#someone is perhaps more dead than what the audience would want to believe
dedicated-drivel · 10 months
Things to do to prepare for OFMD season 2
Get yourself a cute pirate outfit.
Bake a 40 orange cake.
Rewatch season 1 paying close attention to every time death is mentioned. What does death mean in this instance? Who is dead? How are they dead? Who is, perhaps, not dead? Chew it over.
Bust out your bird mug from Target *^-^*
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cinnbar-bun · 5 months
Affinity (Various OP Characters x Reader)
Characters: Brook, Buggy, Beckman, Crocodile, Zoro, Mihawk, Corazon, Shanks, Law
Rating: SFW
Word Count: ~4k
A/n: Reader is GN! I kinda made this after hearing about a special thing in my religion, and decided I wanted to do this. I of course made it more romantic in nature than the original idea goes, but hey, romance! I had my followers choose 7 originally but it went to 9, which is a very lucky number in my religion so maybe it was a sign? Who knows! Please enjoy <3
Tagging: @fanaticsnail @gingernut1314 @undeadeurydice @i-am-vita @kiribuchi @therosietoesy (sorry, I forgot who asked for Law my bad)
There is a belief that before you are born, you were once a soul that had existed with other souls. Souls who had an affinity for each other would find that affinity carried in their time as a human. Souls who repelled each other would find that distaste carried over as well. Perhaps it was preordained, fate, destiny- whatever you’d call it. Regardless, it seems your soul has met with someone who once had an affinity for you…
Being an undead figure unable to pass on was not what Brook had in mind. In some ways, he was grateful for another chance at life, another chance to do what he previously was too dead to finish. Albeit, being a pile of bones did have its drawbacks.
While he could still function and do things many humans did, fact was, he was anything but. One look at him would easily make him stand out as something like a freak of nature.
Skeletons cannot love and be loved like a human. He could hold, but could not be held like a human. Admittedly, it had bothered him on occasion, but he always tried to brush it off with a simple hum or shrug. After all, he had his friends and crewmates- and he had a promise to continue fighting for. That should be enough.
But he couldn’t stop his eyes (if he had any) from wandering… couldn’t stop the way his mind wondered…
Just what could it be like if I too could fall in love?
Ah, but that’s such a silly thing for a skeleton to consider. Who could ever love the undead remains of someone long forgotten?
He’d practically given up on such silly notions like love or a relationship- it didn’t fit his current predicament.
So Brook focused on his music and his performances instead. He held up his violin and decided to waste some time on this sunny day playing for his audience of a few blue birds chirping at this green park. It was beautiful and reminded him of his day with the Rumbar Pirates- agh, nostalgia was always his weakest attribute, he thinks.
His fingers drift along the strings of the instrument, peacefully playing his weary heart away. He doesn’t recognize he has another guest until he hears slow clapping.
“What?” He turns his head, surprised to see you on the bench, smiling and clapping.
“That was lovely,” you comment. Time slows still and your eyes meet, shining (e/c) eyes with hollow black sockets.
If he had skin, perhaps he would’ve been red or sweating buckets. As a skeleton, he was not able to do things. But Brook was still a man through and through, and he couldn’t help but freeze at seeing the way your eyes were soft and full of admiration.
“I’m glad you thought so. Music is my pride and joy.”
“I can tell,” you reply. “I felt like I forgot to breathe for a moment when I heard that. I’m sorry for watching, though, if you weren’t looking for an audience.”
“N-no, actually it was…” he was too caught up in the way his soul was resonating and burning within him. “I appreciate it actually. Would you like me to play a song for you?”
“Would you? I’d love to hear more!”
Buggy never believed in things like soulmates or fairy tales or blah blah blah- it was all junk! The only thing he ever could trust was treasure- shiny, bright, treasure! What else did a pirate need or want?
Is what he would say out loud- Buggy, even at a young age, was secretly a romantic who refused to let himself be swept up in the sentiment. When him and Shanks would sail together on Roger’s ship, Shanks would often ask what he thought about love.
Unlike Buggy, Shanks was pretty honest and confident about his assertions. Buggy would stumble and try to keep the bravado up, pretending as if he didn’t secretly yearn for a person who could look past his red nose and maybe possibly sorta kinda like him? Was that too much to ask? If you were Buggy, the answer was yes, because he would never allow himself the chance to be soft or vulnerable with someone. Especially not when he was already so sensitive about his looks and attitude. The thought of letting his guard down to be loved terrified him- what if they left? What if they made fun of him, too?
It was just too much for his fragile ego, so he brushed it aside and continued his hunt for treasure.
“Now where the hell am I?” He yelled, tilting the map in his hand left and right, as if that would somehow make his destination clearer. “Kinda crappy treasure map is this?”
He glared and shoved the map back in his pocket as he stomped around this town. He hadn’t ever bothered to come to this place before, so everything was new for him. He glared at the kids who were pointing at his nose to scare them off (mission accomplished), but his foul attitude still didn’t lessen.
As Buggy turned a corner, he accidentally rammed into someone. They shrieked, and his hat fell off his face and covered his eyes.
“Watch it, will ya? I’m walkin’ he…” he pushed his hat back up and came face to face with perhaps the most gorgeous person he’s ever met. His mouth was wide open, gawking at you as you gave an apologetic smile.
“Sorry. I didn’t see you there,” you said sheepishly.
“Y-yeah it’s… it’s cool. No biggie,” he mumbled in a daze.
“Are you alright?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” he returned to normal. “I mean, yeah, totally.”
You chuckle at his behavior, and something within Buggy’s chest makes it feel like there’s a million butterflies flapping inside his ribcage. He can’t help the dumb grin on his face as he laughs along.
“Sorry again, sir. I’ll keep an eye out for you next time,” you wink and begin walking away, making Buggy flabbergasted. N-next time? Was that a promise? He didn’t even realize what he was thinking before he turned around and tried to jog back to you.
“H-hey, wait up-!”
Beckman was fairly ambivalent to the idea of a “soulmate” or “affinity”. Sure, he humored his often childish captain with those notions, but the fact was, Beckman was simply a sailor at heart. He didn’t think being “stuck” to someone was the life he wanted, and he was fairly sure a sane, rational person would not want to be the lover of a first mate to perhaps one of the most infamous pirate crews on the sea.
Now, this would imply you were sane and rational, and this would also imply that he was also not a sucker for you. Perhaps that was what made him attracted to you in the first place, or maybe it was something that gave him the idea that his captain wasn’t so off base.
When it came to you, Beckman was eager, a bit too eager, the others would joke. Whenever you called, he came running and answering like a loyal servant. Whenever you wrote, his lips would form a large smile while he refused to let the others look at the letter you sent. Whenever he was away from you for long periods of time, he drank a bit too much.
It was common place enough for the others to notice and tease him about, even if Beckman was adamant there was nothing there. You guys were just… friends, or something ambiguous like that. You didn’t need a label for your relationship. This was completely normal, you were normal, he was normal- nothing was out of the ordinary, so if they would please stop asking and make him confront those pesky feelings he-
Maybe he had a problem. He never felt this way for anyone else he encountered. You knew of his philandering, not seeming to care all that much, but damn it, even he couldn’t continue that streak because his mind would get occupied with you, you, you. Love was too complicated. Maybe this was the alcohol talking. Or Shanks getting in his head about “souls being attuned” or whatever spiritual jazz the red-haired captain would spout.
No, it really made sense, all things considered. There was no one else but you to make him quit fooling around with others on the islands he stopped at. There was no one else but you who invaded his thoughts, who plagued him day and night with those eyes, that smile, the way you hated that red cologne he once bought and-
Oh dear god, he was deep into this, wasn’t he?
Love? Spirits? Souls? Soulmates?
Yeah right, add that to the list of stupid things weak poets say to make their miserable lives have some meaning. You could jump through a million hoops to try and blame encounters and relationships on things like “destiny” or “fate”. To a man like Crocodile, however, “destiny” was just something he could control. Whether through bribes of money or through making them submit with his fearsome powers, “destiny” was nothing but another means of his affluence.
Only those who were weak and had nothing could not control their lives.
Something like love was a crutch used by those who had nothing to pretend they did. What was love to power? What was love to wealth? To fame? To greatness?
Love was the longest-running scam that Crocodile almost could be impressed with, if not for the fact that the sentiment around love made him want to gag.
Except, now he was actively looking for jewelry to buy you, flowers to deliver to your doorstep, and outfits to clothe you in for when you visited him.
It was almost disgusting how Crocodile was eagerly awaiting for your next arrival, for when he could be able to see you on the street or at his casino so he could see that face he adored so much. Those eyes that made him want to melt, that voice that echoed in his head, that smile that made him want to have an image of you adorned on his wall so he could always see it.
Something, he could never place what it was, drew him to you. Something made you seem to stand out to him in ways that no other could. He was Crocodile- world famous business man and pirate- he had no shortage of people throwing themselves at him or fearing him. Only to you was he trying his luck attempting to woo you to give him that look he loved. Only for you was he making excuse after excuse to continue seeing you, lying over and over that he had a reason to use you, that it was just a part of some master plan.
He exhaled another puff of his cigar and rubbed his temples.
Gods, why was he acting this way? He was Crocodile. Not a lovesick teenage boy, not some lonely man, not some simpering-
“Sir, (Y/n) has arrived.” His ears perked up as he quickly slicked back his hair.
“Is that so? Send them up,” he orders, grabbing his expensive cologne to spray onto him again.
Zoro had never heard of the idea of soulmates or anything like that. When one lives, breathes, and dies by the sword, something like “soulmates” is just comical. He doesn’t need love to become the best swordsman. He didn’t need love to teach him how to pick up a sword and kill another with it. That was, in fact, the complete opposite of love.
Survival of the fittest, he thought. Nothing more, nothing less. You kill for bounties, bounties that pay, pay that gives you a chance to eat food. Nothing more to it. He never did more than he needed to, never worked harder for anything outside of his sword training and hunting. What else did a swordsman need to live?
He was currently drinking his fill at a local tavern of some random village he washed out upon. He didn’t care to get names, not when he was always moving, always killing, always leaving. “Zoro” was a passing chance encounter few got to ever meet or understand. He was fine with that. A bounty hunter didn’t need attachments. A bounty hunter definitely didn’t need someone weighing him down.
At the tavern, a few rowdy pirates were acting up. Yelling obscenities, throwing food and liquor at one another, making rude gestures- nothing out of the ordinary for drunk pirates. Zoro had no business with them, so he ignored them, continuing to order pint after pint.
It wasn’t until he heard a crash that he looked up. You were angrily yelling at one of the pirates who threw a drink at you, and his mates were drawing their weapons. It was clear you were outnumbered, so you looked around the bar for anyone that would help.
Normally, Zoro wouldn’t bother, figuring you dug your own grave by messing with pirates like that. However, when he glanced to your eyes, he found himself… staring. Lost. Entranced?
He didn’t know why he felt like he should protect you, but he always had a good intuition when it came to these sorts of things. He sighed, placed his mug down, then stood up, drawing his swords from their sheathes.
“Zoro,” he stated. A rare thing for him to admit so casually to a normal person. The pirates heard his name and shriveled up in fear. Zoro didn’t pay them any mind, instead tapping his sword against his shoulder impatiently. “Need me to shut these guys up?”
If you had asked a young Mihawk about love, he would have most certainly called you a fool for daring to think of such illogical things instead of focusing on one’s own strength and potential. While he had heard of the sentiments about love and soulmates before, he didn’t place much value into it. Love was a distraction from the training he could have done. Love was a waste of time. Love was just for weak-minded people who let themselves be vulnerable or gentle with another. Love wasn’t for people like him.
Which was why he was now trying to instill the opposite into his foolhardy protege, Zoro. Yes, yes, unfortunately, Mihawk was proven wrong from his earlier ways of thinking, and ever since then, he’s been doing his best to be a good man for you.
“I didn’t think a guy like you would have a partner…” Zoro would mumble.
“Of course I would. Do I not look like a suitable husband?” Mihawk replied as he was sipping his wine. “A marriage is only an aspect of your training and power.”
“How does cooking dinner help you train?” Zoro raised a brow, not believing a word.
“If you cannot handle a routine for even the most mundane and domestic of tasks, you cannot expect to be disciplined enough to train. If you think something like making your love a cup of tea or folding laundry is too hard or not worthy enough, you are not worthy enough to hold a sword.”
Zoro nodded, impressed by Mihawk’s reasoning (or maybe impressed at how you somehow made the world’s greatest swordsman so whipped and happy to make you dinner).
“Well, when you put it like that,” Zoro scratched his cheek, looking back at his mentor to see him staring at you longingly from the window. You and Perona were outside picking some of the vegetables at the garden, an activity you insisted upon doing despite Mihawk’s protests. You and the young lady were joking and laughing about something Perona said, and Mihawk sighed.
“Something wrong?” Zoro asked, unsure what Mihawk was thinking with his stoic appearance.
“No, not at all,” Mihawk shook his head, taking another sip.
“Then why did you sigh like that?” Zoro questioned. A smirk grew on Mihawk’s lips as he chuckled, continuing to look at you. You… you who were so special, who had become the apple of his eye, his strength, his joy, his passion.
“Oh, you wouldn’t understand it right now, my student,” Mihawk closed his eyes. “Fate is… it’s simply a humorous thing.”
He always was a sensitive soul, despite his outer appearance and harsh exterior. But even as a child, Law could tell something was up with Corazon.
“Why are you always looking at them?” Law grumpily asked, folding his arms and raising a brow at his benefactor.
“Hm? At who?” Corazon dumbly responded, cigarette in his lips.
“You know who I mean! Don’t act stupid!” Law shouted. Corazon chuckled and exhaled the smoke.
“Sorry, gotta be more specific.”
Of course, Corazon knew who Law was referring to. It wasn’t like Corazon had hidden his affection for you, but that was for another time. You were something special, something that Corazon yearned for but could never have. Not when Doflamingo’s influence was so large and looming over his life. But even if Corazon himself could not love you so freely, he always did like to tell the young boy stories. Of course, Law, being a jaded little boy, had never really given thought to such things like “soulmates” or “souls knowing each other”. That was stupid and impossible.
Corazon liked to believe, though. It comforted him. It made him feel happy that, hey, even if this life perhaps didn’t work out for him and you, at least he had known you before. At least he was able to see you again. At least he got you in his life for a moment, even if it would end in nothing but heartache and pain. At he least, for just a bit, he got to see that smile, those eyes, and feel your hands over his.
It made his life a little less hard, a little less dull. The romanticism that despite Doffy meddling in his life, Corazon still had a chance with you, was meant to know and be with you… well, that was plenty enough for him. It made him happier, too, knowing Law was perhaps a soul he was acquainted with before. It made him feel like he was always going to be guaranteed love and kindness with you and Law, even if the world was unkind to him.
Yes, this new family he had found was perhaps where he belonged the most. With you and Law by his side, there was nothing more he could ask for.
“You’re obsessed.”
“Am not!” Shanks yelled childishly at Beckman, before turning back to face the island they were planning on docking at soon. The wide smile on his face made it clear he was beyond excited to be there, and the other men chuckled.
“Don’t tell me you’re planning on running off to see em?” Yassop asked, knowing the answer.
“Oh, stop bugging about it! It’s just a little reunion with (Y/n), not anything crazy,” Shanks waved off. He breathed into his palm and winced at the smell of his breath. “Crap, does anyone have any mouthwash?”
“I don’t think anything can get that stench out. If they hadn’t run away cuz of your smell before, I think you’re good now!”
“Haha, very funny guys. Besides, it’s just between friends. Nothing weird.”
Of course, that was a bit of a fib, but who doesn’t tell little white lies? Surely he’d be forgiven for saying that by whomever was possibly in charge of making this happen?
Shanks, even with his overwhelming power and influence, did believe in superstition. It would be foolish not to, especially in such a dangerous world that a pirate inhabits. Sure, some of them were old wive’s tales from scared-straight sailors, but he did find them having some merit. He didn’t like to discount the seemingly impossible, not when it made even the most outlandish things possible.
