#someone thought one of the reds was kai and im not entirely sure who they thought was kai but i prommy my girl gets the TREATMENT with me
grif-hawaiian-rolls · 7 hours
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Blue Team movie STORY night!
This week it's Junior's turn to be narrator
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fantasyloverisabel · 2 months
Dragons Rising spoilers below
I've seen mixed opinions on Arin, specifically the selfishness. And some people are saying stuff like "He wants his parents back that isn't selfish!" And thats true, wanting your parents is never something thats selfish. What IS selfish is that you'll make everything about yourself, and completely disregard the fact that other people are missing their families too. It's not just Arin that lost his family/loved ones it's multiple people.
Even Nya can be used in this example (and Zane) they've both lost a loved one. And even when Nya "finds" Jay, she prioritizes the mission because she knows it's important to the world. Now you could argue saying "Nya is a grown adult and Arin is a kid" Arin is about 16-17 and when the Ninja first started about they were about that age and all I can really say is to just look at Kai's development from the beginning.
For Sora lying to Arin, I think in the moment she shouldn't have told him, but once they reached the monastery she should've. But her character doesn't like to disappoint others so she was fearful of that, but even when he confronted her she told the truth and didn't lie. But linking that with what Ras has been telling Arin, it's one of the reasons why it's annoying (no offense) when the "Arin isn't selfish" people are ignoring this. Arin is only with Ras because he can lead him to his parents, and despite the fact that Ras has endangered their lives on multiple occasions(even trying to split them up) and was sided with someone who was using dragons for fuel.
Then you move onto the training bit, where Ras inadvertently trained Arin on how to properly do Spinjitzu,(theory) and I've seen people talking about how when Arin does it fully it has red streaks because he's forcing it and it'll likely hurt him somehow in the future. But back onto the training, Lloyd had said multiple times he doesn't think he'll be a good master and Arin kept pushing that onto him(and excluding the fact he doesn't even see the Ninja as people more so idols and still saw them as such till this season).
Then moving on when Master Wu said he caused the merge (which he could've said that he did because he couldn't prevent it, me and a friend actually talked about that) Cole was in shock and Arin's immediate thought was "wow they can't even believe Master Wu would do something like that" No Arin, Cole was in shock because he didn't expect that. And you told Lloyd this information when he's fighting the enemy, and when he said he'll deal with it later that didn't mean "I won't believe this information you've given me" it's a "I'll digest this information AFTER we defeat the enemy" and even Zane says it's a lot of information to process. This entire time Arin was just being selfish and unempathic.
The only thing I can praise him on was the whole detective thing he has going on, which was good, but overall was selfish the rest of the time. What makes it a bit frustrating is that Arin being a character thats written selfishly isn't a bad thing, he can have major character development and seeing a main character like this is really cool to see. But trying to erase that crucial part of his character is silly.
Anyways I hope I didn't make anyone angry with this post, and if I did that wasn't my intention to. There's also probably A LOT of spelling errors I didn't see so I apologize for that. And Im open to discussion! If you haven't already make sure you drink some water to stay hydrated and have a lovely day!
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tickleraptorss · 3 years
Asking For It
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Prompto and Noctis have always been great friends, and as it turns out, they seem to have similar tastes... at least when it comes to tickling.
a/n: hi i had this rly soft idea in my head and i- (worms fall out of my pocket) oh god oh shit fuck im so sorry goddammit fuck
It’d been a rather innocent question. A question that Noctis found intriguing, adorable and relatable all at the same time. A question he’d never dared to ask himself, in fact. Even during the times where he was feeling extremely touch-starved, or just wanted some affection in his own... Noctis way. 
He would’ve never guessed Prompto was the same. 
Both Gladio and Ignis knew about Noctis’ and Prompto’s weakness, and even shared similarities. Tickling wasn’t uncommon between the four of them, although most of the time Noctis or Prompto would end up being the victims. Compared to Gladio’s strength and Ignis’ wit, the two of them were nothing but a ticklish mess of nerves. Not to say that they never got back at them, because of course they did, but more often than not these revenges would end up as failed attempts. 
But as time went on, and so did the frequent tickling, Prompto and Noctis found themselves starting to feel differently about the whole ordeal. While at the beginning of their trip they’d constantly try to thrash their way out of, say, Gladio’s bear hug (which was impossible), now they’d hardly try. Noctis had just thought he was getting used to being tickled nearly daily, or that his body was naturally reserving his strength for fighting. And then... a spontaneous 3AM realization hit him.
He liked being tickled.
Not in a sexual way, of course, it was more of an... intimate interest... as he would put it. Something he would only trust his romantic partners with. And since he was dating Ignis, Gladio and Prompto, there was no worry there. But they’d always tickle him until he was wheezing with silent laughter, which made Noctis’ mind wander.
Before he knew it, he’d started craving it. He would purposely stretch his arms over his head, leaving himself wide open for attack. He would attack the others in hopes that they would get him back (which usually worked). But after a while, he started to crave something more. Or... something less, depending on who you asked.
He started to find himself staring at loose Chocobo feathers for a little too long, and luckily the others just thought he was staring into space. He noticed he would stare at his companions’ hands quite often, and before he knew it he could feel the ghosts of fingers scribbling at his tummy, which would make him visibly shiver. It was only a matter of time until he realized exactly what he wanted. 
He was way too embarrassed to ask any of his boyfriends, though. He knew there wouldn’t be any judgement, and that they’d happily do it... but still... there was something stopping him from asking. And so... he tried to ignore it.
He thought about it a lot, though. 
He just loved to imagine fingers sliding across his tummy, wiggling so gently and teasingly. A voice teasing him about how ticklish and adorable he is. Gentle kisses to his neck as hands roamed around-
“Hey, Noct!” Prompto peaked his head in through the tent, causing the prince to startle. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Got a minute?”
Noct blinked. He’d almost completely forgotten where he was. Ignis and Gladio had gone out to get some ingredients for dinner, and so Prompto and Noctis were left to their own devices. 
Without giving the prince time to reply, Prompto entered the tent and cuddled up to his boyfriend’s side, a content sigh escaping him.
“Someone’s affectionate today,” Noctis chuckled.
“I’m affectionate every day, dude. Gotta meet my cuddle quota!” Prompto exclaimed, tackling Noctis to the floor and nuzzling against his neck.
“Hehehey!” Noctis giggled. “Th-that...”
“Tickles?” Prompto finished the sentence, raising his head up from the prince’s shoulder to look at his boyfriend. “Actually... I didn’t come here just for cuddles... there was something else I wanted to ask...” 
Noctis tilted his head,  waiting for Prompto to ask his question, but in response Prompto’s face flushed a bright red and he averted his gaze.
“I-I... um...” He stuttered, before hiding his face behind his hands in embarrassment. “This is so embarrassing!” 
“Prom... whatever it is, I promise I won’t judge you,” Noctis reassured.
“I know it’s just... it’s silly...” With that, Prompto took a deep breath, and...
“Huh?” The words came out jumbled and quiet, but Noctis definitely heard the cursed word in there somewhere. “C-Can you repeat that?” Prompto whined, and then took another deep breath.
“C-Can you... uh... t-t-tickle me... please?” 
So that is what he said after all! 
“You want me to tickle you?” Noctis asked, and Prompto nodded sheepishly.
“Y-You don’t think it’s... weird... do you?”
“No! Of course not! It’s just that...” Noctis awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, shooting Prompto a shy smile. “I thought I was the only one.” His face flushed a bright pink as he said that. 
Prompto blinked, then smirked, quickly shifting their positions so that Noctis was pinned on his back. 
“You too, huh?” He scritched underneath Noctis’ chin, earning a surprised squeak from him. “I wouldn’t mind taking care of that for you,” he whispered.
“B-But what about you? You asked first!” 
“I can wait, you look too cute right now!” Prompto wiggled his fingers in the air, and Noctis squeaked and turned his head away from the wiggling digits, closing his eyes so he didn’t have to look at them. 
“Wait!” Noctis grabbed Prompto’s wrists for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath. “I-I don’t just... want to be t-tickled... well I do, it’s just, in a specific way...” Carefully, he guided Prompto’s hands to his stomach. “Just... be gentle...”
Prompto smiled sweetly, and kissed Noctis’ forehead before his hands slipped underneath the prince’s shirt.
“You’re adorable!” He exclaimed, giving a slight giggle of his own. “Anything for you, Your Ticklishness~” There was that teasy, sing-song tone that Noctis had been hoping for. He knew Prompto was big on teasing while tickling, but he had no doubt that he’d be more ruthless with it now that Noctis had asked.
Fingers began to move, and the prince’s body jerked in response to the slight movement of fingers. As they continued, Noctis tried to contain his giggles, keeping a hand over his mouth to hide his growing smile.
“Don’t be like that, Noct! I wanna see you smile!” Prompto’s fingers sped up ever so slightly, lightly scratching at the sides of Noctis’ tummy. Giggles began to pour out of the ticklish prince, and Prompto moved Noctis’ hands over his head, chuckling when he didn’t put them down again. “Keep your arms up the best you can for me, ‘kay?” 
Noctis obliged, keeping his hands above his head just like Prompto asked. Noctis looked at Prompto, who was smirking at him with a mischievous glint in his eye. 
Slowly, his hands descended onto the prince’s sensitive ribs, scritching gently at the lower area of the spot. Noctis squeaked in response, his face flushing a bright red when Prompto traced the lowermost ribs. 
“Ehehe- Prompto!” Noctis aimlessly called out, twitching in response to the light tickling. 
“This seems like a preeeetty good spot!” Prompto announced. “Think I’ll stick around here for a bit~” The blonde’s fingers kept tracing along the ticklish skin, watching as Noctis quivered underneath his fingertips. The prince’s giggles became squeakier, and he was wiggling involuntarily, but his hands stayed above his head. 
That was until the gunman’s hands moved to his sides.
Noctis yelped, his arms immediately coming down to defend the ticklish area. 
“Noct!” Prompto laughed. “You’re supposed to keep your arms up!” He teased, poking Noctis’ sides repeatedly. The prince’s laughter increased in volume as he desperately tried to lift his arms up, but instincts told him to keep them at his sides.
“I cahahan’t!!” Noctis squeaked when Prompto moved his arms above his head again. 
“Too ticklish?” Prompto teased, before giving Noctis a quick peck to his cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll be nice and gentle!~” With that, his fingers were on the move once more. Wiggling slightly, the evil digits traced up and down Noctis’ sides, gliding from the sides of his ribs to just above his hips. The ticklish prince had buried his head in his shoulder to attempt to hide the blush and smile on his face, but there was no denying that he was extremely flustered right now.
While he did try to control his laughter somewhat, giggles still flowed out of him quite freely. Those giggles turned into laughter when Prompto located a particularly ticklish bundle of nerves just above Noctis’ hipbones, and began gently circling his fingers over the spot, making Noctis arch his back slightly. And of course, there was that cute, squeaky laugh that came out whenever a sweet spot was being tickled. 
“Aww, does that tickle?” Prompto taunted, chuckling when Noctis shook his head. “No? Well I guess you wouldn’t mind if I moved on to your tummy then!” 
Prompto’s fingers glided over to Noctis’ stomach, which made the prince’s entire body shudder. Oooh, this was gonna be a fun spot...
“Promptohoho!” Noctis’ giggles were now a full stream of squeaky laughter.
“It- ahah! It tickles!” 
“Well, yes, that’s the point,” the gunman chuckled. His fingers continued to work their magic around Noctis’ tummy. They skittered around the sides, circled around his bellybutton, even traced along his waistline, which earned the cutest squeals. 
“Who’s my ticklish little prince, huh?~” Prompto sang, his fingers idly tracing random shapes over Noctis’ stomach. “You loooove this, don’t you? Sure sounds like you do~” 
“Shuhuhut up!!” Noctis could barely handle the teasing, in fact, it made him feel even more ticklish than before. 
“Well, that’s not very nice,” Prompto stopped the tickling, but still rested his hands on Noctis’ tummy. “I think you should apologize, after all...” he leaned closer to Noctis to whisper to him.
“You did ask for this~” 
Noctis groaned, flustered out of his mind. His face felt impossibly hot, and the tips of his ears were red at this point. He hid his face in his hands, but he couldn’t hide the fact that he was enjoying every moment of this.
“Don’t hide!” Prompto’s hands were back on his tummy. “Kitchy kitchy kooooo~” 
Noctis wasn’t sure exactly how long Prompto tickled his belly for, as he knew it was Prompto’s favourite spot (that and his feet). But it wasn’t much longer until Noctis tapped out, panting and letting out tiny residual giggles, which made Prompto coo at him. The gunman rolled off of Noctis and lay next to the panting prince.
“Sooo, how’d I do?” He asked.
“P-Pretty good,” Noctis answered. 
“I mean, it’s not exactly hard to tickle you,” Prompto smiled. “You’re a walking tickle spot, dude.”
“It’s not like you’re much better!” Noctis sat up, looking down at Prompto, before grinning. “Besides, I think it’s someone else’s turned to be tickled~”
Noctis pounced on the blonde, proceeding to tickle him to pieces, before they got themselves into quite the tickle fight. 
When Ignis and Gladio returned, the found Noctis and Prompto cuddled up together, napping away in their tent.
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Frostbitten. Pt 2
Kirishima brings home a rare Ice Element egg to his King Bakugo. The King is expecting another dragon to serve him but his plans for domination are halted when you hatch. A half dragon half female who can breath ice but cant turn into a dragon.
Drakno; a made up slang word for someone who cant turn into a dragon
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“What the hell did you say to me?”
You fell back once Bakugo shook you off his leg to stomp away from the room. He was so angry, what a useless dragon.. No , not even a dragon, a drakaina.. Useless, worthless, not worth his time. He kicked a door open stalking around the room till he found his throne and threw himself down in it to sulk and be a brood while his leg turned back to its normal color and stopped freezing.
Kirishima was quick to help you back on your feet and crouched down to get a good look at you, He sighed with the biggest smile on his face. He was not the only one anymore, sure, other dragons were around but he did not know any of them personally and this was his chance to get to know one and even raise it. He had to be careful though, if he upset the King in anyway or if .. you did.. He shook his head and gave you a hug laughing.
“So cute! I cant wait to get to know you , you need a name though.. Hm..”
You sat down looking at your hands and wings pulling them to your front to inspect them, a pretty foggy white blue , very pretty. The white blue scales on your body shined bright in the sunlight too. Kirishima had never seen a ice dragon before, and since he was a fire element dragon he was very curious, you were the opposite of him pretty much,
He patted your head giggling at the goosebumps appearing on his hand. “Hm.. Chilly, Chilla, do you like that?”
Your cheeks had a faint red on them and you gave him a slight nod. “Kay.”
“Okay! Chilla it is!” he picked you up in his arms to show you around the castle.
Bakugo was close by while Kirishima did his little tour , he had disgust written all over his face the entire time. What a useless thing to be doing, she will never leave this castle , better yet her room so why did she need to see everything in it huh?
You were very curious about everything you saw, it was a whole new experience for you since you had hatched not too long ago. Your body was adjusting to the sudden temperature drop and having this man carry you seemed to help. He felt really hot for some reason, it was cozy.. You leaned into him looking at everything with wide eyes. Kirishima rubbed your back while he showed you everything , the thought of the King changing everything unexpectedly hung in the back of his mind every second now though,,
“Uh..mm..” you tugged his red hair.
“Yeah?” Kiri looked down to see you looking a little sad. “Papa?” you pointed to Bakugo who was behind you a few feet away.
“Tch..” Bakugo turned his chin up walking away to his room and slamming the door,
Kiris smile faded from his face as he sat down in the nearby window looking out at the village that sat just at the end of the hill . “Chilla, papa is.. A little busy. But im fun too okay? I promise!”
