#someone hug him and tell him it's alright and these things happen in racing
bottom55cs · 3 months
You can see just how much getting Driver of the Day even after crashing means to him because he takes this so hard upon himself.
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veritasangel · 3 months
Comforting you when you're panicking
ft. Toji, Geto, Gojo, Nanami
⋆ ˚。⋆ any pov ୨୧˚ warnings: none wc: 1.5k
↣ this is a repost from my old account, i should probably edit it now honestly
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Toji Fushiguro
He’s not sure he’s very good at helping but he tries his best because he hates seeing you like this.
Even after you fall back asleep, he’ll probably stay awake for a little while longer, just in case you wake up again and need him.
Toji was deep in sleep before he hears little sniffles. Barely opening his eyes, he sees that you’re laying as far away from him as possible. He reaches over, pulling you back against his chest, resting his head on yours.
“You alright kid?”
“I’m…I’m fine, go back to sleep”
He knows you’re keeping something from him and he hates that you’ve been trying to quieten your sobs so as to not wake him. “You’re shaking, what’s wrong?” 
He tries not to freak out but his mind starts racing and he thinks about all the possible reasons why you might be crying. Has he upset you? Has someone hurt you?
“I don’t know, I’m just panicking a little, I’m sure it’ll go away, I don’t want to bother you with-“
“Hey hey, none of that, you could never bother me. Is there anything I can do?”  
You turn so you’re facing him and his heart aches at seeing you like this. “Can you talk to me?”
“Uh, of course…about what? Is there anything in particular, I mean if there is I could y’know maybe-“ 
You cut him off mid ramble, “Anything’s fine Toji, just…just wanna hear your voice.”
He tries to make up a story but gets lost midway through on what he’s saying, so instead he thinks about talking about past memories in his life but they may not be the most comforting thing to hear and you can tell he’s struggling but his efforts still help to act as a distraction.
Finally, he reaches across for a book on your nightstand and reads that instead. He wants to do his best, so he reads and reads and reads, not wanting to stop. If you want him to talk, that’s what he’ll do.
A little while later, the sunlight is creeping into the room and the book is finished, not even realising you’d fallen asleep ages ago. He puts the book down and places a kiss to your forehead, “Sleep well doll.”
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Suguru Geto
He doesn’t care how late it is or how tired he is, he’ll be there for you.
Always knows what you need and helps without question.
He’s always very patient and calm with you with you.
Geto yawns and reaches his hand over to your side of the bed, only to be confused when it’s empty. He sits up instantly and notices you’re sitting at the end of the bed, head in your hands.
This had happened a couple times and Geto immediately knew what was happening. 
Without a word, he gets up, takes your hand in his and guides you out of your bedroom and into the bathroom. 
He turns on the shower and waits till the temperature is just how you like it, before undressing the two of you and gently pulling you into the shower with him.
You feel the water cascade over you both as he begins to wash your hair in a peaceful silence. He knows you need this, it makes you feel grounded and he’s more than happy to help.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s late and you’re probably tired.”
“So what?” He mumbles as he continues to massage your scalp, the water enveloping you in what feels like a warm hug. “Let’s have this shower and then we can sleep in in the morning.”
You don’t respond and he knows it’s because you feel bad. “You know I want you to wake me up when you’re like this, right? I want to look after you.”
“I know.” you still feel bad but accept his care nonetheless, because you know he won’t let you do otherwise.
You guys finish up your shower and he gives you one of his t-shirts to wear before sitting you back on the bed and going through your usual hair routine.
It takes quite a while but he doesn’t mind, he’s become accustomed to this…knowing which particular brushes you like and which products to use and when.
When he finishes up, you both settle into the bed and he pulls the duvet over the two of you and watches as your breathing steadies. “Close your eyes angel, I’ve got you.”
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Satoru Gojo
Very protective of you all the time, he wants you to feel safe.
Always takes care of any problems, and this is no different.
Can’t bare to see you like this so probably won’t be able to relax himself, until you’ve calmed down.
Gojo wakes up not long after you left the bed, he always found himself waking up when he couldn’t feel your presence in bed, too worried about keeping you safe.
His blue eyes found yours, seeing your figure pacing around the room. It was unsettling to see and he quickly moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “Hey, baby, what’s wrong?”
You continued pacing, his words going in one ear and out of the other. 
He grabbed your hand to turn you around and brought his other hand to cup your tear stained face.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me. What can I do?” There’s worry all over his face as he’s asking.
“I…I-don’t know…I think I’m just panicking and I…I’m scared-“
“Ok ok, come here” He shifted backwards, settling against the headboard, bringing you forward so you were in his lap, head resting on his chest. He tilted your chin so you were looking up at him. “Look at me baby. You’re safe, okay? I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” 
He helps you steady your breathing and plays with your hair as you calm down, not stopping for even a second until he’s sure you’ve fallen back asleep.
If you were to wake up again, he’d try to distract you with a game or a movie, staying up with you the entire time.
“Toru, I’m sorry. Really, you should just sleep.”
“I’m not even tired.” which was a massive lie but you didn’t need to know that. “Besides, if I remember correctly, you lost a bet anyway and have to watch that boring movie Sugs recommended…what better time than now?.”
So that was what the two of you did. Cuddled up in the blankets, watching the worst movie ever made, which luckily enough helped you to fall asleep, Gojo not far behind.
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Kento Nanami
Puts your needs before everything, whatever you need, he’ll be sure to do it if he thinks it'll help.
He likes taking care of you, so will probably take the day off, (if he has work) just so he can take care of you throughout the rest of the day.
Nanami’s eyes slowly open and he tries to adjust to the darkness in the room, noticing you leaning against the headboard.
He looks over to check the time and sees it’s a little past 3am. “What’s wrong, love?”
“I, I don’t know…I’m just…I feel like I can’t breathe and I-“ you were rushing your words as you were trying to take in quick breaths. 
“Sssh, you’re alright, I’ve got you.”
He picks you up, carrying you to the kitchen, and setting you down on the counter. He turns to move away from you, but you worriedly clutch onto his arm.
“I’m not going anywhere, don’t worry, I’m just getting you a glass of water.” He pours the water into a glass, passing it to you, only to frown when you move it to the side.
“You need to drink, please.”
“I-I can’t…I just need air, I feel like I can’t-“
He reaches for both of your hands and rubs gentle circles across the back of them. “Breathe with me, yeah? Slow down and take deep breaths.”
He watches patiently as you try to take deep breaths with him. “Look at me. Deep breath in, hold…and out…There we go.”
He reaches for the glass again and holds it back up to your lips, smiling when you take a few mouthfuls.
“You should sleep, you have work.”
“I’ll take the day off.”
“No. I’ll take the day off. I’m sure Gojo can handle stuff without me. I’m staying with you.”
You go to object but he quietens you with a kiss. Once you’ve had enough to drink, he carries you back to the bed, and holds you against his chest.
“You’re in our bed. In our bedroom and you’re with me. I promise you are safe, try and get some sleep for me love.”
He kisses your temple and wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer. Eventually you fall asleep and he doesn’t want to wake you by moving, so he stays holding you tightly in this position, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he falls asleep alongside you.
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༄ jjk m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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knockoff-conlon · 7 months
in manhattan, when one newsie gets sick, they all get sick. and they're fucked right now. "it ain't my fault!" jojo shouts. "buttons got me sick!" everyone rounds on buttons.
"yeah, like i fuckin chose to be sick," he mutters. the crowd of sick newsies starts yelling at him.
"everyone shuddup!" jack shouts from his bed. "i got a headache."
"someone gimme some help out here!" tommy boy calls from outside. specs, blink, and skittery go to give him a hand with whatever it is.
"what happened?" all the newsies hear snatches of conversation from outside.
"-in the street."
"-when to stop-" blink and skittery enter, holding an unconscious race between them. "ay, mush, move it." they toss race onto a bed.
"what happened to him?" ike asks quietly. there's a small cut on race's forehead that's bleeding.
"oh, he passed out in the street," skittery explains. "he's sick and wouldn't take the day off. never was very smart."
"now he's dead," blink adds.
"what?" a shout goes up from some of the younger ones until mush smacks blink around the head and tells everyone blink's kidding.
"they're kids, stop scarin them," mush orders him. "also, race being sick means only one thing. someone has gotta go tell spot conlon."
"yeah, that ain't scary," blink mutters. "uh, boots, go to brooklyn and tell spot he's got a sick boyfriend." boots heads off dutifully.
the next hour is a mess. all the newsies fret over race, who sleeps the whole time. and then everyone goes silent and dumbstruck when spot enters.
they're used to cold, intimidating, angry spot. not a caring spot. not a spot who immediately runs to race's side and starts checking on him.
spot presses his hand to race's forehead and then hugs him tight, pressing kisses to the top of his head. "ay!" crutchie shouts. "everyone hit the beds and give them some space!" race wakes up soon enough, with a worried spot sitting bedside.
"whatcha doing here? i's just sick. ain't dying or nothing." spot kisses his forehead and stares at him.
"ya passed out in the street. gotta take it easy."
"when one of us gets sick, we all get sick. i ain't dying, spot, i promise."
"you need food." race shrugs.
"i ain't hungry."
"race. listen to me. you need food, you're sick."
"i'll throw it up."
"i will shove it down your throat if you don't eat the food i bring ya."
"tony. shut up. i's getting you some chicken soup. don't argue." race watches him walk out, smiling a little dopily.
all the newsies start hooting and cheering, whistling at race.
"alright, alright!" race shouts. "i got a headache."
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Okay so P at the races inspired a similar story in my head. How about finn goes to a race to support his dad and max has a major accident and he is so scared when they take him to hospital🥺 in my dad max era 🥹
Cw: racing accident, hospital visit
"The cars are slipping there, they need to call this off for now", you heard one of the older mechanics said, but before anyone could make any decisions, Max's car was in the wall, "Is papa okay?", Finn asked as he watched everyone go quiet, waiting for the radio to be sent back from his father.
"Ugh, I'm fine", you could notice his laboured breath, "I'm sore, but I think I can get out on my own", he groaned.
After waiting for a little bit and seeing Max (barely) being able to walk up to the medical car, Gianpiero came closer to you, "they are taking him straight to the hospital - they'll stop at the medical center just so he can go laying down, the complaints seem to be from pain from the impact, but we'll know more once they do all of the exams", he stated, "someone from the team is driving you there if you'd like that".
"Yes, please", you said before bending down to talk to Finn, "Papa has some bruises and he's in pain, so he's going to the hospital so the doctors can see if he's alright", you explained.
"I'm scared, mama", Finn murmured as you walked inside the hospital, making you pull him aside and hug him, "it's okay to feel scared, my love, we don't know what is happening and it is scary", you gulped, "but we also know papa is really strong and that the doctors are here to help him", you smiled.
Finn nodded and hugged your neck, making you pull him to your embrace and hold him as you walked up to the reception desk and asked for details on Max. The nurse directed you to the room he was in, telling you he was getting a CT and then they would bring him to the room unless there was any issue, but from what she could see, he seemed to be fine all things considered.
When they wheeled Max back in the room, Finn stood up and looked at everyone before he looked at Max, seeing all the wires and machines, "hey, you guys", Max said a little loopy from the pain meds the doctor told you he received.
"Other than the bruising, he's fine - it was a big impact so we warned him to take it easy", the doctor said before excusing herself.
"You can hug me, Finn, I won't hurt me", Max said as he noticed the boy weighing out his options, "really?", he mused, "yes, buddy, come here", Max gestured.
You helped Finn up on the bed, letting him cuddle Max a little before you kissed your husband's lips, "that one was a scary one, love", you said.
"It was", Finn chirped in, "I'm glad you're okay, papa", he kissed his cheek, "I'm sorry I scared you both".
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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lucrativesoul · 1 year
even this big, tough man can still get jealous sometimes when he looks at you. how could he not?
