#someone give this kid a hug jesus christ
yingxtkm · 4 months
How Ever Crisis chapter 7-8 has me feeling rn. You outdid yourself again Sqenix, just when I thought I was prepared for the emotional damage, you somehow found a way to make it hurt even more
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porcelain-savior · 6 months
Pink Stuffed Cat
Stone x Reader
not proofread!
A/n: I saw someone send DEATH THREATS to someone else because they didn’t agree that Stone was gay, autistic and trans. LIKE BRO. Calm down! Don’t make the fandom like Hazbin Hotel’s fandom. We saw how that ended, now everyone hates the Hazbin Hotel fandom
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“I think this is enough to feed us for the weekend.” Stone said as he looked through a purse that he and you stole. The four of you, Stone, Vinnie, Skipp and you had spilt up to go steal from the rich to the richest people who were so caught up in their lives that they didn’t even notice. “Alright! Let’s start heading back then.” Stone nodded.
You both walked pasted a toy store. Something in the window had caught your eye. A pink stuffed cat. It’s childish—but it’s pink…and a cat. You stopped and stared, your eyes becoming bigger. “What are you staring at?” Stone asked as he glanced behind him at you. He raised an eyebrow as looked over your shoulder. “No.” Stone said as he began to tug at your arm. “Wait—! Just..” You whined as tried to reach out. “I am not risking to get caught just for some—shitty stuffed animal.” Stone said as he sighed. “Please Stone! Please please!” You begged as you stared up at him.
“..I hate you so much.” He groaned, rolling his eyes. “Come on.” He grumbled as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside of the toy store. A whole of rich loser kids were running around the store. “Jesus Christ..where is this stupid cat..” Stone looked around. “Right there!” You pointed. The both of you walk over. “Get ready to run.” Stone said as he shoved the cat into your arms. “3…2..” “Hey!” A kid yelled from below. The two of you look down and see some little kid. “That was the last limited addition, pink cat stuffed animal.” The kid said in a snobby tone. “Fuck off.” Stone said as he gripped your wrist. “Ready?” Stone turned to you. “Yeah.” You said, nodding. “Mommy! These scraps won’t give me the stuffed animal!” The kid cried, the mom stomped over. “Oh you scraps?! Thinking you can get away with everything!” The mother yelled. “Run!” You yelled as you grabbed Stone’s hand and began to run out of the store, only to be blocked by another person. “You think you can just steal?!”
“Shit..it’s always us.” Stone groaned as he slapped his face. “And yet we always get out of it?” You say as you shoved his shoulder a bit a smirk on your smirk. “You’re reckless.” Stone said as he pulled out a beer bottle from his coat. You took out your lighter and handed it to him. He quickly lit the bottle, threw it, grabbed you, before he jumped out the window.
As you both landed on the side walk, toys landing next to you. The place catches on fire. “..stone what the fuck.” “It was that or we both get stabbed by rich people who can’t even tie their own fucking shoes.” You both didn’t even realize that you two were holding onto to each other. “Gross..” Stone shoved you off, his cheeks only slightly pink. “Let’s go before we get blamed for this.” You said. Stone stood up and held his hand out for him, to which you grab.
✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩
“Wait—so you blew up that toy store for a stuffed animal?!” Vinnie said as she titled her to the side. Stone and you nodded. “..those poor toys..” Skipp signed shaking his head. “It was not worth it.” Stone sighed, glancing over to him. He noticed the small smile on your face has you hugged the stuffed animal cat. “But we got the stolen goods.” Stone said as he passed the bag to Vinnie and Skipp.
To Stone, seeing your smile was the best thing he’d probably seen all day.
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A/n: ok hi again I apologize if this is out of character for him 🤗
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babygirlmurdock · 8 months
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Foggy drops a very drunk Matt on your doorstep one night, which leads to confessions.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol Consumption
a/n: Got this idea from the writing prompt: “You're drunk." "Yes. And hopelessly in love with you." - from @creativepromptsforwriting and I love a little “i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” (iykyk). Also I was listening to You Are In Love by Taylor Swift writing this, although it doesn’t have direct correlation, I just love that song LOL. Please enjoy<3
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You were sound asleep until you heard a loud ringtone erupt from your bedside table. There’s only one person whose calls surpass your do not disturb.
You saw his contact photo and answered groggily, “hello?”
“Hey,” this was not Matt’s voice. “Matt’s, uh, really drunk right now. Someone had the great idea to do shots tonight…” Foggy was trying his best to sound normal over the phone, but he was clearly not sober.
You sat up, scrubbed your hand over your face and glanced over to your clock. 2:17 am. “Foggy, it’s 2 in the morning, I have work tomorrow, you can’t get Matt back to his apartment?” You complained to him. Matt was your closest friend. Grew up going to the same church in Hell’s Kitchen. He was kind of the loner kid, so one day you befriended him and you’ve been close ever since.
“He keeps saying he wants to see you! He kept babbling your name, so we’re about a block away from your apartment now. See you in a few!” Foggy cheerfully said not really giving you a choice.
“Foggy wai—aaand he hung up. Great,” you said to yourself before putting your phone back on your bedside table. You put on the closest sweatpants you found on your floor and one of your sweatshirts. After you found your slippers, you putzed downstairs to retrieve your inebriated friend. When you got outside, you heard the boys laughing from half way down the block. You sat on your stairs leading to your apartment while you waited for your two bumbling idiots.
Matt slurred your name as he approached and almost ate shit half jogging to you. “Jesus christ, Matt be careful it’s dark out here,” you scolded him.
“It’s all dark to me,” Matt laughed at you.
“Alright I walked into that, dick. Hey, thanks for bringing him at least… here. I’ll hydrate him and make sure he’s okay for work tomorrow,” you gave a ‘you owe me’ look over to Foggy as he said goodbye to you. You and Matt made your way up to your apartment.
You closed the door behind you after Matt stumbled in, took his glasses off and put them in his jacket pocket then put his cane on the wall. “Thank you for taking me in tonight, you’re a really good person,” Matt said, pulling you in for a hug.
“God, Murdock, you wreak of tequila,” you pulled away from his strong hug. “I’m gonna bitch Foggy out tomorrow for getting you this drunk on a work night. Why don’t you try to take a shower, I still have an old boyfriend’s sweats in my drawer. They should fit you,” you heard Matt huff as you went to your bedroom to grab the sweats and one of his shirts you stole from him and never gave back.
You knocked on the bathroom door and shouted that you left the shirt and sweats outside the door when he’s done. You went to the kitchen to grab aspirin and make him a Liquid IV mocktail. You really didn’t care if he was going hate the taste of it, it’s nearly 2:30 AM and you want him to go to sleep on your couch quickly. You heard the shower shut off and the door open and close again assuming Matt grabbed the clothing you provided him.
“Your body wash smells girly,” Matt commented as he made his way over to the couch to sit next to you.
“It’s almost like I am a girl… here drink this, take these. You know how I get with people puking and I don’t need any of that tomorrow morning and I know how pissy you get when you have a headache,” you handed Matt the glass and put the pills in his hand.
Matt put the pills in his mouth and swallowed them with the electrolyte mixture you gave him only to have him twist his face in disgust. “What is this? This isn’t water!” Matt protested holding the glass out to you signaling he didn’t want anymore.
“It’s liquid IV, it’s electrolytes. Supposed to hydrate you faster, a coworker suggested them for me when I had the stomach bug. Drink it,” You sternly said. You swore taking care of drunk Matt was like taking care of a stubborn toddler that didn’t want to eat their vegetables. He rolled his eyes and took another gulp out of the glass.
“You know, you should come out with the firm. Instead of being a stick in the mud,” Matt suggested, leaning into you. You huffed out in annoyance.
“Sorry I like my 8 hours of sleep and I’m not my own boss, sue me!” You threw your hands up in protest, “which my sleep is being rudely interrupted by the way.”
Matt leaned in a little closer to you, “your voice goes higher when you get mad at me.” You felt his body get close to you in a way that didn’t feel platonic. “And you breathe faster.”
“Most people breathe faster when they’re inconvenienced, Matt,” you tried to steady your breathing, trying not to sound flustered.
You and Matt knew each other on such a deep level that no one else got you like him and vise versa. Matt trusted you with his secrets and you trust him with yours. You were his first friend in the church. Learning about his dad’s death, being the first one to know he got into his top law school and staying up with him to help him study for the Bar Exam. You’ve been through everything together.
You’d be moronic to think that Matt wasn’t attractive. This man pulls any woman that he wants and you have to be the one to hear about the women he brings home. Whether that be positive or negative. You never thought about your friendship with him other than strictly platonic. Other than that one time you were dared to kiss him when you were 9 on the playground but you both always said that never counted as a real kiss because it was just a peck anyway. But to you, it was your first kiss. You loved telling the other girls at school that you kissed sweet Matt Murdock under the slide at recess.
Seeing Matt date these other girls but never give you the chance seemed like you two were just platonic. Nothing more. Plus you’re not his type, you’ve seen the women he has dated. Supermodel type. Not you. So you buried that feeling deep, deep down and hoped one day it would never be dug up again.
“You know I can hear your heart,” Matt said your name in a husky tone. “And it’s beating awfully loud…” Matt’s face was dangerously close to yours. Mere inches away from one another.
“You know— you know I don’t like when you listen to my heartbeat without my consent, Matthew.”
“And I like it when you call me Matthew. I like the sound of your voice. Have I ever told you that?” Matt’s eyebrows rose up as he drunkingly smirked at you.
“Matt, you’re drunk. I’m going to bed,” you stood up from the couch to make your way to your room.
“I’m in love with you.”
Those words made you stop dead in your tracks. “You—huh?” You whipped around looking at him in disbelief.
“I am. In love with you,” Matt looked up upon you. “Have been for the past few years now. I just never knew how to tell you. And—and I went out with Foggy tonight and ended up drinking way more than I remember. He was the first one to know. He finally pushed me tonight to say something to you. That’s why I’m here. I didn’t want to tell you. I never wanted to ruin our friendship. You’re so special to me, I—I didn’t want to fuck this up.” Matt’s voice slowly started to gain sobriety the more he spoke.
“Matty– I…” you trailed off. Matt Murdock is in love with you. You never thought you’d hear the words you buried come from his mouth.
Before you could finish, Matt cut you off, “I understand if you don’t feel the same. But you have to tell me now so I can get over it. Get over you.”
“No I.. I just—I need to process this information. When did you start feeling this way?” You sat down in the arm chair across from your couch.
