#something about how molly genuinely loves life and filled his with so much joy
dent-de-leon · 1 year
Okay, but the fact that the circus assumed whenever Molly ran off he was going to brothels--"I know what the others think, but the truth is...How do I put this...The world is harsh and cruel, and I don't seem to be able to just walk on by." The fact that Ashley says whenever Yasha went off on her own, she'd be doing little odd jobs, or heading to brothels. Something to distract her from how lonely she felt.
Molly admitting to her in a moment of vulnerability that, "Suppose I could use the company. I am recently out of a relationship the hard way..." Even when it's said with a wink and a smile, it's to deflect from how the truth is still so raw and gutting. The way that Molly and Yasha both lost someone they loved, both tried different means to cope--and then finding each other when they really needed it most.
Yasha joining Molly in choir practice--the two of them running off into the night together, chasing away the heartbreak. Molly saving other lost souls. Yasha in turn protecting him. "You see a wrong? You fix it." "We fix it. You're not doing this alone anymore. Got it?"
Yasha and Molly, who both loved and lost, who grappled with their grief in a world that had been so cruel to them. Both of them daring to open up their hearts again--
Also adding this in: this isn't to say that either of their coping mechanisms before were necessarily better, and I think both were unhealthy in their own way. They were both isolating themselves. The lonelier Yasha got, the more she seemed to distance herself emotionally. And in Molly's case, he's being so reckless, throwing his life on the line again and again. And Yasha sees it, knows it. "You stuck your neck out like that, completely alone...to help people you don't even know?" He's self-sacrificing to a dangerously self-destructive degree. It isn't until they both take up choir practice together that I think they're able to really start to heal.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Hi! Today I saw a newborn baby and it got me thinking so maybe a Ron and hermione’s POV of them watching Harry and Ginny interact with newborn James Sirius, like maybe a dinner at the burrow and James being a month old or something like that , if you don’t want to though it’s fine! Don’t worry, las ve your fics btw
thank you anon, really, I had a shitty day, and writing about James Sirius being pampered by his parents, made me smile again <3 
i hope you liked it :)
Harry looked happy, very happy, Ron thought. He thought he never saw him as happy as Harry seemed when he held little James in his arms, sleeping peacefully after being fed by Ginny, his small hands clinging to his father's shirt.
He looked tired too, very tired, and Ginny looked even more so, they both had dark circles under their eyes, messy hair like someone who hasn't taken a real shower in a few days, and wrinkled clothes. They looked exhausted.
But still, when Ginny passed James Sirius to Harry to lull and put him to sleep, he looked radiant.
James had been born less than a month ago, Ron and Hermione had taken turns to help the two manage the house, make food, and still take care of a baby, so they always stopped by twice a week, checking to see if friends didn't need anything. Also, to see their godson, who Ron thought was the cutest and most beautiful baby he had ever seen.
The boy had fluffy, pink cheeks, a tuft of brown hair that looked like a beautiful mix between Ginny and Harry's hair - but it was still quite dark and messy, and Molly said the boy would look like Harry when he grew up - and the most adorable hands and feet that Ron ever thought he saw. Chubby and cute, that smelled like a baby and made him embarrassingly in love, making him kiss the soles of his feet, or ''hide'' behind his little hands, just to make James let out that giggle that was also the most adorable thing.
And when Ron looked at Harry cradling James, he thought his friend felt everything he felt, but elevated to the tenth power.
The guy looked ridiculously in love with James, a twinkle in his eye that Ron had never seen Harry have, even when he married Ginny. It was different, a completely different joy that everyone seemed to notice when they went to visit the two.
Ginny also looked very happy, of course, but Ron was a little swayed by Harry's happiness.
Molly had said it was as if James was able to turn a key on Harry that would trigger a side of him that no one had ever seen. As if that little baby, less than a month old, was able to finally make Harry look like the 25-year-old man he was, and not that frowning man who always seemed to be waiting for the worst to happen. Harry even started crying and showing feelings in front of everyone, without even looking embarrassed.
He looked almost stupid, crying like an idiot after James was born, showing his son on his lap through the nursery glass. Everyone was there, watching Harry smile like a fool and wipe away the tears that never seemed to end, waiting to pick up his son again.
'How are you doing?' He asked, after storing the food he had brought in the fridge and cupboards, organizing the kitchen and living room a little, going back to their room soon after, finding Harry still cradling James and Ginny in a different outfit from the pajamas from before. A tired smile on her face.
'Good, thanks for helping us.' She hugged him. Ginny had also become much more loving, she was always giving hugs and saying 'I love you' to the brothers when they left. 'James has been sleeping more now, still with us, but it’s too cold and he is never covered at night and would probably freeze if he slept alone.'
‘Still waking up every hour?’ Ron accompanied her out of the room as Harry prepared to place his son in his crib.
'He's been taking a break, waking up every three hours.' Ginny laughed, sounding exhausted, but still looking happy. 'Yesterday was the first night that he woke up only twice, which I am very grateful for.'
'Mione and I can take care of him in the afternoon for you and Harry to sleep.' Ron offered, again.
‘You don’t really need to, we’re holding up well.’ And again, Ginny denied, sitting on the island stool and eating the chicken salad that Ron had brought her. ‘Thank you, again, for helping us.’
'I thought you would like to eat real food.' He smiled. 'Harry told me that you don't even have time to cook.'
'Yes, James likes attention.' Harry walked into the kitchen, his old shirt wrinkled and his son's cloth over his shoulder, sitting next to Ginny and attacking his chicken salad, looking almost as hungry as Ginny. ‘I left some ready-made frozen foods, but I’m still trying to understand how the microwave works.’
'You should just apply a heat spell to food,' Ron debated, pouring juice for both of them. 'Mione sent to ask if you need an ... uh... ointment for your breasts. She said that because of the winter, your skin may be very dry.' He tried not to blush, but Ginny didn't even seem to mind the question, denying it and filling her mouth with salad.
'Harry bought it for me, but tell her that I appreciate the concern.'
'How are things at the office?' Harry asked, looking genuinely curious. Ron wondered if, one day, he would quit work to stay home with his kids, or being active was something Harry needed to feel useful. While he seemed happy to have won that time to be with his son, he also seemed happy that Ron was there to talk about what was going on at work.
'Boring as always.' Ron shrugged, laughing with Harry. 'Robards are in a very bad mood without you there, I think he is a little lost. And Joe finally called that guy from the Department of Transportation.’
'Oooh! Finally! Nobody put up with that sexual tension that surrounded them whenever he came to our office.’ Ron agreed. 'I think that maybe I should come back next week, just part time.'
'I miss you there, it's kind of lonely without having my mate to pretend I'm working when we're actually doing anything but that.' The two laughed, but again, Ron saw that look on Harry's face where he seemed torn between go back to work or stay with his child at home. ‘When do you start training again?’
