#vaz prizrak bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Bucky Barnes x Female!Agent Reader
-pics not mine, especially the artwork of the female winter soldier, massive credit to whoever created it. I only made these covers-
Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Soldat | Dorogaya | Besplatno
-please read these beforehand.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#Spotify
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Six
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
The rain pelted hard to the pavement under my feet while I chased the cries of the man as he crawled away from me. Blood pooled from the hole in his stomach and he pressed a hand against it, hoping it would stop the bleeding.
“Please, I’m not who you think I am!,” he cried, falling to his back.
He looked up at me, horror in his eyes as he pleaded for his life in Russian. The language was still familiar to me after all these years.
“I won’t stop until every single one of you Hydra dicks are bleeding out in the streets,” I hissed while pulling the large knife from the sheath of my black, leather suit.
His screams seized when the blade gilded across his throat, blood splattering over the exposed skin of my face. I wiped the blade on the arms of my suit to clean the blood before putting it back to its place. The mask on my face had protected it against the rest of the blood spatter, thankfully, so I looked up into the sky to let the rain wash away whatever blood I had left.
My fingers worked fast to braid my long hair to the side, the new length bothering me. A new message on my phone indicated a new address from my source and knowing that it was only a few blocks away, I let my heavy boots guide the way.
“You’re my everything, dorogaya.”
I shook the voice from my head, not allowing it to distract me from my current mission.
The flame shield in front of me saved me from the oncoming rounds of bullets as I walked with ease to the men who were behind the guns. The shield evaporated in my hands while I pulled a gun from my belt, firing my own rounds of bullets; all hitting their marks.
With their bodies lying scattered throughout the somewhat empty warehouse, I spent the new alone time looking through the countless piles of boxes, hoping to find what I needed.
“I know you’re here somewhere,” I muttered, fingers working through the piles of papers.
“STOP RIGHT THERE!” A man yelled, gun shaking in hands with clear fear.
I peaked over my shoulder and with an annoyed sigh, I threw a fire ball towards the new soldier of Hydra who appeared out of nowhere and watched as he fell to ash.
“Weak,” I spat towards the pile of ash. “You’re all weak.”
“Check the file cabinet, dorogaya.”
Staring at the cabinet in front of me, I followed the voice's direction and once I opened the bottom drawer, I smiled in victory.
A red leather bound book with the black star on the front.
After all of the events in Germany, the book that had controlled the Winter Soldier went missing. There were rumors that Hydra stole it again, hoping to use it to create another Winter Soldier.
I refused to let that happen.
Once the book was safely in my backpack, I slung it over my shoulder before walking outside and checked my phone for another update from my source.
He’s at his house. It’s a four mile walk. I sent a car to your current location, and should be pulling up in seconds.
A slick black car pulled to a stop in front of me and with a smirk, I climbed into the backseat and gave the driver the address.
The heel of my boot pressed deeper into the guards throat, locking him into place on the hard ground. He struggled to breath while his hands failed to claw at my legs.
“Where is he?” I demanded.
“Fuck you.” The guard struggled to breath under my boot. “Hail Hy-.”
He fell to a pile of ash at my feet, the flames burning through the leather gloves.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that line before.” I groaned, brushing the dust off of my boots.
The large double staircase stood in front of me and my gaze followed the marble floors to a random doorway at the end of the hall. It didn’t fit well with the other doors and satire of the home.
“Bingo,” I smirked when the door opened, showing a staircase leading somewhere underground.
My feet went to turn left at the bottom of the stairs but the soft voice in my head told me to go right; it never steered me wrong.
“I can’t believe he did it.”
Spinning on my heels, I brought the flames to life as I stared directly into the eyes of the man I had been looking for the past five years. He was the head of Hydra in Russia and rumor had it, he had a hand in making Bucky The Winter Soldier. The grey in his hairs indicated that he was a lot older than I had imagined.
He was the last one on my very long list.
“Pierce? Yeah, old news,” I shrugged.
The old man pointed towards my face. “You look just like Soldat, with his mask.”
The mask over my mouth felt heavy with the utter of the name that I hadn’t heard in so long. Not only had my suit changed, all black leather, I had decided to start wearing Bucky’s mask, the one he wore when I first saw him again; when Steve and I were chasing him on the roof.
“I heard he was a casualty of the snap,” the man clicked his tongue. “He became weak when he found you. I told them that it was a bad idea to let you in his life. Soldat didn’t need love.”
“Man, shut the hell up,” I cursed, ending his life with a fast bullet to the head.
I was so quick that he hadn't seen it coming; my powers intensifying my reflexes over the years.
As I stared at the lifeless body, my shoulders slumped with a loud sigh.
“Well this was very anti-climatic,” I mumbled.
After stuffing my bag with a couple handfuls of stacks of bills, I maneuvered over the few bodies that had run cold as I made my way back outside. The rain had intensified, coming down from the sky fast. I was drenched from head to toe in seconds.
“You’ve been busy.”
Raising my gun to the new voice, my hard gaze met with a pair of solid blue eyes that stared at me with sadness. Even under the darkness from his umbrella, I could tell who it was. I would never forget what the softness of his face looked like.
“Well if it isn’t Captain America, here to save the day. News flash, I don’t need fucking saving.” I seethed, pulling the mask off of my face.
“You’ve left a lot of bodies in your path, Y/N. What you’ve been doing is dangerous,” Steve said, trying to take a step towards me.
I jumped away from him.
“They deserved it,” I merely shrugged, as if the thought of killing people without a second thought didn’t bother me. “Clint tell you where I was?”
Steve nodded. “He mentioned that you two traveled together for a while before splitting up.”
It was my turn to nod. “Which means that Nat also found Clint.”
“I think you need to come home,” Steve said.
“I don’t have a home! My home dusted away in the snap five fucking years ago!” I yelled, my screams breaking the glass of the house behind me.
My screams have left Steve unfazed, almost becoming used to it.
I had turned my back on him, ready to walk away, but his next words caused me to freeze in place.
“We can bring him home, Y/N. We can bring them all home.” Steve's voice was soft but firm.
In a quick instant, I had Steve pressed hard to the ground, pinning him with my hips. My sharp blade was pressed hard into the vein in his throat. I could end it all for Captain America with one quick slash.
“Don’t,” my bottom lip trembled while I let out a shaky breath. “Don’t give me hope.”
Steve raised a hand to move a strand of hair that had fallen out of the braid and with a longing gaze into his eyes, I felt it in my heart that he was telling me the truth. He had somehow found a way to bring everyone back from the snap.
One mission had ended, another one began.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Epilouge
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: The end for the trilogy is finally here! I also wrote a one shot that takes place between Dorogaya and Vaz Prizrak. I'll link it at the bottom. I know Bucky's story continues on in The Falcon and Winter Solider but I have no plans on continuing this story for that storyline. It ends here for these two 🖤
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife @winterassassin1804
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Besplatno One Shot | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
The sound of laughter and hushed voices woke me, eyes opening slowly to allow the morning sun to adjust to my gaze. The windows were open wide, birds chirping and the loons on the lake were my usual wake up call. Not the loud noise of pans and plates clattering to the ground, breaking.
I rolled out of bed, throwing Bucky’s shirt from last night over my body and quickly stepped into a pair of shorts. The coldness of the floors tickled my bare feet as I tiptoed my way down the long hallway towards the voices, who tried their best to keep quiet but failed.
While I leaned against the wall that faced the kitchen, the three bodies had their backs turned to me but I couldn’t keep a straight face when I saw the mess of eggs and flour all over the kitchen counter and floors. A grin spread widely to my lips as I thought about how we had gotten here, a very long and hard road.
“Bucky, please drop it,” I sighed as we walked into our bedroom.
“I don’t understand why you get so weird and defensive when I bring up kids. It’s been two years, doll.” Bucky said with slight annoyance.
“I’m not ready yet.” I lied while I changed into a pair of pajamas.
We had returned from Steve’s place after our weekly dinner night with him and Sam. Every time, Bucky would bring up kids but I would always find a way to deter the conversation. I continued to lie to him, saying that I’m not ready for kids, but in truth I was afraid of telling him about the one we lost during the snap. I had kept that secret from him for so long, what would stop him from leaving me because of it?
“You’ve said that for the last two years. How much longer am I going to have to wait?” Bucky asked exasperated, pinching his eyes closed.
“Can we please talk about something else,” I begged while climbing into bed.
Bucky remained standing at the end of the bed, hands stuffed deep into his jean pockets. “Do you not want to have kids with me?”
My heart shattered, falling into the pit of my stomach at the brokenness of his voice, hearing the waverness of it. His chest rose and fell heavily, awaiting my answer.
I knew that I couldn’t keep the secret buried away any longer; he deserved to know the truth.
Sitting up on my knees, I reached for his vibranium hand, pulling him down to our bed. He sat next to me and linked our fingers together.
“I want to have kids with you, Bucky. I want to have little feet running up and down these halls. But there’s something I have to tell you.”
Feeling waves of dread radiating off of him, I squeezed his hand.
“Back in Wakanda after Thanos snapped half of the population away, I not only lost you but our baby was snapped away,” I finally admitted after all these years.
Bucky’s eyes widen slightly at the news, heavy, deep, breaths escaping through his nose.
“You were pregnant?” He asked after a moment of silence.
I nodded.
“Two years later after getting you back, I still don’t understand why our baby hasn't come back. So I’m afraid of trying again. What if I can’t get pregnant because of what happened?”
Bucky gently lifted me into his lap, hands sprawled over my hips. He gave them a reassuring squeeze, something he did quite often to let me know that he wasn’t upset with me.
“Why didn’t you tell me years ago?” Bucky questioned.
“You were finally back and in such a good place, mentally. I couldn’t ruin that,” I admitted.
He brushed his nose against mine, a comforting action from him that I adored.
“Please don’t worry about ruining anything.”
I nodded, finally feeling a weight being lifted from my shoulders. That admission had been weighing me down for so long and I knew that it was getting in between us from moving onto the next stage of our relationship.
“Are you mad?” I questioned while locking my arms around his neck.
My fingers played with the ends of his short hair.
“Of course not, doll.”
Sighing in relief, I laid a soft kiss over his plump lips. “I love you, Bucky.”
Another shared kiss between us.
“I love you too, dorogaya.”
Two months later, I screeched in joy at the two pink lines on the stick I had clutched tightly in my hand. Bucky was ecstatic at the news that he danced with me throughout our entire home, Ivan following behind with a happy expression.
I coughed, finally gaining the attention of the three bodies in the kitchen. They all turned on their heels with a guilty expression on their faces.
Wth my arms crossed over my chest, I nodded towards the mess.
“Who’s to blame for the mess?” I mocked angrily.
The two looked at each other before pointing up towards Bucky’s.
“It was his idea!” They shouted at the same time.
Bucky’s lips parted, a shocked expression on his face. “You guys threw me under the bus that fast?”
“It’s mom! If we lied, she probably would have set the room on fire!”
I scoffed. “I did that one time! You girls won’t let me live that down?”
The young brunette shook her head. “Mom, you burned down our playroom because dad ate the last brownie.”
Bucky bit back a laugh, remembering the memory that happened only a few months ago.
“You know, for only five years old, you girls are savages,” I giggled while ruffling their hair. “So whose bright idea was to bake a cake at eight in the morning?”
The young blonde raised her hand high. “It was mine! Dad said it would make you less mad with us.”
I raised my brow at the curly haired girl. “Less mad for what?”
The two girls looked at Bucky, slight fear on their tiny faces.
Suddenly, Ivan started barking and scratching at the girl's bedroom door, something getting his attention.
“Natasha and Rebecca Barnes, why is Ivan trying to break down your door?” I questioned while pointing towards it.
The twin girls shared a quick look before sprinting towards their room, hoping to stop me from entering inside. Even if their hair color were different, they were the spitting image of each other and their father, when he was their age.
“Bucky?” I questioned, looking over towards him.
“Don’t be mad, doll.”
He placed his hands on my shoulders, lightly rubbing them, as he led me towards our daughter's bedroom.
Natasha, the blonde, had her hands behind her back while sitting on her bed. Rebecca was sitting on her own bed, holding Ivan away from Natasha.
“Natasha, I swear to everything good in the sky if there is a rodent behind your back, I will shoot fire out of my hands towards it,” I said sternly.
As strong of a woman and fighter I was, rodents were something that I couldn’t deal with. One of my biggest fears.
Slowly, Natasha pulled the fury creature from behind her, the white fur shining bright in the sunlight. It was purring loudly, excited for all the love it was getting from Natahsa.
“Where the hell did that come from?” I cursed.
“Language,” Bucky breathed in my ear.
“Girls, where did you find the cat?” I questioned.
Bucky kept rubbing my shoulders, hoping to ease the tension I felt building in them.
“Her name is Alpine. She was outside, covered in mud and starving!” Rebbecca claimed while sitting next to her sister.
“Dad said that we could bring her inside and keep her!” Natasha stated.