You leaned into his arm nuzzling into it enjoying the warmth he gave off “wanna see.. When hes not busy..”
Kirishima got up with a long sigh falling off his mouth “ill see what i can do Chilla, are you tired?”
“Mmn..” you pulled a wing over your face and Kirishima started to walk to your room. “Okay, big brother Kirishima will see what he can do ..”
You were falling asleep by the time Kirishima got to your room, it was .. more of a closet than a room.
“I dont care, stick her in there” was what Bakugo told Kirishima, he tried his best to clean it up and make it look semi decent. He placed a bear fur stuffed with feathers in the corner along with some pelts and some pretty rocks that shined when put under the window. You liked it ..but..Kirishima did not.
He kneeled down to rub your head and move your bangs up with his thumb to see your pretty eyes. You were so cute.. Innocent .. . “Chilla… listen to me okay?”
“Sleepy..” you leaned into his arm and Kirishima had to sit down and place you on his leg .
“Hang on , you can sleep in a minute. “
“When im… “ he leaned against the stone wall looking up at the small hole in the wall for a window. “When im not here, or i need to go take care of something. You have to stay in here okay? If i ever cant bring you here you need to go here yourself…” he was crushed. Absolutely crushed. Every single word broke his heart more and more. He wanted to teach you how to fly.. Show you the land.. Set sheep on fire.. Or well, freeze them. He knew you had high potential .. he just knew it..
“Stay .. here.. Or go here..”
“Yes Chilla..”
“Because .. papa.. Busy and Big Brother busy..”
That's what broke him. Completely broke his spirits. “Yes.. but i promise..” he hugged you trying not to cry. “Ill give you a good life -”
Kirishimas suddenly started to see red , his heart rate kicked up and his breathing got very heavy. His hands were starting to grow and his skin was turning red.
“Lock up the Drakno and go set something on fire. Bring back gold and food”
Kirishima put you on the animal fur bed and got up closing the door behind him. He went to the nearest window jumping out of it and turning into his dragon, flying off with only the orders from his King crossing his mind.
While Kirishima was out Bakugo tended to his castle and checked over everything. He wanted to conquer , winter was coming and he needed food and warmth. He needed to go with Kirishima before the first snow to gather everything he needed to survive the winter, and he needed too ..
The door to your room opened and Bakugo crouched down to see you rubbing the tired from your eyes. “Papa..” you sat up “papa not busy..?”
“Your coming with me, Drakno” he said, grabbing you and yanking you out of the bed and to the main room of the castle to the outside. It was chilly and very dark..
“Papa?” you asked him again , hugging his leg trying to get him to pick you up . “up.. Want up..”
“Freeze something , “
He flicked one of your horns . “these are going to be tough and rigid, great for headbutting castle doors open. And those wings are going to be even bigger … im going to train you to be a killing machine, so if you want my love, freeze. Something,”
You blinked a few times looking around then back up at him to see he had his arms crossed and not looking at you. “Just.. “ you exhaled seeing some ice fall to the ground. “More..” another big exhale , more ice.
You let go of Bakugos leg to take a few steps forward, eyeing a bee on a flower. You held your hands out to guide the ice onto the flower freezing it solid along with the bee.
“Good. now something bigger”
“Hurry up”
You scanned all around holding your bangs up to make it easier to see. Nothing was really around .. except for .. a stray falcon picking at some scraps. Your wings spread and you felt.. Different.. You just wanted Papas love..
A wicked grin slipped up bakugos face once he heard the screech of the bird.
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
#17 for the spotify wrapped with zuko! <3
prom queen - zuko x reader
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pairing: zuko x fem!reader
wc: 1k (it’s a short one, i didn’t feel like exploring this song too much as i associate it with a certain sort of my life. i also didn’t put too much effort into tbh, again for the same reason)
warning: if you’re sensitive to body image talk, possible diet talk, possible starvation mention, please don’t go any further. i tried to keep it as light as possible but i did project onto it a bit.
notes: i cherry picked lyrics that work best for this, and the least triggering ones. its kinda of a part two to detention as requested by @aangsupremacy (hopefully this works for you), just not a direct one.
wish i was like you, blue-eyed blondie, perfect body,
she was everything you could never be. with beautiful long black hair and an elegance that you only wish you could have. but most of all, she had the firelord’s attention, she had his heart. she had his attention ever since they were children and it was foolish of you to ever imagine things going differently.
it was foolish of you to think he’d even fall for you, the waterbender who’d been tasked to be his bodyguard ever since you two were children. it was foolish of you to think that, even though you two had been through so much together, you still would never even cross his mind as anything more than a simple friend.
all the nights you two spent on that boat, giving him a space to talk when he needed it. you had always been there for him, you were with him every step of the way from the agni kai to ba sing se, to joining the avatar and defeating ozai. you two had grown close during that time and you genuinely thought that something was happening between the two of you, but you couldn’t be further from the truth. you had forgotten that the affection that zuko felt towards mai transcended any relationship that you had built up with him. spirits did you wish you were her.
maybe I should try harder, you should lower your beauty standards,
you remembered the comments you used to get while on the boat, your body constantly being picked apart by middle aged men who didn’t have any better to do then to bodyshame a teenager. being away from the crew, a weight had been lifters off your shoulders when you found a group of friends that never said anything about your appearance nor found anything wrong with it.
you should’ve realised that when you agreed to join zuko as his advisor that the picking apart would get worse. his cabinet was still very closed minded and judgemental, none of them liked the idea of a waterbender from a watertribe to be the one advising the leader of the firenation, none of them seemed to remember that your whole childhood was spent in between these walls.
most of the time, words were never said directly to you but usually were whispers strategically placed to make sure you heard what they all thought about you. it hurt a lot but you were able to push down all of your emotions until one day, when someone who used to be a part of zuko’s crew, came to help him around the place. the crew had caught on that despite how much he aggravated you, you had a thing for zuko, so he of course made fun of you for it in front of the firelord’s officers who knew of his current relationship status. and that’s when things started to go down hill.
“i’m going to find the firelord and see what he thinks about it.” it all started when you were having a meeting with some of his esteemed generals and admirals, he was absent so you took his place which meant that some people thought it was fun to try and take advantage of your lack of authority. the only way to settle the current argument was to grab the firelord himself and drag zuko into the mess that only he could clean.
“wouldn’t want to do that, his girlfriend might think you’d want to steal him.” a misplaced teasing rang from general tao, one who seemed to always be against you.
“please, mai would take one look at her and not even think that she’d pose a threat. i mean have you seen her body?” another voice inserted himself into the conversation and you started to feel like you’d wish that you could just evaporate into thin air.
“not to mention that marrying someone from the watertribe would be absolutely dishonourable.” general sho added, a smirk on his face as he knew that all of their comments were affecting you. sho was definitely someone who liked to pretend that he didn’t miss ozai, just like half of the people in the room that laughed at the jokes.
“meeting adjourned.” you exclaimed, not wanting to even deal with them any longer and just go to your room and cry about what had happened. you were the first to stand up and go to the leave the room but right as you were about to leave, you heard one more comment.
“go cry about it, maybe you can waterbend it or, even better, loose a little.” it was the last straw and you felt your eyes prick with tears but you couldn’t show total weakness so you held your composure and scurried to your room, making sure to avoid absolutely anyone.
im no quick-curl barbie, i was never cut out for prom queen,
when you closed the door to your chamber, you threw yourself on your bed and just cried, letting all the words that everyone had ever said get to you. you knew that you weren’t ever going to make a good ruler, which is probably for the best that mai is a good contender for the position seeing as she and zuko are madly in love.
but spirits did you wish you were. you weren’t the regal type, you weren’t elegant, you weren’t raised as someone important, you were raised as a bodyguard who’s entire worth was based on wether or not you could protect the future firelord. not matter how much you tried to get over him, you couldn’t. your entire self worth had been based around him since a young age so of course it continued into your early adult years. your whole life had been intertwined with zuko and your destinies, at least that’s what you thought, were always going to be shared in a way.
maybe that’s why you tried your hardest to always be nice to him, be there for him, be a friend for him even when he didn’t want one. sometimes you wondered if you actually did love him or if it was just that if he did love you, you would actually feel like you had a place. you’d always conclude that it was the first, just seeing him happy and smile made your heart race as a fast as a rollercoaster. no one else had ever done that to you.
you remembered the one time you had ever lashed out at zuko. you were grieving and he was being selfish. you had always given him the space to talk about his feelings so you expected the same, only, it took you ignoring him for a couple of days for him to finally understand that friendship was a two way street, even when he was banished.
after that, zuko always listened to you when you needed it and spirits did you wish he was there now. you don’t exactly know what you’d tell him but in right now, you craved him just rubbing your back soothingly and letting you air out what was on your mind. those moments weren’t too common but they were precious.
you were ready to just recompose yourself in your room alone but you jumped a bit when you heard someone knock at the door.
“shit.” you mumbled, quickly trying to find somewhere to look at your reflection to wipe the tears and boy was that going to be a problem. your eyes were red, cheeks were puffy and heavily tear stained, and your hair was disheveled from gripping it as you sobbed.
there was nothing you could do but pray that whoever was behind that door was just a guard coming by to tell you something, they never commented on your current appearance as they were used to seeing the firelord in unpleasant circumstances.
you took a deep breath in and went to open the door. you felt your heart stop when you saw your best friend with a huge smile on his face.
“hey y/n, i-" zuko started off his greeting with the cheeriest voice you’d ever heard from him but the tone quickly switched once he registered that you had been crying. “are you okay?”
“yeah zuko, i’m fine.” you lied, fully aware that he could see that you weren’t and the lie was useless, but you couldn’t talk about what was going on with zuko.
“y/n i know you’re lying, you’re my best friend. and you look like you’ve just been crying.” zuko placed his hand on your cheek and rubbed his thumb gently from side to side. you sighed and leaned into it, savouring the affectionate moment.
“it’s fine, it’s nothing important.” you mumbled after a couple of seconds were spent in silence, not knowing if this was the time to tell him about the treatment that you’d received from his generals and the love that you had for him.
“you know you can tell me anything, right y/n? i learned that a while ago thanks to you. i come to you for help and advice, and vice versa.” he insisted, removing his hand, much to your dismay. his eyes filled with concern as he wasn’t going to just dismiss your feelings like the last time he’d found you crying.
“i don’t want to talk about it right now, maybe at another time.” you compromised, figuring that in a day or so you could finally come forward about it without breaking down.
“deal.” he smiled, glad that you had accepted his help.
“but you had news to tell me, so don’t let the way i look keep you from telling me.” you returned his smile, changing your tone to one of intrigue at the wonder of what got your friend so excited.
“mai said yes to the trip!” he announced giddily.
“the trip to?” you asked confused, if he had discussed this trip with you, you had completely forgotten.
“the trip where i plan to propose to her! i’m pretty sure i told you about this the other week.” he clarified, slightly confused as to why you didn’t remember as in his memory, he had talked it out with you a couple of weeks prior.
“oh yeah, that trip.” you felt your heart drop, you completely forgot about that, it was the last hope of zuko ever loving you as more than a friend, it was already small to begin with but now it was nonexistent. she would say yes and you’d have to live with the knowledge that you never said anything to him, you’d have to live with and help the new firelady, you’d have to see them rule the nation as you’d just think about your unrequited love.
“we leave the day after tomorrow, do you think she’ll say yes?” the firelord was nervous about a girl, your heart broke a bit knowing that you never had that affect on him but it was to her fault for keeping your feelings to yourself.
“of course she will zuko. the two of you are perfect for each other. you’re handsome, a great friend, you’re always there for your friends, you always want what’s best for everyone, and youre a great ruler. and mai, mai’s just drop dead gorgeous.” you rambled, not realizing that you might have raised his suspicions at your listing of his qualities but all it did was make him more confident, he must’ve only seen your small confession as a planotic one.
“thank you y/n. and when i get back, i’ll find someone for you so we can have double dates!” he exclaimed excitedly.
“yeah zuko, that’d be great.” if only he knew that the only person for you was him. you only gave him a half smile before he turned around to do whatever, leaving you alone in your room with something more to cry about.
if im pretty, will you like me? they say "beauty makes boys happy"
a little while after he left, you went out of your room to go clear your mind next to one of the turtle duck ponds. as you sat down to watch the adorable animals, you saw mai pass down the hallway that opened to the courtyard. she spotted you and waved, not bothering to stop as she probably had somewhere to be. you waved back but it made you realise something.
as you looked at your reflection, you thought of how beautiful mai was and how average you were. you’d never compare to her beauty, meaning zuko would never look at you and think ‘woah’. maybe no one would ever see you as the most gorgeous person in the four nations, all you’d be was someone who let the love of their life live with his life without knowing about your feelings.
maybe it was time to move out of the firepalace, the guards didn’t seem to like you and the comments started to get too much to hide the way it hurt you. you wouldn’t have to watch zuko and mai act all lovey dovey. youd finally move on from your life where your whole worth was based around the banished prince turned firelord. maybe you’d find love with someone who saw you as their whole world just like zuko did with mai.
maybe your life would be better.
atla taglist: @draqondance @biqherosix @missmorosis @firelady-jay
zuko taglist: @duh-dobrik
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, cheating, toxic relationships, fighting
A/n:  @zuffer-weird-girl Hehe sending out my troops of tear collectors as we speak >:)
“Can you just listen to me for once Kai?! It feels like everything im saying to you goes in one ear and out the other!” You scream at your husband who refused to listen to anything you had to say.
“I was listening! It’s just everything you say pisses me off or makes no god damn sense! Who can you expect me to listen to you when all you do is cry!” 
“Maybe i cry cause im fucking human?!” The arguing between you and your husband had been going on for hours. At least that’s what it felt like. Arguing with Kai was like arguing with a brick wall. The fight never goes anywhere and it feels like you can never win.
“Can you just shut up for once! God it feels like every time I talk to you it makes me want to slam my head against a wall! You are so insufferable!” Kai screamed in your face. 
You were never good with yelling. Which is probably why tears were streaming down your face now. You were always a bit more on the sensitive side anyways.
“See your crying right now! Your such a fucking crybaby!” He screamed at you once more, making even more tears then before. You bit your lips and curled your hands into fists. You looked up at Kai your vision blurred from your tears.
“If you hate me crying so much why did you even fucking ask me to marry you then?!” You scream in his face. 
“I don’t even fucking know anymore!” He screamed at you right back. Before you could do anything rationally, your hand slaps Kai right in the face. Effectively knocking off his mask. You didn’t mean it really, inside you wanted to apologize but your anger got the best of you.
“If you don’t know anymore then I’ll just leave!” You say as your feet start taking you outside of your shared bedroom.
“I never needed you anyways!” Kai screamed from the top of his lungs which rang through the entire compound.
Your feet carried you even faster out of the compound to the point of running. You couldn’t stand to hear him. Or even see him for that matter. You just wanted time to yourself.
Once you were away from the compound you reached a little park that was nearby.
You settle on a little bench that looked out over the playground that laid in the park. You put your hand on your chin as you watched little kids playing on it, seemingly enjoy the time of their lives.
It was little moments like this where you wanted a kid but then you remembered that what would be the point in having a kid when most of the time you and your husband fight about everything.
“Maybe us getting married was a mistake?” You say to yourself as you look down at the ground kicking around a little rock.
‘When was the last time we even slept in the same bed?’ You sat back as you looked at the tree that hung over you. 
It as a good question. The amount of times you guys fought couldn’t be counted on both hands. You both always said hurtful things, trying to make the other give up and say that the other side was right. It was such a toxic situation. Every time after each fight you cried to the point you threw up. Sometimes it wasn’t the fight itself, it’s the thought of was the love he had for you even real in the first place?