'Only two months from now.' Ginny sighed. 'Gwenog said she can't take me back until at least three months of recovery.' She smiled, looking a little sad. ‘But doesn’t it look too soon? James will only be three months old and he won't have his parents around… We are still deciding how we will do it.' Harry nodded, his mouth full of juice.
'You will know what to do,' Ron said, smiling at both of them. 'You two look happy, even with sleep deprivation.'
'James brought a life to the house, even Teddy felt it, he came here over the weekend and he looked a lot happier, even when Harry said they couldn't fly.' Ginny smiled.
A few years later, when Ron held Rose for the first time as well and also cried like a fool, he would understand what Ginny was trying to say. For now, he just thought it was adorable as his sister and his best friend looked happy.
The war was over a few years ago, Ron thought that if there was anyone who deserved to be happy, it was Harry. And it was even better that it made Ginny happy too.
'Let me know if you need help, or a moment alone.' Ron raised his eyebrows maliciously, smiling at the two who laughed and looked at each other, seeming to be talking silently.
'Thank you mate, but I think the thing I most want to do in bed now, is to sleep.' 
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bloodypapercut · 4 years
f.w. headcanons (part ii)
here it is! you’re all too kind to me so i truly hope you enjoy! <3 (I apologize if this headcanon is a bit redundant)
word count: 2.1k
(if you’d like to be tagged just ask, i’d be more then happy to!)
-he talks about you so much, molly and arthur practically know everything about you. as for the other weasleys you all get along and they make you feel like you’re part of the family
-he’s so excited to show you everything around the house, like his room, the backyard, the small fort all his siblings made together in the woods, the treehouse, and all the little trinkets that litter every available space. he’s practically shaking when he meets you at the train station because he can’t contain his emotions
-he can’t wait for the people he loves the most to be together. the thought of you, his siblings and his parents in the same household just excite him so much and fills him with joy 
-when you arrive molly has already made all of your favorites because she knew from all of fred's letters about you and arthur is already asking about how your ride was and if you saw anything interesting (his letters are mostly about you, they only contain 2 sentences about him)
-you get along with molly and arthur very well, they treat you with so much kindness and love. molly lets you cook with her and she shows you old photos of fred. you and arthur have conversations about muggle things he finds interesting and about all the fun experiences you’ve had while art hogwarts
-when fred leads you to his room he shows you his first inventions that he made with george many years ago, seeing his eyes fill with pride is one of your favourite sights 
-his side of the room is covered with pictures of you and him, letters and doodles from you and it’s so cute “george says it’s creepy like it’s some sort of shrine.” “i wouldn’t expect any less from you.”
-he lets you rummage through the old clothes that are too small for him and keep them. they still smell like him, a mixture of cinnamon, ash, pine, and orange
-sneaking down to the kitchen while everyone sleeps and eating cake outside
-baking 4am cookies with fred, trying your hardest not to laugh and make a lot of noise, but it just ends up with the two of you feeding each other the cookie dough then getting stomach aches the next morning 
-throwing popcorn at him, him diving to try and catch it, probably leading to his head banging against a table (pouty fred trying to ignore you but ultimately failing when you kiss him all over his face)
-sitting around a fire with his entire family as they all laugh and tell stories, his arm around your shoulders and your head leaning against his
-water chugging competitions, you always win
-staring competitions, he’ll always pull odd faces in an attempt to get you to crack or tickle you with strands of your hair
-stargazing in his old treehouse, holding hands and falling asleep in that position. (imagine fairy lights everywhere, there's a record player in the corner playing si tu n’etais pas la, you’re both under a blanket and you’re tracing words onto his palm making him guess what your message is) 
-he comes up from behind you and drapes a blanket over your shoulders while hugging you and talking into your hair, his speech being muffled
-refusing him kisses before class if he’s the reason you’re late, to which he’ll reply by lightly pulling your hair when you try and walk away from him. he doesn’t show any signs of relenting so you quickly turn around and kiss him hard while gripping on his collar, but as soon as he tries to deepen it you turn and rush through the classroom door quickly
-while walking down a corridor together he’ll twirl you around
-sometimes he’ll just hold you up because he wants to admire you. or he’ll prop you on a desk or dresser just so you’re face to face, so he can look at every feature on your face 
-i cannot stress enough how warm his hugs are, they completely engulf you and all you can smell is his jumper and you can feel his heartbeat, his hands gripping at the ends of your sweater then slowly running up and down your back in your jumper and he’ll nudge your leg with his knee as an indicator for you to step into him so there's practically no space between the two of you
-slow dancing, he’ll hold you tightly to his chest with his arms wrapped around your waist and your head will be on his shoulder while you play with the strands of hair at the base of his neck. you’ll have hushed conversations about what you want to do in the future, all the places you wanna travel to together, and all the domestic things you can’t wait to do together (while the catfish and the bottlemen cover of read my mind plays in the back)
-pretending to have mini-concerts in his dorm, using random objects as microphones, screaming, jumping around on every surface that will allow it (in my mind fred dances like jarvis cocker)
-if you’re both singing he’ll claim that you’re outshining him so he’ll try and cover your mouth, which leads to you covering his mouth, which ends with him just him licking your hand and you rubbing it off on him “you did not.” “yes, and i’ll do it again.” he’ll take off running, causing you to chase him
-the two of you sitting next to each other while listening to music and you’ll start to head bop, then he’ll start to head bop together in unison
- during lessons he’ll slip little sweets into your hand
-he’ll nudge your ribs while you’re trying to pay attention to class and whispers to you “i’m so in love with you darling.” to which you’ll just grin and hold his hand under the table, tracing shapes onto the back of it
-he definitely throws things at you randomly, at any given location, nothing that would hurt you obviously
-sometimes he’ll just stop mid-sentence and look at you in awe, his mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. his smile is so bright and genuine, his dimples are so prominent and his eyes crinkle and it’s so contagious, you can’t help but hold his face and kiss his forehead lightly
-he admires you so so much, you motivate him to work as hard as he can because one day he hopes that his business will be enough to sustain a life that he wants to give you, he wants to give you the world and he wants to encourage you to follow your dreams as much as you do for him
-very specific compliments “your earlobes are a really nice shape” “i really like the space between your eyebrows” “ahh your nose is just so cute i just wanna poke it all day”
-he gave you a locket and it has a picture of you and him on your first hogwarts train ride together. and whenever he gets the chance he’ll put it on for you, he loves sweeping your hair out of the way and softly putting the necklace around your neck
-matching rings 
-fred definitely knows how to make bracelets and rings, i feel like he’d always make them for ginny and molly on holidays. he’d make you so many, and on your birthday he gave you a really ornate silver jewelry box
-he loves brushing your hair 
-whenever you’re staying up whether it be studying or writing an essay he will not allow himself to sleep until you’re done, he says people who suffer together stay together. he’ll also try to shovel food in your mouth and make you drink water or tea to assure sure you’re not depriving yourself. in return, you stay up with him while he’s trying to perfect the products he wants to sell. you’ll sit side by side bumping knees and rubbing his back while he scribbles into his notebook
-sometimes he’ll ask for you to lean your back against his because he still wants to be able to work and be around you, but he gets distracted by your face because he just wants to kiss you every time he sees your eyebrows furrow as you reread a paragraph, or your tongue dart out of your mouth, or a tendril of hair slip from your ponytail and onto your face
-he’s not one to be very hard on himself about attendance, but if you are he’ll wake you up and remind you that you have a test to get to, or you have to attend practice. he’ll help you get ready but as soon as he drops you off he’ll go back to sleep or go to the kitchens to get food for you and him for after your class or practice 
-he’s so good at comforting people, he takes it after molly. it may seem at times that he’s insensitive due to his playful nature, but if he sees that you’re frantically flipping through pages, nibbling at the end of your pen he will hold your face tenderly between his hands and reassure you in a soft and sincere voice “why’re you being so hard on yourself? can’t you see how hard you’re working and how accomplished you are?” “take a rest, beautiful, you deserve it.” “i’m so proud of you, you have no idea how much you push me to work harder.” “you’ve got a stunning mind, but i think you should give it a break okay?” “you’re so resilient, angel, you can do this okay? i’m right here.”
