#someone take away my coloring rights xD
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off-mozzarella · 2 days ago
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Just another silly thing from the body swap au, gotta keep those fae blood sugar levels high enough xD
To be clear, I don't think he needs to consume more sugar than your average hylian, I was thinking maybe Legend overexerted himself and Hyrule knows it would help him recover faster, so he's taking care of his bro with the excuse of a nice dessert 👉👈
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i-starcreamed · 5 months ago
Can you write something with D16 and a human reader please? Maybe like seeing a human for the first time and befriending eachother, then the reader develops feelings because I mean....D16 XD (There is literally nothing of transformers one 😭) PS. I don't know why but I feel like transformers one character at least the miners are closer to human height for some reason 🤣 (sorry for yapping I'm obsessed)
Ok so…very unrealistic because yknow, no humans on cybertron. However I made up my own scenario :3 in my mind humans reach about to the knees of mine bots. You’ll make it work..
Human! Reader
Dumb fluff, no sad stuff
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Reader is a space explorer who SOMEHOW MAGICALLY managed to successfully land on Cybertron with some of their survival kit intact (food, water, etc). What they didn’t expect was to encounter a train looking vehicle, hopping in it out of curiosity. What they also never expected was the train to start moving at full speed, charging inside of the planet as the crust literally opened up.
Your throat almost went sore because of your screaming.
You shifted, groaning as you sat up from your laying position. God, your head was pounding, what even happened? The ground beneath you was cold and rough, like the texture of popcorn wall if it were made of metal. Around you, you could hear the sound of wheels screeching, metal banging. Whatever you were on was not a smooth ride.
You opened your eyes, your breath hitched as you saw a figure above you. They were looking straight forward, both their hands placed on the edge of the cart. And they were not human. No human is that big.
You swiveled your head around you, seeing a pile of large rocks surrounding you. They were glowing a bright blue, looking quite radioactive. Okay, maybe you and your team expected a tiny bit of life here—but not a whole…whatever this was. You slowly stood up, carefully making your way towards the rock nearest to you. You struggled to move, all the rocks were basically covering your body. The rocks rolled over softly as you lifted an arm.
“Hey there,”
You froze, hearing a deep voice above you. You turned around, eyeing the figure still looking away from you. They looked to their side, mimicking the human expression of curtly smiling and nodding to someone to their right. You sighed in relief.
Placing both your palms on the edge of the cart, you pulled yourself up, letting the rocks fall away from your legs. You peeled your head over the cart, your eyes widening at the life around you. Sooo many robot beings walking around and pushing minecarts, all in different colors and similar size. You let out a small gasp.
D-16 raised a brow, hearing a noise just below him. He did a double take as he saw..something poking out of his cart. He froze. You froze. You both frozed.
“AHH!” You both yelled at the same time, backing away from eachother.
You fall back in between the rocks, probably scraping your back against one. Simotaniously, he bumped into someone’s cart in back of him, he muttered an awkward apology as he hurried along with his cart—he couldn’t let anyone else see this…thing.
He rushed over, taking a sharp turn and away from everyone doing their jobs.
When he stopped, he leaned over his cart to take a good look at you.
“Okay…what! What are you?” He whispered yelled, honestly feeling a bit defensive. You couldn’t blame him, he’s never seen a species like you. Sure, you were smaller. You were about the size of his leg..definitely shorter.
“I uh..I could ask the same thing…” you nervously said.
When you two first met you were very cautious of eachother. You were both scared. I think it took him a while to realize you were from a wholeee different planet. You were a space explorer? That’s cool! He’s definitely going to ask you about cybertrons surface, even though you insist you only saw it for a couple minutes before being kidnapped by a train.
He becomes so interested in you. Eventually, you OF COURSE get introduced to Orion. He had the same reaction, but was equally as intrigued. We all know how much he loves history and learning, they’re both gonna ask so many questions. They do everything to keep you hidden away from other bots, ESPECIALLY DarkWing. Orion has never seen D-16 as enthusiastic about someone as he is about you. (Maybe except for Megatronious)
The three of you are almost always together, but you definitely spend more time with D. Instead of getting rest after a long day in the mines, he takes you around with you sitting atop his shoulder—just talking. Whenever he hears a bot approaching, he quickly snatches you off and holds you behind his back. Definitely not obvious.
Rest in piece to privacy, because you both have NONE! We saw how none of the miners have individual sleeping areas. You have to constantly sneak away—usually it’s places where Orion has taken him. Imagine being taken to their special places :((
You spend longer than you thought on Cybertron, it’s not like you had a choice. Your pod was left on the surface and most definitely scrapped for materials. No one knows who or what and where the mysterious person from the pod is. Lucky you
It’s only logical you begin to fall for D-16. He’s oddly charming, funny, dedicated, and caring. You spend all your time together. He introduced you to his best friend. He tells you about all his plans. Plus, it’s always exciting to go on little trips together, potentially risking getting caught. These trips eventually turn into dates btw
He has definitely called you cute and pet your head with one digit. Yeah that kinda did it, even though he meant it as a tease
You know that scene where the two went racing? They were in first place, they’re exhausted and D got hit. Despite this he grins, looking back at the cameras which he knows are streaming the race. He knows you’re watching all the way from that green light.
“This is for Y/—!!“ he begins, only to be interrupted when a jet zooms past them, knocking them both over and sending them flying. Idiots <3
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unluckiestmember · 9 months ago
can I request headcanons of x-men 97 team x reader who is an absolute sweatheart and is just the cutest thing to exist.
Coming right up!
X-Men '97 X Sweetheart! Reader
Characters: Nathan Summers/Cable, Scott Summers/Cyclops, Remy LeBeau/Gambit, Jean Gray, Jubilee, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Morph, Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler, Rogue and Logan/Wolverine.
Warning: Mild Cursing, but overall SFW.
A/N: Can I please get someone to remind me to actually post when I'm supposed to? Anyone? XD
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“Time to get to work, keep up!… You want me to carry you? Heh, say less.”
Oh Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. He tries his best to be as tough and straight to business like his old man. Always a man to try and change the future and fight for the people with a straight face. But as soon as you’re around him, your sunshine energy radiates onto him. You make the freedom fighter have a need to impress you on the field when he’s not showering you in love outside of missions.
What really drew you to him was just how careful you were with his body. How you complimented his eye and stroked his robotic arm with so much care. It has made him really adore the end of the days where particular expeditions took a lot of energy out of you two, resulting in cuddles and sweet nothings. He never understood the whole concept of loving someone like his dad loved his mom, but after meeting you, he finally understood what they had was sacred. What you two had was sacred. Nathan has lost a lot in his life, but he’ll be damned if he loses you.
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“Are you alright?! You’re not hurt, are you? I’m not overexaggerating- I’m worrying the right amount!”
Scott can be a pain in the neck during missions. He’s always one to bark out orders and keep a level head on missions as the leader of the X-Men. And if there’s one order that’s always on the top of his list, it’s making sure you are safe. He’s by all means not an overprotective or possessive lover, but he makes it a daily part of his life to always check on his beloved. Whenever you are just being yourself, you can find him staring at you, taking in your cute energy and reciprocating it with his own cute antics like kissing your cheek or giving you gifts when you least expect it.
Are the team a bit jealous of you having Scott’s favoritism? A bit. But hey, they’d rather someone like you have the best of Scott than the worst. Even if that also includes his defensive nature of you along with his jealous antics. He means well. You know it, sometimes you just have to remind him. Whether it be with a simple talk or a passionate kiss. Face it, you keep the leader of the X-Men grounded.
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“Ah, just the person I was looking for. Is it just me or are you getting more breathtaking every day, mon cher?"
When it comes to you, Remy is bound to flirt twenty four seven just to see that nice shade of pink color on your cute little cheeks. And if he cant succeed in that, he’s bound to have you smitten with his physical hold of your waist or his sincere compliments. He’s quite a charmer, anyone knows that, but with you, he adds another flare to himself; A sweet lover.
Gambit will always make it abundantly clear that you are the cutest person he’s ever met and how he can wager the perfect future with you by his side. Expect this man to shower you with surprise trips away from the mansion, a fresh breakfast almost everyday and a little card show if you are ever upset, because if there’s one thing he hates more than anything, it’s you being upset. You are the only one that can make Gambit so emotional because he just loves you so so much. And if you ever forget, he doesn’t mind reminding his raison de vivre.”
Jean Gray
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“I wish you could see what was in my mind… Maybe then you’d realize how much you mean to me, my love.”
When it comes to Jean, you’ve basically hit the jackpot on one of the most open and loving girlfriends you could ever ask for. You aren’t just a sweetheart, you are her sweetheart. She always touches you like a porcelain doll, staring into your eyes with so much affection of her own and giggling whenever you hug or hold her, prompting her to hold you or hug you back just as tightly. On missions, she is in the zone, but as soon as they are over, she’s heading straight to you to check if you are injured. And if you’re not? Expect this woman to shower you in so many compliments and love that you might just drown from the cuteness.
Jean isn’t just your protector, but also your best friend, always free to try anything you want to try and do what you want to do.Dare she say, you might be the love of her life. Screw being lovers, she wants to be a married couple. But as much as that gets her excited, she’ll take her time for you, because she knows whether it takes her whole life or a single day, she doesn’t mind waiting for the fateful day.
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“That was awesome! Did you see me out there- Did you?! Let me let you in on a secret; That last one was for you~!”
Because of how young she is and her lack of a love life, Jubilee is still pretty new to the whole dating and falling in love thing. But when she met you, she knew she was bound to fall in love with someone so positive and full of life. An embodiment of a firework if she said so herself. She always drags you around town with her to hangout at arcades or spend time in the mall grabbing lunch and doing cute couple things.
She cares about you enough to ask other X-Men members advice on how to treat you or show you how much you mean to her. It honestly impresses and shocks the team how this troublemaker tries her best to make you feel like the luckiest person in the world dating her. If she’s not showing her love for you through domestic activities, then look outside your window at night. You are bound to find Jubilee sending you love with her fireworks bound to make you giggle and smile. Which is always delightful because when you are filled with so much happiness, so is she.
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“What we have is stronger than any magnetic pull I’m capable of. It’s terrifying. But also magnificent.”
If you ever wanted to be treated like royalty, Magneto is the man for you. Erik treats you like you are a precious flower that could be destroyed by the mutant hating world around you. Because of this, he is so careful with you, yet not overbearing. If you want to hang out outside or simply hang out with him, he doesn’t mind as long as no one looks at you the wrong way or touches you with ill intent. Because if they do?… Let’s just say Magneto can do a lot with his powers.
When he’s not making sure you’re safe, he is awestruck at your innocence and your positive outlook on life. At first, he actually found your vision of the world to be immature, untrue and above all stupid. But the more he’s spent time with you, you’ve seem to have melted his cold heart a bit. Does he still think humanity is the scum of the Earth and nothing can change? Yes. But with you by his side, showing him what love, understanding and acceptance can be, maybe, just maybe, he can see where you’re coming from.
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“Why the long face, babe? I can do a mean Magneto impression that’s sure to make you smile… Haha! There’s my love!”
Around people, Morph treats you almost like one of the guys, in a figurative sense. They don't treat you any differently from the rest of his friends and family within the team. But behind closed doors or when you two are alone, all bets are off. They are melting at your sweet nature and so quick to try to make you laugh, smile or get physical with them. Man, do they love when you get physical with him- They adore it!
But what they really loves is how caring and protecting of them you are. They've told you about their past, their run in with Mister Sinister and their time away from the team. And no matter how many nightmares or moments of body dysmorphia he experiences, they love how you are always there to pick up their loose pieces and put them back together with your gentle touch and gentler words. Because of this, they're always there to return the favor and comfort you as well when you are at your lowest. You are their best friend sorry Logan and their beloved and they wouldn’t want it any other way.
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“Liebe meines Lebens. You never cease to take my breath away.”
Kurt is a pretty romantic person, especially when it comes to you. He showers you endlessly in love, rubbing his nose against yours, showering your face in kisses and becoming putty when you hold him, even if it’s just by his arm! He cherishes moments where the both of you hang out, especially by gardens where he makes cute flower crowns with you. Though just any moments with you are the highlight of his day. On missions, you two synergize perfectly well with the blue mutant complimenting you on your moves and takedowns of foes.
Kurt is an expert at physical touch for a love language, but he’s just as amazing with his words, especially with the nicknames he’s given you. He’ll make sure everyone knows that you are his Schatz, Herz, bessere Hälfte, and of course, Liebe meines Lebens. To you, he’s a lot like a little puppy; Full of energy and always waiting for your attention and affection given to him. The team thinks you two are cute even if they find it a bit annoying that Nightcrawler is always teleporting you two all over the place. It’s not too bad though since the sound of your mixing laughter is enough to make everyone’s hearts soar happily.
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“Hey, Sugar! I missed you so much today! Now come here, I at least want a hug!”
Rogue is super careful of you. You are just too precious to her and she doesn’t want to hurt or break you with her powers. So she makes sure you both have ways of showing one another how much you love each other, especially herself. Outside of soft hugs, she tries her best to give you a hand covered kiss. Though she can be super cheesy and exchange indirect kisses with rocks, feed you while chuckling at how adorably you stare at her like she hung the stars above. She’ll even have you both set up for dinner plans and fly you around in the sky if you ever want to destress from work as a X-Man.
You both have a cute relationship, even if there are moments where Rogue wonders if she deserves you or if she will ever be enough for you due to her destructive powers and the possibility she will never be able to touch you. These revelations have led to emotional nights, but the promise you make to touch her and make her the happiest woman in the world always makes Rogue realize that she is beyond lucky to have you. You make her want to find a way to touch you no matter what. And mark her words, she will.
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“Woah, little pup. I was just gone for a few hours, you act like I went to war or something! Aw, screw it, come here.”
Logan has fallen in love with many men and women during his years of living. But damn has he never met anyone quite like you! When he met you, he thought your whole sweetheart shtick was fake, no offense. He thought it was some trick used to get people to lower their guards around you so you can get the upper hand on them. But when he found out you really were the sweet soul everyone hyped you up to be, he slowly but surely fell for you. He fell for how you spoke to him with such understanding and patience. The way you touched him was with the utmost care when you took care of him and helped him clean blood from your adventures with him that got out of hand.
Logan fights for many people, but for you he will kill anyone that hurts you or makes you cry. Your smile lights up his whole life, your laugh pushes him to be stronger to preserve it and your touch makes him feel alive in a world that always knocks him down. If it’s not the X-Men, Wolverine usually fights for himself and only himself. But now that he has you to lose, he fights for the both of you and a future where you both can live a peaceful life you’re both proud of.
If you got any requests for X-Men '97, Blue Eye Samurai, and or Arcane, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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factual-fantasy · 9 days ago
27 Asks! Thanks y'all! :}}} 🦅
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AAAA Thank you so much! :DD I plan to experiment for now but will tackle some SERIOUS redesigning once I've finished the show.. If I ever get that far <XD
Now for Sea Spray, I had completely forgotten about him! <:0 I will DEFINITELY find a way to bring him back, Same for Starscreams brothers! I knew they existed in other medias and kind's wondered why they weren't in prime..
Since Starscream never mentioned them I guess I thought they just weren't written into the show.. but now that I know I have GOT to bring them back! >:))
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(My latest transformers post) (Or were they referring to this one..?)
Currently I'm on episode 10, but I hope to watch the next 3 episodes either tonight or tomorrow night. :0
I cant remember much of what's to come,, so I guess up to this point my favorite has to be the Scraplet episode.
Althoughhhhh I remember an episode where Bulkhead was holding up this cave ceiling and Miko was running out of air below. I can imagine that episode is full of angst and will probably be my new favorite once I get to it <XDD
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The only Ironhide I'm familiar with is the one from the Bayverse movies :0 I always wondered why they changed him from red to black in the movie when a red version of his alt mode exists...
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Friendship is my favorite kind of ship!
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I'm doing a bit better today. I slept the whole day away and my symptoms lightened up a noticeable amount :))
Also thank you so much!! :DDDD
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I have already made like 20 transformer OCs with varying alt modes, but if I were to make one more? It would probably be an old rusty mercury woody station wagon with the nickname "Monty" for no particular reason
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I can confidently say without a doubt that out of ALLL the fandoms I've ever been in, Transformers characters have been the absolute hardest to draw. And they still are to this day! <XDD
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(Referencing this post)
Noooooo don't break any glass you'll make my headache worseee 😩
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Thank you so much!! :DDDD
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I don't now how he got under there but this man has been positively squished 💀
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(Referencing this post)
My pieces will probably just evaporate and I'll regenerate more, I'm to lazy to go and collect all that goop <XDD
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Honestly? The bots being old and tacky cars would help them blend in soooo much better then being these fancy sports cars that are strangely COVERED in dents, scratches and dirt.
Which is why I'm giving everyone a new alt mode and redesigning their root mode to match
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I cant guarantee I'll eat that much, but I DID get a lot of sleep! :) Just like the bumney.. 💞💞
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Thank you so much! And a happy belated Valentines day to you as well! :)))
And while I cant eat soup or chocolate- take comfort in knowing that I slept the whole day away and knocked out like 30% of my cold symptoms XDDD
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I feel powerful..... 💪🍎
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AWW!! :DD Thank you so much!! 🥰🥰 Er- wait- *You're welcome so much!! :DDD Wait that's also not right either-
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I don't think they would ever pluck his bones off and go play with them, but Jangles has absolutely popped his hand off and thrown it at someone when they say "Hey can you gimme a hand with this?" XDD Which would give Cici the opportunity to steal the hand and run away with it XDDDDD
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I can see Fazbear Entertainment having to make some kind of parody song or at least change up a lot of the words to make it kid friendly <XD
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Oooooo that's a good question....