You guys may have been married but he was always cold and distant. You thought it would change, but it didn’t. He would always be at work and he would always never say good morning or good night to you. You did it all the time. It didn’t matter which emotion you were feeling you would always say the same thing.
You knew about Kai’s past and you wanted to show him that you weren’t ever going to leave him so that’s why you did your best to show moral support for anything he did and you always told him where you were going before you even left.
Something Kai never did.
Kai never told you anything. Where he was going, what he was doing, where he was. He never told you anything which made you get suspicious. You didn’t want to accuse Kai for cheating or anything like that so you kept your bottled emotions to yourself, which always came bursting out in tears when you guys argued. Sure you were sensitive, but sometimes you just can’t help but feel the need to just burst out crying, which eventually lead to the name crybaby, given to you by your oh so loving husband.
You felt hot, wet tears pouring down your face as you were pulled out of your thoughts.
“God damn it.” You say in a hushed voice. 
You sigh before standing up and going back home. If it were up to you, you wouldn’t be. You would be staying the night at a friends house or something but Kai was the only person you had. Your friends abandoned you after finding out you were dating a criminal and your parents disowned you for being quirkless. You were just a mess at this point. But you digress.
As you step back into the compound you notice a pair of red heels that you’ve never seen before. You sure as hell you don’t own red heels like that. Maybe Kai had gotten them for you? They were certainly beautiful.
Thinking Kai had gotten them for you as a make up gift or something you go to tell him thank you before stopping in front of your bedroom door. You furrow your eyebrows before putting your ear on the door before lifting you head away while covering your mouth.
You slowly back away from the door before hitting the way behind you as you slowly slide down it onto you butt. One thing was for sure and that was,
Kai didn’t give you those shoes. Those were HER shoes.
You should’ve known. Kai had never gotten you gifts before so why would he now? You choke on your own tears as you hiccuped and sobbed into your hands.
Anger filled your entire being as you stood up and stomped right towards the door before kicking it open. And you were right.
Kai was with another woman.
“You fucking liar! What the absolute fuck is wrong with you?!” You scream at him. The door slamming open scared him and the girl as well. He turned and saw your tearing face, realizing that he had been caught.
“Babe who’s this?” The girl asked Kai with a questionable look.
“‘Babe?!’ I’m his fucking wife! How long has this been going on?!”
“Wife? Well not anymore i guess. Looks like he found someone better.” The girl only laughed at you. Hot angry tears streamed down your face.
“Damn who knew your wife was such a fucking crybaby!” The girl only laughed harder before being dragged onto the floor by the bed by her hair by you.
“You such a fucking whore! Who dare you! You don’t fucking know me!” You scream at her as you threw punches at her. You both started yelling profanities at each other. She was scratching at your face while you punched hers.
“(Y/N) stop!” Kai screamed at you trying to pull you off the other girl which earned him a big punch in the face.
“I fucking hate you! If you didn’t want me you should’ve just told me! I can’t believe i gave up everything to fucking be with you! I loved you! I was always there for you and you think i fucking deserve this?!” You stood up as you looked at both of them. Blood seeped from the scratches that the girl gave you.
Kai said nothing as he looked at you right in the eye. Looking at what was once something he cherished to something he threw away.
“Oh you got nothing to say now you cheating bastard?!” You scream at him.
“I’m fucking done with you. I never want to see your cheating ass again. Have fun with your slutty mistress.” You say as you turn around slamming the door behind you as you walk towards the door. 
Fuck Kai, fuck his mistress, fuck your life. What have you done to deserve such a hell fire? All you ever did was try to love Kai and give him all of you, which he never cared about. 
“What’s so wrong with me? What about me is not good enough?” Tears flowing down your face as you storm out the door not before grabbing those red heels and chucking them into a nearby dumpster. 
You look back at the compound  only to hear the sound of the door opening and seeing Kai struggling to put his belt on as he tried to catch you.
You turn back and you run as fast as you can, which was pretty easy as he was still struggling with his belt. You could hear his cries of your name getting farther and farther away until you could no longer hear him.
“You didn’t want a crybaby then Kai, so why would you want me now?”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
You want a chubby Kai hurt/comfort ask? Alright chubby Kai feels that he doesn’t look good enough to be with angel because Angel has this one handsome friend so Angel asks him what’s wrong
"For God's sake..." he grumbled as he was having a battle against the buttons of his shirt, trying to close his attire to just start the day for once.
"Need any help love?" You giggled from the bathroom as hos golden orbs narrowed before sighing and rolling his eyes. Giving uo on the dress shirt and hoing for anothe rone on his closet instead.
He would be lying if he blame it on you for his gain weight but was not entirely wrong about the issue as well. He had spacked off on his aleating habbits a bit over the past year, still remaining eating healthy things like always but increasing his appetite with some... appetitiziers you had suggested.
"Hey dont get mad at me!" You cooed as he huffed a annoyed sigh, buttoning up his shirt before he tensed at your warm embrace from behind while nuzzling on his shoulders blades.
"Enough." His hands brushed you off but you smiled instead of being offended. Knowing that even despite the years of dating, your boyfriend wasn't one used to touch neither be touched... but the tips of his ears getting all red over a simple kiss on his back and hug told you everything that he packed off on saying.
"Geez, grumpy today aren't we?" You pouted as he fixed his shirt and put on his jacket.
"If you stop commenting about my humor dearest I will take you out to that place you wanted badly." He flinched at your excited and surprised gasp before receiving a kiss on his covered cheek as you printed off to get your things as he scoffed, gloved fingers brushing against the area where your lips had been.
"There's that stand of crepes over there!" You tugged on his jacket as he deadpanned at you.
"If I remember correctly you saw the issue with my prwvious shirt this morning didn't you?" He arched one of his eyebrows up as you pouted.
"Is just a shirt Kai! Come on!!" You looked at him with puppy eyes "Is not every day we get one pleasee??"
That damn look of yours was gonna be the death of him...
Sighing and hating himself at already feeling aome sorta of craving for the sweet, he picked his wallet on his pocket as you squealed happily.
No one could tell by looking at his eyes that he was actually happy... seing your face brighten up like that just because of a simple sweet that HE bought to you was slightly... like a warm feeling inside his chest.
He could simply overhaul someone or his commurates that joked that he had grew "soft" on both ways because of you... but he couldn't deny it either.
"Which one will you get?" You asoed with a smile as he handed the cash and soon got his napkin put to rub his gloved hands.
"None. You asked for it, so only you get one." He eyed your pouty lips as he sighed, rubbing your cheek affectionaly, a rare sign of affection from him "Stop with that face. Im fine."
The man handed the sweet to you as he walked a bit away, waiting for you to catch up with him until he noticed you talking excitedly with another male.
His eyes immediately narrowed at the sign but before he could actually just pry you off and kill the young male he notices something... the guy had a fair share of muscles, much more than he jad before gaining weight. He was constantly speaking with a bright smile on his face as he stood way too close to his liking near you.
You... actually looked like a coupke from afar.
His teeth gritted as his hands tightened into fits... remenbering that for a long time now he couldn't even see himself in the freacking mirror anymore. Not only he had an illness but also was disgusting on appearance as well?
Constantly he got intrusive thoughts that you should have someone better. A man that could bare to have you clinged onto him qithout getting tense over it, a guy who actually took you out on dates constantly and also didn't got you in danger like he did... someone with better appearance...
"Kai?" His thoughts were interrupted when he heard your voice, looking at him with some sorta of worry "You're standing there for a while now... didn't even came when I called you to meet my friend."
He stayes quiet.. bored look locked with yours as he merely sighed, started to walk and waved at you.
"I have other places to be with. Need to finish a job Pops assigned to me."
"Oh.." you muttered, dissapointed present on yoir voice at only heating he was going to be busy for the rest of the day "Then maybe on the evening we-"
"Dont wait up. I might only be free by night time." He eued you for a bit before sighing and looking ahead of him "Dont bother with it."
"I see.." you muttered, his heart clenching at seing you, once so cheerful now just looking like a cloud was over your head...
Yet he decided to ignore.
He couldn't even concetrate on his work anymore... evertime he got closer to qrite or sign somwtjing he could feel his stomach double over as the movement made his ahirt and pants feel tigher than before.
"Fucking fat ass." He growled in anger as he signed with more forece than necessary a paper and almost threw it on some pile before heating some knocks "Say your name and bussines."
"Hi." You cooed, showing aprehensively your face on the door as he arched an eyebrow at your presence.
"I recalled you had other places to be qith at this time?" He said while looking at the clock stuck on the wall as you aproached his desk with a cup.
"Yeah, but it got cancelled... So-!" You put the warm cup on his desk "I thought maybe a treat could bright up the day of my handsome boyfriend."
He scoffed at that word... "handsome"... sure, as if he could be now in the state he is in.
"What is this?" He looked down at the cup and saw a white cloud with bits of caramel on top of it.
"A frappuccino!" You skiled brightly "I saw it on the menu of a cafeteria and I thought you might like it."
His eyes soften at your gesture but still he was adamant on just even breathing near that thing... it looked like one gulp of that he could gain at least 100 pounds...
"I appreciate your gesture, but Im curring all the sugary things for now." He scoffed while pushing the drink back to you before turning to get on his laptop.
The hurt you felt wasn't what bothered you but what Chisaki has been doing all day... Getting away from you like you were the plague and everything eatible at this point.
"Ok. I know how much you hate when I get like this, but what the hell is going on?" Your words seemes to stop Chisaki right when he was about to write something as he looked at you with only one narrowed eye...
"I beg you pardon?"
"Kai you cant say to me that you dont like caramel anymore! You hadn't eat nothing but a freacking apple all day and been avoiding me as well!" You exclaimed qith open arms, lowering them as well as your gaze, feeling your vision burn a bit at the feeling of tears forming "Did... did I do something..?"
A sigh once again escaped his lips, gloved fingers brushing over his darkbrow looks as he thought over his next words... Lying would get him no where and he absolietly hated the aspect of it...
Getting up he walked over you. His fingers picking on your chin and tilting it up to meet his eyes.
"You did nothing. Its only a problem of mine."
"So what is it?" You put your bottom lip out as your eyebrows furrowed. The sign of it made his own furrow deep as his jaw tighten.
"... I.." he sighed, seeing that you wouldn't back off until you knew exactly what was going on "The incident with the shirt and that encounter you had quth your friend just.. Made me think that I fallen out of shape... If I dont stop with this nonsense I might look like that filthy hero fatgum or worse... I wouldn't want you to have shame while walking besides me anyway."
It was so quiet after he finished his rants he swore he could hear his hearbeat on your ears as he waited anxiously for some sorta of response to him. Anything. Really.
"... all this because you gained a couple of pounds?" Ypu finally asked as he gritted his teeth, only to widenhis eyes at the few giggles that escaped your mouth "S-Seriously?"
"You little br-" before he could finish it yoh had pulles his mask down to kiss his lips. The shock was evident on his eyes and his body was tense and arms awkwardly hanging in the air until finally he eased uo and holdee your waist while finally kissing you back.
"You should know by now.." you panted after the kiss ended "That no matter the size or shape, I love you. Just like you dont care a bit if I gained or lost weight you love me to no ends..." you cupped his cheek as he could only stare deep i to your eyes. Someyhing you didn't know, it was that he was looking at you with so much love and adoration that even hurted.
"So that friend of yours you dont have any interest?" He carresed your hips with his thumb as you shook your head with a smile, rubbing noses against eachother.
"Perfect. One less sick in this world." He smirked at your gasp and call of his name in desperation, but you stoll remained glued to him.
The moment he could describe as it almost perfect if it wasn't for some intruder.
"Hey fatass we got a problem down and you need to get there." He only arched an eyebrow at Rappa but soon felt the dark airea coming out of you as you stared at Rappa with rage.
"Kai.. my beautiful man. Would you mind if I take someyhing of your office for just a bit?" He eyed you suspociouslu but nodded.
His eyes widened when you grabbed the sword Pops gave to him years ago and chased after Rappa screaming obscenities that he never thought he would have heard it from you. Especially from you.
He stared a bit astonished at where you left only to notice the drink you had brought to him. Taking into his hand he took a tentative sip before sighing in bliss.
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cindersnightmare · 4 years
slow dancing in the dark (kaider au)
part eight
summary: cinder is the palace mechanic and kai is the prince of the eastern commonwealth. even though they could never really be together, they start a relationship.
cinder walked to the apartment with a smile on her face. of course she was nervous, of course she had doubts, but all she cared about was kai and his dedication to keep her in his life. even though the plans and decisions were scaring her more than anything, she was letting hope cling to her more and more. 
when she stepped in the living room, she saw pearl and peony getting fitted for the ball. their gowns were beautiful, illuminating, and very tight. cinder could see pearl struggling to breathe as the seamstress took in more at her waist. she fought down a laugh as she looked over at peony. 
her stepsister grinned widely and motioned to the dress. cinder nodded and smiled back, happy to see peony so excited. adri stood near the mantel and watched the seamstress carefully, making little demands and suggestions here and there. pictures of her late husband and their old home flashed by on the netscreen behind her. 
“cinder, have you gotten the parts for the hover?” adri asked, not lifting her eyes from her daughters. 
“yeah, they’re downstairs.” she answered as she fidgeted by the door. “i’ll work on it now.”
the seamstress looked up at cinder and smiled. “oh, am i making another dress?” pearl snorted as adri rolled her eyes. 
“no, she’s not going to the ball.” her stepmother said, sounding irritated at the acknowledgement of the cyborg’s existence. 
cinder almost laughed, knowing that statement wasn’t true. she would be going to the ball, and she would be going with the prince. she would be dancing with pearl’s celebrity crush right in front of her. it was hard to keep from gloating, to refrain from telling them all about how the soon-to-be emperor would be buying her dress and flaunting her in front of the entire commonwealth. but she managed to bite back the words and stroll into her room without comment. 
iko was near her bed, holding strands of ribbons in her android claws. her sensor gleamed when cinder walked in. “oh! you’re home! thank god, i’ve been so bored all day. adri keeps going on and on about the ball and the dresses and i just can’t take it anymore.”
cinder laughed as she pulled off her work boots, her metal foot catching the light from her lamp. “jealous much?”
“very.” iko replied. “i stole some ribbons from the seamstress. i thought we could make them into bracelets or something, wouldn’t that be cute?” 
she nodded, “yeah, i’ll help you tie them.” she grabbed a silver strand from the android and began wrapping it around her thin, metal wrist. “there, you’re beautiful.” 
“thank you.” iko strolled around the small room as cinder pulled out her ponytail and started to brush her hair. 
cinder sat in silence for a moment, pondering whether or not she should tell her best friend about her date to the dance. iko didn’t even know that her and kai were in a relationship. she had almost told the android a hundred times, but she was too scared that pearl or adri would overhear. the apartment was very small and the walls were pretty thin, cinder didn’t want to risk it. but she had to tell someone, she was dying living with this secret. 
“hey, iko...” she trailed off and watched as her best friend stopped to look at her. “can i tell you something? something you can’t tell anyone, not even peony?” 
