#sometimes I don't wanna go back and edit a post. sometimes it's just easier to reblog it again
problemnyatic · 2 months
when you see me reblog a post with tags, and then moments down the dash, reblog it without tags, that in particular doesn't mean anything. I just reblogged it and then my dial-up brain eventually remembered that tags were supposed to go there.
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arandomperson5647 · 1 year
Encanto info from Jared Bush's Q&As
This is a little place where you can find (hopefully) a lot of info Jared has said in his Q&As. This is if you wanna check smth and don't wanna go on a hunt to confirm it since it's been so long. Idk if I got everything, I highly doubt I did, so if you have a piece of info I don't have and have a link to it, I can edit it on. Ngl I'm also kinda doing this for myself cuz I was curious to know everything he's told us. I'll mostly summarize the answer so it isn't longer than it needs to be, but I'll also copy+paste if I'm too lazy.
The info here kinda varies from interesting, to obvious stuff, to potentially pointless but really any of it can be used to do whatever.
Some of the answers he provided aren't concrete solid ("I think __ would happen", "I always thought ___", etc), so take this all with a grain of salt. I'll try to phrase the uncertain ones differently so you know they're not 100% (probably, possibly, might, etc). If the answer he gives is completely up to interpretation, then I won't include it. Some might be repeated cuz I don't feel like looking back to see if he answered the same question twice.
Just to warn you guys before you click "keep reading", this is a LONG post, so if you don't want it fill up your page, don't click it unless you really wanna read everything.
Antonio's Birthday Q&A #2 (5/21/23)
Canon universe:
Dolores never truly believed Bruno was still around. She heard stuff, but everyone told her he was gone, so she thought she was imagining things. "I knew he never left" was her way of saying "I shouldn't have doubted myself."
Antonio was a shy kid and animals are were easier for him to make friends with.
The potteries in Bruno's room were because it was fairly public for people who want visions, so they're probably a nod to that.
When Pedro went to the attackers when he died, he was planning to reason with them.
Luisa's associated with donkeys because they’re beasts of burden and that’s how everyone treated her.
Mirabel has her embroidery because she loves her family, but potentially also because she subconsciously want to make sure the villagers know despite having no gift she is every bit a Madrigal.
Isabela might potentially secretly like Pepa's chaos.
Julieta's really good at hiding her feelings about the pressure of being the town's healer, but she's also a naturally strong person.
There's a reason why Bruno's single but Jared didn't tell us.
Bruno's favorite food is Ajiaco, but potentially also big butt ants.
Julieta probably noticed Mirabel wasn't in the pic at Antonio's ceremony immediately after it was taken, but Mirabel had already left by then.
For a while, Bruno's limit for future seeing was until the fall of Castia, but now it's limitless.
Alma didn't necessarily approve of Agustín at first because he wasn't overly spectacular or confident.
Mirabel and Camilo got along well when they were young, but after Mirabel's ceremony, Camilo felt more pressure to perform and show off.
Even before his gift, Bruno probably worried and wondered about the future, which is what caused his gift.
The Madrigals mostly assumed Bruno had somehow left the Encanto after his disappearance.
The birth of the miracle happened near the turn of the 20th century, and Antonio's ceremony was 50 years later.
The 5th birthdays for the Madrigals is the big one. The others are "regular".
Camilo often annoys Isabela for fun and also because he's a bit envious of her. They're kinda opposite, perfect vs a clown.
The post-movie relationship between Mirabel and Isabela is probably mischevious.
Bruno probably already was breaking from pressure when Isabela was only in single digits.
Alma was loving to all her grandchildren, but sometimes it felt conditional due to her expectations. She wasn't self-aware enough to realize.
Félix can play the tiple, but not shown in the film.
Agustín and Félix probably wore their respective colors before marrying their respective wives. Their colors are also a nod to regionality.
Alma might've seen cracks before Mirabel saw them at Antonio's ceremony (not at the moment tho), giving her a reason to actually believe Mirabel and pray to Pedro.
Based off the book "Mystery in the Rainforest", Dolores and Mariano are engaged and planning a wedding soon.
There is a school in the Encanto, but since it's closed off and was formed in the beginning of the 20th century, new info would cease.
Pedro might've been the one to know sewing and embroidery. He taught it to Alma, who taught Julieta and Mirabel. She probably taught others but Mirabel did it the most.
Bruno's door might've started glowing again during his vision in Antonio's room because Mirabel is making him feel included in the family (and therefore Casita) again.
The Madrigals do have friends groups, just not shown.
Camilo's gift can be tiring. Like an actor playing their part.
Mirabel probably would've had a negative or even traumatic impact from the fall of Castia, mostly due to a near death experience.
The Madrigals have never tested their gifts beyond the Encanto, so it's still a mystery on what happens.
Antonio probably can talk to animals from different countries, not just Colombia.
Camilo sometimes tries to impress everyone with his gift.
Mirabel's birthday became "stressful" ever since her 5th.
Isabela would probably help Antonio decorate his room with crazy plants.
Behind the scenes:
5/21 is Afro-Colombian Day, which is why that's Antonio's bday.
There used to be a deleted scene of Mirabel getting grounded by Casita.
The Guzmans originally had the same number of family members as the Madrigals, and each member was like a doppelgänger of each gifted Madrigal child, except Mirabel, who was represented in the Guzman family by a goat.
There used to be a scene where Camilo's gift goes haywire at night or smth (can't figure out the full pic for this one).
Writers considered early on that Mirabel would want to leave, but they decided that from a character and cultural perspective, leaving her family would have been the absolute worst thing she could imagine.
It's never been established how long the ceremony doors appear before the ceremony, but 9 months has been considered.
Early versions would show that Alma had strict parents. It may or may not be true now, but it would make sense.
Mirabel used to have a gap in her teeth to show her quirkiness, but was removed because they wanted to show it in other ways.
Encanto Disney+ Hollywood Bowl Q&A (12/28/22)
Cannon universe:
Emotions can sometimes affect Bruno's visions.
Camilo often helped take care of babies even before Antonio's birth. He was just naturally good with them.
The stairs in Bruno's room probably grew as he became more distanced, so they probably lessened when Casita came back.
Luisa's favorite sister is probably Mirabel.
Camilo would probably sometimes be happy that Isabela found her true self, while also a bit jealous. It depends on the moment.
The Madrigals' reaction to someone entering the Encanto would probably be chaotic.
As a way to protect them, Alma was always a little strict on her family.
Julieta and Agustín often worried how Mirabel was doing, especially for Antonio's ceremony.
Alma tried to show she loved Mirabel in her own way after her ceremony and before the movie.
Camilo's experience being the only boy in the house for a while was...interesting. Not the easiest.
Pepa and Dolores' gifts have caused some difficulties between the two.
Especially post-movie, Bruno, Agustín and Félix would be a ridiculous trio.
The candle is now gone, but a new miracle took its place.
Félix and Mirabel have a good relationship, especially post-movie.
Isabela's 5th birthday was the first gift ceremony for the grandchildren.
Bruno was probably superstitious before moving in the walls.
Before the house fell, Alma probably wouldn't like Dolores marrying Mariano. After, she'd accept it.
The other Madrigals might have hidden potential in their gifts, much like Isabela did.
The townspeople mostly either put the Madrigals on a high pedestal or see them as equals.
Isa probably had at least one flower she'd intentionally give Mirabel allergies with.
Bruno was probably a bit popular at one point.
Adopted Madrigal kids that were 6+ would probably still get a gift.
Mirabel's near-sighted.
Camilo's probably gotten in trouble for his disguises at times.
Bruno's mostly a rat guy because he's around them the most.
Pepa has a sweet tooth but doesn't let her self have too much due to her weather.
Isabela can grow trees and crops.
There's no definite reason why Isa was the favorite grandchild, but being the eldest didn't help.
When Alma said "the magic is strong, and so are the drinks", she was really trying to get everyone back to the party.
The gifts can tire out the Madrigals if used a lot, sometimes physical pain can occur.
Alma might have siblings, but it's not confirmed.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be a scene of Mirabel getting grounded. Idk if it's the same scene as the previous one mentioned, but the context of the question might suggest otherwise. ("What would've happened to Mirabel if she was found after the dinner?")
There were versions in the end credits of everyone reuniting with Bruno.
There is potential for a Madrigal with OCD, autism, etc, but not yet confirmed.
Triplet's Birthday Q&A (8/17/23)
Cannon universe:
Bruno and the grandkids now watch telenovelas together.
Julieta's favorite food is probably ajiaco.
Mirabel's first word would potentially be "sita" because she loved Casita but couldn't say the full word.
Dolores' room has a lot of soundproofing.
The reason Mirabel seems to interact with Castia the most out of the Madrigals is because she was mostly an outsider, with only Casita to talk to.
Encanto is a hidden place, so simply finding it is near impossible.
There are respected town elders in Encanto, but Alma is considered the founder.
