#something rotten in the district of columbia
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govtshutdown · 11 months ago
Yet another version of this epistle. Nice to see them put out a new one each time. Keeps the lights on.
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pokefarm-q · 4 years ago
firewolf1117 refuckingceipts (it's all been removed now but people archived it)
this bitch:
When you say “All Cops are”, here’s what you’re really saying:
All Blacks are Criminals All Mexicans are Illegal All Americans are stupid, fat, and lazy All Rape Victims are liars All Suicide Posters are Attention Seekers All Muslims are Terrorists All LGBT deserve to die
Are you outraged yet? GOOD.It means I touched a nerve.
You would never, ever, EVER say those things about those groups of people because you KNOW that it’s not true, even in the slightest. There are so very very FEW Cops who are actually corrupt and using their power and position inappropriately.
So what gives you the right to say the same about cops? COPS! Who are practically SOLDIERS! EVERY DAY their family lives with the fear that they won’t return. EVERY DAY they put their lives in danger to PROTECT you! They, as a whole, deserve your RESPECT!!! MOST ALL “Brutality” cases are from the CRIMINAL fighting, disrespecting, grabbing a weapon, etc. If you’d just COOPERATE AND BE RESPECTFUL you’d be treated FAIRLY!! Cops don’t have the time to sort things out. Their snap second decisions PROTECT them AND nearby Civilians. You can’t possibly understand the FEAR AND TERROR they hold EVERY SECOND of EVERY DAY! So don’t you DARE judge them for mistakes.
and here’s the response of one brave user, this legend, this badass mofo, who replied to their bullshittery and got banned for a day for posting in the whiny crybaby bitch’s journal without permission:
Replying to this, because FireWolf1117 is intentionally spreading misinformation and hate. I don’t care if the staff is going to tell me off for this — for once, I care a little more about setting this right than following the Journal rule.
First of all, United States cops are legally not required to save civilians. It’s not considered unconstitutional, according to the case Warren v. District of Columbia (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981). To keep it short, cops can literally see crimes being committed and decide not to intervene if they feel like it. This has been quite common among police departments if you (objectively) compare the police’s actions during BLM protests and anti-lockdown protests.
Anyways, let’s get to your generalizing logic. I have to agree with you on one thing: generalizing is bad. No group should be generalized because of some rotten apples. However, this doesn’t count for cops. Here’s why not:
The police force isn’t a marginalized group. A police officer is a profession. A job. Cops are public servants. They work for the state, for the civilians. And that’s why they need to be held accountable for any misconduct they commit. Which is, unfortunately, is objectively not the case. According to statistics from https://mappingpoliceviolence.org, 99% of United States cops who have killed citizens have not been criminally charged, because police departments literally protect officers from getting tried. Of the 750+ shootings done by police this year, only four cops are getting tried. So much for “there are only a few corrupt ones”. Black people are also way less likely to carry a weapon compared to White people, while Black people get shot by cops thrice as likely.
What’s more, because the police force is a profession, people can quit being a police officer. This doesn’t count for most of the groups you mentioned: Black people can’t stop being Black, Mexican people can’t stop being Mexican, Americans can’t stop being American (also you including Americans kinda makes you look embarrassing lol no offense), rape victims can’t be ‘unraped’, Muslims (or even just Arabs in general) can’t stop being perceived as Muslims (even Sikhs get seen as Muslims nowadays…) and LGBTI+ people can’t stop being LGBTI+ (unless they discover they’re not). Police officers can literally take their uniform off and be perceived as normal human beings. As soon as they are on duty and take on their uniform, a huge responsibility awaits them. A responsibility that has been abused by them to the point that marginalized people will hesitate before calling the police, fearing that the police will either come too late or escalate the situation. Cops aren’t endangering their own lives. They’re endangering the lives of those they’re supposed to protect. No good person would shoot a man in his back SEVEN times for being 'aggressive’. No good person who claims to protect and serve would kneel on someone’s neck for eight minutes while that person was cooperating with them. No good person would shoot a completely innocent woman in her sleep because they raided the wrong house. (BTW, Breonna Taylor’s murderers are still walking free as if nothing happened.) No good person would shoot a 12-year-old kid for having a toy gun. No good person would kill a man in his car for… picking up his ID to show it to the cop. Just because you cooperate, doesn’t mean that you’re safe.