Leon and jealousy is an interesting mix. As his partner, nothing had ever been done on your part to make him jealous, but that’s the type of lover he is. He’s always worrying that any interaction you have with someone else could be you finally (in his mind) changing your mind on who an ideal partner would be.
It could happen over him thinking about you at work, thinking about you running errands on your own, and even when you both are out together and he catches stares from other people. He knows you never look, but his chest still gets that weird little tight sensation.
He seems like the type to become jealous over tiny things, especially things happening in his own mind. He wouldn’t make it your problem, but it unfortunately affected the way he acted.
Leon wouldn’t tell you straight up, as he probably sees his jealousy as a little embarrassing for him. He logically knows there's no reason for it, yet, why is he feeling like this?
At night, if something had happened while you were both out, he would definitely become quiet, still trying to be affectionate, feeling guilty because he knows there’s nothing going on, but you notice the way he’s a lot more quiet than usual. (“Are you tired already? You’re quiet.” “Yeah, it’s been a long day.”) Vague, that’s his method.
Leaving you home while he worked and had to go away for a while would definitely have his heart racing, but nothing too serious that he would have to accuse you of anything. His jealousy is lowkey, but only over imagining fictitious scenarios of things that might be going on while he isn’t there.
Out to dinner one night, he took a little too much notice of the waiter and his lingering eyes. He powered through the meal for your sake, and it seemed it worked as your mood was consistent through the night. The ride home, though, he was quiet again, and you picked up and forced him to come clean. (“Leon, what’s going on? Are you alright? Just tell me.” “I didn’t like the way the waiter was looking at you. I was right there.”) A tightly-knit cuddle session was in order after his confession and your words of reassurance, and you had to hide your smile at the blush that was starting to form on his cheeks.
The older you two got, he grew out of becoming jealous over his overthinking, but real life scenarios still presented themselves to him, and by now, you always knew his signs. He loved showing you off at work events, even though there were a few occasions that had him stiffening up. (“No, Leon, I don’t think your new younger coworker is hot. Yes, I know you didn’t say that but you didn’t have to. Why would I go for a rookie when I have my big strong agent man?”) A bear hug is all that is needed for both of you to soothe those conversations for a while.
a/n: thank you so much for 400 followers (and almost 500 now)!! here's a little jealousy blurb cause when will it be my turn to have a man love me this much *sob* working on ideas for my next fics for you all <3 my ko-fi!
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[You're depressed]
BangChan x Reader
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🕸🤍 read guide lines in Masterlist!
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Chris knew these days were already a bit hard for you. You were in your luteal phase. But when he just now texted you, about how you were doing this evening, he got a dry respond. He slightly got worried. He knew these days weren´t hard on you for no reason. You had been struggling with a lot of stuff. Stress at work, problems at home, seasonal depression, nostalgia problems, feeling the need to be more fit, but having zero to none motivation. And don´t even get me started on the anxiety. To sum it all up, there was just a lot on your plate. And even though normally your boyfriend knew exactly what you needed, even something small such as a big hug, he was clueless today. Usually you´d at least tell him. Or text him about your problems. He always knew what was up. But today, you didn´t tell him. No texts, no talking about it, no nothing. Even this morning when he left for work, he didn´t notice a single thing. Your walls were up pretty high, and he didn´t understood why you wouldn´t let him in. What changed? He decided to just ask. Cuz communication is key.
09:08 PM
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He didn´t even wait for you to respond something, good or bad. He just wanted to come home. He wanted to be there for you, even if you happened to be fine. He told the guys he would finish his demo track tomorrow and he´d be heading out. And so he did.
09:24 PM
He walked in the hallway of the appartement, on his way to your frontdoor. He remembered you asked him if he wanted to text you when he was almost home. About to grab his phone, he noticed the front door was opened slightly. He looked confused. Was there a break in? Did someone hurt you? Did you simply didn´t click it closed well enough? His mind was making up all sorts of doom scenorios as he slowly walked in. Trying not to make too much noise. First he looked behind the door, and in the living room. Then the kitchen and the bathroom. No one. Y/n? I´m home. He didn´t get a response and his heart went more rapid. Y/n, my love? You home? Finally he walked into your bedroom. The only room with lights on. He opened the door slowly, wainting to meet you. But as he walked in...no one again. He got anxious and wanted to dial your phone number. Almost pressing the button, he heared a noise from the living room. It sounded like something being knocked over. Y/n? He called out again. Nothing....again. He walked over the the tv in the living room. If there is someone here come out now. I swear to god, you don´t wanna mess with me. He stated angrily. As he was looking around in the dark moonlit room, he noticed feet. Feet behind the couch. He walked over quickly, heart racing louder than ever. He finally met you.
Baby?! Is everything alright honey? Dropping to his knees, to see if you weren´t hurt or anything. You yelped, not expecting him to be home yet. You took out your ear buds. Baby? Why you home already, I thought you´d be home late, and you´d text me beforehand... Doesn´t matter. Why are you laying on the floor y/n? I called out many times...I was so fucking worried. And why was the door open? His voice was fuelled with a bit of anger, but only because he geniunly thought something bad might´ve happen to you. I´m sorry, I was listening to some music. I guess I forgot to close it when I got home. Please anwser me y/n... All you could get out your mouth was ´´sorry´´. Over and over again. You were sobbing as he looked at you confused, wanting to know what caused this specific way of acting. Sorry....sorry...sorry...sorry... Stop it baby, shushhh...come here it´s okay...shush...don´t cry my love. He pulled you close to him as he spoke softly. Everything is alright baby, I´m here now...shush...why are you crying? He stroked your hair calmly and gave you soft kisses on your face. Baby, look at me...talk to me. We always talk about everything that´s bothering us, right? Spit it out. I don´t want to bother you anymore. Hm? He looked confused again. I know, I have a lot of shit going on, and I´m not doing so well lately. But I´m sick of it. I´m sick of being this messed up. Baby, you´re not messed up... No, please let me finish. I love you so so so much Chris. But honestly, you deserve better. Better than having a girl to come home to everynight, who is full of problems, day after day. You kept sobbing as you spoke and he looked at you empathic, sad about the fact that you thought of yourself that way, and of you thinking he was bothered by it. Baby stop...just for a minute. Listen... You kept crying, but calmed down a bit as he started talking. I know baby...I know how messed up your life has felt lately. But you´re not messed up. You´re my favorite person. It kills me to see you in pain, ofcourse it does. But the second I come home and am able to make you smile. I live for that. I live for making you happy. I understand that that´s maybe not how you feel right now...I really get it...hormones and all. That made you laugh a bit. Look, I don´t know exactly what triggered your overthinking today. But no matter what happends, we´re always gonna be in this together, okay? I won´t leave you, no matter how hard it gets. And that goes both ways right? You also wouldn´t leave me when I am depressed or stressed and such. I´ve been there too, lots of times. But you´re always there for me. No matter what. I will always....always...be there for you too. Until we´re grey and old. Times are tough right now, but we will find our way. You don´t have to do this alone. You smiled soflty at him, so in love with the way he always talks to you. So, no matter what? No matter how shitty life hits me...You will love me? And stay with me? Always. You gave him a kiss. Both still sitting on the gound as he pulled you in top of him. Since I´m home early tonight..how bout a marathon and some hot choco? Can I pick the franchise? Please not twilight again... Twilight?! Well, if that makes you happy, let´s do it. With your still red teary eyes, you got up and happily went over to the couch. You smiled brightly, but your smile slowly faded as you saw the almost 27 year old man sigh and get up, fake crying as he obviously didn´t wanna watch these films again for the 100th time. You looked him in the eyes. He looked at you questionable. Fine, you know what, we can watch Deadpool & Wolverine again. Chris his eyes lit up. THERE ARE ONLY 206 BONES IN THE HUMAN BODY, 207 IF I´M WATCHI- You laughed out loud as he already started to narrate the movie which hadn´t even begun playing yet. You two always seemed to make each other happy in the end.
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© 2022-2024, smellslikechahnspirit • No posting on other sites or platforms, rewrites, or translations
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itsgiovanna · 11 months
proud of you
pairing: fem!f1driver for mercedes x mason mount
type: one-shot
requested: yes
summary: can you please write an imagine where y/n is an f1 driver and she just won her first championship from max for the first time and she drives for mercedes. mason tells how proud he is of her and how much he loves her (...)
notes: f1 and mason, everything i need. i changed some things from the request so it’d match the time of the season when the last race happens. btw: i'm not an expert on f1 strategies so it's probably lame, lol. also, there might be a pt.2, there might not… let me know in the comments! :)
warnings: fluff and more fluff, that’s all.
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As soon as you’ve entered the paddock in Abu Dhabi, journalists gathered around trying to take pictures of you, being the first woman in F1, since 1976, completely changed things. From people wanting to know who you’re dating to the press speculating about the future in the Mercedes-AMG team alongside the Seventh-Time World Champion, Lewis Hamilton. He’s been someone you’ve created a friendship with, not to mention the fact that he’s a legend and you’re privileged to be learning from him. Also, he’s the reason you’re dating Mason, after he threw a party at his apartment in London you’ve got to know the Manchester United’s footballer and found out Mason is one of the most kind and gentle guy you’ve ever met, it’s been two years since you’ve met and it’s your 2nd year driving for Mercedes, everything happened fast and now you’re battling for the 1st place in the championship against Max Verstappen.
“Darling.” you’re quickly embraced by your mom’s arms in a tight hug. “We’re so proud of you, Y/N.” she says, looking at your dad.
“Thank you, mom.” you’re smiling, remembering all the things they’ve sacrificed so you’d be in F1. It’s worth it, and it’s all for them.
"It's gonna be alright, kid." your dad says, he knows you're nervous and they're too, anything is possible, in a bad way, when you're driving a car at 372.5 km per hour. "You're the best out there, sweetheart. It's a matter of time until you're winning that throphy, we'll always love you, regardless of what happens, Y/N."
"Shit, this is too much, dad." you're practically crying, but it's true, they've always been here, cheering when you're winning or supporting when you're losing.
"We love you, honey. You've been amazing this season. Have fun. Ok?"
"I love you." after a hug on both of them, you're off to the garage. It's showtime, and you're definitely not missing this one.
"Hey, you." Lewis greeted as soon as you've entered the garage.
"Hi, Lew." you're trying to be calm, despite the fact that the race is in twenty minutes, but he notices you're not 100% as you're used to be in other days.
"What's wrong?" he says, putting his phone away to properly look at you.
"I had a fight with Mason last night." you admitted, quietly, as if saying it out loud might make it more real. "I can't concentrate, Lewis. I'm terrified of what's going to happen out there today. It's not like the other races, it's the last one and I'm competing for the championship!" you're saying everything at once, taking the weight off your shoulders.
"Hey, it's ok." he hugs you as soon as you're having difficulties to breath. "It's natural to have worries, especially before a big race like this. But you're an incredible driver, and you've got the skill to win this. Whatever's going on with Mason, we'll figure it out later. Right now, focus on the track. Ok?" you've nodded, anxiety beginning to decrease. And, he was right. You couldn't let personal problems overshadow professional commitments, it's something you've always been grateful for: his friendship. While you've been emotional these past two years, Lewis is the balance for it, being rational, but caring. "If you ever need to talk or just take your mind off things, I'm here. We're a team, and that means supporting each other, on and off the track."
"Thank you, Lewis. I appreciate it more than everything, really." you've managed to give him a smile.
Mark, one of the engineers, tapped his tablet, bringing up the data from the previous races and the specifics of the circuit. "The circuit here in Abu Dhabi is known for it's challenging corners and long straights." he explained, his fingers dancing over the screen. "We've seen that tire management will be crucial, and the pit strategy needs to be timed perfectly."
"I need a car that's agile in the corners but fast on the straights. We need to find the perfect balance." you've said, getting approval from the other engineers.