Pedro said something to Alma before he died, potentially in Spanish, but it's not confirmed what.
In terms of personality, Mirabel is the closest to Pedro.
For adoptive kids, Casita may be able to anticipate the arrival of someone new even before the family is consciously aware of it, giving them a new door.
Bruno's a fan of chocolate.
Mirabel loves every color. She has no known favorite.
Julieta got married first between her and Pepa.
Bruno's rats aren't sentient like humans, so Bruno would have to train them to do whatever.
It's possible another Madrigal felt resentment towards Bruno after he left.
Julieta's gift possibly only works with a combo of cooking and giving, but not confirmed.
Bruno learned how to use his gift through practice and invented customs. It was complicated.
Julieta probably needs to know the person's injury before healing it.
The majority of the Madrigals' dominate hands are right. Julieta and Antonio are left handed. Luisa is ambidextrous. It's unsure, but Mirabel is potentially left handed.
Mirabel's favorite food is arepa con queso.
Antonio's favorite snack is nailed rice.
Agustín and Félix have jobs in the town, but not confirmed what.
In a book, it was mentioned that Bruno was the golden child of the family. He probably fell from that position in his late teens.
Agustín's favorite meal from Julieta is chocolate santafereño.
Gifts can possibly be repeated, but not in the same generation.
The refugees/townspeople had brought everything from home they used to start farming when the Encanto formed.
Isabela and Mariano still have a good relationship after the movie. Neither were too wild about the engagement.
The bedrooms can change if their owner wants them to.
The gift ceremonies will now be different without a candle.
Madrigals still do the traditional quinceañera.
The Encanto doesn't have electricity.
Bruno has left the walls a few times for a break.
Isabela will probably keep switching up her outfit now that she can.
Luisa has always felt protective of Mirabel.
Behind the scenes:
Casita used to have shown that it has only 1 bathroom, which was located in the back right corner under Bruno's tower.
There was a deleted scene where Julieta yelled at Alma in front of the entire town after Mirabel went missing.
Julieta is the one singing w/ Mirabel during the "constellations glow/the seasons change in turn" lyric.
There used to be a version of Bruno using water with his vision.
The line said by Mirabel, "Even in our darkest moments there's light where you least expect it" was cut after Lin Manuel Miranda wrote Dos Oruguitas and the emotional thrust of Mirabel’s words needed to evolve to encompass what she’d just learned.
There was a Waiting on a Miracle reprise that was cut because they felt they didn't need it.
The concept of a new door appearing was considered to start with the doorknob.
No one intervened during Alma and Mirabel's argument because the writers felt that it was Mirabel's moment to shine.
VERY early on, Bruno (then known as Oscar) was Mirabel's estranged cousin.
Indestructibility was a gift they wanted to use. It was actually Pepa's original gift.
Dolores' Birthday Q&A (8/31/22)
Cannon universe:
People in Isabela's position wouldn't really have the chance to have authentic relationships because they're hiding their true self. This could potentially apply to Isa herself.
Before Mirabel's ceremony, her family was excited for her. After, the family’s ability to see Mirabel clearly was too obscured by their unhealthy dynamics but were probably unaware of that until Mirabel brought it to light.
Bruno's oversized clothing was by personal preference, potentially because of his awkward nature.
Before Isabela showed up in Bruno's vision, another person was there, who is possibly a young Alma. While not confirmed, it is implied in Jared's answer.
Félix and Agustín already had gifts, just not in a way that others could see.
Isabela lets herself break the rules, so while not confirmed, it's possible she could recreate mythical plants.
The town probably functions like a combination of where everyone came from.
The triplets used to have little meetings in Bruno's room when they were little.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be a scene where Bruno revealed he had a secret elevator in his room.
Agustín's Birthday Q&A (6/19/22)
Cannon universe:
Part of what fuels the miracle is unconditional love. When Mirabel and Isa showed that during What Else can I Do?, it affected the magic.
Julieta often gives people the food they like rather than something random.
For a long time, Isabela was the favorite grandchild for Alma. Before her ceremony, Mirabel was. After Casita's rebuild, many dynamics changed.
Agustín was born in the Encanto, but his family was from a city, so he was raised with the city-vibe.
Luisa's favorite food is bandeja paisa.
Every gift can be affected by emotions in some way.
Casita probably helped Bruno hide, but not confirmed.
If Mirabel and Bruno decided to leave the Encanto after Casita fell, the entire family would've fallen apart.
The only people in the Encanto were the ones who traveled with Alma. They all got there at the same time, no one got in or out.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be an exit for Bruno's wall room behind the family tree, but it wasn't used.
Antonio's Birthday Q&A (5/21/22)
Cannon universe:
Mirabel's canonically 5'2.
Mirabel has good relationships with Pepa and Félix. Félix loves everyone and likes hanging out with pretty much anybody. Pepa is a good tia, she’s just very emotional, but for most of the movie (and her life before) felt she had to bottle her emotions which only made them worse.
Bruno probably doesn't need the sand for visions, but as time went on he added his own superstitions.
The color of the magic in the end changed. It wasn't the color of the candle anymore, but the colors of Mirabel. What that means? No one knows.
Bruno "felt" his vision cave collapsing and investigated. That's how he knew it was destroyed.
Camilo couldn't really hold a form forever because of how tiring it could be.
Mirabel did have a quinceañera.
Casita has a mind of its own with its own emotions. Sometimes it could play pranks on the Madrigals or be too upset to move anything.
Behind the scenes:
Earlier versions had a negative dynamic between Mirabel and Camilo.
The gifts are based off family archetypes. Antonio is a shy kid but opens up to animals.
Random Q&A (3/19/22)
Cannon universe:
The main reason for Mirabel and Isa's falling out was because they couldn’t see the difficulties the other was experiencing, because they were fixated on their own struggles. They were probably closer when they were younger.
Despite being shy, Antonio does have friends in the town.
Due to the triplets' bday being the same day as Pedro's death, it's a mixed day.
Pepa can try to stop natural disasters, but doesn't usually succeed.
Mirabel would sometimes have sleepovers with her sisters when they were younger. There was a deleted scene showing it.
The pink cloud scene in Surface Pressure represents the stuff Luisa wanted to do without the pressure.
Behind the scenes:
Tbh there wasn't any answers that could qualify as behind the scenes sooo... 🤷
Stuff that didn't come from Q&As but is still good info
Madrigal Birthdays (I'm not doing a link for each, just take my word for it lol):
Félix: November 11 (11/11)
Julieta, Pepa, Bruno: October 17 (10/17)
Agustín: June 19 (6/19)
Isabela: August 7 (8/7)
Dolores: August 31 (8/31)
Luisa: November 14 (11/14)
Camilo: December 28 (12/28)
Mirabel: March 6 (3/6)
Antonio: May 21 (5/21)
Madrigal ages:
Alma: 75
Julieta, Pepa, Bruno: 50
Isabela: 21
Dolores: 21
Luisa: 19
Camilo: 15
Mirabel: 15
Antonio: 5
I don't believe the husbands' ages are confirmed, but Félix is confirmed to be a little older than the triplets, while Agustín is a little younger than the triplets.
Julieta is the oldest of the triplets, Pepa in the middle, and Bruno is the baby.
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ichorblossoms · 5 months
i only remember the day i made grimm and yarrow bc it was 4/20 and i thought it was funny anyways happy one year to these two fuckers eating away at my brain and here's to them continuing to do that for...the foreseeable future
since i have created So much about them in this year, i wanna recap what the fuck i've done bc i have never had this happen before. it's definitely new to hyperfixate on some ocs so intensely but i'm having a good time with everything so! i can't say i'm upset that these two kicked my ass into gear with drawing so much !!