He believed it was fate he got to meet Buggy and be a part of Roger’s crew. He believed it fate he met little Luffy in Foosha Village. He also believed it was fate he saved you that day. Some things just “made sense” like that to Shanks. It certainly made his life more interesting while also giving him a chance to bother you as always.
“Oh, come on, you can’t really kick out your soulmate, can you?” Shanks would tease.
“Soulmate?” You laugh. “Is this your attempt at proposing to me?”
“Hey, if you’d like it to be, I can absolutely make it happen,” Shanks replied, an earnest look in his eyes. You smile at him- crap, how do you always manage to make him ache and miss you? It’s gotta be fate, because no way could anyone have his heart in tight vice like this.
“Well… if you’re insisting, Captain,” you begin, smirking at him. “Why not take me with you? As your soulmate.”
Shanks’s eyes widened and the look on his face was a mixture of bewilderment and excitement.
“You know I can always make room for you,” he answered, trying to steady himself.
“Good. Although, we could share a room.”
“You drive a hard bargain, dear,” he chugs his rum. “Cheers to us!”
Since he was a young boy, Law always tried to remain by himself. You couldn’t really trust anyone in a world of piracy and violence like that. Corazon, of course, always recommended otherwise. He even shared stories about a place where souls all were together.
It didn’t sound plausible or even remotely make sense. How would you even know if your soul was supposedly affiliated with someone?
It had been years since those days and the loss of Corazon, and even though he tried his hardest not to, Law still kept those stories in his mind. They were pointless and silly, but they were something Corazon believed wholeheartedly, even saying it was a miracle he got to meet a young Law. In some ways, Law felt somewhat similarly.
Love wasn’t for someone like Law. Too damaged, too cold, too logical, too afraid to ever let that feeling grow. It was how he stayed and remained for his life, and how he was planning on operating for the rest of time.
Until you, quite literally, crashed into him.
Jeez, you had to be a pest. Or a virus. Or a parasite. Something like that, but gosh, you were contagious. When you smiled, he found himself wanting to smile back. When you talked, he found himself thinking over every word you spoke in great detail. Maybe he was overthinking things, maybe when you said you were happy to have met him that was just you being friendly. Or something.
Almost always his mind drifted to you, feeling a certain way for you that he didn’t feel with the others in his crew or from the Straw Hats. You were different.
Perfect? Maybe. Definitely too good for someone like him, he’d think. But even with that self-loathing and apprehension, he found himself being drawn to you like a magnet.
Cora, if this is what you meant before…
Damn it, now he was letting things like soulmates and affinity cloud his judgment. He was a grown man, not a young boy, he didn’t need those silly delusions and ideas growing in his head and making him think he had a chance with you.
“Tora-o!” Luffy called. “Come here!!”
“No,” Law grumbled.
“Law,” you asked right after. “Do you mind helping me with this?”
“...yes,” he replied, stoically walking up to you to see what your problem was. Luffy gawked and pouted from the side, while a few of the others chuckled at Law.
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bucksdaffy · 2 months
Okay, let's talk about development. Buddie shippers love to throw shade at Tommy. So, quick question: it's been 5 years now, where is Eddie's character development? Since Season 3, he has been suffering because of his wife and has run away from a new relationship. He's in the same place as in Season 7. The truth is, Buddie shippers don't care about Eddie's character. They see Eddie as an extension of Buck. Buck manages to get some self-improvement. We can see his changes from Season 1 to now. Eddie? They don’t care; they're too worried about karaoke scenes and their only concern is to make Buddie canon
Sorry, that annon got me so nervous
truth be told, the show favours buck, and eddie is often neglected in terms of development. i must admit i actually saw some eddie-leaning bobs express frustration about this early on when it was revealed that a gay eddie arc was under consideration before tim and co ultimately decided on a bi buck storyline. but their voices were pretty drowned out by the constant yapping of how the show could make buddie canon, and now it's hard to see anything else.
i think you're right in saying bobs don't care about eddie as a character. but i'd even go so far as to say they don't care about buck either. superficially? sure because they both are part of the ship they love. but in reality? i wouldn't be so sure about that.
because the thing is they don't seem to think about buck and eddie as separate individuals. they always make one's storyline about the other. there is no buck without eddie and no eddie without buck in their eyes.
when you love a character, i think it's only natural that you want them to be happy. but when you love a ship more, your brain is wired to believe that the only way for them to be happy is if said ship ends up together. i don't want to condemn anyone for their feelings and choices because it's everyone's right to enjoy what they want to enjoy. you can't force anyone to change their view on that. i just wish they admitted they are not actually buck defenders or eddie defenders – they are just full-on buddie shippers, and that's it. don't pretend you care about them as individuals because it's obvious it's not true.
bobs don't care that buck is now in a happy relationship with a man who treats him as his equal, doesn't glorify him, understands what it means to be a firefighter, supports him, and makes an effort to be there for him when he needs him. they don't care that he is good for buck right now. they want tommy gone because he stands in the way of buddie canon (does he really? not the fact that eddie is canonically still very much heterosexual?), and because the audience seems to enjoy him much more than they anticipated. and they don't even care about an amicable break-up anymore – i saw some bobs say they want tommy dead. now you can't tell me you care about buck if you wish for his love interest to die. it's fine if you don't like tommy and if you personally think buck would be happier with someone else. let's agree to disagree and move on. but when you wish to seriously traumatize (one of) your favourite(s) character(s) in order for your ship to become canon? that just shows where your priorities lie, and i can guarantee that most people will disagree with you.
when it comes to eddie, he doesn't have the happiest storyline right now, and hasn't for a while. but if/when in s8 or some later season (provided they get renewed for more) he gets the development he deserves, and finally finds someone who he truly likes (and that someone isn't buck) and treats right, or perhaps decides that being single is fine and lets go of the pressure to be in a romantic relationship, do you think they'll be happy for him? i highly doubt so. they'll still push for buddie canon, not taking into account the individual characters of the story and their needs. what matters is that they get what they want, and everything and everyone else can go to hell.
if that is your stance, i personally think you should just quit watching the show and move to ao3 full-time for your and everyone else's own good. tim and co will not make buddie canon just because you want them to. it has to make sense for both buck and eddie individually first. and right now that is not the case for either of them.
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dcu-rarepair · 9 months
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Day 4 Gifts
Eight fantastic Gifts have been released for Day Four! Head to the Collection to check them out, and view the Release Schedule to see what’s in store!
We also have a handy Commenting Guide to help our Giftees with showing their Giftors some love. And now, here’s today’s works: 
put my lips to something by anonymous for boyswonder
Omegaverse AU, Sex Pollen Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Dick Grayson/Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde Dick and Kaldur are on a simple mission to investigate some strange occurrence off the coast of Happy Harbor. It should be a simple little mission to retrieve some data, perhaps they could banter a little, maybe Dick could summon the courage to ask Kaldur on another date. They may be biting off more than they can chew.
Falling in Love in a Stolen Corvette by anonymous for SasheneSkywalker
Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Tim Drake/Roy Harper/Jason Todd Dick sees Jason fall to the enemy, Batman is certain his second son is dead. But without a body Arsenal refuses to believe them. Tim knows his best bet at rescuing Jason lies with Roy Harper. Tim convinces Roy to take him on the road trip to chase down an alien ship and rescue the man they both love.
the animosity of dandelions by anonymous for Nightwang
Explicit | Rape/Non-Con Stephanie Brown/Pamela Isley Vigilantism has rules. Rule number one: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Prepare for the worst. Rule number two: If a situation looks too good to be true, it is. Don't trust it. Steph finds herself backed into a corner with no way out, but she's not going down without a fight.
Wait That's Not What Omega Beams are Supposed to do, Is It??? by anonymous for somagni
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply John Constantine/Clark Kent "They weren't expecting me. They actually set up a barrier so that I wouldn't notice them, except..." "'cept, just their rotten luck, it was across the street from you and your mates," John said. "And, when they spotted great old Man of Steel, their 'amateur magician' panicked, and hit you with a - what did he call it?" Superman looked uncomfortable, eyes flickering away. "I, uh... I think he was trying to replicate Darkseid's powers. Specifically, his 'Omega Beams'." "Your amateur magician was a fucking moron," John said, because what kind of idiotic human tried to summon the power of a New God? "Yeah, well, he certainly hit me with an omega beam." Superman's cheeks were pink, pretty and rosey. Kryptonians don't have a secondary gender dynamic, and neither does Clark... Until now.
Ceasefire by anonymous for forestgreen
Vikings AU Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Apollo/Midnighter/Jason Todd Their bond is something forged in fiercer flames.
Tara and Joseph by anonymous for lovesickseraph
Art | General Audience | No Archive Warnings Apply Tara Markov/Joseph Wilson Sweethearts enjoying their date in civvies.
You're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece by anonymous for syrennetim
First Date Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Hal Jordon (Green Lantern)/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Clark sends another text. Clark: It’s a date :) Hal drops the phone. or Hal and Clark finally finish their date from legend of the green flame, someone else might be tagging along this time
And The World Keeps Spinning by anonymous for BearlyWriting
Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Mia Dearden/Jason Todd Everyone keeps assuring her that the Red Hood is as crazy and out of control as any other murdering creep in a costume; that she was lucky to survive. Some of them, like Batman and Nightwing, actually know the guy. And they have a lot of experience. Way more than her. They know what they’re talking about. It’s just… She is lucky she got away. Really lucky. Despite her training, Red Hood had captured her as easily as picking up his dry cleaning. If he’d really wanted to hurt her, it would have been all too easy. The only conclusion is that he let her go. It takes three days to accept that truth. After that… well, the floodgates have been thrown open. Everything that’s happened, all the shit she’s been through in her life… it's scary how easily she can picture going the other way, letting the anger and bitterness and bone-deep injustice lead her down a more violent path of vengeance and righteous fury.
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pryings · 6 months
Perhaps so often being misunderstood compels one to understand in turn. Knoll's actions had been astonishing to Sara even if her face did not show it. She struggles to make sense of what he is thinking and that only makes her want to know more and from the man himself. There was a controlled, clinical way to how he always moved, a trait essential for those that manipulated darker magics. Sara sees it in him as she knows it in herself. They are both detached, granting them a unique view of the world, observers behind its broken glass.
"I saw an incoherent tapestry and countless threads." Her voice need not be a whisper anymore. "I was a part of it, but I disappeared after… I am unsure. I felt as though I was not the only one who mattered."
and so the ubiquitous chorus of what the mage has done ( look what his feeble mind, warped by his evil books, has accomplished; he used to be so controlled, don't count on happiness, do not believe anyone happy until he is dead ) says more than it seems to. what can one say of mere mortals?
a human being is just too partial, too damaged and subject and half-gone, for anything to be truly true or false of him. is he afraid, is he happy? maybe, a bit, for a time, but really—who can say? who would even care? that's how it is for human beings, unless and until they are tragic.
one can call knoll unhappy ( miserable, possibly broken ) even before he is dead. for an instant, he is something like complete. and then he will die, because there is nothing left to do. the center of every miserable figure is the image of a human being who has already died but keeps talking, someone whose face is itself a death mask. some figures say it explicitly, in words like "i should already be dead;" others act it out by gouging out a lady's heart.
sara feels, too, like a tragic figure, but he does not think himself presumptuous enough to ask.
"one is rarely the only one who matters," he says instead. "did you disappear because your thread was cut, or was it simply subsumed by the rest? we all of us must act as we think logical. we cannot afford to think of ourselves as separate. at first i assumed we were the audience, but the audience is only safe if the story is not about them."
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roccinan · 6 months
When and where did Andres meet a retired HITMAN, and what did he do that was so important that Jakov pledged undying loyalty to him, his brother, and his legacy??? That's such an interesting story I can't believe Pina ignored it for giving Andres a new group of people - YOU ARE SO REAL FOR SAYING THIS. To be very honest I didn't care much for the cormorants flashback in lcdp s5 but oh my god this spinoff is making me miss them too on top of Sergio & Martín. Bogota is understandable since they met much later on but Jakov's backstory has so much potential! He even chose the name Marseille which could be interesting if that has something to do with Andrés and if they met in France perhaps. I also think it's very interesting how Andrés is able to inspire loyalty in such a different group of people, I mean, an engineer and a hitman are so different but both are/were so loyal to not just him but Sergio & the Bank of Spain heist itself even after he's dead, now those kind of relationships would be interesting to watch to see how they started, ugh I really hate this 'golden gang' lmao they don't even know who Sergio is! (and don't get me started on how INSULTING it is to try and replace Sergio like that with an actual professor 😐)
Thank you for agreeing and adding on, anon! What else can I say except YOU ARE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT. I agree with Everything you mentioned, literally everything. I was bored by the Copenhagen heist, but omg at least it had Bogota and Marseille (and at least we Knew what Tatiana & Rafael's relationship was). I honestly missed those two so much. We know Bogota was pulled in by Martin later, so it's understandable (but unfortunate smh) that he wouldn't be part of Andres' "golden" years.
But the original show hinted so much at Jakov having some deep relationship with Andres that them not explaining is just ??? and his name is literally Marseille, a place in France. The spinoff would have been the Perfect place to slip him in as both a familiar face for old fans and an interesting subplot that's more thrilling/darker than just some kids going on dates.
Yes! The friendships Andres had with the cormorants was very interesting and actually added to his character because these were people from such different walks of life. A Croatian hitman, an Argentinian engineer, hello!???? Even when Bogota came into the fold, it was so refreshing to see a guy Andres' age constantly roughing him up. These men were his equals, and they felt like his friends, people who genuinely stuck with him even after his death because they are all freaks saw someone in him beyond the narcissistic delusional dandy front he's always putting up. There's something so intense and interesting there that I KNOW audiences would be glued watching how these relationships started and grew.
Like you said, the "golden gang" doesn't even Sergio(!!). Clearly, Andres didn't think they were worth introducing to his beloved brother. Replacing Sergio with Damian was also such a bizarre choice, I honestly thought there'd be more to it than Pina just wanting another professor character. Like, I found it insulting that they just expected us to believe Damian was Andres' dear friend without any explanation over -how they met -why they're friends -what the hell happened to Damian between the spinoff & lcdp.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Mortal Kombat: Born of Deception: Victories and defeats.
Summary: With Onaga’s defeat, Sindel and Jade have one more thing to deal with.
Chapter List.
Chapter List part two.
Upon exiting Onaga’s stronghold and making the way to Lei Chen with his allies in tow, Shujinko had the villagers assembled to deliver the news.
“I apologise for the sudden arrival. But I must inform you that Onaga is dead. He cannot harm this realm any longer.”
The citizens cheered, as expected. Before an elderly man dressed in brown and green cloth took a knee in respect.
“Thank you, Hero of Outworld, you have saved us all.”
The Outworld citizens kneeled to Shujinko, offering their respect and gratitude. Shujinko couldn’t help but feel a tad awkward before Kai placed a silent hand on his shoulder.
“I am honoured by your words. But I could not have done this alone. It was with the help of myself and my allies that Onaga was defeated.”
After deliberation, it was decided that a celebration would be held for “The hero of Outworld.” A title that Shujinko felt he did not deserve.
The spirit of Liu Kang floated over to Shujinko with a look of pride.
“Take it from the former champion, there is nothing better a stress reliever, than a victory celebration.”
Shujinko found that he couldn’t argue.
“I guess someone should keep Master Bo’ from drinking too much.”
The pair of warriors shared a small laugh at their master’s expense.
Liu Kang’s spirit started fading, though he didn’t seem alarmed in the slightest.
“I’m afraid I cannot join you. I have business to attend. Enjoy your reward, champion.”
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
After spending the night resting and healing their bruises, Jade and Sindel thought it best to return to Edenia. Before they left, Kitana volunteered to join.
“Kitana, please, you are in no condition to fight. If Tanya has taken Edenia, she will likely have elite guards.”
Kitana was resolute despite her poor condition. A determination that impressed Sindel.
“Edenia is my home, I cannot stand by as Tanya pollutes it.”
“My dearest Kitana, I assure you, we will take care of this. After Edenia is secured, we will return.”
Kitana wanted to argue again, but the look in her mother’s eyes stopped her.