"We're leaning towards starting on the hard tires to build a gap and switching to the soft, it'll probably give us the edge." Bono's voice echoes in the room. "And we'll need to be flexible with the pit strategy, especially if the weather complicates things. We'll be monitoring it throughout the race, though."
"Remember, you've got an incredible team behind you, but this race comes down to you. Max is going to push hard, and we'll need to be ready for any surprises. We believe in your abilities, and we know you can do this, Y/N." Toto spoke up, his voice unwavering.
You could feel the weight of the championship, but you're ready for the challenge. The teamwork, the strategy, and the unwavering support of your team brought you to this. You know that, together, you're predestined win.
"Let's execute it flawlessly, and let's win this championship." the team cheered, giving the confidence that you've been searching for.
The season had been a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges, but now it all came down to this race, the championship is at stake and the anticipation in the air is apparent. Everything you've worked for, the sacrifices, the late nights in the simulator, it's all worth it now.
You've glanced over at the other side of the grid, Verstappen is already in his car. He's a tough competitor, known for his aggressive driving style and determination, the battle between the two of you've become legendary, with fans around the world excited to see who's gonna win.
Then, as the lights went out and the race beggins, the thrill of the acceleration and the deafening noise of the engines filled your senses. The first few laps are difficult but you've managed to get a good position, overtaking competitors and focusing on Max, who's in front of you, not too far. The race progresses, and the championship battle intensifies. He's a relentless opponent, matching every move you've made. At any moment, the fight for the trophy could've been over. But you won't let pressure take over. With each turn, you're more confident. You've found rhythm and the car is responding to the commands, and is at it's limit.
As the final laps of the race approached, you've made the move. There it is, the opening. A shot to pass Max, and you've took it. The crowd erupted in cheers as you've surged, the two cars racing side by side, inches apart. It's the battle of the century, a test of skill and determination. With the checkered flag in sight, you've gave it all. Powering past the Three-Time World Champion, and crossing the finish line, the sound of the crowd erupting in Abu Dhabi. You've done it. You're the first woman to win an F1 championship, in the most amazing way, it's history for the books.
Tears of joy filled your eyes as you've slowed the car and got out, putting the arms in the air as the people cheered, Lewis is right behind, conquering the 3rd place on the race, and as soon as he looks at you, you're practically jumping on him with a hug.
"You've done it, Y/N!" he holds your helmet. "And, it's fucking amazing!"
"Thank you, Lew. I couldn't win the championship without you." you're crying, looking at him through the helmet's visor.
Then, you've rushed to the team, the ones who had worked tirelessly to make this dream a reality. The mechanics, the engineers, the strategists, they're all waiting with smiles, giving a tight hug, celebrations filling the air. Next, you've looked out for Toto, who believed in you from the beginning. He embraced you warmly, his eyes filled with pride. "You're a champion, Y/N!" he said, his voice choked with emotion.
In the end, on the the podium, the British National Anthem played, and the championship trophy was given to you, under the watchful eyes of the world, you've finally raised it, jumping on the stand, screaming to the top of your lungs, you're a champion now and someone who's gonna be the inspiration for future generations of women in racing, seeing the team, your mom and dad, the crowd... it's the most happy you've ever been.
Then your eyes've found something way too important to shrug off. Mason. He's got a smile on his face, probably tears in his eyes and you couldn't be happier to look at him. As you've met at the edge of the track, you've took off the helmet and gloves along the way, then jumped on him, hugging him tight and totally unconcerned about the fact that you've kissed while there's hundreds of photographers looking at both of you.
"I'm so proud of you, love." he says as he's wiping the tears from your face. "I'm sorry, I didn't think straight last night, Y/N. You're too important to me and I..."
"Mason, it's ok. You're here, and this is my greatest victory, you." his heart swelled with emotion as he's gazing back at you.
"I've loved you from the moment we met, and that love has only grown with time. But today, seeing you out there, I realized that my love for you isn't just about being with you. It's about believing in you, admiring your strength and determination, and celebrating your victories as if they were my own." tears welled up in your eyes as you've felt the depth of his affection and the sincerity in his words.
“I love you, you’re everything to me.” you kissed him with passion, Mason’s hands on your waist and photographers flashing what was about to be the photo on your phone’s screen.
“I won’t let go of you, ever.” he says, breaking the kiss.
“Don’t, I’ll pretty much enjoy that.” you're laughing, feeling him closer.
In that quiet, heartfelt moment amidst the noises of the track, you've affirmed both of the love you've got, a love that is as powerful as any victory on the track. You're celebrating the championship, not only with the world, but with the love of your life, Mason.
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fiapartridge · 1 year
the perfect moment | luke hughes
summary: luke's leaving for boston and you need to tell him you love him before it's too late...
a/n: hello, everyone! this is my first imagine since joining tumblr. hope u like it! <3
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Luke was leaving tonight. You felt your heart drop down to the farthest, unreachable parts of your stomach as you watched Quinnipiac win the semifinals at the Frozen Four. It was over: The University of Michigan’s season, playoffs, Luke’s college hockey career. It was all over.
Ellen and Jim were already off the couch, making calls with a couple of people on the Devils’ coaching staff, making sure he was on the next flight to Boston by the time he got off the ice. 
It was hard to stomach the fact that he wasn’t coming home this time; that he was going straight to Boston for the morning skate with the Devils and then immediately back to Jersey to train with the team. Of course you two talked about it. It was always a thought lingering in the back of both of your minds, but you didn’t really think of it being an actual possibility.
It wasn’t like you weren’t happy for Luke. He was your best friend. You would be happy for him wherever he went and whatever he did, but he wasn’t coming home, and you never got to tell him that you loved him more than Sunday morning pancakes and Movie Night Fridays. You loved him, like you wanted to run onto that ice and kiss him before he stepped foot on the private jet that would force hundreds and thousands of miles between the two of you. 
You were in love with Luke, and he didn’t even know.
Before you could get off the couch and wallow to your own home down the street, you got a text from Ethan, and then Mark, and then Dylan.
And lastly, from Luke.
Ethan: He’s leaving TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE.
Mark: You’ve loved the kid for as long as you’ve known him. You gotta tell him before he leaves Y/N/N.
Luke: Getting on a flight to Boston later tonight. I’ll call you first thing in the morning. I don't want this to be a goodbye. I just wanna see you.
Your eyes widened as you clicked each notification from the boys. You didn’t even know they knew about your crush on Luke. But maybe it was obvious? Maybe they could see the slight glimmer in your eye every time you met Luke outside the locker room after a home game, or maybe they could see the way you hug him, how you squeeze him a little tighter and a little longer than a best friend would, or maybe they could see the way you talk to him, like he’s all you’ve ever known; like he’s all you ever want to know. When he’s around, everyone else disappears.
And you weren’t going to give that up.
Is this actually happening right now? Oh my God, this is happening.
You jumped up from the couch, startling both yours and Luke’s parents. Your heart was racing and they were staring at you like you were crazy.
“Are you alright, honey?” Ellen asked, looking back and forth between you and your mom. 
You shook your head. “I- I gotta go,” you stammered as you rushed out of the Hughes family’s home and down the street to your own. You ran through the front door, tripped up the steps to your room, and quickly grabbed a backpack from your closet, filling it with a day’s worth of clothes, a mini toiletry bag, your wallet, and an extra charger. 
You bounded down the stairs and sprinted back to the Hughes’ house, praying that someone would be willing to take you to the airport or else all of this would be for nothing. 
You busted the front door open as everyone’s heads turned to you. You were out of breath, your backpack was slung messily around your shoulder, and your heart was beating faster than the speed of light.
“I,” you breathed harder, trying to push out one of the most important sentences of your life. “I need a ride to the airport!”
Ellen and your mom knowingly smiled from ear to ear, like they understood why you were leaving without you ever having to tell them. They always knew about your feelings for Luke, they were just waiting for the moment it would all come out, which happened to be tonight. So calling them eager to help you would be quite the understatement; they were absolutely elated. 
Ellen grabbed the car keys and your mom opened the garage while the dads sat there, watching the entire scene with their own sly smiles on their faces. Your dad would never admit it to you, but he always hoped that you would tell Luke that you liked him. He was the only person that your dad felt safe to leave you with. Not that you needed Luke’s protection or anything, but he knew he would never break your heart; the boy wasn’t capable of it.
You threw your backpack in the backseat of Ellen’s car and your seatbelt was barely secured before Ellen stepped on the gas and raced down the sleepy streets of Michigan. Your mom squealed in the passenger seat as she held on tight to the handle on the roof of the car.
“We were really expecting you to tell him sooner, but I love a dramatic running sequence,” Ellen beamed, smiling into the rearview mirror.
You shook your head. “Sorry, what?”
“We’ve been waiting 12 years for you to tell him you love him!” your mom butted in, turning around in her seat to look at you.
“12 years? What?”
“Sorry my boy is clueless!” Ellen apologized. “Seems like he got that trait from his father.”
You laughed and the three of you continued talking about your plan for when you see Luke in Florida. But when you saw the airport in full view, the anxiety and nervous bubbles danced around your stomach like they were giving a tireless performance.
This is seriously happening.
They parked on the curb, wishing you good luck as you ran out of the car and darted through the airport doors. Security went by swimmingly fast and before you knew it, you were seated on a nearly empty plane, Florida bound.
Two and a half hours later, you were dashing through Tampa International Airport like your life depended on it. Luckily, the airport was quiet and empty. Nobody seemed to notice the girl that was fighting back the tiredness in her legs and the drowsiness in her eyes. 
You couldn’t get tired. You needed to see Luke.
Ethan, Dylan, Mark, and Mackie were the first people you saw when you made it outside the airport. Dylan was jumping up and down in the air, waving his hands back and forth as if you weren’t the only person outside with them. 
You sprung into the backseat of Mackie’s rental car as the boys started shouting to step on the gas. There was no time to spare. You were in Florida, Luke was about to get on a flight to Boston, and your heart wasn’t ready to give up yet. 
“MACKIE, IF YOU DON’T STEP ON THE GAS, I’M LEAVING YOU HERE AND DRIVING THIS CAR MYSELF!” you yelled, causing Mackie to jump in his seat and steer the car down the freeway in a hurried manner. 
They knew not to mess with you when you were stressed. It was like a rule of thumb. As you five raced down the road, heading straight back to the arena, you felt your phone vibrate and the screen light up. It was a text from Luke.
Luke: Hey, I’m leaving in a bit. Text me when you can.
You shook your head, gulping down your nerves. He can’t leave. Not yet.
Five minutes later, Ethan was pushing you out of the car and Mark was grabbing your hand, leading you around the arena— leading you to Luke.
You two weaved through Quinnipiac fans that had not yet cleared the arena and through coaches that looked at you confused, wondering how you got there. But when the Michigan hockey team saw you, all you were met with were smiles and cheers. They all knew what you were here for— who you were here for.
They were lined along the walls outside of the locker room. Mark let go of your hand as you turned to all of the guys. Luca smiled at you as he placed his hand on your shoulder. “He’s inside the locker room.”
You nodded your head, took a quick breath, and slowly, hesitantly walked to the door.
“Hey!” Dylan shouted. You turned to him, wondering what was so important that he had to say it right before the big moment. He smirked, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips. “Don’t forget to kiss him.”
The guys whistled and hollered in response as your cheeks immediately flared. You laughed, rolling your eyes and turning back to the locker room door. 
Here goes nothing.
You slowly turned the doorknob and quietly walked into the room. Luke was the only person in there. He was folding clothes into a suitcase as a blue Nike backpack and his hockey gear sat on the ground beside him. You closed the door shut and it immediately grabbed his attention.
His eyes searched the entire room before meeting yours. He didn’t say anything, his jaw was too slacked to push out a single word. You left your backpack by the door and smiled softly as you walked towards him. 
He felt like he was dreaming, like he conjured the sight of you because there was no way you were actually there. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. Surely he was just tired. His mind was playing tricks on him. That had to be it. But when you were still there when he opened his eyes, he realized it wasn’t a dream; he wasn’t going crazy. 