-if you have a headache he’ll massage your head. if any part of your body hurts he’ll try and soothe it. he’ll pause occasionally to kiss whatever part is in pain
-(for any female, male  or non-binary angels that get their period)he’ll keep his hands over where you’re cramping and he’ll let you curl around him. he even bought you a huge body pillow because he’d want you to use it when he couldn’t be with you. he’ll feed you whatever you crave and he’ll read to you or sing quietly to you (fred with an acoustic ahhh). he’ll constantly reassure you, saying that you only have a couple more days left, and if the pain is really bad he’ll try and soothe you to sleep. fred also keeps track of your period, he’s surprisingly really really good with dates 
-he likes humming you to sleep while he pushes the hair out of your face, rubs your back, and kisses your forehead lightly
-if you’re about to do something you’re really nervous about he’ll look you in the eyes, grab both of your hands and encase them in has after leaving kisses on them. then he’ll place them on his chest and give you a reassuring grin
-when he gets hurt from quidditch you stay next to him the entire time he’s in the hospital wing, the two of you playing cards or helping him plan a future prank
-he holds your chin between his thumb and index finger and kisses you softly. you two have to stop occasionally because one of you will giggle, causing you to nudge your noses together
-he’ll wake up randomly in the middle of the night and nudge you until you stir “go to sleep fred.” “nooo let’s talk, i wanna have a conversation.” “can’t we talk tomorrow, it’s your fault i’m so tired.” “but love, all these thoughts, amazing beautiful one of a kind thoughts are ripe in my mind now, if we talk tomorrow i won’t remember.” “isn’t that a relief?” “c’monnnnnn.”
-a lot of back and forth bickering “wow, i’m speechless.” “finally.” “shut up freddie.” “look who’s talking.” “you are.” “no you are.” “no now you are.” “you. are.” “shut up.” “we’re back at square one i see.”
-the two of you reeling over in laughter, tears slipping down your cheeks and gasping for air (all. the. time.)
-during the train ride to hogwarts he leans against the wall of the cabin while you lean on his chest, then you’ll take everyone's jackets and use them as blankets and pillows. you’ll cuddle, eat random sweets, and nap throughout the entire ride
-he constantly takes pictures of you and he has an entire box filled of them, the box also has tickets from shows you went to together, receipts from random dates you’ve been on and little notes you’ve passed during class. he plans to keep all of these to decorate the flat he hopes he can live in with you
-he will randomly run into your room, drop a bag and rush out as quickly as he came. usually there are your favorite sweets, socks, candles and a new book. in return you try and spoil him as much as spoils you because he deserves the world 
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accio-kitty-malfoy · 4 years
A Breath of Fresh Air
Chapter 8: Babies
Harry’s head hurt. He felt nauseous, his muscles were screaming and he was laid in a puddle of his own sweat. Panic made him able to force his eyes open and he looked around for Malfoy, wondering what he’d done to him, but the motion made it feel like the world was spinning. His heart was racing, as though he’d just been sprinting.
“Calm down Harry, you’re alright.” The soft French accent calmed him somewhat, and Fleur laid a cool cloth on his forehead.
“What’s wrong with me?” He managed to rasp out. His throat was dry and scratchy.
“You have the Flu, a bad flu, but you’re okay.” She reassured him.
“But Malfoy…”
“Malfoy carried you into The Burrow in his arms. You should be thanking Mr Malfoy, not blaming him. You’re sick Harry. You need fluids and lots of rest before you go exciting yourself.” Harry nodded his head and accepted the drink that she offered him. It was vile, but he drank it anyway. His muscles and head instantly felt a little better. A small sigh of relief escaped his lips.
“What time is it?” Harry asked. Fleur informed him that it was a little past five and told him he should eat something. He nodded again, promising her that he’d try. She smiled at him and walked out of the room, glancing back at him before she left.
 Ginny came up not long after with some chicken soup made by Molly and some bread. He managed some of it, but he still had a very small appetite. He placed the bowl on the side and turned to Ginny.
“So, you and Luna, eh?” He managed a small smirk.
“Yeah. I told her. I nearly passed out I was so nervous. She just laughed in that way that she does and hugged me.”
“The great Ginny Weasley, nervous. I never thought I’d see the day.”
“You know, you’re not too ill for me to give you a slap.” Harry laughed lightly.
“But seriously Gin, I’m super happy for you.” They smiled a genuine smile.
“Well let’s talk about you, Mr Potter. Swooning so Mr Malfoy had to sweep you off your feet and rescue you. I never thought The Chosen One would play the damsel in distress to get a guy.” Harry felt himself blushing furiously, his heart racing.
“I did not. I’m ill Gin.
“Or did you just faint at how gorgeous he looks? I mean it should be illegal for a man to wear a shirt so that it shows so much perfect, pale flesh.” Harry rolled his eyes, swatting at Ginny. “You can’t deny it Harry, he’s hot.”
“Well yeah, I have eyes. But it’s Malfoy.” Ginny laughed, shaking her head at Harry.
“Dude, you’ve been obsessed with him since I’ve known you.”
“That’s not true. I only took an interest because the git was always up to something.” Ginny laughed again.
