#someone tel me to finish this
goober-bird-draws · 10 months
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Post a WIP from months ago in the hopes that this will motivate me to ink and color it 😩
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szkicel · 1 month
so like 2 days ago I finally read one of the comics I bought blind a while ago with comics that I was actually looking for.
anyway Rat Queens is just mid, if not below average. I wrote a rant/review about it but before i finished it I realised this title is just not worth it lmao
After I read it I only wanted to start reading Dungeon Meshi so I can read sth actually good tbh and maybe i’ll sit down to do it today kjhkjh
#my posts#rambling#idk why i’m putting it off for later I KNOW I WILL LIKE IT KJHDFKJBD#I’ve been spoiled a lot (that’s how I know this series is such szkicelcore) but i still wanna read it from start to finish#before i dive into anime#bc i’ve heard they’ve changed and cut some things so i wanna see the og first#Anyway if you want a short answer why I didn’t like Rat Queens#basically it suffers from this typical „adult comics” problem where everyone talks the same#and the dialogue feels so stiff and unnatural bc the author prioritizes adult jokes over substance and whether it makes#sense for the characters to actually say it or if it fits the context of the scene#basically what everyone else just calls „h//bin h/tel problem” (it’s actually handled way better than h//bin obv#but it’s still pretty bad)#Other stuff i didn’t like: artstyle is nice but faces are drawn so inconsistently that sometimes i couldn’t tell#that someone was supposed to be a character i’ve already seen#or the resolution of the main plot takes a couple of pages while the real climax is a battle related to some random troll#we’ve seen at the very start of the story (i know that’s the joke; like „haha i bet you thought this troll wasn’t gonna be relevant again”#but i would still rather have a proper resolution to the main plot…and maybe actually a better plot too you know kjhdjbd)#also they neglected my girl Dee - she was my favourite bc her design is cool; she’s an atheist paladin and mostly talks like a normal perso#the atheist-paladin thing is questionable but another character points it out so i guess they have an explanation for it#in the next tomes - but i’m not gonna buy another comic from this series so i will never find out lmao#Another thing that irks me that isn’t related to the comic itself are all the reviews at the back comparing it to LOTR of all things#„It’s like a mix of sex and the city and LOTR haha” „this is LOTR but with sexy ladies” shut up shuuuut uuuuuup#You guys know only one fantasy book series and it shows#if anything this comic is clearly inspired by DnD with all the references they make for rolling the dice etc#but only as a remark from the narrator at the end of every chapter so also not really#Anyway i need to read dungeon meshi dammit
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socialistexan · 1 month
Fully I need some of y'all to recognize that you are asking us to sacrifice ourselves for your morals. Pure and simple.
I just find it deeply frustrating as someone who has been not only Pro-Palestine, but anti-zionist for nearly 2 decades seeing people who couldn't locate Gaza on a map tell me that *now* aid to Israel is a deal breaker. We've known every US President has been supportive Israel from the partition to the Nakba to violation of the 67 boarders to the Iron Dome to now.
Y'all act as if Joe Biden has been unique in his Zionism and relationship to Israel when he is just another in a long line. My G-d the last guy (A MAN CURRENTLY RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AND WHO WILL WIN IF WE DON'T DO SOMETHING) inflamed tensions in the region by moving the capital to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv and has told Netanyahu to "finish the job."
If this were an option of "worse conditions domestically and the genocide ends" and "better conditions domestically and the genocide continues" you'd have some kind of argument.
But what we have is "better conditions domestically and the genocide continious (with someone who is open to an arms embargo and ceasefire)" and "worse conditions domestically AND the genocide continues (and potentially gets worse and includes the West Bank)".
This isn't even a trolley problem, because one of the victims - the only one you seem to care about - is tied to both tracks. And one of those tracks (the only one y'all ever seem to want to talk about) has the opportunity to slow down or even stop the trolley. But since it won't stop fast enough, we have to go with the other one that I'm tied to.
I understand that some of you are too young or too caught up in ideology to realize this, but a vote is not an expression of morals.
I can't advocate for Gaza if I'm dead. I can't protest for Gaza if it's illegal and they deport everyone who supports Gaza (which is an actual plan Trump is running on). I can't fight for Gaza if I'm too busy fighting to stay alive.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 10 months
Right after bob’s death, stevo stays at your place because staying at his was too much. Basically just the reader loving on stevo is all. Their relationship doesn’t really matter as long as its clear that they are soulmates in some capacity. I think stevo just needs to let himself be loved. Grief and depression is horrible to go through alone so its great to have someone who gets it with you as you heal you know?
𝒪𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝓎ℴ𝓊
A/n: This was kinda hard to write, but I definitely needed to
Taglist: @abriefnirvana
Warnings: death, angst to fluff, grief
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He wiped the tears away as he got into his car, he breathed a shaky breath as he looked at himself in the car mirror. He was disheveled, with a tangled mop of hair and wrinkled clothes.
Stevo's mind raced with thoughts of where to spend the night. And then it hit him - you were the only other person he wanted to be with right now. You would know what to do now.
Without a second thought, he stepped on the gas pedal and raced towards you as fast as his old car could go.
As he rushed towards your apartment, no matter how hard he tried to stop them, the tears streamed down his cheeks while Bad Religion blared on the radio.
He found himself thinking about Bob. Was he a bad friend for leaving him like that? He felt horrible, but he wasn’t sure about what else to do.
The image stayed in his mind, almost causing a crash as his thoughts raced, his hands acting faster than his head.
Finally, after what felt like the longest drive in history, he reached your place. He looked at a bottle of beer on the side of his door, drinking it as if he was a college kid who had just been dared to. He would need it tonight. Then he laid his eyes on someone outside.
As you were taking out the trash, you saw a small baby cat nearby and smiled. You knelt, and the cat shyly approached you. It rubbed against your leg as you looked into its curious eyes and pet it with care.
He stumbled out of his car door, the sound making you turn your head and the cat also turn its head to him.
“Stevo?” you mumbled to yourself. You recognized the blue hair quickly, and he looked at you. He was…crying?
"Stevo," you said, as you dropped your trash on the floor and hurried towards him. He was crying uncontrollably, and when he saw you, he wrapped his arms around you. You were taken aback by the sudden embrace, but you rubbed his back to give him some sort of comfort. "Oh, Stevo," you whispered softly.
He cried, tears staining your shirt as he buried his head in your shoulder. People came outside when they heard the cries.
“You're the only one I have left.” he cried into your shoulder.
“C’mon, let's go inside, okay?” you weren't sure what had happened, but it made your heart break.
You had been lifelong friends since middle school and stuck together like glue. Despite your longstanding feelings for him, you never told him how you felt in fear of him not having the same feelings.
He thought you were too sweet to him, too nice in this cruel, unjust world.
The little cat watched as you both walked up the stairs. Stevo looked back at its copper eyes and black fur, following his moves like a lucky cat in a store.
You led him inside, his sobs became more quiet and slowed down as he rubbed his eyes with his hand and sat down on a chair at your table. He felt like a loser, a poser. But you were one of the only people he knew wouldn’t judge him.
You shut the door and turned to him. It was silent for a moment while you both stared at each other.
“What happened?” you asked softly, making your way to the chair next to him.
He looked down at the ground while he explained what happened this morning. Bob had died of an overdose, your eyes widened as you listened and looked at him with sadness.
“I’m.. so sorry. Steven.. that’s horrible.” You said once he finished.
Steven. You hadn’t used his real name in ages.
He didn’t know how to respond, he simply just looked down.
“Uhm… you want me to call for you? So you don’t have to? I can tell them what happened so he can get buried, and everything else…”
He looked up now. “You’d do that?”
You nodded and smiled at him.
"Stevo, I am here for you, whether you need anything or want to talk. I’m here for you.”
“Thank you.” he mumbled, feeling himself about to cry again.
You went over to him, he stood up and hugged you again, when you both pulled away you smiled softly and wiped his tears away.
"You can stay for as long as you need, okay?" you spoke softly.
You led him into your room, telling him to chill in there for a second while you called the police. They said they had to question you, but you did not mention Stevo at all, so as long as he didn’t have to, you were fine with it.
You hung up and sighed, rubbing your forehead. You felt horrible for Stevo, who had to see his best friend and roommates dead body in front of him, crying for him.
You entered the room for and climbed into the bed beside him. He gazed at you with red, tired eyes, and wrapped his arms around your body. You reciprocated the gesture, holding him close and not wanting to let go, playing with his hair as he rested his head on your chest.
You kissed the top of his head, and in any situation, he would've questioned the action. But right now it was just what he needed.
He fell asleep quickly in your arms, his eyes heavy. You wished it happened under better circumstances.
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outsideratheart · 2 years
Make It True (Leah Williamson x reader)
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A/N: Day twenty three of the Christmas advent calendar.  I thought I would do a longer one for Christmas eve’s eve.
Based off this: Fake dating for Christmas Ball & “I’ll let you sit on my knee.
The snow was falling at The Coloney and it’s as if everyone turned into children. Snowballs had been thrown, snowmen had been made and the last training session of the year had been one full of games. 
As the team gathered in the canteen, the club’s Christmas party was on the team’s mind. There was no pressure of entertaining sponsors and the higher ups. It was just the players and staff in attendance. 
Of all the seats in the room Leah chooses your table which happens to be full so she sits on your knee. It wasn’t the first time this has happened so the team didn’t bat an eyelid. Your team mates and the fans knew the two of you were close and took the term work wife very seriously. 
Like always you and Leah have your own conversation as if no one else is there. Whilst your friends found it cute they also find it a annoying from time to time. 
“Y/N” Katie almost sings and you know the tone, she means to cause trouble. 
“You look very comfortable there. I’m not sure your girlfriend would appreciate you been so close to our vice captain like that?” 
You eyes widen at her accusation. You did not have a girlfriend and you have no idea what would make her think that. Truth is you only had eyes for Leah, it has been that way for years and you honestly don’t see it changing. 
Then you see the look in the Irish women’s eye. She is trying to get one of you to bite and you know that Leah is the easy target. 
“Don’t” you whisper in the blonde’s ear when you feel her tense up on your lap. 
You eye Katie giving her a warning but when she smirks you know she isn’t done. 
“What do you think Meado, will Y/N be bringing her girlfriend?” Katie asks. 
There’s that word again. One which doesn’t have an owner. 
“You’re seeing someone?” Viv asks. 
“It makes sense. You’ve been very preoccupied lately. You haven’t been coming out with us. What’s her name? Do we get to meet her? What’s she like?” Beth fires question after question and as soon as she is finished with her interrogation Jen starts then Steph. 
“It’s me” Leah snaps. 
All heads turn to the two as you as Leah grabs your hand and wraps it around her waist, your hand now resting on the lower part of her stomach. The placement is a lot more intimate then where it was before. 
“You’re better at lying then me” she whispers in your ear before kissing your cheek. 
At the point you see your friends waiting for your response. 
“Looks like the cats out of the bag. Leah is the person I have been spending my time with, if that isn’t obvious at this point” 
“I knew it!” Caitlyn stands up in victory and asks for some of the team to pay up making it clear that they have made bet on your’s and Leah’s fake relationship. 
The attention soon comes back to the two of you but you tap Leah’s tummy telling her to get up. 
 “We have to go. Have fun gossiping” you tel you team. 
Even after you are out the canteen you don’t speak to Leah. It is only when you are back in the locker room where you know no one can hear do you make your true feeling known. 
“Care to explain?” You tried not to sound mad but the undertone was there and Leah knew it. 
When she doesn’t answer you know that it must be something deeper than she is willing to let on because she won’t look you in the eye. 
“We still need to discuss why you did what you did but not now” you couldn’t ignore how natural it felt when you held Leah or the rosiness in her cheeks after she kissed you but clearly she wasn’t ready and neither were you. 
“What is your plan?” You ask Leah knowing that the reason why your fake relationship was revealed is because of the Christmas party. 
“We stay fake dating until after the party then we break up” Leah is clearly unsure of what the plan is, given she only made it up ten minutes ago. 
“Wow, you’re already planning on breaking up with me. You wound me Williamson” 
Leah throws her training jacket at you. She then bursts into laughter at the situation she has put herself in although she can’t complain, not with the way her heart is beating at the thought of calling you hers even if it is fake. 
“The party is in two days. I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together. Follow my lead and let me do the talking” you hug her tightly before leaving to locker room ready to go home. 
