#something about this email thread just makes me want to stand in a dark room and scream
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year ago
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Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down. A ✿ / ❀
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cheapthrillsbeca · 4 years ago
how about #11?
11. “I thought I would be okay with just being friends but… All I can think of when I’m around you is how badly I want to kiss you and how I can’t do that anymore.”
This is how it starts: with a heat-of-the-moment kiss backstage after the USO tour, when Beca pulls Chloe to her because she just can’t take it anymore. 
Because there’s been this tension building between them for years and Beca’s sick of Jesses and Chicagos getting in the way of figuring out what, exactly, it means.
So she closes her eyes and jumps off the cliff head-first, reeling Chloe in by her hand and covering her mouth with her own. Time freezes and Beca hangs there, suspended, for a single terrifying second before Chloe kisses her back.
She crash lands, then, and keeps crashing, over and over, as Chloe threads her fingers into Beca’s hair, traces along the shell of her ear, hitches Beca’s leg around her hip, pulling her up onto her toes.  
Beca is the kind of person who finds comfort in heading down a known path. She sets goals and lays plans and, while she’s willing to deviate from them when it makes sense, she generally knows where she’ll end up.
Tonight, she knows where she’s going when Chloe links their fingers together and pulls Beca to a taxi, to the hotel elevator, to Beca’s own room. 
She knows where it’s going when Chloe walks her backwards until her thighs bump against the bed. 
She knows where it’s going when Chloe helps her shimmy out of her skirt, when Chloe’s boots land heavily somewhere on the carpeted floor.
She knows where it’s going when Chloe’s mouth scorches a wet trail down her body, when all Beca can do is fist her hand in Chloe’s hair and try her best to be quiet. 
So yeah, she knows where it’s going. 
But she doesn’t know where it will lead.
This is where it leads: to love bites and sore muscles and sated, sleepy smiles.
To a heady few weeks of awe-stuck happiness. Back in New York, back in their apartment where they’re now free to share their bed exactly as they’d like, thanks to Amy jetting off somewhere before coming home. 
Beca still doesn’t know what this is, but she knows that this is exactly what it’s meant to feel like. 
They spend full days in bed, and when their empty stomachs can’t be ignored they venture out onto dark streets for slices of pizza or cartons of Chinese food or chicken and rice from Beca’s favorite food truck. They sleep tangled up together, even when it’s sticky out and their feeble air conditioner can’t muster more than a cool breeze. They keep their phones on Do Not Disturb and sit together in the bath, Beca leaning back against Chloe and closing her eyes, trying her best to commit every sensation to memory.
Because three weeks are almost up and she’s worked it out; she knows where it will lead, now.
Soon, it leads to emails and voicemails that can’t be ignored.
It leads to signed contracts and packed bags and an ambiguous goodbye.
It leads to missed FaceTimes and unsatisfying phone calls and this heavy feeling in Beca’s chest, like she’s trying to give a part of herself to too many people and disappointing everyone.
This is how it ends: with two short texts letting her off the hook.
Chloe [10:03 p.m.]: it’s okay, becs
Chloe [10:03 p.m.]: we tried
(Beca isn’t sure she wanted to be let off the hook.)
(She isn’t sure what they were trying for, either. Or that she tried her best.)
(The only thing she’s sure of is that she’s never felt worse.)
Eventually, it gets better. Gets easier.
They go back to being friends. 
And it works, for a while. Because Beca’s traveling a lot now and it’d be impossible to see Chloe in this stage of her new life, but it helps to know she’s there, at the other end of the phone.
It’s for the best, she tells herself.
(It’s a lie.)
This is where it comes to a head: in the upstairs bathroom of Beca’s rented house, during the after-after party to celebrate her album release.
She’d invited the Bellas to come out a few days early to hang out in LA and of course they all agreed -- even Amy, who’s living in Saint Tropez now, apparently.
Even Chloe.
Chloe, who Beca knows has been trying her very best to act like everything is okay between them. 
Chloe, who pretended not to notice that Beca hugged her for a little too long or, once she finally pulled away, that her gaze dropped to Chloe’s lips. 
Chloe, who must have known that Beca was following her up the stairs, because when she walks into the bathroom she doesn’t bother to shut the door.
Beca steps inside the small room and closes the door behind her, stands there with the doorknob pressing into her back. She watches Chloe, who’s at the vanity, palms flat on the marble countertop as she stares down at the sink.
The silence stretches on and on, and Beca doesn’t know how they’ll ever get past it.
Then Chloe makes a quiet sound -- something between a whimper and a sob -- and it cuts through Beca like a knife. Beca rushes over and tugs on her wrist until Chloe turns around to face her. Her eyes are wet, and the knife twists in Beca’s chest.
“I’m sorry,” Chloe says, tensing her jaw and glancing up at the ceiling. “I thought I would be okay with just being friends but… All I can think of when I’m around you is how badly I want to kiss you and how I can’t do that anymore.”
And Beca gets that feeling again, like time has frozen, or like she’s watching this moment unfold from afar, like it’s happening to someone else.
Because she should be the one apologizing. The one saying those words. The one confessing how she feels.
It hits her then, out of nowhere. 
She always knew what this was.
She always knew where they’d end up.
She just didn’t know she knew it. Her mind’s fun like that, sometimes.
Beca steps in and cradles Chloe’s face in her hands. She rubs her thumbs across her cheeks, smoothing the tears away.
“What if we could, though?” she asks softly. 
“Beca…” Chloe lets out a shuddering breath. “We can’t. It’s too hard,” she says, even as her hands land on Beca’s waist. “We- we tried.” 
“I should’ve tried harder,” Beca whispers. She rests her forehead against Chloe’s, eyes squeezed shut. “I was so dumb, baby, I didn’t know. But I can try harder, okay? I promise. Let me try?”
Beca can tell Chloe’s silently warring within herself, struggling with what to do next. Her body betrays her, though, because her arms close around Beca, pulling her closer.
“You didn’t know what?”
And that’s when Beca starts to cry. She holds Chloe against her as she tells her all the things she didn’t know, saving the one chief among them for last. 
When she’s done Chloe doesn’t move a muscle, doesn’t take a breath, doesn’t make a sound. 
(Beca’s plummeting again, down, down, down.)
Then, with a sharp inhale, Chloe tilts her head to the side and finds Beca’s lips. Their cheeks are wet and they’re both trembling, but Beca thinks it’s the best kiss she’s ever had.
It feels like a beginning.
She knows where it’s going, now.
She knows where it will lead.
(She can’t fucking wait to get there.)
This is how it really starts: with Beca’s voice breaking as she reaches the last item on her long list of confessions.
“I didn’t know I was so desperately in love with you, Chlo.”
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itsjustmyfantasyroom · 4 years ago
Unlikely Lovers Chapter Two
It was been so much fun writing this series with @beccabarba​ . Thank you for putting up with my bad grammar and horrible spelling mistakes just to be thirsty with me over this amazing man.
Master List
Warnings: Slightly cranky Nick, Smut: Male receiving.
WC:  2713
Enjoy x
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Neither of you were back at work until Monday morning, and you made the most of not working the weekend. Not much sleep was had on Saturday night, as you explored each other’s bodies, revelled in the sweet relief of finally acknowledging how you felt about each other. Nick eventually left your place on Sunday afternoon, with lingering kisses on the doorstep. Both of you were well aware that this wasn’t just a friends-with-benefits hook up, although neither of you were quite ready to admit to any deeper emotions yet. But you ended up messaging most of the evening too.
All of which made seeing him on Monday morning, in the bullpen of the 16th precinct, where you’d seen him so many times before, seem very surreal. He was already there when you arrived, getting his typical early start. He was standing at his desk, in a burgundy shirt and dark suit pants, his thumbs hooked in his belt as he teased Amanda about her taste in movies.
“I can’t help it if y’all are cowards,” Amanda was saying, as you approached. She leaned back in her chair and grinned at you. “Morning, Y/N, Nick was just telling me you couldn’t make it through the movie.” She shook her head good naturedly. “Cops who can deal with a crime scene but not a few zombies…”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “Next time, I’ll pick the movie,” you retorted, looking at her but refusing to meet Nick’s eyes. You didn’t trust yourself to look at him, especially while your movie night was the topic of conversation.
“What’s it gonna be, Dirty Dancing or something?” Amanda smirked.
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet,” you retorted, going to sit at your desk. If Amanda had noticed that you’d not so much as greeted Nick, she didn’t say anything.
After you’d checked your emails, you watched Amanda get up from her desk to make a call on her personal phone, rolling her eyes as she walked towards the exit. You glanced across at Nick, but he was reading a paper file on his desk and didn’t look up. Probably just as well, since you had no idea how to talk to him in this setting, everything had changed. It was exciting, but it was unnerving too. A pang of nerves hit you in the gut: what if being around you at work made him change his mind? What if the reality of this was too much for him – or for you? What if he wasn’t sure, and just looking for comfort? He’d not dated much since his divorce, after all, and you were an unlikely pairing. Was that why he wasn’t acknowledging you now?
To calm your nerves, and take the edge off your tiredness, you got up to make a cup of coffee. There was a fresh pot ready and waiting. You were just pouring it into your cup when you felt – with your detective’s instincts – someone close behind you. Just before you turned, you felt his hands slide onto your hips, his fingers slipping just under the waistband of your pants. He was very close behind you, but not quite touching.
“Want a coffee, Detective Amaro?” you said, hearing the edge of nerves in your voice.
He leaned forwards, so his quiet words were close to your ear. “I had an amazing time on Saturday night,” he said, his voice warm. All the tension in you melted away at his words, his touch. “What’re you doing after work?”
You put your coffee down and turned on the spot, finding yourself face to face with him, his eyes meeting yours, his desire for you very apparent. “I don’t have any plans…” you told him.
“Would you like some?”
You smirked, your face growing hot. “What kind of plans?”
His mouth twitched into a cheeky smile. “I know what sort of plans you’re thinking about,” he teased. “But join me for a drink first? Maybe dinner?”
“Like a date?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, exactly like a date,” he nodded. He looked so handsome you just wanted to kiss him.
“And after the date…?” you asked.
“We can do whatever it is that’s currently going through your mind,” he winked and turned away before you could reply, heading back to his desk. He stood behind his chair, one hand on his hip, looking back at you. You shook your head, grabbed your coffee and started in his direction.
“Ah good, Y/L/N, Amaro, you’re both here. I need you to go out to Riker’s…” Liv walked through the bullpen, stopping near Nick.
You took a gulp of your coffee and put it on your desk. “Sure thing, Sergeant,” you said, glancing at Nick. “What for?”
“Barba needs you to revisit the confession you got yesterday. Make sure the details still check out. He wants to take it to a Grand Jury, but he’s worried it sounds too good to be true, like he was coached by someone on the inside.”
Nick rolled his eyes. “So Barba doesn’t trust us?”
Liv looked at him, “he just wants to make sure, Nick. It’s not about trust.” Nick nodded, though he was still frowning.
“We’ll get going now,” you said. “Come on Nick, I’ll let you drive…” You saw his face change when he realised he got to spend some time with you this morning, away from prying eyes. He grabbed his suit jacket from the back of his chair and slipped it on, following you towards the doors. You passed Amanda on her way back into the building.
“Where’s the fire?” she demanded, looking at you.
“Liv wants us at Riker’s,” you told her. “Checking the confession.”
Amanda rolled her eyes. “Barba’s being thorough on this one? I suppose it’s fair enough.” She paused. “Hey, are you guys free tonight? My family have finally decided to leave me be – we could catch up since we missed Saturday. Get a beer or something?”
“Oh, er…” you managed.
“Afraid I can’t. I’ve said I’ll go see my mom,” Nick said. Amanda turned to you.
“I’m really sorry,” you added, thinking quickly, “can we make plans for later in the week? I said I’d helped my cousin with his biology homework tonight, I can’t let him down.”
Amanda looked from you to Nick and shook her head. “Sure, guys, just me and my horror movies, I guess. I forget you both have families you actually want to see… See ya when you get back from Riker’s.” She turned and disappeared into the bullpen, as you and Nick hurried to the elevator.
It was usually only a half hour’s drive to Riker’s, but Nick took the Williamsburg Bridge and you hit traffic near Greenpoint that added another thirty minutes to the journey. By the time you arrived, Nick’s jaw had set impatiently. What had been flirty conversation for the first part of the journey had become professional preparations for your visit to Riker’s and then a settled silence as you reached the island. Visits to Riker’s always felt bleak; even hardened detectives weren’t immune to disgust at the conditions of the inmates there, many of them for minor crimes, or remanded awaiting trial.
As luck would have it, you were kept waiting, for reasons the corrections officers didn’t really explain. Nick, already frustrated, only got even more wound up, pacing the floor of the small room you were given to wait in. You already knew well enough that it was better to just leave him be when he was like this, so you sipped a Coke from the vending machine and just watched him walk back and forth, unable to help running your eyes up and down his form, enjoying just how well his clothes fit around that body you now knew intimately.
When you finally got to interview your suspect, he was resentful and much less in the mood for talking than he had been the day before. You let Nick take the lead; interrogation being one of his specialist skills, and one you’d had much less experience in during your time working Cold Case. Even without your attraction to him, you had a lot of admiration for Nick as a detective, one of the most intuitive and hardworking you’d ever met. His gut was usually right; today was no different and he found the holes in the supposed confession that could’ve made Barba’s whole case come tumbling down.
You were just ready to leave when deafening alarms sounded and two corrections officers hurried into the secure interview room. One grabbed your suspect and hauled him off towards the depths of the jail, the other came to talk to you and Nick, a sense of urgency in his words. “We’re going into lockdown, can I ask you both to come with me? I’m afraid you can’t leave the island until we’ve resolved the issue.”
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Nick protested.
“Afraid not, Detective,” the officer said, showing you into the small waiting room you’d been in before. Nick signed and slumped into a plastic chair, taking out his phone to call Liv with an update. You could see how tense his shoulders were, his brow settled into a frown as his call ended. You were frustrated too, but more because you were worried this would lessen his enthusiasm for tonight’s date. You did manage to lure him into conversation, as the time ticked by, but he would keep pacing the room, not happy with the enforced captivity.
Several hours later, it was already dusk as you finally got back in the car, heading back towards Manhattan, Nick muttering something about taking the Robert F Kennedy Bridge and the FDR as you set off. Although he was glad to be leaving, Nick was clearly still on edge. You watched him, driving, looking at his hands on the wheel, remembering what those fingers felt like on your body. Eventually he glanced over at you.
“What’re you looking at?” he said, a tiny smile curling his lips.
“You,” you replied.
“Why?” he asked “See something you like?”
“I think you know the answer to that” you purred reaching over resting your hand on his thigh.
Nick looked over at you for a moment taking his eyes off the road. He reached down grabbing your hand bringing it to his lips kissing the back of it and then moving to thread his fingers into yours, bringing both your hands down to rest on his thigh.
“I do know” he smirked. The car fell silent, the music filling the inside and you both looking out the window at the darkening sky and bright moon. Nick broke the silence first “Sorry about tonight, I was hoping we would have been back in the city way before now. I was looking forward to taking you out,” Nick sighed giving your hand a squeeze.
“It’s ok,” you squeezed his hand back. “But the night isn’t completely lost” you grinned “Around the next bend pull over.”
You saw the big grin pull to Nick’s face and he licked his lips. Nick drove around the bend and signaled to pull over on a small dirt clearing. He let go of your hand throwing the car into park, turning off the engine, and you both unclipped your seatbelts. Nick adjusted himself in his seat spreading his legs wider. You moved in your seat onto your side to face him, your hand resting back on his thigh running it up to his crotch.
Nick’s breathing hitched and he hooked his arm around your neck pulling you into him is lips landing on yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth twisting with yours. You swallowed his groans as your hand came up to cup him through his slacks, his cock instantly hardening at your touch.
Nick pulled back from your kiss and started to kiss along your jaw, down your neck in big wet open mouth kisses, nipping and sucking ever so lightly as he made quick work of undoing a couple of your shirt buttons, your red lace bra on full display. You reached up with both hands undoing Nick’s belt buckle, pants buttons and zipper sliding your hand down into his boxers and your hand wrapped around his long thick cock, pulling it out, his pre-cum covered tip glistening in the moonlight.
You turned your head, your lips ghosting his, Nick’s hot breath fanning your face and his right hand ran around to run up and down your back,
“I told you the night wasn’t completely lost,” you ran your lips against his while your hand lazily jerked him off.
“You’re such a good girl for me. You know how to make things better,” Nick said through hooded eyes, proving he’d remembered how you enjoyed his praise. You felt a hot throb of pleasure.
“Tell me why you were frustrated today Nick,” you purred into his lips as you twisted your wrist, making your way back up from his base.
“I told you,” he moaned bucking his hips up into your hand “I wanted to take you out.”
“And-” Nick groaned loud, his head falling back into the seat, biting his bottom lip. “I have wanted you so bad all day”
“Is that so?” Nick nodded, his eyes closing and his mouth going slack. “I have wanted this amazing cock in my mouth all day.”
You pecked Nick’s lips, nipping his bottom lip before leaning down to take his tip into your mouth, your tongue flat, licking around him and taking him fully into your mouth relaxing your throat to take him as deep as you could and then making your way back up to his tip again. He reached over with one hand, pulling out your hair tie letting your hair flow down over your back and shoulders.
Nick rested his hand in the hair on the back of your head, threading his fingers into it, guiding your head up and down on him with no pressure, while his other hand worked its way down your shirt. His big warm hand running along your skin and slipping into your bra, massaging your flesh and toying with your nipple between his fingers,
“Y/N, you take my cock so well- that’s it, baby, just like that,” Nick moaned and groaned, his mouth open and eyes closed.
Nick started to roll his hips up into your mouth when he hit the back of your throat, his hand balling into a fist in your hair and he squeezed your tit, when you reached up cradling his balls, squeezing him lightly. You could feel your panties damping, your body on fire from Nick groping you and the feel of his cock on your tongue.
Nick pulled his hand out of your bra, both his hands going to the back of your head pushing you down on him, his thick curled hair tickling your nose while the car windows completely fogged up from his heavy breathing. Nick guided your head back up to his tip and then pushed you back down, your name, god and Spanish you didn’t understand spilling from his mouth, when his hot salty cum filled your mouth, running down your throat. You sucked him clean and pulled off him with a pop, using your pointer finger to wipe the corner of your mouth dry before sucking the tip of your finger.
You heard a growl rattle through Nick’s chest as he watched you and you gave him a wink. Nick’s hand went to the back of your neck pulling you down to him, pulling your lips onto his, the kiss deepening straight away and Nick groaned into your mouth when he tasted himself on your tongue. You broke the kiss and Nick tucked your hair behind your ear, his thumb brushing over your cheek,
“Let’s go back to mine so I can get a change of clothes and then I’ll take you home.”
“You’re inviting yourself for a sleep over?” you raised an eyebrow at him with a grin and he chuckled back at you.
“I don’t know how much sleeping we will be doing, but I can promise you baby, I will return the favour, hopefully more than once.”
  Tags:  @wanniiieeee​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @randofando-spoonie​  @alwaysachorusgirl​  @amorestevens​  @harryssxnflwr​​ @teamsladsandgents​ @thatesqcrush​ @storiesofsvu​ @skittle479 @bisexual-dreamer02​ @glimmerglittergirl​ @witches-unruly-heart​​ @berniesilvas​
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wwilloww · 5 years ago
sugar | ksj
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A/N: This story was commissioned by @jamaisjoons​ through @ficswithluv‘s Changes With Luv project. Thank you so much for your donation. I had so much fun writing this Jin and exploring these characters so—I hope you enjoy it! A million thousand hundred THANK YOUS to @unlikelylittlemiss​ and @ot7always​ for beta’ing this! 
After many hours of technical difficulties, I’ve formatted what I hope will be the final version of this story. So far I think it’s the favorite one that I’ve written, so if you like this piece, please let me know! It means the world to me when I hear from you all. 
|| masterlist || moodboard || ao3 ||
©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.
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Seokjin traces the rim of the crystal glass, absentmindedly watching the crowd around him swell and sway like a tide. His eyes sweep over the sea of faces, but he doesn't find what he's looking for.
He swirls the golden liquid around the glass and takes a slow sip, wetting his lips with his tongue as he relishes in the comfortable burn of peaty scotch sliding down his throat.
Finally, his gaze captures what he's been searching for.
You. Dressed in a slim asymmetrical white number, sheer fabric draping delicately over one arm. You're unmistakable.
Above you, thousands of shards of crystal hang as if suspended in midair, the art piece paling in comparison to the presence you command. The venue is dimly lit, but the blend of candlelight and starshine is enough to illuminate your face and paint your features in a dance of shimmering light.
He watches the million-dollar sculpture light your slight smile and curious eyes with a silver radiance. The pinkish light of a neon sign had bounced off of your features in an almost identical fashion the night you met.
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It was chance. Two strangers, anonymous in your settings, both searching for an escape. After finishing your first ever commission, you were desperate to get out of your cramped, barely-affordable studio, while Jin wanted to slip away from the pressures and strict culture of his high-end gallery. Neither knew who the other was, but you gravitated to each other nonetheless.
He sees you first as you shoulder through the front door of the dive bar, your rain-drenched jacket slung over your back, your eyes bright and intelligent. But you were the one to approach the tall, broad shouldered man first, riding off the high of a completed project. You buy him a drink—and then a second. You don’t talk about work tonight. Don’t talk about your lives. You’re both so absorbed in the other that you’re oblivious to the scent of tobacco smoke drifting over you, or the sounds of a rowdy pool game behind you. After four hours cozied up at that bar as the rain pours down outside, you invite him back to your tiny, paint and plant addled apartment.
Once you arrive back home, your roommate nowhere to be seen, you quickly offer him a drink. You  hurried to the kitchen to dig through the fridge to find something— really, anything—to serve the handsome man standing in your living room and curse yourself for not getting groceries this week.
“Who is this?” Jin asks.
“The painting. Who is it?”
You turn to find him staring starry-eyed at your most recent project, hanging above your couch.  
“Oh, that. Moi.”
“Me, dummy.”
“You? You paint?” He’s looking at you, eyes wide and curious.
“Yeah, if you can call it that.”
“You can definitely call it that,” he says sternly. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
He reaches out as if to touch it, but freezes, fingers held an inch away from the canvas.
“You can touch it, if you want,” you offer.
He shoots you a flabbergasted look, as if to say really?, and you nod at him as you pull out plastic cups from your sparse cupboard. You pour two glasses of wine and hold one out to him as he comes back to you.
“I was always told not to touch the works of art,” he says, taking the glasses out of your hand and setting them down on the counter. “But this just makes the experience all the more memorable.”
You hiccup at his attempt at dirty talk, not used to men who know what they want, who are willing to spread their desire so plainly before you.
He kicks apart your legs, pressing a thigh against your heated core. He lowers his lips just enough that they almost brush up against yours.
“May I?” he breathes against you. You nod and suddenly he’s captured you in a kiss, the plush of his lips moving heatedly against you. You wrap your arms around his neck and he sighs at your touch. When you break apart, his eyes dark with lust and your breath quickening in your chest, you don’t hesitate to take his hand and lead him to the bedroom.
Before you can step inside, he swings you around and picks you up. Your legs wrap around his waist and you can feel his length pressed hard against you. He backs you against the doorframe, your spine hitting the wood��but you don’t even notice it. All you can feel is the way his cock is jutting against your clit.
“Look at you, grinding yourself against me.”
You groan as he thrusts his clothed cock against you.
“Bed. Now,” you demand.
He walks towards the bed, still holding you, still kissing you, until his knees hit the mattress. And then his grip is loosening and you’re thrown onto the soft surface of the bed, a gasp rushing through your lungs. You watch as he pulls his shirt off, revealing a toned chest. You didn’t think the man in front of you could get any hotter, but as he crawls up the bed to hover over you, you’re proven wrong.
“Please, god, fuck me,” you groan as he kisses you.
It’s all he needs to hear.
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The next morning you wake to an unfamiliar arm wrapped around your waist and morning breath tickling your ear. You smile as the details of last night come flooding back.
“Morning,” you grumble, feeling the man shift behind you.
“Morning, gorgeous,” he replies, a heavenly rasp edging his voice.
His hand comes to trace your waist and you let out a quiet moan, your senses softened by sleep. A smile flickers across your lips as his hand dips lower, casting warmth over your hips, your pelvic bone, and finally, your lower lips as his hands explore your body.
“You’re so wet I could just slip right into you, no problem,” he says as he runs his finger along your slick folds. You twist yourself around so you’re on your back now with Jin pressed against your side. Without breaking eye contact, you reach down with one hand to wrap around his length. With your other hand, you grab his hips, pulling him towards you—he takes the cue and straddles you, his hands coming down on either side of your head. You pull him closer so that the head of his cock is pressed against your entrance. “Now?” he asks.
“Now,” you reply.
Despite your wetness and the stretch from last night, he’s still a tight fit as he slides into you. A delightful ache threads through your belly and you arch your back to better accommodate him.
“God, how are you this perfect?” he groans once he’s buried entirely within your walls. He settles his weight against you, giving you a moment to adjust to his girth. “What would it take to get you like this again?”
“Get me into the Whitney,” you joke.
You laugh and roll your eyes. “You’re hysterical.”
“I’m not joking.”
You search his expression for any sign of a joke, but you find none. “Wh-what?” you fumble.
“I’m serious.”
His gaze is calm and collected as if he had just agreed to buy you breakfast—not kickstart your art career.
“Do you not know who I am?”
“Why the fuck would I know who you are?”
His eyes widen for a moment before he breaks out in laughter.
“Oh, well then, don’t worry about it.”
As his chest shakes as he chuckles against you, you’re reminded of your current position. You look down to where your bodies are joined, his cock hard and not even fully sheathed within you.
“You’re not, like, some kind of serial killer right?”
“Uh, no.”
“Okay, well then I literally couldn’t care less who you are.” He smirks at you and you pout. “Can you please just fuck me now?”
He chuckles. “It seems you have to keep asking me for that.” He thrusts into you with enough force that your body slides several inches up the mattress and the two of you groan as you adjust to his girth. He relishes in the tight throbbing of your cunt.  and he relishes in the tight throbbing of your cunt.
He fucks you slow and hard, each thrust slamming into your body, making your toes curl and your back arch. You both come quickly, relishing in the feeling of one another and the pleasure rippling across each other’s face.
“I’ll be honest,” you say, as you pull your shirt over your head. “I kinda liked it when you pushed me around last night. We should do that again.”
“After breakfast though?”
“After breakfast.”
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A month later, you had been scrolling through your email when you saw a message from an unknown sender.
Subject : Acceptance to Whitney Museum of American Art.
Thank you so much for your submission to our open call for pieces exploring “identity and landscape.” We are thrilled to inform you that your art has been accepted by our committee and will be displayed in our upcoming exhibit. Your piece explores these themes in a manner that took the committee’s breath away…
Your phone slips out of your grasp and drops to the floor, cracking the screen in the process.
You’d been submitting your art to them for years, and yet why was it that only after that strange comment Jin had made that you got in? Could it be more than just a coincidence?
The rest of the day is filled with half blossoming excitement and half mortification. Had Jin done this for you? You had been frequenting the museum since before you could hold a paintbrush, and trying to get into their gallery since you began painting professionally—but then all of a sudden as soon as you meet this mysterious stranger, your dream was placed right into your hands.
Three days later, you’re standing in front of the biggest art event you’ve ever been invited to, staring at a very large, very expensive banner that features none other than Jin.
CURATOR OF THE YEAR, the text reads.
Oh. Oh.
It all makes sense. Do you not know who I am? he had asked. You should have known. His name was plastered on every major art exhibit in this city. You had heard about him a thousand times before, but never even thought to connect the dots between the Kim Seokjin who visited your apartment several times a week and reorganized your fridge and the Kim Seokjin. He was a curator, but more than that he was a mentor of sorts. His approach to work was one of a kind: he led the artists he took under his wing with a gentle, guiding touch. Instead of shackling them into contracts or monetary and social debt like others in his position did, he gave them the tools they needed and allowed them the space and support they required to flourish on their own. This kind of business structure not only led to artists all over the world adoring him, but came back to repay him a thousand times over.
You never got into the Whitney on your own merit, you think. It was all Jin’s doing.
After you collect your jaw off the floor and enter the building, you almost immediately spot Jin.
Taking a deep breath to calm the swirling emotions in your belly and mustering all the courage you had, you tuck your painting underneath your arm and stomped up to him.
He’s standing, admiring a large mural. His face is painted in contemplation. For whatever reason, it reminds you of the feeling of standing in a spring clearing, in the middle of nowhere, letting a gentle breeze wash over you. You shove that feeling away as you stride up to him, stopping a foot or two behind him.
“Hm—?” Jin spins on his heel. “Oh, what a pleasant surprise.” His eyes light up. “I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days, I was worried something was wrong.”
“I got into the Whitney.”
“Wait, what? That’s amazing!”
“And I figured out who you are.”
His eyes widen.
“Before anything else, I wanted to thank you for your help. I…” You shake your head, trying to wrap your mind around what’s just happened. “I’m not really sure how to thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me. I didn’t do anything.”
“I’ve been submitting to the Whitney for years and I’ve never even gotten a rejection email from them. And then I met you, and—and then it’s done. I’m in.” You look to him for an explanation.
“Okay, I admit,” Jin says, running a hand through his hair. “I put in a good word for you. But I did nothing more than mention to the board that I had seen your art and that I was very impressed by it.”
“That’s too much,” you frown.
“It’s not. It literally took thirty seconds of my time. And I did it because I genuinely believe in the vision of your projects.”
“If they believed in the vision of my projects, they would have accepted them without your name attached to it,” you snap.
“I—I’m sorry,” he says, looking down. “I didn’t realize it would upset you. I thought it would make you happy.”
You sigh, putting your hand on his arm. You only speak when he looks at you. “I’m upset, but I’m also really excited. I just—I want to do this on my own. I don’t want it to because of someone’s name. I want it to be because of my work. And I know that’s romantic and maybe not super realistic, but I need you to understand that that’s what I want.” You take a deep breath before continuing and he slips his hand into yours. “And more than that, I want to make it clear that I’m not just seeing you because of your status.”
“I understand,” he says softly, squeezing your hand. “So you’re seeing me now?”
You flush at your slip of tongue.
“I-I mean—”
“I’d like to see you,” he says. “If you’ll have me.”
Seokjin quickly became a constant fixture in your life. While he stopped involving himself in your work (and immediately after your conversation in the gallery, had quickly excused himself to make several calls to call off different projects and potential buyers) he did insist on buying your art supplies, moving you into a larger studio, and helping you work through the complicated process of finding grants to apply for. And of course, Jin was always ready to take care of your other, ahem, needs as well.
Your relationship quickly developed. You talked about the ins and outs of sex and your roles in the bedroom, but somehow never seemed to move the conversation about what you were to each other outside of your sheets—or the closet in the gallery, or the bathroom of your now-favorite bar.
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Jin sets his half-full glass down to make his way over to you. As he stands from the bar, an arm slides into his elbow, forcing him to turn away from you.
Your heart thrums in your chest as you stood at the top of the marble stairs, looking down into the outdoor amphitheater where tonight’s gala was being hosted.
You had arrived solo on your own instances. Even after a year together, you were still hesitant to show up as Seokjin’s date, knowing you were more likely to garner the title “girlfriend” than “artist.” Still, the thought of seeing Seokjin sent goosebumps chasing down your skin and you smiled softly to yourself as you searched the crowd for the tall man. You had come straight from your studio and there was still paint and paper mache stuck beneath your fingernails, a fact that didn’t quite fit into the posh environment you were in, but one that made you feel grounded nonetheless.
"Hello, darling," a deep voice sings into your ear. "You're looking particularly ravishing tonight."
You turn, expecting to see Seokjin. Instead, a strapping young man, unfamiliar but recognizable to you, stands in his place.
"Jeon Jungkook," you address the famous photographer as he takes your hand and presses a kiss to it. You suppress the urge to grimace as his lips meet your skin. The young man is undoubtedly handsome—there's no denying it—and you shyly look down as his eyes rove over you like you are a piece of art to be appraised.
"I've seen you at these events for quite a while now."
"Have you now?"
"Always on Mr. Kim's arm, too. Don't you think he's a little... maturefor you?"
It’s not like we’re together, you want to respond, but you hold your tongue. There was only a seven year age gap between you and Soekjin. And yet, because he carried himself with such discipline and stature, this was a constant question you had to navigate whether it came up in terms of your relationship with, working or otherwise.
“Speaking of Mr. Kim, have you seen him anywhere?” you ask, smiling tightly.
Jungkook takes your arm and turns you, pointing through the crowd.
There he is. Jin is dressed impeccably in a light-colored suit, the cut accenting his tall frame, broad shoulders, and narrow waist. You smile upon seeing him and wave, but he doesn’t see you.
There’s a flash of blonde hair and suddenly you realize what’s occupying Jin’s attentions.
You frown as you watch the woman's arm snake around Jin's. Tonight was supposed to have been a chance for the two of you to spend some quality time together, surrounded by beautiful art and artists, to see each other without interruption — but then again maybe a gala wasn't the best choice for quality time.
"There's something about you," Jungkook muses, oblivious to your distraction. "A light in your eye. Passion. You know, I would love to photograph you some time."
You glance over Jungkook's shoulder to see the woman with her hand gripping Jin's bicep, obviously trying to capture and hold his attention. And yet Jin's gaze is fixed on you. You meet his eyes, only to let a ghost of a smirk dash across your lips, before returning your focus to Jungkook. Even though you know Jin’s attention is only focused on you, you figure you might have some fun with the current situation.
