#someone teach me how to have hobbies and not turn everything into a job
animatedjen · 6 days
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In Dreams | Cal Kestis
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headspace-hotel · 10 months
I think that traditional knowledge (using this term loosely, to mean any experience based knowledge that might be orally shared and/or passed down) is not just Science in a different form, nor is it a simpler, earlier stage of a developmental path toward Science, nor is it an inferior form of knowledge.
When you are an apprentice of Nature, constantly seeking Nature in your surroundings and intentionally OPENING YOUR EYES to what moves around you, knowledge accumulates in a slow drip, like water dripping from a stalactite.
Individual days and moments of observation pull together strands of the web of life that entangles you. One day I see this bird eating from this bush; one day I see this butterfly land on this flower; one day I see that this leaf catches fire more readily than that; every day I see organisms interacting with one another and their environment, I see new environments and new interactions of organisms, and slowly I begin to see the RELATEDNESS OF EVERYTHING, an understanding that is constantly completing and filling in and becoming deeper.
The scientific framework allows me to pinpoint these observations and pose hypotheses to myself which I can then intentionally investigate and attempt to falsify. It makes the process of gaining understanding more methodical and directed.
But formalized science investigates questions within little enclosures. The learning that happens in a scientific experiment is not only limited by the boundaries of the question being investigated and the exclusion of extraneous variables (which are of course, fundamentally important parts of science), but by the idea of Science as a specific activity that a person is either doing right now or not doing right now, like playing baseball.
A baseball player has times when he is playing baseball and times when he isn't. It's the same with most jobs and hobbies. So someone who is a Scientist might be tempted to have times when she is doing science and times when she isn't. The knowledge within her might therefore be tempted to have times when it is being developed and times when it isn't.
But my dad was a pastor. The nature of his job was not in the act of preaching a sermon (which can be done from an outline you got online—shouldn't, but can) but in preparing sermons, going to events, being around to answer questions, visiting sick people in the hospital, spending long hours in study seeking spiritual insight, spending time with the youth at arcades and roller-skating places and the like, being present, being.
Being a farmer is a lot similar. Your life is defined by your relationship with the life-forms you care for in a way that can never be shelved or set aside.
The traditional way of attaining knowledge and understanding of Nature is a RELATIONSHIP that is developed and deepened in every interaction between you and your LIVING surroundings
This means that you also cannot learn the ways of the plants by Going To a Specific Place that you consider to be Nature—you must realize that EVERYWHERE IS NATURE, and the endless movement, change, and chaos of life can be seen in the dandelion and spotted spurge of the sidewalk. Anywhere you see change that was not changed according to an Idea of how the space should be, but that happened according to forces outside of human purpose—a weed popping up in a lawn, a tree that was not planted, a planted shrub drying up and turning brown, mushrooms emerging after a rain, a tree blown down in a storm, a hillside eroding, a leaf being blown in the wind, the community of plants along a roadside or in a ditch—that's Nature, and She Will Teach You.
Learning is not a job—it is a relationship, so even when you go to the walmart, Nature will show you something in the cracks of the pavement and the sad parking lot trees
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
What about the chubby y/n, who performs on a children's show, performing two roles? A funny clown for young children, who teaches safety to have fun, and the second show, where the sad clown y/n for teenagers, helps them with their experiences and the restructuring of the body, and so on. I will hope that you will answer , this is my own old fantasy, so I will be grateful if you don't ignore it (although do as you want, I like everything you write :)).
Mmmm so like two roles on the same show?? Let me take a Crack hun! I made this more fluffy comforting and with Joseph embracing the role of Jack a little too well in mind.
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When you were first hired to The SunnyTime Crew Show you were supposed to be childrens entertainer. You were a beautiful colorful clown named Tiny Tatters. You knew of the irony of your name, but you couldn't complain when they were signing those pretty checks you needed to survive…..not they would listen to you anyway. Despite that little hiccup you quite enjoyed your job. You taught kids how to safely do tie dye art, and other fun crafts with clothes
However as the show progressed it oddly enough attracted a teenage audience along with a children audience. So as an experiment they made you play the side role of Patches. Patches was the twin of Tiny Tatters, and they never seemed to fit in with the others. So they were often alone, and were only spotted in Tiny Tatters Tailored Emporium when tiny wasn't there. The teens were quick to attach themselves to this character, and through little crafts, and hobbies they were able to teach the Teens good ways to handle emotions, body image, and acceptance. 
They children and teens were not the only ones attached to you it seemed. As some of your female coworkers have pointed out how Joseph likes to watch both of your bits off stage, a smile adoring his features. It was hard to believe those rumors until you caught him yourself one day. During your Patches role you had to look off to the side to grab one of your materials when you saw him. His eyes met yours shamelessly before looking away a blush dusted his cheeks as he chuckled. 
Your head was still spinning from that interaction as you undressed and washed off make-up. The day was long over and yet you could get the way he looked at you out of your head. He looked at you as if you were the prettiest thing he had ever seen. You've never had someone look at you like that. Did he mean it? Or was it another sick joke? Honestly you were scared to find out.
Seemed fate other plans as you sat in front of your mirror in your little dressing room brushing out your hair when a knock came from your door.
“Who is it?”
“Ja-Joseph.” you could feel your breath catch in your throat. You don't know if you can face him so soon. You knew he would give you the answers to the scary question that has been haunting you all day.
However, you also knew you didn't have it in you to keep him standing out there. So shaky sigh you called him in. He was hesitant at first, but he eventually walked into your dressing room. Upon entering he couldn't help but smile. The room was entirely you from the decor to the smell. He liked it a lot. His eyes traveled down to you, and he watched your fidget with your hair for a bit. Seeing as nervous as he was put him to ease as he sat in one of the chairs behind you.
“D-did you need me for something?” making eye contact with him through the mirror was easier than looking directly at him. 
He watched you for a bit longer before he finally responded “yes actually.” He reached over and put his hand on your shoulder indicating he wanted to look at you directly. Nervously you turned to him as he left your shoulder. “I need you for this date I've been planning for the two of us….this saturday.” 
You could feel your jaw drop to the floor. He was interested in…actually into you. You wanted to accept, and throw yourself into his arms, but instead what came out of your mouth hurt both of you. “Are you sure….?”
You watch as his eyebrows scrunch, and his look goes from hope to worry “What do you mean?”
You look down as you feel your face burn with shame. “I'm nothing like some of our other coworkers….or the moms who come to visit you on occasion…surely you could do better?” You hear Joseph stand from his seat as he closes the gap between the two of you. He knelt down in front of you taking your face in his hands as his thumbs rubbing soothingly across your cheeks 
“You know sunshine you should listen to your own advice you give the kids….I think you're beautiful the way you are, and you're the one i want to woo and make mine.” he titled his head down so his red eyes met yours “If you let me.”
You weren't sure what came over you, but you pulled him into a hug and held him tight. This was real. He really wanted to go on a date with you….and possibly more. How could you say no?
“I would love to go out with you…” you mumbled into his shoulder hoping he heard you. He did and he could help but hold you a little tighter.
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How they like to spend your time together
Characters: Inazuma women x gn!reader (seperate)
Warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: Wanted to write something for Heizou, ended up writing all female Inazuma characters, but no Heizou instead. Sometimes my genius is… it’s almost frightening.
Call me sleep deprived, because I am-... sleep deprived.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Ayaka never had many people close to her, so simply having you around her was enough to make her day seem better in retrospect, that being said, there were a lot of things she’d like to try with you. She had always been a fan of the arts, and while writing poetry, learning dances and playing music alone already brought her joy, she always wondered how it would be to share her interests with others.
