera. You and Heeseung are fistbumping at your sweet victory as the other members piece everything together. Sunghoon and Jay speak at the same time, “Is no one else concerned that she's too good at this?” they say to the camera as the members were conversing about the game. 
Settling back down you lean your head against the wall as you face the cameras with a big smile. Clearing your throat you look into the camera, “I’ve never had to deceive so many people before, it was so stressful but I’m glad that I was able to win with my partner. And I’m sorry to my members who I’ve killed along the way.” you apologize with a giggle in your tone and the other members laugh. “You were too good of an imposter, we can’t trust you in any other games we do now ever.” Jay states which sends the other members into a laughing spiral. “I’ve never had to lie so much in my life,” Heeseung laughs as he sits down. As the members calm down Sunghoon goes to end the shoot before the staff interrupts. “It’s not over yet..” 
“What?” everyone asks as an imaginary sweat drop falls down your face, one round was enough for you. 
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I’ve never written anything like this before and I’m not sure if many will like it but here this is. I tried, maybe if people like it then I’ll do another. I also didn’t double check or proof read this so sorry if there are any mistakes.
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 5 years ago
Humans are Space Orcs, “Animal Planet Alpha, ″
I found some extra time to write this morning, yay! Hope you guys like it :) 
“Watch your step, and make sure not to make eye contact if you see a human. If one seems to be getting aggressive towards you, it is best to act submissive. Lay down and show your belly, they aren't likely to attack you if you do that.”
“Would you often consider the humans to be…. Aggressive?”
Dr. Krill nods at the camera, “Sometimes, it is very unpredictable with humans.”  he walks up the ramp of the ship and prepares to open the bay doors. The camera crew follows behind with apprehension as the bay doors open to a dim interior. 
They make it past the airlock and into a large deserted room stacked with crates and boxes. The camera pans around clearly searching for a human though they don’t find anything in the deserted hallway. Crew leader Tesraki Mendex walks out into the empty room and looks around frowning, “Well, I don’t seem to see any humans…. The audience should know at this point what while I have seen humans at a distance, I have never actually met one myself, this is just as exciting for me as it is for some of you.” He turned to look at the doctor, “Where ARE the humans.”
The little doctor shakes his head and shrugs before pausing, “Sorry, I am in the habit of communicating with humans non-verbally. What I mean is that, I don’t know and it very much depends, they could be…..anywhere.” With that thought, the rest of the crew looks around nervously as if expecting to find a human climbing the walls or watching them from atop one of the stacks of crates.
Krill motions them to follow, “We will probably run into some of the humans eventually, might as well follow me.”
The crew does as told panning their cameras around nervously.
Mendex walks just behind the doctor, “Now…. how will we know when we are close, what are the immediate signs of human presence.”
The doctor turns to look at him, “It depends.”
“Depends on what.”
“Weather or not the human WANTS you to know if it is there or not.”  
“How about you, how close do you think the humans are too us?” Mendex begins doing his best to sound more excited than scared, which though he is honestly scared out of his mind This is the most uncontrolled environment he had ever been in, and he didn’t particularly enjoy it. 
This better get him good ratings.
“Well I would wager to say that one of them is about twenty feet away.” The little Vrul said pleasantly.
“And how do you wager that.” They wonder glancing to the walls on either side of them.
“Because I have eyes.” He stated motions very pointedly towards the back of the group. Cameras jerk and pan wildly to face down the halt. An  audible gasp rises up from the crew who scamper backwards nervously.
“Dr…. Dr what do we do.”
“Everyone hold still right where you are. Do not back up, do not turn around, and do not run away. Humans are preditors, so running away will activate their natural instinct to make chase. Just hold your ground relax and try not to look nervous. They can sense fear.”
The group grows very still.
“Look at that.” Mendex whispers from where he is hiding behind doctor Krill, “Zoom in on that.”
Camera shaking, the crew does as told bringing the human at the far end of the hall into sharp relief. 
“Wow, just look at it.” The camera zooms in a little further, “I don't know how much you can all tell from what you see on the camera, but the human, he is at least one and a half of my height two or three heads taller than I am, absolutely gorgeous, just look at the way he balances on two legs, no tail, no nothing…..”