“well, who else would i tell?” iko said. “you can tell me anything, cinder, i’ll keep it to myself. i promise.” 
cinder took a breath, calculated the risk, and exhaled. “um, i’m going to the ball. with kai. you know, the prince? he’s also kind of my boyfriend. he has been for the past few months.”
silence engulfed the room and iko stood still. cinder’s nerves riled up with every passing second, worried she made a mistake. “oh. my stars.” iko said, pausing between words. “you’re horrible. absolutely horrible. you kept this from me for months?! you’re literally dating the hottest guy in the commonwealth, probably the whole world, and you didn’t tell me?! oh my stars, how dare you!” 
cinder laughed, grateful that iko kept her volume low. “i’m sorry!” she whispered. “we need to keep it a secret, and i didn’t want adri finding out. no one else knows but me, you, and him.”
iko strolled around in circles as if she couldn’t physically stay still. “you need to tell me everything. is he romantic? did he make the first move? how does he kiss? oh, have you seen him in the nude?” 
“iko!” cinder whisper-yelled, knowing she would be as red as a tomato if it was possible. “no i haven’t! stars, that was uncalled for.”
“i think it was very much called for.” the android replied. “you still need to tell me everything, i want all the details.” 
she sighed and sat on the floor, leaning against the side of her bed. memories came flashing back at her and she smiled. “well, my first day at the palace he showed me around. after that he came into my office with his android and claimed it was broken. really, he had just put a random chip in her so he could come see me. then he kept coming by, and eventually we started sneaking around, going to random places in the palace at night. one night we were in the gardens under a cherry blossom tree and he kissed me.”
“oh my stars, this is better than the net dramas.” iko said, pretending to faint. 
cinder giggled and hid her face behind her hands. “it’s all so crazy. me and the prince. sometimes i’m still surprised by it, you know? i don’t know what he sees in me.” 
“he sees an amazing, beautiful, kind, caring, and sexy mechanic. of course he would start a secret affair with you, anyone in their right mind would.” iko said bumping cinder’s side playfully. 
“shut up.” she laughed, bumping her back. 
they were quiet for a few moments. cinder was remembering all her moments with kai and she was sure iko was taking everything in. cinder was glad she told her secret to someone, it was like a weight had been lifted off her chest. she could finally confide in her best friend. 
iko’s sensor flashed and she quickly strolled so she was facing cinder. “oh stars...” she trailed. “cinder, check your net feed.”
she frowned and focused on her retina display, noticing the news notification. it had just come in a minute ago but iko seemed to have read it already. cinder began reading and her heart stopped at the headline. “the emperor...” she choked on a gasp. “he’s dead.” 
tag list: @jacihayle @winterrhayle @strawberry-seraph @artino-nova @bakergirl13 @disco-funk-and-soul09 @lethughandsimonkiss @plain-jane-mclain @alecjamesartino @honey-harper-official @cerenoya @half-heaven @princesspri222 @horton-hears-a-who @mistydacat @annoyingfangirlblog @doitforthecarstairs @thepurpledragon4444 @emmabookworm08 @littlegreenfrog @invisiblebobs @the-sunflowerstar @i-swear-im-google @angstycatthatlikestea @nodrianbcyes @amiity-blight @dawniebb @quietintrovertt @burnscinder @lavenderbloo @salt-warrior @healing-winston-pratt @linh-cinder-official @its-liiinh-cinder-official @cinderswrench @hackergeniuscress @thebooknook2705 @idkchatie @cosmicnovaflare @bedazzled-lunartic @queen-of-self-love @sweetrot-and-starsabove
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
Just Like a Woman - Part 7
A Roger Taylor x Reader Fic
Tumblr media
Summary: You and Roger were once in love when you were young. Only, he went on to be a rock star, and you went on to be a lawyer. Now, quite against your will, you’re representing him in his divorce.
Word Count: 3.5k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @bensrhapsody, @deakyclicks, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession, @minigranger, @crazyweirdocalledfriday, @the-moving-finger-writes, @assembledherethevolunteers, @rose-writes-prose, @queenlover05, @26-7-49, @drowsebaby, @moon-stars-soul, @im-an-adult-ish, @ixchel-9275, @jennyggggrrr, @zyanmaik, @mypassionfortrash, @a19103, @madeinheavxn, @beepbeephardy, @rrogerchxrm, @qweenly, @blisshemmings, @seasidecrowbar, @internationalkpoplova, @ellystone, @takemetoneverland420, @coffeexcigarette, @lookuptotheskiesandsee, @thatpunkmaximoff, @angelkissys, @rocknroll-stolemyass, @simonedk, @anotheronebitesrogertaylor, @peterquillzblog, @mrfahrenhcit, @joseph-mozzerella, @theprettyandthereckless, @flick-ofthe-wrist, @johndeaconshands, @rogerandhiscar, @queenmaracasandlove, @sunflower-ben, @cubetriangle, @amy-brooklyn99, @scorpiogemini, @kiainspace, @itsabenthing​, @bookandband​, @makemeyourwife-loveofmylife​, @grazessa​, @borhapqueen92​, @theonsasheart​, @vektorivittu​, @chanti-frn, @brianssixpence​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: The angst continues. Don’t worry, though, relief is coming :)
Warning(s): mild descriptions of violence
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
Part 7 here we go!!!
Roger didn’t speak the entire drive to the hospital. You studied his face. His mouth was a hard line. His eyes were fixed on the road in front of him. You started to console him but decided against it. There was no definitive way to say that everything was alright. You knew as little as he did. 
When you reached the hospital, you expected there to be chaos, only there wasn’t. It was a fairly typical waiting room, and the nurses sat patiently behind the counter. Roger marched right up to them. 
“I’m here to see my wife, Dominique Beyrand,” he said. 
“Oh, yes, she was just admitted,” the nurse said. “I’m afraid she isn’t suitable to visitors just yet, but we do need you to identify the clothes.”
“Identify the clothes?” you questioned. “Is she -”
“She’s alive,” the nurse assured you. “Only, we don’t know for sure which way she’ll go yet.”
Roger swallowed hard. You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“Stay positive,” you encouraged. 
“Easier said than done,” he replied. 
You nodded. The nurse started to lead Roger back, but she stopped you. 
“He’s her husband,” she said. “But who are you?”
“I - uh - well…” you sputtered. 
What were you at this point? You and Roger had kissed after dinner, but what did that mean? You didn’t get the chance to figure it out. 
“She’s our lawyer,” Roger answered, coming to your rescue. “I’ll want her present while we speak to police.”
You wanted to argue this. You had never handled a criminal case in your career, but you decided to go with it and try to remember anything you could about criminal law. That is, if it came to that tonight. You still were clueless to the circumstances around it.
You and Roger followed the nurse back to a waiting room among the patients’ rooms. It was off to the side of the corridor. There were two police officers there, a man and a woman. They looked rather grave. 
“Mr. Taylor?” said the male officer. 
Roger nodded. 
“I’m Officer Colmes and this is my partner, Officer Dotson,” he said, indicating the woman. 
You blinked. “I’m sorry, Colmes and Dotson?” 
The three of them looked at you. 
“Surely you see the irony,” you insisted. “Colmes and Dotson? Like Holmes and Watson?”
They all continued to stare. 
“Alright, not the moment,” you conceded. “But one day, we’ll look back on this and -”
“Y/N,” Roger said sternly. 
“Right, sorry.”
You stopped talking. You didn’t know why you were so nervous. 
“Mr. Taylor,” said Dotson. “Can you confirm this was the dress your wife was wearing tonight?”
She held up a shimmery garment contained in an evidence bag. You would have admired it if it wasn’t covered in blood. The deep red stains were mostly around the collar, so you realized most of the attack must have come to her face. You tried not to wince.
Roger looked white as a ghost.
“Yeah,” he choked out. “That was the dress she had on.”
“We only ask because she didn’t have a purse or anything on her,” Colmes said. “A nurse thought she recognized her from a magazine, and we went from there.”
“Can I see her?” Roger asked.
“Not yet,” Colmes replied. “They’re still sorting her out.”
“What happened?” you wondered. “Was her date injured too?”
Dotson’s brow furrowed. “She was alone. We were hoping you could provide us with some answers. She was on a date?”
She looked at Roger with a hint of judgement.
“Yeah,” he said. “We’ve been separated for a while, and our divorce is going to be finalized soon. She still lives with me, though, and we’re friends.”
“O...kay,” she said. “Did she tell you anything about the date? His name or where she’d be meeting him?”
Roger shook his head. “No, nothing. I didn’t ask, I didn’t want to pry…” 
“Where was she found?” you asked.
“On the street in a neighborhood,” Colmes said. “A woman out jogging found her, and we don’t consider her a suspect.”
“Why not?” Roger wondered.
“Her hands were clean and free of any bruises,” Dotson said. “Which she would have had if she was the one who beat her. Also, she was rather small.”
Roger took a step back at that, as if Dotson had swung at him herself.
“Beat her?” he whispered.
Colmes nodded. “I’m afraid so. The medics who picked her up said it looked like whoever did it was didn’t use a foreign object or anything, just their hands. But Dominique fought hard. She has defensive wounds. Whoever did it has probably got a black eye and a nasty scratch on them somewhere.”
“Do you have -”
“We have officers out looking for a suspect, Mr. Taylor, rest assured,” Colmes said. “Unfortunately, she wasn’t found for a while. By the time the jogger found her, much of her blood was drying.”
“So she was just lying out there like that?” Roger asked. “All alone?”
Dotson nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry, Mr. Taylor, but I have to ask. Where were you this evening around ten o’clock?”
“I was with Y/N,” Roger said, indicating you. “At my home. My nanny can confirm it as well. Her name is Verity Bridges.”
“We’ll speak to her,” Colmes said. “That’s all for now, Mr. Taylor.”
“Thanks,” Roger said weakly.
The officers shook his hand and left. You watched them go, feeling lost. With them to talk to, you felt like action was being taken. Now what?
“You two can stay in this waiting room,” the nurse said. She had remained during the police interview. “I’m not sure you’ll be able to see Mrs. Beyrand tonight, but -”
“We’re waiting,” Roger said firmly. Then he looked at you. “At least, I am. You’re free to go home, Y/N.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Roger,” you returned. “I’m here for you.”
The nurse nodded and left, leaving you alone again. As you watched him sink down into a chair, it was hard to believe that half an hour ago you and Roger were making out on his kitchen counter. His jaw clenched. Because of his past, Roger was particularly sensitive to cases of men hurting women or children. You took a seat next to him and offered your hand. He took it, interlocking his fingers with yours.
“I shouldn’t have let her go,” he said.
“You couldn’t have stopped her,” you told him.
“I should have asked the questions,” he went on.
“You shouldn’t have to,” you said.
He stopped and you looked at him.
“Roger, this isn’t your fault,” you insisted. “No one could have seen this coming.”
“Can you help us press charges?” he asked suddenly.
“Well - I - um - I’m not a prosecutor,” you said. “I’ve never handled a criminal case. But Bill has loads of experience, I’m sure he can help.”
“I want you, though,” he said.
“That’s flattering, Rog, but if you want to win a case, you need the best lawyer for it,” you said. “Besides, this only matters if Dominique wants to press charges. Going through all of it again in front of a judge and jury could be quite painful for her.”
“She can’t just let him get away with this!” he cried.
“Roger, please!” you returned. “Calm down! We don’t know anything yet!”
“I can’t just sit here,” he spat, letting go of your hand and getting to his feet. He began to pace. “I feel like I’ve gotta do something.”
“There’s nothing to do,” you reminded him gently. “You must be patient and be there for Dominique when she wakes up.”
He sighed, looking moodily at the floor.
“I know you want to fix it,” you said. “But you can’t undo this. All you can do is be supportive.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but at that moment, a doctor entered. You and Roger’s eyes were glued to him.
“Mr. Taylor?” he asked.
“Yeah, that’s me,” Roger said, stepping forward to shake the doctor’s hand.
“I’m Dr. Wesley,” he said. “I’ve just finished treating your wife.”
“How is she?” Roger asked.
“She’s stable, for now,” Dr. Wesley said. “It could be touch and go for a while. She’s suffered severe injuries to her head.”
“Can I see her?” Roger wondered. “Please?”
“Sure,” Dr. Wesley agreed. “I must warn you, it may be a shock.”
Roger’s jaw clenched again as he braced himself. Then you followed them to Dominique’s room down the hall. As you came upon it, you swallowed. You were unaccustomed to violence, and seeing it always made you feel a bit sick. There were times as a kid when Roger came over after his dad was through with him that made you shudder to recall.
When you saw her, you clapped your hand over your mouth to stifle a scream. Dominique was nearly beyond recognition. Her face was swollen around her eyes. Her nose was already covered in bandages, but you could see it was disfigured and most likely broken. Her lips were caked with dried blood, but the split in her bottom one was clear. Her head was wrapped up as well. Purple bruises bloomed around her neck. The first two fingers of her right hand were in a splint. The knuckles were bruised. Her fingernails were broken and uneven. To top it all off, she had a tube in her nose and an IV in her arm.
You looked at Roger, but his face was unreadable. He was just staring at Dominique blankly, as if he wasn’t even sure what he was feeling. His eyes were filled with tears.
“Oh, Dom,” he said softly. “I’m so sorry.”
He reached out and took her left hand. His thumb absentmindedly ran over her ring finger, where her wedding band had left an impression. 
“I’ll give you some time,” the doctor said, and then he left, closing the door slowly behind him.
There was a long moment where the only sound was the beep of Dominique’s heart monitor. You watched a tear roll down Roger’s cheek. Your throat tightened with emotion. He was not in love with her, but she was the mother of his children, and he cared deeply for her. You also cared. You considered Dominique your friend as well.
“When I was really little,” Roger choked out. “My father roughed up my mother.”
“I remember,” you said. 
“D’you also remember what I told you?” he asked. “The week after we met?”
“How could I forget?” you replied. “It was such a daring declaration at the time.”
“Remind me what it was,” he said.
“Roger, I don’t think -”
“Say it.”
You took a deep breath. “You said, ‘One day, when I’m big and strong, this won’t happen anymore. I won’t let it.’”
“Now look at what’s happened,” he said slowly.
“It’s like I said, Rog, no one could have predicted -”
“Don’t argue, Y/N,” he cut across you. “Please.”
“I can’t let you keep blaming yourself,” you replied. “And remember, your dad didn’t hit anyone once you were big enough to hit back. But you can’t protect everyone.”
The doctor returned with a clipboard, which evidently contained his notes about Dominique. 
“Mr. Taylor, would you like to hear about her injuries?” he asked. “We can give you our best guess as to what happened, but obviously, we can’t know for sure until she wakes up.”
“I don’t need to hear it, I’ve got the general idea,” Roger said. “Thank you, though.”
“Will you be staying the night?” Dr. Wesley asked.
“Yes,” Roger said, then he looked at you. “You should go home, Y/N. You can’t keep your mother waiting.”
“That’s true,” you agreed with a sigh.
You walked over to where he stood beside the bed. You took his hand.
“Good night, Roger,” you said.
You realized you had come to the end of the date - or not date, as it were. Only, this was not at all how you pictured the night ending. He looked at you and cleared his throat.
“Good night, Y/N,” he replied. “Um, would it be alright if we put things between us -”
“On hold?” you finished, and he nodded. “Of course. I understand.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Give your mum a kiss from me, yeah?”
“Will do,” you promised. 
You kissed his cheek. Then you started toward the door, but on your way, you stopped and gave Dominique’s knee a pat.
“Get well soon, Dom,” you said. “We’re all here for you when you do.”
You left. You hated to leave Roger alone, especially now, but he seemed eager for the time to himself. Plus, you needed to get back to your mother. It was almost midnight now, and she was probably getting worried. 
As soon as you came into your flat, you saw your mother sitting in your recliner, reading a book. It was one of your dad’s. You burst into tears and she looked up.
“Darling, what’s wrong?” she wondered, getting to her feet and setting the book aside. “Did something happen?”
“Something terrible happened, Mum,” you sobbed. 
She took you into her arms. You felt like a little girl again. She shushed you and brought you over to the couch. You caught your breath and explained to her what had happened. She listened carefully. 