You were there. You were really there.
He couldn’t believe it.
“I didn’t want to say goodbye over the phone,” you said.
He grinned. “So you flew a thousand miles just to see me?”
You nodded, a smile managing to escape from your lips. “Among other things,” you said before crashing your lips onto his. Your hands were met with the ends of his curly brown hair and his were met with the small of your back. It was the kind of kiss that you could never tell your friends about because there was no way to accurately describe how perfect it was. It was the kind of kiss that was separated by smiles and tiny laughs. It was the kind of kiss that made you realize that you had never felt this happy in your whole life.
Yes, Luke was going to leave. He was always going to leave. But at this moment, none of that mattered. This kiss, you and him, your hands in his hair and his on your back, that was all that mattered.
This perfect moment.
The moment wasn’t over when your lips disconnected. His eyes were still on yours and his lips were still stained with your lipstick. It was you and him, just like it always has been.
“I,” you two spoke at the same time, giggling when you caught yourselves talking over each other. 
“You first,” you said.
He shook his head. “Seems like you had something important to tell me if you flew a thousand miles to be here.”
“Fair point,” you chuckled. He smiled back— a soft smile. Like this smile was meant just for you to enjoy. Like this smile belonged to you– signed, sealed, and delivered. Your hands rested on the nape of Luke’s neck. 
It’s now or never.
You paused, played with the cuticles of your nails, shuffled your feet, and breathed. “I love you— more than just friends, and I needed you to know that before you left.”
And yes, you just kissed the boy you’ve liked for the past 12 years, but some part of you still expected him to turn you away. To tell you that he doesn’t feel the same. To tell you that all you guys had ever been were friends. 
But when he pulled you closer by the waist and attached his lips to yours once again, you knew his answer. He pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed for a moment afterwards, like he wasn’t ready to leave this moment just yet. 
And when his sage green eyes met yours, he grinned, and said the next few words so softly, it felt like a pillow that was waiting to catch him in case he fell. He already knew you loved him, but just like you, he was still scared, like you could take it all back and realize that it isn’t him you wanted. 
But who else would you fly a thousand miles for at one in the morning?
“I’m leaving in a few minutes, but I just— I think I’ve always been in love with you. It’s always been you,” he smiled, still terrified. But just as he did with you, you pulled him into the biggest kiss ever— which was shortly interrupted by the entirety of the Michigan hockey team.
Mostly Duker.
“HEY, THEY’RE KISSING IN HERE! I knew you could do it, Y/N/N,” he smiled. “YO, YOU OWE ME FIVE BUCKS, BRINDLEY!”
You giggled into Luke's chest, shielding your blush-stained face from the rest of the team. You were beyond happy.
And yes, Luke still left for Boston, but he didn't leave empty-handed. He had your love with him after all.
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prodbyton · 7 months
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into you (l.at) TEASER
lee anton x fem reader | fluff | angst | smut | college!au | fake dating | ex friends to lovers | slowburn | mutual pining | anton is kind of an idiot.
teaser wc: 1.8k | full fic wc: est. 15k
RELEASE DATE: friday, march 1st
read full fic here
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this is all too much. anton used to like you? how come he never said anything? you excused yourself from his parents, and made your way to the kitchen. 
“hey mom, i’m a little tired so im gonna head upstairs.” you walk in to her drying and putting away dishes, while anton washes them. he looks over you, noticing the tone in your voice along with the look on your face wasn’t because of fatigue, but that something was wrong. 
“okay baby, let me know if you need anything.” she walks to the end of the kitchen island where you were standing, giving you a hug goodnight. “anton, why don't you go with y/n upstairs? it's getting late, and I can finish up in the kitchen.” she turns from you to look at the boy scrubbing away at a pot, and he stops dead in his tracks at her words. 
“i was just going to head back with my parents once we finished,” he starts, looking at your mom and then at you, not wanting to intrude. he did want to talk to you, but he didn’t want to be in your space if you didn't want him there. 
“don't be silly, anton! you two are a couple and are old enough now, i don't have to separate you two” she laughs, and you and anton just stare at each other awkwardly. you were going to tell her to let it go, but because of the unique situation you two were in it was probably the best idea to follow your moms orders. you motion for him to follow you, you both saying goodnight to your mom and then to his parents. you’re walking towards the stairs to go to your room, when anton tells you that he’ll be back to get his bag out of his car.
while he grabs his things, you make your way up to your room. You leave the door open, just in case anton doesn't remember which room was yours. walking to your window, you open it and stick your head out so you can get some fresh air.
what a night, you’re thinking to yourself. you need to calm down. with what happened on monday and what antons parents were telling you earlier, you were just too in your head. too much was happening too fast. why was this affecting you so much? and with that you hear footsteps coming into your room and then a door closing.
“are you alright? you looked a little flushed downstairs” the soft voice calls to you, and you know that its anton. 
you take a deep breath before turning to face him. “i'm fine. i am now, at least. I just kind of felt bad for lying right in my mom and your parents' faces. I had to get away from them” your voice is low while you speak, looking to the floor once again to avoid his eyes. he takes note of your body language, seeing that you’re a bit tense and awkward now but he doesn’t want to pry. 
“If you want i can sleep on the floor,” he’s placing his bag on the chair by your desk, grabbing something to change into for bed. 
“no, that's too uncomfortable. You can sleep on the bed” you say it in a way where its clear there's no room for debate, and he nods. 
anton would never admit it to you, but he found you severely intimidating. even when you two were younger, he was always intimidated by you. you carried yourself well, you didn’t take bullshit from anyone, always got your way, and you were stubborn. he was surprised your personalities didn't clash, he felt like you wouldn't want to be friends with someone like him. but truthfully that's what brought you two together. it was like fire and ice, you were the fire and he was the ice to cool you down.
but with being the ice, he was too scared to touch you in fear that he would melt. 
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another week passes by, and you feel like you were going insane. You don't know what it is, but every time you see anton, your heart starts racing, your face heats up along with the rest of your body. 
when he holds your hand or rests his hand on your thigh when you two were out with friends, you had to keep your composure to the best of your ability. especially when he would subconsciously  graze his thumb across the back of your hand, the action small and going unnoticed to the naked eye, but feeling too intimate for you and you would pull your hand away. 
the days that he would come over to your apartment or you would go to his dorm to hang out after classes, you found yourself feeling nervous. especially when you two were at your place, seeing him in your room and in your bed had you feeling like jelly. sometimes he would fall asleep before you, and you wouldn’t wake him up. It would be late, and you would feel bad for waking him up and making him go back to his dorm. you were comfortable enough around him anyways to tell him to move, and he never slept too close to you throughout those nights. a deep part of you wished he did, though. but you don't want to think about crossing that path yet. 
a few more days passed, and on wednesday, you went with him to his swim practice so you two could go back to your apartment and order takeout once he was finished. you brought a book with you since you didn’t know much about swimming, and you wanted to keep yourself occupied while you waited. 
an hour of practice goes by and lets just say, not a single page of the book you brought with you was read. not like you would be able to focus on reading anyways, seeing how he swam in the water was a lot more entertaining than you thought. along with how he looked when he pushed himself out of the water, full body on display. His broad shoulders, his toned arms and stomach, the droplets of water dripping from his hair down his back, the way he throws his head back to move his hair out of his face-
wait a damn minute.
you needed to leave, feeling hot suddenly. were you really sitting here thirsting over anton? Of course, you always found him attractive. you would be silly if you didn't. But you never had any thoughts about him. and you don't want right now, in the campus pool, to be where you start. You walk down the bleachers, trying to think of an excuse of why you’re leaving the building.
“y/n? you leaving?” anton catches you before you could find him, you turn around to see him speed walking towards you and you almost let out a giggle seeing he hasn't taken his goggles off.
“It’s just kind of humid in here. i'm gonna sit outside until you finish, okay?” you clutch your bag a bit tighter, him standing wet and shirtless in front of you is making you nervous. He’s peering down at you, smiling lightly before he lets you know he’ll be out in around 30 minutes. 
you nearly trip on your way out, feeling refreshed once you finally escape the pool room air.
did you really want to date anton? you told yourself you didn't before, but now you weren't so sure. he was the full package, everything you could ask for in a guy. so there was really nothing stopping you. but you two were friends. 
he also used to like you back in grade school. key word: used to. What if he completely got over you and wouldn’t even think about dating you now? this was a tough situation, and you don't know how much longer you could keep this up with repressed feelings. 
after 10 more minutes of overthinking, you can feel a presence behind you so you quickly turn your body to see anton right behind you. 
��you ready?” he’s looking down at you again, hair slightly covering his eyes because of the beanie he wore. his body once again covered up by the baggy hoodie along with the black sweatpants he wore. You would never be able to guess how built he really was under the clothes he chose to wear.
you realize you might be staring a little too hard for a little too long so you give him a nod. “yeah, let's go” and he’s taking you by the hand while you follow him to his car.
 he drives you two to the nearest food place you guys could agree on. you two agree on getting wings for tonight, and then make your way to your apartment. once you enter, you see sky sitting in the living room. she gives you a look only you two would be able to understand, with anton right behind you.
sky greets you two, and anton greets her back while you take off your shoes and then make your way into the kitchen. you grab two sodas, and walk out to where anton was standing. he was usually a bit awkward around your apartment if you weren’t telling him where to go, too scared that he would touch something he shouldn’t. 
following you to your room with the food, anton shuts the door softly behind him. the boy was already in comfortable clothes, taking a shower before he left the locker rooms after practice and made sure that he brought something he wouldn't be uncomfortable in. You were still wearing a pair of jeans and a cute crop top under a zip up hoodie. 
“i'm gonna change in the bathroom, you can pull the food out and put something on the tv,” you tell the boy sitting on your bed, and he hums in response while you leave the room. walking over to the bathroom down the hall, you take this time to relax yourself. 
you quickly change into a pair of shorts and an old tshirt, and you walk further down the hall to the living room to quickly talk to sky. 
“are you fucking him tonight? let me know so i can put in my headpho- ow!” you pinched her arm before she could finish her sentence.  
“i am not fucking him! i just came out here to tell you that i'm gonna talk to him about it”
“okay, but if there's a change of plans let me know!”
truthfully you were going to tell him about your feelings, just not tonight. maybe friday, you got invited to a party that sohee was throwing at his frat and you know that anton will be there too.
you walk back into your room now, seeing the food laid out and a movie ready for you as you get situated next to anton on your bed. he put on some action movie, which was a genre you both equally enjoyed. being around anton was comfortable. you two were able to sit in silence, laugh, and talk without any judgments. 
This could either end really good or really, really bad.
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A/N: excited to post this one, its not finished yet but its almost there! i got the idea for this fic from the proposal, one of my favorite movies. lmk what you guys think and if you want to be apart of the taglist :p
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reigningqueenofwords · 2 months
Pairing: Past Bucky x Reader
Part 4 of Little Soldier
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“You…you want to give me a chance to be his dad after everything I said, and how much I hurt you?” He was shocked. “Really?!”
“As scared as I am, yes. It’s up to you, though. What do you think?” You were trying to hide the fact that you were shaking a bit. What if he just walked out? What if he told you that he still didn’t want Dom. Your mind was racing, just waiting for him to say something . Even saying he needs time would be something! 
Bucky had never would have thought in a million years this would be happening. That despite everything, you were offering this. He knew that this wasn’t being offered lightly. You had to have thought about this. Everything in your life the past six years had been all about raising Dom. Everything was to give him a good, safe, happy, and full life. He was terrified about messing that up. He was terrified of hurting either of you. There were so many conflicting emotions. He never stopped loving you, but couldn’t bring himself to even hope that you’d ever take him back. Finally, he found his voice. “I…” He took a deep breath. “I want to try.” 
Your eyes went wide, watering. “Really?” You breathed. “You want him to know who you are? You want everything that comes with it?” You couldn’t help but smile softly at that. 
