#someone please said me the original post owners so I can give proper credits ;-;
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enigmatic-pers · 1 month ago
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Local otaku preparing to go to war with a godly powered dragon, little does he know the dragons already coming to him 💀
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adedarma · 6 years ago
Hi, I am part of the custom community on ROBLOX which is on twitter. I've been seeing posts recently saying that we're going to get 'sued' because people have uploaded your meshes to roblox and used them in pictures. I really hope you don't do this because it's only a game and I understand you have worked incredibly hard on these amazing wigs. Thank you.
Hi there!
there are some quiet few ppl that sent me a PM on TSR about converting my hairs to roblox but i missed some of them, then i just recently opened my TSR mesagges and answer the messages that i’ve got in general unless the older ones from months ago.
so since you’re asking this in anonymous, then i don’t really have a choice since idk who you are. first of all i want to make it clear, i’ve never said something about a lawsuit towards any of those ppl that i’ve contacted, or anyone in general and i always contacted them personally.
this person recently messaged me on TSR says basically he/she converted one of my hair to roblox but for personal use only, and he’s afraid of a lawsuits (which i never mentioned about at all) and he would understand to stop doing so if i wanted to.
and he also said there is a person that claims “got a permission from me”, and i don’t think i gave anyone permission to convert my stuff to roblox although i just noticed some ppl reached out to me few months ago on TSR message asking about the similar stuff which i might’ve missed since i almost never open the message and that’s why i leave “also, feel free to ask me anything on tumblr and see the progress of my hairs“ under my TSR profile description.
and i answered them with this exact message
“Hi There!!! i don’t really mind if it’s for personal use and as long as you didn’t claim it as your own.but i don’t think i’m okay if someone selling my stuff, and also no one is asking for permission to convert any of my hairs to roblox ( or give any of them permission). is there anyway i can see her stuff? because i couldn’t find any.”
then i also sent a following message saying
“but i prefer not to convert my hairs to any platform and want them to stays for sims because idk i don’t feel like right about it, unless i did it myself like i did for SL and Sansar.“
and let me explain, when i say “but i don’t think i’m okay if someone selling my stuff“ i don’t actually know if they’re selling it or not but i just making a heads up to him or her so he didn’t sell that. and when i do prefer ppl not convert my stuff to any other platform bc i just don’t want ppl to claim it as themselves, since none of the roblox ppl give the credit towards the original creator and changed the name of the hairs not even close to the original hair’s name. when the sims 2 ppl who converts stuff always keep everything the same like the name and puts a credit.
and so is for the sims 4, i don’t care if ppl convert/edit/break apart my meshes as long as they use it for themselves.
i also saw few ppl do mesh edit of mine, and i’m kinda okay with it as long as they’re not making profit off of it, giving me the credit, and not claiming as themselves and stays in the same platforms (the sims) even though i would gladly appreciate if they don’t do that, and start to do their own meshes since they know the basic of meshing and some stuff to to hairs.
apart from that, this person answered me back saying “Oh of course, that’s perfectly fine. I understand! Thank you for your time.“, and also said “when this person (the other person who converted my stuff) was confronted about it, she said she got permission and if the owner didn’t want it to be converted they (refering to me as the creator) shouldn’t have made it. She also laughs and makes rude remarks about lawsuits like saying things like “I won’t get sued if he even finds out" “
which is extremely rude since she (the other person who converted it) not even have the permissions, changing the hair name, breaking apart the meshes and not giving a credit, and not using it for personal use.
then i found some ppl using the hair on twitter and contacted one of them asking who did it and he/she said the person isn’t in the community from the past few months. so i asked her to let me know if he’s around again then i asked her to take her take the stuff that is available on her store down even though it was free, and she said she will take it down when she’s online and i said thank you, and that’s it.
and everything that has happened since i’m doing these stuff, i always contacted those ppl privately and let’s figure this out, plus i never come like “i’ll sue you for the stuff that you did bla bla”, and i don’t like talk about this stuff public actually since i don’t want drama to happen and i’m not that kind of person.
it’s all from my perspective and that’s what i did, and again i never talked about a lawsuit and going to sue someone, idk who said and started that, and don’t even know who’s perspective that was.
if the other creators give you permissions and okay with all of that then good for them and you, for me i could care less if it’s for personal, and giving the proper credit even in an image since i’m not creating for roblox.
if you guys also wanna start doing your own mesh that’d be even more great, and make it actually for roblox only, you could also make profit from your own stuff (pretty sure some of you know about meshing even a bit), and fits the roblox style since alpha in my opinion don’t quiet fit with the game style, again that’s just my opinion and if you like it and disagree it’s okay, you do you.
PS. i don’t wanna put the screenshots cause i’m afraid some of you find the persons come at him/her and started a fight or whatever.
that’s all i guess, and please pleaseeeeeeee, don’t start any false news in the community (cause i already saw some apparently), it’s not even worth it. Thank You!!
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 7 years ago
I Gift to You
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@restlessandordinary OKAY, two things. One, I had this idea in my head and it is probably WAY different than you originally planned. Sorry about that. Two, this is later than I told you I would get it out. Sorry about that. Three, if you’ve got an AO3, I would like to have it so that I can gift this to you, since it is longer than a normal drabble and can stand as a oneshot. 
               The first time it happened, Draco swore it was just a slip up. He wouldn’t do it again. Nope. Potter certainly didn’t deserve his generosity. Because that was exactly what this was. People didn’t give him enough credit when it came to being nice.
               It’s just that the sight of the eleven-year-old in glasses that weren’t fitting his face, were horribly old, fading in color and just not aesthetically pleasing, had him wanting to rectify this travesty immediately. This wasn’t because he cared or anything. Nope. This was doing everyone else a favor. Really. It benefited society by no one having to see the hideous specs.
               Draco timed it perfectly. He knew that Potter tended to spend longer eating than everyone else. Certainly, longer than Weasley. The redhead inhaled food quicker than he did air. So, when Potter was about to leave for his morning class, Draco signaled the school owl that he had trained to wait for his mark. It took weeks to train the bloody bird. The only problem was that the bird was now attached to him. Which hadn’t been previously intended. At least the owl had proper taste.
               The brown barn owl swooped down, catching the attention of a few stragglers but otherwise the notice was limited.
               Confusion was the first expression that Draco could make out. He knew that the Gryffindor probably wondered why his snowy owl hadn’t delivered the mail, but the boy was too curious to not open it. Not exactly the smartest thing to do but that was just his own suspicious nature coming forward.
               The confusion quickly bled into shock before a genuinely pleased glint appeared in the brunette’s eyes.
               Instructions had been placed in the package, because Draco knew that intelligence was the reason the reckless idiot hadn’t been placed into Ravenclaw. The glasses were charmed to stay on his face until the wearer wished them off. They would mold to the user’s needs, whether the eye sight got worse with age or not. Not to mention, the frames would change to match the user’s outfit, ensuring that they remain elegant at all times. Which was a deal breaker in his opinion.