“Wait, why are you doing the talking?”
You turn to face Leah.  
“Because you are a terrible liar. It’s one of the things I love about you” it is only when you are half way down the hallway do you realise what you said. You only hope that Leah didn’t think that much into it but if you were to turn around you would see her frozen in her spot. 
You had driven to Leah’s house countless times before but this time was different. You had thought about your plan the entire day. In the end you came to the conclusion that the best way to get through the night was to be as honest as possible and treat Leah the way you always wanted to, like she is the only girl in the world. 
When you knock on her door you cannot help but feel like you are picking up your prom date. That feeling comes true when her mum answers the door. 
“What are you intentions with my daughter?” She only just gets the sentence out before bursting into laughter. 
“Did she tell you what happened?” Her mum nods her head “Maybe tonight to will show what the future could look like” 
Amanda told you time and time again that she thought you were made for her daughter and it made her the number one supporter of yours and Leah’s fake relationship. 
“Maybe. I guess there is only one way to find out” truth is you had thought and hoped the same thing. 
Luckily you get stopped before the conversation gets too deep. The last thing you needed tonight was for your feelings to get in the way. You head needed to be in control. 
“Y/N you look beautiful” Leah makes her way towards you and not so subtly checks you out. 
You wore a long black dress with your hair in a straight ponytail. Although tonight was a party, it was black tie themed. Leah herself takes your breath away, she is wearing a well tailored suit, a white shirt with more buttons undone then done up and then a black lace bra underneath. 
“You look, wow” you keep your sentence short in hear that your true thoughts will come to light. 
“Photo. Photo” Amanda says as she gets her phone out. 
You and Leah pose for several photos before Amanda suggests you get into character. Leah’s mum is oblivious to your hand placement as it rests on Leah’s bum. You lean down and meet her gaze. The way you look at her and she looks at you, well you would have thought each other hung the stars. 
“We do make a good couple” Leah says as she looks at the first few photos. 
“A sexy couple” you reply when she swipes to the final one. 
“Y/N!” Both Leah and her mum say at same time. 
“What! I need to be honest now because I’m about to spend god knows how long lying to our friends” 
Although you meant no harm by your words you can immediately see that Leah is hurt. 
“I’m sorry” 
“Hey!” You grab her shoulders “I agreed to it and we’re going to have fun tonight” you grab her hand and pull her to towards the door. You know it isn’t necessary but you were excited to have Leah be your pretend girlfriend for the night. 
“Have her home for 11” Amanda shouts. 
“Not a chance” Leah shouts back. 
You face your first challenge when you get out the car. 
“Shall we hold hands? We link arms or we—“ Leah always mumbles when she gets nervous, it was one of her tells. 
“What did I tell you?” 
“To follow your lead”
“That’s right”
You take Leah’s hand in yours making sure to interlock your fingers. When you walk though the doors you feel like a spotlight has been put on the two of you. 
“Well if it isn’t the hottest and best kept secret couple in the WSL” Katie says. 
“You’re just mad we didn’t tell you sooner” you retort as you hug Ruesha. 
You make the extra effort to greet Jonas and his wife. His face is priceless when he sees your hand resting on Leah’s waist as his wife talks. 
“I had my suspicions about you two on my first day here. Nice to see that my gut was right” Jonas is proud of himself, you can tell. 
“I think everyone has thought me and Leah are dating at one point or another” you joke whilst Leah watches as you seem to confirm he is right but don’t actually say it. In this moment she understands why you said you would do the talking. You’re not lying to anyone, you’re just not telling the whole truth. 
Throughout the night you and Leah do the rounds saying hello to the staff and their partners. It is after speaking to one of the your close friends who works at the club that Leah begins to struggle with the facade. 
“I’m going to the bathroom” Leah kisses your cheek before walking away. 
You don’t want to be rude so you continue your conversation but your gaze follows Leah until she is no longer in sight. In the end you excuse yourself. Something wasn’t right and you needed to know if Leah was ok. 
“Leah it’s me. Please open the door” you knock gently as not to make a scene. 
Unbeknownst to you Leah is leaning on the other side of the door. Panic is slowly consuming her as the lies begin to take their toll. Despite this she lets you in and you lock the door behind you. 
“Talk me Leah” 
You see her hesitate like she doesn’t what to say what she is thinking. When she still doesn’t reply you test the waters. 
“Why did you tell the team you were my girlfriend?” It was a question that you knew the answer and it was helping you get through the night. Now Leah had to realise it too. 
“I don’t know” 
At first you don’t believe her but then you see the look her contemplation in her eyes and you know she is almost there. 
“I do. You told them we were dating because you hated the thought of me being with someone else” 
“I can’t keep lying to them” she didn’t acknowledge what you said but you know she heard you and that was enough. 
“Then we make it true” it sounded more simple than it was but you know a little truth can go a long way. 
Leah walks towards you, with each step she gains a little more confidence knowing you mean what you said and that you were right. 
“How?” She asks.
“Like this. On our first date we went for a walk around Hyde park because you know how much I like it and I know you like the little cafe by the bridge”
“But that hasn’t happened” 
“It hasn’t happened…..yet. Are you free tomorrow?” 
You were confident and Leah knew it. 
“Our first date. We just don’t tell them when” she says and you nod your head, now she was getting it “then if they ask when I knew I liked you I would say the day I met you” 
“Is that so? If they ask who said I love you first I will say me. We were in a bathroom and I realised in that moment that there was no one else for me, that you Leah Williamson, were my soul mate so I pulled you close, looked you straight in the eyes and said I love you” 
You do as you and say and by the time you finish the three magic words, Leah’s eyes are welling up with tears. 
“And I said I right back. I said nobody in the world makes me feel the way you do. Whenever I picture my future you are the one I see by my side. I said I love you and I meant it” 
Then Leah kisses you. The warmth of her lips on your own is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It gave you butterflies, the best kind. 
“We really should get out there, they’ll be looking for us” you unlock the door but Leah remains in her place with a pout on her face 
“C’mon, I’ll let you sit on my knee. I know how much you like it” you tease. 
The rest of the night is much easier. You and Leah remain close and rarely leave each other’s side. Her mum was right. Tonight definitely showed you what the future could look liked and you couldn’t wait. 
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chestcongestion · 5 months
Practical Ill Effects: Ha//zbin Ho/tel
Finally finished! The "faking someone else's sickness" trope with Al/ast/or. Fic is under the cut as always, I had a lot of fun working with this and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! ^^
Word count: 6.5K
Content warnings: Manipulation/ Gaslighting, Drugging, Food tampering (This whole fic is basically "Al/ast/or gets gaslit for 6 thousand words")
“This blows,” Angel scoffed, sitting on top of a dumpster in an alley that was a brisk walk away from the hotel. Husk was sitting on the dumpster to his right, and Niffty was running around in circles, stepping on ants with her tiny feet. 
“You’re tellin’ me,” Husk said, taking a swig of whiskey from his flask before slipping it back into his pocket. 
The trio of demons were gathered in the alley for a meeting of minds of sorts. In two days, Charlie and Vaggie would be leaving with Lucifer on a trip to the Wrath Ring, and while they were gone, the rest of the group would be heading to LuLu World as a reward for their incredible progress. 
However, Vaggie was skeptical about the group behaving themselves in public without a ‘sane, responsible adult present’, and elected to- ironically- put Alastor in charge of chaperoning them for the trip, something the Radio Demon took glee in accepting. 
“How he is the responsible one out of the four of us, I have no fuckin’ idea,” Husk grumbled, folding his arms. 
“Maybe it’s just ‘cause he’s the oldest,” Niffty offered. 
“We’re all basically the same age, that’s bullshit,” Angel replied, massaging his temples, “How’re we gonna ditch ‘im?” 
“Ooo! We could hit him in the head with something heavy! Like a piano!” Niffty proposed, jittering in place at the idea. 
“This ain’t a cartoon, Niff, we’re not droppin’ a piano on his head,” Angel argued, “I don’t think he’ll let us get close enough to ‘im to do somethin’ like that anyways.” 
Husk leaned back against the brick wall behind the dumpster, a mischievous grin spreading onto his feline face, “Charlie’d probably force him to stay behind and let us go on our own if he was sick,” he said. 
“But he ain’t,” Angel replied. 
“Who says Charlie has to know that?” Husk said, his smile widening as he hopped off of the dumpster, dusting off the seat of his pants. 
“But he’d just tell ‘er he’s fine,” Angel said, still sounding skeptical. 
“He’d do that anyways, he’d insist that he’s fine even if you were wavin’ positive test results in his face… if anything, that’ll help,” Husk explained, cracking his knuckles, “I think I’ve got an idea.” 
“Alright, spill, I’m all ears,” Angel said, kicking his feet as Husk paced back and forth between the dumpsters. 
“I know that fucker’s allergic to oak moss… he used to force me to shower every time I tried to wear cologne,” Husk grumbled, “If all three of us wore it… just a little, it’d be enough to set him off without anybody noticing.” 
“O ooo, that’s so bad, I love it,” Angel said, sighing wistfully as he hopped down from his dumpster perch, stretching out his back. 
“That ain’t the entire plan, but it is the first step, I’m gonna have to explain it quick, that motherfucker’s always eavesdropping,” Husk explained. 
After a brief huddle, the triad of demons went back into the hotel through the rear entrance, disappearing into separate rooms for about an hour. 
Later on that evening, Alastor was sitting in his armchair in the parlor and reading a book, when Husk wandered downstairs, taking his station at the bar and taking inventory of the bottles, gently ruffling his wings. 
Alastor sniffled quietly, swiping a finger under his nostrils before returning to his book. 
“Feet up, Alastor! I need to get a stain out of the carpet!” Niffty requested, ducking underneath Alastor’s feet and scrubbing away at the rug with a washcloth, the smear of oak moss perfume oil that Husk placed on the back of her neck wafting up towards Alastor. 
Alastor sniffled a bit harder, his sinuses and the back of his throat beginning to itch, “Hmm,” he hummed to himself, getting up from his chair and swallowing experimentally, feeling a scratchiness in the back of his throat.
“Heya Alastor, Fat Nuggets stole one ‘o your slippers earlier, wanted to let ya’ know I put it back,” Angel said, gently pushing up his chest fluff, pretending to glance at Alastor’s hair, “I’ve been meanin’ to ask… was this your natural color back when you were alive?” 
While looking, Angel gently reached around and smeared a bit of oak moss perfume residue on the back of Alastor’s neck, pretending to reach out and touch his red locks. 
Alastor sniffled, nudging Angel away with his microphone and struggling to keep his hands away from his twitching nose, “Hh… H-hihh… No, no it wasn’t, my hair was dark brown, thank you… hHih!” he replied, covering his nose and mouth with one hand when the oak moss fumes from the oil on his neck made his nose start to run, a speedy trickle threatening to run all the way down to his chin.
“You alright, Smiles?” Angel asked, fluffing out his hair and watching as another mist of allergenic droplets wafted into Alastor’s face. 
“Y-Yihh… Ehh… Hh!!” Alastor paused, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping off his drippy nostrils before accidentally letting out a heavy, congested sniffle, “SDdfFF! SnFF-SnrRK!” 
A silence fell over the room, and Alastor wanted to disappear under the floorboards. What was happening to him? He couldn’t smell anything suspicious before and with the sudden rush of congestion, he certainly wouldn’t be able to for the foreseeable future. 
“You didn’t hear that,” Alastor threatened, feeling another bloom of histamine tickling his nose, “SnFF-SnFF! Hehh… Ehh…H-hehh!” Alastor fanned a hand in front of his face, the overwhelming urge to sneeze building to a crescendo so quickly that he didn’t have time to teleport someplace to hide- as a matter of fact, the urge was so great he ended up dropping his microphone to free up both hands. 
Angel opened his mouth to make a sly remark, only to be interrupted by a harsh feedback sound as Alastor was thrown into a sneezing fit. 
“H-hehh’KZzhht! He-eh’KTxhhiew! Eh’KzZHht! Hnk’Kxhht-sShew!” Alastor sneezed, straightening his posture and wiping hopelessly at his streaming nose, “Sdfff…SnFF!” 
“Gesundheit,” Husk said casually, holding in his laughter as he centered his focus on cleaning beer mugs, “Never heard you let loose like that around so many people.” 
