#something WILL happen again and hell end up allowing yet another loved one to be hurt or worse
emosyzoth · 11 months
tbh syzoth and ashra is nicebut i do feel the need to make it a little more agonizing to watch
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rebo-chan · 5 months
Something I was thinking about lately is Tsuna's daddy issues. Specifically this frame.
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Like that's such a loaded thing to think about. He's got so much resentment built up. Obviously, there's no direct connection to any of Tsuna's issues made but I think a few fun things can be said from this. In general, Tsuna clearly didn't have a father figure in his life which sorta results in him leaning on Reborn pretty often. Tsuna doesn't have a very stable self-esteem with him going from confident to "Aah, Gokuderas going to become disillusioned with me now that all my flaws have been pointed out." GOKUDERA. His FIRST SUBORDINATE. The guy who literally has been LOYAL FROM DAY ONE. Not that we consider them canon, but this happens also during the filler arcs where Daemon points out that Tsuna's not worth following to Gokudera and it seems to make Tsuna a little antsy. He DOES NOT THINK THE PEOPLE HE LOVES ARE GOING TO STAY WITH HIM, THIS IS LITERALLY RUINING MY LIFE. What Daddy Issues DO TO A MF. But that's a post for another day. But okay, back to Reborn, Reborn proves himself to be immovable from Tsuna's life. The story points out that Tsuna very much has two fathers. The one who won't leave and the one who is always gone. Tsuna really leans on Reborn throughout the series. "Reborn, what do I do?" Is a common thing he says, until Reborn is literally swept away from him against his will in Future arc where he's forced to think that he's half a person in Reborns absence. Meanwhile, we have Iemitsu who Tsuna has resentment built up towards, does not respect, and is forced to acknowledge in order to win his fight. Throughout the rainbow arc battle, they try to point out that Iemitsu is trying to teach Tsuna something here and unless I'm confused (someone feel free to tell me?) it's not really clear WHAT that is. And I've always thought that was neat, because it's obviously coming from Tsuna's inability to respect Iemitsu enough to want to learn anything from him. Yet when Reborn comes in, hell he doesn't even recognize him in his Adult form, but he politely listens and takes his advice seriously. In the grand scheme of the series, Reborn is a good teacher and father figure in his life. When Tsuna is made to feel like that he can't do anything in Reborn's absence during Future, Reborn takes a step back in that arc and lets him learn to survive without his guidance. (Notice how the training almost entirely disappears after Future.) He lets him learn how to be a person without him, only stepping in to help when Tsuna really needs it. When he's unable to light his flame, with Spanner, or when he's freaking out about the Irie reveal, the list really goes on. There's a scene I recall I believe when Yuni asks to join their group, Tsuna still turns to ask Reborn what to do, and Reborn redirects him by asking him what he wants to do. That it was his call as a boss. And Tsuna ends up making the decision to help her off his own accord.
It's with Reborn's guidance that Tsuna ends up learning to be his own person, it's this guidance that allows him to make the decision and gather everyone on his own accord when it was Reborn's turn to be shaky and give up. Where Tsuna tells him that he's got this under control, without his guidance. To just watch him. "you've always knew I could win before." It's this arc where Reborn's pride in Tsuna shines. Multiple times. "Surprise me again, Tsuna." And he does. It's in Reborn's second absence where Tsuna feels himself get shaky again, feels the old feelings of poor self image crop up, that Reborn comes back. Because Reborn is not Iemitsu, and he wasn't someone who left him in that house alone forever. Because he's still young and has much to learn before he's ready to do this on his own. It's at this he feels a little embarrassed about how glad he is that Reborn came back, but then recalls the "mean words" that Reborn said before leaving. It's here that Reborn tells him it's a good thing he hasn't changed much. Another sliver of guidance that Tsuna takes in from the figure in his life that won't leave him alone in that house.
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minkdelovely · 2 months
love and power
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chapter ten: part two
“i won’t die for love but ever since i met you you could have my heart and i would break it for you.”
Alastor x Fem!Reader ; MDNI 18+ ; [y/n] used sparingly ; Alias in Hell is Sylvie
tags/warnings: nothing scary to report here — welcome to your happy ending 💖
word count: 8k
author’s note: cherished ones… i can’t believe we’re finally here at the end 🥲 it’s taken me much longer than anticipated to get this out, but i hope it’s worth the wait. allow me to extend my sincere gratitude to you all for hanging in there and going on this journey with me and this series. this started out as pure self-indulgence and turned into something much more along the way and i hope this is received by you as the gift i intended it to be. they’re not off the album i used as the platform for this series, but feel free to listen to rain and take me back to eden by sleep token, which i listened to A LOT while writing this. thank you again for all of your kindness and support. i truly don’t think i could have finished this without it 💖
prelude ; chapter one ; chapter two ; chapter three ; chapter four ; chapter five ; chapter six ; chapter seven ; chapter eight ; chapter nine ; chapter ten: part one ; chapter ten: part two
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The last couple days had been… good.
Vaggie had approached you the morning after your little sleepover with Angel to see if you’d actually take her up on the offer of managing the hotel’s books. It was a welcome distraction, easily falling back into the routine of your old work. And honestly, their records keeping system needed a complete overhaul. It kept you busy and focused, hours passing like minutes as you honed in on creating the foundations of your system.
Funny how in Hell the work you had always approached with a level of disdain in life had become something to look forward to. Something that was all yours. It was nice. Familiar.
You also hadn’t gone to the bar — the biggest improvement, or at least the one you were happiest about. Feeling more like yourself again and less like your father, who had been no stranger to bouts of liquored-up sulking. It was not a way you wanted to remember him by, nor make a habit of for the eons to come. And beyond just feeling better without alcohol in your system, it was great to see Husk in a more friendly capacity again. Haunting his bar in the way you did wasn’t something you were ever planning to subject either of you any time soon. 
You were regaining a level of comfortability in your room as well. Sleeping better in your bed, which had been difficult to do. For the first few days you slept on the loveseat, where you’ve now spent the last two nights curled up with a book in front of the fireplace.
It was a decent distraction, but thoughts of Alastor still plagued you. Try as you might, it was hard for them not to. He felt so present as you went about your day despite maintaining the separation; feeling his aura hovering around you like a sixth sense. You wanted to ask Husk and Niffty if they felt it like you did — if at all — but hadn’t gotten the nerve yet to do so.
What if they said no?
It was too embarrassing even to think of. The possibility of it being some kind of adverse affect from sleeping with him making your blood rush to your face. 
Maybe I took a piece of him, too… 
The heat on your cheeks intensified at the thought. Isn’t that exactly what had happened?
Sure, in a literal sense he had been the one to take a piece of you. But in return, you had witnessed him in yet another state that no one else — in this building, at least — ever had. Just the fact that he had let you help undress him… That wasn’t something you look lightly, even at the peak of your anger toward him. The nervous way your heart fluttered against your ribs at the memory only further proved the point.
You wanted the opportunity to do it again. Undress him, that is. 
What followed after wasn’t of much consequence; you’d be satisfied just the same. Whether that was helping him out of his day clothes and into pajamas or preparing him to pound you into the mattress — either result was made from the same circumstance. You found you had enjoyed it even more than dressing down his bed for the evening, which had always been a nearly meditative part of your day.
Or, well… it used to be.
Did he even bother with that now? Hell, did he ever? Or was it just more busywork? If it was… you missed it.
Taking care of Alastor was tedious at times but it hadn’t been all bad. He was petulant too, which is probably why he was always deflecting and pointing the finger in your face. But past his venom there was charm. His euphemisms and anecdotes. Grumbling into the newspaper with his ears downcast whenever he came across an unpleasant article, which happened more often than not. 
He enjoyed his coffee black and extra hot, but god forbid if it was burnt. That was one of the first things you had been tasked with perfecting, and mercifully, had been able to accomplish. Alastor never made you handle his food, not out of lack of trust but courtesy. Due to the gruesome reality of what he enjoyed eating, it wasn’t a chore he ever charged you with. And you’d busy yourself with cleaning while he ate to allow him as much privacy as possible. 
As much as he adored the structure of his morning routine, beyond that the day was his for the taking. Living the monotonous life that you had, it was admirable. Sometimes inspiring. He had a mischievous, opportunistic outlook on existence — no doubt a quality that followed him into the afterlife — while you had been (presumably) buried jaded and trepidatious.
He was… fun. Even when he was irritating. 
Before Rosie pawned you off on him, the last time you had ever felt something close to fun was killing your grandmother. A horrifying revelation, but true, though that had more to do with the satisfaction you felt from it than anything. But fun was something that was right at your fingertips with Alastor, when you looked back on the last couple weeks. He had quite the proclivity for antics when he wasn’t being crushed by the weight of his self-imposed grandeur.
The memory of when he brought you back to the alley the day after what you had done came to mind. His inspection of the bag you’d left behind had upset you so much in the moment, but now all you can remember is the glimmer in his eyes. The nearly childlike glee in his fanged smile. Sure, it had been at your expense, but that was how he liked to joke. Satire and whimsy adorned with the pretty bow of his voice and charm.
But his jokes were sometimes too one-sided. His delivery too harsh and actions… demeaning. It wasn’t a facet he aimed at you often but the sting of his cruelty ran deep, almost to the bone. Your hand came up to your throat, the pain in your neck only barely subsided. It had been impossible to tell if the chain had bruised you under all of Alastor’s love bites, but if you were being honest with yourself, there was no way it hadn’t. If even just a little.
You made due with covering yourself up. Managing to find some high-collared button up shirts left to rot in the laundry room. Nothing a good washing wasn’t able to fix. And as the days passed and the marks faded, you were able to transition back into more familiar (and revealing, in comparison) pieces of your wardrobe.
Still, being left to your own devices when Alastor had been the one responsible for not only the marks but ruining the dress that would’ve easily solved your problems with its modesty nicked at you. Not that you had expected gifts after the argument, but considering how he made you wear that dress as uniform there was no way he didn’t have plans to provide a replacement that morning. But it never came. 
Instead he had given you a threat and left you on the floor in nothing but a towel, feeling used and humiliated and alone. And yet here you were, with a book in your hand you hadn’t absorbed the last few pages of because your mind was busy remembering the feeling of removing Alastor’s coat.  
Or how disheveled and boyish he looked the morning you went into his room without permission and found him in bed. The strain in his eyes before you walked into Valentino’s arms. His drawn brows and open, kiss-swollen mouth when he made you his own on the bed right behind you. That face would haunt you for the rest of your afterlife.
But there was another face that earned the honor, too. An expression that eclipsed even your grandmother’s worst sneer. Was what you said to him that morning really so outrageous that it had warranted such wrath and disdain? Alastor had been in quite a decent mood too, before the conversation took a turn. Not that it made you feel any better, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was something bigger than that. You had copped attitude before and Alastor had either laughed it off as a mild tantrum or course-corrected you before you even had a chance to realize it.
Beyond that, there were also the things he had done after you fell asleep, face buried in his scarred chest. The medicine he had waiting at the ready for when you inevitably woke up from the ache of his bite, which he had taken the liberty of cleaning and bandaging. He had more than likely done it by hand as well, the same as when he tended to it on your bed that awful morning. No magic, no minions. Despite being the least he could do since he inflicted the wound, that didn’t mean he had to do it himself. But he did.
Your stomach turned thinking about it. The force of his anger just didn’t match up with the efforts he took in caring for you after your entanglement. It was the push and pull you had been battling all week, and your eyes flitted to the door. Going up to his room wasn’t something you had entertained, knowing better than to try and call Alastor’s bluff, but the desire to speak with him now was a temptation you worried you’d lose the battle against. 
The single, hollow sound echoing off the door sent a jolt through your body, sitting up from your relaxed position on the small sofa near the fireplace. It was Friday, wasn’t it? Meaning everyone had left the hotel already except for you and…
There’s no way.
Your pulse spiked. 
Maybe you just imagined it. Or the hotel was settling. Things like that could still happen to buildings in the afterlife, right? Ghosts and hauntings and creaks and groans seemed fairly on-brand for Hell. Alastor’s shadow — that you had found yourself missing as well — was proof of that all on its own. 
It was that final thought that brought you to the door, hand hovering over the knob as your breath thinned; perspiration beading your skin like morning dew. Tormented by the prospect that opening it would either reveal him or nothing at all.
Unsure of which you were hoping for as you let your forehead fall forward, a huff of air passing your lips. Eyes closed as you relaxed into the cool lacquer of the wooden door, reaching out. Alastor felt especially close now. Typical that he would show up now that you were not only beginning to feel better, but also reaching the end of your rope in your banishment from him. If you weren’t too busy fighting the whiplash of frustration and want coursing through you, you would have laughed. 
Even reconciliation had to be on his schedule…
If he was actually on the other side of the door wanting to make up, of course. This could all be your imagination, which would be particularly cruel on your mind’s part considering how just moments ago you were feeling so desperate to see him, if only just to talk. You sighed, condensation from your warm breath pilling under your mouth hovering near the door.
Was he really there?
Your hand gripped the handle in response, heart heavy and loud in your chest as you turned it and pulled. There was only one way to know for sure.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Alastor took you in as you opened the door. An apprehensive expression on your face, but with an underlying relief. Though he didn’t need eyesight for the confirmation. Your heartbeat and scent told him all he needed to know with an honesty that betrayed you for his benefit. It was rather unfair, wasn’t it?
The life coming back to your eyes did not go unnoticed, either.
He felt what was left of his vitriol drain out of him, and in a rare moment of self-deprecation he found himself hoping his unpolished state would put you at ease. Despite the lingering tension that was still eating away at him, he truly did wish to avoid an argument. Shouting matches were simply… nasty. In a way he did not much, if at all, enjoy. 
Conversation is called an art for a reason.
A true favorite of his and it was much more his speed. With such an adaptable form you could be fencing one minute and duetting the next. Unless, of course, the conversation was bad, which was a fate worse than death. But that hadn’t been a problem with you, for the most part. He’d like that to be the case now as he prepared to linger for as long as it took to reach some kind of resolution. 