“Oh, the poor dear,” she sighed when you finished, referring to Dominique. “Is there anything we can do for them?”
“I don’t know,” you said. “I mean, what is there to do? She hasn’t even regained consciousness. The whole thing is terrible.”
“Who’s watching the children?” your mother wondered. 
“The nanny,” you said. “Which reminds me, I need to call her and tell her Roger’s staying out.”
“Well, do that, sweetheart,” she said. “But afterwards, let me make you a cup of tea and put you to bed, alright?”
“Please,” you replied, in desperate need of maternal affection. 
Everything felt so out of control right now. Even your relationship with Roger. 
The next day, your mother was leaving in the evening to head back home. She asked if you’d like her to stay, but you refused. You needed to get back to work. On your way to the train station, you stopped by the hospital to see Dominique. 
Roger was still there. He clearly had not been home since he was still wearing the clothes he had on the previous evening. He looked more exhausted than you’d ever seen him. But when he saw your mother, he went straight to her and threw himself into his arms, letting out a long awaited sob. He sagged against her while she patted his back. 
“Roger, dear, it’s alright,” she cooed. “Let it all out, my boy.”
He heaved out another cry and she held him tighter. It was choking you up to watch him succumb so deeply to his despair. Like you, he needed someone to tell him it was going to be okay. Like a parent. 
“I remember when you were little, and I’d put you on my lap and sing to you,” your mother said fondly. 
Roger half-chuckled, half-winced at that. 
“It’s all going to be alright,” she said again, pulling away to cup his cheeks in her hands. She wiped the tears away with her thumbs. “There, now. No more tears. She mustn’t see you’ve been crying.”
He nodded and sniffled. 
“Are you heading home?” he asked her. 
“I am,” she said. “But if you need anything at all, love, you can always call.”
He nodded again. “Course. Thanks for stopping by.” 
“I love you very much, dear,” she told him. 
“I love you too, Viv,” he replied, with a small smile. 
He kissed her on the cheek. Then he reached out for you. You stepped toward him and he pulled you close and pressed his lips to your forehead. 
“Be careful going home,” he whispered. 
“I will, Rog,” you promised. 
It was a bitter parting. None of you had a dry eye as Roger squeezed your mother’s hand one last time. But she couldn’t linger. She had a train to catch. 
It was much harder than you anticipated to say goodbye to her now. You felt like you and Roger were young again, in such need of parental guidance and comfort. But you were adults. You had to handle this on your own. Even so, you had each other. 
On Monday morning, there was still no news of Dominique. You headed to work, grateful for something to occupy your mind. You knew you’d be busy after taking some time off. 
Roger went home briefly Monday morning to shower and change, and then he went right back to the hospital. He already called Freddie and told him that he would not be in the studio for a while. He couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Dominique. 
“Daddy, can we come?” Felix asked as Roger headed back out the door. 
“I’m sorry, lovie, not just now,” Roger replied gently. “Mummy’s still not well.”
He told Felix that Dominique was sick. He couldn’t let the boy see his mother in that state, it would destroy him. Roger recalled seeing his own mother after strikes from his father and how deeply it upset him. So, Verity was working overtime and caring for them while Roger stayed by Dominique’s side. 
As he returned to that post, a fresh coffee in hand, his mind finally landed on you. He missed you a great deal, but he could never ask you to just sit here and wait with him. He knew you had work. He just felt so achingly lonely. He needed the reassurance that Dom was going to be okay, because each time he thought about it too long, he reached the conclusion that she was going to die and he’d have to tell his children one day how their mother was brutally…
He shook his head to clear it. Once again, he thought of you. He thought of your hand holding his and the feel of your arms around him. He recalled the heat of your kisses and the way your forgiveness made him feel. It was a comfort to his breaking heart. 
He sat with Dominique by himself until lunch. Then there was a light knock on the open door. He turned to see you standing in the frame, take away bags in hand. 
“Have you eaten today?” you asked. 
“No,” he said, as if realizing it all of a sudden. 
“Good, ‘cause I brought a ton of food,” you joked. 
He attempted a smile to no avail. 
“Did your mum get off alright?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” you said. “She called me when she got home. She said she misses us already and to tell you again how much she loves you.”
“That’s sweet,” he said. 
You handed him a salad. 
“Well, you know her,” you said. “No matter how old we get, we’ll always be her children.”
Roger’s stomach gurgled with the newfound hunger. 
“She’d kill me for going this long without food,” he remarked. 
“That’s right, so you better watch it,” you teased. 
He sighed, neglecting the salad and looking once again at Dominique. 
“I haven’t been a good husband to her,” he said. 
“Nobody is a perfect spouse, Roger,” you said. 
“I know,” he replied. “But...I cheated. That wasn’t something I ever thought I’d do once I settled down.”
“Well, no one wakes up one day and decides they’re going to cheat,” you said. “It’s something that happens out of...extenuating circumstances.”
“Spoken like a true attorney.”
“If you’ve got energy to joke, you’ve got energy to eat.”
He picked up his fork and shoveled a mouthful of greens between his lips. 
“Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes,” you said. “Everyone makes them.”
“Not everyone,” he said after swallowing. “Your dad wasn’t like that.”
You stopped chewing for a moment and looked at him. You swallowed. 
“Actually, my father had an affair once,” you told him. 
He met your gaze, eyes wide. “Are you serious?”
You nodded. “Yeah. With his secretary. It lasted a few months and he cut it off to stay with Mum and me. He wasn’t in love with the woman or anything. It was just a lapse of judgement. It can happen to anyone.”
He looked back at the food in his lap. “Oddly enough, that does make me feel better.”
“Nobody expects perfection from you, Roger,” you said. “It’s enough that you’re trying.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” he said, taking your hand. “I was feeling...bad hurt.” 
“We somehow manage to find each other during those moments, huh?” you said. 
“I’m not complaining,” he replied. “You’re the one person I want most when I’m feeling that way.”
“The feeling is mutual,” you said. 
You smiled at each other. Then, a delicate moan came from the bed. Roger’s eyes snapped to Dominique’s face. You followed suit. He let go of your hand and jumped to his feet, spilling the salad across the floor. Her eyes had just barely cracked open. 
“Roger?” she croaked. 
He took her hand - her left one so as not to pain her broken fingers on the right - and he gazed at her in awe. 
“I’m here, love,” he said gently. 
She offered a shaky smile. 
“Thank goodness.”
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softboyscully · 4 years
Public School Stuff I Wanted to Share
public school is both beautiful and horrifying am i right
so ill just go by the grades i guess
Kindergarten, first year
i did kindergartden at a catholic school in a relativly big city so this one’s got some shit
we went to church every wednesday, me and best friend (lost track of her when we moved, wish we’d stayed in touch, she was awesome) would giggle the whole time, pretty sure we made fun of jesus once, can’t remember why, possibly the hair
i had the nicest teacher, she was (as i remember her) young, blonde, and super sweet, that was the first and last year i ever had naptime
SPEAKING of naptime
i never slept during it
once i found what i remember being a nut of some sort on the ground, probably came off someone’s shoe
i grab it, turn to sarah (my best friend), say something about putting it up my nose
sarah, apparently having common sense, says, “no dont do it!! we’re supposed to be sleeping!!”
i put it up my fucking nose
try to get it out, just push it farther in
im crying a little bit now, that shit hurts
go up to my teacher
“you’re supposed to be asleep!”
“i have a nut up my nose and it wont come out”
teacher tries to get it out, but it wont budge
just. sends me back to my mat
that was it
the art room was tiny
like re-purposed broom closet tiny
there was a copy of the mona lisa in the hallway, someone had drawn ray bans on it with a pencil, never got replaced
there was a creepy-ass basement i went down to after school, we ate cheeseballs and sandwiches with some kind of meat, mayo, and that kinda yellow bread
someone broke his leg down there once, think an older kid threw him at the ceiling or something
we learned how to play Silver Bells with actual bells in music class
Kindergarten, second year
i remember these two teachers as the evil step sister-type look, but it might be my little kid imagination
but seriously they were horrible
we learned stuff in a room that was more middle-school styled, except everything was green or black and it was v dark
me and sarah attained a new friend, john
honestly i think we would’ve stayed friends for a while if i didnt move away
i have two vivid memories
one is of me really wanting to go home, so i walked by the teacher’s desk and did a fake sneeze
they laughed at me and told me to go sit back down
the other is  john leaning his chair back and then falling, so me and sarah went to help him back up
it was funny, so he did it again
and again
me and sarah were laughing, had the time of our lives
after the maybe fifth time the teachers said “john can get back up by himself. sit down and stay there.”
one of the reasons we moved was bc i got sent a letter from my fourth grade buddie
most of the words weren’t spelled correctly, many letters were backwards
my mother was horrified
ofc now we know it was probably a learning disability 
1st grade
this is when i moved
beginning of school i was ASTOUNDED we didnt have uniforms, one of the best things ever to happen to me
nothing wrong with this teacher, she was cool
thing is i was a little shit
told everyone my dogs died (they did but i was maybe three when it happened, i remember it not)
all my personal narratives were bullshit (only one sticks in my memory, wrote it about celebrating christmas AND hanukkah with my dad’s friends who were jewish, i have never even met those friends)
had a crush on this kid, best friend (she was terrible and helped wreck me emotionally) told me to kiss him in music class. me being a stupid ass bitch, i did it, aND HE GOES TO THE TEACHER AND CALLS ME OUT. at the end of class she gets both of us to stay for a bit, AND I DENYIED EVERYTHING. i walked across the fucking classroom, kissed him on the cheek, ran away giggling, told my teacher i didn’t do anything, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. i’ve embarrassed myself further with this child but thats another story
2nd grade
i loved this teacher but honestly he was absolute shit
like. all he did was play the guitar and sing with us
never actually taught us stuff???
middle of the year, my mom goes in for a parent-teacher conference, he tells her i dont pay attention is math.
“what do you mean?”
“she doesn’t listen, she just takes out a book and starts reading.”
“........have you.... tried taking the book away?”
“sure, i could try that.”
he also told her i’d be a girl who’d grow up to love spellcheck (which i do lmao)
like ???? why not just??? teach me to spell????
there was this one dude who one day showed up, gave me a pink stuffed cat, and then asked me where i lived
funniest thing was he lived on the same street as me
something that is vivid in my memory is showing up to class one day and realizing that i was wearing my regular clothes over my pajamas
also we had fish
every day someone else was in charge of feeding them
one of the times it was my job, i grab the fish food and walk over to the tank only to find all of the fish floating on the top
i screamed “THE FISH CAN FLY?!?!?!?!?!”
everyone ran over, all of us scarred for life when Mr. G walks over and goes in the most normal voice ever “no theyre dead”
we held a funeral
the cause of death is still undetermined
3rd grade
this year just draws a blank for me
all i know is that whoever the teacher was, they neglected to teach me how to tell time from a clock
also we learned the Cotten Eyed Joe dance in gym around here
4th grade
i had two teachers this year
one was the same one from 1st grade, the other one was a total bitch
made a girl named hannah ball her eyes out once, never apologized
i was (and am) and avid reader, so my reading skills were high above average
instead of being proud of me she told me i was weird, not normal, and too smart for a 4th grader, so i MUST be cheating. 
she was the start of a lot of self confidence issues for me ngl
this was around the time i went and got tested for ADHD (me and my grandmother almost broke down on the highway but thats another story), Mrs. M (the nice one) was super supportive when i told her why i was leaving early but Ms. S (bitch) told me ADHD wasn’t real and i just wanted to be special for once
she sucked, Ms. S
5th grade
this is getting super long so this’ll be the last one i do
but my teacher..... Mr. F was A+++++
he legitimately taught me math
we had i guess like,,, a buddie class we switched with sometimes
the teacher of that class was Mrs. R, who had crazy red hair and many freckles
at one point she referenced a meme and my entire class started screaming
also there was another Mrs. S (to differentiate this one will be called Mrs. Su)
she was kind of crazy
she was the astronomy teacher and she told us many times that the moon landing was faked
once she handed out sunscreen and had everyone put it on their whole body (this was in december, fyi)
Mr. F also hosted an ‘archeological dig’ which sounds cool but in reality he had a bunch of arcade prizes from his childhood buried in little flower pots we dug into with plastic spoons
also heres some stuff i cants pinpoint the time of/happened in multiple grades:
someone held a who-can-scream-the-most-like-a-goat contest
a guy named Makenzie won
remember we planned it while the teacher left the classroom so the teacher walks back in and one by one everyone in the room starts screaming, there was some applause, a few kids got a standing ovation
we cleaned out our desks in the middle of the year, i found 3 socks and a dog treat in mine
like how the fuck did any of those things get there
and where’s the fourth sock
b o t t l e f l i p p i n g
but no seriously there were at least five water bottles stuck in the ceiling in the cafeteria
my sorta friend charlie was obsessed with paper airplanes
one time he might’ve broken the world record for longest time in the air but he was counting in his head and it was at recess so there was no video
four square and gaga ball would be played no matter the setting, time, or conditions and it was super competitive
like if you could get to king in four square you got the everlasting respect of everyone
and everyone was super educated on four square special rules, special plays, that kinda shit
no but guys i grew up with bus stop, candy store, haunted house on mondays, haunted mansion on fridays, zombies was fair game unless it was Zach, Ryan, Chrissy or Vee
me and one other guy named andrew were the only known pjo fans, had the time of our LIVES making refrences
“hey annabeth, i thought you looked like a princess when i first saw you. i printed out a picture you sent me casually and kept it with me. i snuck along on a quest so i could save you, endangering myself immensely. i held the sky for you. when you talk about your crush on luke, i get jealous. beckendorf understood, but hes dead.”
“ikr we’re literally the best of friends”
also the first time we finished mark of athena we were in the same classroom and we individually dropped the book, stood up, looked at each other, and screamed “WELL FUCK YOU TOO RICK RIORDAN”
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: scouting dilemma 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: hyodo juza/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 1.7k words
𝐚𝐧: guess who was inspired by the 2020 gem heist? wrote a dumb little thing dedicated to all my fallen comrades bc juza won’t come home to them after the reset- sorry to the requests I have yet to fulfill! year 2 ages btw~
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This was the moment you’ve been waiting for. You managed to save up a massive amount of gems, waiting to be spent on a banner with your best boy in it. For months, your fingers itched to pull but you were loyal (with a few caving exceptions) to the character who got you into the game in the first place.
When the developers finally announced a banner with him in it, an SSR of best boy in a summer outfit no less, it was as if fate decided to tell you now was the moment to splurge strike.
9:58 pm.
Staring at your phone screen, you made sure everything was prepared before you could summon. You decided to do your first pull at 10 pm (his favourite number was 10), and surrounded your phone with a summon circle made entirely out of candies still in their wrappers.
9:59 pm.
You sent your prayers to the gacha gods, counting down the seconds until the clock struck-
10:00 pm.
With a shriek, you nearly ruined your summon circle formation of sweets as you scrambled to your phone, clicking the bright, shiny button that had tempted you endlessly.
“Yes, I’m sure I want to spend! Come home, come home, come home…” you chanted, unable to decide whether you should close your eyes until the final results or keep them wide open.
Choosing the latter, you gritted your teeth at the sequence of cards arriving.
R, Event R, R, R, Dupe SR, R, R, R, R, Event SR.
Suppressing the scream that wanted to escape your throat, you tried to laugh it off. At least you got two of the event cards…? Maybe it would have been better to wait until 10:10 pm?
An SNS notification popped up at the top of your screen, and from the little summary, you could tell you were gonna get upset at the contents. Checking the chat, your mutual quickly followed up her message with a screencap of your best boy. Coming home to her.
