#someone just euthanize him already
57sfinest · 1 year
I know this must be a weird ask, you don't have to respond if you want but how would a poly relationship work with Jean and Harry? Like in general, not really specifics about who is with them or anything just like how a dynamic would work when they are still in the very codependent relationship but then they both fall for the same person. Am I the only one who sees the similarities to Rene and Gaston(?), Like that's how their relationship will end up.
since you're specifying the codependency i'm assuming we're talking a pre-martinaise j/h so that's how i'll be answering. i can definitely see where you're coming from about rene and gaston with the whole "constantly bickering rivals who both repressed the fact that they loved the other" thing but i feel like describing j/h as "in love" (the way rene & gaston were described) is a little too generous for a relationship that is based first and foremost off necessity and convenience. however the end of the rene & gaston situation definitely feels like how j/h could have ended if they both lived to that age without killing themselves or each other.
anyway like... i can't see them being able to rope a 3rd person into their bullshit. not without heavy coercion or substance abuse or some complicating 3rd factor because they genuinely are so toxic and fucked up that idk who could possibly want to be in the middle of that. BUT if it did happen, you have to keep in mind that harry is in control in the j/h dynamic. jean can bitch and moan all he wants but at the end of the day, what harry says goes-- he's got tangible authority at work + he's a decade older than jean + that's just the way their personalities collide. so it doesn't actually matter if jean likes this hypothetical 3rd person: if harry wants them involved he's gonna get them involved. and i can't see jean as wanting anyone else involved, so it would almost definitely be harry forcing it with someone he likes and jean doesn't care for.
harry takes up all the oxygen in any given room so it's going to be jean + Hypothetical Third supplicating to harry, essentially, and jean is going to make it known that he is NOT happy about sharing, but he's gonna put up with it anyway because harry threatens to leave him if he doesn't (harry wouldn't actually leave jean, they're too deeply enmeshed, there's too much between them. but he has no problem threatening to.) and neither jean nor harry will ever say they're in a relationship because that would be GAY, but they sure act like it, because if one of them ever gets attention from anyone else, the other one will immediately get jealous and defensive and possibly try to drive that 3rd away. even if they managed to get a 3rd involved who they did both like, i still think they'd be like 80% about each other and maybe a generous 20% towards that 3rd, so the 3rd would have to tolerate that. i guess also calling back to rene & gaston yeah i could definitely see them trying to take the Hypothetical Third for their own, but they'd be doing that to make the other jealous, not because they actually wanted the Third. anything that happens with that Third will always have some element of "is he looking? what is he thinking? what is he feeling?" like in the end it will always come down to the two of them and no one else.
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l3irdl3rain · 3 months
Your place is already the Best Place for elderly cats, but I think it's especially so for Valentine with his dementia. There's plenty of comfy, warm spots, so he doesn't have to remember where one is; there's always food, so he doesn't have to worry about that either. Sometimes company passes through, suitable for a good cuddle or even a bath.
And then sometimes, when he's on one of the wide soft places, there's someone with a warm lap and clever hands, and he can wake up and go "Oh! There it is! I remember that!" and go snuggle.
We should all be so fortunate when we are old and tired and forgetful.
Thank you. I am so, so thankful and lucky that he has the kind of dementia where everything is good all the time. We've had to euthanize animals at the clinic before because they get senile and anxious and they just seem miserable all the time no matter what you do for them.
Valentine doesn't read any social cues from the other cats but for the most part everyone is nice to him. The only "bad" thing is he always thinks he needs to be fed. And then sometimes you feed him and he just looks at you all confused.
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rowarn · 1 year
What shape/girth/length do you think the boys are packing? What are ur personal thoughts?
im rubbing my hands together like a fly as we speak. boy do i have THOUGHTS
i think i said this....somewhere.....maybe in DMs to someone BUT
konig........HEAVY cock. i mean like it's hefty. it hangs under his own weight when hard. fat and heavy i say!!!! uncut btw. nice, full, heavy balls !!!! im frothing. it hurts to take but its so worth it when he's halfway in and ur cumming ur brains out already and he's whimpering bc hes SURPRISINGLY SENSITIVE????????? those big, heavy balls slap against uR CLIT WHEN IN DOGGY?!?!?!?! omg i need to be euthanized
simon is thick and long and veiny. he's got the perfect upward curve that always lets him his ur g-spot when he's got u folded under him. DELICIOUS!!! his dick is............something. it's exquisite. god crafted him with special interest. uncut again it's just that vibe. he knows how to use it and its deadly
soap has got that coke can cock u know what i mean??? GIRTHY. if he slaps u with it, it will have force from how fucking fat it is omg. leaky cock too don't ask questions when he gets hard it starts DROOLING a fucking mess. his underwear will be a slick mess from all the precum WAH
price has an exemplary dick tbh. he's Older so he def knows how to use what he's got. hes not as big as simon or konig. his Older Man Syndrome makes it so that he can go for a LONG time before he cums. his sensitivity just isnt what it used to be u know what i mean? his cocks cut and he takes CARE of himself might i add!!!
GAZ!!! gaz is........omg if there was a competition for prettiest cock he'd win. it's something to marvel at!!!! a pretty, flared mushroom head and nice, sensitive balls. omg all of him is sensitive i swear!!! he moans so pretty when you mouth his balls and stroke his cock at the same time. not too veiny, not too big, not to girthy. it's a very nice, every day cock that anyone would enjoy bouncing on!!!! leaky cock 2, only second to soap btw
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I’ve been thinking lately about how much the ‘curse of Ymir’ really does affect the psyche of each of the nine shifters and how it impacts the ending of the story.