Uhhh....... well? That miiiight be Optimus Prime for me. I really like how the glass parts of the car (like the windshield on his chest) are visible instead of just disappearing into his body. Its a nice touch for some reason-
I also like his retractable mask and how his upper body is red but his head and legs are blue. Its just a fun change in the coloring style that most of the other bots have :)
One of my favorite parts of Primes design has to be the exhaust pipes coming out of his back and poking out over his shoulders. I don't think I've drawn it myself yet- but I LOOOVE the fanart those pipes inspired of an angry Optimus prime with thick smoke billowing out of the pipes. Such a cool scene and I wish his pipes smoked like that in the show 😭��
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I've been thinking a lot about Ko-fi.. it might be the best option of I cant get commissions to work <:(
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I know that there or other shows that are connected to TFP.. I just don't know which ones <:( I think one is Rescue Bots....? Or no- was it robots in disguise..?
And yeah, that sounds about right for Shockwave <XDDD
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Yeah that's what I had in mind at first. Someone just sends 5 bucks for me to doodle something for them. They're not paying me for the rights to USE it, they're just paying me to create it. Does that make sense..? <:0
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I haven't played it in a few days, but I thiiiink I left off on Neptune..? I don't think I've made it very far in the story yet <:/
So far my favorite quest has been the vent kids K-Drive quest! :D I haven't completed it yet but its fun to blast around on the board and try to land various tricks XDD
Also I didn't catch any kind of stream, did I miss some important info? <:0
A guitar hero warframe is coming out?? :0 That sounds kind'a nuts-
And lastly- I hope you have fun with Valkyr! :)) She has quickly become on of my top favorite frames 😾
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1: Bill Cipher because I hate him and also I can easily see myself grabbing him by his feet and absolutely flinging him XD
2: Gerald because he is immune to fall damage and it would be very funny
3: Sky: Children of the light crabs
4: All the players in sky that have suddenly become extremely rude and inconsiderate during the season of Radiance are very yeetable
5: Starscream from Transformers Prime
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(Link in ask)
They'd have to censor a lot of the adult words like "drunken" when they sing it around Red XDD
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I've heard of Rescue Bots but never dove into it.. maybe sometime I'll try it out :0 Thank you! :)
Also- Happy belated Valentines day!! :DDD
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year ago
run away with me
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Pairing: Nor/Sarentu!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, fluff, angst, mentions of brainwashing and residential school trauma
Taglist: @mooniequeen
A/N: No one has requested me to write for AFoP so I decided to take matters into my own hands *cracks knuckles* Let's get to work.
This is basically my rendition of the cutscene you see when playing the game, after the title card. I made it lean more toward the angsty, romance play that we were robbed of when the game finally came out XD Enjoy!
Part 2
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When So'lek told you that Nor had left Resistance HQ to have some time to think, you knew you needed to seek him out.
Using your new abilities and talents to track him down, it didn't shock you when you found Nor on one of the highest cliffs near the base of their new home. You remember he made a comment earlier about how there were more colors on Pandora than he remembered and how he had no names for them. You suspected he'd be all the way out here, admiring those colors and maybe trying to invent new names for them.
He didn't react when you approached the small fire he made, likely expecting you to come find him. He turned to face you with lowered ears and a forlorn look in his eyes, "What must our ancestors think of us? Do you think they pity us? Sad to see what we've become?"
"We're still Sarentu."
"Teylan barely speaks our tongue, but then... he always preferred human words."
"Alma says we all need time to adjust."
"Alma is not Na'vi." He growled lowly, turning away to kneel down in front of the fire.
You weren't deterred by his attitude, knowing Nor better than you sometimes knew yourself. He felt things stronger than most. He was passionate about what or how he felt and he wasn't afraid to admit it, hence why he didn't shy away when he proudly proclaimed his feelings toward you. It was years ago now, just the night before Alma snuck you and your friends into cryosleep to wait out the war. All that time you could've been with Nor... lost to cryosleep.
Nor felt the same loss as well, and that is why he wasn't wasting any more time. When neither of you are out on missions, you're with each other, safe at HQ, making up for lost time. Your relationship is technically still new and can easily be chalked up to young love, but Nor didn't see it that way. He claimed that was the way only Sky People saw it, but not the Na'vi. He wanted to do this right, and in his mind, the only right way was the Na'vi way.
So he asked So'lek for advice, on standard Na'vi customs and what the older man might know about the Sarentu ways to court someone. Nor was determined and straightforward about what he wanted to make sure you only got the best treatment. The Na'vi treatment, something that you deserved to have when you were younger but it was taken from you.
That's what you loved about him, growing up beside him. He reminded you so much of your sister at times with their shared determination as kids, though you refused to continue making that comparison after she died... afraid that if Nor acted too much like Aha'ri, then he would die just like her. You couldn't bear to lose him, too, not after everything Mercer and TAP have done to you.
Even now, as you two stood on top of that cliff, you were afraid of losing him, either to death or to life, should life and fate decide to tear you two apart. You wished you could vocalize your fear to him, but you were never as brave or as straightforward as Nor. You were grateful he had approached you about his feelings first, or else neither of you would've ever known.
Although you were not one with words, you were one with actions, and even Nor knew that you communicated with deeds.
Walking up to him, you slide your hand over his shoulder, and while he doesn't say a word, trapped with the demons in his head, he places his own hand on top of yours, a gesture of gratitude. He was thankful for your comfort, knowing that your way of communicating stems from being touch-starved and you would rather voice your thoughts through your actions instead of just saying them because, to you, that means so much more.
You keep your hand on his shoulder, the warmth of his palm bleeding into your skin while you look up and over the cliffside, admiring the scenery with a sad tone in your voice, "Why did the RDA come back?"
"They wanted more of Pandora," he responds with defeat, "They always do."
"Then we'll need to fight," you express with determination, squeezing his shoulder, "Aha'ri would have wanted us to fight."
You try to pull away, but Nor is suddenly too fast. He grasps your hand, gently, and you pause in your movement. He stands to his full height to gaze into your eyes, trying to relay what he's thinking without saying a word. But he wasn't like you. He wasn't good at sharing his thoughts through actions. He was better at it by talking, so that is what he did.
"Or we could run," he suggests and is quick to continue when the expression on your face falls, "Leave this place. Find somewhere else to call home."
"We've talked about this, Nor," you sigh tiredly, recalling not long ago when you, him, Ri'nela and Teylan were all sitting around a fire as Nor suggested they could all run away together. You express the same thing you said back then, too, "Alma brought us here for a reason. She believes in us."
He snarls, though there isn't much heat behind it, "Alma just wants to control us."
Not even you believed what he was saying, lowering your voice to a comforting whisper, "Alma is not Mercer. She actually cares about us as People."
"She left us."
"She thought we were gone."
He steps closer until he's nearly pressed against your chest, his hands sliding up to gently grasp both sides of your face, entwined in your hair. His voice wavered, desperate eyes staring back into yours, "If it were me instead of her, I would've clawed through the rubble of TAP, and I would've looked forever. Un... until I knew for sure if I lost you or not."
You wanted to be touched by the statement, your heart fluttering in your chest while Nor could no doubt feel your heartbeat, pumping through his hands as they rested near both sides of your neck. You shake your head slightly, "That is different. What Alma feels for us is not the same as... as what you feel for me. For all of us."
He shivered, almost proud that you managed to admit your confidence in his feelings toward you. He leans his forehead against yours, breathing in the same air as you while he matches the intimate moment with a whisper, "Exactly. I can't trust Alma with my family. I can only trust myself or you to take care of the four of us, to ensure we stick together."
You wet your lips when they felt dry, deciding to play into his dream for a little bit, "Suppose we did run away... where would we go?"
'Wherever we want! All of us,' he wanted to say the same thing he told Teylan down by the campfire, but he says it differently with you, "Anywhere, far away from here."
"Just the four of us?"
"The four of us," he confirms with a nod, thinking that he had you convinced, "We'll start our own clan. We'll renew the Sarentu."
"And what will happen when the war eventually finds us?"
Your question drives Nor to freeze, and so you continue, "Either Mercer, RDA, or TAP, it won't matter. They'll find us. You know they will."
He unfroze finally, huffing with determination, "Then we will fight."
"But if we fight now, and we win, then we can leave and we will never have to worry about the Sky People again," your hands moved until they were wrapped around Nor's waist, a bold move to match his own, his fingers still wrapped up in the hair on the back of your neck,
"We would never have to keep running or look over our shoulders ever again," you continue, "If we can end this sooner than later, I will go with you. I'll go wherever you want. But... But I can't leave now knowing what the Sky People are capable of. I can't leave knowing that there would be another child out there whose clan was wiped out and I wasn't brave enough to stop it from happening. I would never forgive myself."
Your words stun him into silence, and the intensity of his gaze causes you to feel shy and embarrassed, lowering your head to avoid him until his hands pause your movement. He gently uses his thumbs to push your chin to tilt back up, and when your eyes meet, he pauses for a moment, his intense eyes scanning your expression before his lips twitch up into a small, fond smile, "Heh."
"What?" You tilt your head, hesitant but smiling as well.
"Nothing. It's just... Aha'ri would be proud of you."
He says it so confidently that you know you believe him, and his words make your heart swell with pride and grief, missing your sister. Nor leans back and digs in the pocket of his pants, "I have something for you."
"What is it?"
He provides a carved stone, bearing the mark you both have on your face to signify your long-lost clan, "It's something to remind you of me, whenever you leave HQ and I cannot follow you. It's also a promise."
"What promise?"
"That if I ever leave, it will only be when you are ready to come with me," he leans back into your space, pressing your foreheads together once more as he closes his eyes, taking in your scent, "This time, my love, I go wherever you go."
You clutch the stone in your hand, wanting the carved mark to brand into your skin as you close your eyes as well. You already plan to tie Nor's stone into the songcord So'lek had given you, and you hope that in time, the songcord will grow, and there will be many more milestones to signify. Milestones that you hope that Nor and your friends will share with you, as Sarentu and as your family.
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primalsouls · 11 months ago
Nilotpala Lotus
tighnari x m! reader
moon, tell me if i could
send off my heart to you
theme: general, fluff
warning: a teeny tiny mention of nipple piercing, allergic reactions, 1.5k word count, little ooc Tighnari(?)
summary: Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei decided to go on a walk and patrol the Avidya Forest for a couple of hours, but before an hour can even be completed, they were met with a loud shierk.
notes: I've been thinking about tighnari a lot lately and wanted to write something that kept coming to mind, haha. im also writing pt. 3 of Inner Visions, but the motivation comes and goes every three to five business days. currently has over 350 words that fic lol. please, someone talk to me about Tighnari (╥﹏╥) i need more of him 😔 also meant to make this short under 1.5k words, but i guess i dont know my own limits. xD comments & reblogs are appreciated!
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Tighnari, Collei, and Cyno were out on a walk when they came across a loud shriek. Tighnari flinched and covered his ears right away, wincing at the loudness. Cyno and Collei looked around before another yell was heard. The trio quickly picked up their pace and headed in the direction of the sound. As they got near, the fennec fox was able to pick up more than one voice. Panic filled in them. Cyno took the lead, his polearm already in hand. Tighnari followed behind, keeping a close watch on Collei next to him.
“—should we do!? Is he gonna die!?” The high-pitched voice sounded familiar to Tighnari. Shrill and panicked. So loud, it made the dendro user flattened his long ears against his head. When the trio reached the area where the voices were heard, Cyno held a hand up to stop on their tracks, his grip on his polearm tightened to be ready to use. He was the first one to walk closer with cautious steps.
“He's gonna pass out, compadre! He's burning up!” Now there was an unfamiliar voice. The electro user peeked over the large tree that stood between them and the owners of the previous voices. A small flash of shock crossed his features and turned to look back at his two friends.
“It's the traveler and Paimon with two unfamiliar faces.” Cyno reported. When he confirmed their identities, the trio walked around the tree and up to the small group. Tighnari looked at the sight.
As Cyno mentioned, Paimon floated beside Aether, her small hands covering her face as she floated back and forth with a scared look. Aether was crouched next to an unknown face. He wore a concerned expression on his face, trying to keep a calm demeanor as he kept a hand on the back of the first stranger. Beside them was a white haired, tall man with red markings and horns sticking out on the front of his head. He also wore a panicked look. Between Aether and the other fellow was a (hair color) male who looked fatigued and had reddened skin, almost looking like he had a fever. His eyes were casted down on the ground and his breathing sounded irregular.
“Aether, what's going on?” Cyno broke the tensed air around the group. Aether and Paimon looked over and relief washed over their faces. The traveler stood up after making sure the other man was sitting comfortably against a log before he walked over to Cyno with Paimon. “Is he alright?”
“No, he's not! (Name) suddenly felt sick!” Paimon exclaimed, a pout on her small face. Aether gave a small smile before telling the floating child not to exaggerate the situation. “We were just coming from Liyue and were taking a small break. Aether and (Name) stayed in this camp of ours to make snacks while Bull-chucker Itto and I went out and gathered some wood for the fire.” Paimon explained after calming down. Cyno glanced at the two Paimon was referring to, nodding his head for the story to continue. Tighnari stepped closer to the fatigued male Paimon called (Name), but kept his distance. He only studied to see what was wrong with him, a small frown on his face.
The man certainly had reddened skins around the nape of his neck and forearms. His face was flushed like he had a fever and his eyes looked exhausted. Their (color) eyes glanced up at him. Tighnari let out an apology as he stepped back again.
“(Name) was fine with me. Paimon and Itto here came back with wood and a couple of the Nilotpala Lotus.” Aether continued, pointing down at the small pile of wood beside the log his friend rested against. The two Nilotpala Lotus he mentioned were scattered away from (Name), as if someone dropped them without a care. Tighnari turned his attention to the two lotuses with a tilt of his head, his hand taking hold of his chin as he put himself in thought. “Then out of nowhere, (Name) said he felt terrible and almost faint on us. He started to get red on his arms and said he was having a hard time breathing.”
“Paimon thought he was gonna die!” Paimon said, floating next to (Name).
“C'mon, Flying Lavender Melon, (Name) is too strong to die!” Itto said, a frown on his face. Paimon nodded in agreement, a look of determination on her own face. Aether shook his head as he let out a sigh.
“He might have an allergic reaction to the Nilotpala Lotus.” Tighnari broke their conversation. Their eyes turned on him. Paimon and Itto glanced at each other in shock. “He has shortness of breath, an itching rash, and a fever.” The forest watcher leaned a bit over (Name) as his eyes squinted. “And hives. His eyes are also watery. Have you been sneezing?” He asked, crouching next to (Name). He nodded, his lips parted slightly as he took swallow breaths. “We have to take him back to the Gandharva Ville. I could prepare him a quick relief cream for the rash and hives.” Tighnari stood up, crossing his arms over his chest. “This must be your first time in Sumeru, if I'm guessing. You never came in contact with Nilotpala Lotus before, so he must not know he was allergic to it. Who gave you the lotuses?’ The watcher tilted his head before turning his attention to Paimon and Itto, both wearing a guilty look.
“Paimon swears we didn't know! We just found the lotuses pretty and decided to give it to (Name) because he said he had never seen a Nilotpala Lotus.” Paimon explained quickly as Itto nodded along.
“Yeah, if we knew that our amigo was allergic to the flower, we wouldn't have given it to him!” The oni added in, his hands held up in defense. Tighnari sighed as he shook his head.
“Just help bring him in. When we get to the ville, you can take him to my room. C'mon, let's go.” With the help of Cyno and Itto, (Name) stood up. His legs almost gave out but Itto held him close. Aether reassured the others he would catch up with Collei, who decided to help stay behind to clean around the camp with Paimon.
The trip back to the ville wasn't too long, luckily they weren't too far off. Cyno and Itto helped (Name) lay on Tighnari's bed. The forest watcher busied himself in his corner preparing the cream. Thankfully the cryo user wasn't deadly allergic to the lotus. When the cream was ready, Tighnari knocked before he walked in. (Name) laid on his side. “I've brought the cream. Should help relieve some of the itchiness and hives, reducing the rash as well. I've also prepared medicine to help lower down your fever and a gel to apply on your chest and back so you can breathe with no trouble.” Tighnari placed the small bowls and bottle on the nightstand next to his bed. He turned to the other man who carefully sat up with a pained groan. “Here, let me help you apply them, if it's fine with you of course.”
Once given the go to, the long eared fox removed his gloves. He helped the guy remove his shirt, taken a bit back when he was met with a tattooed back of two vicious tigers in red lining. Tighnari cleared his throat and picked up the cream, scooping a bit up with a few fingers. He gently rubs the cream on the reddened part of the skin, watching (Name) let out a satisfying sigh. He could tell the (hair color) man closed his eyes and leaned into his touch. Tighnari continued to apply the cream on the nape of his neck behind. With the cream applied, he cleaned his hand with a wet rug he had brought with himself and took the other bowl, this time the gel. Like the cream, he scooped the gel and massaged it on the back of (Name). The feverish man turned when asked to let the watchleader place the gel on his chest. Once again, he was taken back, this time by the sight of scars and pierced buds. Tighnari tried not to let his stunned look linger as he finished off with the gel, cleaning his hands once more.