Your logic is clearly flawed, because you judge cops on their personality, and not on the bigger picture. All cops are “bastards” not because we see all of them are evil killing machines that shoot people on sight — it’s because they contribute to an oppressive system, whether it’s directly or indirectly. It’s more than 'just a few cops’: the government wants bad laws to be enforced, the prison system is getting used as a business model, minorities are forced to live in poor socioeconomic areas on purpose BY the government, gentrification exists, multi billionnaires are exploiting low-class working people even more, there’s a damn pandemic that’s not being taken seriously… And guess who’s at the front of keeping the fragile capitalist system intact? Right. The police. The face of the government, that’s laughing at Black people, people of color, disabled people, LGBTI+ people… No good cop exists, even if they’re nice to everyone. Good cops who speak out against the abuse of other cops get fired, because the police departments don’t want the truth to be exposed. If you truly want to be someone who saves people’s lives, then stop being a cop and get a better job, like a firefighter, an EMT, a psychologist… Anything that isn’t completely corrupted.
Even during the recent BLM protests, cops are showing off their power. They escalate situations without provocation more times than BLM protesters start shit. Also cops are committing literal war crimes by using tear gas and other chemicals against civilians (IT GOES AGAINST THE GENEVA CONVENTION FOR FUCK’S SAKE). Not so protective now, aren’t they? The only thing BLM protesters have hurt are cops’ ego. Trust me, protesters being a little mean to cops won’t ever be as bad as all the innocent lives cops have taken and covered up.
I want to go on forever, because I have a lot more to say (such as why “All Lives Matter” is reactionary and racist, how the police force was formed in the first place, how the effects of slavery and colonialism are still being felt by Black people to this day, how and why 'riots’ can be 'justified’), but I’ll leave it at this. At least I got to give counterarguments to your points. Take care and educate yourself! (Tip: stop watching FOX News and Infowars if you do that, you’re going to develop brainrot! ;__;)
ladies and gentleman of the jury, as you can see, this user not only came into this argument prepared, but they were civil and had links (that aren’t links now oop soz). they gave this bitch plenty of opportunity to learn and grow from this without attacking her.
but your bet your ASS the poor little white girl went crying to her daddy about people ATTACKING HER and BULLYING HER FOR HER OPINIONS!!!! she uses her anxiety as a get out of jail free card CONSTANTLY, bitching and moaning about how, and these are directly quoting from HER own journal:
MAY 29, 2020
I log in to this game to have fun and escape the stresses and problems of real life. I do NOT want to be going about my business, and see “BLM” in someone’s Trainer Card, and have to deal with a surge of overwhelming emotions (whether positive or negative). I simply cannot handle the Anxiety that results.
This is a GAME site. NOT a place to share your political, racial or other stances. PLEASE keep ALL such topics OFF this site. I understand you want to talk about them, and that’s fine. But out of respect for people like me, can you please do so in private with the people you know WANT to see and discuss it?
just admit you’re racist dude.
Also! You know she only put “whether positive or negative” to quell any hate she might’ve gotten because ANXIETY is usually not a positive emotion. There’s not even a positive CONNOTATION. and she hopes to be published by the end of the year lmfao yeah right.
and then, on JUNE 16, 2020:
I WAS going to make a post in response to the most recent announcement, but now I’m just too frazzled and upset about it. Still making a post. I’ll just be posting it off site so I can say things how I want to say them, and so I don’t have any in game repercussions.
Honestly, though. I log onto this site to ESCAPE reality. I do NOT want to see ANY stance on ANY “cause” ANYWHERE. NONE OF IT BELONGS HERE. NONE!!!! Because of this “decision”, I’m going to make one of my own. I am gone from this site until current affairs are resolved. Heck. Perhaps even after. I will NOT be a part of a site that allows…Ugh. NOT going to get into this here.
but like… she came back a month later lmao
OH AND!! Earlier this month on AUGUST 6, 2020 she posted this!
