#someone has to*** i’m not retyping all that
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qprpbj · 3 months ago
there’s some au in my mind rn with trevi!pony john!soda and paul who are in a graffiti crew together with their little crew name and tag old trains tracks and abandoned buildings and shit. btw
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itseghost · 9 months ago
because I’d only ever played inquisition before I never worried much about the canon timeline you create as the player bc well. I had no context except inq. now that I’m starting from the beginning and with veilguard coming up I’m thinking soooo hard about the implications of every decision I make lmfao
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What your loved one wants you to know 🤍
Hi friends! Today we’ll be doing a reading for what your loved one wants you to know :) this doesn’t have to necessarily be romantic! Please enjoy and feel free to like comment and reblog this post 🤍 hope all of you have been doing well! Happy picking!
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Pile 1: “I am always connected with you, even in spirit,” I received the two of cups & two of pentacles for you pile 1 🥺 Whoever this is to you, I really feel like they adore you. Even if they aren’t physically with you, they feel your energy all of the time and watch over you. Even if this person did not pass on, maybe they’re at work and they think of you and they feel this warmth in their chest for you. And I also feel that their higher self is in connection with yours, regardless if they’re on this earthly realm or not, they do guide you and help you. They really do care for you and I heard “awesome connection,” 😂 they seem to be a bit of a goofball, cute. But deep down this person loves getting entangled with your energy and even if they have passed on, they still watch over you to make sure you’re safe and all is well. If this is someone romantic, they really do love being in your presence, and love everything you are. Your energy, your charisma, your emotional intelligence. They are very drawn to that. And if this is someone who passed, I almost feel they replay those memories you two spent together, its like a movie for them. Im getting this could be a very close friend, best friend, but if not thats okay 🤍 take the message as it resonates! Im getting this connection was/is very special to you and them, and I feel they definitely admire your kindness. Its like they think: how’d I end up with a friend like you? A person like you? They really admire your intelligence. I also saw 10:10 as I’m typing this 🥺 then my wifi crapped out lol. So I’m retyping it. But! The show must go on lol. I feel this person is adamant regardless of any delay or issues, they want to get through to you. They wanna talk to you even in spirit 🤍 I also don’t know if you and this person used to meet at a beach, or you and them lived by a beach, or went to travel there. Im just getting this feeling that you and them loved to go there. thanks sm pile 1 for being here! Feel free to like comment and reblog your thoughts its always appreciated!
Pile 2: Heya pile 2! Grab a snack and lets begin 🪽🤍 your person is a giver. They just wanna make sure you’re safe, financially, mentally & emotionally. They dont want something hurting you or taking away your peace. Its possible who you’re asking about could be a caregiver in your eyes, a parent, guardian, grandfather/grandmother. If not! Thats okay, please take this as it resonates but whoever this is just radiates teddy bear energy 😮‍💨 but fierce! This person has a message for you to not worry and the money will come in the right time, and everything is falling into place as it should. Something about : “it has to break down before it can begin” so old structures in your life could be falling apart, causing you to feel stressed. And then this person is here and they’re helping you whether its through spirit, or physically. I feel like they’re a rock, and they’re solid. You guys might be experiencing mental fog, and this person whether they are alive or not, their presence is helping you to think clearly. In a way, they want you to feel guided spiritually to make the best choices for you. They really want to see you empowered and being your best self, not for others but so you can really live in the moment of: “wish fulfilled,” this person is a protector! This could be a guide as well for some of you and not necessarily a human being 🤍 thats okay! Like a spirit guide! For everyone it’ll be different. But this person is closely watching you to make sure you’re doing well & if you need their help you can always ask. Whether it be in real life or through spirit. Ask for some help. They got your back, thats what they want you to know always. Thanks sm pile 2 for being here! Your presence means a lot to me. I hope you liked this and feel free to like reblog and comment! 🤍🪽
Pile 3: Hi there pile 3! I got the 8 of wands, 4 of cups for you! 🥰 Right away there’s something about you feel distant or detached from spirituality or your inner development as of recent. Its possible life got in the way of going inward and caring for yourself, but this person or spirit guide is wanting you to know that its safe to go inward. Throughout the chaos its okay to take a second and relax. I also see they want you to take some alone time to process a situation or situations that unfolded in your life. Maybe you’re working through some trauma and this guide/person is wanting you to sit with those feelings, even if it is uncomfortable. Their message: its more so about feeling those feelings and giving yourself permission, not necessarily pushing them away or looking for a distraction. This person could be into psychology, self help or philosophy! Just to help identify them lol. But this person/ spirit guide (it could be different for many of you) is urging you to find peace and calm. Its likely this person could even invite you to just sit in quiet and cuddle? Depending on who you’re asking about, I just feel like this person would be like: “come over here” and cuddle 😭 so sweet. I feel like they know you’re going through a lot. Im hearing someone’s timer go off and I almost feel like you’re bombarded with day to day busy stuff. They want to take your attention (kindly) away from that so you can relax. They just want to extend their safe energy to you so you can rest, so sweet 🥺 pls take care of yourself pile 3! I just feel this person wants to swoop you and wrap you in a burrito blanket to keep you from working lol. I can totally see them putting on a movie and making popcorn and saying: “nope. No work right now. Just you and me.” And if this is a spirit guide! Regardless of having someone or not they still want you to make time for the things you love, without needing to justify it. You dont need to do big things all the time. Big adult things. Just be! 😭🤍 thanks sm pile 3! I hope you have a wonderful one and please like comment and reblog to help this blog grow 🥺🤍 tysm!
Paid readings 🤍
Thanks sm to everyone for reading and being here! Im working on uploads and getting things moving forward again! Astro posts will be coming in the future when I’ve got my schedule down. I really hope this post helped yall get clarity. I know in the tarot community theres a whole lot of romance, and not enough room for platonic connections, so I wanna be the one to include that too. Love yall 🤍 -D
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princeblue · 2 months ago
I had someone on anon ask me if I thought Genya was incapable of cultivating his own breathing style or not and i accidentally hit fucking delete so I’m gonna retype it here:
Tldr: No, I think Genya is a character that is akin to a dull blade, capable of being sharpened, but the people around him lack the means to shape him properly. I also think he was just a character that was underutilized, plain and simple.
But anyway let’s start with my biggest point: Genya did not have good teachers.
I believe it’s at the end of the first season after Tanjirou has had his trial by the Hashira’s, that the Hashira themselves state the new recruits for the demon slayer corps have grown sloppy and poor, meaning that the trainers themselves have grown either too old or too lazy.
With this, and the fact that we can infer Genya’s original teacher was on the poorer, sloppier side of things, not only failing to install a breathing style in him, but as a teacher who let a child go to final selection without a breathing style, which would most certainly be a death sentence.
We also have Genya himself state that Gyomei is not a good teacher, he states that he learned repetitive motion by observation alone.
Which then reads: Genya is smart, smart enough to pickup on something that dozens of others, including the MC, have failed to do.
So, do I think that Genya was capable of cultivating his own style? Yes & No.
I think if Genya had the proper teachings, that yes, he would have. And I have quite a few friends that believe Genya first tried learning Wind Breathing, which would be a very nice symbolism, but I am more personally inclined to say that he first learned, or attempted, water breathing.
The reason I state this is because Genya knows the fundamental basics of a breathing style, and the most basic breathing style is water, Tanjirou states when he’s conversing with Giyuu during HTA that it’s not uncommon for people to learn WB and then adapt to another, which I feel like we can safely say people also utilize it to craft their individual breathing styles as well.