Clearing his throat, Tighnari stood up from the bed and looked away from (Name), placing the bowls on the nightstand. “Um, you c-can go ahead and drink a spoonful of the last medicine.” The fox-hybrid was surprised with his stuttered words. What was going on? “After that, you should rest. I'll, uh, I'll bring you dinner when it's ready.” Without a second word spared, Tighnari left his own area. (Name) blinked, thinking nothing wrong about the forest watcher's behavior. Taking his advice, he laid back down on his side and took a nice deep breath for once, smiling a little as breathing became easier to do again. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. Now, it was time for the night to fall upon them all.
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citrus-writing · 6 months ago
Hi!! I’ve got some thoughts about yandere!Neon x nen-user + bodyguard!Y/N that I wanna share with you
It all started with something like: "She’s pretty, I want her to be my bodyguard!" Yeah, she liked Y/N just as a "decoration" that’d look good next to her.
Later, she wanted Y/N to be her friend. Moreover, it was important for her that it was Y/N who first suggested that she go beyond the relationship of “bodyguard and boss”.
Neon is spoiled by her father. She gets everything she wants, so maybe she’d think that Y/N's favor can be bought with expensive gifts. Her first gift was new clothes, because according to her, Y/N's old clothes didn't fit her at all! One of Neon’s last gifts was a ring with beautiful pink gemstone (Neon’s got the same, but with gemstone of Y/N’s eye color).
After some time, her sympathy grew into an obsession and a desire to be the only one who owns Y/N's heart and mind. Neon's father burdened Y/N with more and more responsibilities, which led to Y/N starting to feel like a maid(wife) rather than a bodyguard.
At this point, it's too late to try to get rid of Neon. Now she will never let go of her beloved Y/N!
If Y/N already have got a lover, Neon’ll ask her father to kill them.
Also, I think Neon is romantic. I'm 100% sure that if she falls in love, she'll be like Illumi in some way—it'll be important to Neon that Y/N acts according to her vanilla fantasies. However, the punishments for long-term "disobedience" will be her tantrums and scandals. (Also Neon's wishes are much more obvious than Illumi's XD).
I’m sorry for mistakes, eng isn’t my first language and I was a little nervous while writing this
Thank you so much for sending this in, it was a joy to read! I was so inspired I had to sit down and write something out immediately before my thoughts got away. Please don't be nervous to send me things! 
You’re 100% right about neon, her spoiled and bratty nature makes her a doting and controlling yandere who needs constant attention from her beloved darling.
 I may actually write some more stuff for yandere neon, because I think she’s perfect for it. 
I’ve always loved the idea of neon falling for someone who works for her, either as a bodyguard or a maid, it feels natural that someone like neon- who is always surrounded by people she could be considered above- would fall for someone who works for her and who is paid to put up with her. Because she has so few friends, or even people who care about her, I can imagine her getting attached fairly easily. 
Afterall, you’re a breath of fresh air to her, as you're likely not involved in crime or the mafia, and you're brand new to her life. She sees you as somewhat innocent, not unlike herself, and she wants to protect you, no matter how strong or capable you are. To neon, you're a kind person, and people like that need to be protected and looked after. 
I imagine working for neon would be draining; she totes you around like your her newest handbag, showing you off to anyone who will listen, eagerly dressing you up in outfits to match hers, eagerly buying you gifts, even when you say you don't want them. She insists you be with her constantly, throwing tantrums if you try to take days off. 
Her presence is suffocating- but some part of you still feels bad for her. Neon is a girl who is treated like an object by everyone around her, and because of that, you feel sympathy for her. Sure, she’s spoiled and bratty, but deep down she’s a nice girl with a big heart- you’ve seen firsthand how loving she can be towards those she cares about-- even though you haven't seen the half of it yet. 
Despite neon being your boss, it’s possible you may actually start to see her as a friend- even with her obsessive tendencies, neon can be very sweet and endearing, and it’s possible she may win you over by being friendly with you. She buys you gifts, expensive things she knows will impress you, but you're more impressed with how she always seems to know what sort of thing you’d like- it’s like she knows you better than you know yourself. It’d be creepy if the gesture wasn't so kind. 
The ring neon gets for you is beautiful- pink gemstones that glitter in the light, but you feel you can't accept it, afterall, this must have been expensive, and it was more so the kind of thing you would buy a lover than a friend. But neon insists it’s fine, that she bought it just for you and she wants you to have it. How can you say no? It takes a couple days before you notice she wears a matching ring on her hand as well. 
Neon is a lot like illumi, in several ways. 
First, they’re home lives are a little bit similar- both coming from families involved in crime, both possessing nen abilities, and both being rather wealthy. 
Another way they’re similar is the desire to make you a part of their family- both neon and illumi would desperately want you to like and get along with their families. They both share a fixation on the idea of marriage, neon’s gifts of matching rings is the first hint that she desires to be your wife. 
Neon craves a domestic life with you, one where you can truly love her as she’s come to love you, one where your days are filled with nothing but each other, as are your nights. She wants to spoil you and dote on you, and any refusal of her wishes is met with tantrums and fits. 
So just play along with her, it’s easier that way, and deep down, you know that. 
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novelmonger · 29 days ago
Continuing with the Production/Post-Production audio commentary for TTT, with Barrie Osbourne (producer), Mark Ordesky (executive producer), Andrew Lesnie (director of photography), Mike Horton (editor), Jabez Olssen (additional editor), Rick Porras (co-producer), Howard Shore (composer), and Jim Rygiel (visual effects supervisor). Here are my notes for things that were new to me:
There's actually very little CG involved in the transition from the aerial shot of the mountains in that first scene to the inside of Moria with the Balrog. The mountains were obviously shot from a helicopter, and then they built a little tunnel set that they moved the camera through, and then they just slapped them together so it would look like you're basically going through a crack in the rock to get to the cavern where the scene is happening.
Originally, Sam's knot in the Elven rope untying was going to be a CG shot, but someone on set on the day figured out how to tie the right kind of knot that they could just pull apart like that and make it look believable.
Okay, this is why I love what Howard Shore did with the soundtrack so much. When talking about coming up with Gollum's theme, he said he wanted to take an instrument that's used in the Shire music and incorporate it into Gollum's music, because Gollum was once something like a Hobbit. He ended up choosing the hammered dulcimer, because it has a very tremolo quality to it that seemed to fit Gollum's character. But there's still an echo of what he once was.
In that beautiful shot going up Barad-dur, they shot this huge miniature they'd made that was 166th scale and stood almost 7 meters tall. Even though it was so huge, they had to get the camera very close to capture the detail; it was never more than three or four inches away from the surface. The main challenge was keeping the lighting consistent, because you'll notice the camera moves almost 180 degrees around the tower. So they actually had to move the light source with the camera as they twisted around the tower.
The Wild Men are played by a biker gang! XD
It was a little confusing how this was said, but I think this is what he means: Almost all of the dialogue in these movies was rerecorded, because the nature of the action going on or the conditions of the location or having to speak through prosthetics and whatnot made the dialogue recorded on the day unusable. The only characters they never bothered recording ADR for were the mother who sends her children to Edoras on the horse, and the girl. The conditions that day were good enough, and the girl's performance was so good on the day, they knew they would never be able to recreate it in a recording booth, so they used what they recorded on the day. But everybody else had to rerecord lines. That doesn't mean all the dialogue you hear is necessarily ADR, but something like 85% of it is. I think they did a really good job of not making it sound like it's all recorded in a booth!
Something you sort of unconsciously notice but maybe don't consciously think about it is how the lighting in Edoras reflects Theoden's mental state. In the beginning, when he's completely under Saruman's control and is on the verge of an unnatural death, the hall is kept very dark, and the colors are all muted, with lots of yellowish and greenish tints to make you feel slightly sick. But then once Gandalf comes and releases him from Saruman's control, there's much more light and vibrant color in the hall.
Three of the times Viggo kicked the infamous helmet, it hit Andrew Lesnie's leg XD He says he winced every time it went past, and it's a wonder he didn't jiggle the camera when it happened.
They mentioned it's really difficult to get a horse to stomp on top of a camera underneath plexiglass. You can train them to do it for days, and it's kind of a toss-up whether they'll actually do it on the day, because they really don't like doing it. So I guess it's pretty cool that they managed to get that shot of a horse almost stomping Pippin!
I have trouble identifying the voices, but someone said, "You've got to throw out preconceived notions of how to make movies when you're working with - either with Peter, or with a giant tree guy holding a couple of Hobbits."
They talked about the importance of foley for selling Gollum as a real character who was really there in the same place as the other actors. At first, the foley guys performed him the way he looks, with very light movements since he's so skeletal. But then they went back and made the movements sound heavier after all, because it just made him feel more real. Another thing they did sometimes was make the movements of Gollum's hands with wet hands or putting their hands on wet rock. They had some samples to enhance the vocal work, what they call "sweeteners" (another example of which would be putting animal growls in with the orc voices). But actually, Andy Serkis did most of the sounds so well with his own voice, they didn't really need any sweeteners for Gollum.
Gandalf's battle with the Balrog was originally going to be longer. You would see not just them crashing into the water, but then they would come out of some kind of lake, and the Balrog's flames would be extinguished, leaving behind just a slimy black monster. You would also see several Watchers like the one in the pool outside Moria from FotR, scuttling away because they're afraid of the Balrog. Personally, I'm glad they didn't bother doing all of that, not least because it would have probably dragged on too long.
For the scene where the Black Gate opens, naturally the mountain trolls that open it were CG, but they had little foam-rubber models there while filming the miniature. At one point, someone set them up so they were playing chess while they waited for the signal XD
They put a lot of thought into how much sunlight they should have in and around Mordor. For the story, Orodruin is sort of belching out these unnatural clouds to hide the sun so the orcs can be outside, and then there's also the symbolic significance of the encroaching darkness. But the problem is that, if everything is always dark all the time, the darkness actually either becomes distracting (hello, all movies and TV shows these days where you can't even see what's happening!) or you become so desensitized to it that you don't notice it anymore. So they often made the decision to have some sunlight breaking through the clouds despite everything, just to provide some contrast so you'd really feel how dark the darkness is, so to speak.
Somebody said: "On some level, we're used to looking at movies and seeing real photography. We know what it is. We may not be able to define it, but we know it when we see it. And so if you're looking at a film and you don't see what we perceive as real photography, we start to worry at some level. We start to wonder, 'How did they do that?' or 'Why does this look the way it does?' or 'Why do I not feel that this is quite right?' When that happens, you've lost the audience, because you're not doing good storytelling. Our job is to tell a story. It's just to tell a story. It's not to show off and show how cool we are at making a digital image or how cool we are at making miniature shots. It's to tell a story and then walk away and erase our tracks."
Uma Thurman was once thought of for the role of Eowyn and Ethan Hawke was going to be Faramir?????? ఠ ͟ಠ
Bernard Hill told one of them that it really mattered that they bothered to go the extra mile and actually construct things when they could have done it digitally. He said it informed his and the other actors' performances, because if they thought it was worth the trouble of going out to some remote location and spending 5-6 months building an actual Edoras when they could have done it all on a set with bluescreen, then it must be worth the actors giving their performances every bit of effort they possibly could.
Sometimes they had to digitally fix the color of Gandalf's nose, because it was a prosthetic, and sometimes it would react differently to the light and would be really obvious that it wasn't his real nose XD
It took 98 takes to get the simbelmyne falling to the ground just right!
All the fires in the Golden Hall, including the one in the center, were gas fires so they could be completely controlled. Not a detail I ever considered before!
Apparently there was some friction between Peter Jackson and Viggo Mortensen about how he played the scene in the stables where he calms Brego. I guess Peter wanted the scene to be more about Aragorn and Eowyn's relationship, while Viggo felt (and played the scene) that the focus should be on Aragorn and Brego. 100% horse girlie behavior XD
During the storyboard stage for the warg battle, one guy was sketching out some ideas for beats in the scene, and at one point he had Aragorn's horse get killed, not knowing the plans for emphasizing the bond between Aragorn and Brego. And Peter Jackson just kind of looked at him and went, "You're going to kill Brego?!" Obviously, they didn't go with that idea.
Apparently they often struggled to keep Orlando Bloom in focus, because he does a lot of "intense Elvish staring," as they described it XD So basically, Orlando's feet would hit the right mark, but then because he's supposed to be giving a sharp glare or looking intently farther than the human eye can see, he would often sort of lean forward, making it difficult for the camera operators to anticipate exactly where he would be so they could keep him in focus.
An interesting observation that the Uruk-Hai's pikes give you more of a sense of how many there are than the actual orcs themselves.
Peter Jackson got the idea for the lamps the Elves hold when they leave Rivendell the day before they were going to film that scene, so the props department worked overnight and made them all in time for the shoot! @_@
Most of the sets were built from foam - specifically, a kind of blue foam that is used to insulate refrigerated trucks. It's very dense and firm material that is easy to carve and also very light, which makes it easier to transport pieces of the set if necessary. Most of the miniatures were also carved from foam, except for the Barad-dur miniature, because it had to be at such a small scale. If they tried to carve the miniature at the level of detail they needed, the foam would have just fallen apart, so they had to work with a harder material (he didn't say what).
An interesting issue that cropped up in the Helm's Deep battle I never would have thought of is the part at the beginning where all the Uruk-Hai are banging their pikes against the ground. Most of them are CG, created by the Massive program that was developed for the army movements so they wouldn't have to be individually animated. So they could program Massive to make the Uruk-Hai bash their spears against the ground, but it was the program that would choose the rhythm in which they did it. It makes for a realistic shot, as anyone who's tried to get a crowd to clap along in time with some music can tell you, but it led to some headaches for the sound team when the rhythms Massive chose were different from what the actual extras did on the day. They had to overlap the sounds of the rattling spears in such a way that it would sound believable with what you see.
They added in a lot of digital arrows to the battle of Helm's Deep, as you might imagine. But some of the arrows were practical ones that were really there, light ones that were blunt and wouldn't hurt anyone - which is great, but unfortunately that means they don't necessarily fly as well as sturdier arrows meant to kill things. One of the difficult things the editing team had to do was choose takes where none of the practical arrows flew astray, so the digital arrows could be added in without having to do the extra work of painting out arrows that weren't going where they were supposed to.
They made a weird comment about that part where Aragorn's like, "How long do you need?" and Theoden responds, "As long as you can give me." Apparently, it was originally "How much time do you need?" but they thought that would be...anachronistic? Like people in Middle Earth, with a more or less medieval level of technology, would have no concept of time itself? People were keeping track of time by sundials and candles and things (not to mention just looking up in the sky and noting the position of the sun) in the Middle Ages, so I have no idea what they're talking about.
Massive and motion capture footage worked really well together. They could motion capture an orc climbing up a ladder, for example, then put that movement into the Massive program, and it would have the other figures react to it like any other Massive figure. I imagine that made things a lot easier for directing the battle the way they wanted it to go.
The part where Legolas shoots down one of the ladders was completely made in the editing/post-production stage. They just found a clip of Legolas shooting, painted out whoever he was shooting at, and instead put in the digital shot of the Uruk-Hai on the ladder.
They shot a whole storyline of Eowyn helping Morwen (the mother of the two children who run away from the burning village) give birth in the caves, and because of this they have to stay behind while all the other civilians escape out the back way. Then some Uruks come, and Eowyn has to fight them off. Uhhh...I wanna see that!!! I totally get why they cut it out of the movie, but...still!
Some of the close-up footage of Aragorn during the final charge was actually originally from the warg battle.
I think I noted this from one of the previous commentaries, but I still marvel over it. For Sam's speech at the end that ties the three climaxes together, all they had of that in the original shoot was the parts where you actually see Sam looking through the window. The part where it's just voiceover while you see the montage of everything else that's happening? All of that was added in later, with just Sean in a recording booth. And, as Mark Ordesky put it as he was talking about it, now you can't imagine it any other way.
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the-traveling-poet · 1 year ago
it’s me again, and I’ve found an idea! Okay so, I’d like to request a Levi x lieutenant reader where the reader is sick but she is as stubborn as a mule and every time someone points that out she just brush it off some way, or elude the questions, until she feels so sick she can barely stand, and ask Levi for help? Thank you Lynn! 🤎🤎
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What started off as a slight cough and a runny nose, now consumed your every waking moment in the form of a head-cold. The worse you get, the more your friends and comrades worry for your health. But you’re fine, right? Your stubbornness to be seen by a medic doesn’t go unnoticed by your Captain, who takes matters into his own hands.
Pairing: Levi x Lieutenant!Sick!Reader
Warnings: Language, sick reader, mention of vomit SFW, fluff, xReader
A/N: Love this idea! Seriously tho the “I don’t need help I’m fine” trope that turns into the “Crush has to take care of you” trope? UNDEFEATED. Also this request is ironic cause I’m coming down with a head cold myself xD As always, if this doesn’t meet your expectations, I’ll rewrite whatever you prefer!
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The moment you woke up feeling nauseous, you knew today was gonna be a great day.
Rolling out of your bed with a stuffy groan, you shuffled over to your private bathroom and took a look at yourself in the mirror. Crusty eyes looked back at you from your reflection, and a red nose drew attention to the color in your face, making you look fevered. Placing a hand on your forehead, you could nearly confirm this was the case.