“Very well. I suppose joining the festivities could ease my mind.”
Jade smiled beneath her mask.
“Perhaps you and Liu Kang can finally have that romantic evening.”
“I believe you should leave.”
A chuckle escaped Jade’s lips.
“Rest well, princess.”
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— 
The plan was simple. Sindel and Jade knew that the quickest way to Tanya was to let the knights take them to her.
Rather than a vibrant magenta, the knights were now in a yellow and black armour. Clearly Tanya’s doing.
“We request an audience with Tanya.”
Jade had to suppress a snide comment about her ego.
“I must ask, where is Kitana. Surely you didn’t kill your own daughter. It wouldn’t be the first time you failed.”
“Kitana is fine. Recovering from the spell your master placed on her. I knew you were despicable, but serving Onaga?”
There was a small rustling among the knights, although they kept their blades ready.
“Onaga was merely a steppingstone. Once he-
“Onaga’s dead.”
“Onaga is no longer in control. Whatever promises he made to you are no longer available. Then again, I’m certain your plan was to try and backstab him. Foolish, and predictable.”
Tanya scowled at Jade’s response before turning her eyes to Sindel, who was remarkably silent.
“I see your beloved queen has nothing to say. Maybe she sees that I’m right. All she has done throughout her rule is failed to provide for her subjects. She abandoned us to escape her responsibilities, when Shinnok invaded she failed to drive him off, when Onaga arrived she couldn’t bring herself to harm Kitana. She is a failure and always will be. Edenian needs someone who actually deserves the position.”
“You are correct, I am a failure as both a queen, and a woman. Edenia deserves a better ruler than I.”
“Finally, she understands-
“But you are not that person.”
The friendliness from Tanya’s voice vanished as quickly as it appeared.
“Did you truly believe that dividing Edenia into separatists and loyalists will make us stronger? That allying with a warlord would prove favourable?”
“At least I act-
“Action that only benefits yourself. In the time you have spent over this kingdom, what have you accomplished? Have you strengthened our armies? Have you tracked down any Outworld spies? Have you even made a public appearance, to explain the situation?”
Tanya’s silence spoke volumes.
“We are both failures, but at least I am trying to be better.”
Sindel turned to the knights, ignoring Tanya’s seething anger.
“I ask the guardians of Edenia’s royalty. Who do you believe should rule? Whatever choice you make, I will accept.”
Tanya shouted at the knights.
“This is pointless. Kill them, now.”
“Please, for once, let the people decide what they want.”
Tanya looked around and saw one knight point her blade towards Tanya. That one knight became two, then three, then four, before not one blade was pointed at either Jade or Sindel.
“You are all spineless traitors.”
Jade chuckled, pulling out her razor-rang.
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you.”
Tanya looked around, before spying the open door. With a quick toss of her bladed tonfa to kill the left knight, Tanya teleported and sprinted out to the courtyard with Jade in hot pursuit.
As Sindel watched Jade chase after the traitor, she saw a knight bow to her.
“Welcome back, my queen. I should have known Tanya would never have gained the throne through legitimate means.”
Sindel looked at her knights and asked a simple question.
“Do you truly believe that I am worthy? After my mistakes?”
The knight to the upper left, Sir Eldor answered.
“We all make mistakes. Whether our emotions, or our strategies, none are perfect. I will not say you have been a flawless queen. But you, alongside Kitana, are far more worthy of the position, that Tanya will ever be.”
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
Tanya couldn’t believe how it could have turned so poorly. She had everything right in the palm of her hand, Sindel and Jade lined up for execution, but it slipped through her fingers and now she had nothing.
She sprinted out of the palace, to the darkened grounds. There was a portal nearby if she could just get up Outworld-
Tanya was kicked into a wall by Jade’s blazing nitro kick. She tossed one of her tonfa but found it hitting a tree instead of Jade. A staff was pressed against her neck as she stared into the eyes of her rival.
“You wouldn’t know how I’ve dreamed of this moment.”
Despite her situation, Tanya smirked.
“Obsessive much?”
Jade was not distracted by the taunt, pulling back her staff for a deadly thrust. But before Tanya’s life could end, she summoned her tonfa back to her hand.
Tanya’s weapon stabbed into Jade’s shoulder, giving Tanya the time to sweep her legs and make an escape.
Jade growled as she tossed her razor rang, hearing no sound of contact. She calmed down quickly and headed back to the palace.
Ever the traitorous coward.
They would meet again one day, and when they did, Tanya would not escape her justice.
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sarah-dipitous · 9 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 260
American Nightmare/Heaven Sent
“American Nightmare”
Plot Description: after several victims are shipped to death by an unseen force, Sam and Dean begin to suspect a deeply religious family that lives off the grid
EXCUSE ME?? We’re getting season 2 flashbacks in the recap?? Back to when Sam had psychic powers???
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: yeah, I just don’t see myself as someone who would receive the stigmata
Mmmm, fake stigmata. She had no side wounds
Dean, no. Do not discount your feelings on this. It’s WEIRD to have your mom back like this, and it’s NORMAL to feel awkward about how things are going and how she left
Ugh…these writers do know how to twist a knife some days. Turns out the dead woman worked for child protective services and when the boys asked her former subordinate if she had any enemies she said “you don’t make a lot of friends when sometimes the best thing you can do for a family is split them up” in front of DEAN?? Yeah, he’s mad about that
You get used to the suits when they’re pretending to be fbi agents, and clergy uniforms when they’re pretending to be priests, but you never quite get used to the chunky sweaters when they have to be child psychologists or cps workers
Is……is that the dead daughter?? Actually alive and locked in the basement???
This family is so fucked up.
Dean, don’t do this. This random Wiccan woman is not the problem here.
Pfffffft, Sam not even really knowing if he’s psychic any more
What if the mom’s lying about if the daughter caused the accident?
SHE PUT RAT POISON IN THEIR FOOD??? And stabbed the son????? Bestie, your daughter is not the devil, you were going to murder your whole family.
Awww. Dean’s done some thinking about how Mary’s thinking
Oh…I remember that tattoo from a different episode. Ugh. The London Men of Letters are so fucking annoying.
“Heaven Sent”
Plot Description: trapped in a world unlike any other, the Doctor faces the greatest challenges of his lives
I’ve got an hour and 20 minutes to watch this 54 minute episode…
I wish they’d cut down on his soliloquies, though I suppose with Clara no longer around he doesn’t really have anyone to talk to
Ooooooo, he is unnerved by whatever’s following him
He’s got some…um…interesting philosophies “if they threaten you with death, show them who’s boss. Die faster”: how to deal with being in a torture chamber
So……and I can’t believe I’m gonna say this. In fact, I hate that I will…the TARDIS is also a little bit the Doctor’s mind palace. He uses it differently than Sherlock, but the same basic concept is there
I’m sure, in due time, this’ll be interesting…but I’m just not feeling it. It’s just the Doctor being clever to an imaginary audience on his side of the fourth wall who it seems he’s pretending is Clara
The setting is the most interesting thing. He’d in this castle that keeps jumbling around and resetting every so often
God…..but I want to look up and see that many stars
Is…the thing following the Doctor the Hybrid (half time lord, half dalek)? Following him around the castle like some Ghost of Christmas Future-ified Minotaur?
He might not be the only person to lose someone but he is among the very few to seemingly lose everyone
Old man vs 20 ft thick wall. Who will win? The answer may surprise you: the creature that’s been following the old man
Oh this prison is inhumane. Gallifrey clearly doesn’t even have a Geneva…
Can’t believe he’s been stuck in a time loop for 7000 years
20,000 now??
This montage had taken us billions of years into the future and he’s mourned Clara and spoken to her like she was right there with him every day of it. Sometimes grief be like that
Oh…the Hybrid is not literal half dalek….perhaps it’s because the Doctor has been told over and over he’d make a good dalek. Maybe because he killed all the time lords…
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 2 years
Rambling About Hunter (The Owl House)
Warnings: discussions of neglect/abuse & dehumanization. Kinda sad and angsty in general.
Basically I just binged The Owl House and I think I deserve to be a little autistic about it. Especially about my favourite character Hunter because he’s my special little meow meow or whatever. This all probably won’t hold up after the finale (I’m writing this on 24/05/22) but eh I have my speculations about his character and I want to ramble about them. Mostly about What he is and how badly he is dealing with it lol.
Canon-inspired fanon, angst, and spoilers (duh) under the cut
Ok so. Hunter. The Golden Guard. Caleb? Uh, whatever you wanna call the guy. He’s a grimwalker (that reveal got me in the heart) and he is messed up and I have a lot to say about him ok. Let’s go.
First I wanna talk about how Hunter doesn’t want Willow and Gus to know he’s a grimwalker. Like, we the audience know they wouldn’t care, but it seems like Hunter thinks they would. Like they would see him differently somehow knowing that he’s a grimwalker. Which leads me to believe he thinks he’s somehow less/different now because of what he is. He doesn’t even KNOW what he is, really, aside from that he’s a copy.
And copy is a really interesting word to me. I think Hunter uses it himself. It implies something unoriginal, replaceable, and perhaps even less valuable than the ‘original’. Although Belos calls him a ‘better version’ of the original, he also says that Hunter was the most accurate to the original, which has gotta mess with your sense of self, right? Individuality must be really confusing for him, like, who is he, what is he, and is he truly his own person if he is a copy of someone else. Of course he is, but does Hunter believe that? God, it makes me too sad let’s move on to sadder things.
He’s lived his whole life trying to impress Belos so that he won’t be replaced, because that’s his biggest fear (likely because being replaced means being Dead) and now he finds out there were potentially HUNDREDS of copies before him? (Belos has been alive for hundreds of years so, I would say he’s probably had quite a few Golden Guards). The shot of all the masks strewn across Belos’ mindscape with Hunter just looking at them, horrified, was honestly haunting to me. Being so innately replaceable must just have messed with Hunter, and Luz barely acknowledges it (fair enough, she had her own shit going on) so I’m not surprised that Hunter ran away after that and decided to start living out of the trash. He was already a mess before then. What kind of teenager fears his boss so much that he legitimately starts digging his own grave in defeat? Hey that’s some real PTSD type shit don’t think I forgot about that.
Hunter is also 16, by the way, which I kept being reminded of by the show itself. Thanks show. And that makes it way more horrific to me. Like, the other Golden Guards are implied to have not lasted very long either, so I doubt any of them made it to their 20s or 30s. Which is some legacy to live up to, right? As someone who never quite thought they would reach 20 (and it is getting closer every day oof) I understand what it feels like to look in the mirror and still see a child who doesn’t know how to handle all of this. And I think Hunter, being so young and put into such an important position, might also be feeling that way even before he found out he was a grimwalker. It’s sort of a live fast die young kinda job.
Also, this is pure speculation, but because Hunter was Created, and the grimwalker info in the book doesnt seem to imply a timeline, just illustrations, we have no way of knowing how old Hunter ACTUALLY is. Like, maybe grimwalkers are born and then mature in a matter of days/weeks. Because how would Belos have the foresight to make a new one 16 years or so before the current one dies? Hunter knows nothing about the previous grimwalker, and only really seems to mention his trials before entering the emperors coven, as part of his ‘childhood’. But what if he’s only been alive for a few years and his memories are fake, placed into his mind to make him believe he’s a generally normal witch? That is something I would be freaking out about if I was Hunter. It’s a lot to take in. Very Blade Runner.
Back to Willow and Gus. Is Hunter upset that Luz found out about the grimwalker thing at the same time as him? It doesn’t seem like he wants anyone to know about it, maybe because he’s worried they will also see him as replaceable (like Belos did) or that he will have to start proving his worth so they see him as an equal. God. I don’t think Hunter fully trusts all of our protagonists, he still has his guard up at all times (cough cough PTSD) and he’s visibly more nervous than when he was the Golden Guard. It’s just smthn to think about.
Also the fact Hunter has scars? When there’s a healing coven that can clearly heal wounds leaving no scars (we have seen this!). Like, yes there have been other characters with scars, but they seem to be characters who have been way more severely hurt (eg Eda’s dad) and more deeply scarred. I think there are three possibilities as to why Hunter has scars:
Belos didn’t let the healers help him after he got hurt, so the scars healed naturally
The scars were super severe but they look less bad now because of healing magic
Belos made Hunter wait a while before summoning healers, giving the wounds more time to become permanent before being healed and therefore leaving scars
The last option is the most “fun” (not really) to me because what I mean by it is, maybe Belos hurt Hunter (as is implied throughout the show) and didn’t want the healers coven to know he was the one who did the damage, so he made Hunter wait (because he couldn’t risk the healers noticing the pattern of Hunter visiting Belos and coming back with wounds) for a while then claimed he was hurt on a mission of some kind, to cover his tracks. OR it was pure neglect, Belos forgetting/being too busy to call the healers coven and leaving Hunter to deal with it by himself. Both options are fucked up but also lead on to my next point:
Hunter finally realising why Belos was careless with him, why he hurt him, why he sent him on dangerous missions despite Hunter being unable to perform competent magic. It was because he’s literally a replaceable clone. I don’t think Belos wants Hunter to die on a mission, purely because making a grimwalker seems difficult and this Hunter especially was apparently most like the original. But I think Belos doesn’t care that much- doesn’t care enough to make Hunter’s life particularly safe. That realisation must be fucking crushing for Hunter- the person he has looked up to all this time never cared about him, always saw him as a weapon/tool, and really just hurt him for the hell of it. Fuuuuuck.
And now Hunter is seeing all the love and appreciation and determination coming from his new friends, and he cares enough to help them like they help him and I think what he’s scared of is all of it being a lie. Like Belos. Who he is now terrified of (and perhaps always was). He doesn’t want them to see him in the same way Belos sees him. Ugh he has so many issues he needs so much therapy. God.
Anyway seeing all the love around him must fuckin. Be difficult. Like, Luz and Amity, obviously, but just like all of his friends. They care about each other and I don’t think he entirely trusts that yet? But he is getting there and I would die for him and... cries.
anyway puts him on the shelf of characters i will never shut up about. the end
P.S. the fucking palisman. flapjack my sweet boy. cries again.
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visbiscuit · 2 years
Peruvian Lily (1) – 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑦𝑒
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Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom → masterlist. (1) Peruvian Lily → masterlist spotify playlist
I am NOT responsible for your media consumption. This blog is intended for a mature audience as are the stories on it. So if you are not at least 18, I suggest you read something else. If you recognize any name or characters, that means that I have no copyright on them, but their action in this work of fiction are mine as is the plot. This is a no-profit written work and I don't condone republishing it or copying it. Please, if you want to support me, reblog/like or comment. Thank you :) a.n if you'd like to be tagged in this, let me know with a comment!
pairing: Viscount!Steve Rogers x Dowager!(Mom)FemReader ( no description of ethnicity or body type ) . . . word count: 4k+ . . . chapter warnings: angst, dead!pietro maximoff (wanda is younger than him), steve rogers is a lonely man, double pov
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𝄞 Stay -- Daniel Jang ,, SPOTIFY - YOUTUBE
Gentle readers,
word has reached me that some of you are finding my work... how was it? Ah, yes. Disgraceful. I don't find that a pleasant thing to say about me, but don't worry Lady Quill, it will remain between us, not another soul will know of this unfortunate adjective. If you'll allow me to retort, I believe that those who are disgraceful are all of you, greedy readers, who eat up gossip written on paper as if it were laws to be obeyed. Many question my identity without realizing that you are Lady Whistledown. The words you read here are nothing more than words spilled from your champagne-soaked lips spoken between puffs and giggles. I am only a conduit, the one who transcribes on paper things that have already been said but have not reached the ears of all. So, turn your gaze to your dearest friend and ask yourself if the scandal you have been part of has been revealed thanks to her. You can't even imagine what I hear every day and some of you should thank me for my leniency. I may not be so good in the future and then I will be truly disgraceful. For now, I will still show mercy to those who tremble at the very idea of appearing in the column of the day. I have decided, however, to punish you for your insolence. The news I am about to give you, has no names, no place, no time. There is someone highly coveted by the terrifying mamas who has decided to take part in the games of love. No one has officially announced it yet and the season is just days away from starting. Could it be a viscount? Or a duke? Or maybe a low-ranking simpleton who is more popular than he should be? Maybe our beloved (perhaps not too much) prince? It's not for me to reveal. Since you like to investigate, here's today's mystery for you. Let's see how you do and, please, don't be disgraceful!