Krill steps out from behind the camera crew, “This is a real treat for you guys. That, right there is a human named Adam, now he is the alpha human of this particular pack. He’s still a young male about 25 solar cycles. Despite being alpha, I would consider him to be rather docile. But still, stay very still ,and we will see what he does, because it is his place to determine if you are going to be allowed in his den. He could probably sense you coming from some distance.
The human begins walking slowly up the hall, and the crew shrinks back noticeably.
“Stay where you are, don’t move.”
“Can you guys see this, we are at least eight maybe ten feet from a fully grown adult male human, and the most dominant alpha of his pack.”
The human stops just outside camera range one eye blinking at them with an unreadable expression. He looks down at the little doctor and hoots.
The Doctor pats the human’s leg,” Thats a good human, now play nice with the crew.”
The muscles in the human’s face writhe and constrict into a strange expression. He bares his teeth sending the crew members shrinking backwards away from him.
“Humans are primarily visual creatures, though they have great hearing, and an acceptable sense of smell, so everyone, stay still, let him look you over.” 
You can almost hear the bones of the crew members creaking as they stiffen up. The human leans closer. Crouching down to look one of the crewmen straight in the eyes They are only inches apart as the human examines them. The Tesraki is shaking so hard he almost drops his camera..
“Just relax, don’t make any sudden moves.”
The human loses interest and moves to the side prowling through the group until he reaches Mendex cowering at the back.
The human reaches out a hand. Mendex squeaks in fright.
“Don’t you dare move.”
He goes very still as the human reaches out and then begins to pat the Tesraki on the head. He stands very still, “What, what is it doing?”
The doctor chuckles, “it’s a good thing you Tesraki have fur. Humans like soft things. THey like to pet them especially. I would wager to say that he has accepted your presence in his den. Maybe if you greet him nicely he may let you touch him.”
“And how do you greet a human?”
“Well that is easy, take one of your hands hold it up like this, and wiggle it back and forth, yes just like that, now add the other hand, now more wiggling, yes that is good . If you want to make it especially good just hop up and down on one foot if you can. Ah there it is, perfect.” 
The human stands straight and looks around at the group of aliens hopping and wiggling their hands in earnest.  
The human shows his teeth again but seems to accept the aliens making a strange repetitive revving noise deep down in his chest which breaks from his mouth in bursts.
“What… what is that, what is that sound he is making?”
“Just calm down, that is a good sound, generally. Now come here, and let's see if the human will tolerate us touch him.” Nervously the crew makes a circle around the human as the doctor looks up at his human companion motioning him with a strange gesture. Still bearing his teeth the human does as directed kneeling slowly on the ground so he is at a better height for the surrounding aliens.
Mendex held to the back of the group.
“Go on, I think he will be nice and let you touch him now, there we go, just reach out, try the arms first. Arms are generally acceptable to humans, hands too.”
Krill pats the human on his arm to demonstrate how it should be done, and the human allows it head tilted to one side. Its bright green eye examines the rest of the crew as they move forward some of the more brave reaching out hands stroking their fingers down his bare arm.
“Wow, that is so… strange.”
“What is that.”
Now that the rest of the camera crew has touched the human, Mendex moves up reaching out his fingers. At that moment the human jerks suddenly as if to lunge forward at him. Mendex squeals and jumps back nearly knocking his cameraman over. The human makes that revving noise again.
“What what was that!” mendex squeaks.
Krill nudges the human, “Be he's just playing. Go on try again, he will behave himself this time.” Mendex didn’t seem convinced but reached out anyway running a hand over the human’s arm, “Wow ... wow that is very strange isn’t it. It’s hard to describe the feeling, sort of soft, but rubbery at the same time, and it’s covered in tiny hairs, almost invisible, I am not sure if you can see.” The human was surrounded now, by aliens patting his arms and hands.
“Yes, human skin is one of the most important parts of their body. It protects them from infection, regulates their body temperature, and keeps out water. It’s soft because there are oil glands just below the skin that keep it from cracking and drying out. These little hairs.” He ran a digit over the human’s exposed skin which, to the astonishment of those watching, erupted upwards sticking straight on end by raised bumps.
