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don bluth villains all have pretty much the same facial features
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Animation techniques and effects from the classic era. For more vintage movie geekery, check out my Old Hollywood Special Effects, and my Early Color Film Processes posts! (And while you’re at it, take a look at my art blog, why don’t ya?)
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How far computer animation has come: Toy Story (1995) // Toy Story 4 (2019)
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Afghan women talk about The Breadwinner film: x
Angelina Jolie interview: x
And finally, the trailer:
Watch The Breadwinner, and appreciate the film for what it is: This is a beautiful film directed by a woman, executive produced by a woman, voiced by Afghans, and about Afghan women and their experiences. 
Thanks for reading.
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Anastasia’s Blue Dress Appreciation Post
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whenever disney fans and dreamworks fans get into an argument 
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Tourist’s laugh and wonder, children play around, looking at this wonder of centuries past. Wonder how was she made into statue. Child is laughing at her face, and people are climbing dragon’s mouth.
But what they don’t know, is that no spell can last forever. Cinder blinks. Dragon roars.
And Vale burns.
For those of you who were wondering what happened to Cinder...
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Well, there you go.
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By older princesses I assume we are talking about Original Three.
About Snow White, who lived in extremely abusive and neglectful home. Who didn’t allow it to break her. Who, in her song I’m wishing specifically said  she is hoping and dreaming of being told nice things- she just wished for somebody to be nice to her. Whose stepmother ordered her death. Who found her way through forest. Who considered that losing her composure after learning her stepmother ordered her death was overreaction. Who, thinking that house is inhabited by orphans, immediatly decided to help them. Who basically ruled dwarfs, they following her commands. Who at end, didn’t marry her prince, but just went to his home ( and it was implied they knew each other from before).
About Cinderella, who too lived with her abusive family for around decade. Who stayed good and kind and didn’t allow them to break her. Who in very beginning proclaimed she won’t let them crush her dreams. Who was entirely aware of her unfair treatment and resented it, but didn’t let it turn her bitter. Who watched her home be destroyed by their greed. Who had self-control that allowed her to not lash out at her stepfamily, aware that she needs to stay in their good graces or she will be kicked out. Who tirelessly worked. Who stood for her right to go at ball even when she was laughed. Who worked to try to go at ball. Who immediatly recognised her stepmother is planning something when she complimented her on dress. Who spent whole night talking and dancing with guy because he was nice. Whose greatest wish was single night of fun and freedom. Who immediatly went to get ready for slipper fitting when she heard news. Who thought of bringing Bruno to deal with Lucifer when damned cat stood in front of her happiness. Who was sarcastic and sassy, if you think being nice isn’t good trait.
About Aurora, who lived her whole life in forest alone with animals and three aunts. Who immediatly recognised they are planning something. Who was funny and graceful. Who had her entire life torn on her birthday. Who learnt that 16 years of her life were lie. Who had to go from peasant to princess. Who had small breakdown but managed to calm herself and go to her parents because it was her duty. Who managed to resist Maleficent’s power for few moments.
“Elsa would beat the older Disney Princesses asses for falling in love with a guy they just met!”
Yeah, well Elsa abandoned her kingdom to freeze to death. Why would the older princesses give a shit about what she thinks?
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小門神 Little Door Gods (January 2016) - the Chinese Spirit World is fading out of colors because humans no longer believe in gods anymore! When Shen Lu and Yu Lei (two Door Gods) begin to struggle in conflict of unemployment, one of them enters the human world to make humans believe…only for chaos and strange transformations to occur. 
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When something such as this becomes free, we are opening new pathways for amateur animators to the professional fields. It benefits them and us at the same time. We are going to enjoy their creations and our children too. 
We bring new ideas to the table. It is great.
@elentori-art (since I’m not very popular, could you please help me spread this information to the peeps of the internet?)
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That isn’t worst pronounciation in show, you got things like CFVY-coffe, CRDL-cardinal....
to this day i am still mad that rwby doesn’t pronounce Weiss with a v sound
to this DAY
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Finally somebody who understands! Like everything about her is supposed to be pronounced as v. White, Weiss, Snow White.....
From what I understood, original plan was to have all teams be variation of leader’s name but they dropped idea.
to this day i am still mad that rwby doesn’t pronounce Weiss with a v sound
to this DAY
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Is it bad I hoped my high school would be like this?
Seriously, this is better option than craziness in my high school.
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Why not try?
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***Thanks to @agentoakysart for the banner. Description: An image in red handwriting that says “Ironqrow Decimation Squad: Smut War.”
It’s time for an Ironqrow War. A Smutty Ironqrow War.
Description So the IDS (Ironqrow Decimation Squad) has recently fallen into new levels of smutty sin. Between myself, Oaky, and Rogue, we’re kind of encouraging everyone to embrace their inner smut writer/artist. And we thought it would be a great idea to make it an actual challenge. Not a competition, because we don’t like competitions, but a fun challenge for anyone who wants to be part of it.
The idea behind the smut war is simple: you write, or draw, Ironqrow smut. Lots of it. However you want, but still within the rules.
While there is no “winner”, silly prizes will be given out at the end. Prizes include “kinkiest sinner”, “fluffiest smut writer”, and “You Made Us Need a Shower”. These will be voted on via polls the day after the war ends.
Dates The Smut War will begin on March 13th, this Sunday, and will run until March 27th, two weeks later. You may post at any point during that time, including on those dates. Timezones don’t matter.
Rules Below the Cut.
Keep reading
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Know feeling, my class is one of biggest in school and we are 32.
yo you had a graduating class that small??? mines almost 1000?!?!?!?!?!?!
I can’t comprehend a school that size.
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Oh sorry for confusion. eastern Orthodox Christians. Over here when we talk about religions, we just say Orthodox, Catholic and so...
Also someone brainstorm Iron Qrow fake-wedding ideas with me because I avoid weddings like the plague and I don’t think they’d have a Southern Baptist wedding anyway
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