You quickly sent your response before promptly returning to the game, ‘asdfghjkl im happy for u but like also muting u rn :’< brb soon hopefully yeet need to retrieve my boi from the game’s clutches cya’
Despite your initial optimism, as the pulls kept going, the lower your gem count, the worse your mood became.
Should… should you stop right now? Banner really said no rights to best boy, huh? Sure you were able to fully merge a bunch of SRs and even the event R and SR cards, but not once did he come home? Even his sworn rival’s initial SSR came home if only to spite you or him or both.
Mentally exhausted, you decided to sleep. Maybe your luck would be better tomorrow?
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When you walked into the room with a frown visible on your face, Juza immediately knew something was wrong.
From even before he got together with you, he was always sensitive to the different expressions you made, and by association your emotions— to the little smile on your face as you ate desserts together or the eyebrow furrow-pout combo you did when the professor said something you didn’t agree with. He’d never say how fun it was, seeing the different faces you’d make.
However, while those were cute, this just made him worry.
He’d really rather not fight anyone, but if he has to beat up someone…
Juza found himself distracted during class, unable to stop himself from constantly looking at you every few minutes. With a faint peach staining his cheeks, he slipped his hand underneath the desk to grasp your own.
“… you okay?” he said, voice low and quiet as to not catch anyone else’s attention. The look on your face turns a little softer, even throwing him a quick smile but he knows you well enough to spot the traces of sadness still present.
You don’t reply, squeezing his hand back as you finally tried to pay attention to the professor.
He sighed, slowly releasing your hand from beneath the table. He’ll find a way to make you feel better later, but for now, he had to take notes— for the both of you, it looked.
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It’s not every day that Juza does most of the talking, but that just so happened to be the case today. He’s getting restless, stuck between actively wanting to help you out with whatever you needed or just sticking by you and letting you overcome whatever’s troubling you on your own.
You’ll talk when you want to, he knew that, but even still he wanted to be more useful to you. Do you want him to just keep talking to help you take your mind off things? Do you want to rant to him so he can listen? Do you want him to get you something? He’s not the best at giving advice, but if you needed it he’d do his best.
He doesn’t know what to do. You’re responding to him, but your mind is all the way elsewhere.
The next thing he knew, he’s getting a spoonful of his frozen dessert and pressing it against your lips.
You get startled from your thoughts when a sudden icy temperature meets your mouth. You opened your mouth, cringing slightly at the cool before finally enjoying the shaved ice dessert.
While it wasn’t uncommon for Juza to let you taste the food he ate and vice versa, he was usually more reserved, too shy to feed you in public.
‘He must have been worried,’ you thought to yourself if he had to do that just to catch your attention. You immediately shifted your thoughts from the game to Juza, already about to apologise for troubling him before he interrupted you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, and even though he had a scowl on his face, he looked at you with tight and worried eyes.
He knew you played games on your phone, but it was still a bit embarrassing to admit that you were upset for such a long duration because of your best boy not coming home. However, Juza deserved to know, so you pushed away your hesitance before explaining the whole fiasco to him.
Juza doesn’t get it entirely. He’s bordering between relief and confusion— on one hand, at least no one wanted to hurt you or fight you or anything; on the other hand, a 2D guy got you upset?
The concept isn’t completely foreign to him, what with Itaru-san and even Settsu constantly gaming, but usually it was his roommate being irritating and gloating while the salaryman got frustrated, eventually passing his phone to Sakuya.
He’s honestly shell-shocked that you’re upset, so even though he doesn’t understand why it’s such a big deal he’ll do what he can to make you feel better. He’s not the best at comforting people, he can never find the right words… but he’s good at listening.
He placed his hand on top of yours, grateful you don’t point it out verbally or he might actually combust. He can only hope the two of you are seated secluded enough that no one comes by.
Something’s starting to bother him though. The more he listens to you, the more he’s conflicted— if you’re dedicating that much of your… gems (?) to this guy he gets why you’re upset. Another part of him wonders what’s so great about this specific guy.
He’s not upset nor is he jealous, he’s just… figuring out what specific traits you like in this guy. For future reference. Who knew, maybe he’d get to play a role similar to the character you like so much?
“Why do you like him so much, anyway?” He asked, staring intently at you.
Your attitude quickly changed from being upset to being excited to talk about your favourite character.
“He’s just so kind and thoughtful! A total gap moe, you wouldn’t expect him to be so family-oriented because of his appearance but he totally is!” you began, barely catching a break to breathe before continuing on, “plus he didn’t start off as the strongest? But he’s constantly trying his best you just want to root for him and care for him?”
Unexpectedly, Juza finds himself a little flustered, though he’s unsure of why when you’re only describing a character. Perhaps it was the look on your face while you talked?
“Plus, he looks a lot like you! Obviously, I need him to come home, right?” you exclaimed, hitting him straight in the heart with your crinkled eyes and a beautiful smile.
The hand that was comforting you a while ago and gently rubbing patterns onto your skin stilled. You noticed right away, hoping you didn’t say anything too weird during your rant.
He’s silent for a while, unsure of what to do and ultimately deciding to say the first thing that popped up in his head.
“… then why’d you need him to come home if I’m already-“
When he heard you squeal he stopped himself from continuing whatever he was going to say. Did you hear him? Dumb question, of course, you did!
You covered your face with your hands, unsuccessfully hiding the strawberry red colouring your face, and screamed internally. You can’t see how Juza is reacting but you just heard a bang on the table?
‘Juza? Who told you to- istg I’ll have you arrested for-‘
After a few moments, you’re the one who ultimately breaks the silence, knowing neither of you had enough will to point out the warm flecks that still remained on both of your faces.
“We should get going. Our class is all the way in another building,” you said, slowly standing up from your seat.
“… ‘kay.”
You’re not holding hands while walking, but if he noticed the frequency of your hand grazing his he doesn’t let you know.
Reaching the midpoint between your classroom and his, you turn to face him before splitting off in the hallway. You look to see if the coast was clear, and to Juza’s surprise, you enveloped him into a warm embrace, quick but heartfelt. Neither of you saw each other’s expressions, but Juza wondered if your heart raced just as fast as his did.
“Thank you for making me feel better… I love you,” you whisper the last part, before untangling yourself from him and speed walking away to your classroom. You miss the way Juza looks back at you, body frozen but face a mixture of shock and longing and love.
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want to order again?
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Encore - harry hook x reader  - part 3 - the mall (aka harry stop-don’t- don’t take the shiny necklace- stap!)
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 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 Audrey- your name
You watched as harry looked around him with awe, tall buildings and many stores, multiple stands with items and food.
“so, they just…sell all this stuff? People don’t just take it?” you giggled at his word choice as you passed by a cotton cady soda stand, oooooh cotton candy for $3! And soda and water for $1!
Turning around you paid for two Pepsi's and one cotton candy. Jogging back to harry you handed him the fluffy candy, he raised his brows, cautiously taking the candy.
“What is this lass?” Harry mumbled, tilting the candy back and forth, not trusting the fluffy cloud of sugar.
“its food” you chirped, ripping off a piece and tossing it in your mouth “you eat it!” harry watched as you hummed happily, doing a little dance as the candy melted in your mouth.
Harry took a piece and popped it in his mouth, gasping as he did, eyes widening at the taste.
“holy fuck-AH it vanished!” harry looked giddy, grinning down at you as he ate another piece, laughing when the cotton candy melted in his mouth, you giggled, taking another piece “it'll do that~”
You walked harry over to a bench so he could eat his candy in peace without bumping into anything, softly smiling at him as he happily munched on the cotton candy.
“so harry” you started, looking around at all the shops around you “where to first?” harry stopped, looking up and around, before pointing at a store labeled ‘Hot Topic’
“tha’ one” you grinned, ohohohoo harry did NOT know what he was getting into “kay~” harry tossed away the finished candy stick away, following you into the store, licking his fingers as you entered.
You watched as Harrys eyes sparkled at the apparel and items around you, graphic tees and stylish pants, rings and bracelets, fandom shoes, piercings, necklaces, hats, belts, everything.
And harry was particularly eyeing a very shiny necklace.
“harry no” you warned, seeing that familiar look in his eyes. “harry yes” he mumbled, reaching toward the necklace before you slapped his arm, grabbing the necklace for him.
“no stealing, I have the money to buy it, you idiot”
Harry pouted, but nodded, eyeing the necklace in your hands, a marvel punisher dog tag.
Glancing at the sign you saw ‘jewelry: buy two get two free’
Smiling you turned back to harry, who was brushing through rings.
“harry, pick another accessory out for yourself, then pick two for me?”
He nodded, immediately picking out a wrapping tentacle ring. grinning you walked off, trusting harry not to take anything. a glint caught your eye and you gasped, a red leather skeleton jacket, two actually, one (your size) and the other Harrys. you grabbed them both, not bothering to look at the price tag, jogging back to the front you found harry holding two sets of rings.
one a set of the triforce symbol rings, power, courage, and wisdom, the other a...descendants 2 set.
you snorted, tapping the LOZ set “those look cooler, but if you want the D2 rings you can get them” harry nodded, glancing between the rings once more before putting the D2 rings back on the rack, picking up a skull bracelet, the tentacle ring, and the LOZ rings and handing them to you.
you showed him the hoodies which he stared at with stars in his eyes, grinning you handed them to him “carry those for a bit, if you see anything you like grab it”
15 minutes later Harry had picked out 5 tees, a black leather skull jacket, leather fingerless gloves, a Deadpool snapback, and a studded belt.
he piled everything onto the checkout desk, the clerk laughing for a second as they took in the number of items
“splurging are you?” they smiled, starting to scan the shirts
“yeah” you grinned, keeping an eye on Harry as he walked back over to the accessories. “its his first time in here, and I just told him to go for it”
“I noticed~” they laughed, watching as you watched harry with a fond smile “how long have you two been together?”
you perked up, tapping your thigh “umm, a year and a half? i think”
the clerk smiled “really? well you two seem like the perfect match” you smiled at the clerk, who was scanning the dog tag harry tried to steal “ill just take that, i think he wants to wear it immediately”
they smiled, handing it to you “alrighty then, okay so your total will be $175.64” you nodded, not hearing harry walk up behind you.
“holy shit! i didn’t know it was going to be that expensive, lassie i can put some stuff bac-” you inserted your debit card and grinned up at him. “don’t worry Harry, ive got plenty of money to last me the entire freaking year”
Harry nodded, unsure but he trusted you, smiling slightly as you handed him the necklace. “thanks” he mumbled, slipping the necklace around his neck.
you nodded, thanking the clerk and walking out of the hot topic, harry grabbing the bag and jogging after you. “thanks Audrey”
“no problem harry~” you chirped, dodging a few mall-goers and walking over to Wetzel's pretzels
 "um lassie?" harry questioned, looking up at the menu and tilting his head "why are we-" 
"I'm hungry" you snorted "forgot to eat breakfast so" you gestured to the main sign "Wetzel's pretzels~"
 “Alright then” harry murmured, taking off his hat and sunglasses for a second to scratch his face and head.
turning he bumped into someone “shit sorry!” harry called, catching the girl he bumped into. it was a smaller black girl, waving her hand as she balanced herself “no problem, you good, wasn't watching where I was going”
“aye, I wasn't lookin’ either,” Harry said, looking back to Audrey who was getting her recept.
the girl stopped, looking up at him with squinted eyes “im sorry but, you sound like someone I know?” harry scrunched his brows, turning back to the girl, only for umas face to look back at him.
‘oh shit’ harry thought, paling slightly as the girl blinked widely
“Thomas?” she asked, tilting her head, at the same time you called Harry's name “harry!”
harry turned quickly, speed walking over to you, taking your bag and whispering quickly to you
“is that umas-?” you cursed under your breath, seeing china ann McClain staring at harry with confused eyes, sighing you knew that there was no way to avoid this without her getting suspicious.
you dragged harry back over to her and said “he looks and sounds a lot like Thomas Doherty doesn’t he?” china laughed at that, disbelieving
“yeah uncanny, you sure that isn’t Thomas in a disguise?” you giggled, mentally fangirling that you were talking so casually with THE China Ann McClain.
“im sure, I’ve known him for a while, and hang out with him every day, he and Thomas are in two different places, im pretty sure he and dove are in Los Angeles?” you ended with a question, waiting for china to nod, which she did
“you right, sorry, just kinda weird to bump into an exact copy of Thomas, well, I have stuff to do” china started to walk away, not looking like she was truly convinced but needed to leave.
“Alright, have a good day!”
“thank you too”
china waved you two goodbye, and you dragged harry out of the store, leading him to a corner and slipping the hat and glasses back on
“that’s why I put the hat and glasses on dork!” you laughed breathlessly, taking the food bag from him, harry sighed “im sorry lass, I got itchy”
“it's okay” you sighed, “no harm done”
Pulling harry away you mumbled to your self “I hope”
---end of part 3---
Comment or message me for part 4
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vgryu-blog · 5 years
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hello! greetings, everyone, and hope you all have a great day / evening wherever you are. typist is 21+, with feminine pronouns. i’m so psyched to be here in vainglory since i’m a sucker for such concepts, and i can revive this old muse of mine. his name is han ryujin, and he’s twenty-three, based on the black widow’s origin. yes, it’s your marvel enthusiast speaking. he’s currently affiliated with wang syndicate as kai, a marksman, but this is not a widely-known fact since most days he poses as a patron for wang, as well as potential member for yongui, both by proxy — his father is one, so as an heir he’s destined to be one, somewhat. his father is your typicaly evil™ father, and played a part of his being in the red room experiment. more to come under the cut! possible triggering contents ahead, specifically dealing with kidnapping, psychological torture, child trafficking, parental death and neglect, violence, weaponry, and murder. these warnings also apply to his application / profile which can be found here. and also, if anyone’s interested in plotting on other platforms, i’m available via twitter and discord, just inquire the usernames! liking this post will also have a consequence, which is me running to your im’s for plotting and chatting purposes. ;)
mother died in labor, so he was branded as a murderer, somewhat, by his father. things unknown to him: his father is only attached to him because he’s a son, and therefore will continue the family’s business. their background is ridiculously affluent, wealth passed down from generation to generation. father is a senior member of yongui and patron of wang, and a firearm aficionado.
he was kidnapped at six during that one time his butler, who has been the only one caring for him because his father neglected him, failed to pick him up on time from an expensive private school. in which, he was sedated, and brought to a place far away, fairly secluded too. it’s called the red room organization. it was a mansion masked as a dance academy, and the location is unknown even to the agents created in the experiment.
and there, he was one of the twenty-eight from his generation to be trained harshly, rigorously, using various techniques, including psychological torture. he was trained to withstand even the harshest circumstances, long story short. he was trained to become that agent at the right place, at the right time; one that would be more effective than having an entire legion of an army.
he’s equipped with espionage, extortion, forgery skills, alongside becoming the whole killing machine. the twenty-eight of them eventually fell, one by one, nobody managed to escape but as they got dispatched into various missions, many got missing / killed in action, including someone older he deemed as a brother.
that carved the whole trauma in him, on top of everything else. the suppression turned him into a more efficient machine for them, and long story short, again, while his generation started being eliminated even further, he rose on top of them. he made it out as the last man standing, his success rate rising and rising. he was assigned solo missions all the time since eighteen, and at twenty, he was given the task to penetrate wang syndicate.
being the perfect candidate for it, he was sent home. it was the first time in fourteen years that he came back to seoul, and his father wasn’t even elated about it. it was just the whole ‘oh, you’re back’ and gave him the key to a spare apartment to live in. the only person really welcomed him home was his old butler.
it’s been three years since then, sure. contacts with red room have been scarcer and scarcer, and as such, he thought they finally had let him go. trying to live normally, somewhat. meeting people as ryujin: calm, collected gentleman with a rather silent charisma. on the quieter, but also amiable side. he would have a lot of friends, but he’s distanced even when he deceives them into thinking they’re actually ‘friends’.
things he doesn’t know, nor does everyone: his father was the one orchestrating the whole kidnapping, as he was being let go into the red room experiment. it was like survival of the fittest, like a test his father gave him. this is a secret well-kept, no one knows for sure. meanwhile, he still loves his father, with a lot of respects. they have a pharmaceutical company that is very... cunning when it comes to smuggling certain drugs for the wang syndicate.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Crying In The Club .8
Yandere!Overhaul x F!Reader
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5* *Part 6* *Part 7* *Part 8*
Warnings: Yandere overhaul, angst, non-consensual touching, blood & gore, torture, death, sassy reader, some sexual references 
A/N: Yeah It gets kinda gruesome in this chapter so lol. But as a warning I will put a warning *GORE* before it truly begins. I was just in the mood for some good old gore.