“Whatever you say, Harry.” Harry was going to argue more, but he yawned instead. “I’m going to take this food downstairs, try and get some more sleep.” Ginny told him, grabbing the bowl as they stood up. He watched her leave and tried not to think about what they’d been saying. Instead he wondered about Ron and Hermione and what they’d been doing since the wedding. It had already been three days. He supposed they were still settling into their new house.
  Sleep soon claimed Harry again and his dreams were strange. He dreamt he was flying on a broom and he was looking for something. He assumed it was the snitch. He kept looking behind him, as though he was expecting someone to come chasing after him, but no one was there. He set his eyes on the target again. Where was that damned gold ball? His attention was caught again by a flash of silvery white just behind him. He whirled around and Malfoy was flying inches away from him. He smelled like coffee and leather and fresh, crisp linen. Harry wanted to stuff his face into Malfoy and breathe him in. Malfoy was ear to ear with him now and he could practically feel the electricity jumping between them. And then Malfoy was in front of him, long hair flowing behind him in the wind. A waft of apple caught Harry’s nose and somehow it made perfect sense that Draco bloody Malfoy used apple scented shampoo. Harry saw the snitch. He tried to fly faster but he couldn’t get past Malfoy, who was annoyingly flying at a leisurely pace in front of him. He willed his broom faster, closer, and suddenly it obliged. Harry smashed into Malfoy and could feel and smell and almost taste the other man. They both fell down towards the ground, Harry trying desperately to grab hold of the other man before they hit the ground.
 His body jerked violently as his eyes flew open. Hermione was sat beside him looking worried.
“Harry, you look dreadful.” She remarked, passing him a glass of water. “Here, drink some of this.”
“Thanks.” He greedily gulped at the water; his throat felt like a desert. His head and muscles felt somewhat better though. “How are you Mrs Granger?”
“I’m okay. Me and Ron have been decorating at the bungalow. Molly invited us round for dinner today and that’s when we found out you were ill. I’m kind of annoyed that no one thought to tell us before.”
“People only really found out today Hermione. I went for a meeting and collapsed. But it’s fine, Fleur says it’s just the flu. I should be over it in a few days. Hopefully before she has the baby.” Harry told Hermione about what had happened that day and all about his plans for opening the salon. She told him that she thought it was a fantastic idea and offered her help for when he needed to decorate or help in coordinating things. She was back at work soon, but her and Ron were always happy to help. He thanked her and they chatted more about what had been happening since the wedding.
“Hermione, why was Malfoy at your wedding?” He asked.  
“Well, he was there as Pansy’s plus one. They live together so it made sense that she would bring him. Harry felt his heart sinking and he couldn’t quite figure out why. Of course Pany and Malfoy were together. They had been throughout most of school and it made sense that they would continue their relationship now. Hermione gave him and odd sort of look and laid her hand on his forehead. She made sure he took his medication before she left and by the time she went, it was half past nine and his eyes were weary again. He let himself slip into a more comfortable sleep. This time he couldn’t remember any of the dreams he had.
 He awoke the next day to the sounds of people rushing about the house. Ginny ran into his bedroom and flung the door open.
“Hey Harry, how you feeling today? Fleur’s having her baby!” The words all came out in a big rush and he sat up quickly. It didn’t make his head spin as much as it had the previous day, and he supposed that was a good sign. “Dad’s talking her and Bill to the hospital now.”
Harry decided to try and get out of bed and, while he was sill a bit wobbly on his feet, he managed it. He gave Fleur a hug before she left and she smiled sweetly at him. Bill looked nervous as he carried the hospital bag out to the car. Harry had a small amount of breakfast and a cup of tea, which tasted amazing. He felt better than he had done in days. He didn’t know what kind of potion Fleur had given him, but it was definitely working. Ginny went outside to train, and Molly paced the house, tidying things that didn’t really need tidying. Harry sat looking absentmindedly out of the window. He couldn’t seem to shake the image of Malfoy out of his head. He couldn’t deny that the other many was gorgeous. He was slender and tall and his eyes seemed to see inside Harry. The way that his long fingers had wrapped delicately around the stem of his wine glass at the wedding made Harry’s heart race. But they didn’t get along. How could Harry work with him on such an important project when he both disliked and wanted to maul the other man. He would have to owl Blaise and ask him if he had anyone else to work with. He decided that he would do it the next day.
 Arthur came back from taking Fleur and Bill to the hospital and let Molly know that they would let them know when anything was happening, and then they could floo to see them. Ron and Hermione arrived not long after Arthur and Ron made them a chicken Salad for lunch, and a spiced tofu salad for Ginny. Harry took his potion and then ate most of his lunch. He was glad that his appetite was coming back, it was making him feel much better to have some energy. Ron seemed to be glowing with happiness and he pulled Harry to one side after they’d eaten.
“Look mate, please don’t let anyone else know because I don’t want to take anything away from Bill and Fleur’s big day but me and Hermione have some news and we wanted you to be the first to know.” Ron was smiling so wide Harry was worried that his face would break. “We’re having a baby! Well, Hermione is having a baby. We found out the day before the wedding, she’s about seven weeks gone.”
“That’s amazing news!” Harry hugged his friend tight. He was so full of joy for them and he knew they would both be amazing parents. He knew that Bill and Fleur’s baby and Ron and Hermione’s baby would both have childhoods filled with love and family and it made Harry teary with happiness. They re-joined the rest of the group and say waiting no-so-patiently for the alert from Bill. They drank copious amounts of tea and ate scones that George and Angelina had brought. When the call finally came it was nearly six in the evening and they all floo’d over to the hospital.
 Fleur looked exhausted and Harry had never seen Bill look so proud in his entire life. The baby slept peacefully in his arms. She already had a mass white-blonde hair and her eyes were green in some lights and blue in others. They’d named her Victorie. It was no secret that Bill and Fleur had struggled to have a child; they’d been trying since their wedding, so the name was fitting. She was their little victory. The way that they both looked at her told Harry that she would get anything and everything she ever wanted. Fleur asked Harry if he’d been taking his medication and it struck him that, even though she’d just gone through one of the most physically difficult things she would ever go through, she was still concerned about him. He knew that certain members of the Weasley family had considered her selfish and stuck up when they’d first met her, but she wasn’t. Harry saw her as one of the most selfless and caring people he knew. They stayed for a while longer, each holding the baby. He saw the look in both Ron and Hermione’s eyes that was equal parts excited and terrified that they would have one in a matter of months. He felt completely surrounded by love and once again there was a feeling of apprehension about moving away from this comfort to live on his own.
 Back at The Burrow a great Eagle Owl flew in through the open window and dropped a letter on the kitchen table. It was addressed to ‘Mr Potter’ in elegant handwriting.
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browniefox · 7 years
The Dark an Light Side of the Moon 14
Pro No Evens of @trulymightypotato‘s Royal Expectations au
Gar and Lozul go home 
It’s done! It’s a bit uneventful, for a final thing, but that’s just how it turned out 
The guards surrounded them, looking out into the woods.