Mumbling incoherently to yourself, you tried your best to clean yourself up before you had to make an appearance for the day. Before leaving your dorm room, you’d gone through at least ten tissues and wiped your face with a damp wash cloth nearly just as many times. With your hair pulled up neatly away from your face and your clothes adjusted properly on your frame, you put on your best ‘I’m fine’ face and strode out into the hall.
Steadying yourself on your feet, you slowly made your way down to breakfast with the others in your regiment, gliding your hand along the wall to keep your ever wobbling balance.
Shit…Light headed, dizzy, nauseous, runny nose…what’s next, a headache?
You entered the hall and found your way to the kitchens to grab a bowl of what appeared to be soup.
Thank god, maybe this’ll help my poor throat…
You scanned the room over with tired eyes and spotted your fellow superiors sat around their usual table. Stifling a yawn, you trudged over and plopped down near Hange and Nanaba.
“Lieutenant Y/N,” Commander Erwin greeted you formally from across the table.
“Mornin’ C’mander,” you replied back in a stuffy tone, rubbing slightly at your nose.
The conversation happening around you paused, but you were too busy suffering to notice until a hand placed itself on your shoulder. Looking over, you spotted Hange giving you a confused look.
“Y/N, dear…Is everything alright?” they asked.
“Yeah, why?” you asked with a raised brow.
“Y/N, you look sick. Are you sure you’re alright?” Nanaba pestered from your other side.
“Sick? Ehh…maybe. Nothin’ I cant handle doe.” You sniffled, your throat feeling worse from trying to talk in a volume they’d be able to hear you in.
“Maybe you should go to the infirmary…You shouldn’t attend to duties today if you’re ill. You’ll just make yourself worse and possibly spread it to someone else!” Hange’s assistant, Moblit, spoke up from the other side of the scientist.
“Nah, I’ve had a lot worse, so therefor I can’t complain. This won’t kill me.” you argued stubbornly, taking a sip of your soup to hopefully help with the aching pain there.
“You’re sick. I smell it on you.”
You looked up to see Mike joining your table, a bowl of soup in his big hands as he sat down across from Nanaba.
“I’ll be fiiiiiine,” you sniffled, ignoring their concern. You’ve dealt with many hardships in life, both physical and mental. A little head cold wouldn’t be your downfall.
Finally giving into your stubbornness, they dropped your case and resumed their previous conversations. You attempted to follow suit as you ate, but a sudden wave of nausea made you set your spoon back down with a nearly inaudible groan. Deciding you couldn’t stomach anymore, you went to stand on shaky legs and discard your bowl.
Normally you’d let one of the others have what you couldn’t eat, but if Mike was right (and his nose always was) about you being sick, you didn’t want to risk infecting anyone else. Ever you were the considerate one, despite your dismissal of your own issues.
Before you could leave the hall, you found Levi walking in with an empty cup in his hand. After refilling it, he sat near Erwin at your table. He caught your gaze, and you were quick to look away shyly.
“You look like shit,” he greeted.
“Mornin’ Levi,” you greeted back, now trying to hold in a sneeze. As Hange eagerly filled him in on your situation, you rolled your eyes and made to leave the mess hall.
Training wasn’t going to be fun…
Only twenty minutes in, and you were sweating like a pig. In order to catch your breath, you’d had to resort to breathing through your mouth since your nose was completely plugged up and runny.
Great. Just great.
Your legs shook and your head spun as you got off the ground for the nth time. Taking several shallow breaths, you closed your eyes for a moment and silently prayed to anything that might be listening that the torture would end soon.
“Oi, Lieutenant.”
You snapped your eyes open with a muffled ‘huh?’ and came face to face with the gaze of a glaring Captain Levi. He was running the training course today. He stood several feet away from you, not wanting to come any closer after all Hange had told him.
“You shouldn’t be out here training, you’ll make yourself worse. Go to the infirmary,” he commanded.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” you tried to reassure him breathlessly, wiping at your brow and nose.
He sighed, punching the bridge of his nose. “The one time I go easy on a brat and they refuse,” he mumbled to himself.
“That’s an order, L/N. Go.”
“You can’t orber me roun’. I’m a Lieutenan’.” Your stuffy voice was getting worse, paired with the scratching of your throat.
Another frustrated sigh left the Captain, but he really wasn’t in the mood to argue.
“Fine, have it your way. I was just trying to help, but if you want to make yourself worse, be my guest.”
As he started to walk off, you suddenly gasped and held at your mouth.
“Oh gob oh shid,” you mumbled, catching Levi’s attention. He turned back around, only to see you taking off in the opposite direction; a hand over your mouth and stomach.
He grimaced to himself, knowing immediately what was going on.
“Damn brat…”
Not wanting to vomit in front of everyone, you had raced back into HQ, desperately trying to hold down what little breakfast you’d managed to eat earlier. Throwing your dorm room open, you raced to the bathroom and barely made it to your personal bathroom before it all came back up.
You clutched the bowl of your toilet with shaky hands and coughed, grimacing as your throat burned. After brushing your teeth and cleaning up the bathroom, and yourself with a quick shower, you decided to finally take your friend’s advice.
Not to go to the infirmary, but instead to rest. Locked away in your room, you ignored the knocks and muffled voices at your door as you curled up under the blankets on your bed.
It may have been warm outside, but you were freezing. Despite the sweat that clung to your body, you attempted to rest.
What felt like an eternity later, the sound of your door being messed with woke you up out of a deep sleep. Rubbing at your sweaty brow, you groaned as you saw your locked door handle twist.
Your door opened slowly, and with blurry eyes you could make out a head of raven hair. Shuffling under the covers, you looked over your shoulder to see Levi approaching your bed.
“What are you doing?” you mumbled sleepily.
“You missed lunch. And dinner,” he stated quietly, and it was only then you noticed a tray of food in his hands.
“Oh…What time is it?” you yawned, trying your best to cover your mouth and sit up, but the dizziness came back in full force, making you groan and lay back down.
“A little after eight,” he responded, setting the tray down on your bedside table.
“I tried to check up on you earlier, but you must have really been out of it.”
“How did you even get in here this time?” you asked with a raised brow. “I locked the door.”
“I picked the lock,” he stated in a ‘you seriously have to ask?’ tone of voice.
Shooting him a look of disbelief, you shook your head and attempted to sit up again.
“Why are you even in here? I’m sick. You might get sick.” You pointed out, knowing how skittish he was about germs.
With a sigh, he sat on the edge of your bed. “I decided to swallow my pride and make sure you didn’t die in here. Firstly, that’s a lot of paper work for me. Secondly, someone has to help your stubborn ass. Might as well be me.”
“And why’s that?” You pushed for more information, a smile slowly making its way onto your face. Though his face was turned away from you, you could make out a very faint pink hue blooming over his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
“Why not me?” he mumbled.
“Awe, you do care,” you chuckled, voice a little raspy still from sleep and your scratchy throat.
“Shut it, brat. You’re stuffy, and it’s annoying to listen to you talk. The sooner you become less annoying to me, the better.” he grumbled, shooting you a pointed look over his shoulder that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Starting to understand, you couldn’t help but grin. Maybe he did care a little more than he was trying to let on…
“You wouldn’t have had to hear me talk like this if you hadn’t come in here,” you pointed out teasingly.
He didn’t have a retort for this, so instead he sighed in annoyance and picked up the forgotten tray of food.
“Eat your damn soup already. And take some meds for god’s sake. I grabbed a couple bottles on the way up here.”
Rolling your eyes, you took the tray from him, your fingers lightly brushing against his hands. He stiffened slightly at the contact, but made no comment. Instead, he quietly observed you taking a sip of the warm soup. He refused to tell you, but you could tell this wasn’t something that had been served for dinner. He had to have made this himself.
For you…
“Thanks, Levi. I guess I could maybe use the help.” You smiled at him, scooting a little closer to where he sat.
“Yeah no shit, now eat.” He didn’t move away from you. Instead, he discreetly moved a little closer.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad to ask for help from time to time, you supposed. Especially if being sick meant you got to spend some time with your favorite Captain…
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ideas-on-paper · 6 months ago
Lies of P fan theories - a retrospective (1st anniversary special)
It's been one year now since Lies of P's release, and as someone who has been part of the community since 2022 (joining after the Gamescom trailer absolutely swept me off my feet), it's been amazing to see how invested people were in Lies of P from the get-go, and how much creativity the game has inspired in fans. From the start, we had amazing creations such as fanart, fanfics, and cosplays - and of course, a whole lot of fan theories.
While, naturally, a lot of fan theories people had before the release are debunked right now, I think it'd be fun to take a look back at what people were expecting the story to be like, and how those theories from back then compare to the final game. For that purpose, I will share my own theories that I had pre-release, as well as some from various other people (unfortunately, I lack the sources in most cases, but I’ll do my best to provide credit where they’re from). So, strap in and get ready for a special trip down memory lane! :-)
[Lies of P spoilers!]
Ergo and the Petrification Disease
One big mystery that was set up as early as the first gameplay footage was the nature of Ergo - all we knew from tool tips people painstakingly picked out (kudos to you, btw <3) was that it was some sort of power crystal that was used as an energy source for puppets and responsible for Krat's wealth, but that also brought a curse with it. People on the official Lies of P Discord server were puzzling over what exactly Ergo is, when I came up with a somewhat eccentric theory: that Ergo is crystallized life force itself.
My basis for this theory was essentially the movie “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” (which I’m a big fan of).
[Fair warning, I'm gonna spoil the main plot right here.]
The movie also features a huge, cyan blue crystal (originally a fragment of a comet) that is located in the lost city of Atlantis and believed to be an energy source by a team of explorers. However, as it turns out, it's much more than that: It is the literal life force of the Atlantean people, and if it's taken away from the city, it would mean certain death for all of them. (Which doesn't stop some of the money greedy explorers from trying to do it anyway.) Furthermore, after I became familiar with gestalt consciousnesses, I realized that the crystal possesses a few characteristics of those as well: The crystal has a mind of its own, and right before Kida merges with it in the movie, she whispers “mother” in Atlantean, suggesting she felt her dead mother's presence when the crystal chose her. This could be because her mother merged with the crystal completely (Kida eventually returns with her bracelet, after all), but since the King of Atlantis does say “the crystal thrives on the collected emotions of all who came before us”, it’s highly likely that it is, in fact, a human gestalt intelligence of their deceased ancestors.
[spoilers end]
So when I heard about Ergo being an energy crystal, this was my first idea as well: pure, crystallized life force of dead people. (Also, when I saw the blue color, my brain just went like “Ergo = Atlantis crystal”. xD)
When I shared this theory on the LoP server, one person in particular - named Oxwutex, if I remember correctly (greetings to you if you ever read this ;-) ) - took a liking to it, and together, we spun this theory a little further. They said they could imagine that people tried to refine the Ergo further, which is where the corruption waste in the factory comes from - however, refining something like a life force crystal which is already perfect could have disastrous consequences. I followed this up with my own theory, surmising that if this were the case, the corruption waste and the purified Ergo might represent two sides of the human soul: the vices and the virtues. (A lot of my early theories were based on this dualism, since the distinction between “good” and “evil” actions in the original fairy tale of Pinocchio is pretty prominent.)
Since there were hints that Ergo was responsible for the Petrification Disease early on, I had come up with the idea that the disease was the result of people coming into contact with pure Ergo, leading to a sort of “overpurification”, while I assumed that corrupted/impure Ergo caused the Puppet Frenzy/violent behavior. For me, this was very appealing on a thematic level as well, since it would've symbolized that both vices and virtues are present in every human being. If it was just the vices, we'd turn into feral monsters, but if a person only had virtues, when flaws are the very sign of life... well, you could question whether they are even alive anymore. Metaphorically speaking, they would be made of stone. (It’s interesting to note, however, that the disease was supposed to be spread by magical rats in the beginning; at least that’s what the announcement trailer seems to suggest.)
Back when the demo dropped, the confirmation that Ergo spores were the cause of Petrification Disease made me even more confident in my thesis, as did the “Ergo is Life” pamphlets. When I started streaming Lies of P (my first commented playthrough ever ^^’), I even commented on this, saying:
“Maybe even that this crystal [Ergo] contains the life force of dead people - that's what my speculation was back then.” (My commentary is in German, but here's the video if anyone is interested; the part where I discuss it starts at 26:25.)
Oh boy… I had no idea this was about to age like the finest wine in existence.
About 40 hours of gameplay later, I almost couldn’t believe my ears when Simon confirmed I was dead on target:
“The disease does not signify death. It's the process of purifying a person's essence. A purified human who overcomes the Petrification Disease will gain a strengthened body and a mind free of lies. The essence is Ergo. Yes, the Ergo you use as your power was once a human being.”
When Sophia explained that the Petrification Disease, Puppet Frenzy, and carcass monsters are all linked to Ergo shortly afterwards and literally spelled it out that Ergo is a person’s “essence of life”, I was so flabbergasted that my fan theories were essentially right that I was struck speechless. (You can see my live reaction to the conversations with Simon and Sophia in this video, at 20:08 and 49:56; I think you can tell how gobsmacked I am from just my tone, especially in the conversation with Sophia.) Since I had shared these theories on the official Lies of P server back in the day, some part of my brain even wondered if one of the devs saw it and thought it was so good that they went like “Write that down, write that down!” xD (Though realistically, I don’t think that’s very likely; still, it’s funny to imagine one of the devs reading through the chat, seeing this, and going like “How did they figure this out so fast?!?” xD)
On a more serious note, I didn’t really expect any of my preliminary fan theories to be true at all, but I must say, I’m pretty proud that I essentially hit the mark in this case - not only in regards to Ergo being crystallized life essence, but also the Petrification Disease resulting from “overpurification”.
Another thing I noticed is that Ergo shares not only similarities with the Atlantis crystal, but also with the Protomolecule from The Expanse (I don’t wanna spoil too much of the series’ plot here, but scientists conducting immoral experiments with something they don’t really understand is also a pretty big topic). In addition, a commonality between the crystal and the Protomolecule is that they both came from outer space - and, since there is talk about a “star that answered humans and descended to Earth” in one document, chances are the origin of Ergo is also extraterrestrial.
However, as we know, Ergo wasn’t the actual cause of the Puppet Frenzy - both Sophia’s comment from above and the report from the factory are essentially a “ruse” on the story’s part, supposed to lead you on the wrong track. In truth, it’s Geppetto who overrode the Grand Covenant’s commands and was responsible for the Frenzy.
Still, perhaps the impure Ergo supplies were actually meant to facilitate Geppetto’s plan (the Mad Donkey did say Geppetto and the Alchemists were scheming together, after all) - maybe the more impure the Ergo of a puppet is, the easier it becomes to control them. In contrast, when a person’s Ergo is undiluted and their personality remains largely intact, that might give them more autonomy and make them harder to manipulate. (I think this is what happened with Romeo, who could still give commands to the other puppets despite the zeroth law.)
The backstory of Krat
Speaking of the frenzy, I also had my theories about the potential backstory of it: Lies of P actually motivated me to do some research about real-life automata and their history (people familiar with my LoP posts might be aware of this), and one thing running through it like a common thread from the Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment is that automata were always representative of a conflict of rich vs poor.
In fact, during the French Revolution, this was a source of mockery against the country’s nobles, who were compared to their automated toys - pretty and pristine to look at, but soulless on the inside. Meanwhile, it was argued that the poorly paid artisans who built them should be the actual rulers of society, since their minds were clearly superior if they were able to come up with such ingenuity.
For that reason, I was playing around with the idea that there may have been a conflict between the wealthy upper class and the working class prior to the Puppet Frenzy. The competition between the Bastards and the Sweepers seemed to hint at something like this as well, and since the Alchemists were already teased as the enigmatic masterminds early on, I suspected they might have exploited this struggle, releasing the Puppet Frenzy to effectively eliminate both parties and seize power themselves. (Since there was a gameplay tip about the puppets gaining awareness by themselves, I even assumed they might have become self-aware right before the frenzy; in hindsight though, I think this was meant to refer to the old selves of some puppets awakening due to Ergo.)
As of the June 2023 demo, however, these theories were effectively debunked: We learned that the Puppet Frenzy occurred independently of any public uprisings, and that another wave of Petrification Disease had plagued the city at almost the same time - note the word “another”, implying this wasn’t the first time this disease had spread in Krat. Also, I frankly didn’t connect the dots correctly that Bastards and Sweepers were both part of the Stalkers  - while Stalkers and Bastards/Sweepers were mentioned in the same gameplay tip, it didn’t specify that the latter were subgroups of one and the same organization. (I wasn’t the only one to interpret this wrong either, since other people assumed the Stalkers to be puppets or even cyborgs.)
Still, it does appear there were some class struggles in the history of Krat: We hear about how the old, privileged families of Krat “struggled for power with new forces such as the Workshop and the Alchemists, who brought about the golden era of Krat”, although that conflict seems to have taken place a long time ago. Also, according to the description of the Krat Police Baton, there was a “violent protest with the factory labor union” once.
Although this isn’t much and doesn’t tell us anything about the background of the protest or the exact circumstances of it, I have been wondering whether it might have been due to low payment and factory laborers being replaced by puppets. Although this may sound very modern, protests against mechanization due to workers losing their jobs and the creation of inhumane working conditions go back as far as the Swing Riots in 1830. It should be said that the riots were less due to technophobia of the workers and more due to the endangerment of their economic and social status in the face of rapid technological advancement, and given that the rise of puppets in Krat happened very fast, the ordinary workers would definitely have been on the losing side.