Up until the end of Season 3/Chapter 87-88, the reader and the viewer have no idea that the shifters have a limited amount of time to live. They seem to possess this god-like power and they can rejuvenate and survive almost any injury. They seem unstoppable.
This is what motivates Erwin to create a plan to take one of the nine shifter powers with the serum- having another Titan in your arsenal would make a difference in winning the war.
But what the Paradisians don’t know is how holding the power of the Nine just perpetuates a cycle of violence and cruelty. It’s a curse as much as it is a power. No matter how brilliant or grand your scope is for what you can do with this near limitless power, you have to contend with the fact that you will only have thirteen years to do it.
This revelation to me is the what colors the entire last arc of the story leading into and after the time skip.
For Zeke, it amps up the level of desperation he has for accomplishing the euthanization plan- relying on Eren was still a variable that was largely unpredictable, and he trusted him more than he probably would have if he weren’t running out of time.
Going back further in the story, it retroactively explains why Ymir (of the cadet corps) would go back with Reiner and Bertholdt at all- a seemingly nonsensical choice when it seems she has something to live for in her relationship with Krista/Historia. But Ymir knows she has little time left. She has no future. So she chooses to surrender.
For Annie, it shows her desperation to get back to her father, a man who showed her very little affection, and yet if she could just make it back maybe she could live at least a year or two with him and make at least one happy memory with the man who raised her to kill.
Armin, I honestly feel the most for, because what he and everyone else thought of as his salvation, was actually just saddling him with a curse. And heaps of responsibility to try and be grateful for it. He went from a character with a singular and wholesome conviction, to someone wracked with guilt and forced to solve the world’s problems with limited time and resources.
In Reiner’s case, I actually think the fact that he knows he is going to die is the only thing actually keeping him alive in the tail end of the story. He wants so badly to face retribution for his deeds, and he can only find the strength to keep towing the line because he knows his violent demise is guaranteed.
Characters like Pieck and Bertholdt seem to accept their lot in life- but deal with this internally and develop their own sense of morals despite it- albeit in different ways and in Pieck’s case with a shade of pessimism. Falco and Marcel stand out as a characters who see the farce for what it is- but still want to subject themselves to it in order to prevent someone they love from suffering through it in their place.
Eren, though, it’s easy to see how discovering he has already lived more of his life in powerless ignorance than what he has left is what ultimately causes the collapse in his character. Combine that with the way that he sees ‘future memories’ and doesn’t see any future beyond his own, and suddenly you have a naturally impulsive and violent person living in the most fatalistic reality ever. It makes perfect sense that his fall from grace is near immediate and precipitous.
What difference does all that power make if all it means is that you become a tool for destruction with no future? That you will be forced to curse someone else so that this cruel power will continue to exist? That is the true legacy of Ymir and the Eldian Empire- you can have near limitless power, but you will never have true control over your own life.
And it makes for such interesting discussions and questions about power and mortality and agency- and all the seemingly ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ ways to respond to their dilemma.
Anyway, it is always ‘thinking about the moral quandary of the titan shifters’ hours around here…
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months
Attack On Titan: Babydaddy Headcanons
A/N: This is just me thinking about how many they'd have, the gender and how they would raise them, etc.
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-This man is a girl dad in the sense he only had one child and its a daughter. -It was a conscious decision. Whilst he loves you and would never deny you the joy of a child if you wanted to be a mom, he's also a man that lives a life of danger. Even if he's humanity's soldier, he has enough emotional awareness to know there are times where you or your daughter will worry and he wants to keep the number of people worried about him as low as possible. -He's not overprotective because she's an Ackerman but if someone even thinks of laying a hand on his daughter he'd chop their fingers off before they even reach her scalp. -As soon as she's old enough to fight, Levi will train her just like Kenny taught him because he knows the world is that cruel. However, any titan she interacts with until she's actually old enough to be a soldier will be none except for Hange's test subjects so she can see the danger she might choose with her own eyes to make an informed decision. -A secret reason he also shows her Hange's test subjects is that he wants to provide her with an example how not to interact with titans in Hange.
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-Was a girl dad until his final kid popped out as a boy. -Armin pointed out the funny coincidence of his family unit being inverse to his own childhood; considering Grisha used to be a boy dad until adopting Mikasa. -Low-key looked good whenever his daughters would do his hair. Sometimes you wonder if looking like Carla is why Eren looks good with the sloppy feminine hairstyles. -He doesn't loves his son any less though. If anything, the way his daughters act towards him reminds him of how Mikasa used to treat him so whenever his son feels smothered, he understands his son and has his back. -In this scenario, his titan form obviously doesn't come with the 13 year curse limitations so he's somewhat worse as Levi when it comes to harming his kids. Because Eren would just squash them like bugs in his titan form.
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-Only becomes a father because he got drunk with you, who he already felt conflicted about loving. So like Levi, he makes the conscious decision to keep it at that one kid. -I do think Zeke would have a boy though. -He would play baseball with his son every day and try to be the father Ksaver was to him. -Zeke's plans to euthanize the Subjects of Ymir morphs into a plan to mutate all Subjects of Ymir into the same condition as the Ackerman clan and destroy the titan ability itself which would leave him as the final inheritor of the Beast Titan (speaking of which I might someday make a post with all the alternatives to the Rumbling that Isayama couldn't think of when he wrote himself into a corner) -Because of his negative experience with education and indoctrination, Zeke actually is an advocate for unschooling to a certain extent. He will teach his kid to read, write and basics but he's not fond of certain subjects like history because its in their world just filled with propoganda that Zeke is tired of.