@hello-lucky-luka @winchester-wifey
Another meeting, another hour of torture. You couldn’t believe it. After 6 months of being with your boyfriend, thinking all the horror was gonna end, you were dragged back into the devils lair. Not only was he actually a sociopath but this man fully believed that he could convince you to love him. As if.
How could you love someone who hurt you in horrific ways? He lowered your self esteem until it was practically nothing by the time he let you go. You had only gotten it back a little bit when (????) came into the picture. You couldn’t help but cry the night you were brought back here. How could you be happy knowing the one person you felt safe with was dead all because of some psychotic man who believed you were his.
A gloved hand on your thigh ripped you out of your thoughts. You tried not to tense up and show that the feeling was unwelcomed. Which it was. You felt his thumb rub up and down your thigh while he was talking to some random crime boss. You looked around the room uncomfortable as you were the only woman in the entire area. It felt as if all eyes were on you. They were undressing you with their eyes. You could tell by the way the two younger men that licked their lips were looking you up and down. It seems that you recognize many of these people from when you use to go to the meetings before you left.
It looked like many of the older men had learned their lesson since not one of them looked in your direction. But the younger men seemed to be new. You refused to show weakness and go crawling to Overhaul for some sort of safety. So you decided to do the next best thing. Show them that you weren’t gonna stand to be looked at like prey.
“Can you two men stop looking at me like Im a piece of meat? This is a professional meeting and you acting anything less then professional. Plus I’m taken.” You cross your arms while glaring at the two men with hatred. Everyone was silent as they all looked at you. Surprised you had said anything. You weren’t going to let some horny men look at you like that.
“You know Overhaul, you should teach her not to say anything. This is a professional meeting after all.”
“Pfft, professional meeting? Last time I was in a meeting like this, all you disgusting men couldn’t keep your eyes off of me. Shame your guys wives doesn’t know your checking out younger women.” You smirk. Idiots be wearing wedding bands on their fingers. Listen you were no mobster but its pretty common sense to not show any weakness. Especially something as crucial as a wife or husband.
No one said a word. You stood your ground, you showed you weren’t afraid of these people. But you weren’t gonna lie, You were bat shit terrified. All these men were so much bigger then you were. 
‘Keep the confident front! Don’t show any fear!’
“How did you-”
“The wedding bands on your fingers.” All the men looked at their fingers realizing you had caught them. They then looked at you before they grumbled. Well everyone except the two younger men.
“Well sweets we don’t have any wedding bands. Hey Overhaul, you willing to sell that pretty thing over there?” Your eyes widen. Did these men really think you were just some toy to be pawned off? You did not miss this at all. In fact you fuckin hated this.
Before you could growl at them Kai had sen’t them a glare. He grabbed your hip and brought you in between his legs. His right arm snaking around your waist.
“No she’s not for sale. Let’s continue this meeting before I lose my temper.” Well this did not go the way you thought it would hot damn.
You sit on the couch near the back door. Watching as the older men leave with their tails in between their legs. Even if you would never admit it, Kai is much younger then most of these men. So if they were to fight him, they wouldn’t have a good chance in fighting. But the younger men, you don’t know for sure. Speaking of them you didnt see them leave the compound.
“Miss (Y/N), Overhaul had requested your presence in the basement.” Your breathing hitched as a feeling of dread washed your entire body. What did you do? You had only been back for 3 days! You couldn’t have done-
Oh yeah.
‘How could I completely forget about how I just dissed those men. Oh im so mega fucked.’ You breath lowly in fear of what would happen to you. Damnit you should have just been quiet and took it. Now you were gonna feel his wraith. Why did you do that? 
You follow the man towards the basement where you heard Kai’s voice talking to someone. Was it Hari? No couldn’t be. Hari’s voice held a bit more of a sweeter tone. At least to you. This voice was similar but you couldn’t put a finger on where you heard it before. Think, think, think damnit-
The to men from the meeting.
Your eyes grow wide as you walked down the stairs and heard the door close behind you. The creaking of the wooden stairs seem to ring in your ears as your eyes slowly adjust to the darkness. Your legs jelly as you fear what you might see. What could Kai be doing to those men? Even if they were a little creepy they had probably learned their lesson when Kai had screamed at them when you were leaving the room after the meeting.
Once your feet met the concrete floor of the basement your eyes wide at the sight before you. 
Right in front of you was the 2 men, tied in chairs, face bloody. You could have sworn some of their teeth were missing.
“Aw my lovely angel. Look, now they can never say anything to you. They don’t deserve to see your beauty. I’m proud of you for showing me which disgusting creatures were looking at you.” Kai said as he up behind you. He settled his chin on the top of your head. You see his beak coming off from the top of your head. His hands rubbing your shoulders gently, moving his thumbs in circular patterns.
“You stupid bitch! Were in here because of you-”
“(R/N) cut of their tongues. No one speaks to my angel in such a way.” You gasped as you backed up. Trying to escape the scene that was about to unfold. But you couldn’t Kai had grasped your chin and made you watch as a subordinate of his grabbed the tongue of one of the men before a sickening rip followed as the other man screamed. Blood gushed out of his mouth as the man coughed. Struggling not to choke on his own blood. 
The other man suffered the same fate followed by the familiar rip. Tears were rushing down your eyes as you felt bile rise up in the back of your throat. Kai looked down at you and saw the tears and gushed out of your eyes.
“Aw angel why are you crying? Is it because you know they’ll never say such vile things to you again? Your welcome for protecting you.” Kai softly spoke as he nudged his head in between your shoulders. You felt like you were watching a horror film but in 3D. 
The mens blood covered the tops of their shirts as they cough it all up. The men looked on the verge of passing out. One of them looked at you with a glare causing you to lift up your arms to cover your eyes. Your lip quivering in fear as you hear a pop and the gurgling screams of the men in front of you.
3 more pop sounds came and you were flinching every time one pop had came. You move your fingers to the side and see the men with their eyes gauged out of their sockets.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You vomited all over the ground as the men screamed even louder. You couldn’t see it. You didn’t want to see it. You were about to run out of the room before you slipped on your on vomit and hit your head against the concrete floor.
You open your eyes only to be greeted by a blinding white light. You move your arm to cover it so your eyes don’t sting. You flutter your eyes a bit before looking around your room. A pure white room that looked like a hospital room. You groaned. Was it all just a bad dream? I mean you did go to the hospital the day before you got kidnapped again. 
You smile a bit, thinking it was all but just a dream. You could go back to your loving boyfriend, you could eat with him and just enjoy his presence. You missed him dearly. The thought of him got your heart pumping harder and harder. You couldn’t wait to see his cheeky smile and that cute little mole on his chin.
Just as you were about to get up from the bed and go home, your thoughts were snapped when you heard the familiar voice of your captor. That meant that this wasn’t a dream. No, this was a living nightmare. You hadn’t dreamed this, it was real. Your boyfriend was dead and you were still in the clutched of the devil himself.
You let out a little whimper when you moved your head a bit. You gently touch the side of your head wincing at the pain. The sudden thoughts of what happened earlier scratched into your head. You shiver at the thought of what else could’ve happened while you were out. 
“Ah my darling angel, your finally awake. Is your head okay? Nasty gash you had. Since you fell in your own vomit I had to give you a bath. I never thought you would be even more beautiful then you already were.” Your eyes widen. He had changed you?! That means he saw everything! EVERYTHING!
Your cheeks grew red in embarrassment as you try and turn your head away. Only for Kai’s gloved hand to bring your face back to his.
“Aw my angel, don’t be embarrassed now. It’s not like I will never see you like that again. Trust me my love, one day you’ll be crying my name.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Can you blast us with a scenario where Overhaul escapes jail and looks for the reader (she thought he was dead) and they have a super fluffy reunion,thank you ❤️
Kai Chisaki/Overhaul x reader
"Run straight to your arms."
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"This is out of question villain! I don't care how much you say that there's a single person out there who would care enough to, dare you say, love you enough to you make a call to at least tell where you are! Do you think I'm stupid?! You're never leaving this place any less call to someone; you got no one!"
That was what that good for nothing guard of the prison said to him for only asking to call you...
The feeling of guilt consuming his whole being for only thinking about you, leaving you alone not even knowing what was happening... Even if he wanted to denial it, he was terrified that the heroes got to you as well and pushed you down along with him... you probably didn't even know even if he was alive or even where he was! He feared the most that now you despise him, like many others...
Even with the guilt and insecurity of your love towards him, there he was... Running as fast as he could through the florest and hiding whenever necessary behind a tree or a bush... "look at me right now, disgusting...ridiculous running like a scared mouse" though Chisaki.
"Sire!I heard a noice over there!"
Thankfully they chased exactly the other way where he was hiding. Patherics he thought while returning his quick pace, careful to not fall... If he fell it would be a disaster especially without the help of his arms...
Speaking of which... what were you going to think...? Him, without the sorce of his so great power, the one which he promise you to cure this despicable world, him without arms...?
What was he going to tell you? How could you even react seing him like that? A total mess and disgusting man looking for you after whatever time was now... he didn't even know what day was anymore.
All the way back; and somehow safe from the heroes and the police; he thought how and what to say to you, hell he felt useless when the thought of buying you a gift crosses his mind before when the sudden realization that he was a fugitive kicked his mind again.
Then the future came to his mind, were you really going to talk and forgive him after all he did? And if you were... were you going to accept him back? He was going to be a bother to you... a disgusting weight on your back... he made a promise to keep you safe even with his involvement with the Shie Hassaki; but now? How could he?
It seemed like his mind was going to explode at any second with all trailing thoughts on his head, all of it turned blank when he was there, panting, sweating and trembling at the front of your door...
He took a big breath and kicked slightly; no arms, can't knock; to allarm yourself of his presence... what time was it anyway?
The sound of your sniffing through the other room made his heart twist and he just knows that he is the cause, growing more and more the rage and disgust at his own self.
"I told you already to leave me alone! I DON'T WANT ANY MORE OF YOUR NON-" you oppened your door furiously expecting a bunch of heroes or guards to make another of the many interviews and quizzes you had to atture; not your lover. "...sense..." your once loud and furious voice trailed to one too quiet and if it wasn't for the proximity of the both of you, maybe Chisaki couldn't even heard it.
He looked straight to your eyes, still panting, you looked angelic as always but also torn appart... Your eyes were puffy and red and judging by the huge eyebags you haven't slept in days... you hair was messy but also glorious; he had to contain the urge of just pushing you against him because...well no arms.
You stare at each other for solids minutes without a word, you with wide open eyes rubbed both of them shortly after to again look at him, he was slightly concerned that your eyes were gonna fall off...
"A...angel...I...I'm..." he tried to find words...any words to speak to you...but nothing came out...
Slowly you touch his face with tenderness; almost like he was made of porcelain; and trailed your fingers to his jaw to close of his golden beautiful eyes, which also seemed like he hasn't slept to much.
That was it... the moment he was terrified off, you were going to leave him, scream for help, call the heroes or-
"KAI!" You shouted in relief jumping on him while enveloping your arms so tight around his neck that for a second he thought he lost all his oxygen from his body after your tight embrace and from the fall.
You cried while smooching his entire face "I know you hate this but I simply don't care! Oh my god YOU'RE ALIVE!" you buried your face in the crook of his neck trying to contain your sobs "I thought I lost you! Thank god you're okay!" You hugged him tighter while returning your assault on the right side of his face.
He was... shocked? Relieved? Happy? Heck he didn't know anymore, your touch was like electricity right now, and you were so warm... he didn't even tried to contain one or two tears that escaped his eyes, not even the chuckle when you start to kiss and give him raspberries on his face... fuck it my morals my lover is right here with me screw my germophobia.
"Thank goodness..." you breath out, resting your forehead against his "Oh dear! C'mon let's go inside, you need to get out of this wet clothes you're going to catch a cold on this weather" you helped him get up from the ground enveloping him in one arm to keep him balance.
While making a way to the inside of the house you kiss him slightly on his jaw and the remaining of one of his arms rubbing sweetly.
"You can talk to me whenever you feel ready ok? Im glad you're back my knight in shinning armor..." you breath in on his neck, smelling a bitterness but you could care less "I missed you so much..."
That right there, made the cold heart of Chisaki Kai almost break through his chest, he was sure going to tell you, but right now, like you, he just wants to feel your presence...
He doesn't deserve you...at all...
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mosylufanfic · 5 years
What’s Said Can’t Be Unsaid
Hello there, @captainandors, here is your May the 4th gift! You asked for “when the two characters who don’t realize they’re in love are in a fight and one of them shouts “BECAUSE IM IN LOVE WITH YOU” and they’re both like wait”
Also, I've never read Rebel Rising, so please excuse any differences between that and this.
I hope you like it!
What’s Said Can’t Be Unsaid
Jyn woke in darkness.
For a moment, she was eight years old again, crying and trembling in the dark, haunted by the hours-old visions of her mama falling and her papa taken away by the man in white . . .
No. No, that was years ago. It was far behind her. She had woken in the dark before. She was waiting for Saw to come back and retrieve her. It shouldn't be too much longer.
Although she'd been saying that to herself for the last several hours . . .
She put out a hand, patting around herself until her fingertips brushed the glass of her 'pad's screen. She pulled it toward herself and switched it on to check the time.
Eighteen hours, thirty-two minutes since Saw had left the message for her to wait here, in this hidey-hole.
The truth washed over her in a cold wave. He wasn't coming back.
He'd left her here, on Tamsye Prime, with a battered weapon and an elderly datapad and the clothes on her back, and he'd . . . he'd just left.
She was alone.
The datapad's screen went black again, and the dark closed in around her. "But," she said into it. "But I kept up.
Six Years Later
They staggered up the gangplank together, Cassian shouting out, "Bodhi, get us out of here!" He angled toward the bench and shifted so Jyn could sit down, not missing the way she winced as she settled into place.
He reached for the medkit in the locker above his head, and her face went from wincing to stony. "I've got it," she snapped at him, pulling the medkit out of his hands. "I'm fine." She turned away from him, tugging her shirt up and craning her neck to peer at her midsection.
Cassian gritted his teeth. She was always like this when she got hurt. Worse when he turned back for her or waited for her. It was massively frustrating, when all he wanted to do was make sure she was all right.
Which he would for any one of his team, of course he would.
It was just that it was . . . different with Jyn.
The U-wing lurched, and he sat down hard on the bench, grabbing the bar over his head so he wouldn't just fall into Jyn and hurt her more. He didn't know if that was possible, because he didn't know how badly she was hurt, because she wouldn't kriffing well tell him.
As their ride bumped and rattled its way out of atmo, he stared at the hunch of her shoulders and the set of her neck, trying to read in them the things he wanted to know.