“Maybe a few years ago. I always thought you were one of the best people I know. But those platonic thoughts… eventually turned… romantic. Specifically when you came to me with nowhere to go when your ex boyfriend kicked you out after he found out that you were still friends with me and Foggy. God, I hated hearing about him. You deserved better. I learned that night, holding you, while you cried, that I loved you more than a friend. But then came more flings, then I realized you probably didn’t feel the same way. So those feelings were shoved down. Until now,” Matt’s head hung low, looking like he regretted everything that was spewed out of his mouth. Word vomit is better than actual vomit. Although, you felt like you were actually going to vomit.
You stared at him, your heart felt like it was going to come up out of your throat. You knew you felt the same way. But god forbid you dated, and broke up, you didn’t want to lose him. You cherished him so much. The dead air hung there waiting to be brought back to life.
“Please say something,” Matt begged you.
“Matt, I’ve felt this way about you for years. But being me, I never wanted to say anything because I feared losing you,” your voice cracked as your continued, “I feared dating you and potentially breaking up and never having you in my life again.”
You knew Matt could hear your heartbeat out your chest. Your mind was going a million miles a minute processing this. The wave of relief hit Matt like a tsunami. He looked up with his eyes glossy with tears. You got up, made your way to the couch and sat down next to him.
“I don’t want to jump into a relationship with you right away though. I want to be really cautious. I want to kiss you in the worst way but—“
“So do it,” Matt interrupted you.
“If you’d let me finish—“
“I will be doing plenty of that,” Matt smirked at you.
“Shut up and listen to me! I want to kiss you, but I want to take this really slow, Matty. My last long term relationship, as you know, tore me apart. And I’m still healing from that. Doesn’t mean I’m not over him, because I am. But I’m so scared of being kicked out of the blue,” you said looking into his eyes. Your heart was steady and loud. Which meant you were being really serious. You didn’t want to dive in head first and say to the world you were boyfriend & girlfriend.
“Okay. We can do that. Whatever it takes to do this right, sweetie. That being said, can I take you on a date? There’s a wine bar that just opened we can go to. I know how much you love your wine,” Matt teased you about your love for wine.
“Yes you can take me on a date, Matty. I’d love to. Saturday?” You smiled at him. Your first date with Matt Murdock. You’ve only dreamed about him taking you out on a date. “I feel like a teenager right now. My first date with you!” You said all giddy.
Matt laughed at you, “Saturday. It’s a date. it’s cute when you get all flustered. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that over the last few years.”
“What the fuck? I thought I was hiding that so well!” You exclaimed.
“You have to remember,” Matt leaned, inches away from your face, “I can hear everything.”
“Fuck, you’re making it so hard not to kiss you. Not until after the first date though,” you tapped his nose with your finger teasingly.
“Already breaking my heart,” Matt pouted and put his hand over his heart dramatically. You laughed at him. Everything started to look like it was in technicolor. It started making sense. All those years ago, Matt touching your arm lingering his fingers. Him always complimenting you in such poetic ways. None of it was accidental. He wanted you in the same ways all along. You were too oblivious to notice his actions. You couldn’t wait until Saturday to have your first date with Matthew Murdock.
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tags: @yarrystyleeza
I feel like this fic can potentially have a set up for a part to for our reader and Matt on their first date? 👀
All credit to the original gif owner!
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stevieschrodinger · 3 months
Part One Two Three Four Five
What the fuck are you even so happy about? You fucked it up. Jesus you both fucked it up. I didn’t even know something like that could happen.
Eddie smiles at his bedroom ceiling in the dim light, “it was amazing.”
You hugged. Congratulations, you hugged a boy. Eddie can feel Billy roll his eyes.
“You don’t get it.”
There’s nothing to get, because nothing actually happened. Because somehow you both fucked up something as simple as kissing.
Eddie laughs, “you mad Billy? Mad you didn’t get to make out with Harrington?”
Fuck off. I don’t give a shit.
“Uh hu,” Billy is finally quiet. He leaves Eddie alone, lets him grin up at the clean ceiling from his clean new bed, in the room Steve set up for him. Filled with the things Steve went out of his way to save from the old trailer. There’s no beeping here, no hospital smells, he’s warm and comfortable and he’s full of Steve’s casserole and mashed potatoes.
The scent of Steve’s aftershave lingering in his nose, on his cheek.
They were going to kiss, Eddie’s pretty sure they were. They were both so close, heads tilted and eyes wide, but someone twitched wrong, something happened, both of them simultaneously sublimating whatever it was they were doing into a hug instead. Steve’s arms wrapped carefully around Eddie’s middle, conscious of the still healing wounds, his face tucked carefully against Eddie’s neck, ‘never done anything with a guy before.’ The whispered confession from Steve Harrington, the soft lips and sharp stubble against Eddie’s neck.
A confession that means he was going to do something with a guy. Or at least was interested in doing something with a guy, and that guy was, presumably, Eddie.
An incredible turn of events, really.
‘Never done anything with anyone,’ Eddie had whispered back, earning himself a snort of a laugh. God natured though. Happy.
‘We can go slow.’
And Steve had left with a big sappy smile and a dorky little finger tip wave and a promise they would hang out tomorrow.
Eddie sighs. Then grabs a pillow so he can scream into it. And then he’s kind of just grinning, laughing a little, he’s just so fucking happy.
Jesus christ, you fuck ups are actually made for each other.
“I hope so.”
What is this we’re doing now.
Eddie ignores him, sets up his DM shield, his books, his dice. Unpacks his pencils, his notes. Eddie always plays it fast and loose, he’s got a vague plan sure. As long as he knows the plan and the motivations of the bad guys, everything else falls into place pretty easily.
So this is the nerd thing you’ve been planning for.
He wants this one to be good; first game with Will the Wise present, after all. Steve’s in the kitchen, left Eddie to set up the finishing touches. They’re going to hang out and watch a movie once all the kids have gone, and Eddie’s pretty sure he couldn’t have planned a more perfect day if he tried. Steve’s even making them snacks. He’s done something to the dining room table to make it even bigger, unfolding some extra hidden bit of wood to make it longer; wild rich people shit.
The bell tolls; the kids are at the door, and Eddie can’t suppress his joy at having all the kids here together, everyone alive and well. Well, except for Max, which is shitty, but all the kids are going to go and visit her after this, so that’ll be nice for her.
He wants to prance to the front door, leap and skip and play he’s so buzzing with excitement for this, but one single hop is enough for his body to remind him, pretty sharply, that he is absolutely not ready for that sort of nonsense just yet, so he walks instead.
Jesus christ, this kid is a straight up savage.
Lady Applejack stares Eddie down over his DM shield.
Could have done with her against the Mindflayer.
“I’m going to attack.”
Of course she is.
Eddie claps joyously, “everyone roll for initiative.”
Eddie’s standing now, can’t possibly just sit with all this going on, “and that is a hit, his mighty war hammer crashing into your armor with a resounding smack, for one D10 of damage…”
“Dustin,” Mike hisses, “how much health do you even have?”
Dustin shakes his head, worried, but doesn’t answer. Lucas is hanging onto Dustin's shoulder, looking down at Dustin’s character sheet. Eddie’s dice clatters on the table behind the DM shield, Lucas signals ‘five’ to will with his fingers.
The whole table collectively holds it’s breath as Eddie watches his die roll and settle on a nine. “It’s a glancing blow! Your armor must absorb some of the hit as you take four points of damage!”
Eddie, no, don’t lie. Kill the little shit-you're too soft on them.
Will immediately starts on his turn, so excited, “I cast Cure Light Wounds!”
Of course he does.
Why is this taking them so long?
The most simplistic puzzles are the best.
Literally all the have to do is match the colors. I can’t believe how dumb they are.
Eddie does his best to hold in the snort. Doesn’t quite succeed and earns a scathing look from Erica. Yep. They are over thinking it a little.
This is so frustrating, how can you even sit through this.
Watching them struggle is the fun. They’ll get it in a minute.
We’re going to grow old and die here.
They sit and listen to the kids argue a little longer, coming up with wilder and wilder theories on how to solve what is the simplest color match game Eddie could come up with.
Baldie is staring at us.
Don’t call her that, Eddie’s reply is reflexive, but Billy is right. El is watching them.
Eddie isn’t surprised when she lingers. Deliberately makes it so that she’s the last standing on the porch. The boys shot off on their bikes, but El, Mike and the ferocious Lady Applejack are hitching a ride with Nancy.
She waves to him through the wind shield, then turns, talking to Mike.
“Do you talk to him?”
No preamble. Just those big fucking eyes looking up at Eddie. Knowing. A little kid should not look like that.
“Yeah, all the time.” In his mind, Billy is still and quiet. Watching warily.
“Is he alright?”
“He’s still a massive dick, so, I guess so, yeah.”
“Does Max know?”
She cuts right to the heart of it, this kid, “she’s the only one who knows.”
She nods, “for now,” and then leaves, running to get in the car without a care in the world.
She’s terrifying.
I know, fucking great isn’t it?
Part seven
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gadriezmannsgirl · 11 days
Babyyyy!!!! 🎶🎵 I like your styleeee ✨🎶🎵
Girly girl, since Pedri decided to honor his words and cut his hair, grow a mustache and ruined his beautiful curls. I'm going to need you to make me a fic about it, pronto.
Love you, bye 😀❤️🥺🙏🏻
His hair it's slowly growing back🥹 and thank god he got the rid out of the moustache🤭 this is a bit old and I'm sorry for the wait, dear.
AN: I'm in a bit of a hiatus from writing, my fics will come once in a while until I hopefully can get back into full writing
What Did You Do? -P.G8
Summary: Getting home to find the surprise your boyfriend has for you
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"Amor? I'm home!" You called out taking off your shoes, you closed your eyes softly feeling the weight of the day and wanting nothing more than being in your boyfriend's arms as you play with his hair.
"In the kitchen, preciosa!"
Walking towards the sound of his voice, you saw him with his back to you as he listened to the indications someone was giving him.
"Hey" You hugged his back softly before leaving a kiss on his shoulder and walking to be in front of him "Is that Fer? Tell him I said-what the fuck?" Your hands covered half of your face.
Pedri let out a wide grin "You want me to tell him that?"
"Pedro Gonzalez Lopez! What the fuck did you do?" You gasped "Why the hell do you have a moustache? And what the hell happened to your gorgeous hair? Why is it like that? Why are you almost bald? What is going on?" You heard laughter coming from your boyfriend and his phone where someone, most likely his brother, had heard every single thing you said.
"Remember when I told you that I made a promise if Spain wins the Euros?" you hum still looking shocked "Well... We won and this is it" He says noticing your quiet but powerful gaze "What do you think?"