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-Was very insecure about becoming a dad considering his own was happily a deadbeat but once he started having kids he couldn't stop at one so he had 4 kids. -Has two boys and two girls. -Because he was raised by a single mom, he works extra hard to be a good husband and father not just for the sake of the kids or his love for them. No, its also out of his devotion to you and not wanting you to know the hardships his mother faced in the slightest. -The sort of father who proudly displays the artwork of his children around his Vice Chief office at the Marleyan governmental building. -Teaches his sons to be better men and not make the mistakes he did as he teaches his daughters not to allow men to use them for their bodies in the way his mother was used and discarded. The way he goes about their gender roles and preparing them for life can be quite feminist for the time period AOT is set in but due to his upbringing and knowing so many powerful women, it shaped him quite a bit.
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-A boy and a girl -Armin really wanted a mini you so when your first was a boy, he tried again and got what he wanted. -Not that he doesn't loves his son though, and thinks he's way cuter then he ever was as a child, which he reasons is your genetic makeup's doing. -Touch his children and he will find a way to poison you. He's way more clever and sneaky when it comes to taking revenge compared to Levi and Eren. -Similar to Reiner, he eats up anything his kids make and finds the most horrible drawings of a cat to be the best amazing artwork ever.
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-Just like Levi, being part of the scouts made him restrict himself to one child. -However, unlike Levi, he has a harder time as your child tempts him into wanting more of them as he loves seeing the union of yours and his features. -It's a boy -Hange often teases you and Erwin that he and Historia's daughter might become an item as they grew up together as babes of the Scouts regiment. -Has a habit of dropping asleep right next to his son after he's come home after a long day of titan slaying and reports about it.
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chuuyascumsock · 8 months
Whoever asked for more Milf/Dilf Reader x Characters— what about the Gilfs?
What about Gojo telling you “I’m going to fuck this pussy/ass so hard it’s going to cremate”?
What about Tojo only being in it for the life insurance and calls you his “little hag”?
What about Geto already planning on finding places that will euthanize you because he thinks the elderly needs to be put down after 60?
What about Nanami being there because in order to be a Boy Scout leader he needs to get his “helping the elderly” badge?
What about Choso who needs someone to make him milk and cookies and knit him ugly Christmas sweaters?
What about Sukuna planning on having you burned at the stake because it’s tradition back in his day to light the respected elders on fire to sacrifice for the people? (He just wants to see someone on fire.)
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Johanna is a catpeople rights activist. So many humans treat them as their property and sex toys, but catpeople have feelings. Jo is appalled by this whole situation, and she does what she can to find foster homes and, eventually, new (good!) owners for catpeople in trouble. When she learns about catboy!Dream, it's an emergency. Dream attacked his owner, Roderick Burgess. Burgess was emotionally and physically abusive, but the law is not on Dream's side - if no one volunteers to take him in and work on his 'socialization,' he's about to be put down. They're already running out of time - since Burgess is severely injured (maybe he has his eyes clawed out?), it is ruled that Dream is highly dangerous and has only a few hours left to live. Johanna won't let anything happen to this traumatized catboy. Not on her watch! She already has a foster catgirl at home, Rachel, and she can't take another because Rachel needs much care and attention (they also might be heading somewhere romantically, so Jo doesn't want to fuck it up by bringing another catperson onto her territory), so Johanna asks her bff for a favor. Hob Gadling is well off financially, can take a vacation without notice because he is a business owner, and he's naturally friendly. Also, he lives alone - no human or cat partner in the picture. He's not very delighted with the prospect of taking Dream in at first, but Johanna really insists. So they come to pick Dream up and see him in a dire condition: bruised, injured, and malnourished, he hisses at everyone who even tries to come close to his cage. A cage?? Hob has never been involved with catpeople before, and activism has been entirely Johanna's shtick, but he quickly realizes how blind he's been. Hob organizes the best medical care for him, orders all the decent books on catpeople to educate himself, and buys all the stuff Dream might need. Dream is stunning and very clever, and his previous owner obviously was a sadistic prick. Hob wishes he could claw the fucker's eyes out himself when he sees the extent of Dream's injuries and starvation. Dream is very tense and afraid at first, but as time goes by, and Hob treats him like a person, he starts to hope that maybe he's found not only his forever home but also someone to love him this time.
New catperson owner Hob treating Dream just like he's a person - a person who deserves respect, personal space and love!!! When he goes to buy new catperson stuff for Dream, he's kind of disgusted by the fact that it's all spiked collars and wet food. Hob hates it. He walks right out the store and just goes to the normal shop instead. He gets nice comfy clothes, bedding, proper food with lots of protein. He organises a proper bathing and toileting situation for Dream in his own bathroom which Hob only goes inside to clean. Just decent stuff that any sentient being deserves.
Dream doesn't know what to make of it at first. He's gone from being moments away from being euthanized, to being allowed to just kinda... do what he wants?? He has privacy, good food, healthcare, and very pleasant company in the form of Hob. Because Hob is so kind. He takes care of Dream’s injuries and nurses him through the initial stages of refeeding. He lets Dream snuggle up to him under 3 blankets because he's so cold, still shivering sometimes. He never makes Dream do anything (except take his medication, which is very important), but he doesn't ignore him either. Dream has to wonder - is this what it's like to have a friend?