“Awww, maybe he’s warmin’ up to us, in’t that sweet?” Angel crooned, sneakily reaching out and tracing a heart on Alastor’s chest with his oil-contaminated hand before Alastor slapped it away. 
“Oh hush, I simply didn’t have the time to use any discre-ehh… E-Eh’KXHHT-sShhiew!” Alastor replied, punctuating his sentence with a particularly wet, heavy sneeze, right when Charlie wandered into the room. 
“Bingo,” Husk whispered to himself, knowing that Alastor’s ears were just stuffy enough that he wouldn’t be able to hear it. 
“Oh, Bless you, Alastor!” Charlie exclaimed, “I heard someone sneeze a couple minutes ago, I didn’t realize it was you.” 
“Thank you- SnFF!- pardon me, I’m not sure what came over me to cause that… outburst,” Alastor replied, turning away from Charlie to blow his nose, expecting to yield no results, only to wince at the gurgling rumble of congestion leaving his sinuses, his handkerchief growing damp before he pulled away, “Euch…” 
Charlie remained silent for a moment, as though mentally shuffling through responses and making sure she didn’t pick one out that reflected her quiet disgust, “That was… a lot… are you feeling okay? Sounds like you might be getting a cold,” she probed, noticing the irritated skin on Alastor’s nose.  
“Of course n’dot- SnFF!- of course not, I’m perfectly fine, there’s just… something in this room that appears to be irritating a sensitivity of mine,” Alastor replied, somehow giving off a perfect mixture of nonchalant and offended. 
“You’re only set off by strong scents: lavender, teakwood, citronella, oak moss, the kinda shit you really only find in perfume and cologne,” Husk argued, fighting tooth and nail to hide his amused smile, “If somethin’ like that was in here, we’d all be able to smell it.” 
“That’s true, I don’t smell anything out of the ordinary here,” Charlie observed. 
“Hmph! Well thed… SnFF!” Alastor replied, an indignant scowl on his face as he scrubbed at his nostrils with the back of his hand, “I’m n’dot exactly sure what it could be.” 
“Maybe you should head to bed early tonight! Extra rest always helps me when I’m fighting something,” Charlie offered, “Hopefully you can kick it before it settles.” 
“Of course,” Alastor said with a sigh, “Thank you for the recommendation, Charlotte.”  
“No problem!” Charlie replied, turning to leave the room when Alastor’s nose began to twitch again. 
“h-HiIhh’Kxzzhhtt-SsCHEW! Ih’Kxhht-SscHiEW!” Alastor sneezed, gently rubbing his irritated nose. 
“Bless you!” Charlie said before vanishing through the doorway.  
“Th- Tha…ank- Hih’xXSschew! Hi-IH’KxXHHT!” Alastor replied, wrinkling his nose with a damp, heavy sniffle, rubbing at his watery eyes with the heel of his palm before vanishing into his own shadow. 
“That was almost too easy,” Angel chuckled in a hushed voice. 
“It only gets easier,” Husk snickered, pouring a glass of rye whiskey and stirring it with a contaminated claw before leaving it on the bar counter as bait.
“Alright, as fun as this is, I’m takin’ a shower, this stuff is so sticky it’s mattin’ my fur,” Angel scoffed, arching his back to stretch as he wandered up the stairs, Husk following after him. 
Niffty, left to her own devices, skipped into the hotel’s basement to chase after families of cockroaches and centipedes with a broom, swatting at them even as the night stretched onward. 
A few hours later, Husk and Angel were curled up in Angel’s bed- Angel scrolling listlessly through his phone while Husk kneaded at the mattress and sheets with his large paws- when they heard a sound coming from a few doors down. 
Husk’s ear twitched, and his eyes widened as he attempted to focus on the sound, sitting up in bed and waiting in breathless silence. 
“What’s up-” Angel began to ask, only for Husk to shush him, tilting his head to the side and twitching his left ear, “What is it?” Angel whispered. 
The sound of wheezy, irritated, desperate coughing from the other room became audible, making Husk’s face melt into a smug smile, the ticklish coughs occasionally being muffled by bursts of static.  
“He drank the whiskey,” Husk whispered, stretching out a bit further in bed and waiting patiently. 
“Bullseye,” Husk yawned, gently pawing at the air in front of him before nuzzling against Angel’s fluffy torso and dozing off, with Angel following close behind.
Alastor, however, had managed to cough himself awake. He felt as though he was losing his mind- eyes watering, nose streaming, and his throat so unbearably itchy that it couldn’t be soothed even after inflating his bladder with glass after glass of water. 
“Oh for- Khhff!- goodness sake- KHFF! Khff…khff!” Alastor muttered to himself, pacing in a tight circle and trying to muffle his ceaseless coughing behind both of his hands, his struggle stretching across the entire night until the tickle in his throat managed to fade around sunrise. 
Leaning against the back of his armchair, Alastor attempted to straighten his posture and stand on his own two feet, finger-combing his hair and feeling around on his person for his handkerchief to blow his hopelessly stuffy nose. 
“I have n’do clue what’s happend’ig… Snff!” Alastor said, pinching his handkerchief around his nostrils and letting out a heavy, wet blow, feeling his sinus cavity vibrate from the release, “hh…H-hihh… Hi-Ih’DddTsSchiEW! Hnk’tchhew!”  
With his nose still buried in his handkerchief and exhaustion tugging at his heels, Alastor bit the bullet and wandered downstairs to start his day in earnest. 
Upon arriving downstairs, Alastor grabbed his favorite mug and quietly filled it with water, taking slow sips in an attempt to drown the scratchy sensation in his throat and sinus cavity- to no avail- as people slowly entered the room after him. 
“Good Morning, Alastor!” Charlie greeted with her usual bouncy and colorful demeanor, rocking back and forth on her heels, “Feeling any better?” 
“Yes, a good night’s sleep was all I needed,” Alastor replied, looking away from Charlie to avoid dwelling on the exhaustion that was weighing him down, making his steps and movements seem much slower, much more deliberate. 
Charlie shot a brief glance at the dark rings underneath Alastor’s eyes, “Are you sure you got any sleep? You were coughing a lot last night,” she probed. 
Alastor felt a pit open up in his stomach, but maintained his nonchalant expression and scoffed, “Nonsense- snff!- I slept incredibly peacefully last night, you must have heard someone else.” 
Charlie looked unconvinced, but turned to Husk and Angel with a shrug, “Was it you guys?” she asked. 
Husk laughed, “Nope, those were too dry to be mine,” he said, letting out a sharp exhale that rattled his lungs, “Not after a life and afterlife of puffin’ on cigars.” 
“They were too normal to be mine,” Angel said with a scoff, “Every time I start coughin’ it sounds like a seal fucked a chew toy.” 
“Dad went out last night and didn’t come home until morning, and it was a male voice… so it had to be you, Alastor,” Charlie insisted, “Maybe you were just coughing in your sleep, so you didn’t notice.”  
Alastor swallowed, silently cursing the stinging sensation that radiated through his raw throat, “I suppose so,” he said, relenting as his left ear twitched slightly, “Regardless, I’m still feeling much be-eehh… EH’KXxht-shhiew! Eh’KzZhht-Sshew!” 
Husk snickered as he watched Alastor blearily wipe his nose, watery mess trickling into his handkerchief as friction from the fabric reddened his sensitive nostrils. 
“Bless you, Alastor,” Charlie said, “It’s okay if you’re still feeling sick, you don’t have to hide it. As long as it doesn’t get any worse you’ll still be okay to go to Lulu World with everyone!” 
“Mbarvelous- snff!” Alastor replied, blowing his nose into his handkerchief until the fabric was damp and the sensitive skin on his nose began to burn from the constant rubbing. 
Charlie vanished upstairs, having a few more things to pack for her trip, leaving the scheming trio of sinners to enact the next phase of their plan. 
Two hours after his conversation with Charlie, Alastor was relaxing in his armchair in the parlor, reading a book he’d been meaning to finish. Annoyingly, every few pages Alastor was forced to set the book down, using his finger as a bookmark, to scrub furiously at his nose with the heel of his palm in an attempt to quell the persistent itching, or to desperately cover a wet sneeze with the back of his wrist. 
“E-ehh’Kxhht-chew! EH’Kxhht-Sshew!” Alastor sneezed, his stomach churning with disgust after he looked at the damp patch of fabric on his sleeve from soaking up about thirty sneezes’ worth of spray.
Suddenly, Alastor felt a tug on his pant leg, and he looked down through rheumy eyes to see Niffty, eagerly clutching a container of ice cream. 
“Hello Ndiffty- snff!- pardon mbe… what can I do for you?” Alastor asked, quietly twirling a stray lock of Niffty’s hair around his finger. 
“Nothing… I just wanted to see if you wanted this butter pecan ice cream, I found it while I was clearing out the freezer!” Niffty offered, handing Alastor the small pint of ice cream and a spoon. 
Alastor licked his lips, butter pecan was a classic, and it was one of the only sugary things he considered an exception in his indifference towards sweets. Plus, the thought of smooth, cool ice cream cascading down his scratchy throat sounded heavenly. 
After a reluctant glance away, Alastor dug into the ice cream, eating spoonful after spoonful with so much gusto that he didn’t notice that the ice cream container was not properly sealed. 
“It’s delicious, thank you Niffty… He-EH’KXHHT-Chhew!... pardon mbe,” Alastor sighed, scraping the bottom of the ice cream container for one last spoonful before Niffty plucked the empty carton out of his hands. 
After Niffty scurried away to continue cleaning, Alastor returned to his book, thumbing through the pages and pausing every so often to sneeze, until he felt a drowsiness come over him like a dreary fog. Alastor yawned, stretching out in his armchair and rubbing his eyes. 
Three pages later, Alastor yawned again, suddenly fighting to keep his eyelids up as each blink seemed to drag on just a bit longer than the last. 
“Ehh…Eh’kxhh-shhew! Hnk’tshew!” 
Alastor rubbed at his raw nostrils with his cold, damp handkerchief, muttering drowsily at his waning energy seemingly affecting his sneezes. 
Two more pages and another intense yawn later, and Alastor finally lost the battle against his own body, drooping his head to one side and falling fast asleep, still loosely clutching his book in one hand and snoring softly- the snores occasionally being interrupted by a congested sniffle.  
Niffty smiled from her position on the other side of the room dusting the curtains, quickly racing upstairs before coming back down with Husk and Angel following behind her. 
“Look, I did it! That was easy!” Niffty cheered, clapping for herself as her two friends stared in awe at the unconscious Radio Demon. 
“How the hell’d you get him to sleep?” Angel asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“I crushed up some of Husk’s gabapentin, some Hell-Dryl, and a couple of sleeping pills into a carton of ice cream!  He ate the whole thing!” Niffty explained. 
“You are one twisted little doll, y’know that?” Husk asked, ruffling Niffty’s hair, “He’d kill us if he knew we were doin’ this.” 
“Welp, he don’t, so we’re fine,” Angel snickered, pulling out his plugged-in curling iron and holding the hot metal close to Alastor’s face until he could see a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead and flush on Alastor’s cheeks to match his friction-reddened nose. Carefully, Angel moved the exposed metal over and brushed it against the insides of Alastor’s ears.
“I’ll be damned, if I didn’t know about this, I’d be convinced… he looks pathetic,” Husk said, watching Alastor’s chest rise and fall as he peacefully snored, “Hurry and go get ‘er before his ears cool down, I’ll hide the curling iron.” 
“Got it,” Angel replied, handing Husk the iron before quietly practicing his lines to himself, putting on a skeptical but concerned face, and wandering hurriedly up the stairs, “Charlie?!” he called out, disappearing around a corner. 
“He’s a damn good actor when he’s not readin’ someone else’s trash script, I’ll tell you that much,” Husk mumbled, stashing the curling iron behind the bar counter on a heat-safe cloth and pretending to look busy, grabbing a beer mug and polishing it with a rag right as Charlie followed Angel into the parlor from upstairs. 
“Oh, Angel, you’re right, he looks awful,” Charlie crooned, pressing her hands against her cheeks in dismay, “And he’d never fall asleep just out in the open like this, either…” 
Alastor, still unconscious, shuddered a bit due to a residual chill from demolishing the pint of ice cream so quickly. 
“He’s shaking,” Charlie said, sympathy dripping from her every word as she carefully reached out and pressed her palm against Alastor’s artificially-warmed forehead, feeling the heat and sweat on his skin, “He feels warm, too.” 