"No, absolutely not" You shook your head "You're kidding"
"I'm not! I'm a man of word, if I promise something I'll do it"
"Ay señor Jesucristo" (Oh, Lord Jesus Christ) "Where's your hair?"
"In the bin. Why?"
"Can't we just... glue it back?" Fer exploded in laughter, you could see on the screen he was red and close to tears
"It'll grow back!"
"Yes, we need to get you some oils so it can grow faster"
"I told you she wouldn't like it, mano" Fer said
"Is it really bad? You don't like it?" Pedri's sad face made your heart break and you sighed searching for the right words.
"It's not that I don't like it... Es que pienso que así te ves como un señor" (It's just that I think that you look like an old man) You reply instantly making Fer laugh once again and Pedri gave you a look "Como un señor de 40" (Like a 40 year-old man)
"I can't. I'm going to pee myself" Fer said "See you guys!" You waved goodbye to Fer and after the call ended you turned around to face Pedri.
"Un señor muy guapo pero de igual forma, un señor" (A very handsome but still an old man)
"Bonita" He said
"I'm not lying! I admit it's not my favorite look on you but I do think you look handsome either way!" You went over to hug him, you felt his arms wrap around your back "But we do need to get all types of oil, shampoo... Everything" He nods
"Whatever you say, preciosa"
"And here I was, wanting to love you and to play with your hair to relax after my day"
"You can still do it" You touched his hair feeling it, you made a face "It's scratchy" You look at him "Why couldn't you promise to dye your hair, huh?"
"Bah, amor. That's lame, everybody decides to do it" you gave him a look
"It's worst cutting off your hair!" You cry out "And mostly when you also decide to also do a moustache"
"Relax and gimme a kiss, my hair will grow back soon"
"You're crazy if you think I'm going to kiss you with the moustache"
"I'm not kissing you until you get the rid off your moustache!"
"Why not?"
"I don't want to kiss a 40 year-old man!"
"I'm 21!"
"With that moustache, you don't!"
"But I need to have this for a few days!"
"Don't expect a kiss from me in the next few days!" You said getting out of his hold
"Amor, you can't do that!"
"Yes, I can. You did that" You point to his hair and moustache "I do this"
"Noup. Not happening" He rushed upstairs leaving the stove with the food done
"Hey, is the food ready?"
"I don't know, please check!"
"I want to take a shower, pepi!"
"And I'm getting the rid out of this moustache. Can't have my girl not kissing me!" You smiled and shook your head.
You turned to the stove and took care of the pasta, Pedri was doing. You felt a ding on your phone so you put it out.
Want to keep adding to your shopping cart? Check out the new hygiene and household products!
"Oh! Yes, totally. I need hair products for my boyfriend, this is a need now"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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cupidscrule · 8 months
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Stepdad!Leon X Fem!Reader
Cw - p in v, daughter chasing after dad, stepcest, noncon(?) Unprotected
WRD- 1.5k
You always knew your dad was hot, total babe back in the 2000's ever since you were a kid your friends always gushed over him, and it was fair, always thought it was gross though. Like he's YOUR dad, stepdad yeah but he still raised you, sure he had a cute face, big arms, his pornstar tits were an add on. But he was Dad, nothin' more, But fuck the way he cups your cheek when your sad, hugs you, gives you that awkward Dad kiss. Just makes you yearn for him, which is wrong you know it's wrong but it's like that itch.
Your friends are always tellin' you how lucky you are, not only is Dad hot, he's nice y'know? Real good dad, picks you up everyday, gets you real nice things. Best guy honestly can see why Mom picked him!
"Hi kiddo, you wanted to check out that new place-?" Dad said opening your bedroom door, stupid fucken smile on his dumb hot face
'bury your face in my tits'
"Oh no -! It's okay- really I'm real tired"
'fuck me till I can't breathe'
"Huh- alright, come down soon dinners gonna be ready, and sorry Moms not home yet she said she'd be here in a few weeks 'k?"
'i wanna scream your name'
"Oh it's alright, and of course dad!"
With that he left, shutting the door halfway, dick move but it probably wasn't on purpose, the smell of his colone in the room, only imagining Dad stuff you up. God your disgusting, this is dad. Fourth something year old DAD, since when did you have these thoughts about him, as a kid sure you always thought he was cute 'ohhb I would totally date someone as big and strong as my Daddy!'
But it was LIKE, not actually him. But you can't stop thinkin' about him, wanting Dad to shove your face in the mattress pull on your hair, do the shit they do in pornos. Nasty thoughts, feeling gross and hot imagining all the shit you wanna do with the poor guy, as he just stood there not knowin' thinking your his innocent little daughter who could do no wrong! Oh no she would never have sex before marriage! Oh no my little girl doesn't even cuss!
Yeah right Dad, mhm. Actin' like in middle school my friends weren't blushing over you, whenever you walked in.
Fucken idiot, your little girls not pure, she's not good. She ain't innocent, hell she fantasizes about fucken you every day. It doesn't matter, nothings ever gonna come of this right? Just walk downstairs, eat dinner with dad and go back in your room and sleep it off.
"Sweetiee you finnaly came, how was your day?" Dad says sitting across from you, he didn't even cook. Fucken liar this was clearly some bullshit from a 4 star restaurant he just put on a plate. "Oh it's fine, nothin' much." You say staring at the table, trying to distract yourself from him, how he smells, how he sits, how he opens his mouth, the way he moves his bangs out of his dumb face, his breath. The intoxicating feeling of just bein' near him now.
"Are you okay?"
"Why'd you ask that? You know I'm always fine-" you say in response, playing with your fingers, avoiding his gaze. God feels like a crush in primary school, messin' up words and giggling to your friends about the fastest guy. "You just don't seem like yourselfer Hun, you can always talk to me you know that?" He says, feeling his eyes on you, not in a creepy way more an endearing way which somehow made your entire situation worse. "yeah- I know, don't worry it's fine!" You mumble, lookin' up at him, god he really was dreamy, just wanting him to- NO no more fantasy's.
You finish up, so does he. He just gives you that concerned Dad look before you get up and run back up the stairs like a bitch and lock yourself in your room, typing into Google
'how to stop liking your dad'
'is it normal to have a crush on your dad'
'is it illegal to fuck your step dad'
Jesus Christ your search history, just laying on your side in your bed. Thighs squeezed together tryna' stop thinking about dad, you've seen him shirtless before. Yeah you felt a little hot in your core before, anytime he hugged you you felt so- just so warm. Not the lovey Awee dad and daughter warm, more like if your boyfriend hugged you nice and tight! Feels good, feels warm and fuzzy, pit in your stomach that can only be filled by one thing.
Tossin' and turnin' it's only 6:00pm shit, Dad's still downstairs probobly watching some old movie, he really likes thoughs for some reason, and westerns it's kinda creepy but your the one who wants to fuck him so you really can't be judging. your thoughts are too much to bare, a girl can only last so long on the edge, panties soaked thinking about shit, and hell when you can actually recreate what you want, Nothing's stopping you. Other then ethics but who even cares anymore, walking downstairs to Dear ol' Daddy, bingo.
"Mm- Dad-? Can I talk to you?" You mutter walking up behind the sofa he's laying in, playing with your fingers, how do even address this like,
'Oh yeah dad! Can you just bend your daughter over and fuck her till she's blubbering nonsense, you raised her since she was seven but y'know !!'
"Hm, yeah of course, what's the problem bunny?" He says sitting up, glancing behind him to your miserable face, little frown on your lips. He raises a brow seeing your face, you felt all fuzzy feeling your throat get dry, the hell were you supposed to do?
"Uh Dad, can- can you come upstairs" you mutter looking at him, feeling your chest get heavy. Of course dear Daddy doesn't wanna disappoint you so he gets up and walks over to ya
"What's wrong, Hun?" He says, so sweetly fuck. Looken' all concerned for you, just fall into his chest, even though Dad was in shape he had fatass boobs, real nice to put your face in whenever he hugged ya. Just like always as a concerted Daddy does he puts an arm around you, pulling you nice and tight, "Baby?" He says in that same voice, pullin' your face away from his body, looking down at you.
"Can- can we just sit down" you say grabbing his hand forcefully and leading him to the nice leather sofa, you didn't know much about Mom but she really liked expensive shit and this was the only thing at home she bought..
You push him onto his back, his head resting on the arm, he looked kinda confused, like a puppy! You crawl over on top on him, ass rested on his lower pelvis. "Hey Bunny this is a little- whats wrong?" Dad says trying to carefully lift you off of him, awe stupid Daddy actin' like you're just gonna listen to him
"Dad just let me do this- please, you love me right?" You say looking at him in the eyes, pout on your stupid lips, he just nods slowly as a response. Unzippin' his jeans, wow this really is a shitty porno plot.
'Cute stepdaughter seduces and fucks her Dad while Mom isn't home!'
Jesus Christ you fucking creep.
With his pants open pulling out is fat cock, he wasn't hard which kinda hurt, you were being all cute and all dad did was just sit and stare in shock. Like sure you were gropen him and stuff but he could put some effort in it? Whatever doesn't matter-? You sit on his thighs pulling off your night pants, your panties were already wet from earlier, sadly it seemed Dad didn't really wanna reinact your fantasy so you gotta do all the work, flicking your garments to the side, crawling back onto him. Placing your hips over his Dick, and taking it in, feeling his tip touch your cervix "Mm- fuck-" you murmer, taking a second before getting used to it, slowly moving your hips back and forth, feeling ever little movement. It was euphoric, hands on his chest, looking at his face he looked like he was trying to not enjoy it, but you could tell he was. You felt his breath get heavier anytime you went faster, such a good boy.
His fat dick bruising your womb, your walls squeezing against him, you could hear Dad muttering curse words under his breath, made you feel kinda better about this whole thing. Going to your high and getting that numbing feeling, stomach felt warm, brain all fuzzy and messy collapsing onto him, feeling that warm stuff leaking out of you, pulling yourself off Dad, laying on his chest, glancing up at him, seeing his flushed and disturbed face, awe it was so cute!
He probably felt horrible but you felt amazing, fuck best experience. Putting your arms aside his
"I love you Dad.." you spout into his shirt
"Your Mother can't hear about this B-bunny.." he replies, putting one of arms on your back, you could feel his chest go up and down so cute.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Steve held onto Eddie tightly, needing some time to process everything that had happened over the past few minutes: the confessions, the amazed laughter, the sensation of Eddie's lips against his own... It all felt so different from what he was used to, even now, when they were simply holding each other, their heads buried in the crooks of each other's necks. Eddie smelt differently, tasted differently; everything about him felt different. He was all sharp edges, not a single curve beneath Steve's fingers... But their bodies still fit together perfectly, even though it felt so different from any girl Steve had ever held in his arms.