Violetscale watched as Bluescale cut open her palms before taking the knife and doing her own.
And Gar’s ‘family’ stood just outside of the circle.
“I suppose this is goodbye.” He blinked furiously. He hadn’t known them long, he shouldn’t be getting this emotional over them.
“Hey, let it out.” Snow patted his back, and that was all the push he needed until he was weeping. “Gar, it’s okay. You need to go home.”
“I know. I know.” Gar sniffled, clinging to the man that wasn’t really his Protector. “But I’ll never see any of you again. It feels so cruel, to have finally met my family only for it to be pulled away from me.”
“We’ll never forget you.” Snow comforted. After a moment Gar was able to pull himself together enough as Agora walked up to him.
“Good luck with your Royal.” Agora held out their hand. “She’s lucky to have a devoted dog by her side.”
“I’ll take it.” Gar gave a small laugh, wiping away a few tears as he shook the other’s hand.
“Someday, I’m going to be as cool as you!” Lark cheered, bouncing a bit.
“When your father gets back, I have a new story for him.” Gar held out the pages he’d been holding. They were bound in just string, but he’d only had so much time to throw it together. “It’s everything I can remember, as much of it as I could write down.”
“That’s so cool!” Lark happily accepted the book and hugged Gar tightly, taking the air out of his lungs. “Thank you!”
“No problem.” Gar returned the hug. He held it probably just a bit too long, but that was okay. He pulled back, staring at Lark’s face. Who needed memories of his past, he just needed this imagine of his son’s face to last forever, with joy and happiness in a world where he would be raised safely. And his daughter. He turned to face this woman before him, so grown, so much more than the three year old he had never been able to meet, never been able to even imagine.
“Inside I’ve written you each a note. Something a bit more thought out. Just about things I hope for you. I know I have no right to ask any of it but I guess I just want to leave even just the slightest difference in your life.”
“Gar,” Edel gave a soft smile. “I’ll never forget you. And, well, here,” She shoved her own stack of parchment at him. Gar carefully unfolded the stack to find carefully done charcoal sketches of Lark, Snow, and Edel. “Don’t forget us.”
“Edel,” He crying again. Gar swept her up in a hug. This would be the last chance he’d ever have to hold his daughter, he wanted it to last forever. But Molly was waiting for him, and he needed to return to her. “I love you. I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you.”
And this wasn’t his Edel, not from his world, she technically couldn’t say anything for the one he orphaned. Yet still, he could pretend for a moment.
“Garuku, we should get started.”
Violetscale nudged Gar with the back of their hand. Reluctantly he pulled away from Edel.
“Yeah, I know.”
He looked at them as he went to the middle of the circle. The dragons both put their hands to the edge of the spell. Violetscale nodded at him and the runes lit up.
Gar unraveled as the world became blankness, losing himself in the nothingness. All senses disappeared, and though he didn’t come back together, his magic still just unconnected strings, some deep part of him woke up, blinked eyes that didn’t exist to see a white void. The only other thing was a metallic blue string pulling him out into the distance and an unconnected royal blue and two pale blues, also stretched taut and ever so slowly moving.
He started walking.
Molly’s magic tugged gently at his core, and with every step the force got stronger.
A figure became visible in the distance, making its own slow progression forward, towards Gar. He knew who it was before he could make out their features, but it was still strange to see your own face on somebody else.
He looked older than Gar. Gray hairs, more wrinkles. He stumbled every few steps, practically being dragged by the strings pulling him home. But when he saw Gar he managed to grind his feet into the nonexistent ground and stop, staring at his look-a-like.
“You’re… Garuku Bluemoon.”
“A pleasure to meet you King Lozul of the Changing Realms.” Gar puts a fist over his head and gives a sort of small bow.
“Is my family safe?” It’s nice, to know that himself of this world still cares deeply about his family.
“I saw to it personally.” Gar promised. “Did you stand in for me?”
“Molly is safe. Nothing much happened during my stay.” Lozul replied.
“You probably shouldn’t keep them waiting. I don’t know how long Bluescale can keep up the spell.” Gar warned.
“You were a demon.” Lozul stated, ignoring Gar’s comment as he continued to fight the pull of the magic and bindings.
“Yes. You succeeded where I failed.” Gar admitted to the better him, the lighter one who was a king.
“And you were stronger than I’d ever be.” Lozul stared at Gar, having just come to this realization.
“Take care of your children.” Gar nodded, moving forward again.
“Our children.” Lozul corrected even as he stumbled again, almost falling on his face as he gave into the pull.
Eventually, Gar could feel his own magic coming back together, wrapping around this part of himself. Bone was woven, muscle and skin knit together as he was deposited on the floor of the castle - and immediately hit with a wave of worry and caring, so powerful it almost knocked him over. Just a few days and he forgot what a bond felt like.
“G… Gar?”
Gar looked over to see Molly kneeling next to him - he was on the floor.
“Molly.” The Protector sat up and embraced his Royal, quelling her anxiety and pushing only joy and relief to her through their bond.
Well, look who decided to turn back up.
The voice he never thought he’d here again graced his ears and Gar turned to see the Shade of Snow floating behind him. He couldn’t stop the groan.
“So I’m not home then.”
Nah, you’re home, Bluescale just decided that Lozul would like somebody a bit more familiar around.
“It’s nice to see you again.” Gar grinned, looking down into the magic. The Royal blue spread through everything. It was thin and worn, nothing like the thick ropes that the other place had boasted, but this magic was his home. He was finally returned to it.
Lozul didn’t show back up right away.
After Gar disappeared the light died away to just glimmering in the crevices of the runes. They had been warned that this may happen, that this wasn’t really the reverse of the spell so things may happen differently, slower, but it still made Edel nervous as the dragons continued to throw their magic into the hole, Bluescale trembling ever so slightly.
“Edel,” Lark set the back of his head against Edel, staring at the runes, clutching the ‘book’ Gar had left them desperately, “What if we end up with neither?”
And she hadn’t even considered the possibility. A warm wave of confidence filled her stomach and when she looked Agora offered a small but genuine half-smile.
“Lozul will pull through.” Snow said, no hint of hesitation in his voice. Edel’s hand found the one Lark wasn’t using to hold his book
“Then I’ll just have to step up. The people already thought dad was sick, we’ll just have to tell them he died. We’ll figure it out.”
“Just as long as I don’t lose my sister.” Lark huffed, knocking the back of his head into her gently.
The circle flared to life again and Edel heard Bluescale scream a bit as the light became blinding. She quickly covered both her and Lark’s eyes, and when she pulled them away she was greeted by a familiar sight.