Things couldn’t stay the way they were. He knew you’d both return to yourselves eventually, but you had gotten a head start on him. Leaving him to grasp at what was on the other side of this only in regard to himself. If ever he needed you, you’d be just a summoning away. Tied to him always by your contract. Something that typically provided a sense of security to the point of aloofness. But the uncertainty of how you would approach your days independent of him in the aftermath made him falter. Made evident by the color that had returned to your face, that spark of ferocity in your eyes. 
Deep down he understood that you would carry on. 
Tied to him, yes, but not entangled. There was an unpleasant tightness in his chest at the thought, his jaw flexing with irritation. He wasn’t through exploring this, relishing the fire he felt in his blood at seeing you again up close, lungs taking in your scent to feed the flame. Your racing heart a sonnet so sweet in a way that only he could truly appreciate. Feeding a part of him that either had not existed or had been lying dormant which, now awakened, was eager for more and he found himself wondering when it ever would be satiated.
More of your voice ringing in his ears, whether it was coated in insolence or lust… or laughter. More of your scent in his lungs, oxygenating his blood with the bliss of childhood summers. More of your taste on his tongue. Blood, sweat, tears. He’d take it all, or whichever morsels you were still willing to give him. Even if all that left him with was cordiality, it would be far better than letting you slip through his fingers. How wasted you would be on some tramp off the street. Not even taking into account that the average soul couldn’t appreciate your scent, attributes like responsibility and integrity weren’t typically admired here in the pit.
Who else could see you the way he did? 
Past the pout of your lips to the lethal fangs hiding behind them; that sleeping anger you managed to keep at bay but weren’t afraid to use if necessary. Would you ever reveal that ferocity and glowing eyes to someone else in the ways he had witnessed them — induced by tapping into some of your baser instincts? It made stomach twist just to think it. 
Alastor’s imagination began to run away from him then. Flashes of you making some other sinner’s bed, fetching their coffee, and picking up clothes. Drawing a bath, hanging their coat, laughing at their jokes. That now-dear sulk of yours aimed at the faceless menace when one of those jokes went too far. Phantom hands stripping you of clothes, cupping your face, roaming your body… holding your chin. And though his urges were few and far between, worse still was the thought of you crying out a stranger’s name like a reverent prayer, writhing underneath them as you fell apart.
Bile scorched his throat as he fought to maintain his composure in your doorway. The filthy handprints he had just pictured all over you gone in the blink of an eye as his own hand twitched behind his back, eager to hold you once more and feel the heat of your skin soak into his palm. Easy as it would be to reach out and satisfy the urge he refrained from doing so, smothering his desire in his fist. Now wasn’t the right time to succumb to impulse. 
As much as Alastor wanted to pull you into his embrace he knew there was still a hatchet to bury. You had touched quite the nerve that morning, after all, and his actions had been less than genteel as a result. As justified as he had felt at the time, it settled in now as something he was less than proud of. Warranted… What a fool he was to think so. Though misguided, all you had done was try to make sense of things. You would be well within your rights to sever any further personal ties with him, and he swallowed against the anxious lump in his throat.
He had spent so much time wallowing in liquor, wasted countless hours justifying his anger toward you to ease his own unrest. Even if you had picked the fight… hadn’t he brought you right to the edge of it with his antics over the past weeks? In truth, hadn’t making you lose your composure been his goal from the start? He had certainly got what he wanted, just not in a way that was originally intended; culminating in a misunderstanding that threatened to keep parts of yourself locked away from him for, quite possibly, eternity.
Desiring someone’s comfort the way he did yours was something he never expected to have to face, let alone something he ever feared to lose. Alastor wondered for the first time how things between you would be had you met sooner. Granted, you had only been in Hell for two-or-so months, but he was a different man now than he was even then. The Alastor of two months ago still had his microphone, for starters. His sword and shield. Now nothing but another one of his corpses left to decay in the bayou.
That man hadn’t had his confidence shaken, his power drained. Alastor had felt so invigorated when he retreated to the radio tower to mend himself after battling Adam, but the healing process hadn’t been simple. Seeing as the weapon that caused the wound was made of angelic steel, Alastor expected it would take more time than usual, but he had underestimated the reality of it. So many arduous, slow hours had passed as he used all his strength just to make minute progress in closing the gash. It took a week to finally get it to seal, the scar barely formed by the time he encountered you at Rosie’s. 
Simply put, you had weathered emotional storms that he typically had much better control of. There was a sourness in his soul that had been poisoning him from the very beginning of your relationship, which you took — more often than not — in stride. As much as he felt there was no one who fully appreciated you, Alastor believed it to be a two way street. Whether there was anyone else who could take your place — paramour, caretaker, or otherwise — was inconsequential. He simply wasn’t interested in the prospect. Hadn’t he gotten along just fine in his relative solitude before you fell to suffer your infernal fate? 
It wouldn’t be the same.
It already wasn’t, in fact, which is why his feet had brought him here when his stubbornness wouldn’t. Opening the door to him was only the first step. You could still slam it in his face, effectively shutting him out; leaving him standing alone in the hall as the Overlord who owned your soul and nothing more.
He found it to be a dreadful prospect.
“May I come in?”
Even he could hear the exhaustion in his voice, making the question heavy in air as he watched you contemplate. Nervous fingers tapping the doorframe to the same beat as his heart before you stepped off to the side to make way for him. Alastor managed to fight the instinctual twitch at the corners of his mouth. Now wasn’t the time for smiling, despite the wave of relief he felt at your accepting of his request to enter.
As long as it takes…
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
You watched as Alastor practically collapsed on your sofa, massaging his temples with a single hand as he leaned back to cross his legs. Still doing his best to maintain decorum despite how worn out he was. Discontent, you shifted on your feet, not wanting to give into the pity you felt towards him too easily. 
As much as you tried to remember your anger, there was no denying the relief you felt at being near him again. Hearing his voice. And knowing he could pick up on it only made it worse. Would it ever be anything but an uphill battle for you when it came to him? Your eyes couldn’t help but look just past him to where you had fallen to the floor, left to console yourself in your shame and grief. The memory didn’t fuel what was left of your animosity, but pricked at your sadness instead, making you feel the weight of the day.
I’m so sick of this…
Alastor’s gaze followed you as you moved to take your seat next to him, picking your book up off the cushion and placing it on the small coffee table in front of you. His eyes and hand lingered on the cover as you sat down.
“I just missed the first draft,” he said quietly, static replaced with the distant sound of remembrance. Eyes never leaving your copy of A Farewell to Arms as he continued with a small, humorless laugh. “I was eligible for the others but the only Divisions I could have been placed in were booked. Funny, isn’t it, a quota on the worthiness to die at war? But I suppose that’s a conversation for another time…”
The glimpse of his human life caught you off guard. Vulnerability wasn’t something you expected from him, especially not in the wake of your argument; the admission was given so casually you couldn’t help but soften just a bit, leaving you hungry for more of his secrets. 
He turned to you then, somehow looking even more tired than he had before. “We have our own battle to rectify, don’t we?”
You sighed and positioned your body to face him, bringing your legs up to sit criss-cross. This was shaping up to be a long night, so you decided you might as well get this out of the way. Even managing to get a piqued eyebrow out of him from the sober look that was no doubt on your face as you considered what you were about to say. 
“I wasn’t lying when I told you that I enjoyed our…,” you trailed off, looking for the right word.
Our what? 
Things had become so muddled you weren't quite sure what to call it. Sex, obviously, but… it had felt like more to you in the end. No matter how many times you reminded yourself that it wasn’t supposed to be anything other than a one night stand at best — and had spent the whole week drowning your sorrows trying not to think about the worst.
“I know you weren’t.” He said it in almost the same tone when you had admitted it in the first place, but his eyes were soft. “I enjoyed it myself, the second time. I thought that was obvious, but when you asked about the pheromones that morning… they had nothing to do with it. Not that evening. I… initiated that. Which is why I was so incensed by the implication that I was acting outside of myself.”
The confession sunk to the bottom of your stomach. You hadn’t expected him to be so forthcoming and even keeled regarding it. And while you felt relief that the pheromones weren’t at play that evening — and that he had not only enjoyed, but desired it — you didn’t miss the implication of the words he kept to himself regarding how you ended up in this mess in the first place. The more you thought about it, the more you were beginning to understand why he felt the way he did. Was that why he had returned you to your room to wake up alone, because being in his bed was too much of a reminder? Had he really regretted it that much? 
Because you didn’t.
The truth was you had been more than willing to give yourself to him that afternoon. Yes, you knew something wasn’t quite right, but you didn’t know he was fighting against Valentino’s nasty little trick. You’d never know what would’ve happened if you had denied him instead, because that’s not what happened. Would he have gone into a rage? In the state he was in, that wasn’t an impossibility. In fact, that was what you had been expecting, wasn’t it? In a way you dodged a bullet — received his affections, however intense, instead of his violence. The bruised remnants of his mark on your shoulder were a dizzying mix of both. 
Though the ferocity you received the next morning… had it been lying in wait? Using the chain on you the way he did compounded by the words he spat at you was a tough memory to forget, to the point where you wondered if you ever could. He had only punished you that way one other time, but it had been nothing compared to this. Blood burned under your cheeks as you recalled how humiliated you felt. How different would things be right now if he had just let you stay?
“Look I…,” you sighed and ran a hand through your hair, but resisted the urge to look away from him. “I really do understand why you’re unhappy with how things happened that afternoon but…”
Here goes nothing.
“It’s something I’ve been aware of in myself for a little while but… you don’t know how much it meant to me, being touched that way by you and how you let me touch you back it —” You wiped a tear you couldn’t stop from falling and cleared your throat, but the thick, choking feeling didn’t subside. The pinched look on Alastor’s face nearly sent you over the edge, but you couldn’t stop now that you’ve started. He needed to hear this as much as you needed to say it. “It made me really happy, if that’s even the right word for it.”
It wasn’t. But you didn’t know how else you could try to tell him how wanted and safe you felt underneath him. That no one had ever managed to turn your blood to kerosene; every bit of him the match, the bed behind you kindling. At this point it didn’t really matter that you hadn’t known him for very long. You cared about him, much more than you ever expected to, and you wanted to be near him in whatever capacity you could be. Whether that made you his errand girl or concubine, so long as you were spared from the more acidic side of his temper.
“And when I think about how much you regret it, it kills me, even though I know why you do. But… I don’t. You didn’t take advantage of me, if that’s something you’ve been worrying about. Honestly, now I can’t help but wonder if it’s the other way around…”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he huffed, lightly exasperated as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’ve only ever gone along with my impulses and games. My behavior in this has been… unbecoming. I fear my mother would be quite ashamed, and rightfully so, but you’ve come to know me at a low point.”
Everything about him felt wrung out and far off, from his posture to the defeat in his unfiltered voice. It had been absent from the moment he asked to come inside, but for some reason was only hitting you now. Though you couldn’t fight the ache in your heart from the poor state of him, there was still more you needed to know before you could let yourself give in. No matter what subconscious queues your body was undoubtedly feeding him in the meantime.
“You say unbecoming…,” you began tentatively, worried that what you were about to ask could possibly upset him again. “Is that because of how you punished me that morning, or the toying you’ve subjected me to?”
If you had to choose, you really hoped that he’d feel apologetic for the chain. While they could be annoying, his games and tricks were mostly harmless. You had admitted to yourself not too long ago that you were even beginning to miss them. That was not a feeling you extended to the invisible leash that bound you to him, not the way it had been used then, at least.
Alastor removed the hand from his nose to meet your eyes, the speed of his movement catching you off guard. For the first time all night his eyes were clear and earnest; that steadfast, hypnotizing red you had come to seek and cherish.
“Would you accept it if I said both? By pushing you I think I may have set us up for the argument. I won’t say that what you said that morning didn’t upset me, since it did, but… Perhaps if I had given you less reason to think I was playing at another game it would have never happened in the first place.” 
His voice was soft as he held his left hand out to you, a different charge in the air as your eyes broke contact to flicker down to his open palm.
The olive branch.
There was no doubt he could hear the way your heart had picked up, nearly choking you with its fervor as you swallowed against it… and gave him your hand. 
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
“I was so humiliated that morning… I’ve been so mad at you.”
Alastor could hear the tears threatening to spill behind the statement, and he squeezed your hand before his thumb began to rub in soothing circles as you looked away from him for the first time that night. He took a quick moment to follow your line of sight and grimaced when he realized you were looking at the spot where he had treated you so harshly. There was nothing he could do to take back what he did. Regret was such an awful weight, reminding him of long nights trudging through the swamp to discard one of his victims. His mouth soured. It would seem he’d need to add your name to the list.
Things were never meant to end up this way. This… tangled.
He dared to lean forward, not that there was much distance to close on your quaint loveseat, and cupped your face with his other hand to draw your gaze back to his. The conflict in your eyes went right to his stomach with a kick — the chance that you would turn him away forever still there, but he was thankful you hadn’t rejected his touch. He really couldn’t have suffered through the empty ache in his hands for even another minute; the heat of your skin already refilling his cup.
And despite how much he wanted anything but, he knew he had to give you an out. It was only right.
“I was a brute… I can’t undo what’s been done but if you’d like me to leave you alone, I will. I’m not keen on releasing you from our contract, but I would let you leave this hotel if you wish.” The words scorched his tongue, but they were true. He would let you go if that’s what you really wanted. You deserved that chance. “It’s safer here, but I would know immediately if you faced any trouble. Well… any trouble you couldn’t handle yourself, that is. I know how capable you are.”
Alastor gave you a small smile, the first time his lips had curled up with any sincerity for days. It was the most generous offer he had ever given a soul under his heel, and your short, dry laugh in response was music to his ears. There was no bitterness in the sound, nor was there any coming from your scent, but that wasn’t an indication of what was going on in your mind. Something the Overlord needed to remind himself of more often. He took a moment to really breathe you in then, floral notes of almond warming him on the inside as your body warmed him from out. Would it be the last time he was ever surrounded by you like this? 