starting off with the first sketches of them i scribbled down before i had to get back to work on other stuff bc i don't think i posted these
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they've evolved a bit but....not by much really. esp in regards to yarrow i had what is more or less his current design nailed down within a day. not to mention that these two both had names within 24 hours? that usually does NOT happen for me
in terms of all the other art, th galleries aren't the absolute best metric to measure how much i've drawn my ocs bc it doesn't account for all the sketches and wips i have lying around and i upload gift art so it's not all mine in there NONETHELESS it's wild comparing their th gallery stats to the main trio of ttw bc those three literally have a decade of existence on them
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(also grimm has five more standalone pieces of fanart than yarrow, so the gap between how much i've drawn the two of them is even smaller)
within a year, these two have, give or take, half the amount of stuff as i've managed to make for my other mains that have been around over a decade. ofc with ttw being around so long there are a lot of unfinished things, paper drawings i have stashed away, things that're retconned, and so many more sketchbook doodles of them that just never got posted so it's not as comparable to honeybee bc it's a more constant slowburn in my brain. but still. still
that's also not to mention the 16 or so full comic pages i've drawn for them?? (most of those are under toyhouse's literature bc it's easier to post them that way) which doesn't sound like a lot, but bc i've never done that before with any of my ocs it's. wild to me. i'm still figuring out a method that makes making comics as painless as possible bc i have ideas! but it still feels like i'm like pulling teeth sometimes! i can say it feels a bit easier to make comics now but i still have a lot to figure out :,,D
also i've been writing. i don't consider myself a writer. i said "fuck it we ball" and started writing. i guess i am on technicality, and it's not as if i haven't written anything at all (hi ttw and the old peartree draft), but definitely haven't written extensive prose before this. anyways i've got a 10k-word outline and am approximately 35k words into the first draft so it's not nothing! in fact that's a lot for me, esp bc i'm constantly battling the urge to edit things over and over and also the awareness of the skill gap between me and all of the writers i am constantly reading so it's overall just a...really slow process OTL
because i'm deranged and refuse to make things easy on myself, i envision honeybee as an illustrated novel, but not necessarily illustrated like fantasy novels are i'm talking like....a novel with comic panels in it. i have a vision. (also i had a dream where i read a book like this i can See it in my mind). it's fine. i'm normal. <if this comes to be for realsies i will have to learn how to do so much typesetting bullshit
i don't have any special art to commemorate my Year of Brainrot, but i guess i'll post some writing below the cut. heads up this is First Draft Shit, even though these are the parts i'm currently more fond of i am...not confident in my skills as a writer yet so please offer me some lenience hgfklhgld
anything in [these brackets] is going to be drawn either as a standalone illustration or a small series of comic panels so just hold my hand and imagine with me.
ordered chronologically but missing a Lot of context partially bc i'm not writing any of this in order. i try to keep grimm (they/it) and yarrow's (he/they) pronouns consistent, but excuse any flips bc again, this hasn't been through any external editing, in fact y'all are the first to see any of these words.
part 1 (years 0 to ~1)- least written-for part atm but i re-outlined it semi-recently so i know where to take it
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*grimm is misgendered here intentionally, yarrow doesn't know The Pronouns yet
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part 2 (years ~6 to ~8)- currently the most-written
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part 3 (years ~9 to ~10)
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does a little dance and makes jazz hands before faceplanting. thank you if you read any of that hkgdslfhlfk
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st311ar · 7 months
How the hell do u do the morro audio thing i wanna do it. ☠️ specifically to make him sing romanian love sings but that's irrelevent
Alright so there's a lot you wanna do here if you are gonna make one of these bad boys (bellow cut because its litteraly like two years long)
what you need
The actual GUI for the RVC
The voice model for him
And a song of your choice.
A little disclaimer if your trying to use most other voices your going to be using a compleatly different program im still a bit rusty for. The same goes for making other voice models, since the google colab everybody used to 'train' the voices is now 'payed'.
So your gonna then get an audio (preferably one without backing vocals, as they may confuse the ai and make the ai have a stroke) and put it through one of many programs to extract vocals.
(Note: use this to grab youtube video's audio)
I use these three since you have to pay more to get more audios per day
The main one people use
And Moises
Get both the vocals and the music, then preferably rename them to [SONGNAME]-Vocals just to make it easier......because i don't do that.
To open the GUI your gonna run the batch file
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Since the program (i think) runs on a form of python.
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Now that you have this open, you import the ZIP you got from google drive. Once that loads you can click the dropdown 'select a model' to find it there.
Where it says input audio file is where you put the vocal track from whatever song you picked.
the F0 method basically determines the quality, but also slows the process. i recomend using either Crepe or Harvest as the GUI notes.
The pitch allows you to pitch up or down the vocals, but i recomend using either -12 or 12 on the slider to change to a higher or lower octave. If you dont need to change the octave, you dont have to change the slider.
Note: the quality of the vocals can effect if the speech sounds slurred or not. sometimes you'll hear what i like to call a 'good stroke' which is what happens when backing vocals are the same volume as normal ones, so a fair warning for songs with loud backing vocals.
Here's my cover of him singing 'My love mine all mine'. since the acapella was a lower quality it sounds a tad botched, but it still sounds legable
Click convert when all your settings are set and ready. This process can take anywhere from short -> long -> annoyingly long - depending on how long the song is and or how slow your CPU/GPU is.
Now that you have your vocals, put them into any editing program you have redily avalible, maybe with a picture or two. You might have to do some volume work on the vocals or other to make the song sound correct. when your done, export the video/audio file and post it if you'd like.
Hope this helps -w-
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buthowboutno · 1 year
buthowboutno's Unsolicited Writing Advice
Howdy fam!!
This is a post that i’ve been wanting to make for a while so!!! Finally fucking sat down and did it lmao
Considering we’re past the halfway point of ATWLP and over 125k words written for the universe, I thought I would share some writing advice and tidbits I’ve picked up along the way!! (especially for you baby writers out there) (we’re ignoring the fact that I only broke my five year writing hiatus like seven months ago)
ANYWAYS, ramble under the cut <3
Don’t force yourself to write linearly
If you’re dragging your feet along writing sections just to get to a certain scene in your head and losing motivation, just… write the scene you wanna write. This might be specific adhd oriented advice, but you gotta use your juices when you have them. 
I’ve recently posted a chapter that I wrote all the way back in November. Did I have to edit some parts in light of changes I made to the outline and the way my blorbos have developed? Yes, but that’s way easier than starting it from scratch and losing all of my ideas when the scene was first bouncing around my head.
Outline outline outline… but don’t be a slave to it
Sometimes all I can manage the energy for is a long series of bullet points outlining a chapter, but it makes it SO much easier to sit down and type everything out properly later.
I also find that having a main outline for my entire story helps me from falling into plotlines that I don't know how to get out of or losing motivation for a fic because I haven't figured out the end goal for my characters. It's easy to sit down and work on a chapter because, for the most part, I already know how it's going to end up.
Having said that, sometimes your characters are stinkasses and decide to completely break away from what you had planned, and that’s okay! Understanding how you can and cannot shove your blorbos around for the sake of plot is a part of learning how to be a better writer.
Don’t delete your writing!
Chances are if you hate a section, it’ll read a million times better after you set it down for a few hours. Us writers can be so incredibly critical of ourselves, but resist the urge to select all and backspace!!! If anything, leaving a section you hate allows you to come back and edit it into something way better instead of starting from scratch again.
If you have to delete a section that just doesn’t fit in the story anymore, still save it!! I have a bits and pieces doc that houses all my deleted scenes that have been revived in later chapters. You never know how deleted scenes might help you pad out future parts of your story.
If you’re a literature snob (like me) and want to just flat out improve your craft… you gotta do your homework
You will always become a better writer the more you write and for those just looking to get out some emotions or have fun, that is perfectly fine! Ignore me! You’re already doing fantastic, look at you go!
But if you’re the type of person to read a fic and be like… “wow, that was better quality than most published books. how do i get to that level??” this is for you
When you’re reading, regardless of what it is, make a mental (or physical!) note of the things you like and dislike.
 Ex: How does the author portray a certain emotion? How do they lay out the scene? What different aspects of characterization stick out to you? What’s the word choice like?
Never gonna bash on anyone who just wants to read for enjoyment, but when you start to exercise that muscle I /promise/ you that your writing will improve that much faster. (It really is annoying how the fucking rhetorical analysis skills they teach you in highschool help, but they do.)
Ages ago I went to this conference for young writers and in one of the seminars I went to, this pair of authors talked about this spreadsheet they set up to better lay out the aspects of writing they really loved or wanted to avoid in their genre. I think this is vv important when you’re planning out longer pieces of writing; you don’t want to get stuck in a trope you hate!
Watch critiques of books!
Booktube is super fucking great for this. I’m personally a video essay bitch, so I’ll sit and watch a three hour long video of someone dissecting a novel and giving a review. That shit will help you with everything from learning how to construct longer and cohesive plots to avoiding certain pitfalls that may turn an audience away from your work. 
Rachel Oates is one of my forever faves and Alizee is a youtuber that I’ve just recently stumbled upon but love all the same.
They have really excellent videos that go into the different tropes and all the ways they can present in stories, whether it be good or bad. This helps you get familiar with the building blocks of a narrative and decide things like wanting to subvert a trope, build upon the popular ones, or even reject them all together. Fic is basically built on fandom-wide tropes, so I think it’s good to be familiar with them.
Just like artists, we gotta do our studies, too
Back when I was a infant writer (i.e. in eighth grade) me and my friends would find different writing prompts on pinterest and spend a few hours working on them before sharing what we wrote. Even if it's not for a larger work, it is /really/ good practice to describe scenery in a picture or come up with a character on the fly and explore how they interact in a situation.
It’s is the literary equivalent of drawing a hand instead of putting it in a pocket so you didn’t have to deal with it
Write messy! Write fast! Write garbage that you’re going to delete in five minutes! You’ll be surprised about the gems that come out of doing this. Literally some of my favourite lines have come out of a frenzied 10 minute keyboard mashing session.
Don’t be afraid of critique but know the difference between that and simply being hard on yourself.