Dream recovers slowly, but he does gradually start to thrive. He wears comfy shorts and big hoodies, and takes long naps in the sun that pours through the window in the bedroom every morning. He eats fresh food that Hob gets at the market every day. He's finally learned to read! Sometimes he feels like he must have died and gone to heaven. But then the dog next door barks at him and reminds him that life is not quite perfect - but almost.
His relationship with Hob evolves slowly. They share a bed and cuddle up every night (Hob tolerates Dream’s 3am zoomies pretty well by now - they now have a treadmill for that exact purpose). Dream is also generally naked in bed, which has lead to one or two moments. The mutual attraction is undeniable. Hob just doesn't want to take advantage...
Luckily Dream is prepared to make the first move. He's a person, and that means that he's capable of choosing a life partner. It just so happens that he's choosing Hob. He's going to need some practice with kissing (he's not quite sure whether or not he's meant to bite?) but he's sure that Hob will be patient with him. He has been so far. And to Dream, that patience feels a lot like love.
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punkrogue · 4 months
ended up thinking about the magneto + wanda vs charles + david dichotomy and --
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(house of m #1 / way of x 2 + 4)
magneto is 100% not a great dad and even HE knows it and he KNOWS he's put his war before his kids but at the end of the day he does love and care for them and has wanda's state deteriorates he both tries to help her bc she just fucking DESERVES it and also falls the helplessness of someone who just cannot find a solution but so desperately wants one. it's shitty that he has her manipulate things into a mutant utopia but idk man it was kind of a dogshit situation already. I mean people are literally planning to euthanize her and given how things are going at that particular moment there's almost an argument for it. what a horrific position for him to be in as a father and a father who's trying to do at least a little for his kids to make up for YEARS of being the WORST. he WANTS wanda to have a life, even if he's not allowed in it.
MY MAN EGG CHARLIE THO-- he has a similar kid. mentally unstable reality warper. has literally reshaped related twice with his unending bullshit. david is back and FULLY in his "i rule me" era. which is when he's the most together and lucid. He's as on top of his mental issues as possible and RIGHT out the gate xavier has decided he's too dangerous to live. he refuses to return david's consciousness to his body. when david does it himself charles suspects HIS OWN SON of being the psychic poison corrupting kraoka and when david refuses to tell him what he's plans are and simply asks his father to trust him because he's his son charles violates his autonomy and tries to hack his mind. (i know xavier's getting onslaughty but also.... lbr.... it's not off brand for him to pull something like that)
like-- i'm not a charles xavier hater but i'm a charles xavier hater you know? i love david so much and charles is such a deadbeat dad. i also think this is just-- it's very telling of the differences between mags and xavier. magneto will put his mission above all 9/10 but when dealing with a situation like these it's VERY clear that it's killing him and WANTS to resolve it in the less harmful way. meanwhile charles would prefer his son back in a coma before he's shown even a SECOND of supposed instability than allow him a life because of "what he might do to the mission". like no one here is getting the dad of the year award but jfc charles is sooooooo good at rationalizing and stomaching doing horrific shit to his own kid(s) just bc they're not controllable or palatable.
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thejujvtsupost · 6 months
Hi! I saw your requests and can I just ask a little red riding hood au where reader is little red and geto/gojo/nanami/toji are the wolves that eat you (out).
[They don't have to be literal wolves but just as wild. U can pick one but if you want to write for more than one it would be great]
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Good Enough To Eat 18+ mdni
Anon your brain is beautiful! This was originally for Halloween, but my I present: full moon Nanami 😌
Notes: F!reader, sex in the woods, prey/predator play(+dom/sub?), oral (F receiving), light breeding kink bc it’s Nanami, minor injuries, reader is consenting/discussed beforehand- consent is v sexy!
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Someone did a public service and pulled an audio of Nanami’s heavy breathing and I need to be euthanized. I’d also like to dedicate this to @pseudowho because they’re always on top of the Kento Agenda and sharing the audio with them was a MUST. Like that’s literally our husband. 💗
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You weren’t sure how long you were running with your picnic basket but you couldn’t catch your breath.
You couldn’t stop, either.
What started out as a simple evening picnic in the woods with your lover turned into a chase, as you ran for your life.
Kento… Kento was different from other husbands…
His unique qualities weren’t a hindrance to your relationship aside from the few times a year his instincts took over- and the heightened senses around the full moon. Even then, you both were so careful to avoid any accidental injuries. His body was far stronger than yours, with his heightened strength and lack of restraint being around him during his most vulnerable moments was dangerous.
“You can’t run forever, my love. I can smell you…”
Despite his taunts you refused to respond. He would catch up eventually but you didn’t want to make things worse by alerting him with your voice.
Unfortunately, between the blood pounding in your ears and lack of oxygen in your lungs, you lost your balance and tripped over an exposed tree root- with a twisted ankle, you were now dinner.
“Poor thing, that looked painful. Let me see it.”
Kento sounded calm but you knew the truth. Inside he was a simmering, insatiable, beast that already expressed its intentions of eating you.
He was getting closer and closer with his inhuman speed, you tried to get up and run but he had you pinned face down to the forest floor in seconds. Fuck.
“Got you.”
His voice was raspy in your ear as he started mouthing at your neck, “Gonna take you apart right here, right now. Feel how ready I am to take you?”
And you did, his cock was straining in his pants when he harshly ground against your ass. Impatiently, he pulled your hips up and adjusted your legs, keeping a hand on your back to maintain a good arch. The draft of the cool night air hit the back of your thighs, reaching higher when Kento flipped your dress up.