Whenever neither of you were busy, you’d meet up and write poems together, and while you weren’t exactly confident in your writing at the beginning, Ayaka did an excellent job at easing you in, all the while giving you small tips for how to improve yourself.
“This is even better than the last one, although you might want to try structure it like this next time. From my experience, it makes the poem sound smoother”, she recommended before showing you her piece of paper, all the while wearing a small, but genuine smile, reflecting how excited she felt about having someone to share her experience in writing with.
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Kujou Sara
While there were many things Sara did outside of work, none of them could compare when it came to the time, she’d spend trying to better her skills with the bow. So, when you asked her if she’d have time to teach it to you, she was quick to accept. And while her behaviour during your lessons often resembled how she’d teach archery to her soldiers, she’d feel much prouder and happier whenever she noticed you improving. Was it because you were much closer to her than her soldiers or just because of your terrible skill in the beginning.
When you were taking aim, Sara quickly positioned herself behind you, only to stop you before you could let the arrow loose, grabbing the arm with which you held the bow before adjusting its angle.
“Hold the bow like this or the bowstring might hit your forearm”, she stated, only for you to nod, aim once more and let the bowstring go, and while you were far from hitting the bullseye, you, for the first time, didn’t miss, causing you to excitedly turn to Sara, only to be greeted by a barely visible smile and a look of approval.
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Kuki Shinobu
There was no-one in the whole of Inazuma whose amount of certificates could rival Shinobu’s. After all, while some would collect coins or other things as a hobby, she seemed to do the same with degrees, seemingly never going a long time between taking exams for different certificates. All of that made it fair to say that there probably wasn’t a better person to ask for help than her, and while she’d probably be able to explain everything from accounting to architecture to you, the two of you often found yourself cooking together, with her telling you how to make different dishes while you followed her commands.
Not only was it a easy enough thing to learn to hold a conversation while doing so, but you’d also automatically be rewarded with something to eat if you succeeded.
“Okay, next you take the roasted lavender melon and cut it in pieces”, Shinobu stated, only for both of you to realise that the purple fruit was nowhere to be seen. “Wait. You didn’t leave it over the fire, did you?”, she questioned, the answer to her question coming moments later as you began smelling something burned, causing you to rush over and try your best at damage control.
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There weren’t exactly things Ei would call “her hobbies”, having spent the last 500 years in her Plane of Euthymia, and while training her fighting skills was something she liked doing before she sealed herself away, she knew well enough that training with you would only result in disaster, no matter how good you were. And so, she’d simply let you take the lead, participating in whatever activities you wanted the two of you to do.
Most of the time, the two of you would take small trips around Inazuma, no matter if it was inside the city, with you looking through the different stores as you showed her whatever new inventions or products made their way into the nation, or outside of it, taking in the beautiful nature that Ei hadn’t realised she missed so much.
“How does it taste?”, you asked Ei as she took a sip of the new drink being sold at your favourite shop, not having to wait long for a response, as Ei made a small nod before responding.
“Delicious, I can’t remember this being sold the last time we were here, is it new?”
“Mhm, it’s a recipe from a Mondstadt, they call it Barbatos’ tears of joy”, you stated, only for Ei to slightly cringe at the mention of the Anemo archon before acting as if nothing happened before you had the chance to say something.
“Good to know, let’s visit the next store.”
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Kokomi, being the divine priestess of Watatsumi Island, had a lot of things to do during her day, was it managing the Island,  or helping the residents whenever they asked her for help. So, whenever she was done with work, she’d simply find a quiet place to read or rest in. And while relaxing alone was a good way to regain her energy points, when you were with her, she felt herself recharge even more efficiently than alone.
And while it was enough for you to just sit in the same room as her and silently do things on your own, there would be times during which Kokomi would feel too tired to read on her own, only for you to take her book and read it out loud for her. And while you didn’t exactly understand tactics and strategies for warfare, causing you to have little idea what you were reciting, it nevertheless worked.
“Are you feeling better now?”, you asked while closing the book, having finally finished it, glancing over to Kokomi, slumped over her desk, obviously having been exhausted by work, only for her to silently hum in response.
“Much better, just give me… 3 more minutes”, she mumbled out loud before growing silent again. And while it took you some time to realise that she had fallen asleep, you decided not to wake her, remaining on your seat to make sure nothing happened to her, sure that she’d wake up after a while.
She woke up several hours later
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Yae Miko
While Yae loved to tease you, your reactions being even more amusing to her than others, not every moment the two of you spent together would be filled with her teasing. There were many occasions the two of you would just silently sit in the same room while reading whatever novels her publishing house was about to release, the comfortable silence being enough to make you forget about Yae’s other favourite activity besides reading.
Most of the times, that’d be the moment in which she struck, your reaction being enough to instantly improve her mood, no matter what genre she was reading, only to instantly shift her focus back to her novel, continuing to read as if nothing happened.
“That’s the novel everybody is talking about isn’t it?”, Yae’s voice rang out without warning, causing you to quickly look at her before nodding your head with a small smile, only for it to vanish once you saw her smug expression. “I heard it has a Kitsune in it. Is there something you want to tell me?”, she asked in her usual teasing voice, and while you ought to have grown accustomed to it by now, you still felt you face heat up, only for your thoughts to be disrupted by her laugh.
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Hanging out with Yoimiya always made for a day full of surprises, the energetic girl knowing a plethora of fun ways to spend time together, from just telling each other stories to playing with the many children she called her friends or testing out firework together. All in all, there wasn’t any activity the two of you did more frequently than others, that was with one exception.
Whenever a festival took place, you’d go. That was something like an unspoken rule between the two of you. No matter how much work both of you had to do first, you’d finish it and attend the festival, no matter how small.
“Wait, you are already done?”, Yoimiya asked while sticking her head out of her door, having summoned by you knocking on her door, and while she seemed to be in a rush, unfortunately for her, you had no idea what she was talking about.
“Done with what? I just thought we could hang out today”, you questioned in return, only for her to tell you to wait for a moment before vanishing back into her home, returning with a calendar. The entire following week being filled with different smaller festivals, suddenly making you realise what she had meant.
“Now that I think about it, there’s work left for me to finish, good luck!”, you said your goodbye before quickly making your way home.
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happy-mokka · 5 months
Tag game!
I was tagged by @santacoppelia . Muchas gracias!
So, here we go...
1. Were you named after anyone? My grandpa on my mother's side. Died far too early. Sadly I never got to meet him.
2. When was the last time you cried? I tear up A LOT. Sad things. Beautiful things. A sunset. It's pathetic but I wouldn't count that as crying. Last time I really cried, was 9 years ago, when my Dad died.
3. Do you have kids? Nope. I guess that ship's sailed. I'm a passionate uncle of 5 and for some reason kids adore me. Guess it's because I turn full out into Goofy mode once some are around...
4. What sports do you play / have you played? Played table tennis for 15 years in a team on low regional level. But stopped long ago, when I moved away and started to work. Never picked it up again. Now I just watch Soccer from time to time.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Sometimes more often than I'd like. Can irritate people that don't know me well enough. That's why I try to be more careful with it.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? I think I have pretty good antennas for general moods and micro gestures. Generally I m always first drawn to the eyes...windows to the soul. Always trying to read people...it's a gift and a curse sometimes.