 I think this is probably the biggest thing I’ve struggled with as I’ve gotten back into writing. Before I started posting, I had about five chapters saved up ‘cause I was agonising over making everything perfect. Do I see, six months later, things I know I could have done better? Yes, but! I wouldn’t have been able to grow or develop as an author if I didn’t take that first step of posting and moving on to other parts of the story.
There is a time and place for critiquing and editing your own work and seeing where you can improve, but you also gotta meet yourself where you’re at. We’re not going to be Shakespeare overnight. Getting better is a process, baby! Embrace the fact that if you’re embarrassed about your work years or even months down the line, that means you’re growing as a writer.
And remember stinkies, any creation is good creation. Don’t go comparing hits or kudos or likes and being down on yourself, the act of creation is an important part of the human experience!!! Even if the only thing you ever put out is a 100 word drabble about lightning mcqueen making love to bowser, i’ll be proud of you. 
Happy writing and get yourself some water <3<3
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batfamscreaming · 2 years
i've always kind of meant to fic rec more and even when sometimes I can post a fic i'm reading on here I always feel bad I don't do it more often. The ao3 share option always feels hard to read and you always wanna edit the summaries to expand on what you as a reader found compelling instead of what the author thought to put... anyway, tonight i finally mustered myself and ignored everything I usually do at night to spend (checks watch) 2.5 hours putting this list together and fighting tumblr formatting. They're in no particular order, and every single author you should check out their other fics; a lot of them have updated other things since I read these in my AO3 history. If you've never read fics for fandoms you're not in: this is the list to pic one from and just go. Crossovers may be posted in multiple sections, just in case. This is just a list of fics that, when I found them in my history I said, "I remember this one! It was so good!" and a lot of them are ones that, every time they show up in my inbox, I drop everything to read (or I stow them away for the upcoming three hours I desperately will need them). Because of that, a lot of them are fucked up, so check warnings once you get on the page. But like. I think they're fucked up in a delightful little way.
Also a lot of them are long. SUPER long. You all did this for free. Do you know how much I owe you for nightshifts alone, much less long trips and difficult, depressed days that I just had to get to tomorrow and a long fanfic gave me somewhere else to be?
Please give them some love.
∞:∞ ((to infinity and beyond)) - Divisionten
Post KH3, spoilers ahoy. He got off the pavement, wet, dirty and alone. They left the beach, ready to chase him down. She gripped her Keyblade, twisting it tight enough in her hands to leave marks. It was time to go home. ((Sora and Riku arrive in Shibuya after KH3 just in time to be mistaken for cosplayers. Extremely good Neku))
From the Top - garamonder
Miles let go. Peter B. Parker closed his eyes as he dropped back through the rift, heading home. It would have been nice if he’d ended up there. Instead, the veteran hero makes an unintended pit stop in another Peter's universe - one where he's an Avenger, of all things. (Takes place in the MCU, post-hypothetical-Avengers 4)
Weight the Dice - tuesday
Tony's aim was off the first few tries. It was an imprecise art, time travel by magic rather than science, for all that it could actually change things instead of branching the timeline. He wanted early enough he could still make a difference, but not so early he had to go through puberty again. ((the only fic on this list under 5k, youre welcome))
Less Wise and More Dangerous - DeepWatersWaiting
Fleeing the Balrog and Orcs in Moria, Legolas Greenleaf is shot down with an arrow. He dies upon the bridge, unaware of the fates of his Fellowship, and wakes up moments later with the intention of finding his mother, escaping the Halls of Mandos and re-joining the War of the Ring. This would be a lot easier if he was actually in the Halls of Mandos however, instead of at Losgar as the Noldor arrive in Beleriand from Valinor for the first time.  ((i don’t know who any of these people are besides legolas i’m just having a good time and think this one needs more eyes))
Legend of Zelda: One Link
Third Eye - StudioRat
In which we climb the dark tower into the dawn. ((Link wants a third option. Ocarina of Time climax.))
Navigator [Act One] - SaltySaph
A Ganondorf/Link Slowburn Adventure narrative, first of three Acts. It is not based on, or connected to, any of the games in the franchise; but instead a largely invented piece using the Zelda formula and tropes as a base. This is not an Enemies to Lovers piece, because even though they are enemies in the games? They never have any personal or direct enmity toward one another.
The Inevitable - Phlyarologist
A hero falls. A hero rises. Repeat as necessary. Ravio gets an unpleasant lesson in the cost of legends. ((the only good take on heroic deaths))
The Legend of Zelda: Ten Thousand Year Elegy - winklepickers
Months after Calamity Ganon's defeat at the hands of the Princess and the Master Sword's chosen hero, Hyrule is approaching something resembling peace. That is, until Link and Zelda go missing following a disastrous archaeological expedition. Meanwhile, in Domino City, Japan: a dimensional domain emulator belonging to one Kaiba Seto abruptly self-destructs, causing an explosion that catches Mutou Yuugi and his friends in the crossfire. Unexpected? Yes. Unforeseen? Maybe not.
Legend of Zelda: Multiple Links
Please Don't Come for Me - sister_dear
Hyrule gets chucked headfirst through a mysterious portal. He feels the magic of fairies nearby and transforms, intending to ask them for help. Unfortunately for him, Time also found the fountain, and he has something of an effect on fairies. A “Hyrule meets the chain” story where Hyrule encounters each of his new companions in fairy form first.
Language Barriers - Kastaborous
The group made their way over to the two Hylians, where the individual they had rushed to save was conversing with the newcomer. The newcomer was heavily scarred on his left side, and from the bow on his back, he was the archer who had brought down many of the monsters. “Hello,” Time said, as he nodded to them. “Could you point us toward Castle Town?” The scarred man blinked. “Nanda?” … The Heroes of Courage are spread across ages. Hundreds to thousands of years between them. It should come as no surprise that they are having some trouble communicating. But when they’re dropped in a world of alien technology and a language wholly unfamiliar, they really wish Hylia had thought ahead. Or, the gang-meets-wild fic in which there is an appropriate amount of linguistic drift between Links, Hylia does not provide Google Translate, and Wild is a linguaphile among other things.
To Isolate - Poltea, sky_squido
Sky has only just figured out that Ganon is the manifestation of Demise's curse when he starts noticing... something working its way up the chain. Nobody is okay, Sky least of all, but he’s determined to figure out what’s going on or die trying. He has no idea what he’s getting himself into. This is a story of pain, fear, loss, and somehow, despite it all, courage.
Yu Gi Oh
((Basically All Crossovers & Literally The Best Section Of This Whole List u just gotta trust me))
The Power Of Friendship (And This Gun I Found!) - GallusRostromegalus
Honestly, Mokuba deserves to have a gun. And everyone else deserves to go absolutely Off The Fucking Rails. YuGiOh, but they're all appropriately feral little gremlins. Kind of a Reconciliation of the 4Kids Dub and the Horror-Comedy Manga, but mostly me wildly overthinking the setting and deciding to lean into the weirdness.
Shed Some of This Black Light to Surrounding Towns - arinrowan
What Yuugi wants is simple. He wants Izuku to get into Yuuei with him. He wants the rocket engines designed for KaibaCorp to work. He wants to launch his emotions about his father’s family into hyperbolic orbit. Unfortunately, Yuugi and his friends find themselves in the middle of a plot to manipulate the course of history that leaves him struggling to answer two very not simple questions. What does it cost to build the future? And who decides who pays?
The Legend of Zelda: Ten Thousand Year Elegy - winklepickers
Months after Calamity Ganon's defeat at the hands of the Princess and the Master Sword's chosen hero, Hyrule is approaching something resembling peace. That is, until Link and Zelda go missing following a disastrous archaeological expedition. Meanwhile, in Domino City, Japan: a dimensional domain emulator belonging to one Kaiba Seto abruptly self-destructs, causing an explosion that catches Mutou Yuugi and his friends in the crossfire. Unexpected? Yes. Unforeseen? Maybe not.
While Mighty Oaks Do Fall - WitchofEndor
High Sage Kenji blesses Fire Prince Zuko with the resilience of the reed, who bends in the wind and never breaks. When he is done, Fire Prince Ozai narrows his eyes, seemingly displeased by this blessing. But Kenji does not speak for himself; he is only a vessel.  The newly-crowned Fire Lord Ozai offers his firstborn son to service in the temple. This turns out to be a catastrophic mistake.
Boomerangs and Rainbows - mindbending
At Sokka’s behest, the Gaang skips rescuing Zuko during the Siege at the North Pole. Instead they leave him, unconscious, buried in the snow. In completely unrelated news, Sokka’s haunted by a ghost now.
Mountains and Badgermolehills - Glass_Onion
After the Blue Spirit frees the Avatar from the Pohuai Stronghold, Admiral Zhao captures Prince Zuko under suspicion of treason. Isolated from his Uncle and his crew, Zuko has only one ally: the chatty prisoner one cell over.