He didn’t know when his thumb began to absently stroke your cheek, but he loved the flush it brought to your face as you considered his words. A hint of iron gave the sweetness in the air just enough bite to make him swallow, his throat now parched and wanting. It took all he had not to close the remaining space between you, needing your answer before he would move an inch save the part of him caressing your face.
A jolt ran through him as your eyes locked onto his with a resolve that made his hair stand on edge, and he steeled himself as your lips parted to speak. Never could he have imagined that you would join the short list of people to hold his fate in their palm. And fewer still, one that he didn’t hold resentment toward having that power. There was security in your hold, not malice. Such a rare thing to stumble across even in life, let alone in this sulfurous chasm that had been home for the last near-century. As unworthy as he felt to receive it, the thought of losing it was even worse. He wasn’t in love… but it wasn’t impossible that he could be, with more time. 
If you would give it to him.
“I don’t want to leave the hotel,” you said quietly, and brought your free hand up to hold his chin in the same way he had held yours countless times. 
Alastor felt his ears lower despite how attuned they were to hear what you would say next, though the thumping in his chest didn’t help. To reach out and touch him of your own accord this way was bold, and he tried not to hone in on the bashfulness he felt burning his face. Why choose shame when he could have comfort? That was what he wanted, after all. A reprieve from The Radio Demon. There was nothing to be gained in postering, not with you. With you he could be… anything. And no matter your decision, he vowed to provide you with the same space. 
His schemes to mold you into something you weren’t fled him with every exhale of his lungs. It was a senseless desire… Remorseless murders were a dime a dozen here. Thrilling as it had been to see you decapitate that wretch with your teeth, the fact that you refused to do something akin to that again merely for the sake of it like so many others was refreshing. He could appreciate only killing with purpose. That had been his modus operandi in life, after all. Murder was a tool he now used to illicit fear and respect, though most souls here were free game to him even under his mortal code. You were not, and it had taken him much too long to acknowledge it.
“And I don’t want you to leave me alone… ever again, but…”
The shakiness in your voice felt like the blade of a guillotine, hovering above his neck while he agonized over when you would let the rope loose and seal his fate.
“I don’t know if I could handle that again. The chain, your anger — ” A small sob escaped you then, tearing through him like a hurricane. 
Alastor didn’t even realize he was kissing your face until the salt of your tears registered on his tongue. Every little press of his lips an oath to never make you cry like this because of him ever again. And when your hands cupped his cheeks he only had a moment to relish in his relief, sighing against your skin before you captured his lips with yours. A familiar green glow enveloping you both as an unspoken agreement was made.
What a magnanimous gift to receive. 
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Low voices pulled you out of sleep, making you aware of the cold that was beginning to sink into the front of your body. You had been so warm… so comfortable.
More mumbling at your door as you groaned, the grievance in the sound not lost on you even in your groggy state. It wasn’t lost on Alastor either, saying something you couldn’t decipher beyond its tone of finality followed by the closing of the door.
“It’s still the middle of the night sweetheart, don’t stir.” 
You didn’t even have time to ask who was at the door before he ran a soothing hand through your hair, maneuvering himself back into place in your bed. Pressing the length of his body in close against yours as he nuzzled into your chest, humming as he found the pulse of your heart. The warm, claiming kiss he placed there sent a shiver through you, your shared embrace tightening in response. 
“What’s gotten into you? You promised you’d be good,” you mumbled, wriggling a little from the way his breath tickled your skin.
Even to yourself the warning was half-admonishing at best. But you were also just barely awake. Fingers betraying you as they lightly massaged his undercut, his contented sigh making you hide your face in his hair as if he could see the flush on your cheeks.
You’d be stronger in the morning.
Pet names and kisses like this weren’t something you were expecting to receive again so soon. It had been discussed, and you had both agreed to try and take things slow. A fresh start, of sorts. While you were used to him calling you dear, it was a term he used frequently toward other residents as well.
Sweetheart was… special.
Which he no doubt knew. Most likely saying it when he did so he could press up and relish your rapid heart like you were none the wiser.
“I know, I know,” he conceded, his words muffled by your skin. Inadvertently kissing you more due to the sheer proximity of his lips to your chest. Feeling closer to you now than he had during intimacy.
And, admittedly, cuddling in bed wasn’t exactly what you’d call taking it slow. But by the time you had finished talking — and making out on the loveseat — the two of you were so exhausted that letting him spend the night had seemed innocent enough. Like platonically sharing a bed with a friend. Though that’s not a word you would use to describe what Alastor was to you.
More than friends, not quite lovers. Beholden to each other all the same. 
“Which is why I’ll only do this… for now.”
Alastor’s words and the warning, low tone of his voice hardly registered before you felt his tongue lap at the valley between your breasts, leaving a scorching trail in its wake that made your breath hitch. The soft groan from his open mouth right over your heart only making it beat harder, pleading for more of him. His large palm splayed against your back as he pressed you against his lips to nestle and kiss and suck, as if trying to pull the frantic organ through your skin through desire alone. You gasped as the light prick of his nails between your shoulders sent a fresh shiver down your spine, ending in a warm bloom between your hips as you curled into his touch. His responding needy hum as he grazed you with his teeth making you whimper.
Stronger in the morning…
“You’re not playing fair,” you complained, but it was a pathetic attempt at a scolding. You didn’t really want him to stop. Alastor’s responding chuckle told you that he knew it, too. The sound of it making your heart ache, and you were unable to suppress the small whine from behind your closed lips as he nipped and licked at your collarbone. “I missed you so much.”
You barely managed to finish speaking when he moved up to kiss you properly, slow and sweet, hand leaving your back to cradle the crown of your head. Melting into his touch, you moaned as his tongue entered your mouth; gentle and hot, coaxing whimpers and gasps from both of you as you tangled your fingers in his hair to keep him close. 
“I missed you, too,” he said quietly, nudging your nose with his. 
Tears fell unbidden as Alastor caressed and kissed the lingering bruises from his bite, seemingly determined to make them disappear through sheer willpower. Every little touch — administered or received — was comforting in a way that you feared would leave you insatiable, but the thought that formed in your mind through the haze of affection was a reassuring one.
This was eternity.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
“Fess up, toots.” Angel plopped down on a chair across from you, gleaming as he rested his head in his hands and leaned forward conspiratorially. “You’re havin’ all kinds of sleepovers now, huh?”
You nearly dropped the mug in your hands from the sudden question, and quickly looked around to see if anyone else had overheard. Not that the reconciliation was going to be secret — which would have been impossible to pull off anyway, considering how much the two of you had been moping around the hotel — but you had hoped to at least make it through the morning with the knowledge kept to yourselves. 
“That was you at the door last night, I’m assuming?” The nonchalance you were aiming for just enough to get a laugh from him. “What did you say to him anyway?”
“Just that I was checkin’ up on my girl — which he did not appreciate me callin’ ya, by the way — after missin’ the big night out. I hope I didn’t send him to bed too mad.” Judging by the smug look on Angel’s face, he knew that Alastor definitely had returned to bed at least a little ruffled. “Buuut after I heard ya wakin’ up I figured I’d save the teasin’ for another day.”
“And you started bright and early,” you quipped, unable to help the smile tugging at your lips as you went back to preparing the breakfast tray. 
“Well ya ain’t exactly bein’ subtle, what with the two mugs and all,” Angel taunted, jerking his head in the tray’s direction, “but jokes aside… I’m glad you were able to patch things up with Smiles. Who woulda thought all it’d take was an empty hotel, huh?” He gave you a wink and you narrowed your eyes at the suggestion, but he cut you off before you could even begin to ask the question forming in your mind. “Look, I gotta run, but I’m expectin’ a full report when I get back from work, capisce? Oh! Speakin’a which — guess who’s supposed to be on set tomorrow?”
It was your turn to laugh. “It’s about time that lazy bitch went back to work. Making the rest of you pick up the slack is just rude.”
You both snickered as you added the finishing touches on the tray, rounding out the coffee with some croissants and fruit. It definitely paid to be in the Princess’ circle; grapes in particular were very hard to come by. There wasn’t much time to relish in your mirth with Angel before you felt a cool, slinking tendril climb up your leg. Alastor’s shadow soon emerging over your shoulder to glare at your friend and whine in your ear.
Angel put all four of his hands up in mock defeat and pushed away from the table. “Duty calls, I get it,” he chuckled and gave you a knowing look, popping a grape from the tray into his mouth before making his way out of the kitchen. “Make sure the boss man knows ya got plans for tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you called after him, glancing behind you as the shadow growled at the spot where Angel Dust had been. Its face reverted back to sullenness when you pursed your lips, admonishing him with only a look. Any lingering irritation dissolved as it tugged at your sleeve, urging you back upstairs, and you conceded with a sigh. “You wouldn’t even be here to come get me if it wasn’t for Angel, you know. I expect you to be nicer next time.”
The shadow nodded its head and pulled on you again, its phantom grin quickly returning when you picked up the tray and began to walk back to the elevators. Baseless hostility toward Angel aside, it was hard not to smile as you watched it flitter across the floor; pausing every few feet to materialize and look back, ensuring you were right behind it. If your theories about this creature were right, it was merely acting as an extension of the demon you were making your way back to, and he was apparently quite eager for your return. A warm rush of pride left your body tingling at the thought.
Then again… it wouldn’t do well for the two of you to be late to your sudden appointment with Rosie. Who, according to Alastor, was very anxious to see you both and had something special planned that he had nothing to do with.
Yeah, right… 
When you entered your room, you found Alastor at the loveseat still lounging in his pajamas and you scoffed, “That was a lot of urgency from someone who hasn’t gotten dressed yet.”
“Well, I had to do something. Our mutual friend was getting you off-track. I thought we took the same pleasure in this morning routine of ours, but perhaps I’m mistaken?” Alastor’s tone was light, his smile teasing as he watched the blush burn your face.
You cleared your throat as you took a seat next to him after setting down the tray and decided to change the subject. What point was there in admitting what he already knew?
“Rumor has it that Donny’s finally scheduled back to work tomorrow,” you said conversationally, helping yourself to some of the fruit.
Alastor’s eyebrows shot up in surprise before his face lit up in a hearty laugh; the ebullient sound of it making the mark he had left over your heart radiate with fondness. His face sharpened with that menacing, debonair grin as he looked down at you while you poured his coffee.
“Took him long enough to pull himself together, didn’t it? You did do quite a number on him, darling.”
You hummed, pleased with the proud look he gave you, and passed him the mug; a shock running through you as your fingers touched. Silly, considering how you had been pressed together all evening… not to mention all the other marks he left that matched the one currently throbbing between your breasts. 
Even in life, you never could have imagined something like this. Sitting in the parlor with a suitor, giggling over coffee and breakfast after an evening of whispering sweet nothings between kisses. It would be foolish to think a peace like this could last forever, but this was the afterlife. Wasn’t peace the absolution from mortality and its fickleness? As you watched Alastor sip his coffee, his free hand absently massaging the back of your neck as he hummed along to the radio, you couldn’t help but think so. 
Peace, friendship, sanctuary, love, and power.
Hell wasn’t what you had expected it to be. It was home.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧     ✧     ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
ps: a special shoutout to my darlings @hazelfoureyes and @sugoi-writes for giving me their shoulders to lean on while i worked on this final chapter. you both have listened to me ramble off ideas and scenarios and have supported me with such patience and grace… i don’t know how i’ll ever repay you but i will never stop trying!
pps: i do have plans for an epilogue, but don’t have a timeline on it just yet… stay tuned 😌💖
tag list: @fairyv-ice, @wat4r, @midorichoco, @raynerrold, @krak-jj, @tremendoushearttaco, @redfoxwritesstuff, @chibistar45, @kaylopolis, @cutiebimbo, @lousypotatoes, @rfox1998, @cosmiccandydreamer, @stardustandbrimstone, @cherry-cola-100, @wonderlandangelsposts , @catticora, @velvette3, @sailorsmouth, @alastorthirsty, @reath-solia, @junieshohoho, @cxrsedwxrlds, @fraugwinska, @littlebluefishtail, @nxcxllxsevens, @swagkittybear
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castiwls · 2 months
the black dog - d.w
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Paring; dean x reader
Prompt; 'And so I watch as you walk, into some bar called The Black Dog And pierce new holes in my heart'
Requested; anon
Notes; I LOVE this song sm words cannot describe.
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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You’d never been a jealous person. It was something you’d prided yourself on for so long, yet now you were starting to doubt your ability to keep calm in certain situations. 
The bar was relatively empty as you quietly nursed your drink. Sam had long since fallen into his own little world as he researched whatever new case he had found while you were left to entertain yourself. 
Normally you'd have Dean dragging you off to do god knows what yet it seemed he’d found someone else to annoy. The sound of laughter made your grip tighten on your cup as you stared at the glass bottles lining the walls of the bar. Focusing on an old-looking bottle of whiskey you slowly traced the label, pushing aside the jealousy which seemed to run your blood cold.
“Hey. You're gonna burn a hole through that bottle if you keep glaring at it.” Sam nudged your shoulder with a small smile as he looked up from his laptop. You hummed turning to face him, your back now fully turned to the source of your annoyance.
You took another sip of your drink, glancing down at Sam’s notes - oblivious to his sudden confusion. He watched you for a moment longer before looking over your shoulder. Dean was leaning against the end of the counter and caught up in a discussion with Jo. He strained for a moment trying to make out what they were talking about - he was pretty sure it was hunting. That was all they really seemed to talk about.
He looked back to where you had now closed his notebook, noting your tense shoulder as you finished your drink. “You know you don't have anything to worry about?” He raised an eyebrow.
You looked up from your drink. “I’m fine Sam.” 
Sam shook his head saying your name quietly. “You look like you're trying to blow up the bar with your eyes alone.” He squeezed your arm. “He’s just happy to meet someone who has the same interests as him. He’ll get over it.” He smiled before stretching and quietly excusing himself. 
You watched him go with a small wave before turning back to your now empty glass. You glanced over ever so often, your heart squeezing slightly as you watched them. You knew you had no right to be jealous. Dean wasn’t yours, he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He was allowed to talk to other girls - hell he could flirt with them - but it still didn’t make it any easier to swallow.