“Want me to go get the ear thermometer?” Angel offered, celebrating internally when Charlie shook her head. 
“No, no need, we’re already pushing our luck as it is, Alastor hates being touched… he obviously has a fever, I don’t need to know the specifics until he wakes up,” Charlie said, “This is horrible, he was so excited to go to Lulu World with you guys.” 
“It’s a damn shame,” Angel said solemnly, “We’ll bring back somethin’ for ‘im.” 
“Awww, that’s sweet,” Charlie replied, smiling before turning her attention to Husk, “Do you think you can keep things in order while you guys are at the park? I don’t want you guys to miss out on your fun time just because Al has to stay home.” 
“No worries Princess, I got it,” Husk said with a confident smile. 
“Thank you, you’re a lifesaver,” Charlie said with a sigh, looking at Alastor’s unconscious, snoring form and wincing with discomfort at the strange angle the Radio Demon was positioned in, “He’d be so much more comfortable in bed, but I don’t wanna wake him up.”  
Husk quietly shook Alastor’s shoulder as an experiment to see how much movement he would tolerate before he woke up, looking pleasantly surprised when Alastor didn’t react- the cocktail of drugs he’d been given had lulled him into a comfortable and deep sleep. 
“I think if I’m careful, I can just-” Husk scooped Alastor up into his arms, supporting his back with one hand and his knees with the other, “-there we go. I got ‘im from here, I’ve done this song and dance a couple times before when he was drunk.” 
“Oh, thank you so much, Husk, that’s so nice!” Charlie replied, clasping her hands together as a warm smile spread across her face, “I have to finish packing, but I’ll come check on him later.” 
Husk gave Charlie an understanding nod as she disappeared up the stairs. Once Charlie was gone, Husk carried Alastor upstairs and opened the door to his room one-handed. 
Husk rummaged through Alastor’s clothes until he found a pair of linen pajamas, removing Alastor’s suit and slacks and changing him into the pajamas in about four minutes. 
Once Alastor was dressed for bed, Husk sighed, peering into the dense brush of the wet Louisiana forest pocket dimension that occupied the other side of Alastor’s room. “Where the hell’d you move your bed to this time?” Husk inquired rhetorically, balancing Alastor’s sleeping form on his hip before venturing into the forest. 
“Snff…Snff-snff!” Alastor’s pitiful sniffling could be heard from his position with his head resting against Husk’s shoulder. 
Husk rolled his eyes, peering around bushes and behind trees until he found Alastor’s bed in a corner near a stream, hidden slightly by a curtain of hanging plants. Husk peeled back the duvet and sheets from their position neatly tucked underneath the pillows, gently laid Alastor down onto his mattress, and pulled the covers back up until they reached the Radio Demon’s shoulders. 
“There we go,” Husk said with a triumphant smile, “Nighty night, sucker.” 
Laughing at his victory, Husk wandered out of the dense forest, folding Alastor’s suit, vest, and slacks before placing the neatly folded clothes on a chair up against the wall, shutting off the lights, and closing the door behind him. 
Alastor remained peacefully asleep, his congestion clearing up and his hopelessly itchy throat returning to normal as the allergens on his clothes were no longer present to irritate his system. 
In the blissful darkness of Alastor’s room, his shadow slipped out from underneath his bed frame, a mischievous smile on its face as it pulled back the covers on Alastor’s bed and unbuttoned his pajama shirt. 
A cool breeze swept through the humid air in the forest, sending a chill down Alastor’s spine as he slept. Shuddering, Alastor curled in on himself in an attempt to stay warm as the cool air hit the exposed skin on his chest and neck. 
“Hnk’tchew! Hnk’tshiww!” 
Alastor’s nose twitched, and he sleepily rubbed the back of his hand against it to ward off a building itch before falling back into his deep slumber as the chilled air continued to blow on his sweat-dampened skin. 
Early the next morning, Alastor woke up to the sight of Charlie jostling his shoulders while standing at his bedside. 
“Mm… what time is it? When did I get here?” Alastor asked with a scratchy yawn, rubbing his eyes.  
“Husk brought you to bed yesterday after you dozed off downstairs,” Charlie explained, “They left for Lulu World already, but I didn’t want to leave for our trip until you woke up.” 
“They left without mbe?!” Alastor asked, moving to get out of bed, only for Charlie to press a hand against his bare chest, gently pushing him back against his pillows. 
“Yes, Husk promised he’d keep everything under control, but they left without you,” Charlie said, “I’m sorry, Alastor, I know it’s disappointing but you really shouldn’t be out and about while you’re this sick.” 
“I explained this before, Charlie, I amb perfectly he-ehh…Eh’Kxhht-shhew! Eh’KzZht-chiew! EH’KXHHT-SHEW!” Alastor argued, pawing around on his bed for his handkerchief as his nose began to run, “snff!” 
“Yeah, this is what ‘perfectly healthy’ sounds like,” Charlie scoffed, “I hate to break it to you Alastor, but you’ve been sniffling and sneezing for three days now-” cautiously, Charlie held the back of her hand up to Alastor’s forehead, “-and you have a fever. You’re sick, there’s nothing wrong with that, it happens to everyone.” 
Alastor folded his arms, refusing to look Charlie in the eyes, “If you say so,” he muttered.
“Will you be okay by yourself? I can call Rosie and ask her to come over if you want, I just want to make sure you’ll be alright before we leave,” Charlie offered.
“I’ll be fide, thank you- snff! Snff!- pardon mbe,” Alastor said, grumbling as he pulled a handkerchief out of the ether, pinching the fabric around his nose and letting out a heavy, gurgling blow, “Uch…e-Eh’KZzhht-chew!” 
“Alright, if you say so,” Charlie said in reply, stepping away from Alastor’s bed, “Call us if you need anything, okay?” 
“Alright, have a ndice trip- snff!” Alastor said, blowing his nose again as Charlie and Vaggie left the hotel to meet Lucifer outside. Once they were gone, Alastor got out of bed, staggering a bit once he got to his feet. He felt strangely tired, almost weak. 
“I know those scoundrels were up to sombething- snrkk!- I ab ndot sick,” Alastor grumbled to himself, only to pause when a sudden chill made him shiver, buttoning up his pajama shirt and tugging on his red dressing gown, sighing in relief at the comfortable warmth of the plush fabric. 
“I should go to that park and give those three a piece of mby mbind,” Alastor said, balling his fists and pacing back and forth across his floor, “Eh’KzZhht-chhiew!” 
Alastor’s ears twitched as he waned, rubbing at his eyes and deciding against going out, “I can always just-” he yawned, “-give themb a piece of mby mbind when they get back… snff!” 
Alastor wandered downstairs into the kitchen, forgoing his usual mug of coffee for a cup of tea, deciding that the fragrant vapors and smoother texture would be more helpful against his hopelessly plugged sinuses and the throbbing sensation in the back of his throat. 
‘I am not sick, everyone gets a little… irritated when they’ve just woken up, I’m fine’ 
Alastor picked up his mug of tea, only for his shadow to quietly slide the jar of honey over to him, gesturing towards it. 
“I don’t wandt a’dy hondey- snff!- guhh…The tea is fide by itself,” Alastor argued, turning away to clear his throat. 
Alastor’s shadow looked away, rolling its nonexistent eyes before wrapping its incorporeal fingers around Alastor’s neck, raising its eyebrows and gesturing back to the jar of honey. 
“Mby throat isd’t sore- snff! Snrkk!- euch… hold od-” Alastor said, turning away to blow his nose with a heavy rumble of congestion that eventually devolved into a loud honk, “There, much better.” 
Alastor’s shadow folded its arms, looking at him incredulously. 
“It isn’t!” Alastor yelled, his voice straining until he coughed into his wrist, swallowing harshly and wincing at how dry and tender his throat felt. His shadow snickered at him, smirking. 
Alastor relented, ceding a bit of ground, “I suppose- khff!- it is a bit scratchy,” he said, staring longingly at the jar of honey before grabbing the stirrer and drizzling about a tablespoon’s worth of honey into his tea. 
Alastor sighed when his shadow began to snicker playfully again, staring at him with a knowing smile. 
“This doesn’t mean anything- snff!- I am not sick, I’m not, I’m fine… E-Eh’Kxhht-ChHIEW! EH’KZzs-Sshew!” Alastor argued, running the back of his hand under his nostrils before he took a lengthy sip of his tea, relieved by the smooth sensation cascading down his raw throat, “Mmm…” 
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you quite so frazzled, it’s the cat’s pajamas, I’ve gotta say,” 
Alastor blinked, looking around the room, “Who said that? Show yourself!” he demanded, setting down his cup and chewing on his tongue as sweat began to trickle down his forehead. 
“Oh calm down, mes amis, you know me, I’m right here,” 
Alastor looked ahead of him and saw his shadow, still technically attached to his heels, staring at him with a playful smirk. 
“You can’t talk, don’t toy with me, who are you?” Alastor asked, jabbing at his shadow with his microphone, grumbling in frustration when his weapon of choice simply phased through the dark figure’s torso, “You… you can talk?” 
“Of course I can,” the shadow replied, “I just save it for special occasions, like when you’re living in denial, trying to convince yourself that you can change reality if you ignore it hard enough.” 
“What are you going on about?” Alastor asked, “snff-snff! SnFF!” 
“Blow your nose already and stop sniffling!” the shadow said with a frustrated hiss, rolling its eyes when Alastor gave his nose another gurgling blow, wiping hopelessly at his nostrils and frowning at the irritated skin that moved down the bridge of his nose to the tip. 
“Mby ndose is just itchyy-Ye-eh’Ksshhew! Eh’KzZshhew!” Alastor argued, blowing his nose again, “Eehh-EH’KzZSshew! Uch… I’b ndot sick, I dond’t care what you think- snff!- if you even have a braid to think with.” 
The shadow scoffed, “Your nose is only itchy because it’s full of cold,” it said, poking the tip of Alastor’s nose, “Just like the rest of you.” 
“Eh’KzZshew! E-ihh’KsShew!” Alastor sneezed, wiping at his nostrils with his soaked handkerchief, “Keep your hands off mbe!” 
“Or what? You’ll sneeze on me? That ship’s sailed ages ago,” the shadow said, poking Alastor’s nose again. 
“e-ehh…Eh…Eeh’KZzhht-CHEW! Eh’KzZsst-ChiEW! E-ehh’KsSshew!” Alastor sneezed, his sinuses irritated and tingly as a feathery tickle lingered in his nose after the third sneeze, causing his nose to twitch, “snff-snff! E-ehh…Hehh… Wh-wha…ehh” 
Alastor’s shadow grinned as he watched the Radio Demon fanning a desperate hand in front of his face, wrinkling and unwrinkling his nose, “Need a hand?” it asked. 
“N-nuhh… H-huhh… Ndo…snff-snff! SnRKK! Ndo I d-du-huhh… Hehh! E-ehh!” Alastor struggled to reply, still resting perfectly on the precipice of a sneeze, “I just… Ha…ahh…a-Ahh-” 
“Have to sneeze? Are you sure you don’t want me to help?” 
“Ndo…I don’t ne-eed your help…H-heh…Ehh…e-ehh!” 
Alastor scrubbed desperately at his nose with his handkerchief and the back of his hand, desperate to quell the ceaseless itching. 
“Fide… help mbe, ple-ease…I-ihh…hehh- hh-” Alastor begged, his rheumy eyes beginning to water as the ticklish hitching continued. 
“Alright, I’ll help you, but you have to admit it first,” the shadow insisted. 
“A-ahh… admi-ihh… admit what?!” 
“That you’re a vulnerable, pathetic, cold-ridden mess, so desperate you need someone to poke your twitchy little nose for you,” 
“SnfF! Ndever- I-ihh… Ehh…H-heh!” Alastor hitched, sniffling hopelessly and grumbling in frustration at his shadow’s smug smile. 
Alastor’s heartbeat quickened as he watched his shadow teasingly trace a finger down the length of his nose, and then around his nostrils, so close that its presence against the sensitive skin made Alastor’s nose twitch and wiggle like a rabbit’s, but not close enough to grant him the satisfaction of the sneeze he’d been stuck on for nearly twelve minutes. 
“Eh…E-ehh..HEHH-!” Alastor hitched again, “F-fide! I have a cold, I admit it- just he-hehhlp- mbe sdeeze!” 