7. What's your eye color? Variations of blue, depending on my mood. Ranges from more greyish blue to deep dark blue.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I watch scary movies mostly in company, almost never on my own.
9. Any talents? Don't know. Not really. Others should answer that. My self esteem is not too high when it comes to such a question. When the situation allows it, I make a pretty good clown. Not to put myself in the center of things. More when I feel a party needs some loosening up or someone needs desperately to be cheered up.
10. Where were you born? Southwest part of Germany, near the border to Switzerland and the Black Forest. 
11. What are your hobbies? Reading. Going to the movies old school in a theater. Taking pictures on long walks of everything that catches my eye. Have a thing for sunsets.
12. Do you have any pets? No. Had birds for quite some time. Now I'm just part-time Dad to my Mom's dachshund and spoiling the cats in my neighborhood.
13. How tall are you? 1.78m or 5'10
14. Favorite subject in school? Arts (drawing), English and History.
15. Dream job? Always wanted to teach. Became a software developer though. However, in the meantime I'm responsible for our apprentice program, so made it to teaching after all, to a certain degree at least.
Tagging with no pressure whatsoever
@uncleadelheid-will-eat-your-soul @sublimeobjectenthusiast @amagnificentobsession @simonezitrone79 @cryptic-queer-cryptid @eugenoid @joycrispy @kaiannanthi @notalostcausejustyet @paperclipbean @queerfables @reloha @shaggydogstail @yowlthinks
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dropthedemiurge · 6 months
15 people, 15 questions
Got tagged by @xagan (you're amazing and I already knew it but what is Lima Lama?!) and @istilldontunderstand (all hail being jack of all interests and useless to capitalism! very relatable) and @non-binarypal7 (didn't know you eanted to do environmental activism! That's so cool)
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, I have one of the most typical names in my country. But it's good that every person has several nicknames here, I have more than 15! 😆 And I love my name because it's unisex.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't usually cry in life beside RSD triggers so I allow myself to feel things while watching movies and reading fanfics... Probably shed a tear recently during 5th episode of Twins (hello to exhausted, overworked and underappreciated Sprite)). Honestly, some good angst fics do make me cry, I love angst fics and catharsis.
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I'm not good with them until they are the age where I can teach them many hella cool nerdy things. But I'm learning now with my sister's toddler, I'm out of my comfort zone but she says he likes me already so I win xD I can definitely see myself as a good mentor to kids/teens later but parent? Probably a bad one.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I have ADHD so I have tried swimming, martial arts, ballet and gymnastics. I was kicked out of 2 of those xD But I do love table tennis, like volleyball and I was acrobatic cheerleader for a few years!
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yeah, I love using it in a very playful manner among friends - which is not a typical thing, as I know. On the other hand, when I get angry or someone hurts/attacks me, I actually turn to a very cold, official and diligently spelled out style. Hurt my feelings? I am writing you a letter aka A.Burr :D
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their vibes! I might not remember how they look or what's their name later, but I'm definitely noticing and reading you through vibes. Same with discords, most likely.
7. What’s your eye color?
Grayish blue. I get told that I have really nice eyes (even strangers in foreign countries keep telling me that for some reason unprompted). My friends, tho, say I have drugged eyes with large pupils so i guess, that's compliment too xD
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Horror movies are porn substitution, and I'm ace so the answer is obvious. Deserved happy ends are good!
9. Any talents?
Hmmm being always curious and hence, learning many new awesome skills? It's something I always encourage others to do, too.
10. Where were you born?
Russia unfortunately or fortunately? i'm still figuring it out
11. What are your hobbies
Creating media+tech things (ranging from IG filters to making my own mini games), translating (Russian, English, Korean and currently learning Thai), drawing fanarts (one day hopefully webtoons...), writing fics (currently learning nice storytelling in English)
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes, a very fluffy black-white Cheshire Cat. He's as mischievous as you can guess ^W^
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Informatics, Arts, sitting in school library and reading everything after classes
15. Dream job?
I have a bucket list of all skills/professions that I want to try, and I've currently crossed off most of them, except for gamedev. I ever wrote articles about K-pop and Thai BLs professionally!
I keep changing jobs every year oops but I still manage to be not bad at them. I think I can suit some place that needs brainstorming, making art and coding together! But it's a career that I'm trying to kickstart now Тт For now I'm a bit too busy with returning to Korea...Hopefully, one day I'll stop getting bored of jobs ^^'
That was fun, thank you guys! Not tagging anyone to save from pressure but you can tag me to read through yours or tag yourself with my blessing :]
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madhatterbri · 2 years
Something More | B.Z.
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(Shout out to the creator of the gif)
"Blaise, I love you," a raven-haired woman confessed and stared into his brown eyes. They were both in his bed. Their bodies covered by a thin sheet. His handsome tan face twisted in confusion. He thought everything was going so well and now she had to ruin it. Love wasn't real. There was no such thing as love. His mother made sure to teach him that. His mother only cared about money and having someone to warm her bed at night. Their chimney constantly had men flooing in and out. His mother wasn't exactly a one-man kind of gal. "Blaise?"
"I don't love you," he confessed not showing an ounce of concern for her feelings. She gasped and sat up wrapping the sheet around her.
"What?" She asked her voice cracking. Her face red from humiliation.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked impatiently. "It was sex. It was always sex and now you have to ruin it by catching feelings. My own parents don't love me. Why would you?"
A tear slid down her cheek.
"How can you say that to me? You are all I think about and I always want to make you happy,"
"Then get another hobby,"
Evie Flint sat at her desk at the Ministry of Magic. She was done. Done with trying to convince Blaise Zabini to see that they were perfect for each other. The woman was foolish to think after she nearly lost her life at the Battle of Hogwarts that he would change. Lately, Evie was throwing herself into work to forget about him. She would come early and leave late. The pattern seemed to be working. She was crying less at home and thriving at her job. Her boss started to take notice of her achievements. Maybe she only needed to be humiliated to be the perfect worker.
Pansy Parkinson came rushing into her office and closed the door behind her. She seemed in a rush to find her.
"Good morning to you as well, Parkinson," she sighed reading over the documents once more. The wizarding world was still trying to figure out the witches and wizards to punish for their crimes.
"Why have you been avoiding me?" Pansy asked with her arms crossed. She sat down on the chairs across from Evie's desk.
"Please, get comfortable,"
"Answer the question, Flint. Where have you been?"
"Working, which you should be doing," she rolled her eyes at the annoying woman. Pansy huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
"What happened between you and Blaise?"
"He wanted me for sex. I wanted him for love," she answered hoping she wouldn't continue to pry. Unfortunately, the complete opposite happened.
"What? Is that what he told you?"
"Yeah, so I am sorry that I didn't want to play pretend that we are all still friends,"
"He hasn't been going out either. Now it all makes sense,"
"Yeah, he has a new victim. Please leave? I have things to do," she asked her friend. Pansy rolled her eyes and stood up from her chair.
"This isn't over, Flint," she vowed before leaving.
Evie rolled her eyes and continued on with her work. She decided to leave at normal time today. Pansy caused her to overthink and now she was left with a headache. The woman gathered all of her belongings and left. No special events happened on the way home. She unlocked her door and walked inside. She placed all her things in their proper place and walked towards her room. She stopped upon seeing someone sitting on her bed. A tall, skinny tan man with black hair sat down staring away from the door. Blaise.