You Ever Sabotage A Wedding? No?...Would You Like To? - All_five_pieces_of_Exodia
Izuku gets invited to Kacchan's wedding as the "Worst man". He thinks it's a joke. Or My story based off a post I saw on Tumblr: > Hot wedding idea, the worst man, it's his duty to try to prevent the wedding at all costs. > The best man and worst man engage in Spy Vs Spy shenanigans until the wedding is done.
That time I got reincarnated as a doomed side character - Gentrychild
Izuku wakes up in the recent light novel he read called “ My Hero Academia.” Unfortunately, he’s in the body of Midoriya Izuku, a minor character killed off early in the manga to motivate the main character Katsuki Bakugo on his Hero’s Journey. Izuku decides he’s going to do whatever it takes to stay alive in this stupidly deadly Isekai. Unfortunately, Izuku isn't aware that in the last novel of the series where the minor character who died is revealed as the main villain’s son All for One has relived his son’s death multiple times, unable to change the outcomes. But something has changed this time.
Locked In Digital - RogueDruid (Icarius51)
A day goes bad to worse for 14 year old Izuku Midoriya, as he wakes up trapped in a computer simulation with nine different Horror games. The only objective given by the madman who locked him in? Beat all nine games, or be deleted. A year later, a very different Izuku shows up at the Gates of UA to take the entrance exam What horrors has he faced?
Ill-Gotten Gains - ghostmaybite
When his father and Tomura start planning the USJ attack, Izuku makes a plan of his own. It’s simple, only four steps: 1. Steal Eraserhead’s quirk 2. Use it to kill All for One 3. Give Erasure back, hopefully 4. Go to jail, probably He’s prepared for the plan to fail at any time, but surprisingly, it’s not until step 4 that things fall through.
Shed Some of This Black Light to Surrounding Towns - arinrowan
What Yuugi wants is simple. He wants Izuku to get into Yuuei with him. He wants the rocket engines designed for KaibaCorp to work. He wants to launch his emotions about his father’s family into hyperbolic orbit. Unfortunately, Yuugi and his friends find themselves in the middle of a plot to manipulate the course of history that leaves him struggling to answer two very not simple questions. What does it cost to build the future? And who decides who pays?
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rockybloo · 2 years
What’s a good site do you recommend for a first time webcomic maker to use? If you are okay with me asking?
I dunno what person wouldn't be okay with suggesting helpful art stuff BUT I would recommend Comicfury. I used to use Smackjeeves before it shut down but Comicfury is a good alternative and works similarly and I'd say it's easier on beginners for many reasons:
Ability to customize your comic site. You need to know some coding of course but there's some premade templates so you can just focus on posting pages if that ain't up your alley. I know plenty of good comics that have default templates on.
You can post page-by-page or scrolling format for your comic. Webtoons and Tapas prefer scrolling formats but Comicfury let's you get flexible with things
You can moderate comments and delete ones you don't like. Might not sound like much but I've learned people say all sorts of stuff sometimes. You can also turn the reader ratings of your comic off so you don't have to worry about how high a rating your blood sweat and tears got.
From my experience with Comicfury, it's a lot more laid back compared to the fast pace of Webtoons. Which helps a lot at determining your own pace for your comic so you don't overwork to meet a crazy deadline because you think you need to update EVERY week.
One HUGE pro of Comicfury is you don't have to worry about a lot of censorship. I dunno bout Tapas (I forget I have it sometimes tbh) but Webtoons is very picky about certain content, especially violence and intimacy. I've heard they aren't big on swearing either. I would recommend reading up on guidelines yourself if you choose to use Webtoons but Comicfury just let's you select whatever content you wanna add a warning for and go. You can also go back at any time and edit the content warnings based on how your story developes.
Everyone gets a chance at the front page. Comicfury's front page is set by default to show a list of recently updated comics. Which is extremely good when it comes to getting new readers versus how other sites only have the super popular ones and then you have to scroll to see the smaller ones. So if you happen to update your comic, it'll be first in the list and slowly move down as other people update. I honestly love it and have found some interesting webcomics through just looking at the front page.
Lastly, there's no advertisements. When people go to your comic, it's just your comic.
Comicfury isn't as popular as the big boys so you'll have to deal with a small subscriber count and slow growth if you're aiming to be the next top model webcomic but for a spot to call home for a passion project, I would give it a 10/10
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emberfrostlovesloki · 7 months
Please don’t take this as anything mean. I really want to read your story’s, but I can’t get my self to do that. Not because they aren’t/ look good, it’s more the layout. And of course if you like it this way, then just ignore me!
But you write like this”: _y/n_'s shoulder. _y/n_  “ and I personally (idk about others) but I find it easier to read when it’s just “y/n” instead of the _y/n_. Especially when it’s used so often, and maybe some gaps between the text sometimes?
Again totally understand if you want to ignore this, I just feel bad because your writing just sound so good otherwise:)
Hello lovely Anon!
I didn't take this as mean at all. I often think about my writing and accessibility. I think a lot of my writing choices come out of my job as an academic. Much of what I read and write for my work has these big paragraphs of text. So I'm very used to seeing that, but I know that others might not be. I will try and add line breaks more often in my fics so it breaks up the big chunks of text more
As for the _y/n_ being formatted that way, I actually don't know where that came from. I must have been in fics that I read when I was younger and I just copied that format? I might put up a poll later today to ask others their opinion on it. I do find that when I am going back and editing it makes it easier reading it on my end. But once I'm done with the final edit I can always go into find and replace and get rid of the _y/n_ and change it to y/n.
Sorry that was a lot on my writing process, but I really appreciate your comment. I do think about these kinds of things when I'm posting as someone who is obsessed with aesthetics and the appearance of my blog. I want everyone to be able to enjoy my work and I'm happy you think it looks interesting. Let me go back and add some line breaks to my latest story: Dead Center, and if you want maybe you could tell me if it's easier to read after?
I hope you have a lovely day and weekend, Anon, and thank you for your constructive criticism! Love Levi - ❤️
[edit] I did add some more breaks to Dead Center.
Tumblr media
I accept and appreciate all comments and constructive criticisms of all my work. As a teacher, it is highly appreciated. I also love mail, so if you wanna tell me something about our fav little guys or have a story idea or request, feel free to ask me.
Text Break Banner by: @cafekitsune
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absentcaryatid · 2 years
what's up cuz! you've mentioned before that sometimes you use a screen reader for Tumblr posts, yeah? i wanna make sure my content is as accessible as possible, so i was wondering if you had any feedback on how to better format Tumblr posts - especially fics - for those who use screen readers. like, is there any kind of formatting the reader struggles with a lot, like italics or bolding or strike-throughs or colored text? does it handle emojis (❤️) or emoticons (<3) better? and probably anything else you think would make things easier for the screen reader and the people who use them?
I remember giving input when someone asked for suggestions a while back but I am not a screen reader (reads web pages aloud) user myself, though I do use the reader mode on browsers to get a plain text for easier reading when a fic is in distracting font or unusual colors.
Considering accessibility is so important and a few of the things I picked up from reading conversations on here and Twitter include the emoji over emoticons because the first gets read by the name "red heart" and the second would be read "less than three". The automated reading also will plow through things one at a time so when people use multiple of the same thing it is going to say each one individually which can be particularly frustrating when it is detailed like "smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes" or "raised hands skin tone three". Three in a row for emphasis will be read out three times.
A lot of symbols used as a page break are also a problem when read aloud:
"asterisk tilde asterisk tilde asterisk tilde asterisk tilde asterisk"
And more of a Twitter issue, people grabbing aesthetically pleasing symbols or letters from other alphabets to spell something like their handle. A triangle might look like an "A" but the screen reader will name it for what it actually is, meaning your friend Alex is perpetually "triangle lex" in the audio version.
Edited to add in with permission from user @the-smol-machine
on the topic of 'aesthetically pleasing' stuff from other alphabets, some screen readers won't even try to read that stuff. some can't. depending on what symbols you're using. like artificially changing the font with fancy characters has made some posts unreadable for my screen reader before. as in it just skips the content altogether. zalgo text is also annoying for screen readers. or for people who have trouble with print to begin with from my understanding lol.
End edit.
Pictures don't always load for me, so when a fic title, author, and pairing is in the image only that is annoying. Coming up with ALT descriptions for images is a huge deal, even for things like images used as page break lines. I think a lot of us are willing to do these things if asked, or when we know we have a visually impaired follower, but it is good practice to do these things whenever creating original content to benefit everybody. Also, accessibility features come with most technology so it is probably a good exercise for any of us to turn them on and experience our own posts firsthand to see what that is like for users that rely on that assistance.
I am happy to learn more from anyone or be corrected on this topic that doesn't get enough exposure.
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judasiskariot · 2 months
25. 6. 2 & 17 - for the writer questions
Oh my 😃 You really wanna know? 😃 You sure? Okay...ehm here we go I guess 😊
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
Good one, because yesterday I was sitting there and could not choose what to do 😄 Because of sexy screenshots of my Tav Saulus&Astarion by the amazing @aristenformwarsaw I found the strength and motivation for some hobbies after a bad week again.