Yours truly, Lady Whistledown LADY WHISTLEDOWN’S SOCIETY PAPERS, 23 MARCH 1815
It had all happened in an instant. The silence that decorated the walls of the Rogers home, or as it was affectionately called by the family's closest friends - more than a hundred! (it was certainly something of which Viscountess Rogers was more than proud) - The House out of Time, had been abruptly interrupted by a female scream of no small intensity. Silence had always been something Steve had cherished, he didn't know exactly why, but the pleasure of hearing himself think was far greater than that of listening to other people tell of their experiences. In life, in that sense, he had been lucky. One son, no siblings or bastards to account for on afternoons off from classes. A single heir to rely on. Steve Rogers was a man of a thousand responsibilities, but at the cost of collapsing under the weight of them, he would face them all without anyone's help. Of course, family was important, as his mother was fond of reminding him, but his parents were also only children of only children, so they certainly couldn't boast of having a large, close-knit family. He was fine with that, he had his friends, the closest ones were to be considered almost like brothers. Rented siblings who could be removed in times of need. Sometimes he felt guilty for thinking this way, but then he readily realized that, in reality, even without this idea of his, things would not have been so different. Everyone had a title to guard, a home to inhabit, and a family to account for. Thankfully.
He squinted his eyes as his mother's voice pierced his ears, certainly not used to such demonstrations from the calm and poised viscountess. As much as she loved him with all her heart, Lady Sarah Rogers was a woman of duty. She was aware that in the childhood of her only son her role would not be that of a mother hen, but that of an educator who would direct him on the path that had already been designed for him by his ancestors. His father, the renowned Viscount Joseph Rogers had always had a distinct sympathy for his son. There was nothing better than having a single heir, and man to boot!, to whom he could leave his entire inheritance without the fear that a female child might have disturbed the family name. What a contentment it had been when the woman he had grown to love in time had given him such joy. A perfect son. An almost perfect son.
In his childhood, few had believed Steve could make it past ten years of age. Too skinny, too sensitive, he got sick too often and the treatment time was always too long. In spite of this, the boy had always shown an uncommon intelligence that would make him one day - if he had managed to get there - a Viscount worthy of note. He enjoyed mathematics, literature and even in studying history he was a prodigy. Night-time in the Rogers household in those days was a time of mourning, Steve's parents had already indulged in the idea that Joseph's title would die out with him, no one to take care of it. Steve had often heard what he would one day describe as wails of pain driven from his mother's mouth and had never forgiven himself for causing so much suffering. What had he done wrong to be born that way? He cried too, silently, locked in a ball on his bed, shaken by tremors, certain that no one could hear him. But Steve wasn't a give-up kid, quite the contrary. Another trait he was born with, and one that had always helped him get by, was certainly his stubbornness. So, one day, with a clear idea in mind, he read, no, devoured, all the books in the family library until his eyes met the printed name of Dr. Abraham Erskine and his theory about how every system had potential and he was able to stimulate that potential and turn it into reality. So, with some money stolen from his father and a pretty good outfit, Steve had gone to him and asked, no begged, him to save him. Save him from himself.
And so, Dr. Erskine had helped him find himself, not before contacting his parents who, after many months of questions and insecurities, had given their son into the hands of one of the geniuses of their generation. In doing so, they had gotten the Steve they knew hid beneath that armour of fragility, and from there on he had trained himself to always become a better version of himself.
Since Steve had come of age, Lady Rogers had transformed herself into the mama who lived only in the best dreams, or worst nightmares, of every bachelor in the town of Brookle. It had been months, no, years, that every morning, at seven and sixteen o'clock, not a second later, the viscountess entered her son's room - at first, she had even found him in... compromising situations - and woke him up with the certainty that this would be the day he would meet his future wife. Even outside of the canonical season. She had become a threat capable of following him and leaving him no time to gather himself and make his own decisions. It was good to be an only child, but sometimes Steve wished he had a twin brother to share those pains with. At that point, his mother's energies would be focused on two beings and they would not drown him with all their might. Now, at the age of nine and twenty, his mother had spent at least a decade foisting every damsel in town on him as perfect future viscountesses. The truth was, she didn't believe in the lackluster minds that would someday have to take her place either, but someday, Steve would have to marry one and teach her her duties as best he could. At worst, the future viscountess would be just another way to sire an heir. A crude thought, but a necessary one.
The papers scattered on Steve's desk were starting to lose all logical sense as he was well focused on listening to his mother's footsteps, much louder than usual, as they came closer and closer to his study. The man pinched the bridge of his nose and removed the glasses gently placed on it. He took a deep breath: his mother was not yet in the room and he already felt profoundly shaken and exasperated. Just in the same second that the door opened with force and determination, Steve made sure to be found with a smile on his face. He prayed to his guardian angel that Lady Rogers would not notice the falseness of his expression.
«Mother! What can I help you with?»
«Read» the command that came out of the slender woman's mouth confused him for a few seconds, but what he saw resting on her desk made him roll his eyes. In front of him, the latest issue of "Lady Whistledown" bothered him. Something on it had caused his mother to scream in dismay and come over to disturb him. Normally, he didn't pay much attention to it, today the damn gossip column was his enemy.
He didn't pick it up, he had no intention of giving rise to this type of things. «You tell me, and above all explain to me why you still listen to such... nonsense.»
If Lady Rogers was offended by her son's words, she didn't let him see it. «It cannot be nonsense if it is truth,» she said, then took up the paper again and cleared her throat. «"There is someone highly coveted by the terrifying mamas who has decided to take part in the games of love."» she read, then looked up into his face. «Is that you? Please say yes, amuse me.»
 Steve's cerulean eyes met his mother's which with he shared the same shade, the only thing that bound them together since he was the carbon copy of his father. Lady Rogers had been a wonderful girl, with a cascade of long brown hair caressing her hips and two eyes like the purest and most crystalline water. Now, after years of duties, she had become a tired, but splendid woman. Her long hair had turned into small and fast waves that reached her shoulders and her eyes were framed by dark circles not too evident and wrinkles due to the thousand smiles she gave to the love of her life, her son. Joseph hadn't married her for love, but Steve had come to understand over time why he had chosen Sarah as his wife. He didn't like the fact that it had taken some time for their relationship to become full-fledged love, but his father felt the burden of siring an heir far more than he could have imagined. This was exactly why Steve had no intention of marrying a woman he didn't love or, at the very least, didn't like. After all, he was a healthy man and, in his own words, still young. He could, for now, think of something else. That didn't mean, however, that he wasn't always on the lookout for the real diamond among the fake ones.
«That's why I tell you not to read this nonsense. This will surely be a ploy to keep the season from failing. No one wants a repeat of last one, especially after the Stark scandal,» Steve scratched his beard. It wasn't usual in those days to have facial hair on his face, but he would shave once the high season started where everyone would see him. «That being said and I tell you this from the heart, it may be that this year I am more inclined to look for the future Lady Rogers»
The Viscountess' eyes sparkled as they never had before. The thought of sharing secrets and gossip with a woman who was not a servant excited her. And, oh, the idea that soon a new member of the family would be scampering around the walls of the house made her heart tremble.
Steve noticed too late the quick movement of his mother who had turned his desk entirely around and wrapped him in an embrace so tight it cracked his neck bone. He gasped for a few moments before standing up and wrapping his arms around her as well. He realized that his mom's body was shaking, was she really crying?
«Oh, Steve! You've made me the happiest mama in town! I don't know how to thank you my son» she wiggled out of the hug and cupped his cheeks with her hands. «This is going to be the perfect season, I can feel it» then, as if lightning had struck her in the head, she let go of a gasp and straightened her dress with her hands. «There's no time to waste, Steven! The damsels are many and they are all waiting for you. I can already picture you with... maybe Lady Rhodes, or Lady Strange, there's even Lady Barnes.»
«Ah, ah, Lady Barnes is not in contemplation.»
«And why would that be?»
«Do you want your only child to die at the hands of a duke? She's James's sister, it would be like writing me a death sentence.»
His mother nodded, defeated. As much as the duke was one of the closest friends her son had, the overprotectiveness towards his sister was greater than any feelings of friendship. «I suppose you may be right.»
«When am I not right?»
His mother gave him a small slap on the back of the head. «Don't be vain, women don't like self-absorbed, narcissistic men.»
«Right, just like I don't like self-absorbed, narcissistic women.»
«Well... that takes a few names off the list.»
«What list?» in Steve's eyes it was possible to read terror.
«Don't be silly! My list, the one I've been making for years.»
The season that was coming would not soon be forgotten.
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Gentle Readers,
with some satisfaction and a hint of mischief, I take note that my riddles are not to your liking. Not that this has upset me, you have always been used to having everything you desire after all. It is not your fault; it is more of a slight bug that has been circling you all your life. The thing that distinguishes this fortunate condition of yours and the real bug is that you would squash the latter without a second thought. Would you squash your luck in the same way? I have my doubts. But no more conundrums, just reality. I will not reveal the identity of the eligible bachelor on the market, there is only one day left before the season starts and it would be cruel of me to send a host of crazed mamas out to his mansion. I will reveal something else, though, and you're going to love it. Someone very dear to us is back in town. The dowager Countess Maximoff has landed on our shores. Could it be after a year of mourning she and her beautiful child are looking for someone to protect them? If you ask me, I find this in poor taste. Poor Count. Peace to his soul and to our damsels in search of husbands.
Yours truly, Lady Whistledown LADY WHISTLEDOWN’S SOCIETY PAPERS, 26 MARCH 1815
As the first signs of a lush spring colored the meadows on the outskirts of Brookle, a carriage with a precious and important air traveled the long path that had been trodden years before to connect town and country. The winter wind still persisted, but from the small window, a young woman watched with incredible curiosity and surprise as the last remaining ice on the only lake in the area blushed and melted under the sun's rays. The scenery she had become accustomed to in recent years was extremely different from the spectacle of colors she felt lucky to be a spectator at that moment.
The city of Sokovia had entered her heart, despite its apparent coldness and austerity. Over the years, Lady Y/N Maximoff, born Y/L/N, had noticed the gentleness in the hard physiognomic features of the women of that place, who had always been trained to be perfect and rigid matrons. She had discerned the malice behind the eyes of the most astute men who had helped her to consider that city as her own. The servants of the last, and deceased, Earl had not simply been the ones who had helped her be the best she could be in her new role, they had become her family. Not having anyone known by her side had been the thing Y/N had hated most in the world. Not recognizing someone's smile. So, she had tried very hard to create a family for herself, and she hadn't cared that the family consisted of members of a lower social class. After all, family wasn't something to choose, it had happened and Y/N had welcomed her with open arms.
There had been a time when she couldn't even consider her husband as family. The one who, instead, should have been by right. She hadn't blamed anyone, getting married through some old business of her father's meant just that: the tying of one's life to a stranger. She had been fortunate in her misfortune. Pietro Maximoff had not only been a gentleman every step of the way in their relationship, but he was of an age for which he could take care of his children. Y/N had trembled when she had found out that one of her closest friends, Lady Yelena, had been given in marriage to a man about one and eighty years old. Fortunately for her, he had fallen ill not long after and left her to live out her life with no heirs to care for. In retrospect, Y/N would have preferred something similar as well.
Pietro's smiles had not only made her feel safe, but it had been the reason the spark had gone off between them. The only reason the young woman had fallen deeply in love with the Count. Her heart, at the sight of him, seemed to have raced miles and miles and the butterflies in her stomach had not stopped even after he had passed away. She had loved him dearly, as a best friend, as a guardian, as a lover...as a father. Pietro had been a wonderful father to their little girl. Just for her sweet little girl Zofie, Y/N had not allowed herself to wear the clothes of grief.
It had already been complex to explain to her that they would never see Pietro waiting for them again after a long day of walking around town, or that they wouldn't have to spend hours and hours in front of the window to see him riding back with a giant smile on his face. He had confided in her that Pietro had left on his own steed to protect his women from above, so that he could always see them and be close to them. And Zofie had cried, had cried so much that she hadn't stopped for days and risked asthma attacks. And Y/N had cried her heart out. She had cried blood, but she had never allowed a tear to run down her face. Zofie had already lost a father at four years old; she didn't need a mother wracked with grief.
It had taken little for her to realize that her presence in Sokovia was no longer required. With no son to pass the title on to, the new Count of Sokovia had become a distant cousin of her husband, who had taken it upon himself to kick Y/N out of the quarters he had occupied up to that point. She hadn't suffered much from the new Count's behaviour, but she hadn't expected the time to move away from Sokovia to come so soon. Probably, given the love the citizens had for her, she could have stayed there as long as she wanted, but she needed a change of air. She needed to get away from all the memories she hadn't given herself permission to remember. Plus, besides missing her family in Brookle, she vowed to help Wanda Maximoff, her sister-in-law, find a husband. Another way to try not to block out her own life and continue to care for her daughter. Zofie had become the only reason not to break down for good and she would hold on to her as long as she could.
«Mommy,» a little voice as sweet as honey freshly plucked from the hive took her mind off the view and turned her around. Sitting in the seats of the most comfortable carriage she had been afforded, Zofie Maximoff at five years - and four months (and two days!) - was synonymous with beauty. A mane of very long hair framed her chubby face and in her greenish eyes you could see the hyperactivity that characterized her. Barely visible freckles adorned her small face and her lips were plump and identical to her father's. The truth was that no one could doubt that she was Pietro's daughter. Their resemblance was a painful gift that had been bestowed upon Y/N. «How wong until we get therrre?» even her accent was that of Sokovia. Everything reminded her of her late husband.
The young woman smiled at her daughter's small speech defect, she couldn't pronounce the letter "r" correctly and despite numerous lessons with an experienced tutor, they had quickly realized that this was not something due to age, but something that would always accompany her. So, they had concluded with this part of the lessons and proceeded to teach her everything she needed at that tender age as per the textbook. «I really don't know, butterfly. Wait, let me ask Vis»
«Yes, please because I'm so hungrrry.»
Y/N giggled at her daughter's impatience. «Alright.» Gathering up the ruffles of the dress she'd decided to wear for that trip, thankfully not too bulky, she leaned toward the small window that led to the driver's chair. She couldn't make out the face of her faithful coachman, but only saw his shoulders covered by the typical livery of the colors of the city of Sokovia, red, blue and a slight splash of white. «Vis, how much longer?»
The man muttered something, probably a command to the horses to entice them onward, and then turned his face to try to look at the woman. «I don't think it'll be long, we'll definitely get there before dark, Lady Maximoff,» he shot her a polite smile.
«No need for all this formality, Vis, but thank you very much» she returned to her daughter's side and adjusted the sleeves of her dress. «We'll be there in no time, if you want I have some toasted bread with raspberry jam.»
«Mhh...» the child tapped her chin with a little finger «No, no, I'w wait. I wanted something with chocolate» she moved her dangling little legs back and forth, smiling. She had recently dropped her first tooth and a little window could be seen every time she laughed. Y/N always thought of her little girl's smile and hoped it was always on her face.
The young woman returned the joy. «Chocolate, huh? Did you think you were going to fool me, butterfly?» she began to tickle her and her daughter's laughter was so infectious that she started laughing too. «Next time I'll make sure to pack some chocolate because it seems to be the only thing this little monster wants to eat» she teased her a little.
Zofie nodded vigorously, still with tears in her eyes from being tickled. «Chocolate is good forrr you!»
«Yes and bunnies fly.»
«They could!»
«They do?» Y/N adjusted her position to turn more with her body towards her daughter. The carriage was certainly one of the better ones, but she found them terribly uncomfortable. «And in what world?»