“That little trick can be caused by a multitude of factors, if it is cold, if the human is scared, or even if they hear or feel something they like. When humans had more hair, it was a way to make them appear bigger, the fur would puff up making them look bigger, but now it doesn’t serve as much of a purpose. Some scientists suggest that humans still have hair as a sort of…. Wisker almost. It helps them feel movement in air currents, and, my personal theory, they have lots of poisonous bugs on their planet, so being able to feel the tiny movement of the hairs allows them to know when bugs are present. 
The doctor reaches ut and takes the human’s hand opening up the fingers so they can examine the strange appendage, “Humans have five digits, this one here the thumb is the most important part of the human hand and is what allowed them to evolve larger brains. Each finger not the thumb has two joins after it’s base and allows the human to do very delicate work. These things at the end-”
“No, they are nails, and they may have evolved from claws, but they aren't as strong. The tips of the fingers are very sensitive, because humans often use their hands to explore their environment. Human hands are so sensitive that they can feel changes in texture at the atomic level, so these nails here protect the tips of their sensitive fingers.” He uses his own digits to articulate the human’s hand moving it around, “There are no muscles in the fingers themselves, but they are held by muscles connected to tendons in the forearm. The other great thing about the human body is the dexterity of the wrist, which is highly uncommon allowing it to rotate at different angles from side to side..” He held out the hand so the others could feel flipping it over so they could touch the pads of the human’s hands.
“Is the hair on the head the same?” 
Krill shook his head, “No it is much thicker and much more coarse. Let’s see if he will let you ouch, some humans really like having their hair touched and others really hate it.” Krill looks at the human and the human tilts his head a bit lowering it so they can feel the hair.
“It’s so soft.”
“No it isn’t.”
Suddenly, the human’s head jerks up, and the group sits back in shock and confusion fearful they had done something wrong, but the human isn’t looking at the. He stares past them and down the hall.
“Oh, it looks like he found something, perhaps we should follow and find out.”
An excellent idea, “ Mendex responds from the back of the group where he had been hiding for most of it.” 
The human gives him an inscrutable look and then begins walking off down the hall.
What could they possibly be in for? 
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years ago
Random Ego Sleeping Headcanons
Don’t mind me, I should probably be asleep right now but I’m writing headcanons about how the Egos sleep instead, haha ^^
Septic Boys
Anti: He doesn’t. He just fizzles out into static during the nighttime, so it doesn’t really count as “sleeping”, more like “ghosting.” He haunts the halls...
Jackieboy: He sprawls out on his back with his arms under his head and stays that way for the whole night, but somehow his blankets always end up tangled and, to his dismay, his mask is usually down around his neck when he wakes up. How it does that, he has no idea! He snores pretty loudly and mumbles things if he’s having a vivid dream.
Marvin: He pushes his cat mask up onto his forehead and bundles himself in his cape with nothing but his head and arms free. He’s a fidgety/twitchy sleeper, so occasionally his fingers will catch some sparks of magic if he’s dreaming. He usually sleeps on his back so his mask won’t get crunched, but sometimes he’ll turn on his side without realizing. 
Schneep: He sleeps on his stomach, usually with an arm over the side of the bed and the blankets down around his waist. Thanks to his caffeine addiction, he’s a light sleeper, so if anyone tries to help him out and readjust the blankets for more warmth, he’ll just wake up all confused and groggy until they tell him to go back to sleep. When he’s comfortable, he snores very softly. 
Chase: He always sleeps on his side, with an arm and a leg thrown over a body pillow so he can pretend his wife is with him. Sadly he has the most nightmares out of the group -- not the scary kind, just the sad kind -- so sometimes he’ll wake himself up crying, but on the good nights, he’s a sound sleeper. He tends to drool.
Robbie: Like Anti, he doesn’t sleep and is really confused by it; he wanders around, poking through various rooms to find the others. If/when he does happen to find one of them, he watches them sleep for a little while, wondering if they’re actually dead, and then wanders off again. He’s always surprised when he sees them alive again in the morning!
Jameson Jackson: He usually sleeps on his side, curled up into a loose fetal position. If it’s a really cold night, he’ll bury himself in blankets until he’s barely visible. He often talks in his sleep, but because he’s mute, no one ever hears and they’re rarely coherent enough to appear on his speech slides.