Wanted to write on my Resident Evil Fanfiction, barding poetry&songs, painting in the Witcher Coloring book, play Witcher&BG3, doing cardio boxing and weaving borders for my nordic medieval clothes all at the same time. And I was like: “Yeah, I got too many hobbies 😅”
6. the word that appears the most in your current draft
HA! 😃 I am curious too…let’s see it is… “AND”
And than articles
Well no surprise those words are the most used ones. But you don’t even notice it, not like with others words, if you use it two times as an author you are like “Oh god it is to often?! Is it annoying? Does it sound bad? Am I annoying and stupid?” 😨
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
Well I am writing a Resident Evil fanfiction and Wesker’s POV is really interesting to write (and sometimes hard because he is smart and a Doctor and I am not 😅) even if I already did that as a teenager, so I do not write him for the first time. But back than it was Post RE4 Wesker and now it is young Umbrella scientist Wesker. It’s very different.
I am also writing the POV of two own characters in this story, which is very new and interesting for me, because the brother was only mentioned in the old works and because it is a Pre Story, she is a completely different person here. So in fact I am surprising myself and learn things, come up with things I never ever have thought about before. And therefore, the character changes, because really writing your ideas and experience the background story with the character is something else and you start to understand the character better or different than before.
If this is of interest to anyone 😅🙈
17. talk about your writing and editing process
I don't know if I would call it a process 😅
Writing fanfiction as a teenager was much easier. The time and energy were different, that's for sure.
But now I notice how ideas, scenes, dialogues run through my head like a film with a perfect narrative and even if I immediately open the laptop to write it down, the exact wording is already erased from my head while I'm writing.
This is getting stronger and frustrating. Very frustrating. I never had that before.
It takes a lot more time to create something meaningful, which is why hundreds of stories only live in my head until they are only vague in my memory. Until they are erased from my brain.
Also, I used to have whole stories in my head that I just had to write down. Now there are more and more small scenes and that's why I sit there for hours without writing anything meaningful because I don't know how to put them together and in chronological order. It's so annoying.
Since I have only experienced a lack of positive comments on fanfiction so far, I don't really like publishing anything. In addition, you have to publish it in English to achieve the appropriate reach for it to make any sense at all. But of course I write in my native language, otherwise I would never be able to express it well. But I prefer to invest the time it takes to translate into continuing to write.
I'm also someone who spends an hour reading through what I've written so far instead of continuing. And then you correct yourself a lot because you don't like the wording the next day and you don't make any progress again 😅😅🙈🙈
Before posting, I read it a hundred times to check for spelling mistakes, only to read it again on the website and find spelling mistakes again.
I'm also too lazy to post it on multiple platforms and that's also a problem. There are too many different formats everywhere and that's too stressful and complicated for me.
I haven't found a nice format for tumblr yet, like some writers have, with smaller font, getting header photos small enough as a banner etc.
Nobody has told me how to do it yet. It kills my motivation to post something.
So it's less of a process than a raccoon's struggle to avoid drowning, that's probably what it looks like 😅😅
Oh my god sorry, I digressed hard 🙈🙈🙈 Don’t mind me, IGNORE ME! 😅
Anyway, thanks for asking luv 😘 Could use some babbling.
0 notes
always-andromeda · 9 months
hello my dearest darling meda!
I apologize for being away so long - life has been quite hectic of late 😅
but I just wanted to pop in and say that I've been reading your posts and I'm so sorry you've been going through a rough time 😔😔 but I'm also very proud of you for noticing the progress you've made!! 🥰
I also wanted to let you know that my edits for today were inspired by a post you made earlier this week (the one where you referenced "writer in the dark" by lorde). I was going to tag you but then I wasn't sure if that was something more personal, so I opted not to. and of course, if that is the case, absolutely no need to respond to this ask at all! I just wanted you to know that I saw that post and it reminded me of the concept of "hidden mother" photographs, which in turn inspired the edits. "writer in the dark" is such a good song and yeah that line hits really hard
anyway, I hope things will get a bit easier now that the semester is over!
sending you warm thoughts, huge hugs, and a few of my specialty sugar cookies with lots of homemade frosting and a ton of sprinkles!!
love always,
charlotte 💙🎨
Oh, Charlotte. 🥹
I am legitimately just...speechless. Like you couldn't have sent this at a more perfect point in time. I'm gonna keep the rest of my message under the cut so as not to clog up everyone's feeds.
But I do wanna tell everyone to go look at Charlotte's edits (version one; version two). They are so knowledgable about art history and the edits they put together are just so gorgeous and I highly recommend dropping them a follow. Please, please, please, I promise you won't regret it (especially if you're a Swiftie ☺️).
Okay, now, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for just...being so kind despite how hectic things have been on your end. I promise, it's been a little rocky over here too lol. But it's a kind of hectic that has to happen in order for things to get better.
I will say that I am looking forward to next year. This year has been the year of a lot of revelations about myself and about life. Mostly just realizing just how deeply I've been in survival mode for the last couple of years. And this next year I'm looking forward to really starting to live more.
SO, long story short. It hurts now. But it's a good hurt; a necessary hurt. And we will be okay over here at Andromeda HQ lol.
And to cap this off, here's me letting you know that if my sad little Tumblr rambling ever inspired any more ideas, you are totally free to tag me in them!! Because sometimes I don't see your edits on my feed and gosh, I am always delighted to see them.
Thank you always for your thoughtfulness and your kind words, Charlotte. It means the absolute world to me. And here's to hoping that things are doing alright on your end as well!! I'm returning all of the hugs and warm thoughts right back at you!! And I've been baking up an absolute storm lately; so in my mind I'm sending a load of rice Krispy treats, brownies, conchas, and cookies right back at you!! Have a very happy holiday, Charlotte!! 🥰🎁💛
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
Oh, hello there. Oh, this? I'm just using this online shopping website to look at some birthday cards online. You see, it is my birthday on Thursday, and it's one of the ones where the number has a zero at the end of it, and I'm looking for the perfect card that I can demand my family and friends all buy for me, so I can have "one happening birthday". Finally!
I've taken some time off work, and I'm more-or-less going to dedicate the weekend to taking a couple of day trips and doing some other things I've put off for a while. And, I just realized, this would be much easier if I didn't have to worry about updating this while doing all that. So, I'm taking this week off, effective last night when I was GONNA do a post, but then I realized I didn't have all of my research materials handy, and it took all night to get those things downloaded, and then it was late, and also I wanted to watch seven episodes of "Tanner '88" instead.
So this is my announcement of my intent to not post, probably until next Monday. Some of you might say "that sucks dick", but it's a dick that we all have to suck.
So here's a big Mail Bag post:
In reference to my pondering about Marc Summer's absence in a Robot Chicken sketch about Double Dare:
apparently they did get marc summers for some later episode. i know this because i watched him interview tim heidecker on some webshow/podcast he has and i remember him bragging that he'd been on robot chicken and asking tim if he ever had, and tim kinda going "uhhh, no, i don't think so" lol
LOL. Tim & Eric couldn't be more at odds with Robot Chicken. I am going to guess that when they were younger and much more "punk rock" they probably shit talked them when being interviewed for cool magazines like Time or Zillions.
One time my job hired a guy with whom I had maybe one of the worst personality clashes I ever had (I am a demon from hell and I have zero ability to not show it when I'm annoyed or angry with somebody, sorry to that guy I wish I weren't like this okay), and he got it out of me that I liked Adult Swim and he immediately tried to talk to me about Robot Chicken, and I was like "I don't really watch that show" and he immediately asked "don't tell me you like that Tim & Eric crap!"
whats your favorite thing you bought at a second hand store to make yourself not look like a looky loo
I have a B&W video monitor I bought at a garage sale. It's beautiful, very flipable, but I paid 5 bucks for it and like how it looks. VHS tapes actually look amazing on it. I wanna figure out a way to rig it up with some kind of raspberry pi machine that just loops old cartoons on it or something.
did you do something to the banner? it seems more...expansive.
I tried to get it to display more "properly" because it bothered me how pixelated it looked but I think I sorta fucked it up. I tried to change it back but tumblr's edit feature sucks. I guess I should just do an AI upscale or something. But yes I shittily drew on it to make it look wider, you caught me.
Me love the way you walk sometimes The way you talk is so hot Now you know let’s have a shot of rum Then me can make you come With me to the ocean That would be phat You can be my bow cat Nice ital breeze Bring you to your knees We're jammin'
punani likers everywhere, this one is for us
That's Shenmue 3, dipshit
Dang it, you are right.
Brownies was probably the best episode they did that season and I was surprised they weren't willing to do that style of show for the entire series. It seemed more like what Adult Swim wanted from them?
Something for "da" stoners... as a weed-taker myself., I would have to agree!
When was the last time you POGGED off?
What bitch?