I peaked over my shoulder towards Bucky, who wore a sorrowful look on his face. The guilt radiated off of him onto my skin, making it crawl.
“They were so happy, doll. I couldn’t say no!” He defended.
With a long sigh, I gave our daughters a nod, letting them know that they could keep the cat; on one condition.
“You two have to feed her and clean the litter box every day,” I pointed towards them.
“We already do!” Rebecca stated with a smile.
My eyes widened. “How long have you been hiding the cat in here?”
Bucky bit his bottom lip, not wanting to say, but with the look I was giving him, he knew that if he wanted to sleep in the bed tonight that he would.
“A week.”
Rolling my eyes, I walked out of the girls room and out towards the back deck, needing fresh air. I sat on one of our many deck chairs, slowly steading my breaths. There were a few moments of peace, the lake immediately calming my rising blood pressure. I couldn’t afford to let the stress bother me. I needed to take it easy.
Bucky walked outside, kneeling in front of me and laced our hands together.
“Are you upset?” He questioned.
I shook my head. “No. I’m only worried about the responsibility. Now really wasn’t the best time for a new pet, Buck.”
He nodded, placing his vibranium fingers over my growing stomach. A smile pulled to his lips when he felt a small kick.
“I know I should have talked to you about it, doll, but the girls were so happy. There’s a lot of change coming in just a few weeks, they deserve something that will make them happy.”
I nodded, agreeing with Bucky’s statement, while he played with my fingers on my left hand. The black stone caught the sunlight, nearly blinding us, and the gold band matched the glow. It mirrored the necklace that Bucky bought me on my birthday back in Bucharest. I still wore it to this day. Bucky wore a black ring to match, however it was on his right hand.
“I think I’ve got enough metal on my left hand.”
“Do you ever wish that you had your big wedding?” Bucky wondered out loud.
Without hesitation, I shook my head. “Our wedding was everything I could ever want. Us, Steve, and Sam. In front of our lake and in our own home. That’s the kind of wedding I dreamed of, Bucky.”
To put the stamp on that answer, I gave him a loving kiss on his lips. With the heat radiating off of him and his hands digging deep into my hips, I ran my hand through his hair, pulling on the ends.
We both pulled away and looked towards the back door, our daughters watching us with a disgusted look. Bucky and I shared a laugh while I wiped my lips with a finger.
“Do you girls need something?” I asked with a smile.
Natasha pointed inside. “Uncle Sam and Uncle Steve are here. They sent us to ask you something.”
“Can we have some cake?” Rebecca asked, interrupting her sister.
Bucky shook his head. “Leave it to your uncles to fill you up on sugar when they’re not the ones that have to deal with you tonight.”
I immediately waved him off, while asking him to help me to my feet. Eight months pregnant with a super soldier’s baby made it nearly impossible to do anything on my own.
“I think cake for breakfast is a wonderful idea!” I smiled, giving kisses to the top of my daughter's head. “Don’t you think babe?”
Bucky stared at me with love and adoration in his eyes before breaking out into a large grin, a sweet laugh escaping his throat.
“I think your brother is the one who wants cake for breakfast, not your mother,” he joked while wrapping an arm around me, leading us all inside.
Our lives had been everything we ever wanted and reamed of, a beautiful family with healthy kids and animals. No thoughts of a war looming or death awaiting one of us from an enemy. We both had gone through hell in our past, together and alone, but that’s what made us stronger.
Bucky would always be my Soldat and I, his dorogaya.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Besplatno: One Shot
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky needed to make sure he was free from Soldat before continuing on his life with his dorogaya.
Authors Note: This takes place in the Soldat universe, in between Dorogaya and Vaz Prizrak!
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife @winterassassin1804
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
The soft sounds of the woods danced around us as we made our final descent to the one flat lining of the mountain. Bucky trailed behind so with a soft look over my shoulder towards him, I extended my hand to him.
“It’s going to be okay,” I reassured him.
He merely nodded and with his only hand, linked our fingers together. The feeling of fear and self doubt filled my veins when our skin grazed over each other. There were a lot of questions, whether this was a good idea or if we’re far away from the city square of Wakanda, in case this backfired.
Ayo reassured us that it would be fine; Shuri’s work had cleared the trigger words from Bucky’s mind now we had to test it.
“This will do,” Ayo said while looking around.
I nodded and motioned for Bucky to sit on the ground in front of a pile of wood. With a fast snap, fire spread from the tips of my fingers to the pile of wood, flames spreading with ease. The warmth of the fire circled around us as I sat down next to Bucky.
“What’s on your mind?” I questioned.
He kept quiet, only shrugging.
I let out a soft sigh and placed my hand on his knee, forcing him to look into my eyes. “Even though I can feel what you feel, Buck, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to hear the words from your mouth.”
“I’m scared,” he admitted, finally.
Tears welled into the corners of his eyes, indicating that Bucky was seconds away from breaking down.
It had been a couple of days after he had awoken in Shuri’s lab and we had spent that time just the two of us in our hut, catching up on the last few weeks. The calm bubble that we had encased ourselves in had popped when Ayo came to visit.
“King T’challa wants to make sure the Winter Soldier is gone.”
Her words had rang a very large bell in my head, making me realize that we were so engrossed in our love for one another, that neither of us had stopped to think what if Shuri’s hard work hadn’t actually worked.
I knelt down in front of him and placed my hands on both sides of his face. Our gazes locked, hard, and I let out a deep breath hoping it would calm my nerves.
I didn’t want to let Bucky know that he wasn’t the only one scared; I was fucking terrified. Even though Soldat and I had so much history together, I wanted to never see him again.
There was that deep lingering fear that the other part of him truly wasn’t gone.
Ayo pulled me to the side, making sure that we were out of earshot of Bucky’s supersoldier hearing.
“If this doesn’t work, you need to make sure you can control him,” Ayo stated.
“I know,” I nodded. “But this will work. It has to.”
It was Ayo’s turn to nod, only hers was more strict and believable. She had been one of the only Dora Milaje that had been assigned to keep an extra eye on Bucky. She took extra care in making sure that we were settled comfortably and had everything we needed.
Ayo, in my eyes, was our guardian angel. I owed her so much for taking care of the both of us.
“It’s time,” she spoke.
I resumed my spot kneeling in front of Bucky. He had his eyes trained hard on the dirt below, a million things running through his mind. He didn’t have to utter a word for me to know what he was thinking of.
“I will not hate you if this doesn’t work, Bucky.”
His bottom lip trembled. “Please don’t leave me.”
My own tears rolled down my cheeks at his broken words and I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach.
“I will never leave you.” I vowed to him.
A broken sob fell from his lips while he buried his face into my neck. He breathed in my scent, calming himself immediately.
“You’re breaking my heart, Bucky.” I sobbed.
I felt his warm tears run down the exposed skin of my neck and chest before Bucky pulled back, locking our eyes together once more.
“I love you, dorogaya.”
I gave him my best smile and placed a firm kiss onto his lips. Both of our lips melded and moved so well together, his tongue danced with mine and I could feel the fire burning low in my core. Needing a breath of air, I sadly pulled away from Bucky and saw the light behind his eyes slowly fading. No matter what I said to him, my words couldn’t put him at ease.
“I love you too, Bucky. So much,” I gave him one last kiss.
“James, are you ready?”
Both of our gazes fell onto Ayo and he reluctantly nodded. I clasped his hand with my own and forced him to look at me the entire time Ayo spoke the ten trigger words.
“It’s not going to work,” Bucky cried.
“It will. You have to believe that it will.”
Ayo spoke the dreaded words in Russian and Bucky had broken down in front of me. The tears fell fast from his broken eyes as he clenched in Soldat tight, fighting within not to free him.
“It’s okay. I’m right here,” I cupped his face, keeping his eyes straight on me.
“Please don’t leave me, doll.” He begged.
I shook my head, my own tears pouring from my eyes. “You’re stuck with me, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”
There were two more words left and the fear I felt oozing off of Bucky had nearly knocked me to my ass. His shoulders shook with sobs while his body fell towards me.
“It’s okay,” I hushed his fears.
“Just look at me,” I placed my finger under his chin. “Focus on my voice.”
An eerie silence fell over us as we continued to stare at one another, wondering if Soldat would break his way through Bucky’s gates. His eyes were unreliable, an expression I had never read on his face before. The feeling, however, was something I recognized almost immediately.
“Bucky?” I questioned.
With his only hand, Bucky cupped my cheek and gave me a quick nod.
Happy sobs erupted from my throat and I looked at Ayo, who also had a smile across her hard features.
“You are free,” she assured.
I wrapped my arms around Bucky’s neck, pulling his body into my own and as we melded together, I crashed my lips onto his. They moved in sync, like earlier, and when his hand gripped my hip tight, I knew in that silent cue that he said everything he couldn’t actually say.
He was free. No more fear of someone finding out what those words were and use them against him. Bucky was finally able to move on and heal from his past. We both were able to move on together and enjoy the calm of Wakanda.
“I love you so much, doll. Thank you.” Bucky muttered against my lips.
I smiled against his lips, molding them tougher once more.
“I love you too, Bucky. No matter what.”
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Fifteen
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
“Doll, you have to wake up.”
“Come on love, you have to get up.
“GET UP, Y/N!”
My eyes snapped open with a sudden alert, fire shooting from my hands towards the man that loomed over me.
“Hey, it’s me. It’s Steve.” He grabbed my hands, allowing me to calm my fear for a moment.
The pain had set in, deep into my bones, so I let Steve gently pull me to my feet. Our former home that was the Avengers compound laid at our feet in a pile of rubble.
“Are you okay?” Steve questioned as he gave me a quick once over.
“Besides the splitting headache, I’m fine. What happened?”
He looked around, confused, before shaking his head.
“I don’t know.” He answered.
“When you mess with time, it tends to mess back.” Tony said, coming behind us. “C’mon, you’ll see.”
He motioned towards the edge of the makeshift cliff made from the debris where Thor stood, staring down at something below. A gasp of horror fell from my lips when I saw what our current situation was; a large space ship floated idly in the sky and someone we never thought we would have to face again.
Thanos sat waiting for something, possibly a fight.
“How can this be? You killed him,” I mentioned to Thor.
“I have no idea,” he shook his head, equally confused as the rest of us.
“Where are all the stones?” Steve asked.
“Somewhere under all of this.”
I nodded. “Good, let’s keep it that way.”
“It’s probably a trap, right?” Thor stated.
“I don’t much care,” Tony shrugged.
Thor called Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, lighting striking down around us, while I let the fire burn warm to my fingertips, the flames dancing in sync with the wind. Over the years, I mastered being able to let the fire burn without burning myself or extinguishing on its own. I had also mastered a few other tricks with my flames, others that no one had seen yet.
But they were about too.
“Let’s go kill this son of a bitch again. Properly this time,” I fumed while adjusting my mask.
The strands of my hair had turned to flames, framing my face with a warm sensation. My feet had ascended from the ground, the flames from my hands keeping me up in the air as I floated with the wind.
“What the hell,” Steve muttered, astonished at what he had just witnessed.
“I see you’ve been practicing.”
The familiar voice brought a smirk to my lips before I gave Steve my attention once more.
“What, this?” I motioned to myself. “Pft, I’ve been doing this for years.
While they walked their way down to Thanos, I flew above them, keeping a close distance in case they needed help.
“You couldn’t live with your own failure,” Thanos chuckled towards us.
It was a dark chuckle that made your skin crawl in disgust.
His speech had fallen on deaf ears as I took in the surroundings. Half of our team was missing, unsure where they had ended up after the blast. It was only us four against Thanos, surly we could handle it on our own.
Thor’s battle cry gained my attention and within seconds we were all fighting against Thanos.
Flames shot through my hands, blasting Thanos back against a large pile of debris, and once my feet touched down onto the dirt I cocked my head towards him. The urge to kill filled me to my core.
“You took everything from me,” I fumed.
Thanos stood, towering over me. “I don’t even know who you are.”
It was my turn to let out a deep chuckle.
“Trust me, you will.”
Raising my hands above me, I manipulated the flames making them grab a large piece of metal and threw it into Thanos’ face. A small trail of blood pooled from his forehead.
“All that for a drop of blood,” he mused.
“We’re just getting started,” I promised.
We were all fighting him again, Steve tossing me his shield every once in a while to get a few good shots with it. With my flames and Tony’s beams, we held him back so Thor could smack him far away from us with his hammer.
“So kid, any other new tricks you want to show us?” Tony jeered when we had a moment of peace.
“A few,” I gave a quick wink.
Moments passed, Thanos getting the upper hand on us, and with the three men scattered far away from me, I knew I was on my own until they could gain their strength once more.
My body flew through the air towards Thanos, however, he had caught my foot and yanked me down to the ground. He grounded my body with several punches to the face and stomach, the taste of copper pooling in my mouth. He raised his large double sword above me, inches away from my chest.