Dark: He sleeps in his suit, though he does take off his shoes and occasionally his tie. He stays on his back with an arm over his eyes and the other over his chest. Even though Dark himself doesn’t move the whole night, his aura tends to get restless when he’s sleeping; smoke will spazz out of him and start creeping/swirling up the walls if he’s dreaming. Sometimes he’ll murmur or hum low in his throat, but it’s so quiet that most people can’t hear it.
Wilford: He puts his gun on one side of the bed, two knives on the other, throws five or six overstuffed pillows on top of them, and then throws himself on top of those. He’s a really restless sleeper, so he may end up burrowing under the pillow pile with his weapons bare inches from his face, and he snores loud.
The Host: He alternates between his stomach and his side, with the blankets covering everything but the top of his head. Sometimes his visions filter into his dreams, though, and that’s when he gets fidgety. He’ll toss and turn and mumble in his sleep until he wakes up normally or startles out of it. By that time his blankets will probably be wedged between the bed and the wall.
Dr. Iplier: He’s a stop-and-start sleeper, waking up randomly to make sure everything’s well. He usually sleeps on his stomach with his face against his arms, moving between his desk and his bed a few times through the night. He snores fairly loud, but it’s usually muffled by his arms, and he always keeps his blankets tight around his shoulders because he gets cold easily. 
Google: He usually stays sitting up when he’s powered down -- that or he’ll prop himself up a little with pillows. He stays on his back with his arms folded over his chest to protect his power core. He’ll whir, whine, or chirp occasionally if he’s on “sleep/hibernate”, but if he’s actually resting, he’ll vibrate or purr steadily.
Bing: He squirms into all kinds of weird, uncomfortable-looking positions and is always sort of rattle-purring, no matter how light or heavy his power-down is. Sometimes he may startle awake and find himself upside down on the bed or mere inches from falling off.
Yandere: He curls up into a tiny ball, sighing or humming lightly if he’s dreaming. He may bring one of his senpai’s belongings to bed with him and keeps it close to his face so he can breathe in its scent. He has a lot of blankets because he gets really cold in the night, but he always keeps one side open/folded back, as if he’s waiting for someone. He keeps his swords tucked underneath his knees.
Bim: He stretches out on his stomach with his arms tucked underneath him, without any blanket other than the thin top sheet, looking as if he just collapsed into bed without bothering to readjust at all. Like Dark, he usually sleeps in his suit, and he does snore, but not loud enough to be too annoying. 
Silver Shepherd: He usually sleeps on top of the blankets instead of underneath them, in case he gets called for a mission late at night. He tucks his cape close around his shoulders and waist and keeps his girlfriend’s hand between his, close to his chest. Occasionally he’ll murmur something under his breath, but otherwise he’s quiet.
Edgar: He takes up the whole bed, fidgeting and squirming for most of the night; he usually won’t get comfortable until it’s almost dawn. He always does his best to keep his hat and glasses on when he’s asleep, but by the time he wakes up his hat’s usually across the room and his glasses are lost somewhere in the blankets.
King of the Squirrels: He cleans off the peanut butter for once before going to bed because he doesn’t like the feeling of his face sticking to the pillow. He sleeps on his stomach and doesn’t have any blankets; all he needs are his kingly furs to keep him warm and he’s a really deep sleeper. It takes a lot to get him up in the morning.
Jim and Jim: The brothers curl up back to back. Cameraman Jim doesn’t move for the entire night unless Reporter Jim wakes him up by kicking/elbowing him or by rolling over/falling off the side of the bed. Reporter Jim will usually be wide awake after that and keep Cameraman Jim up too, excitedly telling him what all of his dreams were about.
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rscenarios · 8 years ago
Daehyun - Take Care Of You
#HappyBabyHyunDay to the wonderful Jung Daehyun. Thank you for everything you do Daehyun, I hope you know how much babyz love you!
Here’s an old anon request for when you’re injured on a variety show and Daehyun takes care of you!
-Admin Em
Warnings: cheesy fluff
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You aren’t sure how it happened. You remember turning a corner and then you were on the ground in pain. You tried to stand, not wanting to quit the game, but immediately the pain causes you to fall against the nearby wall. “Are you alright?” the cameraman asks.
“Yeah, I’m al-OW,” you hiss as you try to stand again.