You’d both been so close for so long that you’d grown so used to his constant attention and to have it yanked away left you reeling almost.
“You're thinking again.” A poke to your shoulder. “We’re in a bar you're not meant to have deep thoughts.” Dean slipped into the chair previously occupied by Sam, a lopsided grin on his face.
“Where’s Sammy?” He flipped through the notebook for a moment before turning his body to you. His leg brushed yours, taking place on your stool's footrest. The touch sent a small rush through you as he looked around for a moment. “I think he went for a walk.” You nodded.
Dean hummed turning back to you. “Want another?” he gestured to the glass before pulling it from your hand. You shook your head watching as he pushed the glass away slightly. His fingers intertwined with yours as he leaned slightly closer. “You're being awfully quiet.” 
“I’m tired. A lot’s happened.” You pursed your lips as your eyes found his. He grinned, the same one which made your heart swoon. “You wanna go back?” He squeezed your hand. “Sam won't mind.”
A small look of concern passed through his eyes as he studied your face for a moment. Not noticing any major signs of exhaustion he relaxed slightly. You smiled. “I'm fine Dean.” 
He nodded before blowing out a breath. He cast a look behind him, and his other hand made a small gesture. You caught the movement from the corner of your eye turning to see who he was talking to. 
That rush of jealousy seemed to return as you spotted Jo only a few feet away. You narrowed your eyes noticing something grasped behind her back. Turning back to Dean he had taken to rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. “How dead am I if Ellen finds out I agreed to help Jo with her shooting.”
You tensed but quickly relaxed your hand, sucking in a breath through your teeth. “Remember what my dad did when he caught you sitting on my bed.” A small smile played on your lips at the memory.
It had been completely innocent. You’d both been 15 at the time, and your crush only starting to bubble. Dean had agreed to come with you to get some things from the town and had been sitting on your bed while you’d been getting changed. Your dad picked that moment to ask if you could also pick up a package for him and had almost seen red when he’d found Dean in your room.
You were pretty sure you saw actual fear in the older Winchester's eyes that day as your dad had chased him out.
Dean nodded. 
“Worse.” You smiled. “She doesn’t want her in this life Dean, you need to respect that.” 
He sighed. “I know but…It doesn’t hurt making sure she can protect herself.” He brushed his foot against your calf. “Cover for us? Ellen likes you.”
Your face dropped slightly. Truthfully the idea of them being alone sent you spiraling almost, especially the image of him helping her, his arms wrapped around her as he-
You pushed the image away taking a breath. Dean watched you, sensing your internal conflict but for the wrong reason. He brushed his other hand across your cheek. “I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.” He thought for a moment. “I’ll take you to that dinner you like. Hell, I’ll pay.”
That managed to pull a small laugh from you. “You’ll pay with your fake credit cards? What a gentleman.” Dean rolled his eyes nudging your foot with his. “Shut up. You are ungrateful you know that right? I’m offering you free food here.” 
“Okay. I’ll cover for you but don't be too long.” 
You left it at that, not adding on how you simply didn't want him to be around her for too long. You weren’t stupid, you saw the stary-eyed look she had whenever he was close to her. Hell, you’d been a victim of the same charm.
He squeezed your hand one last time before pulling away. “Thanks, Sweetheart.” His lips pressed to your head for a moment, nothing more than a platonic gesture (You really wished it was more) before he made his way over, a small smile sent over his shoulder as you watched them go.
Turning back to the bar you placed your head into your hands. Your heart was crumbling for a man you weren't even with. You knew it was stupid, you and Dean had only ever been friends - only ever would be friends. Yet the last few months things had changed. He’d changed.
Passing glances had become longer, touches more deliberate.
Yet deep down you knew it was only your overthinking placing meaning behind his actions. Your heart continued to want more and that wanting only led to it being broken over and over again.
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peace was so good :,) could you write about swimming with corio in the lake?
The Lakes | Coriolanus Snow
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x fem!reader
Summary: You spend your time with Coryo at the lake in the woods as the sun sets down.
Warning/s: fluff, Coriolanus in love, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: This one is extremely short and I changed some things, but I hope you still like it.
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Soft, green grass brushed against your legs as you walked through the Meadow to get to a lake in a hidden spot outside of District 12.
The rough plants with pointy ends were brushing against your legs lightly scratching you, but you tried to pay it no mind as you tear your way through to get to the lake.
After a while you reached your destination as you came to a sudden stop. The sun was slowly setting down as you stared ahead into the distance, but it was still covering the entire Meadow giving the flowers and the lake a gorgeous shimmer making it seem like this sight is eternal.
For a moment you allowed yourself to close your eyes, enjoying the short, but somehow everlasting peace, that you got while you waited for him to come to you.
You didn't have to wait long.
All of a sudden a pair of strong yet comforting arms wrapped around you giving you a sense of protection yet you couldn't help but to let out a quiet shriek at the sudden feeling, quickly opening your eyes and turning around to look at him.
Coriolanus was already watching you, his eyes full of love for you. He revealed in the way that the wind was lightly carrying your beautiful hair around just like the sundress you wore on a weirdly warm day.
Your smile was infectious, he couldn't help but to return it as he showed you the happiness that he felt at that moment.
"Let's go and swim in the lake." You suggested as you stepped away, trying to get rid of the sundress that you wore, tossing it aside.
Coriolanus gave you a boyish smile as he started to take of his white shirt and his gray pants, agreeing with your offer to cool of.
He returned the joyous laugh that you gave him as he ran after you towards the edge of the lake, his dog tag dangling around his neck as he did that.
You two soon found yourself in the cool lake swimming towards each other. Coriolanus wrapped his arms around your chest as he slowly brought you closer to him, his piercing blue eyes never leaving yours as he did that.
He slowly glazed his hand on your cheek before moving it onto your neck to bring you closer colliding your lips together while being in a warm embrace.
You both soked up moments like these as much as you could. Giving each other the sense of comfort, protection and love.
Coriolanus never thought that anything like this was ever going to happen to him, and even if it did he wasn't so sure that he could love anyone this much who was worth risking everything in his life once again for.
The moment he met you, he knew something changed. He fell hard, but he knew the risks.
The Peacekeepers weren't supposed to be romantically involved with anyone during their time of service.
He knew very well that if anyone catches your longing glances that you were sanding to each other across the room, if anyone saw you talking to each other a little to close for comfort or if anyone saw you two spending a lot more time with each other than necessary, let alone see you holding hands or kissing you would be doomed.
If anyone noticed how you both lose your breath every time you looked into each other's eyes it would be all over for you both.
They could deport him to another District or fire him from his service. You could've been severely punished. Hell, they could kill you both, hang you on the hanging tree or just shoot you on sight.
But as you two held each other in the comforting silence that only comes when two people understand each other and as you exchanged the words that confirmed your love for each other and as you exchanged a billion kisses, he knew that it was all worth it.
You were worth it, and after a long time he came to a conclusion that he maybe deserves your endless love and comfort that you brought him every day.
@hellonheels-x @especiallythewomenandthechildren @prettyinsatiable @caroline-books @runningfrom2am @10ava01 @thecrowdedstreetin1944
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mm-lurking · 5 months
I saw your ask at 11 pm and something about the way you wrote your request made me giggle so hard idk why 🤣 Since you demand angst I shall give it to you. You’re my first ask btw so thank you very much! 
I’m not sure which character you wanted me to write for so I’m going to go for Blade and Aventurine. Though feel free to send me specific characters through the ask again!
Warnings: no fluff at all, pure angst, fem! reader and ex, reader has no chill running her mouth, Aventurine’s kinda feels ooc sorry about that WC: 1881
You were a hair’s breadth away from being gravely injured. If it weren’t for Blade’s interruption you would have been Antimatter Legion dinner tonight. In your eyes you weren’t in that much danger, you knew you could handle it on your own but in Blade’s eyes, it was just another flashback to how he lost her. It felt frustrating to watch him downplay your capabilities, it's not like you were some weak damsel in distress. There was a reason your relations with the Stellaron Hunters had lasted as far as it had; you were good at wielding your weapon and making good use of the enemy’s weaknesses. Sure there were moments when you were in trouble but you never really got to live the thrill of it because Blade would always step in to help you even when you didn’t ask for it. 
You loved him dearly and appreciated his assistance but just for this instance, you wanted to deal with things by yourself. Ultimately your agitation got the best of you and so now here you were with your arms crossed, glaring at Blade after the enemy was taken care of.
“Have you always been this foolish?”
You stare at him with wide eyes and an open mouth, questioning his audacity of insulting you like this.
“Excuse me?”
“You could have gotten hurt.”
He says matter-of-factly and you feel your jaws clench at the way he speaks to you.
“Blade I am fully capable of looking after myself! I need you to stop interrupting my fights!”
“If I didn’t that Antimatter Legion pawn would have sliced your head off your shoulders.”
“And how the hell do you know that was going to happen?! I could have fought it easily if it weren’t for you!”
He turns around and looks at you with cold eyes which make you flinch momentarily.
“You overestimate yourself.”
“I do not! I have worked relentlessly on my skills! I know what I can handle or what I can’t! You just never allow me to prove it!”
“You are a fool. I do not need to see you pushed to your limits to acknowledge your skills.”
“Then why the hell won’t you let me do what I want?!”
You both argue back and forth with neither of you backing down. Blade speaks calmly, just as he always has but with slight frustration whereas you on the other hand are full-on yelling and boiling over to the point of rage. He takes a deep breath and continues.
“I am just looking out for you-”
“I am not weak like Chun. Stop treating me like I am.”
You almost immediately regret it the moment those words leave your mouth. Your words are sharp and bitter, and pierce his heart like a blade slashing through flesh. His eyes are ablaze with fury and pain and the way his jaw clenches is enough to let you know you have overstepped your boundary.
Chun was his first love. She was a good woman with a kind heart, and despite how odd she looked amongst the Stellaron Hunters, they welcomed her as long as it made Blade happy. But in a world full of evil, being kind is a weakness and ultimately she met her end in the hands of an enemy during heated negotiations. For the one whose life was already cursed by immortality, he took her death hard and swore never to love again, for he couldn’t bear to witness yet another loved one depart for the nth time in his long life. His already broken heart took ages to heal and by the time you crossed paths with him, he was still grieving over her. You knew this very well because it was you who assured him that history wouldn’t repeat itself with you. It was you who helped him heal further and gave him the confidence to open his heart up once more to you. You knew what she meant to him because he had been honest with you about his past yet-
“Blade I-”
-here you were driving the very knife you had taken out of him so lovingly back into his heart in full force. He looks at you with so much despise and agony that your heart hurts knowing you are the cause for it. A blade being stabbed over and over into his body hurt, but those wounds always healed after a while. Yet the wound your words had caused was one that no medication could fix. Your throat tightens and you want to reach out to him and hold him but you stay glued to your feet.
“We don’t need to be around each other anymore.”
Despite the torment he feels, he looks straight into your eyes and monotonously speaks. There is not even a single moment spared for you to reply as he walks out of the room and slams the door shut, indicating he is done with you. The door closing was not just the end of the argument you both were having, it was also the end of what you were to each other. You stand there rooted to the ground as tears sting your eyes. Why did you have to be like this?
“Aventurine I swear to god I am not playing your petty games again.”
You angrily huff as you cross your arms and glare at Aventurine with disapproval. The audacity of this man was truly something, especially at a time like this. You both were stuck in an interesting situation, where Aventurine had made a gamble with an enemy territory and he wanted you to be part of it. More precisely, he wanted to turn you into his bargaining chip for a while. There was one tiny problem. He wasn’t asking for your approval, he had already made the deal.
“The table has already been set, friend. You just have to play your role real well.”
Your jaw hangs low when you realise what he has done. 
“Aventurine don’t tell me….”
“They have decided to ask for you in exchange of information. Do not worry, I will find a way to-“
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence as a loud slap resonates across the room. You stare at him in disbelief with tears welling your eyes, unable to process what he has done. A shaky sigh leaves his mouth and he stares at you, bewildered by your behaviour.
“It hasn’t even been a full week since we finished another deal and you want me to jump head-on into another one?!”
“Was there a need to slap me like this? If you’re forgetting, friend, you agreed to help me out on these deals regardless of the risk. Or should I have the doctor examine your memory?”
“Aventurine I agreed to help you out, not be used however you please! You could have at least asked me first before making the deal!”
You rub your temples and rethink the entire situation through. Your relationship with Aventurine was compatible due to one simple fact: you both loved taking risks. The thrill of the gamble and the adrenaline of waiting for the results kept you both alive. It was the drug you both needed in this cruel unjust world.
But this, this was different. This wasn’t just any gamble and it wasn’t a small one either. Being traded off to the enemy territory for a few weeks was no easy task and you have no idea what the hell Aventurine was thinking. In your last deal, you barely made it out alive as the tables turned against your favour. It was a miracle your assets weren’t taken and that you weren’t killed in the process.
“…I promise you will be fine, friend.”
Tears sting your eyes and you try to take a deep breath. 
“How can you be so sure?”
“The gaiaithra triclops blesses me abundantly. We will not lose.”
“Is that what you said to Lilac as well before her demise?”
You hear how his breath hitches in his throat at the mention of Lilac. He coughs a little and then stares at you with a look you cannot decipher.
“Do not bring her up.”
His voice is a mere whisper and you know you’re crossing some lines already. Yet you don’t stop there. You jab your right index finger into his chest with every word you speak.
“I don’t know what’s worse, being a gambling chip on purpose or being a gambling chip unknowingly, like she was.”
He grips the hand you have on his chest tightly. You can’t help but wince a little at how he’s looking at you with red eyes filled with regret and anger. He tries to speak but you cut him off.
“Was losing her not enough to learn your lesson? Or do you turn everyone you love into pawns of your game?”
“You’re crossing the line now.”
He warns and you shake your head.