“What a pathetic excuse for a human life,” he spat.
Pupils dilated, I stared up at him with horrendous fear for my life. Thanos was seconds away from ending it all before I even knew if our mission had worked; if Bucky had come home.
“I didn’t train you to give up so easily.”
The cool metal from Thanos’ sword pressed deep into my stomach, causing a high pitched banshee scream to erupt from my throat. It did absolutely nothing to phase him.
Suddenly, he had been smacked away from me and I saw Thor’s hammer flying through the wind. Only it never reached Thor’s hand. It reached someone else entirely.
Steve stood proudly with his shield in one hand and Mjolnir in the other.
“What the fuck,” I cursed.
Thor’s voice came through our coms. “I knew it. I knew he was worthy.”
Winding up the hammer, Steve ran towards Thanos and connected with his face, sending Thanos flying hundred of feet behind us. With the quick break we had, Steve slowly helped me to my feet and winced at the open wound on my stomach.
“Doll,” he breathed.
“You guys wanted to see all my new tricks,” I pushed his fingers away from the wound on my stomach.
With flames from my left hand, I placed it over my wound and let out a large hiss as the fire cauterized the wound closed. Even with my super healing, it would have taken a long while for that wound to heal.
“Enough about me though,” I nodded towards the hammer in his hand. “When the fuck did that happen?”
Steve opened his mouth to speak, however a yell came out of mine when I felt Thanos atack me from behind, sending me far away from Steve. My body collided hard on top of a large rock and I slowly tried to sit up on my knees but the wind had been knocked out of me. The taste of blood still remained in my mouth and with a defeated groan, I rolled off of the rock onto the dirt. I could barely lift my head to finally look at Steve.
“No,” I wept with the sight that had just unfolded.
Thanos’ sword had done the unthinkable; it had broken Steve’s shield in half, pieces lying scattered around him. His body had been thrown closer to me by Thanos’ sword so I tried my best to crawl over towards him.
“C’mon, we have to get up,” I tried my best to cheer him on.
Our eyes locked and even though his blue iris shone with so much light, I knew he was scared. Steve was worried that this was the endgame; we wouldn’t be able to stop Thanos this time.
“What I’m about to do to your tiny little planet, I’m going to enjoy it very much,” Thanos vowed.
The sky opened above us, thousands of alien species stepping their way through their own makeshift portals.
Steve and I both helped each other to our feet, him tightening the what was left of the shield so it helped stop the bleeding on the open wound on his arm. The flames crackled to life once more at my fingertips as the two of us stood tall against Thanos’ army.
“All of my training led you to this doll. This is what you were meant to fight for.”
An annoyed sigh fell through my lips at the familiar voice speaking to my thoughts once more. Noticing the large rip in the left arm of my suit, I yanked it away, displaying my tattoo of the Soldat arm to anyone who chose to look at it.
“I love you Bucky, I really do, but now is not the time to hear your ghost voice in my head again,” I grumbled to myself.
“Who said anything about a ghost voice?”
“What?” I uttered.
“Hey cap, you read me?”
Steve and I both looked at one another, dumbfounded at the voice we both heard now on our coms.
“It’s Sam. On your left.”
Suddenly, hundreds of bright yellow circles appeared in the sky, sparking life around us. There was one circle, however, that we had our eyes trained hard on right in front of us. There was a sense of warmth, familiarity, and love that emanated from it. The type of love that I hadn’t felt in my veins in over five years.
A lone body stepped through while another flew over us and the reality smacked me hard in the face when I realized that Bucky’s voice wasn’t speaking to me in my mind like it had been all those times before. His soft voice had been coming through the com in my ear this entire fight.
Standing in front of me, in the same gear he had worn the last time I laid eyes on him, was the love of my life. The man that I had spent the last five years avenging and the man that I vowed to Natasha I would save.
“Bucky,” I breathed his name.
I wanted to believe that it was really him but also didn’t want to get my hopes up in case I was actually seeing his ghost again.
“I’ve missed you so much, dorogaya.” Bucky’s plump lips curled up into an eye crinkling smile.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Nine
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
“Oh fuck,” I muttered while clutching the edge of a dresser as I tried to steady myself.
That was not a fun ride as I hoped for.
Finally getting my bearings, I looked around the room hoping I knew where I had ended up. The room was small, only having a twin sized bed and the dresser I was leaning up against. The only other piece of furniture was an old chair in the corner next to the door. With the decor, it told me that I was definitely back in time but I didn’t know how far back.
I grabbed the newspaper on the dresser, seeing the date, and my eyes nearly fell out of my head.
“What the fuck?” I cursed.
I looked around the room again for any sign and when my eyes landed on two old pictures taped to the wall above the bed frame, my heart sped up when the realization hit. He stood next to his sister and the other small picture next to it was him with his mom.
My feet treeked towards the two pictures and ran my finger over his face.
“Oh, Bucky,” I breathed.
I had spent the next few moments walking throughout Bucky’s old home, taking in every inch of the old wallpaper and cracked floors. The home was littered with family photos and a giggle fell through my lips when I saw a baby photo of Bucky.
There was a large stack of mail on the kitchen table and when I read the address, I knew exactly where Bucky’s old house stood, me growing up a few blocks over.
Loud footsteps sounded on the other side of the front door, creaking against the old stairs. Without a second thought, I ran back to Bucky’s room, pocketed the two pictures and slipped inside the closet, leaving the door open a crack.
Young Bucky entered the room, dressed in a sharp suit, and he collapsed onto his bed. His chest rose and fell with deep breaths and I stared lovingly at the soft features of his face. His large hands covered his face with a loud sigh. His flesh left hand made my heart sink, knowing that Bucky had no idea what the future had in store for him.
He stood from bed, shaking off his suit jacket, tossing it on the chair in the other end of the room. His fingers worked at the buttons of his dress shirt and I bit my lip when I saw the smooth skin of his back then his chest. Even back in the day, Bucky had a gorgeous body. There were no scars in sight, his skin so innocent.
“How’d it go?”
I snapped my gaze over to the doorway of the room, seeing a familiar face. She was the female version of Bucky.
Bucky gave his sister a shrug. “Alright. He said he’s fine but I know deep down he’s hurting.”
“Well it’s a good thing Steve has you. He buried his mom today, he needs a friend.”
Bucky nodded. “I know, Rebecca. I’m going to head back to his place in a bit. You’ll be fine?”
His sister giggled. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop worrying about me? If you don’t, you’ll never find a wife.”
“I’m starting to think she’s not out there,” Bucky admitted.
“She’s out there, Buck. You have to be patient.”
Bucky was alone once more and with his eyes trained hard to the ground below his feet, I noticed the way his back muscles tensed; something unreadable going on in his mind. Suddenly our eyes locked, him noticing someone was hiding in his closet. My heart hammered so hard through the cage in my chest as I fought with myself not to run into his arms.
“Bucky,” I sighed.
“Y/N, it’s time.”
Steve’s voice came through my com.
“No,” I cried.
Bucky was actually standing in front of me, in the flesh, and I wasn’t dancing with his ghost anymore. I wasn’t talking to him in my mind or my dreams. His physical form was in front of me and I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay here with him.
Blackness took over as I felt my body being pulled away from Bucky and back to the present time.
My knees fell hard to the metal platform of our makeshift time machine and felt my body shake with sobs, knowing what I had lost again. I ripped the mask off with anger, toppling down the steps to Nat’s feet.
“Hey, it’s alright,” Steve cooed while kneeling in front of me.
His hands cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look into his eyes, his thumb brushing away stray tears.
“It’s okay, we’ll try again,” Steve reassured me, thinking that I was crying because it hadn’t worked.
I shook my head that was still in his grasp.
“It worked,” I stated, pulling out the pictures from my pocket and handing them to Steve.
His green eyes drank in the familiar faces of Bucky, his sisters, and mom. The sides of his lips curled up to a smile at the pictures.
“He had these taped to the wall above his bed,” Steve mumbled.
“Did it work?” Tony yelled, breaking us from our trance.
“Yeah, it did,” Steve smiled at me.
“It is? Perfect, I’ll wire the money over to the account right now. Thank you so much.”
After I hung up the phone, I quickly wired the money, completing the transaction I spent the last two hours trying to find.
Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I walked back into the common area of the Avengers Tower, multiple pairs of eyes on me.
“What?” I asked while standing next to Steve.
Tony pointed towards me. “Who did you wire money to?”
My eyes sliced over to Steve. “Eavesdropping on my conversations still?”
“Super soldier hearing,” he pulled at his earlobe.
“It’s no one's business,” I turned my attention back to Tony.
His face flinched. “Wow, five years away turned you into kind of a bitch.”
“Well not all of us got our happy ending, Stark.” I snapped.
“Y/N,” Steve grabbed my hand when he noticed the flames burning at my fingertips.
I snatched my hand away from him before walking out of the room, muttering something about needing some air and time away from everyone.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Nineteen[END]
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: The end for the trilogy is finally here! I also wrote a one shot that takes place between Dorogaya and Vaz Prizrak. You don't need to read it to understand but it's just a little something extra I wrote. I know Bucky's story continues on in The Falcon and Winter Solider but I have no plans on continuing this story for that storyline. It ends here for these two 🖤
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife @winterassassin1804
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Besplatno One Shot | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
Loud music echoed throughout the home and I moved my head to the music as I walked inside from my previous spot outside. Bickering voices yelled at the far end of the house so I followed while a huge smile spread to my lips.
“I don't have it! You were the last one to use it.”
“It was right there on the table and now it’s gone!”
I leaned up against the doorframe, the smell of fresh paint engulfing my senses, and chuckled at the two men who continued to bicker not noticing I had been watching them.
“Bucky?” I finally spoke.
When he looked my way, I merely pointed to his back pocket. “The paint brush is in your pocket.”
“I told you I didn’t have it,” Sam grumbled.
“Sorry,” Bucky muttered, continuing to paint the wall in front of him now that he had his brush back.
“I can’t believe how great it’s all looking,” I marveled at how well the house started to look with only a fresh coat of paint.
“I can’t believe you convinced Bucky into painting your walls black,” Sam said.
Shrugging, I walked towards Bucky and left a soft kiss on his cheek. “That’s what people in love do.”
It had been a long month with us fixing up our house. We were here every day, all day, restoring it to its former glory. You could tell in the way that Buky’s eyes lit up that he was ecstatic that our plans were starting to come to life.
Sam offered to help on one condition; I would buy him lunch and beer every day and at the end of the work day he could ‘kick back on the couch and watch T.V on our 70 inch in the living room’. I agreed, more than thankful for his help.
Our long list had almost been crossed off, two more things on it; paint the master bedroom and build the deck. The last one on the list wasn’t important, knowing that it would be a long task. I was happy enough that the inside of our home was almost finished.
Today was the last and final day, Sam and Bucky nearly finishing painting the walls in our bedroom. Furniture had started to fill our home, giving it a more homey feel then the day prior. All we had left was to put our bedroom furniture together.
“How’s it going outside?” Bucky questioned.
“Good,” I nodded. “Majority of the trees are cut down, only a couple more and we’ll be able to see the lake when we wake up tomorrow morning.”
“Can’t wait,” he smiled while placing a kiss on my forehead.
Strands of his hair kept falling out of the low bun so I quickly fixed it for him, which only earned an annoyed sigh from him.
“Are we sure we trust him with a chainsaw?”
Bucky and I looked from Sam to the man outside, who had spent all afternoon cutting down the trees. I offered to help but he merely waved me off. He could do it on his own.
“I trust him more with a chainsaw than painting my walls,” I admitted with a giggle.
Our old grandfather clock in the entryway rang six times, indicating that it was just after six o'clock and it was time for dinner.
“The usual?” I asked the two men, who nodded eagerly.
“Let him know that I’ll be back with food from Izzy’s in twenty.” I nodded to the man outside.
“Love you!” Bucky called from behind me as I walked down the hallway.
“Love you sugar bear!”
I laughed loudly at Sam’s voice, letting the yellow front door shut behind me.
A deep loud belch erupted from Bucky’s chest and I snapped my head over to him, a disgusted look on my face.
Bucky simply smiled before placing a kiss on my lips. His open arms was an invitation which I took, cuddling closer into him. Our bones were tired from all of the work, finishing putting our bedroom furniture together, so we celebrated with beers and food on the couch.
I looked around our home with a very proud smile on my face. We did such a great job fixing up the old home that no one would have guessed that there used to be a giant hole in the room Bucky and I now share.
“I cannot wait to sleep in an actual bed tonight,” I mused.
Bucky and I had been sleeping in a pile of blankets on the floor for the last month and my back had been screaming for the memory foam mattress that I had purchased yesterday.
I felt Bucky tense next to me, knowing that he would prefer to sleep on the floor. It was something from his past that we were slowly working on. Even though we both felt we were in a good place in our lives and our relationship, there were a lot of issues that we needed to work through; together.