Zofie's expression turned fair. «In my worrrld!» then she took a big breath and Y/N realized that a soliloquy of at least three minutes was coming. Her daughter wouldn't even notice if she was listening. «In my worrrld bunnies can fly! And they rrreach high, high, high until they rrreach the clouds which to me arrre made of cotton and sugarrr. I once dreamed of jumping on them! They werrre all soft and I even hugged one! At one point I saw Daddy with his horrrse too! What was his name? » he looked at her with his big eyes.
Y/N's mind had stopped at the sweetness of her daughter's words and stiffened when she heard Pietro mentioned. She hadn't intended to erase every memory of her father from Zofie's head, but a selfish part was screaming at her to force her daughter to stop thinking about the past. She certainly wouldn't, but she felt as guilty as if it had happened. «His name was Quicksilver.»
Zofie clapped her hands together. «That's rrright, that's rrright! What a strrrange name for a horrrse though, do you know why Daddy picked it, Mommy?»
«Because his blond mane reminded him of sterling silver and no one had ever outrun him. When your father rode that horse, it was as if they became one. I never saw him so free and carefree except with Quicksilver and when he hugged you. That's why Quicksilver accompanied him to heaven, because they wanted to be together all the time."
«But I want to be with my daddy, too.»
«Someday you'll see him again and tell him about all your adventures. Maybe if you're old enough, Daddy will let you ride the horse.»
«Rrreally? You prrromise me that, Mommy?»
«Cross my heart, butterfly.»  
TAGLIST: @sanne-kijani @rootcrop @aloneatpeace 
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sukunarii · 3 years
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Pairing: Yandere! Sukuna x Reader
Warnings: (Sukuna’s Era!) Yandere | Unhealthy relationship | Murder | Blood| This fic is much darker than my usual style! Please beware when you read it. 
Synopsis: In the early morning, you would play your koto in your garden. It was a show for one audience: a stranger that refused to step out of the shadows. A stranger that perhaps grew too fond of you.
Wordcount: 3.0K
A/N: A koto is a Japanese instrument kind of like a harp. Also this fic might be very historical inaccurate. This fic is inspired by a poem by William Blake titled “Song:  When early morn walks forth in sober grey.” 
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The sky was gray on the day you first spoke to him. It was early morning, you were in your garden, under the gazebo as usual where you go to practice playing your koto. You enjoyed it, for it was one of the only times where you could feel absorbed in your own world, in your own solitude and tranquility. However, you have noticed that lately, you were not so much alone.
"Behind the willow tree, I know you're there," you called out. You could see the shadow shift, but the person behind did not step out into your view.
"I see you have noticed me," a masculine voice replied. It carried a hint of playfulness.
"Of course I have, you've disturbed my peace for a few mornings now," you replied.
"Am I not welcomed?", he asks.
"What brings you here?", you asked back immediately.
His answer did not come as quick as yours, as if he chose his words carefully  "I was captivated by the music you played," he complimented you.
You were flattered, you had to pause and recollect your thoughts for a moment. If he is just here to listen....well there's no harm, right?
You let out an airy laugh, "As my only audience, I supposed you are welcomed to stay." 
You resumed to playing your koto. From behind the willow tree, Sukuna stole a few glances at you. Along with the beautiful music you created, you looked so effortless and absorbed in your own world while playing. A world that Sukuna could step a foot into by observing you from afar but felt too delicate for him to disturb. You were like an angel while he was a curse— a monster. He shouldn’t have any business with a girl like you. 
Yet you called him, 'My only audience'...he liked the sound of that.
You were playing for him only, and he was glad that he did not even have to capture you for this. After all, a caged bird does not sing the same.
However, the serenity of dawn was disturbed by the loud and abrupt chime of the bell.
With a jolt, you stopped playing.
"Ah, that was the wake up call for the village, I got to go now," you said and got up.
From his shadow, you see him stand up too. You hesitated but decided to ask anyways, "Will you tell me your name?"
He laughs lightheartedly, "A musician does not need to know the name of their audience."
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The buds on the dull brown branches were blooming into beautiful flowers that decorated the garden. Summer was approaching. It became routine, he would come to your little concert every morning. It was romantic even. You did not know who he was, but sometimes you would carry little conversations with him. You knew that he was not from the village, he said he travelled up from the valley every morning to visit you.
Knowing that he was not from the village also gave you a sense of security as you could tell him anything and everything without worrying that he would spread rumours. Afterall, you were the daughter of the richest man in the village, from suitors to enemies to your family's reputation, there was so much that you had to keep to yourself. You've learned to express these thoughts into the music you played, but being able to say them out loud in words was relieving.
He was your audience and you were his musician.
Nonetheless, most of the time, very few words were exchanged. It was just you, him, your music in the air and the garden in the surroundings.
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You were wearing a purple kimono the day you asked him if you could see him. He gave you the same response as the day you asked him for his name, "A musician does not need to know the appearance of their audience."
You sighed, disappointed, "How about if I ask you as a friend?"
From the flickers of his shadow, you could tell he hesitated. Your heart started racing, in hopes that you will finally see your mysterious friend. But, you were left disappointed, "Not today, my darling. You're still not ready yet."
You looked at his shadow quizzically, what did he mean by not ready? Did he have self-esteem issues? Or a scar? Or was he really ugly...? Not that you would have minded of course, you pouted, "That's not fair. You get to see me all the time."
He chuckles, "I think this is for the better."
The urge to show himself to you or even take you for himself was very strong. However, he had to hold himself back, he didn't want you to be afraid of him. For one, you just called him a 'friend'. And he knew that if he did show himself however, this friendship would be over. You were an angel. He was a curse. Sometimes fate was cruel that way.
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The green leaves that fell from the trees were fluttering in the summer breeze. Lately Sukuna has been observing you more and more throughout the day. Instead of rampaging the nearby villages, he would spend more time observing you from the outskirts of your village.
The more he observed, the more he noticed the amount of unsolicited male attention you get when you stroll in the village. Had he not been a curse, he wished he could be strolling by your side and indicating to all of those nuisances that you were his.
The village was not very large, thus, Sukuna has come to recognize most of the faces. However, one time there was a strange man with black hair that appeared in the village. Not that Sukuna cared much as long as he didn't try to flirt with his little darling — except the man did this very thing: he stopped you.
Sukuna could not hear what the man said to you, but he could certainly feel the rage rising in him. The urge to kill this man was very strong. In fact, in the heat of the moment he feels like he could kill everyone in this village to prove his point. Seeing another man try to talk to you so intimately enraged him. He has held himself back multiple times from rampaging your village and taking you home with him. Taking you as his. But for your sake, he has managed to suppress these dark thoughts. But not this time.
He approached you, or specifically the stranger menacingly...with killing intent. But once he was in hearing distance, he heard you tell the man firmly,
"I'm not interested."
The man paused. But insisted again, "Why not? I can treat you right."
"I'm interested in someone else," you told him.
Sukuna paused. Were you talking about him?
"What? No way, who might this be and how come I've never heard of this before! You're just making up lies to turn down my love," he argues back condescendingly.
You shot him a dirty look and you tried to leave but he grabs your arm, “Hold it there girl, I’m not done talking yet.”
That’s it. You slapped him. Not a weak slap, a hard one. The man's face flipped towards the other side.
"That is none of your business. Now if you would excuse me," you said angrily and turned around and left.
Sukuna smiled, 'That's my girl.'
He didn't even have to do anything.
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You ran your hand through the calming blue water of the pond in your garden. You have strained your hand from playing on the koto for too much, they were sore and calloused. You tried inviting your friend to come feel the water too but he refused, insisting on remaining well hidden from your view.
"He is from this powerful family, the Zenin clan I believe. And he seems really interested in me."
Sukuna didn't answer.
"But I'll keep rejecting him, I don't like him and don't care for his advances," you rambled on, then sighed, "However I can't say the same for my parents. They are interesting in getting a hold of the powers of the Zenin clans."
"Why don't you leave the village with me?" he finally answered you.
You didn't think he was serious, but you entertained his idea, "They're not just your normal powerful families. They are very powerful as in even if we leave the village, there's nowhere left to run."
"Then I'll just kill them. Everyone of them."
You laughed bittersweetly, what could he possibly do against them when he was too shy to even show himself to you? The Zenin clan was one of the most powerful sorcerers of the eras!
"Haha, yeah that would be nice. But with all of the curses rampaging the nearby villages, we really need the Zenin clan's protection. It really sucks but they're powerful jujutsu sorcerers, it's a miracle that our village is not destroyed yet unlike the our neighbouring villages,” but swiftly, your fake optimism fades. You couldn’t play your koto today, but this stranger was your friend and talking to him gives a sense of comfort. He was listening to you and he was trustworthy.
You say softly, “If only something happened to their third son so that he would stop trying to woo me all of the time...." then, you laughed sheepishly, "Of course I'm just joking haha, I mean it's awful to wish death on someone..."
But Sukuna only heard the first part.
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With summer abruptly coming to an end and winter approaching, sunrise came later every day. The sky was still black the morning you broke down crying to him. It was moonless.
"I-I know I said I wished he was d-dead, but I didn't mean it f-for real," you said between your sobs, "I just didn't w-want to marry h-him, but he got killed by a curse and I f-feel like I cursed him."
"Wasn't that what you wanted?", the intonations of his voice came out as cold as the autumn air. However, you were too absorbed in your sadness to pick up these nuances.
"No! I would never truly want anyone to die! That’s awful!”
“Now you won’t have to worry about unsolicited attention anymore,” he answered briskly
You hugged your knees closer to your chest and buried your face into them, “It didn’t make a difference...the Zenin offered their s-second son instead..., so it wasn't cancelled regardless..."
"What wasn't cancelled?", Sukuna asked.
"The wedding...”
Sukuna's jaw tightened. He was upset. Furious. You’ve mentioned that the Zenin family was interested in you but you’ve never mentioned that there was anything official. He didn't like that you didn't mention this to him at all. 
"Leave with me."
This time it wasn't a question. It was an order. Yet, you refused it again.
"I can't. I can't leave my family behind like that...if I run away, the Zenin clan would bare a grudge against them, who knows what they’ll do..."
For the first time, Sukuna finally stepped out of the shadows.
But you didn't notice, nor did you see him, the obscurity of the lightless sky hid him from your vision.
"Pathetic, why would you care about family that are selling you off to strangers? This is why you humans are so weak. Being emotional for things that do not matter," he says, words dripping with menace.
Your eyes widened, alerted by the swift change of mood. Tension high in the air. He did not sound like the friend that you knew. It’s as if he was a real stranger.
"That's not true! It's wrong to be selfish, they're my family. I have to listen to them and it's for the best of the village," you tried to reason but you were worried that he could hear the slight fear in your trembling voice.
"Oh yes because the Zenin clan will protect your village from curses. You think too highly of them. When I killed that nuisance, he was crawling and crying, begging for his life. He may be a little stronger than your average jujutsu sorcerer but he was still a weak human." Sukuna was tired of keeping up his calming and human-like demeanour. He topped off his statement with a sadistic laugh.
However, you didn't answer him. Not immediately at least, you were soaking in the words he just said. You gasped.
"Y-You mean you killed him?!"
You took a step back in shock and fear. You were told that he was killed by a curse...if this stranger you've befriended was a curse and one strong enough to kill someone from the Zenin family....you were in deep trouble.
Sukuna continued laughing, "Ah, yes I killed him. I sliced his body into pieces but I preserved the head so he could be recognized. It was a masterpiece, you should of seen the expression of anguish on his decapitated head!"
All of his efforts of wanting to preserve this friendship, fearing to taint your innocence, and scared of not being delicate around you, all thrown away in the heat of the moment. It didn't matter anymore, not when annoying jujutsu sorcerers were going to get in the way and take you away from him.
You screamed, "Get away from me, you monster!"
Your fight or flight instincts kicked in, this man in front of you— no this curse in front of you— was not a friend. You have befriended something much more sinister, he was a killer. A powerful killer and from the enthusiasm in his voice, he was a sadistic one too. You turned to run back to your house.
To your surprise, he didn't follow you. He watched you and even if you can't see him, you can tell that he was smiling.
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You didn't dare to leave the house the days before the wedding. You were also too scared to tell anyone about your foolish encounter with a curse. Instead, you urged your parents to push the wedding earlier. The earlier the better, much to their delight.
Luckily, you did not hear about him and it seems that things have returned to normal. But your instincts say otherwise. If you play with fire, you ought to get burned. And you seemed to have attracted the attention of something very ominous.
You were wearing white on the day of the wedding. A veil covering your face. As per tradition, you were patiently waiting for your groom in another room, waiting for him to lift the veil off your face and take you to the main ceremony room to present you to the invited guests and families. Then allow the head of the households to pronounce you as husband and wife.
Maybe it was your nervousness, it seemed that every minute went by slower. Almost as if the ceremony has been delayed. But with your eyes covered by the veil, all you could do was wait.
Then finally, you heard someone approaching you. You feel a hand gently lift the veil off your face. To your surprise, the person who brought you out of the darkness was not the second son of the Zenin family. There he was, the powerful curse that rampaged villages: Sukuna. You might be the only person who has seen all four of his arms and eyes up close and lived to tell the tale. Not that you would have anyone to tell this to.
He was covered in blood. You were not sure who's but from the silence and the lack of wounds on him, you can formulate a pretty good guess. You drew in a sharp breath and jerked away from his touch, hoping to crawl away even.
"Help!", you shouted out hoping that anyone would hear — anyone at all....wasn't half of the Zenin household here? What were they doing?
"Shh, I was late because I had to take care of some trash, but don't worry, I'm here now," Sukuna says to you. You recognized his voice right away.
You were so terrified that you didn't even notice tears started coming out of your eyes. You struggled to get away from him, you clawed at him, tried to push him away, but it didn't work. He didn't even flinch.
"(Name), stop that before you anger me," he warned you.
You didn't listen.
"You're a monster," you spat at him and you tried to slap him but he stops your hand midair, the blood on his hands imprinting onto your white kimono.
"I'm not like those pathetic Zenin, you'll have to try harder if you want to hit me," Sukuna says with a taunting voice.
Despair washes over you. He was right, if even the Zenin couldn’t win against him, then what could you do? There was no way you could win this nor escape him.
When he carried you bridal style out towards the main room of the ceremony, you’ve stopped struggling. The room was plastered with blood. You recognize some of the body limbs on the ground, the remains of the guests, of your family, of the Zenin family. They were barely remains, mostly just little pieces. You had the urge of throwing up. No one was coming to save you.
It was just you and Sukuna.
Sukuna laughs, he can hear the whiplash of the puddles of blood as he steps over them. He was proud of his work, "Just like usual, only you and me. I'm your only audience."
The blood that covered him stains onto your previously white kimono.
Sukuna always compared you to an angel. And he was a curse—a monster. You two were not meant to be, fate was cruel like that. But Sukuna can be even crueler.
You are his bride.
And it was a red wedding.
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Of Kings and Beasts  -  Eight
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Pairing: King!Bucky X Princess!Reader X King!Steve
Summary: Born a bastard of the King of Orlen, you’re thrust to the West to marry the Kings. However, the greeting you get is anything but warm, and your life with the King is far from enjoyable. He knows it isn’t your fault his husband is gone, but that fact alone won’t prevent him from taking it out on you.
Warnings: Angst, Injuries, Fluff, 
Word Count: 3.6K
A/n: I’m alive! I know, it’s been like 4 months. I honestly didn't know how to ‘come back’ so this is it. I’ll be answering asks and messages tonight, but things are going okay. I work 54 hours a week so I’m not writing as much as I’d like to but I’m trying!!! I love you all so much, and I hope you enjoy this!
Series Masterlist
The doctor lies unmoving on a medical cot, stitches across his throat to close the gouge that was meant to end his life.
“Do we have any idea who is behind this? Or why?” Steve asks quietly, eyes darting between his most trusted man and his husband.
“I do not know who is behind it, but I think they are aware that we know.” Steve’s brows pull together at his husband’s words, and he waits for him to continue.
James huffs out a deep breath, glancing around the small room as if checking for any listening ears.
“Doctor Banner found an incision on the base of my skull. Someone has performed an operation on me without my knowing. I’m assuming the Doctor found something out, and while on his way to find me he was ambushed.”
Steve’s still stuck on the fact that his husband has been tampered with.
