#someday i shall reconcile the parts of him i like and the parts i hate into one coherent view of the character
gh-0-stcup · 2 years
So I think your anti-angel vision is definitely clouding what's happening in the show. I'm not saying to like angel but give him a break, he isnt perfect but no character is. He's irritated by spike but can you blame him, spike is constantly bickering with him. Those two are like brothers annoying each other and I enjoy their dynamic personally.
Okay, real talk - I actually agree with you 😆
I am giving him zero breaks this go around and generally aggressively running with the worst interpretation of Angel possible. It is absolutely negatively impacting my ability to properly enjoy/interpret/understand the show.
I admit I am being severely biased and I'll probably have a very different view of it all in a few years when I come back to it again with fresh eyes.
Recent unprocessed trauma has made it difficult to view Angel's flaws in a reasonable, nuanced manner. Many things about Angel are now very reminiscent to an ex of mine, at times down to body language and tone of voice (especially in his worse scenes).
So my seething hatred of Angel and discussion with those who are also pissed off at him is cathartic.
Oddly enough, I had a similar issue with Spike the very first time I watched the show. To a much greater degree, though - for reasons that are probably obvious lol. Now, over a decade later (god I'm ancient), is the first time I am able to properly enjoy and appreciate the entirety of Spike's arc and his relationship with Buffy.
I've always liked Angel. Previously, my view of his character lacked nuance for a different reason than now - I didn't see or acknowledge his flaws. Now I do and some of them strike a deep, personal nerve. I'll be curious to see where I land on him once the bite wears off, so to speak.
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ngmn2002 · 3 months
Hello, I hope I'm not bothering you, I found your blog through my favorite blog, Lunar Fairy, through the last chapter analysis post, I went to your blog and saw that you really like Tsukasa, I was happy, I love him. Can I ask you some questions? Do you think the twins will ever reconcile? I have great hopes that Hanako-kun will one day be able to tell Tsukasa how much he loves him. But I have doubts, do you think Hanako-kun loves Tsukasa? If he loves, why does he treat him that way? Why does he despise him? Why isn't he true? He's never kind or affectionate towards Tsukasa, and seeing that hurts! At first I was afraid of Tsukasa, but then I saw that he was just suffering alone, but it was all because of Hanako-kun, why doesn't Hanako-kun show how much he loves Tsukasa? Sorry if I asked too many questions, I hope you have a good day. Greetings from France.
Hello. ^^ Haha, oh yes, it was one we discussed and decided to cooperate and make together to list some points we had at mind regarding the last chapter. I'm glad it was to your liking. Hmm, he is my favorite character in this manga, the reason I'm here and still here. I'm happy to hear you love him, too.
"Do you think the twins will ever reconcile?"
This similar ask might hold a good part of the answer. I will say yes, as long as there is love, there is a way. The 2 love each other more than anything else. What's between them is a misunderstanding built on increasing miscommunication, once that is 'fixed', things will go the right way. However, we're not sure what their 'ending' will be after they reach that point, or how things will develop with them. Would the 2 coming to fix the issue to last for long between them open a door for a "better future" they can happily share together, or announce the finish line of their journey, and have the curtains falling to end their entire 'play'? Let's keep on having hope for the 2 to share their love the right way one day, and have a happy ending to await them, despite all the odds.
"do you think Hanako-kun loves Tsukasa?"
As previously said on the twins' feelings toward the other, and looking at these to serve a part of Hanko's case,
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... don't they scream Hanko's inner feelings toward Tsukasa? Ones to hold lots and lots of 'love and adoration' for his precious moon?
"why does he treat him that way? Why isn't he true?why doesn't Hanako-kun show how much he loves Tsukasa?"
If we came across Hanako's way of behaving with those he loves, what can we do... he is this type of guy...
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He has a great curse cast on him, by his own tongue and rude actions, some methods he tends to use to cover up those rosy cheeks of his, and show a tough behavior before those his heart is about to explode inside his chest out of the love he holds for them. He is that type of 13-year-old teenager. Someday, he shall grow up, become more experienced, and can communicate his feelings toward those he loves better. I hope for that.