She was a whole new language for him, with no translation bot.
With a jolt, they jumped to hyperspace, and he got up, making his way to the cockpit.
"What happened?" Bodhi asked him, hands busy over the control panels.
"She got hit," Cassian said. It played out in front of his eyes again, Jyn running alongside him, then her body jolting from the blaster bolt, collapsing, going down -
He'd been running so hard he was ten feet away before he could turn and go back for her.
"I could tell that much," Bodhi said. Cassian could tell he was trying to sound light and buoyant, but his voice was weighed down with unspoken worry. "How bad?"
"She won't let me look at it."
Bodhi peered over his shoulder. "I'm sure it's not that bad, if she wants to take care of it herself." A question trailed off the end of his sentence.
Cassian shook his head, trying to figure out a way to say That's not the point, without being an ass about it.
"We got everything?" he said instead.
"In and out.”
"Good." He turned and went back, plotting how to get Jyn to let him look at her injury.
Baze was kneeling down next to her, squinting at her side. "Bacta," he rumbled, and rooted around in the medkit on the floor next to him.
Cassian stood in the doorway, battling the stupidest feeling of hurt. She would let Baze look at it but not him?
It was fine, he told himself as she pulled her shirt down over the new bacta dressing. As long as someone looked at it, someone who wasn't her and wouldn't pretend it was less serious than it was. Baze was stoic but blunt. If he thought it only needed a bacta dressing, it was no more than a surface injury. No organs nicked or arteries cauterized.
Baze looked at Jyn narrowly. "Anything else?"
"You were limping," Cassian said.
She shot him a look. "I just bashed my knee when I went down."
"Which knee?" Baze asked.
"It's nothing."
"The right," Cassian said.
Baze tapped one large, square-tipped finger on her right knee, and she clamped her lips shut around a grunt that they all still heard.
"Doesn't sound like nothing," he said, and commenced prodding and poking.
He made her pull up her pants so he could see the knee. The skin was dark red, already deepening into what would surely be a lurid bruise, but still unbroken. He prodded some more, got her to extend her leg, walk a few steps.
"Ice," he said finally. "And compression." He wrapped her knee and handed her a cool pack.
Through all of it, Jyn steadfastly ignored Cassian's presence. But when Baze finally let her tug her pants down over the lump of the compression bandage, she finally looked up at him. "See? I'm fine."
"Good," he said.
"You didn't need to come back. I could have got up and made it back on my own."
He shrugged. "I did anyway."
"You didn't need to."
Exasperated, he turned around and strode into the galley where Chirrut was filling up the hot-water kettle for tea.
She came after him, limping a little. "You were almost safe. Why did you turn back?"
"What else was I supposed to do?"
"I told you, I could have managed!" She whipped around, wincing as she wobbled in place. "Baze, tell him, I would have been fine."
"No," Baze said. "I'm not getting in the middle of your squabble."
"Squabble," Jyn seethed.
Cassian snapped, "I didn't know that at the time."
She swiveled to glare at him again.
"For all I knew," he added, "you'd broken your knee and gotten shot in the spine."
"Then you should have left me."
"I'm not going to do that!"
"No, you never do, do you?"
He gritted his teeth. "Why is that a problem?"
"It's a problem because I don't need to you come back for me!"
Forget language. She was an entire new terrain, unmapped, with death traps lurking for the unwary. He kept his voice even. "All I'm doing is making sure the whole team gets back safe. Again, why is that a problem?"
"Because you're always looking after me," she shouted. "Not anyone else, just me!"
"That's not true."
"No? You don't think I've noticed that when we go out in the field, we're always partnered together so you can pick up my slack?"
"It's not about slack, it's - " He wanted to be with her. Somehow that didn't feel like the right thing to say. "We work well together. We make a good team." Yes, exactly. That was it. That was what he meant.
She snorted loudly. "And this way you can look after me."
She went on. "If you don't think I can keep up, than just tell me so."
"It's not that I don't think you can keep up - "
"Then why else would you be always swooping in to rescue me?"
Somehow it all came out of his mouth at once. "Because I'm in love you with, is why!"
She went white.
He suspected he did too, because he felt the sick feeling of utter disaster draining from his face all the way down to the pit of his stomach.
A very small voice murmured, "Oh, boy."
It wasn't Jyn's.
He felt his neck creak as he turned his head to see the entire rest of the team in the tiny galley. Chirrut, placidly drinking tea. Baze with his arms folded, leaning in the doorway. Bodhi looking from Cassian to Jyn and back again. Kay stationed next to the table.
Somehow, he hadn't even noticed the rest of them come in, which was unlike him. To say the least.
Kay said loudly into the silence, "As I understand these things, that is a common if illogical human impetus."
Uneven footsteps made him look back toward Jyn, just in time to see her limp out of the galley as fast as she could toward the berths along the back of the ship.
With a heartfelt groan, he turned on his heel, pushed past Baze, and strode in the other direction.
One door slammed. Then another.
Kay said, "That was unprecedented."
Chirrut held out his hand. Baze looked at it. "What?"
"Pay up," Chirrut said. "I won. The captain said it first."
Baze gave a small humph. "Didn't say it. Yelled it. And I don't think he meant to." He frowned even more than usual. "I don't think he even knew."
"Bodhi, will you tell my husband to stop weaseling out of his debts."
"I don't know," Bodhi said. "I'm with Baze. I don't think he knew he was going to say that. Doesn't it invalidate the bet?"
"The terms of the wager would seem to be predicated on their knowledge of their own feelings, and a reluctance to speak those feelings aloud to the other," Kay put in. "Although how you could feel something and not know you're feeling it - "
Chirrut waved a hand. "Whether he meant to or not, he did say it, and he said it first."
"Jyn didn't say it at all," Kay noted. "So it's inaccurate to say first."
"She didn't say it yet!" Chirrut said. "Anyway, now Baze owes me ten credits."
"Put it on my tab," Baze said, meandering toward the tea kettle.
Chirrut snorted. "Tab," he muttered, picking up his teacup. "Your tab would reach from here back to Jedha."
It was a long way back to base - fifty-two hours in hyperspace. Most of the way back, they avoided each other, with astonishing success considering the size of the U-wing.
Cassian spent the bulk of those hours mired in his own thoughts, hearing his own blurted confession over and and over again, seeing Jyn's frozen expression before she almost ran away from him.
Because I'm in love with you.
He didn't waste a lot of time trying to deny it to himself. While he didn't have much experience with love, he'd known the truth the moment he'd heard the words.
The real question was what he wanted to do about it.
Up until now, he had been satisfied with fleeting connections, brief and intense relationships in between missions, where both parties understood that it had a time limit and a low priority.
Being with Jyn would be intense. But it wouldn't be fleeting, or limited, or low priority. He should be worried about that, perhaps, but he wasn't.
Mostly, he worried about what Jyn might want to do.
Hopefully not leave the team.
The notion sent his stomach lurching with panic. She already thought he was - what? Coddling her?
As if he would ever dare.
He said, "Kay, will you tell me something?"
Kay, quietly charging a few feet away, turned his head. "I can tell you any number of things, Cassian. You will need to specify."
"About Jyn."
Kay paused. "I can tell you rather fewer things about Jyn Erso."
"Do I treat her as if I don't think she can keep up?"
"That is not a question about Jyn, that is a question about you."
He sighed. "Will you please answer it, anyway."
Kay's servos hummed softly, usually an indication that he was considering his answer carefully. A rare occurrence.
Finally, he said, "You are thorough and conscientious, regarding both the success of your missions and the safety of your team. You would not include anyone who you didn't think could keep up. Jyn has a number of skill sets and areas of knowledge that have been crucial to the success of all your missions since our team's recent expansion." He paused, and a peevish note entered his voice. "And she has many weapons, which she is most proficient at using."
Cassian pinched the bridge of his nose. "Then why would she think that I don't trust in her abilities?"
"There is a 97.6% chance that Jyn has significant abandonment issues."
"What makes you say that?"
"The large number of files I have downloaded over the years regarding human psychology, with a particular focus on the experience of childhood trauma."
"No, I mean what made you say that right now?"
"The psychological research files tell me that humans can react to a deep and terrible fear by doing their utmost to make it come true." He sounded annoyed. "Organics are very puzzling."
So . . . Jyn feared being abandoned, left behind, and that was why she'd shouted at him that he should have done it?
Cassian rubbed his hand over his mouth and stared unseeingly at the surface of the table.
A few hours before they were due to exit hyperspace, he had retreated to the cockpit. Not retreated, he told himself. It sounded as if he was hiding. He was just .. .  being discreet. Circumspect, possibly.
Anyway, it was a good place to write his mission report. Which had already been written, but could be gone over again, for the third or fourth time.
In regards to the whole issue of leaving her behind, he would speak to her on base. Part of the mission debrief. Making it clear that leaving her behind wasn't an option, no matter what happened. Stating unequivocally that she was useful and valued and necessary. That ought to take care of the matter.
In regards to . . . the other thing.
He'd decided to wait for her to broach the subject. He'd blurted it out, so the next move was properly hers. If she wanted to hear more about that, then she would come to him.
If she didn't . . .
Well, she didn't, that was all.
He sighed and scrolled through his report. Maybe he was hiding.
"Cassian," Bodhi said, and he jolted.
"Sorry, yes. What?"
For a moment, his friend could have been smiling, but then he said briskly, "I'm going to check something in the back. Will you be up here for awhile?"
Cassian waved his hand, turning back to his datapad and adding an unnecessary note. "Go on."
Bodhi nodded and climbed out of the seat. it was only after he was gone that it occurred to Cassian to wonder what he could possibly have to check in the back.
A few minutes later, footsteps alerted him to someone coming up into the cockpit, and he glanced over his shoulder, expecting to see Bodhi returning. But it wasn't Bodhi.
Jyn gave him a little nod and settled into the pilot's seat.
He stared out at the mottled expanse of hyperspace. His neck felt hot and something buzzed in his ears. Say something, idiot.  "How's your injury?"
"Fine," she said. "Still bandaged." She scratched her side. "It's at that itchy stage," she added.
"And your knee?" He sounded like he was checking off a list or something.
She flexed her leg. "Still stiff. But better." She propped her foot on the dash. "I'm supposed to keep it elevated," she added.
"Right," he said. "Yes."
They both stared at hyperspace for awhile.
He thought, I should probably talk to her now. It's as good a time as any. Words circled around his head, but for the first time in a long time, he couldn't pull them together into any kind of coherent statement.
She spoke first, her voice abrupt and a little too loud. "Chirrut talked to me."
He looked over at her. "Oh?"
"I mean, the way Chirrut talks."
"All nonsense until you realize he's just skewered you like a womp rat?"
"Mmmm." She rubbed her hands against her knees again. "Anyway, I - I don't really think you should leave me behind."
"Neither do I," he said, dry as dust.
Her mouth quirked for the briefest of moments, then she looked away again. "I, um," she said. "That bolt hit me, and I went down. I - " Her fingers worked on the material of her pants, crumpling them up, smoothing them. "I caught myself on my knee, so I was still sort of half-up, and I could see you. Ahead of me. I thought maybe you haven't seen."
"I did," he said.
"I know," she said. "You turned around and came back for me. It's just that moment, when all I could see was your back, running away from me."
"Did you think I was leaving you?"
"I - " She tapped her fingers on her good knee. "I had a bad moment. And even when you came back, it was still - " She pushed her fingers into her breastbone. "Just sort of sitting right here. I didn't know what to do with it, so I shouted at you and said stupid things. I'm sorry."
"And the - coddling?"
She shook her head, her mouth wry. "I know you're not. I know my value. I - " She huffed out a breath. "You are always looking after me, though. It feels like."
He shifted uneasily. "Do you - do you want to be paired with someone else on missions?"
"No," she said quickly. "You were right. We do work well together. And I - " She swallowed. "It's good you look out for me, actually. For all of us. Good for the team. I'm just not used to it. Not the way things always worked for me."
He studied her profile. "Did the Partisans leave people behind?"
A second passed.
She nodded.
Another second passed.
"We would help them get up, though, if they could get up," she said. "If they could keep up, even injured, then they kept up. If they couldn't, we left them, because they would slow all of us down and then we'd all get captured or killed. The cause was more important, we had to be efficient and ruthless and - " She looked at her fingers. "I didn't always, though."
She looked ashamed. Whether it was of going back for people, or not going back for people, he wasn't really sure.
"I've left people behind before," he said. "I had to."
"Yeah," she said. "I understand. Sometimes you have to."
He set the ‘pad aside and leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. "I won't leave you behind," he said.
"If you ever have to - "
"I won't," he said again, firmly.
"Even if we'd both be killed?"
"Even if we'd both be captured?"
She stared at him a moment, some unfathomable emotion filling her eyes, before she looked away and started picking at her pants again. "I guess I knew that," she mumbled. "I just - don't always remember it."
The muffled confession made something strange happen in his chest. "I'll remind you sometimes," he said. "If you need me to."
She shrugged a little. "All right, yeah." She looked over at him with the smallest of smiles. He smiled tentatively back.
At least she hadn’t announced she was leaving.
Her gaze drifted past him, and her mouth tightened for a moment. She got up and went over to the door that separated the cockpit from the rest of the ship.
He thought she was about to walk away and thought, Let her go, don't push, when she smacked the button and the door swished closed.
From behind it came cries of indignation.
"Kriff off!" she yelled back.
"That is not possible, Jyn Erso," Kay said loudly.
She made a rude sound with her tongue and came back to plop herself in the pilot's chair,  bracing her foot on the dash again. He was starting to think she just liked doing that.
"About the other thing you said,” she said, slouching into the back of the chair. “That you, um. That you're in love with me."
He cleared his throat. "Yes. That."
"Did you mean it?"
His stomach clenched with nerves, but he kept his voice level. "I don't say that kind of thing for no reason."
Her jaw worked briefly. "Is that why I'm here?"
"No," he said. "You're here because you belong here. With us. Your skills and your knowledge and your - " He smiled briefly. "Your weaponry. Rogue One needs that. The way that I - uh. That I feel about you is separate."
She took that in, her face unreadable. "What if I preferred never to talk about it again?”
He swallowed. "Then we wouldn't talk about it."
"Would I still belong here?"
"Yes," he said without hesitation. It would hurt, to be this near her and not with her. But he had hurt before.
She took in a breath through her nose, then let it out. "Good," she said. "That's what I wanted to know."
He felt stiff and cold. Right. All right then. Now he knew. Now he could -
She got to her feet, reached out and pulled his chair around ninety degrees, and leaned over, bracing her hands on the armrests. He looked up into her eyes, and realized what she was doing a split second before her mouth covered his.
But he knew well how to adjust to split-second changes, and he tilted his chin up, kissing her back with elation bubbling under his skin. She leaned into him, her mouth moving on his, and he put his hands to her waist, trying not to put any pressure on the slight thickness of the bacta patch on her left side. That small encouragement was all she needed to twist her hips and slide into his lap.
He wrapped his arms around all the way around her, deepening the kiss, and she returned it, hands twisting in his shirt. She kissed as fiercely as she fought, storming his battlements, taking new territory with every movement of lips and hands.
He surrendered with barely a peep of resistance.
Some eons later, she lifted her head, her breath soft and fast against his lips. "That was good," she said.
It had been more than good, but he couldn't think of any other adjectives either. He traced the line of her spine and enjoyed the slight pleased squirm she gave. "Does this mean you love me, too?" he asked softly.
"I might," she said, sliding her fingers through the ends of his hair.
It made him smile. She might be a whole new language to him, but he was starting to learn the basic grammar. "Kiss me again and make sure," he suggested.
She did.
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