“You treat everyone like an asset, even the ones who truly love you without any hidden agenda. No wonder you couldn’t save Lilac-“
Before you can process what is going on Aventurine pulls out a gun from his inner coat pocket and shoots a random vase on the table behind you. The bang of the gun and the loud shattering of the ceramic into pieces makes you jump and shake a little. He then shifts his gaze on you and lets your hand go before issuing his warning.
“…you need to leave. Leave before I accidentally hurt you.”
“I said leave!”
He points the gun at you. His hand is shaking in a manner you have never seen before and you can tell he doesn’t want to do this but you’re giving him no choice. You stare at him for a moment and nod your head before scurrying away.
Once you’re out of his sight he plops onto the nearest sofa and drops his gun. It lands with a loud thud as he puts his head into his hands and shakes visibly. Flashbacks of that dreaded day start to play over and over in his head and he clenches his teeth as a tear rolls down his eye.
Lilac was a woman he met during one of his travels as an IPC stoneheart. They got along pretty well and eventually fell in love. A few years ago, Aventurine asked her for help during a deal he made and she agreed only for the other party to target her as leverage against Aventurine. He still remembers the pain in her eyes as she looked at him, confused and hurt from how she became the target. He remembers holding her in his arms apologising over and over for his lack of foresight, unable to figure out where he went wrong.
It was the first and last deal he ever lost. And now you, his new partner after several hard years of grief, were bringing up old wounds that never healed. Gaps of his heart that nothing would ever fill. Another tear rolls down his eye as he grits his teeth further. Had he known you would bring her up like this, he would have never told you about her. It’s always the closest ones that hurt you the most. ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ©mm-lurking 2024 do not copy, steal or reuse my work.
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Mother tried her best :ASL x Ex-Member of the roger pirates.
Type: angst, mother love, death, Marine ford, Spoilers, fem reader.
A/n: it's a bit crappy at the end but I tried.
How did I get here again? Right...to save him...but why is he sitting there, stunned?
"Luffy, Ace why are you crying?"
"A chosen one?" Y/N repeated her captain's words, "one who will surpass us," Roger clarified further. Y/N and Raylight exchanged glances before smiling/smirking at their captain.
"I wonder if it's going to be my son" Roger inquired, "You do not have a son?" Raylight interjected, "How about Shanks and Buggy? There kids" Y/N reminded, "that's true HAHAHAHA" oden, Roger, Raylight and the rest laughed together.
"Y/N shanks stole my stuff again!" yelled Buggy, running towards her and hugging her with teary eyes to gain sympathy. "It does not have your name on it!" showted shanks while running after him, "can't the two of you share?" She said, picking up the buggy by the back of his shirt, "No, it is mine!" Buggy protested, and when Shanks caught up, he was also grabbed by the back of his shirt, "What is this thing you are fighting over anyway?" starting to get impatient she finally asked taping her foot on the ground, "it's a treasure! A mysterious box!" shanks answered first as buggy nodded and finished the sentence,"and it needs a key!".
How can you say no when they forgot what they were fighting about and, after setting them down, she requested that they show her the box......"Where did you get this, boys?" A simple question with a serious tone...."I told you we would get caught!" whispered yelled buggy to shanks "we haven't been caught yet" answered shanks in a similar tone, "IDIOTS!! YOU WENT TO ME AND TOKI ROOM AND TOOK MY STUFF!" hitting them on the head, BY began scolding them for both stealing and lying, "Are you sorry?" Another question with dead seriousness, "Yes, we are very sorry," answering in union. NY sat next to them and grabbed the small box. "You could have asked, but it is a music box." Pulling out a key, she opened it and turned it on, allowing them to enjoy it for some time.
"so it's true that garp hid a kid here?" she said looking at the 7 year old Ace, "the hell you want?" he barked at her, "the names YN and......." a small moment of hesitant crossed her before she answered "I am your aunt"
It happened quickly and without thinking. "Why did you do it?" Ace screamed, "Why did you push me away!"....right, that magma man tried to attack Luffy Ace, and she wanted to take the hit...but she pushed him away, and that is how she got a hole in her chest.......but why did she remember Shanks and Buggy instead of these two in this moment...is it because they are so far apart? So she believes that everyone is on her side right now?...... "I told you not to put yourself in harm's way in a fight, and Luffy, we are in a war right now, so do not let your guard down or you could get *Uhhahg*!" Without realizing it, she started scolding them until she threw up blood and fell to her knees. "MOTHER!" The two shouted as they snapped out of their shock, holding her falling body, "Why am I always surrounded by kids?" "Y-y-your injuries are going to be fine, I-I can find a solution...Marco, where is he?" With Ace falling into panic Luffy was trying to keep it together, "Ace, it is no use..." With a weakened voice, she tried to stop him: "NO!" "There must be something we can do-mph!" She hit his head with her fists to wake him up, then hugged him tightly.
When the brothers returned the gesture, she finally said, "Do not cry....it will be okay...try to get out of here..." "We can not leave you here...mom," luffy said, interrupting her.
"My beloved son, I love you. I am sorry I can not see you achieve your dreams. Please grow strong and remain humble." The last of her strength was summoned, and she consoled her children while sobbing and saying, "The old era ends here you two are a part of the future so go on live!" Looking at her two crying children one more time, Yn finally saw the cold light as it faded from her eyes. Hearing distant shouts of her children, she thought as a final word of comfort to herself, '....mother tried her best...'
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Things I Wish I Got To Say~
Alastor x Reader
(Reader is GN, I tried hard not to give a lot of descriptions. This is cathartic writing. I usually write really positive, cute stuff that is a little steamy and romantic. This, however, is just Agnst. This is to release some emotions in me for a long time. I hope you guys will appreciate it as much as I do, and if not, I totally understand. The idea came from a tiktok I watched a few days ago where a man taught his wife how to dance for their wedding day, but she sadly passed before they could have their dance. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy it.) P.S. I would not oppose writing a happier ending if you like this. I know how much we all love those. TW: DEATH, Angst, Executions, Depression, Hurt
Alastors POV
I thought nothing of it the day I first saw you; You were just another person wasting my time in this infernal hellscape. Yet, had I known that you would have wormed your way into my undead heart over time, I wouldn’t have even allowed myself to set eyes on you in the first place.
The day I first met you, I thought you were kind and reserved, yet like everyone else in my life, I saw you as a pawn who could help me achieve my ultimate goal. Had I known that your voice would bring me such peace, I would have never introduced myself so formally to you.
The day I spoke to you on a deeper level than pleasantries for the first time, I was amazed at how well you kept up with my humor and quips. It was a fantastic feeling to hear and see for the first time since my mama had passed. Yet, had I known you would have given me these feelings, I would have never sat at the bar that night.
When I realized the need to be by your side grew day in and day out as you flourished in the hotel, I was taken aback. I had never experienced such emotions as this, and at first, I saw it as a weakness, but instead, you were my greatest strength. However, if I had known this would be the turn of events that happened, I would have never asked you to dance that night and confess my feelings.
I remember it like yesterday when you walked into the hotel. Not too long after my arrival and fight with Vaggie, you appeared chipper and eager to learn more about the princess of hell. However, you didn’t stay long, seeing as you had people you still had to protect. How foolish to safeguard people in hell. It was the most dangerous and deranged place to exist, and you had to protect people.
Days and weeks went by, and as we gained more notoriety, you kept coming back, helping in small ways. One particular day after I had battled with Vox, you came running in, smiling so wide, congratulating the hotel on the amazing victory. There was no real battle, just wits and quips between two old friends turned rivals, but you made it seem like I had slayed Lucifer himself. 
When I introduced myself to you after Charlie eagerly pulled me in, I couldn’t tell the feeling that I had in my chest. Your smile radiated heat from it onto my face, and I was astounded at how powerful you didn’t know you could be. With a bow at my waist and a kiss on your hand, I grew your smile even more, and the cutest color of red dusted your cheeks.
You left again that day, saying you had things to attend to but would be back soon. Soon—what a funny word people use to describe time. It could mean tomorrow or months from now. Yet you showed back up like clockwork the next day.
You made quick friends with the hotel staff, your permanent palace being made not too long after Pentious joined us. You found solace at the bar most nights, talking to Angel and Husk. How you enjoyed their conversions was beyond me, but your light laugh and gentle smile lit something in me. That’s when the day came that you had no one to sit with.
Taking this opportunity to explore this uncharted territory, I sat there with you and spoke to you truly for the first time ever. We talked about everything and nothing, the strangest of things occurring, and I felt like I could go hours without leaving your presence. Yet as your eyes drew closed from exhaustion, I couldn’t help the pride that washed over me that you chose to talk so long that you fell asleep with me.
I gently took you to your room, placed you in bed, and gave you a gentle kiss on the head. I was shocked. I had never done something so childish and unclean before, yet I felt the need to give you more. I was going insane with these feelings, which overran my mind. So, I sought solace in the best person I knew to help the situation. 
On my trip to Rosie’s, I heard a beautiful tune that reminded me of you, a sweet melodic vibe that sounded sweet to dance to, too. I let myself wonder how it would feel to dance by your side, swinging you through the night and getting lost in the songs that came from the radio. That was something that always amused me. You enjoyed the radio ever since I explained my distaste for TV. Could it be that you had the same strange feelings that I had?
At Rosie’s, I poured my heart and soul out to my dearest friend: “I don’t know what to think anymore. I am going crazy around them. Every time they smile or talk, I want to be there to bask in it. How could someone as strong and powerful as me succumb to someone so small and less than me? No, they aren’t less than me. They are everything to me, but that is what scares me.”
In that omission, I had Rosie laughing. She had never thought the day would come when someone would take my fancy. I listened to all her words about love and romance, things I had heard of but never experienced once in my life. Then she asked the dreaded question to solidify this ‘Love’ I had for you: “If your momma was around, would you take them to her?”
Yes, yes, I would have in a heartbeat. You would have made her so proud and happy if I had you on my arm. In that instant, I knew I needed you to be the other half I was always missing—someone who was on my level in mind, body, and soul. 
As I trekked back to the hotel, I bought a new crimson suit and matching outfit to ask you out tonight. The shadows took your gifts to your room with a note asking you to join me in the ballroom at 8 o’clock. I waited eagerly for your arrival, ready to face this path of uncertainty as long as you were by my side.
As you made your way over to me, I must confess I was tongue-tied. I had no idea what to say or do, so I let the music guide me. You seemed to not know how to dance, but after a few encouraging words and some leading by me, you were a natural. We danced the night away; it was perfect, and a simple, slow song started to play as the night ended. 
Holding you close to me, my hands around your waist as yours clung to my neck, I felt at peace. You were my peace, and that excited me and scared me all at once. Then I let it out on accident in the least romantic way possible: “I think I am in love with you.”
You laughed gently, that laugh that cured my ailments and healed my soul—the laugh that made hell worth living in again. Your simple reply, “I know.” was all I needed to hear, as a simple laugh also left my lips.
We were inseparable from then on. You were always there in my radio tower, cheering me on with a simple ‘I love you’ on your lips—something I grew so fond of so quickly. I knew you would conquer the world with me if given the chance, yet I also knew I wanted nothing more than to protect you until my own dying breath. Over time, even your dancing skills rivaled my own, and I was eager to take you to Mimzy’s club after all this execution business was handled. I wish I got to.
Then the dreaded day came, the day that would end my unbeaten heart and relinquish me back to a cold, miserable hell—the day of the execution at the hotel led by none other than Adam himself. I begged you, pleaded with you to leave the hotel and hide elsewhere, but you were so strong and spirited that you wanted to stay and fight. How could I say no when blood was my favorite color, too?
How I wish I told you to stay back harder. Because as the dust settled and the rubble cleared, there lay your lifeless, cold body, a sword through your chest. I had never transformed as fast and violently as I had that day. While everyone mourned you and Pentious, I was mourning just you, the love I had always told myself I never needed. 
I was so devastated, red clouding my vision. I had killed and eaten half of the districts in Pentagram City when the others finally calmed me down enough. Lucifer tried everything he could to bring you back, but it was too late; we all knew it was too late. They showed me your cleaned-up body, and I lost a small fragment of my identity.
I held you so close to me and cried, really, honestly, at the love I had lost. 
What I would give to tell you the things I wish I got to say……
To: My Lost Love
From: Your Radio Demon
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
// fantasy creature cruelty. yandere themes. heteronormative society (sort of?? both your paternal and maternal grandparents come in hetero pairs)
I don’t know if you guys read my yan! father fic yet but do go check out @yoru-no-seiiki for it (Unless you’re a minor cause that acc doesn’t allow those) as it happens in the same universe(ish) as this one.
So by now you’ve already met yan! father.
(honestly would love to see my moot’s takes on yan! grandparents so if ya’ll see this. it’s not only a sign but a call to aid plez)
mostly based off of mairimashita iruma kun’s sullivan, your YAN! PATERNAL GRANDPA and GRANDMA spoil you a shit ton.
YAN! P! GRANDPA is more on the type to spoil you physically/monetarily. If you have a need or even the slightest hint of desire for something, consider it received. He has saved so much of your drawings and if you happen to be the kid who drew monsters/weird abominations as a child then ya boi definitely has frankensteined some into being. His creations happened to net him a ton of money which he spent all on you as ‘thanks’ but everyone knows it’s just cause he’s infatuated with his cute grandchild.
YAN! P! GRANDMA leans heavily on the ‘unhealthily allowing this kid(you and yan!dad) to do whatever you want and even encouraging it’ sort of parenting. She taught how to kill and do it efficiently as a young child. Uncaring of whatever prophecies schmofeces oracles have of your future. She will make you into an indestructible machine and is hell-bent on it. … You have probably ingested a lot of poison from her cookies as a way to built immunity to the stuff.
Now your maternal grandparents are a lot let on the damaging side but are still pretty over the top.
Your YAN! MATERNAL GRANDPA loves showing off. He’s probably like a war general with many wives and sees love as ‘you worship/admire me’ which he sorta maybe passed unto you. He’s kind of like a caveman and believes a show of strength is in order to be successful. So there’s a lot of him flexing and challenging YAN! PATERNAL GRANDPARENTS to a duel.
Only for YAN! PATERNAL GRANDMA to swiftly have his ass wipe the floor.