He felt that if he slept on something soft, that it would be more uncomfortable for him than the floor. So I made a deal with him; if he gave the bed a chance tonight and still didn’t like it, I would make him a comfortable bed on the floor.
I even mentioned that clothes were not allowed in the bed, hoping that would help ease his concerns.
Snapping back to reality, I looked back towards Bucky. “Hm?”
“I need to grab some beers.”
I gently pushed him back towards the couch. “You relax. I’ll get them.”
My bare feet trekked along the new floors, still creaking along with the old bones of the home. I quickly grabbed three beers and headed back into the living room, hearing the men bicker about what movie to watch tonight.
I handed one to Sam, Bucky, and the blonde that sat comfortably on the recliner chair.
“Thank you,” he smiled at me.
“No problem, Stevie.” I returned the smile as I sat down back in my previous spot next to Bucky.
A soft knock sounded on the open door but my back was facing the door so I called over my shoulder. “Come in!”
I spun so fast on my heels that the hammer fell from my hand, bouncing loudly to the ground.His blue eyes shined from the setting sunlight and his blonde hair was brushed neatly back so I could see his face clearly.
“Steve?” I breathed, unsure if he was actually standing in front of me.
“I was in the neighborhood so I figured you guys might need some help.”
I never ran so fast into his open arms, ecstatic that he had decided on coming back to me, to us.
“You didn’t stay?” I asked while pulling away from his arms.
Steve shook his head. “The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I have more to live for here than I did in the past. Bucky, Sam, and you.”
Our smiles mirrored one another and I pulled him in for another hug.
“Thank you, Stevie.”
“Are you sure you guys don’t want to crash here again? It’s late and I would hate for you guys to drive across town to the hotel.”
Sam and Steve both nodded.
“It's your first official night in your home, we don’t want to interrupt whatever is going to happen,” Sam suggested with a wink.
“Goodnight you two,” I rolled my eyes at his comment before giving them a hug goodnight.
Once the door was shut and locked, I called out for Bucky and heard him yell back from our bathroom.
He stood in front of the sink, shirtless, and I could see in the mirror that he had a troubled look on his face. I then took in the variety of tools on the counter, knowing exactly what he was going to do.
“Are you sure about this?” I questioned, leaning against the door frame.
Bucky nodded. “I can’t handle it anymore. I need a fresh start.”
“Want any help?”
Turning his body towards me, he pulled me into his chest and my hands sprawled on the bare skin of it. We shared a deep, loving, kiss and when he pulled away, Bucky nodded towards the brand new tub. It was filled with bubbles and unlit candles surrounded it.
“It would be more romantic if I could light the damn candles but I can’t find a match anywhere,” Bucky admitted with a sigh.
“Want to see something cool?” I asked with a smirk.
When he nodded, I stepped back from Bucky and closed my eyes. The thought of the unlit candles was heavy on my mind and when I heard him gasp, I knew it had worked.
The candles around the tub were now lit with bright flames.
With the help of Bucky, I stripped down in front of him and once I sunk deep into the tub I groaned out in pleasure. The warm water immediately eased my sore muscles. As I enjoyed the hot water, the sound of a hair buzzer played in the background.
“How does it look?”
Opening my eyes, I marveled at the new look of Bucky, a gasp falling from my lips. Gone was the long hair, the old strands littering the bathroom counter and sink, and Bucky stood in front of me with short hair. A look on him that I had never seen but one that I found myself falling in love with.
“You know there is a reason why I chose a double person tub,” I expressed while lifting my bare chest out of the water.
Bucky lips spread wide in a smile and hastily stepped out of his pants. The water sloshed around when he sunk his body deep into the waters. I squeaked out a large giggle when he wrapped his vibranium fingers around my ankle, pulling our naked bodies together.
“Which one are you thinking?” I pondered as we walked together down the long halls, metal cages surrounding us.
Bucky’s lips were pressed in a thin line, the decision weighing heavy on his shoulders. We were nearing the end of the hall and I had a gut wrenching feeling that we wouldn’t find the one he was looking for.
“Wait,” Bucky grabbed my hand to stop me. “This one.”
I looked from the cage to him a couple times. “Are you sure?”
He nodded eagerly while bending down in front of the cage, the tail smacking hard against the walls of his cage at the possibility of a new friend. Bucky’s vibranium fingers scratched happily at the ears of the furry pup on the other end of the metal cage.
Bucky woke this morning wanting to adopt a dog from the local shelter. He grew up with one so not hearing paws running down the halls were so foreign to him.
The dog was a mutt, mixed with a bunch of different breeds but we didn’t care. We wanted to give him a loving home. There was something special about this pup that drew Bucky to him.
The dog was a tripod, missing his left front leg.
“Let’s bring Ivan home then,” I smiled brightly down at the two.
“Bucky?” I called out while entering the house.
A gasp left my lips when I took in the scene around me. Lit candles were scattered throughout the living room along with the fireplace. The lights were off but the flames were enough to cast the room in a deep orange glow. At the sound of my voice, Ivan came running down the hall happy to see me.
He never let having only three legs slow him down.
“Hey you, where’s dad?” I cooed while bending down to give him his usual greeting.
Two scratches to his ears with a kiss on top of his head.
Hearing the deep voice behind, I stood while spinning on my heels. Bucky was standing in front of me, short hair slicked back.
“What’s all this?” I asked.
Suddenly, the tune of our song sounded throughout the home and Bucky extended his hand towards me.
“Can I have this dance?” He asked.
“Always, Bucky. Always.” I answered, accepting his hand.
Our bodies swayed together along with the music. It was still so foreign feeling his skin under my fingers, his lips on mine, and his breath against the skin of my neck. For years, I had been dancing with his ghost in my dreams or thoughts but now I had his actual body in my hands. I laid my head against his chest, letting the tune of our song guide us in our dance. Our first of many dances in a home that we created together, our home.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter One
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
The sounds of birds chirping outside our home and the warmth of the body next to me was what slowly raised me out of my slumber. Groaning, I buried my face deeper into the bare chest but felt it vibrate in laughter.
“We can’t stay in bed all day again, doll.” Bucky’s tired voice breathed in my ear.
“I’m tired,” I whined, gripping him tighter.
Bucky laughed again before brushing his lips over my forehead. “The goats need to eat.”
Reluctantly I let him rise out of bed and marveled at the way the muscles moved in his back as he slowly rose. His bones clicked into place when he stood to his feet and with his arm, he threw on a shirt.
I peaked over to the nub of his left arm while he covered it with a sling and my heart dropped, knowing how he truly felt about it. He was fine with it in the beginning, taking awhile to get used to only having one arm, but now two years later I knew that it was bothering him. Bucky felt like he couldn’t do what he used to be able to do and it would aggravate him.
Never once did I complain about it, he knew exactly how to please me even with one hand.
“Are you going to stare at my ass all morning or are you going to get out of bed?” Bucky joked while turning to face me.
“But I’m cold,” I giggled while showing him my naked form underneath the sheets.
His eyes darkened with lust and I knew I was seconds away from having him back in bed with me.
Suddenly I sat up in bed with a start, clutching the sheets closer to my bare body. I was filled with a sudden urge to fight, something that wasn't coming from Bucky. It was a feeling that I hadn’t felt in years and I was afraid to find out why I was feeling like this.
“What’s wrong?” Bucky asked.
“I have this weird feeling,” I admitted.
Bucky sat on the edge of the bed next to me and moved the hair out of my face.
“About what?”
“I don’t know. Something’s going to happen soon but I don’t know what.”
Our lips met in a quick kiss before Bucky pulled me to my feet out of bed.
“No use dwelling in it, doll. Let’s feed the goats then talk a walk,” Bucky suggested.
Reluctantly, I nodded with a sigh. I knew he was right. I couldn’t dwell on this feeling when I didn’t even know if it was truly something to worry about.
While Bucky stepped outside, I dared a quick glance over to the burner cell phone that rested on our table. It hadn’t made one noise in the two years that it laid on that exact spot. There was only one number programmed in it and before I could stop myself, I sent a quick message to that number.
Checking in on you and if everything is alright. Can’t shake the feeling that something is coming.
“Doll?” Bucky called from outside.
“Coming!” I yelled, tossing the phone onto the bed.
I had missed the new message that appeared on the screen.
Bucky tossed a pile of hay over towards the side of our hut while I chased the goats towards their pen for the evening. The Wakanda air had chilled, letting us know that night was fast approaching. The fire next to me was dying down so after tossing a few logs onto it, I looked over towards Bucky.
“You know you could start that fire again with a quick snap,” He reminded me.
Immediately I shook my head. “Not needed.”
After Bucky and I settled in our new lives, I promised myself that I wouldn’t use my powers. I wanted some sense of normality in our lives.
Bucky’s lips parted to speak but when he noticed the way my body froze while looking over his shoulder, he followed my gaze and knew what caused me to freeze.
T’challa and Okoye were walking over the hill towards us, a very large case in hand.
We hadn’t seen them in over two years, only ever seeing Shuri. She would occasionally come to check in on us, mostly Bucky, so when I watched as T’challa walked closer towards us I knew that the feeling I had was true.
Something was coming.
T’challa gave us a small smile while placing the case in front of us and clicked it open. Inside was something that Bucky never thought he would see again.
A brand new arm made completely of vibranium.
Bucky’s mouth fell open, staring at the flash of vibranium. His shoulders tensed and the feeling of fight filled my veins.
“Where’s the fight?” Bucky questioned.
“On it’s way,” T’challa admitted.
“How does it feel?” I questioned.
Bucky raised the new arm a few times and clenched his fist over and over again.
“Honestly, amazing,” He admitted.
I gave him my best fake smile before busying myself again with pulling out a lock box from underneath our bed. Inside were all of our knives, something I never thought I would need again.
T’challa had said that a new threat was on it’s way towards us, ready to destroy our universe, and his name was Thanos.
Thanos was on a mission to collect all six infinity stones and if he found all of them, he would be able to erase half of the universe with a snap of his fingers. His alien army was on earth to find two of the stones that were hiding here. The time stone was in New York with a Dr. Strange and the Mind Stone was with a very familiar face.
Thanos already had two of the stones, meaning that he was close to completing his mission.
To say I was secretly afraid was an understatement.
T’challa had also mentioned that we would be seeing some old friends of ours really soon; Wanda, Vision, Sam, Nat, and Steve.
They fought some of Thanos' army in Scotland causing Vision to get hurt in the fight. They were all their way to us, hoping that Shuri could create a new stone for Vision so that we could destroy the Mind Stone. It was a long shot, even I knew that, but if there was even a slight chance to save Vision and the universe, Steve would do whatever it took.
At the thought of Steve, I reached for the phone in front of me.
I’ll be seeing you soon. We’ve missed you.
Quickly pocketing the phone in my suit, I gave Bucky my full attention.
“How’re you feeling?” He asked, pulling me into his embrace.
I rested my cheek against his chest and snaked my arms around him.
“I’m scared. This fight seems too big for us.”
“I know,” Bucky sighed. “But Steve needs our help. He wouldn’t be coming to us if he didn’t.”
It was my turn to agree. “I know.”
We shared a kiss, our lips moving in sync for a few moments, and when Bucky pulled away we rested our foreheads together.
“No matter what happens, doll, I will always love you,” Bucky declared.
“I love you too, Bucky,” I breathed while placing a kiss on his plump lips.
We were interrupted by the sound of a loud jet descending from the sky, and suddenly, the life that Bucky and I had created the last two years vanished beneath us metaphorically. I knew that no matter the outcome of this fight that we were about to face, nothing would ever be the same.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Thirteen
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Slight mention of someone taking their own life in this chapter, please read with caution!
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
A soft breeze blew through the redness of my hair as I ascended up the stairs to my home. The front door was freshly painted yellow, one of my favorite colors, and when I stepped inside everything was not how I expected.
The furniture that cluttered the home, in the best way possible, had brought a homey feeling deep in my heart. Music played from down the hall and my heels clicked alongside the refinished wood floors and when I came to a stop in the doorway, the man turned and smiled deeply at me.
“Hey beautiful.”
I laced my fingers with his extended ones and felt my body gliding into his open embrace.
“It’s our song,” he muttered, lips ghosting over my forehead.
“Till the end of time. Long as roses bloom in May. My love for you will grow deeper with every passing day.”
The beautiful lyrics of our song played through my ears and it was then that I realized I hadn’t heard the soft melody in so long.
“May I have this dance?”
I nodded, while brushing the lone strand of hair from his face as it fell out of the bun.
“You can always have this dance, Bucky.” I spoke softly.
Our bodies swayed together in perfect harmony, the song replaying over and over, this dance becoming second nature to us. We would do this almost every day when we lived in Wakanda and Romania.
As my cheek was against his chest, I could feel his heart beat in rhythm to the beat of the song. My own heart, however, was beating a mile a minute when I suddenly remembered how I had gotten to this moment, this memory.
“Bucky,” I looked up at him. “I need to talk to you about something.”