               Draco’s resolve to allow this to be a brief moment of weakness and a onetime instance, shattered at the flush on Potter’s face and a shy grin flickered on the Gryffindor’s lips.
               Salazar, this wasn’t supposed to happen. The git wasn’t allowed to make him feel like this. Draco Lucius Malfoy doesn’t do sappy feelings.
               Angrily, Draco made his way swiftly towards the entrance, inwardly cursing Potter’s existence. It wasn’t until he almost reached the door that he heard Longbottom’s question.
               “Oh, wow. Those are pretty expensive. Who sent them to you?”
               “No idea.” Potter’s tone was a little awed. “The note just says, ‘To fix your face, finally’.”
               Draco was determined that the second time still be counted as a slip up. This wasn’t going to be a regular thing. Nope. Not at all. Because that was just silly. Draco Lucius Malfoy doesn’t do nice things for other people. Especially to Potter.
               Unfortunately, the delivery was not as well timed as last year’s gift. The other two members of the Idiotic Trio were still around.
               He watched his the school owl struggle to carry the packages and it caused a twinge of guilt inside Draco. He couldn’t trust any other owls to do the job, so the bird would have to do it alone.
               When Potter looked to the owl, it was clear that he recognized the bird. The Gryffindor reached out a hand to softly pet the owl before opening the packages with gusto.
               Draco couldn’t hear what was going on from where he sat, but he could tell that the other boy had gasped. It was the way the eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open slowly. Which was a great reaction so far. He knew that his gift would mean something. Not that he cared about that.
               The silence was killing him. He needed to know what was being said. Draco slowly made to the end of the table, pretending that he was listening to a few of his housemate’s conversations before using that as a reason to go a different route towards the exit.
               Just as he passed, he caught the beginning of Weasley’s questions.
               “What is it? Why would someone send you books full of scribbles?”
               Draco rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. Scribbles. That one actually hurt.
               “It’s not scribbles, Ron!” Granger corrected. “I think it’s in Parseltongue.”
               “It is.” Potter whispered, fingers running over the title of the first book. Behind the Wonders of Parseltongue Volume I: The History of the Snake Language and Why it’s a Blessing and Not a Curse.
               “Why do you think they sent it?” Weasley asked, eyeing the book warily.
               “To send me a message.” Answered Potter, placing the book in his lap, only to pick up the second one. Behind the Wonders of Parseltongue Volume II: The Astonishing Accomplishments that Parseltongue has Brought to the World.
               “What message? Because they think you are Slytherin’s Heir?”
               Draco wasn’t going to even bother coming up with a mental reply for that one.
               “No.” Potter shook his head. “So that I can love all parts of me. Even the ones that are perceived as evil.”
               The insight had Draco fighting off a flush. That was not his intention… not exactly. He just hated the thought of others degrading Potter’s ability just because they don’t understand it. There is nothing wrong with being a Parselmouth. It wasn’t dark, vile or even evil.
               “Does the note say who it’s from?” There was suspicion in Granger’s tone, which had Draco scoffing internally. If he had wanted to harm Potter, he would have. It’s not like the brunette even spell checks the gifts. Which was actually pretty moronic, but that was just Draco’s thought on the matter.
               “No, it just says, ‘To learn something, for once’.”
               The evidence against this being a onetime incident was becoming a reach, even in Draco’s own mind. But that was beside the point.
               So far, this would probably be his worst idea yet. This was getting rather personal… but he couldn’t allow this year to continue with the mass hysteria that everyone walked around with. Not when it was a farce to begin with.
               This time, he chose to have Russet—not that he named the infernal bird—deliver the gift during a nighttime study session the Idiotic Trio were having in the Library.
               When a light scratching drew Potter’s attention to the window next to him, Draco stepped into the shadows of an alcove.
               “Oh, it’s you.” Potter’s voice took a happy glint to it.
               Draco watched him rip of the packaging and freeze. This was a normal reaction, but he just hoped that the brunette wouldn’t become angry.
               News clippings, articles posted in obscure news outlets, court records and even statements made by the accused where staring up at Potter.
               He watched Potter’s brow furrow slightly with each passing minute until he was full blown frowning as each parchment was leafed through.
               “Hermione!” Potter whisper yelled as his voice cracked.
               “What? What is it? Oh, your anonymous friend sent you something?” Granger hadn’t looked up from her book on Medieval Flobberworms and Why They Were the Downfall of Mermish Society, as she walked down the aisle.
               “Hermione, can the Wizengamot sentence someone to Azkaban without a trial?”
               That caused Granger to peer up at him in confusion. “No, it violates several laws and is illegal.”
               Potter thrusted all of the articles harshly as Weasley came around the other side of the table and read over their shoulders.
               “Oh.” Granger whispered, blinking rapidly. “This isn’t good.”
               “Black is innocent, isn’t he?” There was a miserable confusion in Potter’s tone. But Draco couldn’t have admitted that he knew from his father that Black truly hadn’t been a Death Eater, without revealing sources.
               “Let me guess.” Weasley began sarcastically. “There’s no signature?”
               “Just a note that says, ‘To provide the proof that has always been there, idiot’.”
               Sadly, it wasn’t hard to send Potter his gift this time. Weasley was being pathetically obtuse by thinking Potter would actually put his name in the Goblet. Granger was spending time between the two. All he had to do was wait until he knew she was with the redhead.
               It was a bit risky to send the package outside, due to the chance of being caught but Draco knew that now was the best time.
               The sound of fluttering wings had caught Potter’s attention. The Gryffindor put up his arm, allowing Russet a perch to land on.
               “Hey you.” Potter teased, gently running his fingers through her feathers before taking the burden from the bird.
               “Feels like a book.”
               Draco rolled his eyes. Sometimes he wondered if Potter liked to state the obvious just to hear himself talk.
               He watched Potter arch a brow as he picked up, Triwizard Tournament 1410: The Year No One Survived.
               “What a morbid gift.” Potter whispered, aghast. Probably wondering why he would be sent a book that mentioned the deaths of all contestants.
               It wasn’t until he began skimming the chapters that Potter let out a happy shout. “They are cycling through old tasks!”
               Honestly, it was sad that Potter hadn’t gone through the history of the Triwizard Tournament. After the Dragons, Draco had recognized the task. It was the exact same, down to the golden eggs as well. It didn’t take a genius to realize what the second one would be, if one were to take in account of the history.
               “Oh.” Potter whispered, eyes traveling the pages rapidly. “The egg is speaking in Mermish.” The boy smacked his forehead so hard, Draco wondered if it would leave a dent. Which would probably be an improvement.
               Potter looked to Russet with kind eyes and a soft expression. “Your owner is wonderful.”
               Draco refused to let that fluster him. It was just a truth after all. It was a known fact that Draco Lucius Malfoy is wonderful. Everyone knew it.