"Oh really?" you say, blinking up at him flirtatiously. "And how would you have me?"
Jeon Jungkook was known for his abstract and mythological concepts. His photos were stunning, portraying story and eroticism at their most intellectual and beautiful.
"Aphrodite. No doubt."
Original, you think, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
"Hm," you hum, as if mulling it over. "Tell me more." Your switch from professional to outrightly coquettish startles him and he stumbles over his words for a moment before regaining his composure and leaning in.
"Pink lighting. Texture? Hm, dove wings. I've been playing with fabric lately—" Jungkook falls into the description of his concept, flowing so quickly through the smallest of details, almost as if he's thought this through before, specifically for you. Instead of listening, you watch Jin out of your peripheral vision. "I can almost imagine the magazine spread now."
Your attention snaps back to the young man in front of you and as an idea flashes across your mind, you do your best not to giggle and to remain serious. "You know, I would love to be spread out for you." You smile innocently and Jungkook gulps.
"I, ah—” Jungkook is stopped mid sentence as a hand is clapped on his shoulder.
"Jeon," Seokjin nods at the younger man, a stiff smile painting his face. "I see you've met my—" Your eyebrows shoot up at the slip, but Jin quickly catches himself. "YN. One of the best painters I know."
Jungkook scoffs. “Uh, yeah, obviously.” When he looks up to find you and Jin staring confusedly at him, he clears his throat. “I mean—what I meant to say is her talent is underrated. Which you probably already know.” He smiles sheepishly.
“Alright, then,” Jin says.
“Aw, thanks, Jungkookie,” you say, swatting his shoulder and you watch as the young man flushes while Jin’s brow raises in question at the use of the pet name.
“Drinks?” Jin says, breaking the quickly rising tension between the three of you. Taking your elbow he leads you towards the bar and Jungkook quickly trots behind. He orders another scotch and you shake your head, “Nothing for me.” As Jungkook leans over the bar, Jin steps behind you, his hand coming to rest gently on your waist.
“Behave,” he whispers.
“Hm?” you hum innocently, brushing your hair over your shoulders.
“At this rate, you’re asking to be punished,” Jin growls.
You smile sweetly up at him, pinching his cheek playfully before realizing where you are and who might see. You quickly snatch your hand back, hoping no one saw.
Jungkook turns back with a martini in hand. Interesting choice, you think.
“You sure you don’t want anything?” Jungkook asks you.
“She already said she didn’t want anything.” Jin answers for you.
“I can speak for myself, thank you very much,” you cut in, crossing your arms. “But no, maybe later.”
A long moment of silence hangs between the three of you.
“Well, don’t mind me then. I have a couple of people I need to speak with.” Jin nods at the two of you and turns on his heel. You watch his tall frame, tracking where he’s going. The game is on.
It seems as the night drags on, Jin is purposefully ignoring you, knowing it’ll rile you up just enough. He continues to engage with artists and experts from all over the globe and Jungkook hangs at your side. Beyond the awkward flirtation he keeps throwing your way—which you don’t blame him for, considering you keep egging him on—he’s quite an intelligent young man with a vision.
After half an hour of Jin’s lack of presence, you’re bored and tired. The two of you wander around the gala, looking at the art pieces. When you see Jin hovering near one in the corner, you gently guide Jungkook over. As you approach, you realize why Jin has been spending so much time over here.
The eight by ten piece that you had sold to an anonymous buyer last week is hanging on the wall. The bright oranges and deep blues seem to shimmer and swim within the space compared to the crystal, silver, and gold pieces that pepper the event tonight.
“This is yours, right?” Jungkook asks. “I’d recognize the style anywhere.”
“Uh, yeah, I just didn’t expect it to be here. I sold it to an anonymous buyer last week. I have no idea how it got here.”
Jungkook looks confusedly at you. “Hm. Weird.”
You stare blankly at your own art for a while, puzzling over how it could have gotten to this level of a gala. The buyer from last week had said nothing about the gala. But here it is in front of you, big and commanding—and marked with a $500,000 price tag? The proceeds of tonight’s event were going directly to charity and still your mouth hangs open as you ogle the string of zeros in front of you.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?” Jungkook asks, breaking through your reverie. “I don’t mind getting it for you.”
“That’s so kind of you,” you smile, knowing that tonight’s event hosts an open bar. At that moment you notice Jin’s gaze finally, finallyresting on you. “Actually, your drink is looking pretty good to me right now.” You take a step closer to Jungkook, meeting his gaze and resting one of your hands gently on his elbow. He shudders under your touch.  As much as he puts on a confident front, you know your forwardness unravels him just enough. Without breaking eye contact, you reach into his martini glass and pull out a green olive. Opening your mouth slowly, you purse your lips around the round fruit before sucking it into your mouth. You open your mouth just enough for Jungkook to see how it rests on your tongue.
Jungkook’s jaw is hanging open.
“Oh my god.”
Suddenly, a hand is clasped onto Jungkook’s shoulder. He spins around to see a towering Jin. Jin’s features are relaxed and calm, but you catch the hard edge in his tone, even as it slips past Jungkook’s awareness.
“Jeon, I was just talking to an up-and-coming dancer earlier tonight. He’s looking to partner with a photographer for a project. I mentioned your work to him and he would love to talk to you.” Jin turns Jungkook to point to a handsome man standing across the room, a sun-filled smile dancing across his lips.
“Wait—really?” Jungkook looks flabbergasted.
“Of course, I admire your work,” Jin says.
“Wow, thank you. I really appreciate it.” He reaches out to shake Jin’s hand. “Thank you so much, sir.” A smirk threatens to break Jin’s calm demeanor.
Jungkook turns to walk towards the dancer but spins back towards you. “Don’t, uh, don’t go anywhere, yeah?”
Once Jungkook is out of range of hearing, Jin steps closer to you. "Upstairs. Now."
Because tonight's gala was in part hosted by Seokjin and his company, it took place in the courtyard of one of Seokjin's highrises.
With the ghost of a smirk playing on your features, you turn on your heel, head held high, and make your way to the elevators.
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It’s just like him to make you wait.
Twenty minutes after you arrived in the penthouse apartment, Jin was nowhere to be seen. So you kick your heels off and make your way to the fridge, finding an open bottle of your favorite wine that he kept in stock just for you. You pour yourself a glass and make your way to the gigantic kitchen island, leaning over it and scrolling through your phone. You know Jin would expect you to be waiting ready and in position for him, but tonight you feel like pushing the limits.
A gentle ding echoes through the living room. You click your phone off and look up just in time to see the silver door of the elevator slide shut behind him.
Seokjin runs a hand through his hair, loosening the strands from his perfect slicked-back look. You nearly salivate at the sight of him unbuttoning the top button of his dress shirt, even as your heart beats like it is ready to jump straight out of your chest.
You gulp as his eyes land on you. Finally.
“You’ve been ignoring me,” you say.
“Have I?”
“Are you punishing me?”
“You won’t need to ask me if I’m punishing you when I’m punishing you. You’ll know.” Despite the coldness of his words, there’s a playful glint in his eyes. You know his anger is for show and not genuine. The direction you're headed is a space the two of you have carefully mapped out, experimented with, and discussed over the course of your relationship. When he slips into this role, it's for both of your pleasure, and never as an outlet for his anger. "So no, I'm not. At least, not yet."
"Jin—" you say.
"Sir," Jin corrects.
"—Sir," you repeat, standing up from the island and walking slowly towards him. You bat your eyes and saunter over to him, pressing yourself against his chest as you take one of his hands and guide it under your dress. His eyes widen when he realizes you're not wearing any underwear.
"God, you're wet."
"I wanna cum," you state matter of factly. You thought your directness might startle him, but instead, his composure remains unaffected.
"You misbehaved all night long," Jin murmurs in your ear. "But maybe if you're a good girl for me and take your punishment, we can talk about you cumming."
And just like that, his hand is gone.
"Are you gonna be good?"
You don’t respond. Instead, you smile sweetly at him. You meet his gaze but don’t move. He cocks an eyebrow and pulls you tight against him with one hand as he pinches your chin with the other.
"You thought you could use this pretty little costume of innocence,” he says as he plays with the sleeve of your dress, a sneer painting his face. “Dressed all in white, and so elegant too. You thought you could hide the whore you are beneath a dress like this?"
His grip on your hips tightens as he pushes you forward, turning you forcibly. It shocks the breath out of your lungs. He pulls you back, your ass flush against his hard but clothed cock. His hands grab your shoulders, steadying you.
"I'd like to fuck you in one of these cute little outfits sometime. But not tonight. Tonight I want you entirely bare." The next thing you know, the sound of ripping fabric fills the space and your dress falls down in shreds at your feet.
"My-my dress," you gasp.
"A shame.” He feigns a pout. “You looked so good in it. But you look even better like this."
It briefly flashes through your mind that you're not sure how you're going to be able to leave, as you hadn't brought a change of clothes—and then that concern is quickly replaced by the confusion as he bends down to examine you.
"When was the last time you touched yourself?" Jin asks as he runs a finger over your slit. You shudder at the sensation.
"You were the last one to touch me."
“So you’re telling me you’re ready to flirt with any man who approaches you, make him think you’re gonna let him fuck you, but then it’s all for show?” He slips a single finger into your cunt. “What a tease.”
“For you,” you gasp as he hooks his finger and hits a particularly sensitive spot. “I would never.”
“Never what?”
“Never fuck another man.”
“Your actions tonight tell me something else.”
Your brow furrows as Jin adds a second finger.
“I-I just wanted you to pay attention.”
"That’s all you wanted, hm, little one? My attention?"
"Yes, sir," you mumble back.
"Good. You have it." He pulls his fingers from your dripping entrance and stands.
Your brows furrowed in frustration. "I want more," you say.
"And I want you to behave yourself when we're out in public together. It seems like neither of us is getting what we want, hm?" When you pout, he chuckles. "But I bet you can make it up to me. Take your punishment like a good girl. And we'll see if we can't both have what we want." You nod, eagerly. "Go bend over the couch and wait for me."
You quickly lay yourself over the arm of the black leather couch that stretches across the sprawling living room. Jin disappears into one of the back rooms for a moment, but you soon hear his footsteps echoing on the marble, approaching you from behind. He rests a hand on your bare ass, roving over it in slow circles before coming to kneel down beside you.
His eyes search yours—checking, making sure you're really okay with this before he continues, that same awareness never leaving his eyes. "Good. You'll use it if you need to."
You nod.
“You know why I have to do this right?” Jin asks, his voice calm and clear as he stands and steps out of your line of vision. You can hear the clink of a belt buckle as he doubles it up in his hand.
“I disobeyed you.”
“I didn’t listen when you asked me to stop.”
“And what exactly did I want you to stop doing?”
“Flirting with him.”
“Who? Say his name.”
“Jeon Jungkook.”
He chuckles. “I want that to be the last time his name leaves your lips tonight. Understood?” You nod, wholeheartedly. “The poor boy. You left him so hard and eager for your pretty little cunt. I bet he thought he was going to get to fuck you after all that teasing. Tell me, is that what you wanted him to think?”
“Yes,” you admit.
“And yet, after all that work and you were so quick to drop him just for me. I’m going to spank you and you’re going to take it like a good girl. Seven hits. Count for me.”
That’s when the first hit lands. The air in your lungs whooshes out of you in shock. After the initial pain, a soft warmth spreads through your cheeks.
“I said, count.”
“One,” you say, your voice strong.
The belt comes down on you a second time, cracking against your other cheek. “Two.” Your nails dig into the leather of the couch and his hand spreads across your ass, soothing over the spots where he’s hit you. The feeling of his fingertips against your skin brings coolness to the surface of your burning skin and the contrast sends arousal spiraling through your core.
“Good girl.”
On four, you realize you’ve been holding your breath. The number comes out as a gasp, a puff of air and you realize you’ve been holding something else in. Shame. Guilt. Upset.
On five, you let out a particularly loud yelp, your cry of pain mixing with emotion and cutting through your pronunciation. Jin's hand immediately brushes across your sore ass to smooth over the most recent hit.
"Color?" he says softly.
"Green—green, please, keep going," you pant, tears threatening your eyes.
“Only two left.”
On six, you feel something split within you. You know it isn’t just about tonight, about your disobedience or your flirtations with a strange man. It’s about holding back. It’s about letting your brattiness build a wall between the warm thing that’s been building in your chest and Jin, the man who keeps showing up for you.
“Seven! M’ sorry!” you call out as seven comes down on your ass. The wall splits open within you, sending a flood of emotion and endorphins through your body. All you want is to fall into this sensation. The one where he’s here for you, and you can let him be here for you.
Jin smoothes his hands over your ass one final time. You wince slightly, knowing it’s going to be painful to sit for the next couple of days. And yet all you can feel is a golden glow, pulsing through your veins, tinting your perception. Your body feels lighter, the space around you more spacious, and the look in Jin’s eyes is glowing.
Jin pulls you up to your feet, searching your eyes to make sure you’re alright. He finds a strange, new warmth in them, one that spills out completely for him. And something close to daze.
“No hands.” Still, you can’t help but reach out to him, lacing your fingers into the front of his shirt. “I said, no hands.” You refuse to remove them. He’s suddenly stepping back from you.  "You can't seem to listen, can you, little one? Hands behind your back." You stare blankly at him. "I won't ask you twice."
You bring your hands behind you, clasping one hand around a wrist. He circles around you until he's out of your range of sight. You hear the tearing of fabric and then the cool brush of what you assume must be your dress wrapping around your wrists as Jin expertly ties them together. When the knot is tight and secure, he walks slowly back around you so you're face to face.
Your knees hit the cold marble floor.
"Suck my cock."
"But—" You attempt to protest, your hands still tied behind your back. Your voice trails off as his eyes harden.
His belt is already open and you take the cold metal in your mouth, leaning your head back as you pull it out of the loops. It's an awkward angle, but you do your best and soon it falls to the floor with a clink. You glance up at him, searching for validation. His gaze is still hard, but there's a glimmer of a smile—pride? delight?—hanging at the corner of his lips.
"Keep going."
Leaning forward, you nudge your nose along the hard length sporting in his pants. His arousal is more than apparent through the fabric of his pants: thick, and long, and impossibly hard. Without breaking eye contact, you stick your tongue out of your mouth and slowly trace it up the length of his covered cock.
His hand tightens in your hair and you yelp as pain shoots into your scalp.
"I asked you to do something. Are you getting distracted?" What was once painful has quickly turned into a delicious pleasure as your face flushes, the hand in your hair teasing tingles down your spine. "Answer me." He grips your hair tighter, forcing your head back even further.
"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."
He releases his grasp just enough that you're able to lean back to the tenting bulge in his pants, but still does not release you fully.
Carefully, you suck the button of his slacks into your mouth, expertly sucking and tonguing the cold metal until you feel it slip through the hole, before moving down to pull the zipper between your teeth and tug it all the way down. You gasp as you realize he's not wearing underwear and your cunt contracts around nothing. You're face to face with his bare cock.
"Sir, may I?"
He nods and you immediately lean forward to lick a broad, wet stripe up from the base of his cock to the tip. Without the use of your hands, you find yourself relying on the movements of your upper body and your mouth to pleasure him.
Slowly, you lick around the angry red head of his cock, teasing a light gasp from him. You continue to do this until you know he’s just on the edge of frustration and before he can say anything, you purse your lips around him.
As you take him into your mouth, you’re particularly aware of the remainder that you’re unable to fit. Usually, you would wrap one or both of your hands around him, stroking him where you couldn’t reach. But now that’s inaccessible to you.
Relaxing your throat, you attempt to take him deeper but choke at the sensation of his thick head hitting the back of your throat.
"You're so good at this, almost as if you were made to have your mouth stuffed with cock."
His praise urges you to take him deeper and press past the urge to gag. Taking a deep breath, you edge forward, allowing him to slip into the tight confines of your throat. He hiss at this and his hands tighten in your hair, this being the first time you’ve deepthroated him. Tears well in your eyes, blurring your vision as you continue to ease him deeper within you.
He begins thrusting into your throat. If you could reach up to wrap your hand around your throat, you would feel the protrusion of his cock pressing forward through the skin of your throat, visible and bulging.
You choke around him and he audibly groans at the sensation.
Jin looks down to find tears streaming out of your face, chin wet with drool. The sight of you, so lost in your actions, strikes something in his chest. As you meet his gaze, your lips so pink and pouted around him, the glaze in your eyes filled with adoration, his hips buck and he thrusts into your throat.
“I’m gonna cum,” he growls. “And I want you to swallow every last drop of it.”
He grabs your head as he fucks up into you one last time, pushing your nose against his pubic bone. You can feel his cum, hot and bitter, sliding down your throat. He doesn’t release you until he’s done. Finally, he pulls you off of him, your lips releasing from his spent cock with a pop.
Air comes rushing back into your lungs, replacing the black spots that had started to pepper your vision with starshine as you look up at Jin clearly. His forehead is shining with sweat and his cheeks are flushed in pleasure. He’s never prettier than he is now, spent with passion.
Jin quickly regains his wits as he pulls you up and takes his thumb to wipe the combination of drool and cum from your chin.
Something gleams in his eye.
“Up against the window,” he orders.
Before you can finish your sentence, Jin is walking you backward until your back hits the cold glass. You gasp at the sensation of your heated ass cheeks mixed with the cold spark of the smooth surface.
With your back against the glass, hips pushed towards him again, he kisses languidly up your stomach. There is a gentleness in the way his lips whispered against your skin that shoots something through your chest and leaves you wanting more of whatever it is.
You gather yourself enough to look down and see his plump lips pursed around a nipple. As your eyes meet, he bites down around the swollen bud, and you whimper. He continues to bite and suck your breasts, drawing increasingly lewd sounds from you.
But then his lips leave the tender flesh of your breasts and kiss their way upwards to your neck. For a moment you think his gentle side might return, only to squirm beneath him as his teeth graze the delicate skin. Before you know it, his lips are pressed against you and he's sucking the skin in between his teeth.
"You'll leave a mark!" You exclaim, bound hands struggling to escape from where they’re still tied behind your back But he's quicker and stronger than you and he holds you down, stilling your movements, before continuing to suck and bite at your neck.
"Good." He moves his mouth to the hollow of your throat, sucking a bruise to the surface of your skin. "I want everyone to know exactly who you belong to. I want you to wear me, so no one even has a doubt in their mind whose slut you are."
As you look down, you realize he’s hard again. It’s not uncommon for him to be up and ready to go for a second or third round. His cock is red and rock-hard, and as he realizes what you’re looking at he smirks.
“Like what you see?”
“Yes, sir.” You swallow. “Want it—want you.”
“Do you think you’ve earned it?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You took your punishment well,” he muses languidly. “And you sucked Sir off so well, too.”
He drags a finger through your slit, forcing you to buck up into his touch.
“Please—” you gasp.
“Since you asked so nicely—” abruptly, he spins you around so you’re facing towards the window. “I’ll fuck you. But I want everyone to see exactly the kind of slut you are for this cock.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. From this far up, you can see the gala, still in full swing. Even from this height, you can see their individual faces and you know if any of the people in sparkling gowns and tailored suits were to look up and squint, they would see your fucked-out form pressed against the window of the penthouse, your hands bound behind your back thrusting your chest forward obscenely. The thought sends a flood of arousal to your cunt.
At that, you feel the head of his cock brush against your dripping entrance. Jin looks down to see his huge cock resting against your red cheeks. You look tiny compared to him, and the sight makes him even harder. As he grips the base of his dick, he pushes gently against your entrance, the bulbous head slipping inside. His cock twitches as he hears you moan.
Jin is undoubtedly the biggest cock you’ve ever fucked. Even after months of him filling you, he was still a tight fit. While you often used lube to ease the slide in, tonight you were dripping wet, your arousal coating your swollen lips and beginning to run down your inner thighs. Slowly, he pushes into you. The sensation of being filled, of being stretched by him has you moaning, the sound filling the spacious apartment.
“You’re such a good slut for me, you take this cock so well,” Jin says as he presses the last inch of his length into you.
Kim Seokjin is a man of control. Despite the painful ache in his cock and the burning desire to pound into you, he isn't done drawing out your pleasure. Torturously slow, he slides his cock in and out of your tight cunt, his thick head dragging against your walls. You whine wantonly, pushing back against him.
He stops.
"Please. Sir," you nearly sob. "Need you."
"And I need you to use your words. This is mine." He reaches down to spread his palm over your sore ass, spreading you even further open for him. The sight of you impaled on his thick cock is one he’ll never get used to. "And I'll do what I want with it."
He can feel you shudder at his words, knowing that his possessiveness affected you just as much as it did him.
"You like that?" he growls. "Knowing you're mine? You're stuffed full of cock and still you want more. What a greedy slut."
"Please, Sir. Need you to fuck me," you beg. Still, Jin makes no indication of moving. "Please. Need you to show them who I belong to."
That does it.
“You. Belong. To. Me.” Each word is punctuated by a thrust, his cock spearing through the tightness of your walls.
“Fuck,” you hiss as he lifts your leg. The head of his cock begins to hit the knot of pleasure that’s tightly wound within your cunt. “Sir, you feel so good.” It’s all you can think about.
“He’s down there, isn’t he?” For a moment you’re not even sure who he’s talking about, so lost in pleasure and the sensations he’s teasing out of your body. “He could look up at any moment and see you like this, tits out, pressed up against the glass, letting me ruin you like this.” You moan at his words. “I bet you would like that, slut.” He punctuates the final word with a particularly hard thrust.
Your pussy clenches around him and he moans as he feels your tight walls grip him tighter.
“I think there’s a part of you that loves the idea of the world watching you get fucked.”
"Gonna—gonna cum," you gasp, your words stuttered out of your mouth by Jin's rough thrusts. "Sir, please, can I come?"
"Sir, please."
"Did you not hear me?" he growls. "Listen, or I'll stuff that pretty little mouth with something less pleasant than my cock."
You throw your head back, squeezing your eyes shut and clenching your abdominal muscles in an attempt to hold back the waves of euphoria that threaten to wash over you any moment now.
“Please, sir, need to come. I’ll do anything.” The tears that have been threatening to run down your face finally spill over as you’re split in pleasure and discomfort. “Please, anything.”
Jin releases your leg with a grunt and pushes your legs together, making it a tighter fit for both of you. With one hand he pushes down on your lower back, arching it for you. His other hand comes to wrap around your bound wrists, using the grip to power his thrusts into you. Somehow the new angle makes him seem even bigger than he already is and you mewl.
“Tell me who you belong to.”
“You, Jin,” you force out, trying to find your words through the pleasure that he’s pounding into you. “Only you.” Too late, you realize that you had used the wrong name for him and you gasp, ready for whatever correction he deems fit for you.
But it seems that’s exactly what he wanted you to say.
“Good girl. Cum. Now.”
As soon as the sound has left his lips your orgasm barrels through you.
“Jin!” you cry. You throw your head back, white overtaking your vision. Your cunt pulses around his hard length, spasming for what feels like minutes. Your breath freezes in your throat as sparks of pleasure flood your body.
Watching you come unraveled around his name is what does it for him. He groans as his orgasm washes over him, sending waves of pleasure throughout his whole body. He shudders against you, releasing ropes of cum into your still-pulsating cunt. You can feel his cock twitch against your oversensitive walls as he empties himself into you. His breath is heavy against your neck as his arms tighten around you. As much as you love the Jin in control, these moments when he releases all pretenses are precious to you.
Even as he stays sheathed within you, you can feel his cum begin to drip out of your cunt, running down your thighs. When he finally pulls out, the mix of your combined orgasms gushes out of you and you frown at the proceeding sensation of emptiness.
As you slump against the window, your eyes fluttering closed in pleasure and exhaustion, you feel Jin’s large hands ghost down your arms, releasing the fabring binding your wrists together. When he’s done, his hands come to rest on your hips, turning you as he kneels down in front of you. You gasp as you feel him swipe two of his fingers through the swollen folds of your cunt, as he collects his own cum. The sensation splits you in overwhelm.
"Open," Jin commands, standing up. You open your mouth and he slides the two cum covered fingers past your lips. "Suck." Dutifully, you press your lips around him, swallowing around him until he pulls out, not a drop of cum left on his fingers. His eyes burn in desire, and if it weren't for the exhaustion apparent in your posture, you know he would be ready to go for a second round. "Good girl."
You smile softly up at him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He holds you close and the two of you simply breathe together. You feel comforted against his large frame, his breath flowing easily and freely through him, your own body finding solace in the soft rhythm. He holds you like that for what feels like forever before he tips your weight into his body and leads you to the sleek leather couch. There, he sits down, pulling you into his lap. You curl up against his wide chest, nestling your nose into the crook of his neck.
"How are you?" he asks as he brushes the hair out of your eyes.
"Feel so good," you murmur, eyes fluttering shut in the afterglow that radiates throughout your whole body. Every muscle in your body feels warm and stretched.
"Do you want me to bring you to bed?" After all this time, Jin knows how sleepy you get after a scene like this.
"Mm, surprisingly not sleepy. Just... happy."
He holds you for a while, and you bask in the feeling of his arms wrapped securely around you and the light brush of his steady breath against your hair.
“Earlier,” you begin slowly. “You slipped. You started to call me ‘my’—and then you stopped. What were you going to say?”
Jin is quiet and for a moment you wonder if you misspoke.
“Honestly?” he finally says, his voice brushing over you like a soft breeze.
“Honestly,” you repeat, twisting into him to look him in the eyes. There’s something desperately gentle in his gaze. You could fall into it.
“Honestly, I don’t really know where my mind was going in that moment.” He pauses, chewing over his words. “But, I would like to call you mine—in some way.”
He nods, shyly. “Mine.”
“Sure, I’ll be yours,” you grin, snuggling into his chest.
“But only if you’ll be mine, too.”
“I think we can arrange that.”
Seokjin pulls you tighter and just holds you like that for several minutes before he stands up and disappears into the bedroom for a moment. When he returns, he's holding a slim black box, which he hands to you.
"Put this on," he says.
You open the box to reveal a small black number.
"We're going back?" you ask.
"Only to get our winnings," he grins back to you, pushing his hair back again. "And to show everyone just exactly how much I won tonight."
“What do you mean, winnings?”
“I made a purchase tonight.” He presses a kiss to your lips. “The most colorful piece in the whole building.”
Jin smirks and comes behind you to zip up the beautiful piece of clothing. He traces over the bruises blossoming on your shoulders and neck with a gentle touch before pressing his lips to each and every one of them.
"Only if you're comfortable," he adds softly as you melt against his touch. There's no doubt you're tired. But still, the idea of finally walking into an event with Jin—no pretenses, no questions, no secrets—just together, has a thrill sparking in your core.
“I’m always comfortable with you,” you grin, taking his hand and leading him to the elevators.
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alecxaheart · 4 years ago
Someone's Someone | Bang Chan Oneshot (2)
✎ Genre : CEO AU, Soulmate AU, Fluff
✎ Pairings : Bang Chan X Reader
✎ Word Count : 5.5k words
✎ Synopsis : We all just wanna be someone's someone that we can't live without. At this time, Chan was looking for his. And unexpectedly, he was already tied down to someone.
✎ Warnings : Explicit Language
✎ Parts : 1 , 2
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" Let's just part ways here, " Saying those words felt a bit disheartening at some point, yet you chose to disregard it.
You walked forwards, while Chan stayed in his position, wearing his coat and fixing his tie. Although, something stopped you. As in you couldn't go forwards as much as you force to. Well when you did force yourself, it only tugged Chan towards you. Turning around, he was already eyeing you. " What was that for?! "
Glaring at the thread, you thought out loud, " Is this string telling me, it can only stretch itself approximately at 7 meters?! "
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Twin buildings towered above you two, heavy work's shouting for the both of you. You suddenly feel so small when you found out who this dude was in the company. Either way, you stepped inside the building next to him as if you're supposed to be. You don't have any other choice though unless you wanna be dragged by this buff guy and look like a fool rolling around since the thread is invisible to the public.
" I'm surprised that you don't know who I am, " He stated as you entered the elevator with him. You could tell how much of a fuss this is already when you walked in those doors alongside him.
" Does it really have to be my fault when I only started working here a few months ago, Mr. CEO? " He responded with a chuckle.
" It's Mr. Bang, well, at work. You can call me Chan when we're not. I don't like such formality and bringing work on my rest hours. "
" Oh, so you're that Mr. Bang. The one I hid from last night, " You whispered the last sentence.
" Pardon? " The elevator chimed as you reached your floor, opening its doors swiftly.
" It's.. It's nothing, " You stuttered and hastily stepped out of the elevator while Chan followed. " Why are we on my floor again? Isn't yours like, at the very top floor just to have that stunning view of the world or something? "
" Seems like some fanfiction you got there for me, " He chuckled first while you lowered your head in embarrassment. " But no, my office is at the opposite building, about two or three levels above yours which means it's the middle floor. In addition to that, I have to discuss matters with your boss due to some adjustments that we have over here, " He brought up his thumb to your view, talking about the red string. " Just hand over the documents then wait for me outside by the door, copy? " Chan explained as he stopped in front of a dark oak door, knocking on it three times.
" Adjustments? What- "
" Come in, " The voice on the other side of the door called out. You could've had a short session of hesitations first but this Bang Chan just opens the door widely and gives off such superior vibes that gave you the chills - like he should 'cause he's the CEO, he freaking owns the place. You did wonder why you haven't been fired yet after every informalities you've shown to him. What a great first impression you got there for a Chief Executive Officer, you're never gonna get a promotion to get out of this trashy position.
The surprising entrance of the uninvited and unexpected guest caught your boss off-guard. " Ah! G-Good morning, Mr. Bang! " Ms. Kang frantically stood up and bowed, her phone slipping off of her hands and onto the desk. Looking up, she saw you behind Chan, your hand fidgeting around the strap of your bag while head held down. " And Ms... (Y/N)? " She questioned as she averted her eyes back to Chan.
" Pardon me although I won't be here for long, I'm only handing you the documents like you instructed, Ms. Kang. " You said while handing her the documents. She took a quick scan on it before she gestured you to leave. Following Chan's instructions, you wait by the door as soon as you've shut it. Trying your best to not let curiosity get the best of you and eavesdrop, you distracted yourself by scrolling through your phone and jamming to some Monsta X's songs.
" May I ask what business brought you here to my office? "
" I'd like to compromise. "
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It wasn't long that you've thought about getting fired and promotions, not even hours had passed.
Yet here you are, promoted and working as the CEO's assistant on that very day like it's the only choice. Standing on the polished marble floors, opposite side of the building, in his high-class office. It was spacious enough to fit two office desks and a lounge (probably for coffee breaks or small meetings) yet grand-looking with the accent walls and chandelier. The smell of lavender and the nice fluorescent glow it had made it better. Speaking of glow, you suddenly missed Kim Seungmin, the only co-worker friend you got. His bright presence who would constantly bother you from time to time during work hours. You can't really pinpoint whether he is an angel or demon with that fact because most likely you're the one being scolded instead of him. He better be jealous by the time he finds out you're now a CEO's Assistant.
" Ms. Kang got what she wished for in exchange for you getting the 2nd best achievable seat in the company, " Chan continued to elaborate the discussion in the room where it happened as he took a seat, not even bothering to help you fix your new desk if he was a gentleman. Honestly, it's undeniably comfortable being around this man despite you only got acquainted with him this day.
" Seriously? Can't you just promote me with a snap of your fingers? " You whined, arranging all of your things out from the container.
" Maybe if I had the infinity stones, " He first joked and you're not taking it. " Although it's Ms. Kang, there's an exchange for everything with her, " He casually said, looking through his emails with his chin resting on his fist.
" I- " Learn to shut your pesky little mouth, (Y/N). Your own conscience just sealed your mouth from babbling nonsense.
Well, let's think about the bright side. First up, you're promoted, meaning you'll get a way higher pay than before. Second, you're free from Ms. Kang's grasp. Third, Chan seems like a nice and chill boss. If your impression on him will be proven wrong, in any way he couldn't be as worse as Ms. Kang 'cause so far he saved your butt and doesn't mind your attitude.
" Ah, right. You're staying at my house for the meantime, " The book you're trying to place on the top shelf just fell on your head, making you lose your balance and fall to the ground. The loud thump made Chan glance at you, preventing himself from laughing. With your head aching and vision uneven, you tried to process what he said.
" What did you say? " Chan stood up from his chair and made his way towards you.
" I said you're staying at my house until we figure out how to break this thread off, " He answered as he offered a hand for you to take. This simple action made you tense, feeling your face heating up. You gladly took it with weak legs, though you eventually got back to your own feet without his support.
" Yours? Why not mine? I bet it's closer to work than yours. "
" You got a lot of complaints, I hope you know that. "
" No I'm not! Just.. talkative, " You bluffed, pouting. " And fine, your house then. Mine's probably not as presentable as yours anyway. "
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This is the red string of fate that kept you two together the whole time, knotted around one another's finger securely. Both of you share the same thoughts while sitting on the couch in the living room of Chan's luxurious penthouse. It did offer extravagant views of Seoul from the top of the apartment, making everything feel so surreal. Could it possibly be malfunctioning? It's supposed to stretch out without limitations as well as it'll be invisible to the naked eye including yours, according to the tales and legends you've heard as a child. Most importantly, how could you break it off?
" Maybe this had to do something with the child, " Chan thought to himself, legs crossed and eyes trained down to the floor. " You cleared our schedule for the week, correct? " He looked towards you, catching your gaze on him.