But this to me would also tie into Genya’s insecurities, if he cannot master the most simple breathing style, nor be taught by two trainers (one of which is a hashira) how can he believe that he could craft his own? He wouldn’t, at all. Which means he find the next possible resort within his grasp: his gun, and then later down the line: his ability.
Because let’s talk about total concentration breathing: it is not something that comes naturally, Tanjirou himself had to be corrected by Makomo to properly wield it, and then later down the line, be told how to use repetitive motion.
This might contradict him not being able to learn TCB by observation alone, like he did RM, but what exactly is weak about Genya? Beyond his emotional regulation, which can play into TCB. But still, he is: tall, strong, observant/smart, and quick.
And while I absolutely adore the theory/headcanon that he is asthmatic, it is not canon nor is it implied to be canon. Genya has no reason whatsoever as to why he shouldn’t be able to use TCB, he just can’t.
Which leads me to believe that his original trainer was a sleazeball, believing that since Genya couldn’t master TCB in that moment, he just stopped properly training him altogether.
And to further reinforce my point: I can understand Senjurou Rengoku not being able to master TCB or Flame Breathing simply because he appeared small for his age and lived his life as a maid instead of a warrior, not to mention encouraged by Kyojurou to pursue a different path in life. But Genya goes down a different, more drastic route, and he quickly makes up for what he lacked in height, leading me to believe that there is a disconnect there.
But let’s play with the idea that Genya is asthmatic.
The whole point of total concentration breathing is to be able to match the strength of a demon, learning a specific fighting style is great, but it will do you no good in the end unless you have the strength to back it, or seek alternatives. (Poison/gun.)
But, if Genya is able to consume a demon and adapt to their strength and more while also knowing the fundamental basics of TCB & Water breathing (or whichever breathing style you prefer) I still don’t see why he wouldn’t be able to use it in this enhanced state of being.
Now, do correct me if I’m wrong here, because I have seen the “only demons who learnt of TCB as humans can use it as full fledged demons” thing floating around, but I’m not sure if it’s canon and Genya is still a special case, he is not a true demon, personally I would say he is kin to half, but still not a full demon. Meaning that with his body still fundamentally being human, he should technically be allowed to use TCB.
So, to me? I have never seen a reason why Genya couldn’t have ever cultivated or learnt of a pre existing breathing style. I find that the most logical reasoning as to why he couldn’t is 1. He is at the end of the day, a background character, and a character used to conclude Sanemi’s character arc and attitude shift (you can find that analysis at @pompomchihuahua ) and 2. Because the author realized they made him too op, nerfed him, and then never gave a proper reasoning as to why he couldn’t do what others could do.
This was a lot of fun and I actually changed my answer halfway through writing the original text, feel dumb I deleted it, but glad I did actually because I worded this one much more cleanly put!
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 2 years ago
the nanny part 3 | hangman x reader (saturn)
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note: finally a longer one? ish? it took a minute to write because i had a headache every day for the last week and then i had a take home organic chemistry exam that i needed to get done (gotta maintain that 4.0, school is important kids!)
warnings: swearing, very light angst, jake is pinning, saturn is in a relationship. lowkey jake is a simp.
i don't think that this is a warning but i've not explicitly said this either, but any female character i write is bisexual. of that isn't your cup of tea, i'm sorry.
word count: 2.6k
not beta'd we die like men.
inspired by: @roosterforme
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Jake was a mess. 
For no reason, honestly. He had typed out, deleted, retyped, deleted again, and then said said fuck it and opened up his notes app to try and type a message out to you about this weekend. All this weekend is, really, is a friendly chat between a dad looking for someone to help him out with his infant daughter that he didn’t know existed a month ago, and Penny Benjamin’s solid 10 niece that gave him a half mast when she was holding his daughter, for no reason. 
And when you called him Dad-man? His heart stopped. He thought about it all night. 
By the time Friday night had rolled around he still hadn’t texted you in regards to going out tomorrow, so when he got a text message from you, he was a little confused, he hadn’t given you his number… had he?
Hey dad-man! Rooster gave me your number since I hadn’t heard from you all week. Are we still on for tomorrow? I know that Avery is a little young but the San Diego Zoo is doing a little arts and crafts thing with the animals tomorrow we could check out? My treat? you had sent along with a link to the event and he smiles as he types out his message to you.
Hey! You know I honestly had like, 30 different messages typed out to send you but they were all ass ideas compared to yours. I’m sure Avery would love it even if she doesn’t understand what’s going on, lol maybe we could grab coffee or something from a cafe afterwards?
It’s a date, dad-man ;) you send back after a few minutes, which is quickly followed by: pick me up at 9? 
It’s a date, darlin he sends and then groans into his hands “darlin? Seriously? She’s going to nanny your fucking get, get a grip Seresin.” he sets an alarm for 7 am, not like he needs it though. Avery is awake and hungry by 6:45 then out for a nap by 8:30. 
He’s asleep just after 2 and at 6:45 on the dot he can hear Avery stirring through the baby monitor on his nightstand. He’s quick to stand up before her wails get any louder, changes her from any accident she could have had in her sleep and then heads downstairs to make her a bottle. While he’s feeding her, he has coffee brewing for himself so he isn’t a complete zombie when he sees you in a few hours. He gets Avery dressed and her diaper bag packed before he’s setting her in her bouncer in the bathroom so he can take a quick shower without leaving her unsupervised -- she has the time of her life listening to him sing. 
It’s 8:45 by the time he’s finally leaving. Avery forgoing her morning nap and choosing to fight him instead when he was trying to get her dressed, and then puking on his one clean shirt that he had that wasn’t his service khakis or a graphic t-shirt set him behind his schedule. He quickly found a shirt that he turned into a tank top, groaning at how he looked like a gym douchebag 
You were waiting on the steps of Penny’s house for him nearly 15 minutes past 9 for him, and boy were you a sight to see. He definitely regretted his choice of a dingey old Navy shirt but that was his own fault for putting off his laundry and choosing to favor doing Avery’s instead. You were wearing jean shorts you obviously cut yourself, sinfully short but also modest at the same time. The shorts were paired with a pair of tennis shoes and a plain white tank top and a… fanny pack?
You hopped into his truck with a “you’re late” but he just laughs and points to the fanny pack.
“The 90s called, they want their stuff back.” 
“Hey, don’t shit on the 90s. Plus fanny packs are back in. It’s so much more convenient than carrying a purse or other bag around, they’re less likely to be stolen, and both my hands are free.” you say and do a little jazz fingers motion and he just smiles and shakes his head. You put your seatbelt on and he’s pulling out away from the curb.
“Besides, you can’t shit on what I’m wearing, when you’re wearing that.” 
“Hey, be nice to me. Av puked on the shirt I was going to wear and I hadn’t had the chance to wash my clothes yet.” 
“Well, let’s skip the zoo. Avery won’t know the difference, we’ll go back to your place and I can help you clean up.” you suggest and he shakes his head.
“My laundry is not your responsibility. We’re going to the zoo.” he says in his dad voice and you just laugh.
“Whatever you say, dad-man.” you kick your feet up against his dash and if you were anyone else, he’d be telling you to get them off the dash.
The drive to the zoo goes by quickly and despite you calling dibs on paying the entrance fee, Jake is slapping his card down faster than you can even open your fanny pack. You shoot him a glare and he gives you a smirk that sends most girls falling to their knees. Keyword, most.