It really breaks my heart seeing derogatory remarks against Cops in people’s Trainer Cards. It’s upsetting that you feel that way, and even more so that you make your hatred so vehemently known.
Personally, I don’t know why any of those Cop comments are allowed. If someone had something in their Trainer Card against Religion, LGBT, or POC, I guarantee that statement would be removed. So why is it alright for people to make hateful, vile, disgusting remarks against Cops? Despite it being someone’s personal opinion, it’s still Hate Speech, and shouldn’t be allowed.
this bitch is part of the lgbt+ community. she’s part of a marginalized group.
The “"derogatory remarks”“ she’s talking about? #AllCopsAreComplicit #CopsStinky #AllCopsSuck
which brings us back to Exhibit A, ladies and gentlemen! Her equating #AllCopsAreComplicit and #CopsSTINKY to "All LGBT deserve to die” and a Shitton of other stereotypes. Well fucking done.
Despite bitching and moaning about I DONT WANNA SEE ANYTHING, despite there being ways she can fucking hide it HER DAMN SELF she chooses instead to bitch piss moan bitch piss moan bitch piss and fucking moan and then when someone calls her out on her genuinely harmful bullshit, pulls the wounded gazelle gambit, claims she’s being attacked, and puts in her Card that “anxiety attack! again! waaaah!” like anyone has a shred of sympathy left for her ugly ass. She can’t handle looking like the bad guy so she plays the anxiety card. She bitches about never having any friends, only depression and anxiety, and it’s like bitch no fucking wonder.
Both the top posts have been taken down, but the user who responded to her has gotten nothing but love for her mad courage in saying something when no one else dared.
Firefurrywolf made a halfassed apology (August 30, 2020) which I won’t go into but there is one line that sticks out to me because it’s such a goddamn lie:
When I state my opinion, I usually do so with grace and eloquence. I did not think about my actions this time.
… do you?
This is a GAME site. NOT a place to share your political, racial or other stances. PLEASE keep ALL such topics OFF this site.
Do you… really?
I log onto this site to ESCAPE reality. I do NOT want to see ANY stance on ANY “cause” ANYWHERE. NONE OF IT BELONGS HERE. NONE!!!!
I don’t think so. You vile, disgusting, manipulative, obnoxious, PRETENTIOUS, racist, terfy bitch.
Oh, before I forget, yeah. Terf. She looks like one too. All over her insta. Gross.
NOVEMBER 19, 2019
My response to a LGBT post in one of my writing groups.
I don’t know most of these terms within the community. Don’t really care to know either, cause your preferences won’t change my feelings about who you are. I probably should, though, cause the Its and Xes really confuse me.
I knew I was a Demi-Ace for a few years. I’ve also known that I was Poly since I was early teens. But I’m also attracted to beauty and care more about who you are as a person than your preferences, so apparently I’m Panaesthetic as well?
Also firm believer of “True Love Knows NO Bounds”
Her journal got moved to 18+ because there was a post talking about sex. Might’ve even been alluding to rape. On a CHILDREN’S SITE. In her CHILD-FRIENDLY journal. It sat there for at least two months. TWO MONTHS. But I will not be posting that here, but it’s still there if anyone wants to snoop. All of this is public. Well, it was. But at least minors won’t be exposed to this histrionic little whiny whitey who is absolutely drowning in her white privilege.
Just because she changed her pfp from her face to a shitty drawing she did doesn’t hide the fact that she’s white, and the worst kind of person with little to no actual coping skills.
She claims to be an artist, a writer, all this, blah blah, but then why doesn’t she channel any of it into her work so she can get fucking better at them? She says she’s working on losing weight, so do that. Instead of shrieking and stomping your fucking feet like a toddler at the peak of their terrible two’s, throwing tantrum after fucking tantrum on a CHILDREN’S SITE about your shitty stances, go for a fucking walk. Punch a fucking punching bag. Literally anything else. You’ll feel better, you’ll lose weight faster, you’d be keeping your vitriol to your damn self and no one will “attack” you.