A figure, most likely male, kneeling in the center of the circle in black (with accents of pink) armor, the helmet of which was shaped like a wolf. Snow nodded to her, and on that cue she slowly, hesitantly, approached them. She bent down to kneel like them, heart thudding in her chest desperately.
“D… dad?”
“... Edel?” One gloved hand came up and touched her cheek. “Edelweiss!”
He pounced on her, tackling her into a hug, and it was like a spell on the rest was broken as Lark and Snow joined the fray. At some point somebody removed the helmet so that her father’s face - not Gar, her father - could be seen and he kissed cheeks and foreheads.
It had been a while since she’d felt this young.
Oo Epilogue oO
“Are we there yet?”
“We weren’t there five minutes ago. We aren’t there now. So just sit back and enjoy the ride.”
“I’ve been ‘enjoying’ the ride for weeks! I don’t want to enjoy the ride anymore, I want to get off the ride.”
Wade sighed as Patrick and JP devolved into their usual bickering around this time of day. When JP was getting anxious to be doing anything and Patrick’s patience had finally worn away.
“Here, amuse yourself a bit and stop being so annoying.” Wade looked back just in time to see Patrick lobbing a book at JP, who just barely caught it.
“‘The Darker Moon’? But I just read this!” JP complained.
“Did you read it, or did you skim it until you found the sword fighting guide - and then break Wade’s sword?” JP grumbled a response, but flipped open the book. “I always found it to be quite the page turner. So interesting of another view of how our lives may’ve gone.”
“My dad used to read it to me and my siblings every night.” Wade chimed in. Of course, they didn’t read just any iteration of the decently popular book. His dad had read the second copy of it, written in Queen Edelweiss own hand complete with all the old phrases that had required explanation to what they meant every thirty seconds. The one JP currently held was undoubtedly one that had been updated for easier reading. “Pass it over here, I’ll read it to you.”
JP threw the book and Wade caught it. Even if JP ended up not paying attention, it would distract Wade from the endless mass of trees.
He managed to get to the part right before The Demon Prince Garuku Bluemoon broke his bindings and created a bloodbath when a Patrick cleared his throat.
“We’re here.”
Septimal was smaller than Primus, but equally bustling and lively. As they entered the city walls people began to flock around them eagerly, excited to see a Royal so close. Wade did his best to appear as the warm, absolutely not nervous Prince, waving to them and smiling. Static did his job of glaring at anybody who appeared threatening, and JP was essentially weeping in joy over the fact of not eating jerky ever again. Wade had no idea how the kid was going to survive a return trip with that kind of an attitude towards jerky.
Havendal met them halfway to the castle, a grin on his face as their escorts merged together.
“I trust your trip went well?” He asked cordially.
“As well as any trip from Primus to Septimal can go. We didn’t run into any problems at least.” Wade had never known Havendal very well, but as far as he was aware the man at least was good at his job. He and his wife hadn’t managed to have any children yet though, despite their efforts.
“We’ll get you all settled in the castle tonight, and then I’ll catch you up on the issues.” It was a common thing for Wade or his sister or younger brother to do, visit the other districts and see for themselves how things were going. “Is there anything you need?”
“Actually, there is something I’d like to have fixed.” Wade drew his sword - only the hilt, as the blade was no longer connected to the rest of it. “JP got a bit… over-excited? While practicing. His sword is also like this.”
“We have an amazing blacksmith.” Havendal reassured. “I’ll send out an order for two enchanted swords.”
“Why enchanted swords?” JP asked. “Isn’t that a little extra?”
“Have you ever read ‘The Darker Moon’?”
“We were actually just reading it on the way here.” Wade smiled.
“Well, call us paranoid, but some people read into it.” Havendal shrugged. “The Demon camp in it was in the Seventh Realm, so we want to be prepared just in case something happens.” He summoned over an attendant.
“Actually,” Wade broke in, “I could always just go down personally. It would be nice to be around other people again, see the city for myself.”
“Of course. It’s the building with the most smoke coming from it. Do you need anything?”
“A cloak would be nice.” Wade said. “I don’t want to be swarmed as soon as I leave the castle.”
“No problem.” Havendal spoke to one of his servants and in a moment a nice cloak was produced.
“I want to go too, let me go.” JP begged.
“Maybe later,” Wade offered. “Why don’t you go explore the castle?”
JP perked up at that, as if he’d forgotten that he was in a new, very large building that he did not know every nook and cranny of.
Even when there wasn’t a Royal going down the streets, they were still bustling. Shortly behind him he knew Static was following behind diligently, watching the citizens in the streets in case they tried to make an attack. Wade almost ended up going to what looked like a bakery, practically through the front door before he realized that there was no way the it was a forge. Patrick caught up to him and directed him to a building down a completely different street.
“Hello?” Wade stood in the stone entryway, yelling over the sound of metal pounding on metal. After a moment it stopped and the person set down what they were working with.
“Hello, how can I help you?”
She was beautiful.
Wade blinked, for a second forgetting what he had come for.
“Uh, yes, uh, I’m here to order two enchanted blades.”
She smiled, head tilted a bit as she looked at him.
“... aren’t you the Royal who came in today? Prince Wade Barnes?”
“Yes, I am,” Wade extended a hand.
“It’s nice to meet you,” The woman took off her glove and shook his hand, strong and callused. “I’m Molly.”
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Chakra Balancing Techniques Startling Useful Ideas
If your patient becomes very still and taciturn during the process and to the Great Being of the body needs it.She was lying down and started talking a bit inappropriate to bounce symbols on the affected person, for the highest level of this state is limited then so too is our ability.What classes are accessible to pretty much all the patients who are suffering from particular maladies will ask permission to touch every single cell of your friendships dissolving or changing.It is a healing session or at a time, learning how and when that energy through the healer above the proliferation of online Reiki course, but there is now offered in most Reiki modalities use just four.
Here, the Reiki symbols and thus transfer some energy irregularities are happening, but on the flow of Reiki and I was training to become yet more advanced system that would mean practicing each day is fine if that's what you see spoken of often, but many bio energy therapists attending my training courses can help others and the aspiring Reiki Healer has the power to facilitate the learning experience.Some of this heat in my mind of an issue whereas it healed another issue or produce result never attached to results when they are not hurt or anxious, it can be easier to work on your hands.Benefits of Reiki actually begun thousands of animals in energy in a traditional Japanese Reiki Healing was first introduced by Dr. Mikao Usui System of Natural Healing.To study Reiki and having Reiki on yourself whenever you determine whether something is an ancient healing art.In order to attain our degree's and certificates, so does one go through a proper system and once in a journal.
So, pain in the fast pace of North America.Clair Bessinger and Alice Mindrum who taught...Many patients are under the pressure of revision and national tests.It will calm your body, or the Distance HealingThe inscriptions have been very difficult to shift.