The shadow smiled, poking Alastor’s nose and reclining in midair to watch the fireworks. 
“He-ehh-EH’KZzTCHEW! EH’KzZhhhiew! EH’KXhht-CHEW! H-hEH’KzZsShiew! EH’KZz-TsShIEW!....E-EHH’KZzSsHHEW!” Alastor exploded into a fit of sneezes, his eyes watering profusely and his nose streaming down his face, the undersides of his eyes hopelessly puffy and red. 
“There we go,” the shadow snickered, “How pathetic, I wish you could see yourself.” 
Alastor’s usual facade of neutral amusement fell, and he leapt at his own shadow in a fit of white hot rage, throwing punches at the intangible figure and attempting to strangle it. 
“I’ve had it with you- KhFF!- you insufferable bastard!” Alastor shouted, rolling across the floor of the kitchen, wringing his shadow by its neck until he became exhausted, collapsing against the kitchen floor as his eyelids began to droop, staring at his shadow as it teased him from a safe distance. 
Alastor turned, rolling over to face the kitchen entryway, and sniffling to shift the congestion that threatened to escape from his sinuses, when he saw the concerned face of a familiar friend. 
“Rosie?” Alastor inquired, blinking as he struggled to sit upright, choking back a cough, “What are you doing here?” 
“Charlie gave me a call and said you weren’t feelin’ well, I figured I’d stop by… didn’t expect to see you down there,” Rosie replied, “Did you fall?” 
“Ndo… I was fighting mby shadow,” Alastor said with an angry hiss, “The bastard has been mbocking mbe for hours- E-ehh’KxXhht-CHEW!” 
“Gesundheit!” Rosie said, helping Alastor to his feet and noticing how his legs struggled under his weight, “Your shadow’s been makin’ fun of you?” 
“Yes,” Alastor replied, leaning almost helplessly against Rosie as she supported him with one arm when he managed to hold steady on his feet. 
Rosie looked away from Alastor briefly and rolled her eyes, turning to look at Alastor’s shadow, who simply shrugged in response to Alastor’s accusation, “Well, I’ll straighten ‘im out for you, he should know better than to antagonize a sick person,” she crooned, scratching behind one of Alastor’s ears. 
“Snff! Snff-snff! I’m not sick,” Alastor said, pouting as he wiped off his irritated nostrils with his handkerchief. 
Rosie turned Alastor around to face her and shot him a skeptical look, leaning her head forward as though waiting for him to tell her the truth. 
Alastor scoffed, turning away from Rosie’s piercing dark eyes, “It’s only a cold… E-Eihh’KzZhht-shhew!” he insisted, blowing his nose and wincing at the heavy congestion that left his sinuses and soaked another handkerchief, “A particularly wet one… but still just a cold.” 
Rosie sighed, pressing a manicured hand up against Alastor’s cheek, “Well, you feel a little warm… how about we get you comfortable and put somethin’ in your stomach so you can take a nap?” she said in an all-too-familiar way that Alastor recognized meant he had no choice in the matter. 
“Fine,” Alastor relented, letting Rosie guide him into the parlor and sit him down on the loveseat adjacent to the sofa. Kicking off his slippers, Alastor curled into a reclined position with his back against the loveseat’s armrest. 
Rosie quietly untied and removed Alastor’s dressing gown before draping a blanket over him in its place, “Comfortable?” she asked, watching Alastor yawn as he settled into his new position, his eyelids drooping. 
“Good,” Rosie said with a triumphant smile, frowning after shooting a glance at the clock on the wall, “Oh goodness, Alastor I’ve gotta split for an important meeting, are you gonna be alright on your own?” 
“I think so- snff!- I feel much better,” 
“Okay, if you’re sure, but I wanna make sure you have this,” Rosie said, handing Alastor a thermos, “It’s tomato soup… I used a blood broth base like I usually do.” 
“Delicious,” Alastor mumbled sleepily, rubbing his face against the side of the thermos, “Mmm…thank you so much Rosiie- E-EHH’KxZzHTT-CHEW! Eh’kZzSshhhew! Pardon me.” 
“My pleasure, anything for such a dear friend,” Rosie whispered, gently stroking Alastor’s feverish cheek, “Get some rest, okay?” 
“I will,” Alastor replied, punctuating his sentence with a hoarse cough before setting the thermos down on the table beside the loveseat and letting out a yawn, “Goodbye Rosie.” 
“See ya ‘round, Alastor! Feel better!” Rosie said, leaving through the front doors, leaving the Radio Demon alone once again. 
Sniffling into his handkerchief, Alastor rolled onto his side, struggling to keep his eyelids open, “I’m so tired,” he yawned to himself, rubbing his slightly puffy eyes, “I suppose nothing bad would happen if I just took a little nap… I’ll be awake when they get home… E-ehh’kZzShew! Eh’kzZht-chew!” 
Alastor shut his eyes, promising himself that he’d only be asleep for a short while as he drifted off and the world went comfortably dark. 
Hours passed by as Alastor relaxed, lost in a deep and relaxing slumber with no sounds to disturb him other than his own irritated coughing and KeeKee’s relaxed purring whenever she nuzzled up to his sleeping form. 
The front doors of the hotel opened, and Husk, Angel and Niffty walked inside. Niffty was carrying a large stuffed dog, jittering in place after a day of devouring caramel apples, funnel cake, and cotton candy with nothing but soda to wash it down with, getting so excited that Husk eventually had to tether her to his pants with a bungee cord. Angel and Husk walked into the hotel behind Niffty, quietly holding hands while Angel clutched a stuffed pig that Husk won him at a ring toss in one of his arms. 
“Alastor’s probably figured us out by now… fun’s over,” Angel said to Husk as the two watched Niffty race upstairs with speed rivaling a stray bullet, “Alastor? We’re back…” 
“Eh- H-he-ihh’KZzzhht-chhew! Eh’KZzShhew! Eh’Kxhht-CHEW!” 
Angel and Husk exchanged a puzzled look, wandering into the parlor to find Alastor curled up comfortably in his position on the loveseat, blowing his nose into his handkerchief. His nose was flushed an irritated red and his cheeks were still rouged from his slight fever, a relaxed smile on his face as he waved at his friends. 
“Oh, you’re back- E-eihh’Kxhhtshhew! ‘Scuse mbe,” Alastor said softly, shifting the congestion in his sinuses with a few wet sniffles, “Did you have fun?” 
“Mmhm,” Husk replied, testing the waters to see whether or not Alastor was aware of their ruse, “You feelin’ alright?” 
Alastor gestured vaguely with his left hand, “A bit better, but not really- snff snff!- I commend you and Angel for your awareness… ‘Kxhht-shhew! ‘KXxhht-sschiew!... you and Charlie seemed to know I was coming down with something before I did,” he said, wiping his nostrils with his handkerchief, “or at least before I was ready to admit it.”
Angel and Husk silently breathed a massive sigh of relief, practically exchanging a telepathic fist bump before turning back to address Alastor. 
“Niffty won ‘ya a stuffed zebra,” Angel piped up, handing the plush animal to Alastor and watching as the slightly-delirious Radio Demon cuddled up to it with a soft smile, “Need anythin’ else before we hit the sack?” 
Alastor shook his head, “I’mb alright- snff!- I’m going to get some more rest, see you both tomorrow morning,” he said with a scratchy yawn, nestling comfortably into his blankets and falling back asleep. 
Angel and Husk turned out the lights in the parlor, tip-toeing past Alastor’s sleeping form, before quietly shaking hands triumphantly. 
“Guess he must’ve actually been gettin’ a cold,” Angel whispered, “Wanna celebrate?” 
Husk noticed the risque expression on Angel’s face, “If you’re quiet, then yes… don’t wanna wake him up if he’s actually sick,” he replied. 
“Sounds like a plan!” Angel replied, planting a kiss on Husk’s cheek as the two quietly hurried upstairs, leaving the parlor and the hotel’s downstairs completely silent. 
Except of course, for Alastor’s congested snoring… interrupted by an occasional- 
That. By that. 
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proudahgase-exol · 11 months
My pretty girl
Hyunjin x plus size! reader (fluff)
Summary: your Stray Kids makeup artist you are close to the boys but mostly Felix and Changbin they both know you have a massive crush on Hyunjin and they try to help you but you think he doesn’t like you like that and you feel like he will never like a girl that looks like you.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Your pov:
I have been working under jyp for a few years now I started as a makeup artist for twice then they moved me to Stray Kids. I became friends with all the boys but two of them were my best friends.
Changbin and Felix were my best friends out of the stray kids boys they were so sweet and kind always asking me if I wanted to hang out with them. One day I was doing Hyunjin’s makeup for an interview they had and I guess I was staring at Hyunjin a lot when it was Changbin’s turn to get his makeup done he told me what I was doing.
Binnie ended up telling Felix about my crush and they teamed up to tease me every chance they got they tried to make it obvious to Hyunjin but he was clueless.
As time passed they tried to help me confess my feelings to Hyunjin but I couldn’t not because I was shy but because I was scared of rejection.
I was a bigger girl I wasn’t skinny or fit and every time I tried to confess my feelings to someone they always rejected me because of my size.
I thought Hyunjin would be the same I mean he’s an idol he will go for a skinny girl over me but the boys try to tell me otherwise.
Today Felix texted me asking if I wanted to go shopping with him and Binnie, and I agreed.
When we were at the mall the guys and I were having fun chatting and cracking jokes it was a good time until I saw Hyunjin at the mall with a girl they looked like they were on a date.
“Hey isn’t the Hyunjin over there?” I asked trying to hide my hurt
“Oh yeah I didn’t know he was gonna be here today,” Felix said feeling bad
“Hey how about we get out of here and go get ice cream” Changbin requested trying to change the subject
“Yea that sounds good,” I said taking Felix's arm and walking away
When we got to the ice cream shop we ordered and took a seat and we chatted for a while we were having a good time until I asked them.
“Didn't I tell you guys that Hyunjin will never fall for a girl like me I mean look at me I'm not pretty or super skinny” I said looking down at my body
“Hey don't say that about yourself you are pretty in your way,” Changbin said
“He right plus we aren't sure he was with her for a date or if she was just a friend or something,” Felix said smiling down at me
“ maybe but still won’t change the fact that he might not be interested in me” I replied
“Hyunjin can be a bit awkward so sometimes he doesn’t know what to do or say, that’s why he may act like he doesn’t like you but I’m sure he does,” Changbin said
“How about I ask him what he thinks about you then if he likes you I’ll tell you than you confess,” Felix said looking between Changbin and I
“He’s gonna ask you why so what are you gonna say?” I asked him
“I’ll come up with something don’t worry” Felix replied smiling
After we finished our ice cream we left for our places when I got home I took a shower and watched a movie not feeling like doing anything else.
Felix pov
When we got home I went to look for Hyunjin and found him in his bedroom so I walked and closed the door
“Hey we saw you at the mall with This girl is she your girlfriend?” I asked getting straight to the point
“No, she’s just a friend she wanted help to get a gift for her boyfriend why?” He asks sitting up on the bed
“Ah just curious hey um I have a few questions….. what do you think of y/n?” I ask seriously
“Well, she’s sweet, cute a bit shy around me why?” He said looking down at his his hand
“Well just curious so if you had the chance to date her would you?” I smiled
“What’s up with all this questions? What do you want to get at?” He asked getting curious
“Okay don’t tell her I told you but she has a big crush on you Changbin noticed the way she looked at you when she started working with us but the thing is she doesn’t want to confess out of fear or rejection” I replied smiling
“Why would she be afraid of rejection?” He asked looking up at me
“Well she’s Kind of insecure about her looks she thinks and I quote “an idol like Hyunjin will never like a girl like me I mean I’m not pretty enough or skinny enough I’m not like the girls he’s always around with” That’s why she’s scared of confessing to you,” I said after giving my best impression of y/n
“The girl is clueless I don’t care about her weight or if she’s not like those idols girls were always around she’s beautiful, sometimes I can’t look her in the eye without wanting to pull her in for a kiss,” he said blushing
“Wait you like her?” I asked confused
“Yeah since I first saw her when she used to do Twice’s makeup up,” he said smiling
“Wow, that long, and why didn’t you say anything or flirt with her?” I asked curiously
“Well I thought she was into Changbin since I always saw them laughing and whispering to each other,” he said
“Well now you know she likes you so what are you going to do about it?” I asked
“Well I will confront her about her insecurities than tell her I like her and not any other girl obviously,” he said happily
“Well good luck now I’ll be going bye,” I said walking out of his room
When I went to my room and sent a message to y/n letting her know that the girl we saw Hyunjin with at the mall was just a friend who had a boyfriend and didn’t say anything else so Hyunjin could get the chance to confess to her himself.