“What do you mean someone performed an operation on you?” James shakes his head. “I’m not sure what they did, but I have reason to believe that it is why I have been so hostile towards... our wife.” He fears saying your name. He doesn’t want anything to trigger the beast.
“How long have you known this?” Steve demands, angry that James would keep something like this from him.
“Since the day she went out into the snow. I was not sure who I could trust. I still know not. But one thing is certain: someone means to kill our wife and destroy our marriage, and it is someone close to us.” Regret instantly fills the blond king and he excuses himself without another word, head swarming with thoughts that include nothing but pain and punishment.
His feet take him down the spiral staircase, his hands wrenching open the cell door and grabbing the prisoner by his collar.
“Who is it that sent you?! Tell me! Now!” The man is confused for a moment before a yellow-toothed grin splits his face.
“You will tell me now!” Steve pulls his fist back and slams it against the man’s face, but the prisoner only laughs manically.
“Who is it that intends on hurting my wife? On ruining my marriage?” The man shakes his head, blood dribbling down his chin.
“The only one who ruins your marriage and hurts your wife is you, your majesty. But from what I hear through the walls, your bloodline ends with you. The great Kings of the West will be nothing more than fairytales. Their whore wife, a forgotten name. And that will be your doing.” Steve’s vision clouds and he unleashes his fury upon the prisoner, beating him to a bloody pulp until his face is hardly visible.
The King stumbles back, chest heaving and fists covered in blood, while the man slumps to the floor, wheezing and gasping.
“Cut off one head... two more shall take its place,” is the last thing the man utters before collapsing in a pool of his own blood.
Steve stands there, furious and dumbfounded. He’s so lost in his thoughts that he doesn’t realize he isn’t alone anymore until a cool hand is on his shoulder, turning him around.
“What happened?” James asks, his eyes on the dead man on the floor and then on his husband’s bloody fists.
“Your assumption is correct. Someone has orchestrated this and we are being toyed with. Where’s (Y/n)?” The mention of your name has James squeezing his eyes shut as the beast bares its fangs.
“I know not. But you haven’t time for that. Thor and Anthony should be here within the hour. You need to make yourself presentable. We will tell them of our problem and see if they can offer any assistance.” Steve doesn’t want to meet with the other Kings. No, he wants to find you and get on his knees and beg for forgiveness, of which you may or may not grant, but he’s willing to beg and plead in front of his entire kingdom if he needs to.
“Come on. Let’s go get you cleaned up.” James ushers the blond out of the dungeon and to his chambers, his mind racing as he tries to piece the mystery together.
Your eyes trace over the trails etched in the book in your grasp, trying desperately to memorize them.
You’re so engaged in your reading that you don’t notice the man in front of you until you’re walking into him.
“Oh!” You stumble back, the book falling from your grasp as you lose your footing. The man is quick and grabs you around the waist to prevent you from falling.
“I am very sorry, Your Majesty. You must forgive me, for I was not paying attention to where I was walking.” The man has a deep, booming voice, his accent different than the ones you’re used to.
“It’s quite alright. I was hardly paying attention myself.” You look up at him and your eyebrows raise.
He’s an absolute Adonis of a man.
With beautifully kind blue eyes, a warm and inviting smile, and long locks of blond hair that are pulled back into a half-bun.
“It must be an interesting story that you were reading then?” He questions, hand dropping from around your waist as he stoops down to pick up your book.
“You could say that.” You’re nervous. You know not who this man is nor where his allegiance lies.
“This is a book of maps. Have you a journey planned?” He seems just genuinely curious but you’re defensive nonetheless.  
“Might I ask who you are and why you need to know?” He raises his brows then chuckles.
“I suppose we have not been introduced, although I have heard many things about you. I am King Thor, of Asgard. And you are Queen (Y/n). Born of Orlen but wed in Acadia. The Kings eagerly awaited your arrival, I must say. And you are every bit as beautiful as they said.”
You shake your head bashfully.
“May I know where your journey will take you? It will remain a secret between the two of us. You have my word.” You ponder this for a moment, but he looks so kind and so genuine, you can’t stop yourself from telling him.
“Well if you must know, I’m leaving.” He huffs a breath of surprise.
“Leaving? But for what purpose? You are a queen.”
You laugh softly at that, the tugging up of your cheeks making your cuts burn.
“A queen, yet I am treated like a prisoner. You must forgive me for speaking so plainly in your presence, but I fear that I have lost any sense of... propriety in this place. My husbands may have spoken highly of me, but that was before they met me, I suppose. Now... I am nothing more than a thorn in their sides.”
Thor shakes his head, not believing a word coming from your mouth.
“That cannot be.” You sigh heavily and tug the collar of your gown down, showing him the dark bruises around your neck.
“From his Majesty, King James. And King Steven gave me these.” You show him the bruises on your arms next.
He’s absolutely appalled.
“And I assume they are the ones responsible for these?” One of his warm fingers traces across the marks on your cheeks and you nod.
“I do not blame you for wanting to leave. You must feel stifled.” You nod, taking his outstretched arm and allowing him to lead you down the hallway.
“It... has not been an easy transition. I have not even seen my kingdom yet. I know not what it has to offer nor if it is thriving. I have not met my people or even seen my lands. This place is supposed to be home to me, but it is no more than a prison with hot water and soft sheets.”
Thor’s quiet for a long moment and you regret every speaking. Just as you’re about to tug free from his grip and lock yourself back in your chambers, he turns to you.
“We cannot simply allow you to not know what your kingdom has to offer! I am making it my duty to show you the beauties of Acadia.” Your eyebrows raise.
“But surely you’re here on business? You mustn’t have time for something as tedious as that.” He takes your hand and brings it up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against your knuckles. “A chance to get to know the Queen? Show her that her Kingdom is not all bad? That is not tedious. The Kings can wait. They have Anthony. I will take you through the Kingdom and show you all that there is to see.”
Thor is true to his word and shows you every nook and cranny in the Kingdom. From the poorest parts to the wealthiest.
“This is the village orphanage. I often come to volunteer my time, however business has kept me away for far longer than I’d like to admit.” You pull your cloak tighter around yourself at the biting chill of the wind, a frown on your face as you look at the run-down building.
“Do the kings not know the ruins of their Kingdom? Surely something can be done to fix this building. The children must be freezing.” You’re reminded of your own experience in the cold confines of the north tower in Orlen. The small chamber you were locked in whenever your adoptive mother did not want to see you.
“The Kings often busy themselves with their work. They are conquerors. They have not the time for such trivial tasks. It would be the duty of a queen to fix the Kingdom, here at least. They are my friends, and they are good at taking, however it seems they know little of giving back.” You nod at this, knowing firsthand how much they can take and not give back.
“I wish I had known that the kingdom was in such ruins. I would have made it my priority.” He looks at you for a long moment, wondering what on Earth could cause the Kings to treat you so poorly.
“If you would like, I can help you to arrange some repairs? Perhaps we can make it your project? Have you in charge of it. It could be your first official duty as Queen.” You smile but shake your head sadly, turning away from the orphanage and back towards your horses.
“I doubt the Kings would approve of something like that. I’m sure I will have their wrath to face for having kept you from your business for so long. I fear what they will do to me, if I am quite honest with you. Steven was lovely before but... he has... I know not how to explain it.” Thor comes up behind you and places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“I will ensure that they do not bring any more harm to you, Petal. You have endured far more than should be expected of you. You have little to gain, and yet you remain here for them.” You shrug, walking with him to your horses.
“My situation were I to leave would not be very different. I have nowhere to go and no one to turn to. I am alone both in the Kingdom and outside of it.” Thor hates the truth behind your words.
“Come, let’s get you back to the Palace before you catch your death.” He helps you up onto the horse then gets on his, mind full of everything you’ve told him and all that he needs to discuss with the Kings.
He walks you to your chambers, having told Wanda to draw a warm bath for you. As he reaches the wooden door, he pauses and smiles warmly at you.
“I very much enjoyed our time today, Your Majesty. I hope to spend more time with you during my stay. But unfortunately, I must go.”
As he’s turning to leave, a voice calls your name. The way you stiffen has Thor grinding his teeth together in frustration.
“Your Majesty,” you greet, bowing your head to your husband while your hand inches to your door.
“May I speak with you? Please?” You open your mouth to reply but Thor cuts you off.
“Actually, Steven, I believe you and I have matters of our own.” And just like that, The booming blond ushers your husband down the hallway. Steve’s blue eyes stay on you, his head turned to look over his shoulder as much as he can until they round the corner and render you out of sight.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and enter your bedroom, smiling tightly at Wanda as she helps you into your bath.
“You were with (Y/n) all day?” Thor shrugs, “would it matter if I was? It seems that I am the only friend she has.” Steve grinds his teeth together but huffs a breath out through his nose.
“I understand that I have been unfair, but all I want is to make things better between the two of us.”
Thor shakes his head, thick arms crossed over his broad chest as he looks between the two kings. “That can wait. What is it that you needed to discuss with me so urgently?”
Steve sighs and looks over at James as if trying to figure out where to begin.
“We believe that someone is trying to sabotage our marriage to break us apart and overthrow our rule. And it must be someone close to us. James has been... tampered with. And I was made to question the loyalties of my own wife. My anger and haste for answers have... brought forth a beast I had hoped to keep hidden from her. And I fear I have played my part in the sabotage of my marriage.” Thor thinks about how helpless you sounded, how absolutely broken down you seemed and can’t help but agree with Steve’s words.
“If someone is plotting to overthrow your rule, they must be close. Close enough to know of any decisions being made. It would be wise to deceive them.” James furrows his brows in confusion. “Make it seem as if they are winning. Send away your wife and tell no one the truth.”
Steve’s shocked at the suggestion.
“Send her away? To where? And with whom? We cannot very well abandon her when people mean to kill her!” Thor purses his lips for a moment before smiling.
“She won’t be alone.”
The other two Kings stare at him as if he’s grown a second head.
“You mean to stay with her? And protect her?”
“Your wife is a spitfire, that much I can tell. She may come across as a woman of few words, but she has a raging soul that cannot be so easily tamed. She wishes to leave you, plans to.”
James’ shoulders cave and Steve’s face crumbles.
“She told you this?” The brunet asks, voice hoarse and weak.
“Not in so many words, but the desire is there. She is unhappy. If she would agree, I would take her to Asgard to be a wife of my own, however, her heart is loyal to Acadia.” The two kings each glare at the big blond man, angry at the very thought of someone taking their wife from them.
Thor continues, unbothered by their anger.
“Which is why she should be sent away. I have a cottage at the border of Asgard and Acadia. My men will be around and you can send men of your own. I will stay with her until she is comfortable and then I will take my leave, but for her safety and her sanity, she must leave the Palace.”
The silence in the room hangs heavily over all three men for a long while before Steve nods.
“Very well. If it is truly in her best interests, then fine. But I will not shun her without giving her a proper explanation.” Thor bows his head as Steve rushes past him, heading towards your chambers.
He knocks once then slowly pushes the door open, desperate to see you and grovel at your feet.
You’re seated on your bed, a book in hand and a shocked expression on your face.
“Your Majesty,” you greet softly, bowing your head.
“No, (Y/n) none of that. I was... out of line. I will never be able to apologize enough for everything I have done to you.” You say nothing but your heart hurts at the fact that Thor clearly told him something.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Your Majesty,” you say stiffly, moving your gaze back down to the book in your lap.
He sits on the edge of your bed, his eyes on the scratches decorating your delicate face.
“We have been unkind and unfair to you, my darling. I hope that one day you will forgive us, but until then, there is something we must discuss.” You have no idea where this conversation could be going, and that thought alone scares you.
“You will be leaving tonight.”
Your face must display the confusion and fear you feel at his words because he’s quick to clarify.
“Joining Thor and staying in a cottage where our kingdoms border. There are people here, people close to myself and James that wish to do you harm.” He takes your hand gently between both of his and presses a soft kiss to your fingers.
“It pains me to do it, but I know you need it as well. You’ve been deprived here. No friends and no family. We’ve treated you terribly and not as Queen should be treated." You keep your eyes cast down towards your lap, unable to bear seeing the King so distraught in front of you.
He sniffles and places another kiss to the back of your hand.
“I hope that you will return soon, but if you must take time then I understand. When you do decide you are ready to return, we will both be waiting with open arms.” He pauses for another moment before speaking again, his voice softer than before.
“I had hoped that James would join me but he... he is not well. But he misses you dearly, of that I am certain. The days will darken with your departure.” He presses another kiss to your knuckles then slowly rises to his feet.
“No one is to know the true reason for your departure. You mustn't tell anyone, for I fear you will not be safe if you do. Can you promise me that?” He asks, his eyes full of desperation and sorrow.
“Yes, your majesty.” His heart cracks at the fact that you’re still not addressing him by his name, but he realizes it will take time for the bond to be rebuilt between the two of you.
“Wanda will pack your things then you will be met by Thor and he will take you somewhere safe.” He cups your cheek gently, sniffling and trying to fight tears.
“I am so very sorry that your own home is a place that causes you pain.” With that, he turns on his heel and exits your chambers without so much as another glance, the pain he’s feeling evident in the tightness of his shoulders and the stiffness of his walk.
It’s not five minutes later when Thor is at the door to your chambers, sliding a thick wool cloak over your shoulders and pulling the hood up to cover your face.
“Just a precaution, Your Majesty. And the wind has a bit of a bite to it. But a carriage is waiting.” You nod your understanding and follow him silently out of the palace that has been no more than a prison to you.
Steve and James watch from separate windows as you climb into the carriage, not sparing a single glance back at the palace. But they cannot find it in themselves to blame you. What you have been forced to endure is far worse than anyone should have to. Especially someone as delicate as yourself.
A dark cloud falls over the kingdom as their queen is whisked away, brought to a safe haven that their kings couldn’t provide, by a man who is not even a member of their kingdom.
The journey to Thor’s cottage is a fairly quiet one, far too many thoughts racing in your mind and feelings in your heart.
“You are unhappy to be leaving the Palace?” Thor asks, confusion evident in his voice. You sigh heavily and shake your head, turning to look at him.
“It is a relief to be able to speak freely, however, I cannot help the guilt that I feel. It is my duty to do what the require of me, regardless of whether or not I enjoy it.” Thor shakes his head, a frown on his handsome face.
“No human should ever have to endure that. Regardless of their duties. You will not be shunned by the kings and even if you were, I’m sure Orlen would accept you back with open arms.”
You chuckle once, the sound dull and lacking humour.
“Orlen could not care any less about me if they tried. I’m not a princess to them. Merely the bastard of a King. One who was convenient to use in a trade agreement. My father would have me beheaded if he knew I was running from the kings.”
Thor is rendered speechless by this new information, his heart heavy for you, the delicate princess who deserves a far better fate than the one gifted to her.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
You or The Muffin made a post on your dream cast(s), but I’m not really familiar with those references/actors (with the exception of Bowie and Jean Claude Van Damme and Clint Eastwood I think you mentioned). Is there anyone you would choose that’s a little more recent (80s-present)?
Our dream cast.
Our dream voice cast, for those interested.
Fun fact, both those posts were composed together, so yeah we share these opinions. We composed this one together as well.
Keep in mind that this list is... well it's for Twilight as I would make it. Which means that of course we’re casting a Didyme, nevermind that she’s been dead for thousands of years, but Denali who?
And once again we’re disrupting the time-space continuum and casting big name actors you’ve definitely heard about as they were ten, twenty, or thirty years ago.
Alright, so newer and shinier Twilight fancast, this time with a few alternatives because decisions are hard:
Alice: ... Audrey Hepburn.
I'm sorry. I tried. I tried to be modern, but I got to Alice and originally we thought Saoirse Ronan, appearances be damned because Ronan is a great actress, only to realize Ronan should be Renesmée.
So we're back to the dream cast. Audrey Hepburn was a tiny, pixie-like, yet ridiculously beautiful woman. Like Alice, her growth was stunted due to prolonged starvation during the War, so she's the perfect casting in a way no modern Western actress is going to be. She was also an amazing actress, just absolutely magnetic each time she graced the screen. She would be a fantastic Alice.