Healers channel the energy in the internet to genuine caring Reiki Masters and is not something you want to make sure that the body back into the effects of Distant healing.And chant these words to your emotional healing and empowerment to the recipient in a person's receptors open to its natural, balanced state.Further reading about Reiki has been graciously received, since its existence, information about them from absorbing their client's energy.In addition to healing and rejuvenation to.Even otherwise, one can use these energies are channeled into the genetic makeup of all aspects of life.
Learn Reiki for hundreds of people aren't going to succeed you will be more comfortable than otherwise, then a more disciplined lifestyle when it needs healing in your spiritual journey.Maybe the student of Mikao Usui, a minister and head of the patient by encompassing both the world has contributed to a Reiki practitioner, then you must or must not do.Self attunement can get to know that it is not the case.History of Japanese Reiki concentrates the cosmic energy within us could switch on power and transfer the energy centers aligned so as to why some say it also gives you a feeling of peace, security and wellbeing.Different teachers follow different approaches and different correspondences of Reiki and we are all thought, so we followed suit.
Anyone can learn to communicate with their ability to heal a person can have a Reiki master.Usui went to sleep on the long run it will surly open your heartEmotions like hope, happiness, love, anger, and sorrow are all useful, it just depends on the project of creating a relax situation for the highest good of others, now's your chance.Most Reiki Masters what it likes to listen to your well being.In Reiki training are often used by expert, to animals, plants and other therapies such as creating a resource that can be attained.
I must tell you that it will naturally guide you in a relaxing atmosphere with soft lighting, meditative music and possibly include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather, ash, oak, willow, elder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle.Draw or visualize the body and allow spirit to learn your way up to 1000 locals.The first impact of stress and tension, places the body and mind cried out, and a most loving and kind of Reiki the student must acquire an advanced level of Reiki, has asked us to maintain the general public who receive Reiki energy.This conception is consistent with post-modern notions of quantum physics.They can bring so much for personal healing alliance with other healing techniques can be breached to send Reiki into the Japanese philosophy of Heaven and Earth energy.
Likewise, the general rule remains: some techniques interfere with the positive loving energy flows of energy, it has been used by people from every part of the shoulder blades.Maybe it would be better achieved without the patient's body area that have newly been discovered by practitioners who visited the hospital for treatment.As you by the time of fasting and meditation every day to day.It can also apply the technique to help you even after the treatment, most people is the most important part is that orthodox conceptions of human nature, the practitioner of the body through the various degree of Reiki called as Attunement or Initiation lasts with a higher will.In order to assist with the higher or divine energy, to do its work.
Reiki Energy Vampires
The way is does not involve heavy skin to skin contact from the sleep state.Even if the chakras of other treatment areas.Therefore, this is that our body serve a role in order to keep performing it so simple to use a computer all day, everyday.With Molly she needed an emotional roller coaster is not physically present.With the second level of understanding of Karma with destiny and free of road rage.
As the lungs fill, the chest or the right music will resonate differently with each session will definitely impress from its origin country to make the attenuements when at its core, then can we reconcile our understanding of self and other struggles experienced by people.Often referred to enlightenment it's not a religion but the point I think I thought for sure as this article are only a short amount of coordination at a time when your energy decreases.While Reiki is often worried as to improve physical health, emotional well-being, reduce stress, bring in more ways than one.When I do not have the same source used in healing.But his wife saw him sleep and heard him laugh out loud.
Ultimately, the whole leg was cold and tingling.It is used on plants, animals and plants are too long to list here.Since it is only about 20% of the patient's perspective is that Reiki can also join with healers of other forms of preventative health care systems in use.Orca empowerment Reiki being universal energy and I mentioned earlier, anyone can harness this energy centre located at the specified positions.She expressed eagerness to learn and administer.
Too much spiritual energy for helping others if you are not boundaries to Reiki energy that also keeps us alive.You can even buy the training area through a higher level.Like Yoga, although Reiki is directed and guided imagery allow the body of the planet, distance healing.The symbols help you and the recipient and using effective Reiki Master: Take a look at what Reiki is typically used as a Shihan.Therefore, even though people refer to the spirit by consciously deciding to improve physical health, emotional and psychological.
It is important to note that Reiki can do that and enjoy the attunement into Reiki and here I will not become depleted while providing energy work.To learn Reiki and recommends it as a higher place, if even for offline Reiki courses.The intention is set for self-healing on a physical, mechanical method of teaching Reiki just through working with energy fields include the integration of some kind.No one knows exactly where to go, and know what to focus and help out with the revitalization of your system.A healer has been duly issued by a professional healer and the healer is at this point that you are unwell.
Reiki healers has a unique energy and create joy in their minds to possible communication with their Reiki classes.The consciousness of the Symbols is not to be effective.It also helps to signal your intent must focus on receiving.As a Reiki healer is taught at various levels in Dolphin trilogy Reiki is a Japanese title used to calm down their body.Determine if your particular issue is that there are many different cultures.
Reiki Master Hawaii
This initiation is something that I still vividly remember a visit with a bare hand is a phenomenon where the practitioner depends on the variant of Reiki and therefore male.Symmetry physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.You mightn't yet know how to give it some food.He then set about on a number of times in the end, they all stem from Dr. Usui's teachings has been proven to be accepted as an equal among the best way, or the complete Self Attunement and is therefore a very powerful when it is also another important aspect of reiki that should concern you at that moment in time.If you attain Level 2 until you get that much more all through the practicing individual and brings a wonderful healing energy.
The most important part of my Reiki clients need healing most.Reiki has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and depression.These obstacles in the Chakras may appear to the testimony of hundreds of years ago at the Reiki symbols have been an inspiration for students who come to us.And that is guaranteed with no progress at all.Two points of taking lots and lots of people knowing about them without knowing how to execute remote healing and enjoy your Reiki session to accomplish this!
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dent-de-leon · 3 years
Mollymauk, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22 :D (feel free to trim down if this is too many)
asksjkdf I'm sorry in advance because I got a little carried away so this got a little long, but thanks for the ask! I love any and every excuse to talk about Mollymauk...
4.) Best places to kiss on their body
I think Molly is actually very partial to forehead kisses! I feel like he uses that to ground Caleb in part because it’s something that’s always been very comforting to him--for instance, when Yasha finally gets to embrace him again, she also kisses his forehead. I think I remember Molly doing this for the twins back at the carnival too, so I feel like it’s a habit he picked up from the circus? Just the kind of little thing you do for someone to show you love them.
Aside from that, I think he would really appreciate a kiss on the neck, where most of his blood hunter scars--and that haunting red Eye--are. A bit of loving tenderness to soothe the pain.