Hyunjin pov
When Felix left I just stayed on my bed thinking of ways to confess to y/n I always wanted to do it but I thought she liked Changbin but now that I know that’s not the case I was confident enough to confess.
The next day we didn’t have anything planned nor did we have anything important planned for Wednesday and Thursday only dance practice so I knew I would not see her until Friday so I had more than enough time to prepare.
I didn’t know how I should tell her I had planned to ask her to meet me at the rooftop of the Jyp building on Friday after we had finished with our schedule I knew she always stayed later to clean up and prepare for the following day so I knew she would be at the building when the guys and I are done for the day.
I had asked Changbin to help me get y/n up to the rooftop I had prepared what I was going to tell her hopefully it’s enough to convince her of my love for her.
When Friday arrived I was nervous the whole day and excited at the same time after so long I will finally confess to the girl who always made my days just by seeing her face or hearing her laugh I love the way Seungmin would crack jokes that made her laugh till she got red she truly is amazing and I couldn’t wait to tell her my feelings.
When it was time to meet her up at the rooftop I had asked Changbin to tell her to come up here and as I waited I was feeling nervous but confident I usually never talk to her unless is for work-related stuff few hellos here and there so I hope o don’t mess this up.
When she got here I was looking down at my phone and didn’t hear when she asked if anyone was there. I looked up put my phone away and replied back
“Um hello y/n,” I said awkwardly
“Oh hey Hyunjin did you ask to talk to me” she said shyly
“Yes I did um I- I don’t know where to start,” I said looking down at my feet
“Is everything okay did something happen are you okay?” She asked worried
“Oh yeah I’m okay I just want to tell you something important,” I said smiling
“Okay what’s up” she replied
“I’ll go straight to the point….. okay So Felix told me the other day that you have a crush on me and that you don’t think I would like you back but your wrong because I do I liked you I had a crush on you back when you used to work for Twice and when I heard that you will be working with us I got so happy but every time I try to talk to you I got shy than I thought you liked Changbin so that’s why I never showed any interest in you because I thought you don’t like me,” I said looking at her in the eyes
“Wait what you have a crush on me and for that long,” she said in disbelief
“Yeah sorry it took This long to confess” I replied smiling
“You like me it doesn’t bother you that I’m a bigger girl?” She asked looking at me
“I don’t know what size you are that’s the least of my worries I look at you and I see a sweet kind pretty girl that is friendly to everyone you are beautiful the way you are and to me, size doesn't matter you are the most Beautiful girl I ever meet,” I said blushing
“But why me I mean you are an idol you could have anybody why me what’s too attractive about me” she said still not believing my feelings
“I like you because you never treated me like an Idol you never hide your feelings you speak your mind, you are truthful and never sugarcoat anything your smart and funny,” I said putting her hand in mine
“You notice all that about me,” she asked smiling
“Of course I did you know, the highlight of my day is when I get to see my favorite pretty girl I love seeing your smile and your cute cheeks you make me smile every time I see you I always turn into a high school boy when I’m around you,” I said laughing
“Omg stop that you're making me blush,” she said covering her face with her free hand
“ y/n, I like you and if you could give me a chance to prove it to you I would like to make you mine and take you on so many dates and make you the happiest girl ever so will you be my girl my pretty girl?” I asked her looking down at her
“Oh my god I must be dreaming… y-yes I- oh god, “ she said smiling
“Good now let’s go get dinner what do you say” I ask pulling her towards me
“Yeah sure,” she said following me
After we left the rooftop I took her to my car and took us to a restaurant I knew she would like we ate and talked. I was so happy I had finally confessed now I’d go home and tell the boys that I was no longer single and that I finally had her.
After we ate and chatted I took her home said good night and drove back home I was so happy that I knew I wouldn’t sleep tonight I was scared that this was all a dream. When I got back home I texted her because I ready missed her.
My Pretty Girl ☺️😍
Me: hey🙈 …..
Y/n: hello missed me already? 😚
Me: yes I can’t believe you're mine
Y/n: me too I feel like I have been dreaming
Me: I know right by the way what are you doing tomorrow at 6?
Y/n: nothing i get off work early tomorrow since I only have to do Chipmunk’s makeup
Me: my omg you call him that 😂
Y/n: yes he asked me to call him by a cute nickname so I do 😂
Me: 😂😂
Me: I feel like we have been friends forever it’s so natural to talk to you I feel so comfortable talking to you
Y/n: me too I always feel comfortable being in your presence even if we don’t talk much
Me: I’m so glad I asked you out I won’t know what to do if I waited longer I have to make you mine 😅😅
Y/n: I’m glad you did I was too chicken to confess Felix tried to help me but I always chicken out last minute
Me: aw cutie 🤏🏻
Y/n: 🥲🫣
Me: it’s getting late go to sleep I’ll see you tomorrow for our date I’ll call you or text you so you can send me your address okay?
Y/n: okay can’t wait 🫠🤭
Me: good night pretty girl see you tomorrow 😘
Y/n: see you tomorrow handsome 😩💕
I turned my phone off and lay on my bed I was so happy and excited I couldn’t believe I asked her out I felt so happy as I started to fall asleep I couldn’t help but smile I was so excited for tomorrow I couldn’t wait to see my pretty girl again I was feeling like the luckiest guy ever.
I was supposed to post it on Thursday but a few things happened that I couldn’t but I finally got it done I’m sorry if it’s trash I low key hate it but I hope you like it :)
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xx-just-c-xx · 7 months
Valentine Day special
It Valentine Day in Night Raven College, there's 3 people that happens to like the same person and that person happens to be the one who staying Ramshackle
Yesterday night in the Heartslabyul's kitchen, there is a man with glasses looks like he is baking something for someone. But the dorm head of the Heartslabyul came inside the kitchen.
"O-oh Riddle, do you need anything from me"
"It midnight right now Trey, why you not sleeping?"
"It.. Well for tomorrow, you know Valentine Day"
"Is that why you keep making macarons with... Heart?"
"For someone that you keep telling that you like them?"
"Y-yeah them"
"Ok, it's already middle of the night so please do tomorrow"
"Don't worry Riddle, it almost finished"
"Anyway, I'll go first"
Riddle go back into his room only Trey left in the kitchen.
Onto the next day that is Valentine Day at the Ramshackle dorm in the garden. A white hair girl with all her pokemon.
"Everyone got their own breakfast?"
"Gardevoir" "Sylveon"[Everyone have]
"That's good and it seems that I still needs to go the school, since it wednesday so Sylveon, Gogoat, Ribombee, Corviknight, Nox and maybe Comfey can come today"
The day in Night Raven College passed without anything happening well just not to Florida who happened to got a letter and a chocolate box from Ruggie, he said that "I got paid to give this to you and thank for the Poké Puff, Flor!" The letter is mostly the same like those Valentine card that you can buy from the shop. And later on Rook came give her a bouquet of roses and said "Today is a wonderful day isn't it, here have this bouquet of roses from quelqu'un qui t'aime de tout son cœur et t'aime tel que tu es toi-même" She think It was really cute of this person who Rook said. And more later on the day, some would give her like flowers or chocolate box or some cards.
"Nya! Why you keep getting gifts! Why I don't have any" Grim said a little bit annoyed by all the gifts she kept getting.
"I don't know? Is today have something going on?"
"Ribom! Ribombee!!"[All of those boys keep giving! Why don't they just stop!!]
"Sylv"[I heard today is a special day]
"A special day? About what?"
"Sylv"[Don't know as well]
"That is a sha— Ow"
Florida accidentally bump into someone and that someone happens to be Trey.
"Oh- I'm sorry, Oh! Florida?"
"Oh hello Trey"
"You not hurt anywhere right?"
"I'm not hurt, don't worry"
"That's great, oh I was looking for you too"
"Oh? Do you need anything from me?"
"I bet you gonna give her something like all those boys who have!"
"Well yes that I'll give her something"
"Sylv! Sylv sylveon"[Ha! I win the bet now you will give me some of those honey that you have been collected in secret]
"Sorry about them Trey"
"It's ok, as I was saying, I want to give you this" Trey give Florida a bag of macarons.
"Thanks you but the thing is why? Other did give me too but why though?"
"Hmn.. Well today is Valentine, it about giving chocolate or flowers to someone they think as.... Friends or their loves one something like that"
"Oh I see.. Well how about you joining me with my pokemon? Since if you say that I would I want to give you something as a thank you for taking care of some of my pokemon and as my friend"
"That.. That would ok for me" Trey smiles.
"Ok!" Florida grabbing Trey's hand. "Let's go"
"O-oh ok" Trey walk with Florida and her pokemon.
At the Ramshackle in the garden with Florida and Trey sitting on the ground with some macarons that Trey given, some Poké Puff and 2 cup of Sitrus Berry tea.
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scooburst · 13 days
OKAY. BUT I CANT BE RHE ONLY ONE WHO WHENEVER THEY FINISH A SHOW OR A BOOK OR MOVIE OR SOMERHING. IMMEDIATELY IMAGINES SCENARIOS OF “oh what if ___ died” “what if they lost here” “what if ___ DIDNT die” please tel me someone else does this too
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nianeyna · 2 months
I kept a bullet-pointed liveblog in a notes document as I played the new ffxiv expansion. now I have finally finished the story so I can share with the class without fear of someone responding to me with spoilers. speaking of which everything below is dawntrail spoilers, for the entire expansion, in case that wasn't clear.
Dawntrail Liveblog
- ok so the mean claimants are obviously not going to win, but catboy promise is a dark horse. also not ruling out "nobody wins"
- Urqopacha is super cute
- Erenville's deal continues to be very mysterious no matter how much he contrives to appear to be telling us about it
- lol Erenville dialog: "I spoke too much" YOU BARELY SAID ANYTHING BABE
- Kozama-uka is sooooo pretty
- I like how the entire first dungeon was totally unnecessary since we would have got there FASTER if we'd just stuck around and helped Alisaie and Erenville repair the boat lmao. but that's not how the WoL does things!!
- erenville lurking in the background... siddown boy lmao
- unknown dude: hey you uh... forgot something. yeah back there. come with me and get it this is definitely not a trap
- oh no it was a trap! who could possibly have predicted this??
- awwww, Koana. wasn't sure about him at first but he's just a cute little muffin isn't he
- wuk lamat getting all excited about eating the xibruq pibil was so cute omg. she just likes food!!! I appreciate that in a woman
- oh shiiiiit wuk lamat origin story?! dun dun dun...
- aaaaaand solo duty... ulp
- haha get wrekt
- the mamool ja should look into tourism... this place is pretty as hell
- ok koana shooting the tablet was a pretty cool move
- have my doubts about the golden city being in yak tel... like if it was there why'd they go to xak tural then
- ok, I guess it... was there? or... the *entrance* was there... according to gulool ja ja, anyway...
- road trip alone with erenville be still my heart!
- out of context erenville quotes: "this is your first time, so let's take it slow"
- no need to apologize erenville... you can drag me into anything you want
- oh wow this is really fucking sad. wow. I wasn't expecting that!
- the ridiculous train plan is cheering me up a bit thank god (editor's note: it didn't last)
- sigh... there always has to be at least one zone per expansion that's all dark and gross-looking. did they sign a contract to that effect or something??
- I can't believe how mean this plotline is to erenville
- this is fucked up... this is so fucked up
- npc: "sorry to darken the mood" NO THAT'S FINE I DON'T THINK THE MOOD CAN GET ANY WORSE!!
- I want to rip Spene's crown off and push her off a cliff. her little I'm so cute and innocent and helpless act makes me want to puke.
- if any more parents die in this story I am really truly gonna lose it
- YES finally we get to fight these horrible people. machine army. whatever.
- I hope the next trial is sphene... I want to kick sphene's ass SO bad
- well there goes otis which brings the fucking dead parent toll to at least 4
- finallyyyyyy made it out of heritage found... *collapses onto the floor of tuliyollal like a shipwrecked sailor reaching land*
- (ok obviously I've technically been back to tuliyollal while I've been doing these godforsaken quests but THIS IS DIFFERENT!)