“Are you ourtraged yet? GOOD. It means I touched a nerve!”
She fucking wanted a reaction. But couldn’t handle it when she actually got one. I’m so embarrassed. Grow some fucking thicker skin, you’re older than I am. Grow a pair and shut the goddamn FUCK up.
For now, the evil is defeated, and I rest my fucking case.
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alex51324 · 8 years ago
So, I just went to the White House contact page, thinking I was gonna send Mike Pence an email with some quotes of recent lies he’s told and Biblical passages about lying, because that is a thing that I do now*, and....there is no longer an option to contact Mike Pence.  
The options on the contact page used to be “Contact the President,” Contact the Vice President,” Contact the First Lady,” and I think maybe a few others, plus “get help with a federal agency.”  Now it’s just “Contact the President” and the “get help” one.  (Which I bet works great.)  
This is certainly a small thing--I’m sure the people those messages are addressed to don’t read them; they’re probably barely glanced at by the most junior staffer in the office of the addressee--but it is kind of weird.  
(*Yes, I know, but I enjoy fantasizing that the power of my words will sway one of these douchebags to do the right thing.  It’s like daydreaming about winning the lottery--it helps if you actually buy a ticket.)  
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enfpguy · 5 years ago
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Jeremiah Fink Jeremiah Fink is a major side character who acts as a secondary villain towards the protagonists and the Vox populi faction. Before we analyze him, we'll be taking a brief look into his past. Not much is known about his birth but we know that he is one of The Founders of Columbia. Fink gained his massive empire through “persuasive” monopolization and through his close ties with Zachery Hale Comstock. His wealth knew no bounds, and in no time he had the police force in his pocket. Comstock noticed Fink’s increasing influence and hired him to “accidentally” get rid of the Lutece twins. His reward would be ownership of the Luteces’ patents. We will continue our story within his Dominant Function analysis. Dominant Function: Extroverted Thinking  If you could describe Jeremiah Fink in one word, it would efficient. Jeremiah Fink is what happens when a TE user is extremely unhealthy. His concept of morals doesn't exist, all he cares for is efficiency and monetary gain. Now we’ll return to his story since his TE function will play a huge role in it. He “killed” the Lutece’s by destroying their Lutece Device. He was efficient since this action got rid of them from that timeline, but he wasn’t effective. That action had consequences such as accidentally making the Luteces’ capable of existing across multiple dimensions. This would be his downfall. The problem with Fink is that he wants work done fast and he doesn’t care how it turns out since he’ll replace the workers with other workers who could do it faster and better. Another fascinating example of his TE function can be observed by how he organizes his office and workplace. Every action he takes is timed and he can’t stand when time is wasted because he could be doing something productive. This need to be productive is so extreme that he even has a giant clock that is used to control which rooms open at what times in his private quarters! He’s a complete control freak and sadly, this treatment is also extended to his employees. In a way, Fink is a one-dimensional being who only focuses on one aspect of Extroverted Thinking... Say it with me... EFFICIENCY. Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition Fink is the example of an NI user with a rotten core. He uses this function to understand people’s intentions so he may further control them like the puppets he perceives them to be. We can see this within his actions and speeches towards his workers. Fink actively discourages his employees from being self-sufficient and ambitious since being ambitious is too much work, and why would you want to work harder than you’re already working? As Fink says, “Simplicity is beauty“ He purposely manipulates his workers so he may further exploit them, which is his end goal for every worker that works under his establishment. For him, they’re simply tools. One of the best examples of Fink’s NI function can be seen in how he predicts Booker will come for Chen Lin and kills him. But he doesn’t just kill him, he manipulates Booker and Elizabeth into thinking they have a chance of saving Chen Lin even though he was already dead. Since Fink knows Booker needs Chen Lin to get the First Lady airship to escape Columbia to pay his debts, he figures if he removes Chen Lin from the equation Booker will have no choice to work for him and if Elizabeth wasn’t able to make tears into different universes that would be absolutely true. Even