               “Not to mention rude.” Potter chided with a small smile as he read the note. “To give help, Merlin knows you need it.”       
               Draco wasn’t sure about this one. He knew he was taking a giant risk by doing this. It was one thing to listen in on his father while home, but it was another to actively go against him. Providing Potter either of these wasn’t the smartest.
               The timing on this one was horrible but there was nothing Draco could do to change it. This was the only way to guarantee that Potter would be alone when he received them.
               He watched the Gryffindor walk down the corridor with a hand curled to his chest, pain on his face and tired eyes that weren’t paying attention to anything. Draco knew that Umbridge had given the idiot detention again.
               A small hoot from Russet had Potter looking up, smile lighting his features. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
               The bird was once again struggling under the weight, but Potter was quick to help. He led the bird over to a bench against the wall before opening the package.
               Potter’s brows pinched harshly as he picked up a book. “Prophecies and Why They Aren’t Meant to be Taken at Face Value.”
               “Huh.” Potter scratched the side of his head. “Cryptic but I suppose I’ll keep it in mind.”
               When Potter picked up the vial, a soft expression appeared on his face and it had Draco’s breath catching. He had to force himself not to look away.
               “It’s a healing salve.” Potter’s tone was pleased but shy. The Gryffindor unscrewed the cap before placing it on the back of his bleeding hand. “I wish I could thank your owner.”
               The overheard gratitude was enough for Draco.
               A snort had Draco arching a brow. “To keep you safe, since you aren’t doing a good enough job.”
               “They sure are blunt.” There was a pause as Potter traced the note gently. “But that’s a refreshing change from secrecy.”
               Perhaps Draco was feeling petty. Or his pride was wounded. Either one worked. He watched Potter’s face fall as he opened the gift from across the Great Hall.
               Draco didn’t spare a look after that. He already knew that the Gryffindor was sorry but tell that to his disfigured body that would never look the same.
               Dark Spells and Why Morons Shouldn’t Use Them Without the Knowledge Behind It.
               No note had been attached, it was Draco’s way of voicing his displeasure but also because he hadn’t been sure what to say. He knew that the blame wasn’t solely on Potter but there had been a drastic difference in the two of them that day.
               He stabbed his mashed potatoes heavily before shoving them to the side. His appetite had long ago disappeared.
               This was the first year that Draco had no idea how his gift would be perceived. He wasn’t there to witness it and had no idea where Potter was even at. It had taken quite a bit of Dark Magic to be able to get his owl to sense his previous gifts. He was counting on Potter being sentimental enough to have taken at least one of them with him on whatever expedition the moron was doing.
               As much as it would be nice having the Golden Boy here for his last year, he knew that fighting the Dark Lord was preferable. Hogwarts wasn’t home anymore. Not with the Carrows here. Not with the violence or the curses. Not with scared children or irresponsible teachers. This wasn’t the Hogwarts Potter knew nor was it the Hogwarts that this place deserved.
               Draco walked the corridors, pointedly ignoring the younger students sneaking out of the Great Hall. Today was mandatory ‘training’ with the Carrows. All older students were to show that they were capable of performing two of the Unforgivable Curses. Their targets were the younger students.
               It had been difficult thinking of something that he could offer Potter, what do you get someone that is risking their life to protect the rest of the world? How do you offer something meaningful when life itself could be taken at any given time? What kind of gift is there to provide?
               In the end he had sent numerous books on counteracting Dark Magic, what to do if one is involved in a Dark ritual and methods on surviving in the unknown. Charms to help against minimal to mild curses, and even objects to ward off intruders had been sent along as well. His gift might have been seen as overkill, but the message was clear, same as the note tied to Russet.
              Don’t die, you bumbling moron.
               Not just for the rest of the world, or even because someone needed to fight against the Dark Lord. No. Draco needed Potter alive for his own relief. He wanted the Gryffindor to live because it was only fair. The boy shouldn’t have to live his life only to die. What kind of shite was that?
               “Don’t die, Potter.” Draco whispered to himself before straightening up at the sound of footsteps.
               “Where did those students go? Did you see them escape?”
               “No.” Draco informed Alecto as he turned around, head straightening, lie easily falling from his mouth. “You might want to try Zabini’s sector.”
               This was the last time. Draco knew that he couldn’t keep doing this. Not with the way things had played out. Not with the way his emotions were already too invested. Because if he didn’t get control of himself, then he would be spending the rest of his bloody life sending Potter gifts.
               Draco had always thought sending Potter things had been difficult but none of them would hurt as badly as this one.
               He made his way to the Owlery, timing it enough that he knew Potter had already left. The Gryffindor liked to visit the owls, probably missing his own Snowy one. A pang filled Draco at the thought of Russet dying as Hedwig had.
               Right as he reached the door, a flash near his peripheral vision had him pausing. Despite not seeing anything of concrete, he couldn’t help but feel as if he was being watched. But time was of the essence, so he squared his shoulders and made his way inside.
               The excited hoot Russet released at the sight of him had Draco smiling softly. He watched her jump from one foot to the next before flying straight to him.
               “Hey beautiful.” Draco cooed, running his fingers along the top of her head. “You just saw me yesterday, you can’t have missed me that much.”
               She gave him a reproachful look before nipping his finger affectionately.
               Draco sighed heavily, trying to work up the courage that would be needed. “When I trained you, I always thought that our partnership would be for the one time. But apparently I have no self-control.” He shook his head ruefully at the way his eleven-year-old self had acted.  
               “I didn’t think I would grow attached to you.” If an owl could be smug, he knew that Russet was. The bloody self-righteous bird. “But I did. You are definitely smarter than other owls but also far too kind to be associated as mine.” He held up a hand when she hooted indignantly.
               “But that’s not the point. You see, I thought long and hard about what my final gift should be.” He closed his eyes briefly. “I know he misses his owl, it’s easy to tell by the way he stops here to visit. He has a liking for you, so I know that my gift will be perceived well.”
               A sad hoot had him peering into equally sad brown eyes. “He’ll be able to give you the kindness that I can’t.” When her beak opened but no sound came out, Draco was positive his heart broke. “I already made up the note. I just need to tie it to you and then… and then say goodbye.” His voice had cracked a little on the last word. This shouldn’t be affecting him so much, but Russet was the only thing that was normal anymore, the only constant in his life. Giving up his owl would be giving up a part of himself but… that was alright, right?
               Draco blinked rapidly as he tied the note to Russet’s leg. He couldn’t meet her eyes as he touched her feathers. “You’ll be alright. Potter will take care of you.” That much he knew. He thrusted his arm a little in the air until she left his arm in an indignant cry.
               He walked to the wall, not able to watch Russet fly away. Draco tilted his head until he could rest it firmly against the brick of the owlery, eyes closed tightly.
               It took several moments before he realized that Russet’s wings hadn’t flapped for long. Her movement wasn’t still heard.