'Are you okay, Stevie?' Eddie murmured softly in the silence between them.
'Yeah. Just, like, really overwhelmed,' Steve answered.
And apparently, that had been the wrong answer: with an unexpected abruptness, Eddie let go of Steve, took a step back, his eyes wide.
'What's wrong?' Steve asked. Eddie knew that Steve had never done anything with a guy before, he knew very well that this was all new for Steve – so why did he look so shocked by Steve being overwhelmed? Wasn't overwhelmed a good thing?
'What do you mean, overwhelmed?'
Steve felt like he was overlooking something here, like a big part of this conversation was hiding in plain sight but he was too stupid to recognize it.
'I don't know, just like... This is all new for me. But good new! It's just gonna take some getting used to, I guess.'
Something in Eddie's gaze hardened. 'It's gonna take some getting used to, huh?' Eddie echoed. Steve flinched by how mocking those words sounded.
'Jesus Christ, I can't believe I actually thought... I can't do this, man.'
Something felt so completely wrong and Steve still had no idea why this was happening. 'I don't understand.'
'Look.' Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep breath, then opened them again. 'I've heard this one before. A little more often than I would've liked, to be honest. Some guy being all sweet and telling me he cares about me and shit. And then all of a sudden when shit gets real it's like “Sorry Eddie, I'm so overwhelmed” – and I'll give them time, be patient, because I actually believe them when they tell me they care about me. And it's all love behind closed doors, and it feels damn near perfect, until I see them when we're not behind closed doors anymore and they act like I'm a fucking stranger, or a freak, or worse than that. But I need to understand that they're so overwhelmed, so scared, that it's a lot, that I'm a lot and – I'm not made for loving behind closed doors, Steve, I can't do that. I can't be someone's dirty secret anymore. Not again, and certainly not with you.'
Steve felt his heart break for Eddie. Whoever those guys were, whoever had hurt Eddie like that – he wanted to tell them exactly how disgusting they were. Not for loving boys, but for treating the most perfect boy in the fucking universe like that. Like a dirty secret. Like something that needed to be hidden away.
He wanted nothing more than to hold Eddie just as tight as only a minute before, to kiss him and tell him how wrong he was when he thought that that's what Steve meant when he said he was overwhelmed... But right now, Eddie didn't really look like he'd appreciate another hug or a kiss, so instead, Steve settled for grabbing his hand. He saw Eddie's jaw clench, felt how he tried to pull away, but he strengthened his grip, stubbornly refusing to let go.
'I hate that that happened to you,' he told Eddie. 'And those guys – they were all fucking stupid. I would never – I don't wanna hide behind closed doors, either, Eddie, I promise. I'd happily tell Robin and Nancy, and even the kids, right this moment, if that's what you want. Hell, I would tell anyone, scream it off the fucking rooftops. I swear I didn't mean it like that.'
Finally, that guarded look started to disappear from Eddie's eyes.
'All I meant,' Steve continued, 'is that this is new, and different, and yeah, maybe it is a bit scary - but only in the best possible way. I don't think I've ever been more certain about what I'm feeling than right now, with you.' He squeezed Eddie's hand. 'And that's fucking overwhelming, but that doesn't mean I want to hide it away. I know that you have so much love to give. I can't believe how lucky I am to be the one to receive it. And I'd never wanna hide something so precious behind closed doors. Even if I'll always continue to be overwhelmed by it.'
Eddie opened his mouth, but the words seemed to get stuck in his throat. A single tear escaped from his eyes and rolled over his cheek.
Steve took a step closer, gently brushed away the tear with the hand that wasn't holding Eddie's. And when Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve's torso again, clinging onto him with something that almost felt like desperation, Steve was again struck by how different this all was. How overwhelming. How infinitely precious.
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ladykissingfish · 8 months
*Sasuke being brought home from a date by Naruto* Sasuke: I had a great time tonight, Dobe. But next time, let's skip Ichiraku's, huh? Naruto: Oh, come on ... it's fine dining at it's best, dattebayo! Sasuke: Well at least you got me some good flowers ... *takes a whiff of the bouquet in his hands* Thanks for that. Naruto, blushing: They're not as beautiful as you, but they're pretty close, eh? Sasuke: *leans in and kisses Naruto* Mm. Goodnight, see you tomorrow. Sasuke: *hugs Naruto, then calmly walks in the door and shuts it gently behind him* Itachi: Little bro! How was your -- Sasuke: *unleashes an unholy scream* Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Obito: Jesus Christ, kid! What's the matter?! Sasuke: RED ROSES! HE GAVE ME RED ROSES! Shisui: So? Sasuke: Are you an idiot?! RED roses means, "I want you, I DESIRE you"!! Obito: Oi, I think you're reading a little too much into it. Red roses are a very common flower to give someone on a date. They -- Sasuke, sinking to the floor and putting his hands in his head: Oh lord, I'm not ready for any of it! I'm not ready for such a strong commitment! I'm too young to get married! And kids? I can barely keep my goldfish alive! Fugaku, reading the paper, to Mikoto: Do you want to handle this, or should I? Mikoto, sipping tea: Let them deal with it. Itachi, crouching beside Sasuke: Oi, oi, calm down, kid. They're literally just flowers. Now I know Naruto is really impulsive with a lot of things, but I highly doubt that some measly flowers are an indication that he's trying to force a commitment out of you. Shisui: Itachi is right. So relax, take things slow. Obito: And stop trying to take my gimmick, kid. I'M the one who's supposed to get all worked up over things! Sasuke: M-maybe you're right, maybe I am just being dramatic ... *meanwhile, at Kakashi's apartment* Kakashi: Well, how did it go, kid? Naruto: Well, I was able to give him the flowers, and they were the color we talked about, but ... Naruto: *pulls a ring box out of his pocket* Naruto: I think I'm going to have to work up to giving him this.
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roostersbby69 · 3 months
0.1 | For old times sake
Summary: Bradley hasn’t gotten any action with his wife. They didn’t have kids, not because of their jobs, but because she just didn’t want to anymore. Bradley had a very high sex drive, and his maid that his wife hired might just give him a memory refresh of how good sex is.
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x maid reader
Word count: 9159
For old times sake masterlist. Full masterlist.
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Bradley watched as his wife, Isabelle, walked through the kitchen with her phone up to her ear.
“Sounds good…” She listened to the other person and nodded, “Uh huh, thats right. Okay see you then.” She hung up and wrote something down on their calendar on the fridge.
“What’s going on?” He asked as he tore his eyes away from the baseball game playing on their tv.
“I hired a maid, she’ll be here in a couple minutes.” She mumbled and never looked at him as she tapped on her phone.
He nodded, scrunched his brows and turned back to her, “Why do we need a maid again?”
“Because, Bradley, I’m getting tired of doing all of this housework.” She sighed and rolled her eyes as if trying to tell him something, without telling him. She shoved her phone in her pocket and scoffed.
He shook his head and turned back to the tv. If housework was a problem then he could pitch in, it’s not like they had kids running around the house making messes. Or dogs shedding everywhere and taking a piss in every room.
He watched as Isabelle walked back into the bathroom and slammed the door. He groaned and paused the tv before getting up and walking back to the room.
He softly knocked on the door, “Hun?”
“What?” She snapped, which took him back. She opened the door after a second and crossed her arms before him.
He brought his hands to her hips and teased them up her shirt. He smiled and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
She took her hands against his strong chest and shook her head, “No, Bradley, I’m not in the mood.”
He watched her walk away, “What!? You’re never in the mood, Isabelle.
She turned back around with a shocked look on her face, “Maybe it’s because it’s all you ever want to do!”
He ran his hands down his face and sighed before walking into their shared bedroom and closing the door.
“Jesus you’re so infuriating.” He mumbled to himself as he sat on the edge of the bed. He didn’t know if he was saying that to himself or his wife. He rested his head in his hands and tried to calm himself down. Every night he tried to make love to her, every anniversary he tried to show her how much he cared for her. But yet every time he tried to make a move, she would push him away and say ‘she wasn’t in the mood’.
It became old, he missed having sex and getting physical with someone. Before long, his balls will be dried up raisins.
He heard the doorbell ring and heard his wife answer the door and greet someone.
He sighed before getting up and deciding to see who had come, it was probably that stupid maid she hired.
A young woman walked inside and smiled as the older woman welcomed her in.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Isabelle smiled and closed the door.
“You as well, thank you so much for contacting me.” The young woman softly said.
Bradleys breath got caught in his throat at the sight of her. He thought some old woman was going to be cleaning their house, no, a young woman in her early twenties stood smiling with a bag on her shoulder. Her hair was in a clip on her head and short shorts hugged her smooth thighs.
Her sunglasses sat on her head and a dainty golden necklace hung from her pretty throat.
“This is my husband, Bradley.” Isabelle pointed to Bradley who was still gawking at her in the living room.
“Hi, Mr. Bradshaw.” The girl waved shyly at him.
He swallowed thickly, “Uh, hi.” His palms were sweaty and he cleared his throat trying to compose himself. She was way younger than him for christs sake. He shouldn’t be admiring her like this, especially in front of his wife.
“I have Pilates class in about twenty minutes” she checked her watch, “I better get running, Bradley might leave to give you some space to clean, so don’t worry about him.” She waved Bradley off and grabbed her tote bag from the floor.
“Okay, thats fine.” The girl smiled sweetly as Mrs. Bradshaw walked towards the door.
She waved at Bradley and walked out of the house without kissing him or saying good bye.
Bradley turned to the young girl as she started to speak.
“I’m Y/n.” She smiled sweetly and extended her hand to him.
Bradley took it in his much larger hand and shook it, he noticed how soft it was and how small it felt in his.
“Good to meet you. I’ll, uhm, stay out of your way, I’ll probably go back to take a nap.” He retracted his hand from hers and pointed a thumb back to his room.
“Oh, no worries, you won’t be a bother.” You smiled and set you bag down at the table.
He nodded and awkwardly walked back to his room, he closed the door softly and discarded his shirt and shorts. His cock sprang inside of his boxers and his eyes widened at the massive boner that had accompanied him.
“Shit.” He whispered.
You hummed while you wiped down the counters, earlier you had taken of your sweatshirt and left yourself in your tank top and shorts. Mr. Bradshaw was asleep so it’s not like it would be inappropriate right now.
The dishes were done, the fan was dusted, the laundry was folded, and the floors were mopped. All you had to do was wipe down the windows, tables, and counters. Then you would be finished for the day.