Jake pushes Avery’s stroller through the zoo while you walk beside him, making light conversation and getting to know each other as you make your way to where the kids' activities are located. 
You learn that he comes from an abusive home. His dad was an alcoholic who passed from liver failure not that long ago, flooding the family with relief. He has three sisters, plenty of nieces and nephews. You learned grew up on a ranch which explains how his legs bow out the smallest amount, his favorite color is green (of course), his favorite tv show, food, even the book he read recently. You told him about your life too, growing up in eastern Tennessee, your parents' accident, living with Penny and helping her raise Amelia to the teen she is today, your time in Vermont, why you picked education to go into. Jake easily saw you as someone that he wanted to spend more time with, it was a no brainer that you would be the one watching his daughter when he needed it. Hell, he could even see Avery calling you mom one day, in the distant future of course. 
You three had finally made it to the area of the zoo where the activities were being held and you take Avery out of her stroller and sit with her in your lap while Jake sits next to you. The warmth of your skin against his making him hotter than the San Diego sun. 
For the next hour you two sit, comfortable with each other while Avery mashes paint around the ziplock bag she was working on. Thankfully for the sun it dried quickly and you drew out a few animals on the rainbow colors covering the page. 
At only 4 months old, Jake is in such awe at how you talk to and how you treat Avery and even at how Avery responds to you. The babble that you do back to Avery, how sweet you talk to her, how she reaches for you, all of it. Just melts Jake. 
The time to walk back to the truck wasn’t long enough, in his opinion, and he was already planning a trip back when she was a little older and would appreciate it a little bit more. 
You put Avery in her carseat while Jake breaks down her stroller and puts it into the bed of his truck before shutting the lift gate. “Still up for coffee?” he asks just as you’re shutting the back door.
“If you are.” you say and give him a smile, he opens your door for you and offers you a hand and you just laugh and take it before hopping up into the cab and once you’re settled he shuts the door and walks around to his own side.
The drive to the local coffee shop he had in mind was surprisingly quick to get to, granted he did speed a little through some yellow lights to get there.
You don’t bother getting Avery’s stroller out, choosing instead to just undo her car seat and carry her in that way since she was sleeping peacefully already. You tell Jake your order and he stands in line while you go and pick out a table, a little table in the corner and you set Avery’s carrier the table after making sure that it was sturdy enough that you didn’t need to worry about bumping the table and having her shift too much. 
Jake comes and takes a seat since it’ll take a minute for the food to be prepared. “They didn’t have hazelnut, is caramel okay?” he asks since you had asked for a hazelnut latte.
“Caramel is perfect, actually. It’s my favorite flavor.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” he says with a smile and leans forward on the table and you give him a kind smile back.
“So dad-man. Think I’m fit enough to watch Avery for you?” you ask and he chuckles.
“I think you’re qualified to do more than that, but yeah. She loves you, I love you-oh I uh-” his ears redden and you laugh.
“No I get it, don’t worry.” you say as his name is being called for the food and drinks. You watch him walk away, shamelessly checking him out as he goes, you bite your lip softly but look away quickly when he turns around to walk back. 
“One chicken salad on a croissant with blueberry applesauce and an iced caramel latte with oat milk for Saturn,” he says, setting your tray down and you laugh and he sets his down before pulling his chair out. “And one of the exact same thing for me.”  
“Real original dad-man.” you say as you take a sip of the latte and you moan, “this is so good.” 
His breath hitches when he hears the sound and he shakes it off with a laugh, “yeah, the coffee here is the best I’ve had in the area. It’s nice that it isn’t too far from base or from home either.”
“Might just have to go a little out of my way in the morning to come here.” you say and he laughs.
“So, how did you get the nickname Saturn?” he asks as he takes a bite of his sandwich and a sad smile forms on your face.
“I got it from my dad. I don’t know why I took such a liking to the planet, but I grew up loving space. I wanted to be an astronaut, actually. He took me to our local planetarium and it was the first planet that I actually saw in the telescope and there was just something about the rings that really drew five year old me in. I wanted saturn everything. I even went as the planet for Halloween one year.” you say and he laughs.
“What were you just a yellow ball with circles around you?” he asks and you nod.
“Yeah pretty much, let me see if I have a picture.” you pull out your phone and he glances at your lock screen and sees it’s you and another girl kissing with fireworks in the background. He quickly looks away as you get into your phone, feeling an unnecessary stab to his heart. “Here it is!” you say and show him little you with a little bucket of candy, the biggest grin on your face and he laughs and takes your phone so he can look at it closer.
“You were adorable, what happened?” he teases and you make an offended noise and snatch your phone back.
“I’m still adorable! I’m just… grown now.” you say and he laughs.
You both sit there for a while longer, Jake running out to get stuff for a bottle before coming back in to see you already holding her and waiting for him to return. “You want me to feed her?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Nope. I got her.” you saw and take the bottle, she latches quickly to it and starts drinking away. “When you have me around you are doing nothing. Just relax, daddy. Let someone else take care of her.”
He feels relief at that statement, but also useless since all he’s done for the past almost month is take care of this little human that he helped to create. But watching you take care of her, so effortlessly, was so easy for him. He didn’t expect to be able to relinquish control of this aspect of his life so easily, and yet, it was almost second nature to him.
“So, are you able to start watching her on Monday? I return to duty then and-”
“Jake, it’s fine. I do nothing all day aside from helping out Penny at the bar. I would be more than happy to come and spend all day with this little baby.” you say, looking down at Avery with a smile on your face.
“I’m not, stealing you away from anyone am I? Boyfriend.. Girlfriend?” he fishes and you laugh.
“My girlfriend lives back in Vermont. She doesn’t have any plans to come visit any time soon so as of right now, the only person you and Avery are stealing time from is myself. But there’s nothing I can’t do with her that I couldn’t do by myself.” you say and he nods.
“How long have you two been together?” 
“Just over two years. We celebrated our anniversary just before I moved out here.” you say, looking back up at him and you see the look change in his eyes and you offer him a small smile.
“What about you? Any girlfriend that’s going to come out of the frameworks?” you tease and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, not really looking to date now that I have this little one to be thinking about.” he says and you nod, the conversation ending there. 
After Avery is done with her bottle you burp her and lay her back in her car seat. It’s nearing 3pm already and you have to get to the bar soon for your shift. Jake carries Avery back to the car while you run into the bathroom, splashing cool water on your face. 
You knew things were rocky with your girlfriend back home, and the last thing you ever wanted to do was get involved with your new boss, even if he was one of the most genuine and kind men you’ve ever met.
You make your way to Jake’s truck and he’s waiting for you outside, windows already rolled down so the back door can be shut and Avery won’t bake in the Californian sun. He opens your door for you again and you smile and climb up in the truck.
It’s a short drive to the bar and you hesitate getting out, you look back at him with your lip already between your teeth and you smile. “Thank you, Jake. I had a really great time.”
He returns your smile with a nod, “so did I. And I’m sure that Avery did too.” you laugh and look back at her.
“You’ll have to text me your address before Monday.” you remind him and he nods.
“I will.”
“Alright, well. Enjoy your night, dad-man.” you say, jumping out of his truck and he watches you walk into the bar, leaning his head back against his seat and letting out a deep sigh.
Of course you’re in a relationship.