It's thanks to his great curse, we reached this point between him and Tsukasa, him and Nene. I can't help but sigh thinking over that. How a word said in the right time and place can change a lot, and having it not said, leads to such massive destruction and mess. The more it stays hidden, the more the situation gets messier and extremely difficult to fix.
"Why does he despise him?"
Hanako hating Tsukasa? Oh, as we said, he loves him so much, but can't communicate his feelings right due to him simply being Hanako/Amane, so it ends up looking that way, just reflected the wrong way, to most people, Tsukasa himself included. Hanako just needs to work on himself to communicate that love the right way, and he is trying to do it right...
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He is improving, but still, as he does that, the mess itself grows messier and is getting so hard to fix at this point, I even assume we might have gone far beyond words being able to fix it. Which is so tragic.
In fact, maybe for you to get a nice view on how I see this thing, Hanako's "I hate you" to Tsukasa, their miscommunication issue, this post on ch 110 might help. X You can also find some other posts to talk about the twins here on the blog if you might want to check them out.
"He's never kind or affectionate towards Tsukasa, and seeing that hurts!"
Yes, key word is directly.
He shows many tender behaviors and gestures of pure love toward Tsukasa, many, ever since they were little kids and up until now, but they are lost along the way, don't get through, again, due to him not communicating them the right way, they just end up missing their aim.
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It's so tragic, painful to think about how their feelings don't seem to meet at this stage of the story. Maybe one day, that shall change. Hope is still there.
"but then I saw that he was just suffering alone"
Yes, that's painfully the case with Tsukasa, one a lot turn a blind eye to. Until when will that last, that is the question. One day, this boy will finally be understood the right way, when we find ourselves shading countless tears over how much he suffered all alone, by himself, when we see how much he struggled, and no matter what stayed up on his feet, never wavered, followed what he believes in, and kept moving forward regardless of anything to stand in his way, trying to cure that ill world they live in and change it into a better one. Such being is one to feel proud of, to admire, to pay full respect to, and it will hardly be near enough.
It's alright, I hope the answer I went for helps you. Greetings to you, have a good day.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
I really love that you decided to write Ranboo as not being malicious with his spying, and not thinking he’s done anything wrong. Because that makes him more sympathetic, but also imho a lot less forgivable. If he’d gone into it with a mindset of “I hate you guys” or “I shall screw you over for the glory of the Antarctic Empire,” I think he’d actually have a better chance of someday reconciling with crimeboys, because then at least he’d be acknowledging that he was hurting them. You can make peace with an enemy, but not with somebody who denies they ever hurt you, and I think it’s pretty clear that when everything blows up, Ranboo is going to be all “I was only trying to help!!” 🥺👉👈
yup!!! ranboo doesn't realize what he's done is even that bad and that's the worst part! how are you supposed to reconcile with someone when they don't even understand how badly they've hurt you?
we're gonna get to learn a lot more about ranboo's motivations and the like in chapter 26 so keep on the lookout for that :)
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phantastus · 7 years
If you're still doing headcannons, first four protagonist of silent hill series? Plus Claudia and Eileen if you want. Thanks!
OH MAN THAT’S A LOT but let’s do this.Headcanon A: Harry Mason was a practicing Christian prior to the events of Silent Hill– after, he spent a number of years struggling to reconcile his faith with everything that he’d witnessed. Eventually, he somewhat made peace with it, but it was never fully the same afterwards.Headcanon B: Harry was a nonfiction/true crime author prior to Silent Hill. Then, in an attempt to cope, he wrote one horror novel under a pseudonym, never intending to write another one. Just one. NATURALLY It was a massive hit and publishing houses proceeded to bother him incessantly to do more like it. He occasionally would joke to Heather that half the reason they changed names and kept moving around was to make it harder for his agent to harass him.Headcanon C: Harry frequently read to Heather as a child, and the most frequent choice was Watership Down. Harry always made a point of placing EXTRA special emphasis on the creation myth, and Frith’s instructions for El-ah-rairah: “All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you. Digger, listener, runner, Prince with a swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks. And your people shall never die.”It was his way of, without frightening her, trying to prepare her for the certain inevitability that the Order was going to catch up with them eventually.