               Draco opened his eyes and froze at the sight of Potter in the doorway, eyes peering softly at him and Russet sitting proudly on his shoulder.
               “You would give me her?” Potter asked, breath a shaky whisper and hands trembling minutely.
               “I’m not—It’s not—” He bit his lip, unsure if he could lie his way out of this.
               Potter shook his head, stalling anything Draco could say.
               “I figured out it was you a few years ago.”
               If Draco’s head wasn’t already close to the wall, he would have jerked it in surprise.
               The way the Gryffindor was standing made him think that the other boy was nervous. “I thought that it might have been you during my fifth year. Who else would insult me, you know? But it wasn’t until our sixth year that I knew. I really wanted to talk to you about it, but I ruined that with the bathroom incident. And you’ve got to know that I didn’t know what that spell would do. I would have never used something like that. I would—”
               Draco raised a hand to interrupt the already long speech. “I know, Potter. I know. I wasn’t innocent either. I was angry at you for so long that I didn’t realize that you made it all real. What I was doing held consequences. You were one of those consequences. I couldn’t keep going as I was, something had to give. Unfortunately, that was me. I have accepted this and I don’t hold it against you.”
               “You found me after that anyways. Even after I hurt you.” Potter whispered, eyes roaming. “You sent me your owl and it was a remembrance of what was here. It was a reminder that while I was drowning in responsibility, that reality was still waiting for me. That there really was an exit at the end of the tunnel of shite that my life was turning into.”
               There was a pause as Potter grinned ruefully. “Don’t die. What a morbid note but a demand nonetheless. I’m still here, I’m still breathing.”
               Draco wasn’t sure what to say. The realm of possibilities had past quite some time ago. This was turning into a conversation that he had never imagined happened.
               “Thank you.” Whispered Potter, eyes being far kinder than Draco deserved to witness. “I’m not sure about the reason behind these gifts.” Draco looked down at his hands, not willing to own up to anything.
               “I know what I would like for it to all mean.” The sound of his footsteps coming closer had Draco’s throat constricting.
               “But Malfoy, I can’t accept this last gift.”
               Draco snapped his head up, eyes narrowing angrily.
               “I can’t take your owl from you.” Potter lifted up the note gently. “For you.” The man whispered softly. “I have had seven years of gifts from you but haven’t returned the favor. I think that’s pretty rude of me, don’t you?”
               There was a teasing glint to the man’s eyes and that was the only thing keeping Draco’s sanity. “Now that you mention it…”
               Potter grinned widely, taking the last few steps until there was only inches separating them.
               “Your owl belongs with you.” Draco looked through his lashes, gaining confidence from the way Potter swallowed thickly. “I miss Hedwig more than I can properly express, but it would hurt more to take this one from you.”
               Draco took a shaky breath when a hand tenderly cupped one of his cheeks.
              “I wouldn’t be opposed to a joint custody.” Draco whispered, meeting green eyes that were smiling in a way that he hadn’t seen since before the war.
               A joyful laugh had Draco’s heart skipping a beat. “I can do that.” Potter whispered, face leaning forward, eyes asking permission.
               Patience wasn’t Draco’s strong suit. He lunged forward, wrapping his arms around Potter’s neck and capturing his lips in a fierce kiss. Belatedly, he realized that Russet had flown away the moment they touched but he was too distracted by Potter’s mouth. This wasn’t calm, sweet or gentle. How could it? Not when this had been building for years. Not when Draco had been imagining this very moment far longer than he would care to admit. Not when Potter was holding him tightly, hands roaming along his back and low mewls leaving his mouth.
               “That was the best gift I have ever been given.” Draco whispered against smiling lips.
               The sound of Russet flying up above them; hooting happily and wings flapping rapidly had Draco sighing happily.
               Who needed gifts when he already had everything he could possibly want?
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breeeliss · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
Alrighty, so if you haven’t heard from July 2nd until July 15th, people from the fandom will be participating in Miraculous Content Creator Blackout ( @miraculousblackout ) in order to protest the rampant art theft that has been affecting many creators in the fandom. In essence, people are committing to pausing content creation, freezing any ML related blogging, and spreading information about art theft. 
Now, for the sake of transparency, I will say that I am personally choosing not to halt my blog and will continue to post my writing. This is a personal decision and is in no way meant to delegitimize the protest. Many of you follow me for my writing, and I do not wish to deprive you all of that. I also want to continue to support ML artists and writers by continuing to reblog their work.
However!! I do want to say something about content theft and what can be done to prevent it. 
There’s really murky legalities around fanart/derivative works and copyright claims over the owners of the characters depicted. To save the legal jargon, I feel like this boils down very easily to a certain standard of respect and etiquette for people who put labor into creating any form of content. 
You do not have any right to decide how art/writing is used if you do not own it/did not create it. Very simple. Not yours? You don’t have a right to decide how it’s used. That right belongs entirely to an artist. This means that an artist can decide how they wish for you to interact with their creations, and it is basic etiquette and decency to respect those wishes. 
Acceptable forms of interaction usually involve interacting with the original post. So liking/reblogging/retweeting/etc. the original post, leaving comments, sending the artist messages about the post, etc. are great ways of appreciating art. It gets the artists hits and notes and it’s a great way to ensure they’re getting credit for their work. 
Now if you want to post art somewhere else, put it in a video, translate a fic you found, etc., always ask the artist for permission first just to be safe. It’s best to ask and get permission rather than assume it’s okay and upset an artist. Now if an artist says no, your job is to respect that decision and interact with their art in the way they’re comfortable with. If you’re thinking of interacting with an artist’s work in a way that they have not explicitly approved of, always always always ask to be sure. 
This also goes for tracing, taking another person’s art and putting it into your own creation, slapping art on merchandise without the artist’s permission, etc. Don’t do it without express permission. 
If ever you find yourself asking, “but I said it’s not mine!,” “I’m giving publicity to the artist,” “it’s art on the Internet I can do what I want,” refer to the bolded text: you do not have any right to decide how art/writing is used if you do not own it/did not create it.
What do I do if I’ve found stolen/reposted art?
First, make sure that it is indeed stolen/reposted. Good way to tell is to check watermarks, check posts, and check tags. A very quick and easy way to make sure the poster of the art is actually the artist is to check the art for watermarks and see if it matches the username of the poster. Now this often isn’t ironclad, so another good way to check is to read the posts of the original work. If you see someone saying “credits to the artist,” “look at this pretty art I found,” etc. you can be sure it’s a reposting. Checking the tags is another good method that I’ve used. A lot of artists tend to tag their art with things like #mine, #myart, etc. and that’s a good way to tell if the post is original. 
Now, if you can’t figure out who the artist is or you’re not sure if this is stolen/reposted, another good method is doing a reverse image search on Google. Google allows you to search by image rather than keywords and will show you every website in which the image appears. This is usually a very good way to try and see not only where else this image appears, but where it originated from. This is also good for people who find art randomly on Google and want to find the original artist to ask them permission to use their art. 