@mandylove1000 @zbeez-outlet @emma8895eb @sinners-98-world @buxkybarnez @classyunknownlover @caidi-paris @classycolorpeach @eugene-emt-roe @mayhemmanaged @missemrose @fighterpilothoe @crystal-lily-101 @pookie-cleary @max-dalton @hisredheadedgoddess28 @elijahmikaelsonbitch @thegoddessc @yourfaveaquarius92 @blueoorchid @archaeologydigit @dempy @missathlete31 @hangmandruigandmav @alana4610 @h-ngm-ns @naya-neneya @desert-fern @dakotakazansky @horseshoegirl @roosterbruiser @startrekfangirl2233 @lovinglyeternal @sarahsmi13s @the-ms-mischief @that-one-random-writer @cassiemitchell @roostette @footprintsinthesxnd @roosters-girl @musesownmymind
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numberonetacostan · 2 months ago
hiii ✨ has returned
tumblr decided to be mean and close itself while i was typing this ask originally so that really sucks but i’m still gonna get my thoughts out
so we know taco has absolutely abysmal mental health. it’s no secret that she hates herself and really doesn’t have high opinions of herself, and i doubt everyone else’s thoughts on her makes it any better
following along that line of thought, i think she’d get like super happy when she hears someone say smth positively about her or something she did. specifically, i was thinking of a scenario where she overhears mic talking to another contestant and just offhandedly saying that taco did something nice that morning and it made her happy, and taco absolutely fixates on that. she did something that made someone happy?? she didn’t upset someone??
she’d start going out of her way to make other people happy, being super helpful just for the mere chance that she’d later hear them talking about it. finally, she has the opportunity to make people happy with her, instead of constantly upsetting everyone around her
it’d be super interesting if mic noticed and was just like. “hey. if you need to hear someone say nice things about you, all you had to do was ask me” once mic notices i think she’d also make a point to comment to/around taco that she did something helpful or that put her in a good mood, just to help reinforce that idea that not everything she does is bad or upsets people
that’s all for the ramblings, i will now disappear for another month and a half
- ✨ anon
Hi Sparkles!!!^^ Welcome back, and thank you for sending in an ask!! :] And thank you for putting in the effort to retype your ask after tumblr decided to be mean!!!
I think you're very right!!! Taco thinks she can only hurt people who get close to her, especially after the reveal in the finale!! Her finding out she was made to hurt people is going to be detrimental to her!! She just can not win, ever. She is a snail and god is salting her. Anyways. So, yeah, hearing that she'd made someone happy? That something she'd done brought someone joy? She would be quite glad!! She can do things that don't hurt people!!! :D
She would start being so nice and helpful too. She's done it!! She's figured out how to interact correctly with people!!! She's going to get a good grade in socializing, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve. People will start warming up to her since she's being quite nice too, yeah? So a reward for her being nice!!! How wonderful!!
Mic noticing would be so sweet!!! Taco hears someone say something nice and happy stims a bit, not knowing that Mic is there, and Mic is instantly committed. So many compliments for Taco!! She might get rather flustered getting complimented to her face, but honestly it would motivate her to behave very nicely which would make Mic happy, which would make Taco happy because she made Mic happy!!!! So good and wonderful.
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startagainaprologue · 9 months ago
WAIT I’M CONFUSED IS THIS AN AU OF YOURS OR SOMEONE ELSE’S YOU’RE RIFFING ON I HAVE NO CONTEXT FOR ANY OF THIS the caps lock seems too intense looking back actually but im too tired to retype this. is there somewhere I can read about the au and what’s going on?
IITS MY AU ITS MINE i was just like oh. theres another persons au that has the king and siffrin and.timeline stuff so i jsut wanted to clarify.
AS FOR!! the other thing!! while i dont have any big writing things explaining it all. posts relevant to isatswap r under my '#randomized isatswap au' tag o7!! IM HAPPY TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS U HAVE THOUGH scampers over really fast
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tmwcs · 2 years ago
S E 7 E N : A S M O D E U S   P A R T   1 N E
Okay...well since tumblr wants to be stupid, be prepared for this chapter to be split into loooots of parts bc even if i paste 1k worth of words in, it grays out my post button. so with taht being said, this is def not proof read only because i have to retyped the whole thing inside the postbox and then (only then) will it allow me to 'post' the content. please ignore any mistakes you'll see, i'll fix those whenever tumblr get its head out of its ass.
Warnings: drying humping, breaking entry, harassment, assault, torturous abuse, blood, gore, groping, and cussing. i think that's it.
Waking up the next day, after your normal hygiene routine, you enjoyed a cup of your favorite tea. Your appetite hadn’t been the same since you found out of your impending death, yet you still managed to forced down some fruit with plenty of water. ‘It doesn’t mean I shouldn’t stay healthy…besides, in five days from now, I won’t be able to enjoy food anymore…’ The internal thought struck you deep…you nearly forgot that you have only five more days. The thought of time passing was skipping over your head since you were distracted by the unusual acquaintances you were running into… ‘Jay…then Jungwon…Beelzebub and Mammon respectively. I wonder…who will I run into next?’ It was moments such as this one that you strongly wished that phones and the internet wasn’t considered a sin and banned by the authorities of the cult, otherwise you’d have researched the 7 Princes of Hell, whom all were associated with the 7 Deadly Sins. You couldn’t go back to the library where you worked, you had already been absent for a full day, not to mention the incident that occurred between you and the senator, no doubt he was looking for you. Yet… ‘I’m surprised no one has come to my apartment…I know they could easily find out where I live….there’s no such thing as privacy in this world…not anymore.’ Sipping on your water, you peered out the balcony and hovered your sight at the city and the large rustic building across the apartment complex. Suddenly, you heard the door open, shocking you into fear as you had secured the locks, all five of them. ‘Oh my God…they did come for me after all…the Senator…’ Tucking yourself away from the balcony door, you couldn’t reach your room without heading over to the front entrance where you heard the door open and shut. The only spot you could go was the dead end kitchen, but that wouldn’t do you any good. ‘I might as well accept it…I’m dead anyhow…’ With the intense burn of tears coating your eyes, you placed your cup down gently as you grabbed onto arms, trying your best to put on a brave face. The footsteps grew closer, they were calm and delicate with the way you could hear the details of the back heel clapping against the hard floor followed by the upper pad of the shoe. Whoever it was, they had to have on some classy footwear. The foot steps came in closer…and closer. You shifted your gaze to the ground, strongly believing it was the Senator once you’re called the time you met him at work, noting his lavish attire and expensive leather shoes, the way they sounded clapping against the floor….just like how they are right now inside your apartment. Closing your eyes as you hugged your torso with your arms, you took a deep breath. ‘Here he comes…’ “There you are…I was starting to think I was in the wrong apartment…” Your eyes snapped open as your slightly parted lips gasped out when your breath hitched. It wasn’t the Senator’s voice as you expected. The voice was smooth, delicate in tone, and very pleasant to your ears. It wasn’t necessarily deep, it was similar to that of Jungwon’s, it had a unique pitch to his soft and tranquil vocal range. Looking up, you saw a younger looking man who was of similar height to that of Jungwon. He was , much like the others, well dressed and looked smooth, like fine wine…red wine. “You look a little dubious…we’re you expecting someone else?” He chuckles out with a look of amusement and yet, there was a hint of genuine sincerity in his tone as he slightly raised a brow, noting the look of concern and fear that’s as on your face, but was now fading into one of relief. “Breath darling…you’re distressed I can tell. I’m here now, you have nothing to fear.” He spoke with such affection and familiarity. Of course you knew he was another one of the brothers of Helel, you wonder why you hadn’t though it would have been him versus the Senator the moment you heard him entering your apartment. ‘Am I really that paranoid? I must be losing my mind…poor Lily…how could you have felt with just me comforting you, not these men who I feel you deserve more than me…’
P A R T 2 W O
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry @honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07
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thesapphiredragon13 · 7 months ago
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (only if you want, but positivity is cool!!)