He immediately hushed me with a firm kiss to my lips.
“Let’s enjoy this moment, doll.” He said, ignoring me.
“But I need to tell you,” I started.
Bucky spun me in his arms and dipped me low, placing another loving kiss against my lips.
“I can’t wait until we can do this every day. I’ll dance with you until I’m grey and old,” Bucky vowed, pulling me back into his arms.
Our hips swayed together once more and I realized that no matter how hard I tried to tell him what I needed to talk to him about, he would ignore it.
“Is this another dream or am I actually dead and in my own kind of heaven?” I wondered out loud.
The music faded out low and Bucky stepped away from me, his eyes looking deep in my soul.
“Why would you be dead, Y/N?”
My head cocked to the side, eyes staring back into his own. “You’ve been watching over me, Bucky. You had to know what I did.”
“Restoring my old childhood home?” He pointed throughout the bedroom we were in.
It was then that I noticed the wide variety of photos that hung on the walls of the room; pictures of us together and alone. There were also pictures of us with our friends; Steve and Bucky from back in the 40’s, Steve and I when I first joined his team with Shield, and Natasha and I on one of our spontaneous girl weekends.
Pieces of my heart shattered and fell into the abyss of my stomach as I took in our genuine smiles in the photo. We were so happy that weekend, becoming incredibly close. We both said the weekend was when we became sisters.
“I miss you so much, Nat,” my voice broke as I traced over her smile.
“She wanted you to have the life you deserve, doll. She sacrificed it all for us,” Bucky came up from behind, placing a kiss on top of my head.
“She deserved it more than I do,” I stated.
Bucky gently pulled me into his arms, forcing my face to look at him. “Why do you think that?”
A soft sob shook its way from my throat. “You’ve seen what I’ve done, Buck. I’ve killed, tortured, and mained people; all for you.”
“Sleeping with Steve was for me?” He questioned, anger far from his voice.
Suddenly the room shifted around us and we were now standing in Steve’s room in the Avengers Compound. Two bodies laid together in the sheets, chest rising and falling in sync, and I then noticed it was Steve and I after our night together. He had his arms wrapped around me while my head was laying on his bare chest.
“Steve?” Bucky wondered with his voice wavering.
My lips trembled as I tried to hold back the sob. I could hear it in the way he said his name that Bucky was heartbroken at my decision that night.
“I wasn’t in the right place. We had all just lost Natasha and I felt like it wasn’t worth it anymore. I felt numb all over and no matter what I did, I couldn’t feel anything. I needed to feel something and Steve was there,” I admitted.
We both continued to stare at the two bodies in the bed. Bucky was standing behind me and I felt myself jump in fear when his cold, vibranium fingers traced a scar on the side of my forehead that reached the top of my ear.
“Why did you do this?” His breath was warm on my neck.
The room shifted around us again and this time we were standing on the pier on the lake. A few feet in front of us stood another me, gun clenched tight in hand.
Bucky had wrapped his arms around me from behind, knowing what was about to happen, and when I jumped in his embrace after the gun had gone off, he held my crying body while we watched my other self fall into the lake.
Blood streamed the waters and I tried to get out of his grasp but Bucky held on tight.
“Watch,” he spoke firmly.
Both of us watched as Steve ran from the compound down to the pier, sheer panic and fear on his face.
“Y/N!” He yelled before diving into the water.
The way he screamed my name pained me to the core, realizing how broken I had made Steve because of my decision. Time had passed incredibly slowly as Bucky and I both waited for what was going to happen next.
Would Steve resurface alone or with my body? And would I be alive or dead?
“Your decision affected everyone, dorogaya.” Bucky spoke.
Suddenly, Steve had resurfaced from the water, carrying a limp body in his arms. I gasped when I saw the large wound on the side of the head, blood continuing to pool from it.
“You’re not leaving me, Y/N. You don’t get to leave me too,” Steve cried before running back inside of the compound, yelling for Bruce.
“Am I dead? Did I die?” I sobbed, turning in Bucky’s arm to face him.
He looked at me with a broken expression and cupped my cheek with his flesh hand. His thumb brushed against my cheek bone, wiping away the tears.
“I’ll see you soon, doll.”
With a fast and firm kiss on my lips, I gripped tightly onto him, not wanting to let him go.
Sitting up in bed with a loud gasp, I looked around my surroundings but suddenly groaned in pain when I realized how fast I had sat up.
“CAP! She’s awake!”
Looking at the doorway, I saw Bruce yelling into the hallway.
“What?” I asked, my voice coming out raw and broken.
A new man entered the room and when I took in his disheveled look, my heart hammered hard in the cage in my chest.
“Y/N,” he breathed a long sigh of relief.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Three
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
“UGLY! MOTHER! FUCKERS!,” I bellowed as my knife sliced through an alien's throat, three stabs, as they had me pinned to the ground.
With a swift kick, it fell to the ground in a heap and I was back on my feet in a flash; just in time to send my knife into another alien's head.
Thanos’ army was fast, strong, and not all that appealing to look at. It seemed that now matter how many we killed, hundreds more appeared.
“Bucky?!” I yelled while looking around.
In the midst of everything, I had become lost in the fray. Bucky and Steve were somewhere on the other end of the battlefield. My long hair was a mess, blowing in the winds, as I frantically looked around. I was fighting side by side with the many men of the Wakanda army.
All too quick, my veins filled with fear and my skin tingled with death.
My head snapped to the left and this time, my own anger filled me as I saw the sight in front of me.
Bucky was on the ground, alien on top of him, as he tried to fight it off of him with his small knife. Darkness took over my vision, clouding my judgement, and the all too familiar warmth spread to the tips of my fingers, sparking to life.
I shot multiple balls of fire at the alien on top of Bucky, who watched in slight horror as it fell to ash around him.
“SHE’S BACK!” Sam’s voice yelled into the coms.
Blinking my eyes a view times, the darkness was gone and I was staring at Bucky’s concerned face.
“Are you alright?” He questioned, cupping my chin.
Time had stopped for a split second around us.
“Never better,” I grinned while smacking my hands together.
They sparked again, flames burning my finger tips.
We fought for a few moments longer before coming to a halt when lighting struck around us, causing the fighting to stop.
A few inches from me stood someone I hadn’t seen in a very, very long time.
“Long time no see, Thor.” I smiled towards him.
“Y/N? You changed your hair,” He smirked, ruffling my hair.
I had almost forgotten that my powers changed it to a vibrant red.
“You made some new friends?” I pointed towards the racoon and the walking tree.
“This is my new friend Rocket and Tree,” he introduced.
“I am Groot,” the tree said.
I nodded. “I am Y/N L/N.”
“Y/N! I could use some back up over here!” Steve’s voice yelled into the coms.
My feet sprinted over towards him, blasting away any aliens that got in the way. Steve stood in front of me, blood pouring from a wound on his lip and I gently wiped it away.
I went to speak but felt myself getting pounced on from behind, head smacking hard against a rock.
“Shit,” I groaned.
Sharp teeth chomped towards my face and the blood pooling from my forehead caused my vision to fade, in and out. The drool from the alien dripped down on me, an indication that he was seconds away from ending it all.
The alien was off before I could register that Steve had kicked him, sending him flying meters away.
“Y/N,” he cooed while helping me to sit up.
“I’m alright,” I stated as I smacked his hands away. “I heal fast, remember.”
Steve sighed, his fingers brushing against the open wound of my forehead. I couldn’t stop the loud hiss that fell from my lips.
“GUYS! VISION NEEDS BACKUP!” Bruce’s voice rang through the coms.
Steve hesitated while looking at me, weighing the decision in his mind.
“Go, I’ll be fine,” I nodded.
He was still apprehensive but when I set an alien ablaze that snuck up behind him, he knew that I was in fact alright.
Once he left, I willed myself to my knees, trying to gain whatever strength I had left. This fight had taken so much out of me, not having to exert this much energy in such a long time, and I knew that this was it.
“I’m going to die alone,” I muttered with a sigh.
“You’re not alone.”
Natasha helped me to my feet, brushing the dust off my shoulders.
“Now, I know I didn’t teach you to give up so easily,” She tsked.
“Moment of weakness,” I shrugged.
Suddenly, the wind had picked up, circling around us with a soft breeze, the air shifted with an uneasy feeling. Natasha and I shared a knowing look and with a quick nod, we both ran towards Steve and Vision, who had joined us on the battlefield.
“He’s here,” Vision spoke.
I turned my back to them, speaking into my com. “Bucky, where are you?”
“Damnit,” I cursed.
Steve pulled me closer to him before speaking into his com. “Everyone in my position. We have in-coming.”
A sudden portal opened in front of us, a giant purple titan stepping out of it. I gasped, the fear of knowing that there would be no way we could stop him loomed close.
“That’s him,” Banner said.
Steve looked at me, engaging his shield. “Eyes up. Stay sharp.”
The flames burned with hate as I shot multiple fireballs towards Thanos, who had easily dodge them. His large hand wrapped around my throat, lifting me with ease.
“Pathetic,” he spat, throwing me to the side.
I landed against a tree with a loud, painful groan and I could hear Steve scream my name. My body lay defeated in the dirt, eyes watching as my friends tried to fight against Thanos, only to fail.
Bucky’s screams came from the bushes, gun firing at Thanos.
“Bucky!” I yelled, watching him getting thrown in front of me.
Tired hands and feet crawled over towards him, turning his heavy body over so I could look in his eyes.
“Are you alright?” I pondered, brushing the hair out of his face.
“You’re bleeding,” he mumbled.
His vibranium fingers wiped the blood from my head.
“I’m okay,” I reassured him with a soft kiss.
Bucky let out a loan groan, the pain of the fight catching up to him. “I’m starting to think we should have stayed in bed.”
The giggle that fell through my lips was cut short as the screams of Wanda filled the air. My full attention was on her as I watched Thanos bring Vision back to life, only to end it just as quick, pulling the mind stone from him. Vision’s body fell to a heap on the ground, right next to Wanda.
“No,” I trembled, tears welled in my eyes.
Thanos stood tall, all six stones in hand. Thor, however, had arrived out of nowhere, laying his axe in Thanos’ chest. But it didn’t matter, no matter how deep Thor dug his axe into Thanos.
“You should have gone for the head,” Thanos said.
Before anyone could register what happened, he raised his hand with a quick snap.
“NO!” I bellowed.
Thanos’ hand burned, his gauntlet almost to ash, as the aftermath of what he did started to lay around us.
“What did you do?!” Thor demanded.
As fast as he arrived, Thanos was gone.
Steve stumbled his way over to Bucky and I, helping us to our feet. After giving us a quick once over, he turned his attention to Thor.
“Where did he go?” He questioned.
“Thor, where did he go?!” I fumed.
Bucky’s voice was filled with fear and worry as he spoke my name; it came off so quiet from his lips that I almost hadn’t heard.
Steve and I both turned our attention towards Bucky, who suddenly was dusting away with the wind, body disappearing.
“BUCKY!” I yelled running towards him.
My knees fell to the ground, hands spreading through the ashes of where Bucky once lay.
My scream echoed throughout the forest, the high pitch banshee-like yell causing whatever birds there were left to flock away from me. Fire shot from my hands, setting the grass and trees around us a blaze in a warm fire. Everyone winced at the sound of my yells, cries for my lost love, as I buried myself deeper into the ground, hoping that this was a bad dream. Bucky was still here, he hadn’t left me.
A loud, painful scream had clawed its way through the tough confines of my throat as I doubled over in pain to clutch my stomach. It felt like my insides were being ripped out and with a choking sob, I spit piles of dusty ash to the ground. My fingers shook as I dug into the ground, the realization of what happened coming to light.
I had now lost every single part of Bucky in the snap. Not only was he gone but what I was growing inside of me had vanished before I even knew it was there.
I was so engrossed in my own pain that I hadn't noticed others had disappeared as well. Until Steve pulled me from the ground, into his chest.
My cries came out muffled against his suit as I screamed and kicked against him. “He’s not gone. He can’t be!”
Steve cupped my cheeks, forcing my broken gaze to his. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Knuckles turned white as I clutched onto him with whatever strength I had left, fearing that he would leave me too.
“What do we do now?” Natasha asked.
“I don’t know,” Steve admitted before hushing my cries with a soft kiss to the top of my head.
For once in his entire life, Steve didn’t have a plan and that absolutely terrified him.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Two
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
The town square of Wakanda was busy with bodies getting ready for the soon arrival and as Bucky and I stood hand in hand, I could help the way my heart jumped with nerves. I was nervous for the fight and nervous to see Steve again after so long.
My hair blew with the wind as the jet made its final descent, coming to a halt in front of us. As the ramp opened, I saw my old friends ascend down. They couldn’t see us and I took it as an opportunity to sneak away from them and Bucky, the nerves becoming too much to handle. Bucky was talking with Steve so he hadn’t noticed me walk away.
Everything was happening too fast and I didn’t have the chance to stop to think about what the outcome would be.