YAN! MATERNAL GRANDMA is a jaded woman. She never loved her husband and had always wanted to flee the family and high society until you came along. I see her as the old version of those Manhwa female protags that have rebirthed multiple times and is just tired of the shitty life they’ve been dealt with. She’s incredibly knowledgeable on fashion, trends and the industry as a whole. She’ll make sure you look good at every turn. Maybe even start trends of your own. It doesn’t matter your body type and if isn’t what’s in at the moment, she’ll make it the moment. Unlike the paternal grandma and her husband, she would never put you in harms way. Even extending your time with her so you don’t have to do those barbaric acts with the others.
And then there’s YAN! MENTOR who swore to never have another child under him ever again. The last time he did that, said child (your father) destroyed his precious astrology tower and had him imprisoned for 5 years for a thing he never even did. Sure, 5 years is nothing for thousand or so year old man but boy was he pissed off.
YAN! MATERNAL GRANDPA had to threaten him to have you and YAN! MENTOR is almost thankful that he did.
YAN! MENTOR believes you to be his best student. It definitely did not start off that way. He thought that a prissy, spoiled brat like you would leave the moment he gave you a difficult task but you surprised him with your tenacity. Throughout all his trials for you, you always came out at top, if not persevered until your body couldn’t handle it anymore.
He definitely wants you to kill your dad as compensation though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up writing him as the reason why you plotted to end the dude’s life.
To keep things fluffy, let’s say in this timeline, he saves you from your dad’s entourage and adopts you.
Your YAN! GRANDPARENTS definitely riot but all are mature enough to understand the situation in the end.
will write more on this on the future but for now, i gotta go! byeeee!!
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thepalaceofharuhime · 10 months
Looking at your fandoms, I can’t help but think some sort of Bingqiu in Spy X Family (or a SxF Xianxia fusion) could be super fun!
The question is… what would their roles be.
Assassin Luo Binghe, or spy Luo Binghe… and which of them gets gender swapped. 🤔
Oh!! Maybe Shen Yuan was meant to be an ally of the female half of the main duo, Liu Mingyan, but through shenanigans he somehow ends up with her role instead, and the System demands he fake marry Binghe anyway. 😂
This is exactly the kind of prompt i was hoping for! TY!!! 🙏
The way i see it Binghe would definitely be the assassin, Shen Yuan is too big of a softie not to mention one who so easily put on the mask of another man before so he would definitely be the spy.
But also being oblivious to feelings yet a capable badass, bad in the kitchen, feeling inadequate as a partner? All Shen Yuan. Binghe with his protagonist Halo meanwhile would fit better with Mr. All around perfect Husband. So i guess it'd be a little like Yor and Loyd had switched professions.
Shen Yuan's over protective brother in a position of power? I wonder who that would be? Enter Shen Jiu haha. Rather than secret police he'd be a detective looking in to all the murders rather than keeping state secrets from spies though. To keep that rivalry between him Binghe. The family member Binghe became an assassin to provide for? His mom. The gardener AKA the guy who hired him and hands him his missions? Meng Mo. Franky,the spy's funny informant and gadget supplier, occasional babysitter and not to mention bestfriend? Shang Qinghua.
I dont know if i should replace Fiona with Liu Quinge as Fiona's character really would fit Binghe better. But Liushen is a weakness of mine even if onesided and those two were just made for coworker romances. Maybe I should give Binge someone trying to woe him too? Sha hualing? Then if i dont go with your other idea of having SY transmigrate in to Liu Mingyan (which i am saving up in my head because i absolutely love the idea) then i can add something in the background with her and Sha hualing. I'm positive i could find a way to write in Mobei for SQH or i could go with Scumplane and have him end up Shen Jiu and actually yeah that would work, need to distract SJ long enough for Bingyuan to get it on afterall. Oh what about SQH x SJ x LQG? Or should Shen Yuan get a second husbandafterall? Alternatively imagine LQG crying over a bowl of icecream.
Next question is if SY didnt transmigrate into LMY then who is he? What about Ning Yingying? Who could be SJ's little sister in this world? Or he couldve just been put in there as a female version of himself. Or like it was with Shen quingiu a character who vaguely resembles him and has a similar name. She just happens to be a woman though. Or maybe go with the mulan aproach and have him crossdress? But then how does he explain to his brother that he's suddenly - he could say that he's in love with binghe and the only way to marry him was fake his papers to pretend to be a woman since queer marriage isnt yet allowed in their fictional country. Like no one cares if they date its just they havent gotten to the legalisation of marriage yet. And if SJ asks why they had to get married so suddenly anyway (cuz no way in hell is SY getting away with saying he forgot to tell him for a year) he could say that they had to so they could adopt their daughter. Who in this case scenario could be Ning Yingying, should she still have Anyas powers? damian could be Ming fan or the little palace girl or whatever (im not yet far enough in the books to now her and the old man that well so id have to check the wiki) and i could make the palace master donovan desmond and have SY and LBH team up to take him down in the end.
Anyways yeah these are just some ideas, and again thanks for the prompt! I can't wait to write this! Maybe i'll draw something for it later too. ❤️
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prince-liest · 6 months
oh my god. your wording in one of ur latest anon answers. does…. is val the only one who does the dumping? does vox never dump val??? i always like… idk i assumed that they both broke it off in a never ending downward spiral, mutually. but oh my GOD? you’re saying val is the only one doing the breaking up? i….. this is shifting my entire perspective on vox. HOLD ON. HOLD ON. not to beat a dead dove here (that was a brilliant pun yes i’m stealing it), but……… this is sliding right into my vault where i keep my Vox and Domestic Violence Thoughts. he just seems so…. helpless. he’s helpless all the time and in complete denial about it. at first it was clear he’s pretty helpless around alastor -in both canon and your fic. alastor is stronger, and also, in the beginning had the Extreme emotional upper hand. i knew this, yet, like in canon, i assumed more or less alastor was the chink in his armor. vox DOES run the vee’s competently, he handles val, and he’s arguably the fourth most powerful sinner in hell (behind zestial, carmilla, and alastor). those 3 things are true, AND YET. let’s look behind the wizards curtain. how does vox live his Personal life. not his job or position of power. how does his close relationships define him. let’s see now. the initial intense obsession with alastor, which had ONLY left him rejected and humiliated. helpless. and now val. i Assume vox enacts some physical violence on val, too, but something in his wording in the last installment. vox made the point to compare alastors straight up murder attempts to how val acts. i do not think vox does that with val, at least not in a trivial and common manner (he has said the vee’s have all killed e/o before). and when i said “sure he can act disgruntled and upset in the moment” in another ask, i MEANT that vox could break up with val for a couple days before crawling right back like nothing happened. but NO. NOT EVEN THAT. vox endures, and he ultimately does Nothing. NOTHING. and not even that, he is subjected to val breaking it off in a cyclic manner, for superficial or nonexistent issues. and then after a week val will call and vox will come crawling back like nothing happened, and the timer for 4 months begins again. through everything, EVERYTHING, vox really just seems… passive in the grand scheme of things. it’s paradoxical, because he’s also outrageously ambitious. i think that’s one of his core character traits, a constant greed and pursuit of it. that’s unequivocally true about him. but then we look at his love life, and what do we see? he lets the two men he loves basically do whatever they want with him. and he does it because he loves them, as well as being unable to admit he’s suffering. i will say, from now on it’s clear that his relationship with alastor is veering off this direction, but i want to STRESS that it was actually ALASTOR that cemented that. vox, in a spurt of emotion, let it slip out his history of domestic violence. then, promptly brushed it off to appease alastor. he set the terms of the deal, but he did it as a silly pinky promise. he, again, never allows himself to take it SERIOUSLY. because IF HE DOES!!!! then he needs to set boundaries AND ABIDE BY THEM!!!!!!!! AND WHAT THEN. WHAT THEN. THEN THE NEXT TIME VAL OR ALASTOR CROSS A LINE, HE NEEDS TO END IT. LEAVE. DO ANYTHING. AND HE IS NEVER GONNA DO THAT!!!!!!!! and here’s the real fucking kicker…… he expects them to. to keep hurting him. that’s the root of it. it’s not a real boundary, because it’s an inevitability. valentino and alastor will always want to hurt him, so a relationship without that violence is nonexistent. (that’s what he believes btw. hopefully not the truth). and so, vox has made his choice. he’s a businessman, and he has weighed the pros and cons. the violence and crossed boundaries he faces is outweighed by his love for them, and ultimately, that means they can do whatever they want to him. he is helpless.
(this was an entire rant, dear god. and of course the disclaimer that this is all my personal delusions, and not necessarily your take on vox in your series. i swear, i never know how these asks get so long. i promise i start of with a simple idea, then it all implodes into an essay. so sorry. love you.) -🌓
I have good news and bad news for you, anon!
The bad news is that I have misled you slightly: My actual full perspective of the Valentino and Vox on-and-off dating situation is that Vox dumps Valentino when he feels a sufficiently angry flavor of upset that Valentino refuses to listen to him on some things (usually not, actually, the violence, unless Val breaks something for Vox to be angry about); and Valentino dumps Vox when he wants Vox to annoyedly pretend not to moon after him for a week. In both situations, sometimes Vox ends up giving up the ghost and functionally crawling his way back to Val, but more commonly Valentino decides that he's had enough and rather handily seduces Vox into a round of what Vox promises himself is hate sex and not makeup sex but is inevitably always very sappy makeup sex with a side of lovebombing.
This is. Arguably not that different of a flavor from what you're describing, haha, especially since a lot of Vox managing to be the one to break things off at any given point in time hinges on him being able to frame his rationale as "anger" rather than "upset," the latter of which just gets brushed under the carpet of Emotions That Are Not Taken Seriously. He can act on a great many things if he justifies them as something he is right to be objective and angry over, including outright killing Valentino at least once at some point in the past, but anything that makes him feel vulnerable or, ah, let's deliberately and pointedly use the word hysterical, is a pre-existing internal struggle that Valentino knows how to manipulate to his advantage.
The good news is that this lovely analysis inspired me to almost completely rewrite a section of the next 666 fic that I'd been dissatisfied with. I initially wrote Vox as annoyed; what he needed to be was Very Stressed And Upset in a way that distinctly refused to dare stray into anger because the fundamental concern was about what Alastor wanted - just as you described, Vox fumbling his own distress with his learned helplessness when it comes to intimate relationships. Anyway, now I'm WAY happier with it! So thank you very much for that!
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lorillee · 3 months
im always thinking about kakashi flashback:2 if im honest. its like seriously sickening to me makes me crazy insane two big things 1) how seriously miserable he is throughout the entire flashback and 2) how guy was the one who dragged him out of that hell and kakashi doesnt even know it. like it makes me so crazy insane. like guy was the only one to keep reaching out to him and he never like pushed it he never made kakashi do anything he didnt want to do but he always extended his hand whenever the opportunity arose. and like its pretty obvious to me that by the end of it asuma and kurenai have would have entirely given up on him if not for guy, and its clearly guy's initiative that gets them to go with him to entreat hiruzen to make kakashi a jonin leader instead of continuing his anbu career. like it makes me crazy insane .
because like i said earlier kakashi is just so potently miserable throughout that entire whole like 12 episode long arc i dont think he smiles like once before passing team 7 like they seriously did save him in such a profound and visible way and it was guy's unconditional love of kakashi no matter how much he was pushed away that allowed any of this to happen. like it makes me sick and ill and twisted because literally almost everybody who kakashi forms some sort of emotional attachment to dies (sakumo, obito, rin, minato, kushina) and he blames himself at least in part for the majority of those. like you can tell hes opening back up a little bit when hes hanging out with guy on the night of kuramas attack but then immediately after minato and kushina die, which theoretically couldve been prevented if he had been able to control kurama with the sharigan instead of being pushed to the sidelines, and he immediately shuts guy out again because if another person he cares about dies if another person he cares about gets killed by him either directly or indirectly he literally wont be able to take it.
he shuts guy out in a desperate attempt to not get attached to get him to stay away from kakashi who gets everyone he touches killed. but guy refuses to abandon him no matter what and you can only imagine how much this terrifies kakashi on such a fundamental level and it makes me sick in the head because after forming team 7 kakashi starts opening up his heart again and forming genuine connections willingly for the first time in so so long and it almost seems like everything will work out and then guy willingly attempts to kill himself in one last attempt to stop madara in front of kakashi who is powerless to stop it to do anything and worse yet through his own logic caused it by killing rin and he just has to sit there as a bystander once again while yet another person he loves dies as a direct result of something he blames himself for and it like . Well can we walk off a cliff? Together?
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taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
Jealous conrad x reader? Smut if you write it, if not just angst that's ends with fluff?
talk outside?
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A/N : hi! sorry i don't write smut, but i'll write the angst and fluff LMAO. (i'm also so sorry, this is actually horrible)
synopsis : jealousy wasn't the best for conrad after seeing you and jeremiah.
words : 797
God, it's embarrassing, but I've liked Conrad since I was little.
"Jere, where's Conrad?" I asked him as we messed around in the pool with Steven and Belly.
He thought for a moment, "I'm not sure. Probably in his room though."
I sighed, getting out of the pool and grabbing a towel to dry myself off. Yeah, I'd just got to Cousins, but usually Conrad would be out here as well.
I walked up to his room and knocked. I heard a grunt before he opened the door.
"Hi." I said as I looked up to him. He was shirtless and his hair was everywhere.
"Hey." Was all he said before closing the door again.
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"Please, please, please go to the party."" Belly begged as I was sprawled out on my bed.
"No, it's going to be lame." I groaned.
She laughed, "But Conrad will be there."
I rolled my eyes at her statement, "Yeah, but, Conrad will ignore me."
"Please Y/N." She begged yet again.
I sat up on my bed, raising an eyebrow, "Fine. But you owe me!"
I finished getting ready for the party, wearing a white eyelet top which tied in the front with a denim short skirt.
"Don't you look gorgeous." Susannah said to me as I made my way downstairs.
"Thank you, you look lovely as well, Susannah." I said, as I smiled.