Aro: A young Tom Cruise.
Cruise is an absurdly beautiful man, and at 173 cm he is the right stature as I could never cast a tall actor for Aro. He's a very good actor, so I'm sure he'd be up for it. Also, he'd look great with chalky petrified vampire makeup on. He'd pull it off. I want to see this.
Optionally: Cate Blanchett
Yes, she's a woman. But that's what acting is all about, you play someone you're not. It's more a thing in theatre than in film that men can play women and women can play men, but I say fuck the rules, we're doing it theatre style. And Blanchett absolutely have that enigmatic, ethereal, otherworldly quality I'd want for Aro.
Bella: A young Sarah Michelle Gellar
Gellar is a petite beauty, she is spunky yet adorable, and very charming, the people of Forks and the Cullens would very believably gravitate towards her. Most importantly she has the acting chops to pull it off. She would portray an amazing Bella.
Caius: Daniel Craig
The man is the right age, he's someone you don't mess with. Craig has perhaps a touch too charismatic, but he's good enough that I'm hopeful he could tune it down.
Carlisle: A young Leonardo DiCaprio
DiCaprio is ridiculously attractive and has a bad case of The Babyface™. Watching him try to convince people that he’s 30 years old and has adult kids would be absolutely hilarious, and very faithful to the books. He’s a talented actor, too, very versatile.
Optionally: David Tennant
Tennant doesn't look the part, he is handsome but handsome in that particular way when flawed features come together handsomely. He does however have the perfect charm, gravitas, and energy for the character, so I think he could make a great Carlisle. 
This is where the magic of movie adaptions come in - you’re not going to be able to translate directly from text to screen, that’s impossible. If you embrace that and make some bold choices, you stand to make a truly spectacular adaption. One of the reasons why the Twilight films failed is that they were too faithful to the books while failing to understand the spirit of them, whereas the TV miniseries adaption of His Dark Materials switched a lot of things up and is absolutely amazing for it.
Demetri: Robert Downey Jr.
Ridiculously charismatic and talented actors cast in bit parts and making them shine is a passion of mine.
Didyme: Cate Blanchett
Look, Blanchett had to be in this somehow, and we could think of no one more appropriate. She has too much enigma for Esme, is too womanly for Alice, and once the idea for Didyme was had it was hard to weasel out of. 
Cate Blanchett would be convincing as Aro's sister, as a woman who haunts her lover and brother even thousands of years after her passing, an enigmatic and divine woman who can never be forgotten.
Also she's my fancast for her brother, so this works out quite nicely. Why cast someone who merely looks like Aro’s actor when you can just cast the same actor.
Edward: A young Johnny Depp
Very few men are otherworldly beautiful. There are countless handsome men, yes, and many beautiful ones, but Depp has extreme and symmetrical features that come together beautifully. Robert Pattinson does too, for the record, so what makes me prefer Depp is the fact that he is an incredible actor. Pattinson is good, but Depp is the kind of talent who can power through even the worst scripts, give him nothing and he will give you the world. He’s on Al Pacino’s level, this man can salvage anything.
Emmett: Terry Crews
Terry Crews is a mountain of a man, he's massive. He'd nail Emmett's infectious cheer, too. He has a very symmetrical and attractive face that follows the golden ratio beautifully, so I could buy him being a vampire.
Esme: Anne Hathaway ten years ago. Ref one, ref two.
She’s out of this world beautiful and has the perfect Esme aesthetic. Hands down best Esme. The fact that she’s a very good actress helps.
Felix: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
He’s got the physique for the part and would be absolutely menacing.
James: Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt is a character actor who tragically got lost in the blockbuster scene. He’s good, he deserves cool parts. So yeah, Pitt as James. I think he’d be absolutely amazing for the part, it’d be the kind of performance where you can tell the actor was enjoying every second on set.
Jane and Alec: Child Dakota Fanning
Fanning was a good choice for Jane, it's just that she was slightly too old when she was cast (and they made her look even older!) and the screenwriters had written a different character than the one in the books (and not for the better - I’m all for changing things in an adaption! But, well, she was Marvel levels of bad villain). And as Alec is a bit part and supposed to be nearly identical to her, I’d just have Fanning play him as well.
Jasper: Clint Eastwood, every time.
Optionally: feels like blasphemy to even have an “optionally”, but here we are. If you somehow haven’t heard of the guy, then… er. No, sorry, I’ve got nothing. Know that I tried, though.
Marcus: Tom Holland
The man has such babyface, which fits since Marcus is 19.
Just Tom Holland, sitting around, looking young and depressed.
Renata: A young Natalie Portman
Yes, yes, Renata is a bit part, I know that, but this is my Twilight we're casting for so I do what I want.
Portman fits the physical description for Renata, and I find that description to be relevant to her character. She's a teeny tiny woman charged with protecting the most important man in the world, and gifted with intouchability. Portman looks is beautiful enough to fit the bill for a Twilight vampire, and tiny enough to stress the absurdity of this 5′0″ woman being anybody’s bodyguard, nevermind Aro’s.
Renesmée: Child Saoirse Ronan (Though Adult Ronan works too, she’s my cast for the hybrid gremlin period.)
She was an extraordinarily talented child actress, and she’s beautiful while odd-looking. I could absolutely believe I was looking at an otherworldly hybrid when looking at her.
Mostly I think Renesmée is going to be a very hard part for anybody, as the given actor will be portraying one of the most ridiculed characters in recent pop culture. It’ll take major talent to get the audience to care about Renesmée, but I think Ronan, if anybody, could do it.
Rosalie: Margot Robbie ten years ago
She’s out of this world beautiful, and more importantly she’s an incredible actress. She would be incredible for the part.
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
kind of an odd request — do you have fics where erik is grumpy with everyone else but a ray of sunshine with charles?
Hi anon, thank you for the ask. First and foremost, I'm so sorry for how long this took me but I've been searching for all the fics that come to mind that fit your request. Second, this is not an odd request because I love this trope so much. I mean, it's basically canon that he's grumpy with everyone except for his Charles, right? Anyway, I might add to this list later on, but I can't sit on this any longer and hope that you have found some fics that you enjoy!!
Fic Recs Where Erik is grumpy with everyone but a ray of sunshine with Charles
Twice as Blind – Darksknight
Summary: Erik is probably the biggest asshole on the face of the earth, and because of this, he'll probably die alone. Charles is a complete flirt and playboy and, probably, will never commit to anyone ever.
(The lesson here is that when you have two friends who are BOTH secretly seeing someone, well, it's probable that they're seeing each other.)
In the moonlight, on a joy ride – scarlettblush
Summary: Librarian AU. Charles is the young librarian and Erik is the college student who is completely besotted with him.
The Proper Care of Actors – Clear_Liqueur, Clocks, Etherei, afrocurl
Summary: Erik is an A-list action star who is notoriously difficult to work with, until the day he gets cast alongside Charles Xavier, rom-com darling who can charm the pants off movie audiences the world over and apparently even one Erik Lehnsherr. The paparazzi catch them out and about soon enough, and their real-life Hollywood movie romance becomes instant tabloid fodder.
Rumor Mill – ikeracity
Summary: Erik is the grumpiest, most foul tempered worker at Stark industries. His grumpiness is the stuff of legends.
So it's obviously the talk of the office when Erik is being made to go to the company party and he's bringing his husband. There's rumors flying round about how much of a masochist or equally antisocial bastard Erik's husband must be to put up with him. Others think he must be a meek mouse perhaps bullied by Erik.
What they weren't expecting was the confident, charming, adorable and unbelievably nice Charles that turns up on Erik's arm. What they certainly weren't expecting was how much Erik obviously adores his husband and how happy he is to let others see this.
Work/Life Balance – pocky_slash
Summary: Alex is pretty sure his weird, anti-social boss is a robot. Right up until the guy's adorable husband shows up. His adorable husband who happens to be a famous actor. His adorable husband who happens to be the very same famous actor who was the source of many of Alex's teenage fantasies.
Terrifying Domesticity – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is the most dangerous and notorious mafia boss around for miles, and yet the strangest things terrify him.
For example: his children, and his very pregnant mate.
Of kittens and teacups and love – Ren
Summary: Modern AU in which Charles and Erik are flatmates. Charles studies psychology and likes tea and chess and keeps bringing home stray kittens, and Erik lets him because he's maybe perhaps a little bit sort of in love with him.
Fools Rush In – LoveSupreme
Summary: Erik owns a cafe on the edge of campus and accidentally starts maybe-stalking a Biology Professor there.
Growing Pains – ikeracity
Summary: Twelve-year-old Erik Lehnsherr is an angry, closed-off foster kid with trust issues and a bad temper. Ten-year-old Charles Xavier is a lonely kid in boarding school who just wants a friend.
Logan pretends he doesn't think they're both fucking adorable.
Home Together (The Finding Our Way Remix) – significantowl
Summary: Erik is not the sort of person other students strike up conversations with. His expression, his posture, every part of his manner say: Don’t talk to me. I don’t want to talk to you. But none of that stops the boy ahead of him in line with the collapsible white cane, and nothing can stop Erik from falling for him, like it or not.
Melted Ice Cream and Macaroni Art – pocky_slash
Summary: Everybody likes Charles. Nobody likes Erik. And that's really the source of Erik's doubts. Also, there's ice cream and a baby. Part of ‘the Daycare’ verse.
Walling in or Walling Out – stlkrchck
Summary: Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
For the prompt: Charles and Raven are throwing a holiday party. Erik is the grumpy neighbor who is annoyed by how loud they are being. So he goes to complain, and Charles makes it up to him.
(Wise Men Say) Only Fools Rush In – wildelybroken
Summary: After reading a fic where Erik and Charles are super sluts, meet at what is presumably Raven and Emma's engagement party, and end up sleeping together, I made the following comment and just inspired myself.
"They start casually texting each other throughout the day, maybe while they’re bored or frustrated at work, and start out meeting up and sleeping together semi-frequently. And eventually they accidentally start dating without noticing it at first, not until Raven and Emma get them alone and are like “wtf you two super sluts are actually dating??” And at first they deny, but then they’re both like “holy shit, we are!” And they meet back at one of their places and they don’t have to say anything, they just look at each other and come together immediately, kissing passionately and ~making love~. In the middle of it they realise that’s what they’ve been doing for a long time now and they confess their love to each other and they live happily ever after because they deserve all the good in the world."
For Charles – Shigai
Summary: Tired of being told he has to find his 'heart', classical piano graduate Erik Lehnsherr decides to travel to Italy and drink from the famous Italian passion for music. While searching for it, he meets Charles Xavier, a graduate in Fine Arts who is basically travelling around the world perfectioning his technique, and who will turn his world upside down.
Together they will discover that, sometimes, what you thought you didn't need is what you needed the most.
Erik Hates People – Anonymous
Summary: Erik hates people- it's his rule, a way of living.
Sugar – humanitys_cutest
Summary: Erik glances at the clock for what feels like the tenth time in less than half the minutes. It feels like he's been in some meeting or other since the day started almost 10 hours ago, and he's had just about enough of listening to these pompous old men discuss what would be the best design for his building like they know anything about it. He tries as subtly as possible to massage his temples to assuage the building migraine, but he knows it's no use.
He just wants to go home.
Everyone Likes Charles – Rosawyn
Summary: '“Everyone who's met him likes him.” Cain's grin was even stupider than before. “Once you meet him, you'll see.”
It was almost like a challenge then. And damn. Erik hated saying no to a challenge.'
Still Going Strong – JackyJango
Summary: Speaking of forty-eight, Erik hates it. Hates it even more that others are aware of it. While he’s pragmatic enough to know and accept that aging is inexorable, the increase in number gives the people around him the freedom to pounce at him with questions, opinions and advice he'd fought to keep at bay all year.
Besides, Erik believes that youth is a state of mind, not a phase in one’s life.
You have a child’s mind in a man’s body, Charles constantly tells him.
But despite his age, Erik is healthy. He works out daily. His muscles are steel and he can dead-lift four hundred pounds. He can break bones without breaking a sweat. Most importantly, he can still carry Charles to the bedroom and fuck him senseless. And as long as Erik can do that, he’s perfectly happy.
All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed – hllfire
Summary: Charles meets Erik, the man he had heard about many times from his sister and some friends, on a rainy Sunday morning. The stories about Erik paint him as a distant and intimidating man, but Charles finds out that maybe the stories had been wrong.
How to Successfully Ruin Your Life – humanveil
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Charles Xavier accepts a job at his local café, expecting nothing more than a fun, new pastime. What he gets is a mysterious customer and a schoolboy crush.
Stolen – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is a miserable, grumpy, cantankerous bastard, and he has every fucking right to be. He drew the short end of the stick when he got the Underworld as his domain, and there isn't very much fun to be had in judging and governing dead souls who would rather be anywhere else but with Erik in the depths of Hell.
So when he meets Charles, brilliant and lovely Charles who is more popularly known amongst the mortals as Persephone, and feels the promise of something wonderful that could make his eternally doomed existence infinitely more bearable... you can bet all your drachmas Erik's not going to let Charles go any fucking time soon.
Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Saving the Universe By Meeting Your Soul-Mate and Falling in Love in Less than 72 Hours – magneto, pangea
Summary:Army Pilot Erik Lehnsherr is just trying to enjoy his day off when a mostly naked person crashes through the roof of his car. Even more alarming, the strange falling naked person—who goes by Charles Xavier when he's not speaking an ancient dead language—brings tidings of the apparent potential end of the world, and begs Erik to help him put a stop to it.
Well. His mother has been nagging at him to go out and meet new people.
The Theory of Partnership Dynamics – Pangea
Summary: “Detective Lehnsherr, how wonderful to see you out on the job!” The fed in the front greets him as they draw nearer. He’s shorter than the other two by a full head, and he’s beaming at Lehnsherr as if completely undeterred by Lehnsherr’s paint-peeling scowl.
“What do the feds want?” Lehnsherr asks bluntly.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” the fed answers cheerfully. Then his gaze lands on Alex, and, impossibly, his grin gets even brighter. “Did you get a new partner?"
“No,” Lehnsherr says through his teeth while at the same time Alex says, “Yes.”
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vvienne · 3 years
hold my hands by Snooze (Chiruka)
Transplanting a core into a new person isn’t without repercussions. One year after the events at Guanyin Temple, Jiang Cheng found himself once again faced with the possibility of losing everything he had. Reconciling with his brother, learning to let Jin Ling go, and dealing with his blooming emotions toward the First Jade of Gusu — will Jiang Cheng accomplish what he wants before time runs out?
it all passes someday by screamlet
A week before the anniversary of Wei Wuxian’s death, there was a commotion outside Lan Wangji’s house.
Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji over the years.
The Unlikely Expression of Love by manamune
When everything has settled, when everyone else has moved on with their lives and their friends, Jiang Cheng has a realization which shouldn’t actually be a surprise:
He’s lonely.
Indigo, lavender, and violet (I don't wanna be red) by ohwhatevrewhatevr
It, in the pale colors of the late morning, is the closest to perfect Jiang Cheng will ever reach. He strokes Lan XiChen's hair and presses a light kiss to where his ribbon and hair meet. The sky is a pale blue, and the pastels of flowers and clouds are spread out through the window, a brilliant world waiting for them, them in the gentian house, safe from stronger breezes - there is the clutter of birds fluttering and chirping outside. It is a warm, perfect, spring morning.
Jiang Cheng and Lan XiChen have been together for an year. In which, no one ever really gets over things, Jiang Cheng has the misfortune of interacting with his brother, the juniors help out with the proposal, and there's a marriage.
Altitude by starknjarvis 
When Jin Ling lures Jiang Cheng to the Cloud Recesses under false pretenses, he finds himself out of place among this new family Wei Wuxian has formed.
Lan Xichen, at least, seems pleased to have his company.
Perhaps there is still a chance for Jiang Cheng to make amends and move forward.