"What do you think you are doing here?" She asked walking towards him. She stood next to him with her arms crossed. Blaise slowly turned and looked at her. Evie never saw his current state. His eyes were bloodshot. She wasn't sure if it was a mixture of crying and drinking. His clothes were disheveled. This was not the Blaise she had grown up with. The hatred she held for him quickly subsided. She sat next to him and wrapped his arms around him. Blaise rested his head against her shoulder. She placed a hand on his head and rubbed it slowly. He allowed her to rub his back. He slowly closed his eyes allowing the only person that ever loved him to show him. He placed his hand on her arm not wanting to ever let go.
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phefics · 4 months
🤎 a thg ship for me por favor 🌹
Lol I'm a 23 year old plus sized woman with dark hair and heterochromia, so I have one blue eye and one that is half blue and half brown. I am currently in school studying to be a substance abuse counselor and I work as a barista. I'm super type A when it comes to my job, especially with health standards. I connect with people through humor and have a pretty full loud laugh. I don't have a large group of friends, but I have a handful of one-on-one deep friendships. I'm a really passionate person in everything I say or do, and find I like people around me to be the same. I think it's such a turn off when I'm with someone who just has no desire to do anything. My favorite color is green, and I like hiking, reading, crochet, cooking for others, and watching movies that rip my fucking heart to pieces (have you seen Iron Claw yet, because omg that wrecked me for a week). My love language is acts of service, but specifically when I can tell someone did something keeping my safety or well-being in mind. An example would be when my friend picked me up from the hospital at 5 in the morning with no complaints even though my call woke her up on her day off.
𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚’𝐬 𝟏𝐤 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 // of course!! hope u like it, u didn't mention ur sexuality so i gave u a boy and a girl just in case xo
i ship you with gale hawthorne. he is super active, loves nature, and would find your dedicated personality and loud laugh extremely charming. his love language is also acts of service, he would always be protecting you and doing little things to make you feel safe and cared for.
i also ship you with katniss everdeen, for most of the same reasons. you two share a favorite color, so decorating your home would have an obvious solution, she would always indulge in your hobbies even if she personally wasn't big on it, and would probably let you teach her how to crotchet and end up being pretty good at it! she is so dedicated to making her loved ones feel safe, she would always be performing acts of service for you.
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 2 years
Hellooo!! I just found this account and i gotta say i luvvv ur posts, they make me so happy :,) especially ur dadspy ones T-T . I ALSO wanted to ask if mayyybbbeee (only if u really want to ofc)… um write some cute lil headcannons bout my fav boy Scout 🥺 i feel like not a lot of people chose him as their favs but idk why but i think this man is the boy of my fucking dreams and it’d be rlly cool and epic if u wrote some cool/cute headcannons bout him 🥹 (sorry if this has been done before!!) - 💖
Scout was on his way to becoming a pro baseball player, he lost his scholarship however because he couldn’t keep his grades up.  he instead took the job for Mann Co. because it was really good money that he could send home to Ma
he thinks she’s disappointed in him for not getting into college even if to just play baseball, but she’s proud of him no matter what he does
he has a rabbit plush from his childhood that he sleeps with every night and hides during the day.  it’s been resewn over and over and is very dingy and dirty.  he has no idea who it’s from but it’s always been very special to him
Scout has his own comic series he draws on stowed away in his room.  he’s kept hidden because he’s embarrassed about it.  it’s a typical superhero comic with a self insert of himself as the main character
he copies things his teammates do, mostly Spy.  it’s always small things like how they stand or walk or if one of them starts acting all confident then he will too.  he doesn’t realize he does it, but he does because he looks up to all of them
he’s self conscious about his buck teeth but any time someone refers to them as cute or adorable, he gets all flustered and giddy over it
Scout is VERY praise driven, he thrives on having approval of everyone he looks up to.  if anyone on the team needs something done, he’s almost always the first to volunteer himself and loathes when they ask he take someone with him
he’s bi and doesn’t realize it, he just thinks it’s normal for guys to find other guys really hot and daydream about them and doodle them in his comics later.  he always has a justification for why that time he saw Soldier shirtless right after a shower made him all flustered
he was in both his high schools track and baseball team as the star player.  track was more a hobby to him so he could keep limber for his baseball games and when he’d go off and cause trouble with his brothers
Scout’s been arrested once before joining Mann Co. but doesn’t realize his brothers have actually kept him from getting in trouble with the law many more times.  they would always try to shove him out of the way and have him run home when they could tell cops were about to get involved because they knew if he got arrested, Ma would be very upset
he was arrested for taking part in robbing a gas station, and was young enough to be let off without any trouble
Scout’s name on his birth certificate is spelled with the accents (Jérémy) but everyone, even Ma, always spells it without.  he doesn’t even really know there are accents in his name
he’s semi-fluent in Italian
he looks up to Spy a lot.  he sees him as the father figure he never had and genuinely admires everything he does.  out of everyone on the team, he copies him the most, down to even sneakily buying himself a butterfly knife to teach himself how to flip it around like Spy does.  they pick on each other a lot and bicker even more, but they’re both just as quick to find little ways to say they’re sorry after things have calmed down
he considers everyone on the team his best friend, but he hangs around Pyro and Sniper mostly.  Pyro because they enjoy a lot of the same things he does when it comes to TV or comics or whatnot.  and Sniper because he’s a good listener and will allow him to just trail behind him all afternoon and talk his ear off.  and because after he came out of his shell, Sniper turned out to be just as much a troublemaker he was
Scout, Sniper, and Demo are the three to watch out for if there’s even a hint of a “so stupid it’s dangerous but sounds fun” idea floating around.  jumping off the base into a pool?  they’re gonna do it.  see how long someone can hold to the top of the camper while Sniper drives donuts in the desert?  let’s get drinks and see how bad this can go.  “I dare you to take a sip out the sewage water under the bridge.”  “okay, but you gotta do my chores for a week.”
also hi, you’re Sparkles now
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
I hope I made it in time!!!
I am 18 :)
The fandom I want to be matched with is Overwatch!
I would prefer to be matched with a male character!
I am a female and I am 5'3". I love reading and writing, big hobbies of mine. I also love going on walks. INFP and Cancer. I love fashion and dressing up and am currently in a goth phase of mine lmfaooo. But when I don't feel like it I would call my style vadalism/early 2000s ish. Big pants, heelys, all that fun stuff lmao. I have red hair and blue eyes and am thicc in the best way (who doesnt love a little pudge to grab in all the right areas??). I have two piercings on my ears and always wear cool earrings. I wear glasses as well.
I love just hangin out and watching anime or playing video games and I also really love organizing and just cleaning sometimes when the mood calls for it!
I would say I'm pretty funny and fun to be around and love talking, so I would like someone who doesnt mind listening to me ramble sometimes lol. I also love listening to people, so just someone to talk to :)
I hope this works! Thank you so much moss, you're the best! Have a great day and stay awesome <333
your match-up and star messenger is . . .