"Okay, be safe and don't be dumb!" She called out as Belly and I left the house.
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As soon as I walked in the smell of weed and alcohol hit me. Belly had run off somewhere and I was left by myself. Everyone was close in proximity with one another before I spotted Jeremiah.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed as he ran to hug me.
"Hi, Jere!" I said excitedly.
Jeremiah moved his hand to around my waist, "I'm glad to see that you could made it."
"So am I."
I could feel eyes on me as well though, and on the hand that was wrapped securely on my waist.
From across the room Conrad stood, staring straight at me.
I looked back at Jeremiah who's arm was still around me, but he was talking to a couple of other guys.
Someone had tapped my shoulder, as I turned around to be met with Conrad.
"Oh, hey." I said blankly.
"Hey, can we talk outside?" Conrad asked.
I scoffed, "I'm kinda busy right now."
Conrad grabbed me and picked me up, sending me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I protested, hitting his back.
"Stop making a scene, I just want to talk." Conrad said.
I sighed, allowing him to take me outside. He walked with me on his back til we got to his car.
"What the hell is wrong with you." I asked as he let me down.
"No, what the hell is with you? All of a sudden you're getting with my brother?"
"What the fuck are you talking about? And either way you're ignoring me. Why would you even care?"
"Y/N, I don't have to give you any reason." Conrad said, by now we were both shouting and our arms were flying in the air.
"But you really do because you're mad at me for no reas-"
His hands made their way to my cheeks and before I knew it, he had smashed our lips together.
He let go after a moment, "I'm sorry, I've been waiting to do that."
I just stared at him in shock.
"Y/N, say something so I don't look dumb right now. Please."
"I don't know what to fucking say, Conrad, you just kissed me after you've been mad at me since I got to Cousins."
"So do you like me or not, I can't keep acting like I hate you." Conrad explained.
"Okay yes I like you of course I do, who wouldn't? But so does every girl at Cousins!" I explained.
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The house was quiet, everyone was asleep as I lay on my bed.
"Conrad, you're breathing so loud I can hear you from the other side of the door." I called out from inside my room.
He opened the door, coming in.
"Hey." He breathed.
"What do you need right now?"I asked.
"Y/N, can we just talk about us what we even are what happened, anything?" He asked.
"Are you trying to piss me off right now?" I asked.
Conrad laughed a little, "I wouldn't have to piss you off if you would just answer."
"I already told you how I felt."
Before I knew it our lips were intertwined yet again, but neither of us pulled away.
fuck i hated how he did this to me.
I pulled away, "Okay, I like you, and I'm willing to give it a try."
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Divine Purpose
Dean never could grasp the concept that he is, in fact worth saving. Even after the apocalypse and Death retrieving Sam's soul from the Cage he still had nights where he was kept awake by the 'what if's.
What if he hadn't been saved and Adam was chosen instead of him, Sam even if Lucifer was in control, certainly would have beaten him.
What if he hadn't been saved and Sam never said yes to Lucifer.
What if he hadn't been saved and it all happened anyways.
What if he hadn't been saved and Sam realised on his own that there was something off about Ruby without Dean's nagging making him want to stay working with her out of defiance.
What if, what if, what if.
Sometimes it got to the point that Dean prayed to Cas to ask him to send him into unconsciousness.
Tonight was one of those night.
It had been a shit hunt, Dean would be the first to admit that, it was all wrong from the get go. The intel they had been given by another hunter had been off and instead of it being a small vampire nest of seven or eight, it was a nest of 15 and Cas had been away on 'Angel Business' for the last week so Dean was tired and missing his boyfriend. Sam was still recovering from a nasty blow he took on their last hunt and was walking with a limp and his right shoulder flared if he lifted his arm above rib height.
In the end they had done what they needed to do but it certainly wasn't pretty. Sam had taken out a few of the fuckers before he was pinned by two others. Dean had seen the pure panic on his little brother's face and saw red. He didn't know how he did it he tore his way through the nest until all that was left was a pile of bodies and a pile of heads (please tell me you get the reference). He hauled Sammy to his feet and slipped an arm under his shoulder when Sam almost collapsed. It was a slow trek to the Impala and a speedy car ride to the motel room before Dean relaxed at all.
Sam was patched up and fast asleep once Dean was sure he wasn't concussed before Dean finally allowed himself to let his guard down enough to pray to Cas.
"Cas, if you're not busy I could use some company." Dean admitted in a rare moment of vulnerability.
Not two minutes later, right when Dean was about to turn out the light, roll over and prepare for another sleepless night spent staring at the motel door came the soft flutter of feathers right behind Dean. He immediately turned and felt a deep, deep sense of relief flooding him.
"Hello Dean." Was all he said before he sat down on the edge of the mattress.
"Hey Cas." Dean breathed while he shuffled over to be sitting next to Cas.
They both sat there neither daring to move for fear of scaring off the other. Finally Dean took the leap of faith and gently placed his head on Cas' shoulder and let out a deep sigh as he relaxed.
"Hey Cas?" Dean asked, earning a hum to signal him to keep going.
"Why do you always come when I call?" The question had been eating at him for longer than he cared to admit and tonight was the night he decided to take the plunge.
Cas carefully considered his words, he knew that if he said the wrong thing he risked Dean shutting him out yet again and he would do almost anything to stop that from happening.
"Divine purposes." He said with a soft smile.
He had hoped that would be the right thing to say but when Dean sucked in a sharp, shaky breath Cas knew that he had said the wrong thing yet again.
"Is that it though? Is that the only reason you're still here, because God commanded it?" Dean refused to look at Cas, instead focussing on Sam and the slow rise and fall of his chest.
"Of course not. I went through hell because we needed you but I fell in love with you on the way. I fell in love with every centimetre of you, I fell in love with the pattern of your freckles and the scars that prove that you survived but most of all I fell in love with your mind, with how much you care, how you are willing to break yourself so that people you don't even know get to remain whole." During this Cas slipped his hand into Dean's feeling him tighten his grip when Cas mentioned his scars.
Dean stayed silent for a while but his grip on Cas' hand remained steady and he didn’t lift his head from his shoulder.
"Thank you," He said before shuffling back on the bed a bit.
Cas made to stand thinking that Dean was going to send him off anyways so he could sleep, only for Cas to feel Dean's hand shoot out and grab his wrist. Cas spun his head around to see Dean fighting for the right words and holding his wrist tight.
"Stay with me, please." Dean couldn't meet Cas' eyes, instead tracing the outline of his trench coat.
"Of course." He made to lift the covers on his but Dean's hand on his wrist stopped him. He tilted his head to the side, not sure why Dean was now pushing him away.
"Trench coat, belt and shoes remain outside the bed." He said with a tired grunt and a point in the general direction of the table that was in the centre of the room.
He was back at the side of the bed when he finished, still unsure of what to do when Dean reached out and yanked him onto the bed, where he's pulled the covers back.
Cas shuffles so that he's lying next to Dean who immediately snuggles up to him. Cas freezes for a second before he released a breath he didn't need and let his arms settle over Dean's back.
"Night Cas," Dean mumbled, muffled by the way his face was buried in the crook of Cas' neck.
"Goodnight Dean." Cas ran his fingers through Dean's hair and gently rubbed his back, lulling him to sleep.
If it's fuck arse early in the morning and Sam wakes up needing to pee and he sees his brother and the Angel tangled together and he takes a photo that's nobody's business.
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s-creations · 4 months
Fluctuates Chapter 1 - Confession
One-Shot entries for the #RadioStatic Week 2024.
Yep, I'm doing this again! I'm going to make sure that I can keep track with uploading this time. Also, I will be sticking with the Fluff path, because I need more Fluff with these two.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Alastor/Vox (RadioStatic) Warnings/Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Lots of Fluff because I want it, Rosie will be in this, Probably other characters not sure at the moment.
“This was a stupid idea.”
Vox felt the unease that had been bubbling inside his stomach for at least a week suddenly burn stronger. The Media Demon slinked down further into the cafe’s rather uncomfortable iron chairs as he checked his watch again. He had arrived at the closest thing to a French patisserie café that Hell had to offer about 30 minutes before the scheduled meeting time. The time he had set and told the other to arrive at. 
And for the past 25 of those minutes was spent looking like an idiot. Some passing sinners giving pitying looks as they passed. One even being stupid enough to try and offer comfort, believing that Vox had just been stood up. 
“Maybe it wasn’t meant to be.”
They are now a charred mark on the pavement. 
So now Vox had to contend with the fact that he looked like a love struck idiot while also fighting the nerves down. 
Why did he have to pick such a public place? Sure, he knew the café was the other demon’s favorite. Run by a citizen in Cannibal town that made strong black coffee, best combination. But this could end poorly, leaving a bad taste in both of their mouths. Plus, if Vox was gaining sympathy without anything actually happening to him, what would occur once his world fell apart? Would he be left alone to suffer? Would they never speak to each other again?
His attention snapped up hearing footsteps approaching the table. Shoulders rising in embarrassment when he just saw yet another random sinner passing. Said demon actually raised her hand to greet someone behind where Vox sat. Allowing Vox the decency to slide down once more in defeat. 
“Of course that’s not him. You know his habits. He’ll be right on time. Appearing out of nowhere, just to freak you out, like he always does. ‘Because you look so adorable when you’re startled’. Adorable…he called me adorable. That must mean something, right? Fuck, why is this so difficult. Am I reading too far into this? Does he have a preference? He’s never shown interest in anyone before, so why in the whole of Hell would he settle for me?”
“Goodness, you’re in deep thought there. What plan are you cooking up, old friend?”
Vox practically toppled out of the chair, startled by the sudden voice so close to him. Able to reach out to grab onto the table to stabilize himself and prevent anything hitting the ground. The chatter around them died down instantly, and not from the new arrival. Instead having all attention on the awkwardly angled Media Demon. 
On his part, Vox tried to slow his breathing as his eyes flicker up to Alastor. Who offered a gentle chuckle. 
“Are we a little on edge?” The Radio Demon asked, head tilting.
“Ah, kind of…” Vox replied back weakly. Screen turned a slight pink as he tried to straighten himself quickly. Missing the way Alastor turned to the unwanted audience. Face twisting dangerously as a silent warning, to which everyone understood immediately and they turned back to their business. 
Once standing, Vox straightened his jacket, cleared his throat, and gestured to the empty chair across the table with a, “Care to join me?”
“Well, you did invite me. It would be rude to refuse after getting here.” Propping his cane against the small table, Alastor easily flipped the end of his coat back as he sat down. Legs crossing as he fixed the other with a curious look. “Your letter seemed very adamant about us meeting. I’m so curious over what you’re wanting to talk about.”
The worry of how stupid he looked instantly disappeared. Original nerves returning to full force. Causing Vox to temporarily forget how speaking worked. His mouth opened and closed a few times with small noises falling out. Alastor just watched on with interest. Ears flickering as his smile softened. 
Finally able to collect himself to some degree, Vox practically blurted out, “How about we order something first, yeah? It’s been a while since we’ve shared a meal together.”
“I wouldn’t say it was that long, it was only a little over a week ago. But if you insist on the matter.”
Vox gave an internal cheer as he was able to avert the conversation that he asked to have a little longer. The server clearly nervous as she waited on them, more than happy to pass their orders to leave them alone as quickly as possible. 
“So,” Alastor started slowly as he finished his latest bite, “now would you feel comfortable with our discussion?”
“Uh…” Vox tapped his fork against the partially clear plate as his mind scrambled to figure out what to do. 
“You idiot, you ASKED HIM TO COME! If you just say it was to just share a meal, then you’re going to piss him off. Just fucking talk to him! Just…rip it off like a band aid, yeah? Just…Just do it. Get it over with… Would you fucking say something!?”
“I wanted to talk business!” Vox and those in close proximity winced as harsh feedback sound. The Media Demon wincing again seeing how upset Alastor looked. Clearing his throat, Vox started again.
“Um, what I meant to say was… We’ve known each other for a while now, yeah?”
“A few centuries at this point, I would say.”
“And we work well together, yeah?”
“I…suppose so. I don’t believe we’ve worked together that often.”
Vox pouted a bit at that. “We’ve taken down a few competitors together.”
“Oh Picture Box, I’ve taken down far more without you. However, I will admit, having you there has been not only helpful, but extremely fun. I never thought burnt sinner meat would be so fun to watch being created.” 
“But you…still like working with me.”
“Of course, never doubt that.”
Letting out a small cycle of relief, Vox nodded slightly. “Okay, so, since we work so well together-”
“As you’ve stated numerous times.” Alastor added as he took another bite.
“Right, just to emphasize my point really. Wouldn’t it make sense that we team up?”
The next bite was paused half way up to Alastor’s awaiting mouth. Hovering there for a few seconds before it was slowly lowered once more. While his smile never left, Vox could tell it wasn’t as ‘cheery’ as before. Appearing a bit tight now.
“Team…up… As in partners?”
“Yeah, partners!” Vox agreed quickly, heart hammering from fear. Because Alastor was not as calm as he had been when he’d arrived. Meaning the Radio Demon apparently did not like whatever Vox was selling and he had to make this work. 
“Partners, business partners I mean, not like- Anyway, doesn’t that make sense? We’re powerful, even more so when we’re together. And we represent the two biggest forms of delivering information. Radio and television! If you think downing sinners is fun now, wait until we have that edge of knowing everyone’s business! Blackmailing will be so easy, which will result in more contracts, which will result in more power! So…what do you think?”
For the bravado Vox was putting out, he was shaking. His own smile strained as tries to better gauge Alastor’s emotions. The other customers nearby seemed to know the tense atmosphere as they were leaning away from their table. Some outright fled as they threw money on the table. 
On his part, Alastor seemed unmoved. Smile small as he placed his utensils down and stared off into the distance. Hands clasped together as a finger tapped on the back of the other. As the minutes passed, the more hopeless Vox felt. Wanting to say something that could save this no doubt dying relationship, but didn’t know what he could say. Even worried that uttering a single noise would result in his head being popped off. 