The house smelled amazing, you used a peach scented floor cleaner and disinfectant spray. You lit the candles that looked like they hadn’t been lit in a long time. And used a linen spray for the couches.
Bradley groaned as he rubbed his eyes and yawned, his nap was much needed. After spending his days stressing over Isabelle, he didn’t get great sleep at night. She already snores, and talks in her sleep, so Bradley tosses and turns at night trying to get in a comfy position, trying to block out the noise.
Today’s nap was everything he needed from the past few months.
He slid on some sweatpants and walked out of the room, he heard humming and stopped in his tracks, that didn’t sound like Isabelle. She didn’t sing as beautifully as this voice, and she never hummed around the house.
He peeked around the corner to see you wiping down the kitchen counters. His eyes trailed down to see your ass ever so slightly shaking, your shoes were off and left neatly at the door. Your hair was still up but a little messier, probably from the cleaning, and you had discarded your sweatshirt and stood in your tank top.
He swallowed and walked further in, casually, and cleared his throat.
You spun around and smiled once you caught sight of him, “Hello, Mr. Bradshaw.” You turned around to move to the other side of the sink to spray the disinfectant spray and wipe it down.
“Hey.” Was all he could say, he didn’t think it was appropriate to start a conversation with his wife’s maid. So he sat down at the couch and turned on the baseball game.
Bradley was asleep for almost forty minutes, which wasn’t long, but it did refresh him. Isabelle’s Pilates class lasted about two hours then after she usually went to grab lunch with her friends.
Bradley’s eyes snuck over to you where you stood, grabbing the window cleaner and a clean rag.
There was a patio, that the Bradshaws rarely used, and a sliding glass door. You unlocked it and slid it open to step outside and close it once again.
His eyes darted back to the game once you faced him and they slowly but surely made their way back to your figure.
You bent down to grab the bottle and sprayed the glass, he watched as it dripped down past your body and he couldn’t help but imagine that this is what it looked like if you stepped into his shower which had a similar glass door.
He placed his hand on the side of his face to conceal the way his eyes often slid back to you, back and forth from the game to you cleaning.
He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut when you began to wipe down the glass and your boobs jiggled in the most sinful way possible.
Isabelle’s didn’t come close to what yours looked like. Yours were young, yes, perky, and the skin was tight and smooth.
The exposed flesh was practically begging to come out of that tiny top you were wearing. His eyes slid down to your legs and watched as your thighs glowed in the sunlight.
You were shorter than Isabelle, not in a weird way, but a cute way. Isabelle was taller, slimmer, and had bony fingers. Her hair was pin straight and reached her collar bones, her Botox she had gotten was a little too much for Bradley, but he never said anything about it after they got married.
But you were so natural, and Bradley thought that was attractive. He shouldn’t be thinking like this, you’re young, and he’s married.
But he couldn’t help it, if any guy looked at you they would think the same.
You hummed as you finished up, oblivious to the man that was eyeing you like you were candy.
You grabbed the things from outside and slid back inside, closing the door behind you.
You put all the cleaning supplies back up and made sure the house looked spotless before your first paycheck.
Bradley lifted his head when you walked into the room with your bag and shoes on, “I’m all finished, Mrs. Bradshaw said to come back on Sunday, so I’ll get here around 3:00.” You smiled.
He stood up and nodded, “She left this for you.” He grabbed a white envelope and handed it to you. You took it softly and smiled.
“Thank you so much!” You squeaked and placed it into your bag on your shoulder. “It was nice to meet you.”
“Nice meeting you too.” He nodded and shortly smiled, awkwardly.
“I’ll be back on Sunday, Mr. Bradshaw.” You waved and opened the front door.
“I’ll be here.” He waved and watched as you closed the door with a smile on your face.
He could really get used to this.
Part 2.
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meganwritesfanfics · 1 year
Hell I'm just a Kid Myself
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Jamie Tartt x Reader
The reader finds out she is pregnant with Jamie's baby and she is terrified of what his response will be when he finds out.
I'm planning on making this a series so feel free to comment what you would like to see moving forward.
Check out Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
She stared at the test sitting on the counter, and it felt like she couldn’t breathe. This couldn’t be happening right now.  The plus sign was staring back at her clear as day. She was pregnant. 
“Baby!” She heard a voice echo through the hallway. The familiar Mancurian accent of her boyfriend that usually brought a smile to her face filled her with dread. “I need to head to practice.” 
“Hey Jamie, I’m not feeling well I will see you when you come home.” 
“Do you want me to pick you up anything? Is it your lady time.” Jamie asked and a comment like that would have usually made Y/N roll her eyes and laugh but the reality of the situation at hand had her terrified. 
“Um, yeah, if you could pick me up some chocolate that would be great.” She lied the thought of any food making her nauseous. 
“I love you.” Jamie called and her heart broke. 
They hadn’t been dating for even a year, there was no discussion of a future, and now they were faced with it whether they liked it or not. 
As she heard the front door shut and the sound of his Ashton pulling out of the driveway, Y/N slid to the floor. 
“What am I going to do?” She thought. Suddenly she realized there was only one person she needed to talk to, someone who would give her instant clarity. She crawled her way to the bedroom and grabbed her phone. 
“I need you.” She texted before she curled up onto the bed. 
It took what felt like ages but in reality was record time before she heard the doorbell ring. Before she even had the chance to get out a bed, the door bell rang again. Then by the time she made it out of the room he was pounding on the door. 
“Y/N!” He screamed and she knew that if she didn’t hurry he would bust the door down. 
“Jesus Christ,” She sighed as she through open the door. 
“Where is the prick, what did he do?” Roy snapped his eyes wild. 
“I’m pregnant.” 
Roy’s jaw dropped. “Fuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkk.” 
Y/N broke and buried her face into Roy’s chest as she cried. 
By the time she time Y/N finally calmed down her and Roy had made their way to the couch. 
“What did he say when you told him?” Roy asked. 
“I haven’t told him yet, I found out literally a half hour ago.” 
“Fuckin’ hell!” Roy snapped. “You mean to tell me you told me before you told Jamie.” 
“Yes I…” Y/N started. 
“That is far too much pressure! Plus Jamie is going to kill me. Why haven’t you told him?” 
“I don’t know how he is going to react. We haven’t talked about, I mean fuck Roy we haven’t even being dating that long, and he’s only 25. I’m only 27 I don’t and what about his career. I don’t want to ruin that I just…” Y/N panicked. 
“Woah, hey, look at me.” Roy said as he grabbed her hand. “You cannot panic about something when you don’t even know what the outcome is going to be. Jamie is crazy about you.” 
“And I’m crazy about him, but a baby Roy I don’t know what we are going to do.” 
“It is something that you need to discuss with him, and if he does anything remotely prickish I will kill him.” 
Y/N laughed. “You love him and you know it.” 
Roy grunted causing Y/N to laugh even more. 
Y/N gave Roy a large hug. “Thank you for being the best grumpy therapist a girl could as for.” 
Roy cracked a smile. “Give Jaime a chance, I think he will surprise you.” 
“I hope you are right.” Y/N sighed and she could feel the anxiety in her stomach growing. 
Y/N knew that if she stayed at home and waited until Jamie got back that she was going to go absolutely insane, so instead, she made her way to Nelson Road Stadium. 
Roy walked with her and he could see how badly she was shaking as they walked through the halls. 
“Everything is going to be ok.” Roy tried his best to sooth. 
“Yeah, of course.” Y/N replied but she wasn’t sure. 
“Y/N!” The whole team cheered when she came into the locker room. Ever since she started dating Jamie she had become a regular at the Dog Track and all the guys loved her. 
“Hi baby,” Jamie smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up swinging her around. 
Her heart felt like it was breaking, she couldn’t help but feel that this could be the last moments she had with Jamie. So she held on tighter than she should. 
“Are you ok?” He whispered. 
“Can I talk to you, in private?” She whispered back. 
She could feel Jamie tense up as he set her back down his eyes full of concern as he looked her up and down trying to figure out what was wrong. 
“Ya’ um, this way.” He said as he grabbed her hand and walked her towards the boot room. 
On her way out she caught Roy’s gaze and watched as he mouthed “Good luck.” 
“Is something wrong or did you just want to see me,” Jamie smirked
“I love you Jamie, so much you know that right.” 
Jamie’s face dropped. “What’s wrong, what did I do?” He asked and Y/N watched his jaw clench. 
“Oh Jamie,” Y/N gasped as she grabbed his face in her hands. “Honey, you didn’t do anything, well actually you did, or rather we did, a lot.” 
“I’m confused, are you breaking up with me or…” 
“No God no, I… fuck.” Y/N said her eyes well up with tears. 
“Baby, you are really starting to freak me out, what’s going on?” 
“I’m… I’m pregnant.” 
Jamie laughed. “Jesus, you really freaked me out Y/N I thought something was wrong.” 
Y/N stared at Jamie tears streaming down her face. 
His laughter faded and and she watched as reality hit in. “You’re preg… how?” 
“Jamie, do I really need to explain that to you.” 
“No that’s not what I mean I… you are pregnant.” He gaped. 
Y/N nodded. 
Jamie opened his mouth but no words came out, for the first time since she met him, Jamie Tartt was speechless. 
“Please say something, I’m freaking out and I just need to know what you are thinking.” Y/N pleaded. 
“I…” He started and Y/N could see the tears in his eyes. “I need to get back to practice.” 
Then he pulled Y/N in for a long kiss before he turned and left. 
“Wait Jamie!” She called. “Fuck!” 
The room went silent for a while before she heard the sound of someone quietly moving. 
“Hi Will,” She sighed.
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izufeels · 2 years
⌕ [ the year of douchebag-ery ] — k.bakugou !
yn met katsuki when she was 14, during their first year at UA. or, as katsukis friends like to call it; The Year Of Douchebag-ery.
it’s really quite a mystery on how yn and katsuki became ‘yn and katsuki’ but it happened.
mina likes to think it happened during their second year, when they all went camping in october.
“here,” katsuki says as he shucks something at yn. “you’re freezing.”
yn unfolds it and sees that it’s an all-might hoodie. she smiles at it a little and quickly puts it on. it’s warm and smells really good. “uh, thanks.”
katsuki hums and sits down beside her. mina and denki exchange a glance, eyebrows raised. bakugou glares at them until they stop.
sero likes to think it was the end of first year when they went to the beach together. katsuki had really mellowed out since the beginning of the year.
“why aren’t you swimming?”
katsuki looks up from his phone for a second to see yn standing beside him. “don’t feel like it.”
yn nods and sits down beside him.
he looks over at her and raises his eyebrows. “why aren’t you swimming?”