" Yes, I did. Why? " You couldn't help but be enchanted in his brown eyes. It did look brighter in the sunset than before as the sunlight kissed his face. You wanted to take a closer look at it as to what it may hold within those orbs.
" You know the child back in the train? The one who placed this string of fate around our fingers? " With those words, you were snapped back into reality.
" Child? No? I was asleep, remember? " You looked away and a dog's appearance caught your attention, feeling soft and in 'awe' for it immediately. It had some large brown spots on its white fur, fluffy and has this wavy ears. It looks quite similar to that dog named 'Lady' in "Lady and the Tramp". Noticing that it was really friendly even with strangers, you patted its head lightly as it neared you. Chan witnessed you bond with his partner, smiling. The dog was ecstatic to make new friends with you that it jumped to your lap. Giggling, you ruffled its fur and kissed its forehead. " Seems like you're well loved, baby~ " You cooed, booping its nose.
" She's Berry, by the way. " Chan informed you while watching you play with berry's paws.
" I have to say, she's the cutest, " You flashed a beaming smile at him, eyes forming into crescents. Chan couldn't do anything but smile back, his heart slowly melting at the scene in front of him. You caught the sight of his dimples, which made you think that it's now one of your favorite features he has. If everyday's like this, it'd be such a bliss. Yet you know it'll somehow be just another memory you'll treasure since there will be an end to this.
Back to reality, Chan further tells you the details of the occurrences while you were sleeping. " Ah, right. About the child. If my memory serves me correct, he was blonde headed and had ocean blue-like eyes. He's about 4'6 feet in height and the one who placed this thread around our fingers. When I tried to run after him, he just vanished into thin air. "
" You sure you're not being delusional? " You carefully placed berry down on the couch then made your way to the kitchen.
" Positive. " He replied while petting his companion, who's getting some rest first, before following you. You asked him what his plans were, wrapping your fingers around the refrigerator handle. Opening it, you scanned for available foods due to your stomach being upset in this whole conversation. There's a lot of goods, especially meat. You're assuming that this man eats a lot even when he's on his own. While you were busy with that, Chan thinks of an itinerary for the whole week to get your own lives back. Until, his deep thoughts were interrupted by you.
" How about we eat dinner first so then you can plan properly, hm? You want steak? " You asked, placing the ingredients you need right in front of his view. His eyes just twinkled before you and were already on the raw steak, famished.
" Chris wants steak, please! " Enthusiastically said by Chris, giggling afterwards.
" Steak coming right up just for Chris! " He responded with a small clap, smiling ear to ear. You have to be honest, your first meeting with him is just the worst than any other possible happenings to you two's first meeting. Yet you're satisfied that at least you met him in some way that brought you closer, especially with this string of fate. And today's gonna be a long night for the both of you.
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It's very late at night yet your body wouldn't let you rest despite Chan giving you his whole king-sized bed while he sleeps on his divan couch a few meters away, or so you thought he's fast asleep. Although the comforter, mattress, pillows, just the bed as a whole is definitely a 5-star, you can't really sleep easily in someone else's home that you just met. Minutes that felt like hours passed, your eyes were blankly staring at the ceiling. The silence was quite dreadful for you usually at night, which is what you get for watching a fairly ton of horror movies. With a few sessions of hesitations, you decided to break it by calling Chan first. " Psst. Hey Chan. Who designed your house? "
After a short pause, you received a fade sound of shifting and a groan. " A friend of mine. His name's Hyunjin. Why do you ask? " He responded, staring at the same ceiling as you. Arms resting behind his head.
You laid down on your stomach then propped your chin on your hands, facing him. " Is he cute? "
" Seriously, (Y/N)? " He deadpanned. " Also he's already Changbin's anyway so I suggest you stay away unless you want a death wish. "
" Okay, Okay. Chill. I'm just asking, " You rolled your eyes. " I just can't sleep. "
" I already offered you the best bed there is. " Chan looked at your direction and glared.
" It's not that. It's from the fact that I can't fall asleep easily in a stranger's house, that's for sure, " You shifted again in the soft cream cotton bed, letting your body sink. It's like you're laying on a relieving cloud in the heavens.
" We've already passed the stranger level. Let's say we're acquaintances. "
" That doesn't make any such difference especially to my problem but okay. " You pouted.
A long pause surrounded the room, the chills slowly creeping on to your skin. You covered your whole body with the warm comforter, feeling the slumber visiting you little by little. A yawn escaping your lips and eyes getting droopy. Pondering for a second before you let yourself sleep, you took a last glance towards Chan. " Are you cold? " You asked when you saw him without any blankets. He responded with a hum.
" A little bit. But I'll be alright, don't worry, " He yawned, eyes getting heavy as he slowly visited dreamland. " Goodnight, (Y/N). "
However, before you reply, you silently get off the bed when you're sure Chan's too tired to even open his eyes again. Making your way around the room with tippy toes until you found what you needed. You've gone over to his divan couch where he occupies it, placing the blanket you found on top of his and Berry's body, who happen to be sleeping peacefully right next to him. With a weak smile, you finally greeted him back before heading back to the bed and your slumber, " Goodnight Chan, Berry. Sweet dreams. "
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Almost afternoon came but none of you decided to rise and shine, except for Berry who's starting to get hungry. It was indeed past her usual breakfast time and she doesn't seem to like the sound of having 'brunch'. So then to get what she needed, she has to be the doggo clock for today.
Berry starts barking the best that she could although it didn't make any much effect, Chan only responded by covering his ears and turning away while you stayed unbothered in your deep sleep. She proceeds to hop back on Chan's couch and licks his face, surely an effective way. He immediately flinched at the wet contact and moved Berry's face away from his, slowly opening his eyes to meet an adorable face smiling at him. " Good morning to you too, " He replied followed with a yawn.
The King Charles Spaniel dog makes her way out of the room after accomplishing step one. While Chan took his time before completely getting out of bed - or rather, couch. With a few stretches and after taking a glance at the time, he made his way out of the room to make breakfast. He glanced towards your sleeping figure. Mumbling a silent, " Thank you. " for what you've done to him in the middle of the night before carefully closing the door behind him.
Before he could even reach the kitchen, a tug from his thumb stopped him in his tracks. Chan forgot that the string of fate only has a length of 7 meters. Sighing, he went back to you and thankfully found you still fast asleep.
Chan sat down on the edge of the bed, your back facing him. Once more, his dark brown eyes gazed upon your sleeping beauty state underneath the sunlight. Once more, he admired this mesmerizing view of you for a good few seconds. He lightly tapped your shoulder, causing you to shift your body to face him while responding with a hum. " Good morning, it's time to rise and shine, " He greeted in his husky morning voice, unknowingly smiling sweetly at you. You replied with a groan, covering your whole body with the comforter. " C'mon, let's go and have breakky. "
" You should've woken me up when breakfast is ready, " You whined, your voice muffled underneath the comforter. Chan chuckled then pulled down the comforter away from your face, " I would've if it wasn't for this string. Now come on. ". You groaned, feeling defeated. Sitting up on the bed, you opened your eyes to meet Chan's face filled with softness and joy. Seeing that first thing in the morning made you smile. It was lovely.
A loud bark from outside of the room interrupted, assuming that Berry's dying of hunger. You instinctively hopped off the bed and hastily made your way to Berry, Chan followed suit. At the kitchen, you both found Berry sitting in front of her food bowl, whimpering. " Oh no, the baby's hungry, " You cooed as you knelt down to pet her. " Chan, you can start making our breakfast, " He followed your instruction, putting on an apron and started preparing you two's breakfast.
" Where's her food, by the way? "
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" Are you sure we're gonna find him here? " You questioned, walking a little behind Chan at the same train station yesterday. His strides were big and quite fast which made it difficult for you to keep up at his pace. To the point that your eyes were set on the floor where you have a clear view of you two's feet. You're trying to match his pace but you immediately get worned out and fall behind once more. You guessed it was a CEO thing.
" Well, did you see him in any other places? " You fell silent, continuing to keep up with his pace. The fact that you've been asleep during that time and missed the chance to see who's behind this string of fate hit you. Chan's considered lucky to be awake and witness it.
Chan took a glance behind him to see your reaction, only to find you struggling to match with his settled pace. As soon as he noticed it, he slowed down and matched his pace with yours. Confused, you looked up at him. There were no signs of annoyance or pity on his face, and that made you delighted. What a considerate guy.
It wasn't that long until you both got in the train. The two of you sat down next to each other on a vacant bench and let the train lightly sway you as it starts moving. There was a comfortable silence lingering in the train car as you waited for this child to come into your view. Fortunately, the train's not as crowded as you thought it would be so it would be easier for you to spot the child.
After 3 more stops, you started to get distracted. Your eyes boring onto the view of the opposite window side. Chan kept cautious in his surroundings, still having high hopes of seeing the child's appearance. He didn't realize how much time had already passed and sooner or later, they'll reach the last stop. On the other hand, you slowly began to get drowsy. It's probably because you're sleep deprived for the past few weeks, over-working yourself since that Ms. Kang came into your life. You let your head rest on Chan's shoulder unconsciously which surprised him. With that, Chan first made sure you were comfortable, setting aside the thought of needing to meet the child. He hesitated first, though he did ended up wrapping his arm around you and kept you close to him. Feeling relaxed and secured, you shut your eyes as you slept in his warm embrace.
Chan noticed how much exhausted you are during the time he's been with you. He may not know exactly how tough your previous boss was to you, but it did show a huge impact on you. He thought that you looked so fragile underneath his touch, and he greatly feared the moment you might break. So he made sure to be careful with you. But other than that, he felt the urge - the need or wanting to protect you at that moment. He did questioned why, out of all people, he felt it from and because of you.
Maybe, it's because you looked so exquisite especially under the sunlight. Maybe, it's because he thought you looked adorable and amusing at the same time when you whine or complain. Maybe, it's because you're motherly especially to Berry.
Maybe, he just caught feelings for you. That's why he's questioning " why you? ", it was already love.
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Unfortunately for the both of you, you never got to encounter the mysterious child once more. Days have already passed, it has been almost a week. Yet to you and Chan's dismay, no signs of the boy at all. The both of you began to lose hope and just give up. Especially you.
You felt guilty for being the least focused between the two of you, leaving Chan more responsibilities. Find the mystic child and to look out for you. You weren't really in the best shape right now, Chan knew that. You easily got tired, tend to oversleep, and you're hella pale, which you knew well that it isn't so you. " I'm sorry, " You mumbled weakly, your legs crossed and back lean on the couch pillows. Trying to not lay down and sleep more since you did just woke up from a faint.
Hearing this, Chan head over to you then immediately refused. " No, no, no. It's alright, no need to apologize. Just focus on getting better right now, okay? " You replied with a small nod, his warm hands were on yours. That simple touch always made your blood color your cheeks and feel so shy. He went back to the kitchen to continue preparing your dinner as soon as he is satisfied with your answer. In the mean time, Berry made sure to keep you busy and entertained.
While Chan's dicing some pork on a cutting board, he took a glance at the red string wrapped around his thumb. He noticed a small difference to it ever since the first day you both tried to look for the child. It had more of a faint color red, losing its opaqueness. Almost like it's about to vanish which is at some point is a good thing. Though it still has its limitations for length and never broke at your own will. He wondered if you have noticed it as well. What would it be like to be back on your own lives? Chan would be lying if he managed to picture that when he felt disheartened just at the thought of it. He got used to your small complaints, you baby talking and spoiling his dog, needing to be taken care of - when you're unable to do it yourself, even the pocket knife in your bag, that he couldn't imagine you being gone. You did became apart of his life afterall and that left him thinking of making you stay. Chan already figured that he's starting to like you back then on the train, 1st day of hunting down the child.
Which got him pondering. Concluding to a theory that maybe, this string of fate isn't going to vanish. It was only starting to get invisible to your naked eye, just like what you originally thought it would function. But it will always be there no matter what. This string of fate just happens to be more translucent the more you both realize how much you love each other.
Chan tore his gaze away from the string, switching to your pale figure in the living room. Once he knew he could leave the food cooking for a while, he grabbed a glass of water and went back to you. " You like that friend of yours, huh? " You referred to Berry's favorite dog plush. Seeing Chan in your peripheral vision, you locked eyes with him. Beaming him the sweetest smile you could muster which he instantly returned. He offered you the drink and you gladly took it into your hands. Taking a sip, you could feel Chan's eyes burning through your skin. Heat rushes to your face just by that. It's frustrating how you're so easy when he's by your side and only with him. Frequently getting the butterflies, timid, blushy, heart racing, distracted by how ethereal he is, and everything related. And you completely denied your feelings for him.
Chan took a seat beside you, now looking at the pitch black night sky out of his window walls. Those dark brown orbs showed a hint of disappointment. Following his gaze, you figured out the reason. The sky's literally pitch black, starless. As well as the moon being nowhere in sight. The melancholic sight did brought a frown to your face and you couldn't stand it. Looking back at him, you realized that there's no need for you to be crestfallen. In fact, you should be in awe.
It seems like Chan took and held the whole galaxy in his eyes that's why the night sky is empty. His eyes twinkling and shining in the darkness. Many must've envied him for that and it feels so surreal to witness it in by your very own eyes. To have it in front of you. And maybe, just maybe.
You do like Bang Chan.
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" Where the hell are you taking me, Chan?! " You quietly panicked as Chan led you to an unfamiliar forest. Just the thought of the crawlies present in places like this made you shudder. " D-Do you really think the child would be brave enough to be here when I am already cowering in fear just looking at this? "
" We're not here for that child, " He chuckled at your state, continuing to walk ahead of you and deeper into the woods. Your wary eyes stayed restless, darting from left to right. " We're here to just relax. " Chan's voice began to echo the farther he is away from you.
You started to get pissed at how he started being inconsiderate and how relaxed he is right now, that's definitely not what you know about him. " What the fuck are you talking about?! So we're just wasting our ti- " The sudden raise of your voice resulted a noise in the forest - sounded like a bird flapping its wings. The sound made you flinch then you picked up your pace to get to him. You tugged onto Chan's jacket which caused him to stop and look back to you. " Chan, please, let's just go home. " You hushly pleaded from behind him, your head hung low in fear and embarrassment.
Sighing, Chan held both of your hands in his. Rubbing circles on it for you to ease up. The both of you still connected by the string of fate, which looks like it's bound to vanish soon. He also noticed how you're short in breath. " Easy, easy. Take deep breaths with me, yeah? " You matched his breathing with yours, eventually loosening up in his warmth like always. You just felt so safe and secure when you're with him. " Let's proceed? I promise you that when we get there, it'll be worth it. " He reassured, never leaving his grip on you.
" Chan.. " You whimpered and Chan instantly hushed you.
" If it makes you feel better, I'll never let go of you, " Oh how you wished that'll last forever. " Sounds good? " You nodded hesitantly.
With that, you let Chan lead you towards his destination. The comfort of his hands wrapped around yours never left on the way just like he promised. It wasn't too long until you saw light at the end of the forest. You could hear faint sounds of waves meeting the seashore and birds singing a melody. The fear you had a while ago slowly washed away as you're nearing the place.
Reaching the light, you witnessed the jaw dropping sight of the beach on the other side of the fence. Like Chan said, it is promising and worth it. He guided you in hopping onto an enormous boulder to get to the other side and you didn't complain, you're too drawn into the beach. In excitement, you went ahead of Chan, letting go of his grasp. Your feet immediately ushering you to the seashore where you could feel the cold water at your toes. As soon as you got here, you felt like you were cleansed. As if the sea took every problem, worries and fears away from you. It was healing and just the thought of it made you smile unknowingly. You never knew you needed this until now, it has been years since the last time you've been this carefree.
On the other hand, Chan's seated at his usual place. Where he could take in the whole view. Now that you were apart of it, everything seemed to set into place for his secret escapade paradise. All felt just right. The way you dance with the waves, moving with the sea, completely letting the rhythm of the water set yourself free. Plus the wind blowing your hair, your face glowing underneath the sun, how blinding your smile was at that moment, he cherished it all. " Perfect with no reasons, " Chan thought out loud as his eyes were trained on you. Unbeknownst to him, it was loud enough for you to hear it clearly.
" Perfect? " You questioned, making your way to his side. His eyes widened, alarmed. Chan looked away without hesitation. The tip of his ears starting to turn red in embarrassment. You sat down next to him, knowing that you'll be bringing some sand in your pockets back home. Noticing his ears, you let out a hearty laugh. " Aww, look at you! "
" I know, I know, " He started, covering his ears. " I'm helpless. "
" Huh? What are you talking about? " You asked while tilting your head to the side in confusion. There was a short pause, only the sound of waves continuously ringing in the area could be heard. As well as the sound of leaves rustling while the wind whispers sweet nothings to it and palm trees swaying from side to side.
" Like- "
" If this is you doubting yourself again, gosh Chan you're not the helpless one between the two of us. " You pointed out with your arms crossed. " You're a CEO of a well known company! Plus, who took care of me? You. Who saved my ass from Ms. Kang? You. Who just comforted me a while ago? You. You are never incapable or weak. If anyone told you otherwise, I- "
" I'm helplessly in love with you is what I meant, (Y/N)! " Chan confessed, now facing you.
Then, the thread in your fingers entirely loosened without any of you knowing.
The two of you locked eyes for a minute. Both surprised by everything, especially you. The wind did whisper something to the two of you, too. Yet it's difficult to figure it out at the moment. Even in broad daylight, his eyes still held the whole galaxy. And you could never let that dim.
" You walked into my life as if you've always lived there, like my heart was a home built just for you, " Chan continued, his hand already searching for yours. Looking down at your now intertwined hands, eyes filled with pure love and adoration. " It fits just like a glo- "
Perfect with no reasons.
Chan was taken by surprise at your sudden answer. You cutted him off, attaching your lips to his. Your free hand finding itself cupping his face. He then passionately responded to the kiss, his arm snaking its way around your waist to keep you close - now that the string of fate is invisible and endless. The kiss resulted you to feel so lightheaded. The softness of his lips brought you to euphoria, everything just felt so right in place. In the end, both of you were left breathless. You couldn't do anything for a few seconds after, keeping your eyes closed with mouth agape of you to try let your mind process what just happened.
You did't need for him to explain or give you anymore reasons why he loves you. The string of fate has always been the answer, reason and explanation to your love. Ever since the beginning, you and Chan are destined to meet regardless of the time, place or circumstances. It may stretch or tangle but nothing could break it and never will. You're one another's someone's someone who you can't live without.
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145 notes · View notes
oh-so-scenarios · 4 years ago
ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅiᴘiᴛʏ ᴏғ ᴛʜiɴɢs...♠| 14
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⤖ ᴡʜᴏ ʜᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇs? Jᴜɴɢ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ ɪs ᴛᴏᴏ ʙᴜsʏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴏғ ʜɪs ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ɴᴇᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ. Hᴇ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ʜɪs sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ ʜɪᴍ…ʀɪɢʜᴛ?
⤖ Mᴀғɪᴀ Lᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ x ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ!ᴀᴜ
Warnings: mentions of sexual acts, vulgar language
****Theere are some errors. Please ignore! (Word Count: 8.6K)
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The warmth I’m feeling isn’t coming from the hot shower I just stepped out of. It was a warm feeling in my chest, along with the nervous patter of my heart. So I’m spending the night here? The rain doesn’t show any signs of stopping, and the cracking of thunder is enough to keep anyone inside.
Hoseok gave me a long sweatshirt of his along with some basketball shorts. I used the towel he provided to dry myself off and slip on the clothes he gave me. As I’m staring at myself in the partially fogged up mirror, I get a flashback to what happened in the car. 
My skin still tickled with his soft but wanting touches. I’m also shocked at my actions. I really dug my hand into his pants with no shame. I stroked his dick, and begged for him to fuck me in the back of his car. 
I shook my head, as if to shake off the embarrassment of the past events. As I removed myself from my thoughts, I recognized the sound of another running shower. Hoseok must be using his other bathroom to take a shower. I hung up the towel and grabbed my rain soaked clothes.
I stepped out of the bathroom, my hot skin being met by the cold air that circulated the hallway was refreshing, and caused me to sigh in bliss. 
I shyly looked side to side, staring at the hallway that led to more rooms, and the way that led to the living room. I took small and hesitant steps towards the other doors down the hallway, not sure what I was looking for. 
I came to a door that I thought was a closet and opened it, surprised to see a washer and dryer stacked on top of each other in the cramped space. They were clearly the newest model, and still had that new appliance gloss. The dryer already had something in it, making my stand on my tiptoes to glance in through the clear circular door. I recognized the shirt, and came to the conclusion that it was the clothes Hoseok wore on the date. 
He must have thrown them in here while I was in the shower. I opened the dryer and tossed my clothes in, my eyes reading all the dials before setting them and pressing start. 
The dryer hummed quietly while the clothes tumbled and turned inside. It was only a light vibration as well. Very different from my dryer, which was loud and echoed throughout my place. 
Hoseok is clearly a man of luxury, even with the most simple things. I closed the door and walked down the hallway to the balcony-like area. I slowly made my way down the stairs and to the living room, finding time to gawk around at the decor. It’s simple like Hoseok, yet luxurious. It’s nothing overbearing either. 
Hoseok doesn’t seem like the type to flaunt his wealth in excess. No big mansion with a bunch of unused rooms, but rather a comfortable and roomy condo. I stared into the darkness that was outside, and the other buildings in the distance. 
Seeing as the whole left wall was glass, it made the room feel a bit larger. Small threads of light from other buildings giving me a sliver of the raindrops floating down towards the ground. I watched lightning whip through the sky, the thunder that followed being a loud rumble. 
Speaking of rumble, my stomach makes a grunt sound, reminding me that we weren’t able to get dinner. With my hand pressed to my stomach, I shyly turned towards the dark walk way, strolling up the two small steps and cautiously venturing into the space.
My hands move along the wall hoping to find a light switch. My feet shuffled carefully, and I inched around, trying to keep from crashing into something.
My fingers run across something circular and hit it. Lights come shining on and I wince at the brightness, turning the circular dial to dim it. I look around to see a medium sized rectangular table with a few chairs. It seems to be a dining table, but with different sheets of paper scattered all about. There were opened binders and files carelessly thrown down. 
You’d think Hoseok would have left them in a hurry, so he didn’t have time to clean it up. 
I looked to my left to see some of the kitchen. It was barely visible, but the dining room lights gave me enough to see the switch for the kitchen. I switched the lights on and strolled in, my feet making a slapping noise on the cool tile floor. 
The kitchen matched the penthouse perfectly. All the appliances were a shining silver while the medium sized island, cabinets and all the countertops were a smooth black wood. The tile floor was an imitation of white oak wood that kept the place from seeming too dark. It was spacious and unlike the dining room, very clean. 
Everything has its place and would make anyone uncomfortable to move it. The coffee machine next to the mug rack that was next to the blender, before the gas stove interrupted the smooth countertop. 
On the other side of the stove was a rice cooker and a toaster. All the appliances showed signs of being used, but were cleaned wonderfully. 
I turned my eyes to the large two wide door fridge that had a drawer at the bottom as the freezer. I approach the fridge, staring at it. I glanced around me, as if I was doing something bad. 
Is it okay for me to open his fridge? Should I wait for him to come back before I ask if I can cook something? I reached a hand out to rest on the handle before opening one of the doors.
Hoseok’s fridge was stocked beautifully. All the water bottles lined up like the aesthetic posts I would see on Tumblr. The condiments were organized and all the foods were set in certain places. Now I really feel bad to go in there and mess it up. 
I open the other door and scan all the foods and items, deciding on some beef japchae. I started to take out the ingredients, taking the cuts of beef that were wrapped in one of the fridge compartments. I moved to the cabinets, getting more comfortable as I pulled out the needed items. 
I found all the seasonings and bowls I would need while I hummed a song I heard on the radio. 
I jump slightly when I heard a door closing, followed by footsteps coming down the stairs in a bit of a rush. I keep my eyes on the entrance way that connected the dining room with the living room. It wasn’t long before Hoseok’s figure rushes through, his cell phone pressed to his ear. 
“No, no! Move it to next week! I will not let them threaten me in such a way.” He hissed into the phone, striding to the papers spread out on the dining table. He throws a glance my way, and I notice his eyes move about the kitchen. He saw all the things I took out and looked back at me in question. 
I couldn’t answer, as the person on the phone had grabbed his attention once again. He wore a simple Tee with a colorful graphic on it, along with some black basketball shorts. I giggled at the butterflies building in my stomach. I’ve never seen Hoseok in comfortable clothes like he is now. 
I took a deep breath as my eyes stayed on him. He was looking through the different sheets of paper on the table. He was muttering something, whether to himself or the person on the phone; I can’t be sure. 
His brows furrowed as he stared down, listening to whatever was being said to him. I leaned against the counter, my arm pushing some of the items I laid out. His hair was still damp, and disheveled. Probably the results of a towel being roughly rubbed over it. 
“They aren’t going to get a better offer. I am not going to use my time off to try to prove myself for some petty investment. I won’t call them, I won’t even send out an email.” He barked, rolling his eyes. 
Whoever he was speaking to, was slowly pulling him into a bad mood. My mouth scrunched up bitterly, hoping that work wouldn’t take up all his time tonight. I turned my focus back to the food, taking out the meat preparing it. 
I was zipping around the kitchen, Hoseok’s business banter fading into the background. I put the pot on the stove and got it nice and hot for the beef. Hoseok still stood at the table, making me wonder why he didn’t take a seat. 
He probably was hoping to not waste this night with work as well. His reluctance to sit down showed his effort of finishing the call quickly. 
I glanced towards the rice cooker, now that I wanted to pair sides of rice with the glass noodle dish. I looked in his, his eyes trained down on the table while he focused intently. I took small steps in his direction, my movement catching his attention right away. 
As I got closer, he put a hand on my lower back, turning his phone away from his mouth to look at me. I leaned in a bit, the fresh smell of his soap tingling my senses.
“Can I use the rice cooker?” I whispered, trying to keep my voice down so as to not let my presence be known to those on the phone. 
He smiled and rubbed my lower back in a very loving manner, “Yeah go ahead princess.” Unlike me, he didn’t whisper but spoke loudly, the tiny chatter I could barely hear from his phone had gone quiet. I went back to the kitchen and began with the rice and rice cooker.
“I was talking to my girlfriend.” Hoseok said as a matter of fact. He pauses and scoffs, turning his back to me while his tone grew sharp. 
“Mr. Robins, I told you it was my time off. Don’t act surprised now! You’ve already cut into an important night so might as well finish this.”
When Hoseok speaks again it’s been a few minutes. I’m cooking the beef in the pan, the cackling and sizzling of it in the pan drowning out his words.
“Tell them I said that such petty threats do nothing for me. Let them know that my offer has an expiration date.” He pauses, glancing at me.
“Also Mr. Robins, don’t call outside of work hours anymore. I allowed it in the past, but let’s not make it a habit anymore. So tonight is the last time. But yes, talk to you soon.” 
I turn my focus back to the meat, cooking it evenly before moving it to a plate. I start to put the noodles in the pot with boiling water and move to cut the vegetables I set out.
“Let me help.” Hoseok says from beside me. I jump, surprised to see him so close. His phone was no longer with him and set on the dining table. He looked down at me with a kind smile, his dimples on display as he did so.
“Okay,” I giggle, “Can you cut the vegetables for me?” He nods, and moves to the sink to watch his hands. 
“You made yourself comfortable,” He chuckles, looking over his shoulder at me. 
My cheeks warm up, “See, I knew you were going to say that. I was going to wait to ask if I could use your kitchen but I got hungry.”
We work in a comfortable silence, the sound of water boiling and the clunk of the knife hitting the cutting board. I drained the noodles and checked on the rice in the rice cooker. 
We work efficiently and Hoseok turns to randomly smile at me every few minutes. I giggled each time, asking him if something was wrong. He’d only smile and shake his head no. The noodles were just about done, and I was lightly stir-frying them with the beef and the vegetables. Hoseok was washing the dishes. 
This moment felt very domestic and I loved it. It wasn’t long before I was plating both meals and bringing them to the dining table. I gently moved some of the papers to the side, shuffling others together into stacks. Hoseok swiftly washed the rest of the dishes while I set the table. 
His quick movements revealed just how hungry he was. I can’t be surprised. I’m sure his lunch was earlier in the day, and the rain killed our plans. He saw me shivering and thought it’d be better to cancel the dinner reservation he had for after the movie.
We eat in silence for a bit, our stomachs were crying out for some food. The pleased exhale as he eats has me thanking my mom in my heart. 
The times she’d make me stay with her in the kitchen has come in handy. That’s how she’d try to bond with me, since work kept her away a lot. I naturally picked up on her recipes and at the young age of 12, I could cook dinner for the whole family. 
That’s how the dream of becoming a chef manifested itself. My parents supported it, believing that’s what I was really going to pursue. But it was a phase I held onto for a year. 
“It’s good?” I asked, taking my chopsticks and grabbing my side of rice. I put some rice in my mouth, watching Hoseok for an answer. He chewed and swallowed the noodles before grinning at me.
“You know it’s good.” He answered in a teasing manner, “I might have you over here every night.” He looks down at his food, missing the way my eyes widen at his words.
Have me over here every night? He was too focused on his food to notice my still figure. By the time I snapped out of it, a pregnant quiet fell over us. 
Once again it was a comfortable quiet. We were simply enjoying each other’s company. We’d talk every once in a while, Hoseok finding something to say that would cause me to laugh. Was he always this funny? 
I narrowed my eyes at him, realizing that he was speaking his thoughts more. I enjoyed it, gladly listening to whatever he’d have to say. 
“What time do you need to wake up tomorrow?” His question was coming out of left field, seeing as he was previously talking about how much he enjoyed the seasoning on the beef. 
“I’ll need to get home then get ready, so probably 8 am. They have me coming in later, since I’m only doing paperwork.” A slight pout on my lips as I spoke. Ugh, paperwork. It’s what I dislike the most about my job but I’ll be confined in my office doing just that. 
“Okay, I’ll drive you home, then to work.” He informs me, taking some more noodles in his mouth. 
I could only nod in response, and we returned to silence. We never really said that I’d be staying the night, but a wordless understanding was met. As I finished my food, I noticed Hoseok glancing at his phone, checking the time. I drummed my fingers lightly on the table, curious if he had something he had to attend to. 
I waited till he was done with his food, looking up to meet my blank expression. 
“What’s up?” He says simply, putting his chopsticks into the bigger glass bowl. 
I lean forward, setting an elbow on the table, “Do you have something to do? You keep looking at your phone.”
He blinks at me, trying to figure out how to respond. The guilty look on his face told me everything I needed to know. 
“I just have some contracts I need to write up. I didn’t want to ignore you while yo--”
I cut him off, vigorously shaking my head. 
“It’s fine,” I reassure him, “I know you’re a busy man, and you weren’t expecting me to be staying here so you don’t have to entertain me. I’ll watch TV or something.” 
He raises an eyebrow at me, his hair now dry and ruffled out like it was just brushed. 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m sure.” I confirm, reaching my hand out to smooth out his hair. 
I only watched TV for an hour before I was growing bored. I grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels. I passed various shows, seeing the scenes flash on the large flat screen for no more than a second. I groaned into defeat, deciding that I’d just review some medical notes from my email. 
I noticed my purse carelessly thrown on the loveseat adjacent to me. I stood up, grabbing the pursue and situating myself in that same loveseat. 
I figured that since Hoseok was somewhere in the condo working, I couldn’t disturb him much from the living room. I glanced around me, looking at the spiral stairs that led to the second level. 
Using bluetooth, I connected my phone to the Bose soundbar that the TV was using as an output. Music always helps me study and review. Whether it was patient files or some techniques that I had to brush up on. 
My phone showed that it was 11:47pm. After a long day of work, I would have been knocked out on my bed, knowing that another tiring day was waiting for me in the morning. I took note that my phone was at 56%. I’d had to go bother Hoseok for a charger soon.
I hit shuffle on my studying playlist, and opened up my emails to review patient notes. I won’t be working those cases till next week but it was good to show up prepared. I keep the volume low, leaving it just loud enough to fill the living room. If it’s too loud, Hoseok will let me know. 
I’m looking over files and notes on a burn victim, along with the progress on Mrs. Choi. Her physical therapy is going well. It’s moving slowly but they believe she will walk again, however it seems her motivation is dwindling. 
Her husband shows no signs of progress. He is still in a coma that leaves doctors to truly unable understand the length of the damage he has from the car accident. 
The notes were a lot. Long detailed files and charts for patients. I’ll be the one typing all these up when I head back to work. As the song changes to something with a faster tempo, I start bobbing my head to the beat. Soon my shoulders join in, having my body do a stiff and closed off jig in my seat. 
My attention was on the notes, so I wasn’t putting much effort into my rhythmic movements. I’m sitting there reading for some time, and when I check the time again it’s 12:54am. 
I take a break, locking my phone and dropping it in the loveseat as I stand up. My playlist is still on, a funky R&B song coming on just as I’m walking towards the dining room. I was going to head into the kitchen to get a glass of water. 
I stop my steps, letting my hips sway to the beat in the middle of the living room. I close my eyes, mouthing the words and slowing my movements to the breakdown of the song. I let the song get to the chorus before I stroll to the dining room.
I walk to the beat, switching on the dining room lights. I could faintly hear the song, singing the song under my breath now. I don’t bother turning on the kitchen lights. I grab a water bottle like this as if my own home and dash back to the living room.