The torturous time ended when Alastor picked his fork back up to take another bite. “Is this just a business meeting, Vox?”
Said demon was a little off put by the question, “What…do you mean? What else would I be talking about?”
“I’ve never held a possible business meeting at a café before. Even more so, not one that’s my favorite.”
“Maybe…I wanted you to feel more welcomed to the idea?” Even Vox knew that was a stupid excuse. One that Alastor did not take. 
“You’re also nervous in the wrong way.”
“There’s a right way to be nervous?”
“I’ve had offers before this,” Alastor continued, “Those individuals weren’t nervous, they were cocky. They held the same reasoning and logic as you brought up as to why I should join them. But they only became nervous when I said no. And then began to tear them and their workers apart. Still, nerves were not present on the forefront of the matter. You, however, have been a nervous wreck from before I even sat down.” 
“Well…I’m probably a smaller business owner than those previous to me.” 
“Do you think I would hurt you?”
“No… Yes? I-I can never tell with you, if I’m honest.”
“Nothing to be ashamed about. I do have that air of mystery about me. Will I kill you psychologically? Will I actually kill you? Who knows. But if I can calm your possible fears about that. No, I would never kill you.” 
Vox’s heart skipped a beat in happiness. “Really?”
“I wouldn’t lie about that. So, if I’m going to be honest with you, why don’t you be honest with me? What’s the purpose of this little meeting Vox?”
Knowing he’d beck talked into a corner, the slouched position returned. Vox uncomfortably aware they were the center of attention still. Nervously clawing at the tabletop, he whispered out, “Are you…interested in going steady?”
“Pardon? I couldn’t quite hear you.” Alastor said with his full smile back, chin resting on his hand. 
“Do you want to- Would you be interested in dating?” 
Whelp, Vox really wanted to throw up at this point. Unable to look up as he awaited for some kind of answer. Maybe if he’s killed, he’ll be taken out fast enough to be out of this situation. Even be given a chance to reform in a quiet area so he could lick his wounds in a different way alone. 
“I suppose if I were able to give anyone a chance, it should be you.”
Vox’s head snapped up at that. Wide eyes narrowed in on Alastor, who looked so at ease for what they were talking about. “Wait- really? You…You really want to… Really? But you’ve never shown interest in anything romantic to anyone, ever.”
“Because that would mean I found them interesting, and I don’t. Unlike you. You can hold my attention for hours, and I’ve not held that for another soul in years. If you’re wanting to pursue something of a relationship, then I’m more than happy to try.” 
“Um, yes, please! That would be great!” Nerves were now replaced with giddiness to the point where Vox was worried he’d be shorting out soon. Something that Alastor caught on to very quickly. 
“Try and breathe, my Picture Box, you’re going to make yourself faint.” Reaching over, Alastor gently took one of Vox’s hands. 
Instead of helping, Vox’s head jerked to the side before the screen flickered and turned dark. Alastor was quick to react with his shadow double popping up to keep the other demon in the chair. 
Laughing softly, Alastor turned to one of the cowering patrons. “He’s going to be the next Overlord. Such a charmer, this one.”
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eryiss · 19 days
Fraxus Week 2024 - Day 5: Solace
Description: Taking over the guild was always going to be a struggle. But maybe he had underestimated just how tough it would be. But having a husband who could bend the rules of time helped. Quite a lot, actually.
Notes: Day five, still hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus. Overpowered Freed and overworked Laxus. Fluff and comfort abound.
Link: Ao3
To Live In The Moment
Laxus was not a man to back down from a challenge. He wasn't the type to take on something he had no hope of completing. He wasn't the type to let things get on top of him and to crumble under the stress. But being the guild master of Fairy Tail was proving to be a much greater test than he had thought it would, and he was starting to crack.
He expected a lot of crap. He wasn't stupid.
Natsu and his team of idiots were inevitably going to destroy a well-loved building, and Laxus was going to have to sort it out. The pandemonium around Loke changing his hair and wearing a suit with a different cut was going to bring crowds to the guildhall, and Laxus would end up having to apologise to the local council for the mess that was made. Someone with a vendetta against the guild would rear their head and attack the city with frankly preposterous levels of power to assuage their vendetta, and it would be up to Laxus to rally the town and the guild to rebuild it all.
He was fine with that. Hell, with the last one, he probably owed the city. Him, his husband, and his husband's team had held the entire city hostage with frankly preposterous levels of power in an attempt to assuage a vendetta, after all.
But he hadn't realised it would be so much so regularly.
And there were so many meetings. Why hadn't the old man told him how many meetings there would be before running off to retirement?
Case in point, the Grand Magic Games were happening again, and the core Guilds of the country had all been called to meet. Given that the games were a hotbed of corruption in the past and had been used by dark guilds to legitimise themselves in the public eye only to reveal their true hands when they'd gathered enough members, masters and representatives had been called. They needed to figure out a way to make the games safe, and fun. A task which, at the five-hour mark, seemed unattainable.
Ideas were thrown out from everyone, but there was always a complaint ready. One idea was too restrictive and spat in the face of the Games core values. Another was too unsafe and left people open to attack. Every idea had a criticism aimed at it, and it had taken Laxus around thirty minutes to conclude that they wouldn't come up with anything workable.
Five hours in, he had yet to be disavowed of the notion.
Also, Freed, who Laxus had brought with him as both moral support and as a smart guy who had good ideas, had left about half an hour ago and had yet to return. So, Laxus was left with nobody in his corner, watching as the two spectrums of guild master fought one another, with no idea how to stop them.
That was until they all just stopped.
Not stopped in that they calmed down and stopped talking. Stopped as in they froze. As in no movement whatsoever, sudden total silence that made Laxus very aware of his heartbeat. A blob of spittle was even suspended in the middle of the air. Laxus lurched up, which was made difficult as his chair was unmoving as if bolted to the ground, and allowed lightning to crackle around him, ready to attack whoever had caused this.
A figure slid through the partially opened door, and Laxus turned to face them, only to see Freed walking in with a hand raised placatingly. "It's me. It's fine. I'm doing this."
Laxus let his posture slip, but he was still on edge. "Why?"
"Because frankly, this meeting is the most longwinded, irritating onslaught of nonsense that I've ever had to endure, and if I had to stick in there for another moment, I would shove my sword into my neck," Freed shrugged. It was definitely him them. "I thought you might be feeling the same way and wanted to give you a break."
"Oh," Laxus looked over the table of arguing idiots. "Thanks. Little question, not important, but when the hell did you become able to stop time?"
"I've been able to do it for a few weeks, though it's a work in progress," he turned to the door and kicked it as if to prove his point. The door didn't move an inch. "I can make it so time stops, and I stop it affecting certain people, but I can't move structures that I don't have direct contact with. I can make small areas of exception, but nothing big enough for practicality yet."
"Still impressive."
"I suppose. I just have a few kinks to iron out. But that'll come in time."
Laxus wrapped an arm around Freed's shoulders. "Keep a couple of your kinks. I like 'em."
"As has been made abundantly clear," Freed grinned. "Come on. I've got you some food."
Freed slid through the half open door again, and Laxus did the same with a bit of difficulty. They walked down a spiral staircase, having to avoid a couple of frozen people as they did so. It was weird, seeing people frozen in time. Their expressions were so unguarded, so unprepared. It was surreal, but the quiet and the stillness was serene.
Following Freed, Laxus managed to leave the council building through a series of corridors, passages and the occasional open window. He didn't know how Freed had mapped out such a route, and didn't care to ask. He rolled out his shoulders; glad to be out of the stuffy, angry room.
Once they were out on the street, Freed guided him to a small bench. Fast food from one of Laxus' favourite places was there, and Freed picked them up easily. He handed Laxus a small tub containing a burger, some chicken wings and a pile of fries. There was also a milkshake waiting on the bench. Apparently, they were sharing, because Freed took to holding the milkshake and reached into the tub to get some fries for himself.
"Exclusion zone, right?" Laxus asked as he hefted the food. It was mainly an invitation for Freed to talk about his magic. Laxus loved listening to Freed when he did that. He cared so much; it was obvious.
"Yes. It was either that or strip naked and cover myself in meat and salt."
Laxus also liked hearing Freed talk about himself naked. "That'd be hot as fuck."
"Depending on how quickly I did it after cooking, it might be scalding."
"Nah, you'd have the milkshake all over ya to help," Laxus grinned. "You'd look good covered in a milkshake."
Freed gave him a look. "I'm very glad you're comfortable speaking your mind with me Laxus, but I do sometimes wonder what goes on in there."
"Last year, you told me all you wanted for your birthday was for me to dress up in a wrestling singlet, work out intense like for two hours, then screw you before I could have a shower," Laxus grinned a little at the memory. It felt like a gift for him as well as for Freed. "If you're allowed to like me all sweaty, then I'm allowed to like you covered in milkshake."
"Bit of a false equivalency, I think, but I'll let it slide," Freed laughed. "I don't suppose you managed to reach an agreement after I left the meeting."
"Not even close," Laxus groaned. "I swear they're just arguing because they enjoy it."
"I wouldn't be surprised."
They chatted idly as they walked down the frozen streets of the capital, Laxus very quickly becoming accustomed to the near silence of a bustling city, and the frozen statues that were going about their days. The food was good, and Laxus would take a walk with his husband over being in the middle of a crowded town any day. They didn't focus on the meeting for too long, and Laxus happily sat back and listened as his husband talked him through the intricacies of his time stopping spell.
As Freed was explaining how it's not as difficult as it might seen, and any rune mage with a high level of proficiency could cast it, they came across a small decorative lake. Laxus halted, looking at the lake. Freed noticed a moment later and stopped.
"How does it work with water?" Laxus asked. "Is that solid too, or would we still get wet."
"Entirely solid," Freed said as he walked towards it. Laxus trailed after him. "It's a little disconcerting to see moving water so still, and it took me a few tests to work up the gumption to actually walk on a body of water, but it's as solid as the ground. Just takes a little time to get used to it."
Laxus looked down at the unmoving water, then nudged a raised ripple with the toe of his boot. It was like nudging stone. He slowly placed a foot onto it, then another, testing the weight for a moment as if expecting the spell to break. Freed had no such reservation and started to walk across the water's surface with ease. Laxus copied him, though his hesitance remained.
"And I still can't convince you to join the GMG team this year," Laxus as they walked across the water. "I think the guy powerful enough to stop time might be a pretty good asset."
"As I said, I'm not a show pony to be trotted out," Freed laughed, turning to face Laxus and grinning at him. "We're not all you, dear."
Freed leant in to peck a kiss on Laxus' lips. Laxus bit Freed's bottom lip as a little revenge for the jibe. He stayed there, his hands on Freed's waist in the middle of a lake frozen by time, surrounded by a city, or perhaps a world, that stopped moving. All because his husband knew he was getting stressed in a meeting, and a little walk and something to eat would sort his mind out.
"You're amazing, you know that?"
"Oh don't," Freed chastised. He was never one for taking genuine praise well.
"I mean it."
"Fine," Laxus conceded. "Seriously, though, you got any idea how good this spell is gonna be the next time we have to fight someone trying to kill everyone. Takes away pretty much any ticking clock we have to deal with, gives us the chance to regroup and strategies in the middle of a fight, and basically lets anyone you like teleport. It's amazing. How many people can you give exceptions to, d'you know?"
"Well, you're the first person I've actually done it with. My working theory is around twenty. I think any more, the magical drain would be too great, and the spell would crash without my say so," Freed looked considering. "Although, having one person as an exception isn't as draining as I thought, so perhaps I might sustain more."
"Or maybe you just like my company so much you don't notice?" Laxus suggested with a smirk.
"You know all it would take would be the click of my fingers and I'll start time up again and dunk you completely in this very cold water."
"You'd dunk yourself too," Laxus cooed. "And what's so wrong with you admitting you like talking to me? You married me."
"Nothing at all. I just like seeing you wet." Freed leant in a little closer.
"And I like seeing you covered in milkshake." Laxus leant in closer too.
"You've never seen that." Closer.
"My birthday's coming up." Closer.
"Maybe if you're good." Closer.
"And if I'm bad." Closer.
"Oh, I think we've well established how I punish you, Laxus." Closer.
"If it happens so often, maybe it's not working." Closer.
Freed just laughed, then pulled his husband into a slow, languishing, luxurious kiss. Laxus tangled his hand up in Freed's soft hair and pushed his body against Freed's just enough to feel tingles running down him.
Damn he'd needed this. Needed the break form the work and the time to indulge with the man he loved more than anyone else. He loved his guild, but he loved his husband more. Sometimes he thought that the world stopped when it was just him and Freed together – that nothing else was important when he had his husband in his mind – but to have that come to reality was a magic unlike anything Laxus had ever known.
Maybe that's why Freed had done it. Laxus had confessed those feelings once, and now Freed had a spell to make it happen. He could ask but knew Freed would deny it. He was a proud man, and if he didn't offer you his feelings, then it was best not to pry and try to get them out of him.
"We should probably get back," Laxus said regrettably as he pulled away. "If we stay out any longer, I'll end up asking you to take us both home. Probably wouldn't be good for inter-guild unity if we did that."
"Probably not," Freed said, taking Laxus' hand absently as they walked to the shore of the lake. "We can take the scenic route, though."
The walk back was a slow and indulgent thing, even if the ending was marred by the peculiar route back into the meeting room. Laxus struggled to make his way through the half open door, and took his seat again, raising an eyebrow at Freed, who didn't move. "Aren't they gonna be weirded out that you're just suddenly in the room?"
"They look occupied," Freed shrugged. "It's possible that they might not notice."
Laxus looked at the frozen argument that was taking place before him and sighed. He leant back and ran a hand over his face in tired exasperation. He needed to remember that the guild needed a leader, and that he was the best person for it. The days like this would come and go, but the good would outweigh the bad. Even if the bad was so very very annoying.
"Thanks for doing this for me," he said as he sat up straight again. "I do appreciate it."
"Anytime," Freed waved off the thanks. "You ready?"
"As I'll ever be."
Freed clicked his finger, time fell back into place, and the moment was over.
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