#something about sea shanties just makes me go Feral
aceofwonders · 4 years
my life is consumed by sea shanties rn so have some oc thoughts...
-Drake’s life just being full of shanties from the moment he was born! He knows so many and they all remind him of different parts of his life; some about his navy life and his father and others bringing him back to his early pirate years and reminding him of his mother
-Drake getting lowkey emotional singing the ones he used to sing with his mother’s crew cause he’ll never get to sing with them ever again RIP
-Drake singing shanties with the party and making new memories with them :’) 
-Vaughn absolutely loving shanties and getting to express his musical talent! His best memories from his pirate days being singing with his sister <3
-Vaughn absent mindedly humming shanties while alone in his castle...and when he catches himself misses his sister hardcore :(
-Vaughn singing shanties with his new friends (amelia and maeve the ones immediately coming to mind) and eventually getting to sing with his sister again!
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What if the gym leaders +marnie&bede were pirates?
I absolutely love this. Like, a few weeks or so out of every year I go into Pirate Mode where that’s all I can think about. Gimme those sea shanties, lads.
Milo would not make a very good pirate, tbh. He’s strong, yeah, but he’s a landlubber for sure. He could be pretty useful in some cases, but he does best on solid ground. Maybe he works at a port or something. Unless Captain Nessa drags him onto her ship. Then he’s just stuck there as a voice of reason.
Nessa? Main pirate gal. Her ship is named The Medusa. She lives for the sea life. She’s the most feared pirate in the seven seas. She’s often underestimated but when she’s sailing away with your fancy ship and all your gold you’ll be sorry.
Kabu is a pretty good pirate. He’s more of a sailor that just ended up getting roped into pirate shit. Like, oops, he really isn’t a huge fan of the sea but either he plunders or walks the plank and he actually kinda likes his pirate crew so he knows what is answer is. Honestly, probably part of Nessa’s crew tbh.
Bea is an excellent pirate. Very intimidating. Her ship is The Vengence. Watertight hold on her crew. She’s the captain for sure. (draw Bea in pirate clothes or I’ll sue you.) Either you’re with her or against her and she shows no mercy. She’s not one for stealing gold, really, unless it benefits people who need her help. Like, technically, yes she’s a pirate, but she mostly just helps small, poor places that need someone strong to get rid of whatever’s causing the problem.
Allister is in Bea’s crew. He doesn’t do much, unless he’s needed. Often found chillin’ in the crow’s nest. Sometimes says something about ghosts in the water that makes the entire crew uncomfortable, but Captain Bea said he stays, so he stays. Very powerful secret weapon, though. Allister quit summoning Cthulu so close to the ship.
Opal is a retired pirate. Extremely feared in her day, and legends and songs are still told of her. Other pirates seek her out when they need help. She’s still sailing on the open seas, but she doesn’t do much pirate-y stuff anymore. If you see her ship The Majesty either you’re saved or you’re about to die.
Melony is the captain of her ship as well. Though, she’s not as ruthless as the other pirate captains, tbh. She just sails around and does her thing. Slams someone right into Davy Jones’ locker if they get too close to her, but her and the crew of Blizzard are doing just fine.
Gordie is Melony’s second in command (forgot the name for them), and he can’t wait to change the name when Melony makes him the new captain because she’s getting sick of babysitting her crew. He plans on renaming it Rockslide and being the most feared pirate in the world.
Piers is absolutely a feral pirate captain. Like, all he does is cause problems for fun. He has absolutely nothing better to do. Claims to have scurvy every other week. His ship, The Siren is full of a bunch of people who just barely don’t classify as criminals. Despite their chaos, they’re friends with the rest of the well known pirates (gym leaders), and they’re always called on when help is needed. Many people think Captain Piers is insane.