Fink’s success can be attributed to his NI function. Fink may be obsessed with efficiency and success as we mentioned in his TE function segment, but he also can think outside the box and often does to achieve his goals. Fink uses tears to look into alternative realities and takes inspiration from them. This results in him making his variations of what he sees. Such as vigors, he used what he saw in a Rapture tear and then observed Yi Suchong using slugs to extract ADAM. Fink copied Suchong’s idea and added a twist to it. But due to Fink’s need for efficient results, his invention of the vigor was much more costly and 10x less effective than Suchong’s plasmids. Speaking of “borrowing” ideas, Fink also made a profit by sending his brother to tears that contained music from the future. They both plagiarized songs such as Everybody Wants to Rule the World from Tears For Fears and Happy Shiny People from R.E.M and tweaked them slightly to match their time-period. This borrowing of ideas and innovation eventually got the attention of Suchong, who started to copy off Fink. They both indirectly collaborated with each-other on the inventions such as the Songbird which was based on the Big Daddy and the idea of imprinting their creations onto desired hosts which was also influenced by the Big Daddy. Fink may have cheated by viewing tears into the future, but he innovated on the ideas he saw and put them to use in Columbia by improving the lives of its citizens and his wallet. Our last NI example links back to our first example, Fink pays his employees in “Fink coins” why Fink coins you ask? Well, of course, it’s for controlling them so they can’t buy any other products at other establishments. This causes the cash-flow to always return to Fink, limiting his losses to almost 0%. Pretty intelligent if you ask me, and equally cutthroat. Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing Fink is a unique individual he both uses and neglects his SE function at the same time. His usage of the function can often be seen within a TE-SE loop. Our first example takes place at the Columbia Day Raffle. To celebrate, Jeremiah Fink set up a large carnival for the people filled with attractions based on his company. Such as Fink product trails, Fink’s music, and Vox populi shoot-'em-up games. Fink did all of that because he understood the power of propaganda and his physical appearance. If he makes himself look like a celebrity more people will buy his products is his logic. Our next example can be seen within Fink’s surroundings. He’s obsessed with beauty. This is best seen in his Private office which contains a giant golden clock, gigantic windows, fancy curtains, and 4 other rooms within it. That’s not all. He also has 2 humongous golden statues of himself in his work district. It’s commonly known that SE users are the most sensitive to beauty thus desire the most. Our last example occurs when he’s “interviewing” Booker DeWitt for a new job position of head security of Fink industries! This interview is forced onto Booker, who’s confused to why Fink is doing this. Fink retorts by claiming that Booker needs to kill the other applicants if he wants the job. But in reality, Fink just wants to be entertained by Booker’s ability to kill others. Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling We’re going to be straightforward on this function. Fink only uses the FI functions for 2 things. To spread his ideas about how work is hard and how everyone should work as hard as possible and for his projection of his “strong” values on which humans are worthy of his respect and which ones are tools to be used. This is driven by his white supremacist morals and ideals. Fink only hires non-American white people such as the Irish and minorities of all backgrounds. He does this intending to keep everyone underpaid and overworked. He wants to control their lives since he doesn’t see them as human. It’s pretty bad, but that’s how he functions Jeremiah Fink represents the extreme values of the 1900s America. He also represents a human who has been stripped away of all morality, thus resulting in Fink only caring for his own personal gain and the thrill of crushing his competition or anyone he deems a risk. These traits can be linked to psychopathy. https://youtu.be/FVhDUf-speQ
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hencoplumbingservices · 6 years ago
Libraries have role on, off camera for movie about homelessness
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Laura Ellsworth and Dre de Leon joke that the idea for screening “The Public” at Vancouver’s Kiggins Theatre came about due to their mutual love of Emilio Estevez and Ryan Dowd. You’re likely familiar with writer/director/actor Estevez of “The Breakfast Club” and “The Mighty Ducks” fame, but who is Ryan Dowd?
“He’s kind of a library celebrity. He’s a big deal,” said de Leon, branch supervisor at Vancouver Community Library.