“uhh,” she stalls for a second before sighing dejectedly. “i can’t swim. my parents never taught me.”
katsuki stares at the side of her face for a moment before laughing.
yn wants to tell him to stop, but she can’t bring herself to say the words. “your laugh is nice. you should do it more often.”
he stops laughing and gives her a small smile. “thanks.”
denki says it was during second year at the school dance. yn’s date stood her up.
“it’s fine, he’s ugly anyway!” mina said with a wide, hopeful grin on her face. “it’s not like you guys were dating!”
denki cringed at her words. their whole friend group was bad at comforting people.
“mina, you can’t say stuff like that-”
“why not?”
“because it makes you sound like a dick-”
“no it doesn’t!”
katsuki grabbed yn’s elbow and pulled her back, away from mina and denki. “come with me.”
yn nodded and followed him out of the building. they got in his car and sat there for a long time.
“do you want me to beat his ass?” katsuki asked her, very seriously. he was smiling a bit.
“god, no,” yn laughed, “it’s- it’s ok. i um, didn’t even like him i just wanted a date to the dance so we could match and be cute and stuff,” she shrugged.
“you could have asked one of us,” katsuki said.
yn shrugged again and stayed quiet.
katsuki started his car and pulled out of the parking lot, not saying a single word.
“um, where are we going?”
“we’re going to get ice cream,” he said, glancing over at her quickly. “do you not want ice cream?”
yn faked an offended look. “i will always want ice cream.”
but, like a true friend, kirishima knows when they became ‘yn and katsuki.’ he knows that it was during first year, in october, at the haunted house held by the 1-B kids.
“i hate all of you,” yn whispered as they walked through a dark hall. the only light was the very dim lights on the ceiling. they looked like they hadn’t been cleaned in 20 years.
mina snickered and glanced back at her. yn was glaring at the pink girl.
“just hold someone’s hand and you’ll be good,” denki said as he held onto sero’s arm tightly.
the person in front of her was katsuki. “yeah right,” she mumbled, hugging herself.
katsuki looked back at her, face void of any emotion.
an actor popped out of the wall, “come play with us!” and yn shrieked, curling in on herself even more.
“jesus christ,” katsuki said, rolling his eyes. he grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers. he dragged her forward, catching up with the group.
yn stared at their hands for a long time, barely flinching when something popped out.
when they got out, finally, yn didn’t let go and neither did katsuki. kirishima looked at their hands and smiled to himself. he didn’t point it out to anyone else.
they held hands until they got to mrs. kaminari’s car. and on the way back, katsuki let yn lay her head on his shoulder as she took a short nap.
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thegreencanary · 1 year
It’s Always Been You
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Based on this request
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem! Reader (you + Y/N)
Summary: You come home from college during holidays and to see your friends again. .Reconnecting with the core group that you connected with during the Upside Down trauma. Steve hosts a party for you and you get a little rowdy, Billy has always been there for you; this time something else happens.
TW: cursing and drinking. That’s about it. It’s pretty tame!
A/N: this is my work, I don’t give anyone permission to use it for anything or claim it as their own.
The sound of passing cars lulled you into an easy sleep as you got comfortable in the bus seat. Two more hours and you’d be back in Hawkins with your best friends. The only good thing about that pimple of a city: Nancy, Robin, Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, a bunch of weird kids and of course…Billy. The thought of your high school crush made you smile, you two had stayed in touch when you left for school, but seeing him again was a different level of excitement. He’d joined Hawkins High during your junior year in high school and at first; you despised him. His cocky attitude and the amount of girlfriends he plowed through disgusted you. BUT, he came with Max who became close friends with your best friends brother, then all the Vecna craziness broke out and somehow you got roped into a tight knit friend group with Billy. The real change in your friendship happened after Starcourt.
Pulled from your thoughts, the bus stopped and you could hear yelling at the us stop. Groggily you looked out the window but pure happiness and excitement filled your body as you saw your friends outside with signs, yelling for you. Steve and Robin were making fools of themselves but you ran to them as soon as your feet hit the pavement. Comforting arms wrapped around you and you felt like you could finally relax.
“Welcome home!!!!” Steve grunted out as he squeezed you and moved back and forth. Robin hit your arm playfully.
“That’s for leaving us for your fancy school.” She smiled and hugged you. “This is for coming back to visit.”
Grabbing your bags from the bus, you quickly loaded into Steve’s car and the three of you talked and laughed all the way back to his house. His parents were on some European trip or something so he just had you stay with him. Upon opening the door to his house, you heard a resounding “SURPRISE!” as a smaller body smashed into you. Maxine, she’d ran to you and gave you a tight hug; soon followed by the rest of the kids and then your friends.
“I missed you guys too.” A chuckle escaped your lips as you tried to stay standing from the overwhelming amount of people around you.
“Jesus Christ! Let her put her shit down at least, you are gonna suffocate her.”
There it was. That beautiful voice, you tried to see him, but Some of the guys too tall and blocking your view. Suddenly, you felt someone slip your backpack off and move your bags out of your grip. Strong, tanned arms wrapped around your shoulders and a familiar chin rested on your head. Billy.
“Hello to you too Billy.” You blushed softly, trying to laugh off his nice way of getting everyone off of you. The smell of cigarettes and motor oil filled the air around you. His smile could be felt from the top of your head.
“Welcome back short stack.” He squeezed you gently, then after just a few moments too long, (or not long enough) he let you go and grabbed your bags.
“Harrington! I’m putting her in your parents room!”
He called out to Steve who was grabbing some stuff out of his trunk. Max still hadn’t left your side and she had a brightness to her blue eyes. There was a soft spot in you for her and you wrapped on arm around her shoulder.
“Been keeping everyone in line?” You asked. They’d all went back to setting up stuff like balloons and streamers.
“Of course.” She smiled back. “Come on, Billy and I are staying here and there are some things I want to show you in my room.” The younger red head pulled you away from everyone.
“What’s the big set up for?” You asked as you passed the kitchen with a boat load of food and beer.
“Steve’s throwing a party for you tonight.”
Great. You’d hope to get a little sleep, but your friends were a rowdy bunch. Nancy was known for getting a little too drunk a little too fast; but Jonathan usually kept an eye out for her. Steve, you and Robin usually became the parents as Billy would get hammered and Eddy would get blitzed. You weren’t thrilled at the idea that the kids were gonna be around but Max could sense the hesitation so she spoke up.
“Don’t worry. We’re all going over to Hoppers tonight. El said to say hi, she’s busy with her dad doing super power shit.”
That was good. You relaxed a bit more and followed Max to the guest room.
You’d managed to sneak away from everyone and finally you got to your room. It was wonderful to see everyone again, but the silence was needed to prepare for the party. Plopping down on the bed you exhaled and closed your eyes. There was a comfortable nature to Steve’s home, and you’d joked before about how he should open a home for wayward kids; since everyone always found a safe place with him. The thought of Max and Billy staying there too was nice, but it meant Neil was worse than ever. Billy had kept you updated on their lives but he never spoke about Neil unless it was really bad. Last time Billy wrote to you (Which he would never admit to writing you letters, but he did every month) he mentioned moving out and getting his own place…maybe Steve’s place was just a temporary set up.
“You look like shit.”
Opening your eyes you smiled to find baby blue eyes staring down at you. He was being playful, but you still sat up and tried to adjust your hair and outfit.
“I was on a bus for hours, how did you think I was going to look?”
He sat next to you and pulled you back down so you both were laying down. The blush on your cheeks only heated up.
“It’s good to have you back. I can’t stand these idiots.” You laughed, nudging him softly.
“I’m just like those idiots.”
“Not even close.”
There was a comfortable silence that settled between you two. This was a side of Billy that only you got to see, the calm man that lie behind the troubled sea that was his heart. He’d worked on his anger and his friendships but you always saw past his facades.
“You doin’ okay? School and shit going good?” His arm was wrapped around your shoulder and you nuzzled your head into his chest. It was very intimate but you two had moments like this in the past; you both just never addressed it.
“Mmhmm. How’s the shop?” Billy had started work at the town auto shop, and from what she knew of it; he was doing great.
“Good. Finally got a place for Max and I. We’re just crashing here until its ready. It’s not much, a trailer in Eddie’s neighborhood… but it’s mine.”
You sat up and looked at him, a different feeling settling in the air.
“I’m so proud of you Billy.”
A beat passed, then there was a knock at your door.
“Y/N! Are you ready? People are starting to show up! Do you need help with anything?”
Nancy. God Bless her for checking on you because you were about to kiss Billy and you couldn’t ruin that friendship. He rolled his eyes and got up, almost ripping the door off.
“She’s all yours Wheeler.”
Nancy rolled her eyes but came in, as Billy walked out he looked back and winked at you.
Hair done, outfit on and makeup finished. Looking in the mirror you checked to make sure the ripped Band Tee didn’t show too much off, because the black leather shorts were a little too short but Nancy insisted they looked good. She paraded you out into the party and there were A LOT of people. Some just cheering because they were drunk and didn’t care why the party was happening, just that it was. Others you actually knew and you caught up with them a little as drinks and shots were placed in your hand in a revolving order.
Billy was outside, you could hear the keg stand chants, Robin was on the couch with a girl named Vickie, Eddie and Jonathan were probably out getting high and Nancy was circulating. You were, put nicely, smashed. There was no reason to hold back, you weren’t driving, you were in a safe place and your friends were all around.
Standing on a table, with some outside help from a few guys, you yelled over the music.
“Thank yeeew all for comin! LEts PARTY!” Someone cranked up the music and you started dancing on the table, and the cheering got louder than the keg stand cheers. That got Billy’s attention.
He came in to find you, someone who wasn’t too keen on being the center of attention, on a table; dancing like no one was watching. At first he just chuckled and laughed, but the guys who had helped you up were a little too close for his liking. He inched closer, but the moment one of the guys put his hand on your leg, Billy moved. Pushing people out of the way, he got to the table and threw you over his shoulder.
“Awww boo!” You giggled as he carried you up to the room you were staying in.
“Billy!!!! I was having funnnn.” You playfully hit his back before he put you on the bed.
“Oooo kinky!” A giggle left your lips as you took another sip of the beer that didn’t leave your hand even through Billy manhandling you.
“Alright princess, you’ve had enough for tonight.” He took your beer and you pouted.
“Party poooper! This princess wants to keep going!” You reached out for the beer but he stopped you, and the two of you were very close.
“Hi handsOme.” A drunken smile bloomed on your face and the glaze over your eyes began to set in. Yep, totally drunk. Billy just laughed and shook his head, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“You’ll thank me tomorrow.” Again, there was something else that settled in the air, but this time you were more confident. Liquid courage and all that fun shit.