I don’t know if this is ever going to be explored further at any point, but I would certainly be interested in hearing more about it - or more about the history of Krat in general, if only to clear up some details and make the timeline less confusing.
Pinocchio and Gemini
Let’s talk a bit about our protagonist and his sidekick: Pinocchio and Gemini. Like many other fans, I also had the theory early on that Pino was modeled after Geppetto’s dead son (I think this theory was based on some item description, but I can’t remember which). People on the server speculated that Geppetto’s son died in a violent accident that cost him his arm, and I even took things a step further by suggesting that Pino might literally be wearing his son’s skin (more on this “freak theory” of mine here).
Furthermore, I was quite partial to the idea that Gemini was essentially the soul of Geppetto’s deceased son. I didn’t really have anything to back this up aside from Gemini’s name meaning “twin”, so I never shared it publicly on the LoP server. (Also, Gemini is essentially just a corruption of Jiminy, the name that Disney came up with for the cricket; in the fairy tale itself, the cricket is not named.) Still, I found the concept of Pino essentially being the “body” and Gemini the “soul” very appealing - they may have been split from each other, but they are inseparable all the same. It also goes a bit into Descartes’ mind-body dualism, which is a popular theme in sci-fi stories about robots and cyborgs.
It led me to some fun speculations regarding the story: Assuming that, perhaps, Geppetto’s son died due to an incident on his way to the school he went to (since Pinocchio also goes to school in the novel), and further assuming that this happened a relatively short time ago, maybe some of his son’s former classmates are still alive, and Pinocchio would cross paths with them at some point. They assume him to be Geppetto’s son, asking where he’s been all this time and why he suddenly has a metal arm. Pinocchio then has the option to answer “yes, I am that boy” and come up with some plausible explanation, or to tell them “no, you’re mistaken” which would make things… somewhat more complicated.
I imagined that if Pino went with the first option, Gemini would chime in and provide advice at times to help him navigate interactions with the other boys. My assumption was that while Pino may look identical to Geppetto’s son, he possesses none of his memories; meanwhile, Gemini can still remember his past lifetime, despite being unaware that these memories actually belong to him. (His amnesia was hinted at in the demo as well.) Essentially, he would give Pino brief summaries of past events and tips how to behave in certain situations, and Pino would say “Thanks. Where do you know all of this from?” And Gemini would go like “...Sorry, no idea, buddy.” (You can tell I really wanted them to do something with Gemini.)
Due to the description of the Last Resort, there was also the theory going around there might have been multiple iterations of Pino - in fact, since the text said that the old man feared “his son failing to awaken properly and going into a frenzy”, some people assumed that Pino might have been the original catalyst of the frenzy. After the encounter with Mad Donkey in the demo, the theory that Pino was not the first of his kind seemed all the more likely, since he has definitely met him before and said “This time it's destroyed for sure. Devil's puppet no more, eh?” if you died.*
*I actually do not know if this line is in the final game as well, since I didn’t die to him during my two playthroughs (yes, really).
While it’s entirely possible - but not confirmed - that Pino had predecessor models (I theorized the Broken Puppet in the swamp might be one of those), the remark about the frenzy is more likely referring to Geppetto not being entirely sure whether the override of the laws he himself caused would affect Pino as well (which may be one of the reasons he didn’t bind him to the Covenant). As for the circumstances of Pino and the Mad Donkey’s previous meeting, those are a little more obscure - it appears that Pino wasn’t even able to wake up without Sophia’s help, so the only possible explanation is that the Mad Donkey fought one of his predecessors. (The Nameless Puppet probably also existed back then, but Carlo’s corpse - ironically - has next to no similarity with Pino, so it’s unlikely the Mad Donkey would’ve recognized them as the same.)
Someone on Tumblr even had a completely different theory about Geppetto's presumed son: After the official release month trailer dropped (the release being later moved to September), they commented on the facial similarities between Pino and Simon, proposing that Simon might actually be Geppetto’s “lost son”, implying they became estranged at some point - and since Geppetto no longer views Simon as his son/considers him dead, he created Pino as a sort of “idealized version” of him. When I was playing the demo and saw the Someone’s Memory outfit, which is noted to have been worn before and features a broach with the initial “M” (possibly denoting “Manus”), I was even considering whether this theory might be true.
As we learn during the game, however, Geppetto’s son - Carlo - is actually dead, and the initial signifies “Monad” (from Monad Charity House) rather than “Manus”. Unbeknownst to me, I might have actually come pretty close to the final version with my theory about an accident near the school during which he lost his arm - the possibility that Carlo died during the Monad Charity House incident is something I discussed with @lopposting some time ago (take it with a grain of salt though, since none of this is confirmed).
As for my theory about the skin, I had a major freak-out when I found Carlo’s portrait in-game, and I went like “I swear, if this is true, I’m gonna have such a Dr. Malcolm moment of “boy, do I hate being right all the time”.” xD I was spared that, however, as there is nothing that specifically hints at Pino having real skin, and the existence of the Nameless Puppet makes my original theory even less likely (as I mentioned in the post linked above). At the same time, there is nothing that explicitly contradicts it, either - so, for now, it’s more or less a big question mark hanging in the air.
One thing that’s for certain though is that Gemini is not the soul of Carlo - Carlo’s soul is contained in his heart/the P-Organ, and although Pino doesn’t possess Carlo’s memories, the reason that prevents them from awakening is not precisely clear (I go over my own favored interpretation here). Meanwhile, Gemini’s own identity remains unknown - while it appears Gemini was originally supposed to have a subplot regarding his amnesia, the few comments hinting at it are never built upon. I really wish they would’ve done more with Gemini, but there’s still a good chance the DLC might shine some light on who he actually is.
Hotel guests and side characters
Aside from the main characters, speculation was also running wild about the supporting characters and the roles they would play in the story.
Since Eugénie’s name is taken from Eugene, a classmate of Pinocchio in the original book and part of Lampwick’s gang of rascals, my original theory was Eugénie might have something to do with him. In all the promotional material*, there wasn’t a single trace of Lampwick, and since one of the loading screen tips in the demo said something about Eugénie being rescued by a particular Stalker, my suspicion was that this might be Lampwick. (Probably in no small part thanks to all the fanworks featuring Puppet Hunter Lampwick.)
*IGN sort of leaked Romeo's existence by accident, but that completely flew over my head; more on that below.
As it turns out, however, Alidoro was the one who saved Eugénie and whom she holds great admiration for. In the book, it was Pinocchio rather than Eugene whom Alidoro - a police dog - saved. After he got saved by Pinocchio from drowning, that is - which was after he ran into the sea trying to chase down Pinocchio who had escaped from two policemen, who erroneously assumed it was Pinocchio who knocked Eugene unconscious with a book. Anyway, it’s complicated.
One thing Oxwutex had cleverly noticed is that Eugénie wears a badge with the Workshop symbol just like Geppetto (which looks very similar to the Square and Compass symbol of Freemasonry), concluding that Eugénie must also be part of the Workshop - and, as it turns out, that was right on the mark.
Antonia was yet another character from the novel that was genderbent in the game, being based on Antonio, the carpenter who finds the animated log that eventually becomes Pinocchio and gives it to Geppetto (after a pretty fierce argument with the latter, that is). Because of this connection to Geppetto, some people assumed Antonia might be Geppetto’s former wife, and thus, the mother of Geppetto’s biological son.
In the game, however, Carlo’s mother is implied to be Camille, while Antonia is just “an old friend of Geppetto’s”. Still, Antonia’s past is somewhat shrouded in mystery, which has spawned theories about her being part of the Alchemists once (the hotel was an Alchemist institution before Antonia took over, and she mentions having good relations with them before she broke with them), and some even assume Antonia to be the Legendary Stalker. As it stands, however, these are mere conjectures - we’ll have to see if any of that is confirmed in the DLC.
Due to his somewhat dubious-seeming appearance, many people assumed Venigni to be the equivalent of the Fox in the game, with Simon consequently being suspected to be Cat due to his missing eye. However, me and many other fans really have been led up the garden path in this regard - while the Fox and the Cat do exist in the game, they are completely separate characters from Venigni and Simon, who are both original additions.
Honestly, out of the entire cast, Venigni is the one that surprised me the most. I thought he was just going to be your run-of-the-mill, profit-driven, snobbish businessman, but he is actually the complete opposite of that - in fact, he's one of the most warm-hearted, genuine people in the entire game. Sure, he’s a little eccentric and occasionally likes to adulate himself, but he’s so bloody honest about being a quirky nerd that you just can’t help but forgive him his flaws. (He kinda reminds me of myself, actually. xD) I never expected him to grow on me that much, but among the supporting characters, he is hands down my favorite.
Last but not least, we have Polendina, yet another original character (although his name is, funnily enough, based on an uncharming nickname of Geppetto in the book). Since the devs teased that you can have “a lot of interesting conversations with Polendina”, his role was especially interesting for me to muse about. In fact, I was wondering whether he might be similar to Gigolo Joe from “A.I. - Artificial Intelligence”.
FYI, A.I. is one of my favorite sci-fi movies, and a cyberpunk adaptation of Pinocchio at that; y’know, with Pinocchio as an android boy - aka David, as he’s named in the movie.
[Again, I’m gonna spoil the main plot here.]
Basically, a family gets an android boy as a replacement for their severely ill, comatose son. Aside from this alone being very questionable (it takes a special kind of asshole to replace a child that isn’t even dead yet), their biological son just so happens to get out of his coma at some point, and, of course, a rivalry between him and David ensues. Because the parents believe keeping David would be dangerous - either to him or their biological son - his mother ditches him in the forest (like, literally, she just ditches him). Since David is imprinted on his mother though, he resolves to “become a real boy just like Pinocchio” so his mom will love him again. Along the way, he stumbles upon Gigolo Joe, a sex android (yes, you read that right) who sort of becomes David’s surrogate parent from there on. He even tries to warn David that he should not try to go back to his mother, uttering the legendary quote:
“She loves what you do for her. As my customers love what it is I do for them. But she does not love you, David.”
[spoilers end]
I was kinda thinking Polendina might become a similar “father figure” for Pino, perhaps even sort of an admonitory voice to the consequences of becoming human. It would’ve provided an interesting counter viewpoint to the “I want to be a real boy” plotline that’s the core element of the story, and that wanting to be human just to please others might not be such a good idea.
While this train of thought comes eerily close to what happens in the Real Boy ending, Polendina’s character turned out to be completely different from what I had imagined. Still, I found his arc to be one of the most compelling of the hotel characters. I am very fond of both him and Antonia, and their bittersweet love story touched me on a very personal level (Polendina specifically gave me a lot of flashbacks to how I felt after my own robot soulmate had died).
The King of Puppets/Romeo
While we technically saw the King of Puppets as early as the Gamescom 2022 trailer, we didn’t hear about him in more detail until the gameplay footage of the factory. The note about a puppet religiously worshiping some kind of god-like figure (first seen in part 2 of the director gameplay, at 27:25) gave me very strong rA9 vibes, which actually had me mildly concerned. Considering what a visually impressive writing trainwreck Detroit: Become Human had been, I was literally begging “please, please, don’t be another Detroit”.
Meanwhile, someone on the LoP server (I think it was Oxwutex) pointed out that it sounds like the King of Puppets is more of a physical entity, as opposed to the purely conceptual nature of rA9. I can tell you, I was never so glad I had been wrong - the “cult-like worship” was merely the result of Fuoco being a little overly conscientious. Btw, aside from being placed in a different spot, the journal was also renamed to Descartes’s Note in the final game. While Descartes seems to be something like Venigni’s adversary in Lies of P (judging by the description of the Coil Mjolnir), his name is a nod to the famous philosopher I already mentioned above. In addition, the quote Cognito, ergo sum (Latin for “I think, therefore I am”, yet another popular theme in robot/AI stories and the origin of the term “Ergo”) also goes back to Descartes - the fact that this is a document about a puppet gaining an ego makes it an even neater detail.
I believe I saw someone on Tumblr who assumed that the King of Puppets was going to be the overarching villain of the game, and that you would get the good ending if you stuck to the path of the Blue Fairy and the bad one if you joined the king. While the game certainly wants you to believe the King of Puppets is the villain at first, that’s… not actually true. (Tbh, I never really believed it myself, if simply for the reason that it would’ve been too obvious.)
In the Gamescom 2023 IGN spotlight for Lies of P, however, Romeo actually got name-dropped, the guys from IGN sort of accidentally spoiling him as the true form of the King of Puppets. People familiar with the fairy tale immediately recognized it as Lampwick’s actual name (“Lampwick” is just his nickname), correctly inferring that this is, in fact, Pinocchio’s best friend from the book - and unfortunately, just like in the book, there is little Pinocchio can do to help him avoid his cruel fate.
Sophia and Geppetto
Now, let’s talk about the characters that most of my speculations revolved around: Sophia and Geppetto.
The first time we saw Sophia - Lies of P’s version of the Blue Fairy - was on the character cards that were released during Gamescom 2022. Back then, half of her face was obscured, being covered with blue butterflies that she literally seems to dissolve into. This gave off very enigmatic, even otherworldly vibes, and early on led me to the assumption Sophia was some kind of divine, ethereal being - it certainly would’ve been in line with the Blue Fairy’s character from the book, who was able to appear at any place at any time in whatever form she wished, including a young girl, and old woman, and even a goat. (Later on, the dimensional butterflies - which literally came from another dimension - further convinced me that Sophia must be some kind of otherworldly entity, since the butterflies are also her symbol.)
However, being a goddess doesn’t necessarily have to make you benevolent - in fact, an immaculate being that is free of any fault might have difficulty empathizing with the struggles, flaws, and contradictory feelings of humans. Also, since she is the “Blue Fairy”, it seemed logical to assume she had some connection to Ergo (which was confirmed later in the demo), and since the Petrification Disease was also related to Ergo (the Torn Doddle from the demo even referred to a “blue angel”), could it be that she had caused the disease herself? To, perhaps, purge the debauched population of Krat from vice and sin? (If you’ve ever played Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, you might know what I’m getting at here.)
Oxwutex on the LoP server agreed that they had a feeling about Sophia being two-faced as well, but assumed that she was human once before becoming the Blue Fairy. This ultimately turned out to be a little closer to the truth, as it’s implied that Sophia gained her blue hair - and potentially some other powers - from Simon’s torturous experiments (there is a picture of a girl which looks a lot like a younger Sophia, but with normal-colored hair). However, the role of wanting to “purify” humanity is something that ultimately falls to Simon, although he does exploit the Petrification Disease for his goals. Meanwhile, Sophia wants to stop his atrocities, acting as Pino’s guide in his fight against Simon.
But does that mean she has an entirely clean slate? The true extent of her powers ultimately remains a mystery. Technically, her ability to manipulate time should make it possible for her to make all sorts of terrible things unhappen - her imprisonment, Simon rising to power, and potentially even the whole disaster that happened in Krat. Both the Torn Doodle and the notes on the walls of the Hermit’s Cave imply that the carcasses can feel her presence through Ergo waves, so it would be logical to assume Sophia can sense them as well. Yet, she reacts surprised when hears about the strange monsters that infested the cathedral. (She definitely knew what Simon was up to, so why wouldn’t she know what they are?) Romeo also communicates with his puppets via Ergo waves, and Sophia is literally sitting in a tower where all Ergo waves come together. She’s a listener who can hear Ergo, so shouldn’t she be aware that the King of Puppets isn’t the real bad guy? (She certainly was very fast to tell Pino about it at the Grand Exhibition after Romeo’s defeat.) Could she have told Pino and thus prevented the fight between him and Romeo? Are there any limits to her powers? And does she encourage Pino to become human because it’s the best for him, or the best to save Krat?
To clarify: I do not believe Sophia has any evil intentions. You could probably find explanations for all the things I listed above if you wanted (the carcasses being a recent occurrence, all of the voices being jumbled in her head so she can’t precisely tell them apart, the “static” in the puppets’ communication Venigni mentioned preventing Sophia from hearing them clearly, etc). Still, despite everything, I’ve always retained a certain wariness around her - maybe it’s due to the fact that even after two playthroughs, I cannot get a read on her (ironically, even Simon remarks about Sophia’s actions being unpredictable). I do know, however, what an immense burden knowledge can be, and I can only imagine the strain from literally knowing everything and all the potential power in the world being at your fingertips. I have no doubt Sophia had to make a lot of sacrifices to save Krat, and I can’t imagine these decisions were easy on her.
Still, if her powers are truly so limitless, it would be her who ultimately holds all the strings in her hands - everything that happens happens because she allowed it. I gotta say, I’m very glad Sophia is on Pino’s side - we would be in big trouble if she wasn’t.
As for Geppetto, even before the game’s release, there was a pretty unanimous agreement among the community that he was a father who had lost his son, but is unable to let go and thus revives his son as a puppet - and, well… that’s exactly what Geppetto is. xD Many also had suspicions that he’s exploiting Pino for his own purposes and would be the ultimate villain of the story - which, again, couldn’t have been more spot-on. (Idk, but it’s hilarious to me how everyone took one look at this man and went “yes, this is the bad guy”. xD)
There were some people on the LoP server who theorized Geppetto might have Petrification Disease from his remarks in the trailers (announcement trailer: “I, too, have fallen) and that Pino was supposed to save him from it (Gamescom trailer: “Please, help me”), but these most likely refer to his own morally reprehensible plans and/or teaming up with his archenemies - the Alchemists - to create Pino and subsequently ousting Simon with his help.