Maybe Bucky and I could leave, let them fight this on their own. We could go back to our normal lives, something that we both deserved. This wasn’t our fight, we didn’t have to risk our lives for this.
However, I knew that when it was our fight years ago, all of these people were there to help us, no questions asked.
“Where’s Y/N?” A voice asked.
“She was right here,” Bucky said.
Coming into view, I smiled over towards my friends while giving Sam and Nat a long overdue hug. I nodded towards Wanda who was walking inside with a hurt Vision.
“How’re you doing?” Nat asked.
I nodded. “Not bad, for the end of the world.”
“What’s up Marshmallow?”
Laughing at the nickname coming from Sam, I lightly punched him in the shoulder. “You had to come along?”
“Someone has to watch his back,” Sam mentioned towards Steve.
He was already watching me with intent eyes as I walked over to him, closing the distance between us.
“I see you took my advice,” I pointed towards the beard and long hair.
Steve shrugged while wrapping his arms around me in a longing hug. I had missed the way that they felt, protecting me from anything bad.
“How are you, really?” Steve questioned, lifting my chin to look into my eyes.
“We’re fine, Steve,” I spoke quietly. “Bucky is good. He’s his old self.”
Steve nodded before looking between Bucky and I. “Mind if I steal her for a bit? Catch her up to speed?”
Bucky hesitated, only I saw it, before nodding. “Sure.”
I closed the large distance between us with a loving kiss. “Don’t worry.”
With his new fingers on my lower back, he pressed his lips against mine once again, this time longer and deeper.
“I love you,” he muttered against them.
“I love you too.”
“You look like hell,” I noticed Sam as we all stood in the middle of Shuri’s lab.
A very familiar place to me.
“Well the motels weren’t exactly five stars,” Sam admitted with a small laugh.
I then nodded towards Bruce and Nat, who themselves were having a private conversation.
“Talk about awkwardness, huh?”
Sam laughed again. “You have no idea.”
Excusing myself from Sam, I walked over towards Steve, who was standing in front of a large window, looking down towards the fields of Wakanda.
“Does everything make sense?” He asked.
“Yeah, as crazy as it sounds.” I said
“And you’re ready for it?” He asked again, motioning towards my hands. “Bucky mentioned that you haven’t used it for awhile.”
I grasped my hands together with a sigh. “I wanted something normal for us. To be honest, I don’t even know if it still works. I haven’t found a reason to get mad lately.”
“With what’s coming, I think it would be best to get mad,” Steve suggested.
Silence fell between us and I was going to walk away from him but his hand in mind stopped me.
“Can you promise me something?”
I nodded.
“Promise that no matter what comes, that you take care of yourself first. Don’t worry about Buck or I. I can’t deal if something would happen to you,” Steve admitted while gently cupping my cheek.
Licking my dry lips at the warmth of his glove, I nodded again.
“Only if you do something for me,” I spoke.
“Anything,” he breathed.
“If something does happen to me, make sure he moves on. I don’t want him to dwell on it. He deserves to be happy,” I said with a shaky breath.
Steve hesitated for a moment before nodding, letting out a large breath.
“But it’s not going to come to that, right?”
Tearing myself away from Steve’s sad gaze, I looked towards Natasha and nodded.
“Can she do it?” I asked, changing the subject and walking away from Steve.
The questionable outcome weighed heavy on my mind but there was always one thing that was clear. If something were to happen to me, whatever it was, I needed to make sure that Bucky moved on. He couldn’t dwell on me or what happened. It was true what I told Steve; Bucky deserved to be happy, even if I had passed.
Suddenly, a loud bang sounded from above us, shaking the castle. I looked around everyone in the room before my eyes landed finally on Steve, a knowing look on his face.
“They’re here,” I said.
“Get this man a shield!” T’challa pointed towards Steve before shouting more directions to others.
“Bucky,” I muttered while leaving the room and sprinting outside the castle.
Bucky and Sam were standing in the middle of the town center, staring up towards the sky.
Gunshots rain down on us but thankfully they couldn’t break the barrier that was protecting us.
“God, I love this place,” Bucky admitted.
“You guys alright?” I questioned while standing in between them.
Sam nodded. “How’re they doing up there?”
“It’s going to take awhile for Shuri to recreate a stone,” I admitted.
We watched in slight horror when ships came from the sky, landing right outside the protective dome.
“Cap, we’ve got a situation out here.” I said into my com.
The grass flattened beneath my boots as we stood on the open field, preparing ourselves for the fight.
I looked over to Bucky. “Hm?”
Without saying a word, handed me one of his guns, silently knowing that I wasn’t quite ready to use my powers.
“Be careful,” he said.
“You too,” I spoke while lacing our fingers together.
My attention was averted from Bucky as I shook my fingers, trying to bring the spark to life, but groaned in defeat.
I never would have thought that when I decided to not use them any more that it would backfire. Now would be the perfect time to be able to use them.
“Did they surrender?” I asked Steve as he returned to his spot next to me.
T’challa, Nat, and him walked down to the edge of the barrier, trying to talk to the alien species.
“Not exactly,” he sighed.
Suddenly, thousands of aliens came from the ships, running towards the barrier that was protecting us, killing themselves in the process.
“They’re killing themselves,” I muttered.
The few that made it through, alive, charged towards us and without a second thought, all of us raised our weapons to prepare for war.
Bucky and I shot bullets towards the aliens that made it close to us. I knew, deep down, that no matter how many bullets we had or knives I used, it wouldn’t be enough.
“You know, Y/N, now would be a perfect time to toast these fuckers,” Sam’s voice came through the com in my ear.
“You don’t think I’ve tried!” I yelled. “It’s not working!”
A simple snap of the fingers and nothing.
“What’s stopping them from trying to enter behind us?” I asked Steve, when I noticed the aliens running around the barrier.
“We need to open the barrier,” T’challa stated.
Looking between Steve and Bucky, two men who I would protect with my heart and knowing they would do the same for me.
“We’re with each other till the end, right?” I asked them both.
“Always,” Steve spoke.
“Forever, doll.” Bucky gave a quick kiss to the side of my head.
With a loud war cry, our army charged forward as T’challa gave the order to open the barrier. Thousands of aliens sprinting towards us.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Eight
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
The softness of the mattress was enough to comfort me as my fingers turned the old pages in the journal while it laid in my lap. Steve mentioned that Tony wanted to double check the time machine before we ran the test run so I decided to use that time for myself; quiet time in my room reading Bucky’s old journals.
I remember my room back in the forties, back at my childhood home. There wasn’t much but it was enough to call my own. What I miss most about it was the picture of my sister, mom, and I. I never got to bring it with me before heading to basic training for the war. It was one of my many regrets in life.
Bringing my finger to my lips, I quickly licked in then turned the next page. Bucky’s chicken scratch for handwriting brought a warm remembrance to my heart. This had become a nightly ritual the last few years. Before Bucky was dusted, I promised him that I wouldn’t ever read his other journals but after he was gone, I said to hell with that promise. I missed him and I needed to have a part of him with me again.
Time had passed, the moon slowly rising over the tops of the trees outside, the glow casting the room in a white light from the floor to ceiling windows. I curled deeper under the blanket, wanting nothing more than to immerse myself into Bucky’s words, and soon my eyes became heavy. Sleep was long overdue and it took my fast.
Soft music played throughout the ballroom, myself being the only person inside. The bottom of my black ball gown trailed behind me as I took in my surroundings. The empty dance floor and tables suddenly became filled with bodies, laughing and smiling. Women were dressed in dresses while the men were dressed in their military uniforms and it became very clear where I was.
It was after World War Two and the men of the war finally had come home.
Turning on my heels, I was met with those brown eyes that I missed fondly. His voice wasn’t talking to me in my head anymore, he was standing in front of me.
“Bucky?” I muttered, lips trembling.
Gone was the beard and long hair, standing in front of me dressed in his military uniform. But what pulled at my heart was his left arm; it was completely flesh. The vibranium arm was a mere forgotten memory.
“God, you look beautiful, Y/N.” Bucky mused while pulling me into his warm embrace.
He smelled exactly how I remembered.
“Can I have this dance?” He asked with a slight smirk.
Our bodies swayed together as we danced along to the slow tunes of the song and I marveled at the softness of his bare cheek as my fingers cupped them. I softly gazed into his eyes, thankful that he was back in my arms again.
“I missed you so much, Bucky,” I admitted.
“I’m never leaving again. I’m back where I belong,” he lifted my chin to lock our eyes.
I stood on my toes while he leaned in closer, bringing our lips closer and closer by mere inches. However before they could clash together, he vanished through my fingers when a loud knock sounded in my ears.
My eyes snapped open, staring up at the white ceiling of my room. The dream had ended and I realized that I had been dancing with Bucky’s ghost.
Another knock sounded on my door but I was too defeated to answer.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, who’s at the door?” I questioned the A.I of Avengers Tower.
“Mr. Rogers.”
“Let him in,” I commanded with a soft sigh.
The door clicked open as soon Steve was standing at the foot of my bed, watching me cuddle the pillow close to my chest.
“Want to talk about it?” He asked, knowing what was going through my mind.
He let out a loud breath while running a hand through his hair then sat at the end of the bed.
“I know you miss him, Y/N. I do too but you can’t let it stop you from living,” he started.
I sat up in bed, my back hitting the headboard. “If you’re going to tell me that I need to move on then don’t. How can you tell me to move on when you’re still in love with a girl you’ve kissed once?”
Steve’s eyes hardened. “People tend to forget that I’d know her for years.”
“So you would give everything up to be with her?” I questioned.
I didn’t need to hear his answer, I already knew it.
His shoulders tensed while he hesitated.
“Exactly. Are we ready to do this test run?” I asked, changing the subject.
Steve nodded. “You’re sure you want to do this?”
It was my turn to nod. “If it allows me to bring everyone back then I’m sure as hell.”
Nat pulled the zipper of my suit all the way up before walking around me, facing me with a questionable look.
“Please be careful,” she stated. “I need you back here to help me with these idiots.”
I laughed as we looked at our team, our family. We were all ready to put everything on the line to bring our other family back and undo everything Thanos did with the snap.
“They would be lost without us, huh?” I said while watching Tony mess with Scott.
Nat agreed and gently pushed me towards the platform.
The steps seemed large as I ascended towards the middle, ready for the wild ride I was about to head on. All of their eyes were on me, Steve’s harder than others. I knew he didn’t agree with my decision but he couldn't stop me. I needed to do this.
“Any idea where you want to go?” Bruce asked as he started the machine up, turning on countless buttons.
I shrugged. “Wherever my subconscious takes me, I guess.
“You only have five minutes before we bring you back. It will seem like years to you but to us it’s minutes. Don’t talk with your past self or anyone.” Scott rambled on.
With a deep breath, I placed Bucky’s old mask on my face and gave Bruce a nod, letting him know that I was ready.
Steve and my eyes met and I gave him a thumbs up to reassure him that I would be fine.
“See you in five,” I yelled before I felt myself being sucked below the platform.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Vas Prizrak: Chapter Five
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
A flirtatious giggle fell from my lips as I pulled the body closer to me, drinking in the warmth. His fingers raked through my hair, plump lips meshing with my own, and his voice caused my heart to skip.
“I love you,” he breathed across my face.
The soft tune of music wrapped around us like a ribbon as our body’s danced slowly to the music. One hand linked with my own and the other, vibranium fingers were placed gently on my lower back.
“I love you too,” I replied.
“I don’t ever want to forget this moment,” Bucky said.
Lips curled upward in a soft smile, feeling the love radiate through his body into my own. I stood on my toes to reach his lips, wanting to feel them on mine again, however as I was so close to close the distance Bucky vanished through my fingers.
He fell to dust in my grasp.
My eyes snapped open from the dream and Bucky’s ghost was gone, my gaze staring at Steve.
“Did you say something?” I asked.
He was standing in front of my seat on the jet, staring down at me with worried eyes.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked, kneeling in front of me now. “We’ve been on board for a few hours and you haven’t said one word.”
I shrugged. “There’s not much to say. I’m going to kill Thanos.”
“Y/N-,” Steve sighed.
“Are we done here?” I questioned, interrupting him with a hard gaze.
I went to stand, wanting to end this conversation, however Steve’s hand gripped my thigh to stop me.
“I understand that you’re angry at everything and everyone right now but to take it out on me is bullshit,” he said.
The anger in his eyes made the anger in my body dissipate, guilt pulling at my heart. Steve had been by my side ever since the snap and I knew it was wrong of me to take my pain out on him.
“I’m sorry,” I muttered.
Steve lifted my chin. “This is going to work, Y/N. We’re going to get him back.”
I let out a shaky breath, trying to hold back the tears.
“It has too because I don’t know what I would do if it doesn't,” I admitted.
With a soft sigh, Steve stood to his feet and placed a kiss on the top of my head, and walked over to Nat. They conversed, something unreadable from my spot a few meters away. For a quick moment, the thought of Bucky left my mind and was replaced with the thought of Steve.