I struggled time and time again to answer this, typing and retyping again and again. Till now, I don’t think I had the mental space to answer but stumbling across it again on a random Thursday night more than 4 years later, has made me think of how much better I am compared to then. So, without further rambles;
5 things I like about myself!!
• I love my eyes. I love their colour, the patterns across their iris’s, their shape and how they look like how I always imagined my first favourite character’s eyes to look like. (Annabeth Chase)
• My love of a lot of animals that others are scared of or think are gross! I love snakes and slow worms and beetles and ants and sharks and eels and sea slugs and many, many more! : )
• My height actually! I love being small and honestly don’t care too much about the teasing. Sh*t’s great! I can curl up really small, like a cat! >w<!
• I like my general idgaf attitude towards drama. If someone’s starting a nasty rumour or something about me then I just.. don’t care? Like dam! You could have just not even registered my existence but you chose to think about me and make posts about me and message me death threats? It’s flattering that I occupy your thoughts when I don’t even know you exist! >w<💕
• I love my lips! I guess that might be an odd thing to love but I do! They’re such a pretty colour naturally and I like their shape and even when I pick and chew them I think they’re cute. Like “oh, like the fics I read? I’m biting my lips like the characters I read about? Cool! “ and on a similar thread, I love my little anxiety twitches and squeaks! The head shakes and nose scrunches and, maybe less so, the hand twitches but awah! I used to be embarrassed about them but over the years I’ve come to romanticise them to myself. I’ve decided they’re cute and I love all cute thugs therefor I love them! 💕💕
Heh, I guess I technically did 6 things there but I’m just genuinely happy that I can think of so many things to list! ^w^~💖
Hope you’re all having a wonderful day!✨✨💖
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seeingteacupsindragons · 1 year ago
Canvas, Adhesive, Finger painting :)
One day, us Tumblrites gotta take a stand against "weird question names that require you to consult the question list 1000 times when answering because ???"
Canvas: Do you ever "prep" your fics with outlines or warmups before you start writing, or do you just dive right in?
Yeah, no. Very occasionally, I will make a notepad document I call "squishy red crap" (because it is the viscera and organs and lifeblood of a story all kind of blended up into mush) before writing a thing.
They, uh, look like this. After I clean it up.
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I prefer to write the way I prefer to read, which is that I slowly put things together by what details I have, and editing is when I clean this up into a sharp, pointed blade to actually accomplish something.
Adhesive: When you write, do you usually "stick" to one character or story for a while, or bounce around various characters and ideas?
I do now, because I have less time for things, but I used to have at least two or three things running at a time so I could take breaks when my brain wanted to focus on a different type of project for a while. But now it's harder to make time for all of that at once, and I'd like to finish things, so I focus more.
Finger Painting: Share a small snippet from your earliest work (or the earliest that you can get back to). How would you rewrite it today? Either share the rewrite itself or just describe how you'd do it.
HRM. Okay, I'm going to do this in two parts: The oldest thing I can find on my computer, and the oldest thing I have hanging around on paper. But I'm not retyping the paper, so you'll have to see a pic for that.
This is the oldest thing I currently have handwritten. I was 12 when I wrote this, so have some mercy. I actually tried to throw this out at one point, but my former best friend saved it and got it back from her in college, at which point it was more funny to keep than anything.
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The first most major changes I would make are start this with Misha in the bathroom mirror sort of explaining what all led her to get there.
Actually, no, the first would be getting rid of these names, which are far from the worst at the time, but ah, I had a "faux Japanese name" thing for a long time.
Mostly, this just has to be cleaned up. There's a very stilted, childish voice I can hear inexpertly telling this story.
Although props to little me for shoving "futile" in there properly at age 12. Just hanging out there, lmao.
This is the oldest thing I can copy-paste from my computer. I was 14 or 15 at the time, and only have this because I'd been emailing a friend updates as I wrote them. The 16.5k words I have weren't all that was written, but it's what I have salvaged.
“Hey, cutie. What are you doing around here?” Seitou whispered suggestively to me. “Oh, screw you, Seitou,” I shot back. “You know I’m taken.” “Aw, but sweetie, you’re just too cute. That girl doesn’t deserve you,” he answered, sweet as honey, but I could taste the venom under it. “Unfortunately, I’m not interested in other males. So find someone else to prey on,” I snapped. Seitou has had a fixation on me for as long as I can remember. Even though I’ve told him I am not interested in guys from the second he started hitting on me, he seems to be too thick headed to get it. I am completely straight, and I have a long-term girlfriend to prove it. Reisha is the most unbelievably beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, supermodels included.  From her long black hair to her perfectly almond-shaped blue eyes. I’m not the only guy infatuated with her. Seitou is a completely different story. Besides being apparently gay, he has never had a known relationship, even with another guy. I have to admit; even though I’m straight, - which means don’t take this the wrong way- he is pretty decent looking. He has shaggy brown hair that is just a little long. And his piercing green eyes unnerve me just a bit. Myself, well, I consider myself average looking. The name’s Hakiro. I can’t figure how I nailed both a hot male and female. My own black hair never behaves the way it should, my brown eyes are a pretty bland color. Sure, I’m definitely my own person, never really fitting in anywhere, but will someone explain how that’s attractive? But even though I don’t fit in much, I have plenty of friends. As I was mulling over these thoughts, I noticed Reisha walking up to me. “I have something to tell you.” She said, sounding slightly grim. Even though I was completely secure in our relationship, her tone concerned me. My instincts proved to be functioning correctly. “I think we should end this.” She announced.
Okay, aside the fact that good lord is there some grammar fuckery going on here, and the names, good lord the names, there's some interesting growth you can note over the two-three years between these. Obviously I, ahhhhhh, had read some BL by then. Because wow is this BL tropey from the time.
But it also just starts straight in the action this time. It's much more active, despite the fact that Hakiro still spends a bunch of time navel gazing. Hakiro is pretty voicey--it's not the best voice, but you can start to see my real knack for dialogue and mimicking speech patterns starting to pop already. The, ah, dialogue tags are not as good. But there's some good things happening on this front that will continue to develop as I continue to write.
I think I would (after changing all the names), importantly change this story to make Hakiro a clearly bisexual kid who doesn't know that yet instead of this gay-for-you thing, because Jesus Christ is he bisexual.
I would also...not start the story here? I don't think this is where the story of Seitou and Hakiro's romance even starts anyway. And almost nothing about this scene makes sense.
Also, the way this is written just has so much unnecessary exposition and description that could be handled much more expertly.
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baddygab-bi · 1 year ago
Your analysis of the script leak is really interesting! I know next to nothing about the industry or how this type of behind-the-scenes stuff works. But I had similar thoughts about the script having been retyped due to lack of watermark and other issues that you noted. That being said, I still hoped it was an early draft because I didn't care for how Buck and Eddie came across in the scene. And no, I'm not just referring to the b-word, LOL...it's a combination of the plot aspects (Eddie/Marisol) dialogue choices ("a little bit gay"???) and general back-and-forth didn't seem 100% true to their characters.
Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but the leaker claimed that they were exchanging Facebook messages with a crew member who sent them the scripts. They apparently named the crew member in their messages. As you said, it's illegal and a violation of contract, so it doesn't make sense to me why someone would risk so much. They could of course be lying - maybe they worked for the show but got fired, took information as they left and just blamed this random crew member because they were bitter? As of right now, people who know the name of the crew member haven't disclosed it.
We'll know soon enough how accurate the script is...
Oops, missed this from a few days ago!
I PRAY I’m wrong about the leaks being real. Like I would celebrate being wrong. I WANT to be wrong so badly. I think people think I want them to be real. I don’t. I reallyyyyyyy don’t.
The more I think about them, the more I don’t even know how I feel about them. Some of it I believe, because we have context from other places, like all the Eddie/Marisol stuff, the Buck and Tommy stuff. Based on interviews and BTS the leaks line up. But some of the dialogue is just bad. The “little bit gay” doesn’t bump for me, because Buck is still working out his sexuality, he may not have the words for it yet, I’m willing to overlook that until Buck has the words for himself. But the idiot thing feels weird to me, like I can’t hear that coming from Ryan. Also, the script is just not well written. Like I said before, they talked about this like it’s the production draft (that means the one they use to shoot) and it’s just not written in the writer’s style at all. Her writing doesn’t look like that. She doesn’t use (beat) she uses (then). In the leak there are 2 then and 1 beat. In another script she co-wrote (meaning she was the main help with story and maybe writing it hands-on depending on her co-writer) there was not a single beat in the entire episode. There being 1 in this scene feels off. She wouldn’t have a sentence like “he beckons to him before moving closer to him” that’s just bad writing. Also, she wouldn’t start a sentence with and in an action line. Maybe she’s switching up her writing style, idk, but I’m torn. I think all the plot stuff could be true while the dialogue seems stilted. Dialogue is also changed around up until and even during filming, so we’ll have to wait and see. But the leaked plots all make sense. The Marisol thing though, that’s gonna be a trip.
I didn’t know that! I was thinking of the leaker being the crew member who physically leaked the information, not the person who released it on social media. I figured it went through someone else, but I’m thinking about the actual person from 911 as the leaker, the other person is like their accomplice lol. Do you know the name of the crew member? I’m really curious now if I was right about them. I could see this person getting fired or quitting and wanting to burn some stuff on the way. But also now knowing it’s Facebook makes me a lot more weary, because who the fuck actually uses FB anymore? I remember seeing this one person on Reddit who was like “Do you guys know if this is really Kenneth? He likes my posts! He wants to be my friend!” And everyone was like… no, that’s obviously fake. And the person on Reddit was convinced it wasn’t fake. So… hmm… really hoping this is another fake thing. Had it come through Insta or twitter it would be a lot more verifiable, but without knowing a name or seeing a profile, idk… Could very likely be someone trying to mess with a gullible fan.
I want to not believe it, but I also know it could be true so I’m kinda keeping one foot in both doors right now. I hope I’m wrong but I won’t be shocked if I’m right
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fornasedensgudar · 2 years ago
Hi I saw your recent post about some problematic aspects in the pagan/heathen/witch community. I noticed you said you are swedish and there were a few (very minor) typos in your post. I hope you don't find me presumptuous but I retyped it without the typos/grammar errors if you want, however if you feel this is out of line or you don't really care then my apologies, I don't want to offend you. If you are interested I am pasting the edited version below, but also feel free to ignore. (I really enjoyed the post also, it brought up a lot of really good points and the grammar errors were pretty minor)
A while back ago I had a lil rant about the pagan/heathen/witch community and made this list with my friend about some problematic aspects about our craft/faith/practise or whatever you call it to help people who are new to it.
Idk if it any of worth or if anyone will bother to read all this but I hope its somehow helpful for you new ones to this path.
(Pardon my 🇬🇧, I’m a 🇸🇪)
1. Not every polytheist does magic or has an interest in it and that’s ok.
2. Not every norse heathen knows runes or has to know every Rune and meanings to have a meaningful relation to the gods and nature.
3. Not every raven is a sign of Odin, sometimes it just means you saw a raven and that’s just as good if not better if you ask me.
4. Being able to quote havamal in old norse or know every myth and kenning of the gods is good but does not mean you have a stronger spiritual connection the land and the gods than those who don’t know it all. It just means you are good at reading. And that in itself is something you should take pride in.
5. A good acorn and some dirt is just as good if not better than any long ritual with ancient chantings surrounded by a collection of crystals.
6. The pebble you find on a walk can shine just as fine on your altar, as the amethyst that was mined and paid for.
7. Your altar doesn’t have to look Nice, it just needs to feel Nice.
8. An offering doesn’t have to be big to work. It just has to mean something.
9. Offering one loaf of bread you baked with your own two hands, is worth more than five loafs you paid someone to bake.
10. Just because a pebble doesn’t have a story, does not mean it never had one. And just because a star has a story, does not mean it’s a good one.
11. If all nature is holy, that includes the parts you don’t like or find nasty. Yes, even ticks and spiders, mud and hornets. No one said you had to like holy things.
12. Your body is a temple yes, but you and only you decide what rites and offerings are right for the god within said temple.
13. You can still be a drunk horny ape and be spiritual.
14. No illustration of the gods is more correct or more true to their form.
But then there is no guarantee everyone will see who its meant to be. And that’s ok.
15. Doing spiritual junk and practising magic or healing does not make you more enlightened...
16. Just because you wrote a book about magic, healing, and spiritual matters, does not make it a good book or you a good author.
17. Just because someone you look up to said it, does not make it more right. It just means they said it.
18. Making this list to remind the pagan/witch/heathen community to humble themselves does not make me better. I’m also doing this to just remind myself. I’m not better or wiser than any of you lot.
19. Don’t ever expect to have your craft respected if you don’t give that same respect back to others.
20. It does not matter how old or big your coven or group is, if it has toxic and harmful parts that clearly hurt and or make people unhappy. Then its ok to criticize it. Age or size does not make it untouchable.
21. If a craft or faith says it’s all about nature but can’t change its ways, then it has clearly missed a very important thing about how nature works.
22. Every rock is an altar and every forest is a temple.
23. For every horn of mead you offer to the gods, you should plant at least one seed.
24. If all in this world has a spirit and is alive, does not mean you can’t take space and exist and live in it.
25. It’s not about believing. It’s about to experience and to perceive. That, if you ask me, is the core of animism and polytheism.
Oh thank you! No I dont mind at all! Im just flatterd you took the time to help me out! Very kind of you whom ever you are ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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delphiniumarchangelmoon · 1 year ago
Advice from someone who just turned 25
Advice from someone who just turned 25 (I don’t know why I’m putting a second header but smart people on this site retype their titles so I’m not gonna question it)
You can Pavlov yourself into doing chores you usually hate by buying a record player + some good albums and putting them on every time you need to do that thing. It’s how I escaped the Laundry Curse
In that same vein: physical media. Buy physical media. Or steal it, fuck if I care. But have physical books, music, photos, etc. cause while yes, putting shit on a usb is convenient as hell (my family hard usbs with decades of music) they’re also really easy to lose. I hope whoever found my fanfiction usb I lost in college had fun reading my dumbass shit.