“I’m gonna kiss you.” You giggled and got closer. An expression you hadn’t seen crossed Billy’s face and you paused…oh no.
“Oh…oh no I fucked up. Shit!!!” You immediately pulled away and scooted your back against the headboard. Pulling your knees to your chest, you began to rock back and forth. Did you just screw up your best friendship? Did you read all the signs wrong? Was he going to hate you?
“Shit.” Billy groaned and stood up. “Y/N, I would love to kiss you, but not like this. Get some rest baby. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Baby, that was a new one. You looked up at him worried, but he winked and you relaxed. The room was spinning, maybe rest was a good idea. The loud party didn’t even bother you. Dozing off quickly you didn’t even notice Billy lock the door for your safety on his way out.
Getting hit by a semi carrying other semi’s felt ten thousand times better than the hangover that hit you in the morning. Groaning you pulled yourself into the bathroom, looking in the mirror you shuddered. You also looked like you got hit by a semi. Taking a deep breath you hopped into the shower and tried to wash off the night before.
A soft knock got your attention as you got out. Keeping just your towel on you tried to open the door only to realize it was locked. Unlocking it, you found Billy before you with breakfast.
“God Bless you.” You smiled and took the food. He was quiet, looking at you in a towel. Billy needed to compose himself before speaking, he didn’t expect you to open the door so… freely. What if it was someone who passed out in the living room? That thought pulled him into the room and he shut the door so no one else could see you.
He handed you some ibuprofen and you smiled.
“You are the best Billy. How did you did this every weekend??” Downing the pills with some water he watched you and just chuckled.
“Practice babe.”
That threw you for a little bit of a loop but it sounded familiar.
“What happened last night? I remember talking to Vanessa but it gets a little fuzzy after that.”
Billy grabbed a few poloriads Nancy took out of his back pocket. You went red in the face.
“I WAS TABLE DANCING??” Groaning, you sunk to the floor with your food, nibbling on pancakes as you looked through the photos.
“WHy did anyone let me get on Bruce’s shoulders??” Bruce was your class clown and he apparently piggy backed you around according to Nancy’s photos. Billy scoffed.
“I sure as shit didn’t. You don’t remember anything?” There was a vulnerability to his voice that made you look up at him curiously.
“Oh no, what did I do?”
He sat next to you, resting his head on the edge of the bed. It was obvious he was trying to decide if he should tell you or not.
“You almost kissed me.”
Deer in headlights, that was a good way to explain your expression. Burying your face in your hands, the common symptom of puking while your hungover began to surface.
“Fuck I’m so sorry Billy. I don’t get drunk I didn’t know that’s what I would do. Shit, I’m really sorry.”
For some reason, you felt Billy relax next to you.
“So you don’t get drunk at school?” The image of you dancing on tables away from his protective gaze and you offering to kiss strangers had haunted him the whole night. Of course you could do whatever you wanted, the two of you were just friends, but he didn’t want that.
“Of course not, I don’t feel safe to drink that much at school. I don’t know people there like I do here. I don’t have you to keep me safe.”
You looked at the photo of him carrying you away, he always was there for you. Maybe it was because you helped save his life in Starcourt, or maybe it was because he truly cared about you.
“Why don’t you come back?”
His voice was quiet. That question hit you hard, and you rubbed your forehead.
“Billy it’s not that easy, with school and…”
“No, I know. It was a dumb question. I just…I don’t like you not being here. I need to make sure you’re okay. Phone calls and letters aren’t enough. I…get worried if you don’t answer the phone or if I miss a letter.”
This was a new Billy. He’d been open with you before but never like this. He wasn’t looking at you so you gently put a hand on his face and nudged it to look at you.
“Hey, I’m okay. All that is over with. It’s safe now. I’m okay.”
He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. You two had playfully gotten close before but this was real and really intimate.
He opened his eyes and looked at you, but it was for a split second before his lips were on yours. The kiss caught you off guard but after a moment, you returned it. Moving to straddle him you wrapped your arms around his neck while his hands settled on your hips. You lost time in his kiss and it was the safest you’d ever felt.
Finally the two of you separated, when he squeezed your hips softly. Any more and the two of you wouldn’t be able to stop.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.” He smirked as he rested his forehead on yours.
“Me too.”
“Come on, you need to eat…tell anyone about me being sappy and I’ll break up with you.”
He slightly joked.
“Oh so were dating now?”
You giggled and tried to get off of him, but he didn’t let you go just yet.
“Y/N, I’ve thought of you as my girlfriend ever since the summer before you left. You’re it baby. I don’t need anyone else.”
You kissed him softly, then got off of him.
“I’m yours Billy Hargrove.”
The End!
Constructive criticism is welcome! DM’s are open! I hope this was to y’all’s liking! I got a little carried away sorry about that! I almost made it into two parts but I decided against it.
Thank you for reading!!!
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bordysbae · 2 years
i genuinely need like frat wedding with someone like idc but i wanna see how it would fucking go 😫
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“wedding bells”
mark estapa x brisson!reader
word count: 1.3k
warning: cursing
ps: this is not a romance story, there is kissing but its not really a love story! sorry if that’s what you were expecting!! also, sorry this isn’t exactly a frat wedding but it’s pretty close in idea? also idk why the gif is so blurry :((
you and your older brother, brendan, somehow ended up at the same college. so this meant having to deal with his idiotic teammates all the time. you’re just hanging out in your dorm when suddenly dylan and ethan come banging on your door. “jesus christ i’m coming stop knocking on the door!” you groan, rolling out of your bed.
you open the door and see ethan and dylan breathing heavily, sweating a little too. “should’ve known it would be you idiots, what do you guys want? also, why are you guys so out of breath?” you ask, annoyed that they disturbed your peace. “you need to come with us to the sophomores house, cmon” dylan says quickly grabbing your wrist. you stop in your tracks, causing dylan to jolt backwards. “hold on! i don’t have shoes on dumbass!” “hurry up!” ethan exclaims as you go back into your dorm to grab shoes.
the boys take you to the house, and you’re met with not only your roomate, who’s also your best friend, but also the entire hockey team. “what the fuck is going on?” you chuckle nervously, confused why so many people are here.
“go turn around in the corner, we have a surprise for you” thomas says as he grabs your wrist and pushes you into the corner gently. you turn around and listen to the chaos and whispers going on behind you. “y/n turn around” your best friend sing-songs. you slowly and cautiously turn around, afraid something might jump out at you or something. you never know what the hockey boys have up their sleeve. when you turn around you see everyone either sitting on or standing around the couch, and mark is in front of you down on one knee. your mouth falls agape at the sight.
“y/n, i love you—“ mark pauses and turns around to face your brother brendan, “as a friend, don’t kill me briss.” brendan chuckles and gives a thumbs up, as mark turns around to face you again. “—so much, so will you do me the honor and marry me?” he asks, as he pulls out a ring pop from his pocket. you hold back a laugh, and nod in agreement, wiping fake tears to go along with the act.
the crowd around you guys erupts into cheers and laughs, as he places the ring pop on your ring finger. he pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear, “i’m sorry about all this” he laughs, making you finally break and begin laughing too. the guys suddenly turn you and marks hug into a group one and you’re instantly being crushed by everyone. “so when’s the wedding?” luke asks. “uhh, saturday! tomorrow night we can all go out to the bar as a bachelor party” mark suggests. “what about me? i can’t be in your bachelor party, i’m the bride!” you say. “oh suck it up y/n, you’ll be fine” ethan says as he pats your shoulder. “yeah yeah, whatever eddy”
today is the day, and you’re wearing a random white dress you found in your closet. it’s definitely far from a wedding dress, but you’re a broke college kid, so a tight dress from senior year homecoming is the best you’re gonna get. your roommate, now maid of honor, is doing your makeup, while your other friends who you chose as bridesmaids get their dresses on. the boys are lucky since they need to dress up before games, so they all have nice outfits already planned out for them.
eventually it’s time to walk down the aisle, and your bridesmaids all found someone to pair up with. brendan is walking your friend eliana, ethan is walking shea, luke is walking molly, dylan is walking ella, and lastly thomas is walking you. thomas isn’t apart of the bachelor party but since he’s your brothers best friend who you’ve grown close to, he decided to step in to walk you down the aisle.
“good luck out there kid” he chuckles softly, making you chuckle slightly too.
once you reach the altar you see mark standing in front of you, a stupid grin across his face. nolan was collectively voted to wed you guys, since he’s the most “responsible.”
“ladies and gentlemen i bring you all here today to celebrate the um, totally real marriage of y/n and mark!” nolan says, and the crowd roars of things like “get it mark!” and “that’s my boy!” once the crowd quiets down, nolan speaks up again. “so, mark would you like to start us off with the vows?” “oh sure” he says as he scratches the back of his neck.
“y/n i love the pancakes you make after a long night out, they taste really good! i also really love how you blast music from your phone for no reason literally every time you’re over! umm yeah i love you a lot, i guess?” he says awkwardly off of the top of his head. “you couldn’t even write anything down?! you’re such an idiot estapa!” ethan bursts out laughing, making everyone including you laugh.
just before you can begin your vows suddenly nolan speaks up, “um excuse me, phillipe there’s no smoking in here unless you give me a hit, so please put your puff bar away sir.” nolan scowls at the boy who’s in the second row of foldable chairs. phillipe takes one last hit and places it back in his pocket, “my fault. continue with your vows.” you chuckle before pulling out your phone to read the vows you wrote. “mark, i’ve gotten to know you decently well and i’m honored to be marrying you! you’re a pain in the ass who im so glad to be marrying. thanks for always eating the food i make, you’re always the reason i need to make three batches of pancakes for you idiots. i love you lots!” you giggle at the stupidness of this entire situation.
“oh her vows were so much better, you suck estapa” dylan exclaims. “shut up dylan!” mark groans. “alright, mark, do you take y/n to be your wife, to be together through sickness and in health, to be together uhhh—“ he pauses to think, “um, through old age?” he shrugs, making everyone laugh once again.
“i do” mark smiles at you. “y/n, do you take mark to be your husband through whatever the hell i just said to mark?” nolan asks you. “i do” you smile. “alright mackie, bring out the rings!” nolan exclaims, as mackie rises from his seat holding a little box with two haribo wedding rings in it . mark places a ring on your finger, and you place the other one on his.