“No panties huh? You like being a wet whore don’t you? Running through the woods from a beast and leaking from your cunt.” He leaned down to inhale your scent close to the source and growled. “This pretty cunt needs filled up.”
You couldn’t help but feel a little bit of shame at how turned on you were by all of it.
A high pitched mewl left you as his tongue flicked across your clit from the back, feeling the way it throbbed each time it lashed against you. His lips sealed around your sensitive nub, alternating between slurping up your growing arousal and suckling your clit.
Your body was on fire, pussy clenching, needy for him to fill you. “Kento please!”
With one last smack of his lips he moved his body over yours, completely dwarfing you under him and tangling your fingers together. “Gonna get you full of me, breed this pretty pussy.” His cock brushed against your folds for a moment before he thrusted into you in a single breath.
If you weren’t so wet, the stretch wouldn’t be as pleasant. Unlike now, when your eyes were rolling back from the feeling.
You could feel his cock grow harder, stretching you, his swollen tip rubbing against the spongy spot in your cunt, making you leak around him.
He’s panting in your ear, needing you to milk his cock, your whimpered moan of his name only spurring him on more. He moved your legs higher to fuck you deeper, thrusting into you in the most animalistic manner you’ve ever experienced with him. With every pass, he hit his target. You knew your knees would be bruised by morning and it would be a welcomed mark.
His grunting and panting rivaled your moans as you grew close to your peak- he wasn’t far behind you with the way your cunt was fluttering and slicking.
“Kento- gonna!” You couldn’t finish your sentence before you released around his cock, soaking the dirt beneath your bodies.
“Yeah that’s it, come baby.” He roared, spilling his spend into you with a few sloppy thrusts before stilling, his cock throbbing with its own heartbeat, an endless stream of cum filling your pussy.
He pulled out once his breath was even and carefully flipped you over, “Are you okay, sweetheart? Hurt anywhere?”
Your eyes were still glassed over when you smiled all dreamy at him. “We gotta do that again.”
Kento fixed his clothes with a chuckle and gathered you in his arms, putting the little picnic basket in your hands as he carried you back to the car.
He buckled you in and held your hand to his lips when he got in the drivers seat. “How about a hot bath and some ice for that ankle when we get home?”
While worth it, you’d definitely feel deliciously sore tomorrow, deciding then to take the day off work.
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randomthefox · 15 days
This reminded me of how the comic writers can't make up their mind on how powerful silver should be
Sometimes his powers have the reach and precision required to remove a virus that alters a person's entire being down to the molecular level from every creature on the globe
Other times he can't handle a couple of gardening tools
And people have the gall to say the games are inconsistent while simultaneously praising the comics
Well we already know that Ian Flynn thinks Silver shouldn't be able to win against Trunks. Even though Trunks only real feat is curb stomping four people who were ridiculously weaker than him (Freeza, then Androids 17 and 18 and then Cell after going back to the future). And he literally never beat anybody who was actually on equal ground with him. Trunks' only accomplishment is basically the equivalent of The Red Wings playing hockey against a team of kindergartners.
Meanwhile Silver has one third of a win over the literal god of space and time. He loses against Sonic and Infinite but considering Sonic ALSO lost against Infinite and couldn't actually beat him without teaming up with someone else, I find it hard to hold that against him. Plus Silver gets points for his fight against Infinite being responsible for the Rookie getting the phantom ruby prototype which is what allows them to save the day in the end.
But Ian Flynn says Silver would lose so =B
Meanwhile Evan Stanley thinks Silver is a UwU cinnamon roll little bean from her webcomic, so obviously that's a dead end.
Yeah I think it's fair to say that both of them just hate Silver. Evan Stanley would probably say she loves him. But it's the kind of love that an 60 year old woman has towards her illegal exotic pet which has a broken leg that she refuses to take to the vet because they would just euthanize it to put it out of its suffering and she doesn't want that because she "loves it too much" so she just lets it live in horrible agony with a nonexistent quality of life instead.
But yeah, no, sure, the comic version of Silver is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch and improvement -_-
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Yaaay Necro is back! Drop us some more Eden or Dare content to drool over! MOOOOOAAAARRR!!! It's never enufff!! Neverr!! Also someday can't promise when I'll get around making fanart for both and you'll be the first to see! If only my brain can pump some juice oho~ pump
More is always coming, don't you worry! Also I'd be honored to see the art, thank you very much for loving Dare enough to do that!
Okay okay so. Old dog man Darius. Retired (fired) police dog. Caucasian Shepherd.
Was a great working dog until one day he turned around and savaged his handlers arm. No one could figure out why, and he was about to be euthanized, until you came along and promised that you could safely house and care for him.
These dog people are much more intelligent than the general public believes, you know that. It's cruel how they're treated. The least you can do for Darius is provide him a safe place to recuperate until he can find a permanent home.
Or rather, that was the plan. Darius decided he'd never be leaving. This is his home now, and more importantly, you're his fucking mate.
The neighbours shudder in fear everytime they pass, Dare's ever watchful gaze glaring at them from the window. Any one of them could be a threat. His skin itches, the urge to snarl and bark to make them all leave powerful in his mind. But he's aware you could get evicted for that. So he stays in his spot, watching.
When he's not at the window, he's following you around. Satisfied and content as you make his food, always the absolute best diet you can manage for him. Always delicious. You aren't afraid to pet him, either, scratching at his chin before he rests it on top of your head so he can better see what your hands do as you work away at the stove.
