#somehow i love ​being the older sister to a bunch of shitheads
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vvictuss · 2 years ago
my 13 year old sister is already getting good at digital art. i’m afraid she’ll pass me up. so with malicious intent i will be printing out some MLP bases and directing her to the anime sections of the internet. girl you can’t skip that phase in your art pleaseee
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dracoandluna · 8 years ago
Prompt: Based off of Taylor Swift's song and music video, "You Belong With Me". Modern AU. (This takes place in America so don't hate me that they don't use British slang!)
Draco heaved a great sigh before collapsing onto his bed. He lay there for a few moments, just letting the stress of the day melt off of him and into the depths of his mattress.
He hadn’t heard back from Hogwarts yet, his dream school, he was pretty sure he had just bombed that AP Calc test (it made no difference to Lucius that Draco was in BC, not AB), his team had lost their last football game, nearly disqualifying them from the regional championship, and his girlfriend (emphasis on girl, vague connotation on friend) was being a complete bitch (though he supposed that was nothing new, he just wasn’t used to it being directed at him).
After lying down for a few moments did nothing to relax him, Draco grudgingly got up and ran a hand through his hair, thoroughly messing it up. On almost instinct, Draco glanced over to the left and saw that Luna was in her bedroom too, lying on her stomach on her bed, writing or drawing in a tattered journal.
Draco had lived in entire life in this house, and Luna, his neighbor, had also lived her entire life in the house right next to his. His childhood was filled with memories of playing outside with her in the summer, and being holed up together inside during the winter. As a boy, he had seen Luna something akin to a sister, though even at the age of seven Draco had easily concluded that she was far too barmy to share any blood with him.
He couldn’t help but smile as he recalled the time he and Luna had entered the local soap box derby at age nine and had won against a bunch of teenagers because Luna had brought along a fire extinguisher as an extra boost of speed. Luna was weird, but she was undeniably a genius.
He must have been staring at her the entire time while he was reminiscing, because she looked up at him and waved, before quickly scribbling something in her journal.
Holding the book up, Draco read the message she had written to him.
Congratulations on your game yesterday
Draco scowled at her, and she kept smiling her dreamy smile at him. Had it been anyone else who had said that it would have been a slight, but after knowing Luna for 18 years, he knew she somehow meant it.
Grabbing a notebook from his desk, he hastily wrote:
What are you going on about? We LOST
She had the decency to look surprised, at least.
How is that a bad thing? Failures always impart valuable lessons, wins don’t
Rolling his eyes, he simply waved her off before sliding his curtains close.
“I feel so bad for you, Draco,” Pansy laughed, staring at something over his shoulder.
Frowning, Draco looked behind him to see what she was talking about. There sat Luna, alone, wearing the ugliest pair of sunglasses he had ever seen, while calmly looking around the bustling cafeteria.
“I have no idea how you put up living right next to her,” Pansy continued. “You should have gotten your father to evict the Lovegood’s years ago.”
“Then who would he go to when you’re not around?” Blaise said smugly, looking at Draco challengingly.
“You’re disgusting,” Draco said to Blaise, unsure if he was mad that Pansy was making fun of Luna (didn’t he do that all the time?) or at what Blaise had insinuated. He didn’t know how he had found out about his friendship with Luna, since he went to great lengths to keep it hidden, but Blaise never passed up the opportunity to bring it up against him.
Pansy, who had gone red from chagrin, clutched at his forearm with what he guessed was supposed to be a romantic gesture, but was frankly kinda painful.
“That’s not true, right, Draco?” she asked, her voice starting to take on that shrill octave.
Vincent and Greg looked at him expectantly, as if waiting to see if they could make fun of Luna or not.
“Of course it’s not true,” Draco answered coolly.  
Draco lost his appetite, and listened on silently as Greg and Vincent began to harp on Luna. When Pansy rested her head on his shoulder, Draco stared at the table and wondered what lesson was to be learned from this failure.
This was the last party Draco would attend until the semester was over; he wanted to end the grading quarter strong, and reasoned that homecoming was just two weeks away, he could last two weekends without beer and sex.
Some shithead (he couldn’t even remember who’s house this was) decided to play French dubstep instead of regular fucking dubstep, and the beer was grossly warm.
Pansy and Daphne were passed out on each other on a couch, and Draco felt a flash of irritation since it looked as if he wasn’t getting a lay tonight- from either girl.
“Who spat in your cup?” Blaise shouted to him over the sound of the God-awful music.
“Your mom,” Draco replied, not sober enough to feel ashamed at how lame that comeback was, but too drunk to come up with a better one.
“My mom is dead!” Theodore yelled, his eyes glassy but a large smile on his face. Theo always became weirdly emotional drunk.
“Whatever, Greg got some weed, are you gonna spark up?” Blaise asked, swaying unevenly to the beat as Theo leaned heavily onto him.