Lol I was being silly telling a stupid joke. Chapotraphouse has the ice cream as his sound bite now.
I tell you this guys, I had a weird dream that Toonami Tom said he would sponsor me I'd have to sell out and let him hold the Adult Swim 2021 brand. And I'd have to suck his dick. It was a disgusting dream. No Tom, I would never do that in real life.
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ruanbaijie · 1 year
Hello Hanyi how are you? Hope that everything is okay and that your days are happy 🩷 You are a huge inspiration to me and I admire you so much. I wanted to ask for your advice or maybe for you to just read this, i need to tell this. How do you find inspiration for a new project (gifset)? Where do you usually find it and what things motivate you? I'm feeling really sad and unmotivated because my sets have less notes every time 😿 the last few reblogs on my sets are self reblogs. I know not everybody has to like what I do, and that I should do it for myself. But one of the main reasons I do gifs is to share, and for the other people to enjoy too. But my last three sets haven't reach 200 notes, the last ones not even 100. It's been weeks since someone reblogged from me, i'm just so sad, gifs is the way i found to express myself and I don't wanna lose that.
hello! I'm doing okay! questioning my life and what I'm doing with it, but what's new (ノ= ⩊ = )ノ
I don't know what to say besides thank you; I'm hardly the most encouraging or talented or patient person around here, and I'd never think I'd be a source of inspiration or admiration for anyone. it really made my day when I saw that!
a lot of (if not most of) the time, I get inspired by other creations I see here! I tag things that inspire me in different ways (layout, concept, typography, quote, etc.), and sometimes when I know I want (or need) to make something but have no idea what to do, I just go back to those tags and trawl around and pray something hits me ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ a lot of people here are unbelievably talented and I'd kill for even an ounce of that (tbvh it's kind of embarrassing the extent to which I learn from and get inspired by other people, really most of the stuff I make aren't original original)
please, please don't get discouraged! I definitely feel that tumblr in recent days has gotten a lot more... disheartening, in terms of response. when I first started making gifsets a couple of years back in the thick of the plague, it was so much easier to get a really good response and a high note count even though the quality of my stuff back then was absolute trash. these days, getting even over 100 seems like a miracle, let alone 200. it's all the tougher since I rarely do scene-only gifsets as shows air (it bores and stresses me out at the same time), and it's painful and disheartening that complicated edits tend to do worse than scene-only sets, even though they take a lot more time and effort to do.
and you're right! at this point, despite this, I'm doing it mostly for myself too, and I've learned to brush it off and not check back at the notes at all. these days, it kinda feels like I'm tossing my posts into the wide world and after I schedule my self-reblogs, they're just out there fending for themselves (ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me, because it did, and sometimes, it still does. but I try to focus more on the few people who appreciate and enjoy the things I make, no matter how few they are in number, and it really, really makes my day when they leave nice comments in the tags, no matter how few notes that set gets ( ´ ꒳ ` )
I don't regret learning how to make and edit gifs, because it has been an outlet for me to express myself as well and I've met a lot of new people through it. but as much as I'd love to encourage you to continue pushing yourself and learning new skills, it's good to also take a break for a little while if the responses gets too disheartening; I'm trying to slow down as well (I haven't been getting much response these days either anyway) and take the chance to spend some of my life outside tumblr and photoshop. maybe, it would help and be a little breather, instead of abandoning this hobby completely just because of the poor response you're getting, which I really hope you wouldn't do especially if it's something that you enjoy and find meaning in
I'm not sure if this will help in any way, but I hope it does give you some solace that what you're experiencing is not something that's happening to you alone; I've seen so many posts by content creators here (gifmakers and editors alike) about how response is getting more and more lacklustre despite all their effort, and the general lack of motivation >_< as disheartening as it is, it makes me all the more appreciative of the things that the people who remain do and the communities that we've fostered here.
if anything, please feel free to tag me in the things you make and I'll be happy to help reblog them (though it might take a while because I run on a queue and it usually takes ~10 days to show), and hopefully that might help give a little boost to your sets └(^^)┐ press on! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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rrxnjun · 1 year
stress is deff a bitch but i feel like me and stress are the same now so🤡🤡
it's the 20th of august🤭 nooo that's a bit sad that u couldn't add urs but ur still a king for adding three birthdays in there🫡
WELL I HOPE THAT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN!!🤣 whaaattt that's such a long time oh my but the fact that u still had it is jaw dropping tbh
i don't understand why middle aged women have to be so rude sometimes☹️ wait i completely forgot that accents exist oh my god now thats even worse🥲 YEYY U SHOULD ARANGE ONE IN OCTOBER AS WELL COME TO THE 5SOS SHOW WITH ME/j (i'm heartbroken i have no one to go with so i probably can't attend) (i hope this doesn't break ur heart more cuz i saw ur posts about them sorry if it does☹️☹️hope i didn't cross a line with this joke☹️)
NOT TELLING ANYONE🫢 i look up to u for that cuz i'm still pretty much unable to do i suck💔 SO TRUE THE BEST DESCRIPTION I HEARD OF THEM JUST SOME GUYS!! i was so sad when yedam and mashiho left and i understand the soft spot he is such a lovely guy🥹 being a treasure stan is fun and a heartbreak but glad u admit now that ur a teume 🥲😌 ofc ofc we are sharing😵‍💫 HE IS SUCH A MENACE AND ITS SO FUNNY tbh he was the reason why i came back to tumblr cuz i wanted to see more content and things about him then i ran into the same problem as u that there are not that many writers in the fandom here tbh (or i just can't find them)💔 (sooo if u end up writing something for jihoon i will be waiting🫣)
IT SHOULDNT BREAK UR HEART IM SORRY IT WAS A CRY IN A POSITIVE WAY!!! i think it just means u portray emotions well (?) cuz every time there is a good sad scene in movies or books i just have to fight the tears back even when i was in a good mood before💔 AND THANK U FOR BEING AN AMAZING WRITER AND JUST BEING LOVELY AND READING MY LONG ASS REPLIES LMAO U ARE JUST TOO NICE OF A PERSON💖💕💝 (liebestraum anon💕)
omg 20th august is such a good bday to have im noting it down!!! 😌😌
IT IS the fic was originally supposed to be a part of collab but the writer deactivated and cancelled it but when i asked if i can keep the idea they were ok with it!! so yeah hopefully one day 💓
LOOK lets go to the concert together 😭😭 im like,, half serious and half joking 😭😭😭 i keep telling my mum about it and like the bus tickets to budapest are only 7€ and then i can find a cheap hotel and shit and i have money saved for the tickets 😭😭😭 like. budapest is objectively the closest stop to me ((even tho im still salty there is no vienna then i would go for sure) and i wanted to visit anyway 😌 but my mum doesnt wanna go w me and my dad doesnt either and i have no friends that would wanna go w me either and i am not allowed to go alone so. theres that 😭😭 i dont think ill get to go tbh im still kinda heartbroken but oh well its not the first time :// if i didnt live in such a shitty ass place this would all be easier 😭
girl i think its a miracle tbh but i got the names down. thanking my hyperfixation tendencies 💓💓💓 when i saw it i was so shocked tbh and now i keep getting sad mashidam edits on my tiktok fp and living through the pain LMAO. GIRL my crush on jihoon is getting out of control like genuinely what the fuck is happening to me- WHY IS TEUMEBLR SO DRY THO WHERE ARE THE FICS ??? i found like 3 fics and the rest are like 2 years old headcanon posts its such a struggle 😭😭 do i really have to do everything myself on this site.... (dont feed my delusions but give it a few months and if i dont fall out of them i can see myself creating a seperate treasure blog.....got a jihoon drabble idea the other day but. i will contain myself. so far he's the new main side character of the mark fic im writing 🥴)
awh you are too sweet 😭😭😭😭 thank u so so much !!!! this means the whole world to me 💓 once again was happy to hear from u, hope youre doing well ily xx
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khiphop-discussions · 2 years
Re: Last reblog on Parasocial Relationships and their harmfulness
EDITED NOTE: Just to clarify I do not think I've ever "genuinely" known" any celebrity or public figure like it says in that post. I have felt like I've know things about them but never to the level of fully and "genuinely" knowing them. However, parasocial relationships don't have to be that deep to still be parasocial and harmful.
I agree. It's definitely something that I struggle with sometimes. Especially since I think it's natural for people to want to connect with someone they have something in common with. In this case (meaning the types of parasocial relationships we'd deal with as Khiphop fans), you and the artist are both fans of the artist's music and likely the genre as well as other things.