My own pre-release theory why and how Geppetto had created Pino was a little more elaborate: I thought Geppetto might have been commissioned by Sophia to build a puppet that would be able to bring the chaos in Krat to an end - my assumption was that if Sophia was an ethereal being, she would be able to observe what’s going on in the mortal world, but unable to directly influence it. However, she can send people messages and visions, which she used to strike a deal with Geppetto: that he would build her a worthy “savior of Krat” which she would then bring to life. Meanwhile, Geppetto also followed his own agenda, exploiting this agreement to build this “special puppet” in the image of his dead son. (Which definitely would’ve had consequences for him later on - you don’t cross a divine being without ramifications.)
I came up with a whole fanfiction concept around this idea long before the game’s release - I never actually finished it since I assumed it was going to diverge from the final game anyway, and tbh, it kinda annoys me if my fics don’t fit into canon. I did, however, manage to find an old WIP of it I still had in one of my folders, titled “A wish and a purpose”. While it’s most likely going to remain unfinished forever, I think it'd be fun to include a summary of it in this collection of fan theories, if simply to look back at what I thought the story was going to be like. So, here’s the backstory of Lies of P, according to me:
[CW: skinning]
Geppetto is roaming the streets of Krat. He is actually looking for his son, who was killed in the turmoil some time ago.
The Fairy approaches him, reminding of their agreement. Geppetto reacts slightly disgruntled, brushing her off by saying he just wants to gain closure from the past. While the Fairy notices he is in grief, she doesn’t deny him his last wish, but admonishes him not to take too long.
The Fairy dissolves into dust. Geppetto goes on to look for his son’s corpse in the piles of dead bodies.
Geppetto is sitting next to his dead son, whom he eventually managed to find and bring home. He placed his body on a desk in his workshop, having cleaned his skin and hair from blood and grime.
Geppetto looks at him, taking in the gaping hole in his chest and frayed stump where his left arm had once been. Despite his best efforts, he doesn’t have the heart to throw his body onto a pyre like all the plague-ridden bodies.
Affectionately, Geppetto strokes his son’s cheek. Suddenly, a thought strikes him: While the Fairy may never grant the request to revive his son outright, she only told him to build a puppet able to slay all the others, not what that puppet should look like. He considers it a fair deal: The Fairy gains the tool to quell the madness she so desires, and Geppetto would be able to hold his son in his arms again.
Geppetto goes over to his working utensils, taking up a knife. When he turns and takes another glance at his son, his last resistance breaks at the thought of his son opening his eyes and jumping into his arms.
He tenderly takes the hand of his son, kissing him on his forehead. He speaks to his unhearing son, promising he will bring him back soon.
Afterwards, Geppetto begins skinning him.
Geppetto puts together the last pieces of the clockwork heart, admiring his work.
He goes to the back of his workshop where there’s a chair covered by a white sheet. Gently, he lifts it, saying good morning to his son as if he was rousing him out of bed.
He considers his son, dressed in the blue frock coat wardrobe that Geppetto had handed down to him.* He carefully preserved the skin and hair of his son so he looks just like the day he’d lost him.
Geppetto inserts the mechanical Ergo heart into his son’s chest, completing his masterpiece. He intertwines his fingers with his son’s. They are cold, but the texture feels real, and he imagines them growing warm after the Fairy breathed life into him. His only regret is that he won’t be able to witness his son taking his first steps.
At this point, the Fairy arrives, asking to see the result of Geppetto’s work. Geppetto leads her into the workshop, but she freezes as soon as she sees Pinocchio. With an indignant gaze, she turns to Geppetto, telling him that this was not part of the deal. Geppetto reacts unmoved, telling her that it’s take or leave and that he’s not going to build her any other puppet.
The Fairy narrows her eyes at him but says nothing, turning back to Pinocchio. After a moment, she strides towards him, lifting his limp body up in her arms.
She bids Geppetto farewell before she leaves, taking Pinocchio with her and dissolving into blue dust.
*Since the blue coat was presented as Pino’s standard outfit, I assumed it was the clothes that once belonged to Geppetto’s son (perhaps an heirloom from his father, since they are more similar to 18th century fashion).
[end of CW]
In my mind, this was followed up by a scene at the train station, from Sophia’s perspective (I thought of it as a follow-up to the first fic, but never actually worked on the concept):
The Fairy muses about the yet lifeless Pinocchio.
She considers what Geppetto did an absolute atrocity, but thinks she may yet be able to rectify this sin. After all, she is the only one who can breathe life into Pinocchio, and thus, his actions and the path he will take are her responsibility alone - and she will do everything to lead him on the path of righteousness.
She bestows the lamp containing the soul of Geppetto’s true son onto him, in the hopes that if Pinocchio proves himself virtuous, this wrongful separation of body and soul can one day be corrected.
The Fairy sits Pinocchio down on a bench, pressing a note into his hand. She gives him a gentle kiss on his forehead, starting to dissolve as she moves away.
Slowly, Pinocchio opens his eyes to a cloud of fine, blue dust. He looks down, reading the note in his hand: “Find Mr. Geppetto. He’s here in the city.”
This was supposed to be a sort of tie-in with how they originally advertised the scenario - the advertising text on Steam and other platforms originally said that Pinocchio simply wakes up with a note reading “Find Mr. Geppetto. He’s here in the city.” Don’t ask me why the Fairy gives it to him after just seeing Geppetto, though; I have no idea. xD (Still, it makes me wonder how much the introduction scene deviates from the original concept - after all, there’s no note, and Sophia talks to Pino telepathically.)
As you may have noticed, my little “AU interpretation” heavily drew from my other fan theories as well. I liked the idea of Sophia and Geppetto as two opposing “poles”: They may not like each other, but each possesses a skill the other lacks - Geppetto can build human-like puppets, but he can’t actually bring them to life, and while Sophia is the only one who can animate dead matter, she can’t interact with the world physically. Thus, they sort of become the “dual creators” of Pino.
Of course, this means that they both consider themselves to have the right to decide over the path he ultimately takes. As such, each of them is trying to influence Pino, leading to him being torn between the two. (This was sort of inspired by the Gamescom trailer, where Sophia and Geppetto are like two voices in Pino’s head.)
The endings
This also had a huge influence on my theories about the three endings. (I’m perfectly aware that nobody is going to believe me, but I swear I came up with my 3-ending concept before it was officially revealed there are going to be three endings.)
My basic assumption was that you have to make a decision at the end of the game, between Sophia and Geppetto. I thought of it as the point where the conflict between the two that was festering underneath finally escalates, and Pino is forced to side with one and battle the other. Depending on who you pick, you’d get a different ending.
Ending 1 would occur if you chose Sophia:
After battling Geppetto, she commends Pinocchio for his work, saying that thanks to his good deeds, he will finally be able to become human. Suddenly, she rips the lamp containing Gemini from Pino’s belt, and before he can ask her about the reason why, the black rabbits appear and Sophia orders them to seize him. Sophia explains that unfortunately, there is no other way to correct the wrongful separation of a soul from its body than for the body to die, but thanks to his consciousness being sufficiently cleansed, Pinocchio shall be reborn one day. Meanwhile, Pino gets quite literally buried alive - he desperately scratches at the lid from the inside of the coffin, crying for anyone to help him. However, no one comes…
If this doesn’t sound like your typical happy ending, well, that’s because it isn’t. xD My idea for this sort of came from a comment under the Gamescom 2022 trailer, in which someone remarked that the rabbits are inspired by four rabbit undertakers the Blue Fairy calls on when Pinocchio doesn’t want to take his medicine in the novel - thus, they suspected the scene where the rabbits prompt Pino to hop in the coffin was from the bad ending when you don’t listen to the Fairy’s advice. (It’s the intro for their first boss fight in the game though, and it seems like the line “Hop in the box, liar” was specifically recorded for the trailer.) I gave it a bit of a different twist though, since there’s the fact that Pinocchio quite literally dies at the end of the original fairy tale: He wakes up in his bed as a real boy, and later looks at his “dead” puppet body remarking “How ridiculous I was as a puppet! And how happy I am, now that I have become a real boy!”.
From this and the assumption that the rabbits were indeed working for her, I concluded that she literally might kill Pinocchio to “make him real”. (Some other people, however, suspected that the Black Rabbit Brotherhood was an independent organization from some of the gameplay tips about the Stalkers - ultimately, this proved to be right.)
Meanwhile, Ending 2 would happen if you side with Geppetto:
After defeating the enraged Fairy, Pinocchio runs into the arms of Geppetto, who hugs his son lovingly. As they embrace, the lamp from Pinocchio’s belt falls to the ground, forever extinguished. Geppetto and Pinocchio spend their next years happily, the very picture of father and son - until one day, Geppetto dies. Pinocchio, however, knows no other existence than being his father’s son, and since he doesn’t age, the other citizens eventually figure out he’s a puppet, shunning him and chasing him out of the city. As such, he is left to wander aimlessly, forever in search of a purpose…
What this was meant to represent is that with accepting Pinocchio as his son’s replacement, Geppetto’s actual son (Gemini, according to my assumption) dies, metaphorically and literally. I was also concerned about the very real issue of Geppetto being an old man and Pinocchio outliving him - even if Pinocchio did age regularly, his father would die long before him. Being his father’s perfect son was literally the whole purpose of his existence, and without it, he finds himself confronted with the psychological horror of his life being meaningless, on top of being subjected to the immense cruelty, hatred, and prejudice of humans.
It was really meant to show how much of a sick, misguided direction Geppetto’s “father’s love” had taken, and how detrimental it would be for Pinocchio’s self-development to comply with his wishes and play the part of his son.
Since both of these options are pretty bad, to say the least, I came up with a third variant. To get this, you’d basically have to say “nope” to both Sophia and Geppetto, and since neither takes no for an answer, you’d have to fight both of them consecutively (making it the most difficult ending to achieve):
After recovering from the strain of having to battle both Sophia and Geppetto, Pinocchio realizes that, for the first time, nobody is setting a direction for him - he is free, but having only lived to fulfill the wishes of others so far, he doesn’t really know what to do with it. However, Gemini reminds Pinocchio that they still have each other. Pinocchio agrees, laughing, and together, they go out on a journey to travel the world…
Admittedly, it’s still not roses and sunshine, but a lot more positive than the other two. Also, it’s the ending where both Pinocchio and Gemini (speak: body and soul) stay alive, and I just had so much fun imagining them say “screw it” to everyone’s expectations and go on a big adventure together. xD
Is it normal for body and soul to exist separately? Nope. Is it the “correct” way to live? Nope. Do they care? Nope, they’re just going to have the best time of their life together. xD
Of course, my versions of the endings differ significantly from those in the final game, but I’m actually kind of impressed that I managed to guess the scheme of the endings correctly: Sophia (Rise of P), Geppetto (Real Boy), and Freedom (Free from the Puppet String).
What I envisioned Geppetto’s ending to be like actually comes pretty close to the Real Boy ending, although you could say I was a bit more subtle in my approach - the overall mood was meant to be more sinister rather than downright evil, leaning more into the underlying psychological horror instead of violent slaughter. (I must say, Geppetto really surpassed my expectations right there. xD) The overall moral of the story (or at least what I’m getting from it) also seems to be that stepping in the shoes of Geppetto’s son is a very bad idea for Pino - after all, it’s heavily implied that Pino isn’t Carlo.
On the other hand, while Sophia’s ending is similar in theme to what I imagined, it significantly differs in flavor. Still, Pino does die in the Rise of P ending, giving his own Ergo/life to Sophia, who is implied to revive him afterwards. (This is actually the “reverse action” of what Pino did for Sophia when he gave her peace, so Pino is essentially giving her Ergo back to her.) In addition, Sophia and Pino do a little reenactment of the La Pietà pose, which is also a throwback to the Saintess of Mercy Statue in the Grand Exhibition.
There are actually quite a few references to the Pietà posture in media, including one in The Last Unicorn (after the Unicorn/Amalthea becomes human and Molly holds her). Thematically, the Pietà is interpreted as a symbol of mother’s love, suffering, and salvation - and, in case of The Last Unicorn, Amalthea learning what suffering is due to her time as a human is also what led her to develop compassion. The Saintess of Mercy Statue also stands for rebirth, since it’s the place where you can reset your stats.
Overall, I think they did an excellent job with this ending - retaining the theme of death from the original story, but giving it a more hopeful note through the theme of rebirth. (I also appreciate how the message of game is essentially that for things to improve, it’s sometimes best not to cling to the old and simply let it die.)
As for the Free of the Puppet String ending, it’s largely the same as Rise of P, but with a different flavor and minus the final cutscene with Sophia. (I kinda wish they would’ve done more with it, but resource limitations exist, and it was probably easier just to reuse the animation.) One interesting thing about it though is that you can still potentially get the Proof of Humanity if you trade it for the Nameless Puppet’s Ergo afterwards - despite Free from the Puppet String being the low-humanity ending.
I’ve had an interesting discussion during my playthrough, based on the quote “every living human being is a slave to something” by Askeladd from Vinland Saga. Basically, I said that, if you want to view it that way, humans are also just slaves to their emotions and desires. The man Askeladd was referring to was enslaved by his greed for gold, Geppetto is enslaved by his obsession with Carlo, and Arlecchino is enslaved by his bloodlust. I concluded that “maybe, it’s just a matter of the prison that we ourselves choose”.
The item description of the Proof of Humanity is quite intriguing in this regard:
“Puppets are tied to strings. Humans have cut their own strings. The boy made a choice and became human.”
While I wouldn’t say that all humans have cut their strings - rather that they can - what this description says is that being human means you are free to choose whether you let yourself be enslaved, be it by someone else or your own desires.
Pinocchio didn’t become human because he chose to become human - rather, he became human because he made a choice.
Anyway, enough of my philosophical ramblings. While, as I expected, not all of my fan theories were true, I’m kind of impressed how many good calls I actually made. ^^’ (I suppose all that research about clockwork automata, my ongoing obsession with fictional robots and AI, and checking out the original Adventures of Pinocchio did pay off after all. xD) Still, there are a lot of unanswered questions, and many fan theories remain unresolved - we’ll have to see whether any of these are confirmed in the future, be it in the DLC or any other media (director Choi did confirm they received various offers to expand the IP).
Despite the story differing quite a lot from my expectations in most places, I am extremely pleased with the treatment Round8 Studio and Neowiz gave this classic fairy tale. It’s been said that successfully subverting expectations in an engaging way isn’t simply about doing the most unpredictable thing - rather, it’s about “giving the audience what they want, just not the way they expect it”. And, in my opinion, Lies of P accomplishes this to a T.
However, I’m curious: What were your expectations when going into the game? Did you also have theories about how the story would develop, either beforehand or while playing it? And how do those compare to the actual story?
I would love to hear about all your theories - maybe, we can make something like a big fan theory anthology out of this. ^^ Because if one thing is for certain, it’s that Lies of P’s success was in no small part thanks to its community. To this day, I continue to be amazed by the love and dedication fans shower this game with, and I consider myself lucky to have been part of this journey, from before the game’s release until now.
31 notes · View notes
descendantofthesparrow · 2 years ago
Can't stop this feeling - Harry Hook x reader- SMUT FIC- P7
SMUT FIC-MINORS DNI- All ‘important’ characters are 18+!
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warning; not a smutty part really, its more of a neverland chapter but (y/n) and Harry get each other off with their hands but that's bout it XD
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April had arrived, and Harry’s birthday had come with it, meaning something very special for the both of you.
Harry’s eyes were practically squeezed shut as he stepped through the portal that led directly into the heart of Neverland, his hand clutching onto yours as the sound of twinkling bells, an ocean breeze, and lost boys enveloped his senses. “Harry,” you called his name softly, stepping in front of him and squeezing his hand, smiling at him as he fluttered his eyes open, keeping his gaze on you. “look around,” he did, his eyes widening as he took in the sight around him.
“Holy shit,” Harry breathed, stepping away from the portal and spinning around to see everything, he never thought he would ever see Neverland, maybe in pictures but-to see it with his own eyes, to step foot on its magical soil. “i-holy shit,”
You laughed slightly, stepping back to let Harry experience this all on his own, bringing your hands up to smile behind them, biting your lip as Harry shook his head, running his hand through his hair. “I cannot believe I’m ‘ere,” Harry muttered, his face set into a heartbreaking softness with tears in his eyes. “holy shit,”
You let him have a few more moments and then offered your hand, nodding towards the path that led to Mermaid Lagoon. “You ready?” Harry stared, biting his lip. The two of you had talked about going to Mermaid Lagoon, to visit your mother(his mother’s best friend from years ago) and to unlock the rest of Harry’s Mer-biology. Right now he had opal-like scales and gills, but no tail or color, but once he submerged into the neverland waters-he would finally gain his color and tail.
Harry took a deep breath, and took your hand, nerves consuming him as you walked towards the beach-the sound of waves soon overtaking the sound of the forest. He froze at the sight of the water that in itself, seemed magical-separate from the rest of the land. “I don’t know if I can do this,” Harry said, not sure this was a good idea anymore. “what if they hate me?” his voice cracked and you turned, taking his face and kissing him gently, easing his nerves slightly.