If you think art you’ve seen is stolen/reposted, it’s best to notify the artist right away before taking any action on their behalf. Simply sending them a link to what you think may be reposted art is often the best thing to do so that they’re aware and they can proceed from there. Be very careful about sending reports on behalf of others until you’re positive that is the method they wish to proceed with. If you know for sure that the artist does not condone reposting, you could report art “on the behalf of the artist.” 
Now, not only is it very possible that a thief/reposter will refuse to take down the stolen art, but it also happens quite often if the constant art theft posts made by fandom artists wasn’t enough of a hint. If talking to the thief/reposter first doesn’t work, that’s where you report the post/user. 
So how do I report stolen/reposted art?
@wintermoth has this really amazing comprehensive guide for artists that want to report their stolen/reposted art that you can find right here. As mentioned before, if you are not the artist of the stolen art, it’s usually best to notify the artist first and make sure to submit reports “on the behalf of the artist” if you’re 100% sure they do not condone that method of theft/reposting and are fine with fans reporting on their behalf. 
What about fics?
Same policies apply. If you want to translate a fic or throw it up on another website (such as Wattpad) that is something you need to ask the writer first and give them the proper credits. When it comes to fanfiction, the best thing you can do for a writer is reblog, like, comment, bookmark, gives kudos, and circulate links to the original piece. Anything past that needs the express permission of the writer. I don’t think I need to say that outright plagiarism of fics is nothing short of theft. 
This also goes for fandubs, using fics in comics, etc. Ask the writer! Sometimes we’re happy to let you dub over our work, translate it, and put our fics in comics so long as you let us know, credit us, and link back to our original writing. If a writer happens to not be okay with that under any circumstances, that is something that you need to respect. Once more:  you do not have any right to decide how art/writing is used if you do not own it/did not create it.
When it comes to reporting fics, you’re likely going to be doing that either on AO3, Fanfiction.net, Tumblr, or Wattpad. 
AO3: you can use this Report Abuse Form to file a complaint if you think that your writing has been plagiarized. This usually works for unauthorized posting of your fics and outright stealing your fics. Have links available and be as specific as you can in explaining what sort of offense was committed. 
Fanfiction.net: you can visit their Support page and email their support team with a complaint about abuse by putting the word “abuse” somewhere in the subject of the email. Again, provide as many links as you can and be thorough in your explanation (typically it suffices to say that you believe your story has been plagiarized or resposted without your permission)
Wattpad: you can visit their page on How to Report a Story. Essentially what you’ll want to do is go to the description of the story that you’re reporting and find the “Report this Story” link on the sidebar on your right hand side. When you reach the portion where it asks you to choose the issue you’re having, you’ll select “I have a Copyright violation” and follow the instructions that follow.
Keep in mind that with Wattpad, you have to have an account to see the stories on Wattpad and only the original author can submit a report. So make sure that you notify the original author of the fic if you happen to see their stolen fics on Wattpad. 
Tumblr: similar to stolen/reposted art, you can file a Misattribution/Non-Attribution Abuse Report through Tumblr’s Abuse Page. They make it very easy and simply ask you to provide the link to the stolen fic and the original fic in order to submit the abuse report. 
Again, please visit @miraculousblackout for more information about the blackout. Click these links if you need more Info or want to make a post and need to use Graphics (shoutout to @squirrellygirlart for the one I used above). If you’re an Artist or a Writer and you want to get involved, also check out those links. 
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hayjeon · 8 years ago
Official Statement of apology and hiatus
So I decided that I needed to make a separate post for this. Please read through if you have the time!  
To start off, I apologize sincerely if I stole someone’s work without credit. It was definitely not my intention to do so, and have taken many measures to try and mend my mistakes, but it doesn’t change the fact that I didn’t credit. So I am writing this separate post and will have a link to it on my FAQ page.
It may sound like excuses to whoever is angry about this, but please let me explain myself and the situation I was in.
I will be taking a hiatus to reflect on my actions and will not be uploading any stories until this issue is solved.
[ [MORE] ]
It’s my first time on tumblr, and I am still so unfamiliar with this website and how it works. I think I was still too used to the asianfanfics layout, which lets me copy and paste a url and it’ll credit it automatically. Unfortunately, tumblr’s photo system is not similar to the one I mentioned, so I decided the fastest way to do so would be to save and upload, not knowing it would make me the “source” and I automatically assumed that was how everyone else did it.
However, after trial and error, and some anon messages letting me know, I realized that was not the case and that I was making a huge mistake in assuming so. I backtracked and made sure to tag “gif not mine” in order to try and let readers know the media was not mine at all, but it was also my mistake of not making it obvious enough, by putting the tag at the end of all my other tags.
I then started to change the method I was using and proceeded to copy and paste the pictures onto my posts. Since that meant I wasn’t saving the picture and uploading, I thought it would have the “originally posted by:” banner underneath it when it was posted. But unfortunately it didn’t and so I tried to make a (x) with a credit for Sutures and Stitches part 3, but realized the credit wasn’t proper, so I tried to make amends by rushing a project I was working on: my headers.
I replaced the post with the (x) before anyone could reblog it and managed to avoid making that mistake again.
At this point I’d like to address the anons who messaged me: There were around 2 or 3 who messaged me on anon and let me know that I wasn’t properly crediting. I’m going to assume you were two different people because the way you approached the situation was entirely different.
One politely suggested using the tumblr option, which I assumed was the copy and paste. I apologize, it took me a few more days after receiving your message to finally realize the weight of my actions. But your message was the one I considered a polite warning. You sent me another anon this morning, and I think you misunderstood my words. I did not “accuse you of accusing me” but instead directed those words to the following person. I also tagged in my headers post “thank you for being patient” and so on to express my gratitude for your messages, which were polite and gave me the idea of starting my own headers. Thank you again. You were not the one I said “accused me,” but you were the one when I said “and politely suggesting <3 like the one I answered.” I hope this clears up the misunderstanding.
The other anon just simply left me a rude, “You’re plagiarizing” with more extremely rude accusations and left me no suggestions nor time to explain myself. I addressed this anon in a reply to someone saying that I have “anons accusing me of taking creds.” To you, I’m sorry that I couldn’t figure out how to use it on time, but I didn’t reply to yours and chose to ignore it because I knew that 1) I had my header posts in the works and 2) you didn’t give me the chance to learn nor explain myself.
The header project took weeks to finish. I had to look around and find places to take pictures of with my phone, which is not easy during a full semester of college. Then I had to edit them, then buy an app to help me add text and then upload again onto my computer. And this was all rushed last night when I got another anon message about the same issue (which I replied to on my tumblr) and so I speeded up the process of the project and uploaded what little I had: the header for sutures and stitches and for when war runs deep.  
Unfortunately, the other ones I made are still in progress, and I will be uploading them one by one as I finish them. However, the two that I did last night were done at around 3 am and I had to go to sleep, and I plan to finish them throughout the week.