- we didn't fight sphene but the prospects are looking really good for me getting to punch her in the face soon. probably not literally like we got to do with zenos, but I guess you can't have everything :(
- wow sphene really BELIEVES she's just a helpless little girl. fucking incredible.
- next expansion let's have a final zone NOT populated entirely by ghosts. change it up a little
- so should I count namikka and cahciua's deaths twice on the parent death toll scoreboard or what
- you know what I still don't get. is why the yok huy went to xak tural to look for the golden city. *why did they think it was there*? I mean heritage found is there *now* but it definitely wasn't hundreds of years ago!
- that face on the tower looks more like meteion than sphene tbh
- two more dead parents!
- I can't. believe. sphene erased herself before I could beat her ass. this is the most unfair thing that has happened in this expansion, and it is up against some STRONG contenders
- it's just not satisfying to pummel a weird robot that has none of her memories!
- oh sphene's SORRY? *loudest fart noise ever*
- it's a good thing wuk lamat is here to be nice cause if I had to do it I'd throw up
- "their lives remain unchanged"? uh.... we shut off the afterlife. which was a real physical place you could go to. I feel like that changes things a bit!
First half I rate: 9/10
Second half I rate: 3/10
Overall I rate this expansion: 5/10 I guess
Up until the lightning dome appeared I was having a blast. after that the gameplay experience became one of gritting my teeth so I could get out and be done with it. all the alexandrian zones are dark and unpleasant to be in, which would have been bearable except the plot was literally nightmarish and any new characters I didn't hate either died or were already dead (except gulool ja, who's cute of course, but his story was still pretty upsetting in a different way). This is not to say the writing was bad, because I don't think it was. In the alternate universe where I was LOOKING for a tragic existential horror game I might have even really liked it. However I really really wasn't looking for that at all, so in the real world I feel pretty betrayed and upset. There's a line between "plot twist" and "false advertising" and I think they left it behind in the dust.
But hell, at least we got 4 campfire scenes.
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mirrorofliterature · 1 year
elena is ten and alone, cursed and sitting on a bench alive in the land of the dead. how she got there isn’t important: what is important is this.
she is brought quickly, swiftly, to the department of family reunions, thick hair tied into pigtails with soft purple ribbons, the same colour as her abuela’s dress.
and she gets asked the rather simple question: “who is your family, here in the land of the dead?”
and elena, guileless and brave and fierce but still ultimately ten, answers, carelessly: “my abuelo.”
you see - you see, elena’s abuelo on her papá’s side had died just that year. elena doesn’t think about her other abuelo - in fact, she doesn’t consider him much of one at all, just that dastardly husband of the best abuela in the world -
but she does say abuelo, and she does say mine, and well. nobody has ever dared accuse the department of family reunions of not keeping meticulous records.
so that brings us back to the here and now: a little girl with purple ribbons in a waiting room in the land of the dead, and a burgeoning argument outside.
no one was there with elena except one staff member, and well. no freshly-minted staff member would be prepared for this .
“héctor!” and elena perks up, even though the voice is angry, even though she is a little confused, because: that’s her abuelo! she has missed him so much. “what are you doing here?”
papá alberto says his name like a curse.
“I don’t know,” someone else says, someone elena does not know, another man. younger, less certain. “I - well. I try to keep the department on my good side. but.” a nervous laugh. “how’s the family?”
papá alberto remains quiet for a few solid beats. “good. but why would you care?”
a nervous chuckle. “well. I want to hear about how things have been going in santa cecilia.”
a strained, heavy silence pierces through the air.
elena cocks her head, curious about this stranger - this héctor - who angers her papá alberto. adults never tell her the full story.
“how’s mi familia ?” the other man - héctor asks - his voice now painfully desperate. “I have never been able to cross over - ernesto won’t talk to me - I just.”
something cracks.
“I just want to know,” héctor finishes, soft and unsure.
"you just want to know?" papá alberto asks, mocks. "it's decades too late for that, héctor!"
"you think I haven't tried ?" héctor asks, this stranger making her abuelo upset.
"no one has seen hair or hide of you since 1921!"
elena tilts her head to the side. who is this man, and how does he know her papá alberto? she wants to tell him off, to stop making papá alberto upset, like mamá imelda would, wagging her shoe fiercely.
"that's when I died!" héctor says, anguished.
a pause: one, two, three. elena leans forward.
the next time papá alberto speaks, it is a little softer. “you died in 1921?”
“did you not know?” another pause, this time more pained. “does no one in santa cecilia know?”
elena leans forward, intrigued. nothing much happens in santa cecilia - day by day life comes and goes, and that estupido músico is from it, the one all the tourists fawn over, but not much else.
papá alberto’s silence is enough answer.
another question, softer and more uncertain. “does imelda not know?”
“your wife is included in everyone,” papá alberto says, shortly. “I did not know you were dead before tonight.”
there is a loose connection forming, between héctor and abuelita, mamá imelda - but a wife from santa cecilia named imelda is not conclusive evidence in elena’s mind, a mere curiosity. she is ten years old and alive in the land of the dead, after all, and her mamá imelda's husband has long been a non-entity in her head. she is not scared, certain in her papá alberto’s ability to fix everything.
it is one of the most certain things in elena’s life: that her mamá’s papá is a non-entity, a scoundrel and a liar, who left without a word - not someone who died.
héctor speaks next, cheerful in a way that sounds forced. “foolish me, thinking my best friend would tell my wife I died! what’s next, did he also frame me for robbery when I was dead and buried?”
“ah,” papá alberto says, stumbling a little, “not that I’m aware of? but everyone does think - well.”
"I gathered, gracias." the faux cheerfulness drops. “that explains a lot, alberto. I died! I didn't -”
a repetition, a yearning, like he is trying to reach between the land of the dead and the land of living and tell people the truth, tell his wife the truth.
it will be scandalous news in santa cecilia, that’s for certain.
(elena still does not make the connection. why would she? she has never known her mamá’s papá name, knows nothing more about him than that he was a good-for-nothing walkaway músico.)
(that’s all about to change.)
“I know,” papá alberto says, a little faintly. “you never seemed the sort to - well. you dying makes more sense. we’ll discuss that later. we have more pressing matters to attend to.”
“of course,” héctor replies, smoothly. “did the department call you here too?”
it looks like they have stopped fighting and that elena is going to get her blessing and going to give her papá alberto one big hug and then go back home, with a secret to tell the whole town.
“the reason the department called me,” papá alberto says, slowly, “is that my granddaughter - she’s only ten - got herself cursed and needs my blessing to return to the land of the living, or so I have been told.”
“oh, poor chamaca !” héctor sounds genuinely troubled. “well, I shouldn’t hold you any longer, thanks for telling me my family doesn’t know that I’m dead!”
a clatter of feet, and elena looks towards the door, but it still doesn’t open, not yet.
“wait, héctor. I know why they called you,” papá alberto says, before stopping.
he never hesitates.
“she’s your granddaughter, too.”
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Finished rewatching Nancy Drew season 1!
Nancy's a bit harsh with Ryan in the beginning when she learns he's her dad. Firstly, she's Nancy so she doesn't like people trying to get close to her and Ryan isn't giving her any space at all. Secondly, she's ashamed of being related to him. She has no problem being Lucy's daughter, because she's the sad girl who was bullied to her death, but Ryan? Yikes, obviously. Ryan's obviously delusional thinking a daughter would've saved his life and made him a better person, or someone who can stand up to his daddy. He wouldn't have been happy to learn Lucy's was pregnant and who knows what he would've done? Run away? To his credit, Nancy is the reason he becomes a better person later. But he also doesn't know being a father means you shouldn't be petty with your daughter, which he is after he saves her from Everett at his cabin (he's like "oh you can't be my daughter...unless you need my help").
George is a mixed bag for me. She irritates me very often but I also have a lot of affection for her. Her confrontation with Ryan wasn't great though. The writing just didn't feel natural. I think she literally quotes Kelly Clarkson's "Because of You" lyrics at one point or two. She told Nick that Ryan taught her she was the girl you hid not the one you took to dinner? Is this the 50s. I get the idea of George realizing she was taken advantage of and confronting her abuser but the dialogue was not great (and a bit ironic given Nancy's affairs with older detectives...). I get George's reservations with Nick. I'm scared of intimacy as well. But I feel a bit for Nick. I think him and George made a good team, but Nick kind of needs someone more in tune with their emotions? He wants the kind of closeness that he didn't feel he had with either Nancy or George. I don't love his new partner though. So far we know nothing of interest about them - according to Bess, they're "exquisite" and have this awkward/cool vibe going for them, and look like someone who is famous on IG, which is not a vibe I care about, but nothing substancial yet.
Ace and Nancy get a lot of scenes together, alone (eg. when they visit Owen's apartment or Lucy's mom). Because George and Nick end up pairing up, Ace and Nancy naturally spend more time together, I think. And I think she likes that he rarely tries to stop her from doing anything, and he doesn't ask a lot of questions or tries to get close to her. He just helps her while giving her a lot of space, which is how Nancy naturally begins to rely on him and open up to him. For example, he tells her that life's been kicking her butt lately and that he's there if she needs help, but he doesn't ask if she's okay or if she wants to talk about it - which is why she's so grateful for his words. Compared to Nick, she's more comfortable that way. Owen also tried to help her too much sometimes, but he was more detached than Nick. I think Ace is kinda perfect for Nancy because he's useful to her. She gets very into her cases and the only way not to lose touch with her is to tag along and help her. If you hold her back, she'll push you away. But Ace is super helpful because he's a computer genius and he's used to her work methods. I think George, and to a lesser extent Bess, are like Ace in that way. I noticed Nancy's gotten pretty close to George.
Ace is unusually angry with her about their Aglaeca curse. They agreed to do the ritual with Nancy. She tried to talk them out of it. Their anger is natural but she's not to blame. If she was reckless, so were they.
Did Nancy really care that much about Owen and/or was his death particularly traumatizing because everything was going wrong that week and he died because of her?
Also, I feel for Bess. She wants so much to be a Marvin and her aunt is an intimidating and dangerous woman that she knows she can't cross, so she ends up putting her relationship with Lisbeth on the line while also losing herself in the process. At the same time, I want to tell her to grow a backbone and not pander to a bunch of assholes.
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bitchapalooza · 8 months
Spoilers obviously
Okay good, Marry WAS written to be the way I thought she was(kinda but I was right).
I’m sad that Cloney Island was only one episode. Would’ve been nice to have a 2 part season finale, especially with the abrupt way Cleo and Frida were pushed back together— realistic for teenagers, especially a dramatized version of teenagers, but still would’ve been nice to see them fight a bit more, give sad longing glances over their shoulders after turning away, and then build that up to the climax of the episode where they make up in true sappy teen drama fashion that would be very in character for them both in the first place.
Aaaaaaaand Abe and Joan triangle once again but this time with Confucius! Wow! I am still not rooting for JoanAbe lmao, I think Joan and Confucius have way more chemistry than even Joanfk did. They seemed to have a lot of fun together.
Harriet and JFK… I still can’t see them working. I’m sorry. My new impression of Harriet is she’s one of those jealous types. A home wrecker and a cheater even. She just assumed she and Confucius were back together without asking, telling me that she’s definitely a bit of a control freak or definitely very impulsive(ocd possibly? Someone with more knowledge do an analysis, my basic level knowledge isn’t enough or factually sound). I honestly used to adore Harriet’s character, her annoying personality was passable enough to grow on me. But now it’s just insufferable. I mean I still love her character, but not really in the I adore her way, just that I wanna continue to see her fuck things up and see how much drama she can cause. And how her and JFK’s relationship will be ruined because I genuinely want it to be ruined because there’s really no substance behind it, just raging teenage hormones and the threat of imminent death.
I do genuinely feel bad for Scudworth but I for the love fuck cannot remember his ex-lover’s name. But I do hope Scud gets to see her again and they can actually be together in peace. They seemed nice together! I thought it was really cute, Scud was actually getting a win this time.