Dowd is the executive director of Hesed House, the second-largest shelter in Illinois, and he wrote “The Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness.”
Last fall, he trained local library staff on how to effectively interact with homeless patrons. Dowd and Estevez have been touring the country, promoting “The Public,” which opens April 12 at Kiggins Theatre. Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle and representatives from the library and Council for the Homeless will speak around 7 p.m. before the film starts.
“We’re fortunate in that homelessness is on the top of everyone’s minds right now,” said Ellsworth, strategic partnerships manager at Council for the Homeless. A mainstream film that looks at homelessness is “a good opportunity to really engage with the community around it,” she said.
“The Public” was shot in January 2017 at The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County in Ohio. It follows homeless patrons who refuse to leave the library on a subzero night and the librarians who help them, leading to a standoff with police.
Richard Beer, director of programming and marketing for the theater, said the movie came on his radar after a customer saw it at the Toronto International Film Festival. More people, including library staff, said they wanted the Kiggins to show the film.
“The Public” deals with heavy topics but is full of humor and is overall an upbeat, positive film, said Beer, who watched it about a month ago.
“Some people might think it’s dark or dry or something, but it’s entertaining and fast moving,” he said. “I can see librarians getting up and cheering at several points in the film.”
The movie earned 63 percent approval on Rotten Tomatoes’ Tomatometer and 82 percent of audiences liked it, as of Friday.
Friends of Vancouver Community Library bought 100 tickets to “The Public” to give away to interested people, partner agencies, city and county councilors, and those who are or have been homeless. People who show their library card can get $7 tickets on the opening night.
On May 2, the downtown library will host a discussion of “The Public,” topics in the film and tie them back to Clark County’s Homeless Action Plan.
“We can really give the community a tangible response to what does the picture look like in Clark County? What has been done? What is our system that’s in place? What are our goals in the next couple of years?” Ellsworth said. “Another opportunity around this movie is to just highlight the fact that we don’t have enough emergency shelter, especially in the winter, and we really rely on the generosity of our community to take people in.”
At the end of March, Clark County wrapped up its winter shelter season, a resource that’s primarily provided by the local faith community. Ellsworth said there were 49 times when severe weather was called, meaning the temperatures dropped below freezing or there was ice or snow, and emergency shelters were asked to open.
The severe-weather shelter system has been in place for two years, prompted by a large dumping of snow one winter that took awhile to melt. Pacific Northwest winters are typically mild compared to those in Cincinnati, the city portrayed in “The Public.” In the Midwest, it’s imperative people without homes are provided shelter because they could die of hypothermia.
Clark County Public Health reported no deaths by hypothermia in 2018. Figures for the first quarter of 2019 were unavailable.
Hours of operation
The Salt Lake City Public Library System at one point looked into opening the first 24/7 library but ultimately discontinued the inquiry based on projected costs.
Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries does not operate 24/7 and is not a shelter. The district has had to make decisions around homelessness, which include banning camping around the downtown library, adding a rule that people can only bring in what they can carry in one trip, and making its policies against bathing or washing clothes in its restrooms more explicit.
Through the training with Dowd, the shelter director and author, library staff learned empathy-driven approaches to enforcing the institution’s rules.
“Just like with anybody else, if you treat people with respect and you develop a rapport and you have a good relationship with somebody, it’s going to be a lot easier to have those more difficult conversations,” de Leon said.
Ellsworth said that society has a middle-class lens for what’s considered normal behavior, so poverty is viewed as abnormal, distasteful or threatening.
“Someone said recently that people experiencing homelessness are simultaneously the most scrutinized members of our society and the most invisible members of our society. … That rang very true to me,” she said.
For librarians, it’s a matter of discerning whether someone is doing something that’s truly against the rules or whether other patrons just find that person unpleasant because they’re having to witness their poverty. Rules based on society’s norms and middle class timelines may not work for someone who’s homeless and can’t think beyond the next 24 hours.
Vancouver Community Library recently formed partnerships with Council for the Homeless and Community Services Northwest, where social workers are available in the library and can connect homeless people to resources. One man who frequented the library was homeless for 34 years before he recently got housing.