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you are the "super affectionate and bashful" couple
the youngest of the shimada brothers is a man who isn't afraid to go all out and put on some clothes that people don't deem traditional for him to wear. he will let you use him as your dress-up doll and will gladly wear anything matching, as ridiculous as it might be, he will wear it.
genji might seem uptight if it even is the right for it but with you, by his side, you help him be more idealistic, give in to the temptation of cuddles, and come back with his own flirtatious comments. but it is so rare, the man is so bashful he needs a doctor. he loves that you are not afraid to dress up and your body, he could go on and on about your body. not in a weird creepy way, but in a loving, caring way that twists your stomach because it's so cute as he blushes.
genji is a great listener, he might not understand everything you are talking about but he will try and be as supportive as he can with every word you utter to him! your constant talking, writing, and reading push him to grab a book himself or try to write one of his favorite memory as a bedtime story- the thing is that you encourage him to be creative.
he learned his whole life that his home should be organized, tidy, and the neatest place in the world so when you have the urge to clean, he is right by your side to help you with whatever job you fit for him. he isn't afraid of video games, he just has a hard time understand the mechanics but once you help him with it, he might as well get better than you.
some aspects of your relationship would be:
fighting over who is choosing the movie or anime to watch on your regular friday movie nights
getting on hanzo's nerves alongside kiriko is always fun
walking dates! it might sound strange but it's a real thing and real fun especially when genji knows all the hot spots with beautiful sights and a great all-around environment
him teaching you how to throw shurikens and even engage in a sword/katana fight!
version 1
it was the last plushie of your favorite anime character on the shelf and you promised yourself that no matter how much it costs, you gonna spend that money because hell- they look cute! so you reached for them, mesmerized that it was real and that you were finally getting them before a green-haired girl came and started yelling your hair off, demanding you give her the plushie because it was a life or death situation. she kept waving her hands, trying to grab it out of your arms and in the process hitting your drink out of your other hand. you were just about to start complaining when a tall man appeared, pulling the girl aside before taking the scene around him in then turning to you with a kind smile on his face.
"my apologies for her rude speech, may i interest you in another cup of your drink on me?"
version 2
the fastest way around the base was never the elevators, it was these cool shoes you got yourself alongside d.va. they had a wheel in the heel and if you launched yourself right you could roll on it from one end to another. it came in handy especially when you had to deliver papers and you were just minutes before the deadline. today was like that too, being late because your laziness got the best of you so you took off, the place around you looked safe to scoot around in until one of the robot-looking things started to move and you ended up tripping over them.
"you should be more careful around the base in these... shoes. let me take you to angela, please."
tell me by wonder girls !
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skyjynxart · 7 months
I'm tired.
I'm tired of companies controlling everything. I'm tired of being unable to leave 'home' or get by on my own bc I'm disabled & poor & can't afford to move somewhere I MIGHT be able to get work as a disabled person. I'm tired of having to do pages and pages of admin to access the most basic assistance. I'm tired of buying the exact same groceries I bought 5 years ago, and paying 10x as much for them ( literally, I found an old receipt recently from September 2018 ).
I'm tired of my quality of living going down consistently no matter my efforts to improve it. I'm tired of getting left behind because I can't keep up and because I have virtually no support system to even help me ( virtually bc there's like 2 people but they're 2 people and they can't fix my life a support system is a SYSTEM for a reason it's supposed to be a spider's web connected at many points which are in turn all connected to their own points you feel me )
I'm tired of trying to keep up. I'm tired of having to do everything faster faster faster faster and pushing myself beyond my limits even in things I would otherwise enjoy just to avoid being told "actually you can just... go".
I'm tired of feeling disconnected from everything and everyone and not just because I'm aging but because cracks in my ability to interact that have been there since childhood are being compacted and made worse with age & with the commodification of.... everything.
I'm tired i'm tired i'm tired and so many people say they would never want to go back to highschool but all I can think about is how when I was in highschool websites all had chronological feeds and everything wasn't monetized and advertised and fandom moved slower and sure I already worked too much and my job was terrible but I could literally afford to cover rent with my highschool job and buy food with it and even occasionally spare a few bucks to see a movie or save up to buy merch at a convention.
When I was in highschool it was normal to meet someone in public and become friends and follow each other's socials and actually talk and meet up at the next event ( I think a lot about this person named Sprout that I met at Matsuricon one year- we spent the whole day together and followed each other on tumblr for a long time after and you were really cool )
When I was in highschool ( I didn't do this because I was a bit behind the times even then but ) it was normal and common to keep in touch on snapchat by keeping up a 'streak' with your friend, sending them a picture of you smiling or whatever you were doing- and sending it to them directly! A younger friend got me to do it a few years after I graduated and I haven't talked to them for almost 2 years now because we just never have the time.
When I was in highschool if I saw someone wearing an anime shirt- even if it wasn't a series I knew- it was as good as a pride flag that broadcasted I am safe to talk to and I could say "Hey I love your shirt" and without fail get a smile in response instead of an awkward "oh... thanks" and an expression that says this stranger is talking to me ew. ( alright that one might be hyperbolic/super personal but the mainstreamification of niche interests has some consequences that aren't all great damn it! )
I'm not saying all this because I'm some old fart dreaming of bygone eras- I only graduated 10 years ago!- I'm saying this because I can't imagine how I would have survived without all of that, because I am surviving without it now and it fucking sucks. I couldn't imagine being a kid today and trying to look forward to the future- in the most anti-young-person era yet!
When I was in highschool there was no shortage of slightly-older-people ( 3-10 years older than me ) willing to talk to me and help me understand things and teach me things and introduce me to hobbies- and none of it was creepy! ( I mean ok some of it was creepy, but I had just as many creepy experiences with people my own age, and the older kids were the ones who called it out! )
Now it's weird for adults to talk to kids in any setting outside parenting. Highschoolers today don't have the adults to show them what they could be as adults themselves- not in person, they have influencers, curated performances that can never talk back to them directly, that keep them company only through a pre-recorded performance behind a screen ( not that influencers are bad, it's just- this is ALL they have in place of the older friends I did and that sucks ).
and that void has to hurt at least as bad at 15 as it does at 27.
A lot of things have halted my progress through life. A lot of things have forced me to become stagnant and so often I can't help but think that if I just had half the friend group, half the social support network, half the world I had in highschool, how much better off I'd be.
But the world is changed. I've changed, I'm more mature, I understand myself and others better. I'm sadder, more tired, more depressed, more anxious. My body is changed, it hurts constantly and it can't endure basic tasks like standing for an hour.
I see so many posts from people in their 30s on here ( just 2-4 years older than me! ) talking about how it gets better, how they're happier people than they were in highschool, in their 20s, and I can't help but wonder- is it some kind of magic, or did you just have things I don't? Is it that turning 30 flips a switch and suddenly you become a fully realised human, the older adults in your life stop mistreating you and suddenly see you as a human being deserving of patience and understanding and aid instead of 'a 20-something who just isn't trying hard enough' and people your own age suddenly start wanting to form friendships again and finances get easier?
or did you get lucky. did you stumble on something I will have to claw and scrape and drag myself through hell to get a glimpse of, only to have been too fucking slow and watch it slip away right as I'm within reach again?
because right now I'm almost 30, and the rest of my life just looks like a meat grinder, ready to chew me up and turn my bones to dust until there's nothing left recognisable as 'me'.