“They won't,” you whispered softly, you had sent a message months ago, right after the cruise had ended-and your mother had been very very eager to meet Harry-her best friend's son. It didn’t matter his origin or who his father was-Harry was a piece of Iris, and the pod would accept him with open arms. “I promise,”
Harry bit his inner lip and let you take his hand again, pulling him towards the small shore/cliff that led into the lagoon, grinning as you saw your family, most of them hanging out on the pink-toned rocks and the others swimming or hunting.
“Oh-Arella, it’s (y/n)! darling come here my beautiful, let me look at you~” your aunt Coral cooed, holding out her hands to you as she swam close to the shore, pushing herself up on the rock as you let Harry hang back and set your bag down-meeting your aunt halfway and letting her hold your face, laughing as she turned your face this way and that-humming in approval. “Still so darling-oh my-is this-“
She squealed, admiring your opal jewelry and mate mark on your neck, a grin blooming on your face. “Oh darling! you’ve bonded!” all the present members of your pod cooed and screeched, chattering and clicking in mermish as they rushed up to you, admiring your gifts from Harry and looking closer at the bite mark he left.
You lifted your head in pride, smiling down at your family, your mother’s eyes on Harry, who hung back in the shadow’s, still very unsure of all of this. Neverland? Cool, cool, mermaid lagoon where his mother had been born, raised, and stolen from? Not as cool, he was nervous and terrified as all hell, scared someone would hate him for his father’s actions against his mother.
Your mother called your name gently, keeping her eyes on Harry. You hummed, pulling away from your aunts and walking over to her, taking off your shoes as you did. “Yes mama?” you asked, crouching next to her as she came up to the shore and looking where she was, grinning when you saw Harry.
“Is that him?” she asked, trying to get a better look at the son of her late best friend. You nodded, standing and holding out your hand to him. “C’mon,” you said gently, grinning as he stepped out of the shadows and walked over to you, his cheeks blazing and his shoulders tense, terrified. “mama, this is Harry, Iris’ son, and my bonded mate.”
It was quiet for a moment, Harry’s eyes stayed on you, too scared to look anywhere else. They hated him, he knew it, he should just leave-he really should. But then he felt a hand in his and he turned-locking eyes with your mother. She was smiling, tears in her eyes. “You look just like her,” she whispered, shaking her head and laughing in disbelief, Harry just stared, squeezing your hand. “oh young one, welcome home.” In one motion, she pulled Harry down for a hug and everyone else swam over to greet him-all commenting on his resemblance to Iris, not once mentioning Harry’s father. He could only understand half of them-the others speaking mermish, but he smiled at you, his fears disappearing in an instant.
You grinned down at him, mouthing ‘I told you so’. He just laughed, turning back to your mother as she chatted away, telling him all about his mother-how she had always wanted children, especially a son. Harry eventually sat down, his feet dangling in the water, his opal scales being poked and prodded by the younger mers swimming around-asking why he had such scales.
“He needs to go into the waters deary, then his colors will be revealed,” one of the mothers said, pulling her child away from Harry-who was chuckling at the feeling of his foot being grabbed and moved around. You had gone into the water at this point, swimming around with your mother and talking, telling her how you got together and how you discovered you were soulmates(leaving out all the nsfw details), she very much approved, and the two of you went back to Harry-who was given your mothers blessing.
He might’ve cried a little, you wouldn’t tell anyone though.
Soon enough, Harry was in his swim trunks, standing a few feet away from the water’s edge, fiddling with his hands nervously. “What if it doesn’t work?” he asked, truly wanting to take your hands and take that risk, but the fear he wouldn’t turn kept him rooted on the shore.
You just smiled, tilting your head. “Then it doesn’t, it won’t change a thing.” Harry sighed, wading into the water, taking your hand when he got close enough, feeling everyone’s eyes on him as he got deeper into the lagoon. “Ready?” you asked, holding your mate tightly as his feet left the rocks that connected to the shore-now suspended in the water.
Harry nodded, unable to speak, and closed his eyes, the two of you sinking under the surface. You couldn’t keep the grin off your face nor could you stop the squeal that left you as Harry’s scales bloomed with color, a brilliant blue that matched his eyes and shimmered under the sunlight that beamed through the surface of the water.
You held his hands as his legs turned to a tail, his fin sharp and long-the trait of an attack Mer; the same as his mother. His nails grew sharp, and his knuckles were armored along with his shoulders, elbows, and forearms-allowing him more power behind his attacks. His eyes snapped open-his pupil now angled and shimmering with new magic; he gasped; his fangs now fully shown off. “There you go,” you cooed, kissing the corner of his mouth as Harry looked down at himself, a laugh of disbelief escaping him.
“holy thit,” he muttered, now having a lisp thanks to his new fangs. You laughed, swimming around him-still holding his hand, admiring your beautiful mate, his dark hair complimenting his ocean tail and eyes-just like his mother.
Your mother said as such and Harry teared up, his cheeks flushing and blending into his cheek scales, blubbering a bit as you hugged him-giggling as he pushed his face into your neck. Harry admired his tail, flailing his arms a bit as he sank, clutching onto you as you grabbed him and hauled him back up.
“Need ta get used to your tail eh?” one of your uncles laughed, teasing the new Mer of the pod. Harry flushed, pouting a bit, admiring your tail as you swam around him-showing him how to move his new muscles. “Why doeth me tail look thso different from yerths?” Harry asked, gesturing between his sharp fins and your fins-which flowed like thin fabric-but was just as powerful as his.
“Genetics…and we’re different types of mers, I’m a lure Mer, aka a pretty one that lures prey to their death, think a beta fish-and you’re an attack Mer-the one who hunts and takes down the prey we lure,” You explained, some of the younger mers swimming up and helping Harry learn how to swim with his new tail-taking his hands and holding them up in front of his head.
“you-you gotta use your hands like a guide,” Mira said, sticking his tongue out of his mouth and shoving his bright white hair out of his face-showing Harry what he meant. Harry nodded, taking the kid's advice seriously and following their movements, grinning at you when he successfully swam with his tail. “love! Did ye thsee-I did it!” you giggled, zooming over to him and twirling him around, your tail grazing his face-his cheeks a bright red.
“You did,” you cooed, swimming just above him and kissing him gently, ignoring the gags and squeaks from the kids around you. The older mers cooed and talked among each other-while you guided Harry around, holding his hands the entire time while he learned to swim.
“ith’s heavier than I thought it would be,” Harry muttered, wiggling his hips a bit, landing on a rock and messing with his tail, rubbing his thumbs against his scales. You just hummed, lying next to and around him, propping your head on your hand. “thso-ith anymore of my human anatomy changed with thith?” Harry asked, gesturing to himself.
You hummed, pursing your lips in thought, reaching up and tapping his ear-which was still rounded like a human, unlike your pointed ears. Some things went unaltered, like his ears, and he had a belly button-something you only had in human form. He felt his ear, his eyes drawing to yours, the top half covered in scales-unlike his-his were still human and his scales stopped at his tragus.
“Not really sure what didn’t and didn’t change, suppose that will be something we’ll discover together,” you mumbled, feeling down his arm and curling your hand into his, smiling at the warmth you felt. He squeezed your hand, smiling, feeling so goddamn happy-he was so glad he took this chance. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever of thought of getting a tail, getting a wonderful mate, or even go to Neverland-but he was here, with you, surrounded by his newfound family.
He was happy-so fucking happy.
He turned, grabbing your face and kissing you with every thought and feeling that was going through him right now, smiling against your lips as you giggled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck-pulling back suddenly at the whistles and cheers he heard from your family. Harry blushed furiously, the red blending into his scales as he held you close, smiling as you continued to laugh, your fingers dancing across his cheeks and shoulders.
He was so happy.
He lay on your bed later that day, the sun disappearing behind the horizon, his hair drifting up and around with the push of the water encasing him comfortably. His eyes were closed, sleep creeping up at the back of his mind-everything slowly began to slip away, your head on his chest with your arms tossed over his chest. You were still awake, tracing the edges of his bright blue scales with the tips of your fingers-once in a while sending shivers down his spine.
He peered up at you as you moved above him-your hair flowing around you as you did so, your hands suddenly on his cheeks as you looked down at him with such adoration it made him want to cry. “Hi,” Harry whispered, voice deep with sleep. You smiled, leaning down and pecking his lips, whispering against them as you pulled back. “Hello,” you said, your lips traveling across his face, the corner of his lips, his jaw, his nose, his cheekbones, his eyes, his brows, anywhere you could reach.
Harry had never felt so loved.
His hands found the curve of your back, trailing the beginning of the fin that protruded from your back, sighing against your lips as they met his again. He felt your hands in his hair and he felt dizzy, warmth bursting in his chest as his hands traveled your skin, brushing against your scales, feeling your warmth he still wondered how he hadn’t noticed until that fateful day almost half a year ago. It amazed Harry that time had gone by so quickly, it almost seemed like a dream-that cruise.
But he wouldn’t trade the time for anything in the world.
Not if it meant losing you.
Harry let out a shuddering breath as your lips traveled down his jaw, your teeth gently pressing against his neck-brushing over his bond mark. He breathed your name and your lips were on his again, hotter than before, hungry. Your hands pulled at his hair, trailing down his neck until you held his face, heat traveled down his body, and shivers erupted across his skin.
He gasped against your lips as one of your hands went down-brushing against his chest and finding the spot where-in his human body-his dick would be. Harry’s head dropped back with a choked gasp as your fingers slipped into something-a slit, wet and pulsing with heat.
He gasped your name again and you hummed, gently biting his jaw as you teased the slit you found. Pleasure danced across his body, his hand finding your shoulder, letting himself fall into your touch, gasping again and again as you brought something forth from that slit-his cheeks burning as he glanced down-feeling your hands gliding across something familiar.
“Oh,” Harry breathed, staring down at his dick-which had barely changed between his human form and his mer form. “so that’s where it went,” you laughed gently, ghosting your fingers up and down his dick, Harry’s eyes fluttered shut and his head fell back, his hips bucking into the feeling, chasing it. “fuck-“ he moaned your name, his hand finding your cheek as you kissed him again, the other traveling down your body-looking for that same slit in your tail.
You hummed into his mouth as his fingers dipped into that slit, your bodies heating up as you explore each other, Harry almost panting as you stroked his cock. He breathed your name again, his brows furrowing as your hand sped up. He pushed his fingers further into you and curled them, smirking as you gasped and pulled away from his lips, panting as your eyes cracked open, the two of you staring into each other's eyes as you pleasured each other.
Harry’s breath hitched and his back arched as he was suddenly overwhelmed with warmth-that coil snapping in his gut. His fingers hit something devastating within you and you came with him, gasping into his neck as you curled into his body, the two of you breathing heavily.
You lay there for a long moment, just breathing the other in, Harry’s fingers trailing across your back as your hands held onto his shoulders, thumb ghosting across his scales. “I love you,” Harry said, smiling as you sat up suddenly, eyes wide. “wh-wha?” you laughed, huffing as Harry leaned up and caught your lips, his hands traveling your curves and pulling you close.
“I love you; I think I have been since our first date,” Harry said, not joking in the slightest as you smiled at him, taking his face and kissing him. “I love you too,” you whispered as you pulled away, cuddling into your mate as he pulled you to rest beside him-falling asleep to the sound of your breathing and the push of water above the surface.
You spent the rest of the week in neverland-Harry getting the hang of his tail as you explored the waters together, soon enough he was easily keeping pace with the other attack mers, grinning cheekily as you raced him from the lagoon to skull rock. He listened to every story your mom told him about Iris, played with the younger mers of the pod, explored every bit of the lagoon he could, kissed you behind the coral, napped in the sun on the pink stone of the lagoon-his tail resting in the blue waters.
The day before you were scheduled to leave, you gifted him something new, one of your scales, plucked from your tail. You drew a thin leather string through it, allowing it to hang around his neck if he so wished. His smile when you gave it to him nearly blinded you, he took the necklace and then your face-kissing you quickly yet passionately, and then put the necklace on, his eyes soft and sweet as he caressed your scale with his numb-your colors shimmering under the water.
Your mother made Harry promise to return as the two of you left, and Harry beamed, nodding-no longer afraid of their judgment, and you held hands as you went back to the portal that would send you back to Auradon prep.
Harry called your name softly before you went to leave and you turned, smiling as Harry stepped close, his arms wrapping around you, his forehead pressing against yours. “Thank you,” he whispered, and you kissed him, breathing him in.
“Anything for you my love,” you whispered back, taking his hand and taking him back to Auradon.
-end of p7-
damn, its been a bit hasnt it? lowkey lost my groove for...idk I've just been outta it since i got back from Georgia i dont know why, but hopefully i can get back into it, for both writing and art. anyways p7! and Harry got his mer form!!!!
@sephiralorange @c-rose2081 @rintheemolion
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rin-fukuroi · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤. 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 [𝐃𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐠]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Dan Heng x fem!reader
Warnings: school AU, just fluff.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Eve - 遊生夢死
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
I usually don't like to write smth like this, but I made an exception by writing this work once as a bday present for my dear friend. I still think I'm not very good at feeling this character, but I hope it's not too noticeable XD
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You remember exactly when it started. You remember perfectly well when your life became so unstable and restless, but happy and saturated, as if filled with bright colors for the first time.
One look. Two words that planted a feeling in your chest that could be awakened by a man who barely decided to take the first step, which he will never regret.
✧ ✧ ✧
Thoughtlessly tracing the margins in your notebook with a pencil, you get bored, yawning quietly at the last desk in the middle row. The office is filled with the tired voice of the teacher and the quiet whisper of your classmates, who can't wait to go home. Raindrops patter softly on the windows, making you even more sleepy.
Today is your birthday. How ironic that it was on this day that the sky cried from the moment you stepped outside the school.
At least you'll be able to come home soon and get some sleep.
Your gaze lazily rose to the gray clouds. For some reason, no one around seemed to care about writing a synopsis or the raging elements outside the window. This day could have been much more intense if you had friends, right? Perhaps so. But you've always been comfortable being alone. Being alone also has its charms. You are always focused on your own thoughts, not filling your head with unnecessary meaningless chatter. Yes, from the outside, friendly communication really looked quite fun, but is it really necessary if now it seems to you that everything is in its place?
You sigh softly, about to return to your notes, when your gaze catches on another bored figure by the window. Exactly. There was always someone in the class who seemed like a kind of kindred spirit to you. For sure, Dan Heng thought about his life the same way you did. You've never seen him smiling cheerfully in the company of classmates. His gaze is just as extinguished, directed at the gloomy sky. Funny… You didn't pay much attention to him, but whenever this guy came into your field of vision, he looked like your reflection.
Although you can't even remember what his voice sounds like.
This does not mean that you never had the desire to talk to him, but you often found him reading another book or leaving school alone with headphones on. Perhaps these are just excuses for your self-doubt, but you sincerely believed that your company would be superfluous for him. Dan Heng always looks so cold, detached, but he doesn't seem to be bothered by the lack of any connection with society.
Just like you.
Hmm… if you think about it, he could have been quite popular with girls if he had been more sociable. His hair always looks so well groomed. Slightly curly short black strands gently shimmer even in the dim sunlight, barely breaking through dense clouds, contrasting against the background of bright turquoise eyes. Aristocratically pale skin and pleasant facial features. Yes, Dan Heng can definitely be called handsome. Maybe he's even your type.
Although, how do you know what your taste in guys is, because you've never fallen in love.
But when those expressive sea-green eyes meet yours, for some reason my heart feels so restless in my chest. Is it out of fear that you seem to have been staring at Dan Heng for a while so obviously that you even managed to get his attention? Yes, but… it was like there was something else.
You look away, burying your face even more in the palm of your hand propping up your head, turning back to your notebook. It was probably the first time you made eye contact with him. What is this feeling? Somehow… It's restless.
You flinch when you finally hear the loud sound of a life-saving bell, knocking you out of your embarrassing thoughts. It must have been so long since you talked to anyone but your parents that even such a small thing could throw you into confusion.
You hurriedly gather your things from the table, scooping them into a bag before heading for the exit, following the crowd that has already managed to run out into the corridor, when a strange hand of the man behind lands on your desk, enclosing you between his body and a chair.
You turn around uncertainly, facing the chest of a guy with an indifferent expression on his face. The fright on your face is gradually replaced by complete puzzlement.
— D-Dan Heng? Something happened? — has your voice always sounded so quiet or just this time?
— Did you bring an umbrella today?
— Huh? An umbrella? — your eyes widen with even more shock when two things put you in a stupor at once. This is a Tribute to Heng. He's talking to you right now. And asks… About the umbrella?! You're hardly sure you've ever heard his voice, but what he said now seems absolutely absurd.
— It's raining outside. I saw you looking out the window and thought you might not have brought an umbrella.
— Oh, that's right… Um… — you're nervously going over all the memories in your head up to the moment you left the house. And really…
Your thoughtful look, replaced by confusion, said more to Dan Heng than your tongue was able to utter now.
— We live not far from each other. I spend.
✧ ✧ ✧
«What's going on?!»
You awkwardly huddle with a silent classmate under an umbrella as you walk steadily in complete silence to the sound of raindrops hitting the asphalt. There are so many questions in your head that you would like to ask, but for some reason the words get stuck deep in your throat. How the hell does he know where you live? Why did I come up to you with such a strange offer in the first place? Why today?