Suddenly the entire atmosphere of the party seemed disgusting to Draco, and he wanted nothing more than to leave. The feeling of being alone while surrounded by people was disconcerting, to say the least.
So that’s what he did. Ignoring Blaise and Theo’s confused shouts, Draco stumbled out of the house, and realized too late that Vincent had been his ride (Lucius had taken away his car for bombing that calc test).
Too stubborn to go inside and find that undoubtedly drunk moron, Draco pulled up the collar of his jacket and began to make his slow trek home.
The weather was frighteningly cold, and Draco soon began to lose feeling in his fingers- his toes had long gone.
He glanced up at a street sign and realized with a sinking feeling that he didn’t even know where he was, much less how to get back to his home- or even the house he had just been at.
Pulling out his phone from the pocket of his jeans he cursed through chattering teeth when he found that it was dead.
Did all my karma have to accumulate into one night? Draco thought viciously as he nearly tripped over a section of uneven pavement.
Beep beep!
Startled, Draco looked over to the street to see a car had pulled up. A yellow Volkswagen Bug to be exact. Luna’s car to be even more exact.
Hesitantly making his way towards the car, Draco nearly cried in relief when the window rolled down to reveal Luna’s honey blonde head.
“Hello Draco!” she greeted cheerfully. “Are you also out looking for the shelia bird?”
“Luna,” he slurred. “Can you get me home?”
Her large eyes widened in understanding and she nodded her head yes.
The warmth of her car felt like a kiss from an angel on his nearly frostbitten skin, and he had never been more comfortable in his life, though her car was so small that his long legs were folded uncomfortably to fit them.
She seemed to sense his need for silence, because she said nothing to him, and only hummed quietly to herself.
Draco had nearly fallen asleep in his seat when suddenly he had to ask her a pressing question.
“Would you date Theodore Nott?” he asked, looking as carefully as he could into her face.
They were at a red light, and her face was bathed in the red color when she turned to look at him, the lighting making her look older than she actually was.
“If I loved him, why wouldn’t I?” Luna asked curiously, tilting her head to the side.
Draco suddenly felt very very foolish.
“Is just…his mom is dead too,” he said, trying and failing to show the reasoning behind his inquiry.
“I know,” was all she said. “We were once in group therapy together, he’s rather nice.”
Draco didn’t know this, and suddenly and irrationally, he was angry. Why didn’t she tell him she was in therapy? Why didn’t he ever even realize she needed therapy?
“I’m nice!” he exclaimed, waving his hands wildly.
“Are you?” she asked in a voice that didn’t imply that she didn’t agree, but in one that called for actual self-evaluation
He ducked his head like a reprimanded child.
“Sometimes I say things so I can keep looking cool,” he admitted.
“But I don’t think you’re a loon!” he said desperately, reaching over to grab her one hand that rested on top of the transmission. He wished he was more sober so he could appreciate how her hand felt under his. “I just want Pansy off my back! I want you to be my friend!”
He hadn’t even realized they had pulled into his driveway until she turned off her car.
She looked at him sadly.
“I am your friend, Draco,” Luna said softly. “But maybe you should question why you’re with someone who you don’t want to be with.”
Draco had no response.
For the next two weeks, Draco ignored Luna almost religiously. He had wanted to die of mortification when he had woken up the next day after his emotional outburst. He also fought with Pansy nearly every day, and every time they made up and made out, Draco wondered if a pair of tits in his hands were worth the emotional baggage that came with them.
He spoke with Theo more, and learned that Theodore was a really good listener. He wondered if that was what made Luna think of him so highly.
Nah, Theo was a scrawny wimp who had nothing better to say, which was why he just shut upped and listened, Draco concluded, thus making him much nicer to be around.
It was a gray Wednesday afternoon when he and his team congregated in the locker room, with Coach Hooch outside waiting for them.
He was pulling on his jersey when Harry said, “Guess who I’m going to homecoming with?”
“Ginny?” Draco guessed, sending a haughty look at Ron.
“Uh, no,” Harry said awkwardly.
“Damn right…” Ron grumbled which made Draco grin even more.
“No, I’m going with Luna!” Harry said, earning an eye roll from Ron.
Draco stopped grinning.
It was Thursday night, the night before Homecoming, and Draco was in his room, trying and failing to finish his AP gov essay on congressional hearings. His curtains were drawn completely.
After staring at the same sentence he had been stuck on for half an hour, he ripped open his curtains to find Luna also at her desk, diligently working away. Tapping his window with a knuckle, the sound managed to grab Luna’s attention, who looked up and gave him a smile, as if he hadn’t been avoiding her for weeks.
Deciding not to waste any more time, he whipped open a notebook and scribbled:
Why are you going with Harry?
Luna on her part showed no reaction to his question, to which Draco was almost grateful for; the entire prospect was humiliating enough.