Headcanon A: James has a very, very hard time interpreting and responding to social cues. Getting confused or defensive when misinterpreted is part of the reason he comes off as ‘surly’– it’s easier to come off as antisocial than face anger or ridicule after saying something unintentionally rude, which happened A Lot ™ when he was growing up.Headcanon B: A defining moment in his and Mary’s early relationship was him finally telling her about his dad’s creepy umbilical-cord box and them going “OH MY GOD?!” “I KNOW!!” about it back and forth for a solid ten minutes while sitting in a parked car.Headcanon C: Before Mary got sick, James was over-the-moon excited about being a father someday. They both took it for granted that it was definitely going to happen. Spoilers: it didn’t.
Headcanon A: As much as Heather always loved her father, as a teenager she started to resent his smothering, overprotective tendencies (as well as the fact that they constantly moved around) and started openly acting out– smoking, drinking, shoplifting, partying, and getting in fights. Headcanon B:  On at least one occasion after Silent Hill 3, Heather scared the shit out of some poor door-to-door religious pamphlet people by wrenching the door open with her rifle in hand and yelling “I KILLED YOUR GOD!”Headcanon C: Sometimes really late at night when she’s drinking alone, Heather thinks really hard about the fact that by not killing her in infancy and instead raising her like any other child, Harry was literally gambling with the fate of the world. Really, really hard.
Headcanon A: Henry was the youngest in a large, rich family. His quiet, anxious nature meant he was constantly overlooked and all of his siblings went on to have important, high-income careers, he… went to art school, dropped out, and moved off to the east coast to get away from the constant pressure and quiet judgment. Headcanon B: Henry may hate socializing, but one of his favorite ways to make time spent in public places bearable is by standing quietly in the background of other peoples’ photos at every opportunity and looking directly at the camera.Headcanon C: The events of SH4 effectively cured the severest of Henry’s agoraphobia… at the cost of sending him to the complete opposite end of the spectrum. For several weeks after first leaving the apartment complex, Henry was actively terrified of entering ANY buildings and spent more than one night literally sleeping on the streets.
Headcanon A: Claudia suffers from trichotillomania, a nervous disorder that causes a person to compulsively pluck out their own hair. This is why she doesn’t have eyebrows.Headcanon B: Claudia met with Douglas on a number of occasions before he was actually able to locate Heather, and had to leave Silent Hill to do so. But she has no driver’s license and certainly nobody to get a ride from. So please, if you will, imagine being the unfortunate public transit passenger stuck sitting across from a tall scary woman with no eyebrows, no shoes, and no sense of how long is too long to be maintaining direct eye contact.Headcanon C: As very young children, Vincent (then a preschooler) really latched on to the early-elementary-school-age Claudia, sometimes even following her straight past his own house on the walk home from school– which usually prompted an exasperated cry of “GO HOME, VINCENT!” from Claudia.If you don’t think this is sad, please recall the other time that she says those words to him.
Headcanon A: Eileen waffled between a lot of potential career choices before eventually deciding to pursue becoming a conflict resolution specialist, thanks to her ability to get along with virtually anybody (like, come on, she even gets along with RICHARD).Headcanon B: Out of the entire cast of protagonists, Eileen is the most terrifying and willing fighter out of them all. It doesn’t matter how scary you are– try and mug Eileen and she’ll come at you.Headcanon C: Prior to SH4, Eileen would have described herself as seeing the best in everybody and trusting easily. Needless to say, that’s not the case anymore– and she has a really hard time not hating herself for no longer being the bubbly, open-hearted person she used to be.   
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