He nodded, giving you a small smile in return. “Really.” He assured you. “Whenever you’re ready. I know you’re both in a rough spot, so there’s no rush. Can I maybe get to know him just as me, though, in the meantime? Maybe I can hang out with him and Stevie when he has him? Or maybe come watch a movie with him?” He wouldn’t push you into doing this when you were still in pain. 
You couldn’t help yourself, moving to hug him. You were so overwhelmed with feelings- sadness, pain, thankfulness, etc. No one feeling was taking over at the moment. Bucky hugged you back, just hoping that the two of you could move forward from there. This was a fresh start. 
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The next morning as you were cleaning up breakfast, Tony came over to you. “So, did you want me to hire someone to go back up your house?” He asked gently. “Get your things to the tower?” 
You swallowed, shaking your head. “No. I don’t want strangers going through our life. I think I need to do that.” You told him. “Decide what to keep, what to donate, things like that.” You looked over at him. “Maybe start working on finally getting on the road to closure.” You’d always feel guilty. While you let Tony deal with the legal aspects of what had happened (aside from the questions that only you could answer), you weren’t stupid. You knew that your house was attacked because of you. Because of who you were. Your past had caught up with you, and it had gotten your fiance killed. “Maybe send some things of his to his family.” You sniffed. You’d only ever met his brother in real life, but had facetimed his parents many times. You adored them, and hated that you’re why they lost their son. 
He rubbed your arm. “Let me know when you want to do that.” He kissed your forehead. “Want me to have Nat go with you? Or Steve?” He offered, not wanting you to go alone. Not with all that work to do- not just packing, but the emotional work of something so difficult. 
“I’ll go.” Bucky spoke up from where he was pouring himself a second cup of coffee.”Let Nat and Steve both stay with Dom. I’m sure he’d like having them both around while Y/N is gone.” He noted. “I mean, if that’s alright.” He looked at you. 
You weren’t expecting that, but nodded. “Sure.” You shrugged. “I’m sure having you to help move things around will be handy.” He was stronger than you were, afterall. 
He gave you a soft smile. “Just tell me when you wanna go. I’ll get a bag packed.” 
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Two days later, the pair of you had driven out of the city in an SUV, towards the home you’d spent so long in. Neither of you had said much since you’d left the tower. It wasn’t entirely uncomfortable, but there was a sadness to the air. After this trip, you wouldn’t be ever going back to that house. Processing that was hard. 
It was an hour into the trip before Bucky spoke up. “Want me to drive for a bit?” He offered. 
You let out a breath as you shook your head. “No, thanks. This gives me something to focus on. If you drove, my mind would wander. I don’t want that.” The thoughts could wait until you got there. 
He nodded, understanding that. He went back to being quiet, choosing to let you talk if you wanted to. This was about you. 
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When you put the SUV in park in front of the house, you just sat there, staring at the large home. Your heart clenched as you slowly unbuckled, turning off the engine. “Here it goes.” You managed. 
“It’ll be okay.” Bucky reached over, giving your hand a squeeze. “Take your time.” He said gently. “You just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.” 
Licking your lips, you sniffed. “Maybe you can work on Dom’s room?” You suggested. “Maybe that’ll help you get to know his likes and stuff more?” You looked over at him, hoping that this would be something good to come out of everything. You’d be focusing on the rest of the house. 
He nodded. “Yeah, I can do that.” He gave you a small smile. “Just show me the way.” 
“I’ll give you a quick tour so you know where everything is in case I ask you to get something from a room.” You sighed before pulling out the keys and sliding out. The memory was still so fresh, and you then realized that you’d be seeing his blood when you went in there. There would be no way to go through your entire house and not see it. The thought was like a punch to the gut, and you were trying to focus on your breathing. 
Bucky walked around to stand with you. There was no way for him to even begin understanding what you were feeling. 
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Nat had Dom in the playroom that Tony had set up for him, watching him play with some Hotwheels. Part of her wished that you would have asked her to go with you, wanting to support you, but she also understood why you didn’t. With you gone, there was a very high chance that Dom would cling to her and Steve. She smiled when Dom started to laugh, having put together a track that Tony had bought him the day before. It had a shark on it, and the small boy lost it whenever it moved. 
Steve peeked in as it neared dinner. “Hey, you guys, you hungry?” He asked, wanting to offer to make them something at least. And hopefully talk to Nat. He was worried about you, and was hoping to maybe do something nice for you when you got back. He just had no idea what. Hopefully she could help. 
Hearing Steve’s voice, Dom whipped his head around, his dark hair coming out of the hair tie that was holding it back. He had a huge grin on his face. “Can we go to McDonald’s, Uncle Steve? Please?” He asked, hopefully. 
“Only if Aunt Nat fixes your hair.” He teased. “Does she want to come, too?” He glanced to her. 
She shrugged. “Sure, like I’d let you loose with my nephew in New York City. Someone needs to protect you boys.” She chuckled. “Come here, Dom, lemme fix your hair.” She motioned for him to come over. “Low pony tail, or what?” She asked as he sat on the floor in front of her. 
He thought for a minute. “Low is fine.” He shrugged, making a black car roll on his leg. “Uncle Steve, can you ask Aunt Wanda to come, too?” Dom asked. “She’s always really fun, too.” He loved her ‘light up hands’ as he called them. 
He smiled. “Sure. Anyone else?” He asked, leaning on the doorframe. “Maybe Uncle Clint?” 
“Sure! He always gets a Happy Meal and gives me the toy.” He grinned as Nat finished his hair. “Can we send a picture to mommy? She says they make her happy.” Dom looked over his shoulder at her. 
“Of course!” She pulled out her phone. “Say cheese.” 
He got up. “WAIT!” He held out his little hands. “I want a picture with you guys.” He explained. 
Steve came in to sit on the couch, Dom getting between them. Nat got her camera ready and they all smiled as she held up the phone. “Now let’s be silly!” She told them, knowing you’d need this. They all made a different funny face at the camera. “Okay, I’ll get Dom ready to go, and hunt down Clint.  You get Wanda and meet us in the lobby?” She suggested as she typed out a quick text to you with the two pictures. 
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You were sitting on your bed, clothing all around you when your phone went off. Seeing Dom and your best friends, you smiled sadly. Letting out a breath, you just stared at it. Hearing a knock on the door, you looked up. “You okay? I was gonna offer to order us a pizza.” He didn’t dare move in further. He’d seen pictures up on the walls of the family you’d created here, and it was very clear the home had been full of love. 
“Nat sent me a couple pictures.” You got up and walked over. “He’s your little clone.” You muttered as you showed him. 
Bucky wanted to rub your back, but didn’t want to push you away. The two of you were making progress. “It’s so weird seeing Steve with a young me.” He admitted. “Never thought I’d see the day. Saw him with the family. Always thought I’d just be an uncle to his kids.” There was no way he saw Steve only having one. 
You chewed on your lip for a moment. “How about you order that pizza and I’ll pull out some photo albums to show you?” You offered, putting your phone in your pocket. 
“I’d like that.” He nodded. “You still like the same?” You’d always had the same pizza when the two of you had it before. 
“Yup, still the same.” You blushed lightly. “I’ll meet you on the back deck.” You wanted to enjoy the cool night air, and it was one of the few parts of the house not tainted by that memory. On top of that, you had a lot of happy memories of Dom out there. 
“Want me to grab us each a beer?” He offered. “There were a few in the fridge when I got some water.” He explained how he knew there was some in the house. When you nodded, he went to grab his phone and order that pizza. 
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Next to you on the table were six picture albums. Every year for his birthday, the team had started a tradition of giving you an album of the previous year of Dom’s life. They knew you always looked forward to it, and it would give him a lot of memories to cherish when he was older. Your eyes were staring out over the part of your yard that you could see. Some illuminated by the lights coming from the house, others by the moon. As you heard Bucky come out,  you didn’t look over. “He’s so upset about leaving this.” You told him. “Dom, I mean.” Although, who else would you mean? “He’s spent so much time out here playing with the soccer kit that Bruce got him for Christmas one year. He has so many memories of Steve kicking the ball around with him, Nat playing goalie, and Clint randomly running in to playfully steal the ball to make Dom get it back.” You sniffed. “He is going to miss this, and his friends.” 
Bucky sat down, sliding your beer towards you on the table. “You don’t think you could ever come back?” He asked. Sipping his beer, he watched you. 
“No. I..I can’t.” You sighed. “I’d love to, for Dom. He’s my everything, and I’d do anything to make him happy.” You glanced at him, shrugging a shoulder. “But living in the house my fiance was killed in is where I draw the line.” You lifted your beer to your lips, drinking almost half in one go. “It’s Tony’s. He can do whatever he wants with it after.” You told him. “But, enough about that. I believe that I told you I’d show you pictures.” Moving your chair so you were a bit closer, you grabbed the first one. “This is my pregnancy, and up until he’s a year old.” You opened it to the first page. 
He saw a picture of you and the entire team- except for him. It was clear it was taken at the house, and you looked very pregnant. Seeing the date neatly written underneath, it was about two months after you’d moved out. He turned the page, chuckling lightly at the picture of Nat poking your belly. “This is a side of her I didn’t expect. Seeing her with Dom is interesting.” 
You smiled softly. “Yeah, he brought out something in her I don’t even think that she knew was there.” You said honestly. “Clint took that when she was trying to get him to kick. She was ‘lecturing’ him on not listening already.” You chuckled at the memory. “As soon as she went to get a drink...he kicked.” 
Hearing things like this hurt, but he did this to himself. The next page was you putting things away in a dresser, very pregnant, and Tony in the background. “What was he doing?” He tried to figure it out, with no luck. 
“Your guess is as good as mine.” You shrugged. “He was always tinkering with things when he came.” You told him. The other pictures were of your baby shower. Seeing the guys participating was still funny to you. When you turned the page, there was a picture of Dom on your chest, his birth announcement, a picture of the gifts the others had sent, and then you dressing Dom to go home. “While it seems like just yesterday in so many ways, it feels like it was ages ago.” You mused, looking over your son’s newborn face. “Parenthood is funny like that.” 
You were on the second book when the pizza arrived. He got up to get that, and you simply kept looking at the pages you were on. Your fingers traced his small face. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that he’d had his innocence shattered at such a young age. It wasn’t fair that he couldn’t come back to the only home he had ever known. Sniffing, you wiped your cheeks. You tried to calm yourself before Bucky came back out. It was so hard to be this vulnerable around him, but you couldn’t help it. It just came out. Part of you wanted to remain guarded after everything, but part of you wanted the trust that the two of you once had. Even before you were a couple. You trusted each other a great deal. He had been your best friend, as well. The one that you told everything to. The one that held your hair back when you’d had too much to drink. The one that ‘threatened’ dumbass guys after dumping you. The one that had always been there. You had thought you knew him well. You had been wrong. 
Bucky set the pizza on an empty chair, not wanting to move the books. “Want me to get plates?” He asked. 
“Nah.” You shook your head. “We can eat one handed so we don’t get these greasy.” You shrugged a shoulder, opening the box to grab a slice. 
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The two of you had spent hours in the back, chatting about Dom, about the team, and things in the pictures. He had learned so much in a short amount of time. From the team, from Dom’s room, from you, and the pictures. And he wanted to know more. The more he learned, the more he hated himself for walking away. He was torn, however. He still felt valid in what he had been thinking- that he was a monster, that he’d screw a kid up. On the other hand, with you as a mother, wouldn’t Dom have a damn good chance to not be screwed up? That’s all he could think about as he stared at the ceiling. He was in a spare room, and you were just down the hall. 
You were doing basically the same thing. Since that first night that you’d opened up to Steve, you hadn’t slept alone. At all. Either Steve or Nat stayed with you. You knew that couldn’t last forever. Hell, Nat was already saying there was something between you and Steve. Which was insane. The thought of being with him made you scrunch your nose. 