Our relationship was confusing to a lot, me included. We shared a bed every night, some nights we would find ourselves entangled together when I would have nightmares of the snap. Steve was there, pulling me into his arms to soothe me.
I knew that deep down Steve still felt the same way towards me as he did years ago but I couldn’t give him the same feelings. My heart will always be with Bucky.
“Guys, it’s just him.”
My eyes snapped to the front of the ship where Carol flew in place in space. She had flown down to the planet to scope out, seeing what we were up against.
“Perfect,” I muttered as we all got ready for the descent below.
The lone cabin in the middle of an open field meant nothing to any of us as I blasted a large flame towards the door, it falling to ash in seconds. Carol, Bruce, and Rhodey were inside in seconds, holding Thanos in place.
Thor, who held the same rage as I, busted inside and with a swift movement of Stormbreaker, Thanos’ hand with the gauntlet fell to the ground with a thud. His cries were nothing to me, as the fire still burned at my fingertips.
Steve, Nat, and I stepped inside, all side by side just like how we used to be back in the day.
Rocket went to pick up the fallen gauntlet but when he turned it over, a gasp fell from his lips.
“Oh no,” Rocket muttered.
The stones were gone.
“Where are they?” Steve asked.
“The stone served no purpose besides temptations,” Thanos said.
“YOU MURDERED TRILLIONS!” I bellowed, my banshee scream caused him to fly back to the other end of the cabin.
His broken body lay at my feet and Thor had to hold me back from setting him a blaze right there.
“Where are the stones?” Nat asked, tears in her eyes.
“Gone. Reduced to atoms,” Thanos choked.
“You used them two days ago!” Banner screamed.
“I used the stones to destroy the stones, it nearly killed me in the process,” Thanos admitted. “I am inevitable.”
Blackness took over my vision and the heat burned low in my stomach. Whatever hope we had about bringing everyone back was gone, along with the stones.
Thanos and Gamora exchanged words but it meant nothing to me, white noise in the background. Without a second thought, I shot a fire ball into his face, his cries being short lived as Thor went for the head, rolling below to our feet.
“Y/N,” Steve spoke while he reached for my hand.
I smacked him away, tears welling in my eyes. “You promised.”
His heart sank at my broken words.
“We’ll find a way,” he tried to reassure me.
“No! It’s done, Steve. Bucky’s never coming back!” I yelled.
I turned on my feet to walk away from him, away from all of them, but he stood in front of me to stop me.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked.
“Leave me alone,” I snapped trying to get away from him.
His hands were firm on my shoulders. “I’m not letting you leave.”
I raised my hands at him, the fire burning to life while my eyes went black again. The flames danced along on my hands.
“Don’t make me hurt you, Steve,” I hissed.
Steve reluctantly stepped to the side, letting me leave. He knew that this was a fight that he wouldn’t be able to win. My whole world was gone, never coming back all because Thanos blew the stones to hell. I couldn’t find it in my heart to live anymore. I was tired of fighting for nothing.
Without giving a second glance back to my friends, my family, I left them all behind. Nothing mattered to me anymore, not even Steve.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Seventeen
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife @winterassassin1804
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
A loud gasp escaped my throat as I sat up with a start, smacking whoever was in front of me. The last thing I had remembered was falling out of the sky.
“Hey, take it easy, doll. It’s me.”
After a few deep breaths, I relaxed when I saw Bucky’s concerned eyes looking at me.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
I nodded and let him help me to my feet. “How am I alive?”
Bucky motioned towards Sam and I gave him a quick nod of thanks.
“What did I miss?” I questioned.
Suddenly hearing loud screams, all of our attention fell onto Thanos, who was fighting Tony for the gauntlet. My eyes watched with horror, almost as if I was having a deja vu moment, watching Thanos prepare his fingers for the dreaded snap.
“I am inevitable,” Thanos smirked.
When he snapped, however, nothing happened. No one around us had dusted away like last time. Bucky and Sam were both in their spots beside me.
“No,” I breathed when I realized why the snap didn’t work.
Tony held up in hand, all six infinity stones shining bright. “I am Iron Man.”
With Tony’s snap, Thanos’ army started disappearing around us, dusting with the wind. Everyone watched in confusion until they realized that Tony had worn the gauntlet, snapping away our enemies.
Steve had joined us now and I could see the weight lift from his shoulders, knowing that we had won. However, I don’t think we all knew what it cost or who.
“Stevie,” I pulled on his hand so he could see what I saw.
Tony laid against a rock, taking his final breaths. The snap had been too much for him, his body not being able to handle it.
Tears fell from Steve’s eyes and I gave his hand a squeeze, letting him know that we all felt what he was feeling.
Sadness, grief, despair, and a gut wrenching loss.
We all loved Tony, he had been the one that brought the Avengers together all those years ago, and he knew in the end that someone needed to make the sacrifice call.
“What do we do now?” Sam questioned when everything had settled.
I looked between the three men and let out a very shaky, uncertain breath. “I don’t know.”
A heavy boot shut the door behind us, Bucky locking it while I sat down on the large bed with a deep groan.
“Are you alright?” He wondered, kneeling in front of me.
I started to nod but knew that it was a lie, everything post fight started to settle in on the way over to the hotel. No one could enjoy the victory or having their loved ones back, now knowing what it had cost. We had lost too many good people for this mission. Even though Tony and I hadn’t been close, it still broke my heart to see him take his final breath in front of all of us.
We were also confused, the majority of us having nowhere to go, nowhere to turn. Our prior home had burned to the ground along with all of our belongings.
Well, not everything.
Steve thought it would be best for us to stay at a hotel for the night to recoup and prepare for tomorrow; Tony’s funeral and returning the stones. I wanted to give everyone more time to heal but knew the longer we waited for returning the stones, the worse effect it would have on our future.
Sam and Steve were in the room across the hall from us, knowing that they needed to give Bucky and I some alone time. We had a lot to catch up on.
“Hey,” Bucky lifted my chin with a gentle finger. “It’s okay.”
I shook my head in his hand, tears starting to spill. “They didn’t deserve this ending, Buck. Tony and Nat should both be here. It’s not fair.”
On the way to the hotel, Steve and I filled in Sam and Bucky on all of the important things they had missed the last five years. They were shocked to learn how long they had been gone for while Steve and I were shocked to hear that even though it was five years for us, it only felt like five minutes for them.
“I know, doll,” Bucky hushed my cries with a kiss to the side of my forehead.
Alongside the scar from the aftermath of me trying to kill myself the other night. So much had happened that it seemed so long ago.
“I have so much to tell you,” I sighed.
Bucky nodded. “First, let’s get you cleaned up.”
I agreed with an obnoxious groan of pleasure at the mere mention of a shower. Bucky slowly led me towards the bathroom and I hesitated once we crossed the threshold.
“I know you’re probably expecting sex but my body is exhausted,” I fought.
“Doll, all I want is to have your body next to mine. Sex can wait,” he admitted.
Truthfully, I wanted to tell Bucky about Steve and I before we had sex. He deserved to know the truth; about everything.
Cool vibranium fingers traced the patterns down my left arm and over the star on my shoulder. Bucky’s breath warmed my bare shoulders as I laid in front of him, enjoying his touch.
“I still can’t believe you got this tattooed,” he breathed against my neck.
His lips left small kisses, causing shivers throughout my body.
“It was a dark point in my life, Bucky. We thought that we weren’t getting anyone back so I went on a murdering spree, killing Hydra members.” I admitted.
Bucky rolled me onto my back and propped himself up on one hand, eyes looking down at me. His familiar scent had engulfed my nostrils, lathering himself in my favorite body was; teakwood and mint.
Our shower had been anything but sexy. The dirt and blood that we washed off ourselves stained the shower floor, turning the water black the instant we stepped inside. Bucky had washed my hair with a loving scalp massage and went on and on about how he couldn’t believe my hair turned to literal fire tonight.
“I studied my powers, getting stronger.” I had informed him with a shrug as if it was no big deal.
After our shower and we washed one another, I sat in front of him on the bed while Bucky braided my hair back. The small intimate moments between us had returned, almost as if he had never left.
Thinking back to the present, I looked up at Bucky with a small smile. “What?”
He let out a deep chuckle. “I asked if you wanted to get some sleep.”
The blueness of his eyes had made my heart skip a beat and jump into my throat. He looked at me with so much love and adoration which made the guilt eat away at me once more. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, Bucky needed to know the truth.
“Actually, we really need to talk,” I stated while sitting up in bed.
I wrapped the sheet around my naked body tighter. We still hadn’t had sex but wanted to feel each other's skin on one another, which proved to be hard for him. His dick continued to press up against the back of my thigh.
Bucky nodded with a sigh and sat in front of me. “About you and Steve?”
I looked at him dumbfounded. “How do you know?”
“I was gone for five years, Y/N. I didn’t expect you to wait around for me and with the history between the two of you, it was bound to happen,” Bucky shrugged as if it hadn’t bothered him.
It hadn’t.
I was expecting to feel jealousy, anger, or rage coming from him but all I felt was acceptance.
“You’re not mad at me? You don’t want to punch a wall or storm out while calling me a slut?” I asked, shocked.
“God, no!” Bucky shook his head. “Is that what people do?”
“Typically yes, when they found out their girlfriend cheated on them,” I replied while messing with my hands.
He cupped them with his own to stop the nerves.
“You thought I wasn’t coming back, doll. I won’t hold that against you. Can you just promise it won’t happen again?” He asked with pleading eyes.
Immediately I nodded while cupping his face. “It won’t. I promise.”
We shared a passionate kiss, short but sweet, and when Bucky pulled away, he motioned to the bed.
“Anything else you want to talk about or can we get some sleep?” He questioned.
There was one more thing I had wanted to talk to him about but decided it would be better to surprise him with it so I shook my head.
“I’m definitely ready for some sleep.”
A very unattractive yawn slipped through my lips at the mention of sleep and Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I’ve missed you doll but I sure as hell didn’t miss you stealing all the blankets.”
I gasped at his confession while he pulled me into his chest, wrapping the blanket around us in our own private cocoon.
“I do not steal the blanket, Mr. Snores so loud I want to smother him with a pillow!” I semi yelled.
Bucky placed another kiss upon my lips. “I love you, Y/N. Sweet dreams.”
Sniggling closer into his bare chest, I smiled into his warm skin. “I love you too, Buck.”
That night was the first night in a very long time that I didn’t dream of dancing with his ghost. He finally was back where he belonged, in my arms.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Ten
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
With a quick snap, I lit the old fireplace and felt the warmth spread across my legs. The orange glow lit up the old home as I walked through. It was now empty, being left abandoned the last 80 years. It looked completely different when I was here a few hours ago but I couldn’t stop thinking of ways that I could fix up the holes in the walls and the missing floor boards.
The master bedroom and bathroom were what needed the most work and a slight fear of what I had gotten myself into creeped into my bones; a giant hole was directly in the middle of the floor.
“So this is what you wired the money for?”
Looking to the front doorway, I sighed when I saw Steve leaning against the doorframe.
“You followed me?”
He pushed himself off the frame, his large feet walking inside the old house. “It’s exactly like I remembered.”
“What are the odds you know your way with a hammer?” I somewhat joked.
Steve laughed. “Not at all. That’s Bucky’s forte.”
I stuffed my hands deep into the pockets of my coat while Steve stood next to me as we both watched the fire dance.
“I can’t believe you bought Bucky’s childhood home,” Steve spoke after moments of silence.
“He deserves something good when he comes back,” I stated.
Steve looked over to me with a confused stare. “He has you.”
I shrugged. “I’ve done a lot of bad things the last five years and I don’t think Bucky could accept it.”
“You’re talking about The Winter Soldier,” Steve reminded me, bumping my shoulder with his own.
I looked around the run down house with a large sigh, knowing that there was going to be no way that I could get it fixed up in time. I wanted to surprise Bucky when the fight was over with his old home being fixed back to its former glory. He deserved a home to grow old in.
“Yikes, what are you two doing hanging out in this dump?”
Turning on my heels, I smiled at Natasha as she slowly maneuvered her way inside over the holes.
“Hey, this is my dump you’re shitting on,” I defended. “What are you doing here?”
She held up a bag of food. “Figured you two were hungry.”
We all sat on the floor in front of the fireplace, eating and laughing about old memories of us working together; before everything changed. I missed the way our banter bounced off each other, Nat and I giving Steve a hard time for how old he was.
“I missed this,” Natasha admitted.
“Me too,” I smiled. “I hope that after everything, we all can retire and enjoy the life we have left.”
“Soon this house will be filled with Bucky Jr’s running around,” Natasha winked at me.
I tensed up at the mention of kids and noticing the uncomfortable look on my face, he motioned towards the door.
“We should head back.” Steve helped me to my feet, giving my hand a squeeze.