Raihan is the captain of The Dragon Wing (I stole that from the Eragon series leave me alone). He’s very close to being the most notorious pirate in the world, but he’s always thwarted by Captain Leon. He’s hunting the man down Tom and Jerry style just to try and get the jump on him. They’re actually close, surprisingly, but that doesn’t stop Raihan from trying to sink Leon’s ship all the time.
Leon is the captain of his ship, of course. He sails on a ship (larger and more extravagant than any other pirate ship named here) named Glory. He is the most powerful and well-known pirate. It used to be Opal but he usurped her after a particularly nasty battle at the Spikemuth Archipelago (yes, I’m changing the geography of Galar for my own personal enjoyment.) 
Marnie is a high ranking crewmember on The Siren. She knows her brother, Captain Piers, is nothing but a chaotic bastard, but she encourages him because it beats the horrible boarding school she was almost sent to when she was little, before he long-lost brother showed up and basically kidnapped her. (I already have a whole story for them please ask.) Encourages the rumors that he’s literally unhinged.
Bede was kidnapped by Captain Opal. Currently learning how to be a pirate, as he is expected to take command of The Majesty. Opal wants to hand it off. She loves the sea, but she’s ready to settle down on solid land and live out her life in peace. Bede is struggling to unlearn the etiquette he learned while living in high society.
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toytulini · 3 years
spotify playlists i made that i should post on here at some point
-☣!!!!!!!!!!TURBO!☢!NAUSEA!!!!!!!!!!☣: playlist theme is just Go Fast and sometimes when i am in A Mood i have to just blast this one and it makes me calm down. started as a collection of songs ny dad described as "nauseating".
-simply vibing: i think this is something called "nu jazz"? + caramelldansen. something about this playlist makes me feel, both insane, and like its the last thing keeping me tethered to sanity? the cover image is king julien but there no julien songs or anything
-DANCE DANCE: dance dance
-cave to the call of the sea, Shan't I?: sea shanty inspired. has some sea shanties and also just some things slightly to the left of sea shanties i think? don't question the fiat
-forest wanderer: i think i might have posted this one, its old, but i think ive updated the order since then, also, i gave it a nice cover image now.
-you got lost in the sauce, now yr roamin the foam: dedicated to last braincells. spiritual precursor to simply vibing even tho i think tehy are technically different genres.
-pottymouth: hehe bad words
-WHO'S johnny: so many songs about some dude called johnny. who is johnny/john
-wistfully visceral: decompose and rot: songs about. dead being dead rotting decomposing etc
-Halloween Ends When I Say It Does: partially was just not ready for xmas this year but also i just wanted to put spooky scary skeletons next to songs from the scooby doo spooky island soundtrack. took some effort not make just another necromancy playlist
-Jared (a really fun guy): this is an oc playlist but also a masterpiece.
-MEETCUTE DEATHMATCH: ♡♤Siikrae♤♡: oc ship playlist but its very good
-i should update the witchverse playlist. at some point i edited the order of it (i am Never Doing That Again) and its insanely long now
-LULLABIES// h a u n t: this binch LONG and mostly instrumentals. inspired by chara concepts for a uh dnd worldbuilding thing that im not sure ill ever carry out? but the concepts r cool tho.
-Lullabies To The Forgotten, Left To Anguish Alone For Eternity: the original playlist for the chars that inspired LULLABIES. its a little longer and a lot more lyrics.
-The Sailor's Heart Belongs To The Sea: oc ship playlist between a feral nasty seagull druid sailor turned chaos god oc and an ancient powerful ocean deity.
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A notebook, small, its blue cover decorated with silver swirls that catch the light when it moves. The writing that fills the pages is sparse, only a few sentences in each entry, written in neat capitals: the kind of writing you might see on schematics or blueprints. The letters are pressed deep into the thin paper, the ridges and ghosts of the words tangible on the other side of the page. 
Some of the entries are splotched with tears, and the letters written there are blurred together in little circles. One of the pages has a large ink stain across it, with an arrow pointing to it and a tiny note that reads "sorry."