Now I’d like to address something an anon brought up to me this morning.
You said, “Hi. You said ‘but i’ve been crediting in the description with a link (x)’ but i havent seen any (x) on your stitches scenario. Im not talking about the edited version now, you obviously removed the gifs and put your edit, but I had reblogged the previous versions WITH the gif and there has never been a credit/link to the owner..”
So I’ve been messaging a few friends here on tumblr, and they said that by my uploading of the headers, its true that it doesn’t just replace the first posts that I made.
So, as a response, I’m not exactly sure what to do. If uploading a header and deleting the gif doesn’t change the reblogged version, I don’t know what else I can further do. I meant I added the (x) after I saw messages, so it didn’t happen to every single gif on my blog (which I am working on rn). I’ve already deleted the gifs on my stories I replaced with headers, and have gotten rid of the credits as well because I am no longer using said gif. I uploaded my own property headers in order to reflect on my actions, but it seems like the mistakes I made will remain on my blog and in the histories of the reblogged versions of my stories.
So to wrap up, the bottom line is that I made a mistake due to my ignorance and I deserve to receive the punishment for my actions. If this means I have to take a hiatus to reflect, then I will do so. But I hope all of my followers know that I too, as an artist, writer, and student, understand the importance of crediting and plagiarization accusations. I did not intend to steal anyone’s work, and I never intend to ever do something of the sorts in the future. Nevertheless, I’d like to apologize to whoever was inconvenienced by my actions and encourage you to message me separately if you’d like to be put on a post that specifically credits you and your work. I can’t replace the reblogged versions, but hopefully if I post separately, I can direct them to you and your work.
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ohkinney · 8 years ago
Oh and, if someone answers or is tagged in something and replies with gif from someone else, does it count as reposting too? I'm sorry for asking so much but I really don't want to report someone who hasn't done wrong. It's all confusing cuz a friend said it's okay to use a gif when they have the okay from the gif maker and then post the gif. Even with the okay from source, does it count as reposting too? Thankyou for being patient with me.
This is the message you sent before, I’m not publishing the entire thing just because the url of the person reposting is on there. I checked out their blog and what their doing is definitely wrong. But they look like someone possibly just starting out who doesn’t understand why what they’re doing is wrong. Anyway, part one of your message:
“Thanks for the answer. I don't know the source(s) of the gifs but the blog is named ________. No word on who the gifs and edits belong to that I saw. I could never find the right way to report anything so I appreciate your reply. I hope giving you the name is not too bad. If you go there, you will see that gifs and edits were posted and the disclaimer was posted recently. I don't want any blogs to get deleted but reposting isn't nice.”
I do recognise where a lot of their stolen gifs are from so I appreciate you telling me the url because I can now do something about it! 
I saw their disclaimer which is what made me think that maybe this blog is fairly new and doesn’t understand how serious it is. Saying “credit to the owner!” is not the same thing as actually giving credit to the owners. I saw a text post going around that explained it perfectly: saying “credit to their respective artists!’ ain’t fuckin credit it’s like me walking into a store taking a microwave and yelling “money to the cashier!” as i leave without paying.
So saying that doesn’t make what they’re doing okay. I suppose if they asked permission from the original creators to post and they gave them the okay, it would be alright but I don’t think that would ever happen haha. It’s different if someone were to ask me if they can use one of my gifs as a sidebar and credit me which I would be completely okay with! But not for posting in another gifset because there’s literally no point in that? Just reblog my gifset which has the gif in it?? Anyway. 
To answer your second question: technically, yes. That is still reposting. This is just what Tumblr’s Community Guidlines say: Make sure you always give proper attribution and include full links back to original sources. Even if they’re just using a gif to reply to a text post or an ask, you’d still need to credit the original creator and include full links back to the sources. This did confuse me though because when I was beginning to understand the seriousness of reposting, I realised that A LOT of blogs, even popular gif makers, when replying they would use other people’s gifs without crediting them. So I assumed that that was acceptable. Personally, I don’t like that it is seen as kind of okay to do. I don’t know about other gif makers but I’ve seen my own gifs used as reaction gifs a few times and it just made me feel weird and uncomfortable. Again, if you asked the original creators if you coud use it and they gave you the okay then that’s fine. And then of course, proceed to crediting them/linking to the source when you do use it. 
And don’t apologise! Honestly you could ask me a million more questions, if you like. I think it’s VERY important to talk about it more because unfortunately, there are still a lot of reposters on this site. And also, there are a lot of newer blogs (or even blogs that have been here for ages and still don’t know about this stuff) that need to be made aware of this type of thing :) 
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plogan721 · 5 years ago
May I borrow your creative works?
Disclaimer: P. Lynne Designs is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
  I want to turn your attention away from Covid and away from the riots for a moment to get back on track. 
Like the posts containing “Covid-19”, “Corona”, “Rona”, and other names I have been calling it, I could be talking about racism until I am blue in the face, stand up and sing soprano all day long.  It is an uncomfortable subject to talk about, but there should be active as well.  I do not have all the answers, but one of the actions should be an understanding of another person’s race, gender, and culture.  Even to this day I never could understand the problems that others have with African Americans and women or even American Indians.  All three I identify with, although I do not know what tribe my grandfather’s mother comes from. All people want to do is to live the life given to them. It is the ones who cause the problems in the very beginning (slavery for Africans and restrictions for First Nations and women) are the ones who fail to understand that we are all humans and we all have needed to thrive within this country.  I am done with this conversation, for now, let’s move on.
  Different types of creative works.   Photos by Pixabay.com
I am actually a pretty good soprano, reaching a C6 when I was a teen, for those of you who are musicians, for the rest of you, it is called a Mezzo-Soprano.  These days, I am just a soprano, or second soprano, inching closer and closer to a first alto.  Oh, I do not mind, as long as I have some ability to still sing soprano.  It is what I am comfortable at.  I blame allergies for this problem, as well as when you age, you lose some elasticity in your vocal cords.
In addition to being a content creator, a freelance writer and graphic designer, and singer, I am also a musician (almost classical trained), a dancer (ballet, jazz and contemporary, tap, and liturgical), and I know a little bit about computer coding.  All of these “hats” allow me to be creative and put my stamp on a piece of music, recording sessions, writings, choreographed works, and websites, if I put my mind to it. This brings me to a question that was asked on Quora.com, This person wanted to know if it was “okay” to use someone’s created media in their product for a video that he was making on YouTube.   He did not say YouTube per se, but I assumed that he was hinting towards YouTube or even Vimeo. He also wanted to know if that person can sue him. My answer to that was this:
“Yes, you can be sued. They might be nice and send you a cease and desist letter, asking you to remove the music. you really needed to ask permission from the creator if using the music is okay or not.