anyway all this brought to you by being told as part of a group "we know its been a hard year for everyone but unfortunately your contributions haven't been enough so we're going to replace you with fresh meat we can exploi-- i mean get hype out of instead probably ty for understanding ^.^"
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zootycutieart · 1 year
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Been a while since I've shaped some of these guys up! Three of them, along with two new characters, and it's my original Monster Cereal characters, with some brand new bios for them! Vanillaton is next in line to hold a piece of the fated psychopomp lineage. Winning the tournament in her generation, she...ran away. Terrified of what her duties entail, along with the sudden pressure put on her, she ditched her joining ceremony to go into hiding. Instead, she finds solace in whatever she can. She is sculpting herself to "like a bit of what others like", which, while makes her good at making friends and finding kindred hobbies, also makes it hard to track who she truly is, since despite her outwardly friendly nature, her true self seems very hidden. Smorgon shirked on her abilities on purpose. Instead of powering up her gorgon skills, she was so afraid of what they could do that she sheltered them. Now, her abilities are weak, only causing her to be able to freeze someone into stone for a mere hour. She says she's happy about that, but it's hard to judge how happy she truly is. Shy by nature, she instead just seems anxious about everything, and it seems like this lack of ability in her own abilities has just further hurt her self esteem. DragonFruit was possibly not supposed to be here. What seemed to just be a decorative jeweled egg made in honor of a thought-to-be extinct subspecies of dragon, turned out to be a REAL egg of a thought-to-be extinct species of dragon, and she was in it! She's just a baby, since she's newly hatched. and she doesn't exactly have any dragons around to teach her how to "dragon", but she's too young to realize this. Instead, she's just a happy little girl who sees no issue with the world, or her fire breath, which she doesn't have a handle on. Democha is overworked. Sure, he might merely be an intern doing this for college credit, but this was far more than he signed up for. A ledger of monster activity, his job was assigned to "look out for the monsters that don't fit monster criteria", according to his boss. Turns out, this means the nice ones. The ones that don't want to scare people. The ones that are slowly more and more turning into his friends instead. Terrified that he's being overlooked by some higher (or maybe lower?) power, he's too nervous to quit his duties, but he doesn't want to abandon his new friends either. Flapwoods is probably the only one with a semblance of normal life...even if she is an alien monster that dwells in the forest. Chipper without being stressed, open without hiding things, she's a great friend. And, with a couple bits of monster magic disguises, she's managed to figure out a way to interact with humans without scaring them. Granted, this really just equals "working the night shift at a diner" for now, but it pays well and she gets to interact with a wide variety of random people. Monster Cereals © General Mills Vanillaton, Smorgon, DragonFruit, Democha, and Flapwoods © ZootyCutie (that's me!)
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vintage-brass-tc · 1 year
July TC Challenge Days 8-20
Oh my gosh 😭😭 thought I’d be able to do this daily but time passed! Whoops!
8. would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your tc’s subject if it meant you two could be together?
Yes, of course! I’ve thought about it several times ❤️
9. does your tc drink or smoke?
Not sure. They both drink for sure, especially U, and there used to be rumors of U smoking? No way to know though.
10. name one item that is always on your tc’s desk.
Their laptops, and in M’s case, a little gift I gave him freshman year! ❤️
11. has your tc ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? if so, what did they do?
Uhhh yeah, for sure. There have been several situations where M gets onto people for tiny things and makes a big deal out of it, and cases where he doesn’t let things from the past go. It’s quite annoying and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes every time he gets frustrated, since it would happen so often— especially last concert season.
In U’s case, there are times where he is super caught up with everything he has to do, and he goes silent. I don’t blame him at all for this, as I get overwhelmed too if I have a lot to do, but he’ll be all agitated if I try to interact with him in this state. Understandably so, but I just feel bad for him. Otherwise, nothing else really comes to mind!!
12. does your tc have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
UHH YEAH!!! M worked at Chili’s!! Not sure about U though.
13. does your tc have kids or siblings? if so, how many?
I honestly don’t know about siblings 😭 but M has bright and beautiful kids!!!
14. are you taking your tc’s class next year?
Yessss, they’re stuck with me for a little longer.
15. has your tc ever met your parents? if you were there, what was the meeting like?
Yeah! They’ve volunteered for marching band stuff so they’ve just seen each other around a bunch, but they love my dad!
16. has your tc ever given you detention? if so, what was it like?
I wiiish. No but if they got me in trouble I’d probably cry. Their version of detention is taking someone out of class to have a talk with them in their office. Hasn’t happened to me though— not yet!!
17. has your tc ever failed you? if so, how did you react? if not, how would you react?
No, thank goodness. They’ve always been so kind to me and always use me as a model for others in my section. ❤️
18. what are your tc’s hobbies/interests? are they similar to yours?
Uhhh I don’t know? M watches sports a lot, and I suppose he spends a lot of time listening to band music and stuff. He’s active, he takes walks and maybe still works out? He takes care of his kids and dogs.
U has a cat and takes care of them!!! He also works out a bunch and I believe he looks into band stuff outside of school as well. He uses TikTok.
19. have you ever spoken on the phone with your tc? what did you talk about?
I have, briefly, with M. It was about a 46 second or so call, and the situation was that I was recording an audition video outside with my contra, and had texted M that I was done, thanking him for his patience as he was waiting for me.
When I had gotten to the door, it was locked, so I panicked and called him. He told me, a little panicked, that he had thought I packed up and had already left. He stated that it was too far to turn back so I told him I’d take it home and return it the next day. Kind of embarrassing. Haha.
20. if you had your tc’s class during quarantine, what were your zoom calls like? if not, have you spoken to your tc since quarantine?
M would visit my old band class’ calls sometimes during COVID times. And ummm….I got super excited seeing him but a whole lot of nothing was happening on these calls.
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driftcity · 2 years
Success means something different for me these days. As a bright-eyed computer science student and banking intern, to me success meant a big check every month, a corner office, buzzwords like innovation and efficiency. The smartest, wealthiest, busiest people are the most successful, right? As a disabled dropout disillusioned with capitalism, success started to look a little different. A career filled with daily tasks I found engaging and fun. A calendar packed with social plans and important to-dos. None of that silly corporate crap, of course, but productivity is still essential to a successful life. You have to keep busy. Right?
Today I accidentally stabbed my finger with a needle while teaching myself embroidery. The sensation took me back to the last time I'd gotten stuck in the finger with a needle- an old job at a shipping warehouse. In truth, I enjoyed the work itself. Simple, repetitive tasks. It was almost fun. Or, it would have been, if not for the oppressively fast pace and inhumane conditions. No windows, no sunlight, no music, no socializing. Because the fun I may have been having was incidental. The point of the work was efficiency. Faster. Faster, until you are narrowly avoiding injury at every turn thanks to the speed of your movements. You must meet your quota. My manager yelled at me because now I might get blood on the merchandise.
I look around the room while bandaging my finger and things couldn't be more different now. The summer sun casts warm rays on the carpet. Some pleasant music is playing. I can be as slow as I want, this work is for me. Today, I think of success and I imagine waking up in the morning to go tend to a lush garden. I fiddle around with my latest hobby, and make some tea. I share the tea with someone I love and we talk for hours. Not much in the way of gossip, or dread over the latest horrible news. I'd much rather hear your thoughts on how you like today's blend compared to yesterday's. I'll show you my latest projects and you'll show me yours. Maybe we'll make plans to go camping. This world isn't built to find success in slowness. Faster, faster, everything's a race and the finish line is always moving the second you get close to it. Is anyone else as tired as I am? This world moves too fast for me. At the risk of being labeled a failure, with the knowledge much of the world already views me as such, I think I'll indulge in a slower life now.
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Random Isekai Oneshot
You like to say you don’t think much on your past. This is a blatant lie but that’s only because it’s hard to not think on how you just arrived in this quaint town. How the place you lived in before had so many more amenities. To think of the people you loved who were left behind.
But you also would be lying if you said you wished to go back. You loved your previous life of course, the people who made your life better and that you knew now must miss you dearly, the various projects and stories that are now left eternally unfinished because they were left behind without a way to continue them, the little niche that you made for yourself. You can’t say that this new life is ‘better’ but you also can’t say it’s at all worse.