I barely turn off the dining room lights as my feet shuffle along the floor. I’m back in the center of the living room, opening the bottle to take a sip of water before setting it on the center table. The space between the center table and the couches was enough for me to dance. 
I just felt like dancing, forgetting that I wasn’t in my own apartment. However, Hoseok’s presence somewhere else in this place brought a sense of safety and comfort. The notes were all forgotten about as another song came on,having me rock to the beat. 
I’m circling my hips in a provocative manner, bending my knees and holding one arm up as I do so. I stick my tongue out a bit, feeling myself. My confidence is growing since I’m by myself. Or so I thought. 
I keep dancing, closing my eyes as if it could help me hit the high notes the singer was reaching. The slow winding of my hips momentarily stutter to a stop when two hands enclose either side of them. 
I jump, the touch startling me. I felt Hoseok’s chest against my back and his breath on the back of my neck. I let out a shaky breath as his crotch lightly brushed my butt. I hear his shallow breaths close to my ear. His hands are big, his hands are hot and grip me just right. 
Trying to shake off the hot and heavy atmosphere falling over us, I kept dancing as I was, humming the song as if nothing had changed. My butt brushing his crotch every movement. 
“Are you done with your contracts? That didn’t take too long.” I said over my shoulder. 
“I worked quickly cause I could hear you having your own little party out here.” His voice was playful. He placed a kiss on the back of my neck, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body. 
We establish a steady rhythm, his hips moving with mine. It wasn’t crazy sexual, but I was impressed by how fluidly his hips moved, along with the bit of distance he kept between my rear end and his crotch, like he was worried I wouldn’t like him pressed on me.
“I was reading some notes, but the music distracted me.” I answered, as a slower track came on. Our bodies swayed in a sluggish fashion. I lean my body back into him, my whole body pressed into him. I leaned my head back, and closed my eyes.
“I can relate.” He says softly.
“Oh yeah,” I mention, “You said you wanted to be a dancer?” His hands on my hips are replaced by his arms enclosing my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder, his cheek against my cheek.
He giggles at the uncertainty in my voice, “Is it still hard to believe?” 
“A little bit.” I reply, “What type of dancing did you do?” 
Hoseok inhales and exhales slowly, looking forward like he could see the memorie playing before him.
“I’d dance whatever I could learn,” He says vaguely, “I was just happy to be dancing.” 
“You can still dance...with me. I’ll always be your dancing partner.” 
“Thank you for the offer Y/n...I’ll gladly think about it.”
“I mean I’m no professional, but I can stay on beat, and I like to have fun so you’ll never be bored.” 
He opens his mouth and closes it again, deciding not to speak. 
“But before you can even ponder on my offer, you have to show me your dancing skills! I need to see what you got!” I challenge, and his arms pull me in tighter to him. I could feel the steady hits of his heartbeat against my back.
The song faded to quiet, before another track began. It picked up a bit more than the last track, fun and quick tango beat to it.
Hoseok let me out of his arms, spinning me around to face him. I was astounded by the speed in which he spun me around. He clasped one hand of mine in his. He moved my other hand to rest on the bicep of his arm that had it’s hand placed on my waist. 
He straightened his posture, tilting his chin up a bit while he gazed down at me. 
“Just follow after me okay?” He said quietly, as if we were dancing in secret. 
I tried. I tried to keep up. The first few steps were rough. He was clearly moving a bit slower for me, waiting as I caught onto the basic steps, before he picked up the pace. It was easy to dance with Hoseok after that. 
He was truly leading me, surprising me with some quick spins and other flares of flavor. 
I giggled as he spun me, bringing me close to his body. My chest was falling and rising as I tried to catch my breath, staring back into Hoseok’s eyes. 
It was only a second as he began to move his feet again, having me follow along with the rhythmic steps. 
Now my arm was wrapped around his shoulder and neck, while my other hand was clasped in his. I yelped in surprise as he dipped me. So low I was worried he’d drop me. As he brings me back up, I let go of his hand and wrap my other arm around his neck.
He brings his face close to mine as we stand there, catching our breath. I, breathing a lot more heavy than him.
Hoseok shows a soft smile, wrapping both his arms around my waist. 
“Wow,” I say in-between small gasps for air, “You really can dance.” 
Hoseok chuckles at my dazed expression, leaning forward to kiss my lips. A peck so quick, by the time my eyes are fluttering closed, he is pulling away. 
“Do you want to get back to your patient notes?” He licks his lips, his eyes flickering down to my lips.
I shake my head, “I want you to kiss me again.” 
He hums in response, leaning in close to kiss me again. A short peck, followed by a lingering kiss. His arms around me tightened and melted into him. Our heads tilted as we deepened the kiss. My heart hammering in my ears, and my stomach twisting into nervous knots. 
His lips are soft, warm and welcoming. Everytime we kiss, it feels like I’m trying to get a message of my feelings to him. Hoseok, however, kisses me slowly and in a cherishing manner. Like it’ll be the last time he kisses me, like he needs me to breathe. 
Each and every time, I’m left weak in the knees. My heart is squeezing with delight. He doesn’t always say how he feels. A lot of time he’ll say it randomly or in passing, as if he didn’t want a whole moment around it. 
But the execution of his actions make me feel warm inside. 
The small touches, his hand on my back, the way he’ll pause a work call to listen to whatever I have to say. Picturing him as the same cold gentlemen I met nearly 4 months ago, makes my heart grow in size.
But that also makes me wonder, should I be the first to tell him I love him? Hoseok is so casual about things, whether it’s due to his discomfort or he doesn’t see the significance, that he might not say such words right out. 
The way he calls me his girlfriend now, although he didn’t ask me to be his girlfriend, shows he doesn’t see a need for all the formalities.
He sighs as he draws his lips away from mine, kissing my cheek, my jaw and then a small kiss on my neck. He hides his face in my neck, my arms tighten around him so we were hugging.
I bring a hand up to rest on his hair, “Thank you for such a fun date.” 
“You don’t have to lie Y/n, I know it was sucky.” He says, his lips brushing against my skin.
“It wasn’t at all. I had fun, I always have fun with you.”
“I’m not exactly the life of the party Y/n.” 
“You’re a lot more fun than you think. You’re also a lot kinder than you realise. I know you were probably exhausted, but you still went to the movies with me.”
“And you cooked for me,” He smiles. I know cause I can feel it against my neck and collar bone. I thought he was going to say something else, his statement felt incomplete so we stood in silence as I waited for him to speak again.
When he didn’t I listened to his soft breathing. 
“You’re clearly tired, so let’s get you to bed okay?” I said. He drew back from me, staring at me with jaded eyes, and I could only giggle at the tired pout on his lips. He was totally starting to fall asleep in my arms.
I pinched his cheek and pecked him on the lips before stepping out of his arms and walking over to my phone left forgotten in the love seat. I disconnected it from the soundbar from my phone, and switched it off. 
Hoseok goes to turn off most of the lights, leaving the small doorway light on. I followed him up the stairs, my strides slowing down as we got to the hallway. 
He stopped walking, leaving me just a view of his back. He looked to the door on his left, before turning to me. 
“So here’s the guest room.” He said gesturing to the room. 
I awkwardly nodded, rubbing my hands together and walking closer to him, opening the door to see a plain but nice bedroom.
A larger twin size bed with a desk closet and a TV. 
I stare at the room, knowing that Hoseok was also watching my reaction.
He’s being considerate. He doesn’t want to make me uncomfortable by assuming I’d want to share a room with him, but damn I’d like if he’d at least ask me. I don’t want to deal with the horrifying embarrassment of telling him I want to sleep in the same bed. 
The rain was still falling, the occasional thunder sounding, but this time further away.
“Alright,” I say, turning to face him. I muster up a smile, and open my mouth to speak. 
Hoseok is looking at me with a rigged smile. 
“Good n-”
“Y/n?” Hoseok cut me off, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He looks off to the side as he thinks.
I blink up at him, knowing what he wants to say. This shouldn’t be a big deal! Why are we both feeling so nervous? I’ve already had my hand around his dick for goodness sake! 
“I want you to come sleep in my room...with me.” He finally looks at me, staring at me with a cute uncertainty. 
I laugh, “Good! My goodness! I thought you weren’t going to say anything!” I chime, stepping out the guest bedroom. I closed the door behind me and saw Hoseok’s scoff of disbelief.
“What?” I ask.
“You were just going to watch me stress like that? Why didn't you say you wanted to sleep in my room?” He complained.
“Oh please! I don’t need to be the one making all the first steps!” I hissed, poked his chest.
“Plus, you’re the one that led me to a guest bedroom! I’ve already had my hand around your dick for fuck’s sake!” I add, giggling and the wink he gives me.
“Do you want it in your hands again?” He whispers, stepping closer to me. I back up, pressed against the guest bedroom door. He smirks at me, placing a bashful kiss on my cheek.
“Stop messing around!” I say, slipping past him while he snickers at my shyness. 
“Or, would you rather have it in your mouth this time?” He jeers. My eyes widen and I start screaming as if to run from the embarrassment that was manifesting it’s in my warm face.
He laughs at my cringing squeals, taking my hand in his and leading me towards the door at the end of the hallway. 
His room is dimly lit, but I could make out the beautiful ivory colored walls. The bed was a large king size bed that sat low. The black bed frame was low, only lifting the mattress off the floor a foot or two. The bedsheets were a rich and dark green, tying together the whole aura of the room. There was a tall lamp that stood on the left side of the bed, and it was the only light on. 
Though it was nothing compared to the lights fixtures in the ceiling, it didn’t leave me completely blind and in the dark. 
I wasn’t aware of how weird i must have looked, standing there, staring at his room like I’d never seen a bedroom in my whole life. 
 He squeezed my hand, pulling me out of my daze.
“I’m sorry what did you say?” I asked, blinking at him. 
“I was saying that the bathroom is that way.” He pointed to a door on the further right side of the room, “It’s the door on the right. There is an unopened toothbrush if you want to brush your teeth.” 
He released my hand and scratched the back of his head. He looked down at the floors as he spoke, making me want to giggle at the embarrassment that was showing itself in his red ears. 
It made me feel better to remember that it isn’t just me that has never had such intimate and close moments with people. Something like having my own toothbrush at Hoseok’s place is a big deal. It’s an unspoken step into new territory. 
“Thanks.” I said softly, walking around him and further into the room. The room was spacious but also cozy. It was pretty simple and showed that Hoseok doesn’t spend much time here. He works all the time so I’m sure he just plops down and sleeps. 
He doesn’t sit in here to relax or anything like that. I heard the door close as I walked towards the bathroom, followed by the sound on Hoseok sitting on the bed.
I brushed my teeth swiftly, admiring the bathroom as I did so. One of those big showers with the tile walls, and glass doors. There was also a big white bathtub on the other side of the room. The sink was large and in the middle of a long rectangular marble counter. I stare at myself in the crystal clear mirror, feeling a bit out of place as I stare at my extravagant surroundings.
I continued to brush my teeth, and rinsed my mouth thoroughly, I set the purple tooth brush in the cup that held another orange brush. I used one of the towels to wipe off any water from around my mouth and walked out the bathroom, shutting off the lights. 
When I step out I’m met by Hoseok laying on the bed, his back to me. I couldn’t be sure if he’d fallen asleep, but I didn’t want to wake him. He was under the blankets, and looked like he’d settled in for the night.
The lamp on his side of the room was off, leaving the room in almost complete darkness. The moonlight shining through the window provided enough light to let me see the outside of his body. I tiptoed  over to the bed, lifting up the blankets and sliding in. The bed and everything around me smelled like Hoseok.
I smiled to myself, and looked up at the ceiling before closing my eyes and turning onto my side. My back was facing Hoseok, and I tried to keep some space between us. I wasn’t sure how much space he wanted. 
I slowly started to fall asleep, the comfort of the heavy blankets and the scent of Hoseok around me lulling me. 
I was barely awake when I felt Hoseok shift beside me, muttering something in a hoarse voice. 
“So far away.” He grumbles, before I felt some more shuffling. He slid his arm under my body, causing me to hum in response, since I was barely awake. 
My eyes stayed closed and I turned my body so I was facing him. That’s clearly what he wanted, as he wordlessly curled his arm up, pushing my body till my head was on his chest. I was too sleepy to say anything. All I could do was cuddle closer and rest my hand on his chest. 
“Are you awake?” He asks softly. When I don’t reply, he shifts slightly so his face is buried in my hair.
I fell asleep peacefully as his hand found my back and rubbed soothing circles.
“Why did you choose today of all days to follow the speed limit?” I mutter at Hoseok. He chuckles but keeps his eyes on the road. He wasn’t going his usual speed today, and though I find his speeding distasteful, today it would have come in handy. 
We woke up late, which is no surprise. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so well in my whole life. Being in Hoseok’s warm embrace soothed me all the way down to my soul. Although we were running late, he was still in a good mood.
He drove me back to my apartment, waited for me to get dressed for work, and is now driving me to the hospital. I won’t see him most of today, but we agreed to see each other tonight.
As we pulled into the Seoul Sky hospital, I had my passenger door opened before the car came to a full stop. I grabbed my purse, making sure it had everything I needed. 
I leaned towards Hoseok, kissing him on the cheek before kissing him on the lips shortly. Two pecks on the lips before I pulled away beaming at him. 
“I’ll see you later.” I said. 
He showed me a small smile and nodded, “See you later.”
“Don’t work yourself too hard!” I exclaim as I step out of the car, “And remember to eat!”
I close the car door and Hoseok rolls down the window, “Even when you’re in a rush you still manage to nag me!” 
“I nag you because I l-” My words stop short and I clasp my hand over my mouth. Hoseok, oblivious to what I was about to confess, raises his eyebrows at me in question.
“Because you..?” He trails off, but all I can do is smile awkwardly. 
“See you later!” I shout and bolt away from the car. I don’t look back as I jog through the automatic sliding doors. 
“Good morning Dr. L/N!” A nurse calls out to me. I stop in my tracks, recognizing the nurses at the front desk. I smiled, waving at them energetically.
“Good morning!” I chimed. 
“You’re running a little late aren’t you?” The older nurse stated. 
I nodded my head but before I could open my mouth, the rest of the nurses giggled. 
“You don’t have to explain, we could see it through the glass doors. Time moves quickly when you’re in love.” The older nurse said.
I stood there a bit confused before looking behind me at the sliding doors. It really was a perfect view of where Hoseok had stopped the car. I turned back to the nurses who were cheesing at me. 
  “It’s wonderful to have you back Dr. L/n, let us know if you need help with anything.”
I thanked them, heading to my office quickly. I was in a rush so I settled on some black dress pants and a blue dress shirt. My hair was styled in a rush so it looks decent. I made it to my office, happy to see it again. It wasn’t locked, which is strange but I didn’t think much of it. I set my bag down and grabbed my white coat. I pulled it on quickly and went to my desk. 
All I’ll be doing today is paperwork so I might as well get comfortable. I took my seat and turned on my computer, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before Jennie waltzed in here with all the work I’d have to do.
The computer switched on quickly, but something else took my attention. On my desk was a red envelope. I waste no time opening it, thinking it was a welcome back card. Oh how I was wrong. 
Dear, Y/n. I am so glad to have you back. The whole department has felt incomplete since you left. I was very hurt when Jennie informed me that you weren’t allowing anyone to visit you as you recovered. You did not answer my phone calls either. I was sad to hear you got hurt and fell down the stairs. It seems your boyfriend isn’t taking good care of you. But I am glad you have recovered fully. Please come see me when you have the chance. This may be inappropriate but the absence of your presence has helped me realize something. 
Sincerely Taemin. 
I stared at the letter in confusion. Now what the hell is Dr. Lee doing? What is this? My face scrunches up in annoyance as I read over the letter again. This is completely inappropriate and leaves me feeling uncomfortable. 
I’ve turned down Dr. Lee’s advances before, taking them as jokes but by the sound of this letter, he wanted me to take his advances seriously. I ignored the login screen of my computer and stood up from my chair with the letter in my hand. 
I stepped out my office and headed down the hallway, knowing that Dr. Lee would be making his rounds instead of being in his office. I’d have to go around a bit before finding him. But sitting on such an issue would leave me unable to work all day. 
I rounded the corner, greeting regular patients with a small smile. Some of them told me they missed me and others smiled at me with shining eyes. For a second I forgot about the awful letter Dr. Lee left for me. I am back at work and even though I’m stuck with paperwork, the atmosphere was enough for me. 
I turned around a corner and crashed into a familiar person.
“Hey, there you are!” Jennie chimed. She smiled at me, wearing her usual red lipstick and that iconic slicked ponytail was just as sharp as ever. Her eyelashes look really long and she looked happier than usual.
“Yup, I’m back to work. It feels great.” I answer. 
“I’m sure your date yesterday went well? You’re radiating happiness.” She mentions.
I raise an eyebrow at her, “Am I? Cause I'm pissed off.”
Her brows furrowed and she looked concerned. The question she was about to ask was clear.
“No, it has nothing to do with Hoseok. The date was...amazing.” My tone softens at the mention of Hoseok.
“So what’s got you so angry, so early in the morning?”
I handed her the letter, watching her face expression change as she opened it and read it. 
The humorless laugh that struggles it’s way past her lips makes me wanna scoff all over again.
“This is weird.” She groans. 
“It’s very weird.” I double down, “This is totally inappropriate. You know I am chill about many things, but I don’t like stuff like this at work from co-workers! How many times have I rejected him? This isn’t harmless banter anymore.” 
I speak in a low voice, watching as different nurses and doctors pass us. 
“Are you going to bring this up to Hose-”
I cut her off, “Of course not! I haven’t seen a jealous Hoseok and I don’t think I want to. He’ll come in here and scare Dr. Lee. Working here will be even more uncomfortable.”
“I know he’s on the second floor.” She says, and points towards the elevator not too far from us. 
“I can’t be sure how he’ll react so could you come with me?”
“Of course! Did you think I was going to let you do that alone? Let’s go!” She takes hold of my arm and pulls me along. 
While in the elevator she tells me about all the awful comments he’d make while I was gone. Jennie brushed most of them off but a few were too much.
He’d say, “Where is that boyfriend of hers?”
“That guy looks controlling. She doesn’t want me to visit her or he doesn’t?”
And a few more that were totally unfitting for a work environment. She wasn’t even going to bring it up to me, but she didn’t expect ‘love letters’ to start becoming a thing.
The elevator doors opened and before we stepped off we could hear chaos. Jennie and I looked at each other in disarray. We stepped off the elevator to hear loud yelling and shouting from different people. Other patients were running away from the noise, telling us that it was coming from our right.
Our stroll turned into a speed walk, and I hid the letter in my lab coat pocket. We turn the corner and the yelling is louder. 
We see Dr. Lee and Dr. Shin, a newer doctor standing outside a familiar hospital room.
“Mrs. Choi?” I mutter to myself. Jennie and I approach the situation, Dr. Lee being the first one to see us. I don’t miss the way he smiles when he spots me. I had to fight a grimace off my face.
“What is going on?” Jennie askes, catching Dr. Shin’s attention this time. She moves her focus from Jennie and right to me. 
“Oh thank you goodness you’re back Dr. L/n! Please calm these ladies down!” She cries, running her fingers through her auburn hair. 
I take a look into the room, the door being wide open. There was Mrs. Choi screaming at the top of her lungs at another woman. This woman was a lot younger than her, looking to be in her late 20’s. Her hair was long and brown with soft waves. She wore stylish jeans with boots and a lovely top and a lovely trench coat. 
From the wonderful jewelry on her neck and the rings on her fingers, she’s clearly someone who is well off. Both women were red in the face while they screamed at each other.
“Who is the younger lady? Why haven’t you called security?” I looked at both Dr. Lee and Dr. Shin. 
“Well…” Dr. Shin hesitated to speak, looking down at her feet in guilt. 
“So I was wonder why Mrs. Choi didn’t have any family? She was feeling so down lately and her husband wasn’t getting any better. The psychical therapists said she was losing motivation in their sessions so I tried to help.” Dr. Shin looked up to find my dubious face expression.
I crossed my arms over my chest, “What did you do?” I hate how accusing my tone was, but the hospital Dr. Shin transferred from told us she would cause trouble. A lot of nurses have been avoiding her. Some say she’s too spunky, and focuses too much on making her personality shine through.
“I did some digging and it turns out she has kids! There was no information on the son, but I was able to find her daughter! So I invited her daughter here as a surprise.”
Both Jennie and I groaned. 
“You can't do things like that!” Jennie scolded.
“I know, I know! But I didn’t think things would turn out like this!” She whined.
I couldn’t say anything to Dr. Shin as the argument between the two women was escalating.
“What is the daughter’s name?” Jennie whispers. 
“Her english name in Helena. We don’t know her Korean name.” Dr. Lee answers. 
“You don’t get my pity mom!” Helena shouts. She’s standing at the end of her mother’s bed tears running down her cheeks. 
“You set me away! You pushed everyone away! You tricked yourself into believing dad was a bad person because you wanted an excuse for falling out of love with him! You could have just divorced him!”
“You don’t know what I was going through!” Ms. Choi shouts back.
Helena snaps back just as quickly, “You sent me away! You sent me away from you, dad...Hobi.”
Hobi? Who is that?
“I sent you away because I wanted you to be safe! I love you Helena!” Mrs. Choi’s voice was growing hoarse from the screaming and  I was getting ready to jump in.
“Bullshit!” Helena spits, “Bullshit! You sent me away and never called. I never even got a fucking letter. I grew up without you. I graduated college without you. I moved on with my life without you. You never cared for me. You were so fucking focused on Hobi! You just wanted me out the way. No one would tell me where the fuck Hobi was so I couldn’t find him to even attend dad’s funeral.”
Dad’s funeral? So Mrs. Choi’s husband who is in the coma, is not the father of her daughter?
She vigorously wipes her tears off her face, “You keep telling yourself you did what you had to when in reality, you’re just a shitty person.”
“Am I?” Ms. Choi croaks, “Am I really that awful because I thought I deserved to be happy?” 
“Your journey to happiness left a path of destruction for everyone else. You’ve lost you fucking mind if you believe anything you did was okay.” Helena’s voice toned down. The both of the basked in the heavy silence. 
Helena let out a solemn chuckle, almost like her mother was the joke.
“Well, mom,” she emphasized the word ‘mom’, “Did you find the happiness you wanted?” I couldn’t see her face fully, just her profile...but she reminded me of someone.
She shows her mom a sarcastic smile, “I mean look at you. Look at where you are. Your new precious husband is stuck in a long sleep and they don’t know when he’ll wake up. Your legs aren’t working and you’re all alone. I only showed up so I could get the years of hurt off my chest. So since you can’t run away…” She gestures to her mom in the bed. 
“I’m gonna finally say, fuck you mom. Dad was never the bad guy. Hobi might have been gullible enough to believe your foolishness but I always saw right through it. It was you...it was always you. You don’t deserve any happiness.” She finishes, glaring at the old woman staring back at her with sad eyes. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after that. I will waltz in here every day and remind you that this is a product of your own choices. When you’re ready to apologize I’ll listen.” She grabs her purse from the guest chair and turns to face all of us at the door. 
Her eyes flicker across  each of our faces and I feel a prick in my chest. I feel weird. Should I know this lady? Something tells me I should know Helena but I’m drawing a blank. 
She pushes past us and down the hallway.
No one speaks to Mrs. Choi and she doesn’t speak to us. We all can only shift in discomfort. No words could bring comfort after such harsh lashings were thrown. We can only look on in distraught cause for some reason...the pity we’ve felt for poor old Ms. Choi was no more. 
Alrightty, what did you guys think?! Things are progressing right! We’re moving into the next phase of the story! Yay! 
Tell me what you think? What do you think will happen next? How do you feel about Mrs. Choi? Was she right in what she did?
Inbox me too! I love hearing y’alls thoughts!
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flamingo-writes · 4 years ago
Heat Waves — Rohan x Reader
Summary: Rohan can’t believe the amount of detail and effort put into the little present you had for him. The amount of love and admiration swelling in his chest drives him to show you how grateful he is in the most tenderof ways. 
Authors Note: This fic is named after the song that got me in the mood to write this, it was also the song I heard to the most while writing/proofreading this. Heat Waves by Glass Animals Why are glass animals songs so sexy aaaaaah
Fun fact: the reader's stand's name is based of this same band.
Word count: 2.8 words
Genre: tender fluffy smut
Warnings: NSFW
Date: nov.29.2020
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Rohan was speechless. 
He never thought he'd be falling this hard for someone. And yet, with each new day, you made him fall more and more in love with you. How did you do it? He didn't know. And he didn't want to know either. For once, he didn't want to know the answer behind a question. He wanted to keep it a mystery, and keep the magic going. 
"You like it?" You whispered as Rohan gaze went around his room, noticing every small detail of your installation art. 
Your name escaped his lips in the dreamiest of whispers. 
"This is gorgeous..." He said breathless. 
Several pieces of glass hanging from the ceiling. White and yellow and even golden stained glass hanging from threads from the ceiling. From any point in the room, they just looked like pretty pieces of glass hanging, but in front of Rohan's bed, you could see the real thing the stained glass was painting. 
Heaven's Door. 
Rohan felt so flattered, not only you managed to make an installation art of his Stand, but the tones in the glass were beautiful. The sunlight shining through, only reflected the light in the walls, painting his room in warm golden tones. 
Rohan turned around, his heart beating excitedly on his chest. Oh, how bad he wanted to kiss you. How bad he wanted to hold you, and make you feel as good as you had just made him feel. 
"Babe, this is perfect. I love it" He whispered cupping your face in his hands, and brushed his nose against yours. 
Just how you loved it. 
He still couldn't understand how you hadn't grown tired of him. Everyone did. And to be fair, he did grow tired of everyone else. He liked to hang out with a few people every now and then, but never for too long. 
Not you. 
You leaned closer, pressing your lips against your boyfriend's in a soft melting kiss. A soft melting kiss that soon left Rohan breathless and wanting more. 
When he met you, sure he thought you were pretty. And whenever you both turned out to be at the coffee place at the same time, he'd sketch you from afar as you studied. But that was it. No other interest other than sketching you sparked from him. At least at first.
This, however, changed slowly over the weeks.
One time, you were leaving as he was walking in. In a clever attempt, taking advantage of the close proximity as you brushed your shoulder next to his, he thought of using Heaven's Door to try and peek into your mind. 
Though, he was surprised to find out you had a Stand yourself. A Stand that reacted instantly and stopped Heaven's Door. 
Rohan's hands moved down your sides, wrapping them around your back and squeezing you tightly against him, as his desire rose, wanting to feel you closer. The sweet moan that escaped your lips when he squeezed you, only fed his hunger. The heat rising between both your bodies pressed together.
You broke the kiss, resting your forehead on Rohan's cheek as you both caught your breaths silently.
"Im glad you liked it" You whispered. 
Rohan and you turned back to look at your sculpture, as the sunset shone through. The light reflected around the room, and Rohan's usual dark bedroom now looked golden. It was beautiful. The way Heaven's Door sculpture seemed to shine like the sun itself, white and yellow tones blending in all the corners of his room. The pieces of glass moving softly with the delicate evening wind coming from the window in a coordinated delicate dance. The soft clanking adding a gentle orchestra to the once silent room.
Rohan couldn't stop staring at the glass. 
The Glass. 
It had been a sudden, very thick, yet transparent glass what had stopped Heaven's Door from peeking into your mind that day. A glass that had come out of  nowhere, standing between the both of you. 
As Rohan's eyes caught a glance of what had happened, he saw a silhouette standing behind you. A tall, android looking figure standing behind you. A figure made out of glass. 
It was called Glass Animal. And it could create glass of all shapes, sizes and colors. It was for the most part, a stand meant for protection, since you could control how thin or how thick the glass was. 
However, the way you used your stand, was quite creative. Only adding to Rohan's new acquired interest in you. You used Glass Animal as a useful tool for your art. The news of you being an artist like him pushed him into developing feelings for you.
The installation art standing in front of him had come from Glass Animal. He had been there when you gathered the glass you used for Heaven's Door. And god, you looked so sexy that day. 
Rohan turned back, looking at you, and without thinking it twice, he kissed you passionately. The memories playing in his head as how the both of you became closer and closer with every passing day. How in the beginning you didn't quite like him. 
After the Heaven's Door incident. It took you a while to warm up to him. Mostly, your curiosity, since it wasn't until then that you noticed how much he frequented the coffee shop, and how he was always sketching. 
Rohan pushed you gently on the bed, as your heart skipped a beat, knowing where this was heading. 
You had been dating for almost 3 months, and you hadn't gone around it. Sure, you had come into his room before, made out, felt each other's skin, but it had never come down to it. Today it felt different. The looks he was giving you, the way he seemed completely enamored by your work, the golden tones adding to the atmosphere. It all made sense to you. It was crystal clear that Rohan wanted to finally cross that milestone with you. 
It was two days ago when Rohan arrived to your place, no plan made beforehand, he just wanted to take a break from his work and spend time with you and relax for a while. 
You were in the backyard, Glass Animal in front of you, materializing walls of glass in front of you. Several walls, all of them thin, all of them in very different colors. 
"What are you doing now?" Rohan asked,  walking towards you, noticing the menacing baseball bat in your hand. 
By this point, he knew you liked art as much as he did. However, your specialty was clay sculpture and installation art, glass being your first choice material for your installations. Something that didn't surprise him whatsoever.
"I got an email from City S's University, and they want to see my portfolio. I never take pictures of my work, so, I'm gonna be making installations like crazy and taking pictures" 
That day, Rohan watched you break glass like a psycho. The fact that you were wearing short shorts and a tanktop while breaking glass in the middle of the summer evening, scared him a bit. 
Swinging your bat far more violently than necessary, a thin layer of sweat shining on your skin, as the sun shone bright and strong in the middle of the sky. Glass raining all around, as the sunlight reflected everywhere as you fearlessly watched the glass jump everywhere. In the meantime, Glass Animal gathered all the broken class in a pile behind you as you kept breaking wall after wall.
Part of your stand's abilities included that you couldn't get cut by glass, which conveniently allowed you to break glass as if it were nothing.
It was all too convenient. The setting, the gesture, the mood. Rohan had been craving this moment, and he wasn't going to let it slip. It just felt right. 
The way your skin got covered in goosebumps as soon as he crawled on top of you amused him. 
He whispered your name once more as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and brought him closer, kissing him hungrily. 
Resting his weight on his elbow in the matress, his other hand quickly explored your skin underneath your shirt. Roaming the territory he knew all too well but was eager to finally claim as his. 
A loud  moan escaped your lips as his hand found your boob and squeezed it after teasingly running his fingers over your nipple. 
"Rohan..." You gasped.
Oh, how sweet your voice sounded. So needy and yet so sweet. It only fueled him to keep teasing you with his free hand. 
Little by little, clothing began to decorate the floor of Rohan's room. The both of you drowning in the echoes of each other's name, desperate moans and sweet nothings. 
Arousal becoming painfully evident as you took your time pleasuring each other with your hands and mouths. Anticipating what came next, eager to get fully lost in each other. 
Rohan's breath was still agitated from having you sucked him off. However, he was still so terribly turned on, and still desperate. The sight of you swallowing his cum, followed by your fingers cleaning the edges of your mouth before licking them clean was too much to bear. 
"Fuck, come here, darling" He whispered as you crawled on top of him. 
His hand went to the back of your head and pulled you in for a kiss. His togue quick to tease your lips as you rested your weight on him. His other hand held on to your waist, as he swiftly managed to flip you over, leaving him on top, and your legs around his waist. 
He jerked his hips, as you felt his erection hot against your wet entrance. You moaned into his mouth. The hunger urged Rohan to make his way inside you already, but not yet. He cared about you, and felt the excitement built in his chest. He wanted to do this with you, god, how bad he wanted it. But he wanted to make it right. 
“Rohan…” Your voice felt gentle, too gentle. He felt you had touched his heart with your words alone. “Rohan, I want you so badly” 
The consent he was about to ask for came out of your swollen lips in a desperate moan. A chill ran down his back, as he positioned himself. 
“You do, baby girl?” His voice came out deeper than earlier, it was almost delirious. You arched your back and nodded. 
“Yes, Rohan. Please” 
The young artist smiled and leaned closer, kissing you. A tender delicate kiss. You wrapped your arm around his shoulders, bringing him closer, feeling his chest pressing against yours. 
Slowly, Rohan jerked his hips, finding his way between your folds, going deeper. A whimper escaped your lips, your fingernails clawing on his shoulders as he went deeper and deeper, stretching you out. Finally, the whimper turned into an echo of his name, followed by a breathless gasp. His chest puffing with pride, he moaned your name back as he kissed your cheek and your neck. 
He began rocking his hips, slowly at first. Savouring every inch of your clenching wet walls. God, this felt as addictive as very few things in life. You felt perfect. Your voice, the rise and fall of your chest, Rohan feeling your heartbeat against his chest, the blush, the sweat. Not only it was adorable to watch you lose yourself around him, it was all so erotic. 
He remained going at a slow pace, mostly enjoying the way your body reacted to him. Arching your back, sometimes moving your own hips to make him go even deeper.
“Rohan, faster, please” You begged.
“Such an impatient little girl, aren’t you? I’m taking my time with you, doll” 
He pulled back, almost pulling out and went once more, deeply inside you. Painfully slowly. The way your back arched, and your cries became needy. The way your tone began rising slowly. He had already made you cum twice while eating you out, he was noticing the pattern in your voice as you got closer to your climax. He chuckled, and bit your neck gently. You gasped. Your fingers clawing on his skin once more. Rohan smiled against your skin. 
“You like that, don’t you? 