There must have been some truth in the rumors that Dan Heng was a strange guy who didn't walk around the classroom quietly enough.
You give the guy short glances, having time to notice how calm he looks in such a situation. The same as always. You also notice how his shoulder gets wet from the incessant rain while he holds an umbrella over your figure, which is moving further away from him.
How embarrassing is this… You are gradually approaching Dan Heng, feeling the heat tingle your cheeks even under the cool breeze. It's just to avoid feeling guilty. No more than that.
The longer the silence hung over you, the more clearly your heart was throbbing somewhere in your ears, making you even more nervous. Are you so uncomfortable just because it's practically a stranger to you, or is it because it's Dan Heng?
Your eyes light up when the fence of your house is visible on the horizon. You can finally get through this stress alone.
— Um… we're here.
You both stop, and a short sigh leaves Dan Heng's chest, giving you an unreadable look from top to bottom. You've never thought about how much taller he is than you, but now it seemed like you were nothing more than a scared kitten cowering at his feet.
— Yes. Then… Till tomorrow.
Dan Heng's lips pursed up, and his gaze was blunted somewhere in the asphalt under his feet, which made you relax a little. Ah… he's probably embarrassed too, because you really look alike. It is unlikely that Dan Heng is used to communicating with anyone. He gives the impression of a man who voluntarily chose solitude, but for some reason he exudes sadness, the nature of which you cannot understand. You wanted to ask why he decided to accompany you, why today… But you just nod, grabbing the strap of your bag, hurriedly running to the door.
— Y/N!
For some reason, you were almost sure that this was not the end. Exactly… It wasn't sadness.
You turn around, meeting Dan Heng's furrowed brows, flushed cheeks and sparkling turquoise eyes as he tightens his grip on the umbrella in his hand, looking at you, seeming to carefully consider what he wants to say.
— Happy birthday…
— Huh? — it seemed to you that your heart turned over in your chest, pausing for those few moments that felt like an eternity while you stared into Dan Heng's deep eyes. In these quiet waves, which shimmer with soft ripples in his eyes, you can read tenderness, awe, which creep through your body with a tremor that you have never felt before. Your stomach is cramping with an unpleasant, but such a warm feeling that makes you even more nervous. It's all like a fever attack that will kill you if you don't hide behind your door right now.
You open your lips, whispering your answer, which probably only the rain hitting the roof of your house has heard.
— Thank you…
But Dan Heng heard you. That's probably why he hurried to turn around and head home as soon as possible, in order to hide the way the corners of his lips lifted in a soft smile under a wet umbrella.
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noemilivv · 1 year ago
hi hi! i just saw that you were doing matchups for hazbin, and i wanted to send something in!! this is my first time sending in anything like this on tumblr, so hoping i’m doing this right!!
✧ i’m genderfluid, and i’m generally more interested in men than i am women
✧ i’m ambiverted - i was raised in a way that made me a bit socially isolated, so i have issues with being social today. i don’t really know how to introduce myself to people, so i don’t speak to people unless they speak to me first. when it’s someone new, i usually let them lead the conversation, but when i’m comfortable with someone, i talk a lot more - i’ll tell them random stories i remember, and infodump about my current interest, run down the entire plot of the book i’m currently reading, all of that. my brain goes faster than my mouth a lot of the time, and i have trouble putting my thoughts and feelings into words.
✧ my style is all over the place. the most common color in my wardrobe is black, because mixing and matching colors kinda stresses me out. not to mention what i wear in my day to day can change depending on where i feel on the gender spectrum at any given time. my default is combat boots and (faux) leather jacket + gold rings and earrings
✧ my main love languages are acts of service (receiving) and gift giving (giving) - making people stuff is a sort of hobby of mine. i crochet a lot, and i love love love making people plushies <3 a lot of the time i’ll even start a craft project that i don’t even really want to keep and put it away in a stash of stuff to give to other people when the opportunity arises
✧ i bounce hobbies a lot, but the main ones that have stuck with me over a long period of time are drawing/animating and reading
✧ i have obsessive-compulsive disorder. there are certain topics/words i absolutely cannot say due to my ocd labeling it as taboo, and it’s made me a very superstitious person
✧ i cycle through interests a lot lot lot, but animation (both itself and as an industry) have been my main one for a while now. currently, i’m also really into dinosaurs and jurassic park! (fun fact, the velociraptor in jurassic park ought to be closer to the size they depict the dilophosaurus, and the dilophosaurus ought to be closer to the size they depict the velociraptor!)
make sure you don’t burn yourself out with these, i’ve seen you answer a lot already, take your time!! thanks in advance!
haha dw you did everything it seems!! i’m already burning myself out a bit sadly, as i’ve seemed to get a lot of requests than i can chew haha, but i’m gonna make it work!! you seem like such a sweetie, so ty anon for requesting!! i match you with…
Lucifer !!
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Luci is a bit socially isolated too haha, as he sits at home and makes ducks all day
Speaking of, you two have your fair share of grandma-grandpa hobbies that you do together (crochet, knitting, etc)
He loves trying new hobbies with you, it keeps you entertained since your hobbies bounce back a lot, and it gets him out of his comfort zone
Also, he loves reading to you, he will do a bunch of silly voice for all the characters XD
You both just tend to info dump about your favorite topics to eachother, which Lucifer loves, no one really listens to his odd rambles, so the fact that you do is very heartwarming💕
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thatfoxnamedfinley · 2 months ago
The Motherfucking Consequence aka Dark Age thoughts
holy SHIT
holy FUCK
I was just up until 4AM finishing this book
It was so...........GOOD
Nearly flawless!
ok spoilers under the cut bitches
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I have been left in the crumpled ruins of this book
where do I begin, like where do I even START
Ok ok ok holy fuck I'm already cackling
The first part was PERFECTION. Back and forth with Darrow and Lysander.
The Storm Gods and Orion (r.i.p baby girl) and Lysander describing Darrow as he comes to battle
"If you hear wolves, find me. Only a legion accompanying the Slave King is permitted the howl. If you hear it, he is coming."
How the howls announce Darrow and Lysander describing how Darrow fights is CRAZZZYYYY Like he knows where a strike is coming without having to see it
Lysander watching Darrow carve his way through the troops like a DARK SOULS BOSS
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Then Darrow is gone as quick as he came after destroying everything in his path
Lysander being Mr. "The Genius of His Violence" talking about Darrow XD
*Beginning of next chapter*
"We brush away light resistance."
LMMMFFAAAOOOOO ok go off king
Seeing Darrow at the peak of his fighting is SO COOL to see.
I made an audiobook bookmark cackling at someone calling Apple a muscled walking penis LMAO
Ephraim was SO enjoyable. His chapters were so much more lighthearted and funny even though the content of his chapters was not (VOLSUNG FAAAA holy fuck).
"Someone starts to say Freihild is deft in all things. Yeah yeah shutup." lmmaaooooo
R.I.P Eph
Especially right after he was able to reunite with Volga....
And PAX PILOTING THAT AIRSHIP and the people of Mars being ride or dies for Reaper is so so fucking good
I had goosies
Lyria's story was much better this time around (lmfao when she was playing stupid to get close to Duncan by grinding on his dick LMAO and then she literally dunked him in acid) as she was one of my complaints from Iron Gold. But she, Victra and Volga were great. And that...parasite? In her brain wtf it can detects like heat signatures but I have no clue it's purpose.
Victra is such an interesting character because I go back and forth on her a lot. I still don't understand how she and Sevro work. Sometimes I'm like FUCK YES GO VICTRA
Like when she was unleashed after her baby was killed (omfg) and she was just POUNCING on people and killing and tearing and I was like YEEEEESS VICTRA BITCH GO GO GO GOGOG OGG OGOG O!!!!!
But then when she was acting nuts after Electra and Pax were first taken I was like
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Harmony finally dying A+
I can't believe how far gone and radical she was (the child wives WTFFFF)
Volsung Fa being Ragnar's father I did not see coming. I want him vs Darrow so bad
I want Darrow vs anybody so bad tbh
I love when Darrow wins *cries in Dark Age*
r.i.p Sefi she got fucked up bad and it's nuts that all it took was someone like Volsung Fa to completely take over the Obsidians and make them hungry for war again. I'm very curious his part in the story and what his plans are. He wants war on everyone so....what? So Obsidian can rule? I think they will be a huge factor turning the tides of the war.
LYSANDER. He's a great character but I hate him. I understand what he's trying to say the Pierce Brown has done a very good job with finding nuance in the ways that others look at Darrow and how he can be perceived as a villain.
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He wants Gold to rule again, to "sheppard" the other colors because they're incapable of being on their own in his view. He wants the society back but with more checks on power but as we've seen, most Golds are not capable of that.
So like...what do we do? We either have them in power or kill all of them? What's the medium? Where does this war END? HOW? Then at the end when all hope is lost, when he MORTALLY WOUNDS Darrow (I was SCREAMINGgGGGGG) and CASSIUS?
BRO where WERE you
wtf!!! he's pops up like "lol brooding again huh" while Darrow has a slingblade sticking out of his body with no hope left
The legend of Darrow grows, the weight of his name as Reaper and the gravity of battles when he's on the field is AMAZING. I love it i love him so much please let him survive through this series he deserves HAPPINESS
"I would die for the truth that all men are created equal."
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my king
Pax slowly understanding the burden on his father is a nice touch and Electra is just like her parents lmao a little helion
When Virginia was like *squints around* something is wrong
and whenever Pierce Brown has one of his characters say something is wrong then something is REALLY FUCKING WRONG
They killed DAXXOOOOO nooooooooo and Dancer too *sits silently*
Here's the thing, Dancer wasn't on Virginia's side until he had to be and I don't like that. I feel like...he wasn't meant to be written to be unlikeable but I haven't liked him in Iron Gold or here in Dark Age
Good riddance Red Hand
I have no idea what's going to happen in Light bringer but I'm going to start it tonight, godspeed my goodman
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ps GOOSIES when Mars formed that slingblade and Virginia was like "Mars endures." yo Mars is the GOAT
pss Diomedes im super interested in, he seems honorable and Cassius is alive so...ALLLLYYY??????? pls pls pls pls pls
so is Lysander
so is Apple
so is Ajax
r these people ok
because they're all barely held together by a single string
not sure how I feel about the Jackal clone tbh but Lilath is also nuts
*sits up suddenly*
I wish we had more of Ephraim in the future tbh...
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tamelee · 1 year ago
I love your artwork, it's so cool! I'm an amateur in art, do you have any tips? Thank you!
Thank you so much! 💕 And sure! (Have you seen my other posts as well?) It’s a bit easier when it’s more specific >< But I’ll try my best; 
- Keep notes about the things you want to learn as you draw! Someone gave me a tip to have an art-goal so you know what to work on and then improve these particular things as you go, but for some reason I found it really hard to set these goals? (Am I the only one?) I kept thinking I just wanted to ‘improve’ everything, but that’s not very tangible and I can’t effectively measure whether I’ve succeeded… (it’s also not always easy to see your own improvements… at least I rarely can ><) 
But when you draw and you come across these little things that make you go “hm, I wish this was easier” or “I really love this sketch I made, but I’m not sure how to go about coloring it”, anything like that— then your desires regarding your art or your process become a lot more specific, right? Write these down! What specifically would you like to improve on?
I’ve noticed for myself and many others talked about it as well that once a piece is done, it’s like you forget a lot about the process and your mind is set on a new project. (Also, yay! You were in the zone~) You can either use your current project as practice (all of them are in a sense, really) or start a new one later, research what you need (on YouTube, books, or perhaps a course from an artist you really like if you can afford it) and work on your goal! 
- Also keep notes for any ideas you may have. We always think we’ll remember something and then we don’t. These sudden, often spontaneous glimpses you receive seemingly out of nowhere can be some of your best and it’s a shame if they fade back into the void. This also applies to anything that inspires you.. it can really be anything. I think I’ve said this before, but if you do this, try and organize a bit. Otherwise you’ll end up with a bunch of notes that’s more overwhelming than anything else. 
You can use folders to keep images, notes, a dedicated Notion page perhaps or if you can afford it, keep an extra external SSD for this. 
- Well, this also applies to research or video’s you’d like to watch. If you end up with too many tutorials or books, or they aren’t goal-oriented specific to your art desire, it may get really hard to get you started on something. If you’re like me and it’s hard to focus, I’d highly recommend taking some time to sit back, think about the thing you really want, organize and structure a way towards it and go. That way you don’t have to make all these decisions along the way— you know what to do already, it’s written right there!
- And that also applies to tools and brushes xD I know it’s really fun to download all of it because many are free and what if there’s ever a time you may need this specific texture on a brush? What if you can’t get this style that inspired you with the brushes you already have? But truth is, you don’t need them all and if you do, you’ll notice there are many you won’t even touch. And well… as you can see in my art as well, apart from the pencil ones, it doesn’t necessarily encourage consistency if that’s what you strive for. If you want to practice, most often the basic round brush will do, the less opacity or blend, the more you can practice shapes and clarity. In that case I’d stay away from the airbrush whenever possible. 
- Depending on the program you use (CSP has their own), you can use these to help you with facial angles, or this if you rather prefer a basic skull. You can use the site if you can’t get the angles quite right for many things. 
- For coloring I highly recommend James Gurney’s articles or book ‘color and light a guide for the realistic painter’, even if you’re not a realistic painter, it still contains most (all?) of what you need to know about color.
- A great way to experiment is to just… open a blank document and do whatever. I know it often feels like you have to draw something (preferably something good), but you can actually learn a lot by just scrabbling away. Here’s also often where you find the things you feel like you need to improve. Certain angles are especially hard for me, but I hadn't known that if I didn't try >< Oh, I also found this site by accident and I haven't read it all, but it covers many subjects! Hope these are helpful! 🌷
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egg-emperor · 1 year ago
Has anyone ever tried telling you "eggman probably isn't as evil as you think" If so, how did you respond?
Side note. I really appreciate your account. We need more people who embrace Eggman as the irredeemable monster he is.
Yes, often and well they're either coming from a place of not being knowledgeable enough about Eggman and overlook all his crimes, or it's a case where they turn a blind eye because they don't want to believe he's actually that evil because it's not to their tastes and makes them uncomfortable. And I get it but it doesn't change the facts. I enjoy getting to help people learn the solid unbiased facts about game canon Eggman, by bringing up all the canon examples of what makes him such a terrible person and try to note as many of his actions as possible that prove he really is that evil.
Being a totalitarian fascist dictator who wants to own the world and strip freedom and free will away, a war criminal who causes mass destruction and is willing to commit genocide, will try to kill anyone who gets in his way even children as young as 6-8, has been sexist, will manipulate/gaslight and abuse people and animals in various ways and enjoy it, wants to build intentionally dangerous theme parks that can kill people in brutal ways as we hear all about in Colors, and knows he's evil and acknowledges it proudly and revels in it is the most evil of evil!
We've seen many examples that show just how low he'll stoop and he hasn't been known to have a single limit in canon, besides things that get the entire planet and himself destroyed so he can't rule it, obviously. Besides that purely selfish reason, he isn't shown to have any good morally based limits and doesn't show any hesitance or remorse for his actions, despite clearly being fully aware that he's the bad guy doing the bad thing, calling it evil with glee. He's ranged from completely apathetic towards the evil he commits to downright sadistic as he smirks cheekily and laughs through it!
Those aren't actions to be downplayed or overlooked, they're important traits that define his character and are involved by countless significant plot points, including his whole motivation and methods in his plans. They're the very things that establish him as a villain and a threat in the first place. It's what puts the "evil" in "Ivo (ee-vo)." He's not the villain and not the Eggman, or even the same character at all without it, I'm not even exaggerating. But yeah point is, if someone is to deny or ignore all these intentionally or not, then they're not gonna think he's as evil as I say he is. XD
From my experience, they haven't been able to provide solid proof and evidence, nothing I couldn't disprove with my own stacks of evidence taken right from the games, if they do have any they claim to be at all. Because a lot of the things I see that they tend to try to use are things that actually prove my own point instead, when looking at them in actual context and what they really mean. So what I'd also do is debunk anything they try to use to attest to the idea that he's really that evil of a guy, using those very same things they're trying to use for their statements and much more.
I really like having sensible discussions and debates where I get to put all my heavy passionate research and analysis to use but I don't really get the chance very often because people take it the wrong way. I think if people didn't take disagreements as so hostile, we could be having some really interesting discussions. Like sure, when someone says "Eggman isn't as evil as you think" I'm like "ah hell no, no way lol" but I'm not angry or insulting, I'd just like to discuss why I disagree and share some of the reasons why, which are based in fact. I encourage others to do it to me too.
Anyway, these are usually the points I bring up when I do get the chance. Then I ready all my tons of excerpts and sources right from the games explicitly written into the text, and with some further analysis adhering to that knowledge, and sometimes additional creator commentary that's solidly backed up by the game canon as a bonus. People I've talked to have been upset by being asked for sources but I'm always passionate about gathering all my sources the second someone asks because I'm like finally I get to do something with all this information lol
Thank you so much! I'm really happy you enjoy my stuff. :D I'm just super passionate about gushing over, analyzing, and educating over how Eggman is a lovable nasty evil bastard man and I'm really happy that I'm not alone, I have so much fun making the posts and to know that y'all enjoy it too makes it even better. Here we love and embrace this handsome horrible man always and I'm delighted for you to join me in it. We make fine loyal members of the Eggman Empire for it hehe 💜
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