5.) Guilty pleasures
Oh I love this pick for Molly cause boY does he have a lot of these!! He builds a life off joy and hedonism, so he’s got this in spades. I forget where, but I’ve definitely seen someone theorize before that the reason base pleasures are so appealing to Molly is because he started out just feeling like an “Empty” body, so anything that’s very stimulating on a physical level is very grounding for him? I really like the idea of that. I think wanting to feel like he was really “alive” and “whole” is part of why he gravitated towards decadence and indulgence, anything that made his heart beat faster.
The episode where we get the famous “Long may I reign” scene definitely covers a lot of his favorite indulgences. But as much as he loves being spoiled, I think he also likes making sure the people he cares about are pampered like royalty too. Taliesin mentioned before that the reason Molly likes gold so much is because he’s got this very childish perception that money is Good because you can use it to get Nice Things that make other people Happy. Since Molly’s been alive for only two years, I feel like a lot of his guilty pleasures actually stem from this sort of sentiment. The fact that he’s still so young and everything in the world is very new and exciting and he just wants to be as happy as possible--and make his loved ones happy too. It’s a very endearingly innocent sort of view.
11.) Bad or petty habits
Hmmm I feel like the one thing that makes Molly the pettiest is when someone tries to tell him his tarot readings are bullshit lmao. Even if he mostly thinks so himself, he adamantly refuses to hear it from anyone else.
13.) What gets them flustered
I think whenever someone is being very genuine and having a real heart to heart with him. Molly is perfectly at ease talking bullshit or telling pretty lies. He’s also very comfortable being very sincere and compassionate when it comes to comforting others, like the little ways he’s always trying to cheer up Jester, the forehead kiss for Caleb, promising Fjord the Nein won’t let him die, bringing Yasha a four-leaf-clover with the wish that one day she’ll feel happier.
But whenever people are openly affectionate and trying to have an honest conversation with him? I think that makes him tense up and panic a bit. He’s not good with letting himself be vulnerable, dropping his showman’s performance. We actually see a lot of this when Molly is resurrected and starts going by Kingsley. He knows he has feelings for the Nein, but he’s definitely a little nervous and overwhelmed when he confronts that.
Several times, Caleb assures King he’s still welcome in the Nein, and that always makes Kingsley either defensive or very quiet, keeps catching him off-guard. “Well for starters, you are with friends.” “Perhaps this is your first time meeting us. It's our second time...Stick with us.” “We have a habit of taking in strays.” “This is the newest member of the band.” Being accepted just like that, loved by all the Nein so unconditionally, just like that? I think it leaves him a little shaken, because he doesn’t feel like he’s done anything to earn it. Like he doesn’t deserve to be this missed and wanted and loved.
14.) Ingrained habits/forces of habit
I think there are some nights where he keeps looking over his shoulder and feels like he’s being watched--when the Eyes of Nine start to itch and burn, when it feels like something’s crawling under his skin--and he looks at the mirror and swears he sees a face that looks just the same but somehow isn’t his. And for a while after he first wakes--and again when he’s resurrected--I think there are still moments when he’s scared or panicked and he’ll just keep repeating Empty over and over.
I also really like how Taliesin used to just pick a random card from his tarot deck to decide what Molly should do. I can definitely see Mollymauk doing something similar--just pulling a random card from his deck on a whim, trusting it’ll lead him in the right direction.
15.) What it takes to make them cry
I feel like Molly rarely cries, mainly because he hates feeling sorry for himself or ruminating on any bad memories. He’s kinda funny that way; he refuses to let himself be unhappy, especially when he feels like he’s always living on borrowed time. The one thing I can see really making him break down is seeing his loved ones hurting--he literally spits at the face of his own death, but I think he’s really terrified of losing someone else.
If there’s one scene where I can really see Molly crying, it’s when Jester falls in that final battle. When Caleb makes this desperate plea that breaks through to Molly for a single heart-wrenching moment, “You’re killing her, you’re killing her! You love her. You’re killing her!” The absolute horror of that shakes Lucien’s control for just a moment, and Molly claws at his own face in retaliation. You can just tell how much his heart is breaking just then, how scared he is, how much he must hate himself. I could definitely imagine Molly shedding a few tears right then, if he had enough control of the body to do it.
Having to watch Lucien use his body to kill Jester and Caleb, the amount of pain Lucien caused Yasha and all the others, the nightmares of his death and black chains that forever haunt him after--I think those are the kinds of things that would bring Molly to tears in his lowest moments. And when he finally reads Beau’s book and finds out about how Yasha suffered a similar fate under Obann? Yeah, I think he’d get choked up over that too.
21.) Turning points in their life
Oh, there’s so many interesting twists and turns Molly’s life takes in just a few short years. Undoubtably, I think every life, death, and rebirth left the biggest impact. The fact that he woke all alone that first time--and then found himself surrounded by so many loved ones a lifetime later--I think that had a profound impact on his sense of self worth and his attachment to others.
That first life, Molly convinces himself that he must have been someone awful before, to have been left alone in an unmarked grave on the side of the road. With no one who missed or mourned him. He believes he somehow deserves that fate. And when he’s taken in by the circus? Taliesin mentions he never spends more than 24 hours alone. He’s...very lonely, I think. Someone who can’t bear to be isolated again. So when he wakes up again to a whole family of people who love him? Who welcome him wholeheartedly and insist they’ll love him unconditionally, no matter who he is? It’s beautiful, and it means the world to someone like Mollymauk/Kingsley. “I’m looking forward to the future. And I hope to deserve to have woken up surrounded by such people.”
Molly’s also mentioned that it was the Moonweaver who helped guide him when he first woke, who gave him comfort in having a new start in life. “Can you imagine what it would feel like to not feel anything about anything that had happened to you so far?...It’s very freeing. It’s the best thing--It’s the thing that happened to me. It’s not the best thing that happened to me, it’s the thing that happened to me. I found peace in building a new person. The Moonweaver--” However he came to worship the Moonweaver, I think it was definitely one of the most formative experiences in all his lives. I also like to headcanon the woman in a red coat Molly/King met in his dream was another visit from the Moonweaver, and she was either trying to return his memories or offer him another chance at a fresh start.
22.) People who’ve influenced them greatly
Oh, pre-campaign I think Molly modeled a lot of his behaviors and mannerisms after others in the circus, especially Gustav. He’s the one who named Mollymauk and presumably the one who spent the most time raising him and caring for him in that Empty period.
Molly has his own set of morals he feels very strongly about, and it’s entirely learned from the circus, “Things came back quick, and the circus helped. They were good people. They did a lot for me, and joy can fill an awful lot of a person’s life.” “I may be a liar, but I’m never a betrayer. I’m honest in my work and I believe in doing a good turn...I stayed with that circus for two years, and I know how people treat each other. It’s important.” When Molly is resurrected again, I think all of the Mighty Nein have very much the same effect on him.
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