“Ye-yes” You said breathless. 
Rohan’s pace sped up, but not significantly. He was breathing deeply and steadily, trying to keep himself from going feral, since he wanted to enjoy his first time with you. The times he had been with other women, it was mostly to satisfy his curiosity and occasional needs, but he had never been with a woman and felt this intimate before. He never felt the need to slow down and savour everything his senses could detect.
But you were a different story. He wanted to make you feel as good as he felt. He wanted to make you addicted to him.
You lied in a melodic mess. Like an orchestra, filled with tiny details, all of them delighting Rohan. You were just too good to just have sex with you. No. He had to savour you all, hear, touch, see. For the first time, he felt the need to satisfy your needs rather than his own. Hearing your voice get progressively higher, as you continued to twist and shake underneath him with every deep thrust, the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and the blush on your cheeks accentuated how you felt. It was something beautiful. Right now, you looked like the best piece of art he’d seen. The best piece of art he’d made. 
He had made a mess out of you. And what a satisfying mess. 
Feeling your walls clench around him tightly, as you screamed his name. He liked it. He couldn't help himself but speed his pace, each push stronger. Your moans got louder, as he rode you through your orgasm, feeling like every inch of your body was aching in the most delicious of ways. 
An echo in the shape of your name escaped through Rohan’s teeth. 
“Fuck, you feel so good” Rohan purred hissing your jaw. You slowly regained consciousness of your surroundings, feeling overwhelmed by the overstimulation and Rohan's faster and stronger pace. 
“Ah, Rohan” You said, cupping his face in your hands and bringing him closer, kissing him. “Rohan, cum inside me” You moaned, as a chill ran down his back. “Please” 
“You sure about that?” Rohan purred against your ear. 
“Ye-yeah. Don’t worry, I’ve taken my precautions” Your voice, lust dripping from it made a chill run up and down his back as he, for a second, felt like he was dangerously close to cumming on your command. “Rohan, I want you to fill me up” 
“Fuck, babe. You’ll make me last less than I anticipated” Rohan growled.
“Would it be too bad?”
“You are mine, babe" Rohan's green eyes stared into yours as his pace sped up suddenly "All mine. Only mine” 
You cried out in response, your nails digging into his back.
With his heart beating fast in his chest, he felt dizzy with everything about you. Drunk on your scent, your touch, your sounds. His pace was growing erratic, as your voice got louder and louder, each moan higher and louder. His climax starting to condense in his belly, as you kept reacting as delicious as ever to his touch. Your grip on his skin became stringer and stronger. 
Boy, that blissful moment. It felt ecstatic. Filling you up, as you screamed his name, nails clawing to his back. One last push, goinf as deep as he could, as he came. The idea of cumming inside you, filling you up like this fed his ego. Having you in a twisting mess underneath him fed his ego as well. 
You looked so beautiful like this. 
As Rohan caught his breath, he kissed your face with soft kisses, as you purred his name, followed by sweet nothings. 
"Rohan, I—I...I really enjoyed that" You gasped breathless, as Rohan slipped out of you. 
"I know, babe...I noticed" He murmured resting on top of you, snuggling his head underneath your neck. "I did too…" You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, one of your hands caressing his hair.
"I noticed" 
The sunset now long gone, the golden tones now replaced by a pale blue light. Streetlights coming from the window, as the hanging glass made its job and reflected it all around the room.
Your breaths echoing softly as the world came back into focus,  as the both of you lied still breathless and satisfied.
Rohan was the first one to break the silence.
"Stay here tonight. Please?" 
"Anything you want, my darling"
Rohan looked up, resting his weight on his elbows before leaning closer and kissing you in the most gentles of ways. A slow, tired and breathless kiss, reflecting everything he felt for you. 
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everyhowlmarksthedead · 5 years ago
Second part: No without you.
Hank ‘Tranq’ Loza x Obispo ‘Bishop’ Losa daughter!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Author comments: Something I needed to write. This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @sonsofeorl.
WARNINGS: NSFW, soft smut and maybe a little angst.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Do you need someone to fix you up, Pacificador?”
Tranq turns around finding you resting against the metallic wall, close to the ring, holding a beer on your left hand with a leg curled. You're wearing one of those charming smiles that drive him insane. He was so focused fighting against Ibarra, that he didn't notice you between the crowd. Looking at him from bottom to top, stopping for a second on his bare and sweated chest barely breathing, you lick your lower lip standing up from the wall.
The last time you saw him was four months ago, before you had to go to work in a hospital in New York. But now, you're back. And with you, the sexual tension that has been installed among both since you met him six years ago, when your father brought you from Mexico. Bishop is aware of what you feel for each other, but he has never commented anything about it; he is not going to interfere in the decisions you make.
The man smirks at you, trying to clean his face of blood and sweat with a black towel.
“Do I look like I need someone's help?” He teases you, taking some steps closer.
Shortening the distance and leaning on your toes, you reach his ear without touching him.
“I know you can… take care of yourself, but I also know that my thighs could feel so good on top of you”. You whisper with a sensual thread of voice, some seconds before breaking the moment. “But you're a grown man. You can do it alone”.
Having a sip from your drink, you palm his chest twice about giving him your back. Grabbing your waist with a tattooed arm, he bows forward, placing his lips on your ear.
“Why do it alone… when la princesa de los Mayas offered herself? Club business, right?”
“Anything for my club, Pacificador”. You chuckle twisting your neck enough to look at him.
Greeting other Mayans on your way to the clubhouse, you start a race with the man through the hallway, coming into his room. Laughing and feeling happy for the first time in months, when he closes the door and catches you between his arms. Tranq sinks his nose on your neck, having a deep, deep breath of the fruity scent wrapping your skin. You let him take his time to assimilate that you are really there, and that it's not a dream.
“How many time do I have until lose you again for… who knows how many months?”
“Live the moment”.
“I'm doing it, princesa”.
Turning around under his grip, you lift up both hands to caress his chest, with your eyes on your own fingers drawing imaginary patterns.
“Take a shower, while I find the things to…” You point his face for a second, alluding to the wounds.
He nods in silence, pressing his lips on your cheek too close of your corners. You have never crossed the limit, but you can't help fantasizing about how good his tongue must feel against yours, or his hands roaming through your body. Leaving you alone at the center of the dorm, you have to take a minute to calm yourself down, before looking for the medical kit.
You wait for him checking some emails on your phone, finding your new contract ready to be signed tomorrow by morning. But you leave it away over the desk, when Tranq gets out of the bathroom wearing clean clothes. And you could swear that no one fits this good in black. No one. His face looks somewhat better, but his left eyebrow keeps bleeding. Having a seat on the edge of the mattress, next to the medical stuff, you open the kit to take some cotton to wet in peroxide.
“Don' move, okay?”
“And you?”
“That if you can move”.
“Of co—”.
Not ending the sentence, he pushes you onto his lap with both hands on your hips. You can't help but leave an innocent laughter escaping from your throat. Your left hand tours his skin cleaning the fresh blood mixed with the short hair over his eye, focusing on the size of the wound to know how many stitches you will need. But one is more than enough. Hank can defend himself pretty well, he's been doing it since ever. You know his story. You know all the shit he has been through over the year, until Padrino called him to join the Mayans. He's also one of the most interesting men you have ever known.
“You were right”. He mutters.
“Yeah, I'm always right”. You reply too low, focused on the simple task. “But exactly, about what I'm right at this moment…?”
“About how good your thighs feel”.
You were so assorted in taking care of him, that you didn't notice his huge and long fingers touching your skin. His thumbs going up from your knees, barely lifting the beginning of your skirt. Then, they go down again, to repeat the ephemeral caresses that speed up your pulse.
“Stop… This looks like the… start of a horrible porn movie”. You complain with a soft laugh, leaving away the cotton inside the medical kit.
“I'm sure it would be the best porn movie of all”.
You lean back some inches, twisting your neck with an incredulous gesture in your face.
“What? My mother didn't raise a liar”. He adds with a firm tone of voice.
“Ay, ya, Hank… Párale, ¿sí?” (C'mon, Hank… Stop, okay?). You laugh again grabbing the small stitch, taking off the security paper to focus again on the gap.
But you can't. His hands keep touring your thighs and it's killing you, torturing you to death. Sticking it over the eyebrow, making some pressure, you crouch your gaze to his attentive dark eyes.
“What if I can't stop?”
“Look, there is a line between us”. You remark with a hand among your chests. “And we can't cross it”.
“Tell me I'm not crazy”. He says pulling away some bristles of your hair, behind your ear. “Tell me that you feel the same”.
“What would solve that?” You sigh, closing your eyes, resting your hands on his shoulders.
“Nothing. But I just want to know if you have ever imagined a life together. That it wasn't only me”.
“I do. I do so many times that I find myself talking to you, as if you were with me in New York. In the kitchen, in the living room, in the bed… But then I realize you're not there, and my heart breaks a little more”.
“Why don't you call me? Why don't you text me?”
“For what? For… make it real five minutes? Then I would hang up the call and still be alone".
“You know I could leave the club and move to the big city, for you”.
Yes, you know. You know that he would leave everything for you. He can easily find a normal job, with his skills and his personality. But you know that he loves the Mayans; his brothers, his family. The mexican brings you back to reality when his lips peck your collarbone. Gently and slow.
“I bet no one can make you feel like I do”. He soughs between dearly kisses, dragging his hands on your thighs, until his wrists disappear under your skin.
His thumbs stretch both sides of your legs, nailing his other fingers under your buttocks.
“I bet no one can touch you like I do”.
His rapturous voice intoxicates you completely, closing your eyes again and focusing on his caresses. Traveling his mouth to your neck, leaving some short kisses there.
“I bet you're so wet right now because of me”.
“Hank…” You gasp totally lost in the way his right hand has to go a little down.
You can't lie. It's the first time he goes so farther, and he already has you begging in silence for something else, however slight. His forefinger continues over your panties, down to your core to press it lightly. A soft moan dies in your throat with his teeth trailing your skin. He knows exactly how to play with your mind to drive you crazy.
“Just one second”. He implores you muttering it, not needing a single word from you to know what you want him to do.
With the help of a second finger, Tranq pulls aside the fabric, sliding the longer one inside you; so slow that you can feel perfectly how it makes its way between your tightness. You moan again kissing your chin, until reaching the height of your lips.
“This feels so much better…”
He ignores you, pulling down his finger to thrust it again, drinking every gasp, every sob that comes from your mouth. You are conscious that this shouldn't be happening, but four months has been too much time. You used to conform yourself with a light touch from him, a kiss on your cheek, a quick hug. But now, you can't handle the necessity you have developed by having so much distance between you two. And you want more.
“Stop, please…” Fortunately, your brain manages to make a connection with your mouth.
“You sure?” He asks, somewhat disappointed.
“We can't”. You shake your head, growling pitifully when you feel the emptiness wrapping you again.
The mexican nods then, supporting both palms of his hands on the mattress, pulling his gaze away from you.
“I'm sorry”.
“It's okay, princesa”.
He's not angry at you, but at the separated lifes you have to live because of your father. Because you can't lose him, even if it means to lose yourselves. Getting up from his lap, you put your clothes on well, accommodating your hair behind your shoulders to pick up the medical stuff. Grabbing your phone from the desk, you leave the dorm with your legs shaking. More because of the rage, than because of the pleasure, for short it was.
Reaching the bar, you take a Jose Cuervo bottle from it, to hide inside the Templo. The only place where no one is going to come in tonight. The Mayans are too busy enjoying the party and the bitches hanging around. Almost closing the door, you fall down on the leather sofa, opening the tequila to have a long sip until the liquid burns your throat. He has made it real for a moment and you're feeling unhappy like never before.
The salty tears flow in your lips, without knowing when you started to cry. It's terrible shit carry something like that for six years, touching it with your fingertips, to see that you're losing it out of sheer cowardice. And, what could be worse? Lose your father, who has loved you unconditionally, or lose the man who you love unconditionally?
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alolowrites · 5 years ago
A Late Night Promise
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Summary: Much to your dismay, you share an elevator ride with Shouto after staying late at the office one night.   
Author’s Note: Saw a prompt with just the word “elevator” and my mind came up with this. It’s been a while since I wrote a long-ish fic for Shouto. One last thing, everyone is of age. 
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“So what do you say?”
“Oh…I don’t know…”
“C’mon.” Saito leans against the doorframe. “I promise we’ll have a great time on Saturday night. I know this fantastic hibachi restaurant in the city. The chef is also a close friend of mine. What do you say?”
“That does sound like fun.” What’s not to love about watching an experienced chef perform their tricks on the grill? The excited yells, the sleek spatulas slicing on the metal ice, the delicious food sizzling to perfection. Your mouth waters at the mere thought of it. And yet, “Can I let you know tomorrow? I just gotta make sure I’m free.”
“No problem,” he smiles at you. “Text me when you’re ready.”
Waving goodbye, you walk away. Few employees are working late tonight at Endeavor’s agency, especially if they are network engineers such as yourself. You don’t mind staying behind to help. It means spending more time in the server rooms. Each one is like a fun maze where you purposefully try to get lost in. They came in handy after enduring a painful heartbreak.
The hallway runs for miles. Lights flicker above you and the low buzz tickles your ears. You can’t shake the growing feeling of someone watching you. Pausing mid-step, you peek over your shoulders with weary eyes. A janitor pushes his cart around the corner. His whistles echo down the hall until they fade away.
You relax.
It’s a false alarm. Shaking your head, you stride towards the elevator. Cool air bursts from the vents which is a blessing. Outside is a nightmare with all the humidity. From the corner of your eye, you see a storm approaching. The wind howls in between the trembling leaves. Dark clouds gradually engulf the entire block like the Blob Monster. And soft thunder rumbles in the distance.
Perhaps it will rain tonight. Lord knows you desperately need it to rain. After suffering under humidity’s tyrant rule, you are ready to be saved.
The button turns yellow. You wait for the elevator by scrolling through your phone. Instagram is a bore. Snapchat’s hourglass reminds you to keep your fiery streak alive. And, unsurprisingly, Chargebolt is trending on Twitter. Just as your thumb hangs above the screen, the strange feeling returns.
You glance to your left and nearly drop the phone. Shouto is marching down the hallway. Panic hits as you pound the button multiple times. Seconds are ticking by. Precious time is fleeing. Where is the damn elevator?!
You immediately dive inside. Lurching forward, you attack the button until the doors start closing. A hand slices midway and everything stops. Shouto saunters inside; the elevator groans under the newly added weight. You scuff back to the center. He dusts off the invisible lint on his black dress shirt. He gives you a once over before standing besides you.
The elevator moves.
No music plays from the speakers. The box is so quiet, but your mind is on overdrive. It’s as if someone accidentally disconnected a cable and now the network system is malfunctioning. Only you couldn’t fix this mess. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea answering those emails; they kept you behind an extra ten minutes. Too late to change that now.  
You glimpse at the black screen above you. The dwindling numbers keep you sane even if you’re hanging on by a thread. Once the ride reaches the lobby, you will block it from your memory. Until then, all you need to do is ignore him. It should be easy enough.
“You’re leaving late again.”
Shoulders back.
“It’s not good for your health.”
Eyes front.
“Will you please say something to me?”
Lips shut.
Shouto takes the hint and backs off. He rethinks his strategy in silence while your eyes are fixated on the elevator’s doors. His body is partially blurred. Although you couldn’t see his face, you know he is frustrated; the clenched fist gives it away. Your phone vibrates in your grasp. A soft smile tugs on your lips as you read the sweet message.
Shouto scoffs. You frown.
“Nothing.” He shoves one hand in his pocket. You suspiciously eye him before turning your attention to the phone again.
The blue light flickers with each floor change. A finger taps against the side of his leg. Time is running out for him. He must act quick. Who knows when he will be this close to you, and alone, ever again. Shouto thinks back to your answer and nearly cries; he craves to hear the sound of your voice—it’s sweet and addictive.
“Are you going to do it?”
“Do what?”
“Go out with him?”
“How did you—did you spy on me?!”
Shouto bites back a grin. That’s six more words than the last response.
“I wanted to know if you were okay.” He shrugs as if he did nothing wrong. A migraine knocks on your forehead. “Your team has been working diligently on installing the new security firewalls. After all, my father wants to make sure everything is secured.”
“Forget about your father’s insane demands!” You thrust a finger his way. “How long have you been spying on me, huh? Tell me right now!”
His mouth is glued shut.
“Since you started talking to Saito!” Embers flicker off his hair. He towers over you, but you do not flinch away. One hand rushes through his locks. “He kept getting close to you. I wanted to make sure he didn’t hurt you.”
“Like you didn’t hurt me?!” You dryly laugh. Your icy glare almost gives him frostbite. “You’re the one who broke up with me!”
“I did it to protect you!” Oh here we go again, that same old excuse. You pace around the elevator to avoid his nonsense. Shouto does not back down. “There are villains who want to kill me! If they ever found out about you—”
“You don’t think I know that?!” A foot harshly stomps on the floor and rattles the box. “For crying out loud, Shouto, I work for your dad! This whole freaking office is a prime target!”
The numbers continue climbing down.
“I knew the risks that came with dating you. I’m not stupid, but you—” a finger jabs his shirt “—made the choice to leave me. You decided to end things without even considering how it would have hurt me.”
His eyes flicker between your finger and fiery daggers.
“It was hard getting over you.” A cold, haughty chuckle rings into the air. “But now that I’m ready to start dating again, you decide to spy on me? You have some nerve!”
Another stab to his chest.
“It’s over, Shouto.” You boldly stand your ground. “I suggest you move on and forget about us.”
A thin line appears on his mouth.
Shouto marches towards the front and smashes the emergency button. The elevator abruptly stops. For a few seconds, it shakes like an aftershock from a larger earthquake. You yelp and stumble, but catch yourself. Shouto’s hand slips down. The unbearable humidity returns, only it feels worse, like standing in the middle of the Amazon rainforest with no escape.
A pair of eyes focuses on you. He’s like a jaguar who briskly stalks closer to his prey. Out of instinct, your legs stagger away from him until you hit a wall. Two large hands slam against the metal plate. The shockwaves roll down your back as his arms cage you in place.
When Shouto leans forward, you swallow a hard gulp. Apparently there are two storms happening tonight—one outside and the other thrashing inside his eyes. You’ve only seen this look a few times; it never fails to make you shudder with anticipation. Soon a small flame ignites deep in your soul.
It grows at an alarming rate. A cool sensation trails across your jawline and down your neck. You restrain yourself from biting your bottom lip. The air swirling around becomes unstable. Your breathing quickens its pace. Your throat dries instantly. Your heart beats uncontrollably. Shouto amusingly peeks at the bag and the pitiful distance it puts in between you two.
“You said to move on and forget, but there’s one small problem…” His gravelly voice makes your legs quiver. He tilts his head so your noses brush. You could almost taste the peppermint breath flowing out from his parted mouth. It fails to cool down your flushed face. After the brief pause, he rasps, “I can’t and I’ll show you why.”
Lightning finally strikes.
Without warning, strong lips crash against yours. They are desperate for you. Starving even. His actions reawakens a long forgotten feeling in your core. The small flame transforms into a powerful wildfire ravaging everything in its path. You wither under the heat. At this point, nothing holds you back and fully give in.
You kiss him. Hard.  
A cool touch makes you gasp. Shouto wastes no time devouring the inside of your mouth with his tongue. The movements are precise, yet reckless. A wave of pleasure spreads throughout your body as your eyes roll back. The bag drops to the floor and Shouto effortlessly kicks it behind. With the only obstacle gone, he collapses his entire weight on you.  
You yank away to catch your breath.
Large hands seamlessly wander down your body. They are painfully slow for your liking. Shouto smirks when your fists fervently tug the collar of his shirt. He stops torturing you by swooping his hands underneath your thighs and lifting you up. Eager legs wrap around Shouto’s torso to hold yourself steady.
After weeks being apart, you miss his touch. You miss exploring his lean muscles bulging through the fabric. You miss inhaling his unique cologne scent. You miss digging your fingers through his sleek hair and disrupting its neat form. You simply miss everything about him.
Shouto hears you beg and fulfills your wish by deepening the kiss. It is more animalistic, more ferocious than the first one. Shouto shoves you further up against the wall for better control. Ironically, he is fighting to keep his composure together. Your tantalizing lips, however, pushes him over the edge. Lustful thoughts consume his mind as he praises every inch of your body. His mouth attacks your neck while you sing against his ear.
He almost loses it when you breathe out his name.
Meanwhile, his searing touches threaten to unravel the last string of your sanity. You guide his mouth back to yours as you are hungry for more. The storm charges through with no end in sight. Shouto’s satisfying groans blurs with the thunderous applause exploding among the thick clouds. Time is nonexistent. Your focus is on Shouto who pours his entire heart and soul into each blazing kiss. They are chaotic, but divine. You surrender yourself to the madness and transcend into a state of euphoria.
Oh how you wish you could stay there forever.
As the kisses weaken, you sink back down to reality. Through your heavy eyelids, you see Shouto pull away from your plump lips. Both chests heave like two runners who finished a grueling marathon. There are no crowds of people cheering for you two, just your heart. A soft sirocco wind passes by as Shouto tiredly presses his forehead on yours.
He croaks, “Now you understand why I can’t move on and forget about us?”
You do.
Shouto searches through your overwhelmed eyes for an answer. He gently caresses your face like the precious treasure it is. The hero savors your lips one last time and etches them into his memory. Fighting against his wish, he carefully puts you down. Your legs wobble and you don’t trust yourself to move. Shouto walks to the front and press some buttons.
The elevator roars to life again.  
You tuck in your blouse and pathetically fix your disheveled hair. A bag appears in your sight. Grabbing it, you choke out a quick “thanks” to Shouto. Both of you return to your original positions as if the passionate episode never happened.
No music plays from the speaker, but it is far from quiet. You hear your heart racing and the electric sparks buzzing in the tensed air.
“I’m sorry,” Shouto whispers. You stiffen at the sound. “I’m sorry that I hurt you. I was inconsiderate about everything…especially your feelings.”
You lower your gaze.
“I won’t stop you from going on that date.”
Your ears perk at his statement. Ignoring all warnings, you stare at him. Something indescribable swirls in his eyes. You realize they only appear when he’s preparing himself for battle.
“It is still your choice to make, but,” Shouto holds your hand in his warm grasp. The sheer determination flaring through his gaze takes your breath away. “Please know that I will not rest until I win your heart again.”
The doors open, but you don’t exit. You’re still trying to process his words—his declaration of war for whomever decides to challenge him. Closing your gaped mouth, you glance between Shouto, your hand and the empty lobby. You numbly step off the elevator and lumber away.
Rain droplets cover the glass doors. Everything is quiet outside. The storm is gone and off to torment another city. You can finally breathe since the air is lighter. As you take a whiff of the earthy-musty scent, you feel the back of your hairs rise. Your eyes peer over your shoulders to see Shouto watching you.
He proudly stands tall.
A giddy sensation rushes down your spine. You grip the handle to keep yourself steady. Overwhelmed, you release a shaky sigh before exiting the building. In the lobby, Shouto curls his fist without looking away.
“I promise to win you back.” His lips curve into a small, but confident smile. “No matter how long it takes.”
Shouto will make sure of it.
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As always, thank you for reading!  
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sopewriters · 5 years ago
Mιɳԃ Gαɱҽʂ | 02
Summary: With a murderer prowling the streets, and a charming villain on the loose, all bets are off.
Pairing: Jaehhyun X Reader; Hero x Villain AU
Word Count: 4.9K
Warning(s): None yet.
Previous: 01
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“Joker.” His name leaves your parted lips in single breathless whisper.
He grins at you, having heard it anyway, and steps closer. At your side, Mark tenses up. “Right in one. Mind if we had ourselves a little chat?”
You frown, immediately suspicious. Everything in you screams at you not to take the man in front of you lightly, knowing just how tricky he can be; plus, the fact that he’s come to you is really rubbing you the wrong way. Why would a villain ever approach a hero? Or, well, a vigilante, in your case, but your point still stands.
“That depends.” Mark finally answers for you, seeing as how your eyes are still narrowed at Joker’s still form. “What makes you want to talk, all of a sudden?”
“Gravitas.” Joker’s smile grows a little sharper, less cheerful. “Don’t tell me you’re still hung up over what happened last time. You’re the one who ran into that billboard, you know; I really had nothing to do with that one.”
Mark’s body thrums with tension, muscles pulled taut, and despite your terse conversation, you reach out and lay a hand on his shoulder. Getting him strung up right now is a bad idea, especially because he’s usually the one calming you down and there’s nothing in the manual for it happening the other way around.
“Yeah, well, could you get to the point, maybe?” You pull away from Mark, crossing your arms threateningly. “Listening to you beat around the bush like this is really starting to tire me out.”
“Your guy started it first.” Joker says with an exaggerated shrug; mostly for your benefit. “But, if you insist, I’ll move on. You have always been extraordinarily straightforward.”
The muscles of your legs tense as he scrutinizes the two of you, prepared for every possibility if things went south. Joker must like what he sees, because a little smile quirks the corner of his lips, making him look, all too suddenly, very attractive.
You flush immediately at the thought, grateful for the darkness and your shadows for keeping the blush from being visible on your burning cheeks. Where the hell did that come from?
“I’ve been looking into the both of you.” He admits easily, and all thoughts of his appearance fly out the window. “Our last encounter was pretty interesting, even if it was laughably easy – maybe because stupid Gemini didn’t show up, for once.”
Under the feelings of offence that immediately sprout up, you register that he must be talking about Mark’s superhero idol. Based on the way Mark clenches his fists, this is most likely true.
“Yeah, it must be pretty difficult for you, what with him always foiling your plans.” Mark shrugs delicately, voice suddenly cool. It sends a ripple of shockwaves through you because wow, you’ve never heard this tone of voice from him. He’s always been too – too bubbly. Joker must really be pushing his buttons. “I can understand that.”
Joker finally frowns, for the first time tonight, stepping back. And while the sight should fill you with delight, it doesn’t. It makes you feel a little guilty, actually, and you have no idea why.
“I’m starting to see I should’ve thought this through.” He tilts his head slightly, meeting your eyes. Despite how penetrating it is, you do your best to meet his stare unwaveringly; though, admittedly, it’s a lot harder than you thought it’d be. “Maybe I should try and come by again some other time.”
His smirk is sharp enough to cut, but his eyes... they look sad. “For the only competent one of the two of you, obviously. Wouldn’t want to waste my time talking to a stick in the mud.”
With that, he vanishes – yet another illusion. Unlike last time, however, you’re expecting it and, so, don’t bat an eyelash at his sudden disappearance.
Instead, you turn to Mark, finding him clenching his jaw in obvious frustration. You shouldn’t be able to see that even through the mask, but it stands out prominently and, admittedly, has you a little concerned. Why is this bothering Mark so much? You’ve seen him take more serious ribbing with a smile.
At your questioning gaze, Mark’s posture eventually loosens up and he sighs, shaking his head. “I – I’m sorry. I should – I should probably go, huh?”
“Not when I’m the one giving us a lift back.” You raise a brow, perturbed by the sudden 180. “You want to talk about what that was, back there?”
“Not really, no.” Mark’s eyes are beginning to glaze over from the cold breeze. “I don’t know what came over me. It’s just… something about that guy really rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t take anything seriously? It frustrates me that he has the nerve to badmouth J-Gemini when he’s a villain.”
“We’re not really the type to have warm, mushy feelings for the superheroes either,” you point out, though with a sigh you do admit, “I do see your point, though.”
You really only add that last bit for Mark’s benefit. Even though he’d never admit it to you, what he has for Gemini is nothing short of, well, hero worship. And it still doesn’t make sense to you that he’d get that offended over it, what with the constant debates over superheroes on the news. They’ve said worse about Gemini.
Letting his excuse slide for now, you decide to move onto the next most important thing. “What should we do about Joker, though?”
Mark just barely lifts up his mask to rub at his face. “I don’t know. He said he’s going to come to you, didn’t he?”
“He did.” You confirm, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. “I guess I’ll be fine; he didn’t seem like he was going to try to pull anything stupid.”
“He’s still dangerous.” Mark reminds you, beginning to look a little concerned himself. “Maybe we should ask for help? I know you don’t like involving actual superheroes, but—”
“Then you know my answer.” You say stiffly. “I’ll wait for Joker to contact with me whenever. For now, let’s go find some people to help.”
Your fingers twitch sporadically against their resting spot on your thighs as you force yourself not to think about it – about heroes and their stupid, unwavering morality.
And their mortality.
When Mark moves to say something, you hold up your hand. “You can’t change my mind, so don’t even try. Leave it alone.”
Mark pauses, blinking lightly.
“I was just going to say that I’m looking forward to, uh, beating some people up.” He’s probably smiling timidly at you from behind his mask. “Want to race to see who can stop more crimes tonight?”
Now this is more like it. It provides you with ample distraction – probably enough to last you the rest of the night.
“It won’t be much of a competition if we know who’s going to win.” You grin at him, bad mood almost entirely forgotten. “Meet you at the clock tower in an hour!”
“Oh, it’s on.”
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When you slip back into your room, shadows melting away your suit and replacing it with the clothes you were wearing earlier – shorts and a comfortable t-shirt – you immediately chance a glance over your shoulder. There’s no way you could have been followed, what with traveling through the shadows, but you’d rather be safe than sorry.
Besides… ever since you’ve taken up vigilantism, it’s been getting harder and harder to fall asleep. The shadows are your allies, but they seem to creep in on you as you lie in bed, looming tall and making it difficult to breathe. They whisper at you, taunt you; they question everything you’ve done, every choice you’ve made.
Was it really for the best? They murmur into your ears, poison. You could’ve done better. You know you should’ve.
For that reason, you resolutely choose to crawl into bed and not sleep until you can no longer put it off; at least, then, you won’t have to listen to them.
You crack open your laptop, typing in your long, elaborate password – hello, paranoia – before biting your lip. Your cursor, the source of your conundrum, hovers uncertainly over your browser window as your eyes dart between it and the video file you’ve minimized for later.
Said video may or may not have been ripped from the police tape you had, uh, borrowed earlier. It’s not stealing if you’ve given it back.
But the point is… should you? It’s incredibly tempting, to be honest, to just do away with the tape for one night and spend time perusing Netflix instead. The more you think about it, the more you like the idea. Yeah, you should definitely do that.
Satisfied with your apt decision-making, you settle back into your pillows, pulling up Netflix and setting yourself up to marathon the second season of How to Get Away with Murder. It’s going to be a long night, sure – but at least it’s going to be an enjoyable one.
Somewhere through the season, you realize a little blearily that there’s some weird buzzing noise filling the air. Frowning, you reluctantly pause the episode and grope around your bed until you find your phone; funnily enough, it’s pretty much under your butt.
Blinking at the harsh light that comes from your screen, you quickly lower the brightness before actually reading the notification.
Jung Jaehyun, it reads. Regarding Open Lab Positions.
Your eyebrows fly up, and you quickly squash down the sudden excitement that flares up in you; there’s obviously no way he’s sent this email to just you, and you have no idea why you’re getting this worked up over it. You open the email anyway.
 Hello all!
As I’m sure you’re aware, Professor Kim has a couple of volunteer lab positions open starting next quarter, if any of you are interested. As she explained at the end of last class, you’ll be starting off with basic jobs – cleaning equipment, etc. – but will slowly work up to actually assisting other researchers – like myself! – with laboratory procedures. If you feel this is something that you could do, please send in your resumé to my email, in a separate thread.
 Holding back a snort at his closing phrase, you evaluate your options.
You’ve worked at a couple of labs before, so you know for a fact that you can do this. It’s just… cleaning things up? You’ve been there and done that and, while you still have to do it even once you’ve worked your way up, that doesn’t mean you want it to be the only thing you do. But, well. Building experience is important, isn’t it?
You ignore the tiny voice in your head that (correctly) informs you that you’re doing this because of Jaehyun. That’s – psh – that’s absolutely ridiculous. Totally.
It’s for your work experience and nothing else, shut up.
You quickly pull up your resumé and give it a lazy once-over – something you would normally never do – because you’re honestly just too tired to give it a deeper glance. Waiting until tomorrow gives your rationality a great opportunity to kick in, which you’re not particularly keen on; plus, you’ll probably give in and ask F/N, who will definitely say no.
You quickly compose a short email saying you’re super interested and would love to join the team; you nearly forget to add the attachment but, thankfully, you end up remembering just as you’re about to send it.
There. You’ve done it. You’ll probably regret it in the morning, but… you’ve done it, and that’s what matters, obviously.
Sighing, you put away your laptop. You’re tired enough to fall asleep now, you think, and a cup of coffee in the morning will fix whatever lingering regrets this burning the night oil has left you with.
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It turns out that not even a cup of coffee can help your mood this morning. And it’s not just because of the idiotic decision you made last night either.
“Did you hear?” F/N accosts you first thing, latching onto your arm as you take your first sip of salvation. “About what happened last night?”
You squint at her, taking in her pale face, trembling lips. “No, and I don’t particularly care. I have a 9am to go to, so if—”
“There was a murder.” The words die on your tongue, the bitterness of coffee all-too-suddenly exploding in your mouth when F/N meets your eyes, serious. “Last night, someone was murdered.”
You nearly drop your cup, setting it down faintly. “What?”
“Yeah.” F/N worries her bottom lip, glancing off to the side, looking decidedly pale. “There are pictures all over the internet. There were even some on our school’s SNS, but they’re being taken down as soon as they’re popping up.”
“And?” Your eyes are wide, but you’re giving this your full attention, headache be damned.