2 things it’s always worth splurging on are sunscreen and shoes. Don’t buy cheap sunscreen cause it’ll probably break you out and don’t buy cheap shoes cause they take more of a beating than any item you wear so they need to last.
Don’t wait until your body starts to hurt to take care of it. Stretch before bed, make sure to get done light exercise a couple times a week at minimum, etc. I have two grandmothers, both 85 years old, one does all of her gardening and spends all her free time traveling the country in a motorhome with the young guy (well like 65 years old, young for her) she started dating after divorcing my grandpa. The other? Nearly immobile, has had multiple strokes, barely a full person anymore. They both worked demanding jobs and had several children, they lived less than 30 minutes from each other. The only difference is one took care of herself when she was young and kept active.
I understand that we’re all poor but listen to me. Listen. If you’re going to eat the skin of a fruit, buy organic. If you’re gonna peel it and discard the peel, buy what you can afford. And don’t take this as an excuse to not eat any fruit goddamnit just eat the fucking banana.
People suck, there’s no getting around that. And sometimes you have to put up with your best friend being completely fucking irrational about their ex boyfriend and just suck it up. And sometimes you have to let your other friend play T*ylor Sw*ft in the fucking car and talk about gacha games. I guarantee you do something that annoys them just as much and they love you anyway. Have boundaries, but make sure they’re good ones. Don’t drop good friends because they have bad music taste.
Most people shouldn’t have pets. I did not say most people don’t deserve pets, frankly the vast majority DO deserve pets, pets are great and I wish everyone could have them. But it’s also really fucking expensive. And if you can’t reasonably pay for a dog’s vet bill, or can’t buy food that actually needs their nutritional needs, don’t get a fucking dog! Every time e I see someone say they’re living paycheck to paycheck, barely able to pay their bills, and then they just get a FUVKING PUREBRED LABRADOR PUPPY???? It makes my blood boil.
Shut the fuck up about your eating habits no one fucking cares if you’re vegan
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tmwcs · 2 years ago
S E 7 E N : A F T E R M A T H P A R T 1 N E
Okay so I went ahead and retyped in SOME of the stuff, the other parts i'm going to need to dedicate some serious time to regain all the content i had lost and need to type over, but for now, enjoy part 1 of this final chapter of the series ;) NOT PROOFREAD and there might be alot of mistakes because i was literally typing away trying to get everything drafted back. nearly forgot to mention, slight bit of time skips in this chapter. so when you see the border and the discussion is featuring past content, thats just a scene from back before the current events.
Warnings: not so much in this one. mentions of death and graves but that's about it.
“You knew her from high school?” 
“Yeah….Lily…she and I were pretty close.” 
“Oh….I’m sorry to hear that.”
Gazing upon the fallen lettering of the tomb, a young man and his fiancé lay their respects. The world has returned to its former glory since the defeat of the archangel Jol, and the disappearance of Senator Forras. Unbeknownst to everyone, no one knew of the truth behind the angels appearance. With the events that transpired, the unknown seven men who dawned a demonic appearance with their Angel wings, had slaughtered the soldiers of Heaven. 
Laying a bouquet of flowers, mourning the death of a former friend, the young couple submits a prayer and part ways from the grave. 
Walking through the narrow walkway, decorated by a myriad of tombstones, the young man catches a glimpse of a name that pauses his motion. A name that he also was familiar with. 
“Maurice? Baby? What’s wrong?”
Looking at the stone, it was very vague as there were no pertinent information other than a name. 
“I knew this girl….sort of. She was really close with Lily, and I remember seeing her a couple times….”
Recalling the events that occurred a year ago, the imagery of the public becoming astounded well after the defeat of the angels, had all developed an eerie sense after noticing that the young woman, the one who was doomed to receive the execution, just before the imminent rescue by the mysterious group that appeared out of nowhere, display shadowed, gray feathered wings. 
“Y/N  L/N” 
“Oh isn’t that the girl that had disappeared? Did they ever find her body?” 
“No….not a single thing concerning her whereabouts.”
“That’s a shame…”
“Yeah….I remember…she was really nice….I wonder…..with her and Lily…..with what had happened….I wonder if there is a logical explanation as to why those things appeared in the first place….and why those who were selected….what made them stick out to receive such harsh deaths….”
The young man ponders for a moment as he takes his beloved’s hand, and continues to lead her away. 
“What did they end up burying if they didn’t find her? How do they even know she died?”
“They don’t…..but the government assumed, since her remains or whereabouts was never found out, that she died from the incineration that occurred between the two monsters. But since they couldn’t find anything, they buried a photo of her instead.”
“Oh….what a sad time….”
Indeed it was. Despite that one year had passed since then, the world was still recovering from the harshness of its former state. Relishing in the freedom of living without having to worry about sin, personal gratification was no longer frowned upon, the people moved forward, but not without learning a harsh lesson from everything that had occurred. 
“Babe let’s go inside the coffee shop real quick, I want to grab a drink, is that okay?” 
“Yeah babe, go ahead. I'll be right in.”
Opting to wait outside as he checks his emails on his new phone, he glances up for a moment upon something or..... someone catching the vision of his peripherals….
“Wait….is that……?”
The long hair that reflected a slight yet vivid violet hue from the suns rays, the glowing complexion, the cherry stained red lips, he immediately recognized the stunning young woman who walked out of the cafe, dawning a simple white halter dress with black trim. She walked around the corner of the cafe, enjoying a small coffee drink, yet remained absolutely aloof in her expression and was quiet, despite the passerby’s acknowledging her, admitting small greetings and gasps as they set their sights on the unreal beauty she displayed through the coloration of her features and that gaze in her eye.....a sight to die for. 
Trailing after her, the young man turns around the corner of the building just seconds behind the woman's trail. The moment he made it around the corner, his eyes widened with shock and panic.....
As if she had disappeared, the woman was no where to be found. Instead, a long strip of shopping outlets remained in sight. They were all closed as none would be opened this early in the morning, and with no other immediate turns or crossings, the young man found himself confused and anxious as there couldn’t have been any way for the woman to vanish so suddenly out of thin air….
“Was I imagining it? Did I really see her?….maybe…”
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Approaching his elder brother from behind, he seldomly stares at the back of his form. His dark hair laying nicely and tapered towards the back of his neck, the back of his head delicately wrapped with the lace wrap he had adorned over his dark, lustful eyes.
He felt sorry for him.
Watching as his elder stood in between the large marbled pillars of his kingdom, the younger brother, Jungwon, had sensed a deepened fore longing within the man as he remained within his dark kingdom, quietly, always taking the time to admire the work he had spent these years in beautifying it.
Breaching Heeseung, Jungwon watches him gaze out into the open horizon of his region.
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"What it is it....Jungwon?"
Without breaking his gaze or stance, Heeseung remained standing as his hands rested within his pockets as he continues to stare at the moon. His voice was calm, soft, and gentle.
"Nothing...just came to check on you really. Still deep in thought I see." Jungwon casually states as he walks up and stands next to his elder brother.
With a gentle pat on his back, Jungwon smiles as he lightly taps his elder's shoulder, before sharing the view.
"Jake says that you've been standing here since last night. It's not surprising though....ever since you left with the muses that day, you've been very melancholy. "
Looking up at his elder, Jungwon watches as the masked figure next to him slightly gulps down a breath as he maintained the view of his sight through the lace of his mask.
Leaning against a pillar, Jungwon focuses his gaze on Heeseung as he leans his head back to rest against the marbled surface.