[Modao Zushi Online] GLITCH REPORT: My Brother Got Chased Down And %$@*$&@ By Gusu Dungeon Boss??? by oh_fudgecakes
Modao Zushi Online is a virtual reality MMORPG. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are top ranking players in its new server, currently tied with their arch-nemesis from their previous server, Wen Chao. In an attempt to defeat him, they take on the Gusu Dungeon Boss, Zewu-jun, to win the reward of a legendary weapon. Ever the cheat, Wei Wuxian tries to take advantage of a glitch to defeat the seemingly undefeatable boss. It backfires. Jiang Cheng gets fucked by a boss monster.
He can't get enough.
Meanwhile, Lan Xichen, the unwitting staff member in charge of controlling Zewu-jun, absolutely did not sign up to be pulled into a secret virtual reality fling with a player. Mod Ji, who has to deal with Wei Wuxian's incessant glitch reporting of his brother's sex life, is long-suffering.
Mulberry by xxdz
Jiang Cheng grits his teeth and pushes harder. He feels like torn silk, the embroidery needle sinking in again and again and again; patiently, desperately, endlessly trying to make something beautiful out of something broken.
Jiang Cheng builds his sect, learns embroidery, and raises his nephew.
we can raise a little family by lanyon
“Well, brother,” says Wei Wuxian, leaning against the outside of Jiang Cheng’s chambers. “I had heard that you and Xichen went on a night hunt and came back with a baby, which is not the order I’d choose to do things in…”
In which Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen acquire a baby of unknown origin, and are the very last to know what it means.
Beyond the Impossible by Silverine
Summoned by Lan Qiren, Jiang Wanyin goes to the Cloud Recesses to drop his nephew Jin Ling, expecting to discuss relevant matters with his old master. Instead, he's asked to take with him no other than Sect Leader Lan himself, all the way back to Lotus Pier. If the reason why he accepted such an outrageous task is indeed a mystery, he's about to be surprised by how this entire trip, their encounters, and his warm company, suddenly feel fated.
Incrementally by xxdz
Jiang Cheng is trapped in a day on repeat where he begins by waking in Zewu Jun’s bed at dawn and ends by dying painfully at dusk.
It’s getting very irritating, and he has the sneaking suspicion that his chances to solve his own murder are rapidly running out. Soon, his death will be much more permanent.
All in all, worst birthday ever.
Audience of One by WinterDreams
“Then let an established star go first,” Lan Xichen interrupts again before Lan Wangji can give a stubborn reply. Both men twist toward Lan Xichen, and he smiles at Wei Wuxian’s tilted head. “If I publicly date a man for awhile first, your engagement shouldn’t receive as much backlash.”
Or, that AU where everyone is famous in some way or another, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have been dating in private for years, and Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng pretend to date publicly for their brothers' sake.
A Bit of Ruthlessness by jirluvien
When Jiang Cheng hears that Lan Xichen went into seclusion following Jin Guangyao’s death, it’s almost as if he can see the grabby hands of a restless ghost, reaching out for something to keep him company. For something warm and living and devastated. And as history has proved time and time again, the Lans are perfect victims when it comes to giving in to ghosts.Yeah, no. Not on Jiang Cheng’s fucking watch.A story about grief, determination, unexpected friendships, abandoned watchtowers, and letters. So many letters.
All Tied Up In You by Clearpearls
Yet again, the night had come to this:
Jiang Cheng on the floor, kneeling, Zidian wrapped around his wrists.
Thank You, and I'm Sorry by Hamliet
Jin GuangYao might be dead, but his story is not. Taking advantage of the chaos he instigated, someone makes an attempt on the life of the young new leader of the Jin Sect. When Jiang Cheng takes Jin Ling to the Cloud Recesses to have him study while he attempts to work with Wei WuXian and his husband Lan WangJi to eliminate the threat, he encounters a mourning Lan XiChen, lovestruck teenagers, and a persistent corpse--and both pairs of brothers find themselves struggling to move on.
saturn's rings (don't be a heartbreaker) by iskendaris
Set after the seige of burial mounds, Yunmeng rebuilds as they hold the first Discussion Conference at Lotus Pier. Sometimes the night is a gift, a refuge for loneliness. "So stern, Sect Leader Jiang," Lan Xichen murmured, "So glacial... What will it take to melt that icy exterior? What can I say?"
"Nothing. There's nothing you can say or offer."
reciprocity by jukeboxhound
There’s a pause before Lan Xichen says, in a tone that’s a little more neutral, “I would like to paint on you.”
“Of course, if you say ‘yes’ but then change your mind at any point, for any reason, you need only say so and I will stop immediately,” he adds.
Well, silver lining: Jiang Cheng is feeling much more awake than he was a moment ago.
Talent Hunt Crew Finds Angry Guy Shouting On College Campus, Recruits Him For Vocal Projection Abilities by oh_fudgecakes
Jiang Cheng, resident Angry Guy and heir to a conglomerate empire, has never been the apple of his father’s eye. Quashed under the shadow of his brilliant brother, the music prodigy Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng sees his chance to turn things around when he is recruited by the All-Stars Lan Talent Hunt. One problem: he can’t sing to save his goddamn life.
As he struggles to develop his nascent singing abilities, Jiang Cheng finds himself sucked into the whirlwind drama of reality TV, helped along by his adoring siblings, his irritable vocal coach Wen Qing, and strangely enough, the unfairly attractive host of the All-Stars Lan Talent Hunt, Lan Xichen. Somewhere in the glare of the stage lights and an unexpected first love, Jiang Cheng stumbles upon the thing he was searching for all along: the courage to dream — and to attempt the impossible.
Marginal Costs by ohwhatevrewhatevr
“You think you know what you want, Er-Ge,” A-Yao says. “But you should consider what you’re willing to give first,” he says wryly, taking Lan XiChen’s chess piece with slim, skilled fingers.
Lan XiChen looks up at A-Yao’s concentrated expression and the hint of contentment on his face that he is special enough to be allowed to see.
“It’s not just one decision, but the lead up to many more. One decision decides what else you’re going to have to pay, and each time you have to ask yourself, ignoring the sunk costs, if this time it’s worth it as well.”
When his sworn brother looks up at him with those clear, amber eyes, waiting, Lan XiChen feels the pull and gives in: he asks.
“Are you happy being in love?”
(First half is two sad sworn brothers talking, internally mourning how unfortunate their other sworn brother’s death was :/ and second half is when a mopey boy in blue meets an angsty boy in purple whilst chasing a demonic cultivator, and a lil bit of sexy dual cultivation happens.)
Somewhat Tender by theherocomplex
There is no defense against kindness; it has always undone him.
I didn't expect you to be lonely (too) by bettydice (BettyKnight)
Jiang Cheng's life is a mess, he's a mess, and he doesn't miss his brother at all. So when his sister gifts him ten sessions with a massage therapist, who turns out to be someone he was crushing on for a hot minute as a teenager and is still as hot as ever... yeah, that might as well happen. It won't have to mean anything.
This feels intimate to Jiang Cheng in a way that's probably very inappropriate and maybe even pathetic. Nobody touches him like this, right where he’s hurt the most. There's no one who handles him so gently, so carefully.
It's the gentleness that's his undoing, he thinks. He would be able to deal better with it if it was painful.
Life for Rent by yodasyoyo
“Yeah well. You’re not taking me seriously. This guy is my soulmate!”
“Soulmate.” Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”
“Just because you don’t believe in them—”
“I believe in them!” Jiang Cheng says. “I’ve never denied they exist.”
“Just last week you said that it was an evolutionary quirk that had been used by greetings card companies, movie makers, and corporations to exploit lonely and vulnerable people.”
“And I stand by it! That doesn’t mean that soulmates aren’t real. Just incredibly unlikely and probably pointless.
Xicheng vs Soulmates. Fight!
Halfway Around the World by theherocomplex
Normally, Jiang Cheng would be seething, jaw clenched tight, if someone sounded like that while they were talking, but — Lan Xichen has the trick of always making you feel like you're in on the joke, whatever the joke is. That you're laughing together.
Whelmed by yodasyoyo
For months now Jiang Cheng’s been idly fantasizing about how it would be if something were to come between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. Mostly those daydreams have been simple enough — they break up (probably because Lan Zhan is boring or Wei Ying is annoying), Wei Ying is sad for a couple of days (Jiang Cheng’s willing to allow some space for feelings, he isn't a total monster), but then Wei Ying realizes he’s better off, he gets over it, and Jiang Cheng gets his brother back.
Unfortunately the fantasy version of events has only proven partially true, so far. They've broken up. Wei Ying has been sad.
Now weeks have passed, though — and Wei Ying is still sad, every. Single. Day.
It’s like Jiang Cheng's stuck in a looping GIF, and it’s driving him insane.
Jiang Cheng plots, Lan Huan pines, and, unfortunately for Lan Qiren, Wangxian are inevitable.
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thescarleteyes · 2 years
J'avoue Je Maudis Tout Ceux Qui S'aiment Pairing: Vanitas x Noé, past Vanitas x Jeanne Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Tags: Character Study (sort of), Possibly Unrequited Love, Internalized Homophobia, Internal Conflict, Self-Hatred, Kissing, warning for a little bit of... rude language towards Jeanne, Vanitas is not the best person let that be known Word Count: 1,667 Cross Posted on Ao3.
Summary: On a cold, windy night, Vanitas sits upon the rooftop once more, thinking about his recent (and first) kiss with Noé, and if he truly loves him, or if he loves Jeanne.
It was late one night, and the full moon shone in through the singular window as its curtains flapped in the night breeze. At an hour like this, both of the men that shared this room should have been fast asleep, and someone was surely sleeping in the bed that lay a few feet away. But if the window was cracked to let the wind in like it was, that had meant that a certain someone was not asleep, and was likely enjoying the cool Parisian night air as his head would not stop filling with thoughts and keeping him dreadfully awake. Against the metal of the roof, there was a soft pitter-patter as someone walked across it, looking for some place to sit. Their favourite place was always much further away from the window they came out from, but they preferred it that way — less of a chance of getting found and caught again, they figured. There was a slight groan of the old, slightly rusty metal of the roof as they sat down, taking in a deep breath and turned their eyes to the moon. 
If anything, they thanked that this full moon was not a blue one. 
Vanitas did not often like to have to think of his namesake, and especially not at a time like this. He had come out to the roof to clear his head. After what had happened earlier, he just didn’t know what to think, and every possibility swirled around in his thoughts ‘till it nearly drove him mad. And the fact that he had no idea where to begin processing what he was feeling… he wanted to yell out in anger. 
Yelling out into the dead of the night in the middle of Paris was not something someone who wanted to be respectable would do though. So he kept his mouth and emotions shut, as usual. 
He did, however, let a groan escape his lips as he pressed his gloved hands into the cold surface of the roof. Without the fabric barrier between his skin and the metal, it would have stung, as he pressed his hands a bit too harshly into the edges. A part of him wanted to kick his sock-covered feet against the roof as well, but that would have been a bit too rude, and he didn’t really need anyone waking up because he was an idiot who didn’t understand emotion. 
Vanitas leaned back, sprawling out across the roof and sighing. His arms rest underneath his head, and though they would surely fall asleep sooner rather than later, that was the least of the worries on his mind. The wind that night was blowing his long hair messily across his face as he, once again, attempted to look towards the night sky. Did he hope to find an answer in the stars to his problems? No — and perhaps he would have chuckled at that thought — he gave that up long ago. 
He lie there for a good while, occasionally letting out an exasperated sigh and hitting his fist against his thigh, still unable to sleep and still angry with himself.  He couldn’t believe that he let himself open up like that. Not to someone like Noé, he didn’t think he would have ever exposed himself like that to Noé. It wasn’t the first time he had done it, but Noé was different, and it felt wrong.  Or did it?  He let out a much more audible groan this time around. 
Vanitas sat up, feeling coming back into his arms as he stretched out his fingers and crossed his legs. He silently shook his head, dismissing yet another denial, but the idea that followed finally was one he could get behind. He may not have had his books up here, but he did know how to compare things, and he could compare what he knew that he felt. Not that he wanted to remember what he felt, but that seemed like his last resort.  He thought as hard as he could.
Vanitas knew that he didn’t mind kissing Jeanne so much. Her lips were soft, and so was her skin and hair, and she always smelled nice. She was also very fun to toy with; despite his former infatuation with the white haired woman, he hadn’t felt so much like death these recent times that he saw her, so he figured he may just like playing with her. At the very least, her reactions amused him, and she was cute. Did he like cute? He wasn’t sure of that one either. He also knew though that if he explained his complicated feelings towards Jeanne that many would dismiss it as love, which it was not. He was sure of the fact that he did not love Jeanne so much more as he loved something that amused him in his sad, dull story of a life. 
Mentally, he marked it down: He did not love Jeanne in the way he felt that he should have, and what he felt was something much, much more horrible. It felt just as bad as love did. 
But now… What did he know about Noé? He thought long and hard, frustratingly hard on it. 
He knew that Noé was particularly attractive, though he would have never admitted it to him. Part of him hated that he had to rely on the other man, but another part of him found it nice to be able to have someone around again… ugh . Vanitas hit his fist against his thigh again.  He thought for the longest time that he hated the way Noé insisted on hugging him in his sleep, but the feeling of another warm human wrapped around him was the only way he could sleep these days. 
His dumb pretty eyes and soft, messy white hair were — horribly — amongst the few things that made him content when he woke up. Vanitas wasn’t sure if he knew how he’d go back to living without Noé joining him to search for curse bearers, even if his tendency to get lost so damn easy was infuriating and he could get so much more done if he were alone. And… and…
Noé’s lips were nicer against his own than Jeanne’s. Jeanne was soft but so was Noé in his own right; even though his skin was rougher he greatly preferred it than the soft monotony he was used to. And despite the fact that Noé so rarely ever fed from anyone, he swore that in their brief moment he could have tasted the tinge of iron on his lips, something he would never get from Jeanne. He shouldn’t be enticed by the taste of blood, he was human, he swore to whatever was out there that he was human, but…
Vanitas knew that deep down, he could have gotten wrapped up and intoxicated in that single, dumb kiss Noé placed upon his lips earlier. He could go back and have another and another, and he hated it. It felt like a wound that would never calm down, he hated it. 
But a part of him understood, and loved it all the same.
Looking at the facts laid out before him, he let out the biggest groan of that night. The signs pointed so blatantly towards the option he hated most. Sure , being in love with Jeanne would have been hellish as well, but at least it was easy . At least he could tell people without question, without shame. 
At least he’d be able to look at himself without shame. 
Love to Vanitas felt much like a brand; hot and painful, never ceasing, a mark that he bore only out of pain. He did not think himself worthy of holding such a mark, and even as he traced his fingers over the rose that sat at the base of his neck, he still did not think himself as worthy of such a thing as love. Whether it was from Jeanne or from Noé it did not matter all that much; he simply wasn’t it, and wanted them to go away so he could return to feeling like ice instead of a hot poker, waiting and prodding at his heart.
This night couldn’t be worse. He’d have to ignore the signs for as long as he could. Even if it hurt, he’d let this love he had found towards the other man eat him alive if that’s what it took. Yes, that’s what he’d figure he’d do.
Vanitas turned his head now, noticing that the sun was now rising over the furthest rooftops in the city. He had been lost in thought for so long the sun had shown itself to him, and — regrettably — he let out a yawn. People would not be out in the streets for some time, and while he would have remained up on the roof all night… he found the thought of laying in bed next to his roommate, all warm, disgustingly appeasing. As he rose to his feet, he let out a good laugh, no longer caring about whether or not he would wake others up. 
Perhaps it was Noé who had placed this curse upon him, just as Jeanne once had. 
Perhaps he didn’t mind it as much as he wanted to. 
When Vanitas entered the room again, and the sun shone in through the open window, Noé was still thankfully asleep. He sat himself on the bed as the wood frame squeaked while he bent over and dusted off his clothing from being outside for so, so long. And before he inched himself under the covers…
Vanitas leaned over and placed a singular kiss on the sleeping Noé’s cheek.
There. A seal to keep in these forbidden feelings of his, he thought, smiling to himself as he let himself fall into another likely restless sleep.
Neither the Parisian wind, nor the stars, sun, or moon would have kept him from seeing that other man in his dreams that night.
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