I want to leave you with two examples. The first one is I am also a creator of music. I am not perfect at it, and I have not published any of it online. If I had published my latest, which is called, Corners of my Mind, and someone did not ask for permission to use the music, I would write a cease and desist letter because I feel that I could go further with this piece of music before it was perfect in my eyes. I have several reasons for not being satisfied with this piece of music. one of them is the keyboard I originally recorded it on is limited in the potential that this piece of music deserves. Most of the time, people share to let others know of their process and to find out that someone who is too lazy to create their own music is using a taking credit for that piece is disheartening to me. It takes time to create a piece of music. Yes, computers make the job easier, but the work is still there, as thoughts of music are coming from the head of composers into something tangible for the world to enjoy, not the for the vlogger to take credit for their own personal gain.
Likewise, when I first started blogging, I used someone’s photo, and I forgot to give that person credit. A couple of years later, another blogger asked for my permission to use the photo. I could have said yes, but instead, I explained the situation, then I quickly changed the photo to prevent others from asking to use it.
I am not saying that you are lazy, but you must give credit and/or ask for permission before using the creative works of others.”
Explanation of the answer.
We would all like to be talented in the art of creating that perfect piece of music, a piece of art that will drive millions to see it, or even a t-shirt that speaks volumes, but not everyone can do it.  Some people are not interested in learning how, and there are some people who feel like they do not have a creative bone in their body.  Some are too shy to do it.  It does not mean that you are lazy, and I do not see the problem of a person sharing their works.  The problem lies when a person who worked hard on a piece is not given the credit they deserve when someone takes a copy and puts it on their project. 
We have all done it, even me, and I got caught.  Not by the original photographer themselves, but by another person, who wanted to share it on their website or blog.  I felt embarrassed by the gesture.  I wanted to say yes, because I placed the perfect font on top of the photo, centered it just right, and it was gold to me.  When I saw it, it was the perfect photo, and I could have placed any of my photos under the font layer, which I should have.  As soon as I replied to the blogger, I quickly went to my blog and replaced it with one of my photos.   To be honest, I did not remember that I had done it.
I also explained to the questioner on Quora that I am always nick picking about my latest piece of music called, “Corners of my Mind”.  I am always changing the speed of the music, the rhythm of the drum kit, and the instruments that would accompaniment the drum kit.  Most of it is slight deviations of the original song.  For the moment, on my Casio CTK 631 (made in 1998), I have a Rave for the drum kit (oh so 1990s), the tempo is between 78 and 84 BPM, and I created a piano 1, an organ 2 (which is as close to a Hammond B25 AKA church organ as I can get it), and a soft wave (I think, I am not looking at my keyboard at the moment).  I have had the song in a Trance rhythm, 105 BPM, a Piano 3 (created), saw synth, saw wave, you name it for instruments.  I have even changed notes and transposed it a couple of times.  I am due for a new keyboard, and my goal is a Yamaha Modx7, which is the latest Yamaha, with all the bells and whistles to make further changes to this song and to create plenty more with that came from.  I have played on the Yamaha Montage, which is a bit pricey for me. Apparently, Yamaha thought so too, so they created the Modx6,7, and 8 with the Montage powerhouse inside at a lower price point. And you thought all that I know about was social media, content, freelance writing, Disney, organization, decorating, and graphic design.  Give me a musical keyboard, a tutu, and some tap shoes, and you have seen nothing yet, LOL.  This was the reason I talked about Abby Lee Miller so bad back in 2012 if you have been reading this blog that long. (to this date, it has received over 2200 views)
OK, I got off track, time to pull it all together.
The point I am trying to make is If it takes that much thought into my little song, can you imagine how much I can mix it at a recording studio with all the bells and whistles that a recording studio can give.  It gives me chills when I know how much a recording engineer can do to a basic song to make it a hit.  It is things like these that make a composer tell a video maker to get their own music if all that person is going to do is make it into theme music for their little video.   I do not mind sharing my music, but since I spent all this time composing and having someone mix it for me, I better get the credit and it better get lots of air time.   This is the thought that goes through people’s minds like Beyoncé and Katy Perry and companies like Disney, as that thought turns into music like “Single Ladies”, “Roar”, and “Into the Unknown” from Frozen 2.
That is the reason I gave this person the answer he or she asked. 
I am talking about:
·         Photos
·         Graphic designs
·         Poetry works
·         Novels and e-books
·         Computer programs
·         Prototypes of products
And the list goes on and on.
“So, Patricia, I get it.  How do I solve the problem?”
First of all, do not beat yourself up for it.  Everyone makes mistakes, and with mistakes, there is a solution.  To prevent you from getting caught either by the creator of the media you want to use or by someone who thinks that you are the creator of the piece of media that they want to use going forward:
·         Ask Permission.  When you see a piece of media that you want to use, contact the creator of that piece.  As a writer, I put down my contact information on every piece of a blog post when I write for someone.  I used to do that with my own blogs, but Google got picky.
If you are a writer, you can do that too.  write a quick footnote like this:  Patricia is the writer and owner of My Ambiance Life, Home Prep, and P. Lynne Designs blog and website.  If you have any questions and/or want to reuse any of the material written in this post, please contact her at [email protected]. It is simple and to the point.  You do not have to write how you are the president of the Yacht club, you are the parents of 15 wonderful children, or that you own a plot of land in Shri Lanka. All of that information should be in your bio (or should it?).
·         Give Proper Credit:  When you contact the creator and they say it is okay to use that item, they will often times mention how they want to be credited.  I simply want to be credit as Patricia Logan-P. Lynne Designs or Patricia Logan-P. Lynne Designs’ The Writing Cove if it is a written piece.  If you are in the US, you should know the proper way to footnote something. Logan, Patricia, “May I borrow your creative works”, My Ambiance Life Blog.  The good news is a long time ago, you had to write the whole citation.  Now you can write a shorter version of it. The author, the name of the post sited, and the site.
·         When the creator says no or when you cannot contact them:  It is not you.�� remember the example I gave the person on Quora.  The piece may not be shared because it is not ready.  It is in process or this maybe this person’s private piece.  You may wonder why share it in the first place?  There are many reasons why they have shared their works.  
·         Use royalty-free products.  For photos, I use Pixabay.  For music, I use Epidemic Sounds.  I do have a photographer friend who can help me with authentic photos and videos around town or I take them myself.  He is not free, and I would not have it any other way because he has a family to feed.
I want to stop right here with the last statement, a family to feed. The reason why most people do what they do is because of the passion, the dedication to the craft, and they have bills and a family to feed.  What a person does 9 times out of 10 will not amount to that of a millionaire unless the money they make either with their craft and skills, a 9-5 job, or both is to invest in something.  If half the things I have not learned how to do as a child or a young adult did not earn me a seat at the table to buy at least a tube of toothpaste, I found other ways of getting it.  That is what I call, earning multiple streams of income.  You cannot just sit and do nothing.