He knew that I had reverted back to the dark hole with the mention of kids. I hadn’t coped with the loss of our kid, not wanting to come to terms that I could actually have a little Bucky Jr here with me right now.
Steve wrapped an arm around my shoulders leading me back to the Avengers Compound.
With a soft sigh, I turned over in bed, staring out the large windows. I could see the sun beginning to rise over the treeline, indicating that I hadn’t slept at all after returning back. Thoughts of the life I could have in this moment kept me awake.
How could I tell Bucky that we should have had a kid by now?
For a fast moment, I thought of not telling him, to spare him the pain of knowing that we lost a child in the snap. I hated, however, keeping secrets from him. He deserved to know the truth, about everything that happened the last five years.
With a loud groan, I tossed off the covers and forced myself to take a shower knowing that today was the day; the day that we would all go back in time to retrieve the infinity stones. I knew that it would work but there was a lingering fear that we wouldn’t get what we wanted without a price. It had always been like that for us, the Avengers. One of us always paid the price for our actions, one way or another.
Once dressed, I made my way down the elevator to the common area of the tower, where everyone else was waiting for my presence.
Nat, Clint, Rhodey, and Nebula were sitting at the large table watching as Bruce and Scott went over every detail about going back in time to them.
Tony and Thor were standing in front of the monitors with Carol, figuring out exactly where we needed to go to get the infinity stones.
And finally, Steve was sitting by himself in a chair on the other side of the room with a low scowl on his face. I had seen that same scowl many times in the past and it only ever meant one thing. Something heavy was on his mind.
“Someone’s in a cranky mood for it being so early in the day.” I joked as I sat in the other chair across from him.
The sight of me brought a smile to his face.
“Just thinking.” He stated.
“About what?”
I could see the hesitation on his face, knowing that he wasn’t sure if he should actually tell me what he was thinking.
“If this doesn't work, I don’t think I could take the feeling of failure from everyone; especially you. I don’t know what I would do if you hate me because I couldn’t bring Buck back for you,” Steve admitted with a sigh.
“Hey,” I spoke while lacing our fingers together, “I could never hate you, Steve. And this is going to work because it has to. We need to bring them all back, not only for me, but for all of us.”
I could see in his sad eyes that he still didn’t believe what I was saying so I gently leaned close to him, letting a soft kiss linger on his cheek for a brief second. Turning to look into my own eyes, we were meters apart and I felt his warm breath fan across my lips.
“I love you too much to ever hate you, Steve.” I muttered my admittance.
It was brief but I saw the way his eyes darted from my own down towards my lips, slowly licking his own. I couldn’t stop myself from slowly leaning closer to him.
“Hey lovebirds, if you’re done staring lovingly into each other's eyes we can start the meeting now.”
We both sat back from one another, my glance now on Tony.
“What’s the plan?” I coughed, hoping that would hide the arousal and redness of my cheeks for what almost happened.
As Tony went over the teams and who was going where, I felt Steve’s eyes on me the entire time. Daring a glance over to him, my heart hammered in my chest when I saw the look of desire in his face.
I shifted in my seat once I heard my name being called.
“Jesus Tony, you’re making me feel like I’m in school again,” I said while crossing my arms.
“Well if you weren’t giving googly eyes to Rogers, you would have heard what I was saying and I wouldn't have to yell at you,” Tony stated.
All these years had passed since we fought together in New York and I still hated how much of an ass he was.
“You, Banner, Lang, and Steve are going back to New York in 2012 to retrieve the time, mind, and space stone. Thor and the badger are going back to 2013 Asgard to get the reality stone.”
“I’m a racoon,” Rocket interjected.
“Same thing,” I waved him off. “Rhodey and Nebula are going to hitch a ride with Natasha and I to Morag to get the Power Stone while Nat and I go to Vomir for the soul stone.”
Once finished, I smiled smugly at Tony, knowing that I in fact was listening to him go over the plan while staring at Steve.
Steve said back in his chair, mirroring his own smug smile, before looking at Tony.
“Anything else, Mr. Stark?” He joked.
Tony let out a deep breath while pinching his eyes. “Let’s get suited up then.”
Before we all left the room, I gave Steve a quick wink and followed Natasha to her living quarters so we could get suited up together.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Eighteen
-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife @winterassassin1804
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
“Call me if you need anything, okay?”
The redhead nodded, giving me a small smile. “I will.”
“Don’t be a stranger, Wanda.”
We gave each other another hug before parting ways and I headed towards Bucky who was looking out at the waters of the lake behind the Stark home. My arm wrapped around his side and he snaked his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in. A soft kiss to the top of my head brought a smile to my lips.
“You alright?” I asked.
During the funeral, I could feel Bucky filled with so much regret; regret for not only what happened to Tony but for what The Winter Soldier did to his parents.
“I never got to apologize to him for what I did to his parents,” Bucky’s voice sounded broken so I gave him a loving squeeze.
“It wasn't you, Buck.”
He sighed, finally looking into my eyes. “Where are the other two trouble makers?”
I giggled at his nickname for Sam and Steve.
“They’re with Bruce checking out the new quantum tunnel. I guess Tony had been working on another, better model.” I said.
Bucky hummed while he led me towards the three men, who were in a heated discussion, but seized when Bucky and I walked up.
“What's going on?” I asked with a raised brow.
Sam ran a hand over his tired face, letting out a deep sigh. We were all exhausted still, not having much time to recoup after yesterday's fight. Right after Tony’s funeral, we all decided that now would be the best time to return the stones.
“Steve wants to return the stones by himself which I think is crazy if you ask me,” Sam said.
My eyes landed on Steve, who was already dressed in his suit, briefcase full of stones in one hand and Mjolnir in the other.
“Can we talk alone for a minute?” I questioned.
He nodded and we walked towards a bench that faced the lake, both sitting in silence. Steve didn’t have to say anything, however, because I already knew what he was thinking.
“You’re not coming back?” I finally tore my gaze away from the water and looked into his eyes.
Steve hesitated, trying to think of the right words to say. “What do I have left here, Y/N?”
I scoffed, immediately feeling hurt by his choice.
“What about me? Bucky and Sam?” I asked, pointing to them behind us.
No matter how far away we sat from them, I knew Bucky could hear our conversation.
Steve ran a hand over his face but remained silent. No matter how much I begged or pleaded to have him come back to us, his mind had been made up. Steve was going back to not only return the stones but to live a life with Peggy.
The anger had intensified, knowing he was giving all of us up for her.
“I can’t believe it,” I stood while shaking my head. “You’re leaving all of us behind for her?”
Steve shrugged. “I love her, Y/N.”
I let the news of his confession sink in. There had to have been a small part of me that understood where he was coming from, right?
Everything I had done lately for my love of Bucky was no different than Steve staying in the past so he could live a life with Peggy. We all deserved a happy ending after defeating Thanos, Steve included.
I pulled my jacket closer to my chest and reluctantly nodded. Our arms wrapped around each other in a final hug and I left a soft, lingering, kiss on his cheek.
“We love you, Steve. I understand why you want to do this but can’t stay here and watch you. If you change your mind, you know where I’ll be,” I said, gently cupping his cheek once more.
Tears welled in his eyes but Steve quickly blinked them away. No other words came through my lips, unsure of what to say exactly, so I walked ahead of him while he followed behind. He wanted to say goodbye to Bucky, one final time.
“Don’t do anything stupid until I get back,” Steve joked.
Bucky chuckled. “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
The hug between them was quick, Bucky not wanting to linger any longer around him. Even though it was Steve’s decision in the end, Bucky couldn’t agree with it. After everything they had gone through together, Steve was giving it all away for Peggy.
I could almost see the jealousy and anger oozing out of Bucky.
“Take care of her,” Steve nodded towards me.
I laced my fingers with Bucky and gave Steve one final smile. “Safe travels, Stevie.”
Bucky and I turned to walk away as tears fell from my eyes. I had lost another person I loved and cared about, however the one who meant the most was still here, lightly swaying our hands together as we walked alongside the lake, far from Steve.
“You know,” Bucky spoke after some time of quiet, “I think we should get a place on the lake. It’s quite peaceful.”
“Remember my family’s cabin we stayed in after the fight in D.C?” I asked, the memory pushing its way forward.
It was the first time I had shared time and made memories with Bucky, not Soldat.
Bucky smirked and nodded. “That seems like a lifetime ago.”
“We’ve been through a lot together,” I stated.
We came to a stop and Bucky pulled me into his chest, vibranium fingers brushing the hair out of my face. He lowered his lips, giving me a tender kiss.
“I love you, Y/N,” Bucky gushed.
Leaning up on my toes, I gave him another quick kiss. “I love you too, Bucky.”
We started walking again but suddenly, I remembered the surprise that I had yet to show him.
“I have something to show you, only if you’re up for it.” I said.
Bucky wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close again. “I’m always up for anything if you’re involved, doll.”
“No fucking way,” Bucky muttered.
“I know it looks a lot worse since the last time you saw it but I have so many ideas on how we can fix it all,” I babbled on while pointing to different things around us, stating how we could change things.
“If you think about it,” I continued to ramble, “All it really needs is new flooring throughout and a good paint job. And the kitchen could use an update. Oh, the bathrooms need to be completely gutted.”
“Doll,” Bucky reached for my hands, causing me to come to a complete stop.
He wore the proudest and widest smile I had ever seen on his gorgeous face. It was the type of smile that made the corners of your eyes crinkle.
“You bought my childhood home?” He asked.
I nodded but grew anxious the longer he stared into my eyes. “Should I not have? Was that too weird?”
Bucky hushed my ramblings with a kiss.
“I fucking love you, doll. I can’t believe you did that,” Bucky mused against my lips.
Our fingers laced together and I pulled him along, filling him in on how we could fix things and update the home to its former glory.
The dining room had a huge window that when the sun would set in the evenings, it would cast the home in an orange hue.
We could tear down the wall between the kitchen and living room, giving the home a large open concept.
There were three bathrooms total, all of which needed to be completely gutted.
Out of the five bedrooms, I guided Bucky towards my favorite one. His old bedroom.
“I know your room was the smallest but what if we tear down that wall,” I pointed to the one opposite of us, “And connect the two rooms. I really love how large the windows are here. We could put in a set of french doors that lead out onto a deck.”
“That all sounds amazing, Y/N.”
Bucky had not stopped smiling since we stepped foot through the threshold. He knew immediately where we were the second I had turned on the street.
“The listing agent told me that there’s a small lake behind all of those trees. I tried to get in contact with the man that owns that piece of landland to see if he was willing to sell but I guess he disappeared with the snap,” I stated while we turned to look out the large window in the room.
A small chuckle erupted from Bucky’s throat, earning a confused look on my end.
“What?” I questioned.
“Names James Buchanan Barnes. I heard you were interested in buying my land,” Bucky extended his hand towards me, wanting me to shake it.
“I’m sorry, what?” Confusion was an understatement on how I felt at the moment.
“Before I went to war, back in the 40’s, my parents surprised me with that piece of land. They wanted me to have something that I would be able to make a home on and raise my family close to them,” Bucky shared.
My lips parted slightly at his words. Between the both of us, we had now owned just over two acres of land?
“I can’t believe it,” I laughed, shocked.
Bucky wrapped his arms around me from behind, placing a kiss on the top of my head.
“Thank you for this doll. I can’t wait until we fix this up and start raising our family here,” he mused, thinking of his exciting future ahead.
I turned into his arms, snaking my arms around his neck. “You want to have a family with me?”
Bucky’s eyes shone with so much love and purpose. I could feel the pride emanating from his soul.
“Y/N, I want to live with you for the rest of my life, even when we’re ghosts. I don’t want to experience this life with anyone else,” Bucky sealed the admission with a kiss.
Suddenly I remembered that there was one more final thing I had to tell him. I knew that with this news he wouldn’t be so happy. As I opened my lips to speak, Bucky had beat me to it, rambling on about ways we could fix up the rest of the house and the backyard.
He spoke with so much purpose for the future, our future, and it brought tears to my eyes knowing that after the hell of a life he had, he was excited for something. Bucky had a future to look forward to that didn’t involve death or heartbreak. It involved us and as much as he didn’t want to admit it, Sam. He was all we had left and I refused to leave him behind, even if Bucky tried to kill him.
With a silent nod, I had decided to keep that final secret of losing our child in the snap to myself.
“Buck,” my voice came out husky and raw. “Why don’t we head back to the hotel to celebrate?”
Seeing how excited he was for our future brought immediate warmth to my core and it itched to feel him between my legs again.
Without a second thought, Bucky’s pupils turned dark with lust as he lifted me onto his shoulder and ran out of our home. We didn’t want to waste any more time.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky barnes and reader#the winter soldier#marvel#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier smut#bucky barnes x agent!reader#james barnes smut#james barnes imagine#james bucky barnes#james barnes#james buchanan barnes#soldat bucky barnes#vaz prizrak bucky barnes#dorogaya bucky barnes
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