Turning your head to the side, you saw the clock numbers as if they were much brighter than they were. It was just before midnight. You had a lot of work to do the next day, and you were exhausted. “Shit.” You groaned, pushing back the covers before slipping out. Your bare feet led you out of your room, and down the hall. 
Hearing a knock on his door, he furrowed his brows. Bucky got up and went to open it. “Doll?” He asked, confused. 
You sagged. “I haven’t been sleeping alone at all lately.” You looked down. “Either Steve or Nat stays with me. I know this is weird, and awkward...feel free to say no…” You rambled. “Ca-can I stay in here with you? Or you come stay in my room?” You asked, stomach in knots. 
Bucky made you look at him. “Of course.” He agreed. “Let’s get back to your room. I’m sure you’re more used to that room, right?” He asked. When you nodded, he gave you a sad smile. “Then let’s get some sleep.”
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Tagging: @ilovetaquitosmmmm @vicmc624 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @sebastians-love
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galactic-magick · 1 year
Beach Day: Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: Seeing your boyfriend on the beach awakens your insecurities about dating a perfect golden boy, and said boyfriend is more than willing to silence those insecurities.
Words: 0.9k
Warnings: talk of insecurities, also some making out
You never thought you’d be having a beach day with the Guardians of the Galaxy—but here you are, sitting on a sandy towel within eyesight of beautiful waves. The sky on this planet is a gorgeous purple, reflecting on the water. Phyla, Rocket, and Groot are building the most complex sandcastle you’ve ever seen, Kraglin is using the trees for target practice, and Adam is playing fetch with Cosmo. It’s quite peaceful—a nice slowdown from the last chaotic mission you had.
This was somewhat your idea actually, since you mentioned a memory of going to the beach back home on Earth. Everyone on the team had either never been to a beach before or it had been so long they didn’t remember what it was like, so the next planet you came across you decided to take a mini vacation.
Your boyfriend, Adam, was definitely the most excited. Not only did he want to experience something like this with you, but he never would’ve had something like this with the Sovereign. Beaches are messy, and certainly no place for an elite race of people.
Still, even though Adam’s been removed from that world for over a year now, he continues to be out of place. You watch him as he laughs with the others, the sound of an angel. His hair falls all over the place, but even when it’s tousled it’s still perfect. His golden skin glistens in the sunlight, complimenting the purple sky. His body is perfectly sculpted, not a single flaw in sight. He is gorgeous in every way.
You’ve never told him how it makes you feel sometimes, dating a man who was quite literally designed to be perfect. You’re just a normal Terran, full of blemishes and insecurities. You have more faults and defects than you can count, both on the inside and the outside. You look so plain compared to him, and even beyond appearances you’re not sure how much you really have to offer him.
After the sun sets, you all pack up and head back to the ship for the night to sleep. Adam notices something is off with you as you settle down in your shared quarters, which greatly confuses and concerns him.
“Are you alright?” he asks, taking a step towards you. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah I had fun,” you turn your back to him while you change into your pajamas, “I’m fine,”
He grabs the hem of your pajama shirt as you’re putting it on, pulling the rest of it down as his knuckles graze your sides. He then snakes his arms under your arms gently, wrapping them around you in a hug.
“Please tell me what’s wrong,”
You sigh, turning around to face him, “I did have fun. I’m not lying about that part,”
“Good!” he smiles, “But you’re not fine?”
“I’m fine, I’m just...not feeling good about myself,”
An even deeper wave of concern falls over his features, “You don’t feel good? Are you sick?”
You can’t help but laugh despite your melancholy. Sometimes you forget he still doesn’t understand many things.
“Not that kind of not feeling good, more like I don’t like myself right now. I’ve just been getting in my head a lot and overthinking stuff,”
“How could you not like yourself? You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met! Did something happen today that made you feel this way?”
“It’s going to sound so stupid-”
He puts a finger to your mouth, “Hush. It’s not stupid if it hurt your feelings like this,”
“But what if it was you?”
His eyes widen, “I hurt you?”
“Well, no. I don’t know. Ugh…” you sit down on the bed, face in your hands. “You didn’t directly hurt me or anything. I guess...I guess I just don’t understand why someone like you is with someone like me,”
He comes to sit beside you as you continue.
“I mean, you’re so perfect, and I’m very much not. You look like heaven as a person and I can’t find a single thing wrong with you. Watching you on the beach today made me think about how beautiful you are. And it’s not even just that, you’re also the sweetest person ever. You treat me better than anyone I’ve ever been with in the past, and your heart is just as golden as your skin. I just don’t get what you see in me when you’re...well...you,”
Adam is stunned at your words, instantly feeling horrible for indirectly making you feel this way. In his mind, everything is the exact opposite. He sees you as the perfect person, and himself as just a messed up monster with gold plating. He couldn’t possibly put into words what he feels for you and how he sees you.
So rather than fumbling over his words, he takes your face in his hands and kisses you, tenderly and passionately. After caressing and kissing every feature, he moves down to your neck and shoulders, roaming his hands over your back and torso. There’s nothing needy about his movements, only a pure demonstration of his undying love for you.
He doesn’t go too far down before coming back up to capture your lips, remaining there while his hands smooth over the rest of your body. He pulls your close, as close as he can without risking hurting you with his strength. He touches you like you’re a masterpiece, a piece of art created from the divine. He’s grateful beyond belief that you’ve chosen him as a partner, and he knows he wouldn’t be who he is now without you.
He pulls away for a brief minute, looking into your eyes.
“You’re the one who’s perfect, not me,” he says. “Don’t you dare believe anything different,”
You nod in understanding before bringing his lips back to yours, determined to return the intense amount of love he just gave you.
Read this to make a Guardians request!
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dmysterioblog · 10 months
If it is okay can i request Toxic!Agatha and fem! reader?
Initially, everything starts as a normal relationship very sweet and romantic (maybe including smut).
Then, Agatha begins to isolate reader until, mysteriously, reader loses their job. Agatha comforts reader, Agatha is their only support. Time passes and reader stays at home, reader has tried to get a new job but have not gotten any job interview. Until reader discovered the truth on Agatha’s computer, Agatha had left her user open and reader could see everything she had done. So reader planned to run away.
Reader did it.
Agatha is furious.
She's going to get you back
You Can Run But You Can’t Hide
Paring: Toxic!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader
Summary: Agatha slowly starts to inside you so you can only rely on her and her alone but her plan has one flaw.
Warnings; hurt/comfort, a bit dark.
Word Count: 1.0k
A/n: Alright one down, four requests to go 😭🙏🏽
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You and Agatha had met about a year ago. You two hit it off super quick and soon started dating. She was the girlfriend everyone would dream of. She would randomly buy you flowers, buy you gifts, shower you with kisses and so much more. A couple months into the relationship you noticed that Agatha would get jealous easily but it wasn’t something you couldn’t handle.
You found it cute at first.
Then, as time went on, Agatha's jealousy escalated into controlling behavior. God forbid if another man or woman looked at you the wrong way. She also insisted on you staying home while she did all the working but you didn’t want to. You liked working. It was a sort of freedom for you.
You were now sitting on your desk, doing some paperwork when you received a call from your boss calling you up to his office. You calmly put the papers aside and walked towards his office. You knocked on the door before walking in and stood in front of his desk.
“Ms. L/n, you might want to take a seat.” You gave your boss a confused look before taking a seat.
“Is there something wrong Mr. Stark?”
“It has come to my attention that you have been selling information to competing companies.”
“What?! I would never do such thing-”
“There’s evidence to back it up. Now I'm going to give you the option to resign and I won't have to bring this to court.”
“But I-”
“Please make a wise decision.” You sat there stunned. Who would set you up and for what reason?
You took a deep breath before placing your name tag on his desk and walking out with tears running down your face. You went to your used-to-be desk, picked up your things, and walked out. As you drove home, your mind raced with unanswered questions and disbelief.
You cried to whole way. It was only one in the afternoon and Agatha didn’t get off of work until three. You were devastated until you saw her car miraculously parked on the drive meaning she was home. You parked and rushed inside the house.
“Hey baby, what are you doing here so- what’s wrong my dear?” You threw yourself into her arms, sobbing.
“I- I just- got fired-”
“Shhh, darling calm down, okay? Deep breaths.” You cried in her arms for a while before you calmed down and were able to talk.
“Alright, tell me what happened,” Agatha encouraged you.
“Mr. Stark had called me into his office to tell me that someone told him I was selling information to other competing companies and that there was proof. He gave me the option to let me resign and that way he wouldn't bring the situation to court. I swear I didn’t do it, Aggie. I was framed-”
“Hey, I believe you baby,” she hugged you tighter, “Who would do such a thing?”
“I don’t know.”
“I think it’s best if you stayed home for a few days.”
“I will but I'm going to look for a job after.”
“Whatever makes you happy, though I think you could stay home permanently while I do the work.”
“You know I like to work.”
“Yeah, I know.” She ran her fingers through your hair until you fell asleep and carried to bed. She gently placed you on your shared bed, tucked you in, and placed a kiss on your forehead.
“I’ll make sure you never leave my side, darling. Just you wait.” she whispered darkly before making her way down to her office. She had been the person that alerted Stark of the apparent ‘fraud’ going on in his company. It was all a part of her plan to keep you home with her, forever. All she had to do now was make sure you didn’t find a new job.
She started plotting ways to sabotage your job interviews and make it impossible for you to leave.
“Alright, thank you either way.” That was the tenth job you had called and had been turned down. You didn’t know what was happening or what kind of sick joke was being played on you but you were going to get to the bottom of it. You went to get your laptop but realized it was dead so you decided to use the one Agatha had in her office.
You walked in, sat on her chair and opened her computer. When you did, there was an email tab already opened. You were about to close it when you read the name of one of the companies you had applied for a job. You frowned and began to read the email. It said horrible things about you as an employee. And it was all written and sent by Agatha.
There were emails sent to all the companies you applied to and more. How could she do such a thing?
You quickly closed the laptop and ran towards your bedroom. You went into the closet and pulled out a suitcase and began to pull your clothes in it. You needed to get away from her. You needed to leave before she came back. Once you were done, you ran to your car and shoved the suitcase into the backseat before getting into the driver’s seat and driving off.
When Agatha got home she found it strange that your car wasn’t there. She thought maybe you had gone to the store for something. She walked into your shared bedroom and immediately knew something was wrong. She walked into the closet and saw that most of your clothes were gone.
She ran into her office and opened her laptop only to see the last email she had sent the night before. How could she forget to close the tab? Agatha quickly realized what had happened. She had made a small mistake, and now you were on the run. She heavily sighed before leaving a text message for you.
‘You can run but you can’t hide, darling. You’re mine.’
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h4rring1on · 2 years
Hiii I absolutely LOVEEE ur writing. Idk if I already sent you this request and I'm sorry if I diddd.
I was wondering if you could write a steddie x reader fic where Steve and the reader go with Eddie to a deal and the buyer is rly creepy with the reader and triggers a panic attack and the boys comfort her?