“_______________!” You hear Daehyun’s familiar voice shout as he comes racing by, narrowly avoiding your group’s leader as she chased him. You vaguely register the questioning look in his eyes as he kept running.
“I’ve called someone over to check you over,” the cameraman informs you.
“Thank you. Do you need to get back to filming?” You ask as you settle back on the ground. You don’t want him to get in trouble for waiting with you.
“If you’ll be fine on your own I probably should.”
“I’ll be fine as long as I stay put. Thank you.”
With that he takes his leave and you look around, listening to the vague shouts of B.A.P and your own group as the hide and tag game continued. It didn’t take long for the medic to find you and for you to explain what hurts. Her hands are gentle as she looks at your ankle and side. You try not to whine too much as the examination continues. “You’re definitely going to be bruised up,” she tells you. “The ankle may have a fracture,  so we’ll want to get that checked.”
She gestures to her assistant and together they help you up and into a small cart to chart you to where they can check you out more. “___________?” Himchan questions as he comes to a halt nearby only for your group’s rapper to collide into him.
“Sorry! Oh, _____________, what happened?!”
“Potential ankle sprain. It’ll be fine. Keep playing,” you insist.
The two exchange glances, clearly wanting to make sure you’re okay but also knowing they have a duty to participate in the show. A small smirk forms on Himchan’s face as he tags the rapper, earning a point for B.A.P before he rushes away. You laugh as you head away from the game.
Sure enough, your ankle has a small fracture. The medic explains everything to you just as B.A.P and your four group members appear, signalling that filming had ended. A small bit of guilt weighs on you for missing the end. You shouldn’t have run to a new hiding spot so recklessly.
The group leader immediately starts fussing over you even when you inform her that you’re fine. She goes to check with the doctor, insisting she know the best way to take care of the injury. “So accident prone,” Youngjae tease, pinching your cheeks gently.
“Leave _______ be. The injury is enough,” Himchan slaps Youngjae’s wrist so he lets you go.
“At least our promotions are over,” one of your members says.
“Yes, __________ will have lots of time to rest,” Yongguk nods.
“Does it hurt badly?” Jongup asks you.
“Not really, they gave me some medication so it’s dulled the pain a lot.”
“I can carry you to your car,” Zelo offers.
“Thanks Jello, but I can manage.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you chuckle. Sometimes his young age was clear. Himchan leans over to whisper to the maknae, causing the two to smirk. “What?”
“Nothing,” Himchan smirks.
“We should get going,” Yongguk says as your group leader returns.
“It was nice seeing you all again,” your leader smiles at him.
“Take care,” Daehyun says, causing you to look at him in surprise. He was usually so much more talkative. Sometimes when the two of you hung out, you couldn’t get him to shut up. Especially if Youngjae was around. But this was the first time he’d spoken since he ran past. As your members help you to the car, you try and think about what he’d been doing, but you don’t even remember him standing around you.
“Earth to ___________,” a voice makes you jump.
“I think you should stay at the dorm or my place so that someone can help you,” the leader tells you.
“No, no. I don’t want to be a bother. I can handle myself at my place. I’m just going to lie in bed with some Netflix. Or catch up on sleep.”
“Only if you promise to call if you need anything,” the youngest chimes in.
“Cross my heart,” you vow.
They drop you off first, all of them helping you into your apartment and into bed. It took another five minutes to convince them to leave. You settle down, pulling out your phone to check social media. You debate announcing your injury now or letting an official statement come out when the show would air next week. You’re about to set your phone down when you get a text alert from Daehyun.
“Are you home safely?”
“Yes. Why?”
Seconds after the message sends your phone starts to ring. “Hey Dae,” you answer.
“Hey, I got you some soup to be neighborly and thought I would drop it off,” Daehyun tells you.
“You didn’t need to do that.”
“Sure I did. What are friends for? You’ve made me soup before since I moved into the building. Do you have a spare key hidden in the hall somewhere?”
“I can get up to let you in.” You start to get up.
“Nevermind, your door is unlocked. How dangerous, just anyone could walk in,” you hear his voice through the phone as well as in the other room.
“You’re the only one I need to worry about apparently,” you tease as you hang up.”In here,” you call out and a moment later he’s in your room.