It simply is. You are admittedly glad that you just seemed to appear here without any true choice in the matter. You didn’t have the chance to turn down such an opportunity because of fear or the excuse of obligation. Nor did you have the chance to feel remorse over the selfishness of choosing to leave everything behind. It just happened, and life went on.
Honestly you’re not even sure if the you of that old world even existed or if you were actually some poor sap who got amnesia and fabricated a world that both made more and less sense to you than this one. But you know that at this point you wouldn’t actually want to go back.
Sure, if you woke up at ‘home’ as though this were all a dream you wouldn’t go into a psychotic break but it would still leave you feeling empty. You’ve built a life here, gotten a nice job you enjoy and do a nice hobby that even gets you a bit more money when you sell the end product to those who are interested. Yes you are the ‘weird’ person here but a large portion of people enjoy your company and find your eccentricities ‘charming’.
For a time you thought of being a fighter, taking on the aggressive wildlife that threatens peace for the town. But even if you knew how to fight in the previous life this body is ever so slightly different in ways that would muck that up, let alone the differences brought about by magic being a thing. You thought of being a renown healer, using both modern medical practices picked up from the internet and proper teachings along with the local understandings. But you much prefer the simple little job that could easily be translated to a minimum wage ‘temporary’ career in your previous world rather then dealing with people actively fighting death or be drawn into major scuffles because ‘they need help and you are help!’
It’s not all great, there are people that immediately hate you. The odd ‘human+’ species that code well onto many stories’ interpretations of ‘people, but with animal ears [or whatever]’ sometimes misinterpreting your odd quirks or staring habits as racism or a fighter that thinks you’re not ‘cut out’ for the real world or those annoying housewives that think you’re doing your life ‘wrong’. But each one is paired with someone kind and then some. A person giving you some of their own feathers to add to your aesthetic or crafts. A fighter taking comfort in how they don’t need to sugar coat their horror stories to avoid making you go white from shock or avoid them or gods forbid pity them. That group of housewives that happily chatter with you and are basically your new social media because Hello Gossip. The elders that find your morbid humor hilarious and will join in on jokes about how ‘death will have to fight me tooth and nail to take me!’ - ‘clearly, death’s losing here.’
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astrobydalia · 3 years
🌸OBSERVATIONS!! (finally lmao)🌱
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
It's been a long time coming! So happy for spring being finally here! Here's the long ass observation post you guys asked for. Since it's quite a big amount of observations, I've decided it'd be a good idea to number them so that it's easier to reference them. As always, enjoy them!
🌸 1. Lilith in the 2nd house can indicate something fishy going on with the relationship between the native’s parents.
🌱 2. Malefic placements such as pluto, chiron, Saturn or Lilith in the 12th indicates a lot of skeletons in the closet when it comes to family and family history
🌸 3. Chiron in Aries/1st house or Leo/5th house is kind of bitch placement. The person basically feels like they can’t be themselves and there’s a lot of self-denial and/or not accepting themselves, how they really are, what they really want, etc. Lots of self-esteem issues
🌱 4. People with sexual placements in the 2nd house (Mars, Venus, Lilith, Eros, ruler of the 8th house) base their self-worth on how sexually attractive they are. If they don't feel sexually desirable to everyone, they feel like they're shit
🌸 5. Lilith is what people think Pluto/Scorpio is!!!! All that stuff about magnetic, sexual and intoxicating but dangerous? Lilith.
🌱 6. Scorpio/Pluto in 4th could mean that the person had to work hard to survive something growing up. It could be poverty, their parents’ expectations, an early trauma, etc. Whatever the situation is, the native felt like they grew up in a high-stress environment where they had to endure and survive
🌸 7. When it comes to degrees, the higher the degree, the bigger or stronger the effect. For example Leo degrees (5º, 17º, 29º) are fame degrees. 5th degree would give small fame, 17th degree would be normal and significant fame or recognition inside the person’s field and 29th degree is moreso widespread or permanent fame
🌱 8. Saturn in the 5th house is a huge indicator of turning your hobby into your job. Also these people can be very awkward in their personality
🌸 9. I’ve noticed people with Neptune in the 6th (maybe 2nd) house may have been hospitalized and if Uranus or Pluto are placed here also indicates getting surgery or operations for health reasons
🌱 10. People with Uranus or Pluto in the 1st, 2nd or conjunct the ASC could get surgery due to aesthetic reason
🌸 11. Mercury dominant people (or strong Gemini energy in the chart) like to have or get things quick and easy. For example they prefer a straight forward summary over an in-depth and elaborated explanation with too many details
🌱 12. Your moon sign shows how you see your past. Your 4th house represent how you see your childhood. But your moon represents under which light you always view your past and everything that has happened in your life in general. It also shows the type of stuff from your past you tend to focus on. Since Cancer and Pisces represent past and remenaicence, that's why Cancer and Pisces moons have trouble getting over the past.
🌸 13. Your 10th house on the other hand is how you see your future. Whenever someone asks you “where you see yourself in 5 years?” your 10th house is the one that’ll be answering that question
🌱 14. Gemini moon/mars are the LEAST likely to hold grudges (unless chart says otherwise)
🌸 15. The house where you have your Neptune indicates the themes you tend to lie about, don’t give much info, say stuff about it that are misleading etc. and in consequence people might not have a clear/correct idea of this part of your life
🌱 16. Virgo risings rarely or basically never pose for pictures. They just look straight forward to the camera, sometimes smile and maybe make a small gesture like putting one hand in their pocket or tilt their head but that’s it. (Virgo = minimalism)
🌸 17. Scorpios really don’t give a single fuck they just DON’T 😭💀 Remember this sign is all or nothing, they either care too or don't care AT ALL
🌱 18. I said it once and I’ll say to a hundred times more: Geminis are not two-faced, it’s LIBRA!! Seriously Libras are the FAKEST people I’ve ever met. Why? Because it's ruled by the planet of love (Venus), which means Libra has a knack for being liked by everyone and making everyone feel liked. HOWEVER Libra is an AIR sign and air represents mind, NOT feelings. In conclusion, Libra can make you feel "loved" (venus) and still not give a damn about you bc its air nature makes them prone to emotional detachment. That's why they are able to roast you and make it look like they're complimenting you, specially when they have Scorpio mercury.
🌸 19. Just like you look at where’s the ruler of your rising sign to get more info on your rising, check the ruler of your Sun sign for more info on your personal identity (check sign and house). For ex. I have Virgo Sun in the 9th. Ruler of Virgo=Mercury. I have mercury in Libra in the 10th house which makes me more serious (10th house) and diplomatic/people pleaser (Libra)
🌱 20. If you found that you “couldn’t” do what’s previously described because you’re a Leo sun, check the degree and decan of your Sun
🌸 21. I’ve noticed mercury retrograde people are the type of individuals who always know exactly the right things to say. You’ll always see them take a couple of seconds before answering but they tend to give very good responses
🌱 22. I’ve noticed many women with Virgo Venus/Sun/MC/Lilith have been slut-shamed at some point of their life or they’ve been seen as promiscuous/sexual/etc.