That's why I got into the habit a while ago of separating the person from the "character" they play as a musician*. I talked about this for a very small amount of time on one of my youtube videos. For example, DPR Live and Dabin are two different entities. The way I would interact with Dabin through written communication, a video chat, or in-person isn't the way I'd necessarily interact with DPR Live when throwing out a random tweet or post about him or talking with a friends. Dabin is the "actor" that plays DPR Live even if they have a lot of overlaps in who they actually are since Dabin isn't actually an actor. I think this can get easier OR harder to do after actually meeting them in person or engaging with them on a one-on-one level over the internet. Honestly, for me, some people got harder after meeting them irl, some got easier, and some I'm in a weird and constant power struggle which is pretty bizarre to me. In regards to the ones I'm in a constant power struggle with, I didn't actually realize that until literally this year even though I met them years ago. (Side note: OK maybe not constant but when it comes to mind it's definitely a struggle but this also ties into the fact that I struggle with me views/opinion on them in general)
Luckily, just like any other relationship, parasocial relationships shift and reframe and even completely disappear over time. But it's definitely really easy to sucked in and can be hard to get out. Especially if these people happen to be role models and inspiration to you in your personal life (ex: that post about Yumdda I made a few days back which was sort of in jest but also partially serious too). I do think there's a balance (just like in any other relationship) but it can be difficult to find it since everything about a parasocial relationship is just so vague and nebulous compared to many other types of relationship. I think going forward, we're definitely gonna need some type of education regarding parasocial relationships and how to make them healthier (or as healthy as possibly given the circumstances) the same way we talking about networking/business relationships, family, friendships, and romantic relationships. Parasocial relationships are not new but the internet kicked them into overdrive in the same way tabloids and tv probably kicked them higher back when they came out.
There's more to be had in relation to this conversation so it might come up again later on at some point but I think I said everything I want to add at the moment.
*Just wanna add the note that this is NOT the same as separating the art from the artist. That's generally an excuse to still enjoy the art without having to really grapple with the fact that you are supporting it regardless of the harm it may cause. I know everyone is a fan of something made by someone "problematic" due to the nature of humans being imperfect and full of bias, both explicit and implicit. However, I DO think it's important to not just wave it off like that and make sure you actively engage with what they did and why you choose to still support. It's important to engage with those uncomfortable topics as well as the duality (or hypocrisy) of why you make the decisions you do and just sitting with the overall "uncomfortableness" of your decisions sometimes.
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thedancingcrab · 3 years
Tumblr media
This week marks mental health awareness week. I don't know how much a social media post really does.. Maybe nothing at all. But I'd like to start this off in saying that I've become a lot more confident in my body since I let myself gain weight instead of holding onto the idea that I should always be slim to be considered attractive. And let me tell you why.
This past year and probably years and years before that I've had to put so much time and energy into healing. It's been one of the most exhausting processes but also so rewarding at the same time. Because I can tell you this whole heartedly. I now like myself. No. I love myself. I love everything that I am and what I've become. But this wasn't an overnight process. It's been painful, I've had to confront a lot of my wrong doings, mistakes and negative thoughts about myself to get to where I am now. I had to find hobbies. I had to pour my energy into other things than myself. Because honestly. When you die, no one's gonna think about how beautiful you were. They might say it, but they will focus on how you were beautiful in other ways. Maybe how you lit up the room with your smile. How you were so positive and how much they miss your energy.
A hobby I've found in this past year is cycling and going hiking and it's done wonders for my mental health. Because I started worrying less about what my body looks like and more what it can actually do for me. I have legs that allow me to walk up mountains. Not everyone is that lucky. I live somewhere where I get to see some of the most beautiful sights in the world (Wales isn't a shithole trust me there really is incredible places). We hardly ever criticise how nature looks so why do we do it to ourselves? Another thing I've noticed as well is that the only person who really says bad things about my appearance..is me. Nobody really cares. People are so focused on themselves and what they're doing. I used to get told I was ugly in school all the time. Even by girls who were supposed to be my friends. But I refuse to carry the weight of those opinions with me around anymore. Maybe I didn't look the best in school, but it wasn't my focus. I was quirky and I owned that. But I didnt have the self awareness back then that I do now. And the weight of those opinions got on top of me so much, until they became a problem and I found myself with an eating disorder and I stopped eating and increasing the amount of makeup I wore cause I thought that was what happiness felt like. Skinny, glamorous. It didn't get any better.
I convinced myself I was happy whilst I ate sugar free jelly and low calorie ice cream. But it was hell and I'm so glad I know what real ice cream tastes like now. As for my face, it's nice to let it breathe every now and then as well. I'm beautiful with no makeup on and I'm beautiful if I want to wear it. But I don't always feel that way. I still have bad days and there's still that voice somewhere that tells me I'm out of shape and should maybe increase my exercise and eat a bit better. It will probably always be there. When you've struggled with your body perception for years I'm not sure it ever quite goes away. But I also recognise when those thoughts come up now and it's easier to flick them away. Cause I know there is so much more to me than how I look and I get so sad when others don't have that awareness too cause I've been there and I know what it's like to have your appearance consume your mind day in and day out. I think all the women I've compared myself to over the years are dealing with the same thing. Maybe when I was comparing myself to the girl that had the body type I wanted and the face I'd love to have she was also dealing with the same battles of her own. The only person we should be comparing ourselves to is the previous version of ourselves and how much we've grown or will continue to grow. We don't know what others are dealing with at the end of the day. And just because someone looks like you want to look doesn't mean they're better than you in any way shape or form. You don't need to be pretty like somebody else you need to be pretty like you. Cause nothing compares to that. If there's anyone else that I know who is still battling with what feels like a never ending hell of not loving yourself.. Here's some tips I've learned along the way that really help me.
- Try to stop mirror checking. I say try, because I still do now and it's a work in progress. When you find yourself doing it, create some distractions. Think about other things you have to do. I guarantee your washing basket needs sorting out right now. I can guarantee something in your room or anywhere else needs tidying and fixing. Go and sort it. We can't change our bodies in an instant, but we can sort out those mundane tasks we keep putting off and it's way more fulfilling when you do one of those tasks. Trust me I have plenty...
- The next time you go outside, look around at people. Is anyone really focusing on you? Probably not. They're probably focused on themselves. Or their dog if they're out walking them (I'm also trying to focus less on myself and the cute dogs I get to see when I'm out). Another thing.. Acknowledge what you're doing in that moment. We get to use our legs, our legs are allowing us to walk and see daylight. Not everyone is that lucky as I mentioned before. Okay maybe my legs weren't as skinny as they used to be but seriously who cares. There are so many other things I can be focusing on right now and you can too.
- Again another work in progress but seriously I'm working on it and it's getting better. When people compliment you, stop trying to find reasons on why they're wrong. Because if they turned around one day and told you everything you say to yourself on a daily basis it would break your heart. Trust me it would. But the people who love you don't think those things and they never will. Because if you asked them what they like about you the most your appearance won't be one of them. Maybe your partner will say something jokey and sweet about it. But trust me, it's not what they love about you the most. Other things are far more important. And they probably love you because you make their life so much more bearable in some form. We all have our own problems. Think about how much you add to that person's life when they're facing struggles of their own. I guarantee, you will be able to find at least one thing.
- No food is a bad food. We can all have too much of something but that goes for every kind of food. And exercise is amazing for our mental health but it doesn't mean we have to over indulge in it just because we ate 'bad' for a few days and now we feel guilty. Be kind to yourself in those moments. Once again it's another work in progress for me too. I pretty much eat whatever I want when I want now. But there's still that voice in my head. They're a bit annoying at this point I don't know whether I should give her a name.. Maybe Ursula cause she was my least favourite Disney villian. Ursula just needs to piss off sometimes. I went through years of restricting myself and I don't wanna do it anymore.
- Let people take pictures of you. I know. Its terrifying. I still hate it now. But one day all people will have of you is a memory and that picture you hate of yourself so much might be their favourite. In this day and age all we ever get exposed to is picture perfect filtered people who probably shaved off half of their thigh with some editing programme like face tune or whatever it's called. Then someone takes a normal picture of us and we zoom in on it and start criticising ourselves from our face all the way down to our toes. We start asking people to put a filter on us before they take the picture because anything is better than being confronted with our real selves. I just don't wanna live in a world like that anymore. I'm still guilty of doing it myself from time to time, but the less people do it the better. I'd love to start being more of an advocate for that.
When you put your phone down and get into the real world and it's something I've started making more of a cautious effort to do lately, everyone just looks normal!! Everyone has textured skin, everyone's got pores, people have oil, people have spots, people have dry skin. Maybe some are better at hiding it than others. But it's just skin. Thats literally it. Social media has warped our brains into thinking we're not good enough cause we don't look like the person who's completely cellulite, pore and acne free in their gym gear living their best life. But in all honesty, they probably don't look like that either. I'm not saying people can't, but the tiniest bit of editing can go into a photo and we think it's realistic. And they're probably insecure about something as well. Don't compare yourself to images that aren't real life. I know it's hard. Once again I still do it myself. But we can make a cautious effort to realise when we're doing these things and implement little changes on how to stop.
If you got this far and read all of this, then thank you. It means the world. I hope I was able to maybe get you to think about life in a different way and maybe.. Just maybe more positively. If not then thank you for reading anyway! I hope we can all stop being so unkind to ourselves one day. 💚
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