“Settle back into bed. Doctor said plenty of rest,” he orders. Rather than argue, you settle into a seated position and take the styrofoam bowl of soup from him. “And you should have your ankle propped up.” He takes a pillow from beside you and carefully grabs your leg just below the knee, placing the ankle on the pillow. “There.”
“You’re worse than my leader and she even talked to-wait,” an idea pops into your head. “Daehyun, did you talk to the doctor too?”
A pink tint covers his cheeks as he gives a bashful smile. “Yeah. Now eat the soup.”
You smile to yourself but do as he says. A comfortable silence falls between the two of you. The two of you didn’t get to see each other very often with your busy schedules, but once he moved into the building you spoke more often. You’d hang out at each other’s apartments to watch movies or have a game night with a few other friends. You weren’t a couple, but the two of you worked well together.
“Do you need anything?”
You shake your head as you continue eating.
“Okay, if you do, just let me know,” he moves to leave.
You gently grab his arm and quickly swallow the soup in your mouth. “Watch a movie with me? You should rest up before your schedule starts again.”
“That would be nice,” he says, taking the emptied cup from you to throw out. You start to get out of bed, grabbing the crutches to help yourself to the couch. You don’t get very far since as soon as you’re almost standing you find yourself in Daehyun’s arms.
“Hey! I can get there myself,” you tell him.
A small chuckle escapes him. “You would probably fall using those. Besides, this is faster,” he tells you as he sets you down. “Do you want a blanket?”
“Okay, find us something good and I’ll get that and some snacks.”
You quickly pull up Netflix, browsing through the movies as Daehyun raided your cupboards. You load something that sounds good and check your phone to see your group checking on you.
“I’m fine. Daehyun and I are going to watch a movie,” you tell the group chat.
“Oh, Daehyun is there?”
“What did you pick?” Daehyun asks as he sets snacks down.
You tell him the title of the film before telling him to smile. You snap a photo of him holding your blanket and send it to the group, only for them to tease you about your relationship. “Just date already.”
You say nothing and set your phone down as Daehyun puts the blanket on you and props your foot on a pillow before he settles down beside you. He puts an arm around you, allowing you to lean into him so you’re more comfortable as the movie starts.
Despite the interesting description and high match rating, the movie doesn’t hold your interest so you end up falling asleep. When you wake to the sunlight coming through the window you shift to try and cover your face, only to cry out as your ankle shifts uncomfortably.
“Huh? _________? Are you okay?” A sleepy voice yawns.
“D-Dae?” you gasp, not realizing he was still here. “Yeah, I just moved wrong.”
“Let me get your pain medication.” He gently moves you so he can get the pill and water, which you take gratefully. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Cereal is fine. What are you still doing here? Not that I’m complaining,” you ask quickly.
“You ended up falling asleep and I was tired so I just crashed. I hope that’s okay.”
“I mean, I’ve spent the night at your place.”
“You were drunk and didn’t want to leave,” Daehyun reminds you.
“And like a true gentleman, you let me stay,” you smile as you slowly hop to the kitchen counter, where Daehyun places the cereal in front of you. “You always take such good care of me.”
“You’ve helped me plenty too,” he shrugs, getting his own food. The two of you chat a little as you eat. When the bowls are empty, as if on cue, Daehyun’s phone chimes an alert. “Are you going to be okay on your own? Jongup wants to practice a new change he made to our new choreography.”
“I’ll manage, I’m sure someone else will stop by later anyway,” you check your phone, the teasing messages appearing again.
“Okay, is there anything you need before I go?” he asks as he puts his shoes on.
“Not that I can think of.”
“Alright, let me know if anything comes up,” he tells you, striding across the room easily to place a kiss on your forehead. He steps away a second later only for you to take a hold of his hand. Your heart is pounding in your chest as he looks at you, he looks nervous.
You take a deep breath. “Can I get a real kiss?”
It must take a second for the words to register, but the sweetest smile forms on his face.
He presses another quick kiss to your lips. “Only if we make this official.”
“It’s been a long time coming,” you muse. “I’ll happily go out with you.
With that, he leans in, lips pressing gently to yours. It’s cut short as his phone starts to ring. “I’m sorry, I have to go. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
“Good, cause I’m going to need more kisses,” you call after him.
“Me too!” he shouts back from the doorway, leaving you smiling to yourself.
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