He can't help how he hardens when you're so close. He's from a good breeding line, so he was never neutered like many other dog men. Your empathy for him and acknowledgement of his intellect stopped you from chopping the boys off, too. You could have. Hell, the vet recommended it.
But you ignore his less than sneaky humping at your backside. Just gentle little motions at first, testing you to see how you'll react. Most of the time you do act like nothing is happening, other times you give an excuse of needing your space for this or that to make Dare back away.
He's frustrated, you'd argue to yourself. He doesn't fully comprehend what he's doing. Not like dog people are taught sex ed like humans are. You add it to your list of things to approach him with. He's a diligent student in that class, already surprisingly knowledgeable in some parts but missing gaps elsewhere. His dry humping doesn't cease. If anything, now he's becoming bolder. Nuzzling against your neck, licking at the skin there and giving you hopeful eyes. But the answer is still no.
You're his guardian. You own him by law for God's sake. It's not fair. But maybe you can find him another dog person to be with, someone who wouldn't have power over the sweet old dog man.
It was the morning he woke up to find you cooking in nothing but one of his shirts that he snapped and just gave in altogether. Not the best mental health week for you. You'd lacked on laundry, he didn't know how the machine worked (you'd tried explaining, he just "never got it" - aka, didnt want to), so you'd thrown on one of his clean t-shirts to sleep. You'd do the washing today, had to, but breakfast was always first.
Poor thing. So tired, so lost in your own head that you aren't aware of the looming body behind. Darius practically salivated at what he was seeing, his tail wagging and his ears pricked forward. He's not one for oggling legs, they're just a body part, but yours look amazing that morning. There was no hesitation as he sank to his knees behind you, lifting the hem of his shirt to expose your core to his hungry eyes.
People ask you all of the time if you're scared that if Darius, as big and strong as he is, decided to attack you, you wouldn't be able to fight him off. You'd always laughed it off. You weren't now. Not with his hot tongue lapping incessantly against your hole, one arm pinning you to the counter (and keeping you bent at an angle) as the other holds a leg still. No, you're stuck whimpering and moaning.
The sounds it makes is obscene, the wet smacks too loud in your ears. Darius is ravenous in how he devours you, how his tongue pokes, prods and flicks, his lips suckling and kissing until your legs feel weak and you orgasm right there against the counter. Darius has to slowly lower you to the floor with him, pulling you into his lap as you both catch your breath.
"You-you can't do that again, Dare. It's not okay, its-"
"Mates take care of each other, no? You're less stressed now, aren't you? What's the big deal?"
There's no getting through to him. Not a chance. He's a dog with a bone, and he certainly has a resource guarding issue.
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jrueships · 4 months
tag yourself as some of my favorite players except if you can tag yourself, you may need help . Ignore the pronouns lol
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doesn't know how to hold a proper conversation if it doesn't involve at least one special interest
picky eater
do NOT interrupt when in the middle of doing one out of the many favorite monotonous tasks, WILL kill you
still has to hold mommy's hand when nervous
kills people who call sports 'sportsball'
actually really nice when not pissed off 24/7
' i don't have anger issues and to show how i don't have anger issues, i am going to roll this Giant Boulder over a Small Village.'
adopts random things/people when he doesn't know what to do with his life
Gay Bear
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Says eep
Finds the lack of an amygdala extremely attractive
Considered a vip at furcon
Voted best babysitter in hometown, should be a school teacher if the economic state of the world wasn't corrupt
Repeats jokes that fail until someone pity laughs, will frantically look around to find anyone who might find it funny
Unironically exclaims 'it's so preppy in here!!!'
Should wear a shirt that says 'warning, will leap into your arms when frightened and WILL expect the catch to be bridal style on the whim'
Nba youngboy
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' i can say 'OMG' bcs 'OMG' to me isn't an insult to God, it is my Friend'
Invites himself to parties
Eavesdrops with eyes as big as saucers and mouthing surprise. Shocked to find out his spying has been discovered
Will argue with you while holding a popsicle in the hot sun
Shameless when it comes to the opportunity of social media account growth
Would ask a stranger if they had a hysterectomy because they give hysterectomy vibes
Tried to use an egg as a drum and was surprised when it cracked
Gamer Twink
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Kink is people that could kill him
Over-the-top filters over any image taken by a camera is more useful and used than oxygen
Has to do The Thinker pose when thinking
If he can't have his daily little treat or life reward for being alive on earth, considers k*lling himself
Never knows what's going on until he hears one word of what could be news and then acts like he was the primary witness at the scene
'I do really good voice impressions, wanna hear?' 'Not rea-' 'hi im spongebob'
Says 'ggs' after sex
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'Skibidi toilet rizz!'
Will make a random sound. Look at you in morbid silence. Waddle away
Texts using only a single pointer finger while squinting
that one Tiktok of that one ruff n tumble man who lives in the desert and acts very disgruntled by the fact that he has now adopted a stray kitten who's crawled into his trailer, ignoring the fact that he's immediately spoiled it with a million toys and the best food, water, and care possible
Has to be euthanized to be stopped from telling people 'don't fall in' when they say they have to go use the toliet
' not reading that, sorry, not reading that, sorry, ... squeak now or forever hold your cheese ? LOL! liked :] ! ...not reading that, sor-'
Behind those beautiful doe eyes.. is a man so horny ..