🌸 23. Capricorn moons are not emotionless machines. The thing with these natives is that their mothers treated them like an adult the second they came out of the womb, so basically they skipped the “love and affection” stage and went straight to the “grow up” stage, but they can love really hard and real deep (Capricorn is deep down a very sentimental sign). They are very ride or die people tbh, they are very patient, accepting and understanding
🌱 24. I've noticed that people at first deny their rising sign in Vedic astrology, but eventually they end up accepting it and they actually end up relating to it a lot. I feel like this is because our rising sign in Vedic astrology is usually the sign of our 12th house in Western astrology, which leads me to believe that our 12th house sign is not our shadow side but more like our deep subcontious personality and that's why we have a hard time accepting it when we see it as our rising sign in Vedic astrology. It's like your rising sign (in western) is the director of the play but your 12th house is the energy that previously wrote the script
🌸 25. So many celebrities have moon in the 11th house. Also this placement indicates that you had a mother that put you out there constantly like posting everything about you on social media, bringing you to big events or your mom was “famous” in some capacity
🌱26. Gemini risings tend to believe everything they are told. More specifically, once they find someone that knows a little bit more than them they’ll believe everything they teach them and will most likely rely on them intellectually, for advice, guidance, etc. This is bc they have DSC in Sagittarius which makes them see the people they associate with as masters and mentors while, as a Gemini rising, they identify as an apprentice.
🌸27. Both 8th house and 12th house have been associated with secrets. The different is that the 8th house represents what you CONTIOUSLY and deliberately hide from others and most likely deny to yourself (or not, depends on the person). 12th house on the other hand represents subconscious, things that are hidden even from you and you didn’t even know were hidden. 4th house is not necessarily secrets, it represents privacy, like when people have a sanctuary to just relax, unwind and feel secure, that’s the 4th house.
🌱28. Sun or Moon in the 4th house will make you a sociable but private person.
🌸29. Sun or moon in the 8th house will make you an intriguing and mysterious person.
🌱30. Sun or moon the 12th house makes you a very elusive or wishy-washy person
🌸31. I’ve seen many Scorpio sun/moon/mars/rising individuals obsessed with the idea of being prepared for a catastrophe. They could be the type to, for example, have some saved cash just in case something bad happens with their bank money, have a backup account just in case their main one gets deleted, could have a “leave before you get left” philosophy, etc.
🌱32. Is it just me or the astro community talks a lot about Aries moons???
🌸33. I’ve noticed people with 4th house in Virgo could have been raised in a very judgemental household where there was lots of taboos and prejudice as to what’s right and what’s not and the family was too preoccupied with a perfect and immaculate reputation. For example could have been raised with values such as “only criminals wear tattoos” or “you should stay celibate till marriage or else you’re a whore”, etc. and if the native broke those rules they could have been very criticized and almost loathed by the family. They native could have been highly criticized in general by their family
🌱34. I’ve noticed women that have their moon harshly aspecting Pluto, Uranus and Mars or overall have a very afflicted moon tend to have very painful period cramps
🌸35. Something I have noticed with Venus or Moon conjunct Saturn people is that the concept of unconditional love sounds like alien language to them. That of course doesn’t mean they can’t love but they have this deep belief that they have to achieve something in order to deserve love and stuff like that
🌱36. Also, I just noticed that people with Saturn conjunct sun/moon/Venus/ASC, Capricorn big 3 or Capricorn degrees in personal placements have gone through IT man, specially on an internal level. I've noticed going through depression is a common theme for people with this Capricorn/Saturn influence
🌸37. Virgo Suns could often struggle to find balance between having healthy ego and being humble.
🌱38. Also people with Virgo+Leo energy are the MOOOOST judgmental people out there. Imagine ego mixed with a sense of knowing what’s correct. They tend to believe they’re morally superior and easily liable people as inferior
🌸39. The underdeveloped energy of a sign asimilates negative traits of its sister sign. For example underdeveloped Virgo is overly perfectionist and judgmental to the point where they have unrealistic expectations (Pisces)
🌱40. On the other hand the developed version of a sign is balanced out by understanding its sister sign. For example Leo knows they are unique and special and deserves recognition but understands everyone is also unique in their own way (Aquarius)
🌸41. I’ve noticed a person can very easily manifest the stereotypical characteristics of the sign that naturally rules the house where their chart ruler is. For example if someone’s chart ruler (ruler of the ASC) is in the 7th house the person can easily manifest stereotypical characteristics of Libra like being a people pleaser
🌱42. Sagittarius ASC/Mars people are all fun, amicable and outgoing.... until they don’t get their way. They will get away from people and situations that won’t give them what they want and they can genuinely dislike people solely because those people don’t let them have their way. They tend to go around life like they have a free pass to get away with everything they want.
🌸43. People with ASC-Neptune aspects don’t have a very reliable vision of reality or themselves to be honest. I don’t know how people with this aspect haven’t lost their mind already. They are prone to subconsciously manipulating or easily getting manipulated. With hard aspects this is a lot more obvious but I’ve noticed with easy aspects this energy tends to go almost unnoticed and they easily get away with stuff
🌱44. Have seen many famous people with North node in the 2nd, 5th, 11th and 12th houses specially
🌸45. Air risings or air dominance with Sagittarius placements/degrees are people who love cartoons/animations/videogames regardless of their age.
🌱46. When I got into astrology I didn’t understand why Sun is in detriment in Libra, but oh man... All Libras I’ve met had HUGE issues with trusting themselves. They doubt themselves 24/7 and that’s not even an exaggeration and I’ve noticed they actually may have grown up doubting themselves for some reason or they had a family (their dad) that caused this feeling in them. Also I’ve seen that those Libras with Scorpio placements feel like they have to hide something about themselves otherwise they’ll be rejected. Yes they are endlessly charming, but that's because they have essentially created their personality around the desire of being liked/accepted. They always need to feel they have SOMEONE. Their sense of self, INDIVIDUALITY, independence and assertiveness is lost in the process. Unless they have fire and specially Aries placements to balance this out they can feel like they have no personality and that’s why they are often perceived as fake or shallow.
🌸47. Literally ALL Virgo placements one way or another will always suggest a way to solve your problems when giving emotional support
🌱48. I have a theory that, since 4th house is how you were raised, your home and your parents, your 10th house is how you’d be as a parent yourself and the type of home you’ll create yourself
🌸49. Contrary to my expectations, I’ve seen priests having a much more prominent 4th house (many times combined with 8th house/Scorpio energy) than 12th house. People with 12th house placements or stellium seem to prefer artistic fields rather than classic spirituality
🌱50. The house where you have your Pluto is a house you just can NOT take lightly EVER. This area of your life feels like a heavy topic to you in some way (you are either obsessed with it, find It traumatic, get extremely defensive over it, find it spiteful, you feel everything goes wrong, etc, etc.) Can also apply to the house where you have the sign of scorpio
🌸51. In synastry, Venus falling in the 12th house creates a healing dynamic in the relationship, the connection can feel cathartic specially for the house person. The house person might tend to always be comforted by the venus person’s support, always feel better (or even energetically “cleansed”) after being with them. The venus person never judges the house person and accepts them and is always willing to be there.
🌱52. I’ve noticed this pattern in people with mutable moons where they have absent mothers in some shape or form. Their mother is very inconsistent, she always comes and goes. Very often the native may have felt like their mother always “left them be” (virgo moon moms put restrictions but eventually are rather flexible)
🌸53. People with cardinal moons have bossy mothers. In many cases they can have the type of mother that is constantly making decisions for them, like their mother decides what/where they’re going to study for example (the house tells what type of things the mother tends to make decisions on).
🌱54. People with fixed moons have possesive and protective moms. While mutable moons have absent mothers, natives with fixed moons have mothers that are ALWAYS there in some shape or form. At the very least the influence of the mother is always there and they always have this sense of “loyalty” towards their mom.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
That's it for now, next observation post is just as long but much better, stay tuned and safe loves 💕
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