The notebook has been filled, incrementally, over the course of the year. Now the year is almost up, and the notebook sits, complete, on Magnus's nightstand, waiting to be read.
Barry gave me this notebook to write to you while you're gone. He and Lup have one they keep in their room; it's not the same, but he said sometimes it helps, to write down all the things you wish you could say. He called it a lifeboat, and I'm going to hope it keeps me afloat. A year is such a long time to miss you, Luce. 
Here we go. 
How are you?
This is obviously a question for Future You, reading this, because Present You is
Fuck. I'm so bad at this.
I don't really know what to write here. How do you write so much all the time?
I miss you.
I started using your lotion on my hands. I hope you don't mind. It's nice, to have a smell that reminds me of you. Also, my hands are the softest they have ever been, so I am going to keep stealing this stuff after you're back, sorry.
I saw the wildest bird today. It was huge, with a long neck and tail feathers twice as long as it was tall. It was all blue, except for the tail which had some iridescent purple and green in there. All your favorite colors. I wish I was any good at drawing, so I could show you what it looks like. You would have loved it.
Davenport lent me some of his old tapes to listen to when the silence gets to be too much. He’s got interesting taste in music, but you know what, I think I am coming around to sea shanties. There’s something about them that just hits some kind of chord. So many of them are about longing--for a person, for home. I can relate to that.
Merle left for Parlay today. It's so dumb, I always think that maybe this time he'll come back. But his smoky self vanished after a few hours, same as always. I promised him before he left that I'd water his plants. I hope I'm not going to regret that.
Your pen collection is the most intimidating thing I've ever seen in my life. I just want a simple ballpoint. Is that so much to ask??
I may or may not have broken one of your fountain pens. I do not understand how they work. Please don't hate me.
Happy birthday, Luce. You're the hottest octogenarian I know (how's that for a Lucretia word?). I can't wait to see your face when you read this part.
I miss you.
Taako banned me from the kitchen again. I don't see how it's my fault this time, Barry's the one who wanted smoothies in the first place and I would have thought the lid of the blender would stay on by itself. Blueberry smoothie is a bitch to clean off the ceiling, I'll tell you that.
We found the Light. Celia and her crew were a little salty when we said we have to keep it, even after we explained (again) about the whole plane-of-darkness-coming-to-eat-the-world thing. So they're not really talking to us anymore. I don't really miss it, but I think Dav is sad. He loved Celia's tea.
Lup and Barry have gone feral without you to remind them to take care of themselves. I don't think they've left the lab in three days. How do you do it? Taako just shrugs and says that nerds will be nerds. Dav had to order them out the other day to eat with the rest of us, and even then they only came out for an hour. At this rate they'll have become one with their lab equipment by the end of the year.
Some days missing you hurts so much I can't breathe. It's been months but it still feels like it just happened yesterday. I still have nightmares about that day.
I'm sorry I didn't save you, Luce. I'm sorry I failed you. I'll make it up to you. I promise.
Did you know that if you put sodium in water, it will explode? Apparently this is a well-known science fact. Nobody told me the explosion would be quite so big, though.
Today I sat outside with Dav and we drank a bottle of some fancy wine he had stored up and watched the sunset. It was warm and the fireflies started to come out as the light was fading. If you had been there you would have wanted to paint it, it was that beautiful. When you're back we'll have to find a time to steal some wine and do a replay. Maybe Dav can come, too. He's a pretty cool dude.
We made it, Luce. Tomorrow is the last day of the cycle. Hope the Hunger doesn't eat us before we regenerate. But for real, I can't wait. I get to see you tomorrow. I get to hold you and kiss you tomorrow. I'm so excited I could cry.
I love you. See you soon.
This is an excerpt (with a few minor changes) from my fic 'without you' which you can read in full on Ao3 (link in the source of this post)!
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localragamuffin · 3 years
there is just something about sea shanties that makes me go absolutely feral
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