“That happened because of the library partnership,” Ellsworth said.
He visited the downtown library the other day.
“He looks great. He’s so stoked,” de Leon said.
If You Go
• What: Opening night of “The Public,” rated PG-13. • When: Speakers at 7 p.m., movie starts at 7:30 p.m. April 12. • Where: Kiggins Theatre, 1011 Main St., Vancouver. • More info: KigginsTheatre.com. • Cost: $10 at the door; $7 with a library card (only on April 12); $7 advance. • • • • What: Community discussion about “The Public.” • When: 6 p.m. May 2. • Where: Columbia Room, Vancouver Community Library, 901 C St., Vancouver. • More info: fvrl.librarymarket.com/public-community-conversation. [Read More …]
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learnprogress · 8 years ago
LEAK: Shock Country Bribed Flynn to PROTECT ISIS Terrorists. This is Treason.
A recent report reveals that former Trump adviser Michael Flynn purposefully delayed an attack on ISIS at the request of Turkey, a country he lobbied for during the 2016 Presidential election. Flynn was bribed to be soft on ISIS, and Trump listened to him.
It’s a pretty damning allegation, and already screams of treason are ringing through the media—and for good reason. For starters, Flynn failed to report that he was lobbying for Turkey in 2016.
Secondly, during that time Flynn received more than $500,000 from Turkey for his efforts. He didn’t disclose this information while he was being vetted for his high-powered White House position.
U.S. law enforcement agencies were already investigating Flynn for these activities. Now we know that Donald Trump knew Flynn was under investigation but appointed him as National Security Advisor anyway.
All that was already bad enough, but none of that is tied to the reason that Michael Flynn is no longer the National Security Advisor. Instead, Flynn left the position for communicating with Russia.
It makes you wonder just whose interests Flynn was really working for all this time.
After serving as National Security Advisor for only 24 days, Michael Flynn resigned amid news that he had communications with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office. Flynn also admitted that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about the nature of these discussions.
The plan to attack Raqqa, a Syrian city and the ISIS capital, was prepared months in advance of Donald Trump’s inauguration under the Obama Administration. By the time Trump stepped into the Oval Office, he just needed to give the green light and approve the plan.
But taking Flynn’s advice, Trump did not approve that plan. To date, Raqqa remains in the hands of ISIS.
Essentially, Turkey bribed Flynn to get Trump to be soft on ISIS. This is treason at the highest level.
POLL: Does Flynn belong in jail?
Do you think Flynn colluded with Turkey to allow ISIS to remain in Syria, despite a solid plan to destroy one of their strongholds? Vote in our poll and tell us your opinion!
function googleBarChartInit() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Answer', 'Count'], ["Yes! Lock him up!", 0], ["No, this is normal.", 0], ]); var options = { title: 'POLL: Does Flynn belong in jail? results' }; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById("poll_values_6192")); chart.draw(data, options); } }
Turkey did not approve of the strategy to seize Raqqa at all, as the plan would see U.S. forces arm Kurdish forces in Syria.
Turkey and Kurdish separatists have had multiple border skirmishes in recent years, and tensions remain high between the two groups.
The U.S. has forged tenuous alliances with both groups in its war against ISIS, working with Turkey and Kurdish forces separately in order to attack the terrorist group. However, Turkey and the Kurdish forces will not and do not work together in the War on Terror.
In just a few days, the annual U.S.-Turkey business conference is scheduled to begin in Washington, D.C. This year, it’s been moved from the Ritz-Carlton, where it has been held in the past, to the Trump International Hotel.
So…is it starting to look a little bit more like treason now?
Something’s rotten in the District of Columbia. Share this story, and make sure the foul stench of this treasonous activity spreads far and wide—because all Americans deserve to know what’s really happening in our White House.
The post LEAK: Shock Country Bribed Flynn to PROTECT ISIS Terrorists. This is Treason. appeared first on Learn Progress.
from LEAK: Shock Country Bribed Flynn to PROTECT ISIS Terrorists. This is Treason.
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