F/N exhales through her teeth. “It… it wasn’t pretty. They’re saying that the victim was dead after the first strike – but there are so many wounds on him… stab wounds, but not from a knife.”
She looks vaguely sick as she recalls this and you figure it has to be a really gruesome sight, if it’s unsettling her this much. You’re starting to feel a little nauseous yourself as you realize you were out for a good part of the night – and you didn’t see anything happen.
“Which sector was it in?” You ask hurriedly. “Did they say who did it?”
“Our sector.” She confirms your worst fears and fuck, fuck, fuck, you should’ve – you should’ve been there, should’ve been able to do something. “And, they think… well. Hold on.”
She hurriedly pulls out her phone, pulling up a news site as your heart thunders loudly in your ears, before showing you an image of the victim.
Your eyes grow wide, not at the smears of blood that stain the women’s skin – nor the angry, deep wounds littering her throat – but at the patch of burnt flesh right above her left breastbone. A vivid, elaborate J.
“Joker…” You breathe out horrified, head spinning at the implications. “What – but – no, that doesn’t make sense!”
“I thought so too, but it’s his mark and everything!” F/N looks just as anxious as you feel. “It’s exactly like the one on his calling card and, and – and—”
“And what?” You snap harshly when she flounders, before horror rushes through you. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you!”
“I know, it’s okay. This is pretty… disturbing.” It is, but not for the reasons she’s thinking. F/N swallows before adding, softly. “They think something must have pissed Joker off pretty bad that he – that he resorted to this.”
“That doesn’t even make any sense.” You stare in disbelief at her. You might not know Joker pretty well, but isn’t this just too much? “He’s – he’s just a thief! A mastermind criminal, to be fair, but he’s never murdered people before.”
“Well, people change, don’t they?” F/N says, matter-of-fact. “I’m not saying I believe he’s done this, but… what if he has?” She begins to look a little pale again at the implication, and shakes her head. “I think I’m going to take a breather. I’ll catch you after classes.”
You can’t find it in you to respond, mind whirling with the possibilities. What F/N said is stuck in your head, on a dizzying loop.
What if, what if, what if, what if he has, what if—
What if Joker’s the one who really did it? Your hands tremble as you realize that this happened last night; that too, after he came to see you and Mark. You tuck your fingers into fists as you desperately wrack your brain for any signs you could’ve noticed to prevent this. Was he shaky, pale in any way? Was he behaving erratically?
You bite the inside of your cheek in frustration when you realize there’s no way you could know; you’re not – you’re not acquainted enough with Joker for that. Fucking damn it, damn it, then why’d he come to see you? To ask for help… help doing what? Murdering someone?
That doesn’t sound—
“Hey, uh, could you maybe move? You’re kind of in the way.”
You blink at the sudden interruption, eyes growing wide as you register a weight on your shoulders – your backpack – and the chilliness of the breeze against your skin. You’re outside? Another glance tells you that you’re right outside your lecture hall and that, yes, you really are blocking the way.
You stumble aside, breaths stuttering in your chest as you realize you have no idea how the fuck you got here, but. Maybe you just zoned out? That’s got to be it. Yeah, that sounds about right.
Mentally shaking yourself, you start walking into class, wondering how on earth you managed to think so hard about the Joker problem that you didn’t even notice walking all the way to class. You wouldn’t put it past yourself; sometimes you get really lost in thought. Still, you shouldn’t be as preoccupied as you are about this. There’s just something… something about it that begs for your attention.
You snap yourself back to attention as your professor walks into the room.
“We’re going to be starting on the subject of Icarus – and his fall.” He claps his had together cheerfully, pulling up the appropriate slide on the projector. Finally. “Pay attention guys; you’re going to want to, trust me, because your paper on this is going to count for 15% of your grade.”
That certainly warrants some serious focus, and you adjust yourself in your seat, new document sat ready for you to type some pretty detailed notes into your laptop.
Your professor smirks at the rustling that fills the room, as everyone panics and hurries to do what he’s asked. “Great. So, as always, we aren’t going to read the whole thing out in class – that’s for your TA to do – but we’ll discuss the key ideas that crop up throughout…”
You try to pay attention, you really do, but it’s not your fault that your professor’s voice is so sleep-inducing (though it is your fault for also not getting a full eight hours in last night like you were supposed to).
Your eyes flutter weakly, finally drifting shut.
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You dream of hands. The run up along your sides, gentle even as they caress you – before their grip tightens by a fraction. Something warm curls over the skin of your throat as teeth graze over your shoulder. Your own hands come up to cradle his head as he mouths at the juncture of your shoulder, hot and insistent – and you tilt your head back, encouraging him.
“You’ve always been so beautiful.” The reverence in his tone lights a fire under your skin, in between your legs. “My darling Nyx, so fucking gorgeous.”
You don’t get to answering him, because his fingers are slipping between your thighs to caress your clit gently, making you gasp and arch into the touch. He feels so good, familiar in the way his free hand rubs circles into your hip as he slowly takes you apart on his fingers.
“Please…” The words fall from your lips easily, and you cant your hips desperately, aching to have his fingers inside of you already.
“You’re so wet for me, sweetheart.” There’s a smirk in his voice – you could recognize it in your sleep. “Look at you, absolutely stunning. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were a slut for my cock.”
His fingers pull aside your underwear, finally dipping into your hole. Sweet, sweet relief courses through you as the heat in your veins grows unbearable, and you spread your legs wider, trying to encourage him to touch you more, take you – every part of you, anything he wants.
“Ah, I forgot.” He sounds smug, but he’s still so incredibly hot, even as he retracts his fingers, making a choked whine catch in your throat. “You are a slut for it, aren’t you? You’re even trying to ride my fingers, you’re so desperate.”
He’s right, he always is. You don’t care anymore for your pride or your dignity – you just need his hands on you, his mouth, his fingers, his cock. You need all of him.
“You make it so fucking hard to hold back.” He growls upon seeing your eyes dilate in pleasure, pinching your clit and allowing a strangled moan to escape your throat. “Shh now, darling; wouldn’t want to get caught, now, would we?”
“C-Caught?” You whimper as he catches your skin with his teeth, gently tugging at it, marking you – like you’re his, you think a little deliriously. “W-What?”
He pulls back then, though you fruitlessly try to pull him close again; as he does, his features are slowly illuminated by the light of the moon, highlighting his pink lips, strong jaw, piercing eyes and—
 You jolt up when the girl sitting next to you clears out her desk, letting it retract into her seat with a loud bang. Your breathing’s a little quick, sweat beginning to dot your neck, and you have an uncomfortable ache between your legs. If you were alone, you’d waste no time in touching yourself to get the edge off – you’re so close – but you can’t, and it is excruciating.
Discretely, you rub your thighs together, praying to whatever higher power is up there that you can actually stand on your feet without collapsing. You duck your head, hoping no one can see your flaming cheeks. You feel so dirty, dreaming something like – something like that in the middle of class. You really need to get out of here, maybe get some air.
You quickly shove your things into your bag, clambering to your feet and booking it out of the lecture hall; hey, you haven’t tripped even once. Your heart pounds in your chest as you try to figure out who the fuck it was in your dream, who took you apart so beautifully. Despite its inconvenient timing, your dream was actually really hot, and you’re lowkey regretting waking up.
It’s just… it all felt so real. And you really want to figure out who this mystery person is, so that you can at least gush to F/N about it. Maybe it’s one of your numerous celebrity crushes?
Your cheeks heat as you consider the thought in your head briefly, before shaking your head. No, something about that seems wrong. The familiarity in their movements, gestures, isn’t something you could just replicate in your head off a movie star or something. It’s someone you’ve at least met in real life, if not someone you know well.
The thought disturbs you a little, so you resolve to living in denial; you have no idea who this mystery man is, and that’s fine. Totally fine.
You have a discussion for one of your Gen Ed. classes now, but you don’t really plan on going. There’s no way you could possibly concentrate, with where you’re at and, quite honestly, you don’t feel like. It’s a really stupid class anyway, and you’re honestly taking it only for an easy A.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, making you jolt, and you fish it out, checking your home screen for the notification. And, oh, it’s Jaehyun.
A smile creeps onto your lips, entirely of its own volition.
Re: Open Lab Positions
Hey ______!
I was thrilled to receive your application despite a couple of typos I spotted in the actual email you sent me. Don’t panic! I saw your timestamp – you sent it around 3AM, I believe – and I have been where you are right now. I’m not judging you for it.
 Your throat closes up here, but you force yourself to keep reading. Might as well rip off the band aid, even if it makes you bleed worse.
 Unfortunately, I’m required to forward your email and resumé after I’ve accepted them to the professor, which is why I want to ask you to send in another email – this time after some proof-reading, of course. I’d love to have you on our team, and I’m sure the professor will agree once she sees your resumé. Does that work for you?
If it does, please make sure to do this by no later than 7pm today. I look forward to working with you!
- Jung Jaehyun
 “Oh my god.” You nearly walk into your apartment door as you shakily read over the email. You applied on a total off chance; you didn’t think it would actually work and land you the job! Honestly, the only thing that could make this better is if you’d get paid for it too, but that’s probably a bit of a stretch.
You hastily type in your entry code, swinging open the door with much gusto and speeding to your room. You don’t run into your other roommate, which is great, really; you probably wouldn’t have paid them much mind. Hell, you might not even have paid F/N much attention, and she’s the love of your life.
You quickly pull out your laptop, barely remembering to shrug off your backpack so you can type properly. You read over it a few times, to be sure, before sending it to Jaehyun with a happy little noise escaping the back of your throat. This is super exciting – you don’t think you’ve ever been this excited.
And okay, yeah, maybe you don’t have a chance to be with Jaehyun. Scratch that, there’s probably no way you could ever do that. Jaehyun’s pretty much a God among men, and no one can change your mind about that. Still, spending time near him would be fun and, well, educational, if nothing else.
Letting out a happy sigh, you settle in your bed, drawing the covers tightly around yourself. With that, you’re feeling pretty great about yourself, which is a welcome change, and nothing could possibly ruin the rest of your day. You don’t even have to patrol tonight – it’s Mark’s turn to slug the night away on his own.
Now that you have nothing in particular to do – and a whole three hours to kill before your next class – your mind wanders. Absently reaching out a hand, you twist the shadows falling in the corner of your room into intricate shapes, smiling wryly when you unconsciously replicate Joker’s mask. You’ve only met him once and he’s already made quite the impact on you, hasn’t he?
You remember, then, that Joker is a murder suspect. That the smiling, playful man you met only yesterday is a cold-blooded killer, one who’s taken innocent lives. It’s – it’s fucked up, is what it is. You’ve actually conversed with a murderer, and that’s a chilling thought.
A tremor wracks through you.
You click open the video file you were supposed to look at last night; the copy you took from the police. In it, Joker’s slinking quietly in the shadows cast by the house’s impressive figure, back pressed to the wall before he darts inside, lightning-quick. There’s no sound, but there doesn’t seem to be any sort of commotion either.
Joker darts back out again, just as quick, but you now know that’s just an illusion meant to throw everyone off his trail. The real Joker is still inside the house, possibly searching for some more items to steal… but you don’t know where he exits from. The camera that monitors the back of the house doesn’t catch anything of substance either; only a clumsy raccoon that knocks over a trashcan.
“Where the hell did you go…?” You wonder quietly to yourself, watching both the tapes again, still finding nothing. Maybe he used a blind spot? Or was it something else?
A little investigation into the matter wouldn’t hurt now, would it? Standing up, you figure: ah, why the hell not. To hell with your day off. While Mark’s keeping an eye out for people needing help, you can do the grunt work for this particular case. Something tells you Joker’s sudden inclination for murder isn’t actually all that sudden.
There must be more.
You shut your laptop, shoving it back into your backpack. You still have time for your next class, but you should probably make yourself a decent lunch; you aren’t sure whether dinner’s still in the cards, not when you have a (half-developed) plan in mind.
Starting your investigation from when he’s supposedly committed his last ‘normal’ crime is going to help you. Maybe you can track what he’s probably done since then, or, at the very least, figure out his method of operating. Whatever the case, you’re going to figure it out, no matter how terrified you are. He’s a known murderer, pretty much, and that means – regardless of the truth – you’ll have to treat him carefully.
Maybe, if you’re lucky – or not – you’ll even get to meet Joker himself. You aren’t sure if you really want to, at this point, but you’ll take whatever you can. You’re grasping at straws as it is; you can afford to do whatever you must to crack down on this.
Tonight, you vow to yourself. Tonight, I’m going to get to the bottom of this.
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Next: 03
41 notes · View notes
fortheloveoffanfic · 5 years ago
Love; Lost (part 2)
John Wick x Reader (A/n- the only canon thing about this is that John is an assassin with a cute dog.)
Warnings- (more) Angst, pregnancy (does that need a warning?)
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5 years ago To Y/n, fall in New York always went by vastly underrated. Sure, there were some places in the city where you could walk a mile without seeing a single tree, and the sheer volume of people made the air typically seem more humid than necessary, but there were also little sections of the sleepless city that could turn out to be absolute gems. As it turned out, Central Park, while it couldn't really be called a "hidden gem", was actually a cornerstone of New York's autumn experience. The air was cleaner, the surroundings somehow seemed brighter and when the leaves changed, they created the perfect, picturesque scene.
That day, she had really just been scouting for a place that would afford her some good shots. She had recently been hired by a popular fashion house to do their fall shoot and after seeing their sample pieces, Y/n had decided that a natural backdrop would perfectly compliment the line.
By noon, she had been already been at the park for a couple hours, snapping pictures at spots she liked, drawing nearer and nearer to the thick foliage, that had at some point, gone from healthy, lush green to warm orange and red.
Closer to the forests, the crowd was thinner and the scene was beginning to look more conducive to Y/n's upcoming shoot. She could already see it; the models would pose among the trees, the brightly colored leaves perfectly blending with the popping colors of the outfits.
Y/n was just a couple feet into to the thicker part of the forest when she saw him; a dog, no owner in sight. The grey pit-bull sniffed around, shifting leaves around with his nose, apparently searching for something. Curious and a little smitten by the canine a few feet away, Y/n lowered her camera, trying not to make any sudden movements or startling noises as she approached him.
He looked so cute, Y/n thought, not a care in the world, seemingly amused by the the crunch of the fallen leaves. Raising her camera again, and against her better judgment, Y/n took a couple pictures; the light filtering through the canopy created by the tall trees captured his healthy coat wonderfully and he didn't even seem to mind that there was a complete stranger cooing over him.
When a man cleared his throat loudly behind Y/n, she jumped startled. Gasping, she turned around, only to find the definition of "tall, dark and handsome" dressed in a off white Henley standing a couple feet away with his arms folded across his chest. At the sight of him, the dog perked up, trotting over towards him. A little taken aback by his looks, Y/n internally stammered for something to say, "God," she sighed eventually, letting the camera hang freely from her neck, "I'm so sorry," she smiled sheepishly, "I swear I'm not some weirdo taking pictures of your dog; he just looked so cute playing in the leaves, I couldn't help it."
Taking in her words, the man eventually smiled, crouching down to rub the mutt's head affectionately, "It's okay, I'd be lying if I said he doesn't love the camera," the man's smile widened and Y/n could help but feel the slightest tingle in her chest, "Isn't that right boy?" He took the dog's head in his large hands, letting him lick all over his face.
"Well he certainly has every right to, he's very photogenic," she quipped with a bright grin.
Beautiful. That was probably the only word that John could readily think of to describe the woman standing before him. Her hair was effortlessly wind blown and she seemed dressed the part of a born and bred New Yorker in tight jeans, a sky blue button up with a long thick coat over it and ankle boots. John couldn't remember a woman ever having that kind of effect on him; rendering him at a loss for confidence and aching to talk to her, to say something funny, just so he could hear what her laugh sounded like.
Swallowing his nerves, John glanced at Dog and then back at the gorgeous photographer, "Yeah," he chortled softly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "He is, isn't he. I'm John, by the way, sorry about startling you earlier."
Y/n chuckled quietly, blushing despite her brain's orders not to. John had a firm grip, though it felt like was purposely avoiding squeezing her hand too tightly and his palm and stocky fingers were calloused. "It's okay," Y/n breathed, "I'm Y/n." When John released her hand, they still lingered there, kept apart by a just about eight inches. Clearing her throat, Y/n inhaled, trying to fill the new silence, "So you're John, and he is....."
"Dog," John offered bluntly.
Y/n furrowed her brows, "Your dog's name is......Dog? That's actually kind of cute," Y/n giggled.
John chuckled too, "I guess it is." For a minute he wondered if he'd have to let her go. John didn't want too though, something about Y/n was already reeling him in; her musical laugh, her shy smile, something. Maybe that was love at first at first sight felt like. "Would you mind sending me those pictures?" John finally summed up the courage to ask.
Her cheeks and the tips of Y/n’s ears heated up, not sure if John just wanted to spend more time with her or if he actually wanted the pictures. “Sure,” she finally managed, “Just give me your email and I can do that tonight.”
“Great,” John bit his lip. He couldn’t believe himself, he was actually going to do it; he was going to ask Y/n out, even if he had only known her for just over fifteen minutes, “Maybe I could give it to you over coffee.”
Taken aback, Y/n blushed again, “Now?” 
Suddenly nervous, John rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah,” he smiled tentatively, “If it’s good for you.”
Laughing giddily, “Yeah,” Y/n nodded, hoping she didn’t sound too eager, “It’s good for me. Lets get coffee.”
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6 Weeks Later Y/n sat on the bed in the guest room of her best friend’s apartment. They had met in collage and had been roommates until graduation, so naturally, when she had left John, Lacy had been the one to suggest that Y/n crash at her place until she’d found something she liked. Y/n had been at Lacy’s little two bedroom apartment in the city for going on six weeks. The first three had been fine, though, tear filled, but as more time passed, Y/n had started to feel off. She couldn’t define it really, but she knew that something was different. Her clothes had started to fit differently, tighter in some areas, an occurrence that Y/n had passed off as a consequence of having ice cream for dinner but there were other things too. Frequent tension headaches, fatigue in the middle of the day and an odd repulsion to coffee, which she usually loved.
When Lacy had first suggested it, Y/n didn’t want to believe it; it couldn’t be, not now. But sitting there on the bed, with the truth staring back at her, Y/n realized that there was no escaping it; this was happening. The only thing she could do was make a decision going forward. “What are you gonna do?” Lacy broke the tense silence.
Y/n’s breath caught as tears welled up in her eyes. What was she going to do? Fumbling for words, she shook her head, tendrils escaping her loose ponytail and falling sadly over her paled face, “I don’t know......this is....” She trailed off, getting lost in her own though. 
How’d that happen?
Well, she knew how that happened.
But she and John were always careful; Y/n was on the pill. Granted, she’d sometimes forgotten to take it, but that wasn’t often, once, twice tops. “Well, this is just an opinion, but I think you should tell him,” Lacy had always strove to be a voice of reason, even when reasonable wasn’t something that Y/n particularly wanted.
Scoffing, Y/n stood abruptly, tossing the flimsy plastic test to the made sheets, trying to ignore how the two little pink lines mocked her. It sort of felt like a betrayal of her body. She couldn’t be pregnant! A single mother in her late twenties, without even as much as an apartment? Of course, Y/n knew she could afford a decent one, money wasn’t the issue, it was time. Just six weeks after she’d left John, in the midst of her career; where did a kid fit into that? Of course, Lacy was right, telling John was the most viable course of action, no doubt he was the father, but what kind of father could he be? He was an assassin!
Briefly, just for a minute, Y/n’s mind took her back to a time where John would promise to leave the criminal life behind so they could have a normal life, but that was years ago, and he never did it. And now, they weren’t even together. Y/n wasn’t even sure if she wanted kids. “No,” Y/n finally dismissed Lacy’s idea, nervously toying with a loose thread at the hem of her t-shirt, “No,” she repeated, “John is.....”
“A good man,” Lacy stood too, trying to still Y/n’s fidgeting hands, “You said it yourself. And it’s not like you’d be getting back with him, but don’t you think he deserves to know? This is his baby too.”
By then, quiet tears were falling freely, warm on her cheeks, her lips trembling slightly, “I know, I do, it’s just.....” if Y/n went back, she couldn’t trust herself to leave again. 
Emotion overtook her and Y/n finally let a chocked sob escaped her lips. Sighing, Lacy pulled her into a hug, her hands rubbing soothingly over her back, it was nothing like John’s hugs, warm, protecting and consuming, but it was still filled with love from one friend to another. “It’s okay,” she whispered, low and close to Y/n’s ear, “Whatever you decide, I’m here for you, I’ll always be here for you.”
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John’s sleep had grown fretful and unsatisfactory in the past six weeks and he’d only recently realized that it was because he had grown used to the security that Y/n offered. Of course, he’d often sleep alone when he was away for work, but it was always with the knowledge that she was at home, awaiting him, and when he’d return, she be there with ready arms and a safe haven, with an embrace that made him feel blissfully normal. Y/n made him feel loved. She made him feel at home, at ease. She made him feel safe. 
Maybe that was why John had squeezed her so tightly, not just to protect her from his life, but because deep, deep down, he know that she was protecting him. Protecting him from the insanity that he always feared loneliness would drive him too, protecting him from himself. John missed her, he needed her and he craved her. 
Scrubbing his hands over his face, John sat up in the bed, sparing a glace to the empty space next to him. For weeks, he’d tried patting the spot to coax Dog into sleeping next to him, but it was if even he knew that the spot closest to the awning window was reserved for only one person. It was hers, even if she no longer wanted it.
Swinging his legs out of bed, John didn’t bother with slippers as he padded out of the room towards the kitchen, Dog close on his heels. In the kitchen, John stood in front of the open fridge, trying to decide if he actually wanted something, or if he just needed a reason to be awake. Despite the late hour, he reached for a beer, though eventually decided against it, opting to go for something stronger; a glass of his preferred bourbon. 
With the bottle in one hand and two fingers of the amber liquid in a crystal glass in the other, John slid into a stool at the kitchen counter. Dog wandered around the room, whining despondently when he neared a shelved table at the corner of room, where the wall of the kitchen and the hallway joined. The top was still littered with things she’d left behind, the kind of things that John assumed blurred the lines of ownership. Some of Dog’s toys, ornaments she’d bought in an attempt to add personality to the place and of course, more pictures. Standing about half foot away from the stand, Dog trotted in his place, whining and John took a lengthy sip before turning to him, “I know boy,” he sympathized, “I miss her too.”
Dog didn’t seem to notice John, and it pained him even more to think that they were both hurting. Y/n had been good to Dog, she adored him and often, he could return home to find them playing together in the backyard or cuddled on the sofa watching television. One of the reasons that John could often leave for work so readily was because he knew, that in his absence, Dog would protect Y/n with his life. 
“Come ‘ere boy,” John called, and seeming to give into him, Dog just hung his head, moving over to lay at John’s feet. Though, the painful silence didn’t last long, because in just a couple minutes, his furry friend was up again, that time hurrying to the front door; barking as if to tell John to follow him, his ears alert. “What?” John grumbled, wondering what the dog could possibly want with outside at nearly one am. 
At the front door, Dog jumped anxiously, barking and begging as John sifted though the keys, looking for the right one, “Alright, calm down,” he shushed, about to slip the right key into the slot when his trained ears heard it; the hum of a car growing closer and eventually parking at the top of his yard, light footsteps approaching the door. 
Thinking the worst, John stepped away from the door; judging from the sound of the footfalls, his uninvited guest was on the lighter side. Not before long, soft knocks hit the heavy wooden door and John figured that the faint taps made the person seem almost afraid to draw his attention. Ignoring John wordless demands to get back, Dog lunged for the door again, barking excitedly, presumably begging John to open it. 
After a debate, where through it, Dog primarily ignored him, John finally succumbed, unlocking the door and pulling it open, gasping quietly when he saw who it was. Swallowing tightly, John licked his lips, not even noticing that Dog had started jumping at her feet. 
Briefly, Y/n bent, scratching between his floppy ears and hugging him quickly, one might have assumed she missed the animal more than she missed John. “Y/n,” even saying her name hurt, “What are you doing here? It’s so late.” Though a huge part of him was happy to see her, hoping it meant that she was coming back, John was also worried; she shouldn’t have been out past midnight alone, anything could happen.
Ignoring his question, Y/n’s fiddled with her fingers nervously and John thought she looked tired and a bit worn out, though still absolutely beautiful, the same woman he wanted to marry, the woman he’d still marry if given the opportunity. “Did I wake you?”
Raking his short nails through his scruff, John shook his head, “No, I uh....” haven’t been sleeping much, “Haven’t gone to bed yet.”
“Oh,” she forced a smile, though her breath shuddered and John could see the first hints of tears in her eyes, “Can we talk? Please?”
“Yeah, sure, of course,” John pulled the door open some more, “Come in,” he huffed, feeling a little strange inviting her in; he had bought the place long before he’d met Y/n, but it was her house too. Their home. 
“Thanks,” she smiled tightly, pulling her thick, woolen cardigan closed as she stepped inside, more out of nervousness than coldness. Awkwardly, she waited for John to lead her towards the familiar kitchen. Immediately, she noticed the glass and the bottle, noting that he’d been drinking, but hoping it wasn’t too much. 
Catching her staring John hesitantly offered, “Can I get you a glass?” 
Y/n shuddered again, she loved whiskey almost as much as John did, learning loads about the drink from her father, who before his passing a couple years ago, was a collector of rare bottles. Even in her young age, Y/n could probably name the more popular labels by just tasting them. It was one of the things that she and John had bonded over in the beginning and before he passed, her father respected John’s refined taste. John and her father; they had become fast friends, Y/n wondered what he’d think now. Y/n also hated thinking that he’d never meet his first grand-kid. 
“No thanks,” Y/n waved off his offer and she could see, even in the low lighting, the furrow in John’s brows. 
“Okay,” John managed, moving the things away, “Should we sit?” He gestured to the stools.
“We should,” Y/n claimed the one next to John’s. Internally, she scolded herself for procrastinating. She had planned the entire thing in her head, yet, from the minute she saw him, all of her courage melted away, probably still in a puddle at the front door. She knew that it wouldn’t have been easy, but it shouldn’t have been that hard either. Absently, Y/n placed a hand at the top of her stomach, trying to quell the nerve included nausea all while slowing her heartbeat.
She hoped he hadn’t noticed, but John knew her better than most and worriedly, he reached out, tentatively resting his hand on her arm, his eyes worried, “You okay? Can I get you something?”
“No,” Y/n breathed, blinking away tears, “I’m fine, I just need to.....umm...” Blurting out seemed a little too brash and suddenly, Y/n was at a loss for the right words.
“Are you sure?” John felt a breath-stealing surge of worry swell in his chest. He hated seeing Y/n even remotely sick, and if he had his way, she’d never be troubled.
Nodding vigorously, Y/n swallowed tightly, “John, I uh.....I have to tell you something,” nonspeaking, John questioned her with his chocolate gaze, licking his lips, “I’m.....I’m pregnant.” 
“Pregnant?” He breathed. In another instance, he’d be overjoyed; it was one of the reasons he’d bought the ring. John had promised Y/n that he’d get out long ago, but lately, he’d finally started seeing a way of doing just that. No longer under the mob, he’d just have a few loose end to tie up before he was done for good and he and Y/n could get married and hopefully, soon start a family. The idea had given John a giddiness and he was over the moon with the prospect of their future. Had things gone as planned, John would have gathered Y/n in his arms from the minute she told him she was carrying their child. Hell, he might have been there when she found out.
But finding out like that; when she no longer lived with him, when she’d made it clear that he wasn’t any good for her, it was confusing. Part of him was still happy, he’d always wanted to be a father, so he could give someone the thing things he’d longed for as an orphaned child. But another part was worried; worried that she was only telling him to be polite, that she was about to follow it up with the admission that she didn’t want a part of him with her like that. Unknowing of how to proceed, John asked what he thought was the most logical, and perhaps impersonal question, “How far along are you?”
“Nine weeks,” Y/n looked down at her lap, before meeting his eyes once again, “I’ve only known for a few days now, so I understand if you’re surprised. I wasn’t expecting this either.”
Nodding, John stood, combing his hands through his hair. Her words had him a little unsettled, “Are you,” he winced at the words, hating how harsh they sounded, “Keeping it?” He’d respect her decision either way, it was her body after all, “Obviously, I wouldn’t want you to feel pressured-”
“I could never....” Y/n shuddered of at the thought; she respected the notion of choice, but she could personally never do it. “I’m keeping it,” shaking her head, Y/n corrected, “I’m keeping the baby,” she couldn’t get her head wrapped around the idea of calling their child an ‘it’ even if she logically knew it was still just a fetus and probably couldn’t even hear her.  
Sighing in relief, John moved to the other side of the counter, all in an effort to put some distance between them and get his emotions under wraps, “Okay,” he dragged his lips between his teeth, “Have you done one of those......DNA test things?” he didn’t know why it mattered, but some part of him screamed that it did.
Scoffing, annoyed Y/n folded her arms, “This baby is obviously yours!”
“I know that,” John stressed, just realizing how insulting the question must have sounded, “I meant,” he searched for the words, though his very finite knowledge on the medical jargon had him stammering, “You know, one of those tests where you find out the gender.”
“Oh,” Y/n frowned, wishing she hadn’t just taken that tone with John. She knew him well enough to know that he trusted her. “No, I haven’t. I wanted to wait,” she smiled sheepishly, though it looked more like a faint frown.
Licking his lips, “Okay.” For a while, they fell into silence. Everything that he thought of saying felt wrong, like he’d be overstepping somehow. It was funny he thought, he’d known Y/n for five years, she was pregnant with their child, yet all it only took was six weeks to put a seemingly unbridgeable space between them. Though, according to Y/n, that distance had existed long before their break-up. 
Courage. That’s what he needed. John typically had it in excess, his job required it. But that night, he seemed severely lacking in that department. His thoughts swam in a pool of confusion and indecision as he debated whether or not he should try to convince her to come back.
In the interim, Dog had made his presence known at Y/n’s side, somehow sensing that his other person needed him more than John did, stationed protectively at her feet. 
Finally summoning some resolve, John reached over the granite, his fingers just barely brushing Y/n’s, “You could come back,” he suggested.
When she pulled her hand away, John had to pretend it didn’t sting and when Y/n stood, Dog did too, on high alert, “That’s not why I came here tonight. We don’t have to be together just because we’re having a baby together.”
“So why did you come?” John folded his arms across his broad chest, “So you could walk out of my life again, but make it hurt more this time?” He grew defensive, hating that she wasn’t willing to change her mind.
“You think I came here to hurt you?” Y/n’s voice rose, “I came here because it was the right thing to do. I don’t need you to....”
“To what Y/n?” John could feel the tension building between them, a long over due fight on the horizon, “To stifle you?”
Y/n chuckled humorlessly, “God, you’re so....” she sighed, ranking a hand through her hair, “No John, I’m more worried about you just popping in and out of this kid’s life. You know, like you did mine.”
“I told you, I only did that to keep you safe,” he managed through gritted teeth.
“And I told you that I didn’t need you to keep me safe!” She yelled. “You know what? Maybe coming here was a mistake,” already, Y/n was swiping her keys off the counter, and starting to walk off.
A few paces behind, John wasn’t ready to let her go so easily that time. He couldn’t let her got, not when she was mad, not when he felt, despite her protests, that it was his job to protect her and their baby, not when there was still so much he had to say, “Oh yeah?” John huffed, “And what were your other options? Hide it, do this on your own and never tell me about our baby?”
“Yeah John. And I was gonna do it too, but I figured that there were already enough secrets between us. Didn’t really feel like adding one more to the pile,” there was a venom in her tone and as they stood at the door John and Y/n both wondered where it came from. How did still loving each other turn into so much anger.?
They both stood there, eyes challenging, something tense flowing between them. Y/n did still love John, but that night wasn’t going the she’d expected it to, though, she wasn’t really sure what she was expecting. Maybe it would have been easier if John had told her he didn’t want the baby, that way she could disappear from his life with a reason to hate him, with an excuse to give their little one someday. But he just had to step up to the plate, be the good man she knew him as, make her love him even more. 
On his end, there was so much John wanted to say; he wanted her to know that he had planned to get out, to commit fully to her and now, to raising their child. But the more she pushed him away, the more defensive he became. Not speaking, he held her gaze, not even knowing if trying to fix things would make them better or worse.
“I’m leaving John,” Y/n’s voice broke and John’s anger cracked. He didn’t want her to go. Y/n didn’t want to stay. His fingers itched to reach out, his heart bled with the desire to beg her to talk things through with him. But John knew Y/n; he knew her will and determination, how hard it was to change her mind when she’d made a decision. So instead of starting another fight, John let her go, just like he had nearly two months ago
That night was different though, there was a new bitterness between them, and something buried deep in the back of their minds told both John and Y/n that things weren’t near over. 