Reeses Puffs
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Considers 'ya'll' a worthy word to be written in all essays
Hates being hugged but loves giving hugs
Mystified by magic shows
Superhero media lover till he dies
Walks into random conversations already laughing then asks 'what's up :D!! What's funny! What are we talking about :D!!' After the people go silent bcs who tf is this
People think he's innocent from his humor but is actually very messy and lovesss listening to drama
Refers to his pets as his children
Doesn't know what a vacation is
Poo Dirt
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' im not going to speak to you.. im just going to Stare at you. And hope. You are a telepath.'
Wants a bad gf but would fumble her so badly
Thinks beastmode is still a thing in 2024
Has like two friends in his phone. The rest of the texts are from his family
Quietly clingy
Scary looking bitch who is actually quite soft and enjoys watching a good episode of bluey after work
'Hey guys' *chat dies*
Doesn't know how to end conversations. Just kind of. Wanders off
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Having sex with himself would fix him
Doesn't know how to admit when he likes new things. Has to make fun of it first
Would move mountains for a goth bitch
Just Laughs and automatically agrees to things when he doesn't know wtf you're talking about
'Imma be honest... i stopped listening to what you had to say and started thinking about how quiet this restaurant got after that one noisy ass messy ass etiquette lacking ass family left 35 minutes ago, sorry'
Gets ice cream at crumbl cookie
Gets lost going to crumbl cookie
Doesn't want to say anything about that
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Used to be that one kid who would immediately t-pose when he recognized his friend in the hallway
^ weird
His fashion and hair IS his emotional state right now
Haahahaa :]!! *face drops* im going to Kill you.
Attends the movie theater in full-out cosplay
'Milk does not belong in cereal'
^ sicko
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pragnificent · 3 months
Anyway when I was 17 (so like I said, literally 23 years ago) I bottle raised a Rottweiler puppy, and I knew I couldn't keep him bc I was moving out soon and I already had a big dog.
My aunt asked for him, and even tho she was (and is) a shitty person* I thought it would be good to keep him in the family so I could check-in.
Aunt told us to "come take this dog" like four hours later.
So then Ken, my father, said that he wanted to give the puppy to one of his co-workers (they were nurses) who had a kid, but for some reason that I cannot explain in retrospect, that idea upset me and I dug my heels in about it, and insisted on giving him to the humane society because they knew best how to find a good home.
And like, I basically said that to the humane society worker when I surrendered him, and they looked at me weird but didn't say anything to me against that idea.
And like, Ken was so fucking mad at me for that. Like hurt-angry. And he's been dead since 2019 but the last few months I just like fucking get fixated on this particular situation with the puppy and the possibility that maybe I gave him REASONS to hate me and the issue wasn't that he he was an abuser but rather that I was a mean crazy bitch that was impossible to live with.
Which, objectively, I know that I would IMMEDIATELY dismiss as BS if someone else said it to me, even if that person had only gone through a 10th of the shit he did, but guess what??? My brain hates me and my emotions are never ever Valid even if everyone else's are!
And ALSO, like, I know at least some of the reasons why I was resistant to give the puppy to his friend were like... Not based on nothing. I was at the hospital they worked at when I had my spinal surgeries and just... Terrible traumatic experience. I got an infection in my incision bc the nurse spilled a bed pan on it (and the wound care for that was probably the most painful thing I've ever experienced) and I remember listening to a baby down the hallway SCREAMING for what seemed like FOREVER bc the nurse couldn't get a vein.
And like if you have never heard a little baby SCREAMING in pain just be happy that you haven't.
And like ALSO Ken shockingly was not a good judge of character, and I can only remember meeting a couple friends of his that weren't Awful... Like the first time I heard the n-slur out loud was from one of his friends and also a couple years before Ken died one of his friends tried to murder -suicide him by grabbing the steering wheel while Ken was driving. Crashed the car so hard that it was totaled.
But yeah. Just gotten fixated lately (actually, I am self aware, whenever I'm PMSing) that
1.) I was a Bad Kid actually (I am Aware that even a Bad Kid did not deserve all of that) and that I gave him Valid Reasons to hate me.
2.) That I Hurt and Upset what MIGHT have been a Nice Lady with a Nice Kid by refusing to give him the puppy, and in the process cheated him out of a Nice Home.
3.) That the puppy might have, for some reason, been euthanized rather than adopted out. I know this is unlikely, he was a healthy ten week old puppy that at least seemed to be purebred and very adoptable... But like shelters struggle so much to have room.
Anyway, that was my entirely too long vent post... I'm going to go play Ark now.
* She's full-on Qanon now and abandoned her children, one of which was still a minor and the other had multiple kids and a drug problem, to go live in a desert compound out west.
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boag · 4 months
Lol so I wanted to research to make a proper argument & now I'm actually convinced pitbulls should be banned so hear me out because I <3 dogs & if I'm missing something I want to know. From what I just read, pitbulls were bred by humans to be fighting dogs so they have genetic instincts that make them attack very aggressively & be unfazed by their own pain (they literally won't stop attacking even after being tazed & in some cases shot like wtf😭) - in comparison Rottweilers were bred to protect & are super intelligent so they can be trained very well & won't randomly attack despite their potential to be aggressive. It doesn't look like pitbulls can actually be trained cuz they're the only breed that consistently mauls their own owners (even the ones who by all accounts were great owners) & they don't bark/act aggressive to give any kind of warning sign before they attack - dog breeds that attack out of fear or to defend themselves give warning signs to scare off the perceived threat. pitbulls account for 66% of fatal dog attacks which is wildddd (Rottweilers come in 2nd @ 10% which is such a LARGEE margin that it can't be a coincidence) & no other breed constantly shows good behavior before randomly snapping then literally shredding a kid's faces off. Idk what do you think about this? (<3 u btw)
My main concern with the idea of banning pitbulls is just…. What would that even entail? Are they just all supposed to be euthanized? The US is already full of pitbulls, often mistreated or left in cages almost their entire lives before being killed in shelters. I would just greatly prefer to see a future where we have a better solution than to kill all of these animals, especially when many are raised well by owners who understand the risks and do the best they can and they never do attack, or if they do their owner’s are prepared to handle it. Pitbulls have always been very popular pets in all the areas I’ve lived so I’ve seen them be aggressive but I’ve also seen a ton of them be gentle and sweet and live full happy lives without hurting anyone. The idea of eradicating them has never sat right with me.