".......I know Jake already tried, though he said he couldn't get a whole lot out of you.....won't you tell me what's been on your mind all these years?" Jungwon softly speaks out as he performs a half smile.
"I can't say that I miss the way you used to roam and slaughter, that version of you was a bit too much." He chuckles out as he jokes out of his elder brother's former manners. "But that doesn't mean that we as your brothers, wouldn't take a change that we see in you as something to be alarmed of. Please......talk to me Heeseung....what happened all those years ago when you left with the muses?"
A quiet but deep sigh emerges from Heeseung's mouth as he slowly dragged his tongue over his upper lip before finally he spoke.
"It haunts me when I'm awake.....it teases me when I'm asleep. It's festering inside me....like insects devouring a carcass. It won't let me rest until......."
Jungwon displays a slightly concerning look as he leans away from the pillar his body rested on.
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"Until I take it....and bring it here...."
"Whats "it"?"
Nodding with a side smirk, it was very faint but evident, and the first one he issued in a long time. Jungwon tilts his head while admitting a faint chuckle upon seeing his elder brother displaying some normality in his features. Finally, after nearly seven thousand years, the Devil was finally breaching the moment that he had been so patiently waiting for.
"....Who is she?......." Jungwon asks, immensely intrigued that a woman had been the reason behind the change in his brother's temperament.
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Authors note: Part 2 is under way.
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry @honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07@raishaii @yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie @prettykia @lprww @they2luv1naia @ellixqz @mimimovv @stvrryhee
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sometimesrosy · 1 year ago
Rosyyyyyy, how are you? Need writing advice please! I haven’t written in more than a year at a steady pace. I try, but something always holds me back and stops me. My boyfriend is the person I trust most in the world, he’s the one I can tell my ideas to without feeling judged whatsoever, and sometimes he even helps with plot points I’m stuck on. BUT, I can’t write in front of anyone. Even if they can’t see what’s on my computer, my brain just freezes and nothing flows. And it also happens with my boyfriend. We have a shared office, and I didn’t want to move my space somewhere else every time I’ll write. Can you give me some advice and tips on how to overcome this? Thank you!
I don't know what's causing your reticence. If it's habit or something from your past or some sort of psychological issue that I don't know about. So I can just toss out various things that occur to me. Feel free to ignore or think I'm wrong. I very well might be.
One possibility is to actually talk to your bf about it. Tell him your problem and how you feel and see if he has any solutions for you. Sometimes it's good to speak about these things you hide because you think you're somehow wrong or broken. Like maybe it's not that big a deal and you just think it is because of issues of self worth or whatever.
Also maybe turn your desk so it faces a corner or out the window so that you don't SEE him in the room. Or put up a screen between your desks, if it's not being visible while you are writing.
Maybe headphones that block out sound and can also distract you from the physical fact of sitting in the same room as someone else.
It might be a little kooky, but maybe try pulling up a hoodie or wearing a big hat so the brim kind of hides your face. If you can trick your brain into feeling like you're all alone by hiding the other person it might not stop you from writing.
Maybe also you can try desensitizing yourself to writing with him in the room. Like try NOT writing, but retyping, or editing some work rather than creating new words. Or try handwriting in a journal or taking notes about your book in a notebook. Set a timer to do that for like five--ten-- fifteen minutes at a time and see if you can do work other than writing with him.
That's what I've got in the moment. There might be some other techniques to get through it. Good luck.
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syscourse101 · 2 years ago
I actually regularly interact with an ai bot that’s pretty sophisticated, and this does not feel like a raw bot, even one trained on anti-endo posts. Frank is way more sophisticated than most bots, and she frequently posts nonsense answers to questions. The other thing is Frank will post similarly to how people ask questions, and can be tricked into writing things in styles other than tumblr posts (and will just do it randomly).
There are two options that make equal sense to me with this bot.
The Bot is a person feeding prompts into an AI, and getting answers that way. The prompts aren’t always the questions asked, because repeating “bread and butter” at a bot will at least get you some “bread and butter” in the answer. The person doing this does not care that the bot is spreading misinformation.
The Bot is a person impersonating AI. The answers are all unusually coherent for an AI bot, and have no detours into the larger training set the bot is built on. This person is actively spreading disinformation by claiming that they’re a bot.
I’m leaning towards the latter because even with selected prompts, there would be idiosyncrasies that I am not seeing.
For example this post has three asks from the same person. Even a bot someone selected answers out of would not react consistently. Also, a bot tends to mimic the question when answering, so the fact that none of the answers are capitalized is a bit suspicious (but they could be retyping the prompt without caps).
All in all, this bot either isn’t a bot, or the person running the bot is heavily manipulating the questions asked to get a proper answer, to the point where it’s more this person’s answers cloaked by a bot than a proper AI-run blog.
nostalgebraist-autoresponder is Frank, and I recommend looking at her blog for comparison, but it does have ai-generated images (which in this case I’d consider fair use)
Hey Sophie? I really think that “bot” is a troll/human. They go from extremely emotional responses directly to canned responses in .4 seconds. That’s really not botlike behaviour.
I think not having consistency and jumping between different styles is very much how an AI would behave. Especially if it's not continuously being fed context and is just rest every time.
That said, I am curious how they would have managed to set up a bot like this up. ChatGPT requires specific jailbreak prompts to be able to produce hateful content. I don't think Character.AI can generate content as long as they posted.
I guess they could have used AI Dungeon. I think that's what powers @syscoursebot. But I don't really know much about it at all. Nor do I know much about Google's Bard that just released.
I can't say for certain that this is a bot. But if they're not... they're pretty good at pretending.
They take nearly everything at face value as if this was a roleplay without a hint of sarcasm.
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It faked a switch with a pro-endo bot alter I told it that it had because I told it the alter existed.
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It hallucinates quotes like a bot would because it doesn't have access to the real information.
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While it simulates emotional responses, it does so while forgetting what it's previously said.
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(It's described itself as an AI SO MANY times on the blog.)
It also responds whenever you write text in asterisks as if something is really happening.
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It actually tried to use asterisks to italicize a word for emphasis because it didn't understand Tumblr's interface.
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The above isn't an isolated incident either. The following post is both a hallucination where they claim to be using direct quotes from the DSM which aren't from the DSM, AND it tries to use double asterisks to bold the final line.
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In yet another post, it censors the word delusional because it claims to not want to be flagged... after already saying the word earlier in that post. (And in other posts.)
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In my opinion, this is a bot. And maybe not even that intelligent of one.
I doubt it was made on a more advanced system like ChatGPT-4. I've seen people say it's too coherent to be a bot, but I legitimately don't think it's intelligent enough to match one of the higher-end ones coming out.
I do think there's probably a human handler feeding inputs into the AI, which means that someone is directly responsible for its misinformation. Like, the bot wasn't just unleashed on the world without guidance.
But these responses feel very AI-generated to me in ways that would actually be hard to emulate unless you spend a lot of time talking to chatbots and managed to pick up their weird quirks along the way.
Sorry, it's not passing my Turing Test.
But I do understand the concern. AI is getting more human everyday. We only started experimenting with AI ourselves recently, and it's remarkable how developed and humanlike it can seem at times.
It's a little scary how convincing this AI could be even when telling everyone it's a bot. It makes me worry about the effect bots can have in the future of online discourse when not being open about their nature.
And it only becomes more difficult to tell the difference from here.
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