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pairing: steddie x reader
warnings: obvi reader is uncomfortable and a little scared, buyer is hella creepy and really pissing eddie and steve off, swearing, panic attack, the boys being sweethearts
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“please eddie!” you begged
“no!” eddie denied
you and steve have been begging eddie for the past 15 minutes to let him take you two with him while he’s dealing, you both wanted to see how he does it
you even made an unfunny joke saying you wanted to learn so you could do it do
yeah that didn’t really end that well
“come on, ed. do it for the girl! don’t you see her innocent eyes?” steve said
eddie looked to you, to see you looking at him, desperation in your eyes
“nevermind” you sighed, “let’s go steve” you sadly said, holding steve’s hand and walking away
“wait” eddie groaned
you and steve secretly smiled to yourselves
and now here you were, sitting on the bench with steve and eddie, waiting for the buyer
“this is so boring” you sighed
“does usually take this long?” steve asked
“honestly—no, don’t know what’s up with this guy. he’s been acting sketchy ever since we made the deal to meet here”
suddenly, the heard rustling from the trees
“hey—whoa whoa man!” the guy said, suddenly freaking out, “those cops??”
you and steve looked at each other with a small smile
“oh nah nah, they’re with me. you got the money?” eddie said as he stood up
“yeah” he said, you stood up too and stood nearby the man
the money suddenly fell to your feet
“sorry, dropped it” the man said with a creepy smile, he kneeled down to get it, and your eyes widened when you saw him looking up your skirt
you quickly moved away instead of telling them, so they don’t worry and make a big deal about it
steve noticed you acting off, he knew something was wrong
“got a lot of money, can i buy you too?” he whispered
you looked away, pretending not to hear
“oh i get it, you’re the slut kind” he said, “the one you rent by the hour” he grabbed your butt, making you gasp and move away
oh they definitely saw this one.
“what the fuck man!” eddie yelled pushing the guy away
your heart was racing, you breathing fast, you weren’t even aware of your surroundings.
“hey hey, whoa, baby” steve said, “breath for me, it’s alright, we’re here sweet thing, take some deep breaths for me” steve guided you, distracting you from the fact that eddie was beating the shit out of that guy
“that’s good, good job. tell me, what do you see, love?” steve asked
“i see…y-you, and the um—the trees, a-and the bench” you said, trying to calm down
“good job, baby! that’s great, you’re doing great.” he smiled at you, “why don’t you tell me what you can feel?”
your breaths were suddenly louder, and tears slipped from your eyes, “hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay. just take a deep breath and talk to me, babe”
you took some deep breaths, as you were doing that, eddie suddenly appeared in your view, his hands bloody
your breathing was back to the way it was before, “eddie? wh—your hands—“
“don’t mind my hands, doll. cmon, tell us what you feel, we’re right here, i promise you” eddie sajd
you nodded and tried to calm your breathing a bit, “i feel—y-you and stevie’s hands and um—i feel the j-jacket im wearing and—and…i’m sorry” you sobbed, “i’m sorry—i don’t know”
“hey, sweetheart, look at me” eddie said, “it’s okay, it’s all gonna be okay”
you slowly nodded, steve pulled your close, hugging you tight, he knew when your panic attacks happen, you usually like the comfort of being in someone’s arms
“it’s alright, babydoll” eddie kissed your head
you were slowly calming down, with steve stroking your hair, with eddie talking to you, with them both comforting you
“we’ll always protect you, baby” steve said
“always” eddie agreed
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aliypop · 1 month
Gentle On My Mind
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Word count: 1,115
Prompt: It's a hot summer night in 1956 and with Cecelia's mother on tour she simply needs a friend who happens to be her boyfriend to keep her Gentle on her mind.
Warning: none
Note: I was listening to Gentle On My Mind and got this idea, remember if you have any requests let me know!
July 1956
Cecelia parked her Ford Thunderbird outside of the quaint house on Audubon Drive as she walked to the front door of the Presley household. Taking the key from behind the potted roses on the doorstep, Cecelia began to open the door, taking a deep breath in. However, that was until she heard the engine of a certain purple 1956 Cadillac Eldorado pulling in. Rolling her eyes, she couldn't help how extra her boyfriend could be sometimes,
"Nice ride there."
"You like it?" He winked, placing a tender but quick kiss on her lips.
"I do." She laughed, bumping noses, "Say I have a question for you." Cecelia mentioned that as she walked inside the house, she took a deep breath and smelled the faint smell of a home now 10 hours away.
"Yes, darlin'?"
"Elvis, is that you?!" Gladys asked from the kitchen,
"Yes, mama!"
"Need any help, Mrs. Presley!"
"Love Bug, you're here too! " She perked up and walked towards the living room as she hugged Cecelia,
"Nice to see you're home." Gladys kissed her cheek, then her sons, the two gushing at her motherly woes. "Speaking of, I actually have a question..."
"Anything sugar."
"Well, my mama's on tour, and I don't wanna be alone in that great big house 'cause it gets borin' and..."
"You want Elvis to stay with you?"
"I'd like Elvis to stay with me- How'd you know!?"
"I'm a mother. We know these things." She winked,
"Well, can I, mama?"
" Of course, but don't go creatin' no other Presley's." She playfully scolded as the couple blushed out of embarrassment.
Racing to his room, Elvis packed a few clothes as his mind wandered to what they'd be doing, baking or maybe movies, maybe a pillow fort, definitely a pillow fight.
"Alright, I'm ready to go. Call ya when we get there, okay, mama."
When they arrived at Valmos manor, it felt like a ghost town, just an empty shell of a house, no lights on or anything, just silence, peace, and,
"OOOH, YOU HAVE ELVIS OVER. I'M GONNA TELL YOUR MAMA!" Rosa smirked, peering from the fence as Cecelia rolled her eyes,
"I'll tell yours you've got a bun in the oven by Scotty..."
"I saw nothin'..." Rosa mumbled as Elvis chuckled. Taking her key, Cecelia opened the door, turning the lights on as she helped him with his bags,
"Well, what's first?" He asked,
"Pajamas, then I was thinking a pillow fort and a bit of baking?"
"Sounds good to me." The two changed into their night attire, Cecelia in a pink negligée with a matching robe that Elvis bought her and Elvis in embroidered light pink pajamas. Even when they didn't try, they tended to match.
Taking the pillows from every room, they draped the blankets together over the top as they had set up camp in the living room. Until she felt a soft thud against her back. "See, someone isn't playing fair..." Cecelia grumbled as she took a pillow and hit Elvis back, the two erupting in laughter, "Well, I got two!" He smirked as Cecelia hit him in the face, knocking him over, "And I w-" Before she could finish, she exploded in laughter as she felt him tickling her ribs, her breathing shallow as he began to pepper her with kisses,
"THA-THA- THAT'S CHEA AH HA HA." Elvis smirked until she pinned him down, tickling his ribs and then his belly, "H-HEY!" He kept laughing, making her laugh as she stopped,
"Sorry, babe..."
"It's o- HA! Y-Y- YOU MINX!" When the tickle fight finally ended, Cecelia rolled over and purched her head on her palms as she looked over at Elvis,
"Boy, I could sure use somethin' to eat..." He looked at her as she grinned,
"Well, you wanna help make it?"
"I ain't much of a cook..."
"That's alright." She smiled, leading him to the kitchen. Cecelia had a few baking pans, one for cupcakes, another for cookies, and one for her infamous cheesecake tarts.
"We'll start you off with cookies."
"Why cookies?"
"Cause even when burnt, they come out tastin' okay." She shrugged getting the ingredients, Elvis helped her with the flour as she got the butter and eggs and yeast for the dough,
"Now whadya do?"
"Crack the eggs into the bowl."
"Like this?"
"Mhmm." She watched him as she added flour, baking soda, a pinch of salt, sugar and vanilla for taste, "Now what?" He looked back at her,
"You stir it."  
"Like this?" He asked as he was poking the dough mix,
"No, like this," She had one hand on his hip the other on his forearm as she helped him stir. "There you go." Her scent entangling him as their eyes met,
"Hmm..." Her eyes darting towards his lips, Elvis leaned in as he kissed her sweetly, propping her up on the counter tops as his hands craddled her face,
"Go wait in the living room." She blushed,
"What did I do wrong?" His chuckle vibrating on her lips, "You are a distraction." She playfully pushed him away, Elvis began to jokingly sulk as he walked to the living room, "Alright, but I'll miss ya!"
"Miss ya more."
Scrolling through the TV Elvis couldn't find anything, except for news, a few cheesy TV movies, and Vampira which whom he had a soft spot for, setting the volume up his eyes were glued as she was showing Dracula tonight, the perfect movie for the perfect ambiance for the perfect sleepover with his perfect girl.
"Pepsi or Coca-cola?!"
"Pepsi if you've got it doll!"
"What's she up to..." He shook his head smiling, on a serving tray was an array of sweet snacks, cookies, tarts, cupcakes, and "A Pepsi-cola float!" She smirked as Elvis grinned,
"Spoilin' me good huh?"
"Well the key to a mans heart is his stomach." She chuckled scooting over into him as he wrapped themselves in a blanket, his arm around her waist as she fed him a cookie,
"These are delicious..."
"Mhmm..." Cecelia nodded,
"Honey what's wrong?"
"There's an eggshell in mine..."
"Sorry babe." He chuckled, as the night progressed the pair was talking about everything from politics to music, to fashion, movies, their dreams to,
"I'm tellin' ya Captain Marvel Jr. is superior."
"And Superman isn't, I mean, black hair, blue eyes, super kind..." She smirked, "Southern boy, true Americana!" She winked as Elvis laughed,
"Or you like him cause he looks like me."
"Or you look like Superman!"
"What if I am?" He leaned in closer,
"Then I'm your Lois Lane." She held his hand, the two reading from her comic book collection,
"Oh! This ones a good one!"
"Jay Garrick... Cece..."
"What, you've got your lightin' bolt, I've got mine." Sticking her tongue out at him, As the night progressed, the two had been found cuddled up in a warm embrace fast asleep.
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ivor-ira · 7 months
Hi I hope you are well. I have a question for you. How do you think Desmond would react being flung back to Rome, 1500 (AC Brotherhood) shortly before Ezio arrived? Extra layer is he is sixteen again.
SAY LESS OMG but I kind of want Ezio to find Desmond right as he gets flung back when hes the most confused and still figuring everything out. For drama!
"Desmond, don't listen to her! She wants to trick you!" Minerva called out.
"If I don't the world will burn!" I countered.
"Better to burn then unleash her onto it."
Juno spoke up. "Desmond, this is the only way!"
She was right. The world was crumbling around us, the earth shook violently, nearly throwing me to the ground. There was no other choice. I needed to stop this.
I turned to my friends. "Get as far away as you can!"
My dad grabbed my shoulder. "No, we'll find another way-"
I cut him off. "There's no time. Go now!" I yelled at them.
He gave me a pained look; I could tell he wanted to argue, to drag me from the temple, but we both knew. I needed to do this, so the earth would be saved, so they would be saved.
He gave me one final hug, before quickly turning to push Rebecca and Shaun out of the temple.
I turned back to the eye.
"Don't do this Desmond!" Minerva cried.
"You have to!" Juno shouted.
I took a deep breath, hovering my hand over the eye. I knew I wasn't getting out of this; this was the end of my story.
"I'm sorry Minerva." I pressed my hand down on the eye.
The last thing I heard was Minerva crying out "Wait Desm-"
I was enveloped in pain; I felt my body burning from the inside out. My hand tried to pull away from the eye, but I couldn't. My hand was stuck to the eye.
Everything around me began to fade away. Soon even the pain faded away. I was left with nothing, floating in an emptiness forever.
I don't know how long I stayed like that, but soon a voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere spoke up.
"No, it's not right. He needs more time." The voice echoed. It sounded old, older than the earth. Older than the stars.
A new voice spoke up, but this one sounded like a young child, full of innocence and purity. "Then change it."
"But what to do with him?" The old voice asked.
"Put him with something familiar, he deserves it after all."
The old voice hummed in thought. "I know, how about this?"
With that, my entire world change, I could see, smell, and fuck feel again. While the void was peaceful, it wasn't me.
I gasped clutching my side, as I doubled over. My hand connected with stone. I felt like I had just woken up from a millennia long nap, my limbs felt numb. I looked down at my hand on the stone beneath me. It felt familiar?
I looked up, I was in an alleyway. Just outside of the alley was a bustling market. Everyone was dressed like it was the 1500s. Was this some kind of renaissance fair?
I looked down at my body, I was still in my jeans and hoodie, but they either grew, or I shrunk.