There must be something else we can do to protect people without outlawing an entire breed of dogs. I’ve also seen beagles attack unprompted, including a beloved family pet who had to be put down after she mauled my cousin’s face when she was a toddler and a neighbor’s pet who jumped up onto a trampoline with us and mauled my mom leaving her gushing blood and covered in bruises. Should beagles be outlawed? This is all coming from someone who had a traumatic experience when I was 15 where my best friend’s pitbull mix locked his jaw around my hand and tore it almost in half, but we weren’t careful. We were drunk and messing with him and there were warning signs he showed for a couple minutes beforehand like growling and acting scared but my friend was being goofy and dumb and kept mimicking his growl and playing with him which is what caused him to attack me. And the craziest thing is that he showed remorse for over a year. Every time I saw him after he kept his distance and bowed his head to me and even cried and I’m not friends with that girl anymore for other reasons but I have friends who are and as far as I know she still has him and he never attacked anyone again…. They are such intelligent beautiful creatures and I don’t think they’re unsaveable. I think people need to know the risks of having one and be prepared.
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glassrunner · 4 months
ahfjsjgjs i can NOT stop thinking about how fucking incredible phantom liberty is
i’ve already waxed poetic about the title but it is truly so apt for both songbird and v — they’re trapped in no-win situations of their own unintentional design, yet continue to fight for freedom even though their lives will still be constrained significantly. for v in the normal endings, it’s those mere six months of life remaining even after they purge johnny from their body; even in the tower ending, they must contend with trading their current life and loved ones to become a stranger in a strange world, even if they’re free to live life not on a timer.
but for songbird… if v sends her to the moon, she will almost certainly end up in lifetime debt to whomever is willing to operate on her — possibly mr. blue eyes and other rogue AIs, which could be more dangerous than putting her in myers’ hands. if v gives her back to the FIA, she ends up trapped in the same old cage and with even tighter chains thanks to her acts of treason. and depending on whether or not she goes rogue and gives herself over to the blackwall as she destroys the stadium, she can end up being too far gone to save. of course v can also euthanize her, but obviously that doesn’t give her any opportunity for experiencing the freedom she was willing to sacrifice so much for.
the only way to escape this inescapable prison is for both songbird and v to not have chosen the paths they did — to not have aimed for the stars, overreached, and fallen. but what kind of life is that, especially in the world of cyberpunk where you have to excel just to really live? phantom liberty indeed: the obfuscation of life such that the pursuit of greatness becomes a noose around your neck.
and then there’s the relationship between reed and songbird as well, the intertwining of their fates… reed doubles down on his dogmatic loyalty to the FIA if v helps songbird escape, and for her to reach the moon, v has to kill him. but reed only starts to doubt his blind devotion when his protege clearly suffers in servitude to the same organization — and in the ending where v chooses to end songbird’s suffering, he finally expresses a desire to leave the FIA behind, having faced the fact that it’s quite literally sucked the life out of both of them.
one must die for the other to be free. and does life afterwards feel worth it? knowing that it took the death of someone you cared for just to get to where you are?
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fbwzoo · 11 months
Well. Bearded dragon ended up coming home with Jack last night due to work shift making it easy to just get him then.
Sometimes I hate being right. I'd been getting increasingly certain that this kiddo was gonna be in bad shape from the info and pictures we kept getting. Well. Let me introduce you to Ed.
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Yeah. Poor bub has moderate to severe MBD. He can't even lift himself off the ground really, and he moves by shuffling along on his belly, pulling himself with his front legs. His legs feel like undercooked noodles.
They dumped crickets in the 20g with him, so we moved him over to the 40g last night. Weird makeshift set up bc we didn't even have a lid yet, getting one today. Used the heat and (unused??) Uvb light they had for right now, getting proper stuff ASAP. He's got cloth puppy pads for the floor right now, which seems to work well. Soft, but stay put so he can move.
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Joel is getting greens this morning, Jack is getting the lid and some slate & bricks for a better basking spot. May have to do just the slate if he can't even get up a ramp right now, but hoping he can so it can double as a hide. He's dehydrated as well, so that's adding to his current struggle. We decided against trying to syringe him some water last night, to avoid stressing him more than he already was.
Jack's going to work on hydration today, and also calling the vet so we can get him in next week. We're expecting at least bloodwork, probably x-rays, and then we'll see what the vet thinks about the chances of improving his state. Honestly, euthanasia is on the table, but we're still hoping to avoid that. We'd really like to at least see how he responds to a proper set up & food, and if there's any improvement with some treatment time.
And I guess I'm eating my words, bc if we don't euthanize this bub, he's probably fucking staying now! He's going to be disabled to some degree for the rest of his life, and I suppose we could still likely find someone willing to take him, but it does add further complication.
My boys know me well though. Apparently they were already taking bets on how likely we were to keep him. 🤦 I chose my life partners well, I think.
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