Tagging- @harrisongslimited​
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arraley · 5 years ago
Overhaul x fem!Reader Part One: Not only Heroes need attention
Welcome! Apparently you stumbled upon my very first FanFic EVER. Thank you very much for stopping by I appreciate it. As you can see, this is just Part One. This part ddoes not contain any smut... yet. In future parts there will defnitely hard smut going down but i got carried away with telling what´s going on. Please be easy on my language as english is not my mothertongue. Also for the convienience of my story Eri does basically NOT exist here. I know kinda shitty of me but I didn´t want to write strong Angst or about the child abuse. I love Overhaul though and think he is an incredible interesting villain and deserves more attention. I want to try to reflect him as good as I can and stay true to him but also be ablee to make him get a relationship with the reader at some point. So please enjoy this way too long introduction! Part Two will be started soon but will need time to come down. Constructive Criticsm would be amazing! 
fem!Reader, Blood/gore, hospital themes, Bullying, sexual offence at work ( you have a disgusting coworker), sexist behaviour, villains and heroes, moral conflicts
Art: Fanart made by me
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“It's just some smallfry villain, don´t worry about that and tend to my wounds first, I have to get back to my patrol soon, so hurry and get to your work.” the bearded man in front of you growled lowly and snapped his fingers right before your face loudly. His action made you wince for a mere second and your searching eyes found his intense stare. The heavy judgement in his dark blue eyes laid upon you, making you drop your chin, trying to avoid his gaze and rather looking at your comfy white sneakers as you started to gather the materials you needed for your work. Clamps, disinfectant spray, bandages, needle and thread, gloves for your and your patient's safety and so on. This was your everyday life and the thing you loved to do. Observing the human body and it's habits, treating sick and hurt people with everything you got no matter how desperate their situation is, tending to wounds, healing. Biology and chemistry, the way cells behave in a different environment and towards different substances, how they could change just by adding some other atoms. You chose this lifestyle early on in your life, loving to play nurse and doctor when you were a little kid. As a young child you had started reading medical texts already, looking at pictures of organs and the human body, it's in- and outside, that would disturb other children with the biggest interest, caring for other kids that hurt themselves on the playground when they fell during a play of catch without being afraid of blood. When you were a young teenager you practically devoured the knowledge in a rapid speed and soon the teachers couldn't answer your questions anymore. Skipping entire school years cause you were much more advanced than others you started asking well known Doctors difficult questions via EMail, writing to professors over the entire world just to quench your hunger for knowledge. In this period your brain might as well have been a sponge, soaking every bit of information up. Nothing could stop you from achieving your dream. And in a world filled to the brim with powers, a world ruled by villains and heroes, where everybody participated to the utmost and had their purpose, mostly well fitting to the Quirk they called their own it was not easy to stand out. 
Well, somehow you managed though and here you were. In this clean hospital room, smelling strongly like desinfectives, with a grumpy hero and a villain that was barely conscious, who had obvious bruises and bleedings, who moaned and winced in pain, leaned against a wall which would not be the same snowhite as before, now stained with red blood and dirt. Obviously the bad guy was much worse hurt, maybe even in a critical condition considering his chest was rising and lowering in an unstable pattern. Yet, your duty was to heal the hero first, who had just a small cut on his lower arm that was barely bleeding. The priority is to keep those healthy who protect lives. They come first, they are the pier that keep society stable. It was the first harsh rule that got drilled into your head when you had started out in a hospital that specialized on treating people that were involved in the mess between good and evil. Here only Heroes, Villains and civilians that were caught in those battles and got hurt in the process were treated. It was not only one of the biggest institutions of its kind, also it's reputation was the best. Actually you were honored to have a job in this hospital considering your current situation. 
Still, you could not just ignore the person in obvious pain behind you and you held back shortly before you started the first step of treatment on the hero's arm. The villain´s  labored breathing gave you a splitting headache and your fingers trembled as old memories creeped up in the back of your mind and a cold shiver ran down your spine. Slowly exhaling through your nose you locked your (E/C) eyes with the hero's eyes in front of you again. “Excuse me Sir.” you stated in a polite and soft tone, your voice sounding oddly echoey in the room “I think this person over there needs the first aid much more than you right now and I ask you to hold out a little longer, please.” With that you turned on your heel and immediately bent down to help the small man on the ground, checking his pulse and vitals. The villain had  small figure making his dirty and blood stained clothes seem slack on his body. His face being so contorted you were sure some bones were broken. Blood was running out of his nose constantly making the word concussion appear in your head right away. Though his entire body was shaking and his right arm looked awfully dislocated you carefully patted his shoulder trying to get his attention “Sir, it will be alright, I am gonna give you something against the pain and then check on your wounds, please tell me if you feel any deterioration of your current state. I need to check for internal bleeding and…” before you could continue the standard medical explanation to your patient a gigantic hand smashed brutally right next to your head against the wall. The force was so strong that the plaster fell partially off the wall and sank down like little snowflakes.
The vibration of the smash ran through all the walls of the room. In spite of the bad feeling that was rumbling in your stomach you turned your head carefully to the left, eyes travelling along the muscular arm until you could see the face of the furious hero. The dark blue eyes shined dangerously, the mustache of the man shaking along to the vibrations he had sent through the room. “A vibration quirk? Or just power enhancement?” it shot through your head before the hero opened his mouth: “How dare you little Missy? I am a hero and I just caught this villain as he tried to rob a general store. It's my right to get treated by you so I can continue saving people who obviously cannot help themselves. People that are weak… like you” he spat out the last words like venom and you could feel the heat radiating from him. Everything, his eyes, his pose, his tone was intimidating to your small figure.
Anyone else would have ducked their head and mumbled an humble apology, as the impressive hero tried to talk down to you and your unthankfulness. But you were not anyone. The older man couldn´t know that those words started an old fire that burned in your veins and neither of you would have expected that you´d glare right back at him and stating in a low but sarcastic tone:”Well, I like heroes like everyone, but only if they don´t cry about a little cut like certain people in this room and are obviously having violent tendencies. A general store you say? For that you hurt a person that much? A hero should be able to contain safety without going totally overboard, beating a person so much up. Shouldn´t you try to save villains as well and if it's just from themselves? Aren't they humans either? People that just lost their way? What do you know about this person, why he robbed this store? Do you know any of his reasons? And don´t tell me you had to break nearly every single of his bones to get him cuffed up. You just enjoyed beating him up didn't you? I am sure you did go extra hard on him after the press showed up right? Isn't that so? What a nice hero you are!” you snapped, ending your monologue pretty loudly and standing your ground in front of the hero. Shoulders were rising and falling with every heavy breath you took, fists clenched tightly, fingernails pressing into your palm until it hurt. Your legs were trembling of pure anger you felt rushing through your veins but as reality slowly settled back in for you as you looked him yet again straight in the surprised eyes, it came to you how rude you just had been, your own eyes widened and gasping loudly you put your quivering hands in front of your mouth keeping it shut tightly. Somehow you knew that you just really screwed it up. 
Just one day later your worries became reality as your supervisor, nobody less than the boss of the clinic called you to his office. When you stepped in you could already feel the air being thick and heavy as the tall man with shiny grey hair, strict facial features and orange eyes fuming in anger. Sitting straight and neatly in his expensive leather chair and his hands laying next to each other on the table you felt like a lamb going willingly into the lion's cave signing it´s own fate. Gulping heavily you sat down on the small chair in front of his massive oak desk. Pressing your legs together and throwing your ankles over one another you pressed your palms together against your stomach looking at your hands. The knuckles slowly turning white from the pressure you put onto them. You hadn't looked him in the eyes once yet, since you had entered and screwed them shut now as he slapped his hand on the tabletop in front of him loudly making you shrink together on your chair like a schoolgirl about to get scolded. Well, the situation was very similar to be honest. 
The boss was not necessarily a bad man but he ran the clinic and there was a lot of competition in Musutafu. Still he had managed to make the clinic one of the biggest ones of its kind and the reputation was great among heroes. All the bigger names, even some from the Top Ten, came there for regular check ups or after longlasting fights to get their wounds treated. Regularly the media tried to get glimpse of a hero or villains coming into the hospital. How he achieved it was clear: marketing, discipline, hard work and most importantly leading all the other doctors, who all wanted a piece of his cake, with an iron fist. That were the ingredients to his recipe of pure success. But now you had strayed from the given path and he did not take that well. 
“I took you in cause I really thought you have potential Y/N.” he began with a low tone that was laced with his anger. “It's really rich of you that you apparently try to ruin the hard earned reputation of my clinic with your childish ideas and wishes. What is the first thing I had taught you myself? Care to repeat the very first thing I taught you after giving you the internship and possibility to work as a real doctor when nobody else was interested in a quirkless healer?” Because of his harsh words you couldn´t stop the tears that started building up. Yes, it was true you were quirkless. One of the rare 20% of the world population. But why was everyone just seeing that? You are only 19 and already finished your medical degree, an upcoming doctor. In fact you had the best grades of one of the best medical schools in Japan. You had been above those that had quirks that could close fleshwounds, stimulate nerves or excite the immune system of a person. But that had not stopped you from treating people and making great advances in biology coming up with great hypotheses that could change the view on the human body despite it having a quirk or not. Yet, barely anybody paid interest in you and your abilities and your behaviour was a problem too. Too nice, too empathic, too calm, not business enough. That was what the boss had tried to always get out of you since you started one and a half year ago and this was already the second time you slipped. The first time had been a similar inconvenience where you denied treatment to a proclaimed local hero you had judged as too harsh in their behaviour towards law breakers. If you couldn't convince your boss now he would get rid of you and then it was over for you. But that also meant to betray your ideals and hopes…
“We...I-i… Heroes come first.” you gulped out and saying this turned your stomach around and made you feel sick. He hummed in appreciation of you remembering his lectures and his fingers drummed on the table. Something he would do when he was nervous or in thought. “Very right little One. Listen Y/N. I like you and your abilities. For someone in your position you do a good job. I could start preaching now about how much nonsense your view on this matter is and what consequences your disobedient behaviour can have for you but I am sure you understand your place. This is the very last time I hear of any kind of incident like this. I will let every other doctor have an eye on you. One more slip of yours and you are out, understood?” he ended coldly and waited for your response. Standing up you bowed slightly and mumbled a ´Thank You Sir´ before leaving the room in a trancelike state. Outside of his room you steadied yourself against the wall and your breath came out in shaky bits. Just now you realized how much your body was truly trembling and the tears that stained your cheek. So close. You were so close to losing your job but some lucky star prevented it. No matter what would happen now, you could not allow your feelings to get the better of you anymore.  
 It was too dangerous for your future, the future you had tried to build up so desperately. You wanted to help people so badly, good or bad but if you would continue this you had no chance to make this a reality. Tightening your shoulders and standing up straight you breathed in and out several times and tried to slow down your fast beating heart by irrationally putting your hand on your sternum rubbing the skin slightly until it was a bit reddened. 
As you didn´t want to linger around in front of your boss's office longer than necessary you walked slowly away from it, stuffing your hands in the pockets of your white doctor coat, your white sneakers squeaking a little bit on the light grey linoleum floor, while passing some of the room high windows that showed the wonderful skyline of the big city on this warm summer day. As the boss´s office was high up in the skyscraper like clinic you had an iconic overview over the metropole. The sky was colored in a beautiful bright blue, some white fluffy clouds and the sunshine rays reflected on several roofs of the city blinding the eyes of the viewer. Musutafu was full of life with hundreds of cars dashing through the streets, pedestrians rushing on the sidewalks and in between some cyclists. High above the scenery you could see a plane or helicopters flying through the sky like a bird. If you were lucky you could even see some winged heroes dash through the air like the current number two. Your eyes travelled down and you were faced with your own reflection in the glossy window. Looking at your reflection you could not really decide if you hated what you saw or were happy with it. Under your doctor's coat you wore the typical white pants and a pink shirt, indicating you were allowed to practice and take shifts on your own but were also still in training. You definitely were on the smaller side and your normally shoulder long (H/C) hair was tied together in a rather messy ponytail swinging behind your head with every motion. The roundly shaped face and soft features gave you a young and fresh look, your (E/C) eyes making you look incredibly friendly and slightly innocent behind the thick glasses you had to wear as your eyesight was ridiculously bad. Honestly it was as if mother fate decided that it was not unfair enough already that you hadn't been born like 80% of humanity´s population. Without the extra strong glasses you could barely see the outline of people and were absolutely helpless. The world was an absolute blur for your bare eyes. The thought made you blow up your cheeks a little giving your expression a cute pout. Nobody close by had a quirk that could heal your bad eyesight so far or they weren´t specified for your case in general. But it didn't matter, you just put it as another point on your to-find-a-cure-list of diseases and sickness in the world. Probably the only selfish thing you wanted to do in your life. Sighing you looked yourself in the eyes and palmed your cheek with the warmed up hand from your pocket facing your fate.
Yes, you would be a good one now and do everything as your boss told you to do, so you could achieve your goals. 
Three weeks have passed since the “talk” you and your boss had and the situation had calmed down a bit but still wasn't necessarily pleasant for you. One of the doctor´s you really hated and couldn´t respect at all had his eyes on you like a hawk from now on. He never had taken you seriously anyway, making sexual advances towards you, telling you regularly to give up and just become a nice and passive little wife as that is all that you were good for. He made you sick to the core but you could do nothing to stop him as he was the shining star of the hospital and good friends with the boss. So you decided to just eat his unnecessary comments and silently compete with him. As your abilities were clearly superior and he knew it as well as you did, you assumed that this is where his insecure behaviour and belittling of you came from.
 Because of this it was no surprise that, as you came out of the restroom after a short break in your night shift, you saw him leaning against the wall close by leisurely. His blonde hair was slickly tamed with shiny gel, his teeth were blinding white, the jawline sharp, his face and toned body like one of a greek god´s depiction. Many females in the hospital were dreaming about the pretty and charming doctor from a foreign country but you only got the bad kind of goosebumps when his striking blue eyes ogled you as if you belonged to him. You ignored his gaze blankly and tried to pass him, your head held high, but before you could he grabbed your wrist firmly and made you stop in your track. The smell of expensive aftershave surrounded you and the thick scent made you feel dizzy. Although you were normally a lovely and nice person, trying to accept everyone as they are, you could barely stand Trevor. You knew how it was to not be accepted by society and looked down at and he didn't make that situation any better for you. Unwillingly you looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, tugging your wrist back as a silent request to leave you alone. His wolfish grin only grew wider and his grab on your wrist strengthened nearly painfully. You were pretty sure you´d find a bruise the next day on the same spot. 
“Well, hello there pretty child. Still pretending to be a doctor I see? When will you finally give this up and date me? You'd make a pretty pretty little maid for me (Y/N). Why don´t you finally realize submission is a release for someone like you?” he cooed into your ear leaning uncomfortably close into your private zone. The degradation coming with his words made your blood rush into your ears and you gritted your teeth violently. You could feel your own pulse fastening rapidly and the acid in your stomach rise up from poor anger. Yes, you really tried to be accepting and you had taken a lot of bullying in your life already, let alone for being quirkless. But his words stung worse than a hornet´s bite. And yet you couldn't fight him back as you feared the consequences. Being on thin ice already it was basically impossible to do anything against him as he could doom you easily. Also it was rough for you to blow a fuse. Being loud or putting people into their place was not necessarily your strongest trait. On rare occasions you suddenly had the courage to stand up, like two weeks ago. When a patient's life was on the line it came much more natural to you to get loud and fight for one's rights.  But normally you were too timid to act on your emotions as they came creeping up on you especially if it was about your own well being. And when it came to the old feeling of being bullied by someone in a stronger position you did tend to let them do with you as they pleased, functioning as a cheap punching bag.
“Please, let go I need to return to the emergency room” you mumbled trying to loosen his grip on you and rushed away. After long nights in the E.R. lately, the punishment for your slip up, you have had barely any sleep leaving you with barely any energy left and the situation was getting to you even more than it usually would have. You felt as if you were at the verge of tears and you felt your bottom lip trembling which made Trevor break out in a cruel laughter. 
“Naw, look at you all cute and calm. I like them like that.” he marked cockily and pushed you closer to his body but before panic could settle in both of your radio message receivers beeped obnoxiously loud leading to him finally letting you go. Giving his device a little side look he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, showing his arm muscles off in the process. “See you later little birdie, duty calls!”. With that he confidently walked away leaving you behind, disgusted but also relieved nothing more happened. Supporting yourself on the wall you shook your head in disbelief of the scene that just had played out and with shaky hands you looked at your receiver. Apparently the emergency room needed you back at your spot so you breathed deeply in, stiffened your shoulders you jogged along the hallways to the emergency room. And that is when hell broke loose for you and your life. 
The E.R. consisted of a big room on the bottom floor of the building with a comfy waiting area for the patients that weren't as badly injured and close family members that had brought them there. As the sofas were made out of brown leather with big pillows to support ones back and smaller birchwood tables with the newest magazines about fashion, health and heroes in front of them it gave the room a kind of living room atmosphere with a speck of green in form of some plants in the corners of the room. There were several smaller examination rooms, all equipped with the highest quality and newest technological devices to guarantee the best care for patients. It didn't matter how severe the cases were, that were delivered by the ambulance into the emergency room, the quick and precise work everyone did here, nurses as well as doctors was evident due to  the high survival rate of critical conditions. Even on days with a high visitor frequency there was a certain organization and tidiness required and present in the ambulance. That's why the current state of the normally busy but organized area confused you even more. 
There was a gigantic mess in the emergency room which was quite fascinating for the fact that it was four a.m. in the early morning. Even in this big and lively city most people were asleep by now but apparently that hadn't stopped these people from making a chaos out of the clinic's E.R. in a short matter of time. Still standing in the entrance you looked with big eyes at the scenario that unfolded in front of you:
The five nurses were cowering in the back of the ambulance in a cluster of people with clear confusion and a hint of fear in their eyes. Two of them even supported each other, clearly unsure of what was happening or how to behave right now. In the middle of the E.R. Trevor was standing, his hands on his hips and a condescending look on his face. Everywhere around him and the nurses were papers flattering around or laying on the ground, most of them being sheets patients had to answer about personal data, allergies, insurances and so on. Your eyes followed the direction in which Trevor was looking at and the first thing you realized was the dark red color splattered across the mint green tile floor which reflected the blinding light of the ceiling, which led from the entrance area to the middle of the room. As you tilted your head the metallic smell of copper hit your sensitive nostrils and you realized with your tired brain that you were looking at blood. A lot of blood. Following the puddles of the red liquid with your eyes you saw three pairs of shoes standing in the biggest puddle yet and you raised your eyes up the legs of three men that dominated the ambulance with their presence. As you saw them your eyes widened even more than before. Calling their outfits and behaviour suspicious would have been an understatement. Normally you wouldn't easily judge people but everything about them screamed villain. 
The man standing in their middle, who seemed heavily injured was very tall and had an immensely toned body. Everything about this male seemed to be hard muscles. He easily was several heads taller than you and his hands looked as if he could crush heads like juicy watermelons. Though his hands were covered by sturdy metallic gauntlets, held together by some thick leather stripes, his outfit itself was quite unspectacular besides that, the only thing that really was outstanding next to his black combat trousers, boots and the sky blue button-up shirt that was hanging loosely around his hips as it was tucked into his pants was his former white Polo Shirt which was drained in dark liquid, more blood, you assumed. There was barely a white speck left on the shirt and it seemed like there was still more blood flowing with each second that passed by. You frowned when you realized that his face was hidden behind a full-covering black mask, which kinda reminded you of a killer whale with a bird´s beak, that allowed his wild and messy orange-red hair to stick out in the back. His head was hanging low and his breathing labored but he still mumbled some incoherent words which you weren't able to understand from this distance. 
The wild looking man was being held upright by two other, smaller men flanking his left and right, each one having one of his arms around his shoulders to support him and his shaky legs. As the one to the left was quite smaller than him, his outfit seemed a bit more interesting. The traditional looking dark grey yukata which was held together by a white cloth that was functioning like a belt and his simple light brown leather boots seemed a bit outdated which was fitting though to his calm facial expression you could make out as he was wearing a mask as well, but in comparison to his other two companions did not cover up his eyes. Three dark brown stripes that were going around the sides of his head and were covering his ears as well as one that went in between his eyebrows into his spikey blonde hair held his bird beak like mask in place. The mask itself was a simple dark brown leather and the beak was bent towards the ground slightly. Sadly you couldn't make out his eyes as he seemingly kept them close giving him a look as if he was meditating.
To the injured man´s right stood a man or woman in a long white trench coat and sturdy black leather boots peeking out underneath it. The inside of the hood was a wine red which strangely complimented the full face covering mask the person was wearing. The mask itself consisted of a dark brown leather beak which was framed by a golden metal and where you assumed their eyes to be were some outstanding black goggles. 
The two supporters were panting heavily, most likely as they mostly had to carry their big friend as he was barely able to stand himself let alone walk. You shook your head in disbelief. If they really were villains they were the first ones that had the guts to actually enter this hospital. Normally villains that came here were accompanied by the heroes who beat them in a fight and let them patch up here before bringing them to the police or the prison. It was unheard of villains coming into the hospital and the rules said that villains coming in alone should be reported straight away for the safety of the personnel and heroes that were in treatment and not strong enough to do anything against a villain attack. But this hasn't occured in all the time you worked here nor in the history of the hospital. Taking some steps forward so you stood next to Trevor you asked:” What's going on in here?” your voice sounding much more curious than scared. One of the nurses took a step forward and exclaimed:” These people are here cause they want medical attention but they seemed sketchy so we asked Mr. Hendersson to help us” and gave your least favourite person in the room a shy smile, who didn't even give her any attention. Frowning you turned to her and let out an annoyed sigh. For these nights you were the executive doctor for the E.R. and not Trevor and the nurses knew this. Most of them worked with you and accepted you but they did not respect you so it was obvious why they had called your nemesis in though he shouldn't have a say in this. 
“And I just asked these thugs to leave our hospital. They are dirtying the floor and pollute the air with their villainous presence” Trevor spat out aggressively and crossing his arms in front of his chest staring at the three men with a raised eyebrow. The hooded figure raised his head:”This is a hospital isn't it? We aren´t belonging to some lowlife villains so don´t worry about that. Just start some treatment our friend here has taken some beating and requires medical help. We will reward you of course” a male voice which was calm but slightly laced with exhaustion probably due to carrying the bigger male. Looking at the three men you tried to assess the situation quickly. With how much and how rapidly the man was losing blood you were sure he wouldn't be able to walk out of here and get somewhere else to get a proper treatment. Even though he was constantly mumbling something and trying to move around and stand straight his head plopped down from time to time onto his chest. Following your instinct you licked your lips and approached the suspicious trio. “I will help your friend, just bring him to examination room two and put him on his back onto the examination table.” The hooded figure gave you a short and what you assumed to be thoughtful look before he nodded shortly and started dragging his friend along before Trevor stood in their way. 
“One moment! You won't do that (Y/N). Are you out of your mind? We aren't helping some rats from the street. Just look at them.” He turned swiftly towards you and glared at you but as soon as he saw your determined face a small smile played around his features. Like a predator he came towards you and leaned down to your ear so only you could hear him which made your entire body go stiff:”Don't tell me you plan to go against the hospital rules...again. Seriously you really are only a pretty face and no brain are you? You do realize that I will tell the boss everything about this right? As soon as you go in there with these guys I will give him a call and tell him how little quirkless you is willingly treating some thugs in his precious little hospital. How you went against my word…” His big hand came up and layed heavy on your shoulder gripping it tightly under your coat and shoving you forcefully even a bit closer to him. “You will be fired (Y/N) and then what? I will ruin your reputation. I will tell everyone how bad you are. Heh, though maybe thats only good for you and I can give you some money to finally get you into my bed cause that's the only thing you will be good for then.” His warm breath washed over your ear and you let his words sink in. If you were by any means selfish you would call the police right now, tell them to leave and let this guy bleed out. You would continue your career and then what? Live with the shame to not have done what you believe in. Just working for the fame of being a good little doctor in a well known clinic. Just for the price of blowing all your morals into the wind…
Snap. Like a red thread under too much tension
The next thing you knew was how Trevor stumbled backwards holding his face and yelling out in surprise. One of the nurses screamed in terror but was fastly shushed by one of her colleagues who feared that attention could be drawn to them but you barely paid them any mind. Blood was flooding out of the doctor´s nose like a cascade and you watched in awe how his normally beautiful shaped face was crunched together in pain and covered in red. You looked down at your fist which was now bruised and covered in red stains as well. You arm was trembling and your breathing was going uneven, your heartbeat going several miles per hour. The thoughts ran like a wildfire through your brain. Yes, you had just punched your superior. Closing your eyes you tried to steady yourself. Apparently you had chosen your morals over your job. Now you could go all the way till the bitter end. The trembling in your limbs stopped and you looked at Trevor with a stern face. Both of your eyes met and he halted in his movement just staring back and for the first time you felt something like an ascendent feeling towards the normally superior male. “I will go and treat my patients now” you exclaimed with a soft voice stepped forward to the examination room nodding to the hooded male, who had watched the scene unfold in front of him and his friends, motioning him to come along. You held the door open for him and the others and closed it behind them. While the two heaved the big one onto the examination table you washed Trevors blood of your hands, dried them and put on gloves. Taking a deep breath you put on a professional face and turned swiftly around to them, coming over to the table and start several electrical devices, like a heart rate monitor which you would need during the examination and connected your patient to them. His vital function were stable but barely so. His heart rate was a bit to high but all in all he wasn't in a as worrisome state as you originally thought. His body was tone, he was in a great shape so he could take the blood loss, it probably just had made him dizzy but if you treated the wound fast enough he wouldn't need a transfusion of blood. Carefully you lifted his shirt and frowned at the big wound obviously caused by a sharp object. Carefully cleaning around the wound you quickly observed that the wound would need several stitches which would definitely leave a scar. Speaking softly to your patient you explained the situation and what was about to happen to him but he seemed to struggle slipping in and out of consciousness trying to talk. Regarding your caring nature you didn't want to ignore him so you leaned closer to his ear:”Excuse me Sir what?”. Just in that moment he jerked up, snatching your arm. Eyes widening in shock you gasped in pain as his grip had a bone breaking energy behind it for a man that was barely conscious. “Fight Me!” he yelled out before coughing violently. His two friends said both clearly annoyed to let you go and stepped forward to help you loosen his death grip on you but you just motioned them with your other hand to stop and with apparent confusion in their face. Valuing his behaviour and statement real quick and considering his outfit, the gauntlets on his arm and his strong body you were sure you had it do do with a man that never goes down, fighting till the last, which was what you had to play against him. You faced your violent patient and leaned towards his gigantic masked figure:”If you don´t let go right now there will never be an opportunity to fight ever again. You want to go like this? A pathetic stab wound? Not going down in a literal fight but because of the aftermath? Let me help you fight again… please.” 
Even though you concentrated your eyes on the giant man in front of you, you could feel the gaze of the other men in the room upon you and the air felt heavy enough to make you lick your lips.Very slowly the warm and giant hand of the man slipped down your arm and he kept calm. If it was because he lost conscious again it wasn't being able to be seen in his body language or his vital signs. You swallowed down the saliva that had built up in your mouth, got the sterilized needle and threat as well as the disinfectant spray and started working on the wound. Except the moving of his abs nothing indicated the pain he must have felt while you were giving him his stitches. The examination room was quite while you worked quickly and in the end covering the freshly treated wound with big band aid that covered the entire thing. Exhaling the air out of your lungs shakily and got rid of your blood stained gloves, washing your fingers under the cold stream of water at the little sink. Behind you one of the men cleared his throat so you turned around to him looking at the hooded man. His mask did not allow you to see his eyes which highly started to get on your nerves a little bit and just started talking before he could say anything:” He is okay but will need rest. After that  little incident I assume you will have to bind him to his bed or something along those lines to make him rest. So do it. The band aid covering the wound needs to be changed daily, at least. Be careful or it will infect and that would be very dangerous, okay?” you explained in your most professional tone. The hooded man just cocked his head slightly and nodded:”We will be on our way now before things get ugly here.” and you nodded in agreement frantically. Dark thoughts washed over you though. You should probably pack your things as well. Turning the door handle of the examination room you swung it open just to be washed over by a smell of a strong, expensive smelling cologne and you were faced with something metallic appeared right in front of your face which made you stop in your motion immediately. Your widened eyes followed the metallic piece in front of you upwards until you looked at a pair of amber colored eyes paired with long lashes which stared right back at you in a hypnotic matter. Calling you startled at this point was a massive underestimation. Taking a sharp breath the smell washed even stronger over you and made you feel dizzy. It was different from Trevor´s disgusting odor. This was a masculine and strong smell with a dark note, which made you crave for more as it was dominating your senses. Flattering your lashes you shook your head to clear your thoughts and you swallowed heavily. This was paired with a heat that emanated from its source towards you. 
“Excuse me, Doctor.” Shaking your head slightly you pressed your eyelids together and looked down trying to collect your thoughts. This man's voice was deep and elegant coming over you like a relaxing wave shaking you up to your inner core. Carefully raising your head you allow yourself to take his look in. 
His short and umber colored hair looked thick and well taken care of, shining in the bright hospital lights. The skin of this man was light like ash wood and absolutely clean of any impurities. As you had discovered before his eyes were framed by beautiful long lashes, topped with sharply arched eyebrows and his iris was of a full golden color even though you realized that his eyes held something cold and calculating in them. Sadly you couldn't see the bottom of his face because it was covered by a deep black medical face mask fitting the black button up shirt paired up with the white tie and black slacks he wore which ended right above his ankles. The feet were covered by some simple white sneakers which were remarkably clean. You realized the gloves on his hands which were similar to the surgeon gloves you wore here all the time. 
Not sure how much time had passed since you had started taking his appearance in your cheeks flushed and you cleared your throat in embarrassment as you realized his raised eyebrow and the condescending look he gave you. “Yes, how can I help you?”. Was your voice always this raspy? Looking over your head he frowned for a short moment and it wasn't a look on his face you really would ever want on you. 
“I believe my men have lost themselves here. The nurses informed me that you took care of them Miss (Y/L/N). I am here to pick them up and excuse the inconveniences they may have caused you.” Again. This incredible soothing voice. Slowly you nodded your head just to then frantically shake it. “No. No they… it was just unexpected. Ehm, I mean my boss probably isn't happy but it's okay I will find a solution I wouldn't just let your men down because they are v-... They are… ehm… They came here under special circumstances.” You ended your sentence after a lot of stutters and shakiness. He hummed as a response and considered you with another intense stare. Both of your eyes locked and you didn't back down even though it was intimidating to you and you felt the blood rush into your cheeks rapidly as well as your heart beat faster. “Let's go then.” he declared darkly and turned around to leave the hospital, his men squeezing past you, both of the healthy men supporting the patient and about to leave as they came. Staring after them you meekly stumbled into the main hall of the emergency room close after them but before you could say anything two other persons blocked the path to the outside of the hospital. You passed the group of four men and stood in front of them. Your boss and Trevor stood there, Trevor with a smug grin plastered on his face and your boss with a facade of pure anger. They didn't say anything. There was nothing that was needed to be said except the one word your boss said with so much venom in his voice that your entire body tensed up. “Out!”. 
Even though you had expected this after making your choice you didn't expect it to hurt so much. Just nodding you took off the doctor's coat you wore which belonged to the hospital and laid it down on the register counter then hurrying out of the emergency room. 
Once outside you breathed in the cold night air and let it fill your lungs. Your entire body was shaking and you didn't even realize that tears were slowly forming in your eyes. You had taken the risk and lost your job. It was a game over for you. Was it really worth it? Standing up for your morals to help some criminals? Wrapping your arms around your small figure you just stood there processing what had happened just now not hearing the footsteps closing up on you. “My men have told me what happened. Thanks for taking care of the situation. Can we help you out in any kind for the cooperation you helped us with?” The dark but stoic voice resonated behind you making you turn around on your heel with a small shriek looking at the tall man like a mouse looking at a cat. Your breast was heaving and your pulse was running several miles per hour. After recovering from your shock you took a step back from him, frowning:” Why would you give me anything? I am… I was a doctor. It is my job to help people.” you stated questioning. He blinked slowly while observing your face and he raising his hands with the palms to the heaven up in an opening and innocent motion. With a sigh he simply said:” In my business one hand washes the other. And I definitely don't like to owe someone anything. So I rather get this out of the way now than having to deal with it later.”. 
You nodded in agreement and looked down shyly. “I made it my job to help people whose life is on the line. Your friend was heavily injured and looked for help. My boss´ policy didn't go along with mine so this separation would have happened at some point anyway. I did not study medicine intensely to only care about the wellbeing of some heroes who think they can conquer the world.” Your last words came out much more bitter than you originally intended them to be and your eyes widened and you slapped your hands across your mouth. Not being able to help yourself you broke out in a nervous giggle and you looked at him in shock. “Just forget what I said. I am rambling. Just blurting out some things. I hope you have a good life and your friend will be well. Take good care.” you blurted out and turned around nearly running away through the dark city towards your apartment without looking back at the mysterious man. 
He just stood there for another moment looking after you with the same stoic expression. “Chrono.” he said with a stern tone feeling the presence of his right hand man right behind him. By now, him and Tengai should have loaded the hurt Rappa into the car he came with here. “Yes, Overhaul.” Chrono said calmly right next to him. The cold air of the upcoming colder season washed over the two men who were still standing on the sidewalk close to the hospital's emergency entrance. “First of all you will need to explain to me this disaster of tonight´s mission. Whoever is responsible for this better have a good excuse that I had to come through this pest filled town in the middle of the night. Second of all, you said this doctor is quirkless?” he asked his old childhood friend looking at him from the side. Chrono nodded:” Yes, I overheard it in that conversation she had with that other doctor who wanted to throw us out.”. 
Overhaul hummed and his golden eyes looked down the street where you had disappeared to. “Find out everything about her. She might be of use for our cause” he ordered Chrono who bowed slightly, following him into the car to drive back to the base. 
Your life would soon take a turn you had never expected.                
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jessicaroffe · 5 years ago
You know when you have an idea of ​​nothing and you share it with your friend and she tells you that the idea is very interesting? my friend and I had an idea of ​​what a crossover between Sherlolly and Good Omens would be like. We are still working on the chapters but I brought you something to get an idea of ​​what it would be.