“you may now kiss the bride!” nolan cheerfully blurts out. “briss close your eyes” mark says as he wraps an arm around your waist, dipping you down like in the movies and kissing your lips. many ‘woo!’s and ‘get it!’s can be heard from the crowd around you. brendan pulls mark away from you playfully, “okay that’s enough kissing my sister estapa!” he says as he fake gags.
matty starts playing ‘dj got us fallin in love’ by usher as you and mark walk hand in hand down the aisle. “matty i wanted taylor swift to play at my wedding! not party music!” you complain. “it was this or some random youtube video dylan found of wedding bells!” “wedding bells are a real thing? i thought that was just a saying” mark chimes in. dylan shrugs, “i didn’t know they were real either, i just looked up wedding music”
“enough bickering you four, nolan bought champagne!” thomas says, luring the four of you back inside the house. “to the newly weds!” nolan says as he shakes the bottle before popping it open, making everyone cheer.
never did you think your wedding would look like this, but if we’re being honest, this is way more fun.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
So as someone who gets easily overwhelmed/frustrated, could we get one of any character of your choice getting a snippy, frustrated reader to calm down?
-Magical Boy Jason
"Don't do that," Jason said, folding his arms and leaning against the wall opposite where you were pacing and getting progressively more agitated.
Dick gestured to where you were getting ready to throw your phone and Jason shrugged, "Give it a minute."
"Listening to that almost makes me glad to be an orphan, Christ," Dick breathed. Your phone wasn't on speaker but- it wasn't hard to hear. The voice on the other end was shrill and pitched to carry.
"Yeah," Jason said, eyes narrowing when you visibly flinched at a comment. "I think that's about enough trauma reenactment for one day."
"What are you gonna-"
Jason pushed himself off the wall and walked across the room, deftly plucking the phone out of your hand and cradling it against his ear, "Lady I hate to interrupt but, I've been waiting to fuck the Jesus out of your kid for 30 minutes and you're killing the mood." And when the teakettle shrieking cut off abruptly, he hung up the phone and tossed it carelessly into your open knapsack.
"Jason, what the fuck?" You aren't sure if you're going to cry or puke. Every cell in your body is vibrating and all you want to do is scream.
He smiled a little, "Sorry. I couldn't listen to that anymore-" He breaks off when frustrated tears start to fall and pulls you against his chest, hugging you as tightly as he dared. " 'm not really going to fuck the Jesus out of you," he said, half teasing. "But if you can pull it together, we can go get some ice cream."
"Why are they like that," you sigh, "Why does everything have to be-"
"Because they fucking suck," he chuckled. "They fucking suck and they don't know how good they got it when they got you."
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wordy-little-witch · 6 months
Okay so I have been…. Thinking big thinks about Agere!Buggy I can’t really put anywhere else so don’t mind me if I just drop this here. Tw for involuntary regression and Buggy having a not so fun time being little tough.
Personally I can really easily see as Buggy being someone who you… wouldn’t necessarily pick out as being regressed when it happens, partly because his upbringing was more unusual, living on a pirate ship and all, which means what he wants and needs tend to be different from people who grew up with a relatively normal childhood on an island or similar.
Buggy gets even more of a temper when he starts to regress, flips out more, seems to be ticked off at the smallest things, but not in his usually flamboyant, constant screaming manner, but more in a way that insinuates that he’s five minutes away from completly shutting down. When he finally retreats to a place where he’s alone he will most likely wreck parts of his room in anger and frustration, before breaking down quietly sobbing, because what Buggy longs for during those times aren’t toys or games specifically. When he feels small he longs for the feeling of someone playfully ruffling his hair and telling him „It’s gonna be fine kid.“ he longs for the times someone lifted him and Shanks on their shoulders while his family their crew was celebrating till deep into the night, he misses gruff men with calloused hands teaching him how to tie a decent knot. He misses a time before he had to grow up way, way quicker than even he would have thought, a time where Roger dying seemed like a nightmare you half remember the next day thinking to yourself how you could even come up with something like that. A time where Shanks would drive him to insanity but he also was certain he would sail him to the edge of the world. And no toys and no games will ever give that back to him.
Closing this angst fest out with saying that I actually do believe he could still gain some comfort from being little if the circumstances allow it. Both Mihawk and Crocodile fill in roles that in some ways would have fit in well with the Oro Jackson back in the day.
Crocodile is a big and intimidating man, not really cruel to him anymore but it would be a stretch to call him „nice“, yet little Buggy immediately feels relaxed in his presence, maybe even more so than big Buggy. He can count on Crocodile to protect him, even if he’s scolding the clown for being a pain in the ass, he doesn’t have to worry about anyone when he’s with Crocodile, strong, smart, wise Crocodile, who always seems to hug him just a bit closer when he feels small, even if he tries to play it off as casual pda towards his lover when they are in public.
The same goes for Mihawk, who’s imposing in a different way, but who has a natural knack at finding out what Buggy needs. Who can snark „Your bad mood is intolerable. You should lay down until you cooled off.“ and Buggy can whine and moan all he wants about that, his big side even haughtily proclaiming he doesn’t need to listen to Mihawk seriously assign him „Nap time“, but who more often than not find himself waking up next to Mihawk on their fancy couch, the swordsman reading a book next to him and seemingly paying no attention to him, but also Buggy doesn’t remember that he laid down with a blanket when he first slinked up next to Mihawk in the first place.
And if there was ever any room for a happy ending including Shanks, their crews would definetly see them emerge from the woods of an island they have just docked at, late in the evening. Both of their captains bantering and laughing, carrying a bucket of fish they just caught. They both look like messes, full of dirt and apperantly fruit juices, and Shanks just laughs when Yasopp asks what on earth they where doing. „We found some blackberry bushes and had a blackberry fight.“ neither of their crews fully get it but they do notice that their captains seem lighter after those days.
Jesus christ on a motorbike YES YESYES GIMME ALL YOUR THOUGHTS I will hoard them like a dragon I SwEaR!!!!!
Buggy would absolutely have really hyperspecific needs that he can't articulate or even fully grasp, big OR little.
The bit with Crocodile?? That makes him teeter more than most things. Big, Warm, Calloused Hands make him melt in every way imaginable but when Croc pats his head or gives him a squeeze, part of him just unfurls a teeny tiny little bit.
Mihawk just showing his care casually and quietly is always a good tale, especially with "assigning nap time" and the casual little blanket bit, just aaaaAAAA♡♡♡♡
And the TEMPER tes, Buggy has negative emotional regulation skills, but regressed?? That threshold just EVAPORATES. He'll slip sway, rage, and shatter alone because solitude is the safest thing to him. Maybe a few HIGHLY trusted people know, but... honestly, I think it'd be wild if Cabaji and Mohji knew, but once the Impel Down Thing happened and they went with Alvida as a captain, it fundamentally Altered Buggy's trust in them. Like. On the one hand, absolutely survival, he gets it, but on the other hand that's his crew, his people, and it stings ((and reminds him of another crew, one he trusted with his heart and soul and safety, who left him in pieces, bloodied and hunted because his father was killed and nobody was enough of an adult to help the literal children in their care)).
Buggy having weird little things he associates with childhood and the sensation there, it all being unusual to most is absolutely true 110%, no 1000000%. Learning knots just AAAAAAA Buggy regressing and his favorite toy being a rope kinda kills me /pos AND /neg.
Just. Imagine fir a minute all these small things culminating up until Crocodile and Mihawk get faced with smth mundane and typical like a stuffed animal or a certain toy, and Buggy just.... doesn't understand. He doesn't even recognize it. He's not entirely sure what the heck this thing is even meant for. Crocodile bought it, bc he's the type to spoil people, and Mihawk helped pick it out bc it was a generic thing, but there's zero recognition. And that hurts.
They knew Buggy's regression went hand in hand with the traumas and experiences he had, but this... it just slots all these pieces together in both men's heads that this honestly happened. Buggy was hurt as a child; an innocent child was stained in fear and blood and grief.
As for Shanks, I can see Buggy and him being aware of the stints where Buggy goes NUCLEAR even as a child, and them having a tentative system set up because they were Red and Blue, Shanks and Buggy, the literal embodiments of Ride Or Die. They are a package deal, Do Not Separate. So when it was just them after Roger disbanded the crew, they already had a solid basis. Roger helped somewhat, but nearing the end, he was sicker. They began pulling back, trying to let him rest as much as they could. So on their own, not much changed.
I'm also incredibly soft for the Shanks-And-Buggy-Never-Really-Separated concept ((#Thanks-Stereden)) so just. Them having frequent calls over Denden, safe and protected from prying ears, where Buggy was Big, Little, In Between and Shanks delighting in it all.
The day they all meet up, crews mingling, they go into the woods to look for a treasure maybe, and Buggy is always the safest with Shanks, can actually let loose a little more, can just BE. And one thing leads to another and they find the blackberries and Buggy drops because who else can he trust but his Red? His Red who is so very vulnerable, looking off to the treeline... they come back a mess, tired but happy, and Buggy's still not quite Big but not fully Small, but he's comfortable, he's happy, and he's very very excited to drag Red over to Hawky and Croccy because the got SO many fishes and berries and it isn't beri, but they're still good-!!
Ough I'm feral, shaking the bars of my cage THANK YOU ILYSM this ask made my dayyyyy ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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undergoing-mitosis · 7 months
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you guys have managed to make me think about something other than death note for once are you proud guys are you proud
my thoughts so far below the cut 👇
so i have just finished episode 3 and AAAAAAAA
i have heard vague spoilers so i know of Oda's unfortunate fate but I AM NOT READY
WTF THEY FUCKIN BLEW UP THE KIDS IM SORRY???? LIKE I KNEW HE WAS GONNA BE DRIVEN TO BREAK HIS PACT BUT NOT LIKE THIS!!!! also the sound design of that entire section was *chef's kiss* like i was nearly crying i was not okay
and the metaphor of oda giving up on writing his book ughhhhh i love how they addressed the idea of becoming a murderer being irreversible and changing your entire life, in a world so filled with bloodshed that can easily fall through the cracks. my heart was absolutely breaking when he gave up on that dream. THEY FUCKIN DROVE MY BOY TO THIS POINT I CAN'T I WILL KILL THEM I WILL MURDER EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM FOR HURTING HIM okay im fine i promise
dazai's speech about how everything good gets wrenched away from him was fuckin heartbreaking. especially given that i know that things obv don't work out between him and chuuya. god someone needs to give my boy a hug he is too tragic
oh yeah also i have not given up on my vision of mello in the bsd universe currently i am thinking of having all three of the successors as a power trio who decide to take on the world (i.e. yeah the port mafia) together cause they can. but im kinda stuck on what their abilities should be. anyways that was a sidetrack
BUT YES I LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH EPISODE 4 but alas sleep beckons. i will probably be back here screaming once i watch it haha
if you got this far, thank you for reading my absolute brain splurge! have a cookie 🍪
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