That statement I just mention is the statement that helps me sleep at night.  To know that if things are done properly, we would all win.  Asking the author for permission to use his/her materials and finding other ways to help yours when they say “no”, will allow you to make your passion and your job much, much easier, but hackers and scammers just. Do. Not. Get. It.  I hope you do.
I am done.  Be well. Stay safe.  I will talk to you later.  God bless you.
from Blogger https://bit.ly/3gJItJ7 via IFTTT
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rejectrhynnblog-blog · 5 years ago
About: Reject Rhynn
Hey! I’m Rhynn, the author of Reject Rhynn. This is a blog I will be writing on as a part-time job. I have big dreams and high hopes for this blog. I will work hard to make quality content regardless of my lack of experience in the blogging community. I am an average writer but I did think about blogging for a while in the past but dropping the idea instantly. I also stopped regularly writing for leisure 2 years ago; though I did expand my world on writing in those 2 years, I really haven’t had a good concept in a while. I usually write romance-drama fiction but this isn’t going to stop me from writing this blog, and learning to become a better writer in the process.
Blog Schedule
This blog will be composed of 2 different blog series: the 1st will be mainly on analysing stories and ideas I had as a young writer but will be divided into sub-series, and the 2nd is about my Mental Health journey. As of right now, I have 2 sub-series planned to release for my 1st blog series called, Journey from the Past (a small tribute to the hit live musical Anastasia). I will take the topic discussed on the post that was released right before it, and expand it by discussing the development of my mental state from the past to the present with the blog series called, Emotion’s Game.
Schedule (unless announced on Twitter):
Debut Post on my Patreon, Tumblr and Facebook Page: March 2, 2020
Journey from the Past, The Blog Series: every first Monday of the month
Emotion’s Game, The Blog Series: every third Monday of the month
Exclusive Livestream (for all Patrons {after 20 Patrons}): TBA on Twitter 7 days before
Exclusive Content (for Patrons: Official Believers and Reject Fam): TBA
Early Access (for Patrons: Reject Fam): every last Monday of the month before posting
Exclusive Monthly Life Deep Dive (for Patrons: Reject Fam): TBA
History in Writing
I really don’t have much experience with writing or editing. I just really do it for leisure. I never really sold a work or worked for any organization, company or anybody for that matter. I did have a few published short stories/fanfiction on Wattpad but those things make me cringe and I would appreciate it if no one looked for it. I have at least a hundred unpublished and unfinished works and ideas, some written on random notebooks, some written on loose papers in a folder kept under my bed, some are in my laptop, and some got lost as time flew by.
History with Mental Health
Let’s set something straight, I am not in any way, shape or form, a Mental Health professional I am not here to give out advice,  and maybe even my story can be a sample of a do not do story; but it is totally fine if by chance you feel like sharing your story to me or my audience. Yes, I don’t go through much in the physical world aspect but I do have troubles of my own within myself. I am seeing my own psychiatrist so no need to worry. I am a Mental Health Awareness advocate. I don’t agree with any stigma that other people seem to think is true, but I do have my own opinions, whether popular or unpopular it maybe, it is only formed based on the experience I had. Other than that, I tend to stick to facts from multiple sources and testimonials. I like to ask and do research before assuming things, and I hope that you as my audience will too be open to asking questions and clarifications before assuming the worst or best.
I do come out as problematic to people from my past but I will do my best to stir away from drama. I will write the full truth even if it meant bruising my reputation, as to show that I am not perfect in any way and that though I try my best I still do mess up sometimes. I will never write about anyone in my life or name drop them in this blog, though if I am recalling a past experience I will not name anyone or even mention their connection with me. If there is sensitive content to be posted, I will send out a note with its warnings before posting the work. I will make sure to write the warnings first in the post besides the title, and include appropriate hotlines for the specific topic as the end of the blog post.
My Plans
My initial plan for this blog is very simple: share my story, make people aware, and inspire the people who need it most.  I really don’t expect to blow up overnight but I will work hard to reach my goals for this blog. I do have a Patreon (with great benefits if I may add) to help me fund the development of my blog. I am not requiring anyone to contribute to Patreon since my blog post will be very public, but I am offering exclusive content, exclusive votes and suggestions, exclusive access to posts, exclusive livestreams, early access to my posts and if you’re interested in my life, a monthly vlog composed of things I did and updates during the prior .
I have a few plans up my sleeve:
35 Patrons – I will set up a basic website where all my blogs will be found and hopefully be organized.
100 Patrons – I will hire a cast member to upgrade and possibly maintain my website. (including proper credits)
150 Patrons – I will hire a cast member to help me brainstorm and edit my works. (including proper credits)
200 Patrons – I will hire a cast member to be the official illustrator. (including proper credits)
250 Patrons – I will consider selling merchandise and maybe sending a few samples of merch to my Patrons.
500 Patrons – If in high demand, I’ll start a podcast (with an additional segment interviewing one member from my beloved Reject Fam. Also Contributors and Believers will be free to suggest and vote for topic ideas for the podcast).
Cast Member(s)
I call them cast members as a tribute to my love for theatre, also I see them like my equals because they are as important or even more than me when it comes to this blog. I will hire cast members with little to no experience but with a burning passion for the required job and/or mental health awareness. I’ll also accept volunteers, if any would like to join in on the fun.
RHYNN PUNSALAN (OWNER, Executive Producer)
ROBERT PUNSALAN (VOLUNTEER: Editor, Consultant, Accountant, Overall Supportive Father) - As of right now, I am only starting the blogs, so I do get most, if not all of my support from my family and friends. (BTW: Thank you so much)
The Reoccurring Colours (Green and White/Silver)
It’s nothing original and sentimental, I just find this specific type of green to be quite aesthetically pleasing to the eye with white or silver. Also, a tribute to the only book series I read for leisure, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, and the first podcast I listened to and got me into podcasts and the art of it, Potterless by Mike Schubert. They are in no way, shape or form sponsoring me or working with me (though I would love to be part of Potterless). Basically the Green and White/Silver is the house that was given to me by Pottermore (now known as Wizarding World) and I gave myself after binge watching the movies a couple of years it all came out, and being labelled Hufflepuff by someone in my class without explain to me what it was (no offense to the Hufflepuffs, I just am not one), Slytherin.
Breathe and Stay Alive
I’ll be honest, I said to myself (when making my welcoming note), “I badly need a catchphrase,” so I went through a few random papers and notebooks looking for a phrase I can use to end my posts with, since I really don’t know what will be award-winning to my audience just yet. Upon the many phrases and quotes I wrote down, only a handful were positive enough to be put in a blog (without any context) about mental health awareness. I found a short, not even long enough to be a prose, paragraph, I wrote down on the blackboard of my classroom during lunchtime that I made my friend copy before the bell rang. It was titled “Breathe” and it had something to do with a corrupt government and the ending statement went along the lines of, “to stay alive.” I liked the irony of using a phrase of the bad guy from my story and put a positive connotation to it, so I used it.
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