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Between Heaven and Hell
He placed the book in its respective space on the library shelf, sighed in satisfaction as he admired the shelf and saw it well organized, he was proud of his work and one of his greatest treasures; he heard the bell at the entrance of the establishment ring, walked to the free space he had at the entrance of the library seeing Miguel and Gabriel standing like real dizzy cockroaches, Aziraphale felt sorry for his brothers when they walked on Earth, as they did not know about human customs they knew how to behave and when they "tried" to deceive mortals it was very weird.
Gabriel spoke up -We came to deliver a .....
-Fanfic! -Michael added.
-Exactly, fanfic.
Everyone present at the place looked at the two as if they had mental problems, Aziraphale looked around in embarrassment.
-P-please come with me. - went to a reserved area of ​​the place, when Aziraphale confirmed that there would be no one around Gabriel started.
–We received reliable information that the incarnation of Eve and Adam are here in the city.
Such information surprised the angel, Eve and Adam were their first mission on Earth after they left and never heard from him again, the news was really unexpected.
-That ... it's ... it's good ... isn't it?
-Go if they come to the light side. -Miguel replied with pride talking about heaven.
-It was just that? -Aziraphale asked hopefully.
–Aziraphale, you as a good child of God must know that just as the actions of Adam and Eve had an effect in the past, they can have an effect again now, perhaps more drastically than before, there is a prophecy that says that if Eve is not influenced by correctly, chaos on Earth can occur and only the love of your life, Adam, can save you. –Gabriel added.
At that moment Aziraphale was already wondering why Gabriel and Miguel were telling him that, he was going to have to do something, he sure would.
-You have been here on Earth for a long time and have always been efficient in your work, we will give you the mission of making the two stay together, so that chaos does not occur, we had to take such measures, because the opposite side decided to act and interfere with the natural line of events and sent a demon to do the job. –Miguel explained.
-So I will be a cupid?
–What is a cupid? -Gabriel asked.
-Nothing, forget it.
–Anyway. -Gabriel snapped his fingers and a folder appeared in his hand. -We found out the whereabouts of the two and they are here in London, another reason why it was you, their names are Molly Hooper and Sherlock Holmes, all the details of them will be here.
Gabriel handed the folder to Aziraphale, before leaving the folder in full possession of the angel he warned him.
-We trust you Aziraphale. -The angel swallowed, a little terrified by the subtended threat, he knew that this mission was not just any one, peace on Earth depended on him which worried him, because if the punishments failed, they would be severe.
Gabriel and Miguel left the room and the first one shouted.
–Thanks for my fanfics!
Aziraphale leaned against a table he had there to process the information, what did he get into? He soon remembered that he would be fighting with a demon who would be there to disrupt his plans, he took a deep breath.
-I just hope that the demon is not Crowley.
Molly promised herself that she would get back on top with her passion for Sherlock, she would move on and meet other people, she was never a woman to have many dates, she also didn't want to appeal to modern relationship apps, so she thought an agency that held meetings in the dark, made the registration by email, made its due demands regarding the person who would have the meeting, the man could be a little older, nothing more than five years older than her, who had a good musical taste, a good conversation, and was red, yes, red! Molly had even thought that the best way to forget someone who doesn't return their affection for her would be to cut off any resemblance to the next one, no dark brown hair then.
On the day of the meeting he left the office at Bart's and went straight home, he wanted to have at least a few extra hours to get ready calmly, this was his first date after he broke up with Tom, which in the case had been two years since do not go out with someone, I was not nervous, it was something different, perhaps an anxiety, I hoped that those who knew today could give you a thread of hope.
She chose a red skirt and a white blouse with cherries as prints, as it was summer in London, she didn’t need a coat or something, she did light makeup and styled her hair with a braid on the side of her head and her inseparable ponytail, picked up her bag and headed for the meeting place. On the way he wondered if it was the right thing to do, had he not given up on Sherlock more easily? He had already demonstrated a few times that he cared about his feelings, but she couldn't wait for miracles to come from him, there were times when she asked God to send her concrete signs that what she felt for him will one day be reciprocated “maybe not this time. life. ”, the chestnut thought a little discouraged.
Upon arriving at the restaurant where the meeting would take place, he introduced himself and asked the attendant if the person who booked the table with her had already arrived, as the establishment was a partner of the agency, all the attendants were already used to the routine of the place, he led to the round wooden table with a U-shaped sofa where an apparently tall red-haired man with dark glasses (who covered the entire side view not showing any crack in his eyes) then he saw Molly's presence and soon stood up .
"Hello!" Said Crowley excitedly. "You owe me company tonight," he finished by kissing Molly's hands.
- Hello, - he said a little embarrassed. - I'm Molly Hopper and you are?
- Anthony J. Crowley, at your service.
While talking Molly found Crowley very interesting, enigmatic with those sunglasses (which she really didn't know why he was wearing this time of night, would remind me to ask him later), funny, talking about things as interesting as if had lived thousands of years.
- So Molly, what do you do with your life?
- I'm a pathologist at St Bartholomew's Hospital.
- Wow. It must be a difficult job.- he said smiling.
- Until not, the dead are not the problem, the living that appear there wanting information or sometimes clues. Molly said and took a sip of the wine in her glass.
- And this guy would be a coworker or ex boyfriend ?!
Molly laughed at Crowley's questioning and shook her head.
- No, no, let's say he's more like a co-worker than anything else.
Well, if I can say something, he's an idiot. He doesn't really know what he's missing. ”Crowley smiled seductively and Molly bit her bottom lip and let a red appear on her face.“ I don't know about you, but here's boredom, come on.
Crowley got up leaving the money on the table, Moly was confused by his sudden action, but decided to follow him.
-Where are we going? Hooper questioned.
-You must spend a lot of time inside a morgue that doesn't do any good to anyone, let's have fun, do you dance?
"I'm not much of a thing," Molly said sincerely and found it too crazy for a first date in the dark.
- No problem. I'll teach you. Come on.- the redhead held out his hand to Molly who accepted.
Outside Crowley, he made his way to his car. Molly was feeling like a real adventure, a mixture of fear and excitement was running through her blood, she barely knew the guy next to her and they were already going to a nightclub, what if he were to traffic her? Or drug her and leave her on the street? "Stop paranoia Molly" Molly scolded herself in thought.
- So, how do we go to this nightclub you talked about?
- Let's go in my car. - The taller looked at Molly, at that moment curiosity hit her, she imagined what such a car would be like an ordinary car like all the others, but when Crowley approached a Bentley Molly she couldn't help but show surprise! - Then? What did you think? - is leaned against the car.
- He's very, very different.
- Is this different good or bad?
- It's a very good different. I never rode such a model.
- Feel free, miss. Crowley opened the door and pointed into the car like a real gentleman.
As soon as he closed the passenger door he went around and got into the driver's side.
“So where's this club at?” Asked Molly.
- Stay in Soho, I discovered this place a few years ago.
- Hmm looks cool.
Upon arriving at the nightclub that was packed with songs from the 70s and 80s and with all the themed decor of those decades, with lights, a dance floor and everything else that was entitled to a themed nightclub.
Crowley took Molly's hand and led it to the center of the floor where he was playing “Night Fever” by
Bee Gees and making a few steps the redhead approached as if calling to join him in the roar of the music.
- Wow, I ... I like to take a few steps but I'm not much of a thing.- Molly said sincerely and found it very crazy for a first date in the dark.
- No problems! I teach you! Come on.- the redhead held out his hand for Molly to rise from the table.
Crowley insisted on paying the dinner bill and then headed out of the restaurant.
- So, how do we go to this nightclub you talked about?
- Let's go in my car. - The taller looked at Molly, at that moment she did not know what to expect, imagined that it would be an ordinary car like all the others, but when Crowley approached an old car model Molly can't help but show surprise! - Then?! What did you think? - is leaned against the car.
- Wow! He's very, very different.
- Is this different good or bad?
- It's a very good different. I never rode such a model.
- Feel free, miss. Crowley opened the door and pointed into the car like a real gentleman.
As soon as he closed the passenger door he went around and got into the driver's side.
“So where's this club at?” Asked Molly.
- Stay in Soho, I discovered this place a few years ago.
- Hmm looks cool.
Upon arriving at the nightclub that was packed with songs from the 70s and 80s and with all the thematic decoration of those decades, with lights, a dance floor and everything else that was entitled to a themed nightclub.
Crowley took Molly's hand and led it to the center of the floor where he was playing “Night Fever” by
Bee Gees and making a few steps the redhead approached as if calling to join him in the roar of the music.
It was not possible to notice that they were being watched by a certain consultant detective who was sitting on the other side of the establishment.
The question now is this ... Does this fic have a future? I'm dying to know your opinion.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 5 years ago
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Here’s my next entry for @badthingshappenbingo! Just one prompt left after this!
I AM NO LONGER ACCEPTING PROMPTS! The single-bone marks on the card indicate which prompts I have received and am going to write, and I finally have prompts that will earn me a bingo once they’ve been posted (but they’re not posted yet)!
This fic has also been posted to FFN and AO3, so you can check it out on my Assortment of Broken Bones collection on there if you like!
This prompt was suggested by @actingwithportals! I went with a slightly different interpretation, since I don’t really want to hurt Miguel. XD; Hope you enjoy!
Prompt: Outnumbered in a Fight Characters: Miguel, Abel, Abuelita (post-movie, pre-epilogue)
Miguel's cousin looked up from his textbook—he was studying for a big test, and Miguel hated to bother him, but he was pretty sure this was going to drive him crazy if he didn't ask for help. "Um... could you... help me with a computer thing?"
Abel made a face, tossing his textbook across the table. "Sure. Can't be worse than studying for history, I guess."
Grinning, Miguel hurried off to the living room where an old computer sat in the corner, a pair of more modern headphones hooked up to it. The latter was a very recent addition, purchased shortly after the music ban was lifted. Before then, their computer had no sound at all—the speakers had immediately been tossed as soon as they'd acquired it. Now that it was equipped with headphones, many of the Riveras had been taking advantage of it... which was the problem.
"Look at this," Miguel said, waving a hand at the monitor as he scrolled through Youtube.
Abel squinted at the monitor. "Okay... What am I looking at?"
"Look, it's all history videos... I think those are from Papá, and... and a few music things I like, but there's also..." Miguel made a face. "Makeup tutorials." He scrolled past several recommendations with particularly atrocious thumbnails—clearly things recommended to their Tía Gloria.
"Huh. So...?"
"Could you... show me how to sign up? So it can recommend me the things I want? I think I'm gonna go crazy if I have to see another makeup tutorial."
"That's all?" Laughing, Abel gently shoved Miguel away from the computer and took a seat. "Sure, if that's what you want. But uh..." He glanced around the family room—no one else was there at the moment. "Don't let anyone know I did this for you, all right? You're kinda slightly too young to sign up."
"Pff, just by a month," Miguel argued.
With that settled, he watched as Abel guided him through making an email address (Miguel chose the name "GuitarraYZapatos05"), and, through there, set him up with an account. "And... there," Abel said, slipping off the stool. "You're all done. Just log off whenever you're done."
"¡Gracias!" Miguel slid back onto the stool, and Abel left him to browse the site.
Eagerly he put the headphones on and typed a song into the search bar—he'd known how to navigate the website for some time now, even before the ban had lifted, thanks to his friends showing him videos on occasion when he visited their houses. It was a lot nicer to be able to do it whenever he wanted—looking up songs he'd heard in the plaza and watching videos of people playing them. It was a great way to learn to play the songs, since he'd taught himself to do it by sight. Not to mention, he was discovering a lot of new songs this way (though he sheepishly had to skip over songs every so often—ones he was pretty sure if Abuelita ever heard the lyrics to, she would re-ban music... or at least computers, anyway).
For a good hour or so Miguel listened to different songs, at first paying attention to the videos, and then simply losing himself to the music, shutting his eyes and letting the next videos autoplay. This worked out fine for a while, but then...
"What color is the sky, ay mi amor, ay mi amor!"
Miguel jumped back, nearly tipping backwards off his stool, headphones going askew as his heart hammered in his chest. Even then, he could still hear the familiar voice, and the face on the screen was...
It was a friendly looking face, singing on a stage in front of many adoring fans. Occasionally the man would stoop down to sing a particular line to a girl in the audience, who would swoon over him as he winked. But the last time Miguel saw that face, saw that person, he hadn't looked nearly so friendly.
You're not going anywhere!
He could still feel himself held up by the front of his shirt, yanked closer as the eyes of the man—the one who had once been his hero—glared poison into him.
I am the one who is willing to do what it takes to seize my moment... whatever it takes.
"The loco that you make me, it is just un poco crazy!"
The fact that both the terrifying skeleton in his memory and the friendly-looking man in the video were the same person made Miguel feel sick, panicked, and very, very angry. Frantically he clicked several times on the screen to get the video to pause, and scrolled away so he didn't have to look at the man's face anymore. He wrapped his arms around his stomach, shuddering, wishing he could make the memory go away. If anyone deserved to be forgotten, it was Ernesto de la Cruz.
Once the panicked pounding of his heart finally calmed, he looked back at the screen. At first he'd thought that he should sign off for now—that was certainly enough videos for the day, and he felt like playing the real versions of his Papá Héctor's songs so he could get Ernesto's voice out of his head. But then something caught his eye, something he hadn't been paying attention to until now:
OMG, I love Ernesto! he's so flirty here lol
73 people got a bell dropped on their head
this is my favorite DLC song! he has so many good ones though, what a legend
I still have this one on a record. Ernesto himself signed the sleeve! It's my prized possession.
Comments—hundreds of comments, nearly all of them praising Ernesto for his looks, for what a great person he was, for "his" songwriting talent. Miguel felt his face flush in anger as he read more and more of them, all of these people who thought that Ernesto was the songwriting genius, and not his Papá Héctor...!
A part of him recalled that it had only been a month since Dia de Muertos, and the word hadn't gotten out to everyone yet, but it didn't make him feel any less angry. Seeing all of these people praise the man who had killed his great-great-grandfather and then tried to kill him not once, but twice was unbearable.
Unable to stand all the positive comments directed at this man, Miguel quickly found where he could leave a comment of his own, and began typing (a slow process with one finger—he hadn't learned to type properly yet):
Ernesto is the worst musician!! He stole all his songs! Theyre not his! Hes not a real musician!!!
Still fuming, he hit the reply button, and sat back on his stool. One comment probably wouldn't do a whole lot against the hundreds of people fawning over Ernesto here, but he'd thought it might make him feel better to say something.
A notification popped up at the bottom of his screen—someone had... replied to his comment?
Lol, what? Chill out. I'm sorry you don't like the greatest musician of all time.
What? No, that wasn't...! Frustrated, Miguel typed up another reply: Hes not!!! Hes a fraud!!! Hes not a real musician at all!
To his surprise, even more comments came in, this time from several people within moments of each other:
sure, Ernesto is a fraud, just like Elvis, right?
you!!! need to use more!!!! exclamation points!!!!!!
lmfao did you create this account just to troll a DLC video uploaded 7 years ago?
Great, now everyone was making fun of him... but it wasn't funny—Ernesto really did steal all of his songs, and... He shook his head—this wasn't fair. He typed up another reply to the thread (making sure to use fewer exclamation points, if they were going to make fun of him for it): Im telling the truth! He stole all his music from my greatgreat grandpa. He wrote all the songs Ernesto sang including this one.
no actually dcl is my great great uncle and he told me hmself he wrote all these songs and that if I ever met youtube user ""guitarrayzapatos05" i should tell him that he screwed ur mom
Guys I think this is a kid......
Geez I always hear people say they're related to DLC (wouldn't be surprised, the man supposedly slept around like a rabbit) but this is the first I've heard someone say he stole from their relative. We've got a new nutjob conspiracy theory, fellas.
Miguel wasn't entirely sure what some of this stuff meant, but he did know all these people were mocking him, and with every new reply he felt the anger build in his chest, though his cheeks also felt hot with embarrassment—why was everyone ganging up on him like this? Your all making fun of me! But Im telling the truth!! Ernesto is a bad person and a bad musician! He really did steal from my greatgerat Grandpa!!
He stole from my greatgerat Grandpa too.
Lol how long do you plan to keep this up kid?
Listen, if DLC really did steal his music, we would have heard about it by now. He died almost a century ago. You don't think people haven't looked into this?
he ded 75 years ago moron
omg do u ever shut up
At least one person was being civil with him, but even then they were wrong. Still, Miguel had no idea what to say—his family was still fighting to get this case to the news, but with Mamá Coco having recently passed and his baby sister nearly here, they hadn't had a lot of time to work on it. But maybe he could bring something else up. He typed as fast as he could, tears stinging at the corners of his eyes:
I know he stole it! I found out when I went to the Land of the Dea—
The screen went dark.
Miguel sat there for a moment, stunned, before he heard a slobbery chomping noise coming from beneath the desk. Looking down, he spotted a familiar tail poking out near his stool. "Dante!" he cried, hopping down to yank the dog away.
As he suspected, the power cord was in the dog's mouth, and he was chewing on it lazily.
He was normally used to Dante getting in the way of things, but he felt angrier than normal at the dog. "No! No! Bad dog!" he cried, and swatted Dante on the nose.
The dog whined, immediately dropping the cord and squirming away from Miguel's grasp.
"S-stupid dog, wha'd you do that for? I was just trying to tell them about—!"
"What's going on in here?"
Both Miguel and Dante turned around to see Abuelita hurrying into the room. "I-it's nothing, Abuelita," Miguel said, and frantically wiped at his face.
Abuelita crossed her arms, looking from Miguel, to Dante, to the computer. "Nothing, huh! Is that computer box giving you trouble?"
"I—no, it's... it's not that..." He winced as Dante licked at his face and pushed him away.
"Don't give me that. It must be something, if it's got you so upset."
Abel's voice came from the hallway: "Ummm... did something happen?" Stepping into the room, he blinked at the monitor. "Huh, why's it—WOAH!" Quickly he got down on his hands and knees, grabbing the partially-chewed power cord and plugging it back in. Hitting the "on" button on the machine, he heaved a sigh of relief when the computer began to boot up again. "Geez, I thought you'd broken it."
"Oh, is that all?" Abuelita chuckled. "See, it's fine, mijo."
Dante looked up at the computer and barked at it, and Miguel frowned, using the stool to push himself back up to his feet. He rubbed the heel of his hand into his eyes. "Yeah, I... guess."
"Wait... what did you do on there?" Abel asked, suddenly worried. He quickly glanced from Abuelita and back to Miguel, biting his lip.
Sighing, Miguel, wrapped his arms around himself. "I just... saw some dumb people talking... about de la Cruz," he mumbled.
"Ugh, that man?" Abuelita said, shaking her head. Miguel wondered if she realized she said it in the exact same way she used to refer to Papá Héctor.
"People talking about... oooh, you read the comments, didn't you?" Abel asked, and laughed. "Never read the comments, Miguel!"
Feeling his chest constrict, Miguel balled his hands into fists and held them at his side, glaring at his primo. "It's not that! They were—they were talking about how great de la Cruz was, and—and when I told them he wasn't great, he was a thief, they... they just made fun of me!"
"¡¿Qué?!" Abuelita shouted, then shot an accusatory glare at the monitor. "I will not have people mocking my grandson! Where are they?"
"No, no, Abuelita, it's not like that." For a moment it looked like Abel would laugh again, but he saw how serious Miguel was about this, and frowned. "Well... they don't know yet, Miguel."
"But I tried to tell them!" Miguel swung out his hands, and Dante whimpered, butting his head against Miguel's leg. "I—I tried to tell them that they were wrong, but they just... kept making fun of me. And there were so many of them! I just..." Finally he brought his arms down, grasping his right wrist in his left hand and staring down at the floor. "I just felt like I was all alone."
Feeling his Abuelita's arm wrap around his shoulders, Miguel looked up to see her looking at him seriously. "You're not alone, mijo," she said. "Every single one of us here in this family are standing right behind you. We know the truth about Papá Héctor and that man now, and we won't stop fighting until the whole world knows."
"Y... you mean it?" he asked, hope creeping into his heart again.
"Absolutely. He is family, and we won't give up on him."
A huge smile spread across his face as he wrapped both arms around his abuelita, hugging her. "Gracias, Abuelita."
Laughing, Abuelita returned his hug with a bone-crushing one of her own, squeezing around his back until he was left gasping for air. "Now go have fun, mijo, and don't worry about what the people on that computer box say. They'll understand soon enough!" With that, she happily walked back toward the kitchen to start on dinner, leaving Miguel and his cousin alone.
Abel shifted on his feet, glancing from the computer to Miguel before giving an awkward laugh. "I, uh... know we went through the trouble of setting up a Youtube account for you, but uh... maybe you should stick to Spotify."
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hedwigstalons · 5 years ago
Inspired by TAG episodes 1.07 and 1.08 about when the code that became Eos was created.
**Before The Dawn**
The room was softly lit, the computer screen in front of him glowing in the gloom.  He knew Grandma would probably tell him off and claim he was overstraining his eyes although if she found out he was working at 3am she would be telling him off about more than just his lighting levels.  
But this was John’s natural environment.  He preferred to inhabit the dark of night.  The sounds of campus hushed and muted.  Occasionally the noise of a group of students returning from a night out in the city would reach his ears but those in his hall were generally a considerate bunch and he wasn’t often disturbed.
He concentrated on the task in hand.  A simple coding assignment set by his tutor.  The task wasn’t difficult and he was easily able to work beyond the assignment brief, incorporating of not just the required game theory but also adding in a machine learning feedback mechanism.  He might not get extra credit but it would help to keep his GPA up.
The phone on the desk next to him started buzzing, the screen flashing in time to the vibrations.  He frowned at the intrusion.  Glancing at the name on the screen his frown changed to a look of concern.  
Wondering what could have driven his youngest sibling to call him in the middle of the night he answered.  
“What’s up?  Is everything ok?”  John’s voice, devoid of pleasantries and greetings, was full of concern and worry.  The note of urgency startled Alan.  The young face filling the video screen looked shamefaced.
“Everything’s fine.  I just wondered if, you know, you wanted to chat.  If this is a bad time for you I’ll go.”  The tone of anticipated rejection was plain to hear.
“Alan, it’s the middle of the night.  If Dad catches you making calls when you should be asleep he will be mad at you.  Don’t you have school tomorrow?”
“Nope.  Tomorrow, or rather today, is Saturday so I can sleep in.  Anyway, Dad’s away. Again.  New York I think, or maybe New Jersey.  Either way, he is out of town for a few days.  It’s just me and Grandma here.”
So that explained the dejected tone.  John popped the phone on a stand that would allow him to stay comfortably in camera range without having to keep hold of the device.  He had never been comfortable at making small talk but Alan’s loneliness was evident.  
As the youngest in a busy household Alan had been immersed into a home of chaotic noise from birth.  He was a being that depended on human contact in a way that John had never fully understood.  As the years went on the number living in the Kansas farmhouse diminished as first one brother then another moved out to further their education or careers.  After that first and most painful loss, the death of their mother, Alan had felt each departure keenly.  Now that Tracy Industries was expanding their father was also increasingly absent and so the youngster, barely a teenager, often just had their grandmother for company.    
John took a deep breath and steeled himself to be the big brother that Alan needed. It was plainly evident, even to him, that Alan was feeling rejected. He couldn’t stop some annoyance seeping through though.  He didn’t like being disturbed when working.
“So you thought 3am would be a good time to make social calls?”
“It’s only 2am here.  And anyway, you’re awake aren’t you?”
“Smart ass.” His tone became more affectionate.  It was well known by all the family that John was practically nocturnal.  If it wasn’t for the fact that he had to attend classes he would probably give up on the day time completely in order to immerse himself more fully in the stars.  “So, if it’s just you and Grandma, where’s Gordon?” He asked even though he was fairly sure of the answer.
“Swim competition; some championship over in Europe.  I’ve barely seen him all month. Even when he is here his routine is so locked down he may as well be away.  Dad’s enrolled him on some virtual tutoring programme so he can keep up his studies between events.  He’s either in the pool, doing online school or sleeping.”
“Yeah, well, olympian in the making and all that.  So what have you been up to?”
“The usual. School, tuning my go-kart…recalibrating your telescope.”  This last was said with a definite smirk.
“Chill out.  I’ll have it trained back on the crab nebula before you get home again. Anyway, it’s you who told me about the meteor shower in the first place.”
So that explained the late night phone call.  Alan had started showing more than a passing interest in all things celestial and John had been happy to encourage a kindred spirit.  Or ‘space nerd’ as Gordon liked to call him.  He himself had forgotten the passing meteor shower.  His course kept him pretty busy and the light pollution in the city put paid to any recreational astronomy.  
A notification pinged up in the corner of his computer screen.  Wondering why Alan would be both emailing and calling him at the same time John opened the message.  
It looked like Alan had been taking liberties with more than just his telescope.  A series of photographs were attached showing the procession of glittering orbs across the black Kansas sky.  He knew there was no point even pretending to be cross.  His genuine smile at seeing the images had already been captured on camera and relayed back to his kid brother.
“Nice work. You’ll have to take some pictures of the moon and send them to Virgil, he needs some inspiration for his latest project.  He’s putting on a play about Helios and Selene”
It was perhaps cruel to open his older brother up to the inevitable teasing that would follow but John  needed something to keep the conversation flowing. Virgil had been on at him to take a more holistic approach to university life and had been encouraging him to try out some of the campus societies on offer at Harvard.  As if to emphasise the point that university should be about more than just work he had subjected John to a drawn out description of his own activities with an amateur dramatics group at Denver.  Telling Alan was pay back for the hour of his life that John would never get back.
To Alan this was prime sibling ammunition.  It didn’t matter that Virgil’s role within the group was limited to painting scenery and building sets. The next time Virgil headed home on vacation he would have Alan and Gordon (for this snippet would of course be shared) following him around quoting Shakespeare until he was driven to distraction.
Unfortunately for Alan a badly stifled yawn drew the conversation to a close.  John had done his duty in offering the company his brother so desperately craved but he also knew he shouldered some of the collective responsibility in parenting the youngster.  Alan was summarily dismissed and sent off to bed.
John made a mental note to contact his two older siblings about Alan’s loneliness. Their father was working hard to build up the business John didn’t want to add another burden to the pile.  A few choice words to Scott and Virgil should ensure Alan received more calls and emails than he was currently getting.   He returned to his project.  His eyes skipped over the lines of code, trying to pick up the threads from where he left off but his mind was wandering with thoughts of Alan, Virgil and greek gods.  
He knew it wasn’t his best work but as he had already gone beyond the task he decided it was better to quit while he was ahead rather than risk building in a fundamental error while distracted.  John opened the course portal and uploaded the code to his tutor’s submission page.
An error flashed up. Title field required.
Empathetic Operating System
John shut down his computer and climbed into bed as the first light of a new day tinged the sky with pink.
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language-of-love · 6 years ago
this is it, this is the happiest I’ve ever been...
Summary: Just a little bit of light angst and definitely some fluff as David and Patrick do some wedding planning...
“Oh, I emailed the song list over to the DJ this morning, so you can mark that off your list.”
Patrick adds an X in the correct row of his “COMPLETE” column on his spreadsheet, internally grateful that he won’t have to listen to any more romantic comedy soundtracks any time soon now that David has finally made his choices of appropriate love songs for the reception. He’d taken to just nodding and smiling whenever he saw David’s face alight with joy as a new tune filled his apartment, not caring in the least about the song as long as David was happy.
“And I dropped the deposit check off at Heather’s for the food. She’s so excited to debut her mini quiches at the cocktail hour.” Patrick adds another X, glad he had time to squeeze in that quick trip this afternoon to knock the last big financial dent off their list.
“I’ve been telling her for years that she needed to get into prepared foods,” David muses triumphantly, and Patrick notices that the ink from his journal has bled onto the side of his hand, giving it a purplish hue. He’s not sure why, but he finds it adorable and doesn’t speak up to tell David about it.
The closer the wedding looms he’d assumed they’d be fighting more, but like everything else about their relationship they just compliment each other with this, too. And event planning is David’s strength, so it felt natural to Patrick to just let him take the lead.
“Patrick, you still need to sign off on the photographer. I sent you the two I narrowed it down to, but you haven’t said which one you prefer.”
“Honestly, David, pick whichever one you liked best. I trust your judgement.” And he does. Truly. David has proven to be a curator of beautiful things and Patrick, he’s more than happy to just stand back and enjoy the finished product.
David doesn’t say anything in response. In fact, he doesn’t say anything for a good five minutes, his pen scratching idly in the margins of the page of his journal with his current to do list. And Patrick knows he’s done something wrong. But he isn’t entirely sure of what exactly the issue is, so he waits, knowing David well enough at this point that eventually, he’ll find the words. Despite a few stumbles early in their relationship, they’ve actually become pretty fantastic communicators. But he’s pretty sure that’s because of the store. After one stupid fight went on for two whole days, making their personal and work life suck in equal measure, they made a pact to just say whatever was on their minds, no matter what.
When David sets his journal down, Patrick braces for David’s “no matter what”. David notices the ink on his hand then and looks down at his white jeans, horrified momentarily before his inspection shows no damage has been done. And once again, Patrick adds another memory to the forever growing column labeled “ADORABLE” on the “DAVID” spreadsheet that lives at the front of his brain.
When David’s eyes find his, Patrick’s sure he sees the fond look on his face as David’s brow relaxes just a fraction.
“Should I be worried at your lack of opinions on our wedding?”
Widening his eyes in genuine surprise, Patrick sets his laptop down on the coffee table so he can turn to face David, placing a hand on his thigh and giving it a light squeeze.
“Babe, I honestly thought you liked making the decisions and I trust you'll make everything perfect. I’m sorry if I led you to believe that I don’t care.”
He’d started calling David babe a few months ago and he’d assumed he’d get push back, but David had quickly caught his lips for a lingering kiss against the kitchen counter the first time it slipped out. Patrick took that as silent agreement he could continue, but just in private.
“I do...like deciding things. I just, I guess, I need to know that you’ll be happy and I won’t know if I’m getting everything right if I don’t know what you want and what you like…”
David is rambling a bit now, but he’s also covered Patrick’s hand with his, his fingers threading between Patrick’s fingers in that way that he does when they are both lying in bed reading their books on a rainy afternoon. It’s almost absentminded, the way he will be totally engrossed in what he’s reading, but he’ll reach out as if he just needs that little bit of contact to feel connected.
He shifts his gaze from their joined hands to see David already looking at him, expression a bit lost, which Patrick never likes to see. So, he tells David want he wants.
“What about them?” David’s eyes narrow slightly, obviously confused.
“I want candles...on the tables, in the corners, as many as we can light without setting everything on fire. And before you ask, no, I honestly don’t care what kind of candles, as long as we have them.”
As soon as he’s said that out loud, he’s a bit mad at himself for not putting this desire out there until now. And he can suddenly understand David’s annoyance at him a bit better. Because it’s something he’d been thinking about, but other things seemed more important and he just never mentioned this one thing he wanted aloud.
David is looking at him thoughtfully, but Patrick sees his mouth is slowly nudging itself into a small smile.
“I like candles, so that’s something we can do. Can I ask why?”
A quick puff of air escapes Patrick’s nose as he turns his hand under David’s so he can hold it properly, pulling it up to his lips so he can brush a few quick kisses to his fingers between his engagement rings.
“You can ask me anything, you know that.” He says this knowing David’s reaction will be a quick drop of his head to hide his blush, which he does, but then he’s kicking off his shoes and turning towards Patrick so he can curl up onto the sofa and into Patrick’s chest. Patrick’s heart blooms with love for the man tucking himself beneath his chin and he wraps him in tight, pressing a kiss into his hair before he finds the words to explain.
“Back when I was still at Ray’s, you remember that night with the bad storm when we lost power?”
“Oh, yeah...and we had to dig around in the dark in Ray’s kitchen for candles, finding those yellowish ones that smelled kind of like musty rose or something....”
“And we took them upstairs and placed them all around my bedroom...and instead of fooling around, we talked. God, we talked practically all night, about everything and nothing and I remember thinking to myself, ‘this is it, this is the happiest I’ve ever been’ and every day since then…” David has lifted his head from Patrick’s chest and is gazing at him now. “...I’ve just been so fucking thankful that I met you and that by some crazy twist of fate we both ended up in this crazy town. Cause you’re the love of my life and I just want to marry you, with whatever cake and whatever music with any type of flowers, because you being there beside me is honestly the only thing that matters to me.”
A tear falls on David’s cheek and Patrick reaches up to catch it with his thumb, keeping his hand there so he can pull David in for a kiss. He didn’t mean to get that passionate, but from the look on David’s face, it was long overdue.
“We’re going to have so many candles that I’m going to have to tell Jocelyn she can’t wear any of her dresses from The Blouse Barn. Polyester is very flammable.”
Laughing soundly, Patrick closes the last inch of distance and kisses David’s smile. And David kisses him back, but pulls his mouth away entirely too soon.
“We’re not using Ray’s candles,” he declares, much the same way he declared the correct placement of the breath mints and the fugly red brooms.
“God no, those things smelled like feet.”
“So you’re saying the happiest night of your life was spent in the dark talking with me in a room that smelled like feet?”
Patrick nods. “That is correct.”
“Okay, I’m 100% fine planning the entirety of our wedding.”
Wrapping his hand around David’s neck, he draws him back in, kissing the mole on his chin before mumbling against his lips, “fine by me.”
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