Because he’s my friend
Draco sank back into his chair at her reply, his chest suddenly feeling lighter. But it seemed that Luna was not done, because she held up another page.
Why are you going with Pansy?
Truthfully, he hadn’t even asked Pansy to homecoming, it had just been assumed. Suddenly, he didn’t even know if he wanted to go with her.
But Draco was stubborn and prideful, and he was done looking foolish in front of Luna, so he wrote back:
Because I love her.
He didn’t give any time for Luna to respond before he almost violently drew his curtains.
He stared at the piece of paper for an hour, before crossing out her, and adding you. This time, his actions were completely violent when he crumpled the paper and threw it across his room.
For the briefest of moments, Draco thought he had died.
He had been mercilessly tackled onto the ground, and the very air from his lungs had been completely expelled, leaving them unable to refill themselves.
As his body struggled to get his lungs inflated once more, he was dimly aware of a thundering roar of cheers: someone had scored a touchdown.
When he could finally breathe again, he weakly pushed himself up, only to see Longbottom and Pansy in the middle of the field, passionately kissing.
“Draco, I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal about this,” Pansy complained. “I’m cheer captain, it just makes sense that I congratulate the guy who scored the winning touchdown!”
“You’re right, I am making a big deal,” Draco said agreeably. “So let’s just break up.”
Pansy’s expression then shifted, and for a moment, under the glittering lights and colored shadows, she looked truly evil
“You can’t break up with me!” she seethed, nostrils flaring like a bull.
“I just did,” Draco said, rolling his eyes.
“You listen here-“
“I don’t care!” Draco shouted, finally reaching the end of patience. This seemed to silence Pansy; he had never raised his voice at her before, it wasn’t how he was raised to treat ladies. But Pansy wasn’t a lady, she was shallow and mean spirited. She made him shallow and mean spirited. He didn’t want to be like that anymore. He wanted to go back to when he was younger and he didn’t care what his friends and father thought, he just lived.
Turning away from her and briskly walking away, he passed Blaise who was grinding his date, Theo who seemed to have found a voice and was chatting up a redhead that holy shit  was Ron’s sister!  Not wanting to be in the same vicinity of an angry Ron, Draco went over to Neville and his date Hannah.
Neville looked apologetic immediately upon seeing him.
“Hey man, I’m really sorry about that thing with Pansy, I swear she wouldn’t get off of me!” Neville apologized profusely looking between him and a ticked off Hannah pleadingly.
“It’s fine,” Draco dismissed. “Do you know where Harry is?”
“Poor guy is by the drinks,” Neville told him sadly.
“Poor guy?” Draco repeated.
“Luna ditched him,” Hannah said, looking as if she didn’t quite believe what she said herself.
Not bothering to say goodbye, Draco quickly went over to where Harry was, needing to hear the confirmation of this rumor from the source.
“Hey,” Draco greeted his dark-haired friend, who looked quite lonely by the drinks.
“I messed up, Draco,” Harry wailed, clutching his forehead with his hand.
“What happened?” Draco demanded, his pulse quickening with dread.
“I love Ginny!” Harry exclaimed. “How could I have let her slip from my fingers?”
Draco stared at him incredulously.
Harry noticed this after a few moments. “What?” he asked self-consciously.
“Where the hell is your date, Luna?” Draco snarled, inches away from strangling him.
“Oh, Luna left to get something, said she’d be right back,” Harry answered distractedly, watching Theo and Ginny with mournful eyes, with a seething Ron in the background.
Something in his gut told him to look to his left, which he did. There standing at the entryway was Miss. Know it All Granger and Luna.
Draco’s mouth fell open at the sight of Luna. She looked…breathtakingly gorgeous. In her silver gown and necklace, she looked like a celestial deity. Granger said something to her and patted her arm encouragingly when Luna caught his eye and waved, before walking (though it looked more like floating) towards him.
Without telling them to, his legs carried him over to where she stood, the loud noises of the dance melting away, and the heat of multiple bodies in a small space turning into the heat of a rapidly beating heart.
“Hello Draco,” she greeted once he finally reached her.
“Luna,” he said, throat dry as he shamelessly drank in the sight of her, undoubtedly she was the prettiest girl in attendance, but truthfully, this was not the most beautiful he had ever seen her. No, that was when they had stargazed all night, or had a flour fight when baking, or building a snow fort: all these years, Luna had shown to him over and over again, that her beauty shone both inside and out, and he wanted to kick himself for only realizing that now.
“Why aren’t you with Pansy?” Luna asked, tilting her head.
Swallowing hard, Draco pulled out the incredibly crumpled and partially torn piece of paper from his jacket pocket.
Because I love her you
Luna smiled, and revealed that she held a folded piece of paper in her palm as well. Unfolding it, she held it up to him.
I love you
He was vaguely aware of Blaise cat calling in the background when he kissed her.
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