"What happened?" I muttered to myself. My voice was raspy like I hadn't drunken water for a month. I looked down at my body, something was different. I noticed my limbs were lankier and more awkward. I was also much skinnier and shorter than before. I also noticed my hair was longer, much longer. It covered my eyes making it slightly difficult to see.
Just then someone walked past the alley. His voice grabbed my attention.
"Machiavelli, we need the trust of the people."
I froze, looking up. It couldn't be...
Just a few feet ahead of me, was Ezio Auditore, speaking to Machiavelli. I blinked, then blinked again.
"Ezio?" I muttered out loud. It was barely audible.
Ezio glanced down the alley, his eyes landing on me. He quickly whispered something to Machiavelli before starting towards me.
My mind was racing. What do I do? Do I run, do I scream, do I ignore him?
before I could figure out what to do, he was in front of me, he crouched down next to me.
"Hey, are you alright?" He asked.
"U-um, yeah, j-just fell..."
"That cut doesn't look like a fall." He said while pointing to my lip.
I was suddenly aware of the pain on the left side of my face. I reached up a hand, wincing as I felt the cut. It was fresh, it then dawned on me. This was the same cut that I got when I was sixteen. But how had it reopened?
"I'll be fine." I said as I tried to stand up. I had to use the wall for support. My legs nearly gave out from under me.
Ezio quickly pressed a hand against my back, steading me.
"Your clothes are... different. Not from here?"
I silently cursed. If I was right and this was the 1500s, of course they wouldn't have jeans and hoodies.
"Um, no." I said as I began to make my way out of the alley.
Ezio stood in front of me before I could get any farther. "That cut does not look good, you should see a doctor."
I reached up a hand, blood continued to poor out of the cut, making me lightheaded. I should go to a doctor, but I had no money.
"I don't have money." I mumbled.
Ezio glanced around. "Well, I'm new to the city as well, so why don't we go meet up with my friend and find a doctor."
I paused for a moment. Walking with Ezio and Machiavelli could allow me to clear my head and help me figure out what the hell was going on.
I decided to take Ezio up on his offer, I nodded.
"Alright, c'mon." Ezio said while leading me out of the alley back towards Machiavelli, who was looking rather impatient.
Machiavelli, stood with his arms crossed, while tapping his foot.
"Are you finally done?" He asked impatiently.
Ezio just sighed. "Do you know where a doctor is, he's injured."
Machiavelli looked me up and down, clearly staring at my clothes.
I fumbled with my sleeve. I was now suddenly aware of the fact that my hidden blade had come with me, and the only thing that was hiding it was my sleeve.
He sighed, turning back to Ezio. "None that the Borgia will let us use."
"So, the Borgia's word is law now?" Ezio asked.
"What are you implying?"
While they talked, I looked at my surroundings. It was a crowded market near a blacksmith. I glanced to the other side, looking up. I saw a large Borgia tower looming nearby.
"And how would you even remove their influence?" Machiavelli demanded.
I spoke up. "Kill the captain, burn down the tower." I said while pointing to the nearby tower.
They both stared at me.
Ezio spoke up first. "I like his thinking." He said with a grin.
"Ezio, you can't possibly be considering this."
"I'm not considering it; I've already decided I'm going to do it." Ezio stated while beginning to make his way towards the tower.
"Do you even have a plan?" Machiavelli demanded.
"I'm improvising." He said with a shrug.
Once we made it over to the tower, Ezio turned to me.
"Kid, stay with Machiavelli."
I nodded, to tired and lightheaded to argue.
I sat down, leaning against the stable wall, I watch as Ezio disappeared into a crowd of people. Once I could no longer see him, I leaned my head against the stable wall, trying to stop my head from spinning.
What was even happening, based on my appearance, I had a pretty good hunch I was somehow sixteen again. I was also back in the 1500s. What was I going to do? Had I saved the world? Was this Minerva's doing? I had so many questions.
Machiavelli spoke up, breaking me out of my thoughts. "What's your name?"
I opened my eyes to look up at him, "Desmond."
His eyes widened a bit. "...Desmond?"
I nodded. "Hey, are you sure that there isn't a doctor nearby."
He was about to say something, but a loud explosion sounded from inside of the Borgia area.
I looked over to see Ezio leaping from a burning building into a cart full of hay.
Everyone was rushing around, panicking from the loud sound and fire. One of the Borgia guards came running out yelling "The captains dead!"
Ezio walked over to us. "I don't think the Borgia will give us any more trouble."
I stood up, bracing myself against the wall. "I think my unconscious body will give you some trouble if we don't find a doctor." I stated dryly.
Ezio looked over his shoulder, he scanned the area before his eyes lit up. "Look there's a doctor over there, let's get you patched up." He stated while helping me walk down the street.
After a long hour at the doctor, and me adamantly refusing to allow letches anywhere near me. I could finally leave.
I walked out into the street with Ezio, Machiavelli had left shortly after we made it to the doctor.
Ezio turned to me. "I never caught your name by the way."
"Desmond." I stated.
Ezio froze. "What?"
"My name is-" Then it hit me.
I silently cursed my scrambled memory. Desmond was the name Minerva spoke, the name that Desmond had thought about for most of his life.
I quickly cleared my throat. "u-um we should go find me some new clothes. my shirt is drenched in blood." I stated desperately hoping to change the topic.
I began to walk around looking for a tailor, but Ezio grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back to him.
Normally Ezio would only be about two inches taller than me. But now I was a scrawny teenager. Ezio now loomed over me, and he was quite intimidating.
"Your name is Desmond?" He questioned.
I swallowed, "Y-yeah, f-family name." I stuttered out.
He gave me a look before letting go of my shoulder. "We should go find a tailor to get you some new clothes."
I sighed, relaxing my shoulders a bit. "Yeah, we should." I said while turning away from him and beginning to make my way down the street.
I would have to be more careful with what I tell him now.
We quickly found a tailor. It was a small shop with not a lot of items, but it would have to do.
I bought a shirt, and pants that actually fit me. As I was getting changed, I looked down at my arm, and I nearly passed out.
Underneath my hidden blade, my hand and most of my forearm was completely blackened out. I quickly took off the hidden blade, to examine my arm closer. This was the hand that I had pressed onto the eye. On my knuckles were tiny circles with lines running up my arm.
I cursed, how the hell was I going to hide this. With my hoodie, it was way larger than me so I could use the sleeve to hide my arm. But now these clothes actually fit. I could hide the hidden blade, but not the discoloration. Ezio was already suspicious of me because my name was Desmond.
I sighed; guess I would just have to get some gloves and hope I can hide it until then.
I quickly strapped my blade back to my wrist, before pulling on my shirt and pants. They were quite comfortable actually.
I sighed, preparing myself. I walked out of the small dressing room. Ezio was waiting for me, chatting with the tailor.
I angled my arm so he couldn't see it. Once Ezio spotted me, he quickly walked over to me, grining.
"Now those clothes actually fit you." He stated.
I smiled, "Where too next?"
Ezio looked outside, "It is getting late, I was going to go meet up with Machiavelli. Do you have some where to stay?"
I pursed my lips. looking down at the ground.
Ezio seemed to understand. "Here, why don't I bring you with me to go meet up with Machiavelli until we find you some place to stay?"
I nodded. This way I could hopefully figure out more, and if all goes to hell, I could just find a way to convince Ezio to train me.
"Alright, let's go." Ezio stated, while directing me out of the tailor's
(This is so random but the 2 voices that were speaking right after Desmond touched the eye were meant to be the physical representations of time and wisdom, you guys can guess which is which)
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myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
tags: @illiana-mystery
request from @onedirectionlovers2014
request: So when Tony has to push the middle up towards the sky at the end of the movie and goes into space and blows that up, when he's calling pepper, that can be changed to the reader, the reader actually answers and hears everything so they're worried But the avengers bring Tony home afterwards and the reader basically takes care of him by feeding him and running him a bath
warnings: Avengers 1 spoilers, mention of death, Battle of New York, swearing
I raced back to New York as quickly as possible. Images of Tony flying through the wormhole played through my head as pieces of the phone call he made repeated themselves over and over again. When Happy could no longer get the car through the city safely, I told him to just meet me at Stark Tower when he could.
"He's going to be alright (Y/N)." Happy said, squeezing my shoulder before letting me take off in search of Tony. Police, SHIELD agents, and everyone in between gave me strange looks as I went racing through the city. I kept trying to call Tony but I didn't get a response. It wasn't until I tried calling Natasha that I felt like I was finally able to breath.
"He's alright. We're on our way to Stark Tower now." She said. "One last...back off Stark...no I'm not giving you...HEY!"
"(Y/N)?" Tony asked. I put a hand on my chest and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank fuck." I breathed out. Tony laughed on the other end. "Don't you ever do that again Anthony. You scared the crap out of me."
"I know. I'm sorry." Tony said softly. There was some teasing from Natasha in the background and I could hear Steve trying to keep the peace. "We're almost back at the tower. We got to grab Loki and then we're good. Thought about going out to try shawarma. Wanna join us?"
"No. And you're not going anywhere mister." I said. I could hear Tony gulp on the other end. "You are going to stay at the tower and wait for me. Then we are going to eat actual food and I am going to make sure you are alright." The line went silent for a second. "I saw you fall Tony. The suit powered down didn't it?" Silence. "Tony." I breathed out, looking up at the street sign. "Listen ETA ten minutes. I'll wait in the lobby. Come get me when its safe."
"Will do. Love you." Tony said before handing the phone back to Natasha. I hurried through the destruction to the tower. Fury was already there and ushered me in.
"I told Tony I'd wait here for him." I said. "What the fuck happened? Sending a nuke..."
"Security counsel." Fury said. "I was the only one who vetoed." I stared at him for a second before nodding. "(Y/N), you should know...and knowing Stark he won't tell you..."
"He called me. I know he went up. I know the suit powered down. That suit wasn't meant for space travel. Which is what I'm assuming he did." I said. Fury nodded.
"He was dead when he came down." I paused and looked away. "Rogers and Banner were with him. The Hulk actually. Thor too. But Rogers wouldn't have known the first thing to do and Thor was going to light Stark up to bring him back. Hulk did something and it brought him back." My eyes found Tony as he walked out of the elevator, Loki surrounded by the rest of the Avengers. "He's too proud to admit it, but he needs you. Especially now." I nodded.
"He was going to go out with the team for food. I'm making him stay in." I said. "Did someone look him over?" Fury shook his head. "Course not. Send someone up to the penthouse. Or what's left of it. Tony and I will meet them up there." Fury nodded once he saw Tony making his way over to us.
"Thank god you're safe." Tony breathed out as he hugged me. I hugged him back, finally feeling all the anxiety leave my body once he was back in my arms. "I'm so sorry for scaring you. I shouldn't have done that." Tony rubbed my arms as he pulled back.
"Called me?" I asked. "Or taken the missile up?" Tony dropped his gaze to my shoulders. "Because we both know that if you were faced with that possibility again, you wouldn't change a thing about how you handled it." Tony nodded and leaned in to bury his face in my neck. "Just make sure you have a better suit next time. One designed for wormhole based space travel." Tony let out a quiet laugh before pulling away to lead me back upstairs.
"Its kind of destroyed. But the bathroom still works. And the bedroom is fine." Tony rambled.
"We can rebuild. Its fine." I assured him. "I'm going to order food from that one Italian restaurant in Queens. Assuming its still there. We can have a bath while we wait for it." The doctor that Fury had sent up came into view and Tony paused. "But before all that, you are going to get checked out." He looked over at me with a frown. "Fury told me your heart stopped. You were dead Tony. Neither of us know what Hulk did but he brought you back. You owe Banner for that by the way. It was Rogers and Thor and we both know neither one of them would know the first thing about getting you out of that suit or the help you needed. So you are going to get looked over," I pointed a finger in Tony's face. "And I am going to assess the damage to our private area. Then we are taking a bath and eating and going to bed." I patted Tony's shoulder as the doctor came over before walking away to see if we would need to get a hotel for the night.
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