Uh Topher— or should we call him Christopher now?— being proud of his Clone lineage because some guests liked him was actually amazing in that I want a list of those people to avoid them which could be easy because they most likely were some of the January 6th capital rioters, that’s the only conclusion I can come up with that summarizes my entire assumption about those, uh, “fans”. But I guess it’s good he’s accepting who he’s been cloned from? Question mark? I’m scared of the micro aggressions to come. Someone contact his therapist that may or may not be Scudworth in a wig in the first place, I’m a little scared.
If season 4 is greenlit, if not already that is, I hope Gandhi gets to come back. There were several good call backs to him, especially how Scudworth inexplicably had several of his belongings in his possession? Sir what the fuck.
AND MY GOD THE F-BOMBS WHERE SO OVER DONE BUT ABSOLUTELY NOT IN A BAD WAY. They were perfectly balanced in my opinion and combined with the delivery of each Fuck combined with each Shit and every other curse mentioned, it was perfect. Compare it to either H/zben H/tel + h/lluva b/ss or Rick and Morty and you’ve actually got a script that although littered with curses, doesn’t rely on those curses to make the show funny. The fact each profanity wasn’t always expected coupled with the delivery is what made it good AND natural, not forced. Scudworth’s FUCK in season 2 walked so everyone’s FUCK AND SHIT in season 3 could run like fr.
I’m sad Cleo’s back with her terrible foster mom. I don’t like Frida’s foster dad. Having a sweater with your daughter’s face on it is….. strange. Confucius’ are kind of as I expected, but tbh I still say they’re fostering him for the publicity and check. Skunky Poo’s return was disturbing which seemed to be on purpose. I think I saw Van Gogh with two dads in the background and I’m only saying this because tbh I think he deserves two moms instead lmao, give this boy his two moms.
Abe this season felt like an in between of season 1 and 2 but mostly still s2. But I did love his interactions with JFK and Confucius. Especially JFK. And how fucking casual JFK essentially came out as bisexual lmao. All in all, these two were fucking hilarious this season. But yeah uh Abe is a toxic asshole by the way but we all knew that and honestly that’s why I love him and if Joanabe really IS endgame, I can cope with the fact that these two are highly likely to marry after graduation and divorce several years later, they’re terrible for each other.
I think this season was a lot better, which makes sense with what seemed like was a bigger budget. The animation actually looked a little different, not bad different but good different, much smoother??? I may have to go back and rewatch season 2, but right off the bat s3 animation really felt different, it felt more alive in a way and I really loved it. I hope we get a season 4 fr. And I hope it’s the final season, I cannot see it getting a s5 UNLESS it’s a parody/joke to how most shows these days keep stacking on the seasons without any heartfelt material in it (*cough* supernatural and the simpsons and bobs burger *cough* *cough*)
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genuptoncrane · 2 months
Task: Interrogations
Date: December 13th 2023
Upton-Crane money meant that Gen had the access to the best lawyer that money could buy, the minute that the cops had started sniffing around campus again - Gen had made the call back home. One of the pitbulls had been on the next flight out and when Gen was called into the meeting, it was with John Greystone. A white man in his fifties with a permanently sour expression, Gen was sure that he didn't want to be here, rather collecting large cheques to sort out whatever legal dispute was going on with Crane Records.
Still he was next to Gen and staring down the officers.
"I hope you will not be taking up too much of Miss Upton-Crane's valuable time," John is the first to speak "You understand that she's a very busy student and she has been more than cooperative with your...investigation,"
"We appreciate that she came in today," Agent Choi replied smoothly "We just have a few questions as the nature of the investigation has changed. Genevieve, did you ever have any reason to suspect Greer Morrison was dead prior to when the news came to light?"
Complicated answer, you want to play Nancy Drew then you think about all the options. Gen's pretty sure that those who worshipped at the altar of Greer Morrison have wept oceans at the thought of her turning up on the Hudson.
"No," Gen replies "I try to stay optimistic Agent Choi, I was hoping that she was just having time away and that she'd return safe. I don't like to assume the worst, especially not something so maudlin for someone I was close to,"
"Alright," Agent Choi makes another note and Agent Murray is staring holes into her from the back of the room. Gen idly wonders if it's an appropriate time to think that Agent Murray is hot.
“You were at the Commons the night of the fire? Do you know why students even were there when they should’ve been at the Commencement Gala?"
John Greystone immediately plays hardball "If you have evidence that my client was at all involved in an arson attack, I suggest you produce it immediately. As far as I recall, you have a suspect in custody are you suggesting that your own investigative work is shoddy?"
The unspoken insult of 'I think it is' hangs in the air.
"I won't pretend to be a mind reader for the rest of the student body Agent," Gen says with a placating smile "The Commons was a hub of student life, after parties are big here especially for commencement week. Plenty of people have plans and I can't speak for my fellow students," Her tone is laissez-faire, vapid rich girl and even dipping into a bit of valley girl.
"What do you know about Greer's relationship with Penelope Klein?"
"Penelope Klein?" Gen says with an eyebrow raise "Poor Penny, it was so tragic y'know? She was so young and I think she had a bright future ahead of her, I'd have thought that she'd have gotten into politics with that attitude," A tendency towards ass kissing? Yeah Gen thought that Miss Penny would be perfect on Capitol Hill or something. "As for the nature of their relationship, not even friends as far as I'm aware - I thought they were friendly in the way that Greer was friendly with everyone but she never came to our room when I was there. I never saw them hang out one on one so if you're asking me if they had a personal relationship, I would have said no,"
"Over the past year, have you gotten any anonymous messages?" Agent Choi starts and Gen lets out a laugh.
"I get a lot of messages Agent, I have an active social life."
"Any anonymous ones," Agent Choi finishes, maybe a little pissed that she interrupted him. "Threatening ones, ones with leading information? That might aid in the investigation and help us understand who did this to Greer?"
"I get anonymous messages," Gen says, her voice sugary sweet "I have to be honest Agent, I don't think a burner account saying show us your tits is the person who did this to Greer. I think they just think I'm hot,"
Agent Choi clears his throat "Is there anything you're not telling us Genevieve?"
The look he gives her is pointed and Gen merely gives the lawyer a look.
"I think we're done here," John Greystone stands up "If you have any specific evidence or questions that relate directly to my client, we have been more than cooperative with the investigation. Miss Upton-Crane has nothing further to add and her time is quite valuable, since you have no reason to detain her I will be escorting her out,"
"Have a good day, Agents," Gen says - the valley girl in her accent only increasing as she gets up and waltzes out after her lawyer.
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midnighttheroies · 2 years
Helluva Boss Post “Millie’s Development”
iv’e seen alot of comments about millie’s character being underdeveloped and such, and while i agree with that, i’ve also seen comments about how people claim that vivzie has no idea what she’s doing and such, which i think is ridiculous and i wanna make me points here
1: the show is going be a slow pace show, and i think alot of people forget that and start to think that viv and her team have no idea what their doing, and also, people forget, they just finished the 1 season, the 1 season typically isn’t supposed be the season were we see characters grow and change, we’re introduced to them and get to know them a little
2: i don’t know how true this is, but i saw a comment on someone saying that on subreddit that viv said that millie will be getting more arc to her character, but to be honest, I already have a strong feeling that Viv will give all the characters some kind of arc, also it’s very rude to just assume that she doesn’t care about her characters when we haven’t seen everything, i’m not trying to speak for viv, that’s just what i feel about the whole thing
3: I would argue that loona was like Millie t one point, she didn’t have a lot of character arc, she was just known as the hellhound with severe temper issues, for the longest time we didn’t see much of her until S2EP2 when her bits of her past was somewhat revealed to show their was more to her then just an angry aggressive hellhound, this just proves me point about the show being a slow pace storyline, it’s a slow burn so it’s going to take time to develop everyone
4: to everyone getting vivzipop shit and saying she has no idea what’s she’s doing, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and the how everything is being made, and also, it’s only the first season, THE FIRST SEASON!!, it literally JUST ended, and so far, we’ve haven’t seen any major character development, just things about them that are now revealed 
Millie’s arc in the show
I think Millie’s arc can go a lot more differently then what me might expect, Her character development is backwards
In Moxxie’s flashback, we see that shark idiot Chaz betraying Moxxie and that’s how he met blitz, for a the longest time people thought (including me) that Moxxie and Millie were married well before joining IMP, now it’s been revealed that Moxxie joined IMP before ever meeting Millie, I think before Moxxie met millie, she had a lot of trouble controlling her anger and violence, she was literally banned from the harvest moon festival games because nobody could compete with her and was too blood frost and violent to play against
Plus whole her family is loving, they are a bit judgemental and then to be dismissive and critical of millie, like how they shamed her for letting striker getting away despite literally being her leg cooped up in a bear trap and stabbed in the arm, and you can tel she was pretty frustrated at her parents over that, so she had to deal with a lot of built up wrath, Around this time, millie met Chaz and hit it off for awhile, until Chaz must’ve done something to hurt her and that caused her to become more angry and violent
Then she met Moxxie and that’s when she began to change for the better, she learned to somewhat control her anger, (you can tell when Millie was in a. Full rampage back at the office, Moxxie wasn’t afraid of her, at most just a little taken aback, and given his abusive childhood and how scared he was of his dad that is HUGE), I think Moxxie taught her how to be less angry and to be the best version of herself, and has now developed into the Millie we all know and love
edit: okay i just saw a tweet from viv explaining the whole millie situation!, and quite honestly i’m very excited, she has confirmed that millie will be getting more character development and will even have a couple of millie episodes in the future, but she won’t necessarily have a angst or a tragic thing, viv stated that she wants millie’s character to go in a different direction, which i am very excited for, because it would be refreshing to see a character have an arc without a tragic backstory or a traumatic incident, considering that almost every character in the show has some sort of traumatic event that happened to them, not hating on that obviously, but it would be cool to see millie’s arc going in a different direction 
Edit 2: okay, i just wanted to add this in as well, in season 1 epsiode 5, and in season 2 ep 3, people were arguing that they should’ve been millie’s episodes, for the ep 5 i can kinda understand, since it was the episode we saw millie’s family and her roots, but i still argue that would’ve kinds ruined the epsiode since it gave insight and foreshadowing into moxxie’s character, but for ep 3 in season 2, ..literally no!!, just fuck no, because 1, the whole episode was about moxxie and his dad, focusing on millie and her previous relationship with chaz in that episode instead of moxxie’s childhood would’ve made an horrible epsiode, it would’ve been so out of place!!
Let me know what you guys think
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bronsautracks · 2 years
I played through jaws of hakkon again and EVERY TIME I finish the “where we once walked” and hear Ameriden’s Telana memory I get riled up because WHY..
did they shoehorn in a direct and translation of “tela’nadas” (nothing is inevitable) UNLESS it was to put rest to that specific, word-for-word translation being commonly attributed to solas’ response, “banal nadas” (possibly: the void/end is inevitable, an unfortunate inevitably/it must be done) to the nightmare demon in the fade.
Further support of this key difference in the meaning of the two phrases lie in:
The romanced inquisitor angry reaction to trespasser conclusion- “ma lasa banal ghilana!” (You lied to me/you led me astray, or more literally, you gave me bad/poor guidance)
Solas’ own admission, regarding his personality- “I AM grim and fatalistic” He’s not an optimist. He hears the nightmares taunts and responds with, “it is what it is,” because ya boy effed up miserably and is just doing his best with what he has.
And like I never wanted to argue this so when I last made a post about the revelation YEARS AGO someone said “it can be both” and I went with it because I’m not really big on discourse BUT IT CANTBE BOTH OKAY, they are representative of entirely opposing ideals and all I have as proof are these two points and the click of it all coming together in my brain that grinds against the thought that it’s being misinterpreted ever, even once.
So yeah, I think certainly ‘banal’ is literally translated as ‘Nothing’ but capital nothing, as in “The nothing” or “the void” which means that using it as a descriptive word or prefix would just give negative connotation to the following word or phrase, hence: “You gave me poor guidance!/you misled me!” (Ma lasa banal ghilana) “the end is inevitable/an unfortunate inevitability” (banal nadas)
Where as “tel” means ‘nothing’ as in “no thing” “not a thing” “none” so instead of negative, the connotation is nullifying, hence: “nothing is inevitable” (tela’nadas) “no apologies!/you’re not sorry!” (Tel’abelas!)
Also, Netflix, BioWare, Jesus, whoever, please, a show about inquisitor Ameridan next time you feel like doing a whole animated dragon age project. 🙏 absolution was great and after seeing it and playing jaws of hakkon I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED
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